Great, Veda; I'm glad those were the ones you were after!  The SF Scottish
Fiddlers usually include 2 or 3 tunes in each issue of their monthly
newsletter, which they've been publishing since 1986 or so; these generally
consist of tunes taught at the Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddle School and
other tunes written or submitted by club members.  The tune sets for their
concerts come from the archive of these tunes, which they make available to
members for the cost of copying and mailing.  I'm a club member (not a very
active one though) and have the set, and at one point started transcribing
it into ABC, mostly as an exercise to learn to write the code.  I got a
couple years into it and ran into some trouble trying to notate some
complicated bowings (which ABC doesn't do well at) then put it aside to work
on Robert Petrie's collections instead.  Maybe I'll get back to it at some
point, but right now I'm more interested in working on these old tunebooks
which aren't available in other formats; however if there's anything
specific you're after feel free to ask me.

Regarding the McDonald book, I think Taig na Teud at recently reprinted it.  I don't know of a
source in the US though.  I wonder if Fiddler's Crossing ( ) would have it? -Steve

madfiddler wrote:

> Steve
> Those are the ones I was looking for. Thanks! Saved me some time. I'd be
> interested in any others from the SFSFs if you have them. Anyone have an
> idea how I can get ahold of a copy of McDonald's Collection?
> veda 

Steve Wyrick -- Concord, California

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