I would definately recommend diary first, because it was their first...In my 
experience, the people that hear HIFTBSO first, seem to not end up liking 
sdre as much they should be liked.   you know?     Hearing the albums in the 
order in which they came out ... seems like a good idea because you can see 
how they have matured throughout the years. Like reading a book of their 
lives... (instead... listening to their lives). You do it in chronological 
order.... You don't pick up a book and read it from the last past page to 
the foreward..... it wouldn't make sence. Same with their albums.   It's a 
story of their lives... what goes on, growing up and realizing new 
things....... don't you agree?

HIFTBSO was the first Sunny Day album I was exposed to and I consider Sunny 
Day one of the greatest bands to ever touch my life. I am a fairly new Sunny 
Day fan (obviously). If Dairy had been the first album from SDRE I had 
heard, I don't think I would have been as impressed with them. I know this 
may sound sacreligious to many of you, but I am drawn to HITFTBSO far more 
than the other two albums. I love all three, but HITFTBSO has something more 
that the others don't...something that really moves my soul and touches my 

I was so surprised when I joined this mailing list and read the comments 
about HITFTBSO. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like many of you don't hold 
it in very high regard, especially in comparison to Diary. Don't worry guys! 
Admitting you like the later album as much or more than the earlier ones 
doesn't make you any less a fan ;) I suppose many of you were drawn to SDRE 
because of Diary and HITFTBSO just isn't the same. It is my humble opinion, 
however, that HITFTBSO is SDRE's best album and I look forward to seeing (or 
hearing :) how they grow in the future.


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