[CTRL] Hayek

2001-05-11 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Free Market Guru

'Friedrich Hayek: A Biography' by Alan Ebenstein

Reviewed by by Brian Doherty
Sunday, May 6, 2001; Page BW04

A Biography
By Alan Ebenstein
Palgrave. 403 pp. $29.95
Friedrich A. Hayek is difficult to pigeonhole. The Austrian-born intellectual is a
hero of the right, thanks to the influence of his free-market vision on Margaret
Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. But he publicly disavowed the label "conservative" for
his vision of societies continually evolving and learning through spontaneous,
unplanned orders. He is the most respected of modern libertarians, but he believed
in the propriety of many state ac
tions -- such as guaranteed minimal incomes and the draft -- that many libertarians 
oppose. Hayek won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974, but the majority of his 
scholarly work was done in other fields, ranging over pol
itical philosophy, cognitive psychology and intellectual history.
Hayek scholarship has exploded in the past decade. Interest in him goes beyond 
academe; the New Yorker recently profiled him, and Hayek's theorizing on the 
importance of free markets has made him a favorite thinker of mod
ern business gurus from Tom Peters to Peter Drucker. Some of the most cutting-edge 
work in computer science and neural networks research is grounded in some of Hayek's 
theories of how orderly behavior can result from seem
ingly uncoordinated actions.
In his eventful life, Hayek fought for Austria in World War I, battled with 
Keynesianism in the 1930s and became a controversial and celebrated public 
intellectual in postwar America. Alan Ebenstein took on a huge task in
 relating that saga in this, the first English- language biography of Hayek.
Ebenstein weaves explanation and assessment of Hayek's intellectual project with his 
life story. In the end, Hayek's life and work are too big to be thoroughly summed up 
in one relatively compact book. But Ebenstein has m
ade a credible first swipe at a figure to whom both academia and journalism are sure 
to return.
Hayek's early socialist leanings began to atrophy during the 1920s, when he worked in 
an Austrian government office under libertarian economist Ludwig von Mises. Mises was 
then arguing that strict economic calculation was
 not possible in a socialist economy with no private property and no market prices. 
Hayek joined Mises in this battle, one that now seems settled in their favor in view 
of the dismal track record of planned economies. Hay
ek left Austria to teach at the London School of Economics in 1931. There he fought 
with Keynes over the causes of and appropriate cures for business cycles. Hayek 
posited that cycles were caused by poor investments resul
ting from excess bank credit and couldn't be profitably cured through government 
During World War II, Hayek became alarmed at the embrace of central-planning ideas by 
Western governments and wrote the book that first brought him to public prominence, 
The Road to Serfdom (1944). The book became a surpr
ise popular sensation in America; it was even condensed in the pages of Reader's 
Digest. Hayek argued that centralized government economic planning, even if managed by 
men of good will, would inevitably lead to severe reg
imentation, loss of liberty and stagnant economies. For much of his career after The 
Road to Serfdom, Hayek wrote more as a political philosopher than as an economist. 
When he moved to the University of Chicago in 1950, h
e taught not in the economics department but in the Committee on Social Thought.
As Hayek was a serious thinker, he was also a serious man. There is little here to 
interest the intellectual gossip hound. Except for divorcing his first wife to marry a 
childhood sweetheart and suffering from intermitten
t crippling depression in his later years (both episodes treated circumspectly by 
Ebenstein), he lived the sort of life you might expect of a man who wrote more than a 
dozen books of serious scholarship and founded and le
d the Mount Pelerin Society, the preeminent intellectual organization for free-market 
Hayek's libertarianism was not based on the notion of natural rights, or the idea 
(frequently associated with Ayn Rand) that humankind is too grand to live in chains. 
Rather, Hayek asserted that freedom had to proceed fro
m a recognition of humanity's inherent limitations -- particularly the limits of 
reason and knowledge. No planner could possibly have command of the numberless bits of 
localized and individual information needed to plan e
ffectively. Only the unorganized price system in a free market enabled order to arise 
from millions of individuals' personal plans. To Hayek, civilization's greatest 
achievements -- language, law, the market economy -- we
re the result of spontaneous orders, not top-down planning.
What makes Hayek so important that even Keynes's biographer Robe

[CTRL] [drugwarvictims] Oppose the John Walters drug czar nomination

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I am opposed to the War on Drugs and do not really have strong
feelings about this particular individual as I do not yet know
enough about him. There is, however, a link to express your
disapproval if anybody is interested in doing so.

- Original Message -
From: "F.M.Sielaff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: [FPE] [drugwarvictims] Oppose the John Walters drug czar

 Original Message 

 Subject: [drugwarvictims] Oppose the John Walters drug czar
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 18:20:42 -0400
From: "Kevin Doblosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please take two minutes to contact the Senate in
opposition to the nomination of John Walters for
the office of Director of the US Office of
National Drug Control Policy (the "drug czar").
Walters is a fanatic who has enthusiastically
praised the Peruvian military's practice of
shooting down aircraft suspected of being used
by drug traffickers.  Last month, two American
missionaries were killed in such a shoot-down,
inevitable casualties of an extraordinarily
reckless and immoral practice that violates
international law.

Visit http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/walters/ to
send a free e-mail or fax to your two US
Senators asking them to vote NO on the Walters
nomination.  When you are done call them on the
phone to make greater impact.  Even if we don't
succeed in stopping the nomination, raising our
voices now will put pressure on the
administration to moderate their drug policies.

Shooting down airplanes isn't the only extreme
view John Walters holds on this issue.  In 1996,
Walters testified before Congress in opposition
to the Sentencing Commission's recommendation to
lower federal crack cocaine penalties to the
same level as powder cocaine.  Walters has
dismissed the problem of racial bias in drug
enforcement as an "urban myth," despite
overwhelming evidence that such bias is rampant;
for example, African Americans make up only 13%
of the nation's drug users, yet account for more
than 70% of drug incarcerations.  His
recommendation on cocaine penalties was made
despite a consensus among serious observers of
criminal justice that powder cocaine enforcement
is also carried out in a racially discriminatory

As Deputy Director of ONDCP during the previous
Bush administration, Walters favored
incarceration over drug treatment and education.
He has lobbied Congress for stiffer penalties
for nonviolent drug offenders, and opposed state
laws exempting medical marijuana users from
criminal penalties.

In 1996, Walters coauthored a paper entitled
"The Clinton Administration's Continuing Retreat
in the War on Drugs." In truth, however, the
Clinton Administration escalated the drug war,
imprisoning more people for drug offenses than
during the preceding Reagan and Bush
administrations combined. To characterize the
harsh Clinton drug war record as a "retreat" is
to elevate partisan politics over truthful
discussion and to show a deep disrespect to the
American people on an issue of the greatest

In short, the Walters drug record is one of
propaganda, extremism and disregard for issues
of racial equality. John Walters is unfit to
lead the nation on drug policy, and should be
rejected by the US Congress.

The Walters nomination has been criticized by
mainstream news outlets such as the New York
Times and the Economist, even by the
conservative flagship magazine National Review.
Visit http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/walters/ to
access this and other information and to send a
message to the Senate against this retrograde
nomination -- and please call or fax your two US
Senators and urge them to vote against the
confirmation of John Walters as Director of the
Office of National Drug Control Policy. Visit
http://www.senate.gov to find out how to reach
them, or call the Congressional Switchboard at
(202) 224-3121. Time is of the essence!

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

[CTRL] The Black Vault

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is a very old post from Kris but the site is still working and
has many updates and new information.


- Original Message -
From: "Teo One Thousand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 1999 10:46 PM
Subject: [CTRL] The Black Vault

-Caveat Lector-

Enter only if you dare.
URL:  http://www.blackvault.com

 Welcome to The Black Vault, your premier source for government
pertaining to a vast array of subjects.  You are entering a database
that is
one of a kind on the world of the Internet, and a database in which
you can
not find anywhere else.  The Black Vault is not much of a web site,
but an
online research center for curious minds, students, and everyone
alike.  What
is it? The Black Vault is a site created by myself, John Greenewald,
Jr. (a 17
year old Senior at Alemany High School), to better inform the public
of what
is going on within the secret walls of the United States Government.

I have archived here my collection of what I have found pertaining
to various
subjects such as: UFO´s, Top Secret Military Aviation, Biological
Nuclear Weapons, and many more!  The one of a kind database you will
find here
are government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information
Act. What
makes this database so unique? The fact that the documents are
scanned online,
and are kept in image form (downloadable images).  This site is the
result of
over 2 and one half years of research into the vast government
archives, and
online you can find my results.  You will find my initial letter to
government agency, their response, and the documents themselves.

Open your mind to the unknown.  What you find here will make you
think, and
make the unbelievable become believable.  Relax... enjoy... and
welcome to the
one place where the government "secrets" become KNOWN.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] A modest proposal

2001-05-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I am leaving for a hiking trip in the Grand Canyon. Fortunately it is still
protected from oil drilling and mining operations.  :)


On 11 May 01, at 15:16, William Bacon wrote:

> Hello! Well it's been almost 3 days since I posted my ami an extremist?
> and no response from Steve Wingate. What's the matter? Your buzzword
> generator not working?
> Well anyway, you might ask what is your modest proposal? Well my modest
> proposal involves what these "watermelon environmental" groups can do to
> promote their weird notions of environmental wackoism in a constitutional
> manner!
> Why don't these groups voluntaraliy move to some pristine wilderness area
> and use all of their proposals and develop a demonstration community that
> is environmentally friendly? And if living in caves, herding sheep and
> eating raw vegtables is appealling to other people, then people are
> perfectly free to join them. And of course I would stipulate that these
> wackos would of course leave people like me alone who favors suburban
> "sprawl", nuclear power, all of the pro production proposals I made in my
> energy independence artilce alone, and we all would live happilly ever
> after? Anything wrong with this? An inquiring mind would like to know!
> Bill Bacon


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Waco Protest ALERT!

2001-05-11 Thread William Shannon
After this I DOUBT SERIOUSLY that El DOUCHE is "just goofing" or an
"accidental tourist"...


Sorry, I lost my head...


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Re: [CTRL] Skolnick-OKC Bombings...A Split In The FBI?

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

I am not trying to defend McV at all, but WHAT IF 
he was just a bit player in all of this and by the FBI withholding evidence of 
possible others involved, certainly the John Doe No. 2  (whose identity 
some of us think we know ;->) and everybody else from Iraqis to Bin Laden, he 
was just a driver for a much larger group?  WHAT IF he had been able to 
prove this or had talked and named others?  Might he have received life 
penalty instead of death?  And IF this HAD been the case, he might not have 
admitted his part in ANY of this??  Does the withholding of information 
have a bearing on his admission?  Is this a form of entrapment~~hide 
anything that would help him and when he gets the death penalty, maybe he will 
just admit to it all since he is going to die, anyway.
So what I am wondering is, is this fair? I know, I 
know, spare me the flames~~what he did was NOT fair even if he was only a minor 
player.  We are supposed to have FAIR trials in this country and if this is 
done on something of this magnitude, the small cases don't even have a shot at 
anything close to fair!  Whole judicial system has become totally 
corrupt!  I think 'they' knew if he got the death penalty, knowing he was 
going to die anyway, he'd take the wrap for any and all involved.

[CTRL] Russia loses control of satellites

2001-05-11 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Russia loses control of satellites

 "Russia no longer has the working fleet of early warning satellites that
reassured its leaders that they were not under attack during the most
recent false alert." - Geoffrey Forden of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology

Russia has lost control of four military satellites after a fire at an
important relay station fuelling US fears of Moscow triggering a false
alarm launch over the ageing nuclear early-warning system.
Military chiefs insisted however the overall satellite control system
was working normally.
"As a result of the fire, we do not have constant contact with four
satellites," Anatoly Perminov, commander of Russia's Space Forces,
told state-run RTR television.
"Restoring permanent contact with these satellites will technically
be possible once the fire is extinguished," he said.
"The entire satellite control system is working normally, including
ones with a military designation."
Defence Ministry officials as said an electrical short circuit started
the blaze at the relay station near Serpukhov, in the Kaluga region
some 120 miles (200km) southwest of Moscow.
Firefighters were sent from the capital to help tackle the blaze with
specialised foam-making equipment that Defence Ministry crews on the
scene lacked.
No one was injured and all secret documents, computer programmes,
weapons and equipment were rescued from the burning relay station,
Perminov said.
Starved since the collapse of the Soviet Union of the vast funds it
once enjoyed, the Russian military keeps much ageing equipment in
use well past its designed lifespan.
Short of cash
Military specialist Alexander Golts said that 70 percent of Russia's
100-130 military satellites were nearing the end of their operational
Bureaucratic reorganisations have left the satellite network short of
cash and bedevilled by a complicated chain of command.
"Another of the habitual bureaucratic restructurings is going on right
now. All the space forces are being separated from the structure of the
Strategic Rocket Forces. Two years ago they merged," he said.
Geoffrey Forden of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote last
week that Russia's failing space-based early-warning systems posed a
potential risk.
"Russia no longer has the working fleet of early warning satellites
that reassured its leaders that they were not under attack during the
most recent false alert," he said in an article posted on the Cato
Institute website.
He was referring to a 1995 incident in which Russia briefly mistook
a scientific rocket launched from Norway for a US nuclear missile.
"With decaying satellites, the possibility exits that, if a false alert
occurs again, Russia might launch its nuclear-tipped missiles," he
At the time, Russian officials dismissed the article as groundless.

Best Wishes

We only regret that the editors of The Daily Californian allowed
themselves to give in to pressure in a manner that unfortunately
violated their professional integrity and journalistic duty to protect
speech with which they may disagree.  The knee-jerk response by the
Californian is frighteningly indicative of the growing tendency of
college newspapers to allow the opinions they publish to be stomped out
for fear of being called names.
- editorial, University of Wisconsin _Badger Herald_, on the
supine response of other college newspapers to campus radicals

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] New Houston Chronicle Poll: What's the best weapon in the drug war?

