Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread David Fogel
Hi All-

Well, I almost can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd like to weigh in
on the side of considering Annotation-based approaches to writing
resources in Restlet.  (Although I'm not so sure about Jerome's
current plan.)

I've mostly disliked, and sometimes despised, the use of Annotations
in most of the places I've encountered them, for many of the same
reasons some of you have mentioned.  I don't like the way they're used
in hibernate and JPA (predicting what will happen with those annotated
classes is difficult), I was initially excited by the idea of all-java
config in google's Guice framework until I realized what my classes
would look like with all the annotations.  And I don't even really
like the simple @Override convention for labeling methods (I figure
the tools could probably figure it out without the annotation).

But a few months ago I forced myself to read through the JX-RS spec in
a fit of due-diligence, while at the same time going through the
process of re-familiarizing myself with the state of the Restlet
project, which I hadn't looked at since before 1.1.  And it modified
my thoughts on annotations.

(It turns out the JAX-RS spec is unusually short and comprehensible,
which is unusual for these enterprisey specs.  The downside is that
it's short partly because they left out a little too much, and JAX-RS
is essentially not a stand-alone technology, you pretty much need some
sort of injection container around it, which the spec ignores, and
therefore there's effectively no way to write portable jax-rs code for
any application that does anything interesting, like accessing stored
data, for instance.)

Both Restlet and Jax-RS provide a framework for implementing
conceptual resources as sets of handler methods on a java class. From
the perspective of the resource class author, these handler methods
are the main public api of your class- routing happens somewhere else
in the container.  Additionally, both Restlet and JAX-RS recommend
that these Resource instances be per-request in scope, so they really
don't have much of a lifecycle, or many reciprocal interactions with
other parts of the application.

By the time any of the custom handler methods get called, all the
routing and much of the details of the HTTP protocol have been taken
care of by the container.  The main difference between JAX-RS and
Restlet is that JAX-RS puts as much of the code to handle the content
negotiation and other protocol issues into the container (and so
alllows its Resource classes to be superclass-less "POJOs"), while
Restlet puts this code into the mandated Resource (now ServerResource)
base-classes, where it is more accessible and allows greater

Anyhow, my point is that the main challenge seems to me to be in
sorting out which of the handler methods should get called.  And this
ends up being all about "metadata"- the metadata of the conceptual
Resource combining with the metadata attached to the HTTP requests.

And one problem for people trying to automate the mapping of requests
onto java methods is that, until recently, java methods didn't provide
much in the way of places to stick data about themselves.  I am
personally guilty of having written frameworks that resorted to method
naming patterns as a way around this, and it's, well, not elegant.

But if there's one appropriate use of Annotations it might be to add
data _about_ methods, specifically _public_ methods.  (The reason I
don't like seeing annotations used to decorate private member fields
is that these fields are supposed to be private, hidden implementation
details, not something for outside things to mess around with.)

There's really no way of getting around the need to associate some
data (like "text/html") with some handler method.  And if you don't
use annotations to do this, then you have to capture that association
in what becomes effectively routing code.

I did a number of experiments comparing how to implement the same
resources in Restlet and in Jax-RS, and for the most part the only
difference was the presence of this routing code in the Restlet
version, which got replaced by a couple of easy-to-understand

So, to sum up what has been a much-too-long post, I'm convinced that
it's desireable to attempt to replace the unavoidable writing of
routing code with annotations on target methods, as long as the
annotations are clear, self-explanatory, and don't try to hide too
much magic.

-Dave Fogel


Re: Restlet and Large PUT requests

2009-04-08 Thread Donald S Strong

I would look at Chunked Transfer as described in the HTTP spec.
Does anyone know if Restlet supports this?


 Stephan Koops 
 Sent by:  
 stephan.ko...@web  cc 
   Re: Restlet and Large PUT requests  
 08/04/09 02:17 AM 
 Please respond to 


because it seems to me, you get no answer until now, here a possibility:
You use the representation, and write into or write from its InputStream
/ Reader.

best regards
Stephan schrieb:
> Greetings,
> I am new to Restlet and am not sure how to solve this problem, or if
Restlet is capable of doing what I am after:
> I need to be able to generate a PUT request that has a large (500mb+)
amount of text. The text its self is generated on the fly (not from a file
on disk).
> I then need to be able to have a Restlet server that accepts this large
PUT request without having to read the entire request into memory first (I
currently plan on streaming it back out to a physical file).
> Anyone have any ideas on how to do the above using the Restlet
client/server libraries?
> --



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Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron

put, Rob.

have to agree in the general sense. I'd even add that annotations are
one of the most abused features in Java, and I often regret their
introduction into the language. For every problem solved elegantly with
an annotation, you'd find ten solutions made worse. Sometimes, I even
miss the days where everything was turned into an XML configuration.
I've seen JEE projects mixing JSF, Spring and other annotation-based
data frameworks until methods accumulated ten different annotations!
How does that help anyone?

of why I prefer Java, as a language, to other languages in the C family
is that it doesn't have things like operator overriding or hidden
finalizers or magic run-time type information handling. In Java, you
always can tell immediately what methods are being called in a section
of code. Compare with C++ or C# where a section of code might have
hidden method calls that aren't apparent without a very smartly
colorizing IDE. C++ is probably the most easy-to-abuse language for
this reason.

let's focus on the very specific use for annotations in the case of
ServerResource: they save you from writing your own switching method.
Without annotations, you would have to override a method (actually,
you'd need to override several at the moment -- the non-annotated
ServerResource is still a bit of a mess right now), do your own
checking of variants or whatever, and from there call the appropriate
method. The annotations handle that boilerplate code for you.

rule of thumb for good annotations, as far as I'm concerned, is that
you can look at the annotation and still in your mind clearly see what
the boilerplate code would look like. The moment you get into magical
"it just works" mechanisms, I turn into Rob. :) POJOs magically
serializing themselves into databases or flying about as part of EJB
transactions sounds nice until the first bug appears. And then you
would give your left leg for regular, non-generic, procedural code you
can look at with your own two eyes.

it stands, ServerResource annotations are just at about the tipping
point for me. There are two different modes supported in the background
(negotiated and conditional) in addition to annotated vs.
non-annotated, and I honestly have no clue what goes on unless I step
slowly with the debugger.

I'm sure things will get a lot clearer as we reach the 1.2 release.
But, you did ask for feedback, so here it is. Java developers are a
skeptical bunch. If we believed in magic, we'd be programming in Ruby.


Rob Heittman wrote:

JAX-RS = JSR 311.  JAX-RS is available as a Restlet
  I'll point out one elephant in the room, though: the JAX-RS
extension has not yet received the same level of attention as other
Restlet extensions that were developed by the core Noelios team.  Even
the Restlet-GWT extension I lead was mainly ported by Jerome ... I just
helped over implementation hurdles and provided concrete use cases and
documentation.  Anyway.  The JAX-RS extension doesn't feel as
"finished" as the core of the project, because it's not.  This probably
ain't right.
  Also: JAX-RS feels a lot to me like JPA.  I can mark up any old
POJO with annotations that brilliantly, even miraculously generate glue
for a particular paradigm (REST or relational persistence).  But, to
me, either one still amounts to a very lovely, silver filigreed,
impeccably wrought glue gun.
  If I'm writing RESTful web services, I want a thoroughly RESTful
architecture surrounding me, dammit ... which is what Restlet provides.
 I want my Resources to know all about it and leverage it to the hilt.
 They are where the rubber meets the road; where the underlying system
is modeled in a RESTful way.
  So I'm kind of like Lars here, a conscientious annotation
objector  :-)  But I also think I see what Jerome is doing too --
providing annotations that aren't meant to be a generalized glue gun,
but a way to straightforwardly tell Restlet things that might take a
lot of boilerplate to do otherwise.  This is a neat idea.  It seems
like it's not meant to be a generic "RESTify your POJO" mechanism --
which JAX-RS already is -- but a way to author Restlet Resources with
less effort and perhaps even less pratfalls.  I haven't played with it
enough to know whether it fills that role effectively ... I may not get
a chance before it's too late to really comment.
  The broader concern I have ...  well, I vainly think I see the
point of the new Resource annotations because I have become a hard core
Restlet developer.  Still, what does a newbie think?  It's confusing to
have two slightly different annotation systems in play at once.  It
looks like Restlet is taking on JAX-RS with an alternative, and the
user must choose one.  The message traffic seems to reflect this
confusion is already happening.  I think having a Restlet @Get("form")
and a JAX-RS @GET is probably more confusion than a lot of folks can

Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread John D. Mitchell
+1 I.e., what Rob said.

Take care,

On Apr 8, 2009, at 17:15 , Rob Heittman wrote:

> JAX-RS = JSR 311.  JAX-RS is available as a Restlet extension.
> I'll point out one elephant in the room, though: the JAX-RS  
> extension has not yet received the same level of attention as other  
> Restlet extensions that were developed by the core Noelios team.   
> Even the Restlet-GWT extension I lead was mainly ported by  
> Jerome ... I just helped over implementation hurdles and provided  
> concrete use cases and documentation.  Anyway.  The JAX-RS extension  
> doesn't feel as "finished" as the core of the project, because it's  
> not.  This probably ain't right.
> Also: JAX-RS feels a lot to me like JPA.  I can mark up any old POJO  
> with annotations that brilliantly, even miraculously generate glue  
> for a particular paradigm (REST or relational persistence).  But, to  
> me, either one still amounts to a very lovely, silver filigreed,  
> impeccably wrought glue gun.
> If I'm writing RESTful web services, I want a thoroughly RESTful  
> architecture surrounding me, dammit ... which is what Restlet  
> provides.  I want my Resources to know all about it and leverage it  
> to the hilt.  They are where the rubber meets the road; where the  
> underlying system is modeled in a RESTful way.
> So I'm kind of like Lars here, a conscientious annotation  
> objector  :-)  But I also think I see what Jerome is doing too --  
> providing annotations that aren't meant to be a generalized glue  
> gun, but a way to straightforwardly tell Restlet things that might  
> take a lot of boilerplate to do otherwise.  This is a neat idea.  It  
> seems like it's not meant to be a generic "RESTify your POJO"  
> mechanism -- which JAX-RS already is -- but a way to author Restlet  
> Resources with less effort and perhaps even less pratfalls.  I  
> haven't played with it enough to know whether it fills that role  
> effectively ... I may not get a chance before it's too late to  
> really comment.
> The broader concern I have ...  well, I vainly think I see the point  
> of the new Resource annotations because I have become a hard core  
> Restlet developer.  Still, what does a newbie think?  It's confusing  
> to have two slightly different annotation systems in play at once.   
> It looks like Restlet is taking on JAX-RS with an alternative, and  
> the user must choose one.  The message traffic seems to reflect this  
> confusion is already happening.  I think having a Restlet  
> @Get("form") and a JAX-RS @GET is probably more confusion than a lot  
> of folks can swallow.
> Hibernate seems to have played it well by heavily internalizing the  
> JPA spec, using JPA where it fits, and providing custom annotations  
> where it doesn't.  Maybe wrapping JAX-RS in a tighter embrace and  
> making it more core to Restlet is part of the solution.
> Or, to solve the confusion, it may be as simple as modulating the  
> annotation names.  I don't know:  @ResourceGets("form") instead of  
> @Get("form") or such.  This would make clear that it's a Restlet  
> thing and not an abstract standards-driven RESTful markup thing.
> Anyway ... my personal preference is to leave the darned things out  
> entirely, so perhaps I oughtn't to be operating my keyboard to  
> comment on this.  I only like to use annotations for purely compile- 
> time code management purposes (@ThreadSafe, @SuppressWarnings) and  
> not really ever for functional purposes.  Pass the boilerplate and a  
> side of fries.
> - Rob
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Erik Beeson   
> wrote:
> Jerome was on the JSR 311 expert group but Restlet doesn't support it?
> --Erik
> 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 
> I can see that Jérôme has already answered a great deal of my  
> questions in this thread :)
> Rémi
> 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 
> Hello,
> I struggle to get convinced to the use of annotations for resources  
> from all I can read from various threads.
> I have the feeling to lose most of the reasons to use Java.  
> MediaTypes are strings, I find the implementation a bit tricky with  
> reflection forced to be cached to be fast, classloaders issues. I  
> guess there is a rule to handle annotations with class hierarchies,  
> etc.
> I totally understand that some people like annotations and the work  
> it has triggered was a good way to get the resource API even better.
> What are the benefits of using annotations with Restlet ?
> Restlet annotations are a competitor of JAXRS, right ? To what  
> extend is it better ?
> Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet  
> application ?
> What are the other planned uses of annotations ?
> Regards,
> Rémi


Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Rob Heittman
JAX-RS = JSR 311.  JAX-RS is available as a Restlet extension.
I'll point out one elephant in the room, though: the JAX-RS extension has
not yet received the same level of attention as other Restlet extensions
that were developed by the core Noelios team.  Even the Restlet-GWT
extension I lead was mainly ported by Jerome ... I just helped over
implementation hurdles and provided concrete use cases and documentation.
 Anyway.  The JAX-RS extension doesn't feel as "finished" as the core of the
project, because it's not.  This probably ain't right.

