Re: changed server name, how-to change back

1998-09-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith) writes:

> I somehow changed the name of my server back copying files from
> another server onto this one. Which files sets the name of the
> server?

It took me a moment to figure out what you were asking.  The file
you're looking for is /etc/hostname, which is used in the startup
process to set the machine's name.

Re: ppp connection with Demon

1998-09-07 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Tom Bowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Incidentally it's not just receiving and sending data that is
> slow. There is also a 20-30 second delay between sending the modem
> initialisation (and phone number for that matter) strings and
> getting any response. Could it be something to do with the serial
> interface itself. I am now about 100 miles from anything I know
> anything about, but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than
> windows.

I think you may be onto something here - since you're getting data,
but there are serious timing delays (that you're certain aren't caused 
by Demon being slow - that is, delays even in the init strings), you
may have the wrong IRQ set on your serial device, or there may be some 
conflict in IRQ settings.  Do a:
 setserial /dev/modem
(or /dev/ttyS1, or /dev/WhateverYourModemIs)
and note the results.  Since you are getting data, the port setting is 
correct and the UART listed is correct or close enough.  The IRQ,
however, may well be wrong.  If you have some other OS in which the
modem works well, you could look at the device information for the
modem there.  Once you have the correct IRQ for your modem, you'll
want to edit /etc/rc.boot/0setserial down around lines 25-30 and fix
the information there.  You can then as root run
/etc/rc.boot/0setserial and try your modem again.

Is the modem a plug-and-play internal modem?  If so, look at using the
isapnptools to set up the modem.  (You'll have to run one program to
dump out the configuration info. on your modem, edit that file to suit
your needs, and then run another program on the edited file to set the
configuration in your modem - once you get the config. the way you
want it, putting it into /etc/isapnp.conf will have it used at
boottime - but there's much more info. in the isapnp docs)  Note that
if you have an external modem that calls itself plug-and-play, this
doesn't actually mean anything.  (Well, not anything that you care
about with regards to setting up your modem for linux)

If the modem is an internal one with switches/jumpers, you'll need to
look at it and your modem manual to determine what IRQ it's set to.
(If you've lost the modem manual, you might want to check the
manufacturer's web site).  If it's an external modem, then the IRQ's
are probably 4 for /dev/ttyS0 (aka com1) and 3 for /dev/ttyS1 (aka
com2).  However, some machines (like mine) have BIOSes which can alter 
this, so that the built-in com ports use IRQ's 4 and 12.  Check your
BIOS's setup menu.


p.s.  What are all these settings: IRQ, io port (sometimes called
just "port") and the UART number?
Well, UART is just a number that identifies the type of chip
controlling the serial device.  The kernel needs to know this so that
it can know how large a buffer the device has, what speeds it supports, 
how it reports line conditions (like hardware flow control), etc.
UART type can usually be detected automatically.  The most common
UARTs are the 16550, 16550A, and 16650.  This number is something
specific only to serial devices.
The io port and IRQ require a very brief explanation of how the processor
gets data from other devices in the system.  Essentially, all devices
in the system are connected to one set of wires called the data bus.
The processor, when it wishes to send or get data, will set some wires 
to identify the "address" it wishes to access, a wire to indicate
whether this is a read or a write, and will then either set the
relevant data wires for a write or assume that whatever device
responds to this address has set their state as soon as it requested
the read and will then read the data wires.  (this is oversimplified,
but you get the idea).  Anyway, the io port is the address the
processor uses to get and send data to the modem.  (actually, serial
devices generally need 8 consecutive address; you specify only the
first one - this is why this will sometimes be called the "base io
port address" or "io base"; these ports are used not only to send and
receive data but also to set/get status information)  You can see what 
devices use which io ports on your system by doing "cat

Now, when a device needs to tell the processor something (like
"incoming data" or "my output buffer is empty, you could send more"),
the device can't force the processor to do a read.  Instead, what the
device does is raise a signal saying in essence "pay attention to
me".  It does this through an "Interrupt ReQuest", or IRQ.  There are, 
I believe, only 16 of these lines available and several are allocated
to system things (like the separate chip that controls the clock, or
the keyboard, or the internal line used to signal floating point math
errors).  With an IRQ set incorrectly, the processor would not realize 
that there was incoming data on the modem - this could cause the
unbelievably slow response time you seem to have.  You can find out
which devices use which irq lines by doing "cat /proc/interrupts".

Re: xdm starts local server

1998-08-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(This is being resent, as I have had to reconfigure my mail program to
get around internic's objection to the name)

Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Aug 12, 1998 at 03:20:30PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Why you get different behaviour from xdm and start might be explained by
> > this:  There's a script /etc/X11/Xsession that claims to be run by both
> > xdm and xinit (to which startx is a wrapper.)  The script seems to look
> > for ~/.xsession only though.  Maybe it isn't run after all from xinit on
> > Debian systems.  That means that the comments in the file are misleading. 
> I don't actually have either ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc, which is why I find
> this all the more strange.

Ok - what about your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file?  This should be a
symbolic link to ../Xsession; if it isn't, then I can understand why
you get this odd behavior.

If it is a symbolic link, then something must be going wrong in the
/etc/X11/Xsession script when started by startx.  Tell me, is the file 
~/.xsession-errors created when you start X with startx?  (Delete the
file first, as it's surely being created when you log in via xdm)  If
so, do the contents of that file after starting X with startx provide
any clue as to what's going on?

Re: resolv.conf, PPP and multiple providers

1998-08-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(This is being resent because it was mercilessly bounced... :( )


> *- Damon Muller wrote about "resolv.conf, PPP and multiple providers"
> | 
> | However, anyone have any hints on how to set up the resolv.conf file
> | when you have multiple ISPs? I guess I could have an ip-up script modify
> | it when it dials each ISP, but that's a bit of a pain.
> | 
> That is about the only way to do it.  Read
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Dynamic-IP-Hacks.gz.  It is a little out of date
> but it has some good ideas.  Another file to modify is /etc/hosts.

Note that under Debian 2.0, /etc/ppp/ip-up is a script that runs every 
file under /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ - so if you want to add something it's
easiest to do it by adding a new file to that directory (note that the 
filename must only contain the alphanumeric characters and
underscore(_) ).

On simple way to do this is:

get_ns () {
  case "$PPP_REMOTE" in  echo "" ;;
137.22.*) echo "" ;;
203.20.*) echo "" ;;
echo -n > /etc/resolv.conf
# Next line optional
echo "search" >> /etc/resolv.conf
for ns in `get_ns`; do echo "nameserver $ns" >> /etc/resolv.conf; done

Re: fvwm95 after hamm upgrade

1998-08-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Doug Thistlethwaite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,

> I upgraded my bo system to hamm last night.  Everything went pretty
> well, though I did have the run the "install" portion of dselect
> several times for it to get through without errors...

Well, I'm impressed - I made a slight error in packaging up fvwm95 for 
hamm, such that bo upgrades aren't as smooth as they could be - oops.

> Anyhow - Everything seems to have installed fine.  But I have now
> noticed that my windows manager fvwm95 does not seem to read my
> prior config file in my home directory
> The config info was in /home/doug/.fvwm2rc95 on my bo system and
> everything seemed to work fine.
> The first lines of my window-managers
> /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm95
> /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2
> ...
> What do I need to do so my windows manager will read my ini file?

The name of the ini file changed between the bo and hamm versions - if 
you had a customized system-wide initialization file, you got a little 
message about it.  Personal initialization files are harder to check

1) The name of the new initialization file is .fvwm95rc - you can
rename your .fvwm2rc95 to .fvwm95rc and it'll work, BUT

2) fvwm95 now has an improved configuration, much like the
configuration scheme of fvwm2 - if you use this new scheme then
whenever you install new packages, they'll appear in your fvwm95 menu
the next time you restart fvwm95.  For more information on this new
scheme, refer to /usr/doc/fvwm95/README.sysrc.gz.  The basic gist is
to create a subdirectory called .fvwm95 and then place in it a file
called post.hook containing your own customizations.  There are also
some examples of things you can do with the system configuration files 
in the system config. files themselves (they're all commented out;
uncomment what you want).

Note that if you do have a ~/.fvwm95rc file, the new configuration
scheme won't get touched, and your menu won't get updated to show the
list of currently installed packages.

Some people who are used to the one long monolithic configuration file 
find the new config. scheme a bit confusing - but it's not, really.
I'd be glad to help you with it.

Re: minimal files essential for booting ?

1998-08-07 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
> > I went nuts partitioning the new disk.  I was mostly just
> >experimenting.  Many will think I have gone needlessly overboard.  I won't
> >disagree.  The old disk has two partitions, one being swap.  The new disk
> >has a partition for just about everything.  These directories all live on
> >their own partitions:
> > /usr
> > /usr/local
> > /var
> > /home
> > /etc
> > /bin
> > /tmp
> > /lib
> >
> I think the FSTND standard requires these directories to be available
> during boot:
> /bin
> /dev
> /etc
> /lib
> /tmp
> /sbin
> (Note that /etc and /tmp must be writable, I don't know about the rest.)
> I can't remember about /var, but suspect that it is required for
> /var/run, /var/lock, and /var/log.

/var can be on its own partition without any problem - in fact, it is
possible to have /tmp on its own partition too, but in that case there 
must still be some room in the / partition for a small /tmp directory
that the system can use before mounting the real /tmp.

The rest of your partitioning setup, though, seems fine.  Just move
/lib, /bin, and /etc back to your / partition and all should be fine.

And the boot process (and going into single user mode for
maintenance/backups) is the only time when you have to worry whether
enough programs are present on certain partitions.

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Re: SHELL: duping stdout and stderr to another file

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ulisses Alonso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all
> I would like to know _how to copy_ (not start a new shell, eg: script)
> stdout and stderr _from a shell script_ to a file. Also It is interesting 
> for me if there is a way to stop copying stdout and stderr...
> Thanks in advance,
>   Ulisses

Well, I'm not entirely certain what you mean, so I'll just say several 
things that might answer your question and hope that one of them
tells you what you want to know.

Suppose I have a simple shell script:

echo "Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr." | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M

And I call this script foo.
I make it executable so that I can call it like this:

cush:~$ ./foo
This is a secret message.

Now, I decide I want to redirect this into a file.  I do:

cush:~$ ./foo > sekritfile

Ok.  So I can redirect all of foo's stdout into a file.  But suppose I 
made a mistake in foo (say, I added an extra argument to the `tr'
command).  Then I get:

cush:~$ ./foo > sekritfile
tr: too many arguments
Try `tr --help' for more information.

Well, I want to redirect both foo's stdout and stderr into a file.
Ok; I do this by saying "redirect stdout to sekritfile and redirect
stderr to the same place as stdout":

cush:~$ ./foo > sekritfile 2>&1

All well and good.  I can even do fancy things like redirecting stdout 
and stderr to two different files:

cush:~$ ./foo > sekritfile 2> errfile

Ok.  So far so good.  Now suppose I don't want to have to specify
where the stuff in foo goes on the commandline; suppose I want the
shell script to just redirect everything all the time.  I can do this
by using the shell builtin command 'exec' in a slightly unusual way:

exec > sekritfile 2> errfile
echo "Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr." | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M

So now what happens is that when I do:

cush:~$ ./foo

Is that the output of the tr command is redicted to 'sekritfile' and 
the stderr of the tr command (and any following commands) is
redirected to 'errfile'.  I could redirect them both to the same place 
exec > sekritfile 2>&1

So far so good.  But what if I want to redirect something and then
undo the redirection?  Say, if I had:

echo "Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr." | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M
echo "Done decoding."

And I wanted the first line redirected, and the second not.  Then, I
just need to save the original destinations of stdout and stderr, like 

exec 3>&1 4>&2 > sekritfile 2>&1
echo "Guvf vf n frperg zrffntr." | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M
exec >&3 2>&4
echo "Done decoding."

Then, only the first echo command gets redirected to a file.

cush:~$ ./foo
Done decoding
cush:~$ cat sekritfile
This is a secret message.

But notice:

cush:~$ ./foo > msgfile
cush:~$ cat msgfile
Done decoding.
cush:~$ cat sekritfile
This is a secret message.

Now, suppose that instead of redirecting output, I want to copy it.
(That is, I still want to see the output on the screen).  This means
the output has to go to two places - the file and the screen.  There
are a few ways to do this - I'm only going to show one involving the
'tail' command.

The problem is that the shell won't split output by itself, and won't
do overall redirections (like the exec commands above) into pipes.
However, we can do this:

cat /dev/null > sekritfile   # create it so that tail doesn't complain
tail -f sekritfile &
exec >> sekritfile
exec 2>&1
... more commands here
sleep 2
kill -1 $tailpid

This causes the shell to dump stdout and stderr into the file
sekritfile and at the same time starts up a process (the tail -f) that 
reads the file and displays its contents.  The last kill command is
necessary to stop the 'tail' process when the script is done.  If you
want to do this and only want to redirect portions of the script, you
can do:

cat /dev/null > sekritfile
tail -f sekritfile &
exec 3>&1 4>&2
exec >> sekritfile
exec 2>&1
... these commands get saved to the file
exec 5>&1 6>&2 1>&3 2>&4
... these commands don't go to the file
exec 1>&5 2>&6
... these commands go to the file
sleep 2
kill -1 $tailpid

I hope this answers your question.

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Re: Diald and Windows NT/95

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Butch Kemper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   1.  What is causing the link to yo-yo and how to change the Windows
>   boxes to stop the yo-yo from happening.

Doesn't diald come with some sort of monitor program?  (use 'dpkg -L
diald' to see what comes with diald)  I think it's called 'dialdmon' or
something like that?  Why don't you watch that to find out what the
windows boxes are doing?

