[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 Trillion

2008-09-27 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 27, 2008 2:08:32 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 Trillion  Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 Trillion   “So now they try to solve the problem by having this credit bubble actually extended and I think the $700 billion will be like a drop in the bucket because the total credit market in the U.S. is something close to $60 trillion, then you have the CDS market – credit default swap – of around $62 trillion. Then you have the whole derivatives worldwide worth about a notional $1,300 trillion. So the $700 billion is really nothing and the Treasury is just giving out this figure when actually the end figure may be $5 trillion.”   40 comments Source: Bloomberg TV   09-26-2008 11:35 am   RELATED LINKS   •  Business and Media Institute: Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 TrillionThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=182363Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown

2008-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 26, 2008 2:37:43 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown  Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdownDAILYMAILFriday, September 26, 2008The U.S. President today admitted he has failed to land a bank bail-out deal, leaving the world on the brink of a global financial catastrophe.President Bush was forced to admit he had not yet been able to persuade senior Republicans to back his $700 billion rescue plan.Experts predict the London Stock Exchange could fall by up to 1,000 points when it opens next week if the deal is not signed.It would be a ‘Black Monday’ meltdown similar to the financial crash of 1987. Other world markets would also be sure to fall dramatically.(ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW)In a terse statement from in front of the White House, the President conceded this afternoon: ‘We’ve got a big problem and we’ve got to move quickly.’He admitted there were still disagreements about the plan which saw a summit descend into a ’slanging match’ last night but insisted the U.S. would deliver.‘The legislative process is sometimes not very pretty but we are going to get a passage passed. We will rise to the occasion - Republicans and Democrats will come together to pass a substantial rescue plan,’ he said.However, his candid statement that the rescue deal masterminded by U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson had still not been approved - interpreted as a fresh plea to Congress to sign up to it - leaves the global economy on the brink of disaster.American politicians now effectively have three days of frantic negotiations to save the world’s financial system from a seizure that could cast it into a deep recession.FULL STORY CLICK HERE a.. b.. Social bookmarks c.. d.. Email this article e.. f.. Print this page7 Responses to “Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown” 1.. 7 DNBriittani Says: September 26th, 2008 at 1:23 pm HAHAHA I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR 2 MONTHS NOW I PREDICT THE STOCKThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/stand-by-for-black-monday-britain-braced-for-meltdown.htmlNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week

2008-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 26, 2008 2:22:15 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week  Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week$700 billion figure means nothingSteve WatsonInfowars.netFriday, Sept 26, 2008U.S. banks borrowed $188 billion per day on average in the latest week from the Federal Reserve, meaning that the Fed loaned out more money than the Treasury’s proposed bailout in just one week, still barely managing to keep the economy afloat.Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday the total amount banks borrowed nearly quadrupled the previous record of $47.97 billion per day notched just the week before, Reuters reports.$188 billion per day on average over the course of five days means that the total amount borrowed from the Fed in the week ending the 24th September stood at $940 billion - a figure that easily eclipses the proposed $700 billion bailout.As we have already reported, the $700 billion number was simply pulled out of thin air by the Treasury.The Treasury’s fact sheet about the bailout states, “The Secretary will have the discretion, in consultation with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to purchase other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilize financial markets.”(Article continues below)This gives the government and the Federal Reserve carte blanche to do whatever they want to long as it is done in the name of stabilizing financial markets, they can nationalize any company or industry and use taxpayer money, above and beyond the initial $700 billion, for whatever purpose is deemed necessary, without any oversight. Paulson’s bailout plan is also unreviewable by any court, it will remain in perpetuity.Paulson’s draft bailout plans says: “The Secretary’s authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time.”As Chris Martenson writes, “This means that $700 billion is NOT the cost of this dangerous legislation, it is only the amount that can be outstanding at any one time. After, say, $100 billion of bad mortgages are disposed of, another $100 billion can be bought. In short, these four little words assure that there is NO LIMIT to the potential size of this bailout. This means that $700 billion is a rolling amount, not a ceiling.”If the bailout bill passes it is just the beginning of something much larger. $700 billion is a meaningless figure that will do nothing to shore up the economy. It is not a bailout, it is a giveaway that will allow insiders to purge themselves of bad bets and free to continue where they left off. The real reason for the bill is the unprecedented transfer of power to the Executive Branch and into the hands of the global corporate elite. a.. b.. Social bookmarks c.. d.. Email this article e.. f.. Print this page4 Responses to “Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week” 1.. 4 beijingyank Says: September 26th, 2008 at 1:48 pm Alex, Reports state that the U.S. gold inventory has not been auditedThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/bank-borrowing-from-fed-already-exceeded-bailout-total-in-last-week.htmlNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: A 700 Billion Bailout With No Review or Oversight Whatsoever

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 25, 2008 2:41:44 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: A 700 Billion Bailout With No Review or Oversight Whatsoever    A 700 Billion Bailout With No Review or Oversight Whatsoever   Posted: September 24 2008  Please add us to your social network StumbleUpon  Yahoo! MyWeb Del.icio.us  Technorati  Seed NewsVine Rss Feed FaceBook What is this?   The unbelievable breakdown in American lending standards, market instruments no more than a worthless pile of paper, note how market elitists are using the market crash to put pressure on Congress, the plan to bail out fraudsters, the vicious circle of printing more and more currency, more wiled speculation to come after a bailout,   As it turns out, all the foreign nations holding dollar-denominated foreign exchange surplus reserves in the form of treasury paper realized that we were going to inflate them into oblivion, what with all the bailouts and such, and it appears, well, that they all ran for the door at once, if you catch my drift.  We wore out all the printing presses trying to cash in their bonds for them, and all we had left was a huge pile of treasury paper, which we decided to throw out of my helicopter instead of cash.  They're in pretty big denominations, so the people should be quite impressed.  In any case, we couldn't print any more Federal Reserve notes on account of the printing press issue, and besides, the notes wouldn't have been good for anything but heating fuel, "furnace fodder" if you will, so why go through all the expense to print more?  We have to be fiscally responsible, you know.  MM:  Yeah, right.  Gee, I know this may sound odd, but now that your helicopter's engines have shut down, I could swear that I hear -- could it be -- the sound of marching jackboots, doing a goose-step, in the background?   HP:  Ahem, well, after Ben and I consulted with our Gestapo, oh, I mean our Department of Homeland Security, they decided to send in the foreign storm-troopers, er, our soldiers, as a follow-up to our helicopter drop.  They were apparently concerned that there might be mass social upheaval, and possibly even a revolution, after the sheople, I mean our citizens, discovered that the treasury bills we just dropped were nothing but "worthless paper."  Well, Ben, we better get going.  We barely have time to pack and get ready to flee to our bunkers and safe-houses with the rest of our "comrades."  Hey, see ya, wouldn't wanta be ya!!!  Oh, and by the way:  Sich Heil!  MM:  I have a bad feeling about this!   After over 40 years of financial reporting and analysis, we can say, without hesitation, that the 700 billion bailout plan proposed by Fed Chairman Buck-Busting Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hanky Panky Paulson, on behalf of the Caligula Administration, is the most abusive and piggish fascist scheme we have ever heard proposed.  This is the living, freaking, end.  We sit hear stunned and stupefied at the sheer arrogance of a corporatist, fascist plan, so saturated with moral hazard, that it can only be described, to use the words of Jean-Pierre Roth, president of the Swiss National Bank, in his description of the breakdown in American lending standards, as "unbelievable!"   First, note how the elitists have allowed the stock markets to crash over the past two days in order to put pressure on Congress to adopt their plan.  They have withdrawn PPT support in an effort to stuff this plan down Congress's throat.  And this pressure will continue until they get their way.  This is what Congress gets for letting the Illuminati run our country.  Now, they will have to face their constituents in a no-win situation.  If they adopt the plan, they will be accused of bailing out the fraudsters, and of privatizing the profits from the sheople's hard work in evil elitist corporations, while socializing the losses from yet another bankers' Ponzi-scheme in the sheople as is their custom.  If they don't adopt the plan, and as a result, the credit markets freeze up and the US economy goes down in flames, they will be blamed for that as well, even though that is our best solution at this point (i.e. purging the system of its excesses).  The fact that our Congress has sat on their collective duffs and allowed this financial debacle to happen, when it was quite easily avoidable with even the slightest amount of regulation and oversight, gives you every reason to vote out every one of these reprobates and sociopaths ,which we like to refer to as "incumbent scum."  The only exceptions to the coming ouster of incumbents, as far as we are concerned, are Ron Paul, and perhaps Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky.   Congress appears to be balking, and rightly so, claiming that they need more time to deliberate over this situat


2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: anita sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 25, 2008 1:10:57 AM PDT

Like Nouri Roublini, the foreign economists understand USA best, better

Luigi Zingales writes on 21 September 2008

This weekend’s decisions will shape the type of capitalism we live  
with for
the next fifty years. Here one of the world’s leading financial  
Chicago Business School Professor Luigi Zingales, argues that bailing  

the financial system with taxpayers’ money is wrong. He discusses an
alternative – forced debt-for-equity swap or debt-forgiveness.

When a profitable company is hit by a very large liability, as was the  

in 1985 when Texaco lost a $12 billion court case against Pennzoil, the
solution is not to have the government buy its assets at inflated  
prices –

the solution is Chapter 11. In Chapter 11, companies with a solid
underlying business generally swap debt for equity. The old equity  
are wiped out and the old debt claims are transformed into equity  
claims in

the new entity which continues operating with a new capital structure.
Alternatively, the debt holders can agree to trim the face value of  
debt in

exchange for some warrants.

Even before Chapter 11, these procedures were the solutions adopted to  
with the large railroad bankruptcies at the turn of the twentieth  

So why is this well-established approach not used to solve the financial
sectors current problems?
No time for bankruptcy procedures

The obvious answer is that we do not have time.

Chapter 11 procedures are generally long and complex, and the crisis has
reached a point where time is of the essence. The negotiations would  

months, and we do not have this luxury. However, we are in extraordinary
times, and the government has taken and is prepared to take  
measures. As if rescuing AIG and prohibiting all short-selling of  

stocks was not enough, now Treasury Secretary Paulson proposes a sort of
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) that will buy out (with taxpayers’
money) the distressed assets of the financial sector.

But at what price?

If banks and financial institutions find it difficult to recapitalise
(i.e., issue new equity), it is because the private sector is uncertain
about the value of the assets they have in their portfolio and does not
want to overpay.

Would the government be better in valuing those assets?  No. In a
negotiation between a government official and banker with a bonus at  

who will have more clout in determining the price?

The Paulson RTC will buy toxic assets at inflated prices thereby  
creating a

charitable institution that provides welfare to the rich – at the
taxpayers’ expense. If this subsidy is large enough, it will succeed in
stopping the crisis.

But, again, at what price?

The answer: billions of dollars in taxpayer money and, even worse, the
violation of the fundamental capitalist principle that she who reaps the
gains also bears the losses. Remember that in the Savings and Loan  
the government had to bail out those institutions because the deposits  

federally insured. But in this case the government does not have do bail
out the debtholders of Bear Sterns, AIG, or any of the other financial
institutions that will benefit from the Paulson RTC.
An Alternative to Paulson’s RTC

Since we do not have time for a Chapter 11 and we do not want to bail  
all the creditors, the lesser evil is to do what judges do in  
and overextended bankruptcy processes. They force a restructuring plan  
creditors, where part of the debt is forgiven in exchange for some  

or some warrants. And there is a precedent for such a bold move.

During the Great Depression, many debt contracts were indexed to gold.  
when the dollar convertibility into gold was suspended, the value of  
debt soared, threatening the survival of many institutions. The  

Administration declared the clause invalid, de facto forcing debt
forgiveness. Furthermore, the Supreme Court maintained this decision.

My colleague and current Fed Governor Randall Koszner studied this  
and showed that not only stock prices but bond prices as well soared  
the Supreme Court upheld the decision. How is that possible? As  
finance experts have been saying for the last thirty years, there are  

costs from having too much debt and too little equity in the capital
structure, and a reduction in the face value of debt can benefit not  

the equity holders, but also the debt holders.

If debt forgiveness benefits both equity and debt holders, why do debt
holders not voluntarily agree to it?

· First of all, there is a coordination problem.

   Even if each individual debtholder benefits from a reduction in the
face v

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Democrats to Let Offshore Drilling Ban Expire, Conceding Defeat in Battle With GOP

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 4:26:28 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Democrats to Let Offshore Drilling Ban Expire, Conceding Defeat in Battle With GOP Democrats to Let Offshore Drilling Ban Expire, Conceding Defeat in Battle With GOPTuesday, September 23, 2008 a.. E-Mail b.. Print a.. Share:   a..   b..   c..   d..   e..   f.. WASHINGTON —  Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in a months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.Republicans have made lifting the ban a key campaign issue after gasoline prices spiked this summer and public opinion turned in favor of more drilling. President Bush lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling in July."If true, this capitulation by Democrats following months of Republican pressure is a big victory for Americans struggling with record gasoline prices," said House GOP leader John Boehner of Ohio.Democrats had clung to the hope of only a partial repeal of the drilling moratorium, but the White House had promised a veto, Obey said.The House is expected to act on the spending bill Wednesday. The Senate is likely to go along with the House."The White House has made it clear they will not accept anything with a drilling moratorium, and Democrats know we cannot afford to shut down the government over this," said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "We look forward to working with the next president to hammer out a final resolution of this issue."While the House would lift the long-standing drilling moratoriums for both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, a drilling ban in waters within 125 miles of Florida's western coast would remain in force under a law passed by Congress in 2006 that opened some new areas of the east-central Gulf to drilling.Just last week, the House passed legislation to open waters off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to oil and gas drilling but only 50 or more miles out to sea and only if a state agrees to energy development off its shore. It quickly became clear that measure would not get the 60 votes needed in the Senate.Republicans called that effort a sham that would have left almost 90 percent of offshore reserves effectively off-limits.The Interior Department estimates there are 18 billion barrels of recoverable oil beneath the Outer Continental Shelf, about half of it off California.While the ban on energy development will be lifted if the Senate goes along with the House action, it doesn't mean any federal sale of oil and gas leases in the offshore waters -- much less actual drilling -- would be imminent.The Interior Department's current five-year leasing plan includes potential leases off the Virginia coast but probably would not be pursued unless the state agrees to energy development. And the state is unlikely to do so without Congress agreeing to share federal royalties with the state.The congressional battle over offshore drilling is far from over. Democrats are expected to press for broader energy legislation, probably next year, that would put limits on any drilling off most of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Republicans, meanwhile, are likely to fight any resumption of the drilling bans that have been in place since 1981.John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, has promised to make offshore oil drilling a priority if elected president. He has called for developing the oil and gas resources along all of Outer Continental Shelf and for the federal government to share royalties with states who go along with drilling.Democratic presidential rival Barack Obama has said he would support limited drilling in certain areas -- possibly the South Atlantic region -- if it is part of a broader energy plan to shift the U.S. away from oil to alternative fuels and more energy efficiency.The debate over offshore drilling is not expected to subside in the first months of the next presidency -- no matter who sits in the White House.Lifting the drilling ban gives considerable momentum to the underlying bill, which includes the Pentagon budget, $24 billion in aid for flood and hurricane victims and $25 billion in loans for Detroit automakers in addition to keeping the government open past the Oct. 1 start of the 2009 budget year.But Democrats decided not to use the must-pass measure as a battering ram to carry an extension of unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless past White House veto promises, prompting grumbling among some lawmakers. Efforts to boost food stamps and give states billions of dollars to help with Medicaid bills

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Ron Paul on the Current Financial Crisis

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 4:22:33 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Ron Paul on the Current Financial Crisis A must watch if you want the truth about this mess. SardarThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/09/22/le.ron.paul.financial.crisis.cnnNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: China Shuns Paulson's Free Market Push as Meltdown Burns U.S.

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 4:06:22 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: China Shuns Paulson's Free Market Push as Meltdown Burns U.S.  China Shuns Paulson's Free Market Push as Meltdown Burns U.S.By Zhao Yidi and Kevin HamlinSept. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Eighteen months ago, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told an audience at the Shanghai Futures Exchange that China risked trillions of dollars in lost economic potential unless it freed up its capital markets.``An open, competitive, and liberalized financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promotes stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention,'' Paulson said.That advice rings hollow in China as Paulson plans a $700 billion rescue for U.S. financial institutions and the Securities and Exchange Commission bans short sales of insurers, banks and securities firms. Regulators in the fastest-growing major economy say they may ditch plans to introduce derivatives, and some company bosses are rethinking U.S. business models.``The U.S. financial system was regarded as a model, and we tried our best to copy whatever we could,'' said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China's central bank. ``Suddenly we find our teacher is not that excellent, so the next time when we're designing our financial system we will use our own mind more.''The recent moves by Paulson, the former chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., contradict what the U.S. told Asian governments over the past decade. Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia were urged to let unviable banks fail during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.`Turning Left'``It's the end of an era,'' said Shanghai-based Andy Xie, a independent analyst who was formerly Morgan Stanley's chief Asia economist. ``In 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, socialism was discredited and the whole world turned right. Now financial capital has been discredited and the whole world, including the U.S., is turning left.''China's economy has grown an average of 9.9 percent a year since former leader Deng Xiaoping ditched hard-line Communist policies and began moving toward a free market in 1978.Since joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has gradually opened its markets to foreign competition, allowing international investment banks to form joint ventures with local partners and permitting the biggest state banks to sell shares on overseas stock exchanges. In the past three years, China dropped a decade-old currency peg to the dollar, introduced foreign- exchange swaps and forwards that allow investors to hedge or bet on currency fluctuations, and expanded the bond market.China has yet to allow margin trading -- where investors borrow money to buy shares -- or futures contracts based on equity indexes.`It's Ironic'Since China permitted securities backed by assets such as mortgages in 2005, only 14 such instruments have been approved for sale, according to the Web site run by China Government Securities Depository Trust and Clearing Co., the country's biggest debt clearing house.China's financial institutions were slow to buy the mortgage-related securities that triggered the U.S. meltdown, incurring just $4.3 billion in losses and writedowns, according to data compiled Bloomberg.Globally, banks have written down more than $520 billion as the credit crisis led to the demise or makeover of Wall Street's five biggest investment banks. In response, the U.S. government nationalized insurer American International Group Inc., as well as mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.``It's ironic Paulson has become the manager of many large financial institutions,'' said Wang Jun, a finance specialist at the World Bank in Beijing. ``He will have to ask the Chinese leaders about their experience of managing state-owned assets.''`Double-Edged Sword'Plans to introduce many financial products, including derivatives, may be shelved as China focuses on improving risk- management, said Fan Wenzhong, deputy head of research at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, at an industry conference Sept. 18 in Beijing.``Financial innovation is a double-edged sword,'' Fan said. ``We can't just concentrate on product innovation and overlook the need to build the financial system.''Derivatives are contracts whose value is derived from stocks, bonds, loans, currencies and commodities, or linked to specific events such as changes in interest rates or the weather.Eventually, China's leaders will have to take a cue from the U.S. and western Europe by allowing more competition to provide cheaper funding for companies and consumers, said Fraser Howie, co-author of ``Privatizing China: The Stock Markets and Their Role in Corporate Reform'' (Wiley 2003).Rethinking Strategies``China doesn't have any choice except to continue with the U.S. model because there is no competing system,'' he said. ``More people die in cars than they did on horses, but

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Paulson Seeks Mortgage Value That Eluded Bear, Lehman (Update1)

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 4:05:05 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Paulson Seeks Mortgage Value That Eluded Bear, Lehman (Update1)  Paulson Seeks Mortgage Value That Eluded Bear, Lehman (Update1)By Bob IvrySept. 24 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's bailout plan hinges on answering the question that has vexed global markets for more than a year and sunk two securities firms: What's a bad mortgage worth?Pay too much for hard-to-value mortgage debt held by banks and recouping taxpayers' $700 billion investment becomes less likely, Merrill Lynch & Co. analysts led by Akiva Dickstein wrote in a Sept. 22 report. Pay too little and the banks may either refuse to sell or be forced to hoard cash to make up for losses, the analysts said.``This pricing thing is the 800-pound gorilla, the absolute core of the whole plan,'' said Bert Ely, a banking industry consultant in Alexandria, Virginia. ``If the government takes an aggressive posture, it benefits taxpayers but it means some of the banks will have serious capital problems. This has the potential of politically being very troubling.''Paulson said an economic recovery in the U.S. depends on stabilizing home prices, which were down 18.8 percent in June from their peak two years ago, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index. That rebound is impossible without mortgage financing, and it's unclear how the government bailout will make credit more available, said New York-based UBS AG analyst David Goldberg.Helps Balance Sheets``This plan clearly helps bank balance sheets, but to what end?'' Goldberg said in an interview. ``Why do we make the assumption that it will lead to looser lending standards? It's conceivable it might be exactly the opposite. So I'm not sure this helps that much.''To ensure bank solvency, regulators require institutions to keep a minimum amount of cash on hand based on the loans they've made, said Gary Gordon, an analyst at Portales Partners LLC in New York.Some banks have set aside money to cover losses on mortgage assets and some haven't, Gordon said. Those that haven't will lend less because they have to keep their cash to meet loss reserves, he said.``If banks don't have loss provisions, they'll need to shore up their capital and that might cause a contraction of credit,'' Nouriel Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics and professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business, said in an interview. ``We're still in the process of a severe housing recession, with or without this plan.''Proposed BailoutThe proposed bailout, being debated in Congress, comes in the wake of the Sept. 15 bankruptcy filing of New York-based Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the biggest U.S. underwriter of mortgage- backed securities, and the Sept. 7 nationalization of the two biggest U.S. mortgage finance companies, Washington-based Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, based in McLean, Virginia.Credit markets froze in August 2007 after two hedge funds run by New York-based Bear Stearns Cos., the fifth-largest U.S. securities firm, collapsed due to the deteriorating value of its mortgage-related holdings. An inability to set a price on such securities has frozen the market, said Joshua Rosner, managing director at Graham Fisher & Co. in New York.``It's not a liquidity problem, it's a valuation problem,'' Rosner said.After its value fell 93 percent in a week, Bear Stearns was bought by New York-based JPMorgan Chase & Co., the third-largest U.S. bank by assets, in a bailout orchestrated in March by the Federal Reserve.Residential MortgagesThe Paulson plan would focus on $6 trillion of residential mortgages not currently owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration, and $3.4 trillion in commercial and multifamily loans and mortgage-backed securities, according to the analysts at New York-based Merrill Lynch.Officials have discussed holding a reverse auction, Paulson said, meaning that firms holding the distressed assets would submit bids on the prices at which they were willing to sell. The Treasury might then buy the assets that are offered at the lowest prices.In testimony yesterday to the Senate Banking Committee, Paulson called his troubled-asset relief program the ``single most effective thing we can do to help homeowners'' and the overall economy.In a Sept. 11 report, the Washington-based Mortgage Bankers Association estimated that 20 percent fewer residential mortgage loans would be made this year than in 2007. Home-loan borrowing was at a 26-year low in the second quarter, according to the Federal Reserve's Sept. 18 Flow of Funds report.SubprimeThe number of available mortgages will fall even further, said William Isaac, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. from 1981 to 1985.``I doubt the banks that got burned in subprime mortgages will start lending anytime soon,'' Isaac said. ``I wouldn't expect a

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Secretary Paulson’s taxpayer hedge fund

2008-09-25 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 3:56:08 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Secretary Paulson’s taxpayer hedge fund  Secretary Paulson’s taxpayer hedge fundKarl S. OkamotoPhiladelphia InquirerSeptember 24, 2008Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s $700 billion bailout of Wall Street essentially places the federal government at the helm of the world’s biggest hedge fund.After all, isn’t that what this bailout is proposing to do with taxpayers’ money?Under the plan, Paulson will invest $700 billion - at his discretion, with no strings - into so-called mortgage-related assets.That sure sounds like a hedge fund.So shouldn’t we - or the fiduciaries we’ve elected to Congress - ask some of the same questions an investor would ask before putting his or her money into a hedge fund?For example: Secretary Paulson, how do you plan to make money?Apparently, the plan is to buy mortgage-related securities and hold them until the current crisis passes. Everyone understands that a buy-and-hold strategy can make money provided that you buy low and sell higher.But since the purpose of this new fund is to allow banks to unload inflated securities in order to avoid significant further write-downs, Secretary Paulson is looking to launch his new hedge fund by buying in at prices that are higher than the prevailing market price.In other words, Paulson seems to be overpaying.Of course, it may well turn out that in time, as markets stabilize, he still may recover his costs and even earn a profit.But Paulson is certainly not starting out with the goal of making money.Read article  9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising   Get the DVD and make copies or watch the high quality streaming and download version online at Prison Planet.tv. Click here to read more about the film and view sample trailers.The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.infowars.com/?p=4809Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Ever seen NEWSMEAT? They tell you how much someone gave to politicos

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: anita sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 24, 2008 8:02:17 AM PDT
Subject: Ever seen NEWSMEAT? They tell you how much someone gave to  



You put in a name, state & this website flashes back what they gave,  

to whom and if they won or not

Marcy Winograd an L.A> high school teacher has given as much as ROB  

she's running for Jane Harman's Seat in Congress. Is a long period of
giving $ req'd of a potential candidate?

she's on KPFK.org radio live right now.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Michael Parenti Speaking at Scripps College in Claremont - Wednesday, September 24th at 7:30 PM - "GLOBAL MEDIA: METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATON" - Free Event

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: sasha karlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 24, 2008 3:53:58 AM PDTTo: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [NewPacifica] Michael Parenti Speaking at Scripps College in Claremont - Wednesday, September 24th at 7:30 PM - "GLOBAL MEDIA: METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATON" -  Free EventReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Michael Parenti  Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer. He is one of the nation’s leading progressive political analysts.  Speaking at Scripps College   Wednesday, September 24th  7:30 PM - Free Event   "GLOBAL MEDIA: METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATON" Scripps College Garrison Theater 231 East 10th Street, Claremont,  91711  (909)621-8326  http://www.collegescalendar.org  Map this Address =

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] [Fwd: New Free Book Online: ELECTION 2000: Lipstick on the Pig]

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 24, 2008 12:27:48 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] [Fwd: New Free Book Online: ELECTION 2000:  
Lipstick on the Pig]


 Original Message 
Subject:New Free Book Online: ELECTION 2000: Lipstick on the Pig
Date:   Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:30:20 -0400
From:   Robert Steele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robert Steele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For information.  I have just published this.  It is free online.  I
urge you to make it your own and post it elsewhere so as to reduce the
load on our humble website in Sweden.  If you do, this notice can be
reused, just change the URL in the last line--or not, pass it on as is.
This can also be translated.  Time to kill the pig.

Semper Fidelis,
Robert Steele

*New Book, free online and also at Amazon in hard copy wire bound.*
*ELECTION 2000: Lipstick on the Pig
by Robert David STEELE Vivas, Citizen Intelligence Minuteman.*

This full color wire bound letter size book, 137 pages with provocative
illustrations and informative graphics,
is free for online reading or individual download or printing.  The
author encourages uploading to other websites so as to reduce the load
on his Sweden-based humble website.

A devastingly blunt forward places the current financial crisis in
perspective, as the THIRD of our clear and present dangers.  The first
is the massive electoral fraud now going on, and the prevention of other
parties from being included in the debates and in the public dialog.
The second is the growing desire for secession by over two dozen
movements, with Vermont, elements of the South, and the Pacific
Northwest having the strongest proponency at this time.

Chapters on The Substance of Governance; Legitimate Grievances (Part I
on Secessionists, Part II on Anti-Americanism); Candidates on the
Issues; Balanced Budget 101; and Call to Arms: Fund We Not Them, arouse,
inspire, annoy, and provoke.  An annotated bibliography with active
links to over 500 books spanning over twenty-five topics from
Anti-Americanism and Betrayal of the Public Trust to Collective
Intelligence, Democracy in Decline, Innovation & 21st Century
Leadership, and Philosophy, Pyschology, and Religion from Faith to
Fascism, will provide many hours of free direct access to the most
recent noni-fiction relevant to determining whether the two political
parties are the pig and this election is the lipstick.  As the author
concludes, "let's lose the lopstick, eat the pig, and move on."

Enjoy.  The book is free online at www.oss.net/PIG

Pass it on

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
"reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation
collected and posted to Spy News for OSI purposes - it should be
a serious reason (particularly to journalists and web publishers)
to think twice before using it for their story writing, further
publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's bailout

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daniel Glover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 24, 2008 12:05:25 AM PDT
Subject: [IPCUSA] US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's  


US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's bailout


“This may prove to be the dollar’s epochal moment – the moment  

look back at as its major turning point.”

By Edmund Conway
Last Updated: 10:47PM BST 22 Sep 2008

Comments 89
Comment on

this article

The dollar could be at a major turning point

The dollar could be at a major turning point Photo: AP

Whether or not tomorrow’s accounts of today’s turmoil prove David Owen  
Dresdner Kleinwort right; whether or not this is the beginning of the  
end of

the dollar’s pre-eminence in the world’s central banks and foreign
exchanges, the economic landscape has undoubtedly changed forever.

The US taxpayer bail-out of America’s banking sector is an event whose
significance will reverberate for many years. What it means for free
markets, for the way Western economies are run, for the prosperity of  

world economy, must remain to be seen.

But as investors scrambled to make sense of last week’s events,  
already one
conclusion was all but irrefutable – the US dollar will have to take  

major fall.

The dollar rally that began in July and pushed the pound’s value  
against the
greenback significantly lower has come to an abrupt end as markets  
face up
to the fact that the currency will have to absorb the effects of a  

shocking increase in America’s budget deficit.

When Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson announced that the world’s biggest
economy was about to embark on the world’s biggest bail-out for its
financial sector, the first concern economists had was about the long- 

prospects for the nation’s finances and its currency.

Might the dollar now be vulnerable to a run? In the longer term, might  

signal the beginning of the end for the dollar’s status as the world’s
reserve currency?

The US Treasury was already planning to borrow $438bn (£237bn) next  
year to

shore up its budget deficit. That could now rise to $1 trillion or more
after the cost of the $700bn mortgage rescue fund is taken into account.
Budget deficits of that kind are usually enough to scare many foreign
investors away, and indeed the dollar slumped 1.1 cents to $1.8441  
the pound yesterday, and in late trading was down almost two cents  

the euro at $1.46880.

Ironically, despite the pound’s comparative strength against the  
dollar –

having risen from just above $1.75 in the past few weeks – it remains
extremely weak against other world currencies, due to investors’ fears  

the UK’s own home-grown problems.

“The magic trillion-dollar deficit is within sight,” says Simon  
Derrick, of
Bank of New York Mellon, “The combination of the fiscal position and  

monetary policy is likely to be significantly dollar-negative. With an
expanding supply of US paper they might want to hold something else as  
safe haven, which might mean other currencies and might just as easily  

commodities such as gold.”

When a government opens the spending taps and borrows more, investors
invariably take flight, fearing that assets denominated in those  

will lose their value as inflation rises and the currency weakens.

However, with the Treasury still reluctant to spell out precisely how  
rescue package, modelled on the late 1980s’ Resolution Trust  
will work, analysts are still unclear about how far the dollar has to  

It is likewise still unknown precisely what effect the quasi- 
of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will have for the nation’s finances,  

the implications will again almost certainly be negative.

According to Mr Derrick, “the sums have changed so quickly on the fiscal
side within the space of two weeks, and clearly the outlook for the US
economy relative to where people were forecasting before Freddie and  

Investors will also have a radically different outlook for the future.”