2001-05-11 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 11 May 2001 15:47:01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> Please vote!
> www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/topstory2/906380
> The Houston Chronicle is conducting a poll ("What's the best weapon in the
> drug war?").
> Current stats:
> More police: 2%
> Tougher jail sentences: 19%
> Anti-drug education for kids:   16%
> More access to drug rehabilitation: 10%
> Legalization of drugs:  50%
> Total Votes:268

Latest results:

More police:1%
Tougher jail sentences: 16%
Anti-drug education for kids:   12%
More access to drug rehabilitation: 8%
Legalization of drugs:  61%

Total Votes:387

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: Hague ally issues Hitler warning

2001-05-11 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Hague ally issues Hitler warning
WILLIAM HAGUE faced embarrassment last night when one of his most
senior party members compared the European vision of Gerhard
Schröder, the German Chancellor, to Hitler’s personal manifesto and
said Labour’s tactics on Europe were reminiscent of the Nazis.
Sir Peter Tapsell, who nominated Mr Hague for the Tory leadership in
1997, predicted that the British people would rise in an “explosion of
rage” against the European Union.
He listed Napoleon, Bismarck and Hitler as leaders in the past who had
proposed a European single currency and said that Tony Blair’s
“prepare and decide” policy on the euro was akin to Goebbels’s “Big Lie”
propaganda strategy. Calling for a renegotiation of Britain’s relationship
with Europe, Sir Peter said: “We may not have studied Hitler’s Mein
Kampf in time but, by heaven, there is no excuse for us not studying the
Schröder Plan now.
“You may be sure that the currency section of Dr Goebbels’ Guide to
Falsehood is already well thumbed by the Labour spin-doctors.”
He spoke out as a group of Tory MPs told The Times that they would be
campaigning on a platform of never accepting the single currency. Their
stance goes against party policy, which is to oppose the euro for the
duration of the next Parliament.
Many, however, have made pledges to the electorate that they will not
accept the euro regardless of party policy. Campaign leaflets for John
Bercow, a Tory frontbencher, read: “I have always supported the pound
and I always will do so.”
Julian Lewis, who is seeking re-election in New Forest East, said: “I’m
the only candidate from a serious party promising never to vote for a
single European currency.”
Sir Peter’s comments were particularly embarrassing for Mr Hague, who
has just recovered from the “mongrel race” remarks of the rebel MP
John Townend.
In an address in the Louth and Horncastle constituency where he is
seeking re-election, Sir Peter repeatedly invoked the Second World War
as he said that the English way of life was under threat from Europe.
“From Brussels and Bonn and Berlin the present generation of Britons
face again the threat of a foreign and alien sovereignty which threatens
our way of life, our commerce and our culture,” he said.
He quoted a German Finance Minister who he said had told him that
“the German people will always follow strong leadership”.
Sir Peter said: “That of course has been the continuing tragedy of their
Sir Peter took issue with Mr Hague’s policy of opposing the euro only
for the duration of the next Parliament, saying: “I shall never vote to join
a single European currency or a federal Europe.” Sir Peter also attacked
French, German and “Roman law” and the European Court of Human
Rights. He said that English freedom was “under constant threat from
the decisions of foreign judges, some of whom are not even learned in
their own law”.
Britons, like the Basques and the Kurds, would acquire “deep feelings of
outrage which finds expression in violence” if they lost their currency, he
Sir Peter’s remarks were condemned by other senior Conservatives. Ian
Taylor, who is standing for re-election in Tory MP for Esher and who is
chairman-elect of the European Movement, a pro-EU pressure group,
said: “This sort of anti-European rant discredits the Conservatives.
“We need friends on the Continent if we are to influence the future of the
Union, in which the Tory party wishes to stay.”
Douglas Alexander, Labour’s election campaign coordinator, described
Sir Peter’s speech as odious and said: “This shows the extremism at
the heart of the Tory party.”
The Conservatives’ chief spokesman said: “Sir Peter has been saying
that to anyone who will listen for more than 20 years but his views are
not shared by the leadership of the Conservative Party.”
Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.


Best Wishes

Conservatives say the government can't end poverty by force, but they
believe it can use force to make people moral.  Liberals say government
can't make people be moral, but they believe it can end poverty. Neither
group explains why government is so clumsy and destructive in one area
but a paragon of efficiency and benevolence in the other.
-Harry Browne, "Little Browne Booklet", a collection of campaign
soundbites, quoted in _Libertarian Party News_, April 2001

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Chevron: At Risk in Kazakhstan

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I am posting this only becuase ''sacred'' oil interest are at
stake.  You know to what extremes this country will go to on behalf
of oil interests.

 Chevron: At Risk in Kazakhstan
11 May 2001

On April 25, the Kazakh government accused Tengizchevroil, a joint
venture extracting oil from the country's massive Tengiz field, of
various environmental offenses, according to InterfaxKazakhstan.

Since Kazakhstan's environmental laws are still embryonic in nature
and their enforcement lackadaisical, the accusations are probably an
effort to wring concessions out of Chevron, the joint venture's
operator and largest stakeholder. Astana's heavy-handed tactics bode
poorly for foreign investors.

The stakes are high. Tengiz is one of the world's largest oil
fields, with estimated reserves of 6 billion to 9 billion barrels.
The field is expected to produce enough petroleum to supply the bulk
of the Tengiz-Novorossiysk pipeline's 1.34 million barrels daily
capacity. The agreements that sealed the Tengizchevroil deal in 1993
are worth at least $20 billion.

Chevron, a U.S. company, should be concerned about the security of
its investment. Last May, Kazakhstan booted out another large
investor - Belgium's Tractebel - after disputes over the scope and
direction of its investments. The natural gas company refused to
play Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev's political games, and it
was shown the door.

The allegations must be a particularly bitter pill for Chevron.
Tengizchevroil is Kazakhstan's premier oil project, accounting for
almost half of the country's total production. Chevron recently
acquired enough equity to secure a 50 percent ownership stake.

Tengizchevroil's corporate structure does little to protect foreign
investors, however. The Kazakh government controls 20 percent of the
venture, and thereby has a direct say in decision making.

Astana has another tool: the Russian firm LUKoil, which together
with British Petroleum owns a 5 percent stake in Tengizchevroil.
Kazakhstan has shown a willingness to transfer Western shares in
major Kazakh projects to Russian firms. Russian natural gas giant
Gazprom now controls what used to be Tractebel's Kazakh network.

If Chevron confronts the government, Astana can put pressure on the
Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which transports Tengiz oil to the
Black Sea. Astana controls 19 percent of CPC, a larger share than
Chevron's 14 percent. Astana also has an ally in the Russian
government, which holds a 24 percent stake in CPC. Russian firms
feature here as well, accounting for another 20 percent through
various joint ventures. All have a vested interest in maximizing
their ownership at the expense of Western firms.

Now that all the heavy lifting is done - Tengiz currently produces
nearly 300,000 barrels per day and the CPC pipeline is largely
completed - Astana has few qualms about pressuring the consortiums
into financial concessions. The government well knows that, in
league with Russian firms, it can operate the new infrastructure on
its own should Western partners prove unyielding.

For the Kazakhs, there is one catch. There are even bigger fish to
develop in Kazakhstan's sea of oil - the great white of which is the
Kashagan oil field. The Offshore Kazakhstan International Operating
Company (OKIOC), a consortium of nine multinational oil firms,
manages this behemoth's development. But Kashagan lies offshore and
is a deep, complex deposit that is as yet undeveloped. Kazakhstan
lacks the cash, personnel, experience and technology to exploit the
field by itself. If Astana leans too heavily on Chevron, it risks
scaring investors away from OKIOC and leaving Kashagan permanently
buried under three miles of earth and water.

Astana, however, seems willing to take a calculated risk. BP and
Chevron are the logical first targets. The UK-based BP, which has
limited exposure in Kazakhstan, has been divesting itself of onshore
oil investments, opting instead for natural gas or oil deposits
offshore. While Chevron is a larger regional player that has no
intension of surrendering its oil stakes, its activities focus on
Tengizchevroil and the CPC. Chevron has no involvement in OKIOC.
There is a possibility Astana can manipulate Chevron without unduly
disrupting investor interest in Kashagan.

Chevron will undoubtedly appeal to Washington for help, but there is
little Washington can do. Moscow holds all the cards in Kazakhstan,
while the United States has reduced its involvement in the region.

There would be other fallout as well. Non-American firms run most of
OKIOC; most are annoyed with the American members who, due to
Washington's investment restrictions on Iran, do not back the most
economically feasible export route. If Washington becomes too
recalcitrant, Chevron and ExxonMobil could find not only Astana and
Moscow arrayed against them, but Italy's ENI, Japan's Inpex, the
Netherlands' Shell and France's TotalFinaElf, as well

[CTRL] Satanism, Murder And Kidnapped Babies...

2001-05-11 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

What fate awaits these kidnapped babies ? Ritual sacrifice ? Sexual
abuse ? Trauma-based programming ?

Search continues for dead woman's children: Couple suspected in killing
found dead in Florida
by Anjeanette Damon, RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL, Wednesday May 9th, 2001


The hunt for two missing babies resumes today in a cross-country mystery
that includes the discovery of their dead mother in Nevada and the
murder-suicide in Florida of her suspected killers, officials said

The discovery of 21-year-old Kimyala Henson’s body last week in the
desert north of Nixon launched an investigation into claims of satanic
ritual, kidnapping and murder, officials said.
After identifying Henson, authorities searched 100 square miles of the
Nevada desert for her children, 2-year-old Shaina Ashly Kirkpatrick and
4-month-old Shausa Kirkpatrick, who disappeared from Portland, Ore.,
with her April 4.

“The grave concern for us as an agency is the whereabouts of her
children,” Washoe County Sheriff Dennis Balaam said Tuesday during a
news conference. “At this point we don’t have any leads to be able to
surmise anything. Anyone who really has any information is dead right
The bodies of the primary suspects were found near Naples, Fla., nine
days before Henson’s body was found, Balaam said. Florida police said
Frank Oehring, 28, a fugitive from Bethany, Mo., shot his girlfriend,
Christina Mayer, 24, before turning the rifle on himself.

Detectives in Portland notified the father of Henson’s two children
Tuesday afternoon.

“I don’t really have much hope, to tell you the truth,” Steven
Kirkpatrick told the Associated Press. “I’m trying to let the shock wear
off. I’m at a loss over why this happened.” Kirkpatrick held a birthday
party for his missing daughter, who turned 2 on April 27.

Investigators have called off the desert search for now and are
concentrating on the extensive paper trail left by the suspects. “These
two children would not be able to survive out there this long,” Balaam
said. “But anything could have happened to them between here and

“An extensive search is still ongoing and we are asking for any kind of
assistance from the public, if anyone has seen these kids accompanied by
the suspects in the Reno, Gardnerville or Hawthorne areas.”

The couple was traveling in a red 1999 Kia Sephia.

Detectives were investigating a claim by Oehring’s ex-wife that her
former husband and his new girlfriend were Satanists, Balaam said. “Any
possible connection with Oehring’s satanic beliefs and the death of
Kimyala Henson and the disappearance of her children has not been
established,” Balaam said. No motive for the slaying has been uncovered,
Balaam said.

Henson and her daughters were last seen checking into a Redding, Calif.,
motel with Mayer and Oehring on April 5, one day after leaving Portland
on what was supposed to be a sight-seeing trip to British Columbia with
the couple.

Someone obtained a copy of Henson’s birth certificate earlier that day
in Alameda, Calif., authorities said. Investigators originally thought
Mayer was Henson, after finding the younger woman’s identification on
her body, Balaam said.

Oregon detectives followed a lengthy paper trail left by Oehring and
Mayer, who obtained a false Nevada identification in Las Vegas April 9
and then used Henson’s credit cards for food, lodging and gas as they
drove to Florida, Balaam said.

The detectives notified Reno police of Henson’s disappearance on May 4.
Washoe County detectives, with the help of dental charts and DNA
evidence, confirmed Henson’s identity Tuesday.

No evidence indicated the children made it to Florida, said Tina
Osceola, spokeswoman for the Collier County Sheriff’s Department. “Our
investigators are very, very sure that they weren’t anywhere near
Florida,” she said.

The children’s car seats and luggage were missing, but investigators
found a few articles of clothing and diapers in the vehicle parked near
the couple’s bodies, Osceola said. Mayer, who used to live in Portland,
became a close friend of Henson before moving to Bethany, Mo., where she
met Oehring.

Oehring was wanted on a $250,000 warrant after he failed to appear for a
March court hearing on charges he conspired to have his ex-wife killed,
said Missouri prosecutor Rick Turner.

“The evidence shows he conspired to hire someone to kill his wife,”
Turner said. “We found his estranged wife in her home, unconscious. She
had been beaten. She remained in a coma for three weeks. She survived
and is doing fine.”  On April 15, Mayer called her uncle in Missouri
from the Miami area to ask for money, saying she was in trouble and was
tired of running.

Five days later, Mayer and Oehring were found with single bullet wounds
to their temples at a rest stop on a rural highway near the edge of the
Everglades, Osceola said. Oehring was still alive when he was
discovered, but died on the way to the

[CTRL] NYT: McVeigh's Execution Likely to Be Delayed for 30 Days

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday, May 11, 2001 -- 10:42 AM EST

McVeigh's Execution Likely to Be Delayed for 30 Days

Justice Department lawyers have recommended that the
execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh
be delayed for 30 days, two government officials said

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com?0511na1

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] V V: EXCLUSIVE: FBI Documents Raise Questions of Wider Conspiracy

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Posted May 11th, 2001 12:30 PM
villagevoice.com exclusive

FBI Documents Raise Questions of Wider Conspiracy

Feds' Forewarning: McVeigh Papers: What Did the Government Know?

by James Ridgeway

WASHINGTON, D.C., MAY 11-The FBI's announcement yesterday that it
withheld files from Tim McVeigh's defense lawyers raises once again not
only the prospect of a wider conspiracy, but questions about whether the
government itself was trying to cover up events leading to the the
Oklahoma City bombing.

Even as Department of Justice officials moved Friday to delay for 30
days McVeigh's execution, which had been scheduled for May 16, some are
asking if the feds stashed the documents in hopes of concealing what
they knew beforehand about plans to blow up the Murrah Federal Building
in 1995.

The feds say this is nonsense, the result of conspiracy-mongering by
people in places like the John Birch Society, which played a major role
in developing theories of a wider plot.  The idea of a conspiracy may
seem silly, especially to members of the mainstream press, but as with
whispers about the grassy knoll in the Kennedy assassination, rumors of
intrique have persisted in this case.  They now fuel the early stages of
a massive damage suit by families of the victims against the federal

Last night's release of the FBI documents was accompanied by reports
that McVeigh actually was part of a bank robbery gang called the Aryan
Republican Army, a white supremacist outfit that allegedly pulled more
jobs across the Midwest than Jesse James ever dreamed of.  And according
to the lore surrounding this gang, they used the loot to help finance a
far right revolution.  The gang was modeled along the lines of the
Order, a 1980s underground terror group that robbed stores and armored
cars in the West to get the money to boost the same revolution.
Participants in both gangs had ties to the Aryan Nations.