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Re: xacc brings my laptop to a crawl

1998-07-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Mike Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to use xacc in the hamm release (xacc_1.0.17-2.deb), but
> when I try to enter a number in the register window, the cursor blinks
> exceedingly fast and it brings to X server to a near standstill.  I
> can still continue, but at a snail's pace, maybe a character every 10
> seconds.  This occurs with both the lesstif and statically linked
> motif version.  So, does xacc have a bad polling mechanism or
> something or do I have my Xserver misconfigured?  
> Mike Roberts

This is actually a bug in lesstif.  (More accurately, in the libc6
lesstif contained in the package called "lesstifg")

You can fix it (supposedly, according to the lesstifg maintainer) by
installing the lesstifg from slink, version 0.84-1 or higher. (I think
the current version is something like 0.85.3-1) Once you do install
this, I _strongly_ suggest putting lesstifg on hold (with an equals
sign) in dselect.  Unfortunate mistakes with version numbering means
that the hamm lesstifg will try to come back if you don't do this.

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Re: partition memory

1998-07-27 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Hello,
> I would like to know what is the shell command to know what is the
> available, used and free memory on the current partition ?

You mean the available used and free disk space?  The command is df -
I believe it stands for something like "disk free".  It'll tell you
how much is available on each partion.

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Re: no pon!

1998-07-27 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >> "DP" == David Parmet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DP> who is this pid 109 and what does it want with my life?
> pid = Process ID
> To check what prozess has ID 109 do a "ps ax|grep 109"

Incidentally, if you have the process id already, all you have to do
That is,
ps 109

The advantage of this is that you also get the headers telling you
what each column means; for example when one does:
ps u 1
And gets:
root 1  0.0  0.2   76876  ?  S   Jul 26   0:03 init [2] 

One has at least some chance of figuring out what all that information 

The "ps ax | grep " idiom is so common that it's sometimes easy
to forget that ps does take non-option arguments.

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Re: Fvwm2 and Debian menu

1998-07-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Curt Daugaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I like the design of the Debian menu package, and I'm trying to
> follow the docs to get auto-updating of menus under X, but I seem
> to have hit a roadblock.
> I use Fvwm2, and according to the comments in system.fvwm2rc
> and the Fvwm2 docs--in the Debian package, compliant with the
> menu package--FvwmButtons (formerly "Good Stuff") is set
> up so that the user can easily override the defaults.  But it
> looks like the menudefs.hook, autogenerated by the menu-package,
> is determined to invoke "DebianFvwmButtons," which stubbornly
> overrides any configuration the user attempts.

Well, you don't have to start your FvwmButtons from the menu - you can 
just start it automatically (assuming you always want it to be there); 
on one account on my machine, this is done by putting all the
customization into post.hook and a call to 'Module FvwmButtons' in

If, however, you want it in the menu you can always put it in yourself
with an AddToMenu command in post.hook; modifying the menu entry
itself (by changing /usr/lib/menu/fvwm2) gets wiped by a new fvwm2.
This has the problem that the DebianFvwmButtons is still there...

The best solution is probably to use 
DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwmButtons
in post.hook and then listing the entries one wants.

Of course, since this command exists, one wonders why the author of
the fvwm2 config used DebianFvwmButtons to begin with...

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Re: No PINE debian package?

1998-07-20 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
jason and jill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It's included in the distribution and available for download from
> Can't get much more available than that unless you contract Pam Anderson
> to deliver it to your home. ;)
> He may have missed it because it's in non-free rather than mail.

Also, note that Pine is not available directly as a binary for hamm;
it was actually a mistake to distribute it for bo (Debian 1.3.x) in
the first place, and the University of Washington has asked us not to
distribute any precompiled binary other than the ones they've
approved; however, we can distribute the source, and so in hamm pine
exists only in source form.

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Re: My 'h' key is unusable

1998-07-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Stelios Parnassidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  Just had the base system installation of Hamm, and wanted
>  to type 'which superformat'. 'h' beeps and beeps ... i have
>  to type Ctrl-V h to use it.
>  I looked into the /etc/terminfo/l/linux via ... (untic) 
>  could find nothing.
>  What's wrong with my very 'h'?   Heh? :(

Could it be a missing backslash or caret in your /etc/inputrc?  A
mis-quoted section of your bash initialization files?  It sounds
almost as if bash is set to interpret "h" as "delete-next-character"
(something that people sometimes want the delete key to do; I can see
how on a poorly thought-out installation, one might want Control-h to
do this).  See if "h" does indeed behave this way by typing some
stuff, backing up, and seeing if you can delete things with "h".

To track down the problem, I'd suggest doing: (at the bash prompt)
bind -p | less
and inside less search for "h"  (less doesn't use readline, so it
shouldn't be affected by the weird-h stuff).  Then, I guess I'd look
at /etc/inputrc, ~/.inputrc, and the various bash initialization files 
for anything that might be causing this.

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Re: Why does tty1 become the current VT on reboot/halt?

1998-07-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Noah L. Meyerhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hey all.  Why is it that when I reboot or halt my machine, I'm
> automatically switched to the first virtual console?  I don't like this at
> all, because all of the messages coming from the rc scripts get sent
> whichever VC I was on when I typed the reboot/halt command.  I haven't
> been able to figure out how/where the event occurs.  Is it possible to
> prevent it, or to have all the rc scripts send their output to tty1?

Well, I can't provide a solution, but I can provide an explanation:
xdm, or more specifically the Xserver xdm was running.  Whenever an
xserver shuts down, it reverts to the virtual terminal that was active
when it started (which is usually VT1, unless you hit Alt-F# at the
right time in the boot sequence).  While this makes sense as something
to do when the xserver is shut down directly, (for example, if one
were running X through startx and exited X, one would expect to go
back to the shell prompt that ran startx) it may not be the right
thing to do when the Xserver is shut down while not active.

I don't find this any more than a really minor inconvenience, since
switching vt's with Alt-Fn works during the shutdown process, and even 
continues to work after the system has halted.  You might file a
wishlist bug against your favorite xserver though saying that it
shouldn't switch vt's on shutdown unless it (the Xserver) was on the
currently active vt.

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Re: Fvwm95: FvwmTaskBarAutoHide problems

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Benno Overeinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am using the Fvwm95 window manager and has enabled the infamous
> FvwmTaskBarAutoHide option.
> With Debian 1.3, the Fvwm95 taskbar appeared automagically if the
> mouse hits the bottom of a virtual desktop (i.e., generated a certain
> event which made the taskbar to be raised).  However, if the virtual
> desktop is one of the lower most of the desktops (i.e, with
> DeskTopSize 3x2, the lower three), the specific event is not generated
> and the taskbar did not appear.
> With the Fvwm95 distribition that comes with Debian 2.0, this problem
> is solved, that is, in the lower virtual desktops the taskbar appears
> without any problems.  But now the taskbar appears in the other
> virtual desktops very slowly and in steps.  The mouse changes from
> shape each time the taskbar raises with a step, as if a series of X
> events are necessary to raise the taskbar instead of a single event.

1.  I've seen the problem  (and should fix it, since I'm the Debian
maintainer for fvwm95)

2.  The taskbar is being raised in a series of XMoveWindow calls, by
two pixels each call.  I can try to make that an option in the next
Debian fvwm95 package; howver, there's much to do with getting
Debian's versioning back in sync with the upstream source, among other 
things, so this may wait.
3.  I don't know of a simple solution (I rarely use the
TaskBarAutoHide myself.)  I'll see if I can disable some X events on
the TaskBar as it's moving, but this could cause other problems.

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Re: -post_data

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald V. Livingston lI) writes:

> This isn't debian specific, but what the hey.
> How does one find out the format needed to use the -post_data switch 
> in LYNX to feed data to a remote CGI using a script?

The data format is exactly what's sent to the server, so any reference 
on http should tell you.  Briefly, it's the syntax used in URL's after 
the ? - that is, data consists of one or more key/value pairs
separated by ampersands (&).  The key and the value are separated by
an equals sign (=), and sometimes a pair may consist of only a key,
with no equals sign or value.

Within the key and value, characters other than [A-Za-z0-9] are
encoded (*) - spaces (character 32) are replaced by plus signs (+) and
other characters are replaced by %XX, where XX is the hexidecimal
character code (note that spaces then can also be written as "%20" -
in fact, any character _can_ be written as a %-sequence, but only
certain characters need to be written that way)

I'm certain that some perl modules in libwww-perl already handle this
format as well as getting info. from the server - you're probably much 
better off using them than trying to pass this to lynx, unless for
some reason you're avoiding perl.

* Actually, you're allowed to stick more than just the digits and the
numbers in without %-encoding them.  In theory, the only characters
that need to be encoded are Control characters, space, double quote
(") and any of the characters in: ";/?:@&=+#%<>", but many people
encode anything except the letters and digits

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Re: Xconsole vs "security"

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If your password is in pap-secrets it is supposed to remain just that --
> a secret.  I never see my password come wizzing by on xconsole and I use
> pap too.  So, now we need to figure out why.  The \q only works in a
> chatscript.

Do you perhaps have the debug option uncommented in /etc/ppp/options?
Or is there a "debug" in /etc/ppp/peers/provider?

That's the only thing in the ppp sources even looks like it could
cause a password to appear in a log.  (Though admittedly, I haven't
examined the sources in too much detail).

Tell me, what does the message with the ISP password look like?

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Re: FVWM2 (New X user)

1998-07-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Matt Kopishke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have X (finally) working on my machine (bo), I am running FVWM2 and was 
> wondering what I do to add a pattern or color (prefer pattern) to the 
> desktop.  I now you edit the fvwm.rc file, but what do I edit, what 
> format file do I use for the pattern, and were would I put it?

Actually, the debian fvwm2 setup is made for easy customization, so
that you don't need to edit huge monolithic .fvwm2rc files.  

Just create a subdir. of your home directory call .fvwm2 - then put
the background you want into one of the following files:

(If multiple files are present, .xpm takes precedence over .gif which
takes precedence over .jpg)

You can also just change the color by putting the color name (like
"red" or "blue") into the file ~/.fvwm2/background.color

Finally, you can get it to choose a random background by creating a
file called ~/.fvwm2/background.list, and listing one background file
per line.


P.S.  One mistake people often make is to download a ~/.fvwm2rc file
from the net or use a friend's - in that case, you lose all the nice
debian-specific stuff in Debian's fvwm2 setup.  If you ever want to do 
something to tweak fvwm2's setup, just add lines to the file
~/.fvwm2/post.hook as though you were adding lines to your ~/.fvwm2rc.

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Re: problem with libpam0 and libpam-util in stable

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Chris R. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm probably missing something obvious here, but I can't seem to get
> libpam0 and libpam-util to install, because aparently they depend on each
> other.
> Do I need to use dpkg --force ??
> Thanks,
> Chris

Try specifying both on the same dpkg command line:

dpkg -i libpam0_whatever.deb libpam-util_whatever.deb

> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Does this message strike anyone as significantly less helpful than the
former "mail a message with the subject "unsubscribe" to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" message?  I'll grant you that
people screwed that up too, but this seems to be asking for people to
get confused.

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Re: Xconsole vs "security"

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Nuno Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  Hi,
>  I'm using Debian 1.3.1 and KDE Beta4. 
>  When I call the xconsole program I could almost activity on my machine 
> but I think there's something wrong ...
>  Sometimes on xconsole I could see my login and password as when I write
> them ! It's rigth !?!?
>  I don't think so ! As I work as root and have a username on my machine
> there's no problem but if I add a new account if someone call xconsole
> could see my password to my ISP !

The question, I think, is that you are concerned because when you dial 
up, the password to your isp gets logged by the chat program, and so
appears in the xconsole window.  You worry that anyone you give an
account to can call up xconsole and thereby see your ISP password,
which would be a bad thing.

Ok, to begin with you can make it so that chat doesn't log your
password by putting a "\q" in front of it.  In my chatscript
(/etc/ppp.chatscript on a Debian 1.3.1 machine) I have:
""   ATDT4103660015
name MyISPlogin
word \qMyISPpasswd

This will replace your ISP password with all question marks (like:
"?") in the logged messages.

(This next bit is directed at the list)
I was going to add more, but then I noticed that the pipe xconsole
reads is world-read - does this strike anyone else as a security
hole?  Surely the information dumped into /dev/xconsole is as
sensitive as that dumped into /var/log/messages, right?

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Re: libc6 upgrade crash my machine!!!!!

1998-07-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> After running dselect and trying to upgrade all my old hamm packages
> including libc6, nothing works now it seems the libc6 package is corrupted
> or something, i've tried to mount the file system and run dpkg -i
> --root=/mnt --admindir=/mnt/var/lib libc6xxx.deb but it complains
> about preinstall and postinstall scripts ( -- not found --).
> Please Help

There was very recently a libc6 package (2.0.7r-3) that died if you had an
/etc/ file or the environment variable LD_PRELOAD set.

I'd recommend temporarily moving that file (after mounting your drive
with the rescue disk as above) if it exists and commenting out any
definitions of LD_PRELOAD in /etc/profile or similar files.

You should then be able to boot your system and upgrade to the latest
(-5) libc6 that fixes these problems. (This should be on the ftp
mirrors now; though I can't get through to at the
moment, I can see it on, so it's probably on all the
major ftp mirrors) You can then move /etc/ back and
re-enable any LD_PRELOAD settings.

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Re: [Debian] Urgent: how to create Debian CD from non-debian UNIX system

1998-07-05 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Nico De Ranter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> we have a local mirror of the debian distribution that we use
> to install our Debian PC's.  However next week we will have to 
> install Debian on a PC which has no access to our network so
> we want to create a CD starting from the current mirror.  
> unfortunately the mirror is located on a SUN and none of my
> Linux machines has enough harddisk to contain a CD.
> I tried installing the sources for debian-cd but they don't seem
> to contain any documentation. >-(
> Thanks in advance,
> Nico

Well, it is also possible to use CD images that other people have
created (assuming that your SUN has good network connectivity and that
it has hard drive space to spare) - if you want to make a CD for
installing a bo (aka 1.3 or 1.3.1) Debian system you can get the
official CD image in any number of places - the site
should tell you where in detail.

If instead you want a CD that can create a hamm (aka 2.0, or at this
point really 2.0-beta, since officially "2.0" doesn't exist yet)
system, you can look at the webpage , where Phillip Hands
has put his 2.0-beta CD images (I'd suggest only using the 2.0beta1
images on that site, however).

