Re: Proposal: user-friendly API for multi-database support

2008-09-29 Thread mihasya

Oops looks like I got distracted and hit send mid-thought. That last
part is supposed to be:

Obviously this function could get very complicated for a heavily
sharded setup, but sharding is complicated by definition, so where
that complexity goes isn't necessarily relevant. Letting this logic
live in a function outside the apps allows for immense flexibility
over time: if you upgrade your database server and this allows you to
host two databases that were previously on distinct machines, all you
have to do is modify that file. In the case of sharding, if you start
out with a dataset that works fine on a single server, you don't do
anything in teh function. Once you start sharding, you modify the
function to reflect that.



On Sep 29, 10:25 pm, mihasya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'm still learning my way around the deeper parts of the codebase,
> but at first glance the "function pointed to from"
> approach seems best. This way, the connection management is completely
> opaque to the model. If that function isn't defined, it can just fall
> back to the default connection. This requires minimal changes to the
> base model (to start with, anyway), and gives the developer
> finegrained control over what queries go where - as fine grained as
> they want. We can then build on that, adding "shortcuts" for basic use
> cases, like defining a cluster of slaves to balance reads on etc. for
> more "run-of-the-mill" problems.
> A distinct advantage of this approach is that it can be built up very
> gradually. We can start with literally nothing - just a hook in the
> model class to call that function to determine what connection to use
> - and gradually add pre-cooked solutions. The advanced users can take
> advantage of it right away, defining their custom shard logic. The
> usual single-db Django apps won't even notice. We can then very
> quietly and gradually build on it.
> Once we get into things like cross-database joins, we would need to
> modify the ORM more to be aware that, but we could take this all one
> step at a time, just as Malcolm recommended.
> Mike.
> Obviously this function could get very complicated for a heavily
> sharded setup
> On Sep 10, 2:55 pm, ab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For the api to accept a DSN, alias, or connection anywhere would add
> > similar code in multiple places. I propose that the aliases are mapped
> > into django.db.connections. For your example, you could use
> > django.db.connections.archive. I also propose that you can either
> > define a single database (as now) or multiple DATABASES (as you
> > propose) and to define both or neither is an error. But anyways, how
> > to name/specify a database is semi-bikesheddy and orthogonal to the
> > issue of how to actually choose the database to be used, which is the
> > more important one. Here's my take on that:
> > My biggest problem with Simon's original proposal is that the
> > connection-choosing logic is too spread out. Sticking stuff on your
> > Model classes makes sense when the code is "local to that model" --
> > like methods, metadata, or choosing a connection per-table -- but that
> > doesn't make sense for a lot of multi-db setups. For complicated stuff
> > like sharding, I think you'd want all the logic in the same place.
> > Counter-proposal:
> > A *project-global* get_connection function, maybe in a location
> > specified by settings.
> > Input: the queryset, at least, and probably whatever else you'll
> > likely want to use: the model class, tables joined with,
> > fields_accessed?, etc.
> > Output: a connection object
> > That would make it easier to write and maintain your multi-db setup
> > and share logic across models. If you want control at the queryset-
> > granularity, this could maybe result in a proposed_connection
> > parameter to get_connection (and get_connection can obviously raise
> > exceptions as it sees fit). This proposal also solves the problem of
> > choosing a connection for contrib or 3rd-party applications.
> > Andrew
> > On Sep 10, 10:53 am, Simon Willison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > For those who weren't at DjangoCon, here's the state of play with
> > > regards to multi-db support: Django actually supports multiple
> > > database connections right now: the Query class (in django/db/models/
> > > sql/ accepts a connection argument to its constructor, and
> > > the QuerySet class (django/db/models/ can be passed an
> > > optional Query instance - if you don't pass it one, it will create a
> > > Query that uses the default django.db.connection.
> > > As a result, if you want to talk to a different connection you can do
> > > it right now using a custom manager:
> > > class MyManager(Manager):
> > >     def get_query_set(self):
> > >         query = sql.Query(self.model, my_custom_db_connection)
> > >         return QuerySet(self.model, query)
> > > As Malcolm described it, he's provided the plumbing, 

Re: Proposal: user-friendly API for multi-database support

2008-09-29 Thread mihasya

So, I'm still learning my way around the deeper parts of the codebase,
but at first glance the "function pointed to from"
approach seems best. This way, the connection management is completely
opaque to the model. If that function isn't defined, it can just fall
back to the default connection. This requires minimal changes to the
base model (to start with, anyway), and gives the developer
finegrained control over what queries go where - as fine grained as
they want. We can then build on that, adding "shortcuts" for basic use
cases, like defining a cluster of slaves to balance reads on etc. for
more "run-of-the-mill" problems.