For years now, defense attorneys and independent investigators have
claimed that the government had prior knowledge of the conspiracy.
Carol Howe, a onetime ATF informant, testified that she had personally
infiltrated a group of racists living in Elohim City, an eastern
Oklahoma religious community, and had accompanied several men as they
cased the federal building.

At the same time, a closing witness in the Terry Nichols trial claimed
he had unexpectedly come upon a group of men and trucks-including the
famous Ryder truck used in the blast-and fertilizer bags when he drove
his handicapped son down to Geary Lake Kansas.  It was here, according
to the prosecution, that McVeigh and Nichols made the bomb.  The
government successfully argued there were three main defendants:
McVeigh, Nichols, and Michael Fortier.

With the McVeigh execution approaching-he is scheduled to be killed May
16-there has been an upsurge in speculation and rumors about who else
may have been involved.  Some of this talk apparently originates with
inmates who grew to know McVeigh in different jails and who claim he
told them what went down.

Speculation has also been fueled by other events.  Chief among them was
the arrest of members of the Aryan Republican Army.  Some army members
had ties to the Aryan Nations and the Posse Comitatus.  And they
frequented Elohim City.  All during the bomb investigation, Elohim City
turned up as a sort of hideout in one story after another.  Pastor
Robert Millar, who heads the community, long has insisted this is
rubbish and that he has nothing whatever to do with the bombing.
Indeed, just to show how willing he has been to cooperate with the
government, Millar reportedly invited the region's chief FBI agent to
sing in the choir.

Richard Guthrie, the leader of the Aryan Republican Army, hung himself
in jail in 1996, shortly after he told the Los Angeles Times that he was
writing a book about his gang that would blow the lid off a wider
conspiracy.  In a sealed plea bargain agreement, he promised to provide
the government with information about groups "whose goal is the
overthrow of the U.S. government or (to) engage in domestic terrorism."
This supposedly was an allusion to the Oklahoma City bombing.  Currently,
other members of the gang-all in jail-are rumored to be claiming that a
certain "Tim" was in contact with their group.

The FBI's belated disclosure comes at a time when Louis Freeh is
stepping down as head of the FBI, and after both Clinton and Reno have
left office.

While the FBI says the papers are insignificant, press reports claim
they involved the government's questioning of witnesses about a John Doe
No. 2, an unknown person the government originally thought was involved
in the plot.  These documents may not help McVeigh, but they almost
surely will affect Terry Nichols's case, perhaps even leading to a new
trial.  Nichols is in jail for life on federal offenses and is awaiting
prosecution in Oklahoma that could end with a death sentence.


[CTRL] 30 Crucial OKC Bombing Questions Remain Unanswered (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Scott Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: 30 Crucial OKC Bombing Questions Remain Unanswered

> In general the TeamInfinity group does a fair job of reliably pegging my
> bs-o-meter, but I gotta say, some of these questions are ...ponder-worthy.
> Especially note #18 in contrast to the recent articles (e.g., the London
> Independent piece I posted last night,
> http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=71599) which
> contends that the bombing was related to the work of the Aryan Republican
> Army.
> Hm.
> --Scott
> Found at http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3addb499755b.htm
> 30 Crucial OKC Bombing Questions Remain Unanswered
> >From Team Infinity http://TeamInfinity.com/
> 4-17-1
> Despite Timothy McVeigh's guilty verdict, numerous unanswered questions
> about the murderous Oklahoma City bombing remain. Indeed, there are so
> unanswered questions, it is amazing that the prosecution was able to
> a conviction at all.
> So pull up a front-row seat for the McVeigh lynching, folks, and
> a few of the contradictions in the official account of the OKC bombing
> before it all gets flushed down the memory hole. If this list doesn't make
> you paranoid, you must be one of them!
> [To read the startling evidence which the jury was barred from hearing, be
> sure to check out Timothy McVeigh's Writ of Mandamus, posted by
> TeamInfinity.com.]
> 1. If the bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma
> was a terrorist reprisal for the Federal massacre of the Branch Davidians
> Waco, why were no BATF or FBI agents injured? Why was EVERY BADGE-CARRYING
> FEDERAL AGENT absent from work at nine o'clock on a weekday morning, their
> offices staffed only with civilian clerical workers?
> 2. When the word first got out that no Federal agents had been present in
> the building, the BATF produced its Resident Agent Alex McCauley who told
> long story about his own heroism and that of a fellow ATF man who
> fell three floors in an elevator, walked away from it, and then helped
> rescue others trapped by the bomb. This was quickly exposed as a
> in an angry interview by building maintenance supervisor Duane James, who
> described McCauley's story as "pure fantasy". James examined the elevator
> question and also the central control panel and pointed out a number of
> technical and logical reasons why the miraculous elevator incident simply
> couldn't have happened in the way claimed. The McCauley account was
> retracted and flushed down the memory hole by the ATF, with the help of
> media. They now admit that McCauley was nowhere near the building when the
> bomb went off, although they refuse to discuss his exact whereabouts or
> whereabouts of any other ATF agent at the time of the explosion.
> Will BATF Agent Alex McCauley be disciplined for telling a self-serving
> which falsely made himself out to be a hero? If that was not the purpose,
> why did he make this palpably false public statement?
> 3. Why was U.S. Judge Wayne Alley, whose office was located in the Federal
> building, warned several weeks in advance in a Justice Department memo to
> prepared for an unnamed "terrorist act" directed against the Federal
> building?
> 4. Judge Alley made the above admission to the Portland Oregonian
> immediately after the bombing. He has since refused to repeat it or allow
> himself to be interviewed again. Why?
> 5. Why did Ken Stern fax warnings to Federal judges and officials,
> legislators, and prosecutors warning of a possible attack on a government
> building of installation on the second anniversary of Waco on April 10th,
> 1995, nine days before the OKC bombing?
> 6. "Norma," a witness who worked in an office building just down the
> from the Federal building, told reporter Sherry Koonce what she saw prior
> the explosion: "The day was fine, everything was normal when I arrived for
> work at about 7:45 a.m. There was some talk about the bomb squad among the
> employees at our office. We wondered what it was doing in our parking lot.
> Around nine I heard and felt a huge explosion. Then someone said it had to
> be a bomb, and we all knew. I remembered the bomb squad in our parking lot
> and knew what had happened."
> "Norma" has since quit her job, gone into hiding and refused to speak
> to any reporters or investigators. So have a number of other people who
> the heavily armed and equipped bomb squad in the area up to three hours
> before the blast. Why?
> 7. Why did all mention of the facts outlined in questions 1 thru 6
> disappeared from the news media after the first week of coverage of the
> bombing? Why has the media consistently suppressed and refused to report
> information or evidence which indicates that, at the very least and
> regardless of who was respo

[CTRL] FoxNews: News of FBI Fumble Fans Conspiracy Flames

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

News of FBI Fumble Fans Conspiracy Flames

Friday, May 11, 2001
By Michael Y. Park

Revelations that the FBI withheld evidence from lawyers for convicted
Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh have set off an explosion of their
own among conspiracy theorists who see a cover-up, or much worse, behind
the most deadly terrorist act in American history.

"Oh yeah! Right!" scoffed one of many submissions that were posted on
Internet message boards. "This was a mistake, and none of the info is
'considered to be favorable to McVeigh'. This stuff was somewhere in the
White House Library all along? . How many FBI or ATF agents were
actually in attendance when the truck (sic) went off? . I don't know
whether to laugh or cry."

The postings all expounded a common theme: We told you so. And much of
that reaction came from those who see the hand of the government itself
in the 1995 bombing that killed 168 people.

"The American citizens have been propagandized about McVeigh the 'lone
bomber' for so long that they'd be out in the streets screaming for
blood if (his execution) were held up now," one person, under the name
jimkress, wrote on the Internet. "It's in the Left's best interest to
delay this execution. It provides them with a continuing opportunity to
demonize all of us who believe that freedom is maximized when government
is minimized."

The Justice Department on Thursday admitted the FBI withheld 3,135
documents it should have given to McVeigh's lawyers during the discovery
period of his 1997 trial in Denver. McVeigh, who recently confessed to
being almost entirely responsible for the bombing, was scheduled to be
executed next week.

Some of the loudest cries of government cover-up have come from Robert
and James Nichols, the father and brother of Terry Nichols, who was
tried and convicted as McVeigh's accomplice in the bombing.

"I think that Timothy McVeigh is a pawn," Robert Nichols told the Fox
News Channel. "He didn't do what they said was done. He may have been a
part of it, but he's not the one who done it.

James Nichols was blunt about his belief it was actually the federal
government that was responsible for the deaths, including those of the
19 children in a nursery in the building, in a scheme to gain more power
for itself.

On the other end of the political spectrum, visitors to
 were just as skeptical of the government,
though they saw less a conscious conspiracy theory than an ingrained
abuse of power and a habit of trampling over civil liberties.

"The FBI is in the habit of suppressing evidence. It didn't FORGET to
turn over evidence to McVeigh's Defense, it just sits on evidence as a
matter of ordinary course, and counts on not getting caught," a poster
under the handle NH4 wrote. "If the FBI can't even bring itself to give
necessary evidence to prosecutors trying to bring murderers to justice,
how can they be expected to provide evidence to defense attorneys just
because they are legally required to do so?"

Demonstrating the unanimity of disgust with the FBI fumble, a poster
named Klaatu saw connections to other events.

"I do not believe the FBI simply forgot this evidence," Klaatu wrote.
"The trial was too important to them. They think they are above the law
as they demonstrated at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and in their quiet deployment
of Carnivore before those pesky civil libertarians could object."

McVeigh's former lawyer, Stephen Jones, is openly questioning whether
the former Gulf War veteran could have committed the crime himself.
Jones said the government knew there were others in on the plot but
ignored the evidence.

"I think he's trying to protect others. He's enlarging his own role,"
Jones said. "There's absolutely no doubt in my mind he's attempting to
keep someone's identity, who is involved in this situation, from me."

Jones said evidence points toward Saudi terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

"Certainly there is no evidenced that any of the people that are
directly involved had that kind of knowledge, so it had to come from
someone who had that kind of skill," he said.

The lead prosecutor in the case, Joseph Hartzler, said the conspiracy
theories were an understandable reaction to the tragedy. But that does
not make them valid.

"I think that people have difficulty accepting the fact that this
magnitude of carnage and death can be caused simply by one man and with
the assistance of another," he said.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are un

[CTRL] FoxNews: '302's,' 'Inserts' Make Up Bulk of Documents

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


'302's,' 'Inserts' Make Up Bulk of Documents

Friday, May 11, 2001
Sharon Kehnemui

WASHINGTON - The Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed Thursday that
it had failed to turn over hundreds of documents, amounting to 3,100
pages of investigation reports, photographs, written correspondence and
tapes relating to the case against Timothy McVeigh, the admitted
Oklahoma City bomber.

The Justice Department decided Friday to stay McVeigh's execution since
the materials should have been handed over to McVeigh's attorneys before
his trial.

DOJ special attorney Sean Connelly wrote to McVeigh's attorneys
Wednesday that additional documents relating to the Oklahoma City
bombing case came from reviews of 26 databases and included a number of
"302's," or reports filed by agents named for the number on the form
with which they must be submitted. They also include "inserts" filed by
field agents, along with everything from photographs and correspondence
to audio and video tapes.

Sources told Fox News Friday that many of the forms pertain to "John Doe
No. 2," a suspect who was described by witnesses but never identified.
The information may also be crucial to the defense of Terry Nichols, a
convicted co-conspirator who has always maintained others, not him, were

The documents were uncovered during a routine evidence-gathering
conducted by agent Danny Defenbaugh, who was in charge of the Oklahoma
City bombing investigation.

The FBI said it wants to make clear that the documents, part of millions
of pages of evidence in the case, were not withheld intentionally, but
were mistakenly left out during the discovery process.

The letter accompanying the documents written by Connelly read, "We do
not believe anything being produced is material bearing on the federal
convictions or sentences of Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols."

Connelly's letter said the discovery of additional materials came "after
an FBI archivist requested that all OKBOMB-related materials be sent to
the Oklahoma City field office for archiving."

He also wrote that "FBI Director Louis J. Freeh and the agent in charge
of the bombing probe had requested on numerous occasions prior to trial
that each field division and legal attache forward all OKBOMB-related
materials to the Oklahoma City division, and had received assurances
that all such materials had been forwarded."

Two government sources told The Washington Post that some of the
material was duplicated information previously given to the defense, but
another federal source said most of the material had not been seen by
the defense.

Connelly wrote that none of the materials makes any "showing of either
man's actual innocence."

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Asa and the Drug Smugglers

2001-05-11 Thread Kris Millegan

from www.madcowprod.com

Asa and the Drug Smugglers

by Daniel Hopsicker

George W. Bush's nomination of Asa Hutchinson to head the Drug 
Enforcement Administration is a crushing blow to those who couldn't 
bring themselves to believe the sordid stories of George Junior 
consorting with drug smuggler Barry Seal. 

As  reported in the new book "Barry & `the boys,'" and magazines and 
newsletters like "From the Wilderness" and "High Times," George the 
II had much more than a nodding acquaintance with the biggest drug 
smuggler in American history and his notorious Mena operation. 

Instead of downplaying this connection while focusing all eyes on the 
tee-ball on the south lawn, Bush has now put it right in our faces. 
Current Republican Congressman and former Western Arkansas US 
Attorney Asa Hutchinson was directly involved in the Mena drug 
smuggling operation, providing the critical legal `protection' 
necessary for any operation of that size and magnitude, and acting to 
squelch whatever legal action which local citizen outrage prompted.

In addition to the people already on record regarding Hutchinson's 
coziness with the Mena cocaine smuggling—former IRS agent Bill Duncan 
prominent among them—numerous witnesses have stepped forward for the 
first time on Hutchinson in "Barry & `the boys."

According to the Arkansas State Police Commander in charge of Mena, 
Finis Duvall, on at least one occasion then-US Attorney Asa 
Hutchinson `took care' of a Mena legal entanglement for Barry Seal 
that has never been surfaced in the press.

According to Duvall, who was there, the Arkansas state police didn't 
even try to develop a case against the Mena drug smuggling, because 
it was well known that it was being 'protected' by US attorney 

"We always knew we couldn't prosecute Barry Seal, no matter what we 
got on him, because of the politics involved in the Western Judicial 
District," the crusty Finis Duvall told us.