I know this isn't exactly what you asked about, but it may be much
easier to go get someone else's CD image than trying to nudge the
debian-cd scripts into working on a SUN.


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Re: Is Netscape Navigator really only for 16-bit color?

1998-06-28 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Chip Grandits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've installed Netscape Communicator v4.05 on my bo system running
> Xwindows with the FVWM manager.  I don't have any Motif or Motif
> clones.  When I attempt to browse to a page which uses Java,
> Netscape just crashes immediately and goes away.  (No harm to
> anything else - as far as I can tell).  The one thing I turned up
> from my own research is to ensure that is in a particular
> directory ( I think /usr/local/netscape - whatever it said that's
> where it is on my system).  Does anyone know why it's going down?
> Do I need some additional Java Support Packages besides that which
> comes with Netscape?  Do I need another archive utility for
>  Is there a particular log file I can look at to get more
> info?

Tell me - how did you install netscape?  Did you install it with the
Debian netscape-installer package, or did you attempt to do your own
installation?  If you installed netscape without using the Debian
package, then try starting netscape up with:

MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/local/netscape netscape

(where instead of /usr/local/netscape, you would actually put in
whatever directory you used - you seem to indicate that you put
netscape in /usr/local/netscape which is why I used that dir.).

If this works for you, you may consider replacing the symbolic link
that's invoking netscape (you can find out where this link is with
"which netscape") with a little script that looks something like this:

exec /usr/local/netscape/netscape "$@"

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Re: what goes into .xinitrc and what into .xsession

1998-06-19 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i tried to figure out while setting up the system whats supposed to go
> under the .xinitrc file and what into .xsession. Because I tried to
> use .xinitrc first to initialise stuff (like chosing window manager)
> but it won't work, so i put the things in .xsession and the most did,
> exept that every time that people tell me where to change
> configuration they tell me to put stuff in .xinitrc so i wondered.
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
> Thanx

It is a bit confusing, isn't it.
Here's the situation under Debian:
 If you start X with startx, then:
   first it tries to do the stuff in your .xinitrc; if you don't have
   one, it goes and invokes the system xinitrc, which on Debian goes 
   and does what happens when you use xdm to start X.
 If you start X with xdm (the graphical login screen):
   It does the stuff in the system-wide Xsession.  On Debian, this
   does nice things like suck in your ~/.Xresources file if you have
   one and then if you have your own ~/.xsession, goes and does that -
   if you don't have your own ~/.xsession, it tries to start an xterm
   and whatever you have set up as the default window manager for your 

The combined moral of this on Debian is: A ~/.xinitrc is pointless -
if you put all your customizations into ~/.xsession and delete your
~/.xinitrc then you'll get the same environment no matter how you
start X, and when using startx you'll get all the nice standard
startup things from the system-wide Xsession.  It's really the better
way to go.

> Also how do i load the modules for fvwm2? they won't load for me with
> an error message saying that they should be called from inside fvwm (i
> tried t load them from inside fvwm2 but it didn't work)
> And how do i set a back groung pix under fvwm2 and afterstep (can it
> be jpeg?)

The error message means to say that the modules should be called
directly by fvwm2, (e.g. through a menu item or in a startup file).
The easiest way is to install the menu package and then use the menus
that appear when you click on the left button in the root window.
(the root window is what is known to the rest of the world as the
background - also note that you'll have to exit fvwm2 after installing 
menu)  If you want to invoke a certain module with command line
arguments, then you might try using the FvwmTalk module - this lets
you send commands to fvwm2 as though it were reading them from a
startup file.

Also, if you've been getting non-Debian advice on configuring your
system, someone may have told you to create a ~/.fvwm2rc file.
Resist the temptation.  Debian has a much better way to configure
fvwm2 - read the /usr/doc/fvwm2/README.sysrc.gz for details.
(Basically, create a directory ~/.fvwm2 and then put anything you want 
to add to the default setup into ~/.fvwm2/post.hook and all will be

Finally, a background picture is easy with the Debian fvwm2 setup (I
don't know about afterstep myself) - just put your background image
into ~/.fvwm2/background.jpg.  Or, to automatically size your picture
to fit your screen, you can abuse the program that chooses background
images and put the single line:
-fullscreen /path/to/my/background.jpg
into the file ~/.fvwm2/background.list - note that a
~/.fvwm2/background.jpg file takes precedence over a background.list
file.  You can add more lines to the background.list file to have it
choose a random one each time you start X.

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Re: how to make an intermediate machine receive mail while the destination is down?

1998-06-18 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Carlos Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I need to shutdown our main mail server for hardware changes, and I'd
> like that another machine in our department receives the mail and hold
> it until the main server is up again, and then sends the stored mail
> to the server. How can this be done? The temporary holder can be our
> gateway/dns, for example, so that packets already travel through it.
> Carlos

Well, you'll need to modify your MX dns record to point to the new
destination - you'll then need to tell the gateway machine that's
holding the mail explicitly how to route it, or else the machine
holding the mail will try to send it to itself, and mail will get
caught in a loop.  How to do this depends on what mail software is on
your gateway/dns machine.

But why bother?  If your main server is only going to be down for one
or two days, then there shouldn't be any problem in simply not having
something to hold the mail - if the sites sending the mail can't get
through to your mail server, they'll just hold it until they can get
through.  Typically, what will happen is that people trying to send
mail to your site will only even notice that something's odd if your
server is down for three days (in that case, the person who sent the
mail will get something from their mail server saying "This message
has been undeliverable for 3 days; we'll keep trying for another 9
days"), and all the mail will get through if your main server is down
for less than twelve.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: No E 14 yet

1998-05-31 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"M.C. Vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I too like fvwm2, but I can't configure the menu - I've RTFM and looked at
> the config pages, but I can't add things to sub-groups of the main menu -
> whatever I try just ends up at the bottom of the main menu (i.e. the
> `root' menu that comes up first when you click the mouse). I guess you
> must have got this sussed (I know a lot of packages auto-add themselves to
> the menus in the right place, but I'd like to add some more, and the big
> config file has do not edit all over it :( )

The problem with RTFM is that sometimes it's hard to figure out which
manual it is one is supposed to read.

Hooking into the auto-generated menus is best done through the menu
package - point your favorite web browser to
and read the section on "How a user can override the menus".  The
advantage of this is that your new entries would appear in other menus 
should you choose to change window managers.  (You can also make
certain menu entries fvwm2 specific, but even then they'll appear in
things like fvwm95 which can, in theory, do anything fvwm2 can)

Alternatively, you could in your post.hook have code like:
AddToMenu "/Debian/XShells" "&Super-user xterm" Exec ssh -l root localhost 
xterm -title "Root Shell"

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Re: WindowMaker | Menu? - Xterms

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Cool! Thanks alot! 
> Can you tell me where is the documentation for this .Xresources file?
> man .xresources, man -k xresources etc don't have anything. :(
> Timothy
> > Three solutions:
> > 1) decide that the default xterm isn't so ugly after all.
> > 2) Modify Xresources to make the xterm that appears with "xterm" be
> > what you want; putting the following into ~/.Xresources (and either
> > restarting X or running "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources") will do that:
> > 
> > xterm*background:   black
> > xterm*foreground:   white
> > xterm*cursorColor:  green
> > 
> > (You can put these lines into /etc/X11/Xresources to affect every
> > account on your machine)
> > 

The real documentation?  It's in the Xlib documentation published by
the X consortium.  Trust me, you don't want that.

The basic format of the file is as in the lines above - my
~/.Xresources file looks like this:

*scrollBar: true   ! make everything have a scrollbar
xterm.vt100*translations: #override \
   BackSpace: string(\177) \n\
   Delete: string(0x1b) string("[3~") \n
xterm*background: bisque3
xterm*foreground: black
netscape*blinkingEnabled:   False
DctrlIcon*geometry: +1092+670
pmon*geometry: +1052+670

Blank lines are ignored - exclamation points begin comments.  A
particular application obeys resources if they begin with "*" or with
the application's executable name or with the application's class name 
(an application's Class name can be found with 'xlsclients -l').  What 
each resource does is application specific.  The xterm man page has
several good examples of xresource lines.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: jdk1.1-runtime

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

I managed to find the old jdk 1.1.3v2 .debs which can be installed on
bo (libc5 systems).

I've put them into my public_html directory on -
note that although I am a debian maintainer, I do not maintain nor
never have maintened the jdk packages.

c875ec46c914747fd24d0e4e034c8101  jdk1.1-dev_1.1.3.v2-1.deb
e0cb8617175008fc6a09ccfbc0c52840  jdk1.1-docdemo_1.1.3.v2-1.deb
630b752a48d7842b53dce47cb7a9920a  jdk1.1-runtime_1.1.3.v2-1.deb

Each of these are available via http:

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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Re: WindowMaker | Menu? - Xterms

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Anyone know how to get something like,
> "xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white &"
> to be the command that gets spawned from WindowMaker's XShells->Xterm, instead
> of the ugly default xterm?
> Thanks in advance,
> Timothy

Three solutions:
1) decide that the default xterm isn't so ugly after all.
2) Modify Xresources to make the xterm that appears with "xterm" be
what you want; putting the following into ~/.Xresources (and either
restarting X or running "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources") will do that:

xterm*background:   black
xterm*foreground:   white
xterm*cursorColor:  green

(You can put these lines into /etc/X11/Xresources to affect every
account on your machine)

3) Modify the menu entry - to do this, you should (as root) copy
/usr/lib/menu/default/xbase to /etc/menu/xbase and then edit it,
changing the "xterm" to "xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white" so that
a portion of that file reads:

?package(xbase):needs=x11 section=XShells  \
   longtitle="Xterm: terminal emulator for X"title=Xterm\
   command="xterm -bg black -cr green -fg white"

You should then (as root) run "update-menus".  You can also (if you
want to make this change just for your account, and not for all the
others on your system) put the modified xbase file into ~/.menu/xbase
and run update-menus as your normal (non-root) user.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Q: How to get class String from libg++272 with Debian2.0

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> On Fri, May 29, 1998 at 02:31:29PM +0200, Waldemar ¯urowski wrote:
> > I switched from Debian 1.3 to Debian 2.0 while I was writing a program for
> > my final exam of my study. I used in many places class String, and class
> > which implements regular expression. When I did upgrade, I didn't check if
> > everything had compiled ok.
> > 
> > First of all, I had to use EGCS g++, which uses stdc++2.8, as g++ from
> > wasn't anymore in GCC package. It seems there isn't any String class in
> > stdc++-lib. I know that String _is_ in libg++-dev, but stdc++-dev and
> > libg++-dev conflict which each other. I'd like to go back to g++ from GCC
> > but I don't see it anywhere.

> I've built libg++2.8 and libg++2.8-dev packages for use with egcs's g++.
> Those packages are currently still in the Incoming directory, so you'll have
> to fetch them from a mirror of Incoming (see
> for a list) for now.

Yay!  I've been waiting for this; I know, I'll migrate my code

The fastest way I found to getting to where I could compile old g++
source code was to install the altgcc and libg++-altdev packages; I
know, it's not the best solution, but it was the one I could set up
quickest at the time.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: jdk1.1-runtime

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   What you are essentially trying to do here is to upgrade from libc5 to
> libc6 (the JDK was compiled for libc6).  This is not a trivial task.  It is
> the heart of the difference between Debian 1.3 and 2.0.  There is a shell
> script called in the developer's corner on
> that can automate the worst of the upgrade (it will upgrade via ftp).  After
> that, you can use dselect to finish the upgrade (also via ftp).  Be warned
> though, it took me the better part of a day (~10 hrs) to download everything
> for this, although a minimal install should take less.  The ftp location for
> hamm is ''.

Although I was using the jdk1.1 for a long time before upgrading to
libc6 - the old jdk1.1 package allowed one to install it on a bo
system, which was most appreciated at the time.

I still have the 1.1.3.v2-1 .deb packages if someone wants them (these 
can be installed on a libc5 system) - note however that there may be
bugs the maintainer has fixed in recent packages.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xemacs splits mail

1998-05-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Stefan Gödel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm using VM. Does this really matter? I always felt that reading and
> writing / sending of mail are very distinct from each other (at least in
> xemacs). I'm using the usual mail mode with mime extensions to write
> my mail.

My variable help gives me:

`mime-editor/split-message' is a variable declared in Lisp.

Value: nil

*Split large message if it is non-nil. [tm-edit.el]

I have 
(setq mime-editor/split-message nil)
in my ~/.emacs file.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I can't get tar to exclude files!!

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Admaster Communications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 and I've tried many permutations of
> tar -zcvf test.tar * --exclude=leave_me_out.txt
> The file I ask to be excluded is reliably INcluded!!  What is the correct
> syntax???

The problem is that --exclude applies only to files tar finds by
descending directories, not to files mentioned explicitly on the
command line.  When you use *, that's the same as typing every file
name explicitly (since the shell does not pass tar the *, but instead
passes it each file's name - try 'echo *' some time to see what the
shell does); therefore, --exclude doesn't apply.

The following appears to do what you want - be aware, however, that
this tar archive contains ".", so when extracting it it will change
the permissions of the current directory to the permissions of the
directory when the tar archive was made:
tar -czvf ../test.tar.gz --exclude='*exclude*pattern*' .
(Note the ' marks and the final period - also note that test.tar.gz
has to be in a different directory, or it will try to include itself - 
nasty recursion)

Note that it's usually bad form to create a tar archive of files
without a directory.  That is, if the directory
/home/martind/work/vander contains the files I want to make a tar
archive out of, it's better to do:
cd /home/martind/work/; tar czf vander.tar.gz vander
than to do:
cd /home/martind/work/vander; tar czf ../vander.tar.gz *

The first method will mean that when one extracts the archive, all the 
extracted files go into a vander/ subdir.  The second method means
that all the newly extracted files go into the current directory,
where there may already be much stuff.  Note that if you use the first 
method, a --exclude will work as you might expect it should.

