[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-12-01 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear JP,

(ONE) say the system is 1/3 each of egold, pecunix, and goldmoney.
Say pecunix totally evaporates.   What would happen is that each user
loses one third of their conglomerated-gold.  (Sucks, but better than
losing it all.)
Wouldn't it be clever to insure against such a disaster?
Then the currency fails but your insurance policy kicks
in and the gold is replaced.  I would think a policy
on the loss of any one of these would not carry too high
a premium.  Getting the insurer to agree to pay off in
gold - write the contract in gold rather than dollars or
euros - would seem a major challenge.
(THREE) more of a sort of "meta exchange" system.
This approach would have the advantage of letting the
market inform you about which currency should have
more of your bars of gold.  If people preferentially
bail in, say, e-gold and bail out, say, Pecunix, then
you'll need to move bars from e-gold to Pecunix to
keep up.
(I think Robert you have Gone Mad here



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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-30 Thread Khurram Khan

I remember me suggesting almost this same idea about a year and a half

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09415.html

Check out the archives.. it might help the current discussion.
   Khurram Khan


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-30 Thread Gold Price
Dear JP,

Often at 1mdc people say "well, 1mdc is based on e-gold, but no fees
- could you also make one that is based on goldmoney, but no fees?"
So that would be fair enough, you could have a "1mdc" based on egold,
goldmoney, pecunix or whatever.
Goldmoney will not permit such a currency because they couldn't
verify the owners of the gold grams. Which is the reason why you can't 
Gold-Price grams for goldmoney but you can redeem them for other trusted
gold currencies including e-gold, Pecunix and 1mdc grams (or even gold 

Here is an interesting post from one of our members who describes what
they did with the Gold-Price grams they redeemed for e-gold recently in 
our "TheGoldCasino.com/Dbourse.com forum":

"So how's everyone doing? They have these news articles about great odds
and I'm seeing that firsthand lol. I'm up about 30 grams in 24 hours  
and for
not usually betting very much and starting with the .3 grams
I won here for predicting the price of gold... wow!
Anyone else here experience almost unreal luck?"

Source: https://www.gold-price.net/viewtopic.php?t=804


Joel Bruce

"Stimulating the gold economy with over 5000 micro spends since 
December 2002"

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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-30 Thread jpm
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the enigmatic Viking Koder says ...

There have been discussions about a whole range of new currency
possibilities. What if the working model of 1mdc is taken and expanded
upon? Instead of a currency overlayed on a specific GBC, what would be the
pros/cons of a currency redeemable (backed is too vague of a term) for any
of a basket of GBCs?

Exactly right, VC.

Often at 1mdc people say "well, 1mdc is based on e-gold, but no fees
- could you also make one that is based on goldmoney, but no fees?"
So that would be fair enough, you could have a "1mdc" based on egold,
goldmoney, pecunix or whatever.
But then people have said "well why not base it on all of them" -
like you say above.
There are a couple of different approaches to this, dealing with what
to do around the margins when an underlying IG system fails.
(ONE) say the system is 1/3 each of egold, pecunix, and goldmoney.
Say pecunix totally evaporates.   What would happen is that each user
loses one third of their conglomerated-gold.  (Sucks, but better than
losing it all.)
(TWO)  the system has total flexibility of redemption *entirely based
on the operator's personl preferences* at any time.  Thus, I could
say at any moment "tough tittie - we no longer hand out egold"  This
has the Hoppeian advantage of anything being personally run runs
better, ie, the operator would be right on top of things, and use
inside info to weed out shitty IG systems before they become a problem
(THREE) more of a sort of "meta exchange" system.  The operator would
keep stocks of all three IGs on hand.  If a user wanted any
particular one, they could have it.  It would be up to the operator
to balance stocks of all three (perhaps moving bars etc).  All this
would, of course, have a cost to the operator.  But then evertything
has a cost.  It costs egold money to store bars and bail and unbail
bars.  People would whine that it can't magically be free, but just
the usual spend fees etc would be income and the other would be a
So that is three variations of this theme.

