>     Here's how i see it, Dan doesn't sing that much anymore because of the
> conflict with Jeremys christianity.

Where has everyone gotton the idea that dan has a problem with Jeremy's
It was Will who had the big problem with it and Nate who didn't at first but then
did after a while.  Dan didn't care about it then and he doesnt care about it
now.  Will has mellowed out over the years, he alluded that he went to some sort
of weird catholic school when he was a kid and that turned him off to religion.
Plus, he was pretty punk rock and punk rockers don't like rules.  He said in an
interview with Magnet, just after they got back together, something along the
lines of "I don't care what Jeremy sings about anymore, it's all about the
music"   That is paraphrased but I have the magazine around here somewhere if
someone needs an actual quote.  As for Dan he said something like "I've always
known Jeremy was a Christian, he just started showing it more which was fine" and
he went on to say that while he doesn't affliate himself with any religion in
general, but that he is very spiritual in an earthy kind of way.  I mean, the man
lived on a self sustaining farm for two years.  Hippy.

As for why Jeremy doesnt outwardly sing about Jesus anymore, here is my theory.
He had his big "walk with God" right before LP2 so he changed the words to some
of the songs (if you listen to old boots, most of the Lp2 songs werent so
intensely religious) and that was that.  By the time he made Return of the Frog
Queen he had mellowed a bit.  I think he became more secure in his faith.  He
didn't need to be so litteral about Jesus.  He started using allegory's and
singing songs about his christian views, without turning the songs into hymm's.
I think that has become more refined as SDRE got back together and made each
album.  I don't think he is not as literal for the band, I think he is not as
literal for himself.  I mean, ROTFQ doesn't have nearly as many references as LP2
does, so that is in itself proof that the band isn't "forcing" Jeremy to not sing
about God.

As for me, I am not relgious at all but Jeremy is so intense that he could sing
about being a lumberjack and I would be there salivating over every word.
Actually I think LP2 has helped me open up my spiritual side more.... but alas,
this is a SDRe list and not a jesus list:)

-=pete dodd

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