Re: Question on libc5 5.4.33-5

1997-07-24 Thread Scott K. Ellis

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, G. Kapetanios wrote:

> I am trynig to upgrade my libc5 to 5.4.33-5 from unstable 
> When  I do dpkg it tries to replace libc5-dev with libc5-altdev . However
> stuff dependes on libc5-dev and dpkg doesn't know that libc5-altdev
> contains the same stuff as libc5-dev . So it crushes I tried to remove
> anything that dependes on libc5-dev before changing to libc5-altdev but
> but I get an unspecifief post-installation error when I try to replace
> libc5-5.23 with libc5-33.3-5

The thing is, libc5-altdev DOESN'T contain exactly the same information as
libc5-dev, it is a seperate package and all the include information and
such is in a new tree.  This is due to our migration of the next release
of Debian to the new libc6 (glibc2), while preserving the capability to
continue to compile and develop libc5 stuff as well.  Unfortunatly,
librarys that were compiled with libc5 may be subtly incompatible with

Basically, the upgrade to the development set of unstable requires you to
remove all of your old dev packages and replace them.  I'd suggest you
read debian-devel or its archives for further information.  Also note that
we aren't completely finished migrating the libraries, so if you use some
estoric libraries, you may have to wait.

- -- 
   |   The bond that links your true family is not
Scott K. Ellis |  one of blood, but of respect and joy in each
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | other's life. Rarely do members of one
   |   family grow up under the same roof.
   |  -- Illusions

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Question on libc5 5.4.33-5

1997-07-24 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am trynig to upgrade my libc5 to 5.4.33-5 from unstable 
When  I do dpkg it tries to replace libc5-dev with libc5-altdev . However
stuff dependes on libc5-dev and dpkg doesn't know that libc5-altdev
contains the same stuff as libc5-dev . So it crushes I tried to remove
anything that dependes on libc5-dev before changing to libc5-altdev but
but I get an unspecifief post-installation error when I try to replace
libc5-5.23 with libc5-33.3-5

Any help would be appreciated 

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

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