(I think Robert you have Gone Mad here and you have gone off on a
different sort of tack in this dicussion - youa re talking about more
of a gold banking system, I think.)  (Nothing wrong with that, I
think, it just has nothing to do with what Engimatic Viking Koder

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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-29 Thread Sidd

Robert B.Z. wrote:

Untrue... 1g e-gold has ALWAYS been = to 1g Pecunix...
Try it for yourself 
What about the transaction fees on the deposit at pecinux?
It's free... Pecunix has a policy of offering preferred transaction 
rates to certain larger customers. It is available to all businesses 
that qualify, on application. see the bottom of the following page 



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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-29 Thread Viking Coder
> In fact, the mere existence of an independent reserve bank preempts the use
> of fiat, if you want to insist on proper term usage.

So modify the term for proper current usage, which happens on a
regular/continual basis, by removing any mention of 'government'.

Fiat money = any currency/scrip/tokens issued without redeemability

> In other words, if there are 1,000,000g comgold in circulation and I grab
> 40% of that and e-gold represents 40% of the comgold reserver and I
> exchange 10% or 100,000g of comgold for e-gold, then e-gold suddenly is
> only 36% of the total and the 4% difference are holdings of comgold in
> comgold, right? 


How would you 'grab' 40% of the comgold? You would have to obtain the
comgold just like you obtain any other item - by exchange or theft. Either
you exchange e-gold -> comgold through some exchange provider, receive
some for some service or goods, or obtain through various illicit means,
but no matter how you do it - the amount in circulation never changes. In
order to change the amount in circulation, you go directly to comgold and
add more e-gold into the mix. For which you receive an equal amount of
comgold. The ratios of e-gold/pecunix/e-bullion/goldmoney/1mdc would then
change. The amount in circulation would decrease when you redeem out of
the system.

> But as that can't be, because comgold is not fiat, the percentage of pecinux
> and others has to increase.

100g total

60% (60g) e-gold
10% (10g) 1mdc
10% (10g) pecunix
10% (10g) e-bullion
10% (10g) goldmoney

Add 20g e-gold
Receive 20g comgold

120g total

66.7% (80g) e-gold
8.3% (10g) 1mdc
8.3% (10g) pecunix
8.3% (10g) e-bullion
8.3% (10g) goldmoney

Redeem 40g comgold -> e-gold

80g total

50% (40g) e-gold
12.5% (10g) 1mdc
12.5% (10g) pecunix
12.5% (10g) e-bullion
12.5% (10g) goldmoney

All circulation changes would be recorded and could be made available for
public view along with publicly viewable balances in every underlying

Viking Coder


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-29 Thread Robert B.Z.
> Untrue... 1g e-gold has ALWAYS been = to 1g Pecunix...
> Try it for yourself 
What about the transaction fees on the deposit at pecinux?
> I think you have misunderstood Viking completely...
>  > Hence there has to be actual proof of the gold holdings
>  > for each currency,
> That is what Viking proposed.
Actually I was trying to take his idea a bit further, when I suggested
that he was in effect proposing to set up a reserve bank of sorts. After
that I went on to show the weaknesses of both systems, first the one he
proposed and the the one I suggested he would need to use to make it
> The simple proposal was that there would always be a 1:1 ratio of 
> gold to comgold, but a user would need to take pot luck when redeeming...
> In other words, if you wish to redeem 40g of comgold, and there is 
> say 30g of e-gold in the system, and 20g of Pecunix and 10g of 
> e-bullion etc, you are out of luck if you want it all in e-gold, you 
> would need to take the 30g in e-gold and the balance in one of the 
> others...
I do see the benefit for users in a system that allows frictionless
exchange between currencies and an ueber-currency (comgold) used to make
it easier for people to trade with each other.
But I fail to see the benefit of using a system in which redeemability for
the currency of my choice is not garanteed.

After all, if the redeemability is subject to availability, then everyone
might as well use the US Dollar and then exchange the US Dollar for the IG
currency of his or her choice?

I do like any concept that makes things easier and improves on current
systems, but I doubt that anything that would further complicate and
confuse users who simply want to buy and sell 'stuff' would find many
But that is just my view and I might be wrong. Is n´´known to have
happened before ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-28 Thread Sidd

Robert B.Z. wrote:

>> 1g e-gold = 1g pecunix = 1g e-bullion = 1g goldmoney
> No it is untrue on two counts:
> (1) 1g e-gold = (1g sth else - minus exchange fees)
Untrue... 1g e-gold has ALWAYS been = to 1g Pecunix...
Try it for yourself 
Likewise for all the others...