The biggest question, however, is whether the reserve managers in  
banks in China and elsewhere will treat this as a justification for  

off some of their massive mountain of dollar-denominated investments. If
this were to happen, it could cause a catastrophic drop in the US  

potentially compromising its status as the world’s re

[cia-drugs] Fwd: abject servility by banking committee to HANK!

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: anita sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 23, 2008 11:40:18 PM PDT
Subject: abject servility by banking committee to HANK!

The ties that bind: Dodd, Schumer and Wall Street

By Barry Grey
24 September 2008

There is nothing mysterious about the abject servility exhibited by the
members of the Senate Banking Committee toward Treasury Secretary Henry
Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at Tuesday’s hearing  

the Bush administration’s bailout plan for Wall Street.

All of them have a stake, personal and financial as well as political,  

rescuing the financial elite at the expense of the American
people. This applies no less to the Democrats than to the Republicans.

About half of the Senate’s 100 members were millionaires in 2006,  

to the Center for Responsive Politics (CPR),
with an average net worth of $8.9 million.

The two leading Democrats on the Banking Committee, Chairman Christopher
Dodd of Connecticut and Charles Schumer of New York, are among the most
favored recipients of campaign cash from big Wall Street interests.

Senator Schumer raised $12,928,000 in the 2003-2008 election cycle,
according to the CPR. His top five industries for
campaign cash were securities and investment, lawyers and law firms,  

estate, miscellaneous finance and commercial banks,
from which he netted a total of $3,937,000. His top five contributing  

were Citigroup, UBS, Paul Weiss et al, Kasowitz,
Benson et al and Metlife, which funneled a total of $271,000 to his

In the course of his political career, Senator Dodd has raised  

In the 2003-2008 election cycle his top five
industries for campaign funds were securities and investment  

lawyers and law firms, insurance, real estate and
commercial banks, for a total of $9,826,000. His top five contributing
firms were Citigroup, SAC Capital Partners, United
Technologies, Royal Bank of Scotland and the insurance giant (taken  
over by

the government earlier this month) American
International Group. His total take from these firms was $1,315,000.

Dodd, who presents himself as the champion of homeowners victimized by  

subprime mortgage racket, proposed a housing
bill in June of this year that would assist subprime lenders such as
Countrywide Financial, the biggest purveyor of such home
loans. Countrywide, on the brink of collapse, was bought out by Bank of
America earlier this year.

Condé Nast Portfolio reported that in 2003 Dodd refinanced the  
mortgages on

his homes in Washington DC and Connecticut
through Countrywide and received below-market rates due to his having  

placed in a “Friends of Angelo” program (named
for CEO Angelo Mozilo).

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] The modern trojan horse - the banksters' invasion and control of us all

2008-09-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daniel Glover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 24, 2008 12:03:22 AM PDT
Subject: [IPCUSA] The modern trojan horse - the banksters' invasion  
and control of us all


The modern trojan horse - the banksters' invasion and control of us all



It is bankers such as Henry Paulson who are responsible for America's
disintegrating and imploding economy. Since 1913 America has allowed  

bankers to control the issuance of America's money and now, in the very
midst of the problems they themselves created, the bankers through  
plan are seeking unsupervised control over America's economy complete  

immunity from any future criminal prosecution.

This is because the bankers not only want America to bail them out,  
they are

planning to steal their assets back in the process.

BY COURTS (Update2)
By Alison Fitzgerald and John Brinsley

Sept. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration sought unchecked power  

Congress to buy $700 billion in bad mortgage investments from financial
companies in what would be an unprecedented government intrusion into  


Through his plan, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson aims to avert a  
freeze that would bring the financial system and the world's largest  
to a standstill. The bill would prevent courts from reviewing actions  

under its authority. [bold, mine]

"He's asking for a huge amount of power,'' said Nouriel Roubini, an
economist at New York University. "He's saying, 'Trust me, I'm going  
to do

it right if you give me absolute control.' This is not a monarchy.''

The investment banks are even now intending to violate the law in  
proposed government takeover and redistribution of bank assets. It is  
in the
redistribution and sale of bank assets where the crimes will occur -  
which will be granted pre-existing immunity from judicial prosecution  

Paulson's proposal.

This same caveat - immunity from subsequent criminal prosecution - was  
written into the authorization of the original Resolution Trust  

which disposed of government seized property after the Savings & Loan

The reason no one remembers the hundreds of billions of dollars of  
property from Savings & Loans listed for sale by the RTC is because it  


The greatest wealth transfer in recent history happened when taxpayer  

was used to liquidate S&L properties which were then "sold" to
well-connected insiders in transactions immune from criminal  
prosecution for

literally pennies on the dollar.

The soon-to-be owned bank assets under Paulson's plan will not be sold  
the highest bidders in an open and fair auction, they will be disposed  

again to pools of the wealthy and well-connected at highly discounted
insider valuations. The people will pay, the rich will profit.


No, this isn't a monarchy. This is fascism.


Today, investment banker Henry Paulson, former CEO of investment bank
Goldman Sachs is US Secretary of the Treasury. This is no coincidence.
Thomas Jefferson would not be surprised.

Paulson's plan to bail out the banks is being presented to American  
as a fait accompli, as a necessary step to prevent the complete  
meltdown of

our financial system. Paulson's plan is exactly what every venal,
opportunistic and self-serving banker would propose as a solution to
America's problems in such circumstances.


The answer to America's problems is clear. Thomas Jefferson said it two
hundred years ago.

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the  

to whom it properly belongs.

Let's do what has to be done, America - or do you still want to blame  
terrorists and illegal immigrants for America's problems; or maybe you  
still hoping that somehow maybe somehow Paulson's proposed trillion  
government bailout of the rich and well-connected will somehow trickle  
to you and save you and your family from being tossed out onto the  

when your house is foreclosed on by the banks he is going to save.

The majority will always willing pay the price of fascism

When this is all over - and someday it will be - it is my hope that we  

have learned the lessons that we have now forgotten. That bankers, like
vicious dogs, must always be kept on short leashes for the public  
safety and

public good (neutering should also be a requirement); and, that gold and
silver, not credit and debt, are the only foundation of sound money.


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Proxy server trail leads FBI to Palin email hacker

2008-09-21 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 21, 2008 4:33:39 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Proxy server trail leads FBI to Palin email hacker

Proxy server trail leads FBI to Palin email hacker
By Humphrey Cheung
Friday, September 19, 2008 21:44

Anchorage (Alaska) – FBI agents are using proxy server logs to track
down the hacker who broke into Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account.  The
hacker gained access to the Republican Vice Presidential candidate's
account by resetting the password.  He then posted details of his
adventures up on a popular online forum, but that information is now
leading reporters and federal investigators to the suspect – a
Tennessee university college student and son of state democratic
representative Mike Kernell.

A few days ago, someone going by the name of "Rubico" gloated on
4chan.org that he managed to hack into Sarah Palin's Yahoo account.
He forced a password reset by answering questions about Palin's
birthdate, zip code and where she met her spouse, Wasilla High School.
 Of course, by being the Republican candidate for Vice President,
this information is all very easily found on the Internet.  After
answering the questions, Rubico reset the password to "popcorn" and
read through Palin's emails.

And it seems he was pretty thorough, saying he read, "ALL OF THEM" on
the boards.  He even posted up screenshots of the Yahoo email page,
complete with the full URL (we'll talk about that later). Rubico says
he didn't find anything incriminating and the emails were actually
fairly mundane family pictures and correspondence.  But his jubilation
turned into horror as he realized that he didn't take proper
precautions in covering his tracks.

Rubico used a proxy server that shields the source IP address from
website logging scripts.  While this sounds great, Rubico posted, "Yes
I was behind a proxy, only one, if this sh** ever got to the FBI I was

In his gloating, Rubico posted up screenshots of the Yahoo account
complete with the full URL which included the proxy server url
(ctunnel.com) appended with a unique identifier.  For example, we used
ctunnel.com to surf to YouTube and the URL reads -

So it doesn't take a genius to go through the logs and match up the
ID to the appropriate IP address and BAM, you got the hacker.

But aren't proxy servers supposed to anonymize your information?  Yes
and no.  Dan Goodin over at The Register talked to Gabriel Ramuglia,
the owner of the ctunnel.com proxy server that Rubico allegedly used.
Ramuglia is upset about the ordeal because his service was never
meant to be used for illegal activies and says Rubico definitely broke
his site's terms of service.  Ramuglia added that every incoming IP
address is logged with the time and destination website.

Ramuglia told Goodin that he hasn't a chance yet to examine his logs,
but added that there is a good chance that it will lead to the hacker.
Since the interview, he's received a call from the Anchorage Alaska
FBI field office and agents there are highly suggesting that he not
lose the logs.

But it gets even better.  White hat hackers didn't even need proxy
information to find the culprit because they discovered that the
Rubico forum handle was linked to This e-mail address is being
protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   A
few searches on Google and YouTube further links this email address to
20-year-old David Kernell, a student at the University of
Tennessee-Knoxville.  His father is Democratic Tennessee state
representative Mike Kernell.

As you can expect, the Yahoo account has been frozen and all the
incriminating forum posts on 4chan.org have been deleted.  But this
didn't stop Wired.com from printing some of the posts.  Don't you just
love it when hackers brag about the "leet" skills?

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
"reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation
collected and posted to Spy News for OSI purposes - it should be
a serious reason (particularly to journalists and web publishers)
to think twice before using it for their story writing, further
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: New Lego Building Blocks for the Big Boys!

2008-09-21 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 21, 2008 3:18:23 PM PDT
To: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Lego Building Blocks for the Big Boys!

- Original Message -
From: Walter Burien
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: New Lego Building Blocks for the Big Boys!


New Lego Building Blocks for the Big Boys!

View the Pictures at: http://CAFR1.com/Legos.html

It appears the Government has new Lego building blocks to play with.  
Prison cells that are designed to snap together to build a prison  
anywhere at any time to meet the demand.

The new Lego style can be snapped together to make a hundred, a  
thousand, or hundred thousand cell prisons, two, three, or ten blocks  
high. Rather expensive to make these mobile type units don't you  
think? Our government must see a need for them somewhere. Your home  
town when needed maybe?

Move em in, move em out when and where needed! The people need to  
confiscate a few of these units and stack them in DC and Wall Street.  
They are truly needed there and could be put to good use.

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien

Pension funds pay a salary and benefits at retirement. Any local  
government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs  
"Without" taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City,  
County, State’s annual budgetary needs! This now makes the people the  
true owners with government being the true service provider.  
Government has already shown that a TRF works by example through the  
management of their own combined multi-trillion dollar pension funds!  
CAFR1 says: Make it law and make it so!


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.7.0/1683 - Release Date:  
9/21/2008 10:10 AM

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Paulson Commits Trillions of Tax Payer Dollars to the Mother of All Bailouts

2008-09-20 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 20, 2008 5:01:24 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Paulson Commits Trillions of Tax Payer Dollars to the Mother of All Bailouts  Paulson Commits Trillions of Tax Payer Dollars to the Mother of All BailoutsStock-Markets / Government Intervention Sep 19, 2008 - 12:28 PMBy: Peter_SchiffJust three days ago, after looking at the prospect of bailing a string of distressed financial institution in the country, the government seemingly drew a line in the sand, and refused to bail out Lehman Brothers. The authorities clearly saw Lehman’s demise as a trial balloon to see how the markets would react if the government stayed on the sidelines. That trial balloon quickly turned into the Hindenburg. Immediately reversing course, the Government has decided to go “all in” and bail out every institution with financial exposure to U.S. mortgages.Simply put, Americans will not be allowed to visibly suffer losses after the greatest asset bubble in U.S. history. But make no mistake, the losses are real and Americans will pay one way or another.Moving beyond the guided munitions of selective bailouts, the Government is now trying the financial equivalent of carpet bombing (for AIG, Merrill Lynch, and especially Lehman Brothers, this gives new meaning to being a day late and a dollar short). To continue with the military analogies, Paulson's bazooka turned out to be a nuclear tipped ballistic missile.By committing trillions of tax payer dollars (not the “hundreds of billions” that Paulson predicts), the plan will save commercial and investment banks from certain bankruptcy. In his statement today, Paulson made clear that Congress must pass new legislation to allow the Government to acquire even those loans too poorly collateralized to currently qualify for GSE or FHA absorption. The losses baked into these mortgage products, which Wall Street has been reluctant to even estimate, will now be borne wholly by taxpayers.In his press conference, Paulson assured us that this plan was designed to safeguard our savings. But in typical government fashion, the plan will have the reverse effect as savings is wiped out through inflation. He also claims that the plan will safeguard home equity by keeping real estate prices high. Since when did high home prices become a strategic national priority? If the plan succeeds, the gains for home sellers will simply be matched by losses for homebuyers, who end up paying inflated prices, and taxpayers, who get stuck with the losses when those buyers default.Paulson’s distress and confusion was clearly evident when he fielded questions from reporters. The first asked Paulson to describe his fears regarding the probable economic consequences of government inaction. Paulson provided no answer and promptly exited stage right.When the U.S. government owns all mortgages, the real estate market will be completely subject to political, rather than financial, concerns. Will foreclosures be outlawed? Will loan term easements and principal reductions become standard campaign issues?While it is dizzying to predict how this plan will be implemented, it is fairly simple to foresee the macroeconomic consequences. The U.S. dollar will be shattered beyond repair. The government simply has no means to make good on the trillions of new liabilities. Interestingly, while both Paulson and President Bush acknowledge that the plan will put “significant amounts of taxpayer dollars on the line,” they did not mention any tax increases. Given the politics, no such move is forthcoming. The printing press is their only solution.The government has also decided to insure all money market funds, adding trillions more in unfunded liabilities to the Federal balance sheet in the blink of an eye. Of course, since bad real estate loans are not the only toxic assets on the balance sheets of financial institution, we will also need to absorb other classes of asset-backed securities, such as those backed by credit card debt and auto loans. So while the move ensures that depositors will not lose money, is does insure that the money itself will lose value. Is the trade-off really worth it? Washington thinks so.Further, since I assume the plan will apply to all mortgage debt, U.S. taxpayers will also be on the hook to bail out foreign institutions that loaded up on the financial sludge. However, once the government takes them off the hook, do not expect them to re-invest the windfall back into other U.S. dollar denominated assets. This get-out-of-jail free card will likely scare them straight. The global mass exodus from the U.S. dollar and Treasury debt is about to begin: do not get caught in the stampede.Although gold initially sold off as the apparent need for a financial safe haven ebbed, look for a spectacular rally to commence as its traditional role as an inflation hedge returns with a vengeance.For a more in depth analysis of our financial problems and

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] The Power of Political Misinformation

2008-09-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 19, 2008 7:34:02 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] The Power of Political Misinformation

NEWS | OPINIONS | SPORTS | ARTS & LIVING | Discussions | Photos &  
Video |


The Power of Political Misinformation

By Shankar Vedantam
Monday, September 15, 2008; A06

Have you seen the photo of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah
Palin brandishing a rifle while wearing a U.S. flag bikini? Have you  

the e-mail saying Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was sworn
into the U.S. Senate with his hand placed on the Koran? Both are
fabricated -- and are among the hottest pieces of misinformation in

As the presidential campaign heats up, intense efforts are underway to
debunk rumors and misinformation. Nearly all these efforts rest on the
assumption that good information is the antidote to misinformation.

But a series of new experiments show that misinformation can exercise a
ghostly influence on people's minds after it has been debunked -- even
among people who recognize it as misinformation. In some cases,
correcting misinformation serves to increase the power of bad

In experiments conducted by political scientist John Bullock at Yale
University, volunteers were given various items of political
misinformation from real life. One group of volunteers was shown a
transcript of an ad created by NARAL Pro-Choice America that accused  

G. Roberts Jr., President Bush's nominee to the Supreme Court at the
time, of "supporting violent fringe groups and a convicted clinic

A variety of psychological experiments have shown that political
misinformation primarily works by feeding into people's preexisting
views. People who did not like Roberts to begin with, then, ought to  

been most receptive to the damaging allegation, and this is exactly what
Bullock found. Democrats were far more likely than Republicans to
disapprove of Roberts after hearing the allegation.

Bullock then showed volunteers a refutation of the ad by abortion-rights
supporters. He also told the volunteers that the advocacy group had
withdrawn the ad. Although 56 percent of Democrats had originally
disapproved of Roberts before hearing the misinformation, 80 percent of
Democrats disapproved of the Supreme Court nominee afterward. Upon
hearing the refutation, Democratic disapproval of Roberts dropped only  

72 percent.

Republican disapproval of Roberts rose after hearing the misinformation
but vanished upon hearing the correct information. The damaging charge,
in other words, continued to have an effect even after it was debunked
among precisely those people predisposed to buy the bad information in
the first place.

Bullock found a similar effect when it came to misinformation about
abuses at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  
were shown a Newsweek report that suggested a Koran had been flushed  

a toilet, followed by a retraction by the magazine. Where 56 percent of
Democrats had disapproved of detainee treatment before they were
misinformed about the Koran incident, 78 percent disapproved afterward.
Upon hearing the refutation, Democratic disapproval dropped back only to
68 percent -- showing that misinformation continued to affect the
attitudes of Democrats even after they knew the information was false.

Bullock and others have also shown that some refutations can strengthen
misinformation, especially among conservatives.

Political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler provided two groups
of volunteers with the Bush administration's prewar claims that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction. One group was given a refutation -- the
comprehensive 2004 Duelfer report that concluded that Iraq did not have
weapons of mass destruction before the United States invaded in 2003.
Thirty-four percent of conservatives told only about the Bush
administration's claims thought Iraq had hidden or destroyed its weapons
before the U.S. invasion, but 64 percent of conservatives who heard both
claim and refutation thought that Iraq really did have the weapons. The
refutation, in other words, made the misinformation worse.

A similar "backfire effect" also influenced conservatives told about  

administration assertions that tax cuts increase federal revenue. One
group was offered a refutation by prominent economists that included
current and former Bush administration officials. About 35 percent of
conservatives told about the Bush claim believed it; 67 percent of those
provided with both assertion and refutation believed that tax cuts
increase revenue.

In a paper approaching publication, Nyhan, a PhD student at Duke
University, and Reifler, at Georgia State University, suggest that

[cia-drugs] The Faces of the Financial Crisis

2008-09-18 Thread RoadsEnd


2008-09-17 Thread RoadsEnd
Roscoe, if you wish to be told what to think, go watch FOX-TV.  I  
would rather folks just go see it for themselves and think for  
themselves, if they need to be told by my eloquence to go watch-it,  
well I guess they might miss it, ... aw, shucks.

The films have been out for years, and yes, it is very good. I  
recommend it. Go watch it, if you haven't seen it. It may help you to  
understand the world we live in. I have plenty to do creating new  
content and context.

On Sep 17, 2008, at 5:15 AM, roscoe drummond wrote:

Okay "RoadsEnd",, why don't you now  tell us what was, in your words,  
very good about it.

RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tis very good.


On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

Haven't seen this yet, but it looks good.  -Vmann


The Century Of The Self - Part 1of4
Happiness Machines

The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American  
nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations  
profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas  
to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they  
could make people want things they didn't need by systematically  
linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of  
mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from  
celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the  

His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by  
persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and  
freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way  
of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to  
control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that  
his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile.

It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate  
today's world.


The Century Of The Self - Part 2of4
The Engineering of Consent

The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used  
Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses.

Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise -  
that deep within all human beings were dangerous and irrational  
desires and fears. They were convinced that it was the unleashing of  
these instincts that had led to the barbarism of Nazi Germany. To stop  
it ever happening again they set out to find ways to control this  
hidden enemy within the human mind.

Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew, Edward Bernays,  
provided the centrepiece philosophy. The US government, big business,  
and the CIA used their ideas to develop techniques to manage and  
control the minds of the American people. But this was not a cynical  
exercise in manipulation. Those in power believed that the only way to  
make democracy work and create a stable society was to repress the  
savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of normal American  


The Century Of The Self - Part 3of4
There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the  
influence of Freudian ideas in America. They were inspired by the  
ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Freud's, who had turned against him  
and was hated by the Freud family. He believed that the inner self did  
not need to be repressed and controlled. It should be encouraged to  
express itself.

Out of this came a political movement that sought to create new beings  
free of the psychological conformity that had been implanted in  
people's minds by business and politics.

This programme shows how this rapidly developed in America through  
self-help movements like Werber Erhard's Erhard Seminar Training -  
into the irresistible rise of the expressive self: the Me Generation.

But the American corporations soon realised that this new self was not  
a threat but their greatest opportunity. It was in their interest to  
encourage people to feel they were unique individuals and then sell  
them ways to express that individuality. To do this they turned to  
techniques developed by Freudian psychoanalysts to read the inner  
desires of the new self.


The Century Of The Self - Part 4of4
Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

This episode explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and  
America, turned to the techniques developed by business to read and  
fulfil the inner desires of the self.

Both New Labour, under Tony Blair, and the Democrats, led by Bill 


2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Tis very good.


On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

Haven't seen this yet, but it looks good.  -Vmann


The Century Of The Self - Part 1of4
Happiness Machines

The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American  
nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations  
profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas  
to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they  
could make people want things they didn't need by systematically  
linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.

Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of  
mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from  
celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the  

His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by  
persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and  
freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way  
of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to  
control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that  
his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile.

It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate  
today's world.


The Century Of The Self - Part 2of4
The Engineering of Consent

The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used  
Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses.

Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise -  
that deep within all human beings were dangerous and irrational  
desires and fears. They were convinced that it was the unleashing of  
these instincts that had led to the barbarism of Nazi Germany. To stop  
it ever happening again they set out to find ways to control this  
hidden enemy within the human mind.

Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew, Edward Bernays,  
provided the centrepiece philosophy. The US government, big business,  
and the CIA used their ideas to develop techniques to manage and  
control the minds of the American people. But this was not a cynical  
exercise in manipulation. Those in power believed that the only way to  
make democracy work and create a stable society was to repress the  
savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of normal American  


The Century Of The Self - Part 3of4
There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the  
influence of Freudian ideas in America. They were inspired by the  
ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Freud's, who had turned against him  
and was hated by the Freud family. He believed that the inner self did  
not need to be repressed and controlled. It should be encouraged to  
express itself.

Out of this came a political movement that sought to create new beings  
free of the psychological conformity that had been implanted in  
people's minds by business and politics.

This programme shows how this rapidly developed in America through  
self-help movements like Werber Erhard's Erhard Seminar Training -  
into the irresistible rise of the expressive self: the Me Generation.

But the American corporations soon realised that this new self was not  
a threat but their greatest opportunity. It was in their interest to  
encourage people to feel they were unique individuals and then sell  
them ways to express that individuality. To do this they turned to  
techniques developed by Freudian psychoanalysts to read the inner  
desires of the new self.


The Century Of The Self - Part 4of4
Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

This episode explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and  
America, turned to the techniques developed by business to read and  
fulfil the inner desires of the self.

Both New Labour, under Tony Blair, and the Democrats, led by Bill  
Clinton, used the focus group, which had been invented by  
psychoanalysts, in order to regain power. They set out to mould their  
policies to people's inner desires and feelings, just as capitalism  
had learnt to do with products.

Out of this grew a new culture of public relations and marketing in  
politics, business and journalism. One of its stars in Britain was  
Matthew Freud who followed in the footsteps of his relation, Edward  
Bernays, the inventor of public relations in the 1920s.

The politicians believed they were creating a new and better form of  
democracy, one that truly responded to the inner feelings of  
individual. But what they didn't realise was that the aim of those who  
had originally created these techniques ha

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Fed to loan AIG $85 billion and take 80% stake in rescue

2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2008 7:33:25 PM PDT
To: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fed to loan AIG $85 billion and take 80% stake in rescue

This is the central banks taking over US assets little by little till  
they own our whole country. That is why our forefathers told us not to  
allow a central bank that is attached to the International banking  

- Original Message - Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 7:05 PM
Subject: Fed to loan AIG $85 billion and take 80% stake in rescue

International Herald Tribune

Fed to loan AIG $85 billion and take 80% stake in rescue

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.21/1674 - Release Date:  
9/16/2008 8:15 AM

[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Corruption Inside Fannie Mae by Byron York - Article written September 9, 2008

2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2008 1:57:40 PM PDT
To: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Corruption Inside Fannie Mae by Byron York -  Article  
written September 9, 2008

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 1:54 AM
Subject: The Corruption Inside Fannie Mae by Byron York - Article  
written September 9, 2008

Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, Sampath Rajappa (head of the Office  
of Auditing to his accounting team) as well as others connected to  
their corruption at Fannie Mae


( Please note that this article was written on September 9, 2008.  
Quite a lot has happened to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac since this  
article was written.)

September 09, 2008, 5:30 a.m.

Politics and the Fannie Mae Piggy Bank
Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, and some very cooked books.

By Byron York

Editor’s note — The impending federal bailout of Fannie Mae and  
Freddie Mac has shed light not only on the seriousness of current  
housing market conditions but also on the mismanagement and corruption  
that helped cripple the mortgage giants. Although political figures  
from both parties have profited mightily from Fannie Mae, it has been  
a particular favorite of former officials of Democratic  
administrations, as NR’s Byron York found out when he looked into the  
situation in the summer of 2006.

On May 23, 2006, as a jury in Houston deliberated the case against top  
Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, a little-known  
regulatory agency in Washington, the Office of Federal Housing  
Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), released a study with the dryly  
bureaucratic title “Report of the Special Examination of Fannie Mae.”  
The document received far less attention than the news from Enron, but  
its conclusions were stunning. In meticulous detail, it outlined a  
culture of corruption at the Federal National Mortgage Association —  
better known as Fannie Mae — that rivals the most serious corporate  
scandals in recent years. In this case, however, the main players are  
Washington insiders — some of them prominent veterans of the Clinton  
administration — and the scandal’s effects could ripple through  
Congress for years.

Fannie Mae is the biggest single source of money for mortgages in the  
United States. From 1998 to 2004, the years covered by the OFHEO  
investigation, it was headed by former Clinton budget director  
Franklin Raines, whose top management team included former Clinton  
Justice Department official Jamie Gorelick, sometimes mentioned as a  
future attorney general in a Democratic administration. During that  
period, the report says, Raines and his team grossly overstated Fannie  
Mae’s earnings — to the tune of $10.6 billion — for the purpose of  
paying themselves big bonuses. “By deliberately and intentionally  
manipulating accounting to hit earnings targets,” the report says,  
“senior management maximized the bonuses and other executive  
compensation they received, at the expense of shareholders.”

In doing so, the report says, Raines and his team steered Fannie Mae  
far afield from its original mission, transforming it from a stable  
business into a risky one. Fannie Mae has its roots in the New Deal,  
when it was established to increase the amount of money available for  
mortgages. Over the years, its main business has been to issue debt  
and then use the proceeds to buy mortgages from lenders, allowing  
those lenders to give out new mortgages. Originally a government  
agency, Fannie Mae went private in 1968, with the goal of “increasing  
the availability and affordability of homeownership for low-,  
moderate-, and middle-income Americans,” according to its mission  

But Fannie Mae is not just any private institution. It is  
congressionally chartered, meaning its existence is established in  
law, it does not have to pay state and local income taxes, and it is  
not subject to bankruptcy laws. It can borrow money at a lower rate  
than anyone else except the federal government itself. Given all that,  
there is a public perception that Fannie Mae is a rock-solid  
government institution. “There is an implied guarantee,” says Sen.  
John Sununu, a member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban  
Affairs Committee who has sponsored legislation to reform Fannie Mae.  
“Investors think they are the next best thing to Treasuries.”

There’s no doubt that Fannie Mae succeeded in its original mission of  
increasing the amount of money available for mortgages. In the 1980s,  
it went a step further, essentially creating a new product when it  
bought up mortgages and bundled them for sale to investors as mortgage- 
backed securities. It was an extraordinarily profitable move for  
Fannie Mae, and good for the housing market, too.

But in the 1990s, the company moved in a much riskier direction.  
Fannie Mae used its borrowing power to buy up m

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] NATO Secret Armies Linked to Terrorism?

2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2008 10:09:11 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] NATO Secret Armies Linked to Terrorism?

NATO Secret Armies Linked to Terrorism? PDF



By Dr. Daniele Ganser

At a time when experts are debating whether NATO is suited to deal with
the global “war on terror”, new research suggests that the alliance’s
own secret history has links to terrorism.

ISN Editor’s Note:

This report written by Daniele Ganser is based on excerpts from his
newly released book, _“NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and
Terrorism in Western Europe”_, released this week by Frank Cass in  

The book describes NATO’s clandestine operations during the Cold War.
The research was prompted by a story that made world headlines in 1990
but quickly disappeared, ensuring that even today, NATO’s secret armies
remain just that - secret.

Until now, a full investigation of NATO’s secret armies had not been
carried out - a task that Ganser has taken on single-handedly and quite

In Italy, on 3 August 1990, then-prime minister Giulio Andreotti
confirmed the existence of a secret army code-named “Gladio” - the Latin
word for “sword” - within the state. His testimony before the Senate
subcommittee investigating terrorism in Italy sent shockwaves through
the Italian parliament and the public, as speculation arose that the
secret army had possibly manipulated Italian politics through acts of

Andreotti revealed that the secret Gladio army had been hidden within
the Defense Ministry as a subsection of the military secret service,
SISMI. General Vito Miceli, a former director of the Italian military
secret service, could hardly believe that Andreotti had lifted the
secret, and protested:

   "I have gone to prison because I did not want to reveal the
existence of this super secret organization. And now Andreotti comes
along and tells it to parliament!" According to a document compiled by
the Italian military secret service in 1959, the secret armies had a
two-fold strategic purpose: firstly, to operate as a so-called
“stay-behind” group in the case of a Soviet invasion and to carry out a
guerrilla war in occupied territories; secondly, to carry out domestic
operations in case of “emergency situations”.

The military secret services’ perceptions of what constituted an
“emergency” was well defined in Cold War Italy and focused on the
increasing strength of the Italian Communist and the Socialist parties,
both of which were tasked with weakening NATO “from within”. Felice
Casson, an Italian judge who during his investigations into right-wing
terrorism had first discovered the secret Gladio army and had forced
Andreotti to take a stand, found that the secret army had linked up with
right-wing terrorists in order to confront “emergency situations”. The
terrorists, supplied by the secret army, carried out bomb attacks in
public places, blamed them on the Italian left, and were thereafter
protected from prosecution by the military secret service. "You had to
attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown
people far removed from any political game,” right-wing terrorist
Vincezo Vinciguerra explained the so-called “strategy of tension” to  

   “The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these
people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater
security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres
and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot
convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."

No comment from NATO or the CIA

How strongly NATO and US intelligence backed and supported the use of
terror in Italy in order to discredit the political left during the Cold
War remains subject of ongoing research. General Gerardo Serravalle, who
had commanded the Italian Gladio secret army from 1971 to 1974,
confirmed that the secret army “could pass from a defensive,
post-invasion logic, to one of attack, of civil war”.

The Italian Senate chose to be more explicit and concluded in its
investigation in 2000: "Those massacres, those bombs, those military
actions had been organized or promoted or supported by men inside
Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by
men linked to the structures of United States intelligence." Ever since
the discovery of the secret NATO armies in 1990, research into
stay-behind armies has progressed only very slowly, due to very limited
access to primary documents and the refusal of both NATO and the 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] War à la carte

2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2008 10:00:07 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] War à la carte


*War à la carte*

Eric WalbergThe US is inventing wars aplenty these days. Will it be Iran
or Ossetia this month? asks Eric Walberg

Last week, Georgia launched a major military offensive against the rebel
province South Ossetia , just hours after President Mikheil Saakashvili
had announced a unilateral ceasefire. Close to 1,500 have been killed,
Russian officials say. Thirty thousand refugees, mostly women and
children, streamed across the border into the North Ossetian capital
Vladikavkaz in Russia .