A distinct advantage of this approach is that it can be built up very
gradually. We can start with literally nothing - just a hook in the
model class to call that function to determine what connection to use
- and gradually add pre-cooked solutions. The advanced users can take
advantage of it right away, defining their custom shard logic. The
usual single-db Django apps won't even notice. We can then very
quietly and gradually build on it.

Once we get into things like cross-database joins, we would need to
modify the ORM more to be aware that, but we could take this all one
step at a time, just as Malcolm recommended.


Obviously this function could get very complicated for a heavily
sharded setup

On Sep 10, 2:55 pm, ab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For the api to accept a DSN, alias, or connection anywhere would add
> similar code in multiple places. I propose that the aliases are mapped
> into django.db.connections. For your example, you could use
> django.db.connections.archive. I also propose that you can either
> define a single database (as now) or multiple DATABASES (as you
> propose) and to define both or neither is an error. But anyways, how
> to name/specify a database is semi-bikesheddy and orthogonal to the
> issue of how to actually choose the database to be used, which is the
> more important one. Here's my take on that:
> My biggest problem with Simon's original proposal is that the
> connection-choosing logic is too spread out. Sticking stuff on your
> Model classes makes sense when the code is "local to that model" --
> like methods, metadata, or choosing a connection per-table -- but that
> doesn't make sense for a lot of multi-db setups. For complicated stuff
> like sharding, I think you'd want all the logic in the same place.
> Counter-proposal:
> A *project-global* get_connection function, maybe in a location
> specified by settings.
> Input: the queryset, at least, and probably whatever else you'll
> likely want to use: the model class, tables joined with,
> fields_accessed?, etc.
> Output: a connection object
> That would make it easier to write and maintain your multi-db setup
> and share logic across models. If you want control at the queryset-
> granularity, this could maybe result in a proposed_connection
> parameter to get_connection (and get_connection can obviously raise
> exceptions as it sees fit). This proposal also solves the problem of
> choosing a connection for contrib or 3rd-party applications.
> Andrew
> On Sep 10, 10:53 am, Simon Willison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For those who weren't at DjangoCon, here's the state of play with
> > regards to multi-db support: Django actually supports multiple
> > database connections right now: the Query class (in django/db/models/
> > sql/ accepts a connection argument to its constructor, and
> > the QuerySet class (django/db/models/ can be passed an
> > optional Query instance - if you don't pass it one, it will create a
> > Query that uses the default django.db.connection.
> > As a result, if you want to talk to a different connection you can do
> > it right now using a custom manager:
> > class MyManager(Manager):
> >     def get_query_set(self):
> >         query = sql.Query(self.model, my_custom_db_connection)
> >         return QuerySet(self.model, query)
> > As Malcolm described it, he's provided the plumbing, now we need to
> > provide the porcelain in the form of a powerful, user-friendly API to
> > this stuff. Here's my first attempt at an API design.
> > Requirements
> > 
> > There are a number of important use-cases for multi-db support:
> > * Simple master-slave replication: SELECT queries are distributed
> >   between slaves, while UPDATE and DELETE statements are sent to
> >   the master.
> > * Different Django applications live on different databases, e.g.
> >   a forum on one database while blog lives on another.
> > * Moving data between different databases - it would be useful if
> >   you could do this using the ORM to help paper over the
> >   differences in SQL syntax.
> > * Sharding: data in a single Django model is distributed across
> >   multiple databases depending on some kind of heuristic (e.g. by
> >   user ID, or with archived content moved to a different server)
> > * Replication tricks, for 

Re: Proposal: Day of Week Filter in ORM on Date / DateTime Fields

2008-09-29 Thread Ross Poulton

On Sep 30, 12:29 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been thinking through, with a couple of different people, how we
> can support extra lookup types on fields and so I'm going to reserve
> judgement on this particular implementation until I have some thoughts
> in order on the latter subject. Maybe you'll convince another maintainer
> in the interim, but it's probably a good start to get the patch up to
> date and then drop it into the 1.1 features list, since running, tested
> code is always a good start for assessing something.