If you really must have a tar archive with files in the current
directory, and don't want to have "." in the archive, then try: (this
should all be one long line)

find * -prune \! -name '*exclude*pattern1*' -print | 
 xargs tar czvf testtar.tar.gz --exclude='*exclude*pattern2*'

The difference between '*exclude*pattern1*' and '*exclude*pattern2*'
is that the first pattern excludes files in the current directory and
the second excludes files in subdirs. of the current directory.  For
example, if I had the following files on my system:


and then I did:
cd /tmp/tartest
find * -prune \! -name '*frog*' -print | \
   xargs tar czvf mytar.tar.gz --exclude='*bar*'

I would then get (as the output of 'tar tzf mytar.tar.gz'):

Note that the '*frog*' excluded the 'frog' file in the top directory
and the 'froglegs' directory.  Also note that the '*bar*' didn't
exclude the bar and tbark in the top directory (the way the long
command is written causes tar to be called with the arguments 'bar',
'tbark', and 'sounds' - these are the output of the find command), but
did exclude the '' in the sounds directory - this is because
tar was handed 'sounds' as an argument, and descended into the
directory itself.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: changing default screen manger in x

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Rev. Joseph Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, May 25, 1998 at 10:04:38PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> > Make sure you have "allow-user-xsession" in /etc/X11/config, then create
> > the file .xsession in your homedir. It should be something like:
> > 
> > xterm &  # start a xterm
> > xterm &  # start a second one
> > fvwm2# start the windowmanager. Note the missing &
> those should be exec'd, ie exec xterm &, etc.


First off, not using the "exec" anywhere is _just_fine_.  Some people
don't like not using that because then there's an extra process
floating around until you exit X.  If, however, you do decide that you 
can't afford the (rather small) overhead, or you decide that it's
messy to have extra processes just floating there, only the last line
(the fvwm2 line) should have "exec" at the front.  If you want to do
any cleaning up after you exit X, you need that process hanging around 
and so can't use exec.

"exec  &" is a bit non-sensical.  It does nothing different
from " &" and just spreads confusion about what should be in
an .xsession file.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: why can't i compile things ???

1998-05-26 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Mario Filipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi
> Yesterday i (think i) did a mess of my system. I accidently made a strip * on 
> a
> lib directory.
> Today when i try to compile anything I always get the following :
> gcc -O -o poster poster.c -lm
> ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 080485e0
> Can anyone please expalin me how to fix this. Thanks

You need to re-install at the very least the ldso package.  (Packages
usually need to be re-installed with dpkg, not dselect - just say
"dpkg -i /path/to/file/ldso-what.ever.deb")  You should probably also
re-install libc6 (assuming you have a hamm system; libc if you're
still using bo, aka 1.3).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xwindows not working

1998-05-25 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Keith Alen Vance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have recently been screwing up my system and I am about ready to trash
> the whole thing and start over from scratch. I purchased a new video card
> Mystique 220 and I am trying to get it work with Xfree86 and AfterStep. I
> downloaded the files for Xfree86 3.3.1 and installed them and then setup
> afterstep 1.4. The problem is that if I do a startx if returns an error
> that it can't find afterstep.So if I go in to the .xinitrc file and
> comment the afterstep line out xwindows starts and then shuts down
> without any error messages. What I am saying is that it starts and then
> automatically shutdown right away. I really screwed things up when I was
> extracting the xfree86 files. I extracted them in the wrong directory at
> least once. So my hard drive is almost full. Is there a way I can delete
> Files by date. I would really like to totally back out of everything that
> I have done today and start over with a fresh kernel and the bare
> necessities. I am reluctant to just wipe my drive because I installed
> Linux via ftp and that takes awhile. Any suggestions would be great.

Well, unfortunately extracting files usually gives the newly extracted
files their old date, rather than the current one.  However, what you
might do is find out where the files went - you can do this with:
find / -name 'XF86*'

You can find out what a specific tar file extracts to with:
tar tf whatever.tar
tar tzf whatever.tar.gz

Then, go to the directory where you were when you did the incorrect
extraction and try something like:
tar tzf whatever.tar.gz | xargs rm -i

(you may have to be in the directory above where you did the
extraction, depending on how the tar file is built)

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Re: Matrox Mystique 220 video card

1998-05-25 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Keith Alen Vance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently installed a Matrox Mystique video card and was wondering what
> files I am missinf from my xfree86 and where I can get them. I don't have
> a browser setup on this computer so if you could give me ftp servers that
> would be great. Here is the error message I get when starting xwindows
> with afterstep 1.4 installed. I rerean the configuration utility and told
> it that I had a Matrox Mystique video. I did not select an accelerated
> server because I was told the matrox cards work with the svga server.
For the Mystique 220 card, you really need a more recent Xfree86 than
comes with Debian 1.3.1 (aka bo) - you have two choices:
1) upgrade to hamm (aka what will be Debian 2.0)
2) Install the XFree86 3.3.1 binaries yourself

I think method 1) is preferrable, but you can find (by searching the
mailing list archives for "mystique" from February) a description of
how to do 2) as well.

If you decide to do 1), be certain to look at first.

There's also a script that will do most of the upgrade for you somewhere -
I think it's in the Developer's corner section of the debian web site.

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Re: Overriding fvwm95 buttons in the post.hook?

1998-05-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Douglas Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have read the documentation on fvwm95 and on FvwmButtons but I am
> still at a loss to decide how I would override definitions of buttons
> in 
>  /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc
> What I would like to do is to use rclock rather than xclock for one of
> the buttons.  (rclock can be configured to alert you to incoming mail
> so a single window can do double duty of displaying the clock and an
> xbiff-like indicator of incoming mail.)
> If I add the lines
> *DebianFvwm95Buttons(Title rclock, Icon clock.xpm, \
>  Swallow(UseOld) "rclock" 'Exec /usr/bin/X11/rclock -bg \#c0c0c0 \
>  -geometry -1500-1500 &')
> to my ~/.fvwm95/post.hook file I get the rclock in addition to all the
> other buttons.  What I would like to do is to remove the other buttons
> and then add the ones I want.  Is this possible using the post.hook
> file?

Well, I'm not entirely certain it is - this is one of the reasons I
really need to get off my but and package up something like Redhat's
configuration scheme.

Actually... (checking the fvwm95 man page)
Yes, it is possible.
What you need to do is say:
DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwm95Buttons

This wipes out all the default buttons - you can add the ones you want 
back in.

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Re: Why fetchmail didn't download my e-mail ?

1998-05-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ionut Borcoman at musa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> bash-2.01$ fetchmail 
> fetchmail: 1 message for borco at
> reading message 1 of 1 (2579 bytes) fetchmail: SMTP error: 501
> <
> > : colon expected after route
> fetchmail: SMTP error: 501  : sender address must contain a
> domain
> fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
> bash-2.01$ 
> In /var/log/exim
> 1998-05-20 17:29:35 unqualified sender rejected:  H=localhost
> ( [] (ionut)

The problem isn't with fetchmail exactly, it's with exim - What
appears to be happening is that error messages have no envelope sender 
(presumably to prevent stuff from being thrown back at them - there's
no point in generating an error message for an error message), so
fetchmail just uses your name as the envelope sender.

Exim, however, doesn't want to accept your unqualified (unqualified
here means a name such as "ionut" and not "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
username as a sending address.  The way to tell exim to behave more
like less paranoid mailers and accept this unqualified address is to
put the following in /etc/exim.conf:

sender_unqualified_hosts = localhost

Hmmm... I wonder if I've been missing some error messages because of
this... (I didn't have this line in my exim.conf until now either).

I need a sig...

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pppd 2.3.5: "peer refused to authenticate" problem

1998-05-16 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The answer is easy.  The new ppp's set auth "on" by default.  They did
> not use to do so.  Edit the provider script and add "noauth" near the
> end.  All will be happy.

To be a bit more explicit - make certain that the keyword "noauth" is
in /etc/ppp/peers/provider.

Also, note that you no longer need to have your
/etc/ppp/peers/provider (which is where the contents of bo's
/etc/ppp.options_out got dumped) all one line.  (In fact, I don't
think you ever needed it all in one line, but now you certainly can
use multiple lines); mine looks like:
# The chatscript (be sure to edit that file too)
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
bsdcomp 15 
mru 2000 
mtu 2000 
/dev/modem 38400 

I find the file much more readable this way; not that it changes too
often, but it just looked messy before.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: modprobe log entries

1998-05-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Daniel Martin at cush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know how to have the modprobe in hamm display more
> descriptive log messages when it can't load a module?  I've been
> getting messages in my log like:
> May 14 13:27:41 cush modprobe: can't locate module
> and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
> netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
> is that modprobe can't locate

Well, I don't know what I thought I was doing before, because modprobe 
appears to still give full module information when it can't find a
module; it's just that in this case the module being asked for is the
empty string (""); kerneld is calling modprobe with something
equivalent to:
/sbin/modprobe -k -s ''

So maybe this is a bug against kerneld, as I can't imagine a normal
situation that would cause it to ask for an empty module.

And I have no idea what module binfmt-0 might be; it doesn't appear as 
one of the aliases on my machine's modprobe -c.

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modprobe log entries

1998-05-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Does anyone know how to have the modprobe in hamm display more
descriptive log messages when it can't load a module?  I've been
getting messages in my log like:

May 14 13:27:41 cush modprobe: can't locate module

and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
is that modprobe can't locate (as a test, doing 'insmod IMnothere'
gives the identical log entry - no clue of what module was asked for).
I seem to remember that modutils from bo would actually tell you in
the logs what was being looked for.  (Can someone running bo confirm
this for me?  That is, that the unfound module is mentioned in the
logs, not just as output of insmod.)

I'm running hamm, modutils version 2.1.85-10.

And just to head off some of the 'try this and see if it works'
replies, yes I do have
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off
in my /etc/conf.modules.

Hmmm... this may be a bug against modutils, as I'm almost certain that 
bo gave you a clue in the logs.

Daniel Martin, who doesn't really have a good sig yet.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm and shutdown

1998-05-01 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Jorge Daniel Ruckj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all.
> How I do a shutdown if I use xdm?
> Thanks

Are you aware that even while using xdm one can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to
get to a text console?  I find a surprising number of linux users
unaware of this fact.

>From the text console, you can do a shutdown as normal.

A while ago (within the last two weeks, I think) someone posted some
nice tcl/tk code that one could add to some of xdm's startup scripts
to get a little "shutdown" button to appear on the xdm startup
screen.  I'll see if I can go dig it up...

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Re: help w/ ttysnoop

1998-04-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can someone please help me setup ttysnoop??  I have set up the entry in
> inetd.conf.  
> /etc/inetd.conf
> telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd 
> /usr/sbin/in.telnetd -L/usr/sbin/ttysnoops
> /etc/snooptab
> *   socket  login   /bin/login
> When I telnet to my box, ttysnoops appears to not spawn.  Any help
> appreciated.

Have you told inetd to look at the new config. file?  You do this
with: (as root)
  killall -HUP inetd

Or I suppose you could reboot, but that's win95-ish thinking.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chmod not working

1998-04-23 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Alain Toussaint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i was messing with some permission to directory but i think i found a bug
> in chmod,i try to run "chmod 751" on my home directory (i put the content
> of the home directory on another partition because of lack of space on my
> root partition),but the permission is still drwxr-x--x,i even tried to run
> "chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=x" on it to no avail,does all this qualify as a bug
> ???

I think that you must think that 'drwxr-x--x' means something
different than it does.  Seeing this permission in ls means that the
user (owner) of the directory has read, write, and execute privileges, 
that people in the same group as the owner have read and execute
privileges, and that anyone else has only execute privilege.  Did you
perhaps mistype the above and leave out the word "not" somewhere?

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Re: off-topic autofs permissions

1998-04-23 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Hi!
> I guess this it not a debian related problem, but:
> I am setting up a small Network with a linux server and some linux, win95 and
> nt-workstation clients. The clients shall be able to access the cd-rom and
> zip-drive on the server using autofs. The problem is that the zip drive is
> mounted as drwxr-xr-x root.root /misc/zip, so windoze clients can´t write on 
> it.
> I RTFM, but did not find a way to set other permissons.
> Any ideas someone?

There are two ways to do this - one is to make the zip drive have an
ext2 filesystem instead of a dos one, but then you won't be able to
use the zip drive on MS machines.  The other is as follows:

I assume that in your /etc/fstab you have something like:
/dev/sda4/misc/zip   vfat   noexec0  0
(Or you may have type "fat" instead of "vfat", or you may have
some other options instead of "noexec" (like, say, "defaults"))
Anyway, what you need to do is make the following change to
/dev/sda4/misc/zip   vfat   noexec,umask=0000  0
(If you just had "defaults" before, you can just replace it with the
"umask=000" bit)
Then everyone will be able to write to /misc/zip.
Also, anyone will be able to delete anyone else's files on /misc/zip,
and you won't be able to tell who did it - this is because the
fat/vfat filesystem can't keep track of who owns what file; attempting 
to make the directory "sticky" (like /tmp is) won't work.

I suggest that it really might be best to have some other directory,
which was set with permissions like /tmp that would be copied onto the 
zip disk every five minutes or so by a cron job.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

modprobe log entries

1998-04-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Does anyone know how to have modprobe display more descriptive log
messages when it can't load a module?  I've been getting messages in
my log like:

Apr 22 16:38:52 cush modprobe: can't locate module 

and I've been trying to track them down, (they appear whenever
netscape is started) but it would really help if I knew what module it
is that modprobe can't locate (as a test, doing 'insmod IMnothere'
gives the identical log entry - no clue of what module was asked for).
I seem to remember that modutils from bo would actually tell you in
the logs what was being looked for.  (Can someone running bo confirm
this for me?  That is, that the unfound module is mentioned in the
logs, not just as output of insmod.)

I'm running hamm, modutils version 2.1.85-10.

And just to head off some of the 'try this and see if it works'
replies, yes I do have
alias net-pf-3 off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off
in my /etc/conf.modules.

