Re: [bitcoin-dev] Reorgs on SigNet - Looking for feedback on approach and parameters

2021-09-15 Thread Matt Corallo via bitcoin-dev

> On Sep 13, 2021, at 21:56, Anthony Towns  wrote:
> I'm not sure that's really the question you want answered?

Of course it is? I’d like to understand the initial thinking and design 
analysis that went into this decision. That seems like an important question to 
ask when seeking changes in an existing system :).

> Mostly
> it's just "this is how mainnet works" plus "these are the smallest
> changes to have blocks be chosen by a signature, rather than entirely
> by PoW competition".
> For integration testing across many services, I think a ten-minute-average
> between blocks still makes sense -- protocols relying on CSV/CLTV to
> ensure there's a delay they can use to recover funds, if they specify
> that in blocks (as lightning's to_self_delay does), then significant
> surges of blocks will cause uninteresting bugs. 

Hmm, why would blocks coming quicker lead to a bug? I certainly hope no one has 
a bug if their block time is faster than per ten minutes. I presume here, you 
mean something like “if the node can’t keep up with the block rate”, but I 
certainly hope the benchmark for may isn’t 10 minutes, or really even one.

> It would be easy enough to change things to target an average of 2 or
> 5 minutes, I suppose, but then you'd probably need to propogate that
> logic back into your apps that would otherwise think 144 blocks is around
> about a day.

Why? One useful thing for testing is compressing real time. More broadly, the 
only issues that I’ve heard around block times in testnet3 are the 
inconsistency and, rarely software failing to keep up at all.

> We could switch back to doing blocks exactly every 10 minutes, rather
> than a poisson-ish distribution in the range of 1min to 60min, but that
> doesn't seem like that huge a win, and makes it hard to test that things
> behave properly when blocks arrive in bursts.

Hmm, I suppose? If you want to test that the upper bound doesn’t need to be 100 
minutes, though, it could be 10.

> Best of luck to you then? Nobody's trying to sell you on a subscription
> plan to using signet.

lol, yes, I’m aware of that, nor did I mean to imply that anything has to be 
targeted at a specific person’s requirements. Rather, my point here is that I’m 
really confused as to who  the target user *is*, because we should be building 
products with target users in mind, even if those targets are often “me” for 
open source projects.
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP extensions

2021-09-15 Thread Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev
On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 03:14:31PM +0900, Karl-Johan Alm via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> BIPs are proposals.

> It is then organically incorporated into the various entities that
> exist in the Bitcoin space. At this point, it is not merely a
> proposal, but a standard.

Thinking of BIPs that have reach "Final" status as a "standard" might
be reasonable, but I'd be pretty careful about even going that far,
let alone further.

But as you said, "BIPs are proposals". If your conclusion is somehow
that a BIP "is not merely a proposal", you're reached a contradiction,
which means you've made a logic error somewhere in between...

> Someone may have
> agreed to the proposal in its original form, but they may disagree
> with it if it is altered from under their feet.

> 2. To improve the proposal in some way, e.g. after discussion or after
> getting feedback on the proposed approach.
> 3. To add missing content, such as activation strategy.

> I propose that changes of the second and third type, unless they are
> absolutely free from contention, are done as BIP extensions.

If you were proposing this just for BIPs that are marked final, then
sure, maybe, I guess -- though why mark them final if you still want
to add missing content or make further improvements? But if you want to
apply it as soon as a BIP number is assigned or text is merged into the
repo, I think that just means requesting number assignment gets delayed
until the end of the development process rather than near the beginning,
which doesn't sound particularly helpful.

That's essentially how the lightning BOLTs are set up -- you only get to
publish a BOLT after you've got support from multiple implementations
[0]; but that has meant they don't have published docs for the various
things individual teams have implemented, making interoperability harder
rather than easier. There's been talk about creating bLIPs [1] to remedy
this lack.

> BIP extensions are separate BIPs that extend on or an existing BIP.

So as an alternative, how about more clearly separating out draft BIPs
from those in Active/Final state? ie:

 * brand new BIP draft comes in from its authors/champions/whatever
 * number xxx gets assigned, it becomes "Draft BIP xxx"
 * authors modify it as they see fit
 * once the authors are happy with the text, they can move it
   to Final status, at which point it is no longer a draft and is
   just "BIP xxx", and doesn't get modified anymore
 * go to step 1

(I'm doubtful that it's very useful to have an "Active" state as distinct
from "Final"; that just gives the editors an excuse to play favourites
by deciding whose objections count and whose don't (or perhaps which
implementations count and which ones don't). It's currently only used for
BIPs about the BIP process, which makes it seem particularly pointless...)