Also: JAX-RS feels a lot to me like JPA.  I can mark up any old POJO with
annotations that brilliantly, even miraculously generate glue for a
particular paradigm (REST or relational persistence).  But, to me, either
one still amounts to a very lovely, silver filigreed, impeccably wrought
glue gun.

If I'm writing RESTful web services, I want a thoroughly RESTful
architecture surrounding me, dammit ... which is what Restlet provides.  I
want my Resources to know all about it and leverage it to the hilt.  They
are where the rubber meets the road; where the underlying system is modeled
in a RESTful way.

So I'm kind of like Lars here, a conscientious annotation objector  :-)  But
I also think I see what Jerome is doing too -- providing annotations that
aren't meant to be a generalized glue gun, but a way to straightforwardly
tell Restlet things that might take a lot of boilerplate to do otherwise.
 This is a neat idea.  It seems like it's not meant to be a generic "RESTify
your POJO" mechanism -- which JAX-RS already is -- but a way to author
Restlet Resources with less effort and perhaps even less pratfalls.  I
haven't played with it enough to know whether it fills that role effectively
... I may not get a chance before it's too late to really comment.

The broader concern I have ...  well, I vainly think I see the point of the
new Resource annotations because I have become a hard core Restlet
developer.  Still, what does a newbie think?  It's confusing to have two
slightly different annotation systems in play at once.  It looks like
Restlet is taking on JAX-RS with an alternative, and the user must choose
one.  The message traffic seems to reflect this confusion is already
happening.  I think having a Restlet @Get("form") and a JAX-RS @GET is
probably more confusion than a lot of folks can swallow.

Hibernate seems to have played it well by heavily internalizing the JPA
spec, using JPA where it fits, and providing custom annotations where it
doesn't.  Maybe wrapping JAX-RS in a tighter embrace and making it more core
to Restlet is part of the solution.

Or, to solve the confusion, it may be as simple as modulating the annotation
names.  I don't know:  @ResourceGets("form") instead of @Get("form") or
such.  This would make clear that it's a Restlet thing and not an abstract
standards-driven RESTful markup thing.

Anyway ... my personal preference is to leave the darned things out
entirely, so perhaps I oughtn't to be operating my keyboard to comment on
this.  I only like to use annotations for purely compile-time code
management purposes (@ThreadSafe, @SuppressWarnings) and not really ever for
functional purposes.  Pass the boilerplate and a side of fries.

- Rob

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Erik Beeson  wrote:

> Jerome was on the JSR 311 expert group but Restlet doesn't support it?
> --Erik
> 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 
>> I can see that Jérôme has already answered a great deal of my questions in
>> this thread :)
>> Rémi
>> 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 
>> Hello,
>>> I struggle to get convinced to the use of annotations for resources from
>>> all I can read from various threads.
>>> I have the feeling to lose most of the reasons to use Java. MediaTypes
>>> are strings, I find the implementation a bit tricky with reflection forced
>>> to be cached to be fast, classloaders issues. I guess there is a rule to
>>> handle annotations with class hierarchies, etc.
>>> I totally understand that some people like annotations and the work it
>>> has triggered was a good way to get the resource API even better.
>>> What are the benefits of using annotations with Restlet ?
>>> Restlet annotations are a competitor of JAXRS, right ? To what extend is
>>> it better ?
>>> Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet
>>> application ?
>>> What are the other planned uses of annotations ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Rémi


Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Erik Beeson
Jerome was on the JSR 311 expert group but Restlet doesn't support it?

2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 

> I can see that Jérôme has already answered a great deal of my questions in
> this thread :)
> Rémi
> 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 
> Hello,
>> I struggle to get convinced to the use of annotations for resources from
>> all I can read from various threads.
>> I have the feeling to lose most of the reasons to use Java. MediaTypes are
>> strings, I find the implementation a bit tricky with reflection forced to be
>> cached to be fast, classloaders issues. I guess there is a rule to handle
>> annotations with class hierarchies, etc.
>> I totally understand that some people like annotations and the work it has
>> triggered was a good way to get the resource API even better.
>> What are the benefits of using annotations with Restlet ?
>> Restlet annotations are a competitor of JAXRS, right ? To what extend is
>> it better ?
>> Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet
>> application ?
>> What are the other planned uses of annotations ?
>> Regards,
>> Rémi


Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping SpringBeanRouter to /

2009-04-08 Thread Rhett Sutphin
Hi Paul,

On Apr 8, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Paul Austin wrote:

> Jerome,
> Here is an implementation which extends SpringBeanRouter, it could  
> easily be integrated into the super class.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I've added something similar in  
SpringBeanRouter in trunk r4711, but I only added an attachments  
property (a la SpringRouter).

Reasoning:  I don't think that setAttachment makes sense as a bean  
property, since it is actually adding another attachment instead of  
replacing anything.  Restlet's main Router class also has the concept  
of a default restlet.  The semantics in Router are a bit different  
than what you have here (its default is the restlet that receives all  
requests that don't map to something else, not the top-level resource  
-- depending on the routing mode these might be different things), so  
I left it out.  You should still be able to map the top-level route  
using the attachments property like so:


I haven't tried this, though, so if it doesn't work please let me  
know.  (We can come up with a different property name if necessary.)

Thanks again,

> import java.util.Map;
> import java.util.Map.Entry;
> import org.restlet.Finder;
> import org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanRouter;
> import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
> import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
> import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
> public class SpringRouter extends SpringBeanRouter implements  
> BeanFactoryAware {
>   private BeanFactory beanFactory;
>   public void setAttachment(String uriPattern, String beanName) {
> Finder finder = createFinder(beanFactory, beanName);
> attach(uriPattern, finder);
>   }
>   public void setAttachments(Map attachments) {
> for (Entry attachment : attachments.entrySet()) {
>   String uriPattern = attachment.getKey();
>   String beanName = attachment.getValue();
>   setAttachment(uriPattern, beanName);
> }
>   }
>   public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws  
> BeansException {
> this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
>   }
>   public void setDefaultAttachment(String beanName) {
> String uriPattern = "";
> setAttachment(uriPattern, beanName);
>   }
> }
> Paul
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Jerome Louvel  > wrote:
> Paul,
> The problem is that the URI without the trailing slash isn't  
> equivalent to the one with it. It's true that in many cases, people  
> assume it is equivalent but it doesn't have to.
> Also, relative URIs can be expressed in the same way if the ends  
> with a slash or not, leading to further routing issues. The only way  
> we found to clean that is to force the client to redirect itself to  
> the URI with a slash. However, it isn't something we should do  
> automatically.
> BTW, there is a related RFE:
> "Improve matching of directory URIs"
> Best regards,
> Jerome Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
> De : Paul Austin []
> Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 21:58
> À :
> Objet : Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping  
> SpringBeanRouter to /
> Here is a class which fixes the issue. Probably a better solution  
> would be to change the Route class so that if the remainingPart is  
> "" it sets it to "/" before doing the regex matching. On a related  
> note is it possible to force exact matching so that say /apps would  
> be mapped but not /apps/xyz?
> public class RootSpringBeanRouter extends SpringBeanRouter {
> @Override
> public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
> Reference resourceRef = request.getResourceRef();
> if (resourceRef.getRemainingPart().equals("")) {
> resourceRef.addSegment("");
> }
> super.handle(request, response);
> }
> }
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Paul Austin> wrote:
> In my project I am deploying an application as a war file. The root  
> of the web application /* is mapped to the RestletFrameworkServlet  
> so that all handling is performed by Restlet.
> bpf
>  class>com.noelios.restlet.ext.spring.RestletFrameworkServlet servlet-class>
> bpf
> /*
> The root restlet is a SpringBeanRouter and I have a mapping for / to  
> a resource as shown below.
>  name="/"
> id="rootResource"
> scope="prototype"
> class="myResourceClass"
> />
> The war is deployed to /ws on my server.
> If I access /ws I get an Restlet status page error saying "The  
> server has not found anything matching the request URI" but if I  
> use /ws/ it works correctly.
> I tried mapping to "" to see if that would work and it gives the  
> same behaviour.
> Is it possible to modify the router so that the root resource does  
> not need the trailing slash?
> Cheers,
> Paul

Re: 1.1.4 isn't in

2009-04-08 Thread Mark Derricutt
Ah sweet - for some reason I completely glossed over that sentence on
the page.  Cheers.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Thierry Boileau
> Hello Mark,
> not at all, this is not a manual process. As written here [1], the
> public repository is updated twice a month on the 1st and the 15th of april.


Re: ServerResource conditional mode

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron

regarding exceptions caught --

implemented this only for when users override methods in non-annotated
mode. In annotated mode, exceptions are still not allowed. This leads
to different ways of doing things if you're in annotated or
non-annotated mode. Personally, I think that disallowing exceptions
across the board would result in better user code.

you decide that you do want to handle exceptions for annotated
handlers, see doHandle(AnnotationInfo): you would need to get the
reflected exception via InvocationTargetException.getTargetException().

you decide, I recommend that the same allowances be made for both
annotated and non-annotated mode.


Jerome Louvel wrote:

  2) Exceptions caught
  Currently (SVN trunk at least), the
ResourceExceptions are caught and the response status is updated
accordingly. This is done in the ServerResource#handle() method. Other
exceptions will be caught upper in the processing chain, by the
StatusService for example. 
  We do have some plans to extend the
ConverterService in order to automatically convert common exceptions
into matching statuses, but I'm not clear yet whether this is such a
good idea (JAX-RS has this).

Re: ServerResource conditional mode

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron


understand If-Match, but I'm still
confused by ServerResource's support of it in conditional mode.
Logically, POST and PUT should work even if there is no entity, right?

now, my GET returns an error status because there is no entity, but
then I can't get POST/PUT to work while in conditional mode because of
that. No entity, no possibility of checking conditions... which doesn't
make sense to me.

seems to me that if GET doesn't return a value, then POST and PUT
should continue as normal in conditional mode. Could the problem be
that I'm setting an error status? But, then, I do need to set an error
status for true failures of GET...

still confused!


Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Hi Tal,
  The conditional mode is here to support HTTP
conditional methods as explained for the "If-Match" header:
  The idea is that before executing some methods
(PUT, POST, etc.), it is possible to check whether the resource state
has changed (tag or date comparison). This check has to be done on the
entity that would have been returned by an equivalent GET. So we have
to simulate a GET in order to check conditions, whatever is the actual
method handled.
  Now, there is no reason to simulate the GET if
the client hasn't expressed any condition. I have fixed
ServerResource#doConditionalHandle() so it will work fine in your
  Just note that if your client do express some
conditions, the ServerResource will expect your subclasses to provide
support for GET or else it will result in an error. I think this is
reasonable and you can always turn off conditional processing if you
really don't want to provide GET implementation.
  Hope this clarifies.
  Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
  Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
  Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
  De : Tal Liron
  Envoyé : jeudi 2 avril 2009 23:20
  À :
  Objet : ServerResource conditional mode
someone have a grasp on what conditional mode is for and how it used?
enabled by default, but I had to disable it for one of my resources to
work with PUT and POST. The issue is that it always calls doGetInfo
first, which for my particular resource will fail, and so calls to PUT
and POST also fail.
  Also, it seems to me that calling doGetInfo
for every request, even for methods that are not GET, is wasteful. In
short, I simply don't understand why this check happens, and
subsequently what exactly conditional mode is doing. :)

Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Duong BaTien

Please share your experience, especially in your approach of data
structure in document-based AppEngine using JDO and JSON for data
transport from GWT and GAE.

DBGROUPS and Budhnet

On Wed, 2009-04-08 at 15:29 -0400, Rob Heittman wrote:
> :: smiling ::  Gosh, it's been available all day ... I'm sure someone
> has tried it out by now ...
> We'll be experimenting with it heavily between now and Google I/O at
> end of May -- we already have a "lite" version of our Restlet-based
> GoGoEgo CMS engine that runs on the Python version of App Engine, and
> will be seeing what better stuff can be done with the Java version.
> If Restlet doesn't run well on the Java version of App Engine out of
> the box, I'm sure some of my team will want to work on portage ...
>  :-)
> - R
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Lars Heuer  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just out of curiosity: Has someone tried Google AppEngine [1]
> together
> with Restlet (Servlet connector)?
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Lars
> --
> --
> dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=1601014


Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Jonathan Hall
I'm another one who will being playing with it soon. The Python version 
is pretty good for quickly rolling out apps.

