Re: Visual D 1.0.0 released

2020-07-04 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 4/7/20 15:00, Rainer Schuetze wrote:


after having passed the 10 year anniversary of public availability
recently, it is finally time to release version 1.0 of Visual D, the
Visual Studio extension that adds D language support to VS 2008-2019.

You can find the installer at

Highlights from this release:

- semantic engine based on dmd front end now enabled by default and
updated to 2.092. If you are low on memory or run a 32-bit Windows, you
should switch back to the legacy engine.

- debugger extension mago will now evaluate struct or class properties
(methods or fields) __debugOverview, __debugExpanded and __debugTextView
to customize the debugger display. mago can even display forward ranges
as a list, but that is currently rather slow, so it is disabled by
default (see debugger options).

- the bar on the top of the edit window now displays the current edit
scope and allows faster navigation within a source file (needs the dmd
based engine)

- ever wondered how to navigate to the type of a variable declared by
`auto` inference? clicking an identifier in a tool tip from intellisense
will now jump to its definition (only with the dmd based engine)

See for
the complete list of changes.


Looks great!

I could only see windows installers though, and at first sight it seems 
to be Win only... is there any chance it would work with VSCode for 
linux / VSCodium (even if built manually)?

Re: A security review of the D library Crypto

2020-07-01 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 1/7/20 9:19, Cym13 wrote:
As some of you may know one of my hobbies is to review open source 
software for security issues. About a year ago I reviewed the RSA 
implementation of Crypto[1]: a native D library which, according to dub 
statistics, is fairly popular.

Issues were found and after discussion with the author I decided to wait 
for them to be fixed. A year later I would like to present the results 
of an updated review of the library:

Here's what you should know if you are a user:

RSA, as implemented in the library, is still very much broken. I do not 
recommend using it. The confidentiality and integrity of all messages 
exchanged using this library must be questionned: if you exchanged 
sensitive information such as passwords using it I recommend to change 
them since their security is not guaranteed.

“Is this really the place to have this discussion? Shouldn't this be 
between the author and you?“

The author was contacted a year ago and although our discussion was kind 
and productive I have not heard from him since. Most of the issues 
present today were already present in my first assessment. Some 
modifications were made, but most recommendations were ignored. After a 
year without action I feel that the users should know exactly what they 
are exposed to since they are the ones affected by these security 
issues. This follows standard vulnerability disclosure processes.

For all details and analysis I direct you to the blog post. It is a 
rather thorough and technical read so I would recommend grabbing a cup 
of tea first.

If you find any mistake or unclear parts I'll be glad to correct it so 
feel free to point it out. Furthermore if you would like someone to have 
a look at your project to identify issues I am always glad to help free 
and open source projects that can't afford security review through 
traditional means so feel free to reach out.


As somebody who also was somewhat involved in infosec and cryptography 
in a previous life, I found your article really interesting. So, first 
of all, thanks for taking the time to do the review and for publishing 
the results!

I see that you mostly focus on the algorithms, but did you also check 
for side-channel attacks (for instance, timing attacks), or given the 
flaws already found it would make little sense to go deeper?

I find that following a well-known algorithm is just the easy part when 
implementing crypto... the hard one is ironing out those pesky 
"implementation details". That's one of the reasons why I would try to 
use one of the "big" libraries for cryptography instead of rolling out 
my own, even if it meant adding an external C/C++ dependency to my project.

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-27 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 27/5/20 11:50, Walter Bright wrote:

It is a fair point. But I am looking a bit farther than that - the team 
that is responsible for QAing software (sometimes it is a separate 
team). The QA team cannot tell the difference between correctly 
annotated @trusted code and greenwashed code.

This is a most unsubstantiated assertion.

If this were the case, I would have to wonder what the QA team is there 
for, if they can just be replaced by an automatic lint tool.

*AND* even if that were so, see below:

But they can tell when code is not annotated (no, it is not harder to 
do, the annotations are designed to not be hidden - annotations cannot 
be hidden by the preprocessor nor are they propagated from imports. They 
have to be there, and if grep doesn't find them, they are not there. 
I've never had any difficulty finding the annotations belonging to a 

Then the coder just slaps `@safe:`, `@trusted:`, or whatever 
greenwashing you were trying to avoid, and we're just back to square one 
since, per your previous assertion, QA can't notice the difference.

