Re: Zhengdu Screenreader documentation now on Github!

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu Screenreader documentation now on Github!

@11 very well, I will bite. Quite clearly you haven't taken the time to actually look at the product you're uninformedly bashing, and I don't know what justification you have decided on to spread misinformation, but let me try to give you the proof you seek, for others if not for you, as I sincerely believe you are going to find fault with whatever I come up with anyway.First, the screenreaders aren't even written in the same programming language. I don't need a decompiler to see that ZDSR is at least in part written in a .NET language, likely c# or c++, judging by the presence of newtonsoft, which is a JSON rendering package for .NET, as well as the presence of .exe.config files which are pretty common in projects like this. Compare this to NVDA's buckets of python files, and I would argue that even the most superficial sharing of code is extremely unlikely.Second, NVDA has features ZDSR does not currently have in the same capacity. NVDA addons, particular accessibility technologies, et cetera.Similarly, ZDSR has a lot of functions NVDA does not (natively) support, such as using more than one speech synth at the same time, indeed the entire way TTS voices and synths are handled is entirely different. The way non-caret navigation is handled is only very superficially similar, and that is because there's really only so many ways you can divvy up a screen for a screenreader to traverse. If we follow that logic, then VoiceOver is also an NVDA ripoff.The way the two projects are translated is also entirely different, I have seen both systems and they aren't even remotely similar.Seriously dude go look at other screenreaders. Go look at Chromevox, at PCTalker, at Narrator, VoiceOver, heck even Talkback and Commentary. Screenreaders are going to share features, because screenreaders read screens. That is what they do. And there's ways of doing it that work, which is why a lot of screenreaders have similar methods of interaction, and there's ways that don't, which we never hear from again. Browse mode? JAWS has it, NVDA has it, heck DOlphin Screenreader has it. Object navigation? VoiceOver, NVDA, Talkback kinda, chromevox sorta kinda, Commentary, ZDSR kinda, Narrator kinda.If that is not enough so-called proof, I truly don't think whipping a dead horse any further is going to make it any less dead. Cheery-oh.


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Re: Zhengdu Screenreader open class taking place tomorrow!

2021-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu Screenreader open class taking place tomorrow!

For people clamoring about a quick text-based list of things that ZDSR has over NVDA, at least ones that were mentioned in the classes so far:- Extremely responsive- Able to monitor parts of the screen even if those are outside of the current window (e.g. system tray) (currently business edition only). This can either be a single control, a rectangle like a JAWS frame, or a single point on the screen irrespective of what control is currently there.- Some kind of magic where different voices read different parts of speech, I don't know exactly how this works yet.- Built in translation (english/chinese, chinese/english, chinese/japanese, japanese/chinese currently for as far as I can see)- Facilities to search for a particular piece of info on the screen, triggering those searches (which support regular expressions), with distinctive hotkey- Built in OCR, that suspends the screen curtain momentarily and re-enables it after OCR has been performed so you don't need to toggle it off and on all the time - built-in landmarks support, similar to Golden Cursor for NVDA or Hotspot Clicker for JAWS, that let you mark up a particular spot in a window to later click with the mouse even if that spot doesn't contain an accessible control- shareable control labels as well as an autolabeling facility- Cycling through windows within the current process, or through all registered windows in the OS irrespective of presence in the alt+tab order- very granular control over how words, characters, punctuation, UI strings etc. are read out loud- strong virtual mouse support that I know virtually nothing about yet- built-in support for various professional tools like before-mentioned reaper, audition, MS office etc. no idea what the definitive list of those apps is.Nuno did I miss anything?


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Re: Zhengdu Screenreader Open Class taking place 19TH of February, 5:00 UT

2021-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu Screenreader Open Class taking place 19TH of February, 5:00 UT

The dongle is just the physical license, as it were.  You can just update online, like the other editions, but the dongle serves as your license key. It's similar to how other programs use the iLock system, as it were.


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Re: Can Japanese Pod101 be used for serious learners?

2021-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can Japanese Pod101 be used for serious learners?

Short answer: yes.Long answer: JapanesePod101 is created by a company called Innovative Languages which are extremely, extremely annoying about marketing their own stuff. That wouldn't even be terribly bad if their stuff was awesome, and admittedly some of it is pretty good, but it's also a god-awful mess to find a proper path through it all.I recommend using this article to find a proper lesson path, it's a pretty good road to follow: for Japanese Braille,  there's two systems, one of which, kantenji, is rarely if ever used, so you probably want to stick to the other one. The Japanese version of NVDA has a Japanese braille table you can use if you have a braille display, from wich point you can use any resource you like to learn hiragana and katakana. Duolingo, lingodeer, or what have you. and in particular are resources I like to use.HTH


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Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multi Linguists of the Forum...

Yeah ...most if not all Latin alphabet-based languages will have them in some form, I'd say German uses them most often but then I don't know all capitalization rules for all latin-based languages. I've seen some African languages where proper names are in all caps, that intrigued me when I first saw it.Asian languages like Mandarin and Japanese don't have capitals and often no real spaces between words either, using other ways of literary _expression_ to serve the same function.


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Re: RedditForBlind a windows app to use Reddit blazingly fast (v0.92)

2020-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RedditForBlind a windows app to use Reddit blazingly fast (v0.92)

because might find a subreddit online on Google that you want to open in the app? I can see the use case really.


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Re: Becky! Internet Mail: a great mail client from Japan

2020-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Becky! Internet Mail: a great mail client from Japan

I love this thing. It is really speedy after it's all set up.Make sure you keep an eye on the statusbar when nothing immediately happens. Unlike Thunderbird, this client seems to download everything first before giving you access to it, and that can take a while. After that though, it's very fast.I'm still figuring out if I can trigger it to gain focus with a hotke , and if autocomplete for contacts works at all, but so far, this is a very positive experience.:)


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Re: Has anyone used tour?

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Has anyone used tour?

Actually getting into real illegal stuff is doable on Tor, for sure, but also rather difficult to do, so you are probably safe enough.I don't even mean you need to find it first, I'd say if one really wants to do that they can, but a lot of the onions that present forums, markets, info sources that are darknet-only require some kind of captcha or DDOS protection to circumvent, which as a blind explorer is borderline impossible to do without sighted help. I'm talking clicking the right colored boxes, or other very graphical ways of proving you are human.So yeah is exceedingly difficult to stumble into something you genuinely shouldn't be looking at. It is, however, easy enough to get scammed, so don't go messing around on so-called hidden wikis or anything of  the sort.


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Re: does a blind person need to learn kanji while learning Japanese?

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: does a blind person need to learn kanji while learning Japanese?

Assault pretty much said it all.I am learning Japanese myself, and kanji, although screenreaders do read them to us, are still important for the reasons given above. The different readings can be be very different (toki and ji was already mentioned, another one is hito and jin which are the common readings for a kanji meaning person).It's different, sure. Is it bad? ...I wouldn't say so.Given that in English, I cannot rhyme sword with word, but I can rhyme word with bird, I think I like Japanese a lot better in some regards :-)As for learning to speak vs learning to read first, that is a tricky one. What I have been doing is a combination of the two:- and Tae Kim's stuff are very good for reading/writing. I tend to use the Japanese NVDA with the Tiflotecnia Vocalizer voices at present. Jisho is a good dictionary that is pretty accessible to quickly look up kanji or romaji. InstantTranslate can help in a pinch but you'll usually only get the meaning the system thinks you want even though there might be more, so I tend to check Jisho even though that takes longer.- For listening, I combine Japanesepod101 which even though it has a lot, and I mean a LOT, of shortcomings, does have a few redeeming qualities, with GameGrammar and Japanese Quest on youtube. When they mention a kanji and explain it, I note it down, look at how the screenreader reads it, and if I think I can't remember it I add it to a lesson on .- Apart from that I look at other resources as well, but those are my staples.Oh and as for braille kanji ...that is indeed a thing, kind of, but I've been told it is rarely, if ever, used currently, and the kana-based braille tables in Japanese NVDA are way more common, so I never bothered with that.


