Re: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**

2012-10-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Oct 29, 2012, at 22:24 , Rick Mann wrote:

 Any way to introduce (into clang) an __attribute__ or something similar on 
 the declaration of NSError to say it's equivalent to CFErrorRef?

Except that they're not equivalent, in memory management terms. CF and NS 
objects have different rules.

IIRC, it's also not safe to assume that CF and NS (when toll-free bridged for a 
class) use the same underlying classes. In some cases they do (often these are 
NSCFxxx classes at run time), but in a few cases they don't. In yet other 
cases (collection classes, for example) it's possible to create CF objects of a 
nominally toll-free bridged class which don't work correctly as NS objects 
using NS method access (collections that contain non-object pointers or that 
use non-standard memory allocators, for example).


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Re: how to clip inside a path

2012-10-30 Thread Vincent Habchi
On 30 oct. 2012, at 01:24, Jens Alfke wrote:

 There was a pretty serious proposal floated on objc-language earlier this 
 year (by a non-Apple person), but as far as I can tell it devolved into a 
 bunch of arguing over details, and didn’t go anywhere. (And further 
 discussion thereof should probably take place on that list, not here.)

Try Eero. I maintain the package on MacPorts, if you want to 
have a try.


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Re: how to clip inside a path

2012-10-30 Thread Vincent Habchi
On 30 oct. 2012, at 07:25, Vincent Habchi wrote: I maintain the package on MacPorts, if you want 
 to have a try.

Should be There is no leading www.

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Re: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 29, 2012, at 23:23 , Quincey Morris wrote:

 Except that they're not equivalent, in memory management terms. CF and NS 
 objects have different rules.
 IIRC, it's also not safe to assume that CF and NS (when toll-free bridged for 
 a class) use the same underlying classes. In some cases they do (often these 
 are NSCFxxx classes at run time), but in a few cases they don't. In yet 
 other cases (collection classes, for example) it's possible to create CF 
 objects of a nominally toll-free bridged class which don't work correctly as 
 NS objects using NS method access (collections that contain non-object 
 pointers or that use non-standard memory allocators, for example).

Well, whatever the __attribute__ is, I'm sure it could specify all that.

Then again, I ran into a problem that I don't know how to properly solve, using 
CFSockets. I need to retain an NSObject I pass into CFSocket, and have it 
released when the socket is released, not when a callback occurs, but there's 
no good way to do that.



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Re: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**

2012-10-30 Thread Roland King

On 30 Oct, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

 Then again, I ran into a problem that I don't know how to properly solve, 
 using CFSockets. I need to retain an NSObject I pass into CFSocket, and have 
 it released when the socket is released, not when a callback occurs, but 
 there's no good way to do that.

how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must be 
a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge .. ) you 
can use to do what you're doing. 

If this is for the void* info pointer in a CFSocketContext then I'd make the 
retain callback CFRetain(), the release callback CFRelease and send the 
NSObject in with (__bridge void*)object. If it's not that, what call are you 
trying to ARC-ize? 

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Re: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**

2012-10-30 Thread Ken Thomases
On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:39 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

 Then again, I ran into a problem that I don't know how to properly solve, 
 using CFSockets. I need to retain an NSObject I pass into CFSocket, and have 
 it released when the socket is released, not when a callback occurs, but 
 there's no good way to do that.

That's what the CFSocketContext structure is for.  Yes, it uses callbacks, but 
I think these are different from what you're referring to, which I assume is 
the CFSocketCallBack.



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Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 9, Issue 751

2012-10-30 Thread Glen Low

On 30/10/2012, at 12:44 AM, wrote:
 From: Jens Alfke
 Subject: Re: zlib, objective-zip, NSDataCategory
 Date: 30 October 2012 12:44:37 AM AWST
 To: Michael Brian Bentley
 On Oct 25, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Michael Brian Bentley 
 I would like to work with zlib using preset dictionaries, and was searching 
 around for a good place to start working with the library in objective c. 
 I've been looking at Objective-Zip, and at's NSDataCategory at
 I tend to use the GTM (Google Toolkit for Mac) wrapper.
 Another library was just announced here two days ago:

That would be my library. I have some private classes there that might be of 

ZZDeflateOutputStream -- a NSOutputStream that deflates bytes from a 
ZZInflateInputStream -- a NSInputStream that inflates bytes from a NSData 
(typically this would be memory-mapped from your file).

Quite a few Cocoa API's use NSStream's e.g. XML parsing, plist loading.

They are wrappers around the zlib calls. 

There's currently no option for presetting dictionaries but you could probably 
hack it in.