Hmmm... this may be a bug against modutils, as I'm almost certain that 
bo gave you a clue in the logs.

Daniel Martin, who doesn't really have a good sig yet.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-04-22 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
(I've replied to debian-user instead of debian-devel because this
really belongs on -user)

Ian Keith Setford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yo-
> I would like suggestions and input on how to "sell" Debian in the sense of
> Debian versus RedHat, FreeBSD, or any other distribution.  I will attempt
> to persuade a small committee of faculty to install Debian on a yet to be
> purchased machine.  The machine is an experiment at my university to see
> if a select group of students can successfully administer a machine.  I
> have my own views of why Debian is better and honestly I love it to death
> but the marketing and X-based configuration of RedHat seem to be weighing
> against me.  I am also aware of a notion that FreeBSD is somewhat more
> "secure" than linux which I must also combat. 

Well, I can only provide some anecdotal evidence - my
undergrad. school recently (in the past year) switched the
student-admisitered unix box from an ugly slackware version to
FreeBSD.  While both, as far as I can tell, are administration
nightmares (though the people managing it now seem to be making saner
decisions than the old slackware group did, so it's not as bad), at
least it was possible to get X working on the box when it was
Slackware.  This has not been possible so far for the FreeBSD folks.
Also, last I looked at FreeBSD it was still using some old X - that
is, earlier that X11R6.3.  The consequence is that X windows on
FreeBSD was _much_ less secure as anyone who could telnet in could
grab a picture of the display (or worse).  That, however, may have

So if X is a priority, don't go with FreeBSD.

Where FreeBSD's "more secure" reputation comes up is that occasionally 
bugs are found in the Linux networking kernel code that make it possible for
people to write programs which take the machine down.  These are fixed 
and patches are usually distributed within a week - often before many
people even know the bug exists.  FreeBSD rarely has this problem.
This is in my experience the only time the reputation of FreeBSD being 
more secure is justified; also, it's a relatively minor worry, what
with recompiling the linux kernel being as easy as it is.

Finally, I'd avoid FreeBSD for the same reason I'd avoid slackware -
no packaging system.  On a student-run box (and therefore, presumably
administered by volunteers and/or people with less than 5 years
experience as unix sysadmins), this is a definite priority.

RedHat's only advantage over Debian that I can see is in the ease of
initial setup - and there, only in the ease of initial X setup.
(which is, IMHO, a major flaw in Debian 1.3.1 - X Setup is poorly
documented, or at least it was when I did it - maybe the FAQ-O-Matic
has taken care of things).  RedHat is a pain to upgrade and a royal
pain to administer remotely.  With Debian, it's a snap.  (The bo->hamm 
upgrade notwithstanding, which is easy if you actually read the
documentation beforehand).

> Please suggest the best hardware configuration for a machine that will
> host thousands of users and be up 24/7.  I suspect that an i386 machine
> would be most suitable only because I am unaware of the stability or
> availability of Alpha/Sparc ports and due to the lesser price of i386
> hardware.

Sure - Pentium or whatever.  The most important thing is to have gobs
of memory - 64 meg minimum.  Also, if you buy the hardware in
components yourself, make certain you have enough fans.  (Some Cyrix
chips are known to overheat - if you have the money, there's nothing
wrong with buying genuine intel).

> Please point me towards any information that might help me get Debian on
> such an important machine at my university.  The machine that am I asking
> for advice in building is a replacement machine for the machine in which
> this e-mail is being created.
> I am sorry if this message seems somewhat convoluded but I feel very
> strongly about having Debian an the operating system on this computer.  I
> lack the advanced programming skills(I receive my degree in Finance in a
> few months) to be a Debian developer but I sincerely desire to help
> promote and help the Debian project.
> On a side note, with whom do I need to correspond with to discuss the use
> of the Debian logo and name?
> If anyone was wondering, I attend the University of North Texas located in
> Denton, Texas (30miles north of Dallas/Ft.Worth).  It is the 3rd largest
> university in Texas.
> Please feel free to reply directly to me or to the list!
> Thanks again,
> -Ian

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Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim & mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Santiago Vila Doncel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> > I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :
> > 
> > :0
> > debian
> I would not trust the From line.
> Why don't you just use the Resent-Sender field?

This works mostly, but again a few people have a Resent-Sender added
to their mail before it goes to the listserver, and they then slip
through.  I've found the X-Mailing-List header to be the most reliable
way of sorting.  (Of course, if debian's listserv added a received:
header that told for whom the message was received, I might key off
that as I do for some non-debian lists).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: why?

1998-04-20 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why would any list accept an email message with the above in the To:
> header?

Your question could be asking one of two different things:
1) Why would the list accept mail with an "obviously bogus" To:
2) Why would the list accept mail that doesn't have the list address
in the To: or Cc: header fields?

The answer to 1) is that the list software can't tell what addresses
are "obviously fake" - just because an email address isn't valid by
the time it reaches the listserv doesn't mean it's a fake.  (As an
example, suppose I have an internal network with a mail gateway.  I
send something to someone else on the internal network and Cc: it to
the list.  The To: header ends up looking like "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]",
which is a valid mail address only internally.  The listserv couldn't
tell the difference betweeen this and an "obviously fake" address.)

The answer to 2) is that the listserv does this right now because it's 
easier than checking all the header fields.  However, there's no
technical reason (other than that one might have to rewrite the
list-processing software again) for not doing this that I can see.  It 
would disallow people Bcc:'ing stuff to the list, but for an open list 
with publicly accessible archives, is this really a necessary feature?

> Also, someone in the US State of Maryland might want to consider donating
> a mail server for Debian. That email would have been grounds for criminal
> charges had the server been located in Maryland.

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Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-04-20 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, 18 Apr 1998, Scott D. Killen wrote:
> > What exactly is the hamm release?
> hamm is the nickname for the next version of Debian, 2.0.  It has been
> frozen for testing since April 1st and most of the problems seem to have
> dissapeared now.  It is slated for release in late April.
Don't hold your breath.  At the rate things are going, we'll be lucky
to get it out the door by June.


I wish I had time to help maintainers with release-blocking bugs...

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Re: bash_2.01.1-1 segfaults

1998-04-17 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Hi!
> I have problems installing this version of bash: postinst-script segfaults.
> Other scripts using /bin/sh also get segfaults now and loggin in with the new
> bash isn´t possible :-( .
> I am currently logged in as root with an old (bo) bash, so the system is quite
> useabel. I have the latest libc6, ncurses3.4 and libreadlineg.
> Previous Version of bash was 2.01-5.
> So, if there is anyone out there who can help.

Are you certain that you have version 2.1-8 of the libreadlineg2
library installed?  The only time I've heard of anything like this is
when bash was installed without this library being installed first.

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Re: Strange umount permission denied

1998-04-17 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Wilderspin) writes:

> On 16 Apr 98 13:17:25 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I keep getting an error message telling me that I can't unmount my CD drive.
> The simplest thing this could be is that one of your shells has /cdrom
> as their current directory.  You can't unmount until you cd out of
> there.

You can find out which processes (if any) are using a given filesystem 
fuser -m /dev/hdc

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Re: xclock -sticky ?

1998-04-17 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
shaul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am running fvwm2.
> I want that xclock will stick to the screen while I am moving to a different 
> part of the screen (My screen is divided into 3x3 parts). How can I 
> accomplish 
> it with xclock command line ? How could I learn it without someone telling me 
> that ?

Well, I don't think that it can be accomplished with the xclock
command line.  However, if you put the appropriate Style line in, say, 
~/.fvwm2/post.hook, you can make xclocks sticky:
Style "xclock" Sticky

This is in the fvwm2 manpage.

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Re: A few things about Debian Hamm

1998-04-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I don't believe that is true
> I am using pine under hamm obn my pc here at work
> well..I have it installed...due to problems with firewall issues and DHCP
> I can't seem to get mail working but...
> I downloaded pine as a binary for hamm
> I saw the deb of hamm in hamm/non-free/binary-i386/mail
> -Steve

There may have been a pine binary .deb for hamm before people got the
license figured out.  The fact is, the University of Washington
forbids distributing modified binary versions of pine.  (There was a
binary .deb in bo because the license isn't perfectly clear that
that's forbidden, but if you look for it, it's there) Yes, this is
highly annoying.  Yes, many people have tried to get them to change
it, with no success.  I know many people annoyed at pine's
non-freeness have chosen to go with mutt - you may want to look at

The original post also asked about the enlightenment wm.  The list of
prospective packages
( lists it as one
that's being "worked on".

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reverse DNS lookup at telnet

1998-04-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Scott D. Killen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I run a server with Debian 1.3.1 installed.  This machine is set up as an 
> internet gateway to a 3 bit subnet.  Diald is installed for automatic 
> dialup internet connections.  My machine runs a caching name server that 
> the machines on the subnet use as a nameserver.  The problem is that when I 
> telnet from a machine on the subnet, the server does a reverse lookup of 
> the connecting machine's IP address, but it can't answer it's own request 
> so the Internet link goes up.  This makes telnet connections very slow... 
> especially if the dialup connection doesn't work.
> How can I solve this problem?  I want to either stop doing reverse lookups 
> when answering telnet requests, or, ideally, I want to set up bind so it 
> can answer reverse lookups for addresses on my subnet

Well, the reverse DNS lookups are probably being caused by the line:
in your /etc/hosts.deny.

You can disable reverse DNS lookups for all incoming telnet connections 
by putting this as the first uncommented line in /etc/hosts.allow:
in.telnetd: ALL
You can also be more selective, and cause the reverse lookups only to
happen for certain hosts:
in.telnetd: 137.22.
Then DNS lookups are not done for hosts whose IP addresses begin with
You can also use network/netmask notation:
Then all hosts on that network would not have reverse DNS lookups
done.  (that particular network happens to be the network of students' 
personal machines at my undergraduate school)

The reason that reverse DNS lookups are being done at all is that the
tcp wrappers are trying to find out if access is allowed, and will
collect what information they need to determine this - the ALL:
PARANOID rule in /etc/hosts.deny denies access to machines without a
resolvable DNS address, so if the wrappers get that far in determining 
whether or not to grant access, a reverse DNS query will be
generated.  The suggested lines in /etc/hosts.allow let the tcp
wrappers decide to give a host telnet access before getting to that
rule, so a reverse DNS query is never necessary.

More information in hosts_access(5).

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Re: Whereis?

1998-04-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Michael Thigpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   Also, what has happened to tkdesk? It has been my filebrowser and of
> choice and more for over a year now, and I cannot find it either.

tkdesk was orphaned by its maintainer - I've taken it, but since it
was orphaned at the time of the hamm freeze the next tkdesk I upload
will go into slink (aka 2.1, what is currently unstable).  In the mean 
time, you can get a tkdesk that will work (though you'll need to make
the .deb yourself) from

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Re: Making Script Run as Super User

1998-04-13 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Jeff Noxon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Apr 12, 1998 at 02:41:34PM -0500, Butch Kemper wrote:
> > 
> > I want a script to execute as the Super User.  I have tried several things
> > with the "s" attribute but have not been successful.
> Linux won't let you create suid shell scripts -- they're insecure.
> The "s" attribute is ignored on shell scripts.  You can probably do what
> you want with the sudo package.
> Jeff

Most scripts won't execute as super user for good reason.
HOWEVER, you can get around this either by writing an suid C wrapper
program (basically just a C program that exec's your script) or by
using perl (which implements its own wrapper program).

I'd actually recommend either writing the script in perl or using a
perl script to call your shell script, as perl helps you avoid some
annoying insecure practices.

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Re: visudo

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Corey Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   While I was editing my /etc/sudoers file using the visudo command,
> my computer lost power. When I was able to restore power, everything
> seemed to be functioning alright. Except, I tried to run the visudo
> command, and got the following error:
> visudo: sudoers file busy, try again later.
>   I tried removing the file, then renaming a backup copy to
> /etc/sudoers, and it still gave the same error. Then I tried removing and
> reinstalling the package, only to get the same error. If it makes a diff,
> I'm running hamm. Thanks for any help you can provide,

visudo copies the sudoers file to /etc/stmp before working on it.  You 
can fix you problem by doing "rm /etc/stmp".

Incidentally, you might have been able to diagnose this problem by
running 'strace visudo' and then looking at the last few lines before
visudo prints the error message it gives you.

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Re: smail

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ionut Borcoman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> Daniel Martin at cush wrote:
> > (If you want an example exim.conf for a dialup system, I can send you
> > mine)
> Can you send me the configuration files, please. And some info to
> set up my e-mail system.

Enough people (2) asked for this that I've put it on a web page:
Be aware that these scripts relate to my setup and will NOT work
unless they're modified.  Mostly, any references to "cush" or to
"" need to be changed.

> I have an POP3 account and I aleready configured the ppp. The
> computer has only an dial-up connection through the modem. I would
> like to be able to:
> 1. write e-mail messages offline (the messages should go to a
> queue).

My exim configuration does this.

> 2. use a script to connect, get my mail from the remote POP3 server,
> send all the messages from the queue and disconect. I have
> understood from a friend of mine that there should be a problem with
> the timming between the time of realising the connection (pon gives
> back the controll prety quick and you have to go th plog -f to see
> if you've realy got the connection). So the script should also check
> that the conection is up. Also it should check that al the messages
> heve been uploaded from the queue to the remote server. 

Assuming that you're using bo (aka Debian 1.3.1) you should do
something like this:
cp /usr/bin/pon /usr/local/bin/ponmail

Edit /usr/local/bin/ponmail and after the `cat /etc/ppp.options_out`
add "ipparam mailonly".

Then, put the following 6 lines into /usr/local/bin/poffmail:
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
while netstat --inet -n | grep ESTABLISHED > /dev/null; do
  sleep 5

Then do:
chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/poffmail

If you don't have the commands 'runq' and some sort of fetchmail
command in your /etc/ppp/ip-up then add the following two lines to
runq -qf
HOME=~myuser su -c 'fetchmail -d 900' myuser

(where 'myuser' should be your regular (i.e. non-root) username)

You should probably put a 'killall fetchmail' into your
/etc/ppp/ip-down script.