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Re: Commentary screen reader

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary screen reader

@20Paypal is one of the payment methods offered to purchase a license for the screenreader, so you can already do that.@18 If you don't trust Paypal as a payment processor you can't evaluate, I think you'll have a very hard time doing online shopping given that if Paypal isn't secure enough, I really wonder what is. Also I am slightly amused that you trust Google more than Paypal, apparently @17: … -firewall/Read this. And just think about it for a while.Then, read this: came up after 2 minutes of googling. Google services are heavily censored even if they are accessible legally, and the Play Store isn't accessible at all currently unless you go through a VPN. Which, if it wasn't obvious, isn't exactly legal in this case.I'm frankly surprised that the developer is even willing to risk trying to get this on the Play Store, but the news is that he does want to make that a thing when he figures out how.As for an English resource, I will actually send the guy an email and ask what his stance on that is. Like I offered before, I'd be happy to set something like that up as I'm sure would others, but I have to make sure doing that won't get him in trouble first. There's a relatively up to date manual in the Telegram group, as well as a machine-translated API reference so you can write your own CSR scripts, so there are English resources, they're just sort of all over the place 


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Re: Commentary screen reader

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary screen reader

I went into this in one of the other topics but, @7 and @15 , This is very likely due to serious limitations the Chinese government places on it's citizens.Android phones in China don't come with the Play Store installed, heck, not with any Google services in almost all cases. And although it is somehow possible to get Chinese apps onto the Play Store, it is far from trivial and evidently really tricky to get arranged.Add to that a screenreader needing a LOT of permissions to fluidly interact with a smartphone, and yeah can probably imagine what a shit show that becomes without too much imagination 


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Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

@80 I have already given my response to this question.There could be a lot of reasons why they are not putting up a download page. In fact ...let me go ask 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

Response to what was expressed in 78, not necessarily just to it's poster  Oh absolutely. A lot of apps from China do send data home to their servers, and as you state yourself, so do apps from pretty much everywhere else in the world. China is just morevillified for it, mostly just because they're China, they are not the glorious U S of A that will never allow your data to fall into nefarious hands. Right? I mean ...right? ...uhm  right?Everytime you send a web request to a website, every time an app you use calls an API, everytime you use a smart speaker, data is sent to whatever server runs your request. Privacy policies are there to ensure that this data isn't used unfairly. In theory.There's a couple things wrong with that assumption, though. For one, companies who put out those privacy policies know exactly what they contain, and you, the user, do not. Because you never read them, which is very understandable given they are often written in Legalese which can be incredibly difficult to decipher without a law degree. But their inside knowledge of both the privacy policy, as well as the law of the country, sometimes even state they operate in, allows them to know exactly how they can bend he rules just enough to still make money off that data, serve you ads with it or track you through it.That's another thing, tracking. The thing everyone is so scared of. Go to any somewhat popular website and bring up the source code with ctrl+u. I can almost guarantee  you that you are within the first couple hundred lines find references to either Google Analytics (or GAC), or some indecipherable minified _javascript_ that seems to be doing a lot without actually making it clear what it's doing. That my friends is code that tracks what you click, how long it took you to get there, if you stayed on the page after you clicked, sometimes even where you came from. The reason cookies are such a hated thing in the EU is that some sites go a bit further and write some of this info into a cookie that other websites, mostly ad networks, can request. "Has this person looked at shoes? Let's serve them shoe ads".So all this data is going into the black hole of corporate America for the most part, and we're all good with that because we enjoy having our privacy invaded by Uncle Sam more than an unknown party. Trust us,we're the government / the big corporation.The US and China, like was offered, don't really like each other. This has to do mostly with political differences, the history between them and the current climate where that is concerned. So when an app sends your data to China, the media raises a huge stink about it. "oh my god your data your data! It's going to the Chinese who will do god knows what with it!"Except ...yeah ... that's happening here too, we just don't hear about it. I wonder why that is ...The only real difference is that we often don't know the privacy policy of the parent Chinese company that our data gets sent to. But like I said, given how these are abused, that distinction isn't as huge as people may make you believe.How does this tie into Jieshuo? We don't know much about Jieshuo's creator. We don't know what happens to our data, but the situation is more interesting than that.Jieshuo can, just like things like Seeing AI and other services, tell you the result of an OCR check,  object detection in an image, translation results etc.For those things to work, APIs are used. I already explained how that works, you send data to the API providers and they process that data and send you back what you need to know. Is that shady, given what we know now?Yes, but it's shady in the same way something like  JGT is shady. What do we really know about both the person running the JGT server, as well as the APIs that server uses to give us our game translations? It's Google, if I'm not mistaken, but do we really trust Google more than a Chinese equivalent? If so, why?What I am trying to show here is that although it's easy to follow the path of " USA good, China bad", the truth is far, far more nuanced than that.So we have the Jieshuo company, likely a handful of people at the very most and maybe even just one person, receiving data from us. What I think that is, is a periodic check to see if a license is still valid.Server: Hello, I see you are logged into this user's account, what phone  are you?Phone: I am Phone So-and-So, could you check if my license is active?Server: Ok Phone So-and-so, nothing to do here, it's not.Server: Hello, I see you are logged into this account, what phone are you?Phone: I am phone So-And-So. Could you check if my license is active?Server: Seems that it is, phone So-And-So, have some data back that unlocks the full functionality.Phone: Thanks, I will check back to make sure the license is still active every so often.Now this is pretty common. Various NVDA addons do this too, various apps do this. And i

Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

Response to what was expressed in 78, not necessarily just to it's poster  Oh absolutely. A lot of apps from China do send data home to their servers, and as you state yourself, so do apps from pretty much everywhere else in the world. China is just morevillified for it, mostly just because they're China, they are not the glorious U S of A that will never allow your data to fall into nefarious hands. Right? I mean ...right? ...uhm  right?Everytime you send a web request to a website, every time an app you use calls an API, everytime you use a smart speaker, data is sent to whatever server runs your request. Privacy policies are there to ensure that this data isn't used unfairly. In theory.There's a couple things wrong with that assumption, though. For one, companies who put out those privacy policies know exactly what they contain, and you, the user, do not. Because you never read them, which is very understandable given they are often written in Legalese which can be incredibly difficult to decipher without a law degree. But their inside knowledge of both the privacy policy, as well as the law of the country, sometimes even state they operate in, allows them to know exactly how they can bend he rules just enough to still make money off that data, serve you ads with it or track you through it.That's another thing, tracking. The thing everyone is so scared of. Go to any somewhat popular website and bring up the source code with ctrl+u. I can almost guarantee  you that you are within the first couple hundred lines find references to either Google Analytics (or GAC), or some indecipherable minified _javascript_ that seems to be doing a lot without actually making it clear what it's doing. That my friends is code that tracks what you click, how long it took you to get there, if you stayed on the page after you clicked, sometimes even where you came from. The reason cookies are such a hated thing in the EU is that some sites go a bit further and write some of this info into a cookie that other websites, mostly ad networks, can request. "Has this person looked at shoes? Let's serve them shoe ads".So all this data is going into the black hole of corporate America for the most part, and we're all good with that because we enjoy having our privacy invaded by Uncle Sam more than an unknown party. Trust us,we're the government / the big corporation.The US and China, like was offered, don't really like each other. This has to do mostly with political differences, the history between them and the current climate where that is concerned. So when an app sends your data to China, the media raises a huge stink about it. "oh my god your data your data! It's going to the Chinese who will do god knows what with it!"Except ...yeah ... that's happening here too, we just don't hear about it. I wonder why that is ...The only real difference is that we often don't know the privacy policy of the parent Chinese company that our data gets sent to. But like I said, given how these are abused, that distinction isn't as huge as people may make you believe.How does this tie into Jieshuo? We don't know much about Jieshuo's creator. We don't know what happens to our data, but the situation is more interesting than that.Jieshuo can, just like things like Seeing AI and other services, tell you the result of an OCR check,  object detection in an image, translation results etc.For those things to work, APIs are used. I already explained how that works, you send data to the API providers and they process that data and send you back what you need to know. Is that shady, given what we know now?Yes, but it's shady in the same way something like  JGT is shady. What do we really know about both the person running the JGT server, as well as the APIs that server uses to give us our game translations? It's Google, if I'm not mistaken, but do we really trust Google more than a Chinese equivalent? If so, why?What I am trying to show here is that although it's easy to follow the path of " USA good, China bad", the truth is far, far more nuanced than that.


