It appears as though that's only for exact matches, and was just refactored to 

From: Roberts, William C
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:46 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: fc ordering

I was under the impression that fc entry order does not matter. That they are 
sorted based on how specific the match is..

As per:

In the current Android 6.0 release, I don't see the function sort_specs() 
anywhere in external/libselinux, or any code that sorts the fc entries.

Looks like this code from 6.0:

512         /* Move exact pathname specifications to the end. */
513         spec_copy = (spec_t *) malloc(sizeof(spec_t) * data->nspec);
514         if (!spec_copy)
515                 goto finish;
516         j = 0;
517         for (i = 0; i < data->nspec; i++)
518                 if (data->spec_arr[i].hasMetaChars)
519                         memcpy(&spec_copy[j++],
520                                &data->spec_arr[i], sizeof(spec_t));
521         for (i = 0; i < data->nspec; i++)
522                 if (!data->spec_arr[i].hasMetaChars)
523                         memcpy(&spec_copy[j++],
524                                &data->spec_arr[i], sizeof(spec_t));
525         free(data->spec_arr);

Was replaced with sort_specs() on upstream libselinux.

Does anyone perhaps have any more light to shed? Am I way off here?


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