<<<Just curious...
When you are talking to a person who has never heard
of sdre but wants to, what album do you usually tell
them to get first?    I usually say DIARY but I wanted
to here others oppinions.>>>

I would definately recommend diary first, because it was their first...     
In my experience, the people that hear HIFTBSO first, seem to not end up 
liking sdre as much they should be liked.   you know?       Hearing the 
albums in the order in which they came out ... seems like a good idea because 
you can see how they have matured throughout the years.         Like reading 
a book of their lives... (instead... listening to their lives).    You do it 
in chronological order.... You don't pick up a book and read it from the last 
past page to the foreward..... it wouldn't make sence.     Same with their 
albums.   It's a story of their lives... what goes on, growing up and 
realizing new things.......   don't you agree?

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