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Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary Screenreader now contains something like a rotor in iOS

Lol a few months later I stumble upon this topic, mostly because I couldn't find the rotor-like thing in the English manual and didn't want to bother the telegram group since I'd seen this topic flash by a while back.Of course, only 5 posts out of the 76 were actually useful, the rest being a bashfest interspersed with people who are trying to show common sense is still a thing. If this is considered topic necromancy, I'm very sorry, but I do want to comment on this. A few things:- I am pretty sure nobody in this topic who has replied is either Chinese, the owner of a China-based company, or both.  We therefore have nobody who can tell us what the limitations are regarding owning a business, having that website have a web presence, having that web presence offer downloadable content, et cetera. What we do know is that China is known for a rather strict view on a great many things, so it is plausible there are things an individual might just not be able, or allowed, to do. My thinking is, a person who can code together a screen reader is probably clever enough to figure out all the points that were made here. So one wonders why he doesn't make good on those points. Perhaps he can't. Perhaps he doesn't want to. Only he can answer that, and mindlessly squabbling about it here is not going to get anyone anywhere. Just like Nuno I'd invite anyone to just ...go to the dev and ask. He is in the Telegram group, which you can join in the time it takes for someone to type up a post in this thread, so I fail to see where the issue lies there. The language barrier is a thing but then, so's Google Translate.- Speaking of Google, I thought this was common knowledge but evidently it is not. Google and China aren't exactly the best of friends in a lot of ways. Censure is a serious problem, and a lot of services we take for granted here have Chinese counterparts that dominate the market, probably by design. That includes Google Search, Facebook, PayPal, the works. So it really isn't much of a stretch for me to understand that getting a Chinese app that needs a bunch of permissions to do it's thing onto the Play Store might not be as simple as all that, especially if your English is poor.- I love how people rant and rave about the so-called 10MB that gets sent to China. I also love that we've yet to hear from the mythical supercoders who apparently figured out this was happening.If you are clever and skilled enough to sniff traffic off your phone, which requires some pretty specialized knowledge, you are generally also clever enough to analyze that traffic and see what it is. So why is it that we don't know what this data contains? And why is this data such a pretty, whole number? Show me the data, show me the Wireshark logs or whatever was used, or seriously, shut the fudge up about it. At this point I'm absolutely willing to believe the data exists or doesn't exist, but come up with evidence either way or finally let this dead horse rest, please.- Finally ...people ... it's a screenreader. It's not a bitcoin miner, it's not ransomeware, it's a freaking screenreader. If this really was such a terrible scary shady scam, why would they target such a small part of the Android user base? Do you think data from blind people is somehow tastier and more valuable in China? I mean ...I know they eat things we consider odd but that goes a tad far, I think.Right now, I know the way Commentary, Jieshuo or however you wish to refer to it, is being offered in a , to us, non-standard way. I do not know how standard this distribution channel is for other Chinese software, for I am not Chinese nor do I know someone who is well enough to ask. Therefore, I can't judge. I do know that often, chinese audiogames that have been advertised here are distributed through filesharing websites, rather than the dev's own website. One has to wonder why that is.I also know that one party is offering that CSR is not safe, and another party is offering that it is. Truth is that we don't know either way as end users,but then the same is true for a lot of apps we use everyday. Aira says they don't record us, but do we trust Aira? Yes. Why, because they are a US-based company? That sounds  almost racist.And then I know there may, or may not, be a large upload of data when you activate your license. What I know about Jieshuo license activation is that you give your user ID in the form to pay for the license, which is about 15 bucks for a year by the way, which you can do from another device, and that some time within 24 hours your license gets activated. One has to wonder when this big block of data is sent, how it was captured if the timing isn't previously known, and what was in it. There are no answers to any of these questions, which makes it sound very far-fetched to me, but I haven't done my own tests so can't discount it entirely.Would CSR benefit from a better distribution m

Re: Accessible free online college websites for the blind

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible free online college websites for the blind

Coursera and EDX definitely come closest to what you want. CS50 comes to mind if you're just starting out.But yeah ...a degree, which in post 1 you say you want and in post 3 you say you don't want, is going to set you back a bunch of money. If that's not what you want, your best bet is to do courses on Coursera/EDX/Freecodecamp/Odin Project/all these other providers, stick the projects you build in those courses on Github and start applying to stuff so you can add things to your resume/portfolio.I teach coding, but I don't do so for free I'm afraid.


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Re: Jumpy Cat - a free, accessible AI fitness app

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jumpy Cat - a free, accessible AI fitness app

I think the AI part mainly comes into play when generating a workout based on the choices made, and perhaps to know what cue to give next. The cues are currently performed using TTS, and I am going to assume that the amount of different exercises is finite. Therefore, adding a description to each exercise would be doable, and the triviality of it depends on the amount and complexity of the exercises.How to intelligently play those cues is another story though. My first thought was a gesture, that plays a description for the currently required exercise and pauses the clock. However, that might not be optimal mid-workout. Perhaps a list of all exercises + descriptions in another window might work, but that would require theuser to memorize them all. Curious what others think?


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Re: Jumpy Cat - a free, accessible AI fitness app

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Jumpy Cat - a free, accessible AI fitness app

That is literally my only gripe as well.This app is literally exactly what I've been looking for, as I tend to do he same recycled workouts over and over, and this would break that monotony. The problem is that I just have no idea how to do the actual exercises it suggests, which makes the app unusable at present.Another thing you might want to look into is either letting the app play music, or allowing for a second audio stream, which I am actually not sure iOS allows you to do API-wise. That would allow users to play music during a workout which, I think, is currently impossible Great first steps though, keep up the good work 


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Re: Language learning.

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Language learning.

Hi,Even Japanese OneCore voices don't say some symbols, then what?At that point you can safely ignore them, I think. I's an Elon thing, see below.On's cource, some symbols have, "component", next to them. What does this mean? I don't understand the explanation given, probably again because even the OneCore voices don't say all of them.I asked myself this as well at first. I may be wrong, but I think these are radicals; e.g. parts of kanji that in themselves don't really havea meaning of their own. This is where my knowledge of Japanese script starts to hit it's limits, though.Are there any tips for writing with Japanese? Should I go with on an English keyboard in Windows 10? Should I go with kana or romaji?You will want to grab the Japanese IME (Input Method) , which is the Japanese keyboard option in Win10. You type in romaji and as you do, the ksystem will start suggesting what kana combination or kanji you probably mean.In the 3rd lesson, both the kanji and hiragana are shown for words. Does this mean I can just use hiragana anywhere?Remember what I said about kaze? Look at this:かぜ 風邪 風The first is hiragana ka and hiragana ze.  They can mean wind, or the common cold, or other things.The second cluster are two kanji, which can individually be read as kaze and ma. There's other readings for both kanji I'm pretty sure. But together, these are pronounced as kaze, the common cold. Literally, wind and evil.The third one is just the kanji that can be read as kaze, which is wind, or breeze etc. but is also pronounced kaze.So to answer your question, hiragana are given for kanji to give their pronunciation when learning, because there can be multiple pronunciations for a kanji. And romaji is the way to try to represent that pronunciation in English letters.And if you should use kanji or kana should be clearer now, too. You can technically use kana everywhere, but it will make it quite a bit harder for others to understand you because they would have to infer everything you're saying from context. It isn't wrong, but it isn't optimal.  It's hard to give an analogue  in English, the closest I can think of is to write everything in phonemes the way you would for the Dectalk synthesizer but that's not it entirely.So if you know the kanji, use it It seems a bit odd for screen reader users because there almost seems to be no difference when just reading a sentence but there most certainly is I hope that helps 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Language learning.

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Language learning.

Yeah, Protalker takes some getting used to. An alternative is grabbing the Japanese oneCore voices for a free option. Not amazing, but usable.And eSpeak has a japanese voice, kinda, but it really doesn't work very well and to my knowledge only reads kana.As for why Japanese NVDA, the character descriptions really come in handy once you get to a point where what you hear can mean various different things depending on what kanji were used. For example, romaji "kaze"  can either mean wind, or, when other kanji are used, it can also be the common cold, but in that case it's two kanji rather than just the one 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Language learning.

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Language learning.

If you knowof a place to get an accessible version of Genki, I'd say go for it. You'll find a lot of supplemental stuff online to help you there.Also let me know, I've been looking for it For Japanese, I would recommend Tae Kim's work, as well as the language course on the language. You will probably also want the Japanese version of NVDA, it helpsa bit.For reading and listening there's quite a few resources  out there, NHK and Japanesepod101 come to mind. That last one is nauseating in the amount of marketing they do, so there's no real point subscribing to their podcast feed, but accessing their content through other means can be worth it. Follow the recommended listening order over at is that is still around 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Language learning.

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Language learning.