The timing — and subterfuge — suggest the unscrupulous Saakashvili was
counting on surprise. “Most decision makers have gone for the holidays,”
he said in an interview with CNN. “Brilliant moment to attack a small
country.” Apparently he was referring to Russia invading Georgia ,
despite the fact that it was Georgia which had just launched a
full-scale invasion of the “small country” South Ossetia, while Russian
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was in Beijing for the Olympics.
Twenty-seven Russian peacekeepers and troops have been killed and 150
wounded so far, many when their barracks were shelled by Georgian forces
at the start of the invasion. Georgian State Minister for Reintegration
Temur Yakobashvili rushed to announce that their mini-blitzkreig had
destroyed ten Russian combat planes ( Russia says two) and that Georgian
troops were in full control of the capital Tskhinvali.

Russia’s Defense Ministry denounced the Georgian attack as a “dirty
adventure.” From Beijing , Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said,
“It is regrettable that on the day before the opening of the Olympic
Games, the Georgian authorities have undertaken aggressive actions in
South Ossetia .” He later added, “War has started.” Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev vowed that Moscow will protect Russian citizens — most
South Ossetians hold Russian passports. The offensive prompted Moscow to
send in 150 tanks, to launch air strikes on nearby Gori and military
sites, and to order warships to Georgia ’s Black Sea coast.

Georgia’s national security council declared a state of war with Russia
and a full military mobilisation. US military planes are already flying
Georgia ’s 2,000 troops in Iraq — the third-largest force after the
United States and Britain — back to confront the Russians. By Sunday,
despite early claims of victory, Georgian troops had retreated from
South Ossetia , leaving diplomatic rubble behind which will be very hard
to clear. Truth is stranger than fiction in Georgia .

The writing has been on the wall for months. Georgian President
Saakashvili’s fawning over Western leaders at the “emergency” NATO
meeting in April and his pre-election anti-Russian bluster in May made
it clear to all that Georgia is the more-than-willing canary in the
Eastern mine shaft. The Georgian attack on South Ossetia’s capital
Tskhinvali — I repeat — just hours after Saakashvili declared a
cease-fire, looks very much like an attempt to reincorporate the rebel
province into Georgia unilaterally. But whoever is advising the brash
young president ignores the postscript — no pasaran! South Ossetia has
been independent for 16 years and is not likely to drape flowers on
invading Georgia tanks. It also just happens to have Russia as patron.

The aftershocks of this wild gamble by Saakashvili are just beginning.
This is Russia ’s most serious altercation with a foreign country since
the collapse of the Soviet Union and could escalate into an all-out war
engulfing much of the Caucasus region. Russian warships are not planning
to block shipments of oil from Georgia 's Black Sea port of Poti ,
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said on Sunday, but
reserve the right to search ships coming to and from it. Another source
naval source said, “The crews are assigned the task to not allow arms
and military hardware supplies to reach Georgia by sea.” The Russians
have already sunk a Georgian missile boat that was trying to attack
Russian ships. Upping the ante, Ukraine said it reserved the right to
bar Russian warships from returning to their nominally Ukrainian —
formerly Russian — base of Sevastopol , on the Crimean peninsula. On
Saturday, Russia accused Ukraine of “arming the Georgians to the teeth.”

Georgia's other separatist region, Abkhazia, was mobilising its forces
for a push into the Kodori Gorge, the only part of Abkhazia controlled
by Georgia . “No dialogue is possible with the current Georgian
leadership,” said Abkhazia’s President Sergei Bagapsh. “They are state
criminals who must be tried for the crimes c

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Analysis: Classifying open source intel?

2008-09-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2008 9:34:27 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Analysis: Classifying open source intel?


*Analysis: Classifying open source intel?*

(UPI Homeland and National Security Editor)

WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 (UPI) -- Intelligence from open sources like the
Internet is now recognized as an essential part of the work of U.S.
agencies -- but one leading expert in the field says much more of it
should be secret.

"Open source intelligence is widely recognized as both an essential
capability and a formidable asset in our national security
infrastructure," CIA Director and retired Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden
told a conference in Washington Friday.

Hayden quoted the strategic plan issued this year by Director of
National Intelligence Michael McConnell: "No aspect of (intelligence)
collection requires greater consideration or holds more promise than
open source information."

But the conference, organized by the DNI's Open Source Center, the
agency based at the CIA that provides analysis of open sources for U.S.
intelligence, also heard counterintuitive calls for more of its product
to be classified.

Jennifer Sims, director of intelligence studies at Georgetown
University, told United Press International there was another rationale
for classifying intelligence reports, other than the traditional one of
protecting sources and methods.

She said under the definition of classified information -- data the
release of which would damage the national security of the United States
-- intelligence could, and should, be classified even when the source 
was open, "because of the insights you derive for the decision-maker

from that source."

"That requires classification because the release of it tells people
what decision-makers find insightful about the open source analysis."

In other words, if it is worth knowing, it is worth preventing
adversaries from knowing.

"If you don't classify" open source intelligence products, she argued,
"what you're saying is that you're not providing any particular insights
that matter to the competition."

Sims also cited the DNI's strategic plan, which defined the key role of
the sprawling collection of U.S. agencies known as the Intelligence
Community as providing "decision advantage" in a dangerous and quickly
changing world.

"What's new and exciting about the use of the term 'decision advantage'
is that it reminds everybody that the core business of intelligence is
not gathering secrets. The core business of intelligence is providing
insights for decision-makers who are engaged in life-or-death
competitions, and those insights require classification wholly apart
from any need to protect sources and methods."

But Sims also argues against the widely held assumption that open source
intelligence gathering requires no protection of sources and methods.

All intelligence collection involves at least five elements, she
explained: command and control, sensors, platforms, processing and
exploitation, and finally data exfiltration.

Even in open source, she said, "You will want to classify your command
and control, because you don't want people to know what your
requirements are." Processing and exploitation should also be secret "at
least in part … because you want to keep your methods for deriving
insights from the data away from anybody else."

Steven Aftergood, a government-transparency advocate at the Federation
of American Scientists, said Sims "made the most coherent argument for
open source secrecy I have heard."

But, he said, in actual fact, very few of the analyses produced by the
Open Source Center fitted Sims' picture of material that conferred a
vital advantage over the country's adversaries.

"Only a small minority of OSC analytical products fits that
description," he told UPI. "The overwhelming bulk have no operational
relevance. They are at best contextual," he added, comparing them to the
research backgrounders prepared by the Congressional Research Service.

"They are not inputs into strategic decision-making."

According to Aftergood, Sims' argument was "misleading to the extent
that it presented the exception as the rule."

Aftergood's conclusion was echoed by Kim Robson, the center's deputy
director, who told UPI that "the vast majority of what we produce is not
classified … and doesn't have to be."

"In some cases," Robson added, OSC reports end up being classified
"because of the sensitive nature" of their conclusions.

"If the information will … reveal intentions and capabilities, then it
ought to be protected in some way, even if the (underlying) infor

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Battling the tyranny of drugs in Iran

2008-09-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 12, 2008 3:57:55 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Battling the tyranny of drugs in Iran


Battling the tyranny of drugs in Iran

Sanctions, the situation in Afghanistan and the legacy of war all
conspire to draw Iranian women into addiction
Soraya Tehrani
guardian.co.uk, Friday September 12 2008 11:00 BST

As reported in the Guardian yesterday, the failure of policies to curb
drug production in Afghanistan is effecting Iran in a catastrophic way.

Western attempts to tackle opium production have failed dismally, so  

so that our country has become the main route for the opium trade from
Afghanistan, with cheap drugs now widely available on every street  

to people in desperate situations.

The result is an already vulnerable population is put at greater risk.
The high number of male deaths from the Iran-Iraq war has resulted in
many women struggling to earn enough to survive. Some of them become  

dealers and users. The Islamic Republic has to find better and more
effective ways to support these women, most of whom are single mothers  

desperate situations.

Poverty in Iran has been aggravated by the global economic crisis and
rising food prices, worsened still by western sanctions that are hitting
ordinary people hard.

I am going to tell you the stories of two unfortunate sisters whom I  

known very closely and have tried to help regularly for many years:
Layla, a 38-year-old divorcee and Sahar, a 33-year-old single mother  

downtown Tehran with three teenage sons. Layla and Sahar's father died
from cancer when they were teenagers, and were raised by their mother in
a single parent family.

Because of the family's dire poverty, Layla was forced by her mother to
marry an Afghani refugee in Iran in the late 1980s. After Layla's
daughter Mina was born, Layla's husband was jailed for drug trafficking,
which led not only to a decrease in family income but to a lack of  

support. Almost immediately after her husband's arrest, Layla turned to
soft drugs and eventually to opium, crack, and heroin. As her addictions
worsened, she turned to prostitution to support them. After serving six
years in prison, Layla's husband returned home. Upon his release, he  

their daughter Mina without Layla's permission and returned to
Afghanistan. Layla has not seen nor heard from her daughter since 1995
and has no information regarding her whereabouts.

Sahar's dilemma on the other hand started when her ex-husband, Hussein,
was arrested in Zahedan in Sistan and Baluchistan province for smuggling
heroin in 1999. He was caught with one kilogram of heroin and was
sentenced to eight years in jail. As a desperate single mother with low
self-esteem and no education, Sahar struggled to bring up her children  

her own. Eventually, just like Layla, she turned to drugs to ease her
pain and desperation. She then turned to prostitution to support her  

addiction and to provide for her three very young sons.

Sahar tells me:

Due to my own lack of proper education, finance and family support, I  
desperate to make some money to provide for my children. I didn't want  

children to end up in jail just like their father did. I had no choice
but to turn to prostitution and gradually started dealing in drugs to
make ends meet. As the punishment for adultery is very severe in Iran, I
had no choice but to apply for divorce while my husband was serving his
jail sentence.

Since smoking hashish did not make any difference to my state of mind, I
gradually turned to harder drugs like opium and then to crack and  

On many occasions I have been abused while working as a prostitute and
dealing in drugs.

The recent sanctions imposed on Iran have caused the cost of food and
housing to hit the roof. Regrettably, I had no choice but to pull out my
elder son from school, who was on his final year at high school, to  

a job in a bakery shop in south Tehran.

There are many others in Iran in the same situation as Layla and Sahar,
living in daily despair and pain.

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the Iranian government  

always tried to curb addiction's huge social costs and has been more
supportive of drug treatment than any other government in the Islamic

Even with these measures, the rate of addiction and suffering is not
decreasing. Despite the supportive stance of the government, having a
border with Afghanistan has, of course, not helped the situation. The
authorities have set up many drug rehabilitation and prevention
programmes all over Iran, especially in Tehran. Congress 60 in central
Tehran is one of 600 centres that provide drug treatment across the
country with help from government money. As Nazila Fathi has reported,
there are also over 120

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Taliban kill 'spy' tribesmen in Pakistani tribal area

2008-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 11, 2008 6:24:35 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Taliban kill 'spy' tribesmen in Pakistani tribal  


Agence France-Presse
Pakistan, September 11, 2008
First Published: 15:00 IST(11/9/2008)
Last Updated: 15:05 IST(11/9/2008)
Taliban kill 'spy' tribesmen in Pakistani tribal area

Taliban militants shot dead three pro-government tribesmen in a
restive Pakistani tribal area, accusing the victims of spying against
them, officials said on Thursday.

The bodies of the tribesmen, aged 30-40 years old, were found on
Thursday morning near a road in the Tally area of Bajaur tribal region
which borders Afghanistan, a local government official told AFP.

"They were shot in the neck and a note found with their bodies said
all those indulging in activities against Taliban and cooperating with
the government will suffer the same fate," the official said.

Militants have killed several tribesmen, accusing them of spying on
their activities on behalf of the Pakistani government and US forces
operating across the border in Afghanistan.

Tribal regions have been wracked by violence since hundreds of Taliban
and Al-Qaeda rebels fled there after the US-led invasion of
Afghanistan in late 2001.

US and Afghan officials have repeatedly claimed the rugged tribal
region is used by militants to launch cross-border attacks on
international coalition troops deployed in Afghanistan.

Violence linked to Pakistan's role in the "war on terror" has claimed
the lives of nearly 1,200 people in suicide and bomb attacks across
the country in the past year.

© Copyright 2007 Hindustan Times

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] In Hunt for Bin Laden, a New Approach

2008-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 11, 2008 6:23:00 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] In Hunt for Bin Laden, a New Approach

In Hunt for Bin Laden, a New Approach

By Craig Whitlock
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, September 10, 2008; A01

PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- Frustrated by repeated dead ends in the search
for Osama bin Laden, U.S. and Pakistani officials said they are
questioning long-held assumptions about their strategy and are
shifting tactics to intensify the use of the unmanned but lethal
Predator drone spy plane in the mountains of western Pakistan.

The number of Hellfire missile attacks by Predators in Pakistan has
more than tripled, with 11 strikes reported by Pakistani officials
this year, compared with three in 2007. The attacks are part of a
renewed effort to cripple al-Qaeda's central command that began early
last year and has picked up speed as President Bush's term in office
winds down, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials involved in the

There has been no confirmed trace of bin Laden since he narrowly
escaped from the CIA and the U.S. military after the battle near Tora
Bora, Afghanistan, in December 2001, according to U.S., Pakistani and
European officials. They said they are now concentrating on a short
list of other al-Qaeda leaders who have been sighted more recently, in
hopes that their footprints could lead to bin Laden.

In interviews, the officials attributed their failure to find bin
Laden to an overreliance on military force, disruptions posed by the
war in Iraq and a pattern of underestimating the enemy. Above all,
they said, the search has been handicapped by an inability to develop
informants in Pakistan's isolated tribal regions, where bin Laden is
believed to be hiding.

With CIA officers and U.S. Special Forces prevented from operating
freely in Pakistan, the search for bin Laden and his lieutenants is
taking place mostly from the air. The Predators, equipped with
multiple cameras that transmit live video via satellite, have launched
their Hellfire missiles against four targets in the past month alone.
Since January, the reconnaissance drones have killed two senior
al-Qaeda leaders with $5 million bounties on their heads.

Still, debate persists among both U.S. and Pakistani officials over
the merits of this aggressive approach, which has resulted in higher
civilian casualties and strained diplomatic relations. "Making more
effort and flailing are different things," said a senior Pakistani
security official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid
alienating U.S. authorities.

Bin Laden, a 51-year-old Saudi, has thwarted the U.S. government's
attempts to catch him since 1998, when he signed a fatwa calling for
attacks on Americans and ordered the bombings of two U.S. embassies in
East Africa.

Today, seven years after he masterminded the attacks of Sept. 11,
2001, bin Laden is believed to wear disguises routinely and takes
extreme care to avoid electronic communications, relying on human
couriers to pass messages, officials said. Pakistani officials said
the CIA and the U.S. military have played into bin Laden's hands by
pursuing al-Qaeda with bombs and missiles. Pashtun tribes along the
Afghanistan-Pakistan border, angry at the number of civilian
casualties, see the United States as the enemy, the officials said.
Despite a $25 million reward posted by the U.S. government, no one has
been willing to turn in the al-Qaeda leader.

"Unless you have people who support you, human intelligence will never
work," said Ali Muhammad Jan Aurakzai, a retired Pakistani general who
oversaw efforts to track bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders after
2001. "You have to have friendly people."

Another major obstacle has been the war in Iraq.

Officials with the CIA and the U.S. military said they began shifting
resources out of Afghanistan in early 2002 and still haven't recovered
from that mistake.

"Iraq was a fundamental wrong turn. That was the most strategically
negative action that was taken," said John O. Brennan, a former deputy
executive director of the CIA and a former chief of the National
Counterterrorism Center. "The collective effort in the government
required to go after an individual like bin Laden -- the Iraq campaign
consumed that."

The Bush administration tried to reinvigorate the flagging hunt for
bin Laden early last year by redeploying Predator drones, intelligence
officers and Special Forces units to Pakistan and Afghanistan. But by
then, U.S. counterterrorism officials said, the war in Iraq had
already given bin Laden and his core command precious time to regroup
and solidify their new base of operations in northwestern Pakistan.

More recently, the search has been hobbled by a tattered relationship
between the United States an

[cia-drugs] Carrol Quigley interviews

2008-09-08 Thread RoadsEnd

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Comcast takes broadband cap plunge; Other carriers likely to follow

2008-09-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 6, 2008 4:44:01 AM PDT
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@mx.terabolic.com>
Subject: [ctrl] Comcast takes broadband cap plunge; Other carriers  
likely to follow


thats the end of downloading movies, even if you purchase them online  
from amazon or netflicks


August 28th, 2008

Comcast takes broadband cap plunge; Other carriers likely to follow

Posted by Larry Dignan @ 3:09 pm

Categories: General, Wired & Wireless, Telecommunications, Broadband

Tags: Network, Comcast Corp., Customer, Broadband Internet, Network  
Technology,Telecommunications, Strategy, Networking, Management, Larry  

67 TalkBacks
Thumbs UpThumbs Down
Comcast will implement a 250 GB data monthly cap on customers starting  
Oct. 1.

The move, reported first by DSL Reports, was confirmed by Comcast  
today (Techmeme). On its site, Comcast posted its amended user policy:

We’ve listened to feedback from our customers who asked that we  
provide a specific threshold for data usage and this would help them  
understand the amount of usage that would qualify as excessive. Today,  
we’re announcing that beginning on October 1, 2008, we will amend our  
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) available at http://www.comcast.net/terms/use/ 
 and establish a specific monthly data usage threshold of 250 GB/ 
month per account for all residential customers.

250 GB/month is an extremely large amount of data, much more than a  
typical residential customer uses on a monthly basis. Currently, the  
median monthly data usage by our residential customers is  
approximately 2 - 3 GB. To put 250 GB of monthly usage in perspective,  
a customer would have to do any one of the following:

* Send 50 million emails (at 0.05 KB/email)
* Download 62,500 songs (at 4 MB/song)
* Download 125 standard-definition movies (at 2 GB/movie)
* Upload 25,000 hi-resolution digital photos (at 10 MB/photo)

This is the same system we have in place today. The only difference is  
that we will now provide a limit by which a customer may be contacted.  
As part of our pre-existing policy, we will continue to contact the  
top users of our high-speed Internet service and ask them to curb  
their usage. If a customer uses more than 250 GB and is one of the top  
users of our service, he or she may be contacted by Comcast to notify  
them of excessive use.

And industry move to broadband caps was mentioned by Qwest CTO Pieter  
Poll last week. Poll maintained that caps are likely to become an  
industry norm. While Comcast’s move is going to raise hackles in some  
quarters, 250 GB is pretty generous for an average retail customer.  
Meanwhile, I’d rather have a cap that’s high than be nickel and dimed  
with metered access.With Comcast implementing a broadband cap you can  
rest assured that other carriers will quickly follow.

Larry Dignan is Editor in Chief of ZDNet and Editorial Director of  
ZDNet sister site TechRepublic. See his full profile and disclosure of  
his industry affiliations.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] George Bush and the Queen

2008-09-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: rich martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 5, 2008 11:56:46 PM PDT
To: 3 Politics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "3.0 ArtBell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>, "3.0 Catapult" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "3.0 ctrl"  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "3.0 Freedom of Information" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Cc: "3.6 The_Power_Hour_II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [IPCUSA] George Bush and the Queen

George Bush and the Queen
Aug 11, 2001 11:19 PDT

While visiting England , George Bush is invited to tea with the Queen.  
asks her what her leadership philosophy is. She says that it is to  

herself with intelligent people.

He asks how she knows if they're intelligent. "I do so by asking them  

right questions," says the Queen. "Allow me to demonstrate."

She phones Tony Blair and says, "Mr. Prime Minister. Please answer this

Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child  
is not

your brother or sister. Who is it?"

Tony Blair responds, "It's me, ma'am."

"Correct. Thank you and good-bye, sir," says the Queen. She hangs up and
says, "Did you get that, Mr. Bush?"

"Yes ma'am. Thanks a lot. I'll definitely be using that!"

Upon returning to Washington , he decides he'd better put the Chairman  
of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the test. He summons Jesse Helms  

the White House and says, "Senator Helms, I wonder if you can answer a
question for me."

"Why, of course, sir. What's on your mind?" "Uhh, your mother has a  

and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your
sister. Who is it?"

Helms hems and haws and finally asks, "Can I think about it and get  
back to

you?" Bush agrees, and Helms leaves.

Helms immediately calls a meeting of other senior Republican senators,  
they puzzle over the question for several hours, but nobody can come  
up with
an answer. Finally, in desperation, Helms calls Colin Powell at the  

Department and explains his problem.

"Now lookee here, son, your mother has a child, and your father has a  

and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Powell
answers immediately, "It's me, of course, you dumb cracker."

Much relieved, Helms rushes back to the White House and exclaims, "I  

the answer, sir! I know who it is! It's Colin Powell!"

And Bush replies in disgust, "Wrong, it's Tony Blair."

The only thing worse than Waco is the ongoing cover-up.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again

2008-09-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: sasha karlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 5, 2008 11:11:35 PM PDT
To: Greens-Cal-Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NewPacifica] Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again

Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again

By Peter Dale Scott

Global Research, September 4, 2008

Though few Americans realize it, Cheney and Rumsfeld worked through  
the 1980s and 1990s on emergency nuclear-response plans which  
allegedly suspended the American constitution and also Congress.[1]  
(Through these decades Rumsfeld was CEO of a major pharmaceutical  
firm, and in the later 1990s Cheney was CEO of Halliburton; but their  
private status did not deter them from continuing to exercise a supra- 
constitutional planning power conferred on them by Ronald Reagan.)

Even fewer Americans know that these rules, originally dealing with a  
nuclear attack on America, were extended by Reagan Executive Order  
12656 to cover "any occurrence, including natural disaster, military  
attack, technological emergency, or other emergency, that seriously  
degrades or seriously threatens the national security of the United  
States."[2] And few Americans realize that at least some of these  
rules, known technically as Continuity of Government or COG rules,  
were invoked before 10:00 AM on September 11, 2001.[3]

As he did in 2007, President Bush has again, on August 28, 2008,  
continued for another year the national emergency first officially  
proclaimed on September 14, 2001, along with "the powers and  
authorities adopted to deal with that emergency:"

Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain  
Terrorist Attacks

Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50  
U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency I  
declared on September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to  
the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York,  
the Pentagon, and aboard United Airlines flight 93, and the continuing  
and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.

Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency  
declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted  
to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond September  
14, 2008. Therefore, I am continuing in effect for an additional year  
the national emergency I declared on September 14, 2001, with respect  
to the terrorist threat.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted  
to the Congress.

August 28, 2008.[4]

Once again appropriate personnel in Congress should learn and review  
what those "powers and authorities" are, since almost certainly they  
include COG (Continuity of Government) rules. In 2007 National  
Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD 51), issued by the White  
House, also extended for one year the emergency proclaimed in 2001;  
and it empowered the President to personally ensure "continuity of  

NSPD 51 also contained "classified Continuity Annexes" to "be  
protected from unauthorized disclosure." Congressman DeFazio twice  
requested to see these Annexes, the second time in a letter cosigned  
by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson and  
Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Christopher Carney. The White House  
denied these requests, claiming that the congressmen lacked the  
requisite clearances. But as I wrote earlier this year,

"Congress has a right to be concerned about Continuity of Government  
(COG) plans refined by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld over the past  
quarter century….The story, ignored by the mainstream press, involved  
more than the usual tussle between the legislative and executive  
branches of the U.S. Government. What was at stake was a contest  
between Congress's constitutional powers of oversight, and a set of  
policy plans that could be used to suspend or modify the  

Oliver North, who worked on COG planning with Rumsfeld and Cheney in  
the 1980s, was asked in the Iran-Contra Hearings about his work on an  
emergency plan "that would suspend the American constitution."  
Democratic Senator Inouye, who was presiding, pounded his gavel and  
interjected that this was a "highly sensitive and classified matter,"  
not to be dealt with in an open hearing.[7] Congress has never  
discussed COG plans publicly since that time.

According to Wikipedia, "The National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C.  
1601-1651) is a United States federal law passed in 1976 to stop open- 
ended states of national emergency and formalize Congressional checks  
and balances on Presidential emergency powers. The act sets a limit of  
two years on states of national emergency. It also imposes certain  
"procedural formalities" on the President when invoking such powers,  
and provides a means for Congress to coun

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Palin Is "Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean"

2008-09-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 5, 2008 6:28:38 PM PDT
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@mx.terabolic.com>
Subject: [ctrl] Palin Is "Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean"


Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist,  
Vindictive, And Mean”

September 5, 2008

by Charley James –

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described  
Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a  
restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party  
presidential nomination.

According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and  
who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch  
with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary  
battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at  
nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed  
loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

“It was kind of disgusting,” Lucille, who is part Aboriginal, said in  
a phone interview after admitting that she is frightened of being  
discovered telling folks in the “lower 48” about life near the North  

Then, almost with a sigh, she added, “But that’s just Alaska.”

Racial and ethnic slurs may be “just Alaska” and, clearly, they are  
common, everyday chatter for Palin.

Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N’-Fetch-It, “darkie musical”  
swipe, people who know her say she refers regularly to Alaska’s  
Aboriginal people as “Arctic Arabs” – how efficient, lumping two  
apparently undesirable groups into one ugly description – as well as  
the more colourful “mukluks” along with the totally unimaginative  
“f**king Eskimo’s,” according to a number of Alaskans and Wasillians  
interviewed for this article.

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg.  
According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also  
vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican  
Convention went wild for Sarah: They adore the type, it’s in their  
genetic code. So much for McCain’s pledge of a “high road” campaign;  
Palin is incapable of being part of one.

Tough Getting People Who Know Her to Talk
It’s not easy getting people in the 49th state to speak critically  
about Palin – especially people in Wasilla, where she was mayor. For  
one thing, with every journalist in the world calling, phone lines  
into Alaska have been mostly jammed since Friday; as often as not, a  
recording told me that “all circuits are busy” or numbers just  
wouldn’t ring. I should think a state that’s been made richer than God  
by oil could afford telephone lines and cell towers for everyone.

On a more practical level, many people in Alaska, and particularly  
Wasilla, are reluctant to speak or be quoted by name because they’re  
afraid of her as well as the state Republican Party machine.  
Apparently, the power elite are as mean as the winters.

“The GOP is kind of like organized crime up here,” an insurance agent  
in Anchorage who knows the Palin family, explained. “It’s corrupt and  
arrogant. They’re all rich because they do private sweetheart deals  
with the oil companies, and they can destroy anyone. And they will, if  
they have to.”

“Once Palin became mayor,” he continued, “She became part of that  
inner circle.”

Like most other people interviewed, he didn’t want his name used out  
of fear of retribution. Maybe it’s the long winter nights where you  
don’t see the sun for months that makes people feel as if they’re  
under constant danger from “the authorities.” As I interviewed  
residents it began sounding as if living in Alaska controlled by the  
state Republican Party is like living in the old Soviet Union: See  
nothing that’s happening, say nothing offensive, and the political  
commissars leave you alone. But speak out and you get disappeared into  
a gulag north of the Arctic Circle for who-knows-how-long.

Alright, that’s an exaggeration brought on by my getting too little  
sleep and building too much anger as I worked this article. But  
there’s ample evidence of Palin’s vindictive willingness to destroy  
people she sees as opponents. Just ask the Wasilla town administrator  
she hired before firing him because he rebelled against the way Palin  
demanded he do his job, or the town librarian who refused to hold the  
book burning Walpurgisnach Mayor Palin demanded.

Ironically, Palin was pushed into hiring the administrator by the  
party poobahs who helped get her elected after she got herself into  
trouble over a number of precipitous firings which gave rise to a  
recall campaign.