Rob Heittman wrote:
> :: smiling ::  Gosh, it's been available all day ... I'm sure someone 
> has tried it out by now ...
> We'll be experimenting with it heavily between now and Google I/O at 
> end of May -- we already have a "lite" version of our Restlet-based 
> GoGoEgo CMS engine that runs on the Python version of App Engine, and 
> will be seeing what better stuff can be done with the Java version.
> If Restlet doesn't run well on the Java version of App Engine out of 
> the box, I'm sure some of my team will want to work on portage ...  :-)
> - R
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Lars Heuer  > wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just out of curiosity: Has someone tried Google AppEngine [1] together
> with Restlet (Servlet connector)?
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Lars
> --
> --


Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Rob Heittman
:: smiling ::  Gosh, it's been available all day ... I'm sure someone has
tried it out by now ...
We'll be experimenting with it heavily between now and Google I/O at end of
May -- we already have a "lite" version of our Restlet-based GoGoEgo CMS
engine that runs on the Python version of App Engine, and will be seeing
what better stuff can be done with the Java version.

If Restlet doesn't run well on the Java version of App Engine out of the
box, I'm sure some of my team will want to work on portage ...  :-)

- R

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Lars Heuer  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just out of curiosity: Has someone tried Google AppEngine [1] together
> with Restlet (Servlet connector)?
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Lars
> --
> --


Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Rob Heittman
I would agree with that as a guide (and I think it is what Jerome has in
mind) ... the annotations are nice for people who like them.  It seems
Jerome is striving for something very terse that supplants boilerplate in a
number of common cases, which I can see is a nice goal.  But if annotations
were ever *required* to get things done, it would cause some real problems
for me.
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Lars Heuer  wrote:

> I moved to Restlet 1.2 M2/snapshot without using annotations. I found
> no reason why these annotations will help me. Everything works fine
> without annotations and I think/hope Restlet won't force us to use
> them in the near future.


Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Lars Heuer
Hi all,

Just out of curiosity: Has someone tried Google AppEngine [1] together
with Restlet (Servlet connector)?


Best regards,


Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Lars Heuer
Hi Rémi,

> Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet
> application ?

I moved to Restlet 1.2 M2/snapshot without using annotations. I found
no reason why these annotations will help me. Everything works fine
without annotations and I think/hope Restlet won't force us to use
them in the near future.

Best regards,


Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron

I disagree that this has nothing to do with the Application.
For example, if an Application is unloaded, this cached information
will remain in the static field. In fact, there is no mechanism in
place right now clean this cache, and in dynamic environments (possibly
OSGi) it may accumulate "cruft." Not a huge problem, but this is the
stuff memory leaks are made of...

a thought: can we use a synchronized WeakHashMap here? That way, the
AnnotationInfo would be discarded when the class is unloaded.


Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Hi all,
  Beautiful! This new solution is available in SVN
  Thanks Dave for
the report and Tim for the clever fix!
  Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
  Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
  Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
  De : [] De la part de
Tim Peierls
  Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 00:23
  À :
  Objet : Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi
Why involve Context at all? The AnnotationInfo associated with a
Class does not depend on Context. You
could just add a method to AnnotationUtils:
  public static AnnotationInfo getAnnotationDescriptor(Class resourceClass) {
  AnnotationInfo result = cache.get(resourceClass);
  if (result == null) {
  result = computeAnnotationDescriptor(resourceClass); // use code
from existing getAnnotationDescriptors for this
  AnnotationInfo prev = cache.putIfAbsent(resourceClass, result);
  if (prev != null) result = prev;
  return result;
  private static final ConcurrentMap, AnnotationInfo> cache =
  new ConcurrentHashMap,
  Then you don't need getAnnotationDescriptors. You probably want
a way to clear cache entries if a class is reloaded, say.
  You could get more fancy, with Futures and such, but I think
that would be wasted effort.
  On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Tal Liron 
Ah, I can see your point now.

I would recommend, then, that a Context would have two separate
ConcurrentHashMaps, something like this:

1. Context.getConfiguration() -- this would be for the user
2. Context.getImplementationCache() -- this would be for things like
AnnotationUtils, and the user should not normally look at this, except
perhaps for debugging


David Fogel wrote:

  Hi Tal-

I think what you suggested about appending a classloader id (perhaps
System.identityHashCode(cl) ?) would work.

Regarding the Restlet Context and this cache being "cruft":  You say
the Context is a reasonable place for information that applies to the
Application, but this doesn't have annotation cache doesn't have
anything to do with my Application, it's related to a hidden
_implementation_ detail.  As an end-user, we're not meant to be using
this annotion info cache directly.  Yet the Context, as a very
prominent and unavoidable part of the Restlet public API is meant to
be used and understood.  That's why I think it isn't a good place to
stash implementation-related data like this annotation stuff.




Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron

perhaps TunnelService shouldn't be using extension names, either. ;)

let's get more feedback. I just want to point out that this is a matter
of taste and clarity rather than any technical issue. As for my taste,
tou haven't managed to change it, yet.

think things are very clear to you because you've been swimming in
Restlet for years, but for new users, who will try to wrap their mind
around how to write a Resource and even what exactly a Resource is,
will be confused by the introduction of what appear to be
filename extensions. The reason is that actual, real filename
extensions are always part of the mix, whether as files existing on the
filesystem or in the resource's URI. (Even worse, Restlet uses the word
"extension" to refer to its plugin system -- there's one more layer of
potential confusion here.)

more I think about it, the more I think that shortcuts should be
optional, and that the full, complete MIME type should be used, especially
in the tutorials. Clarity should come above everything. If the
technical issue is that the "/" character is used by the grammar, then
perhaps we need a better grammar that treats "/" as part of the lexical

is an important issue. I really hope other Restlet users will chime in
to express their opinion on this matter. Like Jerome, I'm very willing
to be convinced that my position creates more problems than it solves!


Jerome Louvel wrote:

  The MetadataService isn't restricted at all to
mapping filename extensions. As I pointed out previously, it is already
used by the TunnelService to customize client preferences, which has
nothing to do with files. From where do you get this impression? Maybe
we could clarify some documentation?
  Regarding the @Get("jpg | jpeg | jpe"): first it
should allowed, maybe generating a log/warning about the redundancy.
Then proper examples and documentation will help clarifying this edge
case. I really don't see any design issue here. Quite on the opposite,
I even see advantages of using a single consistent registry.
  Probably we should give this more time to
mature, and wait for further feed-back. As always, if proven wrong, I'm
always happy to change my mind.
  Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
  Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
  Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
  De : Tal Liron
  Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 20:35
  À :
  Objet : Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]
  I like the idea of having a default Extension
for each MediaType, which means that they are all mappable.
I understand the multiple uses of the word Extension, but my problem is
the multiple uses of Extension itself in Restlet. :) The
MetadataService really is used for mapping filename extensions, not
only for parsing MediaTypes. I just feel uncomfortable about this mix
of uses. Specifically, consider that the filename extensions use
requires that have a many-to-one mapping of MediaTypes. For an example
of how this can confuse users, a user might think that they need to do
this in order to "fully" support all requests for JPEG format:
@Get("jpg | jpeg | jpe")
Those three extensions are indeed registered right now in
MetadataService. However, they all point to MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG, and
this is superfluous. So, somewhere in the documentation it must be
emphasized to the user that we are not referring to filename extensions
here, but rather the MIME types, and that only one Extension would be
enough. I feel that this kind of awkward explanation can be easily
avoided with a one-to-one mapping of shortcuts, and a separate registry
to handle filename extension one-to-many mapping. Separate uses,
separate mechanisms.
Jerome Louvel wrote:

It's really a matter of terminology, so it's
hard to rationalize the choice. I know that "extension" is often
synonymous of "file extension" but it doesn't have to. If you look at
WordNet definition of the "extension" word, you should feel more
comfortable about using it as an equivalent to "shortcut":
The advantage of this terminology is that it
maps directly to the "file extension" concept which is widely known,
but is more generic: you need to update your mental mapping for this
word, not always easy ;). We already use it in the TunnelService to
customize the "Accept" header value via the URIs or in the Reference
class to manipulate them (see getExtensions() method). I realize that
there is some documentation and clarification work to be done, but I
don't think it is misleading as a term.
Regarding the "application/www-form-urlencoded"
media type, the solution is simply to add a common extension mapping
for it. This is now available in SVN trunk as the "form"

Re: DirectoryResource throws/logs useless exceptions for CLAP protocol

2009-04-08 Thread Tal Liron

This is something that concerns me, too, as I'd
much rather have my applications purely in the Restlet API without
reverting specifically to the connector. I've been using Directory,
too, in production and without any issue except my uneasiness about
performance. I have not dared use it (yet) in performance-intensive

I'm wondering if it's worth, in addition to Restlet's
Directory, to support a simple connector-agnostic wrapper that would
use the underlying DefaultServlet or whatever. The Grizzly and Jetty
projects already are doing superb work on optimization of serving
static files, and we might as well wrap it! I see it as a
lowest-common-denominator kind of API, which just sets up a
filesystem-to-HTTP server and offers minimal fiddling.

Of course, I'm not expecting such a wrapper to return nice Restlet
representations which we can Filter. It would be a "black box" as far
as the Restlet API is concerned. Still, I think this would be very
useful. Many users (myself included) turn to Restlet in order to create
performative applications. Serving static files should be part and
parcel of this.


Jerome Louvel wrote:

  Thanks for looking at the details on Directory
implementation. This are certainly opportunities to refactor and
optimize this class. As you found out, it is handling pretty complex
stuff. We would welcome some contributions in this area. 
  We have also received a report regarding
performance issue of Directory used with the WAR client that we need to
inspect. This might be due to the same reason:
  "Improve performance of WAR client"
  Regarding the production ready status, we have
been using this class on all our Web sites with no trouble so far.
  Would you mind creating a bug report for what
you found?
  Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
  Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
  Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
  De : Rob
Heittman [] 
  Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 14:26
  À :
  Objet : Re: DirectoryResource throws/logs useless exceptions
for CLAP protocol
I also wish it were a bit faster. We do serve several hundred thousand
impressions out of Directory every month, but we serve several million
using thinner Resources not wrapped in Directory -- not sure what would
happen if we wrapped those in Directory.
  On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:58 AM, David Fogel 
Directory class is the only built-in way for plain, non-servlet,
Restlet apps to serve static content. Should we consider it
"production"-ready w.r.t. performance under load? Another way of
asking this: is the Directory class a reasonable substitute for, e.g.
Jetty's DefaultServlet?

Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping SpringBeanRouter to /

2009-04-08 Thread Paul Austin

Here is an implementation which extends SpringBeanRouter, it could easily be
integrated into the super class.

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.restlet.Finder;
import org.restlet.ext.spring.SpringBeanRouter;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;

public class SpringRouter extends SpringBeanRouter implements
BeanFactoryAware {
  private BeanFactory beanFactory;

  public void setAttachment(String uriPattern, String beanName) {
Finder finder = createFinder(beanFactory, beanName);
attach(uriPattern, finder);

  public void setAttachments(Map attachments) {
for (Entry attachment : attachments.entrySet()) {
  String uriPattern = attachment.getKey();
  String beanName = attachment.getValue();
  setAttachment(uriPattern, beanName);


  public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

  public void setDefaultAttachment(String beanName) {
String uriPattern = "";
setAttachment(uriPattern, beanName);


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

>  Paul,
> The problem is that the URI without the trailing slash isn't equivalent to
> the one with it. It's true that in many cases, people assume it is
> equivalent but it doesn't have to.
> Also, relative URIs can be expressed in the same way if the ends with a
> slash or not, leading to further routing issues. The only way we found to
> clean that is to force the client to redirect itself to the URI with a
> slash. However, it isn't something we should do automatically.
> BTW, there is a related RFE:
> "Improve matching of directory URIs"
>  Best regards,
> Jerome Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
>  --
> *De :* Paul Austin []
> *Envoyé :* mardi 7 avril 2009 21:58
> *À :*
> *Objet :* Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping
> SpringBeanRouter to /
> Here is a class which fixes the issue. Probably a better solution would be
> to change the Route class so that if the remainingPart is "" it sets it to
> "/" before doing the regex matching. On a related note is it possible to
> force exact matching so that say /apps would be mapped but not /apps/xyz?
> public class RootSpringBeanRouter extends SpringBeanRouter {
> @Override
> public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
> Reference resourceRef = request.getResourceRef();
> if (resourceRef.getRemainingPart().equals("")) {
> resourceRef.addSegment("");
> }
> super.handle(request, response);
> }
> }
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Paul Austin wrote:
>> In my project I am deploying an application as a war file. The root of the
>> web application /* is mapped to the RestletFrameworkServlet so that all
>> handling is performed by Restlet.
>> bpf
>> com.noelios.restlet.ext.spring.RestletFrameworkServlet
>> bpf
>> /*
>> The root restlet is a SpringBeanRouter and I have a mapping for / to a
>> resource as shown below.
>> > name="/"
>> id="rootResource"
>> scope="prototype"
>> class="myResourceClass"
>> />
>> The war is deployed to /ws on my server.
>> If I access /ws I get an Restlet status page error saying "The server has
>> not found anything matching the request URI" but if I use /ws/ it works
>> correctly.
>> I tried mapping to "" to see if that would work and it gives the same
>> behaviour.
>> Is it possible to modify the router so that the root resource does not
>> need the trailing slash?
>> Cheers,
>> Paul


Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-08 Thread Rémi Dewitte
Hi !