> Either way, I think the main concerns are not two words I used and 
> their dictionary meanings, but the fact that for 1g comgold to be
> redeemable for gold, you need to look at it as 100/100g comgold

I think you have misunderstood Viking completely...

> Hence there has to be actual proof of the gold holdings
> for each currency,
That is what Viking proposed.

The simple proposal was that there would always be a 1:1 ratio of 
gold to comgold, but a user would need to take pot luck when redeeming...

In other words, if you wish to redeem 40g of comgold, and there is 
say 30g of e-gold in the system, and 20g of Pecunix and 10g of 
e-bullion etc, you are out of luck if you want it all in e-gold, you 
would need to take the 30g in e-gold and the balance in one of the 

There is no fractional system...



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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-28 Thread Robert B.Z.
> How would such a conglomerated gold currency be a fiat currency?
Sorry about the term abuse. I often use fiat incorrectly because of the
insecurities it implies and because I want to differenciate from other
digital currencies.

While my idea of fiat is not necessarily correct I do assess it in the
same way I assess DisneyDollars which, strictly speaking are not fiat
because they are not issued by a government - but neither are the Euro or
the US dollar. In fact, the mere existence of an independent reserve bank
preempts the use of fiat, if you want to insist on proper term usage.
After all, the Federal Reserve is not a government body...
> Or... Is the following statement not true?
> 1g e-gold = 1g pecunix = 1g e-bullion = 1g goldmoney
No it is untrue on two counts:
(1) 1g e-gold = (1g sth else - minus exchange fees)
(2) all other currencies combined can not bring up the same amount of
gramms in circulation. Hence wile 1g e-gold might be close to 1g sth else,
2tonnes e-gold isn't, because there isn't enough something else.
Exemption is of course 1mdc/fastgrams which is backed and redeemable for
Either way, I think the main concerns are not two words I used and their
dictionary meanings, but the fact that for 1g comgold to be redeemable for
gold, you need to look at it as 100/100g comgold, redeemable for 40/100g
of e-gold, etc... Hence there has to be actual proof of the gold holdings
for each currency, or a garantee by the operator of the currency, which in
turn means that you have to have 100/100g comgold to have a chance to call
in a promise - unless comgold will allow me to used 40g of comgold to get
e-gold, which will then itself create an imbalance of the fractual
percentage of the holding reserves of comgold in other currencies, which
in turn would change the 40g relative rate into something slightly lower,
which finally means that I will make a fraction of a gram profit by
exchanging comgold for e-gold - which of course, means that comgold can't
allow that to happen, which in turn means that comgold is ipso facto not
If however comgold did allow me to change 40g of comgold into 40g of
e-gold, then I'd like to park a couple of tons in your back yard please
and drive off with couple of tons of e-gold redeemed bullion at a profit
of a few KG, depending on the overall volume of comgold in circulation.

In other words, if there are 1,000,000g comgold in circulation and I grab
40% of that and e-gold represents 40% of the comgold reserver and I
exchange 10% or 100,000g of comgold for e-gold, then e-gold suddenly is
only 36% of the total and the 4% difference are holdings of comgold in
comgold, right? But as that can't be, because comgold is not fiat, the
percentage of pecinux and others has to increase. Suddenly I get e-gold
for comgold at 4% below the basket fraction. I keep doing this until
e-gold is 0% of comgold and then use e-gold to buy the now undervalued
other currencies. Doing that a few times (while comgold needs to issue
more hypothetical grams to keep me at bay, I end up controlling large
chunks of all currencies and comgold keeps paying the difference by
issuing new comgold-gs to the exchangers - which now stopped being

If you ask me, I'd call it fiat - for lack of a better term.


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-28 Thread Gold Price
Dear Viking Coder,

Or... Is the following statement not true?
1g e-gold = 1g pecunix = 1g e-bullion = 1g goldmoney
The gold price per gram is different for e-gold
and e-bullion while Pecunix and GoldMoney use the same price but
are different again.
Here is a snap shot of the current gold price per gram at the time of 
for the major gold currencies:

e-gold: 12.745 US/ AUG
1mdc: 12.745 US/ 1mdc gram
Pecunix:  12.7251 US/ GAU
GoldMoney: 12.72 US/ goldgram
e-bullion: 12.73 US/g
IntGold: 12.25US/g ???