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Re: iOS 6 changes in CATextLayer text drawing

2012-10-30 Thread Matt Neuburg
And as expected this has been pushed back at me: Works as expected. Apple 
doesn't mind at all if the very same app with the very same code compiled 
against the very same SDK draws its text in completely different places under 
different systems. m.

 Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:43:14 -0700
 From: Matt Neuburg
 I've filed a bug on this, clearly demonstrating the problem (the very same 
 code compiled against the very same SDK draws the text in a very different 
 location); but it is obvious that nothing will be done about it. There are 
 pervasive changes in text drawing throughout iOS 6, and backward 
 compatibility has never been a priority. m.
 On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:46:21 -0700, Matt Neuburg said:
 What about the above part of my original question? This is a serious issue, 
 because it basically means that the text appears in a different place under 
 iOS 5 vs. iOS 6. You can easily see this by making a simple CATextLayer in a 
 project whose base SDK is iOS 6 but whose deployment target is iOS 5. Run in 
 the Simulator using an iOS 6 destination and then using an iOS 5 destination 
 and you will see that the text has moved significantly. So using CATextLayer 
 in a backward-compatible project is going to be a massive headache. m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 5!
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990,


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CALayer still has no constraints on iOS

2012-10-30 Thread Matt Neuburg
I find it odd that UIView on iOS now has the wonderful CALayoutConstraint 
system, but CALayer doesn't have anything analogous. This means that a sublayer 
- that is, a sublayer of a view's layer - just sits there like a bump on a log 
when the view is resized.

To give an example, Apple has made it clear in the WWDC videos that they would 
like me to support rotation in table views. But let's say that part of how I 
was drawing my UITableViewCell was with sublayers. When we rotate and the cell 
gets wider, the sublayer doesn't get wider.

Now, it's not as if I don't see any way out of this. I can probably pretty much 
do with subviews what I was doing with sublayers, and thus get all the layout 
constraint's yummy goodness. I'm just surprised that we still have no form of 
auto-resizing for sublayers, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
Programming iOS 5!
TidBITS, Mac news and reviews since 1990,


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Re: createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: Returns NO when it exists

2012-10-30 Thread Sean McBride
On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 10:22:57 +0100, Andreas Grosam said:

I'm attempting to create a directory with NSFileManager's method. The
directory may already exist. 

According the documentation
Reference/Reference.html the method shall return YES if the directory
already exists:

Return Value
YES if the directory was created or already exists or NO if an error occurred.

However, when the directory already exists it returns NO with error
parameter set:

Strange.  I filed rdar://9453805 last year about the docs for that method:

17-May-2011 02:25 PM Sean McBride:
The developer documentation for NSFileManager's 
createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: says:

The path at which to create the new directory. The directory to be created must 
not yet exist.


Return Value
YES if the operation was successful or already exists, otherwise NO.

I believe the sentence The directory to be created must not yet exist. should 
be stricken.  It conflicts with what's implied by the return value. Also, in 
practice, passing an existent path works as expected (YES is returned).

09-Mar-2012 02:31 PM Sean McBride:
This is fixed in Xcode 4F90's built-in docs.

This issue has been verified as resolved and can be closed.

Note that in my experience YES is returned if the directory exists.

Do you require 10.7?  If so, try the URL version: 



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: Returns NO when it exists

2012-10-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Oct 30, 2012, at 10:39 , Sean McBride wrote:

 Note that in my experience YES is returned if the directory exists.

It's also worth consulting the header file comments:

 createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: creates 
 a directory at the specified path. If you pass 'NO' for createIntermediates, 
 the directory must not exist at the time this call is made. Passing 'YES' for 
 'createIntermediates' will create any necessary intermediate directories. 
 This method returns YES if all directories specified in 'path' were created 
 and attributes were set. […] This method returns NO if a failure occurs at 
 any stage of the operation.

There's a certain inscrutability to this, but it seems to suggest that passing 
'YES' for createIntermediates will allow the directory to already exist (in 
effect, the directory is created as one of the intermediates), while passing 
'NO' requires the directory not to exist.


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iOS always tells us that the user declined push notifications, even when that's BS.

2012-10-30 Thread Gavin Stokes
I noticed that every device registered in our database for our
just-approved app is showing up as having declined all push
notifications.  None of our testers' devices had this problem, and I
couldn't repro it on mine.  Of course, testing this is nearly
impossible, because Apple gives developers no way to reset
push-notification settings except wiping the entire device.

We discovered that, on the first launch of the released version of the
app, iOS tells us that all notifications for the application are
turned off.  The second time it's run, they're reported correctly.
The problem is that our app can run in the background, so we never
know when or if the second launch will occur.