Thanks all for your answers. I was not really worried about building the
project with ant or maven.

I use maven to build most of my projects and I want to test them with last
updates. As is not being updated everyday ;).


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 17:02, Davide Angelocola  wrote:

> Hi Rémi,  assuming you've installed maven in the PATH you must run the
> following command in trunk/modules:
> mvn install
> using netbeans is even easier, just install the maven plugin and open the
> "modules" project. Then build the project.
> Best Regards,
> Davide Angelocola
> 2009/4/7 Rémi Dewitte 
>> Hello,
>> I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
>> If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the new artifacts
>> into my local m2 repository ?
>> Thanks,
>> Rémi
> --
> -- Davide Angelocola


Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Rémi Dewitte

I struggle to get convinced to the use of annotations for resources from all
I can read from various threads.

I have the feeling to lose most of the reasons to use Java. MediaTypes are
strings, I find the implementation a bit tricky with reflection forced to be
cached to be fast, classloaders issues. I guess there is a rule to handle
annotations with class hierarchies, etc.

I totally understand that some people like annotations and the work it has
triggered was a good way to get the resource API even better.

What are the benefits of using annotations with Restlet ?
Restlet annotations are a competitor of JAXRS, right ? To what extend is it
better ?
Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet
application ?
What are the other planned uses of annotations ?



Re: Resource factories

2009-04-08 Thread Tim Peierls
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Kyrre Kristiansen <> wrote:

> This resulted in using Generics on my resources, where I created a class,
> ListResource (where Referrable is an interface, with
> one method, getId() ).  ... a concrete class that relies solely on one
> object, the config, and that works with any resource that represents a
> Referrable subtype and is a top-level "list resource".
> This, however, is where my trouble starts. Because at run-time, the system
> cannot differentiate between a ListResource.class and a
> ListResource.class due to type erasure. At the moment I have to
> subclass ListResource for each type I am using it for, but hopefully making
> a parametrized Finder class that can then be attached to a Router, will
> solve my troubles. Has anyone tried this?

You can get this for free with the Guice-Restlet integration work described

You'd write something like this in your Restlet "wiring" code:

router.attach("/foo/{id}", finderFor(new
TypeLiteral>(){})); // curly braces required!
router.attach("/bar/{id}", finderFor(new
router.attach("/baz/{id}", finderFor(new

where finderFor would be defined like this:

private  Finder finderFor(TypeLiteral typeLiteral) {
return finderFactory.finderFor(Key.get(typeLiteral));

Then in your binding code, you'd create a binding for each ListResource
that you wanted to support. You'd even be able to provide custom
implementations for certain types. For example, if you needed a special
subclass of ListResource to handle /baz/{id} -- while Foo and Bar just
needed the standard ListResource -- you could bind it differently in your
binding code, and the router.attach("/baz/{id}", ...) line would remain the

Of course, this approach assumes Guice, which might not be an option for
you. But the same technique could eventually be supported directly by



Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-08 Thread Rémi Dewitte
I can see that Jérôme has already answered a great deal of my questions in
this thread :)


2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte 

> Hello,
> I struggle to get convinced to the use of annotations for resources from
> all I can read from various threads.
> I have the feeling to lose most of the reasons to use Java. MediaTypes are
> strings, I find the implementation a bit tricky with reflection forced to be
> cached to be fast, classloaders issues. I guess there is a rule to handle
> annotations with class hierarchies, etc.
> I totally understand that some people like annotations and the work it has
> triggered was a good way to get the resource API even better.
> What are the benefits of using annotations with Restlet ?
> Restlet annotations are a competitor of JAXRS, right ? To what extend is it
> better ?
> Will annotations in restlet the "advertised" way of creating restlet
> application ?
> What are the other planned uses of annotations ?
> Regards,
> Rémi


RE: [NEWBIE] RESTlet with JDBC tutorial

2009-04-08 Thread wouter88
I am solving with the same problem!
I want to create a database resource with jdbc connection.
I have read a lot of documentation this week but I don't know how i can 
integrate jdbc in this samples!
I want a user to login with a username and password (saved in the database) for 
the beginning and then do some user related stuff!

Can someone help me please!


Hi there,

Just look at the example provided with Restlet (org.restlet.example
packages). You will see how persistence of resource's state is done. 

It should then be straightforward to adapt that to JDBC/Hibernae/JPA or
similar technologies. Nothing really Restlet specific here.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 1 avril 2009 18:47
À :
Objet : [NEWBIE] RESTlet with JDBC tutorial

Do anybody know where can I find tutorials to understand how to implement
simple resources with persistence through JDBC (ex: MySQL, ...) ?



View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


restlet with jdbc

2009-04-08 Thread wouter88

I want to create a database resource with jdbc connection.
I have read a lot of documentation this week but I don't know how i can 
integrate jdbc in a restlet resource! 
I want a user to login with a username and password (saved in the database) for 
the beginning and then do some user related stuff!

Can someone help me please!

View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping SpringBeanRouter to /

2009-04-08 Thread Paul Austin

The one problem in the case I described is that it is not possible to use ""
as the resource path in this case as you cannot specify an empty bean alias
in the spring mapping file.

One approach around this would be to have a
SpringBeanRouter.setDefaultAttachment(String beanName) method which would
allow me to set the default restlet. Could you also have a
setAttachment(String path, String beanName) method and
setAttachments(List beanNames)

BTW setXXX methods are easier to work with in Spring than using methods such
as attach.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

>  Paul,
> The problem is that the URI without the trailing slash isn't equivalent to
> the one with it. It's true that in many cases, people assume it is
> equivalent but it doesn't have to.
> Also, relative URIs can be expressed in the same way if the ends with a
> slash or not, leading to further routing issues. The only way we found to
> clean that is to force the client to redirect itself to the URI with a
> slash. However, it isn't something we should do automatically.
> BTW, there is a related RFE:
> "Improve matching of directory URIs"
>  Best regards,
> Jerome Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
>  --
> *De :* Paul Austin []
> *Envoyé :* mardi 7 avril 2009 21:58
> *À :*
> *Objet :* Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping
> SpringBeanRouter to /
> Here is a class which fixes the issue. Probably a better solution would be
> to change the Route class so that if the remainingPart is "" it sets it to
> "/" before doing the regex matching. On a related note is it possible to
> force exact matching so that say /apps would be mapped but not /apps/xyz?
> public class RootSpringBeanRouter extends SpringBeanRouter {
> @Override
> public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
> Reference resourceRef = request.getResourceRef();
> if (resourceRef.getRemainingPart().equals("")) {
> resourceRef.addSegment("");
> }
> super.handle(request, response);
> }
> }
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Paul Austin wrote:
>> In my project I am deploying an application as a war file. The root of the
>> web application /* is mapped to the RestletFrameworkServlet so that all
>> handling is performed by Restlet.
>> bpf
>> com.noelios.restlet.ext.spring.RestletFrameworkServlet
>> bpf
>> /*
>> The root restlet is a SpringBeanRouter and I have a mapping for / to a
>> resource as shown below.
>> > name="/"
>> id="rootResource"
>> scope="prototype"
>> class="myResourceClass"
>> />
>> The war is deployed to /ws on my server.
>> If I access /ws I get an Restlet status page error saying "The server has
>> not found anything matching the request URI" but if I use /ws/ it works
>> correctly.
>> I tried mapping to "" to see if that would work and it gives the same
>> behaviour.
>> Is it possible to modify the router so that the root resource does not
>> need the trailing slash?
>> Cheers,
>> Paul


RE: How to Fetch Request XML in Java Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Rick,

You should look at the example code provided in Restlet distribution, for
example this package is interesting:

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Rick [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 01:50
À :
Objet : How to Fetch Request XML in Java Restlet

   I'm trying to use java restlet. I'll be getting the input in the XML
format & I need to store the data in database & return back the response
back in XML format.

   Does any one have sample code which accepts input in XML & then stores in
DB & returns response in XML?

How to fetch the request in XML format in Java restlet? 

   I'll really appreciate if some one can elaborate in detail!!




RE: Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Kevin and Eric,
I've added a check in Finder to make it work even if targetClass is null. This 
is a temporary workaround that will need to be improved in order to make 
SpringFinder support the new resource API.
BTW, this support will be cleaner that with the Resource class because 
ServerResource has only one default constructor.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Kevin Conaway [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 14:20
À :
Objet : Re: Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException

Hi Jerome,

There is a bug specifically with the SpringFinder class.� The parent Finder was 
refactored such that it now checks to see that the "targetClass" property is an 
instance of Handler.� Previous versions of the class did not depend on 
targetClass to be non-null.

Since the SpringFinder only deals with the createResource() method, the 
targetClass property is always null.

Eric, as a temporary workaround, you can create your own SpringFinder class 
that overrides getTargetClass() to always return Resource.class.� Or you can 
set the targetClass property on all your SpringFinder instances.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Jerome Louvel  wrote:

Hi Eric,
Here is a sample configuration attached. You can check the source code here:


Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder�~


De�: Eric Hough [] 
Envoy��: vendredi 3 avril 2009 21:32
Objet�: Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException

I've been having trouble getting Spring to play nice with Restlet (I'm 
experienced with Spring, a newbie with Restlet, so please bear with me!). Using 
Spring 2.5.6 and Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT.

I want to define a resource called "uniq" and map /uniq to my UniqResource bean 
(extends Resource). Simple, yeah? When I browse to http://localhost:8182/uniq, 
I get the following stack trace:

Apr 3, 2009 10:54:19 AM org.restlet.engine.StatusFilter getStatus
SEVERE: Unhandled exception or error intercepted
at java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom(Native Method)
at org.restlet.resource.Finder.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.engine.StatusFilter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
at org.restlet.engine.ChainHelper.handle(
at org.restlet.Component.handle(
at org.restlet.Server.handle(
at org.restlet.engine.ServerHelper.handle(
at org.restlet.engine.http.HttpServerHelper.handle(
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
Apr 3, 2009 10:54:19 AM org.restlet.engine.LogFilter afterHandle
INFO: 2009-04-03 10:54:19 - - 8182 GET /uniq - 500 365 - 39 
http://localhost:8182 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/2009032711 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.8 -

Here's my applicationContext.xml:";




import org.example.uniq.dao.NextUniqDao;

import org.restlet.d

RE: Multipart parsing

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Fabio,

We have some parsing login here:


It extracts the file name field only.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Fabio Mancinelli [] 
Envoyé : lundi 6 avril 2009 18:50
À :
Objet : Multipart parsing

Dear all,

I am using JAX-RS for handing a Multipart form for file upload. I have a

public Attachment addAttachment(Multipart multipart) ...

Now the problem is that multipart contains information to be "parsed"
in order to be extracted (I am talking about form fields)
Something like:

Content-Disposition : form-data; name="field1"
Content-Disposition : form-data; name="field2"
Content-Disposition : form-data; name="file";

Is there already, in Restlet, a convenient way for parsing this kind
of thing or should I write some pattern matching magic?




RE: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi all,
Beautiful! This new solution is available in SVN trunk. 
Thanks Dave for the report and Tim for the clever fix!
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : [] De la part de Tim
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 00:23
À :
Objet : Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

Why involve Context at all? The AnnotationInfo associated with a Class does not depend on Context. You could just add a
method to AnnotationUtils: 

public static AnnotationInfo getAnnotationDescriptor(Class resourceClass) {
AnnotationInfo result = cache.get(resourceClass);
if (result == null) {
result = computeAnnotationDescriptor(resourceClass); // use code from
existing getAnnotationDescriptors for this
AnnotationInfo prev = cache.putIfAbsent(resourceClass, result);
if (prev != null) result = prev;
return result;
private static final ConcurrentMap,
AnnotationInfo> cache =
new ConcurrentHashMap, AnnotationInfo>();

Then you don't need getAnnotationDescriptors. You probably want a way to
clear cache entries if a class is reloaded, say.

You could get more fancy, with Futures and such, but I think that would be
wasted effort.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Tal Liron 

Ah, I can see your point now.

I would recommend, then, that a Context would have two separate
ConcurrentHashMaps, something like this:

1. Context.getConfiguration() -- this would be for the user
2. Context.getImplementationCache() -- this would be for things like
AnnotationUtils, and the user should not normally look at this, except
perhaps for debugging


David Fogel wrote: 

Hi Tal-

I think what you suggested about appending a classloader id (perhaps

System.identityHashCode(cl) ?) would work.