Now, at the bottom of your /etc/ppp/ip-up (AFTER any runq or fetchmail 
commands) put the following 4 lines:
if [ "$6" = "mailonly" ]; then
  sleep 5
  /usr/local/bin/poffmail &

What this does: if you start ppp with 'ponmail' istead of 'pon', then
your machine will shut down the ppp connection as soon as there are no 
open connections.  Adding the fetchmail and runq lines to
/etc/ppp/ip-up causes your machine to deliver any pending mail and get 
any waiting mail each time ppp is turned on (with pon or with ponmail).

> Is there a way to set fetchmail to leave the messages on the remote
> server ?
Yes; read the fetchmail man page.  The keyword you want is "keep".

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Re: Problem CD-rom

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Gabrie van Zanten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I bought Debian 1.3.1 CD-version a few days ago. I have 2 computers:
> Pentium2 with CD player and Win98 / WinNT 5.0 on it and a 486 no CD rom /
> Win95 on it. What I did was copying the whole CD to the harddisk of the 486
> using Win95. Unfortunately thats when the links got lost and Linux now
> can't recognize them as links.

Well, as the win95 file system doesn't (really; the shortcut stuff
they do is not quite it) support the concept of links, this isn't

> Is there a way to copy the files from the cd to the 486 and still keeping
> those links ? I can install a base setup so maybe using telnet, ftp in
> combination with tar or something ?

(I should preface this by saying that a good portion of this is from

Yes; I'll assume that you've gotten your disk partitioned the way you
want it (or at least, that you have the Win95/DOS partitions as you
want them), and that you plan to keep some Win95 stuff on the machine.
Create a dos directory called c:\linux, then create a subdir
c:\linux\boot and copy all the files in the boot subdir. of the CD
into that.  Then, copy the file base1_3.tgz in the
bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/ subdirectory of the CD into your c:\linux
directory.  (replace 1997-05-30 by whatever date you have)

You can then begin the installation process by getting out of win95
into DOS ("Restart in DOS Mode"), and doing
cd c:\linux\boot

This will in fact boot up linux.  When asked where to install the base 
system from, tell the program that it's on your hard drive's DOS
partition, and point the install program to the linux subdirectory.
Once the base system is installed, the rest of the install can be done 
by ftp.  (Hopefully you can set your NT box up as an ftp server
serving out the CDROM)

> I know taking the CD out of the first and installing it in the other is an
> other solution, but I'm not to keen on that because of the accessibility of
> the computer.

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Re: Newbie Setting up Fonts Server in X Windows

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Gnoh, Chee Seng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, 
>I recently installed Debian 1.3 and X Window on my machine. I tried
> running AfterStep but it complained about some fonts (Adobe-Helvetica
> ...) not found. I encountered the same font problem with other apps as
> well. I used xinit to start.
>Please correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that I need to
> setup xfs in order for these apps to be able to get hold of their fonts.
> I have installed xserver_s3, xbasefnt, xbase and couple of other font
> packages 100dpi, cyrillic and scalable. 

No; you don't need to configure xfs, and in fact I've found it much
easier to do without it.  All you need to do is add some directories
to the X server's font path.
There are two ways to do this, at least; I'm only certain about the
second method.
Method 1) re-run XF86Setup; this requires the xserver-vga16 to be

Method 2) As root, edit the file /etc/X11/XF86Config.  Add new
FontPath lines to the section "Files"; for example, my
/etc/X11/XF86Config has the following:
Section "Files"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/chinese:unscaled"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi-il2"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi-il2"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ETL"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/maru"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc-il2"

This is much more than most people will need; I happen to have lots of 
fonts installed.  To find out which lines you should add, do:
ls /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts

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Re: smail

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Elliot) writes:

>   I've asked a question about mail before and got a little help.  I can now
> run fetchmail(thanks to whoever showed me how to setup .fetchmailrc).  So I
> can READ my messages.  However, I still don't know how to setup smail so I
> can send my mail.  I posted a little info about my
> connection/hostname,etc... but I think I'll do it again.  If anyone can tell
> me what to do to send mail from my system it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I once wrote a page on how I did this at
However, I should point out that I've gone on to a different method
entirely once I switched from a bo system to a hamm system; I now use
exim instead of smail, and it has address rewriting (which is the main 
thing that needs to happen as mail goes from your machine to the
outside world) built in.  As I saw someone else put it, "the smail
author has gone insane" - the latest smail that hamm uses has features 
which cannot be disabled that make it unusable for a dialup system.
Though the bo smail can work with a dialup system using the method I
describe in that web page, it's probably better to use exim.

(If you want an example exim.conf for a dialup system, I can send you

> Here's the basic info...
> hostname:castle-of-lions  (thanks to whoever told me to use '-' instead of 
> '_')
> mail (it also might be
> username:kingalfor
> A couple questions.  When I tried setting it up to use my ISP's mail server,
> it tried using my castle-of-lions hostname, and then said 'no fqdn name
> found'(or something to that effect) Is that because it's trying to use my
> computer as the server?  Also, since my net username is kingalfor, do I have
> to have a user like that on my computer?

Not at all.  Your .fetchmailrc should have something like:
   user kingalfor with password xxx is alfor here
after it the "poll" line.  But since you've already gotten fetchmail
working, you knew that.  Any of my examples will do - I've got the
username martind on my machine, and "dtm12" on my ISP's mail machine.

> OK, one last question kind of pertaining to this...
> I'm using tin to read news, and I'd like to post messages, however, it
> automatically starts vi.  Is there a way I can get it to use a different
> editor?  I got elm to use edit instead of vi.  I would think you could
> configure tin to use something else.  I know vi is powerful, but call me
> wuss... I really don't want to learn it.  I've seen something about a
> command like EDITOR='editor_name'.  I forgot where I read about it, but it
> made it sounds as if that will set up a default editor so that programs call
> that one instead of vi or what have you.  If I'm wrong about this, could you
> tell me what this does, and how to use it?

the command is:
export EDITOR
(or, more succinctly 'export EDITOR=/my/editor/here') - this command
sets the EDITOR environment variable, which most programs (and all
debian programs that are obeying policy) which invoke an editor will
look at before invoking an EDITOR.

These commands need to either be typed each time before you start tin
or placed in your ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc.

A few programs may want to use the VISUAL environment variable if
that's set.  If setting EDITOR as above doesn't make tin behave, try
unset VISUAL
and then try tin again.  If this works, put the unset command in your
~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc.

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Re: Tkdesk error

1998-04-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Marc van der Vossen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >Yes...  Tell me, what does
> >
> >xlsfonts -fn "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*"
> >
> It says font unmatched
> >say?  If it says nothing, do as root
> >
> >/var/lib/dpkg/info/xfnt100.postinst
> >
> >and then do "xset fp rehash" (as your regular user) and then try the
> >xlsfonts command again.  If it still says nothing, try doing
> >
> >killall -1 xfs
> >
> This says xfs not found (or it says not running)
> >as root, and then try the xlsfonts command again.  If it still says
> >nothing, exit X, start it up again and try xlsfonts once more.
> >(i.e. if using xdm, get back to the login screen and log back in; if
> >using startx then exit X completely and use startx again)  If still
> >nothing, then something's really weird; could you tell me what "xset
> >q" has to say about the "Font Path:"?
> >
> Sure I can, it says
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc

Ah ha! - ok, I think I can solve your tkdesk problem.  As root, go
edit the file /etc/X11/XF86Config and find the line that says
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
And add immediately below it the following lines:
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
   FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"

Then (after exiting X and logging back in again) all should be well.

As for your afterstep problem, it keeps getting weirder.  Try this:
remove your ~/.xsession and then as root edit the file
/etc/X11/window-managers and move the line that talks about afterstep
to the top of the list.

If that doesn't work (or if there is no afterstep line in
/etc/X11/window-managers), then maybe there's something wrong with the
afterstep install.  Tell me, does running "afterstep" inside an xterm
say something about another WM is running or "the screen is already
being managed" or something similar?  (This is what should happen) If
instead it says "command not found" then afterstep is not properly
installed.  Re-install afterstep.

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Re: Unable to start program

1998-04-08 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Torsten Hilbrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Daniel Martin at cush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > root's initialization files, or into the system-wide path.  (I should
> > qualify this with the statement that I don't completely understand why 
> > this is a security hole when it's done as the last component of the
> > PATH, but...)
> Quite simple, think of a command named sl put in some users home
> directory and root which tries to type ls but accidently typed sl.  If
> cwd is that directory the program sl is executed with root priviledge
> :-(.

Fair enough; I was thinking that no one would be careless enough to
allow typos into command lines typed in a root shell.  (I know that I, 
for one, am painstakingly careful about what I type as root after
hosing a slackware system three years back with an accidental 
'rm -r /lib' - I had meant to do 'rm -r /lib/pbmcompat/' but on that
keyboard the '/' and return were just too close together...)

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Re: Tkdesk error

1998-04-08 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Marc van der Vossen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >> > font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*" doesn't exist
> >>
> >> So there is a font missing, where should it be and how should I install
> it.
> >
> >You should install either the xfnt75 or xfnt100 package.  I'll try to
> >remember to have the next tkdesk recommend one of these packages.
> >
> I've got them both installed, that's the strange part about it. You just
> start it in xterm, right ?

Yes...  Tell me, what does 

xlsfonts -fn "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*"

say?  If it says nothing, do as root


and then do "xset fp rehash" (as your regular user) and then try the
xlsfonts command again.  If it still says nothing, try doing

killall -1 xfs 

as root, and then try the xlsfonts command again.  If it still says
nothing, exit X, start it up again and try xlsfonts once more.
(i.e. if using xdm, get back to the login screen and log back in; if
using startx then exit X completely and use startx again)  If still
nothing, then something's really weird; could you tell me what "xset
q" has to say about the "Font Path:"?

If you get a result with xlsfonts that's not nothing, try running
tkdesk again.

> >> An other question:
> >> I have installed Afterstep, but now I need to get it started, I think
> >> .xinitrc or  something like that has to be modified, how should I do that
> >
> >You should modify your ~/.xsession to say something like:
> >exec afterstep
> How can I do that with the standard edit ? Where can I find that file, I
> found Xsession which referred to .xsession, but I wasn't able to find it.

If you don't have the file ~/.xsession (that is, .xsession in your
home directory) then create it and put the line
exec afterstep
(and nothing else) into it.  Another option is to (as root) move the
afterstep line in /etc/X11/window-managers to the top of the list.

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Re: create a distrib using Debian

1998-04-07 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Julien Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to include in a debian distrib some programs, configs etc..
> If i can do that i would like to make an CD to install this version on
> my computers.
> Do you have HOWTOs, URLs or other that can explain me how to do ?

Well, I suggest you look at what scripts debian uses to make its CDs;
these are in the debian-cd package.  At the very least, you'll also
need to install the mkisofs (for making CD images) and syslinux (for
making bootable disk images, which you need to make bootable CDs) 

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Re: Where is telnet and ftp ?

1998-04-06 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Gabrie van Zanten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> Can I telnet and ftp to my own computer? I tried pinging (which
> is this computer) but a ftp will not log me in, and a telnet either ?
> Do I have to start a special demon ? And how should I do that ?

No, you just need to allow access.  By default, debian is set up to
deny access to machines it can't get a name for.  (You can see what
happened if you look at /var/log/daemon.log) You have at least
two options, then:

Add a line to /etc/hosts for every host that you will want to access
your machine from, something like this:  cushl.localnet cushl  wsw.localnet wsw

Or, you can change this default policy by commenting out the "ALL:
PARANOID" line in /etc/hosts.deny.  Then, any host will be able to
connect to your machine.

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Re: Unable to start program

1998-04-06 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Joost Kooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Gabrie van Zanten wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Sometimes I see a program (I think) but I can't run it, even though I'm
> > using root. Like this one:
> > -rwxr-xr-x  XF86_S3V   2043768
> > 
> > I thought I could at least run it and get an error, but Linux says: command
> > not found. I had this too when installing fortune. After logging in as a
> > user I could run fortune, but not before as root (fortune was in the users
> > PATH, does it matter?).
> If its not in your $PATH, the shell won't find it. Unix, unlike dos, does
> not automatically consider the current directory ( $PWD ) to be part of
> $PATH, unless you explicitly set it so ( eg. add a dot to $PATH like so: 
> export PATH=$PATH:. )
> If you type ./commandname that will always work, because the shell sees an
> absolute path prepended to the command, just like as if you had typed
> /home/userx/somedir/command

I should point out that it is considered a bad security idea to put
"." (or in fact any directory name that doesn't begin with "/") in
root's PATH.  If you're just wanting to do something one time, it
might be ok to do 'PATH=$PATH:.' as above but I wouldn't put that into
root's initialization files, or into the system-wide path.  (I should
qualify this with the statement that I don't completely understand why 
this is a security hole when it's done as the last component of the
PATH, but...)

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Re: Debianized Netscape for Debian 1.3.1 ?

1998-04-06 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
shaul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there any Debianized Netscape for Debian 1.3.1 except for the probably 
> obsolete (and also problematic) Netscape 3.01 (Navigator) ?

Well, first off, there is no .deb package of netscape itself, period.
What there are are .deb installer packages - these are packages which
require you to have already downloaded the netscape .tar.gz file from
one of netscape's sites first and placed it into /tmp.  Installing these
packages then causes that file to be unpacked, put in the appropriate
place and other things (like adding netscape to menus) to be done.

So, now the question becomes whether there is a netscape installer
package for Debian 1.3.1 for anything other than netscape 3.  And the
answer there is no, but this is one of the few cases where one can use 
packages from the frozen distribution (that is, from hamm, or what
will become Debian 2.0) for Debian 1.3.1 - so, I'd recommend getting
the following:

And then if you want just the web browser:

But if you want the web browser, and the mail and news capability:

You should put the .tar.gz file from the sunsite netscape mirror into
/tmp and run dpkg -i on the .deb file.