It'd be great to have some sort of drop-in architecture to allow new
query types that can be defined perhaps by an installed application,
rather than having to modify the Django distribution.

That said, since such a beast doesn't currently exist, I've just
updated my code to work on a current SVN checkout of Django. From my
POV the only thing missing is testing on Oracle, although I appreciate
that other viewpoints may see it wildly differently :)

> If you're writing an API for talking to the data storage layer, pick a
> value for the first day that is consistent at the Django level Don't
> create extra problems for yourself here by inentionally letting
> presentation information leak into the ORM layer.

Good point - the code currently attached to the ticket will always
force Sunday=1, Saturday=7. This happens regardless of the database
backend in use.

Thanks for your feedback Malcolm, I'll leave it here for the moment to
see what comments other contributors may have.

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Re: Proposal: Day of Week Filter in ORM on Date / DateTime Fields

2008-09-29 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 18:37 -0700, Ross Poulton wrote:
> When working with any calendar or event tracking information in Django
> it would be useful to be able to filter for items based on day of
> week:
> Event.objects.filter(event_date__week_day=1) # objects from any
> month/year/date, provided it's a Sunday
> will generate:
> SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('dow' FROM pub_date) = '1'; # Syntax
> varies on DB engine used.
> The most common use case for this is probably recurring events, so it
> won't be used by _everybody_ but it's a relatively simple change to
> implement.
> I've done most of the footwork and investigation for this, a patch is
> attached to ticket #7672 [1]. It hasn't actually been updated now
> since pre-1.0, so I'm cleaning it up now and should have a new version
> shortly. Between my patch & 1.0 were no major ORM changes that I'm
> aware of, so it'll be incidentals such as docs & tests that will need
> a real cleanup. AFAIK the code works on MySQL, Postgres & SQLite, and
> needs somebody to test on Oracle for it to be complete.

I'm personally a bit "meh" on this idea, although I can see it's useful
for some number of people > 1. There's no such thing as a "simple
change". I suspect the pros and cons pretty nicely balance each other

I've been thinking through, with a couple of different people, how we
can support extra lookup types on fields and so I'm going to reserve
judgement on this particular implementation until I have some thoughts
in order on the latter subject. Maybe you'll convince another maintainer
in the interim, but it's probably a good start to get the patch up to
date and then drop it into the 1.1 features list, since running, tested
code is always a good start for assessing something.

> Any thoughts on this? The only real alternative is to drop to raw SQL
> in a calendar app - but if we can exploit functionality within the
> database to do it cleanly in the ORM, why not?
> The only potential pitfall I'm aware of is with weeks starting on
> different days, see ticket #1061 [2]. I'm not intimate with the
> details of that ticket so can't really comment on it at this stage.

If you're writing an API for talking to the data storage layer, pick a
value for the first day that is consistent at the Django level. People
handling localised dates with different start dates will have to do the
conversion before making it a filter. When Django adds support for that
kind of stuff, we might well end up with some utility functions if this
type of filter goes into the ORM. Don't create extra problems for
yourself here by inentionally letting presentation information leak into
the ORM layer.


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Re: Proposal: Day of Week Filter in ORM on Date / DateTime Fields

2008-09-29 Thread Ross Poulton

My latest patch added to ticket # 7672 works against the latest SVN
checkout (r9097).

All it needs in my opinion is a decision on the best way to handle
Oracle dates, and testing against Oracle.

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Proposal: Day of Week Filter in ORM on Date / DateTime Fields

2008-09-29 Thread Ross Poulton

When working with any calendar or event tracking information in Django
it would be useful to be able to filter for items based on day of

Event.objects.filter(event_date__week_day=1) # objects from any
month/year/date, provided it's a Sunday

will generate:

SELECT ... WHERE EXTRACT('dow' FROM pub_date) = '1'; # Syntax
varies on DB engine used.