“People who fought her attempt to

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Secret Service confiscates books & buttons from Ron Paul delegates - Updated

2008-09-06 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 5, 2008 5:13:31 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Secret Service confiscates books & buttons from Ron Paul delegates - Updated Secret Service confiscates books & buttons from Ron Paul delegates - UpdatedSeptember 4th, 2008 | Breaking News, Constitutional Crisis, Minneapolis RNC, Ron PaulBy: D. H. Williams @ 7:29 PM - ESTToday at the Republican National Convention, as the Ron Paul Delegates were taking a picture in front of the model White House inside the Convention Center, they were surrounded by Secret Service which proceeded to search the bags of all the delegates. They took any and everything related to Ron Paul including signs, buttons, videos, slim jims, cards, even books.Alternate Delegate Dennis Rothacker from Florida said “We were done taking the picture when Secret Service started walking into the room and surrounded us. There were about 30 of them. When they searched my bags they took my Ron Paul sign and turned a deaf ear to my complains, they just walked away.”Delegate Ron Warner from Fairbanks Alaska added that as he was walking into the convention center today with about 15 Revolution Manifesto books, 20 DVD’s for Delegates, 20 Ron Paul buttons and a handful of other things, we was stopped by security which called on an obviously important higher up, who directed all the materials to be confiscated. She told him, and I quote “You can’t bring that in here, this is Mc Cain territory”Dennis, Ron and the other delegates report being openly followed by secret service. He says that they had been monitored from the beginning of the convention, but that now they are being shadowed constantly.There are also reports of delegates being approached by security and told that they will be summarily thrown out if they leave their assigned chair.Updated: @ 7:37 PM - ESTThe alarm was sounded at 6:07 PM - EST when a text message was hurriedly sent from the convention floor by Republican delegate Dennis Rothacker to ‘Boris in Miami’.“We just had a group shot of all the RP delegates and alternates, the secret service came and started searching everyone and took anything RP related. We got it on video though…”Updated @ 8:18 PM - ESTRon Paul delegates report that they have been shadowed by Secret Service since the beginning of the Republican National Convention at the Xcel Center, following the confiscation of their political materials they are now being surveilled openly with an agent assigned to each delegate. When one of the delegates asked if they could retrieve their property after the convention they were told, “No.” not satisfied with that answer the delegate tried to follow the agent to make additional inquiries,  he was told this action was causing a disturbance and a security agent was told to stay with him for the rest of the evening. For their safety the Ron Paul delegation have decided to stick together as a group while approaching the media with their story.Updated @ 9:32 PM - ESTMcCain delegates at large have approached Ron Paul delegates throughout the day in attempts to seperate them from their all important delegate credentials.  Adam Weigold, delegate from Minnesota, reported he has been approached at least five times by other Republican delegates supporting McCain-Palin who asked him to borrow his pass to go the bathroom. Nathan Hanson (MN) delegate and attorney suspects this is an organized effort by the GOP establishment.The Ron Paul delegation will be staying at the Xcel Center until the end of the nights events around 11:00 PM - EST.Updated: @ 1:08 AM - ESTSeveral Republicans attending the convention have reported to Daily Newscaster mass confiscation of bumper stickers, literature and paper signs such as, “Calling the GOP back to its Roots.” The GOP has put together an organized machine of federal security forces, McCain operatives, delegates, floor monitors and other staff creating an effective political ministry.Updated: Friday the 5th @ 10:08 AM - ESTThe GOP’s left leaning wing known as the neo-conservatives are using extreme measures to put, “Country First.”Neocon loyalist for McCain are hounding any Republican delegate known to support the conservative priniciples of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). Delegates for Ron Paul are being kept silent, if they dare approach one of the microphones it is turned off and any attempt to discuss Ron Paul results in a threat of removal from the convention floor.Related Article(s):- The Washington Times reports the GOP using “Black Hats” to suppress the 260 delegates identified as supporting Ron Paul.Read more Daily Newscaster stories.=

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Google CEO: We Need Gov’t Regulation of Internet Service Providers

2008-09-04 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 4, 2008 1:46:38 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Google CEO: We Need Gov’t Regulation of Internet Service Providers Google CEO: We Need Gov’t Regulation of Internet Service ProvidersWhat he is really saying is that Big Brother needs to come in and shut down free thought and be like China where the net is government controlled. Any thinking person knows that the last thing we need is more government control. We need to gut all  government control both federal and state and get them out of our lives like the Founding Fathers intended.   Sardar a..   Email page b..   Print c.. Share SubscribeDiggdel.icio.usFacebookFurlStumbleUponJeff PoorBusiness & Media InstituteThursday, September 4, 2008Google CEO Eric Schmidt says government regulation of Internet service providers (ISPs) is necessary. In fact, he said he thinks the entire concept of the Internet marketplace relies on it.Schmidt spoke to conservative bloggers at the Republican National Convention on September 3 in St. Paul, Minn. He warned that if an Internet service provider were too large, it could use its size to create a “protected structure within the Internet” and suggested that would restrict competition – giving some content favorable treatment within its network.“Let’s imagine the following scenario – who’s the largest Internet provider in the United States today, numerically? Let’s pick Comcast – whoever is the largest,” Schmidt said. “And let’s imagine that they were 80 percent of the market. They would be able to start to do proprietary extensions of protocols and they could eventually use a withholding of information to create a protected substructure within the Internet.”(ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW)He reflected on Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) as example of how that could happen. Schmidt’s comments about Microsoft come in the wake of Google’s launch of its own browser, Chrome – meant to compete with the newly launched versions of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Mozilla’s Firefox.“Now you have to decide if you think that’s an okay outcome,” Schmidt said. “The Internet was based on the principle that that could not happen. You all know and this may also be controversial with this group – I’ve spent 25 years … with Microsoft, which has of course a very large platform market share – who did those kinds of techniques. We can debate whether they were correct or not, but where you come out on that often I think predicts your view on this.”Opponents of Schmidt’s point of view argue such corporate control hasn’t occurred, and therefore the government should remain hands-off. However, Schmidt argued it is still necessary and justified for the government to intervene just in case a company was able to “get that level of control” over the Internet.“So the issue is not – there’s no current behavior,” Schmidt said. “So Comcast for example, is not doing the scenario I’m describing. But you worry that when any company – including Google by the way – gets that level of control over something, it can do proprietary extensions. They can make it impossible for competition to occur.”Last month, FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell warned that government involvement with ISPs and their networks could have a chilling effect and could even mean the possibility of an expansion of the Fairness Doctrine to the Internet. a.. b.. c.. Seven years after the attacks of 9/11, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. Click here to watch 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising online in high quality now! d..The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/google-ceo-we-need-govt-regulation-of-internet-service-providers.htmlNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: US tries to create an 'iron curtain' around Russia

2008-09-03 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 3, 2008 5:30:25 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: US tries to create an 'iron curtain' around Russia    US tries to create an 'iron curtain' around Russia   F William Engdahl: US in decline as Russia asserts its rising power    The US provoked Russia to respond militarily and the US as the dominant power is beginning to stumble and "to look desperately for ways to hold on to that power."   Video - 03/09/08   President Dimitri Medvedev criticized the European Union for having a biased approach in regards to the Georgian conflict. Medvedev however stated that the EU acted in a rational manner by not implementing sanctions against the Russian Federation. F William Engdahl believes the EU response mirrors its dependence on Russian oil and gas. Engdahl goes on to further state that the US provoked Russia to respond militarily and the US as the dominant power is beginning to stumble and "to look desperately for ways to hold on to that power."   Bio   F William Engdahl is an economist and author and the writer of the best selling book "A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order." Mr Engdhahl has written on issues of energy, politics and economics for more than 30 years, beginning with the first oil shock in the early 1970s. Mr. Engdahl contributes regularly to a number of publications including Asia Times Online, Asia, Inc, Japan's Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Foresight magazine; Freitag and ZeitFragen newspapers in Germany and Switzerland respectively. He is based in Germany.   Click on "comments" below to read or post comments   Comments (14) Comment (0)   Comment Guidelines   Be succinct, constructive and relevant to the story. We encourage engaging, diverse and meaningful commentary. Do not include personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. Comments falling outside our guidelines – those including personal attacks and profanity – are not permitted.   See our complete Comment Policy and use this link to notify us if you have concerns about a comment. We’ll promptly review and remove any inappropriate postings.   Send Page To a Friend   In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is Information ClearingHouse endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)    Sign up for our Daily Email Newsletter HOME COPYRIGHT NOTICEVideoThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article20682.htmNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Dr. Ron Paul What an Amazing Speech!!!

2008-09-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 2, 2008 11:35:58 PM PDT

Subject: Dr. Ron Paul What an Amazing Speech!!!

What an Amazing Speech!!!
RON PAUL: How and Why We Lost the Republic — APFN, Tue Sep 2 22:26
Berry Goldwater Jr. Introduces
Dr. Ron Paul What an Amazing Speech!!!
Dr. Paul's full speech!























[cia-drugs] Fwd: Flashback: the New COINTELPRO

2008-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 2, 2008 1:52:08 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Flashback: the New COINTELPRO  Flashback: the New COINTELPROCamille T. TaiaraSan Fransisco Bay GuardianSeptember 2, 2008originally published October 22, 2004Editor’s note: Considering the FBI’s involvement in coordinated attacks against organizations demonstrating at the RNC this week — including raids on media centers and the arrest of journalists — we re-post an article on the “October Plan,” published prior to the 2004 election.Early this month the federal government launched the latest crude offensive in its so-called war on terror. Titled the October Plan, the program called for “aggressive - even obvious - surveillance” of a wide range of individuals (regardless of whether or not they’re suspected of any criminal wrongdoing) until the Nov. 2 presidential election, according to an internal document leaked to the press.The plan - a collaboration between the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and other agencies - involves renewed scrutiny of mosques and interrogations of people whose national origin, religious faith, or political leanings might, in the eyes of the feds, indicate even the most far-flung relationship to “terrorism.”Immigrants and others interviewed by the FBI have been “questioned about immigration status - theirs and others’ - and about their political and religious views,” the National Lawyers Guild’s Stacey Tolchin said at an emergency press conference called by the San Francisco branch of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Bay Area Association of Muslim Lawyers, the NLG, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California.For staffers at these organizations, responding to these kinds of crackdowns has become alarmingly routine. This is the fifth round of FBI “informal interviews” targeting immigrants based on their national origin, religion, and, increasingly, their political views.No one knows just how many have been deported as a result of the interviews or of the various dragnets conducted over the past three years. Local NLG attorney Nancy Hormachae reported that at least 13,000 people were forced into deportation hearings as the result of the notorious Special Registration program alone. And the fact that none of these campaigns has proffered a single al-Qaeda operative hasn’t deterred the Bush administration a bit.So far, immigrant Muslims and those from the Middle East and Central Asia have suffered the brunt of the Bush administration’s attacks on civil liberties. But as NLG immigration attorney Mark Van Der Hout told me, “Going after immigrants is just the first step towards going after U.S. citizens.”Indeed, a look at the past three years shows that Attorney General John Ashcroft’s offensive has widened to include a range of citizens whose only real crime is their opposition to the Bush administration’s policies.The FBI Comes CallingPresident George W. Bush, Aschroft, and company have made it easier to spy on everyday citizens without probable cause of criminal activity, even allowing for the indefinite detention of Americans dubbed “enemy combatants,” without charges or access to a lawyer. They’ve eviscerated laws meant to keep a wall between the CIA and the FBI and erected an extensive domestic-spying infrastructure, enlisting private citizens and relying on private industry to a degree never seen before. Today federal agencies are maintaining a grand total of 10 domestic watch lists.The Bush administration has shifted federal funding away from traditional law enforcement and toward domestic spying, explained John Crew, an attorney with the ACLU of Northern California specializing in police practices and surveillance issues. “A lot of this activity is, in fact, being carried out by local police working with the Joint Terrorism Task Force,” he told me, explaining that those agents are considered “federalized.” They report to the FBI. Local city officials - even local police chiefs - are often not aware of what these “special officers” are doing.As the Bush administration loosened professional standards for law enforcement, it simultaneously increased financial incentives for conducting surveillance, Crew continued. “To qualify for grants, [local law enforcement] must have organizations in their locale that are threats,” he said. “They have to justify their own budget by amplifying the threat factor.”Here in San Francisco, the FBI was to assign 27 special agents - two with supervisory powers - to the San Francisco Police Department, according to a November 2002 agreement between the two agencies. The SFPD was to assign one investigator from its Intelligence Unit to coordinate supervision of the special agents alongside the FBI’s two supervisory special agents.“We usually don’t know what they’re really up to until many years later, if ever,” Crew said.Details of just how law enfo

[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade

2008-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: September 2, 2008 12:49:15 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade  The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade by William Blum Global Research, August 31, 2008 revolutionradio.org  Email this article to a friend  Print this article 1947 to 1951, FRANCE According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks — ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille’s first heroin laboratones were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront. EARLY 1950s, SOUTHEAST ASIA The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium barons of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos), the world’s largest source of opium and heroin. Air America, the ClA’s principal airline proprietary, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia. (See Christopher Robbins, Air America, Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9) 1950s to early 1970s, INDOCHINA During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many Gl’s in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world’s illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America’s booming heroin market. 1973-80, AUSTRALIA The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including fommer CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1 987.) 1970s and 1980s, PANAMA For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Noriega facilitated ”guns-for-drugs” flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel otficials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then-ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons). The U.S. government only turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnapping the general once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.) 1980s, CENTRAL AMERICA The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras. In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three-year investigation by stating: “There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region…. U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua…. In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had intormation regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter…. Senior U S policy makers were nit immune to the idea that drug money was a pe

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack

2008-09-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 2, 2008 8:06:20 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack

In my 30 yr history in the DEA & related agencies,
the major targets of my investigations almost in-
variably turned out to be working for the CIA.


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Contractors Augment Intelligence Agencies

2008-09-01 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 1, 2008 5:57:31 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Contractors Augment Intelligence Agencies

Contractors Augment Intelligence Agencies
Private Workers Cost More

By Robert O'Harrow Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 28, 2008; D01

About a quarter of the nation's core intelligence workers are
contractors, perhaps as many as 37,000 private employees who work
side-by-side with civil servants as analysts, technology specialists
and mission managers, according to a report about government
outsourcing by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The vast majority of those private spies work in the Washington
region. Many of them have been hired since the Sept. 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks to augment what had been an intelligence community
depleted by deep cuts in the 1990s, officials from the national
intelligence office said yesterday. There are about 100,000 government
intelligence workers, the officials said.

Contract workers each cost the government about $207,000 annually,
compared with about $125,000 for a civilian government employee's
salary and benefits, officials said.

The intelligence world rarely shares such fine-grained detail about
national security activity usually blanketed in secrecy. Officials
said yesterday that they did so as part of an annual survey begun last
year to help assuage concerns among lawmakers and others about the
surging use of relatively costly contract workers in recent years,
oftentimes in jobs that once were reserved for government employees.

The proportion of contractor workers was essentially the same in last
year's report.

"These figures are pretty stunning," said Tim Shorrock, author of
"Spies For Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing." "It
shows that private contractors are operating in the most sensitive
areas of intelligence."

Intelligence contracting has become a growing source of revenue for
businesses in the region. Over the past several years, big defense
contractors have expanded divisions involved in providing intelligence
consultants and services, while smaller businesses have flourished
supplying classified consultants and technology support.

Ronald Sanders, the chief human capital officer at the national
intelligence office, said his survey and the disclosure of
unclassified findings will help improve the management of the contract
workers, who have provided valuable service in recent years.
Contractors have offered flexibility at a time of great need, he said.

"We need to manage this year in and year out," Sanders said of the
contract workforce. "It's something we do owe the American taxpayer."

The survey examined the national intelligence program's use of "core
contract personnel" who were involved in intelligence activities
during fiscal 2007. It does not include such workers as food-service
employees or contract guards.

It found that about 27 percent of the contract workers were involved
in intelligence collection and operations. Just under a quarter were
involved in information technology services. About one in five worked
in analysis and production, and about the same proportion helped with
administrative and support functions.

As for why contractors were hired, agency officials reported that they
most often needed unique expertise that could not be found in the

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Obituary: Yuri Nosenko

2008-09-01 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 1, 2008 5:44:38 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Obituary: Yuri Nosenko

Yuri Nosenko
KGB agent and defector at the centre of a dramatic cold war episode
   * Michael Carlson
   * The Guardian,
   * Monday September 1 2008

James Jesus Angleton, aficionado of poetry and former director of
counterintelligence for the CIA, quoted TS Eliot to describe the
ambiguous world of espionage as a "wilderness of mirrors". But
Angleton himself got trapped in the infinite reflections of paranoia
implicit in his trade by the defection of the KGB agent Yuri Nosenko,
who has died aged 80.

The argument about whether Nosenko was bona fide or a KGB plant would,
according to David Wise's Molehunt (1992), "split the agency into two
camps, creating scars that had yet to heal decades later". Indeed,
just last year, in his book Spy Wars, Tennent "Pete" Bagley, Nosenko's
original CIA handler, continued to argue that Nosenko was a KGB
"provocateur and dissembler", which caused the CIA director Michael
Hayden to visit Nosenko just a month before his death, bringing a
ceremonial flag and official letter of thanks.

The CIA's apologies actually began in 1969, after they'd held Nosenko
in solitary confinement for 3½ years. He was subjected to many of the
interrogation techniques now familiar to the public from Guantánamo
and Abu Ghraib. Eventually cleared, he would be exonerated by the then
director Stansfield Turner in 1978, long after internal reports about
his treatment had become part of the so-called "family jewels"
documents that prompted congressional investigations by the Pike and
Church committees.

Another defector, Oleg Kalugin, said that anyone who doubted Nosenko
showed "a complete ignorance of the KGB", a view confirmed by Oleg
Gordievsky, a KGB agent who worked for British intelligence, and now
lives in Britain. "I was a young officer when Nosenko defected," he
says, "and it hit like a nuclear bomb. It was so unusual that someone
so high-ranking would defect. He was genuine, and gave the Americans
40% of their information about our counterintelligence; it is such
stupidity to believe he was 'sent'."

Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko was born in the Black Sea port of Nikolaev. His
father was, for nearly 20 years, the Soviet minister of shipbuilding.
His mother hired private tutors to teach Yuri western literature: he
graduated from the state institute of international relations, and,
after three years in naval intelligence, joined the KGB in 1953.

In 1961, as a member of the Soviet delegation to disarmament talks in
Geneva, Nosenko was robbed of $200 by a prostitute. Desperate to repay
the money before his KGB expenses were due, he approached a US
official he knew from Moscow, offering to sell secrets. Nosenko
claimed to be a lieutenant colonel in the second chief directorate, or
counterintelligence, in Moscow. Bagley, who spoke no Russian, was
rushed to Geneva, along with a Russian-speaker from headquarters in
Langley, Virginia, whose tape recorder malfunctioned. Nosenko told
them about listening devices at the US embassy in Moscow, and
confirmed the identities of the British Admiralty clerk John Vassall,
the Canadian ambassador John Watkins and the CIA agent Edward Ellis
Smith, all compromised in KGB "honeytrap" stings, which had been
revealed by an earlier defector, Anatoliy Golitsin.

But Nosenko denied Golitsin's claim of another Soviet mole higher up
in the Admiralty, and refused to defect on the grounds he would not
leave his wife and children behind. Still, Bagley characterised
Nosenko as "totally convincing".

Angleton, however, had suffered a string of reverses, not least when
his drinking chum Kim Philby was revealed to be a Soviet agent. His
two top CIA assets within the KGB had been executed, and Angleton's
West German counterpart, Heinz Felfe, turned out to be a Soviet spy.
Golitsin was his major success. Gordievsky, however, describes
Golitsin as "a young and inexperienced officer". In order to protect
his status, Golitsin warned that the KGB might send a second defector
to discredit him, and Angleton convinced Bagley that Nosenko was a  

Then, in February 1964, as the Warren commission into the
assassination of John F Kennedy began hearing witnesses, Nosenko,
again in Geneva, suddenly announced that he would defect, claiming
Moscow had recalled him. He said he had personally handled Lee Harvey
Oswald's KGB file, but rejected him as "too unstable". This was
potential dynamite, confirming the "lone, crazed assassin" thesis that
the Warren commission set out to prove, but Angleton and Bagley were
unmoved. They argued that Nosenko had inflated his rank, and that
intercepts revealed no order to recall him. They believed Nosenko was
a fake and would reveal the truth of all Golitsin's claims, including
the identification of Harold Wil

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Contractors account for a quarter of U.S. spy operations

2008-09-01 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 1, 2008 5:39:42 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Contractors account for a quarter of U.S. spy  


Contractors account for a quarter of U.S. spy operations
The reliance on contractors, which surged after Sept. 11, has been a
source of controversy. Some worry that temporary employees could be
less trustworthy.
By Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 28, 2008

WASHINGTON -- Private contractors account for more than one-quarter of
the core workforce at U.S. intelligence agencies, according to newly
released government figures that underscore how much of the nation's
spying work has been outsourced since the Sept. 11 attacks.

The CIA and other spy agencies employ about 36,000 contractors in
espionage-related jobs, in addition to approximately 100,000 full-time
government workers, said Ronald Sanders, head of personnel for the
U.S. intelligence community.

Contractors carry out missions including collecting intelligence in
Iraq and Afghanistan as well as operating classified computer networks
for the 16 spy agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community.

Sanders said the number of contractors remained steady over the last
year, after surging in the years following the Sept. 11 attacks.

"As you may know, we've been hiring a great deal since Sept. 11,
2001," Sanders said in a conference call with reporters Wednesday,
discussing the results of a survey.

The growing reliance on contractors has been a source of controversy
for the spy agencies, in part because of concerns that temporary
employees might not be as trustworthy as career workers in handling
some of the most sensitive national security work.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has criticized the CIA for using
contractors in interrogations of terrorism suspects, and many
lawmakers favor barring the agency from doing so.

The total budget for the nation's spy agencies is roughly $43 billion.
The use of contractors has been criticized for driving up costs, with
senior U.S. intelligence officials acknowledging that talented
employees have been lured away to take higher-paying positions with
private companies.

Sanders said the spy agencies spend about $125,000 a year for a
government employee, compared with about $207,000 for a contract
worker. The numbers reflect salaries, retirement benefits and other  

But officials have said that contractors also help agencies control
costs by enabling spy services to hire workers for short-term  

Sanders said 27% of contractors were involved in intelligence
collection and operations, 19% work in analysis jobs, and 22% manage
computer networks or perform other information technology functions.

He said those figures did not include workers at companies that build
spy satellites and computer equipment, cafeteria staffers or security

If such "non-core" functions are counted, Sanders said, contractors
would account for about 70% of the U.S. intelligence workforce.


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Big jump in gold sale spurs manipulation talk

2008-08-31 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 31, 2008 12:26:54 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Big jump in gold sale spurs manipulation talk Big jump in gold sale spurs manipulation talkSome analysts say only manipulation is government's attempt to take down oilBy Moming Zhou, MarketWatchLast update: 7:54 p.m. EDT Aug. 29, 2008NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Recent heat from Congress and regulators, along with public speculation, over whether commodity prices are being manipulated has also reached gold pits, where the debate was stirred by a surge in bets last month that gold prices would fall."Congress is already investigating allegations of manipulation in the oil market, and it seems likely that it is only a matter of time before a similar investigation will be required in the precious metal markets," said Mark O'Byrne, executive director at Gold and Silver Investment.Three unidentified U.S. banks held 86,398 short positions, or bets that gold prices will fall, in the COMEX gold market as of Aug. 5 -- 10 times more short positions than a month earlier, a government report showed.The report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which regulates U.S. futures markets, also showed short positions held by three U.S. banks in silver futures had increased more than four times during the same period."The data in the bank participation report is so clear and compelling that it is hard to conclude anything but manipulation," said Theodore Butler, a precious metals analyst, in a note.The sudden jump in short positions coincided with a slide in silver and gold prices, which fell $12.30 an ounce in July and another $89.20 in August, their biggest monthly loss since at least 1984, according to Factset.Manipulation vs. speculationTaking a short position, even large amounts, however, doesn't equate to manipulation, which would imply collusion between several big players to influence prices one way or the other.But the fact that three big banks were singled out in the CFTC report is nothing new. The regulator's reports always show the largest three players in futures markets in any given month."One can take any data and make it suit their argument," said Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco Bullion Dealers."The theory that the market is somehow sinisterly manipulated, especially as it comes at a time when U.S. regulators are keeping a keen eye on the goings-on in the commodities and financial markets for just such type of evidence, is simply ludicrous and totally out of touch with market reality."The talk of manipulation in metals markets follows similar allegations that crude oil and agricultural commodities prices were bid up by speculators, and were not the result of fundamental demand and supply situations.As oil surged this year and almost reached $150 a barrel in early July, while food prices also kept on rising, cries grew louder in Congress that something had to be done.The CFTC took steps to stamp out "excessive speculation" in the oil markets, while Congress also held numerous hearings and investigations into other futures market.In July, the CFTC charged Dutch company Optiver Holding BV with manipulation of crude oil and of other energy futures. In at least five out of 19 attempts, the defendants successfully manipulated certain energy futures contracts, causing artificial prices, the CFTC alleged. See related story.Of oil and electionsSome analysts say the surge in oil and gasoline prices earlier this year caused many worries in Washington, where all eyes were already turned toward the presidential elections in November."My gut feeling is that the Republicans wouldn't mind taking oil back down under $100 before the elections," said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services.Mendelsohn said he believes the government has tried to make the U.S. economy, oil, and markets appear in better shape and also to temporarily curb the immediate effects of the slumping housing market, of bad home loans and of the credit crisis.In July, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the stock market regulator, limited so-called "naked" short selling of shares in Fannie Mae (FNM:Fannie MaeNews, chart, profile, moreLast: 6.84-1.11-13.96%4:02pm 08/29/2008Delayed quote data Add to portfolioAnalystCreate alertInsiderDiscussFinancialsSponsored by:FNM 6.84, -1.11, -14.0%) , Freddie Mac (FRE:Freddie MacNews, chart, profile, moreLast: 4.51-0.77-14.58%4:04pm 08/29/2008Delayed quote data Add to portfolioAnalystCreate alertInsiderDiscussFinancialsSponsored by:FRE 4.51, -0.77, -14.6%) and 17 other financial firms. See related story.E-mailPrintDisable Live QuotesSubscribe to RSSYahoo! BuzzRecommend this story : 30Save and tag this storyComments: 278"Congress is already investigating allegations of manipulation in the oil market, and it seems likely that it is only a matter of time before a similar investigation will be required in the precious metal markets,"What a joke..

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] ‘CIA used Swiss family to thwa rt foreign N-programmes’

2008-08-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 27, 2008 1:52:18 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS]  ‘CIA used Swiss family to thwart foreign N- 



Tuesday, August 26, 2008
`CIA used Swiss family to thwart foreign N-programmes'

WASHINGTON: The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
recruited a family of Swiss engineers to help it check the nuclear
programmes of Muslim states.

The family was used to stop the Libyan and Iranian nuclear programmes
as well an underground supply network of Pakistani nuclear scientist
Dr Abdul Qadir Khan, The New York Times reported on its website late
on Sunday.

Over four years, the CIA paid the Tinners 10 million dollars, some of
which was delivered to them in a suitcase stuffed with cash, said the
report, citing unnamed officials.

In return, said the paper, the engineers delivered a flow of secret
information that helped undo Dr Khan's nuclear supply network. CIA
spokesman Mark Mansfield declined to comment on the Tinner case, but
noted that "the disruption of the AQ Khan network is a genuine and
very significant intelligence success -- a success that has helped
make the world a safer place". afp

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] +-

2008-08-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: New World OrderLies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 26, 2008 11:56:42 PM PDT
, cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Cc: Stephanie Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: [IPCUSA] +Prosecution>-


Cartel Figure Charges DEA
with 'Selective Prosecution


As the political conventions dominate our consciousness,
remember that a major international trafficking operation,
like this one, kicks off vast amounts of fungible cash,
day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year...

If there is an arena where the a battle is being waged
for the “soul of America,” as Joe Biden suggested last week...
it is here.

AUG 25 2008
by Daniel Hopsicker

The exclusive "Cocaine One" series of investigative reports by this  
reporter appearing on this website for the past  two years made the  
news, finally...  not in the U.S., but in Mexico City, where it was  
cited by a principal in the drug trafficking scandal in  newspaper  
interviews to support his allegation of selective prosecution against  
the DEA.
It is one of several recent new developments in the scandal, which  
began two years ago with the capture in the Yucatan  by the Mexican  
military of two American-registered airplanes.
Both planes had taken off from St. Petersburg FL., flown to Colombia  
and Venezuela, and then were busted

when they stopped in the Yucatan to refuel
on the way back to Florida. They were caught carrying
an astonishing cumulative total of ten tons of cocaine,
as well as a still-undisclosed amount of heroin.

Total immunity as a perk of employment

Carlos Gutiérrez de Velasco is the paterfamilias of the influential
Veracruz-based family which owned the Casa de Cambio Puebla
currency exchange, accused of laundering enough drug money
through U.S. banks to buy as many as 100 American planes
for use in drug-running.
In a recent interview  with Mexico City’s Reforma newspaper,
Gutierrez, who is also the father of a fugitive from prosecution
in the case, claimed his family is the victim of selective prosecution,
 and alleged a cover-up of the involvement of influential Americans.

He called on Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon
to become personally involved in forcing the DEA
to explain why only Mexicans are being tracked down and jailed.

The Americans who sold planes to the Sinaloa Cartel buyers
enjoy official immunity from prosecution, Gutierrez suggested,
while people like his fugitive son, José Antonio Gutiérrez,
were being tracked down and hung out to dry.
"Mexican authorities acted based only on information from the United  
States,” Gutierrez told Reforma, pointing to evidence unearthed by  
this reporter’s investigation, which revealed the high-level  
Republican connections of the people

selling planes to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Ricardo Ravelo, a reporter for Mexico City' Proceso, has already  
picked up our evidence of the interlocking ownership

of the two American drug-running airplanes
 ( a DC9 and a Gulfstream business jet)  busted in the Yucatan.
The owners of both planes were also in business together
in a massive ($300 million) financial fraud,
we have previously reported, along with CIA fixer
and Saudi arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi.

"'Facts that will never see the light of day'
for $500, Alex."

Gutierrez told Reforma,
“The U.S. is offering a deal if my son turns himself in.
But if he does, the complicity of the aircraft owners in the U.S.
will never come up at trial. We need to corroborate and include
information uncovered by journalist Daniel Hopsicker
 and get to the truth.”
Mexicans are being punished for crimes for which their

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

2008-08-26 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 25, 2008 2:23:56 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President  



 08:24:39 am, Categories: Voices, 1705 words
The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

F. William Engdahl

Illustration: Spica Stolfus

The controversy over the Georgian surprise military attacks on South  
Ossetia and Abkhazia on 8.8.08 makes a closer look at the  
controversial Georgian President and his puppet masters important. An  
examination shows 41 year old Mikhail Saakashvili to be a ruthless and  
corrupt totalitarian who is tied to not only the US NATO  
establishment, but also to the Israeli military and intelligence  
establishment. The famous `Rose Revolution of November 2003 that  
forced the ageing Edouard Shevardnadze from power and swept the then  
36 year old US university graduate into power was run and financed by  
the US State Department, the Soros Foundations, and agencies tied to  
the Pentagon and US intelligence community.

Mihkail Saakashvili was deliberately placed in power in one of the  
most sophisticated US regime change operations, using ostensibly  
private NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) to create an atmosphere  
of popular protest against the existing regime of former Soviet  
Foreign Minister Edouard Shevardnadze, who was no longer useful to  
Washington when he began to make a deal with Moscow over energy  
pipelines and privatizations.

Saakashvili was brought to power in a US-engineered coup run on the  
ground by US-funded NGO's, in an application of a new method of US  
destabilization of regimes it considered hostile to its foreign policy  
agenda. The November 24 2003 Wall Street Journal explicitly credited  
the toppling of Shevardnadze's regime to the operations of "a raft of  
non-governmental organizations . . . supported by American and other  
Western foundations." These NGOs, said the Journal, had "spawned a  
class of young, English-speaking intellectuals hungry for pro-Western  
reforms" who were instrumental laying the groundwork for a bloodless  

Coup by NGO

But there is more. The NGOs were coordinated by the US Ambassador to  
Georgia, Richard Miles, who had just arrived in Tbilisi fresh from  
success in orchestrating the CIA-backed toppling of Slobodan Milosevic  
in Belgrade, using the same NGOs. Miles, who is believed to be an  
undercover intelligence specialist, supervised the Saakashvili coup.

It involved US billionaire George Soros' Open Society Georgia  
Foundation. It involved the Washington-based Freedom House whose  
chairman was former CIA chief James Woolsey. It involved generous  
financing from the US Congress-financed National Endowment for  
Democracy, an agency created by Ronald Reagan in the 1980's to "do  
privately what the CIA used to do," namely coups against regimes the  
US Government finds unfriendly.

George Soros' foundations have been forced to leave numerous eastern  
European countries including Russia as well as China after the 1989  
student Tiananmen Square uprising. Soros is also the financier  
together with the US State Department of the Human Rights Watch, a US- 
based and run propaganda arm of the entire NGO apparatus of regime  
coups such as Georgia and Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution. Some  
analysts believe Soros is a high-level operative of the US State  
Department or intelligence services using his private foundations as  

The US State Department funded the Georgia Liberty Institute headed by  
Saakashvili, US approved candidate to succeed the no-longer  
cooperative Shevardnadze. The Liberty Institute in turn created  
"Kmara!" which translates "Enough!" According to a BBC report at the  
time, Kmara! Was organized in spring of 2003 when Saakashvili along  
with hand-picked Georgia student activists were paid by the Soros  
Foundation to go to Belgrade to learn from the US-financed Otpor  
activists that toppled Milosevic. They were trained in Gene Sharp's  
"non-violence as a method of warfare" by the Belgrade Center for  
Nonviolent Resistance.

Saakashvili as mafioso President

Once he was in place in January 2004 as Georgia's new President,  
Saakashvili proceeded to pack the regime with his cronies and kinsmen.  
The death of Zurab Zhvania, his prime minister in February, 2005,  
remains a mystery. The official version—poisoning by faulty gas heater— 
was adopted by American FBI investigators within two weeks of the  
killing. That has never seemed credible to those familiar with  
Georgia's gangland slayings, crime, and other manifestations of social  
decay. Zhvania's death was followed closely by a functionary of the  
Premier's apparat, Georgi Khelashvili, who allegedly shot himself the  
day after

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in Poland

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 23, 2008 1:58:52 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in  


Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in Poland
07:45:51 Þ.Ù
Poland's judiciary has launched an investigation over the existence of
secret CIA jails in Poland, media reports said Friday.

According to the Spokesman of the Polish prosecutor's office, Maciej
Kujaweski, the probe is only in its early phase.

He did not reveal any further details, citing confidentiality.

Poland's Chief Prosecutor, Marek Staszak is reportedly heading the
three week-old investigation, the private Polish radio Zet said.