Regarding the Restlet Context and this cache being "cruft":  You say

the Context is a reasonable place for information that applies to the

Application, but this doesn't have annotation cache doesn't have

anything to do with my Application, it's related to a hidden

_implementation_ detail.  As an end-user, we're not meant to be using

this annotion info cache directly.  Yet the Context, as a very

prominent and unavoidable part of the Restlet public API is meant to

be used and understood.  That's why I think it isn't a good place to

stash implementation-related data like this annotation stuff.




RE: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel

The interest in extensions is that they provide compact shortcuts for media
types/languages/encodings/character sets. It is easy to remember "json",
harder to remember about "application/json", and I'm not talking about the
media type for Web forms.

So, it's really about usability and clarity of the resulting source code. My
view is that annotations shouldn't become too prominent when used, they
should be kept a simple as possible, like the standard @Override,
@Deprecated or @SuppressWarnings annotations. 

I prefer coding in Java instead of a pseudo-annotation language. It's also a
matter of taste and obviously those preferring extensive use of annotations
will be happy with JAX-RS (that we also support as a Restlet extension). 

Regarding the annotation value syntax, it isn't fixed yet and I'm looking
for feed-back. We should progressively implement it to make sure it
corresponds to real use cases. At least we have a target design that we can
refer to.

How would your annotations look if we were using string arrays or several
annotations? How would you express common cases like POST accepting either
entity with either XML or JSON as media type and in either English or French
as language, and returning XML or JSON depending on the input media type?

Regarding the comparison to JAX-RS, I agree that it will be inevitable.
Let's look at it right now :)


public String toString() {
   return ...;

With Restlet API:

public String toString() {
   return ...;


@Consumes({"application/json", "application/xml",
public String store(String value) 

With Restlet API:

public String store(String value) 

Note that there are other very significant differences between both APIs,
like for dealing with routing (URI/path mapping to resources). I just
covered the variant description aspect.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : David Fogel [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 20:42
À :
Objet : Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

Hi Jerome-

I don't know, this whole extension thing sounds strange to me.  Why replace
a well-defined, standardized namespace for media-types (e.g.
"text/html" etc) with a new, ad-hoc, non-standard namespace like this
extension stuff?

I don't think that the goal of "compactness" is a good justification for

I think I understand that you want to support other variant metadata like
language and character-set, but those, too, have standardized namespaces!

I think it's important to be _very_ cautious about introducing new text
string grammars- most of the time it would be better to use java language
syntax instead.  The challenge here is that you're trying to squeeze a lot
of structured metadata into an annotation value.  That certainly narrows the
options available.  But maybe you could use a more straightforward array of
Strings?  or have multiple annotations?
Or perhaps it would be better to  require the user to define more than one
method to split apart the variant options, even if those methods call the
same implementation?

I'm just not feeling confident that this solution is going to feel elegant
when it's done.  And it might be a good idea to keep in mind that whatever
you end up with here will likely get frequently compared to JAX-RS.  And
jax-rs's story here, although perhaps less flexible, may end up seeming

-Dave Fogel



Re: Comments on First Resource article (Restlet 1.2m2)

2009-04-08 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hi Tim,

many thanks, it helps reducing the number of lines of code.

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Great. One more thing -- the code in ItemResource should also use the 
> return value of putIfAbsent to decide whether the item was created or 
> updated:
> @Put
> public void storeItem(Representation entity) throws IOException {
> // The PUT request updates or creates the resource.
> if (item == null) {
> item = new Item(itemName);
> }
> // Update the description.
> Form form = new Form(entity);
> item.setDescription(form.getFirstValue("description"));
> // Update the item in the list.
> if (getItems().putIfAbsent(item.getName(), item) == null) {
> setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED);
> } else {
> setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_OK);
> }
> }
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Thierry Boileau 
>>> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> thanks a lot for your useful comments!
> Ive updated the sample code.
> >The call to putIfAbsent needs to be prefixed with getItems().
> Actually, I created a "putIfAbsent" method on the BaseResource class
> because I was not aware you meant to use a ConcurrentMap.
> best regards,
> Thierry Boileau
> > Great, thanks! Just a few more tweaks:
> >
> > The type of the items field in FirstResourceApplication and the
> return
> > type of getItems() in FirstResourceApplication and BaseResource
> should
> > be ConcurrentMap, in order to have access to the putIfAbsent method.
> >
> > There's no need to repeat the construction of ConcurrentHashMap
> in the
> > two constructor bodies -- it only raises the question of why it was
> > written that way. Better to initialize at the declaration point and
> > keep the constructors simple:
> >
> > ItemsResource could be simplified by removing the Collection
> > items field and the doInit method and simply using
> getItem().values()
> > in the for loop in the @Get method. You already have a more
> > substantive example of using doInit in ItemResource.
> >
> > private final ConcurrentMap items
> > = new ConcurrentHashMap();
> >
> > public FirstResourceApplication(Context context) {
> super(context); }
> > public FirstResourceApplication() {}
> >
> > The sentence immediately preceding the FirstResourceApplication
> code,
> > "That's why you will notice that the map of items is made final
> and is
> > an instance of the ConcurrentHashMap class." should probably be
> > something like "That's why you will notice that the map of items
> is a
> > final reference to a ConcurrentMap, rather than a plain Map."  The
> > concrete type, ConcurrentHashMap, is not the point -- it could
> be any
> > implementation of ConcurrentMap, e.g., something produced by Google
> > Collections' MapMaker.
> >
> > The call to putIfAbsent needs to be prefixed with getItems().
> >
> > --tim
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Thierry Boileau
> >  
>  >> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tim,
> >
> > thanks a lot for your comments! The sample code has been
> updated.
> >
> > best regards,
> > Thierry Boileau
> >
> > > The introduction has "...which means that you don't need
> to take
> > care
> > > of thread-safe concerns."  which should be "thread-safety
> concerns".
> > > This might still be a little strong, as you still have to
> worry
> > about
> > > thread-safety in all the objects that your Resources refer to
> > that are
> > > shared between threads. You could say that you don't need to
> > make your
> > > resource subclasses thread-safe, but that sounds
> anticlimactic.
> > >
> > > "That's why you will notice that the map of items is made
> immutable
> > > and is an instance of the ConcurrentHashMap class." You mean
> > "final",
> > > not "immutable". In actual practice, you'd really want to
> make the
> > > items field a ConcurrentMap rather than just Map, because
> the @Post
> > > and @Put methods defined below would then be able to use
> putIfAbsent
> > > to avoid races. I know you want to keep the example
> simple, but I'd
> > > hate for readers to draw the conclusion that they don't
> have to
> > worry
> > > about races:
> > >
> > > // Register the new item if one is not already registered.
> > > if (!getItems().containsKey(itemName) &&
> > > getItems().putIfAbsent(itemName, new
> Item(itemName,
> > > itemDescription)

RE: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
The MetadataService isn't restricted at all to mapping filename extensions.
As I pointed out previously, it is already used by the TunnelService to
customize client preferences, which has nothing to do with files. From where
do you get this impression? Maybe we could clarify some documentation?
Regarding the @Get("jpg | jpeg | jpe"): first it should allowed, maybe
generating a log/warning about the redundancy. Then proper examples and
documentation will help clarifying this edge case. I really don't see any
design issue here. Quite on the opposite, I even see advantages of using a
single consistent registry.
Probably we should give this more time to mature, and wait for further
feed-back. As always, if proven wrong, I'm always happy to change my mind.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 20:35
À :
Objet : Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

I like the idea of having a default Extension for each MediaType, which
means that they are all mappable.

I understand the multiple uses of the word Extension, but my problem is the
multiple uses of Extension itself in Restlet. :) The MetadataService really
is used for mapping filename extensions, not only for parsing MediaTypes. I
just feel uncomfortable about this mix of uses. Specifically, consider that
the filename extensions use requires that have a many-to-one mapping of
MediaTypes. For an example of how this can confuse users, a user might think
that they need to do this in order to "fully" support all requests for JPEG

@Get("jpg | jpeg | jpe")

Those three extensions are indeed registered right now in MetadataService.
However, they all point to MediaType.IMAGE_JPEG, and this is superfluous.
So, somewhere in the documentation it must be emphasized to the user that we
are not referring to filename extensions here, but rather the MIME types,
and that only one Extension would be enough. I feel that this kind of
awkward explanation can be easily avoided with a one-to-one mapping of
shortcuts, and a separate registry to handle filename extension one-to-many
mapping. Separate uses, separate mechanisms.


Jerome Louvel wrote: 

It's really a matter of terminology, so it's hard to rationalize the choice.
I know that "extension" is often synonymous of "file extension" but it
doesn't have to. If you look at WordNet definition of the "extension" word,
you should feel more comfortable about using it as an equivalent to
The advantage of this terminology is that it maps directly to the "file
extension" concept which is widely known, but is more generic: you need to
update your mental mapping for this word, not always easy ;). We already use
it in the TunnelService to customize the "Accept" header value via the URIs
or in the Reference class to manipulate them (see getExtensions() method). I
realize that there is some documentation and clarification work to be done,
but I don't think it is misleading as a term.
Regarding the "application/www-form-urlencoded" media type, the solution is
simply to add a common extension mapping for it. This is now available in
SVN trunk as the "form" extension. If it wasn't available by default, you
could just specify it yourself at application start:
One way to guarantee that each metadata has a matching extension would be to
add an "extension" property to the Metadata class. We could then update the
MetadataService to simplify the mapping:
In some way, the metadata service would become a registry of all available
metadata. We could add a MetadataService#registry property of type
"Metadata", resulting in this code:

Regarding the failure, I believe I did mention that the goal is to have full
parsing/validation of the annotation value string with proper warning
message. So your concern will definitely be addressed!


Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 19:51
À :
Objet : Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

Thanks for joining the discussion, Jerome, we were getting a bit ridiculous
in trying to second guess your intentions. :) It makes sense to me to use
simple strings for referring to med

Re: Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException

2009-04-08 Thread Kevin Conaway
Hi Jerome,

There is a bug specifically with the SpringFinder class.  The parent Finder
was refactored such that it now checks to see that the "targetClass"
property is an instance of Handler.  Previous versions of the class did not
depend on targetClass to be non-null.

Since the SpringFinder only deals with the createResource() method, the
targetClass property is always null.

Eric, as a temporary workaround, you can create your own SpringFinder class
that overrides getTargetClass() to always return Resource.class.  Or you can
set the targetClass property on all your SpringFinder instances.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

>  Hi Eric,
> Here is a sample configuration attached. You can check the source code
> here:
>  Best regards,
> Jerome Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
> Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
>  --
> *De :* Eric Hough []
> *Envoyé :* vendredi 3 avril 2009 21:32
> *À :*
> *Objet :* Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException
> I've been having trouble getting Spring to play nice with Restlet (I'm
> experienced with Spring, a newbie with Restlet, so please bear with me!).
> Using Spring 2.5.6 and Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT.
> I want to define a resource called "uniq" and map /uniq to my UniqResource
> bean (extends Resource). Simple, yeah? When I browse to
> http://localhost:8182/uniq, I get the following stack trace:
> Apr 3, 2009 10:54:19 AM org.restlet.engine.StatusFilter getStatus
> SEVERE: Unhandled exception or error intercepted
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at java.lang.Class.isAssignableFrom(Native Method)
> at org.restlet.resource.Finder.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.engine.StatusFilter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
> at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
> at org.restlet.engine.ChainHelper.handle(
> at org.restlet.Component.handle(
> at org.restlet.Server.handle(
> at org.restlet.engine.ServerHelper.handle(
> at
> org.restlet.engine.http.HttpServerHelper.handle(
> at
> org.restlet.engine.http.StreamServerHelper$
> at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
> at
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
> at
> Apr 3, 2009 10:54:19 AM org.restlet.engine.LogFilter afterHandle
> INFO: 2009-04-03 10:54:19 - - 8182 GET /uniq - 500 365 - 39
> http://localhost:8182 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
> Gecko/2009032711 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.8 -
> Here's my applicationContext.xml:
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xsi:schemaLocation="
>  init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
>  class="" scope="prototype">
> And
> package;
> import;
> import org.example.uniq.dao.NextUniqDao;
> import;
> import;
> import org.restlet.representation.ReaderRepresentation;
> import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
> import org.restlet.representation.Variant;
> import org.restlet.resource.Resource;
> import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException;
> public class UniqResource extends Resource {
> private NextUniqDao nextUniqDao;
> public final void setNextUniqDao(NextUniqDao nextUniqDao) {
> this.nextUniqDao = nextUniqDao;
> }
> /** @see
> org.restlet.resource.Resource#represent(

Re: Upload to Directory

2009-04-08 Thread Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Bayoumi
Hi Christian,