> By making extensions to BIPs, rather than modifying them long after
> review, we are giving the community [...]

As described, I think you would be giving people an easy way to actively
obstruct the BIP process by making it harder to "improve the proposal"
and "add missing content", and encouraging contentiousness as a result.

For adding on to BIPs that have reached Final status, I think just
assigning completely new numbers is fine, as occurred with bech32 and
bech32m (BIPs 173 and 350).

Even beyond that, having BIP maintainers exercising judgement by trying
to reserve/assign "pretty" numbers (like "BIP 3" for the new BIP process)
seems like a mistake to me. If it were up to me, I'd make the setup be
something like:

 * new BIP? make a PR, putting the text into
   "drafts/bip-authorname-description.mediawiki" (with corresponding
   directory for images etc). Have the word "Draft" appear in the "BIP:
   xxx" header as well as in the Status: header.

 * if that passes CI and isn't incoherent, it gets merged

 * only after the draft is already merged is a BIP number assigned.
   the number is chosen by a script, and the BIP maintainers rename it
   to "drafts/bip-xxx.mediawiki" in a followup commit including internal
   links to bip-authorname-description/foo.png and add it to the README
   (automatically at the same time as the merge, ideally)

 * when a BIP becomes Final, it gets moved from drafts/ into
   the main directory [2], and to avoid breaking external links,
   drafts/bip-xxx.mediawiki is changed to just have a link to the
   main doc.

 * likewise when a BIP becomes rejected/deprecated/whatever, it's moved
   into historical/ and drafts/bip-xxx.mediawiki and bip-xxx.mediawiki
   are updated with a link to the new location

 * otherwise, don't allow any modifications to bips outside of
   drafts/, with the possible exception of adding additional info in
   Acknowledgements or See also section or similar, adding Superseded-By:
   links, and updating additional tables that are deliberately designed
   to be updated, eg bip-0009/assignments.mediawiki

It's better to remove incentives to introduce friction rather than
add more.


Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP extensions

2021-09-15 Thread Karl-Johan Alm via bitcoin-dev
Hi Frederico,

Welcome to the bitcoin-dev list. :)

Michael Folkson is currently pushing for a revision to BIP 2, which is
discussed in the "BIP process meeting" thread here. You could help out
by participating in that process. There's a wiki page with ideas for
this in [1] and the current plan is to modify [2] or some other pull
request to reflect what everyone decides.



On Wed, 15 Sept 2021 at 17:29, Federico Berrone via bitcoin-dev
> Hi Karl-Johan,
> I fully agree with your proposal. In order to de-clutter BIPs and make a
> more understandable proposal, we can add the additional information in a
> separate piece. Also, this would maintain the original proposal without
> any modifications, showing the original spirit of it.
> Let me know how can I help you with your proposal.
> Regards,
> Federico Berrone.
> P/D: This is my first participation in the bitcoin-dev list, sorry if I
> am breaking any rule, I would be glad to know if that is the case.
> El 15/09/2021 a las 8:14, Karl-Johan Alm via bitcoin-dev escribió:
> > BIPs are proposals.
> >
> > They begin as ideas, are formulated and discussed on this list, and
> > assuming no glaring flaws are observed, turned into pull requests to
> > the bips repository, assigned a BIP number by the editors, and merged.
> >
> > It is then organically incorporated into the various entities that
> > exist in the Bitcoin space. At this point, it is not merely a
> > proposal, but a standard. As entities place their weight behind a BIP,
> > it makes less and less sense to consider its author the "maintainer"
> > of the BIP, with rights to modify it at their whim. Someone may have
> > agreed to the proposal in its original form, but they may disagree
> > with it if it is altered from under their feet.
> >
> > BIPs are modified for primarily three reasons:
> >
> > 1. Because of spelling errors, or to otherwise improve on their
> > description without changing what is actually proposed.
> > 2. To improve the proposal in some way, e.g. after discussion or after
> > getting feedback on the proposed approach.
> > 3. To add missing content, such as activation strategy.
> >
> > I propose that changes of the second and third type, unless they are
> > absolutely free from contention, are done as BIP extensions.
> >
> > BIP extensions are separate BIPs that extend on or an existing BIP.
> > BIP extensions do not require the approval of the extended-upon BIP's
> > author, and are considered independent proposals entirely. A BIP that
> > extends on BIP XXX is referred to as BIP-XXX-Y, e.g. BIP-123-1, and
> > their introductory section must include the wording "
> >
> > This BIP extends on (link: BIP-XXX).
> >
> > ".
> >
> > By making extensions to BIPs, rather than modifying them long after
> > review, we are giving the community
> > 1. the assurance that a BIP will mostly remain in its form forever,
> > except if an obvious win is discovered,
> > 2. the ability to judge modifications to BIPs, such as activation
> > parameters, on their merits alone, and
> > 3. the path to propose modifications to BIPs even if their authors
> > have gone inactive and cease to provide feedback, as is the case for
> > many BIPs today, as BIP extensions do not require the approval of the
> > extended-upon BIP.
> >
> > (Apologies if this has been proposed already. If so, feel free to
> > ignore this message, and sorry to have wasted your time.)
> > ___
> > bitcoin-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> bitcoin-dev mailing list
bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Reminder on the Purpose of BIPs