Then there are Hutchinson's recent business dealings with drug 
smugglers. Recently a Barry Seal drug smuggling associate, Michael 
Roy Fugler, took a company called Netivation public. Netivation.com 
(NASDAQ: NTVN) portrays itself as an Internet public policy and 
political Web site, offering a package of fundraising services to 
candidates and campaigns. The Virginia State Democratic Party, for 
example, raised money for Netivation.com to produce Web sites for its 
candidates, and Netivation.com received a percentage of any campaign 
contribution made to candidates via the Web pages. It also publishes 
the US Congress Factbook, and has a major Internet site for campaign 

One question might be: what does a drug smuggler have to do with the 
US Congress Factbook? But wait...there's more. After going public, 
Netivation turned around and immediately signed as their initial 
marketing "poster boy" none other than Arkansas Congressman Asa 
Hutchinson. Hutchinson, of course, before becoming the 
marketing "poster boy" for a company drug smuggler Barry Seal's 
associate Michael Fugler took public, had been the U.S. Attorney for 
the Western Judicial District in Arkansas, which encompasses Mena.

That's enough for a grand jury, right there. It provides direct and 
concrete evidence that what's been called "the goings-on at Mena" 
reveal exactly what the "conspiracy theorists" have been loudly 
proclaiming for a decade: the visible efforts of a huge and largely 
invisible organization.

Paying off a favor isn't, of course, illegal.

But abetting drug smuggling, unfortunately for Mr. Hutchinson, is.

This is no small matter, especially since Michael Fugler was no mere 
legal counsel to Barry Seal; rather, he was an integral part of the 
smuggling organization, and already, by the middle Seventies, deeply 
involved in all of Barry's various businesses, including the 'front' 
sign companies.

We had heard from several of Seal's associates accounts of Fugler's 
activities which the State Bar of Louisiana would presumably frown on…
Like the time he had left a briefcase filled with over $100,000 of 
drug money sitting on the front car seat of a rental car at Baton 
Rouge Airport, and then been too afraid to go back to attempt to 
retrieve it.

Congressman Hutchinson has the sheer gall to serve as a member of the 
House Speaker's Task Force for a Drug-Free America. As what? An 
industry representative?

The Task Force has a mandate "to seek out new and more effective 
approaches to combating the threat of drug use among the nation's 

Numerous witnesses in western Arkansas can be found who can directly 
testify that Mr. Hutchinson's actions, as opposed to his words, have 
been absolutely and unequivocally detrimental to achieving this goal.

As an aside, Hutchinson somehow also found the time to present the 
case to the Senate for the impeachment of Bill Clinton, where he 
urged the senators in his closing argument to "let justice roll down 
like mighty waters." Were tha

[CTRL] Protester held in Fwd: Joplin: Ex-informant, in psychiatric ward, claims conspiracy in McVeigh case

2001-05-11 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

To: (Recipient list

Joplin Globe

Protester held in Joplin
Ex-informant, in psychiatric ward, claims
conspiracy in McVeigh case

A former federal informant who says the
public will never know the full
extent of the conspiracy behind the Oklahoma
City bombing if Timothy
McVeigh is executed next week is being held
in a Joplin mental ward.

Joe Hurley, 50, was transported late Tuesday
to the Stephens Behavioral
Unit at Freeman Hospital East. He was
arrested earlier in the day outside
the federal courthouse in Springfield.

A supervisor at the behavioral unit hung up
when asked Thursday night
about Hurley. A Springfield police dispatcher
said the department’s public
information officer had gone home, and that
nobody else was authorized to

While Hurley’s claims might seem outlandish,
his attorney, Mel Gilbert of
Buffalo, said there is enough solid
information to warrant further

Hurley, of Urbana, about 45 miles north of
Springfield, had planned to
protest McVeigh’s impending execution by
performing some “performance art”
that included the use of mock bombs,
according to Gilbert. But, Hurley was
arrested by Springfield police as his truck
pulled into the courthouse
parking lot. He had alerted police to his

Hurley had been arrested two weeks earlier
for a similar attempt at the
courthouse, when he was stopped from burning
an effigy labeled “DOJ,” for
Department of Justice, but no charges were
filed by Greene County
Prosecutor Darrell Moore.

But Hurley’s protests did catch the attention
of Mike Schilling of
Springfield, a former state legislator.

“I saw (Hurley’s case) on the news, and I’ve
always had a strong interest
in civil liberties and the abuse of power,”
said Schilling, a Democrat who
served in the Missouri House from 1993 to
2000. “I made some inquiries,
and it appears to me that this guy is being
silenced through the use of
the mental-health system.

“He’s basically a political prisoner.”

Gilbert, Hurley’s attorney, said he has known
his client for years and
described him as a peaceful man.

Gilbert said Hurley was sent to Joplin on
Tuesday under a 96-hour
emergency commitment, but that now a 21-day
evaluation is planned — well
past Wednesday’s scheduled execution of
McVeigh for the April 19, 1995,

Gilbert said Hurley was a federal informant
in a 1994 Osceola case that
involved explosives and firearms. Much of
what Hurley cites as evidence
for a widespread conspiracy surrounding the
Oklahoma City bombing is
available in the form of tape recordings and
transcripts from that case,
he said.

When asked if he thought Hurley’s story was
credible, Gilbert said:

“He was credible enough before to get
somebody convicted of attempting to
blow something up. And, I haven’t had anybody
come back at me to dispute
anything he says. So, I would say there is at
least a lot of
circumstantial evidence in his favor.”

Gilbert said he was puzzled at Hurley’s
treatment by authorities because
he was not doing anything illegal and posed
no danger to anyone.

Although hospital officials would neither
confirm nor deny that Hurley was
in their care, he was reached Thursday via
the pay telephone at the
behavioral unit.

“I’m being held here, I hate to say as a
prisoner, but that’s what it
amounts to,” Hurley said.

Hurley said in the phone interview that he
met McVeigh in 1993 or 1994 at
a militia compound called “Little Waco”
located outside of Appleton City,
in St. Clair County. Hurley said he spent
several hours firing automatic
weapons with McVeigh and other compound

Hurley said he infiltrated a group of
mercenaries who were willing, for a
price, to carry out the orders of several
radical right-wing groups.
McVeigh and alleged Olympic Park bomber Eric
Rudolph were both “soldiers”
in the same terror-for-hire organization, he

Hurley said he was recruited by the Secret
Service as an informant when
one of the group’s leaders tried to repay a
loan with counterfeit bills.
Although the counterfeiting investigation was
a dead end, Hurley said, he
later was used by the FBI to gather evidence
on a plan to blow up the town
of Osceola using “a fertilizer bomb and a
rental truck.” The plan was
designed to kill a key witness in a double-
murder trial who was being held
at the time in the St. Clair County Jail, he

Gilbert said the man convicted as part of
this undercover work was Wyatt
Waggoner, then of Appleton City.

Wyatt Duane Waggoner was arrested Sept. 1,
1994, on six counts of
explosives and weapons violations, according
to docket information from
U.S. District Court at Springfield. In a plea
bargain, he was sentenced in
1995 to 70 months in prison.

Waggoner has been released from prison,
according to the docket file, and
is serving a three-year supervised probation.
Few other details were
available, a court clerk said,

[CTRL] Heaven Is A Battlefield

2001-05-11 Thread William Shannon

Heaven is a battlefield: Bush's space war plan

By Larry Chin   

May 11, 2001—America is set to become the world's space warmonger. The 
illegitimate White House occupant, George W. Bush, has placed the future of 
U.S. foreign policy and the balance of world power, into the hands of his 
fellow right wing zealots, Pentagon/intelligence hawks, Bush/Cheney-linked 
Star Wars weapons manufacturers, and other Bush/Cheney-linked corporations 
seeking to benefit from the control of the skies above Earth.

In rejecting the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, Bush-Cheney and Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld have vowed to undo a policy that has governed the 
world's nuclear balance for 30 years.

Lost in all the mainstream media coverage, and missing from pitiful 
congressional debates (which dwell on debates over the "effectiveness" and 
"cost" of a "security" and "defense" shield) is the true long-term agenda 
behind the missile program.

Better Globalization Through Space Militarization

The Star Wars drum beating is more than simply Bush/Cheney propaganda 
designed to pump up Pentagon budgets and line the balance sheets of corporate 
Star Wars cronies such as Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and TRW.

It is space manifest destiny.

Rumsfeld, a leading architect of the program, has spent the bulk of his 
extreme hawk/right-wing political career pushing a provocative Cold War 
agenda and the aggressive interests of the Star Wars Industry. In a recently 
issued report of the Commission to Assess United States National Security 
Space Management and Organization, a body Rumsfeld heads, the Bush 
administration plan for space militarization, and the deployment of laser and 
missile weapons from space, is made clear.

The commission pushes for the development of technologies that can "project 
power through and from space in response to events anywhere in the world." 
The commission encourages the creation of a military "Space Corps" and also 
scoffs at prior international laws (such as the Outer Space Treaty of 1967) 
that discourage military activities in space.

As reported by State University of New York journalism professor Karl 
Grossman in CovertAction (April-May 2001), the report follows other space 
military manifestos issued in recent years by the U.S. Space Command.

Various reports, chillingly, call for the dominance of space in order to 
"protect and enhance commercial interests." The true objective of the 
so-called "missile defense shield" is the next-generation policing of 
geopolitical "markets"—from the skies.

With the installation of Bush in the White House, heading a corporate 
right-wing Republican-controlled government, the forces committted to "space 
manifest destiny" have found their most fervent salesman and bully.

"Terrorist Threat?"

In attempting to sell Star Wars as a defense shield against intercontinental 
missiles from "states for whom terror and blackmail are a way of life" (North 
Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc.), Bush does not mention the fact that those countries 
do not possess weapons capable of threatening the continental U.S.—and are 
more than a decade from developing such capability. Meanwhile, the U.S. has 
some 7,200 nuclear warheads trained on various targets around the world.

Who is the real "terrorist nation"?

Stop, Drop and Cover

The Bush administration and defense hawks view the battle field of the 
heavens as the "next frontier." They are hell bent on winning a new global 
space arms race, which they have now begun to precipitate.

 "Dangerous criminal tyrants seize world power, seek domination of earth 
through space" is no breathless headline from a comic book or science fiction 
novel. It is the Bush foreign policy agenda, in cold, clear fact.

Prepare yourselves. Military officials are calling for a missile defense 
system to be in place by 2004.

[CTRL] Skolnick-OKC Bombings...A Split In The FBI?

2001-05-11 Thread William Shannon

Skolnick - Oklahoma City 
Bombings...A Split In The FBI?

By Sherman H. Skolnick


A possible split in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other federal 
agencies, may open up various possiblities as to what really happened as to 
the bombings in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995. And we use the term BOMBINGS 
in the plural advisedly, because some explosives experts contend fertilizer 
bombs in a front-of-the-building truck could not have wrecked the building 
pillars as occurred.     

Background: President Clinton felt his power slipping away. The 1994 
Congressional elections, considered by fellow Democrats as a Clinton-caused 
disaster, brought in a noisy GOP majority. In the spring of 1995, a small 
group of highly patriotic flag officers were plotting to arrest their 
Commander-in-Chief Clinton for giving military secrets to the Red Chinese, a 
sworn enemy of the U.S.; an arrest provided for and authorized under the 
military code. As titular head of both the U.S. civilian and military 
Establishment, Clinton, on the other hand, could have arrested the 24 
Admirals and Generals for mutiny. If they were not assassinated, they 
intended to defend themselves with proof, such as Clinton giving, to the head 
of the Red Chinese Secret Police, in the White Houuse and elsewhere, U.S. 
financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Giving aid and comfort to a 
sworn enemy of the U.S., the classical definition of treason.     

Clinton felt he could nevertheless control the situation, notwithstanding the 
plot against him. Just prior to the 1994 elections was appointed to 
investigate Bill and Hillary, a supposed "Independent Counsel", Kenneth W. 
Starr. But Starr had built-in conflicts of interest, as Clinton was aware. 
Starr had as a private law client, Wang Jun, head of the Red Chinese Secret 
Police. Wang Jun also headed a Red Chinese military-owned company that made 
and marketed AK-47 submachine guns, intended for shipment to U.S. inner-city 
narco-terrorist street gangs, for shoot-em-ups with big city police, to 
destabilize the U.S. government.     

Moreover, Starr was reportedly the UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red 
Chinese government. Starr was thus subject at any time, to Clinton Justice 
Department punishment.     

[Visit our extensive website series, "Red Chinese Secret Police IN THE UNITED 

On Monday, April 17, 1995, a military jet planeload of top military was 
enroute to Dallas. They had onboard what is not supposed to exist, an 
American prisoner-of-war, prepared to finger the Pentagon as perpetuated by 
Clinton, as continuing the POW/Missing in Action cover-up from the Viet Nam 
war. From sabotage, the plane blew up in the air, killing all onboard, near 
Alexander City, Alabama. The Pentagon made every effort to cover up what 
happened. Families of the victims were reportedly not permitted to have any 
possessions or details. There are strong reasons to believe the plane had a 
portion of a group of "Seven Days in May" style military officers plotting a 
coup against the White House. Thereafter, the small group of other flag 
officers, out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb. A year later, 
the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, apparently aware of the 
coup, was assassinated and covered up as a "suicide", a favorite whitewash by 
the monopoly press. And about the time of Boorda's murder, was assassinated 
William Colby, former Director of Central Intelligence. He reportedly was 
assisting the plotters with detailed data. Colby's death was explained by the 
pressfakers as a "boat accident", although his friends contend it was murder. 

Clinton, as President, was fully aware that Oklahoma City had as residents, a 
large number of Iraqi military officers and their families, some officers of 
Iraqi Intelligence units, supposed defectors after the Persian Gulf War, 
1991, brought into the U.S. by President George Herbert Walker Bush. Iraq, as 
Clinton knew, was planning a revenge terrorist attack against a federal 
office building in Oklahoma City, using U.S. dissidents as surrogates, but 
insulated from the actual Iraqi handlers. The FBI, the CIA, and other in the 
intelligence community, have pictures and records showing the Iraqi military 
officers supervising the Murrah Building bombings. [Local Oklahoma TV 
reporters confirming this in part were fired or otherwise punished.]     

