[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-document-incoming-ocr:



Tryton module to process incoming document with OCR

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-document-incoming-ocr/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-document-incoming-ocr-typless:



Tryton module that integrates Typless OCR for incoming document

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-document-incoming-ocr-typless/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-document-incoming-invoice:



Tryton module to manage incoming invoice document

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-document-incoming-invoice/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-document-incoming:



Tryton module to manage incoming document

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-document-incoming/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-inbound-email:



Tryton module to manage inbound email

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-inbound-email/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-price-list-cache:



Tryton module to cache price lists

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-price-list-cache/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] Tryton Release 7.0

2023-10-31 Thread News - Tryton Discussion: udono


Tryton Release 7.0


Photo: Pexels, Monstera Production
We are proud to announce the 7.0 Long Term Support release of Tryton which will be supported until November 2028. As usual the migration from previous series is fully supported. The Migration Category lists all manual operations that may be required.
In the 7.0 release we fixed many bugs and misbehaviours, sped-up performance issues and added many new features some in form of new modules.
We also released bug fixes for the maintained series 5.0, 6.0, 6.6 and 6.8. But with the release of branch 7.0 we’ll merge the latest changes to the 6.6 branch and close it afterwards. Branch 6.6 then is no longer maintained by the Tryton project.
Changes for the User
New Modules
Our modules collection is growing up to 204 functional modules:

The Document Incoming Module Series collects and processes incoming documents like invoices. It is also able to utilize OCR services like typeless.
The Inbound Email Module defines rules to apply to inbound emails.
The Product Price List Cache Module can be used to pre-compute the prices for each product and price list. This improves the performance of price lists with a large number of lines.

Sales, Purchase and Project
Tryton now warns the user when receiving more quantity of a product than ordered. This should avoid mistakes like putting or forgetting the decimal delimiter or typos. The same applies to receiving returned products sold.
Now the price is only required on purchase confirmation. This way users can send requests for quotation without prices and when receiving a quotation, they edit the draft purchase to set the received prices.
With the use of the account_stock_landed_cost module Tryton now uses the price of the last purchase from the same supplier as product price. With this module activated, the cost price of a product is no longer the best guess for the price of a new purchase. Also the cost price of a product is not really relevant as price for new purchases, because it may include extra costs like the landed cost.
For purchases and sales we’ve added actions to trigger the creation of draft documents to make following-up manual invoice and shipment methods easier for the users. As the user may need to manually create those documents anyway, we provide an action that creates those documents as if the method On Order had been used.
The sale and purchase amendment fields are now displayed when an order transitions into the processing state, to allow the creation of amendments directly.

Depending on the complexity of an order, users sometimes wanted to have a different delay for the state change to processing for sales and purchases, which is now possible.

Read More… (click for more details)
Accounting, Invoicing and Payment
On account moves Tryton now displays the description of the origin-field when no other description is filled. Usually we let the user relay on the origin record name to understand the ledger. But it is not always enough, the origin may have a description content which could be useful for the accountant.
Tryton now warns when a move line with payment is going to be cancelled, grouped, rescheduled or delegated. And vice versa now Tryton warns when a payment with reconciled line is going to be submitted, approved or proceeded.
Now we allow an account admin user to print a posted or paid invoice to refresh data without using the cached invoice document. This way, some data (like layout, addresses, etc.) can be updated on the invoice report. The previous printed report revisions are stored in an invoice cache.
The account moves generated from currency exchange values are now automatically posted by the system. This prevents the need to handle forgotten unposted currency exchange moves and avoids having to deal with them manually.
To correctly consider payable and receivable lines, we also post cancelled, grouped, rescheduled and delegated accounting moves when an origin accounting move is posted.
The supplier invoice’s reference can now be changed in non draft states.

When deferring an invoice with an analytic setup the analytic account is now also deferred.
Tryton now asks for a date when creating an account move from a template.
We now show the reconciliation lines of an invoice that is in a cancelled state, because when it is refunded with a credit note, it is cancelled instead of paid.
As it is very useful to get the total of waiting balances, we added the sum to the aged balance terms and balance.