International human rights groups have accused Poland and Romania of
tolerating secret CIA jails on their territories.

Based on a report published by the lead investigator for the Council
of Europe, Dick Marty, the existence of CIA prisons in Eastern Europe
had been proven.

Marty's 100-page report said the prisons were operated exclusively by
Americans in Poland and Romania from 2003 to 2006.

The report relied primarily on testimony from CIA operatives.

Poland has strongly denied the charges.


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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
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For more information go to:

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Mario Profaca
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SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] A Life in Intelligence - The Richard Helms Collection

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 24, 2008 1:53:13 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] A Life in Intelligence - The Richard Helms  


August 22, 2008
 A Life in Intelligence - The Richard Helms Collection
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room: "This collection of material [A Life  
in Intelligence - The Richard Helms Collection]  http://www.foia.cia.gov/helms.asp 
   by and about Richard Helms as Director of Central Intelligence  
(DCI) and Ambassador to Iran comprises the largest single release of  
Helms-related information to date. The documents, historical works and  
essays offer an unprecedented, wide-ranging look at the man and his  
career as the United States' top intelligence official and one of its  
most important diplomats during a crucial decade of the Cold War. From  
mid-1966, when he became DCI, to late 1976, when he left Iran, Helms  
dealt directly with numerous events whose impact remains evident today  
and which are covered in the release."

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Pentagon's intelligence arm steps up lie detecting

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 24, 2008 1:38:25 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Pentagon's intelligence arm steps up lie detecting

Pentagon's intelligence arm steps up lie detecting
By PAMELA HESS Associated Press Writer
Article Last Updated: 08/23/2008 12:00:23 PM EDT


In this April 28, 2994 file photo, former CIA agent Aldrich Ames
leaves federal court in Alexandria, Va. Ames beat the polygraph test
twice and now the Defense Intelligence Agency is nearly tripling its
arsenal of lie detectors in an attempt to polygraph every one of its
5,700 prospective and current employees every year. Polygraphy as a
screening tool, however, is not fool proof. The test gives a high rate
of false positives on innocent people, and guilty testers can be
trained to beat the system.

WASHINGTON—The Pentagon's intelligence arm is adding more polygraph
studios and relying on outside contractors for the first time to
conduct lie detection tests in an attempt to screen its 5,700
prospective and current employees every year.

The stepped-up effort by the Defense Intelligence Agency is part of a
growing emphasis on counterintelligence, detecting and thwarting
would-be spies and keeping sensitive information away from America's

A polygraph is not foolproof as a screening tool. The test gives a
high rate of false positives on innocent people, and guilty subjects
can be trained to beat the system, according to expert Charles Honts,
a psychology professor at Boise State University.

The National Research Council noted these deficiencies in a 2003
report. The council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, found
that lie detectors can be useful for ferreting out the truth in
specific incidents, but are unreliable for screening prospective
national security employees for trustworthiness.

"Its accuracy in distinguishing actual or potential security violators
from innocent test takers is insufficient to justify reliance on its
use in employee security screening in federal agencies," the council
concluded. "Polygraph testing as currently used has extremely serious
limitations in such screening applications, if the intent is both to
identify security risks and protect valued employees."

John Sullivan, a polygrapher with the CIA for 31 years, noted that
turncoat Aldrich Ames, a CIA mole for the Soviets, beat a polygraph
test twice.

But the prospect of facing a polygraph can deter future security
violations, according to the council's report. That prospect also
increases the frequency of admission of violations—taking home
classified documents, for example—and discourages people who may be
security risks from applying.

"Right now the polygraph is the best tool they have at their hands but
it's not a tool that's without problems," Honts said.

The increase in lie detection at the DIA is three years in the making.
In 2005 the agency's director announced plans to test every
prospective new DIA hire, whether a permanent federal worker or
contract employee.

The DIA would not say how many prospective, current and past employees
are screened annually, but a 2002 report to Congress said the agency
conducted 1,345 counterintelligence polygraphs. It also said the
Defense Department had an average of about 160 government polygraphers
on its payroll annually for the last decade. The Pentagon's
polygraphing institute trains all polygraphers for the government. It
produced 84 new examiners in 2002, according to the latest publicly
available statistics.

Until 2004, Congress severely limited the Pentagon's authority to
conduct polygraphs for counterintelligence purposes. From 1988 to
1990, it could conduct 10,000 a year. From 1990 to 2004, that number
was cut to 5,000. Congress lifted that cap in 2004 at the request of
the Defense Department.

Polygraph sessions are typically three- to four-hour interrogations. A
person is hooked up to a machine that measures physiological
responses. The subject is asked a series of "yes" and "no" questions.
The machine records changes in blood pressure, respiration and heart
rate and electrical activity in the skin. The polygrapher interprets
that data to determine whether the answers show inconsistencies or
indicate deception, based on established parameters

An unclassified DIA document describing the new effort says the
contractor hired to perform the exams will conduct a minimum of 4,550
a year in 13 new polygraph studios. The polygraphers would have to
work at a brisk pace to meet the target: Each studio would need to
complete 350 sessions a year to meet contract specifications. Those 13
new studios would be added to the eight now manned by DIA
polygraphers. All would be overseen by DIA personnel.

The document says that the agency will, f

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Pentagon considers independent operations in Pakistani tribal belt

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 24, 2008 1:32:38 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Pentagon considers independent operations in  
Pakistani tribal belt


Pentagon considers independent operations in Pakistani tribal belt
Afp, Washington

Senior Pentagon officials are debating whether the US military should
undertake independent operations against Islamic militants operating
in Pakistan's northwestern tribal areas, The Los Angeles Times
reported yesterday.The newspaper said these internal debates followed
US intelligence warnings that al-Qaeda and other militant groups are
consolidating their hold on northwestern Pakistan.

The report came as Pakistani soldiers killed up to 35 militants in a
massive offensive in northwest Pakistan, and at least six people were
killed in separate bomb attacks, according to Pakistani military and
police officials.

Troops are battling Taliban militants in the Swat valley in North West
Frontier Province where the violence has left dozens of dead and  

But there is a growing belief within the US government that the new
leadership in Islamabad has proved to be ineffectual in the fight
against the militants.

"Radical terrorist groups in the border regions have undermined and
fought against the central government of Pakistan and carved out
sanctuaries and training bases," an unnamed senior US officer in
Afghanistan is quoted by The Times as saying. "They have come back,
and they are presenting a significant challenge."

A team of as many as 30 trainers was supposed be sent to Pakistan this
summer to operate out of a base near the northwestern city of Peshawar.

But Pentagon officials said the training has been blocked by the
Pakistani government for months, in part because of anger over the
June killing of 11 Frontier Corps members in a US airstrike near the
Afghan border.

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
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to think twice before using it for their story writing, further
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For more information go to:

SPY NEWS home page:

Mario Profaca
e-mail: mario.profaca[at]zg.t-com.hr
SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] A New Rush to Spy

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 23, 2008 2:05:08 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] A New Rush to Spy

The New York Times
August 22, 2008
A New Rush to Spy

There is apparently no limit to the Bush administration's desire to
invade Americans' privacy in the name of national security. According
to members of Congress, Attorney General Michael Mukasey is preparing
to give the F.B.I. broad new authority to investigate Americans —
without any clear basis for suspicion that they are committing a crime.

Opening the door to sweeping investigations of this kind would be an
invitation to the government to spy on people based on their race,
religion or political activities. Before Mr. Mukasey goes any further,
Congress should insist that the guidelines be fully vetted, and it
should make certain that they do not pose a further threat to
Americans' civil liberties.

Mr. Mukasey has not revealed the new guidelines. But according to
senators whose staff have been given limited briefings, the rules may
also authorize the F.B.I. to use an array of problematic investigative
techniques. Among these are pretext interviews, in which agents do not
honestly represent themselves while questioning a subject's neighbors
and work colleagues.

Four Democratic Senators — Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, Sheldon
Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Richard Durbin of Illinois and Edward
Kennedy of Massachusetts — have written to Mr. Mukasey and urged him
not to sign the guidelines until they are publicly announced and
national security and civil liberties experts have had a chance to
analyze them.

We concur, and we would add that there should be full Congressional
hearings so Americans can learn what new powers the government intends
to take on.

The F.B.I. has a long history of abusing its authority to spy on
domestic groups, including civil rights and anti-war activists, and
there is a real danger that the new rules would revive those dark days.

Clearly, the Bush administration cannot be trusted to get the balance
between law enforcement and civil liberties right. It has repeatedly
engaged in improper and illegal domestic spying — notably in the
National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping program.

The F.B.I. and the White House no doubt want to push the changes
through before a new president is elected. There is no reason to rush
to adopt rules that have such important civil liberties implications.

Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 23, 2008 2:28:49 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers  Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record NumbersKris GutierrezFox NewsAugust 23, 2008DALLAS — Illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico in numbers not seen for decades — and the Mexican government may have to deal with a crush on its social services and lower wages once the immigrants arrive.The Mexican Consulate’s office in Dallas is seeing increasing numbers of Mexican nationals requesting paperwork to go home for good, especially parents who want to know what documentation they’ll need to enroll their children in Mexican schools.“Those numbers have increased percentage-wise tremendously,” said Enrique Hubbard, the Mexican consul general in Dallas. “In fact, it’s almost 100 percent more this year than it was the previous two years.”The illegal immigrant population in the U.S. has dropped 11 percent since August of last year, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Its research shows 1.3 million illegal immigrants have returned to their home countries.Read article  9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising   Get the DVD and make copies or watch the high quality streaming and download version online at Prison Planet.tv. Click here to read more about the film and view sample trailers.The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.infowars.com/?p=4133Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Disproof of Global Warming Hype Published

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 23, 2008 2:26:51 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Disproof of Global Warming Hype Published  Disproof of Global Warming Hype PublishedR. F. Gay and F. William EngdahlThe Peoples VoiceAugust 22, 2008A mathematical proof that there is no “climate crisis” has been published in debate on global warming in Physics and Society, a scientific publication of the 46,000-strong American Physical Society.Christopher Monckton, who once advised Margaret Thatcher, demonstrates via 30 equations that computer models used by the UN’s climate panel (IPCC) were pre-programmed with overstated values for the three variables whose product is “climate sensitivity” (temperature increase in response to greenhouse-gas increase), resulting in a 500-2000% overstatement of CO2’s effect on temperature in the IPCC’s latest climate assessment report, published in 2007.The article, entitled Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered demonstrates that later this century a doubling of the concentration of CO2 compared with pre-industrial levels will increase global mean surface temperature not by the 6 °F predicted by the IPCC but, harmlessly, by little more than 1 °F. Lord Monckton concludes – “… Perhaps real-world climate sensitivity is very much below the IPCC’s estimates. Perhaps, therefore, there is no ‘climate crisis’ at all. … The correct policy approach to a non-problem is to have the courage to do nothing.”Larry Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Chair (2004) of the New England Section of the American Physical Society (APS), has been studying climate-change science for four years. He said: “I was impressed by an hour-long academic lecture which criticized claims about ‘global warming’ and explained the implications of the physics of radiative transfer for climate change. I was pleased that the audience responded to the informative presentation with a prolonged, standing ovation. That is what happened when, at the invitation of the President of our University, Christopher Monckton lectured here in Hartford this spring. I am delighted that Physics and Society, an APS journal, has published his detailed paper refining and reporting his important and revealing results. “To me the value of this paper lies in its dispassionate but ruthlessly clear exposition – or, rather, exposé – of the IPCC’s method of evaluating climate sensitivity. The detailed arguments in this paper, and, indeed, in a large number of other scientific papers, point up extensive errors, including numerous projection errors of climate models, as well as misleading statements by the IPCC. Consequently, there are no rational grounds for believing either the IPCC or any other claims of dangerous anthropogenic ‘global warming’.”Lord Monckton’s paper reveals that – ? The IPCC’s 2007 climate summary overstated CO2’s impact on temperature by 500-2000%; ? CO2 enrichment will add little more than 1 °F (0.6 °C) to global mean surface temperature by 2100; ? Not one of the three key variables whose product is climate sensitivity can be measured directly; ? The IPCC’s values for these key variables are taken from only four published papers, not 2,500; ? The IPCC’s values for each of the three variables, and hence for climate sensitivity, are overstated; ? “Global warming” halted ten years ago, and surface temperature has been falling for seven years; ? Not one of the computer models relied upon by the IPCC predicted so long and rapid a cooling; ? The IPCC inserted a table into the scientists’ draft, overstating the effect of ice-melt by 1000%; ? It was proved 50 years ago that predicting climate more than two weeks ahead is impossible; ? Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth warmed; ? In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years. Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze Global warming hoax exposed by record global cold by F. William Engdahl The media and governmental hype over a danger from global warming that already is allegedly causing the polar icecaps to melt and threaten a global climate catastrophe, looks more and more like the political hype it is. This year to date, snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966. According to the US National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) many American cities and towns have suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January "was - 0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 average." China is surviving its most brutal winter in one hundred years. Temperatures in the normally mild south were low for so long that some middle-sized cities went weeks without electricity because once power lines had toppled it was too cold or too icy to repair them. There have been so many snow and ice storms in Ontario and Quebec in the past two month

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Report: British MI5 criticized for involvement in torture, rendition

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 23, 2008 2:07:57 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Report: British MI5 criticized for involvement in  
torture, rendition


Report: British MI5 criticized for involvement in torture, rendition
www.chinaview.cn 2008-08-22 18:49:49Print

   LONDON, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- British secret service MI5 was
criticized for its involvement in torture, rendition of a British
resident now held in Guantanamo Bay, British newspaper The Guardian
revealed in a report on Friday.

   The report said that British high court found in a judgment that
MI5 participated in the unlawful interrogation of a British resident,
Binyam Mohamed, 30, an Ethiopian national, which raised the serious
questions about the conduct of British secret services.

   One MI5 officer, who was so concerned about incriminating himself
that he initially declined to answer questions from the judges even in
private, was later questioned about alleged war crimes under the
international criminal court act, including torture, said the
judgment. But the full evidence surrounding the officer's evidence,
and the judges' findings, remain secret.

   The MI5 officer interrogated Mohamed while he was being held in
Pakistan in 2002, and he was later secretly rendered to Morocco, where
he was tortured by having his penis cut with a razor blade, said the

   And the U.S. subsequently flew him to Afghanistan, and in
September 2004, he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay.

   "The conduct of the security service facilitated interviews by or
on behalf of the United States when [Mohamed] was being detained by
the United States incommunicado and without access to a lawyer." Lord
Justice Thomas and Mr. Justice Lloyd Jones said in the judgment,
adding, "Under the law of Pakistan, that detention was unlawful."

   In their ruling, the judges found that MI5 "continued to
facilitate" the interviewing of Mohamed at the behest of the U.S. even
after he was secretly flown out of Pakistan.

   It did so by providing information to America although its
officers "must also have appreciated" he was being detained and
questioned in a facility which was "that of a foreign government", and
that government is believed to be Morocco, said the judges.

   The report said that the Home Office last month declined the use
of torture or inhumane treatment.

   "All security service staff have an awareness of the Human Rights
Act 1998, and are fully committed to complying with the requirements
of the law when working in the UK and overseas." the ministry said on
behalf of the MI5.

   It added that the security and intelligence agencies "do not
participate in, solicit, encourage or condone the use of torture or
inhumane or degrading treatment".

   According to the report, Mohamed is due to be tried for terrorist
offenses before a U.S. military commission in Guantanamo Bay as a
result of confessions he said were extracted by torture. And he would
face the death penalty if found guilty.

   Without information held by the British government, he could not
have a fair trial "as he will not be able to try to establish the only
answer he has to the confessions - namely that they were involuntary
and abstracted from him by wrongful treatment", the judges said.

   The judges will decide which documents about the case must be
released after a private court hearing next week, said the report.

Editor: Bi Mingxin

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Greenback Blues: Something’s gotta g ive

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 23, 2008 2:23:49 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: The Greenback Blues: Something’s gotta give  The Greenback Blues: Something’s gotta giveMike WhitneyThe Intelligence Daily News ServiceAugust 23, 2008 As Greenspan’s massive equity bubble continues to lose gas, balance sheets will have to be mended and lending will slow to a crawl.In a matter of weeks, the euro has been pounded into pulp while the dollar has regained much of its former glory. The mighty greenback has surged 6% in the last month alone. Wow. Apparently, the early reports of the dollar’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. The euro, on the other hand, has been caught in the same recessionary-downdraft that is buffeting a number of other currencies, all of which are unwinding at the same time although unevenly. Currency markets don’t move in straight lines. But don’t be fooled, most paper money is steadily losing value due to the unprecedented expansion of credit which started at the Federal Reserve. Investors are moving to cash and hunkering down; the stock and bond markets are just too risky and real estate is in a shambles. As Greenspan’s massive equity bubble continues to lose gas, balance sheets will have to be mended and lending will slow to a crawl. At present, Germany’s slowdown and Spain’s housing crash are drawing most of the attention but, the spotlight is shifting fast. Next week it could be shining down on the America’s failing banking system or poor corporate-earnings reports in the US. Then it will be the dollar marching off to the gallows.Europe’s troubles have put to rest to idea that other countries can “decouple” from the US and prosper without the help of the US consumer. That might be true in the long-term, but falling demand is already visible everywhere. Retail and auto sales are taking a thumping and 2009 is shaping up to be even tougher. It’s looking more and more like the European Central Bank was faked-out by the early signs of inflation and missed the deflationary sledgehammer that was about to come crashing down. It was a rookie error by European Central Bank (ECB) chief Jean Claude Trichet and it could cost him his job. Raising interest rates while sliding into the jaws of recession is madness. Now all of Europe is headed for a hard landing and there’s no way to soften the blow. The ECB doesn’t have the same tools as the Fed; Trichet can’t simply backstop the whole system with green paper and T-Bills like Bernanke. He can either slash rates or sit on his hands and hope for the best.The UK Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, sums up Europe’s woes in last week’s article “ECB Slammed as Europe Crumbles”:“The economies of Germany, France and Italy all contracted in the first quarter and may now be in full recession, shattering assumptions that Europe would prove able to shrug off the effects of the credit crunch….The picture is darkening so fast in Spain that Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero canceled holidays and called his cabinet back to Madrid yesterday for the first emergency session of its kind since the Franco dictatorship.Growth has turned negative in Ireland, Denmark, Latvia, and Estonia, while grinding to a halt in Sweden and The Netherlands. Iceland contracted by a staggering 3.7pc. The grim data from Eurostat follows a recession warning in Britain, and shock news that the Japanese economy had shrunk 0.6pc in the second quarter. Almost the entire bloc of rich Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries - still two thirds of the world economy - are now in the grip of a major downturn.”Evans-Pritchard’s article reads like a chapter from the Book of Revelation all that’s missing is the plague of locusts. The ECB is in a pickle and will have to allow the economy to cool off so the credit excesses can work themselves out. It’s like a pig passing through the belly of the boa; it takes time. As a result, deficits are expected to soar in the south (particularly Spain, Greece and Italy) while growth in the industrial north, Germany, will continue to shrink. Also, Spain, Ireland and England are undergoing the biggest housing meltdown in history after indulging in the same mortgage hanky-panky that took place in the US. Billions of dollars of low interest loans, that were issued to unqualified mortgage applicants, are gumming up the whole system and sending foreclosures skyrocketing. Now the losses have to be written down and thousands of unoccupied houses sold at auction. It’s a disaster.The problem is so big that the future of the EU and the euro are now very much in doubt. Currency traders are expecting the ECB to lower rates (and weaken the euro) just as the future’s market is wagering that the Fed will raise rates to fight inflation. But don’t bet on it. Interest rates are going down not up, regardless of the Fed’s impressive PR campaign. Bernanke is just waiting for Trichet to make his move befo

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in Poland

2008-08-24 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 23, 2008 1:58:52 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in  


Poland probes existence of secret CIA jails in Poland
07:45:51 Þ.Ù
Poland's judiciary has launched an investigation over the existence of
secret CIA jails in Poland, media reports said Friday.

According to the Spokesman of the Polish prosecutor's office, Maciej
Kujaweski, the probe is only in its early phase.

He did not reveal any further details, citing confidentiality.

Poland's Chief Prosecutor, Marek Staszak is reportedly heading the
three week-old investigation, the private Polish radio Zet said.

International human rights groups have accused Poland and Romania of
tolerating secret CIA jails on their territories.

Based on a report published by the lead investigator for the Council
of Europe, Dick Marty, the existence of CIA prisons in Eastern Europe
had been proven.

Marty's 100-page report said the prisons were operated exclusively by
Americans in Poland and Romania from 2003 to 2006.

The report relied primarily on testimony from CIA operatives.

Poland has strongly denied the charges.


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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
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For more information go to:

SPY NEWS home page:

Mario Profaca
e-mail: mario.profaca[at]zg.t-com.hr
SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] 9/11 CONNECTION FYI: Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court (Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency) by Phillip Berg - 9/11 Truth Attorney for William Rodriguez

2008-08-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 21, 2008 9:57:47 PM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] 9/11 CONNECTION FYI: Obama Sued in Philadelphia  
Federal Court (Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency) by  
Phillip Berg - 9/11 Truth Attorney for William Rodriguez


Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court (Constitutionally Ineligible  
for the Presidency)by Phillip Berg - 9/11 Truth Attorney for William  

AmericaRight.com ^ | 8/21/08 | Jeff Schreiber
Posted on Thu Aug 21 17:00:24 2008 by LdSentinal

A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed  
suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern  
District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and the  
Democratic National Committee. The action seeks an injunction  
preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order  
enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that  
Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the  
office of President of the United States.

Phillip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and  
senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in  
Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State  
Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.  
According to Berg, he filed the suit--just days before the DNC is to  
hold its nominating convention in Denver--for the health of the  
Democratic Party.

"I filed this action at this time," Berg stated, "to avoid the obvious  
problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues  
after Obama is nominated.".

Berg cited a number of unanswered questions regarding the Illinois  
senator's background, and in today's lawsuit maintained that Sen.  
Obama is not a naturalized U.S. citizen or that, if he ever was, he  
lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia. Berg also cites  
what he calls "dual loyalties" due to his citizenship and ties with  
Kenya and Indonesia.

Even if Sen. Obama can prove his U.S. citizenship, Berg stated, citing  
the senator's use of a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii  
verified as a forgery by three independent document forensic experts,  
the issue of "multi-citizenship with responsibilities owed to and  
allegiance to other countries" remains on the table.

In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not  
in Hawaii as the senator maintains. Before giving birth, according to  
the lawsuit, Obama's mother traveled to Kenya with his father but was  
prevented from flying back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her  
pregnancy, "apparently a normal restriction to avoid births during a  
flight." As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and  
half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham-- 
Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently  
flew to Hawaii to register the birth.

Berg cites inconsistent accounts of Sen. Obama's birth, including  
reports that he was born at two separate hospitals--Kapiolani Hospital  
and Queens Hospital--in Honolulu, as well a profound lack of birthing  
records for Stanley Ann Dunham, though simple "registry of birth"  
records for Barack Obama are available in a Hawaiian public records  

Should Sen. Obama truly have been born in Kenya, Berg writes, the laws  
on the books at the time of his birth hold that U.S. citizenship may  
only pass to a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent and non- 
citizen parent if the former was at least 19 years of age. Sen.  
Obama's mother was only 18 at the time. Therefore, because U.S.  
citizenship could not legally be passed on to him, Obama could not be  
registered as a "natural born" citizen and would therefore be  
ineligible to seek the presidency pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of  
the United States Constitution.

Moreover, even if Sen. Obama could have somehow been deemed "natural  
born," that citizenship was lost in or around 1967 when he and his  
mother took up residency in Indonesia, where Stanley Ann Dunham  
married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen. Berg also states that he  
possesses copies of Sen. Obama's registration to Fransiskus Assisi  
School In Jakarta, Indonesia which clearly show that he was registered  
under the name "Barry Soetoro" and his citizenship listed as Indonesian.

The Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg says, is a forgery. In the suit,  
the attorney states that the birth certificate on record is a forgery,  
has been identified as such by three independent document forensic  
experts, and actually belonged to Maya Kasandra Soetoro, Sen. Obama's  

"Voters donated money, goods and services to elect a nominee and were  
defrauded by Sen. Obama's lies and obfuscations," Berg stated. "If the  
DNC officers ... had performed one ounce of due diligence

[cia-drugs] Fwd: L.A. Program to Give $2.2 Billion to Mexican Trucking Firms

2008-08-21 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: August 20, 2008 7:12:53 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: L.A. Program to Give $2.2 Billion to Mexican Trucking Firms  L.A. Program to Give $2.2 Billion to Mexican Trucking FirmsLand Line MagazineAugust 16, 2008he Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach boast of bringing in 40 percent of the nation’s imported goods, and plans to cut emissions at each port have been highlighted in mainstream news programs and the cable TV show “America’s Port.”A Land Line investigation into the ports’ multibillion-dollar clean truck program, however, shows that the $2.2 billion program could pay for the replacement of trucks owned by Mexican trucking companies while it excludes U.S. trucks that run any miles outside of California.The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles each have adopted clean trucks programs that phase out all pre-2007 emissions level trucks by December 2012, and phase in requirements that all trucks be operated by licensed concessionaires approved by the port. The Port of Los Angeles adopted further restrictions that eventually require all drivers to be company employees.On page five of the Clean Trucks Program application – which features logos of each port – the form asks applicants to check one of three types of operating authority numbers.1. MC for motor carrier2. FF for freight forwarder3. MX for Mexican companies with federal authority to operate beyond commercial zonesThe MX stands for “carriers that are based in Mexico,” said Art Wong, a spokesman for the Port of Long Beach.Theresa Adams-Lopez, a spokeswoman for the Port of Los Angeles, also confirmed the Mexican truck classification in a statement but said it was “merely an inquiry during the application process.”“An MX-registered truck probably won’t be automatically excluded from getting grant funding,” Adams-Lopez said. “However, it will need to meet all the standard criteria. Be assured that no truck will be funded under either port’s funds unless it can be shown to meet all program requirements, as a legitimate frequent tripper and contributor to the ports’ air quality programs.”The potential for hundreds of millions of dollars to be given to companies domiciled in Mexico concerns the Missouri-based Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, said Rick Craig, OOIDA’s director of regulatory affairs.“It appears that certain Mexican trucking companies could meet the requirements of this program,” Craig said.The truck replacement funding form requires applicants to be plated in California with no International Registration Plan license, and applicants must promise not to run any miles outside of the Golden State for at least seven years.The ports plan to use container fees to finance a portion of the $2.2 billion truck replacement program, which can fund up to 80 percent of the cost of replacing the oldest trucks among the estimated 16,000 drayage trucks that operate daily in the ports.The program, however, isn’t fully funded by container fees. The state of California is kicking in a large share of money needed for truck replacement.Proposition 1B – which includes a total of $20 billion for transportation infrastructure and $1 billion specifically for air quality programs – also will fund $98 million worth of truck replacement funds at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles during the 2007-2008 fiscal year.Applicants can try to obtain grants for a portion of the cost of a new truck, or to a “subsidized lease or grant using a combination of port and Proposition 1B funds,” according to a joint announcement issued by the ports on Aug. 1.Many Mexican carriers run trucks in California with license plates from Mexico and California, or with an International Registration Plan license plate, each examples that would prevent their application from being considered for the truck replacement program. Foreign owned and operated carriers also must deal with a variety of customs and immigration regulations.Theoretically, a Mexican carrier could purchase a truck in the U.S., run only California miles and employ an American driver to meet immigration standards, Craig said.Craig pointed out the drayage economy in Los Angeles and Long Beach has been profitable for port trucking companies but not for owner-operators, who can’t afford to buy their own new trucks or to maintain existing ones.“If not for the perverted economic model that has developed in the ports, there would be no need to subsidize port replacement trucks in the first place,” Craig said. “Our people are complying without public funding.”Joe Rajkovacz, OOIDA’s regulatory affairs specialist, has addressed the Port of Los Angeles Harbor Commission and spoken to several port officials about the Association’s concerns.Rajkovacz said the American Trucking Association’s recent lawsuit seeking an injunction against the port’s clean truck program doesn’t argue against carriers receiving billions in truck replacement funds.“The most

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] Audio: Alex Jones On Pre-9/11 Symbolism

2008-08-20 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "shane_digital" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 20, 2008 10:27:08 AM PDT
Subject: [IPCUSA] Audio: Alex Jones On Pre-9/11 Symbolism

Audio: Alex Jones On Pre-9/11 Symbolism

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alex covers the latest on the Matrix and other Hollywood pre-9/11

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] Breaking up big banks questioned as losses mount

2008-08-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daniel Glover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 18, 2008 11:56:29 PM PDT

Subject: [IPCUSA] Breaking up big banks questioned as losses mount

Breaking up big banks questioned as losses mount


By JOE BEL BRUNO, AP Business Writer Sat Aug 16, 1:11 AM ET

NEW YORK - America's biggest banks have suffered unprecedented losses  
the ongoing credit crisis, and that's made some investors question  

the big financial conglomerates should be broken up in order to survive.



Break-up advocates, who for months have been clamoring for Citigroup  
Inc. to

be dismantled, got some validation of their viewpoint this past week.
Europe's UBS AG - created through the combination of Swiss Bank Corp.  
Union Bank of Switzerland in 1997 - on Wednesday laid the groundwork  
to tear

up its business model after another quarter of steep losses.

Though the UBS announcement was expected, it was nonetheless a departure
from what executives promised during a wave of big bank deals that  
began in
the late 1990s. The creators of global banks like Citigroup, JPMorgan  
& Co., and HSBC Holdings PLC had promised customers and shareholders  
that a

diverse set of businesses would shield them from economic volatility.

But, those models haven't sheltered the banks from the subprime mortgage
crisis that turned into a dislocation of the credit markets. Major  

banks have taken more than $300 billion in asset write-downs, and
organizations like the International Monetary Fund believe that amount  

reach $1 trillion.

"The whole idea was, 'let's be so unbelievably diversified that we  
won't be

affected,' but when the credit markets seize up, no matter what kind of
financial company you are, everything seizes up," said William Smith,
president of New York-based Smith Asset Management. "The UBS statement
basically shows the model is a failure."

That's not what former Citigroup Chief Executive Sanford Weill  

when the company was created in 1998 by the combination of Citicorp and
Travelers Group. He maintained that offering a mix of financial  
products -
such as investment banking at Salomon Brothers, brokerage services  
Smith Barney, and Citibank's retail and consumer banking - would  
protect the


Critics like Smith believe that Citigroup is worth more split up.  
CEO Vikram Pandit has rejected the idea, believing the company should  

through the credit crisis in one piece.

But, John Reed, who as head of Citicorp forged the deal with Weill's
Travelers Group, commented recently that the universal bank model didn't
work. That's only been highlighted by Citigroup's stock price, down 71
percent from its 52-week high of $49.

Talk about how Citigroup and others should be structured will only  

now that UBS appears to have turned its back on its "one bank" strategy.
Switzerland's largest bank posted a hefty $5.1 billion write-down for  
second quarter, and disclosed plans to separate its ailing investment  

from healthier businesses.

And, concerns about the execution of the business model are spreading,  

among those who support the idea of financial conglomerates.

Ladenburg Thalmann's Richard X. Bove, one of the most outspoken banking
analysts since the credit crisis began last year, wrote in a note that  

"concept behind the creation of JPMorgan Chase has broken down."

Bove said JPMorgan's acquisition of Chicago's Bank One in 2004 was  
to beef up its consumer business, including banking and credit cards.  
would help offset problems if the capital markets, like investment  

and related areas, were to falter. The problem is that both markets are
currently weak.