Little if at all publicized was that prior to the Timothy McVeigh trial, the 
head of his defense team, Stephen Jones, filed an extra-ordinary petition in 
the Federal Appeals court, called Petition for Mandamus. It sought to force 
the Denver trial judge who was set to hear the McVeigh murder case removed 
from Oklahoma City, to release certain secret documents possessed by various 
federal intelligence agencies. Referring to the secret as well as public 
court records, Jones' Petition pointed ou

Re: [CTRL] A modest proposal

2001-05-11 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/11/01 2:16:55 PM Central Daylight Time,

Well anyway, you might ask what is your modest proposal? Well my modest
proposal involves what these "watermelon environmental" groups can do to
promote their weird notions of environmental wackoism in a constitutional



What utter tripe...pure unfiltered Limbaugh/Corporate twaddle.
This is Marta Limbaugh, right?
If you weren't so busy being aurally penetrated by the porcine one and
actually took the time to think for yourself you'd see how remarkably silly
you sound.


[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Waco Protest ALERT!

2001-05-11 Thread William Shannon
I got the following today from our infector...any thoughts??


In The Name of God Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yes! I have been trying to work my hotmail through outlook express and some
how this damn thing went out. I have been told that there is  a viruse in
it. I have no idea how it went out. I am truly sorry.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[CTRL] IUFO: They're out there - and the government knows (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: David Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:34 PM
Subject: IUFO: They're out there - and the government knows

> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> May 10
>They're out there - and the government knows.
> Military Denies UFOs
> Alien Energy?
> That's according to a group of about 20 former government workers, many of
> them military and security officials, who stepped forward on Wednesday to
> say they had witnessed evidence of aliens and unidentified flying objects
> and called for congressional hearings about such sightings.
> "These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone," said
> Steven Greer, director of the Disclosure Project, a nonprofit research
> organization dedicated to disclosing alleged alien sightings.
> Greer, who organized the program at the National Press Club in Washington,
> argued that the United States and other governments have known about UFOs
> for at least 50 years and have been keeping the information secret.
> Greer said there were some 400 witnesses who claim to have firsthand
> experience with UFO sightings or alien evidence, and are willing to
> before Congress.
>Among them is Daniel Sheehan, a well-known Washington lawyer who is acting
> as counsel for members of Greer's group.
> Sheehan told reporters that during the Carter administration he found out
> about government-held UFO information that then-CIA Director George Bush,
> father of the current president, would not release.
> Sheehan said he was then led into the National Archives where he was shown
> photographs of captured UFOs, complete with what appeared to be alien
> writing symbols, but he was only allowed to take notes on a yellow legal
> pad. He traced the photos onto the cardboard back of his pad, he said.
> Military Denies UFOs
> The U.S. government repeatedly has denied having any evidence of alien
> species, though it investigated the possibility for decades.
> The Air Force was responsible for investigating alleged sightings for the
> military. From 1947 to 1969, the service's Project Blue Book at
> Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, investigated 12,618 reported
> sightings. It said it found explanations for all but 701, such as swamp
> airplane lights, weather balloons and other natural phenomena.
> Sightings for which explanations couldn't be determined were categorized
> sketchy reports that couldn't be pinned down.
> In 1997, the Air Force announced it was formally closing its nearly
> investigation into the alleged alien sighting at Roswell, N.M. It denied
> that there was evidence of a UFO at Roswell and that the military covered
> up.
> "Information obtained through exhaustive records searches and interviews
> indicated the material recovered near Roswell was consistent with a
> device of the type used in a then-classified project," said a Pentagon
> statement. "No records indicated, or even hinted at, the recovery of
> bodies or extraterrestrial materials."
> Alien Energy?
> In another statement Wednesday, Donna Hare, a former NASA contract
> said that Apollo astronauts saw an alien craft when they landed on the
> but were told not to reveal it. Hare's source was a man who had been
> quarantined with the astronauts.
> Former Air Force Maj. George Filer III told reporters that when he was at
> McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, an alien craft came down, and an
> got out and was shot by a military policeman.
> "Our security police went out there and found him at the end of the runway
> dead, Filer said.
> "They asked me to brief the general staff," he said, but was later told
> to.He said he would tell the story in front of Congress.
> Greer said extraterrestrials could provide a new, plentiful source of
> that would provide the world's energy needs.
> Information from alien encounters, said Greer, could also have significant
> impact on the global environment and the quest for world peace.
> ABCNEWS' Katelynn Raymer in Washington and David Ruppe in New York
> contributed to this report.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor

[CTRL] IUFO: Texas' Rock Wall (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Terry W. Colvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:47 PM
Subject: IUFO: Texas' Rock Wall

> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> Fortean Times 146, June 2001, p. 60
> Reviews
> Texas' Rock Wall
> Natural anomaly or underground city?
> Carolyn Draper Giles
> *Ancient American*, Vol 5, No 34
> Discovered in 1852, and lending its name to the nearest town, this
> rectangular, subterranean structure is 3.5 miles (5.6km) wide and 5.6
> (9km) long.  As if its appearance weren't enigmatic enough, the rock
> weighs 200lbs per cubic ft (3.20g/cc), and is composed of minerals not
> anywhere else, according to some researchers.  A team of archaeologists
> geologists has spent seven years unearthing a section of wall 36 feet
(11m) deep
> and 100 feet (34m) long.  They hope to dig another 60 feet (18m) to the
> where soil analysis, carbon and paleo-magnetic dating may provide further
> clues.  So far they have found two metal rings, apparent man-made openings
and a
> buttressing effect, suggesting either a fantastical human construction, or
> modification of a unique natural formation.  It is hoped that satellite
> and ground-penetrating radar tests may throw more light on this monumental
> mystery.
> *Ancient American*
> 6 issues, $24.95 USA;
> $29.95 ROW
> PO Box 370
> Colfax, WI  54730, USA
> < http://www.ancientamerican.com >
> --
> Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>  Alternate: < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html >
> Sites: Fortean Times * Northwest Mysteries * Mystic's Cyberpage *
>TLCB * U.S. Message Text Formatting (USMTF) Program
> Member: Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Brotherhood (TLCB) Mailing List
>TLCB Web Site: < http://www.tlc-brotherhood.org >[Vietnam veterans,
> Allies, and CIA/NSA are welcome]

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] UFOTruth: Comment from Richard Hoagland to Paola

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[FYI:  Paola is a fairly well known (here in the States, and much more so in
S. Amer.) paranormal/ufology journalist.  --MS]

- Original Message -
From: Paola Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [UFOTruth] comment from Richard Hoagland to Paola

> To all,
> It is great when pioneers like Richard Hoagland and our courageous Dr.
> Richard Boylan are  finally able to rejoice in Steven Greer's
> achievemmentas he speaks for TRUTH. The acclimation program
> proceedsI am sharing this communication I got yesterday from Richard
> Hoaglandcheck Art Bell
> --beginforward--
> >Dear Paola
> >Yes, it was a great success.  Now we have to see how
> >the media here treats it in the next several days.
> >There has been good (if brief) coverage on several
> >cable and satellite TV outlets.  Steve Basset reported
> >that they had 17 camera crews show up -- most from
> >abroad. (Have you seen any coverage on RAI?)
> >
> >There is some semi-secret stuff now going on behind
> >the scenes, both on Capitol Hill and with a couple
> >major media outlets, for follow up, so ...
> >
> >Stay tuned.   :)
> >
> >
> > Richard H

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] The Independent (London): McVeigh 'did not act alone in Oklahomabombing'

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


McVeigh 'did not act alone in Oklahoma bombing'
By Andrew Gumbel in Terre Haute, Indiana
11 May 2001

The Oklahoma conspiracy. A special report by Andrew Gumbel

For six years, there have been suspicions that Timothy McVeigh did not act
alone when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. Today, The
Independent reveals he was part of an underground network of
white-supremacist guerrillas dedicated to the overthrow of the American
government, and explains how the group kept its role hidden for so long.

Known as the Aryan Republican Army, the network came to light five years ago
when its leaders were arrested for 22 bank robberies committed across the
Midwest from late 1993 until several months after the April 1995 bombing.
They were prosecuted and imprisoned for the robberies, but their links to
the Oklahoma bomb never came out in court.

Those have emerged through the efforts of a handful of reporters, academics
and relatives of the bombing victims who found copies of confidential
prosecution documents, saw written and video material recovered from the
gang and interviewed some of the protagonists.

It is now believed the ARA financed and helped to stage the bombing, the
worst peacetime atrocity on US soil, which claimed 168 lives including 19
children. There is also evidence that McVeigh, who faces death by lethal
injection at a US penitentiary in Indiana next Wednesday, was part of the
robbery gang and participated in at least the planning stage of some of the

The Independent's Review section today demolishes the theory that McVeigh
was alone in Oklahoma City on the morning of the bombing. It shows why many
of the claims made by McVeigh in a series of interviews for the recently
published book American Terrorist do not stand up to scrutiny.

It also explains why the Federal Bureau of Investigation and government
prosecutors gave up their efforts to find his accomplices.

It describes the extraordinary exploits of the ARA's two ringleaders, Pete
Langan and Richard Guthrie, accomplished career criminals who happened to be
secret cross-dressers as well as virulent exponents of racist
anti-government ideology. The Independent has obtained a 300-page
handwritten memoir penned by Guthrie in prison before he was found hanging
from a bedsheet in his cell in July 1996. In it, he names one of the robbery
gang members as a certain "Tim".

The links between the ARA and McVeigh were established in 1993 and continued
regularly until the time of the bombing. All of them led frantically
itinerant lifestyles, driving cross-country and staying in motels under
assumed names, but on several occasions were in the same place at the same
time on similar business. In January 1995, all of them abruptly left Kansas
for a six-week stint in Arizona where there is evidence that a trial
fertiliser bomb was exploded in the desert.

The ARA developed the notion of "leaderless resistance", a cell-based
guerrilla structure in which individual members knew next to nothing about
each other. Operating out of a safe-house in eastern Kansas, it also
developed contacts with various far-right groups including a white
supremacist religious compound in Oklahoma, Elohim City, which has long been
suspected of involvement in the bombing.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] McVeigh execution halt and his claim of military/CIA drug smuggling activity

2001-05-11 Thread Kris Millegan

Remember the FBI interrogation of Tim Mc Veigh's sister Jennifer, in
which the FBI interrogators told her that she *could be
executed for treason* if she failed to cooperate?



...New July 1, 1998

Today's New York Times publishes excerpts from a letter Timothy
McVeigh wrote to his sister Jennifer on October 20, 1993. In that
letter, McVeigh confided that he was stunned by what happened in 1991,
when he arrived at Fort Bragg, North Carolina after being accepted for
elite Special Forces training:

 ***Out of a group of 400, one day in formation, 10 Social Security
numbers were called out (no names) and told to leave formation. Mine
was one. The 10 of us were told that out of the select group of 400,
we had scored highest on certain tests. We had been selected because
of our intelligence, physical make-up, and physical abilities. We were
to feel special, part of a hand-picked group...We were all asked to
volunteer to do some work for the government on the domestic, as
well as the international front...1./We would be helping the CIA fly
drugs into the United States to fund many covert operations, and 2./
Military "consultants" were to work hand-in-hand with civilian police
agencies to "quiet" anyone who was deemed a "security risk."...We
would be government-paid assassinsgives you new insight on things
like Waco, etc.--they were murdered by hit men.***

One might dismiss the content of McVeigh's letter (after all, he has
been convicted of commiting the worst terrorist act in U.S. history),
except that there is considerable evidence to support the notion that
for many years our "secret government" agencies (read the Central
Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and other more
obscure federal agencies) have been primary players in international
drug dealing, terror, and assassination. There is also considerable
evidence that reporting on these issues by any mainstream American
publication has been systematically suppressed.

So what's the point? Simply this:

During the past fifty years, the government of the United States has,
through its implementation of a "secret government" (which is to say a
government not answerable to the American People through their elected
Senators and Representatives in Congress), abandoned the legitimacy of
its Constitutional authority. Furthermore, during the administrations
of our past three American Presidents--Reagan, Bush, and Clinton--this
illegitimate secret government has been involved in international drug
dealing and other major international crimes. A federal government
that has turned against its People does not deserve the support of
patriotic Americans.

Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
To unsubscribe please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs
-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org

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[CTRL] Disclsoure project meets with Congress

2001-05-11 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Disclosure Project - whose legislative agenda includes
open hearings, a ban on space-based weapons, and a comprehensive plan for
cooperative, peaceful space development, - continues meeting with Members of

If you support these goals, please begin contacting your two U.S. Senators
and your Congressperson urging them to support Open Hearings on the
Disclosure agenda.  You can also start public petitions for signing by your
friends, at malls, at work, etc.  These can in turn be faxed or mailed to
your Members of Congress.  Political constituency pressure does work!

You can find the name, phone, fax, and email address of your two Senators and
your Congressperson at:


Petition forms, Congressional addresses, etc.can be found at:


Dr. Steven Greer, director of the Disclosure Project, issued this statement:








Live Webcast Archive: http://www.disclosureproject.org
U.S. Congress - Hearings & Ban on Space-Based Weapons



UPI - Private Project Pushes for UFO Hearings






>From Yahoo:


from AP/UPI:

http://www.vny.com/cf/news/upidetail.cfm?QID=183316  ( bottom

from fox news:





TV Coverage (More available): CNN Headline News, every hour at
26 min past, FOX news ran the story live three times, and
BBC World News covered it during their 7:00 broadcast.

Alfred Webre - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contact Alfred Webre for information and action on Congressional
Hearings and Legislation.

EcoNews Service
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Houston Chronicle Poll: What's the best weapon in the drug war?

2001-05-11 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

Please vote!

The Houston Chronicle is conducting a poll ("What's the best weapon in the
drug war?").

Current stats:

More police: 2%
Tougher jail sentences: 19%
Anti-drug education for kids:   16%
More access to drug rehabilitation: 10%
Legalization of drugs:  50%

Total Votes:268

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: You have a right to a firearm]

2001-05-11 Thread BB

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


You have a right to a firearm

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

So long as there are idiots out there who are trying to convince people
to disarm themselves so they can be maimed or killed by violent
criminals, I will fulfill my journalistic duty to remind folks that they
don't necessarily have to become a statistic if they don't want to.

You have a constitutional right to own a firearm -- handgun, shotgun,
rifle -- if you so choose. And, like all our other rights -- free
speech, freedom of religion, the right to avoid self-incrimination --
your right to own a gun cannot be "infringed," taken away, banned,
limited, or ignored.

