Hi, looks like the test for SDL::Video::display_YUV_overlay(...) is failing.

You may force the install, because you wont ever need that.

Can you give me some more information so that I may reprodurce that problem?
Output of perl -V would be nice. Do you have any other compilers
installed (like MS Visual C)?
And, your os is a win2k3 server?

Cheers, FROGGS

Am 19.04.2012 12:22, schrieb Xiao Yafeng:
> attachment is test output with --verbose.
> C:\Perl\cpan\build\SDL-2.536-py1NeQ>perl Build.PL
> *************************** !!!WARNING!!! ********************************
> This Release breaks back compatibility support with versions 2.4x and
> below
> **************************************************************************
> Using 'My::Builder::Windows' class ...
> Set up gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
> Set up gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
> Detecting available libraries ...
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_mixer.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_imageFilter.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_image.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_ttf.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_framerate.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_gfxBlitFunc.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_gfxPrimitives.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_rotozoom.h
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): SDL_Pango.h
> Writing config_data ...
> Saving some info to 'notes' ...
> [Alien::SDL] Testing header(s): execinfo.h, signal.h NOK: (execinfo.h:
> No such f
> ile or directory)
> Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
> Creating new 'Build' script for 'SDL' version '2.536'

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