Joel Bruce
"Customised Live Gold Price Charts in grams and ounces for your website"

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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-27 Thread Viking Coder
> You are essentially talking about an electronic reserve bank that issues
> fiat currency, based on supply and demand, yes?

How would such a conglomerated gold currency be a fiat currency?
Individual currencies (e-gold, pecunix, etc...) aren't considered fiat.
1mdc isn't considered fiat. Why then does comgold fit the bill?

Legal tender, especially paper currency, authorized by a government but
not based on or convertible into gold or silver.

Comgold would not be issued by a government but would be based on, and
convertible into, gold in the same method as 1mdc.

Or... Is the following statement not true?

1g e-gold = 1g pecunix = 1g e-bullion = 1g goldmoney

Comgold would step into fiat territory if multiple metal bases were
included into it - such as e-silver, e-bullion silver, e-platinum, etc...
Because, how many grams of silver equal one gram of gold?

Viking Coder


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-27 Thread Drew
Hi Robert,

> And I believe that most 'consumers' have similar
> views. e-gold ruley supreme - other currencies are great because one can
> exchange them into e-gold, but e-gold is what people buy and spend the
> most.

Yes, e-gold is great! Because I can instantly change it into Pecunix at
Open2Exchange and be sure that the gold is actually there and secure
(without ID)!

> It is in fact a currency that flows. I would go as far as saying
> that e-gold is a currency, the others are private money. The word currency
> itself has a 'flow' built in.

Yes and when people start learning of the convenience of GoldCart.com it
will be interesting to see which way the gold flows.


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[e-gold-list] Re: comglomerated gold

2003-11-27 Thread Robert B.Z.
> You exchange 100g of e-gold for 100g of comgold. Those 100g of comgold
> aren't guaranteed to be redeemable for e-gold, but are guaranteed to be
> redeemable for 100g total of any of the currently underlying GBCs (17g
> pecunix, 13g goldmoney, 16g e-bullion, 14g 1mdc, 40g e-gold) due to the
> flux of in- & out-exchanges.

You are essentially talking about an electronic reserve bank that issues
fiat currency, based on supply and demand, yes? I assume to make it
workable you would expect currency operators to maintain corespondence
accounts with the reserve bank and garantee to balance their respective
account in accordance with the percentage of the overall volume
represented by their currency?
To get them to do that, you would need to offer them to share ownership of
the reserve bank (and find a name that doesn't have 'reserve' in it) and
the bank would need to generate some sort of revenue (membership fees?
exchange courtages?) to make people want to own shares. A pretty big ask
in an environment were IG currency operators distrust each other and
everyone would want to see everyone else's gold, don't you think?

> pro: diversification of risk
The risk that user loose funds when one of the currencies folds? In fact
there would be no risk, as the remaining operators would have to pick up
the tab. Any other system would not entice users to use the currency.

But more importantly, I feel that most people have a misconception about
their own users - or at least the majority of users and the meaning of the
word currency, itself.

Most people that I know, use IG as currency. As a means to purchase goods
and services - NOT as an investment. What you are suggesting would have
the underlying goal of getting people to trust the concept enough not to
outexchange and instead to use the new IG as an investment vehicle as
To do that however, you need to offer more than just a spread-risk digital
gold redemmable currency. You need to offer interest, dividends, something
for people to profit from.

If any sane person wants to invest into bullion because they expect the
price to go up, and if that investment is longer term, nothing beats the
real article - having the coins and bars in your safe - next to your
reserve gun and ammo. Sure, a government could try to confiscate it - but
that could happen with a currency operator as well.

I like the idea of a reserve / clearing system that allows people to deal
with one currency while there are several actual currencies in place, but
if that is the only reason, then Sidd has done half the work.

In the end of the day, if I have no incentive to keep a particular
currency, other than promises and fancy documents posted on a site, then I
will always opt for e-gold (1mdc) and ultimately for outexchange - to buy
the genuine article. And I believe that most 'consumers' have similar
views. e-gold ruley supreme - other currencies are great because one can
exchange them into e-gold, but e-gold is what people buy and spend the
most. It is in fact a currency that flows. I would go as far as saying
that e-gold is a currency, the others are private money. The word currency
itself has a 'flow' built in. Money doesn't by itself.

But then, I am not an IG/DGC operator. I just use the stuff to buy other
stuff - as do the people who buy stff from me with it.


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