You may not agree with or like Buddhism, Wicca or Islam, but in America
you don't have the right to forbid people from observing or practicing
those religions.

You may not agree with or like what WorldNetDaily or Rush Limbaugh or
Bill Clinton or the New York Times has to say, but you don't have the
right to order them to shut down or shut up.

Consequently, you can belong to all the "million mom" or "handgun
control" groups you want, but you don't have the right to forbid, limit,
or ban persons from buying and owning firearms. It's as much a
constitutional right as any other.

Maybe too few people realize this because too few schools provide kids
with proper constitutional instruction. I know of and have heard of
teachers who badmouth and ridicule the Second Amendment just because
they personally don't like guns. Ironically, however, they use their
First Amendment right of free speech to trash the Second.

Or maybe it's because too few media pinheads have a clue about the
proper constitutional rights and responsibilities of citizens and
government alike. I know of lots of journalists who would rather be
invited to parties held by anti-liberty minded politicians than remind
their readers of their right to own a firearm.

Or maybe it's because too many communities ban or severely restrict
access to guns while too many judges and lawmakers let these communities
get by with it. I know of lots of local big fish who are of the mind
that they should be dictators of their own little domain and should have
the right to restrict gun rights (and others) at their leisure or whim.

But whatever the reason, the one irrefutable fact of the matter is this:
Americans do now and have always had the right to "keep and bear arms,"
because our Constitution says we can -- and there isn't a damned thing
gun opponents can do about it.

Or rather, there shouldn't be anything they can do about it. Far too
many federal, state and local politicians and judges are just as
anti-gun, all-controlling and hypocritical about the Constitution and
the rights it guarantees we the people.

Oddly, they will let kids view pornography on the Internet but are
against letting a 100-pound woman carry a gun in her purse so she can
defend herself against a 220-pound male rapist.

My guess is if more lawmakers and judges were attacked, beaten or raped,
they'd suddenly "see the wisdom" of the Second Amendment. I'm not
advocating that, mind you, but unless you've been in that kind of
situation, it's very easy to deny others the right to defend themselves
-- especially if you're personally surrounded with a boatload of armed
personal bodyguards or cops.

People should understand that while some anti-gun advocates really
believe what they are doing is right, their efforts to make sure you're
unarmed are inherently more dangerous to you than guns themselves.

Criminals love helpless, hapless victims. Always have, always will; the
more helpless, the better.

Consequently, the more gun control laws anti-gunners convince lawmakers
to pass and judges to uphold, the more violence and deaths our society
will suffer because lawbreaking maniacs don't care much about laws --
against guns or anything else -- in the first place.

The cardinal rule of safety that you should follow is this: You should
never let someone who is not responsible for you determine what's best
for your personal safety.

Also, even if you don't like guns you shouldn't be willing to accept
limitations or bans on them because sooner or later, somebody will get
around to limiting or banning other constitutional rights you do
"approve" of.

If anti-gun proponents want to disarm themselves, tell everyone they see
that they're disarmed and post a sign in their front yard that says,
"Don't worry -- I don't have a gun," that's their business. And their

But if any group or politician seeks to infringe upon, limit or ban the
"right to keep and bear arms," remind them they have no "right" to do
so. You can use your First Amendment right of government redress to do
the reminding, as well as your constitutional right to vote.

Jon E. Dougherty is a staff reporter and 

[CTRL] Government to Postpone McVeigh Execution

2001-05-11 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


   Friday, May 11, 2001; 12:27 PM

Government to Postpone McVeigh Execution

By Lois Romano
Washington Post Staff Writer

  The Justice Department will today postpone Timothy McVeigh's scheduled
  May 16 execution in order to give both his lawyers and the government
  time to review 3,000 pages of documents discovered by the FBI this week.
  The delay will likely be about 30 days, according to government sources.

  "It's a matter of equity," a government source said. "We dropped the
  ball, and we're not going to rush for a deadline." It is still a strong
  possibility that McVeigh could be the first federal execution in 38
  years, although there is another federal inmate scheduled to be executed
  in mid-June.

  In an astonishing development, just six days before McVeigh was to die
  for blowing up a federal building in Oklahoma City, the government on
  Thursday turned over voluminous materials to defense lawyers that it says
  were mistakenly withheld from defense prior to McVeigh's 1997 trial.

  McVeigh was convicted and condemned to death in June of 1997 for
  detonating a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
  which killed 168 people on April 19, 1995. His co-conspirator Terry
  Nichols was convicted in a separate trial of lesser charges.

  Since the Bureau of Prisons set the May 16 date for the execution, it can
  postpone the date without consulting the courts. Federal sources say
  Justice is considering a delay of anywhere from 30 to 120 days. Attorney
  General John Ashcroft has scheduled a news conference for this afternoon
  at which he may make an announcement about a stay.

  Meanwhile, McVeigh's attorney Rob Nigh is meeting with client his at the
  federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., this morning to explore
  options, which would including petitioning the 10th circuit court of
  appeals for a stay of execution.

  "Based on what they have said, I would be amazed if [Justice] is not
  seriously considering [a postponement]," said Nigh, in an interview. "It
  will take an extensive amount of time to go over all these documents."

  Although McVeigh in December abandoned all his appeals, Nigh said his
  client is willing to listen, and that requesting a stay is "certainly an

  The materials contain witness interviews, reports and correspondence,
  plus photographs and tapes. Sources said that a number of the so-called
  "302 forms," which are official reports of interviews conducted by FBI
  agents around the country, pertain to "John Doe No. 2," a suspect who was
  described by witnesses soon after the blast but who never materialized.

  Government officials continued to insist today that the materials will
  not in any way exonerate McVeigh, who has admitted to blowing up the
  Murrah Federal Building. The officials also maintained that based on one
  of the largest and most extensive investigations in history, there is
  still no indication that any one else was involved.

  "We have every indication there was not anyone else involved," said
  Joseph Hartzler, who prosecuted the case for the government. "That
  [conclusion comes] from the videotape at McDonalds when he arrived alone
  right before he rented the Ryder truck, when he purchased a car alone,
  and the fact that he and Nichols bought telephone debit card that no one
  else used."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ashcroft delays McVeigh execution

2001-05-11 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Attorney General Ashcroft delays McVeigh execution

Attorney General John Ashcroft decided today to delay the execution
of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh after the FBI
revealed it had failed to turn over documents to the defense team.
Ashcroft made the announcement in an afternoon news conference.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Justice Department Wants McVeigh Delay

2001-05-11 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


   Friday, May 11, 2001; 10:59 a.m. EDT

Justice Department Wants McVeigh Delay

By Ron Fournier
AP White House Correspondent

  WASHINGTON -- Justice Department lawyers have recommended that Attorney
  General John Ashcroft delay the execution of convicted Oklahoma City
  bomber Timothy McVeigh for 30 days, two government officials said Friday.

  The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Attorney General
  John Ashcroft was expected to approve the request later Friday. The
  recommendation came one day after the FBI disclosed that it had failed to
  turn over documents to McVeigh's defense.

  McVeigh, 33, is scheduled to die Wednesday at a federal prison in Terre
  Haute, Ind.

  The belated uncovering of the documents embarrassed the government and
  angered victims and their families. But it was not immediately clear
  whether McVeigh -- who had waived appeals in the past few months and
  claimed responsibility for the bombing -- would himself now seek a

  "We needed this death penalty," said Aren Almon Kok, whose baby daughter
  came to symbolize the 1995 blast through a photograph of her lifeless
  body in the arms of a firefighter.

  "For someone to make this mistake ... to find them less than a week
  before he dies ... is unbelievably unfair," she said in Oklahoma City.

  The Justice Department handed McVeigh's lawyers 3,135 documents it said
  should have been provided during the discovery phase of his 1997 trial in
  Denver. The existence of the documents was disclosed Thursday by CBS.

  Kathleen Treanor, who lost her 4-year-old daughter and in-laws in the
  April 19, 1995, bombing, criticized the FBI as bungling the case and
  giving McVeigh the chance to extend his life.

  "I'm appalled," she said. "The FBI knew from the very beginning that this
  was a huge case. How could they have possibly made a mistake this huge?"

  In a letter to McVeigh's attorneys, the Justice Department said the
  documents consist of FBI reports, including interview notes known as
  "302s," and photocopies of physical evidence such as "photographs,
  written correspondence and tapes."

  The documents came from 45 FBI offices in the United States and one in

  A lawyer familiar with the case told The Associated Press that the
  materials contain information generated by thousands of phone calls made
  to the FBI after the bombing. They range from identifying a composite
  drawing of a possible suspect known as John Doe No. 2 to claims of seeing
  McVeigh elsewhere on the day of the bombing.

  Legal analysts said the mistake could delay what would be the first
  federal execution since 1963, though it was unlikely to overturn
  McVeigh's conviction.

  An attorney for McVeigh said the materials may prompt a request for a

  "We're considering all our options," McVeigh lawyer Nathan Chambers said
  after the documents were delivered to his office in Denver.

  Chambers spoke to McVeigh about the documents, but he declined to
  elaborate except to say he couldn't rule anything out yet.

  Asked Friday on CBS' "The Early Show" whether McVeigh would seek a stay,
  he said: "The honest question to that is we don't know at this point.
  There are a number of options that may be available to Mr. McVeigh, and
  we have a lot of work to do." He gave a similar answer when asked if
  McVeigh would fight if the government sought a stay.

  Another McVeigh attorney, Rob Nigh, arrived Thursday night in Indiana.

  In a recently published book, McVeigh claimed sole responsibility for the
  bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which killed 168 people
  and injured hundreds. Since December, when he first asked to end his
  appeals, he had not shown any interest in fighting his conviction or
  death sentence.

  McVeigh's trial judge, U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch of Denver,
  could not be reached for comment. Court clerk James Manspeaker said the
  defense would have to go to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, also
  in Denver, to file a motion to consider new evidence.

  Matsch planned no action unless an appeal is filed. "If something is
  filed he'll take a look at it," Manspeaker said.

  The legal standard for granting such a motion requires the court to
  determine the verdict could have been different if the jury had been
  allowed to see the documents.

  "The prosecution proved everything to me," said McVeigh juror Doug Carr,
  45. "If there was something left out that's in those files, I don't think
  it was that significant."

  McVeigh's former trial lawyer, Stephen Jones, said he wouldn't be
  surprised if the execution was stayed unti

[CTRL] A modest proposal

2001-05-11 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Hello! Well it's been almost 3 days since I posted my ami an extremist?
and no response from Steve Wingate. What's the matter? Your buzzword
generator not working?
Well anyway, you might ask what is your modest proposal? Well my modest
proposal involves what these "watermelon environmental" groups can do to
promote their weird notions of environmental wackoism in a constitutional
Why don't these groups voluntaraliy move to some pristine wilderness area
and use all of their proposals and develop a demonstration community that
is environmentally friendly? And if living in caves, herding sheep and
eating raw vegtables is appealling to other people, then people are
perfectly free to join them. And of course I would stipulate that these
wackos would of course leave people like me alone who favors suburban
"sprawl", nuclear power, all of the pro production proposals I made in my
energy independence artilce alone, and we all would live happilly ever
after? Anything wrong with this? An inquiring mind would like to know!
Bill Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] LAPD Probe of Robert Blake Continues

2001-05-11 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/11/01 12:18:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  {{It is traditional when a person is recently deceased to hold off

with trashing them, if trash them one must, until after the funeral

or burial or cremation, whatever.  This poor woman was not even cold

before they started on her!  Highly suspicious behavior.  Combine

that with the ultathirsty husband who could not just get the

supposed left by accident gun but also had to drink not one but two

glasses of water.  Was he being sure he was seen, stalling to give

the shooter time and be sure she was dead and the child did not

survive?  Then he does not come back into the place he just left but

goes across the street, when he does not even know if anybody is

home, while she is bleeding in the car!  This is not a person I

would want around if I were ever in this situation.  And isn't this

just too like a 'Baretta' episode?  I do not think he did it but was

giving a designee time to do so. I hope whomever did this is quickly

caught for the terrible things said about her.  Even if every one of

them is true, this is a no-class thing to do. AKE}}


Yes, Amelia, the spouse is always the prime suspect until the police can rule
them out. And you are correct, the husbands behaviour is extremely bizzare. I
have great difficulty with the thought that someone carring a sidearm could
leave it a restaurant.
Is the husband the only suspect? I don't think so, her lifestyle made her
many enemies.

Bill H

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Chinese Company Will Make RU 486 Abortion Drug

2001-05-11 Thread Aleisha Saba

Note in this item the USA has invested millions in this outfit - also
the Rockefeller Foundation in on the kill too which leaves us with Henry
Kissinger - short, dumpy, the man who would corner market on food, and
now maybe the beef, and then he corners market on life itself?   With
his Indonesian gold interests in all he wants to hog the world?

Here is interesting item on the Company that would produce the means,
deadlier than any gun could ever be  - to kill for profit.

Always cui bono...

Abortions may be necessary evil but the abortion clinics were such that
this idea became intolerable to some - toss in the baby body parts for
further profit.



It was established in 1939, is one of the 100 top key pharmaceutical
enterprises which are the largest ones in Chinese Pharma Circles. The
enterprise is the production base which specilizes in producing bulk
high steroidal hormones, antineoplastic agents, contraceptives and their
finished products. The factory complies with GMP standard in China.

There is a group of technical staffs with rich strength. The company
have six branch factories and a Research Institute to develop new drugs.
The products of about 100 varieties have a big share in domestic market
through the well-developed national sales network: by itself. And has
been developed many markets for Europe, America and Asia etc.
In recent years, Hua Lian Pharma adheres to the importance attached to
high technology products for the development.

The new-developed hi-tech products are the main pillar in our factory,
and the value accounts for more than 80 percent in total sales. The
exploration for a series of new drugs for anti-infectives, controlled
release pharmaceuticals and biological genetic engineerings which rank
advanced level, which has been attached to the R & D of the company .

[Saba Note - $30 million investment wonder if Richie Rich got in on this
one along with Soros - big bucks, murder for profit is part of the game

The Pu Dong new plant of Hua Lian Pharma with investment of 30 million
U.S.Dollars is larger and more sophisticated, which has been put into
production in 1996 and complies with international GMP standard. It
covers an area of 80,000 square metre. From the new production base it
will bring possibilities to quickly commercialize the hi-tech products.

It is our brief that Hua Lian Pharma presented the update advanced level
will abruptly in Chinese Pharma Circles, therefore it will undoubtedly
bring rare good opportunity of the possible collaborations for foreign
investor who would like to cooperate with Hua Lian Pharma.

