Re: Cleaning up memcached connections

2007-10-30 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 30-Oct-07, at 10:55 PM, webjunkie wrote:

>> Err, what was the old version, and what's the new version?
>> "Upgrade" is kind of vague.  :-/
> Upgraded from 3.2.10 to 3.3.1 ;)

which is 8 months old ;-)



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Re: Bitwise operations in QuerySets?

2007-10-30 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 17:03 -0400, George Vilches wrote:
> What I want to do:  Assume I have an integer column in a table that 
> contains a value that I want perform a bit operation on.  I would like 
> to able to make a QuerySet that generates a query similar to this: 
> "SELECT * FROM table WHERE column & 4;". (example is MySQL-friendly).
> I've looked around both in the current DB layer and in 
> Queryset-refactor, but it's possible I've missed something.  If this 
> already exists, then give me the shaming I deserve.  Otherwise...
> Would anyone object to it being just another __ operation?  For 
> instance, Poll.objects.filter(column__bitand=4).  Is there a preference 
> whether this should be __and or __bitand?

Yeah, I'd object. I don't see it as common enough to warrant inclusion.
You can achieve the same functionality either with extra(where=...) or a
custom Q-like object, so I'm inclined to leave it out of core.

By the way, in the queryset-refactor Q-like objects will have access to
the full query class, which includes the model, so you'll be able to
write something like Bit(foo__and=4) and when it comes time to produce
the SQL, your Bit class will be able to work out the right column name
for model field "foo".


Quantum mechanics: the dreams stuff is made of.

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Re: multi-db branch

2007-10-30 Thread Ed Summers

On Oct 29, 3:31 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You probably want to start by reading messages here:

So it sounds as if the branch is dead, and there are patches being
attached to #4747?  I'd be willing to pitch in some time to get the
multi-db code up to snuff, if there is a clear road ahead for what
needs to be done. If there isn't I can live with that too :-)


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Re: Cleaning up memcached connections

2007-10-30 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 31, 4:25 am, webjunkie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 30, 4:53 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Err, what was the old version, and what's the new version?
> > "Upgrade" is kind of vague.  :-/
> Upgraded from 3.2.10 to 3.3.1 ;)

Except that I still can't see why upgrading from mod_python 3.2.10 to
3.3.1 would make a difference. The only remote possibility would be
because the older module importer in mod_python 3.2.10 was causing a
problem because of the way that it overlays a reloaded module on top
of an old one. Issue with this being the reason is that it shouldn't
be applying reloading to code modules in Django and can't therefore
see how it would trigger the problem with the old module loader. So, I
am still mystified.


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Bitwise operations in QuerySets?

2007-10-30 Thread George Vilches

What I want to do:  Assume I have an integer column in a table that 
contains a value that I want perform a bit operation on.  I would like 
to able to make a QuerySet that generates a query similar to this: 
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE column & 4;". (example is MySQL-friendly).

I've looked around both in the current DB layer and in 
Queryset-refactor, but it's possible I've missed something.  If this 
already exists, then give me the shaming I deserve.  Otherwise...

Would anyone object to it being just another __ operation?  For 
instance, Poll.objects.filter(column__bitand=4).  Is there a preference 
whether this should be __and or __bitand?

I don't know if this makes sense for | (bitwise-OR), since you would 
need to be able to specify something more like this:

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE column | 4 > 12;".
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE column | 4 = 12;".

Which may not be appropriate for a simple queryset operator in Django. 
However, it would be cool if there was some way to support that with a 
more complicated Q() or the like, but I could see it being out of scope 
of Django, so ignore this part if so.

Bitwise-XOR, I don't know, some specific usages maybe.

I've already verified that all the DBs  Django supports have some 
mechanism for doing the basic bitwise operations.[1][2][3][4][5]

I don't mind doing this only against the qs-rf branch, and I can build 
the tests and patch, but wanted to get the community opinion first.  I'm 
+1 on & (bitwise-AND), -0 on | (bitwise-OR, pending someone giving a 
neat example), and +0 on bitwise-XOR/the rest, but would like to find 
some way to be +1 on all of them.



[1] SQLite:
[2] MySQL:
[3] MSSQL:
[4] PostgreSQL:
[5] Oracle:

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Re: setup_environ question

2007-10-30 Thread Leo Soto M.