Heck, in such an environment I might slap `@trusted:` just in case at 
the beginning of each and every file and live in a land of bliss thereafter!

Un-annotated C declarations should be a red flag to any competent QA 
team. Recognizing a false @trusted is a whole lot harder.

Exactly, which is why they should be disallowed by the compiler. 
Considering them `@system` by default is a way to do it. Another 
(perhaps even better) already proposed one would be to actually consider 
them `@safe`, but disallow `@safe` declarations where the code can't be 
analyzed by the compiler (it would be debatable if the mangling should 
be enough or not).

BTW, one good thing that has come out of this issue is people are 
strongly in favor of what @safe does. That bodes well for DIP1000 and 
the @live code, for a long time I seemed to be the only one who cared 
about it.

Being in favour of what @safe purports to do and in favour of what it 
actually does are two very different things. The whole selling point of 
@safe used to be "you're only responsible for `@trusted` code, now 
that's no longer true (or at least even less, if we account for the 
already existing holes).

The direction of travel is opposite to the announced destination.

I also have no problem if the D style checker checked for un-annotated C 
declarations. That's the kind of thing it's for.

So, if you leave them for the style checker that means that you envision 
cases where this could be the desired behaviour, otherwise you should 
just let the compiler error.

What would these cases look like? Because I can't imagine any.

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-23 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24/5/20 5:28, Walter Bright wrote:

I'd like to emphasize:

1. It is not possible for the compiler to check any declarations where 
the implementation is not available. Not in D, not in any language. 
Declaring a declaration safe does not make it safe.

Here, I agree with Timon: only @system and @trusted should be possible, 
and in my personal view it should be mandatory to annotate external 
declarations. If not, at least default to `@system`.

2. If un-annotated declarations cause a compile time error, it is highly 
likely the programmer will resort to "greenwashing" - just slapping 
@safe on it. I've greenwashed code. Atila has. Bruce Eckel has. We've 
all done it. Sometimes even for good reasons.

So the compiler helpfully does the "greenwashing" for us. How is that an 
improvement in any way?

3. Un-annotated declarations are easily detectable in a code review.

No, they are not. If somebody slaps `@trusted:` at the beginning of a 
file, that's a conscious decision, there will be a commit for that. 
Fingers can be pointed and questions asked.

If the compiler silently does it's highly likely that many people won't 
notice, and at the very least there will be plausible deniability 
("sure, boss, I didn't know you had to slap `@system` to our C 
declarations, also, I was using @safe and the compiler didn't complain").

4. Greenwashing is not easily detectable in a code review.

I would say that greping for `@trusted:` is no that hard. I'm pretty 
sure tools like d-scanner are more than able to catch the more advanced 

5. Greenwashing doesn't fix anything. The code is not safer. It's an 
illusion, not a guarantee.

Yet the compiler will just do it, breaking all the promises for `@safe` 
code in the process. Now the whole `@safe` concept becomes the same 

6. If someone cares to annotate declarations, it means he has at least 
thought about it, because he doesn't need to. Hence it's more likely to 
be correct than when greenwashed.


How come this doesn't apply to the compiler?

7. D should *not* make it worthwhile for people to greenwash code.

Then just disallow blanket greenwashing at all. You're just making the 
case for forbidding `@trusted:`, and that's something I'd totally support.

Or make it so that function declarations need

It is, in a not-at-all obvious way, safer for C declarations to default 
to being safe.

It's definitely one of most not-obvious things I've ever seen here.

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-23 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24/5/20 0:38, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 24.05.20 00:17, Arafel wrote:

On 24/5/20 0:02, ag0aep6g wrote:

... and @system static constructors and `--boundscheck=off` and 
initializers of globals

Other than `--boundscheck=off`, that is presumably actively chosen by 
the user (as is @trust), would the others be allowed without 
`@trusted` in otherwise 100% @safe code?