The most common use case for this is probably recurring events, so it
won't be used by _everybody_ but it's a relatively simple change to

I've done most of the footwork and investigation for this, a patch is
attached to ticket #7672 [1]. It hasn't actually been updated now
since pre-1.0, so I'm cleaning it up now and should have a new version
shortly. Between my patch & 1.0 were no major ORM changes that I'm
aware of, so it'll be incidentals such as docs & tests that will need
a real cleanup. AFAIK the code works on MySQL, Postgres & SQLite, and
needs somebody to test on Oracle for it to be complete.

Any thoughts on this? The only real alternative is to drop to raw SQL
in a calendar app - but if we can exploit functionality within the
database to do it cleanly in the ORM, why not?

The only potential pitfall I'm aware of is with weeks starting on
different days, see ticket #1061 [2]. I'm not intimate with the
details of that ticket so can't really comment on it at this stage.



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Re: threading, caching, and the yield in

2008-09-29 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 10:37 -0700, bo wrote:
> This little issue is really hard to replicate .. i've yet to find out
> how to programatically do it because it certainly revolves around a
> threading, object caching, and the Yield in (iteritems).
> I just wanted to post this here to see if anyone, with more experience
> then i, knows howto replicate this in a test case world.
> On to the description
> The set up:: Apache 2.2.6 + Linux + Threaded (_not_ forked) +
> mod_python + Django 1.X
> Suppose i have a 2 level caching object, that basically overloads the
> function to store/get the object(s) from a Memcached overlord cache
> (say 60 second expire), and 'local' cache (with a 1-2 second expire
> time) ..  the basic function is to keep a highly requested object
> _per_ HTTP request local in ram w/o having to go back to the Memcached
> cache.
> because of various iterators basing themselves off of "yield"
> statements in db/models/  Should 2 threads access the same
> Local RAM cache object and try to iterate (yes the READS from the
> cache are read/write locked, but this issue appears after the read
> lock is released and the object is begin used), the ususal "Value
> Error: Generator already running" exception is thrown.
>   File "mything/", line 1072, in _set_data
> for p in
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/",
> line 179, in _result_iter
> self._fill_cache()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/",
> line 612, in _fill_cache
> self._result_cache.append(
> ValueError: generator already executing
> So, i'm aware this may not be a bug. But my own ignorance for not
> doing something right.
> This does not happen very often in the servers i am running (about 10
> times a day on a 100k+ Django views/per day) which is why its really
> hard to track down

I don't understand from your description what you're actually doing, but
it sounds a lot like you're trying to read from the same QuerySet in
multiple threads whilst it's still retrieving results from the database
cursor. Don't do that. Firstly, database cursor result sets aren't
necesarily safe to be shared across threads. QuerySet and Query objects
probably are once the result set is populated, since every non-trivial
operation on them creates a copy and parallel iteration is supported,
but that's more by accident than design, since it's not worth the extra
overhead: if you want to share QuerySets via caching, they contain the
results (the result_cache is already fully primed).

Nothing in Django will cache a connection to the database or a cursor
result set, so can you break down your problem a bit more to describe
where the simultaneous access is happing. You say "the usual
ValueError", but I have never seen that raised by anything in Django. So
I'm wondering if you're doing something fairly unusual here.

That particular block of code is *designed* to be used in parallel
iterators in the same thread, so it's safe in that respect. But if
you're sharing a partially-read database cursor iterator across multiple
threads, it might be a case of it breaks you get to keep all the pieces.
I can't see why that would be necessary (if you want to cache the
results, just cache the queryset and it will cache the results; if you
want to cache the query, cache queryset.query and it will just cache the
query; both of those cases are designed in and documented).


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Re: Postgresql transaction aborts, despite being in autocommit mode

2008-09-29 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 03:25 -0700, Richard Davies wrote:
> So, do we agree that it makes sense for me to take the current 3460
> patch and complete it in the manner which I described in
> ? 

I'd be amazed (and fairly disappointed) if two copies of the code in was required. I'm fairly sure it can all be done by
examining the current transaction handling state inside existing
methods. But give it a shot however you like. As usual with patches, no
guarantees apply beforehand as to whether they'll be committed or not
because we often/usually have to look at an implementation before
knowing if it's going to work long-term. However, if I was doing this
(and if no reasonable alternative pops up in the next couple of months I
probably will), I'd be trying very hard to avoid any code duplication at
all. I realise it sounds fuzzy to say "my intuition says", but it looks
like it should be possible to do checks for whether we're in auto-commit
mode or not and have all the existing calls just behave normally --
including allowing manual transaction starts regardless of the mode.