On Oct 27, 2007 3:12 PM, Gary Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a reason why setup_environ adds the parent directory of the project
> directory to the path, imports the project module, and then removes the parent
> directory from the path?  The imported project module is also not used 
> afterwards.

To put it into sys.modules? (Not very useful, but it's the only
side-effect that occurs to me)

Leo Soto M.

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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread Robert Coup
> On 10/30/07, Marty Alchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > James, I think you've managed to hit (what I'd consider) the perfect
> > stride there. You have to import Entry anyway, so by making your
> > constants class attributes, you avoid the extra import requirement.
> It's not quite an enum, but it's close enough for my taste.

It works great for me too.

Though on further reflection, I think Jeremy's asking for something
> that's legitimately useful: it'd be nice to have some way to accept
> the human-readable value (say, in a URL) and use it to do the lookup
> with that.

Are there i18n issues that pop up here? what is the reverse of {0:_("my

Rob :)

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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread Marty Alchin

On 10/30/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Though on further reflection, I think Jeremy's asking for something
> that's legitimately useful: it'd be nice to have some way to accept
> the human-readable value (say, in a URL) and use it to do the lookup
> with that.

Hrm, I hadn't really considered URLs, to be honest. I actually have a
situation that could indeed benefit from that.



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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread James Bennett

On 10/30/07, Marty Alchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James, I think you've managed to hit (what I'd consider) the perfect
> stride there. You have to import Entry anyway, so by making your
> constants class attributes, you avoid the extra import requirement.

It's not quite an enum, but it's close enough for my taste.

Though on further reflection, I think Jeremy's asking for something
that's legitimately useful: it'd be nice to have some way to accept
the human-readable value (say, in a URL) and use it to do the lookup
with that.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread Marty Alchin

James, I think you've managed to hit (what I'd consider) the perfect
stride there. You have to import Entry anyway, so by making your
constants class attributes, you avoid the extra import requirement.

I hereby retract my +0 in favor of a -0. Either way, I'm still stuck at "meh."


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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread Marty Alchin

Wow, that's an interesting idea. I don't think I'd use it very often,
but I definitely like the idea. It would add a little bit of overhead
beyond the existing, but that's only when people actually use it, and
I expect that won't be terribly often.

This seems like the kind of thing that would be most useful in a
urlconf, specifying base querysets for use with generic views. These
would only get called once when the module is loaded, so the impact
would be minimal. Views would likely be doing lookups based on user
input, rather than programmer input, so those probably wouldn't use it

The only other performance hit I can think of would be in models that
use it to reference subsets of related models. And in those cases, if
it's really a problem, it's still easy and readable to just expect
programmers to scroll up to the CHOICES assignment and see what the
number refers to. Of course, I tend to assign those numbers to
constants, which I then reference, but you're right that it still
requires an input in order to use that outside of the file where it's

All in all, I kinda like it, but I doubt I'll use it. +0 I suppose.

One thing I'd add is a check that the value is in fact present in the
display list before running the query. For instance, if 'parrot'
wasn't actually a valid option, the QuerySet could figure that out and
return an EmptyQuerySet instead, without ever touching the database
(since it wouldn't even know what to look for anyway). It's either
that or throw an error. I'd hate to see that behavior undefined.


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Re: Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread James Bennett

On 10/30/07, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's always bugged me a little that choice lookups are based on the raw value.
> Example for discussion:
>(1, 'parrot'),
>(2, 'argument'),
> )
> class Profile(models.Model):
> user = FK(User)
> favorite_skit = IntegerField(choices=CHOICES)
> In staticly-typed languages, and paraphrasing a bit, lookups like this
> are based on enums.


Actually, what I've typically done is something like this (ripped from
my blog code):

class Entry(models.Model):
(LIVE_STATUS, 'Live'),
status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES)
# ...etc.

Which then leads fairly naturally into lookups like


It's a bit more typing, but I like the way it encapsulates the choices
into the model class, and it leads to much more readable lookups
(without a need for magic numbers).

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Choice lookups

2007-10-30 Thread Jeremy Dunck

It's always bugged me a little that choice lookups are based on the raw value.

Example for discussion:
   (1, 'parrot'),
   (2, 'argument'),

class Profile(models.Model):
user = FK(User)
favorite_skit = IntegerField(choices=CHOICES)

In staticly-typed languages, and paraphrasing a bit, lookups like this
are based on enums.