2021-09-15 Thread Prayank via bitcoin-dev
> I like the idea of decentralizing the BIPs process. It is a historical 
> artifact that the bips repository is part of the same organization that 
> bitcoin core is part of. But there shouldn't be the perception that 
> standardization is driven by that, or that there is any kind of (non-trivial) 
> gatekeeping.

I had suggested few changes in BIP process and repository yesterday. Meeting 
was disappointing because of few reasons: 

1.Its been 12 years since Bitcoin came in to existence and I am surprised that 
during such important conversations I still see only 4 people out of which 2 
are maintainers.

2.None of the people who participated in meeting agree that we need to create 
multiple BIP directories and let people decide what works best for them. Reduce 
dependency on one repository or few people. At the end of the day these are 
just proposals, implementations are more important and there are so many ways 
to document things online, archive etc.

Playing ACK/NACK game in 'bitcoin/bips' repository will be a waste of time so I 
created this as an example:

I respect everyone involved in Bitcoin development however neither I trust 
anyone nor I expect anyone to trust me. Bitcoin is not just another open source 
software. Its a protocol for decentralized network which can be used to settle 
payments. We are trying to redefine MONEY, many cypherpunks, activists, 
hacktivists, privacy advocates etc. are involved and trying to separate money 
from state. The same money that is needed for almost everything you do in this 
world from birth to death, love to war and same money that makes some people 
more powerful. So, I won't be surprised with anything in future and will be 
prepared for everything.


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bitcoin-dev mailing list

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP extensions

2021-09-15 Thread Federico Berrone via bitcoin-dev

Hi Karl-Johan,
I fully agree with your proposal. In order to de-clutter BIPs and make a 
more understandable proposal, we can add the additional information in a 
separate piece. Also, this would maintain the original proposal without 
any modifications, showing the original spirit of it.

Let me know how can I help you with your proposal.

Federico Berrone.

P/D: This is my first participation in the bitcoin-dev list, sorry if I 
am breaking any rule, I would be glad to know if that is the case.

El 15/09/2021 a las 8:14, Karl-Johan Alm via bitcoin-dev escribió:

BIPs are proposals.

They begin as ideas, are formulated and discussed on this list, and
assuming no glaring flaws are observed, turned into pull requests to
the bips repository, assigned a BIP number by the editors, and merged.

It is then organically incorporated into the various entities that
exist in the Bitcoin space. At this point, it is not merely a
proposal, but a standard. As entities place their weight behind a BIP,
it makes less and less sense to consider its author the "maintainer"
of the BIP, with rights to modify it at their whim. Someone may have
agreed to the proposal in its original form, but they may disagree
with it if it is altered from under their feet.

BIPs are modified for primarily three reasons:

1. Because of spelling errors, or to otherwise improve on their
description without changing what is actually proposed.
2. To improve the proposal in some way, e.g. after discussion or after
getting feedback on the proposed approach.
3. To add missing content, such as activation strategy.

I propose that changes of the second and third type, unless they are
absolutely free from contention, are done as BIP extensions.

BIP extensions are separate BIPs that extend on or an existing BIP.
BIP extensions do not require the approval of the extended-upon BIP's
author, and are considered independent proposals entirely. A BIP that
extends on BIP XXX is referred to as BIP-XXX-Y, e.g. BIP-123-1, and
their introductory section must include the wording "

This BIP extends on (link: BIP-XXX).


By making extensions to BIPs, rather than modifying them long after
review, we are giving the community
1. the assurance that a BIP will mostly remain in its form forever,
except if an obvious win is discovered,
2. the ability to judge modifications to BIPs, such as activation
parameters, on their merits alone, and
3. the path to propose modifications to BIPs even if their authors
have gone inactive and cease to provide feedback, as is the case for
many BIPs today, as BIP extensions do not require the approval of the
extended-upon BIP.

(Apologies if this has been proposed already. If so, feel free to
ignore this message, and sorry to have wasted your time.)
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