I use the following restlet to save ANY uploaded file with whatever extension 
or format it is ... hope it worx n solves your problem my friend 

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package resources;

 * @author M.Abdel-Aziz

import org.restlet.resource.Resource;
import org.restlet.Context;
import org.restlet.resource.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.StringRepresentation;
import org.restlet.resource.Variant;
import java.sql.*;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.*;
import cdf.capabilities.common.*;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
import org.restlet.ext.fileupload.RestletFileUpload;

public class FileUploader extends Resource {

String dateRequested = null;

public FileUploader(Context context, Request request,
Response response) {

super(context, request, response);
// Allow modifications of this resource via POST requests 
getVariants().add(new Variant(MediaType.MULTIPART_ALL));

public void handleGet() {
Representation rep = new StringRepresentation("invoke me with POST to 
upload your file", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);

public void acceptRepresentation(Representation entity) {
try {
  uploadFile(entity, requesterIP);
 catch (IOException ioex) {   
  System.out.println("Oops...IOException !!!");

public void uploadFile(Representation file, String reqIp) throws 
IOException {
FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
RestletFileUpload fileUpload = new RestletFileUpload(factory);
List list = null;

try {
list = fileUpload.parseRepresentation(file);
} catch (FileUploadException ex) {
  System.out.println("Oops...FileUploadException !!!");

Iterator iter = list.iterator();
String fileName = null;
String destination = null;

if (iter.hasNext()) {
try {
FileItem item = (FileItem);
if (!item.isFormField()) {

String uploadedFileName = item.getName();
File itemFile = new File(uploadedFileName);

// creating destination directory on the server
File destDir = new File("target_folder_here");
if (!destDir.exists()) {

fileName = itemFile.getName();
destination = destDir.getAbsolutePath();
File destFile = new File(destDir, itemFile.getName());

//writing into destination file. 
insertData(fileName, reqIp);
getResponse().setEntity("302: file received successfully", 
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Oops...EXCEPTION !!!");

Regards ...
View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: CSS and HTTPS problem ...

2009-04-08 Thread Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Bayoumi
Many thanks Rob, i'll consider that .. will give it a try and feedback whenever 

You'd have to change the CSS to also reference the images, etc. over https.
 The warning you describe will be triggered whenever you have an HTML page,
delivered over https, that calls images, CSS, or javascript from another
source, delivered over http.  This isn't a Restlet thing ... it applies to
any SSL Web server.
However, one neat Restlet thing that does help, is the Redirector feature.
 This is a bit advanced, but you can use the Redirector on your local web
service to proxy these requests to the other server; this can be used to
avoid such warnings and single-source issues, at the expense of some
overhead in your web service and a responsibility to manage the security

- Rob

View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


RE: Weird issue with VirtualHosts

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Matt,

Are you using some kind of reverse proxy or port mapping/firewall software
in front of your Restlet component?
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : MattyJ [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 06:15
À :
Objet : Weird issue with VirtualHosts


I'm trying to setup a couple of virtual hosts following the example given
for the actual restlet website.

My code looks like this:

VirtualHost host = new VirtualHost(getContext());
host.setHostDomain("|" + ipAddress);
host.setHostPort("80|" + Integer.toString(port));
host.attach(new WwwMywebsiteCom(wwwUri + "/html"));

host = new VirtualHost(getContext());
host.setHostPort("80|" + Integer.toString(port));
host.attach(new MediaMywebsiteCom(wwwUri + "/media"));

The funny thing is when I run this code locally on my own machine the
"" works fine. 

But when I install the jar on the production server and attempt to run in
there the "media" virtual host doesn't seem to work. In fact no requests are
ever logged.

Do you have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? I've tried
various combinations of values for the host domain and ports but to no

Thanks in advance,
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Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at



RE: Resource factories

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Kyrre,

I would be interested to read more about the other resource patterns that
you found. We might want in the future to support some of them in Restlet
directly. We packages reorganization in Restlet 1.2, we have more room for
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Kyrre Kristiansen [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 16:28
À :
Objet : RE: Resource factories

Hello, all.

*rant alert*

I came over this discussion, and wanted to share my experiences with
creating resources. I started playing around with restlet before it became
1.0, and am generally very, very pleased with it. One of the things I use it
for is my own prototype environment, where I can throw together some quite
impressive applications in a matter of hours..

After creating a whole host of different resource types, I started seeing
some quite distinct patterns in my resources, at least the simplest ones.
This resulted in using Generics on my resources, where I created a class,
ListResource (where Referrable is an interface, with
one method, getId() ). I already have a generic DAO implementation based on
the Referrable interface. In addition, I created a ResourceConfig that I could pull off all the things I need for the ListResource
(including the DAO, that's why it's parametrized), as well as a
FormBuilder interface for building my objects based on
a Form. All this leads to ListResource being a concrete class that relies
solely on one object, the config, and that works with any resource that
represents a Referrable subtype and is a top-level "list resource".
This, however, is where my trouble starts. Because at run-time, the system
cannot differentiate between a ListResource.class and a
ListResource.class due to type erasure. At the moment I have to
subclass ListResource for each type I am using it for, but hopefully making
a parametrized Finder class that can then be attached to a Router, will
solve my troubles. Has anyonw tried this?
I have, BTW, also a solution for SingleResource, but
this is not used as much as my ListResource, so I didn't describe this.

The big, unsolved task is to make the resources and interfaces available for
more complex resource hierarchies where you have to check for the existence
of a parent resource before you allow creation and modification of a child
resource. Twenty or so more resource types under the belt, and I might get
there ;-)

*end rant*

Kyrre Kristiansen

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, Jerome Louvel  wrote:

> From: Jerome Louvel 
> Subject: RE: Resource factories
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 26 March, 2009, 1:20 PM
> Hi all,
> I've just found time to read this thread and enjoyed it very much. 
> It's hard to find the best balance between so much points of views and 
> ways to deal with instantiations, wiring of objects, etc. so it's nice 
> to hear that the current design has more advantages than drawbacks.
> As Tal mentioned, we are redesigning the Resource API to support 
> client-side resources and focused use of annotations. I didn't intend 
> to change the way resources are instantiated though. But, if we can 
> adjust the new design to accommodate more use cases, I would be 
> interested to explore.
> Currently, we are working on Restlet 1.2 M2 which will give you a 
> chance to play with the new resource API and provide feed-back.
> Best
> regards,
> Jerome
> Louvel
> --
> Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~ Noelios 
> Technologies ~ Co-founder ~
> De : Tal Liron
> []
> Envoyé : jeudi 26 mars 2009
> 08:49
> À :
> Objet : Re: 
> Resource factories
> Thanks to all 
> who replied on this. After a discussion on the code list,
> it became clear that 
> the Restlety solution to configuring resources is to use
> the Context. The 
> Context has a ConcurrentMap of attributes, described as
> so:
> "This 
> is a convenient mean[s] to provide common objects to all
> the Restlets and 
> Resources composing an Application."
> So, that's it! 
> The nice thing about contexts, too, is that they pass
> through restlets along the 
> way. So, even if you configure your Application context in
> a certain way, you 
> can apply filters or whatnot along the way to adapt the
> configuration. For 
> example, a DebuggingFilter might enable all the
> configuration aspects that have 
> to do with debugging. It's then easy to add/remove such
> a filter, even 
> on-the-fly, without reconfiguring the whole
> application.
> -Tal


RE: JAXRS and media type via query parameters

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel

In addition to my other reply, I should mentioned that I was using Restlet
1.2 trunk for testing.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 10:38
À :
Objet : JAXRS and media type via query parameters

Hi everybody,

I am using the JAX-RS extension for developing my application.

I would like to specify the accepted formats using query parameters because
the client I am using is not able to send accept headers.

I did this in the JaxRsApplication create root method:


but requesting a URI using, for example,

http:///resource?media=json (I also tried media=application/json,
accept=application/json) doesn't work.

Any hint?

Thanks for your help.



RE: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping SpringBeanRouter to /

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
The problem is that the URI without the trailing slash isn't equivalent to
the one with it. It's true that in many cases, people assume it is
equivalent but it doesn't have to.
Also, relative URIs can be expressed in the same way if the ends with a
slash or not, leading to further routing issues. The only way we found to
clean that is to force the client to redirect itself to the URI with a
slash. However, it isn't something we should do automatically.
BTW, there is a related RFE:
"Improve matching of directory URIs"
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Paul Austin [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 21:58
À :
Objet : Re: [1.1.3] Tomcat + RestletFrameworkServlet mapping
SpringBeanRouter to /

Here is a class which fixes the issue. Probably a better solution would be
to change the Route class so that if the remainingPart is "" it sets it to
"/" before doing the regex matching. On a related note is it possible to
force exact matching so that say /apps would be mapped but not /apps/xyz?

public class RootSpringBeanRouter extends SpringBeanRouter {
public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
Reference resourceRef = request.getResourceRef();
if (resourceRef.getRemainingPart().equals("")) {
super.handle(request, response);

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Paul Austin 

In my project I am deploying an application as a war file. The root of the
web application /* is mapped to the RestletFrameworkServlet so that all
handling is performed by Restlet.



The root restlet is a SpringBeanRouter and I have a mapping for / to a
resource as shown below.

The war is deployed to /ws on my server.

If I access /ws I get an Restlet status page error saying "The server has
not found anything matching the request URI" but if I use /ws/ it works

I tried mapping to "" to see if that would work and it gives the same

Is it possible to modify the router so that the root resource does not need
the trailing slash?



Re: Grizzly Https Server

2009-04-08 Thread srsk
am actually lookin for a grizzly https server.. 

Hi Sheshakiran,

Are you looking for using Grizzly or Restlet with the Grizzly connector?

In Restlet, SSL support has been harmonised using an SslContextFactory 
for all the connectors. It supports client-certificate authentication 
(provided your configure it with the trust store you require.)

If it's for Grizzly only, I'd suggest posting to the Grizzly list. 
Coincidentally, I've just made a few suggestions for improvement in 
Grizzly, but these don't affect Restlet and its use of Grizzly.
(Note that the default should work at least, that is, specifying the 
keystore/truststore using the usual* system properties, 
in Grizzly and Restlet.)

Best wishes,


srsk wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Sheshakiran, developer from one of the service based industry. 
> I have a requirement to develop one Grizzly Asynhcronous Https Server, which 
> would do Basic Authentication and HTTPCertificate validation. I found Http 
> implementation of grizzly server, but i am not able to get sufficient 
> information on Grizzly Https implementation. 
> Any kind of help would be really appreciable. 
> Https should accept inputs like 1) Username and Password and 2) Certificate 
> details like i) Keystore
> ii) Trusted certificate iii) passwords for keystore and certificate iv) 
> private key alias and private key password ... 
> thanks .. 
> Sheshakiran


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Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-08 Thread Davide Angelocola
Hi Rémi,  assuming you've installed maven in the PATH you must run the
following command in trunk/modules:

mvn install

using netbeans is even easier, just install the maven plugin and open the
"modules" project. Then build the project.

Best Regards,
Davide Angelocola

2009/4/7 Rémi Dewitte 

> Hello,
> I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
> If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the new artifacts
> into my local m2 repository ?
> Thanks,
> Rémi

-- Davide Angelocola


Re: Grizzly Https Server

2009-04-08 Thread Bruno Harbulot
Hi Sheshakiran,

Are you looking for using Grizzly or Restlet with the Grizzly connector?

In Restlet, SSL support has been harmonised using an SslContextFactory 
for all the connectors. It supports client-certificate authentication 
(provided your configure it with the trust store you require.)

If it's for Grizzly only, I'd suggest posting to the Grizzly list. 
Coincidentally, I've just made a few suggestions for improvement in 
Grizzly, but these don't affect Restlet and its use of Grizzly.
(Note that the default should work at least, that is, specifying the 
keystore/truststore using the usual* system properties, 
in Grizzly and Restlet.)

Best wishes,


srsk wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Sheshakiran, developer from one of the service based industry. 
> I have a requirement to develop one Grizzly Asynhcronous Https Server, which 
> would do Basic Authentication and HTTPCertificate validation. I found Http 
> implementation of grizzly server, but i am not able to get sufficient 
> information on Grizzly Https implementation. 
> Any kind of help would be really appreciable. 
> Https should accept inputs like 1) Username and Password and 2) Certificate 
> details like i) Keystore
> ii) Trusted certificate iii) passwords for keystore and certificate iv) 
> private key alias and private key password ... 
> thanks .. 
> Sheshakiran


Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-08 Thread Bruno Harbulot
Rémi Dewitte wrote:
> Hello,
> I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
> If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the new artifacts 
> into my local m2 repository ?