Querying for parrot lovers:
which is kind of unreadable.

It'd be nice if we could do this:

That is, introduce a new __display lookup type which accepts a string
and tries to get the raw value based on the choices kwarg on that

(A little utility could be added for choice reversal:
REV_CHOICES = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in CHOICES)
but that's a sideline; you still have to do the import and it's a bit
verbose, especially if you consider likely namespace collisions.

The only complaint I can see for this is that some people may be using
different raw values to map to the same display value, but the new
__display lookup type would just be another way; querying with raw
values would still work.


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Re: Cleaning up memcached connections

2007-10-30 Thread webjunkie

On Oct 30, 4:53 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Err, what was the old version, and what's the new version?
> "Upgrade" is kind of vague.  :-/

Upgraded from 3.2.10 to 3.3.1 ;)

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Re: Cleaning up memcached connections

2007-10-30 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 10/30/07, webjunkie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had the same problem today. I can confirm that it's fixed with a
> newer mod_python.

Err, what was the old version, and what's the new version?

"Upgrade" is kind of vague.  :-/

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Re: Cleaning up memcached connections

2007-10-30 Thread webjunkie

I had the same problem today. I can confirm that it's fixed with a
newer mod_python.

On Oct 26, 6:59 am, Chris Henderson  wrote:
> I ran into this when I was running benchmarks with ab2 on an Ubuntu
> Dapper box.   I ended up just using the patch that you provided to fix
> the problem, but after I installed gutsy recently, I noticed that the
> problem was no longer occurring on a straight svn Django checkout
> (without the fix).  It seems that whatever the problem was (at least for
> me), it was fixed in mod_python 3.3.1.  To make sure this was really
> what fixed it, I manually compiled 3.3.1 on a dapper machine that
> previously had the issue, and it went away.  Maybe someone who knows
> more than me about mod_python would know why..
> chris.
> Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> > Hi all --
> > We've noticed that in a few cases Django under mod_python can leave
> > dangling connections to memcached open. We've had trouble tracking
> > down the circumstances under which this happens, but when it does it
> > can lead to memcached servers hitting their connection limits, which
> > means caching stops. Nasty.
> > I've fixed the problem, and the patch is at
> >,
> > but I'm not sure about the ramifications of the fix. Thoughts before I
> > check this in?
> > Jacob- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Proposal: shortcut to display one field from newforms

2007-10-30 Thread Brian Rosner

The as_* methods are helpers to display the form fields quickly.  As
mentioned above you can accomplish exactly what you are describing.
Just create a templatetag to make it more DRY.

On Oct 30, 2:52 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > On the other hand, it's kind of an edge case, since if you're using the
> > same set of tags for every field, it quite limits the amount of
> > customized layout you can do :)
> I don't think so - most of the people control the layout via css
> I think using {{ }} is a great idea.

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[no subject]

2007-10-30 Thread Warner Leijenaar

Warner Leijenaar

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Reverse Engineer + Database + Models

2007-10-30 Thread aruns

I am a new to Django..
i just wanted to know if i could reverse engineer an existing
database tables to files

is there any tool to do this?


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Re: Proposal: shortcut to display one field from newforms

2007-10-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> On the other hand, it's kind of an edge case, since if you're using the
> same set of tags for every field, it quite limits the amount of
> customized layout you can do :)

I don't think so - most of the people control the layout via css

I think using {{ }} is a great idea.

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Re: Reverse Engineer + Database + Models

2007-10-30 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 30-Oct-07, at 12:07 PM, aruns wrote:

> I am a new to Django..

dont crosspost to both users and developers - stick to users unless  
you are going to join in developing django itself



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Re: FileField question

2007-10-30 Thread Robert Coup
On 29/10/2007, Justin Driscoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To me having the two mutually-exclusive arguments sounds too much like
> trying to fake static typing in a dynamic language. I don't see the
> advantage of separate names for basically the same information provided in
> different ways. If it walks like a duck...
> if callable(upload_to):
> self.upload_to, filename = os.path.split(upload_to())
> else:
> self.upload_to = upload_to

After considering it again I think this would be the simple and compatible
way to go. The only caveat would be to clearly specify in the docs that if
you use a callable it must return a full path including filename.

Rob :)

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