Hi,There is various ways to pick up a new language. However, unless you're a prodigy, language learning isn't a super quick process. It requires quite a bit of work, figuring out and making lots and lots of mistakes.How you go about picking up a language depends very much on the language, how popular it is, what you aim to do with it, where your focuses lie.Generally when I pick up a new language at first, I go about it in this order:- What language family does the language belong to? E.G., romance, germanic, scandinavian etc.- What do I know about that language family, and can I use that to supplement my learning? E.G. I know the Italian word, will that help me in Spanish? Those are essentially my cheats. I have seen quite a few languages so I can ask myself these questions and get meaningful answers. If you can't, that's fine. You don't need it.- Next, pronunciation guide. What sounds are in the language, how tricky are they to make and are there any troubling ones? If so, pronunciation will have to be a focus, because if there are for example distinct, but very similar sounds in a language, with differences I find hard to make or even hear, that means I might accidentally make it harderfor a native speaker to understand me without knowing it.- How does braille in my chosen language work? Mandarin and Japanese have radically different braille systems that make it difficult to ascertain spelling based on braille, and if that is important to me I will need to learn the braille system.- Next, screen reader tweaks.  I need to somehow be able to read my chosen language. That usually means grabbing either the oneCore or Vocalizer voice for NVDA, setting my language pair in the InstantTranslate addon and making sure that I have a gesture set for translate selection. At this point, doing a bit of research on what the closest to native-sounding TTS voice is.- Next, resource diving.  We need to somehow cover all four of the main language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.This is by far where the majority of preparation time get eaten since depending on the language , this can be an absolute pain.Some good starting points: - See if there's a subreddit for the language you're learning. I've found many a good resource there.- See if Babbel has your language. It's not free, but very affordable, and it gives you an good introduction to a language's basics in my opinion. It's pretty accessible and teaches you far more than Duolingo ever will.- If Babbel doesn't have your language, check with Memrise and . Memrise could be more accessible, but is usable after you get used to it, on Windows on the web that is. is not very well known but has a pretty good free Japanese course and also allows you to create your own wordlists. They use a timed review system on those, but I'm not 100% sure it's one of the more popular SRS variants.- If you absolutely must, Duolingo is an option but you will make very, very slow progress and often ask why things are the way they are without ever getting an answer.- If you can at all get your hand on an accessible textbook of some kind, do so. They contain exercises, practice texts and grammar notes and usually have a good progression. The Colloquial Language books are somewhat pricy, but digital these days and they are a staple for many language learners.- Podcasts, radio stations and audio stories are good for listening practice, although at first they will tire you out quickly if you listen to them actively. Having them in the background is good passive immersion, though. Movies and series with subtitles can help a lot too, use Podplayer to have the subtitles read to you.- Simplified news, articles you find interesting or children's stories can be good reading practice. If your language has a subreddit, you'll most likely find your resources there. If not, see if Kindle has anything fun.- Finally, applying your language knowledge is the best way to make the concepts stick. Find native speakers to practice on, talk to your devices in your chosen language if you can, play with phrases using InstantTranslate, the possibilities are many.The rest depends on your language. If anyone needs help learning Dutch, English, Japanese, mandrin or Danish I can probably recommend some specific resources. If not ..well ...then not Hope that helps anyone 


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Re: Useful things to read before I get started with komplete kontrol

2020-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Useful things to read before I get started with komplete kontrol

You get the instruments onto your computer by adding the serials that come with the keyboard into NativeAccess. Heads up, those come on a physical piece of paper with the keyboard. If you throw that piece of paper away before copying the serial are pretty much boned. NI won't give you a replacement ...have seen a number of people run into that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Useful things to read before I get started with komplete kontrol

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Useful things to read before I get started with komplete kontrol

Honestly,The Reaper Accessibility Wiki, while somewhat outdated in some respects, has quite a few resources on getting started with Reaper. A lot of them are audio-based, but some, like the Reaproducer ones, have show notes with the most important keystrokes accompanying them. That's a good starting point for the basics at least:)


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Re: Is LEASEY worth it?

2020-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is LEASEY worth it?

Ok, I'll bite.First, the developer is absolutely an interesting character. Their mood has a tendency to swing from one end of the spectrum to the other, he can come across as rude with a thin layer of professionalism to disguise it away.Then again, you don't really need to interact with the guy much. You make your purchase, your thing gets activated and stuff works from then on out.As for if you can run it with a demo version of JAWS, no, you can't, as you need to provide your serial when purchasing.If it's worth it ...honestly I think it depends. Are you new to computing? I would honestly say yes, absolutely.It's a reasonably idiot-proof way to work with a computer and do the most important tasks, think Windows for Grandpa.Is it worth it for advanced users? Hmm ...maybe. It has a number of scripts to make various applications less chatty or cumbersome, some power user tools to work with websites and documents etc. and the question has to be if you need those features, if you can get them anywhere else for a lower price or in a more suitable way etc.So ...while I enjoy a round of bashing as much as the next guy, I'll have the unpopular opinion to say that it can actually be worth the 40 or 60 bucks depending.I wish it did a few more things than it does, but still, I think it can aid productivity. How? go flipthrough the manual and find out, that bit's free anyway 


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Re: NVDA and Japanese language

2020-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA and Japanese language

Hi,So this is still something I am working on myself. Currently, what I use is a combination of DualVoice, an English SAPI5 voice and the SAPI Unifier tool to make oneCore voices work over SAPI5.This works, in the sense that English text gets read by an English voice and Japanese text gets read by a Japanese OneCore voice.ProTalker, at least pre-2019.3, was able to use eSpeak for English and a Japanese voice for Japanese, and that worked a bit better, e.g., DualVoice introduces a pause while it switches languages that can be just a smidge too long, but I haven't found a version of proTalker that works with NVDA 2019.3 and up.As for Eloquence/IBMTTS, I have seen versions of IBMTTS that had Japanese listed, but I didn't have the Japanese libraries to actually make this work, and I don't know where to find an up-to-date copy that has Japanese support as well as the libraries. If anyone else does, that would be great as I do tend to use Eloquence for day to day reading and having it be able to read Japanese, even if the intonation is off or not quite right, would help a lot with immersion when reading for example blog posts that go into grammatical constructs of the language without having to switch synths all the time.


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Re: Warning about the newest NVDA update

2020-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Warning about the newest NVDA update

@116You say the sapi 5 version of Eloquence can read Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters?I'd be curious what version I would need to get to get that working? Is it still runnable on windows 10 and where can it be downloaded/purchased?Thanks


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Re: Netflix on pc?

2019-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Netflix on pc?

Does either the Kodi addon or the Win10 netflix app let screen readers echo the subtitles at you, like for example podplayer on Windows or the netflix iOS app lets you do?Thanks 


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Re: digital flash cards

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: digital flash cards

Hi,@2, what is your strategy for dealing with quizlet? It seems accessible enough, just wondering if there are little tweaks/hacks you have figured out to work with it more efficiently.@5 could you possibly add unicode support to this? I tried it with a random non-Latin alphabet character and I'm afraid it only displayed a question mark 


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Re: preserving the BMMV TV shows

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preserving the BMMV TV shows

I can probably help with the scripting and maybe even with the hosting, but my location really isn't ideal for the latter so let's make that a last resort.Writing a script to click each link and downloading what's attached to it should be trivial, though.


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Re: Sad news regarding the blind mice movie vault

2018-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad news regarding the blind mice movie vault

The email, which I received as well, is a little vague on one point.Will they delete the listings, so the links to the content only, or the content they have up as well? I know a majority of links are actually sourced from others, but if they make this move a substantial amount of them might actually be linked to their account. I even think they might have more than one account to take advantage of the way SendSpace handles file storage, financially speaking.If it's just the listings, the lazy way so they just won't get hits on those links anymore, in a sense all you have to do is mirror the blind mice movie vault websites itself, which you can do with something like winhttrack website copier.If the links themselves die however, we're not out of the woods yet when we do that. Problem is, the links on the movie vault aren't direct download links. Does Sendspace downloader let you just download off a general sendspace link or does it have to be the link behind the "click here to download" button?FInally how would you quickly grab all the sendspace links? You'd need to write some scripts that goes through all the letters in the dropdown and click the next page button , than retrieve all targets of the links that aren't "Read more". yuck ...that's some nasty selenium process 


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Re: the most annoying song you can link to

2018-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the most annoying song you can link to

Lol if the Korean Baby Shark gets mentioned, I have no regrets putting this here:Gwiyomi! gwi-gwi-gwiyomi!


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Re: Microsoft rewards: Sweepstakes, Skype credit, and gift cards for free!

2018-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Microsoft rewards: Sweepstakes, Skype credit, and gift cards for free!

Ugh don't joke about that, people here take it seriously. I'm in the Netherlands and it works just fine, that is ... I got 190 points already from the first few activities. You do need astronomical amounts of points though, say, 5800 for a 5 dollar xbox store gift card, and an activity nets somewhere between 10 and 50 points, you do like three a day and that's it, so you'd be doing activities non-stop for about two months to get that far. Maybe when you level up you get bigger activities and I'm not sure to what degree the passive things like searching on bing contribute, I haven't managed to trigger that yet.


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Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

That's good to know Assault, I might need  to force stereo conversion on my ffmpeg then I thought the use of stereo was minimal, but then I've only seen anime off the web so I might just have seen bad quality vids 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

It's a bit of a grey area, since all you're really doing is downloading videos that are available for free. When your browser plays the video, in a way it does the same thing, it just deletes the data right after. Even if you were to download premium content, you'd still need to log into your account that you have paid for to download those, so I guess its not so much illegal as it breaks their terms of service, which makes it at least a bit iffy. I think you're fine as long as you don't spread the files around, though.As for quality, no thats the beauty of it. You're right, an episode tends to come down to 100, sometimes 200 mb because the video quality is horrible, thats why a lot of sighted folks get a premium account for the higher quality versions. The audio though, for as far as I've been able to hear, is almost, if not fully, identical. So you really don't need to do that.Pretty sure most anime is mono as well, that helps 
 keep filesize down as well.