He said JPMorgan's exposure was hurt further by the acquisition of  

Bear Stearns in March. Still, despite all this, Bove feels the model is
viable - and that JPMorgan can work through the troubles over a number  

years by cutting costs and refining its businesses.

"No steel company can sell steel when auto manufacturers aren't selling
cars, and no bank can make big profits when there's a weakness in the
housing and credit markets," he said. "They have to ride out the cycle,
minimize the losses, and maximize profits when the cycle returns. You  

restructure a company to avoid that cycle."

"In 1985, there were 14,500 banks in the U.S. - and now there's  
7,200," he

said. "For the past 23 years, six of them went away each week. The big
universal banks might get hit, but they

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Britain's Spy Service Recruiting Gays

2008-08-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 18, 2008 10:26:44 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Britain's Spy Service Recruiting Gays

August 19, 2008
Britain's Spy Service Recruiting Gays

Britain's domestic spy agency wants gay recruits to know: It's time to
come out of the closet.

After shunning them for decades over worries of blackmail, MI5 is now
asking gay and lesbian people to consider a career as a spy, promising
the chance to fight terrorists, protect their country -- and earn a
decent salary, plus benefits.

As part of an ongoing recruitment drive, MI5 is already wooing women,
minorities, and people with language skills. The fact that they're now
reaching out to Britain's gay community is long overdue, said Peter
Tatchell, a London-based gay rights activist.

"Until a decade ago, gay people were seen as a security threat, and as
recently as two decades ago, they were being witch-hunted and sacked
from the security services," he said Monday.

"It was part of the Cold War mentality that saw security threats,
traitors, and spies everywhere," he said. "Gay people were regarded as
vulnerable to blackmail, even if they were open and out about their

Britain had some infamous gay agents during that era, such as Guy
Burgess and Anthony Blunt. The two men were caught spying for the
Soviet Union.

The spy agency is shaking off its clubby image and becoming more
representative of the community it serves, said Ben Summerskill, chief
executive officer the gay rights group Stonewall, which publishes a
job hunting guide that includes the spy agency as a prospective  

"My recent experience of them is that they're not John le Carre,
Graham Greene -- it's not that sort of tableau anymore," Summerskill
said Monday.

Stonewall also is working with MI5 to create a workplace environment
that is supportive of gay people.

Currently, MI5 has about 3,500 staff, twice what it had in 2001. The
new drive comes two years after MI5 began publicly targeting women for
recruitment, placing posters in gyms and advertisements in sports
magazines that featured a black woman.

MI6, which collects Britain's foreign intelligence, also is looking
for new hires, and in particular is encouraging applications from
women and minorities.

According to MI5's website, intelligence officers earn a starting
salary of about 23,000 pounds ($45,000) plus benefits. Applicants have
to be British citizens and must pass a lengthy vetting process.

"As an intelligence officer at MI5, you'll be faced with some of the
most challenging issues affecting national security today," the site
says. "The decisions you make will play a major part in our efforts to
counter terrorism, espionage, the spread of weapons of mass
destruction and in protecting the U.K.'s critical national

Garry Hindle, the head of security and counterintelligence at the
Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies, said
MI5's inclusion in the gay and lesbian job guide is about inclusion,
but it's also about image.

"They're trying to portray themselves as an open, inclusive
organization that's working for the good of the community," Hindle
said. But "it does need diverse members of society to be able to
access the diverse members of society that they may have interest in."

The agency would say only that "the service seeks to reflect the broad
range of U.K. society which it serves."

Available jobs include translators, computer specialists, and
surveillance officers. (AP)
© 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] In China, Looks Are Everything

2008-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 17, 2008 12:06:19 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] In China, Looks Are Everything

In China, Looks Are Everything

New America Media, News Analysis, Jun Wang , Posted: Aug 15, 2008

Editor's Note: The controversy over little Miaoke Lin lip-synching  
during the Olympic opening ceremony has split the Chinese blogosphere  
and shocked the West. Jun Wang is a Los Angeles-based reporter for New  
America Media.

In China, everything has to look perfectly good, especially if it's  
related to the Beijing Olympics. The opening ceremony did look  
magnificently grand. However, it has set off serious arguments around  
the world.

Everyone knows now that Miaoke Lin, the nine-year-old girl who  
appeared to be singing the Hymn to the Motherland in the Olympics  
opening ceremony, was not the singer at all. The voice belonged to  
Peiyi Yang, a seven-year-old girl, who sang from backstage.

Video: Miaoke Lin at the opening ceremony

Download video!

The switch was revealed by Qigang Chen, music director of the Olympics  
opening ceremony, days after the event. He said directors didn't let  
Yang perform on the stage because they were concerned about her  
appearance. "This is a matter of national interest. The girl must look  
good and perform good," Chen said.

The remark provoked many Chinese to post comments on the Internet.  
Wrote one: "Why not put Huan Liu, China's top singer without a popular  
face, singing behind the stage and bring some handsome face to move  
his mouth beside Sarah Brightman on the stage to boost China's  
national interest?"

Xi Lin, a famous Chinese composer said that for him, fake-singing is  
not a problem at all. But Chen's explanation makes him angry. Lin said  
he doesn't see much difference between the two girls in terms of  
appealing faces. But he believes the national image of China must be  
incredibly easy to shake if it's based on a performer's looks.

The Chinese are split over the two-girl issue.

Supporters of the opening director Yimou Zhang say all the  
performances at the opening were teamwork. Nobody thinks Ning Li, the  
legendary gymnast, actually flew around the bird-nest stadium to light  
the Olympic torch all by himself. It's very clear that there are tons  
of people working unseen behind him. Nobody asks to list all their  
names after Li.

"Pretty Corn" argued back on the same website: "I don't oppose fake  
singing or so-called cooperation, but Yang didn't get her credit."

The playbill handed out at the opening ceremony is criticized as  
misleading. It shows "Actress A: Peiyi Yang, Actress B: Miaoke Lin."  
Translated, that would indicate that Lin would be Yang's substitute if  
Yang can't make the show. A post by "ysy ysy" asks "Why not put  
singer: Peiyi Yang, performer Miaoke Lin? Why (didn't anyone) bring  
this up in the press conference immediately after the opening ceremony?"

Giving credit might not be a big problem in China, but most people, on  
both sides of the issue, worry about what effect all this will have on  
the little girls, especially on Peiyi Yang. Her appearance has been  
officially evaluated as "negatively affecting China's national image."

The girls' experience has no doubt taught them that outward  
appearances, if superior, can definitely give them more opportunities  
and glory.

Lin and her parents received so many interview requests from the media  
that the little girl had to suggest to her mother that she turn off  
her cell phone and tell the media it's out of battery power.

Lin told the media, "Uncle Zhang (the Olympic opening director) said  
my voice is splendid." According to the Wuhan Evening News, Lin's new  
job was to perform for three minutes in a movie, for which she  
reportedly got paid 600,000 RMB (about 90,000 USD).

Before the Olympics show, Lin had shot dozens of TV ads and performed  
in many shows. Her journalist father and celebrity grandfather are  
believed to have worked hard to promote Lin in the entertainment  

Family backgrounds are investigated as a tangible clue for Lin and  
some other kids who won in the nationwide competition to perform at  
the opening ceremony.

Muzi Li, the little girl sitting beside pianist Lang Lang while he was  
playing in the opening, is also at the center of a controversy. She  
was found to have a real estate magnate mother, who's from a high  
level Chinese government leader's family. Li's mother went to Harvard  
University. Rumors circulating on the Internet say she is married to  
the son of Qinghong Zen, the mysteriously low-profile former Chinese  
Vice President.

Ironically, an online post on Wenxuecity by "Registration Info 123"  
points out, "All the faults belong to Peiyi Yang. She stirred up the  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] The CIA is training landscapers, poolmen, and interior designers

2008-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 16, 2008 4:53:27 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] The CIA is training landscapers, poolmen, and  
interior designers



The CIA is training landscapers, poolmen, and interior designers

August 15, 2008
by Tim Swanson

The US military recently accused Iran of training "death squads" whose
primary goal is carrying out assassinations.  The information is being
made public to supposedly "pressure" Iranian leadership into halting
these operations.

So if Iranian assassins are called "death squads" what are similarly
trained operatives from the CIA or Army called?

Perhaps the euphemisms that Pentagon officials use are: customer
service representatives, safety patrol officers, personal assistants,
and make-over specialists.

While the actions of both sides are essentially premeditated murder,
the CIA and Army special forces should also come clean about their
decades old operations involving the execution of foreign nationals.
Come clean on operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Vietnam, and even
Iran itself.

Contemporaneously, after deafening calls to reinstate the official
sanctioning of assassinations, the legacy of director Richard Helms
continues unabated,as the Pentagon continues to fund and operate the
notorious School of the Americas at Fort Bragg which has trained
hundreds of foreign nationals with assassination tactics.

Furthermore, despite being banned in the 1970s — after revelations
disclosed by the Church and Pike committees — with the assistance of
Israeli Defense Forces, the US Army has been actively training
"hunter-killer" squads in Iraq under a program called Operation Gray  

And the latest act of bellicosity: this hypocritical condemnation
comes a month after an exposé showed that last year, Congress
appropriated $400 million for the CIA to conduct clandestine
operations in Iran.

While the exact nature of the operations are undisclosed, it is
difficult to fathom that the funds are financing more plumbers,
carpenters, and electricians in a covert attempt to build new homes
and infrastructure for local residents.

-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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Mario Profaca
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SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] US spying guidelines

2008-08-18 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 16, 2008 4:55:26 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] US spying guidelines

US spying guidelines
Article By:
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 09:04

The administration of President George W. Bush has drafted a set of
guidelines for state and local police agencies that would make it
easier to collect intelligence on ordinary citizens, The Washington
Post reported Saturday.

The newspaper said the proposal, prepared by the US Justice
Department, allows law enforcement agencies to launch a criminal
intelligence investigation based on the suspicion that a person or a
group is engaged in terrorism or providing material support to  

According to the report, local police would share results of their
investigations with the federal government.

Under the proposal, intelligence information could be obtained from
public records, the Internet, law enforcement databases and
confidential and undercover sources.

The rules would apply to the nation's 18 000 state and local police
agencies that would receive about $1.6-billion a year to help cover
the costs of their implementation.


-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
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Mario Profaca
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SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [NewPacifica] Business Week: U.S. oil companies lose as Russia flexes its muscles in Georgia

2008-08-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 15, 2008 7:34:35 AM PDT
Subject: [NewPacifica] Business Week: U.S. oil companies lose as  
Russia flexes its muscles in Georgia



News: August 13, 2008, 7:21PM EST

Georgia: A Blow to U.S. Energy

The plans of the U.S. and Western oil companies for expanded pipelines  

the Caspian region may well be a casualty of Russia's attack

by Steve LeVine

The sudden war in the Caucasus brought Georgia to heel, reasserted  

claim as the dominant force in the region, and dealt a blow to U.S.
prestige. But in this part of the world, diplomacy and war are about  
oil and
gas as much as they are about hegemony and the tragic loss of human  
Victory in Georgia now gives Russia the edge in the struggle over  
access to
the Caspian's 35 billion barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of  
The probable losers: the U.S. and those Western oil companies that  
have bet

heavily on the Caspian as one of the few regions where they could still
operate with relative freedom.

At the core of the struggle is a vast network of actual and planned
pipelines for shipping Caspian Sea oil to the world market from  
that were once part of the Soviet empire. American policymakers  
working with
a BP-led consortium had already helped build oil and natural gas  

across Georgia to the Turkish coast. Next on the drawing board: another
pipeline through Georgia to carry natural gas from the eastern shore  
of the
Caspian Sea to Austria—offering an alternate supply to Western Europe,  

now depends on Russia for a third of its energy.

But after the mauling Georgia got, "any chance of a new non-Russian  
out of Central Asia and into Europe is pretty much dead," says Chris  
an energy analyst at Execution, a brokerage in Greenwich, Conn. The  
risk of
building a pipeline through countries vulnerable to the wrath of  
Russia is

just too high.

The Russia-Georgia war thus may have dealt a blow to 15 years of  
economic diplomacy. Back in the mid-1990s, Clinton Administration  
looking at a map of the recently dismantled Soviet Union grasped a  

fact about its southern perimeter: The newly independent countries there
were overflowing with oil and natural gas but had to ship it via  
Russia to
reach customers. Without pipelines of their own, the Caspian states  
never fully develop their energy industries, or be politically  

of Russia. The lack of pipelines also curbed the export potential of
companies like Chevron, which owns half of Tengiz, the giant Kazakhstan
oilfield. After first resisting, BP (BP) and Chevron (CVX) backed the
American pipeline strategy.

Moscow's Anger

Georgia was a key transit point for any line to the West. John Wolf, a
former U.S. ambassador and now head of the Eisenhower Fellowship  
program in

Philadelphia, was in the thick of the bargaining and arm-twisting that
created the so-called East-West Energy Corridor. Wolf recalls  
powwowing with
the leaders of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey on the construction of  

would become the 1,000-mile-long Baku-Ceyhan, the Caspian's first
independent oil export pipeline. These leaders knew they risked  
Russia's wrath but figured the gamble was worth it, Wolf says. Now  
almost 1

million barrels a day normally course through the pipeline. For Georgia,
it's not the fees it collects from pipeline transit—about $60 million
annually—that are important. Instead, the pipeline's presence signaled
Georgia's stability and encouraged a flood of foreign investment.

That stability, of course, has proved illusory. Yet the Russians won't
interfere with the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline directly, analysts say. Moscow's
strategy depends on not spooking the Europeans, who might then be  
to back the construction of other non-Russian energy pipelines. Since  
have been no confirmed attacks on the pipelines running through  
Georgia, no

European leader has called for a reconsideration of energy policy.

Besides, the Russians may not need to shut down the Baku-Ceyhan line  
to win
the advantage in the energy wars. "There's no doubt that what's  
has increased the investment risk within the region," says Nick  
Butler, a
former senior executive at BP who directs the Cambridge Centre for  
Studies at the University of Cambridge's Judge Business School.  
Already, on
Aug. 12, BP shut down a secondary oil pipeline that ends at Georgia's  

Sea port of Supsa, saying there could be a risk of attack on the line.

Russia's Pipeline Plans

Both Chevron and ExxonMobil (XOM) had also planned to ship hundreds of
thousands of additional barrels a day 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [NewPacifica] War in the Caucasus isthe product of an American imperial drive

2008-08-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 15, 2008 7:36:29 AM PDT
Subject: [NewPacifica] War in the Caucasus isthe product of an  
American imperial drive



This is a tale of US expansion not Russian aggression

War in the Caucasus is as much the product of an American imperial  
drive as local conflicts. It's likely to be a taste of things to come

Seumas Milne
The Guardian,
Thursday August 14 2008

The outcome of six grim days of bloodshed in the Caucasus has  
triggered an outpouring of the most nauseating hypocrisy from western  
politicians and their captive media. As talking heads thundered  
against Russian imperialism and brutal disproportionality, US vice- 
president Dick Cheney, faithfully echoed by Gordon Brown and David  
Miliband, declared that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered".  
George Bush denounced Russia for having "invaded a sovereign  
neighbouring state" and threatening "a democratic government". Such an  
action, he insisted, "is unacceptable in the 21st century".

Could these by any chance be the leaders of the same governments that  
in 2003 invaded and occupied - along with Georgia, as luck would have  
it - the sovereign state of Iraq on a false pretext at the cost of  
hundreds of thousands of lives? Or even the two governments that  
blocked a ceasefire in the summer of 2006 as Israel pulverised  
Lebanon's infrastructure and killed more than a thousand civilians in  
retaliation for the capture or killing of five soldiers?

You'd be hard put to recall after all the fury over Russian aggression  
that it was actually Georgia that began the war last Thursday with an  
all-out attack on South Ossetia to "restore constitutional order" - in  
other words, rule over an area it has never controlled since the  
collapse of the Soviet Union. Nor, amid the outrage at Russian  
bombardments, have there been much more than the briefest references  
to the atrocities committed by Georgian forces against citizens it  
claims as its own in South Ossetia's capital Tskhinvali. Several  
hundred civilians were killed there by Georgian troops last week,  
along with Russian soldiers operating under a 1990s peace agreement:  
"I saw a Georgian soldier throw a grenade into a basement full of  
women and children," one Tskhinvali resident, Saramat Tskhovredov,  
told reporters on Tuesday.

Might it be because Georgia is what Jim Murphy, Britain's minister for  
Europe, called a "small beautiful democracy". Well it's certainly  
small and beautiful, but both the current president, Mikheil  
Saakashvili, and his predecessor came to power in western-backed  
coups, the most recent prettified as a "Rose revolution". Saakashvili  
was then initially rubber-stamped into office with 96% of the vote  
before establishing what the International Crisis Group recently  
described as an "increasingly authoritarian" government, violently  
cracking down on opposition dissent and independent media last  
November. "Democratic" simply seems to mean "pro-western" in these  

The long-running dispute over South Ossetia - as well as Abkhazia, the  
other contested region of Georgia - is the inevitable consequence of  
the breakup of the Soviet Union. As in the case of Yugoslavia,  
minorities who were happy enough to live on either side of an internal  
boundary that made little difference to their lives feel quite  
differently when they find themselves on the wrong side of an  
international state border.

Such problems would be hard enough to settle through negotiation in  
any circumstances. But add in the tireless US promotion of Georgia as  
a pro-western, anti-Russian forward base in the region, its efforts to  
bring Georgia into Nato, the routing of a key Caspian oil pipeline  
through its territory aimed at weakening Russia's control of energy  
supplies, and the US-sponsored recognition of the independence of  
Kosovo - whose status Russia had explicitly linked to that of South  
Ossetia and Abkhazia - and conflict was only a matter of time.

The CIA has in fact been closely involved in Georgia since the Soviet  
collapse. But under the Bush administration, Georgia has become a  
fully fledged US satellite. Georgia's forces are armed and trained by  
the US and Israel. It has the third-largest military contingent in  
Iraq - hence the US need to airlift 800 of them back to fight the  
Russians at the weekend. Saakashvili's links with the neoconservatives  
in Washington are particularly close: the lobbying firm headed by US  
Republican candidate John McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy  
Scheunemann, has been paid nearly $900,000 by the Georgian government  
since 2004.

But underlying the conflict of the past week has also been the Bush  
administration's wider, ex

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] child abuse denial, ritual abuse, brainwashing

2008-08-15 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 14, 2008 7:46:15 PM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] child abuse denial, ritual abuse, brainwashing

Men Who Haven't Been Victims Less Likely To Believe Child Sex Abuse  
Claims ScienceDaily (Feb. 27, 2007) Some 80,000 cases of child sexual  
abuse are reported annually in the United States, according to federal  
statistics. Jennifer Freyd, a UO professor of psychology and co-author  
of the new study, reported in the journal Science in 2005 that abuse  
involving sexual contact between adults and children has been  
experienced by at least 20 percent of women and as many as 10 percent  
of men worldwide, and that 86 percent of sexual abuse cases are never  
reported to authorities. Freyd has since been studying the factors  
that may explain why some people don't believe that such abuses occur,  
a phenomenon that discourages victims from speaking out and allows  
perpetrators to escape unpunished and possibly repeat such  
crimesIn the new study, 318 university students were divided into  
groups based on self-reporting of abuse history and sexist attitudes.  
They heard short vignettes in which a male or female described an  
incident that occurred at age 9 involving an adult figure. The victim  
in each case also reported whether the memory has always been  
available to recall since the incident or was recently recalled.  
Females, including those who had and had not suffered from some kind  
of betrayal of adult trust, and males who had experienced such  
betrayal all were willing to believe such an allegation, even more so  
in the cases where memory had always been present. There was a  
dramatic decline in believability for men with no abuse history. "I  
was surprised that this was such a big effect, and that there was such  
a difference between males and females," Freyd said"There is a  
very high prevalence of child sexual abuse both in our country and  
around the world," she said. "It clearly has negative impacts on  
people. It doesn't mean that everybody who is sexually abused has a  
bad outcome, but, like smoking, it increases the risks for bad  
outcomes." The biggest obstacle to addressing the issue, Freyd said,  
is an unwillingness to talk about it, "and this is very much related  
to people's unwillingness to believe that it occurs and is so  

Healing from Ritual Abuse - Information Package - Advocates for  
Survivors of Child Abusehttp://www.asca.org.au/pdf_public/brochure_ritualabuse040201.pdf

Brainwashing Links - http://www.changingminds.org/links/links_brainwashing.htm
Coercion Links - http://www.changingminds.org/links/links_coercion.htm
Pavlov’s Three stages of breakdown

Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read  
reviews on AOL Autos.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: The Lies About Obama

2008-08-12 Thread RoadsEnd

Polarization express


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Consortiumnews.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 12, 2008 7:04:54 AM PDT
Subject: The Lies About Obama

John McCain has settled on a campaign strategy of sustained personal  
attack on Barack Obama. In this guest essay, Brent Budowsky asks the  
press for some fact-checking on the lies.

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com.

To remove yourself from this list, click here: 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] Fabled Enemies Trailer

2008-08-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "shane_digital" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 11, 2008 1:05:03 PM PDT
Subject: [IPCUSA] Fabled Enemies Trailer

Fabled Enemies Trailer

August 11, 2008


Fabled Enemies is unlike any 9/11documentary ever put together. Rather
than focusing on the physical anomalies at the World Trade Center and
Pentagon, this film follows the intelligence ties of Osama Bin Laden,
the alleged hijackers, and those who were actually detained on 9/11.

The movie delves deeply into the roles of seperate Nations that were
involved in supporting the 9/11 attacks. From Israel to Saudi Arabia
to Pakistan, and even the United States itself, no one is spared in
this scathing expose that pulls no punches. Sit back and get ready to
learn how members of the FBI had their investigations into Bin Laden
obstructed and shut down, how the hijackers were trained at US bases,
that military drills crippled our defense and facilitated the attacks,
how the Shadow Government was actually activated that day, and much
much more.

Join Alex Jones productions and Jason Bermas one of the creators of
Loose Change, in his Directorial debut on September 1st , as he loads
new ammo for the Infowar.


Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] 2008 Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Conf CDs, Mineola case, Jersey Case

2008-08-11 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 10, 2008 9:42:47 PM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] 2008 Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Conf CDs, Mineola case,  
Jersey Case


The CD Order Form for The Eleventh Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive  
Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2008 is now available at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2008-conference.htm

describes violence and crimes

Testimony Continues In Mineola Swingers' Club Trial By Casey Knaupp  
8/7/08 Child Protective Services workers testified Wednesday that the  
sexual abuse three siblings and their young aunt endured in the  
"Mineola Swingers' Club" case was the "worst of the worst."  Patrick  
"Booger Red" Kelly, 41, Tyler, is on trial for engaging in organized  
criminal activity - forcing two of the siblings to have sex with each  
other for his financial gain - on Aug. 1, 2004. He could face five  
years to life in prison if convicted by the seven-woman, five-man  
Smith County jury in 241st District Judge Jack Skeen Jr.'s court. The  
oldest of the three sibling victims, who is now 11, testified for  
another three hours on Wednesday. She answered questions, mostly posed  
by defense attorneys, for nearly six hours on Tuesday. Two foster  
parents and two CPS workers involved with the children also testified.  
The 11-year-old girl said Kelly, whom she knows as "Booger Red," was  
part of a group, which included her mother, who taught her and other  
children how to dance and perform sex acts in "kindergarten,"  
beginning at age 5, at Kelly's house. The children then were allegedly  
forced to perform sex acts at the club in Mineola for an audience and  
the adults made money while they children "wouldn't get fed" if they  
didn't perform, she said. The children were also given "silly pills"  
before they danced and were threatened not to tell, she saidShe  
was asked by defense about acts the kids allegedly performed at the  
club, including her and her brother playing "doctor" and having sex  
with each other, an act where Jamie Pittman shot and killed her  
brother's dog and an act where Pittman hanged chickens. She circled  
the rooms of the club where the acts and dancing took place on a  
diagram she drew earlier for Ranger Kemp. She said there were pictures  
of the children, sometimes in their costumes and sometimes nude,  
hanging on the walls of the club. The victim said Kelly told her he  
would hang her by the tree next to his house if she ever told anyone  
anything. She said Kelly told her little sister he would put her in a  
cave if she toldShe said they burned videos of the children and  
their costumes at Kelly's house because "they didn't want to get  
caught." The sexual abuse occurred four or five years ago, when the  
girl was 5, 6 and 7 years old, she said, adding that some things she  
doesn't remember. She said she wasn't making up the story and she  
wasn't lying; she was telling "exactly what happened."The victims  
in the case are the 11-year-old girl, her 9-year-old brother and her 7- 
year-old sister, as well as their 10-year-old aunt. A 15-year-old  
daughter of one of the co-defendants was also allegedly sexually  
abused.  Although the club is in Wood County, the defendants were  
charged in Smith County because they lived here and reportedly held  
"kindergarten" at their houses. Prosecutors claim the offenses began  
and ended in Smith County when the children left and returned to the  
homes. Ms. Mayo and Jamie Pittman have been convicted and sentenced to  
life in prison and face additional charges. Dennis Boyd Pittman,  
Rebecca Pittman, Shelia Darlene Sones and Jimmy Dale Sones, await  
trials.   http://www.tylerpaper.com/article/20080807/NEWS08/808070339

Jersey abuse case: 'Old boy network' is obstructing police  
investigation  - An "old boy network" of officials is deliberately  
obstructing police investigating decades of alleged abuse at care  
homes in Jersey, according to the police officer who spearheaded the  
inquiry. By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter 8/9/08 Deputy Chief Officer  
Lenny Harper angrily hit out at the figures who he says have engaged  
in a "day by day attack" on the inquiry team and the alleged victims  
of abuse at Haut de la Garenne and other island institutions.  In his  
most outspoken criticism of the Jersey authorities, Mr Harper told the  
Telegraph: "I can quite clearly say that the investigation is being  
held up. There are people on the island who just don't want us going  
down the route of this inquiry."Police currently have 80 names of  
people suspected of physical and sexual abuse at Haut de la Garenne,  
three of whom have been charged and are awaiting trial.  More suspects  
would have been charged by now, said Mr Harper, if it hadn't been for  
delays in the island's legal system.


[cia-drugs] Re: [political-research] Counter-Cointelpro Center

2008-08-11 Thread RoadsEnd
Well, you must realize that this list [political-research] is run by  
Chip Berlet aka Sean McBride. He has been the one of leaders of the  
disinfo artists.

He has been a leader in disseminating the false memes that have been  
laid down to confuse and divide.

1. No Plane at the Pentagon - Dick Eastman
2. No Planes in NY - Webfairy
3. The Jews did it all/Blame it all on Israel - Sean McBride (Chip  

Kris Millegan

On Aug 10, 2008, at 8:27 PM, ojoscriollos wrote:

Brava! This is exactly what we need to do--turn the tables on  
Cointelpro. I propose that we form a group with trusted  
representatives from various groups to research and compare notes.  
Groups of all kinds are swarming with Cointelpro operators. They're  
making life difficult for a lot of people, and it's time for them to  
be called out once there's enough evidence. One thing I've learned  
from research and observations is that many of these agents are  
working over more than one group at a time, or once they've  
satisfactorily decimated one they'll move on to another (e.g. Joyce  
Riley and Dave vonKleist, and Rima Laibow and Albert Stubblebine). I  
have a feeling if we can share information we'll have an easier time  
identifying more.

Can we get photographs to go with these names of the newly exposed, in  
case they're operating in another group under another name? We should  
do a virtual tarring and feathering and ride them out of town on a rail.

Hopefully we can keep up the exposures. I've had enough already. As  
they say in the Spanish-speaking world, "!Basta!"

--- On Sun, 8/10/08, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [political-research] Fwd: [cia-drugs] NO PLANER COINTELPRO  
Operation Becoming Transparen

Date: Sunday, August 10, 2008, 4:51 PM

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Date: August 10, 2008 9:42:33 AM PDT
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com>
Subject: [cia-drugs] NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation Becoming Transparen
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com

Gee, Imagine that.


http://forum. prisonplanet. com/index. php?topic= 52388.msg246950#  

NO Planers/Nico Haupt/Paula Gloria Exposed for Fraud---Links to NSC
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:27:27 AM »


NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation Becoming Transparent
Morgan Rose

COINTELPRO, an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program, was a series of
covert operations conducted by the FBI starting in the mid 50’s and
continuing until 1976 when it was exposed by the investigations The
Committee. One of the primary methods of COINTELPRO consisted of forging
pseudo-movement groups as a means of conducting Psychological Warfare
operations to spread disinformation, disrupt, and divide existing
movements.  These ‘psy-ops’ tended to foment suspicions among the
movements and try to dissuade sympathies from people outside the

Today, COINTELPRO has reared its ugly head again, with infiltrations
popping up everywhere from Anti-War activism groups to peaceful gun
and militias. Provocations have become more and more conspicuous to the
public as the Seattle World Trade Organization protests and Ontario
and Prosperity Partnership protests successfully exposed provocateur
operations.  Of course, something as dangerous to the establishment
politic* as 9/11 has not been without its alleged incidents of
action. Allegations of government disinformation have been swirling
certain figures in the movement, such as former Bush Administration
Morgan Reynolds, who has recently proposed that “no planes hit the World
Trade Center”, has alleged “TV Fakery”, and submitted that the towers
brought down by “Directed Energy Weapons” a.k.a. “Laser Beams”.

While the government has spent innumerable resources trying to
eyewitness statements regarding reported explosions in the towers,
Reynolds and his “mockingbirds” expect the 9/11 truth movement to put
energy into further contradicting even more numerous eyewitness
statements .
See a problem here?

Typical of the above outlined methods, “No Planers” have become a
pseudo-movement, adding lunacy, deception, and division to the
questions emanating from 9/11 families, first responders, government
officials, intelligence experts, scientists, engineers, architects,
academics, entertainment personalities, and so many others.

Perhaps the more visible purveyors of this pseudo-movement are
supported by
Paula Gloria’s “Concordia Foundation”. The “Concordia Foundation”
claims 501
(c) 3, or “nonprofit” status,  However, recent investigations
conducted by
concerned donors have uncovered that her “foundation” does not retain

[cia-drugs] Skull & Boner leads flase-charge against Obama at Wash. Post

2008-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
  Dana Milbank is a member of Yale's Order of Skull & Bones.

WPost Calls Out 'Uppity' Obama

By Robert Parry
July 31, 2008

At this pivotal moment in American history, the major U.S. news media  
is back to its old game of drawing sweeping character judgments about  
a presidential candidate based on misleading “quotes,” a sickening  
replay of other recent elections.
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The latest example of this wearisome gamesmanship was a column by the  
Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, who distorted a reported quote from  
Sen. Barack Obama at a closed Democratic caucus and used it to prove  
Obama was a “presumptuous nominee.”

Milbank’s colleague from the Washington Post’s neoconservative  
editorial page, Jonathan Capehart, then took the point a step further  
on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show, citing the misleading quote to  
establish that Obama is an “uppity” black man.

Yet, the true meaning of the Obama quote at the core of Milbank’s  
snarky column appears to have been almost the opposite of how Milbank  
used it.

Milbank wrote: “Inside [the caucus], according to a witness, [Obama]  
told the House members, ‘This is the moment . . . that the world is  
waiting for,’ adding: ‘I have become a symbol of the possibility of  
America returning to our best traditions.’"