The implementation here will probably turn out to be easy. The design
will be the hard bit.


> I'd particularly like Malcolm to confirm if my description there
> matches his discussion with Collin.
> If we're agreed, then I'll take over ownership of that ticket from
> Collin (unless you want to do it, Collin?), and I'll add 'optional
> native autocommit' to the Django 1.1 features list.
> Cheers,
> Richard.
> One technical point:
> When I started writing in this thread, I hadn't appreciated that
> rollback() and rollback_unless_managed() are used by Django outside
> explicit user-started transaction management in order to attempt to
> keep things consistent after failures. How do people think that we
> should handle these when 'native autocommit' is on? The options seem
> to be:
> a) Make them no-ops and accept the failures
> b) Work out which points they roll back to, and add explicit 'BEGINs'
> at those points
> > 

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ManyToManyField with raw_id_admin

2008-09-29 Thread David Cramer

After miserably failing at making it possible to use a  field
with 10k choices, I've decided to take a new approach in the admin.

Right now I'm writing up a widget which would take the m2m field (for
raw_admin_fields) and output it just as it would a foreign key, except
one  input per line. This sounds like something that could be very
useful in trunk, and I was curious as to the stance on this, or if
it's somehow already done? :)
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Soliciting Feedback on SelectTimeWidget

2008-09-29 Thread brad

Hi All,  I posted this earlier in Django-users, but then I thought
this might be a better place.

I've started working on a SelectTimeWidget that is very similar to the
SelectDateWidget in django.forms.extras.

I'm also pondering the creation of a SelectDateTimeWidget, so that we
have widgets that directly correspond to the DateField, TimeField, and
DateTimeField classes.  (not to mention datetime.time,,

This is my first look at Django's internals, so any (constructive)
criticism is welcome!

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Re: database clustering/sharding automation

2008-09-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 1:22 PM, mihasya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, is anybody actually tackling the database scale stuff Cal "joked"
> about in his keynote? I'd like to work on it, but don't want to spin
> my wheels if the core team is already working on it.

If you'll search the archives of this list, you'll see there's an
active thread with a lot of discussion on these issues.


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database clustering/sharding automation

2008-09-29 Thread mihasya

Hey, is anybody actually tackling the database scale stuff Cal "joked"
about in his keynote? I'd like to work on it, but don't want to spin
my wheels if the core team is already working on it.


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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Brian Beck wrote:
> I think your model_field helper being built-in (short for
> x._meta.get_field(y).formfield(**params), which is not very pretty)
> would be the best solution here.  In my experience, customizing just
> the widget for a model field is just as common as changing just the
> label, just the help text, or just the 'required' status.  Using your
> helper one could override any number of these, the rest being taken
> from the defaults.

May be... I just don't like how it looks. Apart from repeating model 
name for each field and field's own name twice it is not as readable as 
a couple of params in Meta that clearly show in what the form is 
different from default state.

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threading, caching, and the yield in

2008-09-29 Thread bo

This little issue is really hard to replicate .. i've yet to find out
how to programatically do it because it certainly revolves around a
threading, object caching, and the Yield in (iteritems).

I just wanted to post this here to see if anyone, with more experience
then i, knows howto replicate this in a test case world.

On to the description

The set up:: Apache 2.2.6 + Linux + Threaded (_not_ forked) +
mod_python + Django 1.X

Suppose i have a 2 level caching object, that basically overloads the
function to store/get the object(s) from a Memcached overlord cache
(say 60 second expire), and 'local' cache (with a 1-2 second expire
time) ..  the basic function is to keep a highly requested object
_per_ HTTP request local in ram w/o having to go back to the Memcached

because of various iterators basing themselves off of "yield"
statements in db/models/  Should 2 threads access the same
Local RAM cache object and try to iterate (yes the READS from the
cache are read/write locked, but this issue appears after the read
lock is released and the object is begin used), the ususal "Value
Error: Generator already running" exception is thrown.

  File "mything/", line 1072, in _set_data
for p in
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/",
line 179, in _result_iter
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/",
line 612, in _fill_cache
ValueError: generator already executing

So, i'm aware this may not be a bug. But my own ignorance for not
doing something right.