Has anyone else noticed this?  Here's the code where we check the
notification elections:

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application
// Check what notifications the user has turned on.  We registered
for all three, but they may have manually disabled some or all of
NSUInteger RNTypes = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]

// Set the defaults to disabled unless we find otherwise...
NSString* pushBadge = (RNTypes  UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge) ?
@enabled : @disabled;
NSString* pushAlert = (RNTypes  UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert) ?
@enabled : @disabled;
NSString* pushSound = (RNTypes  UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound) ?
@enabled : @disabled;

Thanks for any insight!


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CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King wrote:

 how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must 
 be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge .. 
 ) you can use to do what you're doing. 

Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I CFBridgingRetain() my 
NSObject as I pass it into CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() (via 
CFSocketContext), then I can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my CFSocketCallBack, 
it can (will) get over-released, because that's called multiple times. So, 
obviously I can't do that.

The only place I can release it is when I CFRelease() the socket. But there's 
no way to release my object without compiler sleight-of-hand.



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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Greg Parker
On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King wrote:
 how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must 
 be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge .. 
 ) you can use to do what you're doing. 
 Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I CFBridgingRetain() 
 my NSObject as I pass it into CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() (via 
 CFSocketContext), then I can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my CFSocketCallBack, 
 it can (will) get over-released, because that's called multiple times. So, 
 obviously I can't do that.

Where did you use explicit retain and release? Why can you not use the CF forms 
in the same places?

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:10 , Greg Parker wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King wrote:
 how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must 
 be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge 
 .. ) you can use to do what you're doing. 
 Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I CFBridgingRetain() 
 my NSObject as I pass it into CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() 
 (via CFSocketContext), then I can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my 
 CFSocketCallBack, it can (will) get over-released, because that's called 
 multiple times. So, obviously I can't do that.
 Where did you use explicit retain and release? Why can you not use the CF 
 forms in the same places?

I'm retaining and releasing my own NSObject subclass. Doing so seems to go 
against the spirit of it all.



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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Roland King

On 31 Oct, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King wrote:
 how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There must 
 be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and (__bridge .. 
 ) you can use to do what you're doing. 
 Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I CFBridgingRetain() 
 my NSObject as I pass it into CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() (via 
 CFSocketContext), then I can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my CFSocketCallBack, 
 it can (will) get over-released, because that's called multiple times. So, 
 obviously I can't do that.
 The only place I can release it is when I CFRelease() the socket. But there's 
 no way to release my object without compiler sleight-of-hand.

I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease for 
the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info paramter 
with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the CFSocketContext. Job 
done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you during 
CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it before ARC 
releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket deallocs. 

You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership to 
Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking ownership and 
releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've told it to use in 


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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:27 , Roland King wrote:

 I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
 CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease 
 for the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info 
 paramter with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the 
 CFSocketContext. Job done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you 
 during CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it 
 before ARC releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket 
 You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership 
 to Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking 
 ownership and releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've 
 told it to use in CFSocketContext. 

I wrote this based on some Apple sample code, never bothered to learn how to 
properly use CFSocketContext. Nevertheless, is it okay to CF-manage an NSObject 
subclass that's not one of Apple's toll-free bridged classes?



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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Roland King

On 31 Oct, 2012, at 8:30 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:27 , Roland King wrote:
 I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
 CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease 
 for the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info 
 paramter with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the 
 CFSocketContext. Job done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you 
 during CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it 
 before ARC releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket 
 You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership 
 to Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking 
 ownership and releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've 
 told it to use in CFSocketContext. 
 I wrote this based on some Apple sample code, never bothered to learn how to 
 properly use CFSocketContext. Nevertheless, is it okay to CF-manage an 
 NSObject subclass that's not one of Apple's toll-free bridged classes?

CFRetain() and CFRelease() on a cast-to-void*-or-CFTypeRef NSObject subclass 
are fine. You can treat an NSObject as a CFTypeRef for those memory management 
calls, yes. 

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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Greg Parker
On Oct 30, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:10 , Greg Parker wrote:
 On Oct 30, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 On Oct 30, 2012, at 3:15 , Roland King wrote:
 how did you do it before, in non-ARC, what's the code look like? There 
 must be a combination of CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease() and 
 (__bridge .. ) you can use to do what you're doing. 
 Before, I used explicit retain and release. But now, if I 
 CFBridgingRetain() my NSObject as I pass it into 
 CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() (via CFSocketContext), then I 
 can't CFBridgingRelease() it in my CFSocketCallBack, it can (will) get 
 over-released, because that's called multiple times. So, obviously I can't 
 do that.
 Where did you use explicit retain and release? Why can you not use the CF 
 forms in the same places?
 I'm retaining and releasing my own NSObject subclass. Doing so seems to go 
 against the spirit of it all.