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Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

Exactly, I wanted to extract the mkv to see what is causing KmPlayer to be able to read the subs  You might've gotten a rare upload where the mkv contains an srt or other textual format, and if not I'd like to do more testing to see what it can and cannot read. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

@assault_freak could you somehow share me one episode so I can have a look at the file's makeup? I'd love to see how it works so I can maybe incorporate it into the workflow I use now  If you'd rather not due to legality reasons that's fine , just say so 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

Not calling you a liar, but are you sure that was an mkv file?The reason I ask is what you are describing is borderline impossible. As for example shown by this thread: … hp?t=61245The format of subtitles used in mkv files uses a combination of an idx file, which tells the player when to show what sub, and a sub or vobsub file which is similar to a bitmap of the subtitles, so basically an image. You would need to OCR those images to get the text and I doubt KmPlayer has a built-in OCR engine, even if it did though the results wouldn't always be accurate.Avi, mp4 etc. can also encode their subs this way but its less common, especially for avi. I agree KmPlayer could be very good though, it does allow for reading subs without converting to mp3, I just wish it would let you use your own SR rather than SAPI 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

Right, and as I said srt is making way for idx/sub and I'm pretty sure KmPlayer won't read those, sadly ...


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Re: Watching undubbed anime

2017-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Watching undubbed anime

Hi,First a question for Mslion, are you saying mplayer can read integrated subs for MKV? That surprises me since to my knowledge, mkv files tend to use sub/idx files to place the subs near the person who's speaking visually, and to my knowledge those are images you'd have to OCR first. Maybe embedding .srt files within mkv is doable but I don't think it's very common, which is sad.As for watching subbed anime, I've been tinkering with this for a while and have a solution now that sorta works. Here's a bit of a guide. Note that this only works for anime that are streamable from CrunchyRoll's free offerings (premium currently doesn't work).Things you'll need:- Youtube-dl , which can be downloaded for free. It needs Python to work, but for Windows there is also a version with Python baked in. You just need to put it somewhere, I tend to put it in my folder for the anime I'm about to watch.- A Cru
 nchyRoll link for the episode or playlist of the anime you would like to watch.- The latest version of Aprone's WadeMachine program, which can be gotten from a link on the 3rd page of the 'hearing subtitles with your screen reader" topic. Sorry , don't have the link handy. It is important that you get the latest version, at the time of this version 0.8, otherwise the .srt files will not work properly.What you do:1. Open a command prompt in Windows, to easily do this press windows+r, type cmd and press enter.2. You are usually in your home folder (the folder where Documents, Downloads, Favorites etc live). Go to the folder where youtube-dl.exe is, and where you want to put the anime. For this example, I made a folder called gx. You type : cd gx, where gx is your folder name.3. Type the following command:youtube-dl.exe --all-subs --su
 b-format "srt" --download-archive ARCHIVEObviously, you would use a different address if you want another anime or just one episode, both work with this format. The rest of the command should stay as it.It is likely that, especially if you use it to grab an entire playlist, it dies now and again. That's what ths --download-archive part is for, it keeps track of what you already downloaded so you don't have to start from zero every time when that happens. To get it going again simply press up arrow until your screenreader reads the command from before and press enter.4. Once your files are downloaded go to the first episode you want to watch in Windows Explorer. Currently, there appears to be a bug in WadeMachine that causes the mp3 conversion process to fail if there are certain characters or spaces in the file name, so rename the episode, as well as its srt file, to a one word thing. For example: episode4.mp4 and Open Wa
 deMachine and select the bottom option to convert a movie to mp3. Find your file and select it, than answer "yes" to the prompt.At this point, you should see a window open and a convertion being run, this takes a couple minutes or more depending on your PC's speed.WadeMachine has closed at this point, so once it's done, press a key to close the conversion window and re-open wadeMachine.Finally, select the 'load mp3" option, find your converted file and watch. If it says 'Loaded file"  and starts playing, you did it correctly.If there are people who know of ways to speed this process up I'd love to hear it, but for now, this works well for me Zersiax


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Re: Learning Japanese on Duolingo

2017-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning Japanese on Duolingo

Duolingo exists for spanish as well, especially for touristy stuff I think it should be a good start and it has audio clips, so you can hear the correct pronunciation. I don't remember if the audio clips are TTS or not.


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Re: Learning Japanese on Duolingo

2017-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learning Japanese on Duolingo

And this folks, is why you don't try to do anything productive on a phone Nah, but seriously, using NVDA and Firefox or Chrome Duolingo actually works quite well. Not everybody reads but it can be used as a very useful tool. If you want more after that, Memrise works in a similar way to some of the Duolingo exercises but they teach you mainly words, and sometimes grammar concepts based on examples you memorize. If you want better explanations of certain concepts You would need extra resources, For Japanese I really, really like Tae Kim's guide to Japanese.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Aprone,One more bug report I'm afraid  I've worked around it, its not really a showstopper but you might want to know about it. When you call ffmpeg, it seems you're either not escaping certain characters properly or having trouble with spaces, since I am getting ffmpeg errors when I try to convert filesa s they are. If I change the filename to a one-word string without any special characters, it works fine though. An example of a filename it trips on is:Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (Subtitled) Episode 4 – Five-Part Fusion! VWXYZ-684075.mp4I'm guessing it's either tripping on the exclamation mark or the spaces, but I can't see the command you send to ffmpeg to confirm.As for merging two audioclips, ffmpeg can do that, i.e. ffmpeg -i input1.mp3 -i input2.mp3 -filter_complex amerge -ac 2 -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 4 output.mp3Thing is, the files need to be of equal length for that to work otherwise the subs would be way off 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

That is really interesting actually,  since this wasn't just a random srt plucked off the net, this came with a CrunchyRoll vid.I am going to assume, perhaps somewhat naively, that all their srt's share the same, or similar, formats, so I think we've just ensured CrunchyRoll compatibility since the 0.8 works flawlessly with it again  Thanks for the effort.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Hey Aprone,Hope you don't mind me banging on the system some more, but I'm afraid I've found another srt that breaks the machine … one behaves like the other broken one in the old 0.6 version, and gives a whole lot of type mismatch errors in the new one  Was it something I said? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Huh ...the program would just be sitting there waiting for a timestamp that never comes, therefore silently failing. Interesting Anyways thanks for the fix, this will be quite useful to me 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Aprone this is excellent now  I couldn't seem to seek in a file either, this has been fixed as well  As a programmer I'm curious what it is you did to fix this  Was the file not loading in its entirety properly?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Hmm ...the third machine takes it just fine. Not sure what's going on there, but let me test and report back 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Cheered too early after all, it seems this zip is missing a few files  Think your zipping failed halfway through.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

It seems you broke the zip  This reports as an invalid compressed folder on two machines I have here 


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Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Hey Aprone,Thanksa lot for the offer. The SRT file lives here: … luck 


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Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

Hi,I'm having a bit of an odd issue with the program. It converts just fine, loads the mp3 and srt just fine, plays and reads ust fine ...until about 2 minutes in. If I look at the srt in notepad, the sentences appear to coincide with what is being said, but they aren't read anymore. Could that be a mistake in the format or so? It was a sub by horribleSubs, so it may just be broken, if anyone knows some good websites where I can grab decent subs for anime that would be welcome, I rely on google now if the srt doesn't come with the download.


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Re: Do not, ever, enable WSL

2017-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do not, ever, enable WSL

A few things, before this topic turns into another giant shitstorm nobody needs.@efinYou say there is an SSH service on Windows. You are correct, it was added in the anniversary update and has to do with the device discovery option thaht becomes available after you turn on developer mode. This phenomenon has been documented rather extensively, for example in this blog post: if you in fact discovered this on your own without consulting docs, kudos to you but I'm afraid others got there first.You are also stating it is a major security risk. Let me give you my point of view on that:- First, this really only is a security risk from within your local network. Your home network should be protected by a pretty strong WPA key. If not, you shouldn't be using Developer Mode in the first place since you clearly have no idea what yo
 u are doing. Port forwarding port 22 on your local network is an icredibly stupid thing to do unless you are sure it will always redirect to a machine running a truly secure SSH shell, including pub/private key authentication and preferably with password login disabled, so no outside threats either.A caveat to this one is, quite obviously, open wifi networks which are known to be insecure. Therefore, theoretically speaking, a laptop might be at risk in that situation. However, brute force password attacks take time. A shitload of time, and even if there was time enough they somehow need to find your account  name as well. If someone is truly that doggedly after you, you must have pissed off someone in the big leagues.  The whole point of this service is that it is for development purposes, it's been kept deliberately barebones and will probably either be beefed up or phased out in subsequent updates, depending on how much it is used. The only thing I can reall
 y fault MS for is that I don't think this service is explicitly documented or warned for when you enable Developer mode, which is a bit of a no-no.But seriously. If someone on your local network has it out for you and needs to use this obscure way of logging into your box, you have some sad enemies. Don't give me crap about scripts crawling the web trying to find open hosts, this is a non-issue on properly configured wifi access points.So, what have we learned? Don't give your passwords out like candy, don't tell your usernames to people who don't need to know either. In short, don't be an idiot. Oh and you might want to change the title of this topic since you've already discerned yourself that WSL really doesn't have all that much to do with this. I happen to know the WSL variants will soon appear on the Windows Store if they haven't already, which makes this even more of a non-issue. K thanks,Zersiax