In the project_invoice module we now show the invoice line field on the time sheet line form. This is useful to get an understanding of the invoiced hours. The field is not shown if the user doesn’t have read access to invoice lines.
To have a clearer picture of the debts of a company, we’ve added receivables and payables to it.

Invoice lines now have pay, block and unblock payment buttons to be able to directly create payments from within the invoice form.

Read More… (click for

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-quality:



Quality Management

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-quality/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-statement-mt940:



Tryton module to import MT940 statements

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-statement-mt940/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-stock-eu:



Tryton module for european stock accounting

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-stock-eu/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-blanket-agreement:



Tryton module for sale blanket agreement

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-blanket-agreement/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-blanket-agreement:



Tryton module for purchase blanket agreement

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-blanket-agreement/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-authentication-saml:



Tryton module to authenticate users via SAML

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-authentication-saml/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-marketing-campaign:



Tryton module to manage marketing campaign

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-marketing-campaign/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-statement-sepa:



Tryton module to import SEPA statements

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-statement-sepa/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-product-recommendation-association-rule:



Tryton module to learn association rule for recommendation

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-product-recommendation-association-rule/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-product-recommendation:



Tryton module for product recommendation

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-product-recommendation/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-consolidation:



Tryton module consolidate accounting of many companies

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-consolidation/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-carrier-carriage:



Tryton module to support multiple carrier

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-carrier-carriage/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-promotion-coupon-payment:



Tryton module to link payment with coupon

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-promotion-coupon-payment/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-product-quantity:



Tryton module to add quantity constraints on sale line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-product-quantity/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-product-quantity:



Tryton module to add quantity constraints on purchase line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-product-quantity/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-receivable-rule:



Tryton module to enforce receivable rules

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-receivable-rule/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost-weight:



Tryton module to allocate shipment cost per weight

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost-weight/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-shipment-cost-weight:



Tryton module to allocate shipment cost "by weight"

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-shipment-cost-weight/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-es-sii:



Tryton module that sends invoices to the Spanish SII webservice

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-es-sii/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-invoice-date:



Tryton module to compute invoice date of sale

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-invoice-date/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-tax-non-deductible:



Tryton module to report non-deductible tax

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-tax-non-deductible/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-invoice-watermark:



Tryton module to add watermark to invoice

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-invoice-watermark/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-shop-shopify:



Module to integrate Tryton with Shopify

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-shop-shopify/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-point:



Tryton module for Point of Sales

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-point/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-move-line-grouping:



Tryton module to display account move line grouped

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-move-line-grouping/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-rule:



Tryton module to change account used with rules

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-rule/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-package-shipping-mygls:



MyGLS connector for the Tryton application platform

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-package-shipping-mygls/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-currency-rs:



Fetch currency rates from the Serbian National Bank

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-currency-rs/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-currency-ro:



Fetch currency rates from the Romanian National Bank

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-currency-ro/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-image-attribute:



Tryton module to select variant images based on attributes

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-image-attribute/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-image:



Tryton module that adds images to products

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-image/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-analytic-budget:



Tryton module that allows creating budgets for analytic accounts

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-analytic-budget/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-budget:



Tryton module that allows budgets to be setup for accounts

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-budget/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-package-shipping-sendcloud:



Sendcloud connector for the Tryton application platform

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-package-shipping-sendcloud/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost:



Tryton module to allocate shipment cost based on invoice

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-stock-shipment-cost/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-invoice-defer:



Tryton module to defer expense and revenue

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-invoice-defer/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-kit:



Tryton module to manage product kits and components

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-kit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-gift-card:



Tryton module to manage gift cards

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-gift-card/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-party-avatar:



Tryton module that adds avatar to parties

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-party-avatar/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-incoterm:



Tryton module for incoterms

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-incoterm/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-quantity-early-planning:



Tryton module to plan earlier shipments and productions

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-quantity-early-planning/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-cost-warehouse:



Tryton module to compute product cost per warehouse

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-cost-warehouse/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-quantity-issue:



Tryton module to manage quantity issue with stock

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-quantity-issue/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-shipment-cost:



Tryton module for stock shipment cost

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-shipment-cost/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-price-list:



Tryton module to add price list on purchase

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-price-list/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-carrier-subdivision:



Tryton module that allows carriers selection to be restrictedby subdivision

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-carrier-subdivision/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-shop-vue-storefront-stripe:



Tryton module to support Stripe payment with Vue Storefront

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-shop-vue-storefront-stripe/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-shop-vue-storefront:



Tryton module to integrate with Vue Storefront

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-shop-vue-storefront/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-shop:



Tryton module that provides a common base for webshops

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-shop/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-discount:



Tryton module that manages discount on sale

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-discount/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-payment-braintree:



Tryton module for Braintree payment

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-payment-braintree/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-assign-manual:



Tryton module to assign manually stock move

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-assign-manual/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-marketing-email:



Tryton module to manage marketing mailing lists

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-marketing-email/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-attendance:



Tryton module for recording employee attendance

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-attendance/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-supply-production:



Tryton module to supply sales from production

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-supply-production/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-cash-rounding:



Tryton module to round cash amount

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-cash-rounding/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-amendment:



Tryton module to amend sales

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-amendment/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-amendment:



Tryton module to amend purchases

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-amendment/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-secondary-unit:



Tryton module to add a secondary unit on stock move

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-secondary-unit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-secondary-unit:



Tryton module to add a secondary unit on sale line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-secondary-unit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-secondary-unit:



Tryton module to add a secondary unit on purchase line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-secondary-unit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-invoice-secondary-unit:



Tryton module to add a secondary unit on invoice line

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-invoice-secondary-unit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-history:



Tryton module to historize sales

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-history/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-history:



Tryton module to historize purchases

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-history/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-statement-rule:



Tryton module to automate statement import with rules

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-statement-rule/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-marketing-automation:



Tryton module to plan, coordinate and manage marketing campaigns

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-marketing-automation/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-marketing:



Tryton module to group marketing features

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-marketing/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-shortener:



Tryton module to plug a URL to an action

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-shortener/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-product-customer:



Tryton module to manage customer product on sale

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-product-customer/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-user-role:



Tryton module to manage role on user

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-user-role/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-fr-chorus:



Tryton module to communicate with Chorus

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-fr-chorus/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-edocument-uncefact:



Tryton module for electronic document UN/CEFACT

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-edocument-uncefact/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-edocument-unece:



Tryton module for electronic document UNECE codes

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-edocument-unece/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-subscription-asset:



A module to handle asset in the sale subscriptions

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-subscription-asset/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-lot-unit:



Tryton module to define unit on stock lot

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-lot-unit/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-production-outsourcing:



Tryton module to outsource production

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-production-outsourcing/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-product-price-list-parent:



Tryton module to use price from another price list

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-product-price-list-parent/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-statement-aeb43:



Tryton module to import AEB43 statements

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-statement-aeb43/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-sale-promotion-coupon:



Tryton module for sale promotion coupon

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-sale-promotion-coupon/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-purchase-request-quotation:



Tryton module for purchase request quotation

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-purchase-request-quotation/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-tax-cash:



Tryton module to support tax report on cash basis

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-tax-cash/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-account-statement-ofx:



Tryton module to import OFX statements

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-account-statement-ofx/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-gis:



Adds Geographic Information System support to trytond

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-gis/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-web-user:



Tryton module to manage Web users

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-web-user/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-timesheet-cost:



Tryton module to add cost on timesheet

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-timesheet-cost/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-timesheet:



Tryton module with timesheets

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-timesheet/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-supply-production:



Tryton module for stock supply of production

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-supply-production/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-supply-forecast:



Tryton module to add forecast to supply computation

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-supply-forecast/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-supply-day:



Tryton module to add supply weekdays

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-supply-day/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-supply:



Tryton module for stock supply

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-supply/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-split:



Tryton module to split stock move

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-split/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-shipment-measurements:



Tryton module to add measurements to shipment

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-shipment-measurements/7.0.0/

[tryton-announces] 7.0.0

2023-10-31 Thread PyPI recent updates for trytond-stock-product-location:



Tryton module to add default location on product

URL: https://pypi.org/project/trytond-stock-product-location/7.0.0/

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