Assuming you're on a unix machine, I find the easiest to be:

1. Edit build/ to set the maven option to 'true'.

2. cd build/dist/maven2/restlet-1.2snapshot

3. tar cf - . | tar xvf - ~/.m2/repository

Best wishes,



Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-08 Thread Bruno Harbulot
Bruno Harbulot wrote:

> Rémi Dewitte wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
>> If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the new 
>> artifacts into my local m2 repository ?
> Assuming you're on a unix machine, I find the easiest to be:
> 1. Edit build/ to set the maven option to 'true'.
> 2. cd build/dist/maven2/restlet-1.2snapshot
> 3. tar cf - . | tar xvf - ~/.m2/repository

Sorry, I meant:

tar cf - . | tar xvf - -C ~/.m2/repository


Re: Comments on First Resource article (Restlet 1.2m2)

2009-04-08 Thread Tim Peierls
Great. One more thing -- the code in ItemResource should also use the return
value of putIfAbsent to decide whether the item was created or updated:
public void storeItem(Representation entity) throws IOException {
// The PUT request updates or creates the resource.
if (item == null) {
item = new Item(itemName);

// Update the description.
Form form = new Form(entity);

// Update the item in the list.
if (getItems().putIfAbsent(item.getName(), item) == null) {
} else {

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Thierry Boileau  wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> thanks a lot for your useful comments!
> Ive updated the sample code.
> >The call to putIfAbsent needs to be prefixed with getItems().
> Actually, I created a "putIfAbsent" method on the BaseResource class
> because I was not aware you meant to use a ConcurrentMap.
> best regards,
> Thierry Boileau
> > Great, thanks! Just a few more tweaks:
> >
> > The type of the items field in FirstResourceApplication and the return
> > type of getItems() in FirstResourceApplication and BaseResource should
> > be ConcurrentMap, in order to have access to the putIfAbsent method.
> >
> > There's no need to repeat the construction of ConcurrentHashMap in the
> > two constructor bodies -- it only raises the question of why it was
> > written that way. Better to initialize at the declaration point and
> > keep the constructors simple:
> >
> > ItemsResource could be simplified by removing the Collection
> > items field and the doInit method and simply using getItem().values()
> > in the for loop in the @Get method. You already have a more
> > substantive example of using doInit in ItemResource.
> >
> > private final ConcurrentMap items
> > = new ConcurrentHashMap();
> >
> > public FirstResourceApplication(Context context) { super(context); }
> > public FirstResourceApplication() {}
> >
> > The sentence immediately preceding the FirstResourceApplication code,
> > "That's why you will notice that the map of items is made final and is
> > an instance of the ConcurrentHashMap class." should probably be
> > something like "That's why you will notice that the map of items is a
> > final reference to a ConcurrentMap, rather than a plain Map."  The
> > concrete type, ConcurrentHashMap, is not the point -- it could be any
> > implementation of ConcurrentMap, e.g., something produced by Google
> > Collections' MapMaker.
> >
> > The call to putIfAbsent needs to be prefixed with getItems().
> >
> > --tim
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Thierry Boileau
> >>>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tim,
> >
> > thanks a lot for your comments! The sample code has been updated.
> >
> > best regards,
> > Thierry Boileau
> >
> > > The introduction has "...which means that you don't need to take
> > care
> > > of thread-safe concerns."  which should be "thread-safety
> concerns".
> > > This might still be a little strong, as you still have to worry
> > about
> > > thread-safety in all the objects that your Resources refer to
> > that are
> > > shared between threads. You could say that you don't need to
> > make your
> > > resource subclasses thread-safe, but that sounds anticlimactic.
> > >
> > > "That's why you will notice that the map of items is made immutable
> > > and is an instance of the ConcurrentHashMap class." You mean
> > "final",
> > > not "immutable". In actual practice, you'd really want to make the
> > > items field a ConcurrentMap rather than just Map, because the @Post
> > > and @Put methods defined below would then be able to use
> putIfAbsent
> > > to avoid races. I know you want to keep the example simple, but I'd
> > > hate for readers to draw the conclusion that they don't have to
> > worry
> > > about races:
> > >
> > > // Register the new item if one is not already registered.
> > > if (!getItems().containsKey(itemName) &&
> > > getItems().putIfAbsent(itemName, new Item(itemName,
> > > itemDescription)) == null) {
> > >
> > > // Set the response's status and entity
> > > setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED);
> > > Representation rep = new StringRepresentation("Item
> > created",
> > > MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
> > > // Indicates where is located the new resource.
> > >
> > rep.setIdentifier(getRequest().getResourceRef().getIdentifier()
> > > + "/" + itemName);
> > > result = rep;
> > >
> > > } else { // Item is already registered.
> > > setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
> > > result = generateErrorRepresentation("Item " + itemName
> > >   

How to Fetch Request XML in Java Restlet

2009-04-08 Thread Rick
   I'm trying to use java restlet. I'll be getting the input in the XML format 
& I need to store the data in database & return back the response back in XML 

   Does any one have sample code which accepts input in XML & then stores in DB 
& returns response in XML?

How to fetch the request in XML format in Java restlet? 

   I'll really appreciate if some one can elaborate in detail!!



Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

2009-04-08 Thread Tim Peierls
Why involve Context at all? The AnnotationInfo associated with a Class does not depend on Context. You could just add a
method to AnnotationUtils:
public static AnnotationInfo getAnnotationDescriptor(Class resourceClass) {
AnnotationInfo result = cache.get(resourceClass);
if (result == null) {
result = computeAnnotationDescriptor(resourceClass); // use code
from existing getAnnotationDescriptors for this
AnnotationInfo prev = cache.putIfAbsent(resourceClass, result);
if (prev != null) result = prev;
return result;
private static final ConcurrentMap,
AnnotationInfo> cache =
new ConcurrentHashMap, AnnotationInfo>();

Then you don't need getAnnotationDescriptors. You probably want a way to
clear cache entries if a class is reloaded, say.

You could get more fancy, with Futures and such, but I think that would be
wasted effort.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Tal Liron wrote:

>  Ah, I can see your point now.
> I would recommend, then, that a Context would have two separate
> ConcurrentHashMaps, something like this:
> 1. Context.getConfiguration() -- this would be for the user
> 2. Context.getImplementationCache() -- this would be for things like
> AnnotationUtils, and the user should not normally look at this, except
> perhaps for debugging
> -Tal
> David Fogel wrote:
> Hi Tal-
> I think what you suggested about appending a classloader id (perhaps
> System.identityHashCode(cl) ?) would work.
> Regarding the Restlet Context and this cache being "cruft":  You say
> the Context is a reasonable place for information that applies to the
> Application, but this doesn't have annotation cache doesn't have
> anything to do with my Application, it's related to a hidden
> _implementation_ detail.  As an end-user, we're not meant to be using
> this annotion info cache directly.  Yet the Context, as a very
> prominent and unavoidable part of the Restlet public API is meant to
> be used and understood.  That's why I think it isn't a good place to
> stash implementation-related data like this annotation stuff.
> -Dave
> --


RE: Spring + Restlet 1.2-SNAPSHOT, NullPointerException

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Hough
Thanks for the resources, Jerome. I'll take a look and see what I can learn 
from them!


Weird issue with VirtualHosts

2009-04-08 Thread MattyJ

I'm trying to setup a couple of virtual hosts following the example given for 
the actual restlet website.

My code looks like this:

VirtualHost host = new VirtualHost(getContext());
host.setHostDomain("|" + ipAddress);
host.setHostPort("80|" + Integer.toString(port));
host.attach(new WwwMywebsiteCom(wwwUri + "/html"));

host = new VirtualHost(getContext());
host.setHostPort("80|" + Integer.toString(port));
host.attach(new MediaMywebsiteCom(wwwUri + "/media"));

The funny thing is when I run this code locally on my own machine the 
"" works fine. 

But when I install the jar on the production server and attempt to run in there 
the "media" virtual host doesn't seem to work. In fact no requests are ever 

Do you have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? I've tried 
various combinations of values for the host domain and ports but to no avail.

Thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: 1.1.4 isn't in

2009-04-08 Thread Davide Angelocola
Hi Mark,
it will be available on 15/4. Check this:

"The first one is freely accessible from and
contains all Restlet JARs and third party dependencies that aren't available
in the main public Maven repository. It will be automatically refreshed on
the 1st and on the 15th of each month."

Best Regards,
Davide Angelocola

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Mark Derricutt  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Any reason why restlet 1.1.4 isn't available in the
> repository yet?  I assume its a manual deployment process?
> ...and then Buffy staked Edward.  The End.
> --

-- Davide Angelocola


RE: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Paul,
I agree with your comment, the knowledge of Restlet specific extensions
shouldn't be required by the clients.
Actually, the TunnelService already allows you to specify the full media
type name or character set or language. Therefore, "/myPath?media=text/xml"
will work.
In the annotation case, the usage of extensions is purely internal to
Restlet and doesn't have to be exposed or known by clients. This is even
orthogonal to the TunnelService feature.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Paul Austin [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 20:25
À :
Objet : Re: Restlet 1.2 M2 released [throw previous email away]


I would be happy if users can choose to either use the "extensions" or the
mime-type where the extension is currently used. Consider a web service
which is designed to be used either from a web browser when the media=
parameter is used or from a Java client where the accept header can be set.
In the documentation for this web service it would be useful to be able to
list only the mime types. Rather than saying, if you use the media parameter
use the keyword xhtml or if you use the accept header use

Another thing to consider is if you describe your service using WADL you
would be using the mime types so the client using the media= parameter would
need to know the mapping to/from mime type to media type. i.e. you need a
public extensions registry.

Just some thoughts,


RE: Re: Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Fabio,

Even though not ideal from a Restlet point of view (because the
ServerServlet acts as a pseudo-server connector for a Restlet Component), it
should indeed be possible to attach ServerServlet several times in the same
Servlet application using a single web.xml (resulting in several Restlet
Components used internally).

There is an existing RFE that I've just updated:

"Simplify Servlet configuration"
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Fabio Mancinelli [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 10:42
À :
Objet : RE: Re: Multiple applications

> You probably want to declare your "application - url" mapping in some 
> configuration files outside of the code.
> If you're talking about web.xml file only, it seems you can't.
Actually I was talking about web.xml file only.
Thank you for your hints about solving the problem.




RE: Re: Media types specified as a query parameter

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Fabio,

As JaxRsApplication is a subclass of org.restlet.Application, there is no
reason for the tunnel service not to work properly. The default query param
to override the accepted mediatypes is "media" as documented here:

Actually, I've tested your sample code and the following URI triggers that
tunnel service:

You can check that it works by looking at the logs, in my case:
INFO: 2009-04-0812:28:30127.0.0.1   -   -   8182
GET /users/toto -   404 ...

Note that the URI can cut to remove the query parameter to make sure that
this mechanism is transparent to your resources.

You might have other issues down the road in your resource maybe.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Fabio Mancinelli [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 17:08
À :
Objet : RE: Re: Media types specified as a query parameter

> I am starting to think that the ?media mechanism is not supported when
using the JAX-RS extension.
This is probably the reason...

Anyway I did this very simple application

Could somebody confirm the incompatibility, or hint a solution if I am doing
something wrong? :)




RE: Grizzly Https Server

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Sheshakiran,

Regarding the HTTPS configuration of our Grizzly connector, you can check
this page:

Regarding BASIC authentication, it will work fine as well (nothing specific
to Grizzly connector here, just regular Restlet stuff).

Regarding asynchronicity, I'm not sure what you mean.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


-Message d'origine-
De : srsk [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 16:25
À :
Objet : Grizzly Https Server


I am Sheshakiran, developer from one of the service based industry. 

I have a requirement to develop one Grizzly Asynhcronous Https Server, which
would do Basic Authentication and HTTPCertificate validation. I found Http
implementation of grizzly server, but i am not able to get sufficient
information on Grizzly Https implementation. 

Any kind of help would be really appreciable. 

Https should accept inputs like 1) Username and Password and 2) Certificate
details like i) Keystore
ii) Trusted certificate iii) passwords for keystore and certificate iv)
private key alias and private key password ... 

thanks .. 

View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at



RE: DirectoryResource throws/logs useless exceptions for CLAP protocol

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Thanks for looking at the details on Directory implementation. This are
certainly opportunities to refactor and optimize this class. As you found
out, it is handling pretty complex stuff. We would welcome some
contributions in this area. 
We have also received a report regarding performance issue of Directory used
with the WAR client that we need to inspect. This might be due to the same
"Improve performance of WAR client"
Regarding the production ready status, we have been using this class on all
our Web sites with no trouble so far.
Would you mind creating a bug report for what you found?
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Rob Heittman [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 14:26
À :
Objet : Re: DirectoryResource throws/logs useless exceptions for CLAP

I also wish it were a bit faster. We do serve several hundred thousand
impressions out of Directory every month, but we serve several million using
thinner Resources not wrapped in Directory -- not sure what would happen if
we wrapped those in Directory.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:58 AM, David Fogel  wrote:

The Directory class is the only built-in way for plain, non-servlet,
Restlet apps to serve static content. Should we consider it
"production"-ready w.r.t. performance under load? Another way of
asking this: is the Directory class a reasonable substitute for, e.g.
Jetty's DefaultServlet?