However, other people who attended the caucus complained that Milbank  
had yanked the words out of context to support his “presumptuous”  
thesis, not to reflect what Obama actually was saying.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-South Carolina, said Obama’s comment was “in  
response to what one of the [House] members prefaced the question by,”  
a reference to the crowd of 200,000 that turned out to hear Obama  
speak last week in Berlin.

According to Clyburn, Obama “said, ‘I wish I could take credit for  
that, but I can't. Because it's not about me. It's about America. It's  
about the people of Germany and the people of Europe looking for a new  
hope, new relationships, as we go forward in the world.’ So, he  
expressly said that it's not about me.”

A House Democratic aide sent an e-mail to Fox News saying, “Lots of  
people are reading the quote about Obama being a symbol and getting it  
wrong. His entire point of that riff was that the campaign IS NOT  
about him.

“The Post left out the important first half of the sentence, which was  
something along the lines of: ‘It has become increasingly clear in my  
travel, the campaign, that the crowds, the enthusiasm, 200,000 people  
in Berlin, is not about me at all. It’s about America. I have just  
become a symbol …’”

So, it appears that Obama’s attempt to show humility was transformed  
into its opposite – what is fast becoming a powerful attack theme  
against him, that he is too big for his britches, that he is coming  
across, as Capehart put it, as an “uppity” black man. [Capehart  
himself is black.]

Milbank’s Lens

But the out-of-context quote was only part of Milbank’s case.  
Virtually everything in the column was viewed through the lens of  
trying to prove Obama’s arrogance.

When Washington police and the Secret Service block off roads for  
Obama’s motorcade, that was not simply prudence in the face of  
extraordinary security concerns for Obama’s life; it was proof that  
Obama already sees himself as a head of state.

When Obama had a phone conversation with Treasury Secretary Henry  
Paulson and met with Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani,  
these weren’t just routine matters for a U.S. Senator or the  
presumptive nominee of a major party; they were further evidence of  
Obama’s “uppity” behavior.

Milbank wrote that Obama “ordered up a teleconference with the  
(current President's) Treasury secretary, granted an audience to the  
Pakistani prime minister. … Then, he went up to Capitol Hill to be  
adored by House Democrats in a presidential-style pep rally.

“Along the way, he traveled in a bubble more insulating than the  
actual President's. Traffic was shut down for him as he zoomed about  
town in a long, presidential-style motorcade, while the public and  
most of the press were kept in the dark about his activities.”

Milbank groused, too, about the tight security that the police put  
around Obama’s movements on Capitol Hill.

“Capitol Police cleared the halls -- just as they do for the actual  
President. The Secret Service hustled him in through a side door --  
just as they do for the actual President,” Milbank wrote.

While Milbank portrayed these security steps as further evidence of  
Obama’s hubris, there is no reason to believe that Obama had any say  
in the decisions of his security detail to protect the candidate.

One has to wonder: Doesn’t Dana Milbank have any idea of the physical  
danger that surrounds the first African-American to have a serious  
chance to be elected President of the United States? Does Milbank  
really want to heighten the political pressure on Obama to tak

[cia-drugs] NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation Becoming Transparen

2008-08-10 Thread RoadsEnd
Gee, Imagine that.



NO Planers/Nico Haupt/Paula Gloria Exposed for Fraud---Links to NSC
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:27:27 AM »


NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation Becoming Transparent
Morgan Rose

COINTELPRO, an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program, was a series of
covert operations conducted by the FBI starting in the mid 50’s and
continuing until 1976 when it was exposed by the investigations The  
Committee. One of the primary methods of COINTELPRO consisted of forging
pseudo-movement groups as a means of conducting Psychological Warfare
operations to spread disinformation, disrupt, and divide existing
movements.  These ‘psy-ops’ tended to foment suspicions among the  
movements and try to dissuade sympathies from people outside the  

Today, COINTELPRO has reared its ugly head again, with infiltrations
popping up everywhere from Anti-War activism groups to peaceful gun  
and militias. Provocations have become more and more conspicuous to the
public as the Seattle World Trade Organization protests and Ontario  
and Prosperity Partnership protests successfully exposed provocateur
operations.  Of course, something as dangerous to the establishment  
politic* as 9/11 has not been without its alleged incidents of  
action. Allegations of government disinformation have been swirling  
certain figures in the movement, such as former Bush Administration  
Morgan Reynolds, who has recently proposed that “no planes hit the World
Trade Center”, has alleged “TV Fakery”, and submitted that the towers  
brought down by “Directed Energy Weapons” a.k.a. “Laser Beams”.

While the government has spent innumerable resources trying to  
eyewitness statements regarding reported explosions in the towers,  
Reynolds and his “mockingbirds” expect the 9/11 truth movement to put  
energy into further contradicting even more numerous eyewitness  
statements .
See a problem here?

Typical of the above outlined methods, “No Planers” have become a
pseudo-movement, adding lunacy, deception, and division to the  
questions emanating from 9/11 families, first responders, government
officials, intelligence experts, scientists, engineers, architects,
academics, entertainment personalities, and so many others.

Perhaps the more visible purveyors of this pseudo-movement are  
supported by
Paula Gloria’s “Concordia Foundation”. The “Concordia Foundation”  
claims 501
(c) 3, or “nonprofit” status,  However, recent investigations  
conducted by
concerned donors have uncovered that her “foundation” does not retain
“nonprofit” status with the IRS.  In fact, more rigorous  inquires have
obtained that no records of the “Concordia Foundation” even exist in its
home state of New York. Funding of Paula Gloria’s “foundation”  
solely from an information technology firm, Bit By Bit Computer  
“Donations” to the “Concordia Foundation” are actually billed directly  
Bit By Bit. The apparent fraud has appropriately prompted multiple
complaints with the FTC and IRS.

Bit By Bit, and its subsidiary 3BDigital, admittedly list among their
portfolio Bloomberg LLC, Chase Bank, The National Football League,
Citigroup, and The National Security Council.  3BDigital boasts to have
partnerships with Nokia, Cisco Systems, IBM, Compaq, Microsoft, Goldman
Sachs, and Level (3) Communications. Level (3) Communications, a defense
contractor doing business, primarily, with US and UK interests, is the
developer of the WESCAM system said to be the delivery mechanism for the
supposed “TV Fakery”. Of course this is nonsense, but it is  
fascinating that
these harlequins would incorporate their partnerships into their own

The “Concordia Foundation” numbers among its surrogates Nico Haupt,” a  
who exhibits *prima facie *schizophrenic behavior. Allegations  of
COINTELPRO surrounding Haupt have, in the past, seemed to be justified.
WeAreChange recently had two unprovoked incidents with Haupt, where he
assaulted the groups members, only to be ignored by onlooking NYPD.

Haupt continuously spreads disinformation, even abject lies, surrounding
the 9/11 truth movement. From calling legitimate 9/11 truthers “Plane
Huggers”, to claiming “Alex Jones works for ABC” and is “covering up  
for the
media”, Haupt’s tactics and behavior exhibit classic COINTELPRO methods.
Haupt even advocates “waterboarding Plane Huggers”.

So a “foundation” with intimate ties to international defense  
major Wall Street banks, prominent telecommunications firms, and The
National Security council is a driving force behind the “No Plane”

The information promulgated by Paula Gloria, Nico Haupt, Morgan  
and others is clearly suspect in light of these new revelations. 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Wiki-spy

2008-08-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 9, 2008 10:38:45 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Wiki-spy


Filed in archive Enterprise Software

by Scott Wilson on August 09, 2008

Photo courtesy of iStockphoto, Angel Herrero de Frutos

Speaking of Enterprise 2.0, it seems that the CIA is well on board  
with the trend. I don't know if the director filled out the recent  
McKinsey survey or not. But the organization seems to be ahead of the  
pack when it comes to wiki implementations

The intelligence community reportedly suffered a considerable shake-up  
in the wake of 9/11 and the tools and techniques for information  
sharing within the various agencies were among the factors identified  
by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks as contributing to the  
failure to prevent the attacks. Accordingly, organizational changes  
were made to reduce the difficulty of secure information sharing. That  
was difficult enough to accomplish in the face of determined  
opposition from the old guard operators, but the technical changes are  
even longer in coming.

A series of articles in CIO magazine has been chronicling the agency's  
progression in technology adoption, providing an unusually candid look  
behind the scenes. One of the more interesting systems they have  
described is the "Intellipedia," a wiki product accessible to 40,000  
users in the intelligence community which serves all the traditional  
purposes of a wiki, only instead of contributing and reviewing  
articles about Paris Hilton, staffers presumably surf the net gleaning  
details about Osama Bin Laden's latest styles and trends.

One advantage the CIA has over commercial enterprise in the adoption  
of such new technology is the relative youth of its workforce: half  
the agency's staff are new, spurred in by the combined impetus of 9/11  
and a renewed focus on intelligence funding. While convincing existing  
staff to adopt newfangled widgets like wikis can be a chore, new staff  
coming in can be trained on just about anything-and younger users are  
more comfortable with Web 2.0 concepts and tools.

Unfortunately, it's even more difficult to determine the results of  
such projects in the classified world than in the enterprise... leaks  
don't just get you fired, but can result in jail time. But according  
to the CIO, Al Tarasiuk, things are working well, and the tech  
transition is helping keep us safer.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Russia on brink of war with Georgia as its planes aredowned in Ossetia fighting

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 6:29:33 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Russia on brink of war with Georgia as its planes  
aredowned in Ossetia fighting


Russia on brink of war with Georgia as its planes are downed in South  
Ossetia fighting

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 2:13 PM on 08th August 2008

The Caucasus teetered on the brink of all-out war today as Russia sent  
tanks and fighter jets into the breakaway region of South Ossetia to  
support it against an invasion by Georgia.
At least 15 civilians were reported to have been killed in heavy  
fighting in the province's capital of Tskhinvali between separatist  
rebels and Georgian forces.

Georgia had attacked with aircraft and heavy artillery to regain  
control of the region and troops fired missiles into the city.  
Buildings were ablaze, and it was reported that a hospital was hit by  
Georgian shelling.

TV pictures showed a convoy of more than 150 Russian tanks and  
armoured cars entering South Ossetia today. They were expected to  
reach the regional capital this afternoon as it was reported that the  
city had been "almost totally destroyed".

Georgia also claimed to have shot down two Russian fighter planes over  
its territory.

Another official said Russian jets were also bombing a Georgian  
military airbase outside the capital,Tblisi.

Strike: Georgian shells are fired at separatist rebels in South  
Ossetia today

The fighting was the worst outbreak of hostilities since the province  
won de-facto independence in a war that ended in 1992.

It raised fears that war could once again erupt and draw in Russia,  
which vowed to protect its `compatriots'.

A Russian official denied bombing Georgia.

But Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the Georgian attack  
will draw retaliation and the Defense Ministry pledged to protect  
South Ossetians, most of whom have Russian citizenship.

Georgian troops ride in armoured personnel carriers during the  
conflict today

Witnesses saw tanks and other heavy weapons concentrating on the  
Russian side of the border with South Ossetia.

Some villagers were fleeing into Russia.

`I saw them (the Georgians) shelling my village,' said Maria, who gave  
only her first name. She looked shocked and was reluctant to speak.  
She said she and other villagers spent the night in a field and then  
fled toward the Russian border as the fighting escalated.

Putin - in Beijing to attend the Olympic opening ceremony - said an  
unspecified number of the peacekeepers have been wounded.

NATO has called for an immediate end to fighting. NATO Secretary  
General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said he is seriously concerned about the  
fighting and that the alliance is closely following the situation.

A spokesman for U.S. President George W. Bush said Russia and Georgia  
should cease hostilities and engage in talks to end conflict.

Flashpoint: The South Ossetia region, which borders Russia, wants  

Separatist officials in South Ossetia said 15 civilians had been  
killed in fighting overnight. Georgian officials said seven civilians  
were wounded in bombing raids by Russia.

South Ossetia officials said Georgia attacked with aircraft, armor and  
heavy artillery. Georgian troops fired missiles at the regional  
capital, Tskhinvali, an official said, and many buildings were on  
fire. The Russian news agency Interfax said a hospital was hit by  
Georgian shelling.

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said Russian aircraft bombed  
several Georgian villages and other civilian facilities.

Launch: Georgian troops fire rockets at seperatist South Ossetian  
troops from an unnamed location not far from Tskhinvali

`A full-scale aggression has been launched against Georgia,'  
Saakashvili said in a televised statement.

He also announced a full military mobilization with reservists being  
called into action.

Seven civilians were wounded when three Russian Su-24 jet bombers flew  
into Georgia and bombed the town of Gori and the villages of Kareli  
and Variani, Deputy Interior Minister Eka Sguladze said at a briefing.

She said that four Russian jets later bombed Gori, the hometown of  
Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, but that raid didn't cause any casualties.

Saakashvili urged Russia to immediately stop bombing Georgian  
territory. `Georgia will not yield its territory or renounce its  
freedom,' he said.

A senior Russian diplomat in charge of the South Ossetian conflict,  
Yuri Popov, dismissed the Georgian claims of Russian bombings as  
misinformation, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported.

Russia's Defense Ministry denounced the Georgian attack as a `dirty  
adventure.' `Blood shed in South Ossetia will weigh on their  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] CIA, Vatican editing Wikipedia

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 1:11:48 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] CIA, Vatican editing Wikipedia

CIA, Vatican editing Wikipedia
Thursday, 16 August, 2007

A new Wikipedia tool has apparently revealed the CIA and the Vatican  
are altering entries on the user-generated free online encyclopaedia.

The Wikipedia Scanner site trawls the popular online encyclopaedia and  
normally detects spelling mistakes and corrects factual errors.

However the scanner also compared the millions of edits to Wikipedia  
entries against the internet addresses of more than two million  
companies or individuals, unearthing the oganisations whose staff have  
changed entries.

Among them are the CIA � which has allegedly changed entries  
including one about the Iranian President --- and the Vatican, which  
has massaged entries on several Catholic Saints as well as Sinn Fein  
leader Gerry Adams.

Other organisations implicated in the new discovery are the US  
Republican and Democratic parties, Fox News and the British Labour  

However the most widespread changes have been made by the Diebold  
company, supplier of the infamous voting machines at the centre of the  
storm surrounding the 2000 US presidential elections.

It's claimed company employees have removed up to 15 paragraphs of  
content describing its involvement in the controversial 'hanging chad'  
votes that were not counted in the poll.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] What It's Like to Work Overseas for the CIA's IT Group

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

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From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:52:46 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] What It's Like to Work Overseas for the CIA's IT  


What It's Like to Work Overseas for the CIA's IT Group

– Thomas Wailgum , CIO

August 06, 2008

"I have a million stories to tell," says the senior CIA IT person,  
staring at me through the CIA's videoconferencing system.  
Unfortunately, he can't share any with me. (He cites national security  
reasons, of course.)

His name? Sorry, but no. His location? Can't say that either.

What the active-duty senior communications officer does disclose,  
however, are the vagaries of a 23-year career in the CIA's IT  
organization—an itinerant, exciting and dangerous life in "a number of  
overseas positions" and in at least one war zone, he says.

A subset of the CIA's IT workforce is principally devoted to working  
in overseas locations, and they move around every three years, says  
the CIA's CIO, Al Tarasiuk. Tarasiuk himself did a tour with the CIA's  
National Clandestine Service—the spy organization—in Africa back in  
the day. (See "Who Is Al Tarasiuk?" for more on him.) Paraphrasing the  
CIA's mission statement, Tarasiuk says that IT staffers (IT is also  
called "Commo" for Global Communications Services) "are part of the  
national security structure: We go where others cannot go, where  
others don't. That's the Commo culture that is inherent in the IT  
workforce. First in, last out."

So when a conflict breaks out in a country like Afghanistan, and CIA  
"ops" people are sent into "bad spots," as Tarasiuk says, riding  
alongside are Commo staffers. "Prior to the [Iraq] war there were bad  
spots, and during the war there are plenty of bad spots," he says. "We  
maintain the infrastructure there, and manage and provide all the IT  
services on the ground." Life overseas can be rough, and it takes a  
certain type of person to thrive in war zones or foreign nations in  
tumult. "The days of the white socks and pocket protectors are behind  
us," Tarasiuk says.

Via videoconference, the senior communications officer looks and talks  
like he could work at any corporate IT shop: He's pleasant, wears  
glasses and seems plenty knowledgeable. But you can tell he's seen a  
lot more than most techies. He describes the necessity of being not  
just someone who can diagnose problems on a PC or LAN, but also a  
person who can fix a generator. "Virtually anything that's related to  
technology," he says.

Versatility a Must When Working for the Agency

As to the personal traits it takes to survive, this senior IT officer  
uses words like versatile and agile. "Resiliency and energy are  
important," he says. "In a war theater, it takes willpower to deal  
with people [because] the primary job is customer service to agency  
comrades in field who are shaking the bushes." Months away from  
families, toiling away at a station half way around the globe, are  

Day-to-day life is anything but routine, however. "No two days are  
ever really the same," he says. At one time he can be troubleshooting  
a LAN transmission system and another he'll be called to an  
ambassador's residence to assist on some tech problem. "But you can be  
pulled away to do HVAC stuff too," he adds.

Overseas Commo workers used to come, primarily, from the military (due  
to the need for people with Morse code and cable messaging  
experience). In addition to still drawing from the military, many of  
those IT staffers now come straight out of colleges or technical  
schools. Highly specialized training lasts 25 weeks. "It takes a very  
determined mind-set to work overseas," Tarasiuk says.

The senior communications officer says that the travel has been one of  
the best parts of his varied set of experiences. "I've seen quite a  
bit of the world," he says. As to whether he'd ever move into a comfy  
private-sector job, he demurs. Too many "interesting experiences," he  
says. With a laugh, he notes that because he's had a lot of close  
calls in dangerous places, "some folks won't travel with me."

See Part 1 (8/4/08): A business-IT alignment project like few others

See Part 2 (8/5/08): How IT moved to center stage at the CIA in the  
wake of 9/11

See Part 3 (8/6/08): The CIA's CIO navigates a tense line between  
making data visible and keeping secrets

See Part 4 (8/7/08): The CIA's efforts to use new applications and Web  
2.0 technologies

© 2008 CXO Media Inc.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Who Is Al Tarasiuk?

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:50:42 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Who Is Al Tarasiuk?

Who Is Al Tarasiuk?

– Thomas Wailgum , CIO

August 04, 2008

Name: Al Tarasiuk
Al Tarasiuk
CIA CIO Al Tarasiuk

Title: CIO, Central Intelligence Agency (appointed Oct. 1, 2005)

Age: 50

Family: Married with three children

Education: B.S., Electrical Engineering, the New Jersey Institute of
Technology; M.S. in Engineering Management from the George Washington

CIA Career: Joined CIA in 1986 as an electrical engineer developing
and implementing radio frequency (RF) systems.

Interesting Facts:

-Born in Brazil to parents of immigrants from Eastern Europe and
eventually became a U.S. citizen

-First job after college was as a junior engineer with Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, helping broadcast radio signals behind the Iron

-Served with the CIA's spy division in Africa at one time

-Is regularly polygraphed for his job

-Is in charge of the CIA's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) function

-He's into muscle cars and has a 1971 Chevelle
Inside the CIA's Extreme Technology Makeover, Part 1

© 2008 CXO Media Inc.

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
"reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation
collected and posted to Spy News for OSI purposes - it should be
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to think twice before using it for their story writing, further
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For more information go to:

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Mario Profaca
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SPY NEWS owner & editor
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Inside the CIA's Extreme Technology Makeover, Part 4

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

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From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:38:17 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Inside the CIA's Extreme Technology Makeover, Part 4

Inside the CIA's Extreme Technology Makeover, Part 4

– Thomas Wailgum , CIO

August 07, 2008

The CIA is undergoing a major transformation, and IT is playing a  
leading role. In Part 4 of our inside look at the agency, we look at  
how the CIA is working to "play nicely" with the 15 other intelligence  
agencies. We also describe the IT department that CIO Al Tarasiuk  
leads and why he's protective of them and their efforts. (See "Inside  
the CIA's Extreme Technology Makeover, Part 1", Part 2 and Part 3, to  
read the first three parts in our series.)

"How to entice people to play"

Until 2004, the CIA was the de facto lead intelligence agency—the CIA  
director briefed the president every day. The CIA "fiercely opposed"  
the creation of the Directorate of National Intelligence (DNI) in 2004  
before the CIA became just another one of the 16 agencies reporting  
into DNI, just as the U.S. Coast Guard's intel division does,  
according to a New Yorker profile of DNI chief Mike McConnell.

Other organizations that are a part of the DNI and are now required to  
share intelligence among the community include: the FBI, the  
Pentagon'sDefense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Security  
Agency (NSA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the  
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). CIA CIO Al Tarasiuk  
says that he meets with the CIOs of those five agencies regularly to  
talk about building out the "connectivity tissue" to each other as  
well as share ideas on how to "entice people to play" and share more  

One of the more notable successes that the CIA has delivered to the  
intel community is the Intellipedia product, which was introduced in  
2006. Based on wiki software, Intellipedia allows analysts in all 16  
organizations in the intelligence community to share Web-based  
information on critical topics and search for intel expertise on a  
wide range of subjects, such as who's got expertise on Burundi. Unlike  
Wikipedia, there is no anonymity: Everyone is authenticated onto the  
system and quality control is high, reports Ken Westbrook, chief of  
business information strategy in the CIA's intelligence directorate.

So far, there are more than 40,000 registered users who have made 1.8  
million page edits on more than 300,000 pages in the system. (Before  
Intellipedia, Westbrook says, "you'd have to send e-mails through lots  
of people and hope that they read them.") Still, not everyone has  
rushed out to embrace Intellipedia, and the difficulties of the  
change, note CIA officials, have been more cultural than technological  
due to the long-standing rivalries.

Half of the CIA's workforce is relatively new to the agency  
(applications poured in after 9/11) and many old-schoolers are getting  
ready to retire. The CIA is trying to get those ready to depart to  
dump their intellectual capital into systems like Intellipedia. In  
fact, Westbrook claims that one of the most prolific users of the  
system has been a 69-year-old employee preparing to retire. (CIA IT  
also uses wikis to keep track of project management.)

Other efforts rolled out or revamped within the past year show that  
the CIA is, at the very least, opening up the network connections to  
other agencies and offering more CIA "product," as Tarasiuk terms it.

One of these efforts is called CIA Wire. CIA Wire is a communications  
conduit the agency uses to disseminate its intelligence (through  
private networks) to the JWICS, or Joint Worldwide Intelligence  
Communications System, and the Department of Defense's secret-level  
network called SIPRNet (or Secret Internet Protocol Router Network).

"We now have a single agency-branded presence on those two sites, and  
that's how we disseminate—very much like a news outlet—fresh  
information, managed content and also some of our traditionally  
disseminated products," Tarasiuk says. "It's a huge deal for us." He  
says users can click on categories that contain intelligence and  
analysis on specific regions, such as Southeast Asia.

"We put the analysts in a room with the developers to work this out"

The CIA also boasts of grassroots Web-driven efforts that are  
sprouting up inside the intel community. One such effort is called  
Samizdat (which is a Russian word for self-publishing) and is a  
collaboration among the intelligence community analysts who follow  
Russian affairs that the CIA funded and provides the networking  
capabilities. The website incorporates Web 2.0 technologies, like  
blogs and wikis, breaking news intel and video.

Westbrook notes that the idea bubbled up from the analysts themselves  
and was funded from a special CIA budget for

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Under Surveillance: How Does the CIA Keep Its IT Staff Honest?

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:35:27 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Under Surveillance: How Does the CIA Keep Its IT  
Staff Honest?


Under Surveillance: How Does the CIA Keep Its IT Staff Honest?

Regular polygraphs, constant network monitoring and annual  
investigations are just some of the checks and balances that CIA  
workers have to face.

Leave a comment
By Thomas Wailgum

August 07, 2008 — CIO — Be prepared to go through a lot of scrutiny if  
you want to work in the Central Intelligence Agency's IT department,  
says CIO Al Tarasiuk. And it doesn't stop after you get your top  
secret clearance. "Once you're in, there are frequent  
reinvestigations, but it's just part of process here," says Tarasiuk,  
who also gets polygraphed regularly, though he won't be more specific.

CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia
For those senior IT managers who are the "privileged users," meaning  
system administrators, "there is certainly more scrutiny on you,"  
Tarasiuk says. "It's interesting: there's so much scrutiny that a  
normal person might not want to put up with that. But it's part of the  

There's so much top secret information contained within the CIA's  
systems that IT plays a key infosecurity role in making sure that CIA  
employees are not doing anything nefarious. There's also the  
persistent threat of foreign government intelligence agencies trying  
to break into the CIA's networks and databases. "We have a  
counterintelligence center that helps us with that," Tarasiuk says.  
"They are very concerned about foreign intelligence services that are  
interested in penetrating the CIA. Because of that we pay particular  
attention to the kinds of things we put on our network."

The CIA's networks aren't directly connected to the Internet. "We have  
a very closed network that's connected to an intelligence community  
enterprise," Tarasiuk says, "so I don't necessarily have the worries  
about the hackers from the Internet trying to break through."

What he does have to be concerned with is those who are allowed on the  
CIA's networks: whether it's a simple computing oversight by a CIA  
analyst or a disgruntled spy intent on selling top secret intel to  
Chinese government officials. "Anyone who logs into any one of our  
systems knows they are being audited, and we look for anomalies," he  
says. "We always have some worries about a rogue person on a network  
doing this. But we can catch them."

So you have caught people? "We catch people getting into places they  
shouldn't go, from time to time," Tarasiuk responds.

When asked about the fact that human beings are typically the weakest  
link in any IT system, Tarasiuk concurs. "Nothing's perfect. The  
system's not perfect," he says. "Some of [the infosec alerts] might be  
legitimate results of why they are doing it; some might be false  
positives. But for the most part we feel very strongly that we can  
detect when someone is doing something of a malicious nature."

See Part 1 (8/4/08): A business-IT alignment project like few others

See Part 2 (8/5/08): How IT moved to center stage at the CIA in the  
wake of 9/11

See Part 3 (8/6/08): The CIA's CIO navigates a tense line between  
making data visible and keeping secrets

See Part 4 (8/7/08): The CIA's efforts to use new applications and Web  
2.0 technologies

Also see: "What It's Like to Work Overseas for the CIA's IT Group"

Other stories by Thomas Wailgum

© 2008 CXO Media Inc.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Inside the CIA's extreme technology makeover, part 3

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:32:57 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Inside the CIA's extreme technology makeover, part 3

Inside the CIA's extreme technology makeover, part 3
By Thomas Wailgum , CIO , 08/06/2008
Sponsored by:

The CIA is undergoing a major transformation, and IT is playing a
leading role. In Part 3 of our inside look at the agency, we examine
how CIO Al Tarasiuk got both high-level and low-level CIA employees to
think about critical intelligence-sharing processes and showed that IT
can be a valued partner.

"You will sit at the table"

Al Tarasiuk's appointment as the CIA's CIO took place on Oct. 1, 2005
(former Director Porter Goss appointed Tarasiuk). In his first year,
however, Tarasiuk was seemingly handcuffed. "I had ideas [about
transforming IT] when I first became CIO," he says, "but the
environment wasn't aligned in a way where I could launch on these  

Since CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden took over in May 2006, the
"transformation" theme of the Tarasiuk era has not been subtle or kept
quiet inside IT on a mission statement: Cut the bureaucracy and be
more businesslike via stronger IT governance, more disciplined project
management, greater data sharing and more openness to try new
technologies. Hayden has demanded as much.

Related Content

"What we had prior to that was some configurations of corporate [IT
structure], but we didn't have the business side-what we call the
mission side-really fully engaged in big decisions about how we spent
our money on IT, how we deal with information policies and things like
that," says Tarasiuk, whom Hayden realigned to a direct report when he
took over. "My role was to do that."

Tarasiuk created and chairs an Information Governance Board, which
meets quarterly or as needed to make the strategic IT decisions for
the agency. Hayden "demanded that because of the problems we've had in
the past, because of who actually participated [in making IT
decisions], he said to the business leaders, the mission managers,
'You will sit at the table,'" Tarasiuk says. "So the support of the
top leadership has been very important in making sure that board is

The four divisions inside the CIA are: Directorate of Intelligence
(the analysis arm); the National Clandestine Service (the spies);
Directorate of Science & Technology (which develops technologies to
support the mission-think "Q" from James Bond movies); and the
Directorate of Support (HR, finance, logistics, legal and other
functions). For the most part, these CIA leaders appreciate being
involved in the IT decision-making processes, Tarasiuk claims, even
though "not all of the decisions go their way."

For example, Tarasiuk forged what he calls an enterprise data layer
strategy that enables those who have need and permission to access CIA
data can do so. One part of the strategy is IT-related: Tarasiuk notes
that service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology has been one key

The other, and much more difficult, part has been process change.
"We're making corporate policies on how data is going to be managed,
and we're not going to allow little fiefdoms anymore," he says, "where
data is managed and protected and policy and regulations are set by
some local manager at the lowest levels of the organization."

It's not surprising that there's been resistance. "A lot of things are
related to turf and how much you own and control," Tarasiuk says.
"What we're doing, in effect, is we're taking some of that control
away. And that always hurts, and that's why it makes it difficult
because you are pushing out a culture that existed for many years."

One result of the enterprise data layer strategy is Trident, a new
research and analysis application for CIA analysts that links a set of
a dozen or so (Tarasiuk won't be specific) logical data repositories
and has tiered access (depending on a user's need to access the data)
and single access control to all the databases.

Related Content

Trident debuted in 2007, and it manages the voluminous amount of
information flowing into the CIA and allows analysts to organize and
comb through the intelligence most critical to their specialty.
Trident provides a multitude of capabilities for them: tools for
search, foldering, knowledge management, sharing, information
extraction, link analysis, mapping and data visualization.

"Trident allows analysts to spend less time trying to find relevant
information and more time analyzing," Tarasiuk notes. He says that
Trident has given many of the analysts an extra hour a day to perform
more analysis.

"The number of people looking over your shoulder is staggering"

Next on Tarasiuk's agenda has been to fix project management. Ken
Westbrook, chief of business information strategy in the CIA's
intelligence director

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Pakistan funded terror: Spy agency

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:24:46 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Pakistan funded terror: Spy agency

Pakistan funded terror: Spy agency

KABUL -- Afghanistan's spy agency alleged yesterday that a Pakistani
diplomat directed and funded terrorist activities carried out by a
Taliban commander.

The National Directorate of Security said that a diplomat at the
Pakistani consulate in Kandahar gave "orders and money" to Mullah

Rahmatullah was captured by Afghan intelligence agents on Tuesday in
Kandahar city, and the information linking the official with the
militants was gleaned during the questioning, the NDS said in a
statement, which did not name the diplomat.

Rahmatullah was responsible for kidnappings of influential elders in
the province, extortion, "guerrilla attacks and some other terror
activities," the statement said.

"After the arrest, Mullah Rahmatullah confessed to his crimes and said
he received orders and money for all terror activities and for the
kidnappings from one of the members of Pakistan's consulate in
Kandahar," the statement said.

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Olympics: Know thy enemy with France's spy software

2008-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd

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From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 8, 2008 12:23:16 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Olympics: Know thy enemy with France's spy software

Know thy enemy with France's spy software
by Sophie Hardach

Intricate spy software has helped France's handballers improve their
game and head coach Philippe Bana was hoping to see the dividends at
the upcoming Olympics.

The French started using software combining videos of all the players
in the world with match statistics to train their teams after
Scandinavian handballers successfully incorporated the technology into
their training program.

Studying their opponents' every move, strength and weakness, is meant
to help players devise the perfect counter-attack.

