Jack Campin wrote:

> Still a bit slow here?...

Yup. What we need is a nice controversy.

> Here's another tune in the same vague category as Nigel's.
> I wrote it a few months ago.

> X:1
> T:Fluffy Thing
> C:Jack Campin <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> 2004
> M:6/8
> L:1/8
> K:A Lydian
> A2e e3|d2A e3 |A2 e e3 |=g2^g a3 |
> A2e e3|d2A e3 |ag=g e2d| ed`e a3:|
> f2d e3|aga f2d|f2 d e3 | ag`a b3 |
> b2d e3|agf f2e|ag=g e2d| ed`e a3:|

Good one - about a cat by any chance? What's the symbol between the d
and the e (| ed`e |) mean?

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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