This does not happen very often in the servers i am running (about 10
times a day on a 100k+ Django views/per day) which is why its really
hard to track down

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ANN: 1.0.X branch created; trunk is open for features

2008-09-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Hi folks --

I've created the 1.0.X branch
which means the trunk is now open for features. Please read for
more information about what this branch is. For the record, here are
the important bits:

- Commits must be cleanly separated between bug fixes and feature additions.

- Bug fixes must be applied both to trunk and to the 1.0.X branch.

- Whenever possible, improvements to documentation should do the same.

Karen Tracey is the 1.0.X release maintainer; she'll be keeping an eye
out to make sure that this happens correctly.


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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

SmileyChris wrote:
> I do feel like it leads to slippery slope though. LikeMichael said,
> "why stop at widgets?" I often need to change labels and help text
> too.

Full customization already can be done by specifying fields directly in 
a form class. In my experience widgets are just very common case.

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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread Julien Phalip

On Sep 29, 11:40 pm, Julien Phalip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 10:46 pm, zvoase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why not do something like this:
> > class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
> > class Meta:
> > fields = {
> > 'text': forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(), ...),
> > 'other_field': None,
> > }
> This syntax would not be completely DRY. If, for example, the model's
> 'text' field was optional (blank=True), you would need to explicitly
> specify the form field as optional (required=False) as well:
> ...
>  'text': forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(),
> required=False...),
> ...
> By having a separate 'widgets' option you could modify the widgets
> independently from anything else. Not only is that DRY but also that
> would prevent some potential mistakes.

Also, you can already completely override a field like follows:

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
title = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(), ...)

class Meta:
model = Article
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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread Julien Phalip

On Sep 29, 10:46 pm, zvoase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not do something like this:
> class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
> class Meta:
> fields = {
> 'text': forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(), ...),
> 'other_field': None,
> }

This syntax would not be completely DRY. If, for example, the model's
'text' field was optional (blank=True), you would need to explicitly
specify the form field as optional (required=False) as well:

 'text': forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(),

By having a separate 'widgets' option you could modify the widgets
independently from anything else. Not only is that DRY but also that
would prevent some potential mistakes.

> On Sep 29, 11:07 am, SmileyChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Bah, it was just prototype code but point taken ;)
> > I do feel like it leads to slippery slope though. LikeMichael said,
> > "why stop at widgets?" I often need to change labels and help text
> > too.
> > On Sep 29, 8:56 pm, Ivan Sagalaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > SmileyChris wrote:
> > > > I've always just done this by doing:
> > > > MyForm(ModelForm)
> > > > model = MyModel
> > > > def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> > > > self.fields['name'].widget = Textarea()   # or whatever
> > > You've forgot to call `super` :-). I know that it's only an example but
> > > it adds another line and also shows that such things can easily be
> > > forgotten in real code.
> > > > Do we really need another way of doing this? Or am I overlooking
> > > > something that this new method introduces?
> > > I've addressed this exact thing my first email on subject, so quoting
> > > myself:
> > > > Here the problem is that it has enough boilerplate code to be, shall we
> > > > say, not beautiful. And also it defeats nice declarative nature of a
> > > > ModelForm.
> > > So, yes, it's not the end of the world but it's the same convenience as
> > > `fields` or `exclude` that all could be simulated in __init__.
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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread zvoase

I understand the motivation for this, and support the idea, but I
think the implementation is a little repetitive:

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
fields = # LIST OF FIELDS

Why not do something like this:

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
fields = {
'text': forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(), ...),
'other_field': None,

Where the 'None' indicates "do the default". This way you could
completely redefine the behaviour of the model form. Putting in a list
or tuple would just do what it's always done.


On Sep 29, 11:07 am, SmileyChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bah, it was just prototype code but point taken ;)
> I do feel like it leads to slippery slope though. LikeMichael said,
> "why stop at widgets?" I often need to change labels and help text
> too.
> On Sep 29, 8:56 pm, Ivan Sagalaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > SmileyChris wrote:
> > > I've always just done this by doing:
> > > MyForm(ModelForm)
> > >     model = MyModel
> > >     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> > >         self.fields['name'].widget = Textarea()   # or whatever
> > You've forgot to call `super` :-). I know that it's only an example but
> > it adds another line and also shows that such things can easily be
> > forgotten in real code.
> > > Do we really need another way of doing this? Or am I overlooking
> > > something that this new method introduces?
> > I've addressed this exact thing my first email on subject, so quoting
> > myself:
> > > Here the problem is that it has enough boilerplate code to be, shall we
> > > say, not beautiful. And also it defeats nice declarative nature of a
> > > ModelForm.
> > So, yes, it's not the end of the world but it's the same convenience as
> > `fields` or `exclude` that all could be simulated in __init__.
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Re: Postgresql transaction aborts, despite being in autocommit mode

2008-09-29 Thread Richard Davies

I'm going to make one final post in this thread, since we didn't quite
reach a conclusion.