Bana, speaking with Reuters Thursday during a men's practice session,
said the female team "is now able to destroy their (opponents') attack
and defense systems."

Similar software is already widely used by footballers and rugby
players, but it is still relatively new in handball.

France used a rudimentary version of the current system for the Sydney
Games in 2000 but only applied the current software, called
"Dartfish," for the Athens Olympics.

"It's a completely different approach, we have video specialists as
part of the team so now there is this culture of the video statistic,"
Bana said, kicking a stray ball back into the field.

France's women will play the first handball match of the Olympics on
Saturday morning against Angola, while the men's first game is against
Brazil on Sunday afternoon.

In Athens, France narrowly lost to Ukraine and finished fourth,
missing the bronze medal.

Despite the elaborate technology, Bana said the game is ultimately won
on the court.

"It's not a videogame, at the end the player is playing. In the end,
you are alone in the court," Bana said. "This is a human game so you
can't go too far in this (software) direction because the player is
not a robot."

The Beijing Olympics begin Friday.

(Editing by Steve Ginsburg)

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Exclusive: ‘Pentagon Beh ind Karadzic Immunity Deal’, Expert

2008-08-06 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 6, 2008 1:42:29 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS]  Exclusive: ‘Pentagon Behind Karadzic Immunity  
Deal’, Expert


Exclusive: ╢Pentagon Behind Karadzic Immunity Dealâ•˙, Expert
06 August 2008
Balkan scholar says State Department insiders have revealed how
Holbrooke came under pressure to pledge Bosnian Serb chiefâ•˙s  

By Nidzara Ahmetasevic in Sarajevo

The former US Envoy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Richard Holbrooke, did
strike an unofficial deal with Radovan Karadzic, guaranteeing his
freedom, an expert has revealed to Balkan Insight.

Charles Ingrao, a US history professor heading a documentation group
on the Balkan wars, told Balkan Insight that Holbrooke ╲promised
Karadzic he would not be arrested if he withdrew from politics╡.

Ingrao says that through mediators, Holbrooke made a deal with the
former Bosnian Serb leader in order to remove him from the political
stage in the Republica Srpska, RS, the Bosnian Serb entity established
at the 1995 Dayton, Ohio, peace talks.

He warned that written evidence of the agreement was unlikely to
emerge, however. ╲Holbrooke is not stupid,╡ Ingrao said.  
╲There is

nothing written.╡

Ingrao said his information came from four independent sources in the
US State Department whose names he could not divulge. ╲We cannot
reveal their identities, since they are still very active and would,
in some cases, suffer professionally,╡ he said.

Ingrao said Holbrooke had been given no option but to offer key
concessions to Karadzic regarding his future liberty.

╲A top State Department official with intimate knowledge of
Holbrookeâ•˙s activities has confirmed that the Ambassador  

assured Karadzic that he would not be arrested, a concession known to
several others at the State Department who have remained silent,╡  
he said.

╲It was the Pentagon, backed by [then President Bill] Clinton,  
presented Holbrooke with a ╢fait accompliâ•˙ that US forces  
would not

seize ICTY indictees,╡ he continued.

Ingraoâ•˙s statements come after the International Criminal  
Tribunal for

ex-Yugoslavia, ICTY, published a letter written by Karadzic in which
he referred to an agreement struck with Holbrooke in 1996.

According to Karadzicâ•˙s letter, Holbrooke promised the Bosnian  

chief would not be hunted down or arrested as long as he withdrew from
the political scene and public life.

Holbrooke has strongly denied Karadzicâ•˙s claims that he offered  

immunity from arrest while negotiating Karadzicâ•˙s withdrawal from
public life.

"I'm tired of hearing to this piece of crap which is put up by
Karadzic," Holbrooke said in an interview given to BIRN Kosovo
Director Jeta Xharra, in November 2006.

╲The fact is that we made no deal with Karadzic,╡ he said.

The US State Department has also denied allegations that Holbrooke
struck a deal underwriting Karadzicâ•˙s freedom.

╲Ambassador Holbrooke and we have repeatedly made clear that no
agreement was ever made in which Radovan Karadzic was provided
immunity from prosecution or arrest,╡ a statement issued on July  
31 read.

╲No commitments granting Karadzic immunity were offered in return  

stepping down],╡ it continued.

Reports of a Holbrookeâ•"Karadzic deal first surfaced in the Bosnian
weekly, Slobodna Bosna, several years ago. One of the sources it cited
was Aleksa Buha, foreign minister in Karadzicâ•˙s government and his
successor as a head of Serbian Democratic Party, SDS, in 1996.

Buha claimed he knew of the agreement, and even possessed a copy of it
in written form, though he did not produce written evidence for the
weeklyâ•˙s benefit.

Ingrao heads ╲The Scholarâ•˙s Initiative╡, a programme  
involving about

300 scholars worldwide, working to establish the facts about the fall
of Yugoslavia.

A former NATO commander in Bosnia in 1995 and 1996, General William
Nash, meanwhile told Radio Netherlands Worldwide that ╲no specific
orders were given for the arrest of the war crimes suspects Radovan
Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic╡.

He added: ╲It was feared that it would destabilize the situation  

the Dayton agreements.╡

Holbrooke was sent to Belgrade in mid-July 1996 to negotiate
Karadzicâ•˙s withdrawal with the then Serbian leader, Slobodan
Milosevic. At the time, the media said that following ten hours of
talks, Holbrooke appeared before reporters, triumphant, with a
statement about an agreement. ╲As of this morning, Karadzic is no
longer president of Republica Srpska,╡ Holbrooke is quoted to  
have said.

Ingrao said it was time the complete truth emerged. As the  
projectâ•˙s American director, he said, he felt ╲a special  
obligation to

hold the US government to account for its share of the responsibility
for what happen

[cia-drugs] Fwd: We Don't Need a 'War on Terror'

2008-08-04 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Consortiumnews.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 4, 2008 7:40:35 PM PDT
Subject: We Don't Need a 'War on Terror'

A new RAND study says the best way to defeat al-Qaeda is to treat the  
band like criminals and to kill its leaders, not mount a grand "war on  
terror," as Ivan Eland notes in this guest essay.

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com.

To remove yourself from this list, click here: 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] My MI5 husband DID set up Max Mosley, admits whip-wielding dominatrix

2008-08-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 3, 2008 8:07:47 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] My MI5 husband DID set up Max Mosley, admits whip- 
wielding dominatrix


My MI5 husband DID set up Max Mosley, admits whip-wielding dominatrix

Last updated at 10:39am on 03.08.08

They are perhaps the most intriguing and unconventional couple in  
Britain – the crisply correct MI5 man and his wife, a whip-wielding  
dominatrix who purveys sado-masochistic sex to the suburbs.

But here they are, in the sedate surroundings of a London tearoom,  
describing in matter-of-fact terms how an attempt by them to combine  
their careers ended in high farce, personal disaster and national  
scandal, with consequences that are genuinely destined to resonate  
down the ages.

One half of the couple is the sex worker who, at the behest of the  
News of the World, smuggled a camera into the now-notorious S&M orgy  
convened at the request of Max Mosley, the president of world motor  

Michelle - 'Woman E' has broken cover to reveal her extraordinary life  
as a suburban mistress

Mosley launched a court action over the resultant article, claiming  
his privacy had been invaded, and secured a victory that has profound  
implications for free speech in Britain.

The dominatrix, referred to in court as Woman E, had been due to give  
key evidence at the trial, but in the event went into hiding.

Now, in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, the dominatrix  
and her husband describe the background to the Mosley `sting' for the  
first time.

And they have a revelation, too, that will deepen suspicion that  
Mosley was the victim of forces beyond those of a greedy sex worker  
and a scandal-hungry tabloid.

Motor racing boss Max Mosley leaves the Royal Courts of Justice, after  
winning a privacy-invasion lawsuit over a British tabloid's claims he  
took part in a Nazi-themed orgy

For they disclose that the News of the World  was initially contacted  
and tipped off not by the dominatrix, but by her husband – a serving  
officer in MI5, remember – who then negotiated a deal with the  

Mosley himself is said to believe that his public shaming was brought  
about by shadowy, unspecified enemies.

The dominatrix Michelle – we cannot publish her full name or that of  
her husband for both legal and security reasons – told The Mail on  
Sunday: `I was pleased to leave it up to him.

'I might be bossy when I am working, but I'm not in my normal life. In  
any case, he is much better on the phone than I am.'

Dominatrix Michelle strikes a pose on her website

And the MI5 man admits: `I am the one who rang the News of the World  
offering to sell my wife's story and sorted out the deal before she  
got involved.'

The couple are at pains to insist that he was acting without the  
knowledge of MI5. There is no evidence to the contrary. But as the  
pair go on to describe their extraordinary, head-spinning story, the  
questions mount up rather than go away.

Certainly, the couple make an unlikely match. Although Michelle, at  
38, is two years younger than him, she looks older and is taller. Born  
in Birmingham, she left school at 16.

Her first job was as a hairdresser, but it quickly bored her and she  
moved on to selling windows for conservatories.

Michelle's husband, who has quit MI5. His face has been obscured for  
security reasons.

Her career path changed abruptly when she was about 30 after a short  

`I became a submissive – a woman who gives up control to a man – which  
I really enjoyed,' she says.

`When the relationship ended I went on the internet and found other  
people in the scene.

`There are so many websites it was really easy. I also switched from  
being submissive to being in charge, and realised about seven years  
ago that I could make a career out of it.'

So Michelle entered a world of leather, pretend chains and seedy  
basement `dungeons'. She gives a stern look, of the kind that must be  
worth good money at one of her parties.

`Let me make one thing clear,' she says.

`I give out punishment or correction services, but I am not a hooker  
or a prostitute. I always refer anyone who contacts me to my website  
so they know what my rules are. Domination is a professional business.'

Professional is a word she uses like a mantra. `I don't offer a sexual  
service. Clients are not allowed to touch me. They must have total  
respect and once they come through the door I am in charge because  
that is what they want.

`My clients have high-class careers – they are doctors, solicitors and  
bankers – and want no responsibility for an hour or two.

'What I do for them sets off endorphins – the feelgood hormones  
released when people exercise – and it's very relaxing.'

At t

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Study America's first line of defense: Online Homeland Security degrees

2008-08-03 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Homeland Security Training" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: August 3, 2008 9:56:35 AM PDT
To: "Friend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Study America's first line of defense: Online Homeland  
Security degrees
Reply-To: "Homeland Security Training" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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157 Yesler Way Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: american tortured by govt drug lords

2008-08-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "William Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 2, 2008 11:19:43 AM PDT
Subject: american tortured by govt drug lords


[cia-drugs] Lindsey Williams Shock Oil Back to $50 / USA to collapse

2008-08-02 Thread RoadsEnd

Lindsey Williams Shock Oil Back to $50 / USA to collapse

In this shocking interview, Lindsey Williams makes some incredible
claims after a conversation with a high level oil executive. Before you
laugh at what you are about to read - Lindsey Williams accurately
predicted Gasoline going to $3 / gallon back when it was worth 60 cents.

* Crude Oil is going back to $50 a barrel.
* McCain is selected to be the next President of the United States,
and everything in their power will be done to prevent Barack, OR HILLARY
from having any chance of gaining the presidency.
* Two giant oil fields will be 'released as new found discoveries' -
namely a 90 Billion Barrel Deposit in Russia, and a second one in
* A fresh cold war will be started with Russia regaining superpower
* Iran, and several middle east nations will be deliberately and
financially ruined.
* The world will be flooded with cheap oil.
* Iran will not be attacked, but starved out financially - do note
that financial institutions around the world have been forced to stop
trading and exchanging with Iranian banks. This isolation of currency
inhibits their ability to buy and sell their oil in a practical and
efficient manner.
* Lindsey Williams has been the author of several DVDs, and books,
which are no longer availble on the market, this is under death threat
to himself and his family.
* Prudhoe Bay Alaska, and Gull Island Alaska have enough oil to break
dependency on foreign imports, this is not counting the massive oil
reserves under Montana.

Listen to the MP3 yourself and copy and send everywhere. It has been
uploaded to three different hosting services to prevent any form of
censorship of this information.


If you do not think that this is possible please study the following,

In this shocking interview, Lindsey Williams makes some incredible
claims after a conversation with a high level oil executive. Before you
laugh at what you are about to read - Lindsey Williams accurately
predicted Gasoline going to $3 / gallon back when it was worth 60 cents.

* Crude Oil is going back to $50 a barrel.
* McCain is selected to be the next President of the United States,
and everything in their power will be done to prevent Barack, OR HILLARY
from having any chance of gaining the presidency.
* Two giant oil fields will be 'released as new found discoveries' -
namely a 90 Billion Barrel Deposit in Russia, and a second one in
* A fresh cold war will be started with Russia regaining superpower
* Iran, and several middle east nations will be deliberately and
financially ruined.
* The world will be flooded with cheap oil.
* Iran will not be attacked, but starved out financially - do note
that financial institutions around the world have been forced to stop
trading and exchanging with Iranian banks. This isolation of currency
inhibits their ability to buy and sell their oil in a practical and
efficient manner.
* Lindsey Williams has been the author of several DVDs, and books,
which are no longer availble on the market, this is under death threat
to himself and his family.
* Prudhoe Bay Alaska, and Gull Island Alaska have enough oil to break
dependency on foreign imports, this is not counting the massive oil
reserves under Montana.

Listen to the MP3 yourself and copy and send everywhere. It has been
uploaded to three different hosting services to prevent any form of
censorship of this information.


If you do not think that this is possible please study the following,


[cia-drugs] McCain suggests military-style invasion modeled on the surge to control inner city crime.

2008-08-02 Thread RoadsEnd

McCain suggests military-style invasion modeled on the surge to  
control inner city crime.»

Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) spoke to the National Urban League, a  
group “devoted to empowering African Americans to enter the economic  
and social mainstream.” When an audience member asked him how he  
planned to reduce urban crime, McCain praised Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s  
efforts in New York Cirty before invoking the military’s tactics in  
Iraq as the model for crime-fighting:

 MCCAIN: And some of those tactics — you mention the war in Iraq —  
are like that we use in the military. You go into neighborhoods, you  
clamp down, you provide a secure environment for the people that live  
there, and you make sure that the known criminals are kept under  
control. And you provide them with a stable environment and then they  
cooperate with law enforcement, etc, etc.

Listen here:

Now that our military experts advocate approaching the “war on terror”  
with more policing and intelligence gathering, McCain wants to  
approach urban policing with more military power. (HT: Political Radar)

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[cia-drugs] Jim Norman on radio

2008-07-31 Thread RoadsEnd




[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] USA threatens with anti-missile rockets in Lithuania

2008-07-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 28, 2008 6:34:45 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] USA threatens with anti-missile rockets in Lithuania

USA threatens with anti-missile rockets in Lithuania
8 May 2008 | 17:33 | RBK Daily

Today in Warsaw, new Poland-American negotiations on the issue of
disposing elements from the USA anti-missile system on the territory
of Poland have started.
Poland, demanding from USA to release funds for the modernization of
states' armed forces, declared that the sum of $ 20 million, offered
by USA is offensive. Americans, by other party, threatened to stop
disposition of anti-missile rockets on the area of Poland and to
transfer them to Lithuania. At the beginning of negotiations, which
delayed for almost a month, both parties showed mutual irritation.
"Poland should not feel as "USA client', considering the matter of
anti-missile rockets' disposition," vice-president and minister of
Internal Affairs emphasized. Opposition will state its opinion later.
Warsaw considers that USA has not accomplished the obligations it has
undertaken for supporting Poland in its armed forces modernization, in
exchange to gaining Polish country's agreement for disposing
anti-missile rockets on the area of Poland. Data have showed that
Poland has been expecting material support of $14 to $20 billion,
while USA has offered only $20 million.
"The real sum would be somewhere in the middle of the both countries'
offers, Alexander Hramchihin, from the Institute of Political and
Military Analysis in Moscow, considers. "Poland should modernize its
system for anti-missile and first it should equipped by Patriot
rockets," he emphasizes. The anti-missile rocket system is necessary
for the anti-missile rocket's complex protection, in case the
hypothetical rocket attack transfers into a target of a first strike.
"USA is interested in disposition of modern anti-missile rockets on
the territory of Poland," Hramchihin explained. "There will be of USA
interest if contemporary anti-missile rockets are situated on area of
Poland, in order to take up the first strike, if it is necessary.
Neither Pentagon, nor Bush's administration would succeed to insure 1
billion dollars, which Poland needs to its Patriot rockets' equipping.
Warsaw realizes that if the new USA president is a democrat, the
project for anti-missile rockets disposition in Eastern Europe will be
canceled. That is why Poland does not hide that it is interested in
obtaining real help fro USA, as soon as possible. The irritation comes
from the information, released in medias before the beginning of
negotiations that USA can find another country for disposing its
anti-missile rockets. This is probably Lithuania.
Alexei Vlasov, deputy director of the Centre for examination of public
political processes of the post-Soviet Union time in Poland, considers
that negotiations between USA and Lithuania have already begun. He
thinks that the negotiations with Lithuania purpose to make Poland
drawing back from its firm position. "Disposition of anti-missile
rockets on the territory of ex-Soviet Union's republic would mean
definite break in relationships with Russia. USA will not make this
step," Vlasov thinks.

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requires obligatory reference to FOCUS Information Agency!

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SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Pak flip-flop on ISI creates confusion

2008-07-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 28, 2008 5:59:05 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Pak flip-flop on ISI creates confusion

Pak flip-flop on ISI creates confusion

July 27: The Pakistan government's notification on Sunday, reversing
an announcement made a day before to place the two top intelligence
agencies under the interior ministry, has led to further confusion
with a former top spy saying a conspiracy was foiled.

The government on Saturday issued a notification saying the Prime
Minister has approved giving the interior ministry control of the
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Agency and the Intelligence Bureau  

The notification, issued on a day Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani
left for a crucial meeting with President George W. Bush, was seen
mostly as a positive step and a move towards complete civilian rule.

It said: "In terms of Rule 3(3) of the Rules of Business of 1973, the
Prime Minister has approved the placement of the Intelligence Bureau
and the Inter-Services Intelligence under the administrative,
financial and operational control of the interior division with
immediate effect."

However, early Sunday morning the government issued another
notification saying that the earlier order was misunderstood and the
ISI would remain under the Prime Minister.

Traditionally and according to the government record, the ISI has been
under financial and administrative control of the defence ministry but
was answerable to the Prime Minister.

"This may be in papers but everyone knows the reality from where the
ISI takes orders and who heads it," Lt. Gen. (retd) Talat Masood said.

He said it was an excellent move to bring the ISI under the complete
civilian rule. "But let's see what happens now."

The early morning notification by the information ministry stressed
extending cooperation between the interior ministry and the ISI in
matters like war against terror and internal security.

It said that more details in this regard will be given in a detailed
notification, creating more confusion and the media was left guessing
what the third notification can be.

Many politicians, civil society representatives and intelligentsia
termed the earlier notification a right step in the right direction.


-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __

SPY NEWS is OSI newsletter and discussion list associated to
Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal

Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,
comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed)
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] Are You On the Terror Watch List? Good Luck Getting Off It

2008-07-28 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 28, 2008 5:55:09 AM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Are You On the Terror Watch List? Good Luck  
Getting Off It


Are You On the Terror Watch List? Good Luck Getting Off It
By Ivan Eland, Consortium News
Posted on July 24, 2008, Printed on July 28, 2008

After having begun a series of investigative stories criticizing the
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in May 2008, CNN reporter
Drew Griffin reports being placed with more than a million other names
on TSA's swollen terrorism watch list.

Although TSA insists Griffin's name is not on the list and pooh-poohs
any possibility of retaliation for Griffin's negative reporting, the
reporter has been hassled by various airlines on 11 flights since May.
The airlines insist that Griffin's name is on the list.

Congress has asked TSA to look into the tribulations of this prominent

In a recent op-ed in the Washington Post, probably responding to the
controversy over Griffin, Leonard Boyle, the director of the Terrorist
Screening Center, defended the watch list, claiming that because
terrorists have multiple aliases, the names on the list boiled down to
only about 400,000 actual people.

If there are 400,000 terrorists lying in wait to attack the United
States, we are all in trouble.

But wait a minute. There has been no major terrorist attack on U.S.
soil since 9/11 -- almost seven years ago. Where are all these
nefarious evildoers?

Boyle says 95 percent of these people are not American citizens or
legal residents and the vast majority aren't even in the United
States. He rather sheepishly defends the size of the list by writing,
"Its size corresponds to the threat. It's a big world."

That brings up a very important issue. The U.S. government regularly
tries to police the world and combat threats to other nations -- in
the process, usually generating more enemies.

Examining the 44 organizations on the State Department's highly
politicized list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), one finds
that only a very few currently focus their efforts on U.S. targets.
And the U.S. government has even flirted with one anti-Iranian group,
the Mujahedin-e Khalq, which was put on the FTO list long ago.

Similarly, the State Department's list of five state sponsors of
terrorism has included Cuba and North Korea -- neither of which has
actively participated in terrorist attacks in decades. These two
countries continued to be on the list for other reasons -- namely U.S.
government aversion to them.

On its Web site, the State Department even admits that, "The
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was not known to have
sponsored any terrorist acts since the bombing of a Korean Airlines
flight in 1987."

The Web site also contains an implicit admission that keeping selected
countries on the state sponsors list can reap ulterior political
benefits for the United States. The Web site notes that under the
umbrella of the Six-Party Talks, the United States intends to remove
North Korea from the list as that nation takes actions toward getting
rid of its nuclear weapons program.

Even the remaining three nations on the list that do sponsor terrorism
-- Syria, Iran and Sudan -- don't support groups that focus their
attacks on the U.S. Thus, the humongous terrorist watch list for
airline travel and the excessively large FTO and state sponsors lists
are a few more examples of the United States taking on other nations'
security burdens.

Trying to be the "big man on (the world) campus," however, comes at a
horrendous cost to American freedom at home.

The terrorist watch list is downright unconstitutional. Under the
Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, no warrants shall be issued
unless there is probable cause that a crime has been committed.

If the government has such probable cause that a passenger is
conspiring to commit a terrorist act on an airplane, it should not
hassle that person at the airport when trying to fly or ban him or her
from flying; it should arrest them.

But of course the government does not have the evidence to do that for
the vast majority of the 400,000 people on the watch list.

And it's apparently not easy to get yourself off the list once you are
on it. Although Boyle claims that the TSA constantly scrubs the list
for possible mistaken identities of people who have frequent
"encounters" with the list, even if they don't file a complaint,
Griffin uncovered an innocent passenger with a common name -- James
Robinson -- who has complained endlessly and has received no
resolution of his case.

Senator Edward Kennedy -- also with a common name -- experienced
endless hassles and red tape trying to get his name off the list. If
such a well-known figure has such problems, the average misidentified
traveler is in big trouble.

And as the economi

[cia-drugs] July 18-20, 2008 -- Cheney continues to be embroiled in "Kazakhgate"

2008-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd

July 18-20, 2008 -- Cheney continues to be embroiled in "Kazakhgate"
publication date: Jul 18, 2008
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July 18-20, 2008 -- Cheney continues to be embroiled in "Kazakhgate"

There is a major scandal still haunting Vice President Dick Cheney.  
However, the mainstream media is studiously avoiding it, save for the  
Sunday Times of London, which continues to delve into largely verboten  
areas, a rare occurrence in corporate journalism that Sunday Times  
owner, Rupert Murdoch, appears willing to support.

The Washington Post's Ruth Marcus wrote about the scandal in the  
paper's July 16th Op-Ed page with the caveat that the scandal, one  
amounting to bribery, is perfectly legal. Not so fast.

The scandal surrounds Republican fix-it man, fundraiser, and lobbyist  
Stephen Payne of Houston, the owner of Worldwide Strategic Partners.  
Payne was recently caught in a secret videotaped sting by the Sunday  
Times. Payne offered one Eric Dos, a purported exiled political leader  
from Kazakhstan, meetings with Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza  
Rice, or National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley for a payment of  
$700,000. The George W. Bush Presidential Library would receive  
$250,000 of the amount. In return, Payne would ensure that ousted  
Kyrgyzstan President Askar Akayev's "sponsors" would receive personal  
attention in his attempt to regain power in Kyrgyzstan with senior  
Bush administration officials, including Cheney. Akayev lives in exile  
and teaches mathematics at Moscow State University.

The only problem for Payne was that "Dos" was not an exiled Kazakh  
politician an but a Sunday Times reporter. The smoking gun documents  
revealed by the Sunday Times include a July 9, 2008, email from Dos to  
Payne stating that "Money can be tomorrow . . . They [Akayev's  
sponsors] can give the Bush donation in cash as I told them that the  
Bush library still to be created. Do you want me to bring cash to  
London to simplify things?" Payne wrote back the same day, "That's  
Great news  . . . cash is very hard to deal with in and can't be  
easily brought to USA — a wire transfer for 700 to cover everything at  
once is best way (but we can discuss options if it's a problem)."

Options in dealing in cash has never been a problem for the Houston  
GOP cabal that surrounds the Bush family. They have, over the years,  
enriched themselves with cash and gold from Saudi Arabia, the  
Philippines, and other countries thanks to various off-shore  
contrivances, including accounts the UBS bank in Switzerland, now the  
subject of a major tax evasion investigation of wealthy Americans by  
the Internal Revenue Service, the FBI, and a U.S. Senate investigative  

In an email reply, Dos refers to a Cheney trip to Kazakhstan in 2006:  
"OK. I'm telling them that transfer can do as well. It did work when  
you successfully brought VP Cheaney [sic] to Kazakhstan in 2006.  
Correct me if I said wrong. The last time the Kazakh govt through KMG  
or whatever entity transferred directly to Worldwide Strategic and  
then some of it was transferred to Bush's people? Was it to Bush Sr  
library or foundation? or did your company just pass it on to  
Cheaney's people."

Perhaps smelling a rat in Dos' reference to a payment directly from  
the Kazakh government of dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev or KMG, the  
state-owned Kazakh oil company to Payne and possibly Bush and  
"Cheaney's people," Payne responds to Dos by stating that "Cheney's  
people" were not paid anything for his trip to Kazakhstan and that  
"donations" to the George W. Bush Library are not tied to any  
"specific request or Govt. action." Right, and a $700,000 payment to  
Payne, with $250,000 of it going to the Bush Library is not a quid pro  

Turning back the clock to Cheney's 2006 visit to Kazakhstan is trip  
down corporate malfeasance memory lane. On Aug 26 2005, WMR reported:

More details concerning illegal Bush enterprises are coming out in the  
trial of former lobbyist for the oil industry and the Kazakhstan  
government, Jim Giffen, a New York investment banker. Giffen was  
indicted for bribing Kazakhstan government leaders with some $84  
million in return for lucrative oil drilling rights for Amoco, Mobil,  
Phillips Petroleum, and Texaco in the years immediately following the  
fall of the USSR and the independence of Kazakhstan under the rule of  
Nursultan Nazarbayev, a former Soviet Communist Party leader. Giffen  
also represented the interests of Chevron in the former USSR.  
Kazakhstan's Tengiz oil fields rank among the world's largest reserves.

Giffen is accused of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,  
which prohibits American businessmen from bribing foreign officials.  
However, Giffen's attorneys are contending that their client's actions  
and those of his bank, Mercator, were carried out with the knowledge  
and encourageme

[cia-drugs] The Boston Globe Admits U.S. Economy Being Destroyed on Purpose

2008-07-23 Thread RoadsEnd


The Boston Globe Admits U.S. Economy Being Destroyed on Purpose
I saw Daniel Estulin on the I.N.N. network (which local cable access  
picks up), and he described part of the economic plan currently  
underway as being that as "demand destruction."

The idea is that you destroy the world economy and make every one  
poorer, among other things.

And WHAT DO YOU KNOW, here are the terms appearing in my Globalist,  
Agenda-Pushing War Daily.

"signs of demand destruction in the US." -- David Begleiter, a New  
York-based analyst at Deutsche Bank AG.

"seeing demand deterioration in the US" -- Jim Ritterbusch, president  
of energy consultancy Ritterbusch and Associates in Galena, Ill.

"Dow Chemical raises prices 2d time in 4 weeks" by Bloomberg News | 
June 25, 2008
Dow Chemical Co. may continue raising prices after implementing  
consecutive record increases because of surging raw material and  
energy costs, chief executive Andrew Liveris said.

Dow, the largest US chemical producer, disclosed price increases  
yesterday of as much as 25 percent effective in July. A 20 percent  
increase for June resulted in "double-digit" price gains, Liveris  
said. He said prices for some products will be as much as 35 percent  
higher after the two increases.

Dow is also implementing a shipping surcharge and closing plants in  
North America and Europe because of weak demand and rising energy and  
raw-material expenses. Declining demand may prompt Dow to close even  
more factories, particularly in higher-cost regions such as the United  
States, Liveris said.

Where they moving them to?

David Begleiter, a New York-based analyst at Deutsche Bank AG, reduced  
his second-quarter and full-year earnings estimates for Dow because of  
rising costs and "signs of demand destruction in the US."

Dow's 3,200 products are used in thousands of consumer products,  
including diapers, sneaker soles, carpets, and plastic bottles.

Dow plans to idle 20 percent of capacity for making Styrofoam  
insulation in Europe and to shut three factories that make emulsion  
polymers, used in paints, adhesives, and carpets. The emulsion plants  
represent 25 percent of Dow capacity in North America and 10 percent  
in Europe.

Three factories in the Dow Automotive unit will be permanently shut  
because of declining North American sales, the company said. Details  
on specific plant closures, job cuts, and related charges haven't been  
determined, said a company spokesman.


Of course, this next story is on page A6, lower left corner.

I rest my case on the MSM and their active concealing of the declining  

"Oil prices climb on weaker dollar, unrest in Nigeria" by Associated  
Press | June 25, 2008
NEW YORK - Oil futures ended an uneven session with a modest gain  
yesterday as traders awaited news that could help the market break out  
of a trading range that has lasted for more than two weeks.

Retail gas prices, meanwhile, slipped to a national average of $4.07 a  
gallon. At the pump, the average price of a gallon of regular gas  
slipped 0.3 cent overnight to $4.07 a gallon, according to a survey of  
stations by AAA, the Oil Price Information Service, and Wright Express.

"We're seeing demand deterioration in the US," said Jim Ritterbusch,  
president of energy consultancy Ritterbusch and Associates in Galena,  

Many analysts believe the dollar's protracted decline has been one of  
the main reasons oil has nearly doubled in the past year.

MSM sure does a good job of deemphasizing that one!

OPEC president Chakib Khelil insisted yesterday that oil producers saw  
no need to raise supply, blaming high prices on factors such as US  
pressure on Iran over its nuclear program and the weak dollar.


Thanks a WHOLE TON, you fucking assholes!

What kind of "friend" bends you over a damn barrel, readers -- and  
SPIES ON YOU to boot?

Khelil's comments came days after Saudi Arabia disappointed the crude  
futures market by saying it would boost production less than many had  

Another support for prices came from new sanctions against Iran  
approved by European Union nations, imposing additional financial and  
travel restrictions on a list of Iranian companies and experts  
including the country's largest bank. The 27-nation bloc stopped short  
of banning oil and gas exports from Iran, OPEC's second-largest  
producer, in response to its nuclear program plans.



Tells you a) that the E.U. is just another Zionist tool and pawn, and  

Yeah, DON'T CUT OFF the OIL and GAS -- but bomb the place to the ground!


Posted by Rocker at 4:49 PM
Labels: Business, Neo-Con Plan

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