Re: [Asterisk-Users] Prices of g729 codec

2006-06-05 Thread Jon Lewis

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Mike Fedyk wrote:

How hard is it to use a removable ethernet card for this type of usage?  Also 
a USB ethernet if with Linux drivers should be usable for the 1U rackmount 
use case where all internal slots are in use.

Depending on the type of server chassis, it may not be an option.  Also, 
the g729 security code looks at all ethernet interfaces recognized by the if you went the "only use removable ethernet card" route, 
you'd probably have to avoid using the same chipset as any of the built-in 

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Re: Fwd: [Asterisk-Users] Prices of g729 codec

2006-06-05 Thread Jon Lewis

On 6/3/06, Kevin P. Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Sahil Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We recently had around 60-80 licenses become useless because Digium
refused to renew the keys on that.  That was a bit of money kissed

Unless you had been clearly abusing the key licensing system, our
support department will never refuse to enable a new registration on
your license key(s). There is no 'renew the keys', though, since they
don't expire.

I hope that's the actual official policy now.  There seems to have been 
some internal conflict or communications failure at Digium a few months 
ago as to whether or how many times a g729 license key can be reset.

As a service provider (you could call us an Asterisk ASP), we regularly 
build & host systems for customers, retire/upgrade systems, swap out 
hardware, add interfaces, etc. which causes problems with the g729 

In one attempt a few months ago to get a license reset, I was initially 
told it was now policy that Digium would only reset the registration count 
once, and after that, you were SOL (or forced to play MAC address changing 
games or as someone else posted, try hacking around the license key code).

In that particular case, the customer's server had suffered a 2 disk RAID 
failure, and to get them back online, I moved them to a lower end system 
(what was readily available) while we waited for parts to get their dual 
xeon server back online.  Both motherboards had built-in dual ethernets.

IMO, locking the licensing to a piece of system thats often built-in, has 
been very annoying.  I think I'd be happier if it was locked to some sort 
of dongle (parallel, or more likely today, USB).  At least that way, we 
could easily move the key anytime we needed to.  It would be a bit of a 
pain any time a system needed to quickly be transfered to hardware already 
at another location.

The TRX idea sounds appealing, but I wonder how they'll handle servers 
that don't have internet access.  Not all VOIP servers are on the 

I've actually wondered if we could legally use Intel's code in cases where 
we have licenses bought from Digium, but they're not re-registerable 
because Digium wouldn't reset the use count.

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[Asterisk-Users] odd transfer behavior

2005-11-21 Thread Jon Lewis
Using Asterisk 1.0.x, I'm seeing the following when trying to allow the 
called party to transfer calls:

sip phone --> asteriskC --IAX2--> asteriskA --ZAP--> PSTN --> called party

i.e. a sip user on server asteriskC places a call, which is sent to the 
PSTN via IAX2 to asteriskA.  asteriskC includes the t flag in its 
Dial(IAX2/...).  This case works, though I found that the called party can 
only transfer calls to extensions asteriskC makes accessible to 
asteriskA via context= in the iax.conf entry...which I suppose makes 

However, if the call flow is:

asteriskB --IAX2--> asteriskC --IAX2--> asteriskA --ZAP--> PSTN -> called party

i.e. a call comes into asteriskC via IAX2, and is either:

a) answered by a SIP client who transfers the call to an exten that dials 
out (with t flag) via IAX2 to asteriskA and the PSTN

b) is Answered in the dialplan and then sent via Goto to an exten that
dials out (with t flag) to the PSTN via IAX2 to asteriskA.

In these cases, the called party cannot do a # transfer.  I found 
asteriskC could only recoginze a #transfer attempt by the called party if 
I forced a mismatch in codecs between the incoming and outgoing IAX.  Even 
with that, though, I can't get #transfer to work as the called party seems 
to have no context.  i.e.

-- Operating with different codecs, can't native bridge...
-- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en')
-- Unable to find extension '4' in context ''

As soon as I dial any digit after #, asteriskC errors saying the extension 
is not found in a null context.

Is what I'm trying to setup possible on a server with no direct PSTN 
access?  All PSTN origination and termination is done via IAX2.

I've just tested this with the recently released version 1.2 of Asterisk 
on asteriskC, and the behavior is largely unchanged.  1.2 seems to do a 
better job of noticing the # even while it says it's natively bridged the 
calls, but I still get an Unable to find extension '' 
in context '' suggesting that the called party trying to do a #transfer 
has no context.

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[Asterisk-Users] Ring requested on channel already in use?

2005-07-18 Thread Jon Lewis
We've had a recurring issue on one of our servers where one or more zap
channels from a PRI will get "stuck" causing incoming calls to fail.  I
happened to have a CLI session when it happened this morning.  The start
of the problem looked like:

   -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup
   -- Channel 0/3, span 1 got hangup
Jul 18 08:34:54 WARNING[20343]: chan_zap.c:7585 pri_dchannel: Ring
requested on channel 0/3 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
-- B-channel 0/3 restarted on span 1
Jul 18 08:36:31 WARNING[20343]: chan_zap.c:7585 pri_dchannel: Ring
requested on channel 0/3 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
Jul 18 08:36:31 WARNING[20343]: chan_zap.c:7585 pri_dchannel: Ring
requested on channel 0/3 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.

These messages (Ring requested...) then repeated until we killed and
restarted asterisk.

I don't normally see a channel get hungup twice in rapid succession.  Is
it possible that asterisk tried to deal with hanging up the channel from a
single call twice and left it in some stuck state?

Asterisk CVS-v1-0-07/05/05-10:54:39
zaptel and libpri were checked out/built/and reloaded when we upgraded to
this cvs snapshot of asterisk.  This system has 2 T100P cards, though only
one is in use.