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> As I mentioned to Collin at the code sprint in Portland, I think it'd be
> a good idea to make sure we expose the ability to turn on auto-commit,
> but I don't really like making it the default. In any case, providing
> the ability that's can be controlled via, for example, a setting is
> certainly the first step here. That's pretty independent of the whatever
> the default might end up being. That's really the improvement needed to
> #3460 at the moment -- separating adding functionality from changing the
> default.

Richard Davies wrote:
> I think that we should try to write a patch which a) makes 'native
> autocommit' a configuration option as suggested, and b) supports
> transactions on top of the 'native autocommit' connection when explicitly
> requested (the current 3460 patch doesn't, so parts of the test suite
> currently fail when it is applied).

Metajack wrote:
> +1 from me

So, do we agree that it makes sense for me to take the current 3460
patch and complete it in the manner which I described in
? I'd particularly like Malcolm to confirm if my description there
matches his discussion with Collin.

If we're agreed, then I'll take over ownership of that ticket from
Collin (unless you want to do it, Collin?), and I'll add 'optional
native autocommit' to the Django 1.1 features list.



One technical point:

When I started writing in this thread, I hadn't appreciated that
rollback() and rollback_unless_managed() are used by Django outside
explicit user-started transaction management in order to attempt to
keep things consistent after failures. How do people think that we
should handle these when 'native autocommit' is on? The options seem
to be:
a) Make them no-ops and accept the failures
b) Work out which points they roll back to, and add explicit 'BEGINs'
at those points
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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread SmileyChris

Bah, it was just prototype code but point taken ;)

I do feel like it leads to slippery slope though. LikeMichael said,
"why stop at widgets?" I often need to change labels and help text

On Sep 29, 8:56 pm, Ivan Sagalaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SmileyChris wrote:
> > I've always just done this by doing:
> > MyForm(ModelForm)
> >     model = MyModel
> >     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> >         self.fields['name'].widget = Textarea()   # or whatever
> You've forgot to call `super` :-). I know that it's only an example but
> it adds another line and also shows that such things can easily be
> forgotten in real code.
> > Do we really need another way of doing this? Or am I overlooking
> > something that this new method introduces?
> I've addressed this exact thing my first email on subject, so quoting
> myself:
> > Here the problem is that it has enough boilerplate code to be, shall we
> > say, not beautiful. And also it defeats nice declarative nature of a
> > ModelForm.
> So, yes, it's not the end of the world but it's the same convenience as
> `fields` or `exclude` that all could be simulated in __init__.
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Re: Declarative syntax for widgets in ModelForm

2008-09-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

SmileyChris wrote:
> I've always just done this by doing:
> MyForm(ModelForm)
> model = MyModel
> def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> self.fields['name'].widget = Textarea()   # or whatever

You've forgot to call `super` :-). I know that it's only an example but 
it adds another line and also shows that such things can easily be 
forgotten in real code.

> Do we really need another way of doing this? Or am I overlooking
> something that this new method introduces?

I've addressed this exact thing my first email on subject, so quoting 

> Here the problem is that it has enough boilerplate code to be, shall we 
> say, not beautiful. And also it defeats nice declarative nature of a 
> ModelForm.

So, yes, it's not the end of the world but it's the same convenience as 
`fields` or `exclude` that all could be simulated in __init__.

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Re: unique_for_ fields

2008-09-29 Thread oggie rob

On Sep 28, 5:02 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Short version: model-aware validation is being worked on. We didn't get
> it finished for 1.0, but it's still ongoing work.

Great! Judging by the activity this is tracked in #6845 so I included
a note and a reference in the ticket (and will wait instead of trying
to fix it now).

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