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Re: problem with Microsoft account login on windows 10

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with Microsoft account login on windows 10

Oh shit got hit by that one? I have literally been struggling with this one for weeks on end only to bite the bullet and refresh my pc. I simply don't know what causes this but when the Microsoft Account system gets out of whack, in my experience it stays that way. There are a variety of fixes online for this one and you can try them, mostly involving removing certain registry keys , but none worked in my case.Good luck


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Re: Trying Nvda

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying Nvda

Hi,Not much I can add, just to ask for clarification about the ' shut the NVDA voice off"  comment you made. It sounds like you want NVDA not to speak, but nvda+s, which turns speech off, is not what you want. What is the problem with that approach exactly? Nvda+s is similar to ctrl+0 in Supernova.As for mouse clicks ...that has to do with the modes you still want to figure out but the gist of it is that you use objectNav or screenReview to go to the place on screen you want to click, use a command to bring the mouse to that location and than one to either left or right click. Hope that helps:)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

Ok ...have you tried the start menu search? The subfolders in the start menu you are referring to actually still exist, they are kind of well hidden though. I tend to use search for almost everything and at that point it really doesn't matter WHERE stuff is. just windows key, type what you want, enter. Rince and repeat, it becomes a habit quite quickly 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

Hmm ...can you be a bit more specific? Do you get error messages or some such?I tend to use VLC for whacky formats, but not sure if you would like its interface much ...ever played with foobar? A lot of people seem to like it ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A couple of windows 10 questions

The 32-bit SAPI thing is, like was mentioned above, similar in windows 7 and windows 10. What might be tripping you up there Dark is that in Windows XP, you really only had 32-bit stuff and 64-bit stuff wasn't really a thing.The 32-bit SAPI 5 voices are a bit tricky to reach because its legacy tech, but its definitely possible if you follow the instructions in post 4. Not sure if you are aware how to get to the run dialogue, you do this by pressing windows+r The desktop , again similar to Windows 7, pretty much starts you off with an empty slate. You can put icons on it by using the method discussed in post 6, or by installing programs that have a 'create a desktop icon' option. In the case of crazy party, which doesn't have an installer, you could put this wherever you like and make a shortcut in the method discussed in post 6.As for not being ab
 le to find stuff in the start menu quickly, what you can try is the search functionality. I honestly barely ever bother with the start screen itself, thing is that I'm not sure if Supernova supports this, give it a try. To use:- Press your windows key.- Type the name of a game, say, manamon- Results should come up. use up and down to select between them, enter to select.Hope that helps 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

I like your ideal world view. You will find that you will get the reaction I gave far more often than the reaction you are hoping for though. When people throw things out there without having done some research beforehand, it really comes across as not willing to put in effort when you are asking others to do that very thing. It comes across as being incredibly spoilt and expectant of being handed everything on a silver platter.I'm not saying someone who acts like this actually like that, I am just saying to a large amount of people this is exactly how you are seen. It's similar to expecting to receive everything for free, expecting not to have to work for anything because you are rich, or popular, or famous, or blind. I'm sure it's not harming anyone or anything except maybe someone's reputation, and if this is how you like to be seen, by all means carry on. I just gave my opinion ...I'd like to point out two more things. You say you were
  in fact doing the EXACT same thing I was. That voids any protests you would have been allowed to make in the first place, if you are so high and mighty as to allow for anything and everything on this forum, I think my reality checks are allowed as well. After all is not harming anyone, is it?Second, I never wanted this topic to degenerate into a slam fest between you and I , so I kindly request you send any future problems with me personally as a PM so we don't cluter up topics more than we have to. I hope we can get back to Echo Dot now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

I find it amusing that you villify me for wrist slapping and subsequently try to do the same to me, I really do Also, it took quite a bit to push me to the rant I put out yesterday. No malice was meant in any way, it was more meant as a reality check. I and others have tried to assist Dark when he was asking for help with Windows 10, a lot of raging was going on in that topic as well. Arguments were flung unto the table based on hearsay, based on preconceived notions, never on actual , proper fact-checking and research.The Amazon Echo Dot, once again a new technology, comes around and I see the exact same thing happening. Sure, if your expectations around commands aren't met, that can be frustrating but there are countless resources available to help you out so rather than 'vent' as you put it, a bit of googling could have solved the issue far more effective
 ly. I find it ironic that Dark tried to make it read its help files like it was some kind of game or text adventure, just because the 'guess the command' game you play with those is many, many times more frustrating than the stuff Alexa would ever put you through. I believe Dark likes text adventures ...I could be wrong. See it as a game, maybe that'll make this stuff more amusing and less rage-worthy for you.As for you Gryffindor, can you honestly tell me that raging at the world solved any of your mac OS troubles? I am assuming in the end you read through some stuff on Applevis, used the machine some more and got used to it. I reckon the actual raging and enting part of it all didn't really do anything apart from putting more rage and, dare I say, drama in the world, of which there is already enough in the world imho.I would appreciate if you, too, did some research before you decided to jump on your very own high horse and accuse me of what you are
  essentially doing to me yourself. With statements like "I don't want to hear it" I merely want to indicate that this is what I've noticed comes up a lot when the preceding statemens are provided. In this case, not being willing to use another screenreader or browser to solve a problematic situation with your primary combination is asking for trouble and may actually impede you from being able to do what you want to do. If thats what you want to do, its honestly no skin off my back. But it will mean that people only have a limited possibility of actually providing helpful suggestions which will probably make the raging increase even more. Again, not my problem, but I'm a helpful sort and like to actually see someone's problem solved.As for 'I can't be bothered to do it , I have other things to do in life" I meant to indicate that this situation has no research purpose for me whatsoever and brings me back to the main point I was tryi
 ng to make in the first place, namely that a bit of research before you start asking questions and getting mad will take you a long way in sovling your own issues, making your life all the more fun in the process.Is it wrong that the internal documentation appears to give its users trouble? Certainly. Should Amazon do more to actually make users more aware of how their products work, in an accessible manner? Of course. Should not doing this ruin the product for someone, cause them to hate the product and start raging? ...Maybe, depending on the person. Is said raging actually going to solve the above stated problems? Not in the slightest.So yes, maybe I'm being slightly elitist. Yes, maybe I could have been nicer. I'd like to be able to respect someone who moderates me on a forum like this though and frankly, I know Dark can do way better than he is doing right now with this Echo Dot business. C'mon , prove me right Dark 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

I find it amusing that you villify me for wrist slapping and subsequently try to do the same to me, I really do Also, it took quite a bit to push me to the rant I put out yesterday. No malice was meant in any way, it was more meant as a reality check. I and others have tried to assist Dark when he was asking for help with Windows 10, a lot of raging was going on in that topic as well. Arguments were flung unto the table based on hearsay, based on preconceived notions, never on actual , proper fact-checking and research.The Amazon Echo Dot, once again a new technology, comes around and I see the exact same thing happening. Sure, if your expectations around commands aren't met, that can be frustrating but there are countless resources available to help you out so rather than 'vent' as you put it, a bit of googling could have solved the issue far more effective
 ly. I find it ironic that Dark tried to make it read its help files like it was some kind of game or text adventure, just because the 'guess the command' game you play with those is many, many times more frustrating than the stuff Alexa would ever put you through. I believe Dark likes text adventures ...I could be wrong. See it as a game, maybe that'll make this stuff more amusing and less rage-worthy for you.As for you Gryffindor, can you honestly tell me that raging at the world solved any of your mac OS troubles? I am assuming in the end you read through some stuff on Applevis, used the machine some more and got used o it. I reckon the actual raging and enting part of it all didn't really do anything apart from putting more rage and, dare I say, drama in the world, of which there is already enough in the world imho.I would appreicate if you, too, did some research before you decided to jump on your very own high horse and accuse me of what you are 
 essentially doing to me yourself. With statements like "I don't want to hear it" I merely want to indicate that this is what I've noticed comes up a lot when the preceding statemens are provided. In this case, not being willing to use another screenreader or browser to solve a problematic situation with your primary combination is asking for trouble and may actually impede you from being able to do what you want to do. If thats hat you want to do, its honestly no skin off my back. But it will mean that people only have a limited possibility of actually providing helpful suggestions which will probably make the raging increase even more. Again, not my problem, but I'm a helpful sort and like to actually see someone's problem solved.As for 'I can't be bothered to do it , I have other things to do in life" I meant to indicate that this situation has no research purpose for me whatsoever and brings me back to the main point I was trying
  to make in the first place, namely that a bit of research before you start asking questions and getting mad will take you a long way in sovling your own issues, making your life all the more fun in the process.Is it wrong that the internal documentation appears to give its users trouble? Certainly. Should Amazon do more to actually make users more aware of how their products work, in an accessible manner? Of course. Should not doing this ruin the product for someone, cause them to hate the product and start raging? ...Maybe, depending on the person. Is said raging actually going to solve the above stated problems? Not in the slightest.So yes, maybe I'm being slightly elitist. Yes, maybe I could have been nicer. I'd like to be able to respect someone who moderates me on a forum like this though and frankly, I know Dark can do way better than he is doing right now with this Echo Dot business. C'mon , prove me right Dark 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help please with amazon ecco dot.

