On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 12:50, Ritchie Logan wrote:
> Hi,
> Been a lurker for a while.... I'm doing a network for someone as a sideline,
> and need some advice:
> Sorry for being a wee bit OT, but I do remember this getting discussed in
> the past..... can anyone recommend a good, low cost host for a small site
> with not a lot of traffic, ideally with either mail forwarding or a pop3
> box. Do I remember Black Cat Networks being mentioned, and either being very
> good.... or very bad??
Black cat are excellent from what i've heard, but don't do hosting as
such (afaik) they just do rackspace and bandwidth.

Excaliber seem to be fairly reputable, i know they have some staff on
this list and from what i can tell they are fairly competant and have
competative prices.

Uklinux also do hosting, as do (I think) Ednet.

There are also a number of people on #scotlug who will happily host a
small site off the back of a cable/sdsl line if its not going to suck



> Thanks for any comments.
> Cheers,
> Ritchie
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