 Is it okay to CF-manage an NSObject subclass that's not one of Apple's 
 toll-free bridged classes?

It is. All NS object types are bridged to a generic NSCFType if they aren't 
bridged to something more specific. CFRetain() et al work on all objects. The 
CF functions are the recommended and expected solution for explicit memory 
management in ARC code.

The correct way to write your code is probably 
CFSocketContext ctx;
ctx.retain = CFRetain;
ctx.release = CFRelease; = (__bridge void *)yourObject;

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:35 , Greg Parker wrote:

 It is. All NS object types are bridged to a generic NSCFType if they aren't 
 bridged to something more specific. CFRetain() et al work on all objects. The 
 CF functions are the recommended and expected solution for explicit memory 
 management in ARC code.
 The correct way to write your code is probably 
 CFSocketContext ctx;
 ctx.retain = CFRetain;
 ctx.release = CFRelease; = (__bridge void *)yourObject;

Awesome. That's how I would've wanted it to work. Thanks to all for spelling it 
out for me.



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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:27 , Roland King wrote:

 I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
 CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease 
 for the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info 
 paramter with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the 
 CFSocketContext. Job done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you 
 during CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it 
 before ARC releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket 
 You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership 
 to Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking 
 ownership and releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've 
 told it to use in CFSocketContext.

One thing that's not clear in the docs for 
CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() is what happens to the 
CFSocketSignature parameter. Is that information copied immediately, or should 
it persist? is the supplied CFDataRef retained? The docs are clear about the 
context parameter, but not this one.



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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Roland King
It's not needed after the call has finished, just used to create the socket, so 
no retain or copy needed. 

On 31 Oct, 2012, at 10:16, Rick Mann wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2012, at 17:27 , Roland King wrote:
 I must be missing something here. Why can't you just set up your 
 CFSocketContext with CFRetain for the CFAllocatorRetainCallback, CFRelease 
 for the CFAllocatorReleaseCallback and cast the object to the (void*)info 
 paramter with (__bridge void*)yourObject when you put that into the 
 CFSocketContext. Job done, the CFSocket code will call CFRetain() for you 
 during CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(), which will retain it 
 before ARC releases the original, and will call CFRelease() when the socket 
 You don't want CFBridgingRetain() here because you aren't passing ownership 
 to Core Foundation, you're just giving it the object and it's taking 
 ownership and releasing it again via the retain and release methods you've 
 told it to use in CFSocketContext.
 One thing that's not clear in the docs for 
 CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() is what happens to the 
 CFSocketSignature parameter. Is that information copied immediately, or 
 should it persist? is the supplied CFDataRef retained? The docs are clear 
 about the context parameter, but not this one.


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Re: CFNetworking and ARC (was: ARC conversion help - CFErrorRef* and NSError**)

2012-10-30 Thread Ken Thomases
On Oct 30, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Roland King wrote:

 On 31 Oct, 2012, at 10:16, Rick Mann wrote:
 One thing that's not clear in the docs for 
 CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature() is what happens to the 
 CFSocketSignature parameter. Is that information copied immediately, or 
 should it persist? is the supplied CFDataRef retained? The docs are clear 
 about the context parameter, but not this one.
 It's not needed after the call has finished, just used to create the socket, 
 so no retain or copy needed.

And, generally, if there's no documentation to the contrary, you should assume 
that all other code does the appropriate thing to satisfy its needs, leaving 
you to only have to worry about your code.  That is, if it needs to retain 
something, it will and it takes the responsibility to balance that retain with 
a release.  If it needs to copy something, ditto.  Neither is your concern.



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Event loop expiration date insight

2012-10-30 Thread Graham Cox
I'm handling some mouse dragging tasks modally by implementing my own modal 
event loop using [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:].

I'm wondering what is the usual correct thing to pass for the 'untilDate' 
parameter. For a long time I've been using [NSDate distantFuture], but the 
documentation of this method says that by passing nil it uses [NSDate 
distantPast], which implies perhaps that this is a more usual default. In 
thinking about this I realise I don't really understand what this parameter is 
doing, especially when 'distantPast' is specified - does that mean do not wait 
at all for any events and only return one if it's already queued?

I've changed this to pass nil and my mouse dragging works as normal.

What set me looking at this is a strange report of this loop going screwy for 
one user, which I can't reproduce. According to the logs from that user, 
suddenly several 'mouseUp' events are delivered one after the other which seems 
impossible, and that confuses my code. Can anyone think of any reason why 
multiple mouseUps could be delivered (i'm passing YES for the dequeue 
parameter)? I'm wondering if a third-party extension could be interfering with 
events somehow - anyone heard of anything like that?



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