ok, first. Calm the heck down.Raging at anything and everything isn't going to solve anything. People are giving you advice, it would be good if you wouldn't  selectively read it but actually take the whole into account. I will summarize it for you this time but , please don't take this the wrong way, you are really coming across as being rather whiny and unwilling to invest a little time in learning how the device you bought works and how to make the most of it.First, Alexa works fine through an extension cable as long as enough voltage is being applied. Heck, I have it working through a travel adapter and don't have any trouble.quote:Firstly, the alexa ap once it finished the setup process told me "to learn more watch this video" and gave me a "click to play" button which did nothing at all, whether or not I tried with vo, meaning I had to restart the ap. Various people have already pointed out that the
  Alexa app could be more accessible. You can use a browser to go to and work with the app functions from there. Please keep in mind that the tab bar on that web page requires an ARIA-capable screenreader, no idea how well Supernova works with that but if it gives you trouble you can just use NVDA. And please don't say anything about not being willing to use a different screenreader, I don't want to hear it. It's a part of life that this is required at times, and this MAY be one of them. I am saying MAY because I haven't used the poor product Dolphin calls a screenreader in a number of years, I actually need my pc to be a productivity tool, not a frustration intensifier, thank you very much.Moving on.You are saying the system was unresponsive when you asked it certain things. This happens at times, but the system usually gives you a sound indication of what went wrong. For example, a tone followed by a lower tone, a fifth interval if 
 that helps, means Alexa did not know what to do with your input. You can use the alexa app or the previously mentioned website to see what Alexa actually heard you say, maybe it misunderstood you.  You should know that speech to text is not always accurate. There is a voice training thing you can do to improve accuracy.As for how to phrase commands, as other said, do a bit of research PLEASE. There's command lists on google, video demos on youtube, blog articles, tips and tricks, use case stories ...all you have to do is do some research. heck ...Alexa is used the exact, same, way by blind people as by sighted people. There's no screen. So all you had to do to get a better answer is , instead of asking "what can I do with an echo dot?" on, type the EXACT same sentence into Google and read away.Moving on.The phrasing for playing music and stations is not terribly complicated:- Play firefly by owl city on Spotify- 
 Play 5th symphony by beethoven on Spotify- Play classic FM on TuneIn - Play this american life on tuneinI'm not even going to bother commenting on the rest of your rage fest in this topic, so let me just conclude this verbal slap on the wrist with the thing you've been so tenaciously growling for, a list of what an Echo Dot can do. Please note that I am taking most of this from the list of tabs in the navigation menu of the Alexa app this should be old hat to you by now.You can:- Create shopping and todo lists. These lists can be verbally read out (alexa, what's on my todo list?), verbally added to ("Alexa, add stop raging to my todo list") and sync with the Alexa app and web app. In the US, you can use your echo to directly buy things on your shopping list off Amazon, I don't know if this works in the UK. Check it yourself, I have more to do in life.- Check traffic conditions, weather conditions etc. around y
 our area. For this to work it first needs to know where you are, something you can tell it using the Alexa app or web app , indeed in the settings tab like it tells you.- Get what is called a flash briefing, which is a compilation of news from sources of radio broadcasts, bbc for example. Which sources it uses are , once again, configurable in your settings in the web app.- Listen to music on TuneIn, Spotify, Amazon Music Unlimited, probably some others I am forgetting now. You of course do need subscriptions to some of these, and your account details can be configured in ..well? where do you think? ...the settings of the web app, exactly.- Ask it general questions , like you can with Siri. I must say I often have better success with Alexa on these than I do on Siri.- Add new services in the form of skills ...I know in the US, Uber is a skill you can use to request a taxi ride. This obviously would only work if the thing knows your address. there's for e
 xample also recipes to play Jeopardy. Convert temperatures. Talk you through recipes while you are cooking. Heck there's even audiogames for the thing.- You can use it as a bluetooth receiver, where you can hook it to a pai

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

It's sad to see ...I know some people who still use Supernova and they end up thinking a lot of applications are very inaccessible, while it is actually Supernova lagging behind that is causing the problems.Thing is, not everyone is willing to ditch it it and learn a new screenreader unless they are forced to, and I am guessing being forced to switch screenreaders for the sake of change would cause peeps to stick to older software to prevent that from happening for as long as possible. Is that a maintainable strategy? Course not. At some point, you'll be jumping through more hoops to keep things the same than you would if you would pick up a new screenreader, but the psychology behind that one is rather tricky 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

I have no idea ... Since Google Chrome only recently started working at a to me high enough productive level, and that only in the Canary builds, I would be very, very surprised if Supernova plays nice with it. As in ...'Huh? The world is now triangular?" surprised 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

@roelNope, editing system files will still be problematic with UAC turned off. This should barely ever be required and when it is, you would run some kind of editor in admin mode and do it from there. which, funnily enough, would trigger UAC once mainly @chris, but also @others Honestly, programs really shouldn't even ever need to write to program files. Program files is for ...ya know ...program files  If a program needs to persist data, it should do it in the user's apData folder. Which is ...ironically ...where an app can store it's data  This co
 nvention has been there for at least 13 years and if you run apps that don't adhere to it , the devs of these apps should really get their act together UAC can be disabled, like Pitermach says, by nulling the notification level in settings. A reason why you might NOT want to do this, ever, is because malware will often trigger UAC as well before it gets really nasty. Especially with the sorry state of antivirus accessibility, you just might want to keep the protection it grants and live with the very occasional alt+y keypress which should only really happen if you install something, run something as admin or perform an operation that modifies something important. Would you rather allow for regedit to be run when you do that yourself once a year, or would you rather allow some script that came with a perfectly harmless software download to change your start page to and send your mom all of your private skype chats while it's at it? If you were to kill UAC completely using a registry hack, yup you would pretty much nuke all the modern apps out there. And before peeps say that would be a g doo thing, that includes the Settings app which is kinda important You are stating Apple got it right when it comes to not needing scripts, could you expand on that? @gryffindorCopying a file should not trigger UAC, nor should launching a program if it's not running as admin. Sounds like you have a bit of a config issue there my friend Your privacy concerns are valid but a lot of the stuff you can actually selectively turn off in the Settings app. As long as you keep that in mind you should be fine Also, 5 points to gryffindor for upgrading for the heck of it  Not sure what's causing your sluggishness, could be the fact you upgraded or something else entirely like the Apple bootcamp drivers. Did you get the anniversary update yet? Or even better, you might want to hop into the insiders program and join the slow ring if you feel adventurous 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

Hmm,Well as I said I'm not sure about 2010, but 2016 works very well with the steps I described above. Replying is a matter of pressing ctrl+r, for example. If for whatever reason the calendar shows up, thats easily dismissed from the View tab on the ribbon. For as far as I know , you shouldn't have to though.And I just verified for you that pressing the applications key on a message definitely does show you the option to reply. So might be time to office as well 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

oh ...uhm ..ignore that. For some reason that page was still open on an internal server error and it posted this again when I refreshed. Sorry 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

