Hi folks,

I'm about to send the first poll of the new list era - should be arriving
right after this, more or less.  I'm just taking this time to remind you
to send your answers to the person conducting the poll
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and *NOT* to the list - i.e. make sure you don't
send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and that it's not in your CC:'s line
either - erase it if it is in either!  It looks like an interesting poll
but the last thing we need is 1000+ people posting thier answers to the
list.  Actually, they won't make it that far because I just won't approve
them - so it's in your own best interests to send them to the pollster if
you want your messages to count!

Secondly, I CANNOT REMOVE YOU FROM THE LIST!!!  Despite my email only two
or so days ago, people are still asking me to take them off.  Here's how
to do it - 

send an email with nothing in teh subject line to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with only the following in the body of the
message (i.e. no sig files, etc)

unsubscribe sdre-l (your email here)

and that should do it!

Thanks peoples!

                        * "The coast is clear!
Lance Ferris            *  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    *  (Tides rush in, 
Psychology              *   pull us farther undertow)
McMaster University     *     - Cursive

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