The following is from this week's LA Weekly (bottom of this page: )
It's not a review of the show -- it's a preview.  And it's a very good one.

However, let's play "Who can spot the most background info mistakes?"
It borders on parody, actually...


Thursday, July 27th
Sunny Day Real Estate at the Palace.

Sunny Day Real Estate just get more gentle, texture-filled and lovely with 
each release. Unfortunately the “emo” tag is thrown around carelessly, used 
to describe any pop-punk band with even a hint of tunefulness, but it 
couldn’t apply more to this Seattle trio. Talk about drama, these guys 
should have their own soap opera. First Jeremy Enigk scared everyone after 
becoming born again just before the release of "What It Feels Like To Be 
Something On" (a not-so-subtle-play on his post-conversion ecstasy); then 
bassist William Goldsmith left to play briefly with the Foo Fighters, but 
came crawling back with a bellyful of Grohl; and the band even disbanded for 
over a year after their first Sub Pop release. Fear not indie-rock faithful, 
"The Rising Tide" proves they are not only emo gods but, like Sleater-Kinney 
and Modest Mouse, one of the few guitar bands restoring garage rock to its 
long-lost ‘60s glory. And as for Enigk’s spirituality, whatever it takes, 
brother, whatever it takes. (Andrew Lentz)

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