RE: Multiple Application Handling in web.xml

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Tamer,
The issue is with your restlet.xml file. The URI template shouldn't contain
a "*" at then end:";>

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tamer Abuelsaad [] 
Envoyé : mardi 7 avril 2009 03:49
À :
Objet : Multiple Application Handling in web.xml

I am using restlet 1.2M2 in the TomCat 6 web container. I am trying to
create multiple Restlet applications and define different URI patterns that
map to each one. I tried to do this following all the Restlet examples
posted and it seems that all the examples show how to handle only one
application in the web.xml
I found an example referring to restlet.xml and defining Components. I can't
seem to get this to work. I am attaching my web.xml and restlet.xml and
would truly appreciate it if someone can tell me why I am getting a 404
error when I try to access either of the following URLs:

web.xml content:";
id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">




restlet.xml content:";>

Thank you


RE: Use a proxy server with a Client?

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Shingo,

Thanks for this suggestion. I've added a link to your email in the related

"Add parameters for proxies in HTTP clients"
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Shingo Omura [] 
Envoyé : lundi 6 avril 2009 07:14
À :
Objet : Re: Use a proxy server with a Client?

Hi, all.
My name is Shingo Omura, newbie for restlet.

Avi Flax wrote on 2008-06-12 23:49:07 PDT:
> A method like void setUseProxy(String host, int port) would make sense 
> to me.

I agree with that. So, I modify the source of org.restlet.Client so that
Client can have void setProxy(String host, String port) and can access
through proxy server.

I send a patch file and the original (attached).

Best Regards,
Shingo Omura


> Rob, thank you for the thorough and informative answer! I really
appreciate it.
> The system properties approach for the Net connector will suffice for 
> me for now, but I really think this ought to be available via the 
> Client API. A method like void setUseProxy(String host, int port) 
> would make sense to me.
> Thanks again!
> Avi
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:54 PM, Rob Heittman 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Thara S had an open question about this in another thread.  I think 
> > the answer is here:
> >
> >
> >
> > For the Net connector you ought to be able to use the common idiom 
> > of setting the system properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort.
> >
> > This idiom does not work with the Apache HttpClient connector
anyway.  Steve
> > Loughran went to big lengths to fix this
> > here: and he also
> > some ideas to the bug report.  I'd rather set properties on the 
> > client context, like configuring server properties, though ...
> > If enough people think this is a big deal, I'm happy to propose a
patch and
> > see if Jerome's willing to bump it earlier.
> > - R
> > On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Avi Flax  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all, does anyone know of a way to have a Client use a proxy 
> >> server when making a request?



RE: Easy way to serve static content

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Paul,
Thanks for this feed-back. This aspect wasn't clear at all looking at the
Javadocs of the Servlet extension. So, I have just added some explanations
in ServerServlet and also moved many implementation classes into an
org.restlet.ext.servlet.internal package that is hidden from public
Javadocs. You shouldn't attempt to instantiate the WarClient class manually.
In your case, you should just use the WAR client, automatically available,
in your resources:
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Paul Austin [] 
Envoyé : lundi 6 avril 2009 16:56
À :
Objet : Easy way to serve static content

Is there an easy way to configure the SpringBeanRouter to use files within a
war file? For example /css would be mapped to /css/* resources within the
war file.

I was trying the following but I could not get hold of the ServletContext

public class StaticWarResource extends Resource {
private static final List VARIANTS = Arrays.asList(new

public StaticWarResource() {

public Representation represent(Variant variant) throws ResourceException {

ServletContextAdapter context = (ServletContextAdapter)getContext();
ServletContext servletContext = context.getServletContext();

MediaType mediaType = variant.getMediaType();
Request request = getRequest();

Reference reference = request.getResourceRef();
String path = reference.getRelativePart(true);
ServletWarEntity entity = new ServletWarEntity(servletContext, path);
return entity.getRepresentation(mediaType, 1);



RE: access control

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Helen,

If you are in Restlet 1.1, I would suggest writing a simple Filter subclass
and to override the beforeHandle() method.

Check the IP address and if you want to block it, set the status to

This will be simpler than extending Guard. In Restlet 1.2, the new security
API is more flexible and I would suggest to extend the Authorizer
class/filter instead.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : helen chen [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 3 avril 2009 03:00
À :
Objet : Re: access control

I'm reading the document about the Guard. It looks like when creating a
Guard, I can specify ChallengeScheme.CUSTOM which can be used for IP address

But if I do it, then when should I check the IP address? Does that mean I
have to create a sub class of Guard, override method authenticate() and
Does anyone have ever done this? Is there any sample code I can take a look?

since only server side it check IP address, at client side, I guess I don't
need to do request.setChallengeResponse() for the ChallengeSchema.CUSTOM

I would appreciate if anyone has any ideasabout how to deal with it .


>>> Helen Chen 04/02/09 5:09 PM >>>
Hello there,

I'm having a situation like the following:  I need to restrict that only one
ip adddress is allowed to access to a specific uri that is developed by
And other pages are open to all.

 I know this usually should be done at the web server part. But if I need to
do it through Restlet, Can I use Guard to do it? If yes, does anyone have

Thanks, Helen


RE: ServerResource conditional mode

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi all,
Let me try to reply to the rest on this thread in one mail.
1) Multiple POST/PUT methods for different types of request entity
It will be possible to specify the media type of the entity passed to POST
and PUT methods in the annotation value, in addition to specifying the
optional media type of the returned entity.
Again, you can find a bit more details in the specifications page (see
"Annotations parameter" paragraph):
There are examples given:
@Get("xml") : Returns a representation in the "text/xml" media type

String toString();

@Put("xml") : Stores representations in the "text/xml" media type after
conversion to a DOM document

void store(Document doc)

@Put("text:xml") : Stores representations in the "text/xml" media type after
conversion to a DOM document and returns a plain text response

String store(Document doc)
This isn't implemented yet, this is the next step for 1.2 M3.
2) Exceptions caught
Currently (SVN trunk at least), the ResourceExceptions are caught and the
response status is updated accordingly. This is done in the
ServerResource#handle() method. Other exceptions will be caught upper in the
processing chain, by the StatusService for example. 
We do have some plans to extend the ConverterService in order to
automatically convert common exceptions into matching statuses, but I'm not
clear yet whether this is such a good idea (JAX-RS has this).
3) Variants declaration
Currently, there is a modifiable map (Map>
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 3 avril 2009 09:46
À :
Objet : Re: ServerResource conditional mode

You don't need to put a media type if you're using void (although, you could
potentially have more than one @Post handler, for several media types, to be
used depending on the expectation of a media type from the client...).

But, you do need to disable conditional mode:


public void handlePost(Representation rep) { ... }

protected void init()

Why? I'm still a bit in the dark about this. My current instinct tells me
that there's a bug in how the preferred variant is calculated for
conditional mode, in that it doesn't gather variants for the particular
method. Thus, I suspect (I haven't tested this) that if you had a @Get with
a particular media type (say, @Get("txt")) then there would be a preferred
variant and your @Post would be called, even in conditional mode.

Please take that last paragraph with a truckload of salt. :)


David Fogel wrote:

Hi Tal-

I will definitely take a look at your script extension, thanks for the


I think I understand the general deal with the mediatype annotation

argument.  But like I said, I was trying to define a Post method that

doesn't return content (and which therefore wouldn't make sense to

declare a mediatype for.  So what's the right annotation argument for

this method?

@Post("[what goes here?]")

public void handlePost(Representation rep) { ... }

what I found was that I had to put a return type or a mediatype, or

else ServerResource refuses to call the method, due to the lack of a





Re: 1.1.4 isn't in

2009-04-08 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Mark,

not at all, this is not a manual process. As written here [1], the 
public repository is updated twice a month on the 1st and the 15th of april.

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Hi all,
> Any reason why restlet 1.1.4 isn't available in the
> repository yet?  I assume its a manual deployment process?
> ...and then Buffy staked Edward.  The End.
> --


RE: ServerResource conditional mode

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Dave,

As I just explained in reply to Tal, your initial issue with POST is now
addressed in SVN trunk. Hope this makes sense now what conditional
processing is for.

Regarding the support for annotations directly in ServerResource, I
initially thought about separating them, but felt that it would be nice to
be able to mix both approaches in some cases. In is also easier for somebody
to port his existing pre-1.2 resources to the new API and progressively
leverage annotations. 

This isn't fixed in stone though and we have time for refactoring before 1.2
RC. Regarding the lack of documentation and explanation, this is mainly due
to the fact that this is still work in progress and the design isn't final
yet. The goal of Restlet 1.2 M2 was to get some early feed-back from the
community to adjust what needs to be.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


-Message d'origine-
De : David Fogel [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 3 avril 2009 07:27
À :
Objet : Re: ServerResource conditional mode

Hi Tal-

I've been struggling with that very question, as I, too had trouble with
POSTing to my new ServerResource subclass.

I also noticed that getPreferredVariant(Method.GET) is called during
processing of the POST request, and I couldn't figure out why.

At first I thought that was the cause of my problems, but it turned out that
my problem was in the 2nd time through getPreferredVariant(), in
doNegotiatedHandle(), this time called with (the correct) Method.POST.  This
method was always returning a 406 status - CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE.

my post method looked something like this:

public void postSomeData(Representation entity) throws ResourceException {


the getPreferredVariant code checks the Java return-type of the annotated
method, and in this case having a void return type meant that
getPreferredVariant returns null, which causes the doNegotiatedHandle to
return 406.

This doesn't seem like quite the right thing, since it's not clear to me
exactly what kind of content negotation can really usefully go on in the
(fairly common) case of a POST method which processes Form data and then
returns 204- success-no-content.  It's also not clear to me whether I should
have given the @Post a mediatype value- should this be the incoming
representation type of form-url-encoded, or something else?  not sure at

I'd love to see some greater amount of docs or general explanation of what
the thinking is here, or else I fear this will cause significant confusion
for people...  I found it particularly confusing how ServerResource combines
support for both annotated and non-annotated subclasses.  Maybe support for
these two approaches should be broken out into two classes?

-Dave Fogel



RE: Re: Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
> You probably want to declare your "application - url" mapping in some
> configuration files outside of the code.
> If you're talking about web.xml file only, it seems you can't.
Actually I was talking about web.xml file only.
Thank you for your hints about solving the problem.



RE: ServerResource conditional mode

2009-04-08 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Tal,
The conditional mode is here to support HTTP conditional methods as
explained for the "If-Match" header:
The idea is that before executing some methods (PUT, POST, etc.), it is
possible to check whether the resource state has changed (tag or date
comparison). This check has to be done on the entity that would have been
returned by an equivalent GET. So we have to simulate a GET in order to
check conditions, whatever is the actual method handled.
Now, there is no reason to simulate the GET if the client hasn't expressed
any condition. I have fixed ServerResource#doConditionalHandle() so it will
work fine in your cases. 
Just note that if your client do express some conditions, the ServerResource
will expect your subclasses to provide support for GET or else it will
result in an error. I think this is reasonable and you can always turn off
conditional processing if you really don't want to provide GET
Hope this clarifies.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 2 avril 2009 23:20
À :
Objet : ServerResource conditional mode


Does someone have a grasp on what conditional mode is for and how it used?

It's enabled by default, but I had to disable it for one of my resources to
work with PUT and POST. The issue is that it always calls doGetInfo first,
which for my particular resource will fail, and so calls to PUT and POST
also fail.

Also, it seems to me that calling doGetInfo for every request, even for
methods that are not GET, is wasteful. In short, I simply don't understand
why this check happens, and subsequently what exactly conditional mode is
doing. :)



Re: Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Alexander J. Perez Tchernov
You probably want to declare your "application - url" mapping in some
configuration files outside of the code.

If you're talking about web.xml file only, it seems you can't.

1) But you can use custom  component (restlet.xml)

2) or you can specify these mapping in init / context parameters for
your custom application, and make application be a Router, that will
do  in createRoot () initialization

for ( param : init param list)
  this.attach(param.url, param.application).

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Fabio Mancinelli
> Dear all,
> is it possible to define multiple applications in a web.xml, each one 
> attached to a servlet rooted at a different base URI?
> Apparently it's not possible because the application class is defined as a 
> context parameter not linked to a servlet, but maybe I am missing something.
> Thank you for your help.
> Fabio
> --

Best regards,
 ~ Xasima Xirohata ~


Multiple applications

2009-04-08 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Dear all,

is it possible to define multiple applications in a web.xml, each one attached 
to a servlet rooted at a different base URI?

Apparently it's not possible because the application class is defined as a 
context parameter not linked to a servlet, but maybe I am missing something.

Thank you for your help.