TEL:   (86-21)56667887
FAX:  (86-21)56667387
ZIP:    200083

Copyright, © 1996- 1997 Huawang Information Technology Development
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Did Clinton Seal this Deal Too -


Chinese Company Will Make RU 486 Abortion Drug
Shanghai, China -- The Hua Lian

Pharmaceutical factory emerges from fields of sorghum and green onions
an hour's drive south of downtown Shanghai. At quitting time, workers
board company buses that take them back to the city.
Others leave on bicycles, pedaling toward nearby villages along narrow
lanes dotted with oxen.

Despite the tranquil appearance, the Hua Lian plant is a secret factory
of sorts. Its name and location are shielded not by Chinese authorities,
but by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which two weeks ago
approved the sale of a product that workers here are preparing to churn
out for the American market‹the dangerous abortion drug RU-486.

Pro-abortion supporters of RU-486 have for years sought a manufacturer
to produce it for the U.S. market, ever since boycott threats by
pro-life advocates led the abortion drug's French developers to renounce
U.S. production in 1992. For eight years, no pharmaceutical company
would develop it for sale in the United States.

So when the FDA announced it had approved the sale of RU-486, it took
the unprecedented step of refusing to disclose the name or location of
the manufacturer. The abortion drug's U.S. distributor, Danco
Laboratories, also refused to identify the firm.
[Saba Note - More Clinton Legacy as if his blood trail in sale of
HIV/AIDS blood to the innocents was not enough]

However, several Chinese officials and the head of a Bangkok-based
foundation that has worked closely with the company confirmed today that
Hua Lian Pharmaceutical Company will produce the drug for the United

Pro-life Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ) denounced the arrangement in
China, a country he has accused of committing crimes against humanity
for requiring abortions as a population control measure.

"The company that produces baby poison for enforced abortion in China
will now be producing it for American women," said Smith. "The Chinese
government will make

Re: [CTRL] Foals, Fetuses Mysteriously Dying

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I don't know what is causing this nor why THIS spring.  I wonder if
chemtrails might be rendering the grass poisonous.  But then, it
would everywhere else, too.

My vet gives me 8 pills to give my little female dogs to prevent
pregnancy so that I can time when I want a litter of puppies.  I
asked him if it was like the RU486 and he said it was not but what
else could it be?  It is administered beginning of the third day of
visible estrus and for eight days and so far has worked except that
the period of time between estrus is reduced to three months instead
of the usual 6 months.  This thing with the horses is apparently
long after conception so I do not know what it is.  Lots of show
horses around here so I will ask when I see the owners if this is
happening here, too.

Is it happening elsewhere or just Kentucky?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Konformist: slavery: a capitalist parable (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


slavery: a capitalist parable
by Mickey Z ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - May 09, 2001

Editor's Note: Mickey Z (Michael Zezima) is the author of Saving
Private Power: The Hidden History of "The Good War" (Soft Skull
Press, 2000). He also contributed a chapter called "Saving Private
Power" to You Are Being Lied To (New York: Disinfo Books, 2001),
edited by Russ Kick.

In the most remote regions of Brazil, slave labor is employed to cut
down grand swaths of the precious rain forest to make room to grow
eucalyptus which is then burned by male slaves (who exploit the body,
mind, and spirit of female slaves forced into prostitution) to make
charcoal for the steel mills of Brazil where the poorest of the poor
toil for wages that do not sustain them so that steel can be shipped
to a General Motors plant in Mexico (GM is now the largest employer
south of the US border) where the poorest of the poor endure
maquiladora conditions so these automobile parts can then be shipped
to a GM plant in the US (roughly 50 percent of what is termed "trade"
consists of business transactions between branches of the same
transnational corporation) where even the poorest of the poor proudly
take on imposing debt to possess a car "Made in the USA" so they can
clog the highways that were paved over inestimable eco-systems,
filling the air with noxious pollution as they make their way to the
drive-through window of and anti-union fast food restaurant that
purchased the beef of slaughtered cattle that once grazed on land
cleared by male slaves who exploit the body, mind, and spirit of
female slaves in the most remote regions of Brazil.

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[CTRL] Beware of the Cell Phone Cops (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

conservativeinfo - Subscribe to the Conservative Information email list at 

Beware of the Cell Cops
Another overblown hazard.

By Adam Thierer, director of telecommunications studies at the Cato Institute
May 10, 2001 9:05 a.m.

You may soon be ticketed for using a cell phone in your car. Hundreds of
bills have been introduced in state and municipal legislatures across America
in recent years that make talking on a cell phone while driving a crime. So
far, few such bills have become law. But the U.S. House Transportation
Subcommittee on Highways and Transit held a hearing on the issue this week,
and the anti-cell phone nannies are lobbying hard.

With cell-phone use exploding in recent years (more than 115 million wireless
subscribers today), it is not surprising that these devices would cause some
problems. But how big of a problem does cell-phone use in cars pose? The
results may surprise you.

The AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety has released the results of a new study
in which the group analyzed 26,000 traffic accidents to determine what
factors contributed to those accidents. Among the top causes were: outside
objects, persons, or events (19.7% of accidents surveyed); eating and
drinking in the car (18.8%); adjusting the radio, cassette, or CD player
(11.4%); and distractions caused by other occupants in the vehicle (9.4%).
The less significant causes listed by the survey were: moving objects in the
vehicle (3.2 %); using or dialing on a cell phone (1.5%); using other devices
in vehicle (1.4%); adjusting climate controls (1.2%); and smoking-related
distractions (1.2%).

Compared to using a cell phone, it is 12 times more likely you will cause an
accident by snacking in the car and eight times more likely you may cause an
accident by toying with your car stereo. It would make more sense for
policymakers to ban eating Big Macs and listening to Britney Spears in our
cars than it would to ban cell phone use.

This is not to say, however, that using a cell phone while driving doesn't
pose some degree of risk. And this threat, critics argue, is likely to grow
as cell-phone use grows. But while new technologies often introduce new
problems into society, still newer technologies typically come along to solve
those problems.

For example, "hands-free" cellular devices, which employ an earpiece and a
clip-on microphone, are on the market and widely used by motorists.
One-button speed-dialing, an option on almost all phones, enables drivers to
place calls without having to dial a series of numbers. And voice-activated
calling is right around to corner. This will allow drivers to simply say
"call home" and let the phone do the rest.

Imposing burdensome restrictions on cell phone use in cars, therefore, is
unnecessary and may cost lives by having the unintended consequence of
discouraging drivers from carrying a cell phone in their car. With an
estimated 118,000 emergency calls placed by cell phone users every day, the
life-saving applications of cell phones are well established. If a ban were
to discourage drivers from carrying phones in their cars, the costs would
likely outweigh the benefits.

On a more practical note, it is difficult to understand how such a ban would
be enforced. Where will policymakers draw the line? Since snacking behind the
wheel and playing with your car stereo are more distracting and dangerous
than cell phone use, should legislators ban those activities first? What
about arguing with you spouse or kids in the car? Should that be policed? And
what about the CB radios truckers still use?

There's a simpler way to approach this problem from a public-policy
perspective: Don't try to ban technologies (cell phones, radios, CBs, etc.)
or specific activities (conversations, singing, smoking, etc.) inside the
cabin of an automobile. Instead, simply enforce those laws already on the
books dealing with reckless or negligent driving. If a driver is weaving in
and out of traffic lanes, or posing a serious threat to others on the road
for any reason, they should be pulled over and probably ticketed if the
infraction is serious enough.

In conclusion, a degree of patience and humility is necessary by
policymakers. It is impossible to legislate a 100% risk-free society into
existence. Technology is solving a problem it created. Turning our nation's
law enforcement officers into a cellular SWAT team in the meantime will only
deter them from policing more dangerous activities while threatening to
further erode our personal liberties.

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[CTRL] Greek and Latin

2001-05-11 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
May 11, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
Pope John Paul II Still Trying to Unite Greek and Latin Churches
by Nicholas Sanchez

Despite the fact that his health betrays the fact that he is now in the
closing days of his pontificate, His Holiness John Paul II seems committed
to pushing forward with his dream of a united Christiandom.  His recent trip
to Greece, Syria and Malta allowed him to make an attempt to reunite the
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches (the two largest bodies of
Christians in the world) after nearly a thousand years of separation.
However, as it has been every time the pope has made moves to reconcile
these two bodies, the results of his most recent efforts are decidedly mixed
and do not seem to offer any real hope for reunion anytime soon.

To show the hard feelings that still linger between the Latin and Greek
Churches, many faithful of the Orthodox Christian Church in Greece --
including many monks -- took to the streets to protest his visit.  It was
reported that some of the more enthusiastic protesters labeled the Pope an
"arch-heretic".  And before his arrival, the monks of Mount Athos -- an
island made up of various Orthodox monasteries often called "the Holy
Mountain" -- held all-night vigils of prayer against the pope's impending

However, Archbishop Christodoulos, the reigning hierarch of Greece, allowed
the visit to occur...and the Pope was able to make his pilgrimage, which he
billed as an attempt to re-trace the steps of St. Paul.  (St. Paul the
Apostle, of course, is the Jewish convert to Christianity who converted on
the road to Damascus.  After his conversion, he spread the Gospel in Athens,
among other places, and later went on to Rome and martyrdom.)

While in Greece, the pope was met by Christodoulos and made an official
apology to him and all Orthodox Christians for the Roman Church's sack of
Constantinople during the time of the Crusades.  Up until the Second Vatican
Council, Catholics were commonly taught that the Crusades were one of the
most glorious epochs in Church history.

However, as more than one Orthodox commentator has made note of, the
problems that exist between Orthodoxy and Catholicism cannot be attributed
solely to historical mistakes.  There are theological questions that have
not been settled between the East and West.  And there are also political
questions that right now make re-approachment difficult right now.

For instance, after visiting Greece, His Holiness made his way to Syria.
While there he went to the Omayyad Mosque -- becoming the first Roman
Pontiff to ever enter a Muslim mosque.  He also became the first Successor
to St. Peter to ever pray in such a temple.  And this was not just any
mosque either.  The Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria is built over the
ground where the head of St. John the Baptist, tradition holds, is laid.

While the pope's visiting a mosque raised eyebrows among conservative and
traditionalist Catholics, it certainly did not do anything to strengthen
relations with the Orthodox, with whom he had just previously met with.

The majority of Orthodox Christians live in the Middle East and in the
Slavic lands.  These are countries where the large majority of the people
are either Eastern Orthodox or Muslim.  And anyone who has picked up a
newspaper in the last couple of years should well realize that the
relationship between the Orthodox and Muslims has not been particularly good
lately.  Whether it has been the war in Kosovo against Serbia or the
Chechnyian rebels and their campaign against Russia, ancient rivalries are
running strong today.

Naturally many Orthodox will be offended by the Pope running from them to
the arms of the Muslims; almost as if to say that the Orthodox and Muslims
are held in the same regard by the See of Rome.  This leads one to wonder
why a politically savvy a pope as John Paul would pay special homage to the
shrine of a religion that even one of his own Cardinals has called the
"enemy of Christianity"?  This is especially confusing when you consider
that this Pope has said from the very beginning of his pontificate that he
wished to see an end to the schism between East and West.

There is no doubt that Pope John Paul II is a holy man.  There is no doubt
that he will and should be remembered by Catholics and non-Catholics alike
as one of the great opponents against the pernicious Communist state.  And
there is certainly no doubt that he has outstretched his arms to the
Orthodox Christians.  However, the one question mark that will loom large
after he has passed from this life is how much he actually did for relations
between the Catholics and the Orthodox ... whether he was an agent of
reconciliation or an overreaching ecumenist.

Nicholas Sanchez is the Free Congress Foundation's Director of Development.
For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /

[CTRL] South Pacific states to adopt uniform gun ban (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The Australian way:  In case of civil war, make sure the innocent can't defend 


Push for uniform gun laws in Pacific

  Friday 11 May 2001

  South Pacific nations are set to adopt gun controls similar to those 
  Australia, after a three-day meeting that ends in Brisbane today.

  The Federal Government signalled yesterday that Australian laws may 
  to be modified to achieve a uniform gun-control system in the 
  troubled region.

  Key changes proposed by South Pacific delegates, such as stricter 
  on the ownership of semi-automatic and automatic weapons, are 
similar to
  those introduced in Australia after the Port Arthur massacre.

  The ease of access to high-powered weapons has exacerbated regional
  unrest, including the 10-year civil war on Bougainville and the 
  Islands conflict.

  Officials from South Pacific island states have agreed to draw up 
laws for
  their countries within a regional framework. Australia wants the 
  formally adopted at the next South Pacific Islands Forum meeting in 
Nauru in

  But delegates admitted that the laws would not be able to tackle the 
  central gun-control problem - the role of ill-disciplined police and 

  Kini Keteca, legal adviser to the Fiji Police Force, said the laws 
would be
  limited because they would not restrict police and military access 
to firearms,
  but he praised plans to reduce the broader population's access to 

  Pacific Islands regional coordinator for the Australian Federal 
Police Terry
  Allen said the laws could not directly deal with the underlying 
causes of many
  of the region's problems, such as urban drift, unemployment and 
  access to government services.

  "What we can do is to have a better control of weapons which probably
  allows the political processes to deal with some of the issues," Mr 
Allen said.
  "At the end of the day we can probably do away with some of the large
  numbers of guns in the region. That has to be a good thing."

  Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman David Apps said the laws 
  restrict access to official armories. The Solomon Islands conflict, 
for instance,
  intensified when the Malaita Eagle Force seized police weapons.

  Mr Apps said Australia may need to modify its gun laws to achieve 
  uniformity. "The hope would be that we will not be required to alter 
  legislation in any dramatic way," he said.

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Re: [CTRL] Ruger recalls gun locks (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I've heard stories (although how reliable I'm not sure) that a lot of handcuffs will 
open if you give them a hard whack with something. It's quite possible, as a lot of 
locks are suceptible to kinetic force, causing the mechanisms in them to release etc.

Of course the proper way to pick handcuffs, or so I've read, is not via the keyhole 
but by sliding a piece of thin wire in between the 'cogs' of the locking mechanism, 
which can then release them. Could come in handy some day if your dominatrix misplaces 
her keys

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[CTRL] Ruger recalls gun locks (fwd)

2001-05-11 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 08:40:50 -0400
To: Gunsafe members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ruger recalls gun locks

WASHINGTON (AP) _ A Connecticut company is recalling 1.2 million padlocks and 800,000 
 gun locks that can be opened with the wrong keys or if struck.

 Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. of Southport has received three reports of 
people opening the padlocks
 without using the keys that go with them, the Consumer Product Safety 
Commission said
 Wednesday. No injuries have been reported.

 Ruger distributed the padlocks with its pistols and revolvers from 
1987 until 1995. The cable
 locks were distributed with its rifles and shotguns from 1998 until 
March 2001.

 People with questions may call the company at 1-888-317-6887.. For 
replacements, they can
 send the padlocks and cable locks to Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc., Dept. 
LK, 411 Sunapee St.,
 Newport, NH 03773.

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Re: [CTRL] Trojan Horses

2001-05-11 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

>The case of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Jay Pollard has again reared its ugly 
>head. American Jewish groups, Hollywood celebrities and Israel have renewed pressure 
>on the besieged Clinton administration to free the man they call "the Jewish 
>Dreyfus." Pollard has served 13 years of a life sentence.

What a load of horseshit. Drefus was Jewish, which is the only reason anyone has ever 
heard of the case.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Is China/America hacker truce a hoax?

2001-05-11 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: McVeigh execution stay possible

2001-05-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia asked me to forward this, she has reached her limit.


> : McVeigh execution stay possible
> McVeigh execution stay possible
>  Timothy McVeigh, seen in 1995 outside the Perry County Courthouse
> in Oklahoma, waived his rights to appeal his case. But his attorneys
> may still seek options to delay or halt his execution.
> NBC's Pete Williams discusses the possibility of a stay of execution
> for Timothy McVeigh with MSNBC's Lester Holt.
> WASHINGTON, May 9 -   Timothy McVeigh's attorneys may seek to stay
> his execution, scheduled for next week, after learning the FBI
> withheld hundreds of documents from them. The lawyers told NBC News
> they received the documents Thursday, but had not decided what steps
> to take.
>  May 10 - Joseph Hartzler, who was the lead federal prosecutor in
> the Timothy McVeigh case, tells NBC's Pete Williams that the
> convicted bomber wants to create a myth about himself.
>  NATHAN CHAMBERS, one of McVeigh's attorneys, told NBC the
> defense lawyers first heard of the documents' existence Wednesday,
> and asked Matsch to be given a copy of the foot-high stack of
> papers.
>The lawyers said they had not gone through the documents and
> would not likely have any decision how to proceed before midday
> Friday. A defense lawyer was expected to visit McVeigh on Friday to
> discuss his options.
>McVeigh apparently was told of the development but his
> response was not known. He gave up his own right to appeal late last
> year, saying he did not want to prolong the process.
>Officially, a stay may be requested until two hours prior to
> McVeigh's death. Authorities at the federal prison in Terre Haute,
> Ind., where McVeigh is being held, said they planned to go forward
> with the schedule for the execution until told to do otherwise.
>  Advertisement
>  An FBI spokesman told CBS News, which first reported the
> withholding of the documents, the agency had no idea why the papers
> were not turned over earlier and planned an internal probe of the
> matter.
>The documents were only recently discovered in storage, NBC's
> Pete Williams reported. The FBI informed the Justice Department,
> which then told U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch, who presided
> over McVeigh's 1997 trial.
>The missing documents primarily are what are known as "302"
> reports, filed by FBI agents to document details of an investigation
> or the results of an interrogation. Tens of thousands of 302s were
> filed during the investigation of the 1995 blast in Oklahoma City,
> which killed 168. It is believed about 200 reports were not passed
> to the defense, many of them containing testimony from witnesses at
> the scene of the bombing.
>It is not clear whether the new documents would have helped
> McVeigh's case, nor is it clear that having them withheld by the FBI
> would be grounds for an appeal. However, it is possible McVeigh's
> lawyers could ask to halt his execution, scheduled for next
> Wednesday, while the impact of the new evidence is considered.
> Even so, federal standards to halt an impending execution
> remain difficult to meet. McVeigh's attorneys would have to show
> that the documents would likely sway a jury's opinion if his case
> were heard again.
>Unless the reports contain material that significantly casts
> doubt on McVeigh's guilt, it would be difficult to convince a panel
> of federal judges that McVeigh's case deserves another hearing.
> Federal sources told NBC's Williams the documents contain "nothing
> material" to McVeigh's case.
>Still, the defense may file a habeas corpus petition to halt
> McVeigh's death until a court determines the documents' import.
>Attorney Jeralyn Merritt, McVeigh's local co-counsel during
> his trial, assessed the odds for MSNBC Cable: "Whether or not a stay
> would be granted, pretty good. As to whether he would prevail on
> motion for a new trial, probably not high. But who can say until we
> read these reports: Suppose someone says they saw someone else at
> the site of the bombing?"
>   McVeigh himself essentially admitted his role in the
> bombing, according to his biography published earlier this year. He
> was convicted two years after the April 19, 1995, bombing.
>He would be the first federal inmate executed since 1963.
> About 200 survivors and victims' relatives are scheduled to watch
> his execution via closed-circuit television.
>MSNBC.com's Jon Bonné, NBC's Pete Williams, Suzanne Malveaux
> and Stephanie Becker, and The Associated Press contributed to this
> report.blocks ban

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[CTRL] AP: Many IRS Workers Spend Half Online Work Time At Porn And ChatSites

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Many IRS Workers Spend Half Online Work Time At Porn And Chat Sites

By Lance Gay
Scripps Howard News Service

WASHINGTON - A sampling of Internal Revenue Service employees found that
they used about half their online time at work to visit sex sites, gamble,
trade stocks, participate in chat rooms and do other nonwork-related
activities, the Treasury Department's inspector general said.

Pamela Gardiner, deputy inspector general for tax affairs, said her staff
looked at how more than 16,000 IRS employees were using their computers
during seven days over a period spanning several months. Her staff found
that employees spent 8,250 hours out of 16,275 hours online -- or about 51
percent of the time -- doing personal business.

Almost 23 percent were using Internet chat rooms, 20 percent were involved
in looking up personal financial information, and 7 percent were shopping
online. Others were found gambling or downloading pornography, she said.

The IRS says it is imposing new work rules on how employees can use the
Internet because of the investigation, and has installed screening software
aimed at keeping employees away from sex sites.

Deputy IRS Commissioner Bob Wenzel said he found the employees' Internet use
improper and thanked the inspector general for bringing the matter to his

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, says he's not
satisfied with the agency's response. He noted that during this year's tax
season, 37 percent of taxpayers calling the IRS for information didn't get
their calls answered. Those that did get a response were given wrong answers
47 percent of the time.

"It's reasonable to expect a basic level of service from the IRS to
taxpayers," Grassley said. He questioned whether IRS employees were letting
taxpayer calls go unanswered because they are involved in personal
activities online.

"Some IRS employees are clearly goofing off," he said.

In a separate report, the IRS inspector general found that 47 percent of
82,000 e-mails coming into the IRS involved nonbusiness matters. Among the
topics these e-mails covered were daily joke services, high school reunion
news and information from a popular rock singer's fan site.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AP: Urban Squeeze Threatens Military

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Urban Squeeze Threatens Military

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Restrictions on military training imposed by
development and environmental concerns could put the lives of soldiers at
greater risk when they face combat, military leaders and lawmakers say.

''A high state of readiness is critical to our ability to perform the
missions assigned to us and to do so efficiently and with minimum
casualties,'' Army Lt. Gen. Larry R. Ellis told the House Government
Reform Committee on Wednesday. ''When we lose sight of our critical
mission ... we risk tragic consequences that place in jeopardy those who
have elected to serve.''

Once remote bases have seen urbanization and other development stretch to
their borders, bringing with them citizens' demands for safety, less
noise, good air quality and preservation of endangered and other species.

That very buildup has made it difficult to separate civilians from the
noise, dust and danger they want to avoid, Ellis said, because the Army
cannot buy adjacent land to use as an undeveloped buffer around training
areas. Instead, it must restrict the area it uses for training.

''Without realistic combat training, particularly training with live
ordnance, we are unable to train our people'' adequately, said Adm.
William J. Fallon, vice chief of naval operations.

Even some Navy pilots learning the delicate, exacting skill of carrier
landings have been forced to take aerial paths different from those they
would use in combat because of citizen demands for noise reduction, said
Rep. Ed Schrock, R-Va., citing two facilities in his state.

Those demands prompted officials to raise the flight pattern height from
the normal 600 feet to 800 feet at one station and to 1,000 feet at the
other, and to change the normal direction at the latter to avoid two new
housing subdivisions, he said.

As a result, the pilots ''do not practice in a realistic training
environment in what many say is the most critical phase of flight for a
naval aviator -- landing on an aircraft carrier,'' said Schrock, a retired
Navy captain.

The committee chairman, Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said Defense Department
ranges in the United States and overseas are under siege from the land,
the water and the air. And there is even encroachment on the radio
spectrum, he said.

''The explosion of wireless technologies threatens to push military
equipment off prime radio frequencies just as we're spending billions to
link our forces on the digital battlefield,'' he said.

Much of Wednesday's testimony focused on environmental laws and lawsuits
stemming from them. Fallon cited complaints over sea turtles in Vieques,
Puerto Rico, where live fire bombing recently resumed after a two-year
stop following the death of a civilian.

The Navy, which brought in thousands of the turtles, was allowed just one
turtle fatality per military exercise under an agreement, Fallon said.

''It's hard to argue this stuff with a straight face because it's just so
ludicrous,'' said Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga.

Fallon said a Navy exercise in the Atlantic in July was allowed to perform
only 30 percent of its ordnance operations at night because they might
disturb some animals.

''It might wake them up?'' said Barr.

Commanders sometimes agree ''to what I consider onerous restrictions
because they're out of time and need to get training done,'' Fallon said.

Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Edward Hanlon Jr., the commander at Camp Pendleton,
Calif., said breeding by numerous bird species along the 2 miles of
Pacific Ocean beach available for training means that stretch is
off-limits for half the year.

So, like all of the services, they ''work around'' the problem, he said.

Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., declined to focus blame on environmental
concerns, saying even if those ''could be resolved tomorrow, training
space would still be shrinking under the accumulated weight of other


Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

[CTRL] DiscoveryNews: Alien Bacteria Said Revived

2001-05-11 Thread MIKE SPITZER

Scientists Claim to Revive Alien Bacteria  
By Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News May 10 — Italian 
researchers claim to have found conclusive evidence that life on Earth 
arrived from outer space.  Bruno 
D'Argenio, a geologist working for the Italian National Research Council, 
and Giuseppe Geraci, professor of molecular biology at Naples University, 
identified and brought back to life extraterrestrial microorganisms lodged 
inside 4.5 billion-year-old meteorites kept at Naples' mineralogical museum. 
"When in contact with a physiological solution, they became visible and 
began to move," D'Argenio said while presenting the finding at the Italian 
Space Agency yesterday. The bacteria, called "cryms" (for crystal 
microbes) by the researchers, remained dormant for billions of years and 
survived extreme ambient conditions — a clear indication, according to the 
researchers, that "life can exist everywhere in the solar system, though in 
a quiescent state." Once brought back to life, the cryms were cloned by 
the researchers and their DNA analyzed. "Their genetic code is 
unlike any known on Earth," said Giovanni F. Bignami, scientific director of 
the Italian Space Agency. In studying the bacteria, the team found that 
they tend to gather in clusters. The bugs are also killed easily with 
antibiotics. Disputing critics who suggested that the meteorites were 
contaminated with terrestrial microorganisms, Bignami added that the 
bacteria came back to life after the samples were sterilized at 950 degrees 
Celsius and doused in alcohol. The discovery, if borne out, would 
strengthened the "panspermia" theory, first suggested by chemist Svante 
Aarhenius in 1900. According to this theory, outer space seeded Earth with 
primitive life forms about 4 billion years ago. The theory was recently 
supported by Noble Prize winner Francis Crick, as well as noted scientists 
Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. "Life would have formed as an 
initial seed in the protoplanetary nebula from which all the planets 
originated. This microorganism can be found ... in planetary bodies and in 
the meteors fallen to Earth," said Bignami. The Italian researchers have 
also identified microorganisms identical to the "cryms" found in the Naples 
meteorites in 50 samples of billion-year-old terrestrial rocks from five 
continents. "I'm skeptical, very skeptical," biologist Martino Rizzotti 
of Padua University told the daily newspaper La Stampa. "Those 
bacteria seem to be too similar to the terrestrial ones. I can't avoid 
thinking about possible contaminations." Margherita Hack, 
director of the Inter-University Regional Center for Astrophysics and 
Cosmology in Trieste, is more positive. "It is very likely that life is 
spread in universe. This is an interesting result, but it requires more 
study to be completely accepted," she said. Today the researchers 
present their findings at the Accademia dei Lincei (Academy of the Lynxes) 
in Rome, a prestigious scholarly organization that counts Galileo Galilei 
among its members.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
*Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To 


2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

CourtTV has all sorts of info on death penalty.  Although there is a
disproportionate number of blacks prosecuted and sentenced to death,
the actual description of the person most often executed is "Poor,
white, Southerner."  The lack of representation by attorney is
alarming for this region.  Lots waive their right to appeal and feel
hopeless.  They are not a politically correct group and there is no
support for them.  I think James Earl Ray was also in this category.
And regionally more states practice execution on a routine basis.

See link below to go to CourtTV Death Penalty Special Report which
will take you to more links.  Depressing.  Haven't enough people
been killed already?  I do not know if I am for or against the death
penalty as I keep changing my mind.  Maybe I am for it in theory but
do not have the stomach for it in practice.

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 11:24 AM


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Appeal filed in bombing case (B'ham~not OKC)

2001-05-11 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

   Appeal filed in bombing case

BIRMINGHAM, May 10 - A former Klansman convicted of murdering four
black girls in a 1963 church bombing has begun his appeals.
  A defense lawyer filed legal papers Thursday seeking a new
trial for Thomas Blanton Jr. Blanton is challenging his conviction
on more than a dozen separate issues.
 Those include a judge's decision to let jurors listen to
secretly recorded tapes in which Blanton was heard discussing the
bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church.
 Blanton also claims he should get a new trial because no white
males served on the jury of eight whites and four blacks that
convicted him. And he says the trial should have been held somewhere
other than Birmingham.
 Such retrial requests typically are denied. But they allow
cases to move forward to appeals courts.
 The 62-year-old Blanton was sentenced to life in prison.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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