Congratulations on this, Nigel!  I'd be interested to hear what's involved
in putting something like this together; how you chose the tunes to include,
what software you used to "typeset" it, etc.  I'm definitely intrigued by
Volume 2; looks like some interesting tunes in that one (volume 1 looks
interesting as well; just that I already know most of those!). -Steve

Nigel Gatherer wrote:

> My latest publication, a collection of Scottish tunes arranged in sets,
> has just been delivered from the printers. I have just completed volume
> two and I'll be getting that back within the next two weeks. I'll be
> creating a web page with much more detail - and I'll let you know when
> that's up - but in the meantime, the contents are below. I have to work
> out postage rates, and for overseas buyers I have set up a Paypal
> account, but that won't be active for a couple of weeks. I'll keep you
> all informed. I just wanted to say "Hey, it's arrived!" Oh, and I
> intend to record accompanying CDs with the books too...soon...

Steve Wyrick -- Concord, California

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