I honestly think people are way too apprehensive about this whole thing...Way back when Windows 10 was still future speak I joined the insider program. Barring a few temporary issues, that was pretty usable already. Keep in mind I say usable, not productive. But then again Mac OS X is in the same boat and people seem to accept that just fine, so I guess usable should be good enough.When , last year, it was released, most of the things that would scare peeps away from it were already fixed. Sure, edge was inaccessible, but internet explorer was still there so if you didn't want to run into that, all you had to do was not use it.Fast forward to August this year and a lot of other stuff was fixed, Edge is at least usable with Narrator now and now I'm talking about Narrator anyway, the progress that was made on that front since Windows 7 is pretty staggering. Heck, we're getting braille support and talking installs next year, and thats all built into 
 the Windows experience on any machine.I can definitely say not everything works the way I like it, especially the settings app could do with a few changes that would increase productivity a lot, but I hear folks say its a huge accessibility step back, that its bad or problematic, I am just not seeing it.Don't like Edge? Fine, don't use it. Don't like the new universal apps? Fine, don't use them.As for email, I am not familiar with how Supernova works with it since I can't stand working with that screenreader for any length of time, but Outlook 2016 at least is very usable with NVDA. I use it to handle my work email all the time and rarely have issues that get in my way.Not sure if Outlook Express content can be migrated to MS Outlook; I seem to remember having read an email thread about this a few days back and IIRC there were definitely ways of pulling that off, google is your friend Finally let me ask a question about this aversion a lot of people seem to have about the ribbons in File Explorer. I definitely agree ribbons are a productivity hit, that is , until you learn the hotkey patterns to get to the options you want. Its a few more keypresses, but not by much. All that aside though, what do you guys even use the file explorer ribbon for?You can get to a file's properties with alt+enter, copy and paste with ctrl+c and ctrl+v, creating a new folder has a hotkey assigned to it as well and the rare few times you will want to change folder options or connect to a network drive you can bring up the ribbon and do that. What am I missing in regards to this since I really am not seeing what the big deal is about?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

Hey Dark,Mind if I ask you a few questions? You wrote:"I hate hate hate hate! outlook. too much crap on the screen, not enough  sensible options, "For as far as I am aware, Outlook 2016 has a number of larger agreas on the screen, namely the list of mail folders, the list of messages in the current folder, the message preview, the ribbon and the search box.Again, this is from me using NVDA, but when I start Outlook 2016 focus automatically lands on the list of messages. When I come across a message I want to read, I press enter on it and focus lands on the message area so I can read it. From there, I can either press ctrl+r to respond or ctrl+f to forward. If I don't want to read a message altogether and want to get rid of it, I can press my delete key.If I have read a message and want to take no action, I can just escape out of the message and go back to the list. As you can see, I barely ever leave the message list in the main window, in fact I really only do that to go to the search box which is a single tab away. When I type my search term and press enter, focus shifts back to the message list which then holds the search results. If I want to go back to the unfiltered list, I clear the text in the searchbox.Where exactly is it you are getting lost in the , according to you, large amount of crap on the screen, and what 'sensible' options are you missing?Haha also, I can definitely see your furstration with iTunes and Facebook, those two interfaces are very good examples of 'too much crap on one screen' in my opinion Please don't get me wrong, I am not bashing you, I am genuinely curious what you are running into 


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Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows 10, hopefully a decision I won't regret

I honestly think people are way too apprehensive about this whole thing...Way back when Windows 10 was still future speak I joined the insider program. Barring a few temporary issues, that was pretty usable already. Keep in mind I say usable, not productive. But then again Mac OS X is in the same boat and people seem to accept that just fine, so I guess usable should be good enough.When , last year, it was released, most of the things that would scare peeps away from it were already fixed. Sure, edge was inaccessible, but internet explorer was still there so if you didn't want to run into that, all you had to do was not use it.Fast forward to August this year and a lot of other stuff was fixed, Edge is at least usable with Narrator now and now I'm talking about Narrator anyway, the progress that was made on that front since Windows 7 is pretty staggering. Heck, we're getting braille support and talking installs next year, and thats all built into 
 the Windows experience on any machine.I can definitely say not everything works the way I like it, especially the settings app could do with a few changes that would increase productivity a lot, but I hear folks say its a huge accessibility step back, that its bad or problematic, I am just not seeing it.Don't like Edge? Fine, don't use it. Don't like the new universal apps? Fine, don't use them.As for email, I am not familiar with how Supernova works with it since I can't stand working with that screenreader for any length of time, but Outlook 2016 at least is very usable with NVDA. I use it to handle my work email all the time and rarely have issues that get in my way.Not sure if Outlook Express content can be migrated to MS Outlook; I seem to remember having read an email thread about this a few days back and IIRC there were definitely ways of pulling that off, google is your friend Finally let me ask a question about this aversion a lot of people seem to have about the ribbons in File Explorer. I definitely agree ribbons are a productivity hit, that is , until you learn the hotkey patterns to get to the options you want. Its a few more keypresses, but not by much. All that aside though, what do you guys even use the file explorer ribbon for?You can get to a file's properties with alt+enter, copy and paste with ctrl+c and ctrl+v, creating a new folder has a hotkey assigned to it as well and the rare few times you will want to change folder options or connect to a network drive you can bring up the ribbon and do that. What am I missing in regards to this since I really am not seeing what the big deal is about?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

Yup, you use your screenreader's actual right mouseclick command, I don't think applications key will work. Either that, or you left click it once and then click the options button that shows up to its right. I figured this out by mistake.Also, when you have selective sync enabled for a folder, in the graphic it will say "selective sync" followed by off. I think this can be used to toggle it, but for the longest time I actually thought it meant selective sync was, in fact, off. It isn't, that actually means its on. If you don't hear selective sync, it's off. To clarify, I am talking about the little graphic to the left of each folder which for example can also say 'read only'. @timberwolf Yep, that made perfect sense. I couldn't seem to get the 'devices' tab to activate on iOS but I'll try again 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

Hey Wolfie,Quick question. Can I link one device to another? Say ...I sync folders x, y and z on my pc, can I get the exact same config on my phone without having to add the folder keys again to my phone?Zersiax


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

That dialogue goes away when you click the unlabeled button , maybe even by pressing escape. The interface takes some getting used to but I am syncing all but the music folders selectively now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

The resilio sync pro client seems to offer the same feature OneDrive for Windows 8 used to have, where it downloads placeholders for files you can download as you see fit. I used to love this feature to bits. Going to set this up on my desktop I think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

Hmm,Does resilio work with btsync? I thought it had its own little thing going on, good to know. Does that placeholder sync feature work with btSync folders as well?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A few bt sync secrets folks might be interested in

Holy sh...that does sound  good  Is there a way to selectively sync within a folder? I don't think I have 2 tb of space lying around to grab it all 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: nvda remote on a local network

2016-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: nvda remote on a local network

You would download the code for the server, its up on some github repo somewhere. Then, you would run the server on one of your pc's within the local network and make sure that machine's firewall doesn't block it. Finally, you connect both machines (one of which could be the server itself) to that server's ip, ey presto, NVDA remote on the local network. In theory, anyway. Full disclaimer, I haven't tried this, but see no reason why it wouldn't work.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

resources for picking up indian languages

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


resources for picking up indian languages

Hi,Over the last few weeks I've been looking into a number of the languages spoken in and around India, mainly Hindi and Gujarati. I'm interested in doing some independent studying of these languages, but am finding it very difficult to find suitable study materials due to the Devangari script that is apparently extremely difficult to OCR. Does anyone perhaps have some ideas as for where I might have some more luck?Regards,Zersiax


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: turning off laptop screen?

2016-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: turning off laptop screen?

Some graphics ards are too smart for this it seems. On my laptop this trick doesn't work anymore either, nor does the fn trick.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: turning off laptop screen?

2016-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: turning off laptop screen?

It always amazes me how well people read  The OP has clearly stated he is in fact NOT using a mac any more, and closing your laptop's lid ... I suppose that could work but i'm not sure if your screen actually turns itself off if you set it to 'do nothing' in Power Settings.I use a little program called Dimmer which does make the brightness a lot lower but it has a bug where the system tray is still glowing for some reason. Apart from that it works reasonably well ...if you find something better I'd love to hear about it. There's a theoretical approach I've thought of which involves the old VGA trick, but through an HDMI-VGA adapter. Bending two pins on the VGA plug , can't remember off the top of my head which ones, so they touch gives the pc the idea there's a monitor attached when there isn't. You can't pul this off with H
 DMI on both sides because there's a digital check involved, but VGA on one end might just be good enough to trick it. Not making any promises as I haven't tried this myself yet. Yet another hardware solution is to get an EDID emulator cable which pretty much does the same thing for as far as your situation is concerned ...these aren't cheap though..Zersiax


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dell XPS 13 or Macbook Pro 13

2016-04-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dell XPS 13 or Macbook Pro 13

I am going to have to agree with poster 10 here. Although mac OS X is definitely a usable product, the fact that numerous bugs (see applevis) have been spotted and some tend to go unfixed for literally years prevents me from actually recommending this product at all. If you use braille, there's all sorts of starnge focusing issues going on when you actually try to use your braille's navigation keys. Vocalizer voices still tend to go chipmunk now and again , a problem first encountered in Lion. Switching interaction methods, one of the big new features in VoiceOver for EL Capitan,  will often get your VoiceOver cursor stuck without any reason. VoiceOver will randomly lock up for a number of seconds and say 'busy'  all the time while nothing of significance is actually going on. Web support for the latest web standards is horrible,  PDF can only be read in a very basic way ...I could go on for a while yet. If you want to just play around, maybe sky
 pe some peeps now and again and want to spend a lot of meony , get a mac. If you actually want to be productive, do not.


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