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Re: [Offtopic: Java Mode broken in Xemacs20?]

1998-04-05 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Hi. I just installed xemacs20 (I had xemacs19 before).

> Any idea on how to fix this, or any other way to get it to syntax
> highlighting?

Well, I don't know why registerring the file with version control
would give you syntax highlighting, but you problem may come from not
having cvs installed.

But registerring something with version control is not the way to get
syntax highlighting anyway.  I just have the following in my .emacs,
and it suffices to give every java file pretty colors:
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode)

If you just want to higlight one file, just do M-x font-lock-mode.

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Re: AOL and spam (way OFFTOPIC)

1998-04-05 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"M.C. Bezemer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
> Just in case you didn't yet notice, it seems that the spam mail
> on the debian-user list is coming from only ONE sender.

Well, all the spam that came from aol.

I notice that no one seems at all upset about the obviously commercial
spam (even to me, a non-chinese speaker [1]) sent from by
way of, in chinese.  (this seems especially odd as that
spammer very obviously tried to hide his/her identity)  Does spam only
offend if it is legible by the recipient?  Is the real offense in spam
not the wasting of disk space (for truly, these aol spams are really
very short things, individually) but the forcing of commercial
thoughts into the heads of the recipient.

But I'm seriously digressing now, and not really qualified to do this
sort of analysis.

[1] Though I do have a mail-reader that lets me read the big5 chinese
encoding, and so lets me pick out the portions that aren't written 
in chinese characters.

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Re: x is dead - non-free

1998-04-04 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Tristan Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After loads of problems with LSL ( after 2 weeks they wrote back to me
> saying my credit card was out of date because 1/10/98 in England means 1st
> October and over in America it's 10th Jan, and I wrote back correcting them
> but they said that I have to use another card)
> I am facing a real dilemma with Distribution disks. If X becomes non-free,
> there will be no point buying a Debian distribution CD if I am correct
> I mean, if X isn't on there, I'll have to dnld everything anyway, or buy Red
> Hat 
> What a pain. X is a large part of Debian, it's stupid to make it non-free...

As has been said many, many times, all the annoucement means is that
X11R6.4 from the open group will become non-free.  X11R6.3 will remain 
free - there's nothing the Open group can do about this.  And the
XFree86 people will continue develop, support, and improve their X
stuff. (and so we may very well see XFree86 producing their own

So, in short: DON'T PANIC.
X will remain a part of Debian now and in the foreseeable future;
futermore, it will remain free.  (this is one reason the DFSG are
written the way they are - once free, always free [1])  X development
may be slowed down a bit, but I don't at the moment see any reason to
be worried by that.

[1] This doesn't mean that one can't create a DFSG free product, and
then decide to make subsequent versions of the product non-free.
However, the versions that are released with DFSG compatible
licences will _always_ be DFSG free.

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Re: mail in linux...

1998-04-04 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Elliot) writes:

> the hostname, but won't let me get mail.  I changed my computer name to
> mail servers provider), and used fetchmail...  I told
> it to send my root mail to my main user(alfor).  When it downloaded it, it
> appeared to delete the messages, and I couldn't find them in any of the
> /home/(user) directories.  How can I set my system up to get and send mail?

The messages were delivered to smail, which should have put them in
/var/spool/mail/ - this is the file that elm/pine/whatever (have 
you considered mutt? No? Why not?) will look in for new messages.

Pine is in non-free, assuming you're using stable (aka 1.3.1 aka "bo") 
- the license on pine has some silly restrictions that make it not
completely free (in the sense of liberated, not in the sense of
costing nothing) software.

And your username on your isp's mail server and your username on your
own machine don't have to be at all the same.  I have an entry
something like this in my .fetchmailrc:

poll proto pop3
user topoliza with password x is martind here

since I have a mail account with geocities under the name "topoliza"
and my user name on my box is "martind".

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Re: Getting info from Win '95 before removing it

1998-04-03 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Ian Lynagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the release of Hamm I will be taking Win'95 off my 486 and replacing
> it with Linux (BTW, does 40 meg swap partition sound about right for
> 8 megs of RAM (total HD size=340MB)?).

It sounds much too big.  I would definitely NOT have swap space more
than about twice my physical memory.
> Before removing Win'95 is there anywhere I can get any information
> which may be useful to Linux? I have printed a full report from device
> manager.

You'll probably want to also get information specific to your isp -
mainly, you'll want the IP addresses of the DNS servers (this will be
under the "properties" of TCP/IP networking in the network control
panel), and of course things like what number to dial.

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Re: Files in 2 or more packages

1998-04-03 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You comment is very precise, but isolating the names of the packages,
> and running dpkg to see if they both (or at least one of them, because
> of some weird upgrade cases) conflict with the other would not take
> more than 5 lines of perl, and, yes: I know someone out there could do
> it in only 1 line :^>

In fact, someone has done this and has been posting the results to
debian-devel, and most conflicts like this have been caught.

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Re: Editing java files.

1998-04-02 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Liran Zvibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> Now that I know that I should type  and not name.calss ( I
> couldn't have thought about it myself) I can start working. 
> Does anyone of you has an addition to .emacs or another emacs file that
> colors java sources (Like there is for C\C++ LaTeX, etc)?

Well, if your emacs has a java mode (I _think_ that the emacs in
Debian 1.3.1 does; I'm almost certain that the xemacs in Debian 1.3.1
does), it's quite easy to do:
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode)

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Re: FTP login incorrect when user specified

1998-04-02 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
gunfried geiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear Linux Experts,
> what might be the reason for the following behaviour of FTP when trying to
> log into my Linux device: the client shows 'connected to'
> but after specifying the user and the CORRECT password, it shows:
> '530 Login incorrect. Login failed'
> It can't be a problem of the hosts.allow and hosts.deny class i presume ?
> gg

No; if it were an /etc/hosts.deny or /etc/hosts.allow issue, you
wouldn't even get that far.  However, ftp denies normal users the
ability to log in if their username is listed in /etc/ftpusers, or if
the user has a non-standard shell.  (A shell is considered
non-standard if it's not listed in /etc/shells).

Could either of these be the case?

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Re: frivolity: the joystick

1998-03-31 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Richard E. Hawkins Esq." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> OK, I had to do it.  Radio shack had $15 joysticks with a $15 rebate, and I 
> took one for the kids machine at home, which runs the darkside
> So now I want to connect it to my machine.  But looking through the kernel 
> build, i see no drivers.
> Is there a way to get it to produce xevents taht I could map to keys?

First you need kernel support for the device - the hardware HOWTO has
location of the patches for the kernel joystick drivers.

Then, I'd suggest checking out the XInput package - I don't use any
XInput devices myself, but it sounds like it might be able to do what
you want.

An altavista search on "linux joystick" can be very informative.

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Re: URGENT: Problems with bash_2.01.1-1_i386.deb pkg.

1998-03-30 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Here's what I'd do - install the ash from hamm, then do:
ln -sf ash /bin/sh
Then, edit your /etc/passwd file (with vi, probably) and change the
top line so that it contains '/bin/ash' instead of '/bin/bash' - root
should now be able to log in, at least.

Damir Naden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ** Confidential **

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Re: simple smail questions

1998-03-29 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Otavio Exel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi all,
> I'm using Debian 1.3 bo with a 2.0.29 kernel; my smail installation is
> preety standard; I have a permanent connection to the internet; smail is
> working fine for most everything here;
> ..but I still have some questions.. see if you can help me, please:
> - I saw a message here stating (not in these words) that "smail is dead;
>   use exim instead"; is it true? I can see that smail is still
>   (according to Debian) the "reccomended MTA for Debian"! note that I'm
>   not spam-asking which one you use! :-)

Well I just switched over to my own hacked version of exim, and I have 
to say that it (now) has almost everything I could want in a mailer.
If my adjustments were cleaner, I'd send them upstream.

> - on the subject of moving files from /var/spool/smail/error to
>   /var/spoll/smail: I did just that yesterday and the files are still
>   there..  I'm afraid my crond is *not* calling runq. how do I make sure
>   runq is beeing called? there is a /etc/smail/crontab but I don't see
>   how crond would find it there..

You shouldn't be moving them to /var/spool/smail/ - you should be
moving them to /var/spool/smail/input/ - and I believe that
/etc/smail/crontab is installed as the crontab for the user mail
during the package install.

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Re: man segmentation fault

1998-03-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Bujtar Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello !
> Today my debian hamm started to fail when i want to see a man page
> Every time i  want to see man pages (any!!!) the result is core dumped.
> Stracing the man the last message is " Updating index cache for path.."
> Any ideas?

As root, run 'mandb -c' - man occasionally gets its index file
corrupted.  This fixes it.

Has anyone put this question in the FAQ-O-Matic yet?

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Re: grabbing root window images.

1998-03-23 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Alexey Vyskubov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a way to grab root window without such sophisticated procedure?

xwd -root > file.xwd

This format is a bit ... obscure, but it can be converted to ppm with
xwdtopnm (in the netpbm package), and you can look at a captured image 
with xwud.  I occasionally do this to get a look at the X screen on a
remote machine:

ssh -C remotemachine 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xwd -root; sleep 30;' | xwud

Also, xwd is free (it's in xbase).

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Re: sendmail ignores /etc/hosts

1998-03-19 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Bob Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> sendmail seems to ignore the entries in /etc/hosts, relying instead on
> doing a DNS lookup for each message.  smail does this also.  Is there a
> way to configure it to look first at /etc/hosts and use the DNS only if
> the address cannot be resolved there?  I assume it doesn't use
> /etc/host.conf, because that already has:
> order hosts,bind
> multi on

Well, with smail when this happens it's because smail is looking for
MX DNS records, not A DNS records; to get smail to use the hosts file
you need to tell it to use the gethostbyname router for certain
locations (you do this by having a gethostbyname router with the
"required" attribute before your other routers).

I suspect that sendmail is doing the same thing - that is, looking for 
MX DNS records, which means bypassing the hosts file.  You need to
somehow tell sendmail to just use gethosbyname() instead of DNS stuff; 
maybe there's a way to have sendmail look for address (A) DNS records, 
which should amount to the same thing as using gethostbyname().

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Re: OFF: Re: viewing binary files

1998-03-16 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I often make a script called my.reset that simply echo's ^O (letter o).
> If this attachment worked right, then you should be able to use it without
> any problem.  Fyi, ^O puts the terminal back into text mode which is the
> only problem I've ever had after reading a binary.

Um... That's not _quite_ correct.  Ctrl/O shifts to the primary
character set, which is usually the right one.  (The escape sequences
necessary to change the primary char. set are rather unlikely to
appear in a binary file, but they can happen - especially if, for
example, the binary was of a program that did a lot of screen
manipulation)  I always go with outputting -c, which resets the
terminal (and ends up clearing the screen too; oh well).

I think the keyboard HOWTO has all sorts of information like this.

(The reason it's so common to need the ^O fix is that to get the
terminal to switch to the secondary character set (which starts out on 
well-behaved terminals as the graphics set) one only needs to send the 
terminal a ^N; assuming characters are evenly distributed in a binary, 
it gives a binary file about a one-in-two chance of leaving the screen 
in a messed-up state).

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Re: Bash 2.01 with bo

1998-03-15 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
cleto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I need to install Bash 2.01 on a Debian 1.3.1 bo-based system.
> How safe is it to use bash-2.01 from bo-unstable? Does anyone have had
> problems with that?
> Thanks for any tip!
> Cleto

I used essentially that same bash 2.01 on my bo box for at least two
months before upgrading to hamm, and never had any problems.  (I did
have a problem upgrading to hamm, but that was because the bash 2.01
package I was using had a version numbering problem which isn't
present in the bo-unstable one)

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Re: Mail getting stuck in .../smail/input

1998-03-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Adrian Monk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am having the problem that some mail (only the occasional message) is
> getting stuck in /var/spool/mail/input. Running mailq gives:
> ABCDEFG-HJKLMNO From: atheris  (in var/spool/smail/imput)
>   Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 22:35:35 + (Local time zone
> must be set--see zic manual page)
>   Args: -t -oem -oMP sendmail
> I can't work this out. In /etc/timezone there appears GMT (correct). And
> what on earth is zic?!
> Eventually the mail disappears, often into some black hole and never to be
> seen again.

Well, more information would be nice.  When mail appears to be stuck
like this, try searching /var/log/smail/logfile for [ABCDEFG-HJKLMNO]
(although in actuality it'll look more like [m0yDUOd-0007EHC]), and
post telling what the logfile has to say about the message.  Then do a 
'runq', and see what the same logfile now says about the message.

smail logfiles are much more informative than mailq output.

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Re: PPP Configuration: Getting Hooked Up to my ISP

1998-03-14 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"M. Fong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Status: Stage 2:  Further along, running into DNS issues
> Thanks for the suggestions thus far:
>   I had a shell script which didn't have the correct 'executable'
> permissions. Something like rw-rw-rw instead of chmod 777
> /etc/ppp/.
> Here is how far I have progressed:
> 1. Executing pppd now dials out (I never got this far in Stage 1 becaues a
> script file did not have execute
> permissions hence it was unable to call chat())
> 2. Logging into the ISP successfully
> 3. PAP authentication works fine
> 4. I can ping the ISP's gateway machine.
> 5. I cannot ping anything that is not localhost or the gateway (see below)
> Ex. 'ping'
> 6. DNS configuration does not seem configured properly. I am inferring this
> by
> comparing my output of ifconfig() and route () with the output example
> in the
> PPP-HOWTO document.

Well, from the transcript you included, I can't tell if problem 6 is
causing problem 5, or vice versa.  Since 'route -n' actually seems to
give reasonable values, could you try 'ping'?  (That
address was one of the DNS servers listed in your original post).

Also, try removing the "domain" statement from /etc/resolv.conf.
"domain" and "search" keywords are mutually exclusive.

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Re: Bitmap files

1998-03-12 Thread Daniel Martin at cush

> Hi,
>I was just wondering if anyone knew of a package for editing scanned in
> images.