Yup. Today they can be unmarked, defaulting to @system. With DIP 1028, 
they can be explicitly marked @system. Either way, they don't show up 
when you only look for "@trusted".

I would find concerning that any @system code is allowed, but I guess 
initializers of globals should be ok as long as they are @safe 

As long as they're @safe, sure. But they can also be @system.

An example:

const int x = 42;
const int y = 43;

void main() @safe
     import std.stdio;
     writeln(x, " ", y); /* Prints "42 43" as expected. */
     auto px = &x;
     auto py = &y;
     writeln(*px, " ", *py); /* Prints "13 14". Wat? */

int* p = cast(int*) &x;
static this() @system { *p = 13; *++p = 14; }

I find this... disturbing... what is worse, it also happens with 

Then there should most definitely be a list of features to look (in 
addition to `@trusted`) if you want to make sure your `@safe` code is 
actually safe.

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-23 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 24/5/20 0:02, ag0aep6g wrote:

... and @system static constructors and `--boundscheck=off` and 
initializers of globals

Other than `--boundscheck=off`, that is presumably actively chosen by 
the user (as is @trust), would the others be allowed without `@trusted` 
in otherwise 100% @safe code?

I would find concerning that any @system code is allowed, but I guess 
initializers of globals should be ok as long as they are @safe themselves?

Re: DIP1028 - Rationale for accepting as is

2020-05-23 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 23/5/20 20:40, Johannes T wrote:

On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 01:22:19 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I have made these points before, but I'll summarize them here
for convenient referral.

Thank you for the detailed and insightful explanation.
Would it be feasible to have a follow-up DIP that enables implicit 
@system extern as an opt-in (e.g. -nosafeextern). The frustration most 
people seem to have with @safe extern is that it lessens the promise of 
@safe without a recourse.

Also there will need to be an answer to this probably inthe future not 
unusual question:

My code is 100% @safe, there's no @trusted block anywhere, why am I 
getting memory corruption?

To me the expectation / promise was that @safe code was safe from memory 
corruption modulo bugs in the implementation.

The only source for issues would be then @trusted code that could be 
audited as needed.

You could say "well, you always had to check for those", but the 
difference is that until now the compiler would shout at me if I didn't, 
so I wouldn't forget about them.

Now it has to be clearly explained that you should check for @trusted 
code AND unmarked external C functions.

Re: Encouraging preliminary results implementing memcpy in D

2018-06-15 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce
Well, e-mail was never meant to be reliable or secure... BTW, there are 
already solutions to prevent impersonation: sign the messages with 
either PGP or S/MIME... the former is more decentralised, and the later 
usually comes together with stronger verifications, like personal 
identification of the sender (I mean, whoever issues the certificate for 
S/MIME should ideally check your name, etc.) :-)

Although admittedly that'd work only for the NNTP / mailing list, I 
don't know how that could be adapted to the web "forum" interface...

On 06/14/2018 05:59 AM, Cym13 wrote:

Hopefully once that particular user gets discouraged or we find a way to 
actually avoid user impersonification, then things will be able to come 
back to normal.

Re: DIP1004: Inherited Constructors

2016-11-29 Thread Arafel via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 28 November 2016 at 02:38:00 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
DIP 1004 is merged to the queue and open for public informal 


Initial merged document:

If you want the change to be approved and have ideas how to 
improve it to better match on and 
existing published reviews - please submit new PR with 
editorial and ping original author.

I think I might be a bit late to the party, and I'm still quite 
new in D... but wouldn't a variadic template constructor work? 
The usual rules of templates would still let you override a 
constructor if needed.

class A {
this() { }
this(int a) { }
class B : A {
// Here we inherit all of A's constructors.
this(Args...)(Args args) {
this(string s) { }
void main() {
B b1 = new B(42);
B b2 = new B("foo");

I've been playing with it, and the only problems I can see are 
with specialization and casting (i.e. B defines this(float), but 
you want to call A's this(int), the int will be promoted to float 
and B's version will be used). A way of disabling them would be 
needed, though... perhaps assert(0)?