Well, the old FAQ has been found and I'm glad to say it's regularly
updated and chock full of information, such as...

For those who havn't realized, this does contain info on how to
unsubscribe!!!  And that's why I don't normally reply to your unsubscribe
requests. :)

how to unsubscribe
MP3 sites
Band history (extensive)
Info tidbits
plus much more!

all at: http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~mark/faq.html

It's truly an amazing document.

I'll send this out about once a month.  

                        * "The coast is clear!
Lance Ferris            *  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    *  (Tides rush in, 
Psychology              *   pull us farther undertow)
McMaster University     *     - Cursive

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