The gimp (non-free in bo; free in hamm) is almost certainly what you


p.s. why non-free and then free?  The gimp people stopped using Motif
and wrote their own (GPLed) toolkit.

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Re: [Q] XDM -- how to reconfigure

1998-03-12 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Vladislav Papayan x285 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> When installing debian I was suggested by the installation program to
> use XDM to start X windows.
> I now understand that I do not want that.  However I can only use startx
> command (what I was using
> before the new installation) if logged in as root.  I would like to use
> startx command to start
> xwindows for regular users.   Is there a way to reconfigure xwindows or
> xdm to ask me that
> question about whether I want to use xdm again so I can answer 'No'.

Well, you can run xbase-configure to get asked the question again, but
it's just as easy to edit the config. files yourself.  Just comment
out the line saying "start-xdm" in your /etc/X11/config, and xdm won't 
start up anymore.  To shut down xdm, after having made the change so
that it won't start at boot time, you then still need to do
/etc/init.d/xdm stop
I recommend NOT doing this while logged in through X - use one of the
text consoles (see below).
To allow anyone physically at the machine to start up X windows, not
just root, modify /etc/X11/Xserver and make the second line
"Console".  Anyone logged in to one of the text consoles can now start
X with the "startx" command.

> Another question is: I would like to know whether it is  possible to 
> switch back and forth between Xwindows and a full screen terminal (sort
> of like in
> NT where I can have a full screen command promt and switch from and to
> it).

You can switch to any of the text consoles with Ctrl-Alt-Fn (where n
is from 1 to 6).  You can switch back to X with Ctrl-Alt-F7 (or in
fact, just with Alt-F7 - the reason you need a Ctrl-Alt-Fn instead of
just Alt-Fn to get out of X is that some window managers like to use
the Alt-Fn keys themselves).

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Re: X Window - help!!!

1998-03-12 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Tristan Day " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Being *completely* new to Linux, I thought the Windows-like environment
> would be part of the Debian Installation.
> I guess what I was after was Xwindow/Xfree or something.
> I looked all over the site and searched for both, but can only find
> reference and packages that run ON it rather than xwindow itself...
> How do I get it??

For an X windows install most comfortable to newbies, I'd suggest
first installing xbase, xserver-vga16, xfntbase, and xfnt75.
(Assuming you're using Debian 1.3.1 (i.e. bo), when you select xbase
the other three will be selected for you - just accept what the
conflict resolution screen comes up with).  Although you may opt to
have xdm running at boot time, don't attempt to start it right after
installing the packages (there will be questions about this, all you
have to do is answer "n" at the appropriate time) Then, I'd exit
dselect and run (as root)
this is a graphical program that will let you set up X windows.  (It
should be run during the package install, but the way dselect calls
dpkg results in dpkg setting up xserver-vga16 before xbase, which
makes it not possible to run XF86Setup automatically).  At this point, 
you'll just be running XF86Setup to find out which server you need for 
you graphics card (though to have the setup program work, you will
first have to set up your mouse) - select your card and notice
the error message you get.  It will say something like "... server not
installed" - remember which server it said was needed, and exit
XF86Setup.  Go back in to dselect, and install xserver-... (i.e.
install whichever xserver XF86Setup said you needed).  At this time
also install fvwm-common and fvwm95.  (Or, if you have prior X
experience and prefer a different window manager, whichever you
prefer) When asked whether to make the new xserver the default, say
yes.  Now re-enter XF86Setup and follow it all the way through.  You
can then safely start xdm with
/etc/init.d/xdm start
and you're on your way.  (If you chose not to use xdm, you can start X 
with the command "startx")

If, at any point in this process, your screen suddenly blanks and
doesn't seem to return to normal, this is probably because something
is trying to use X before it's all installed and configured.  Most
likely, this will be xdm.  If this happens, just press Ctrl-Alt-F1 or
Ctrl-Alt-F2 (or F3, 4, 5, or 6) to get back to a text screen, and as
root do:
/etc/init.d/xdm stop
If something else is trying to use X unsuccessfully, there's probably
some text screen with a load of X startup messages on it - find the
screen and press Ctrl-C to stop it.

Finally, for reasons I can't imagine, every now and then XF86Setup
will generate an invalid X configuration file.  The symptom of this is 
that X won't start, and the text screen you used to start X on (or
/var/log/xdm-errors if using xdm) will contain something about there
being no valid video modes.  To fix this, I have always gone in and
editted /etc/X11/XF86Config manually.  What needs to happen is that X
needs to be told that your monitor can do more - go to the Monitor
section, find the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines and make the values
more lenient.  For instance, if the line says:
  HorizSync 32
Change it to:
  HorizSync 31.5-32.5
If your first adjustment doesn't work, try looking through the
messages on X startup and seeing what monitor characteristics are
required for different video modes (the error message will say that a
given video mode is being deleted because it requires such-and-such
horizontal or vertical frequency).

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Re: X at higher resolutions, and embedding lower resolutions

1998-03-11 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Maximiano C. Francisco III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do you enable X to run at say 16 bpp?  I know you can tell X to run
> at 16bpp by running X as:
> X -bpp 16
> But how do you make sure that everytime I log on it goes to this
> resolution automatically?
> Also, I have some applications which run only in 8bpp mode, and I HATE
> having to restart X each time I need to run these apps.  Is there a way
> I can run my default X session in 16 bpp, but still run these 8bpp apps?
> thanx...

Well, you can set the default color depth in XF86Config as someone
else mentioned.  As for running certain apps at different resolutions,
I don't believe that's possible; however, it is possible to run two X
servers at once (on different virtual consoles), each with a different
number of bits per pixel.  (you can then switch between the two with
Ctrl-Alt-F?, where ? is usually 7 or 8)

If you're using startx, and start up one server with:
startx -- -bpp 16   # Or just with "startx" if you've made 16bpp default

You can start up another with:
startx -- :1 -bpp 8

Then, the 16bpp server will start on (probably) VT7, and the 8bpp one
will then start on VT8.  One thing to watch is that you need to run
startx from a text console, not an xterm.  (Unless in /etc/X11/Xserver 
you've said that anybody can start up X).

If you use xdm, you can change the last few lines of /etc/X11/Xservers 
to be:
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -bpp 16 vt07
:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -bpp 8 vt08

In xdm you need to specify explicitly the virtual terminal the server
starts on because xdm will start both servers at once, and they'll end 
up fighting over the first available terminal.

Once you've started both servers, you can switch from one to the other 
as easily as you can change text consoles.   Not quite what you
wanted, but workable.

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Re: default blanking

1998-03-10 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Steve Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> tko,
>   setterm -blank 0
> Steve Mayer
> >
> > I know that this has been asked before, but please refresh my
> > memory...  The default screen blanking is shutting off the X
> > windows display preventing the long term usage of the screen
> > savers. How do I disable the console default blanking so that I can
> > use the screen savers instead? Thanks.

No, what you want is "xset s off" - the setterm line is for text
consoles.  (The blanking of the X screen is not actually the same as
the blanking that happens on text consoles).  While you're looking at
that, you may want to check out "xset +dpms" - a better blanking for
power-saving monitors.  (test it with "xset dpms force standby")  As
always, the man page (for xset) will give you more information.

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Re: network problem

1998-03-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Florian Attenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I´m connected to my isp via isdn.
> > Every 20 minutes my computer dials out and in dont know why.
> Looks like your MTA. If you use smail, check the crontab in /etc/smail.

If you determine that it is smail, and your smail setup is sending all 
of your mail through a smarthost, then you can try entering a numeric
IP address for the name of the machine through which you send all your 
mail.  That is, if you have something like:
driver=smarthost, transport=smtprewriter;

In your /etc/smail/routers file, then you can replace it with
something like:
driver=smarthost, transport=smtprewriter;

Where instead of "" you should use the IP address of your 
ISP's smtp host.  This has the slight disadvantage that it needs to be 
changed if your ISP moves things around.

(I haven't tried this myself, but see no reason why it shouldn't work)

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Re: Smail/Sendmail Question

1998-03-09 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if the following is possible using either Smail or Sendmail,
> What I want to do is to use smail or sendmail mail to deliver my internet
> email,  The problem I have is that I need one of these packages to deliver any
> local mail or network mail to the appropriate user/server, but to queue all
> internet email until my dialup connection is established using ppp, I also 
> need
> smail or sendmail to change the "from" address of the email to the address of
> my internet email account, (i.e. email bound for the internet needs the "From"
> address changed from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which is my Linux box to
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" my internet email account).
> Is this possible?  if so how.  

Sort of; that is, I've got an smail system on my machine that does
this (it's described in - 
however, I don't know how well that setup fares under the smail from
hamm.  (I've put smail on hold until I have time to deal with it
potentially breaking when I go full hamm - I still use the smail from

The smail setup I use can easily be modified so that mail to a certain
collection of destination addresses doesn't result in rewritten
headers - all you need to do is copy the "smtp" transport from the
default /etc/smail/transports, and then set up routes in
/etc/smail/routers to handle it; for example, an /etc/smail/routers
file of:
# Your comment here

# Deliver my own network directly - don't rewrite
driver=gethostbyname, transport=smtp;

# Outside world - rewrite and send it to for delivery
driver=smarthost, transport=smtprewriter;

You don't need to use a smarthost, but it's probably a good idea for
an intermittently-connected site.

Now I should point out that there are still some things I don't
completely like about this system, and anti-spam stuff on your ISP's
smtp server could screw things up - specifically, if your ISP rejects
mail based on the envelope from address (the address given in the smtp 
MAIL FROM: command), as that can't be rewritten.

Assuming that usernames are synchronized across your LAN, you may want
to set up the smail on machines that are not the gateway using the
"satellite" option of smailconfig; I don't really have much experience
with that option.  In any case, what you probably want to end up with
on these non-gateway machines is a smartuser directive in
/etc/smail/directors and a smarthost router in /etc/smail/routers
sending everything on to your gateway machine, and the local_xform
option on the smtp transport in /etc/smail/transports.

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Re: 80M Thanks, and new question :)

1998-03-03 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
"Russ Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have numerous packages installed on my system.  In the case of the
> xserver-svga package, the version number of the Bo package was higher than
> that of the Hamm package, and it was not apparent to me that I needed to
> reinstall it.  Is there a script similar to which will examine my
> system and compare my installed packages against the available Hamm
> packages, and tell me which ones need to be upgraded?

This sounds like the job dselect was designed for.

> BTW, I still can't email out from Linux using Pine and Sendmail.  I have to
> use Windows :(.  The problem seems to be in my username and domain.  My ISP
> doesn't recognize me.

Sigh... it seems as though everyone's having this problem lately.

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Re: Netscape fails to automatically open ps, ram, ...

1998-03-03 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Bob Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Fernando Tadeu C Brandt wrote:
> > Netscape is showing the following error box when I try to open 
> > postscripts, sound file, etc:
> > 
> > sh: -c line 1: missing closing ')' for arithmetic expression
> > sh: -c line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
> > sh: -c line 1: '((gv /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1); rm /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1 )&'
> This is the classic symptom of running the somewhat-buggy bash-2.0 in bo.
> I would suggest upgrading to hamm to get around this.  There is a bo
> version of bash-2.05 around which provides a workaround, but you have to
> be very careful when you do upgrade to hamm if you have that version
> installed (I found out the hard way). 

Actually, that's bash-2.01 and the problems with it when upgrading to
hamm have been resolved (version numbering things).  There is now a
bash-2.01 in

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Re: smail (again..... sheesh..)

1998-03-03 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Beattie) writes:

> Okay... over the last 2-3 months I have been subscribed to this list, I
> have noticed a predominant percentage of messages are about smail, and
> it's configuration.
> Obviously, I have a question. What I would like to know is what are
> peoples opinion's on their own configurations, and what the pro's and
> con's are. One I can think of; Daniel's rewriting of /etc/smail/config
> every login, versus having visible_name set to your ISP's domain, to
> have a valid hostname. (All of these questions relate to dial-up 
> configurations)

Well, I can give you some advantages/disadvantages of what I do.  The
advantage is that Sender: addresses are always correct in some sense,
and the envelope From: address seems to be written correctly as
well.  The disadvantage is that re-running smailconfig breaks this
setup (or rather, anything you get by running smailconfig is wiped out 
at the next ip-up).  It's probably the wrong thing to do for someone
whose box only ever has one user who's sending mail.

> Another question is, what is better: using a smarthost for all mail, or
> for mail that fails? opinions here

Well... any mail composed while offline is just going to end up going
through the smarthost anyway, so why not use a smarthost all the time?
The only time I'd consider not using a smarthost for all mail (for a
dialup ppp box) would be when one's smarthost was notoriously slow.

> What would people suggest in my situation, where my ISP's SMTP server
> does not mind invalid hostnames? should I just use it as a smarthost,
> and forget about visible_name? I have not understood how to set up a
> smarthost, how is this done?

Yep.  Setting this situation up is easy - in smailconfig choose the
"internet site" option, give your ISP's name as your visible name, and
enter their smtp server as your smarthost.  Or, if you insist on
editing your /etc/smail/routers file directly, replace all routes with 
this one:

driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;

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Re: Lee: Re: smail Solution for Dynamic IP's

1998-03-02 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Bradshaw) writes:

> Well thanks to help from Art, Carey, Daniel, and Martin I think we have
> the problem narrowed down to the envelope sender (MAIL FROM: in the
> SMTP dialog).  If I connect to the mail server with telnet as Carey
> suggested, everything is fine.  Netscape also has no problem generating
> mail with the correct headers.  Is there a way to get smail to use the
> From: line as the MAIL FROM: line?

Short answer: no.
This is one of the many reasons I think a new mailer is needed for
dailup addresses.

However, if smail is handed a from address (either by the SMTP "MAIL
FROM:" command or by the "-f" or "-r" option to the senmail command),
smail will use that address.  Therefore it may be perfectly possible
to convince your MUA to hand smail a from address.

One thing I'm also doing is rewriting my smail config file each time
ppp goes up so that my visible_name is set to the current value
(e.g.; this value is also stored in /etc/mailname.

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