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[Asterisk-Users] Phantom problem authenticating IAX2 with RSA

2005-06-17 Thread Jon Lewis
I'm getting exactly the same behavior as was posted about in

I've upgraded (both ends) to CVS stable (CVS-v1-0-06/17/05-13:15:49).

Jun 17 13:46:17 NOTICE[15942]: chan_iax2.c:4053 authenticate: No way to
send secret to peer 'a.b.c.d' (their methods: 4)

Immediately after that, I'll see frames go by with
Tx-Frame Retry[000] Subclass: NEW
Rx-Frame Retry[ No] Subclass: AUTHREQ
Tx-Frame Retry[000] Subclass: AUTHREP
Rx-Frame Retry[ No] Subclass: ACCEPT
that make it look very much like rsa authentication is being done, and the
call is accepted.

I noticed this while cleaning up my IAX config...moving away from
type=friend entries to a type=user and a type=peer entry for each system I
send/receive calls to/from.

i.e. on the remote end, I have:

permit=[IP of]

On the end I'm calling from:


The test call is dialed as IAX2/${EXTEN}
Is there a problem with my config, or is this just an iax2 cosmetic bug?
Each end does have appropriate rsa keys (readable by asterisk) in

BTW, if I'm reading the docs correctly, there are multiple errors in the
where "allow" is incorrectly used [in the context of allowing an IP] where
"permit" was meant.

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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Want to use Asterisk instead of existing MeridianNorstar system ... need some help

2005-04-20 Thread Jon Lewis
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Joe Dennick wrote:

> You can use the same six lines for both inbound and outbound calling
> just like you do now.  The 'roll-over' will start on line 1 and move up.
> You'll have to configure your outbound calls to start on line 6 and move
> down.  If you ever get to the point where all six are consumed, you'll
> want to expand.

What's the reason for configuring the outbound zap group in reverse order
of the incoming rollover?

> You probably can NOT use the existing Meridian phones because they are
> digital phone sets, not standard analog ones.  You can purchase 5
> TDM400P cards (assuming you have 5 available PCI slots in your Asterisk
> Server), and configure two with FXO ports (making 8 total) for the POTS
> lines and the other three with FXS ports (making 12 total) to connect to
> regular analog phone lines.

I'd be a little worried about the 5000 interrupts/s those boards would
generate.  Are people actually running systems with that many wcfxs cards?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users]Unable to register license for G729 codec

2005-04-13 Thread Jon Lewis
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Mohammed Firdosh Nasim wrote:

> Hi,
> I bought the license for codec g.729a from digium and am now facing some
> problem registering the codec with them.
> i got the following message.
> Connecting to Digium License Server (!

Perhaps you have a firewall/packet filter that's stopping you from
connected to Digium's key server?

It's working from here.

$ telnet 5646
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Welcome to cpsignd

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] multiple enum results

2005-03-14 Thread Jon Lewis
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Duane wrote:

> > Before I hack this into enumlookup.agi or write a new one, I'm just
> > curious, have others done this, or are there other better ways to do what
> > I'm looking to do?
> There was talk on the dev list on fixing this, not sure how far things
> went. I got tired of not having proper enum routing in asterisk I hacked
> up a php script ages ago to handle it...

I liked most of the way enumlookup.agi worked, just not how equal cost
records were handled, and was somewhat sickened by the number of
invocations of sed & awk (looks like about 64 seds) I basically
rewrote it in perl, ripping out some functionality I don't need, fixing
the handling of equal cost records while only sorting them based on
order/priority, and not iax hostname, and only using one external program

Now that I've got this working the way I wanted, I'm wondering about a
suggestion a friend made.  Rather than equal cost NAPTRs, would it make
sense to replace those with single NAPTRs using iax names that point to
hostnames with multiple A records (for the various servers)?

How are things like IAX2 trunking handled when an IAX peer entry has a
host=NAME line where NAME has multiple A records for different hosts?

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[Asterisk-Users] multiple enum results

2005-03-10 Thread Jon Lewis
I'm setting up a private enum zone to simplify/centralize dialplans for a
number of Asterisk servers.  In several dialed number situations, there
are a handful of possible destinations for the call, and I'd like to have
* try ENUMENTRY1, ENUMENTRY2, .., ENUMENTRYN just in case the first result
is temporarily unable to handle the call.  In at least some cases, I'd
also like the order in which the servers in the enum results are tried to
be random.  The wiki pointed me at enumlookup.agi for enum support of
multiple NAPTR results per lookup.

By default, enumlookup.agi will either return equal order/priority
NAPTRs as a single &'d result, or individual ones in order according to
NAPTR defined order and priority.  What I'd prefer is for equal
order/priority results to be returned separately in the order the DNS
server gave them, while still sorting by order/priority if they differ
among results.

Before I hack this into enumlookup.agi or write a new one, I'm just
curious, have others done this, or are there other better ways to do what
I'm looking to do?

 Jon Lewis   |  I route
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Agent login state saving?

2005-01-05 Thread Jon Lewis
On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >From configs/queues.conf.sample:
> [general]
> ...
> ; Persistent Members
> ;Store each dynamic agent in each queue in the astdb so that
> ;when asterisk is restarted, each agent will be automatically
> ;readded into their recorded queues. Default is 'yes'.

Looks like this is only in cvs-head.  Are you using that in production?
AFAIK, there have been some serious changes to the ways queues work in

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[Asterisk-Users] Agent login state saving?

2004-12-30 Thread Jon Lewis
Has there been any consideration of having asterisk save to a file the
state of which agents are logged in such that after a restart (or crash)
all agents don't have to manually re-login (after eventually realizing
they're no longer logged in and not receiving calls :) ?

 Jon Lewis   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
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