Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

2016-07-22 Thread Tom Huffman [FairfieldLife]
The Democratic Party was split in 1860 between the Northern and Southern 
Democrats. The main point of contention was the status of slavery in the 
western territories. The Southern Democrats wanted to ensure the right 
to own slaves in the territories, and potential new states. The Northern 
Democrats wanted to leave the issue of slavery up to the residents of 
the territory. Thus, saying that the Democratic Party "supported 
slavery" and "expansion of the slave states" is an accurate description 
of the Southern Democratic Party only, the party of secession. However, 
the Northern Democrats did support enforcement of the Fugitive Slave 
Act, though even Lincoln's record on this is mixed. The act was not 
repealed until 1864, and it was sporadically enforced throughout 
Lincoln's first term.

Yes, the Republicans "were" the abolitionist party, with emphasis on the 
past tense. Starting in 1964, however, the GOP underwent a profound 
transformation. Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights 
Act resulted in the Republicans winning Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, 
Georgia, and South Carolina, the first time the GOP had won the deep 
South in a Presidential election since Reconstruction. In 1968 the same 
states mostly voted for George Wallace, at the time an unrepentant 
segregationist. Since then, the deep South has been solidly Republican, 
with the exception of 1976 and 1992 when 2 Democratic Southern governors 
(Carter and Clinton) were able to attract significant southern support.

The Republican Party may have began as the party of Lincoln. However, 
for the last 50 years it has been the party of Jefferson Davis.

Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

Friday, July 22, 2016 7:58 PM
Dinesh D'Souza goes much deeper into this in his new film,"Hillary's 
America". The Republicans were the abolitionist party and the 
Democrats were the party of the status quo, who supported slavery and 
the return of runaway slaves to their owners and the expansion of 
slave states..

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States 


The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... 

Learn more at: Historian Garry 
Adelman gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an...

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Preview by Yahoo [FairfieldLife] 
Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM

The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States 


The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... 

Learn more at: Historian Garry 
Adelman gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

2016-07-22 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I know... those damned Presbyterians just won't stop blowing themselves up!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 8:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes
    Yep, just like Christianity used to be a religion of tolerance and 
forgiveness. Oh well...

---In,  wrote :

Dinesh D'Souza goes much deeper into this in his new film,"Hillary's America". 
The Republicans were the abolitionist party and the Democrats were the party of 
the status quo, who supported slavery and the return of runaway slaves to their 
owners and the expansion of slave states..

  From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States
|  |
|  | |  | The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... 
Learn more at: Historian Garry Adelman 
gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an... |  |
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|  |


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, just like Christianity used to be a religion of tolerance and forgiveness. 
Oh well...

---In,  wrote :

 Dinesh D'Souza goes much deeper into this in his new film,"Hillary's America". 
The Republicans were the abolitionist party and the Democrats were the party of 
the status quo, who supported slavery and the return of runaway slaves to their 
owners and the expansion of slave states..

 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... Learn more at: Historian Garry Adelman gives an 
overview of the causes, campaigns, an...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

2016-07-22 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Dinesh D'Souza goes much deeper into this in his new film,"Hillary's America". 
The Republicans were the abolitionist party and the Democrats were the party of 
the status quo, who supported slavery and the return of runaway slaves to their 
owners and the expansion of slave states..

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 6:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes
    The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States 
||||   The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the 
State...  Learn more at: Historian Garry 
Adelman gives an overview of the causes, campaigns, an...||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|

     #yiv6782174214 #yiv6782174214 -- #yiv6782174214ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 23-Jul-16 00:15:06 UTC

2016-07-22 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 07/16/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/23/16 00:00:00
125 messages as of (UTC) 07/22/16 23:23:28

 26 yifuxero
 18 dhamiltony2k5
 17 hepa7
 15 authfriend
 15 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  8 jr_esq
  5 William Leed WLeed3
  4 vox_9 
  3 wleed3 WLeed3
  3 Tom Huffman tom
  3 Bhairitu noozguru
  2 srijau
  2 olliesedwuz
  1 s3raphita
  1 feste37 
  1 awoelflebater
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 17
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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[FairfieldLife] Civil War in 4 minutes

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the States 
 The Civil War in Four Minutes: The War Between the State... Learn more at: Historian Garry Adelman gives an 
overview of the causes, campaigns, an...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Trump's Pastor Paula White

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
She's Trump's Pastor. Will Trump become "born again"?   I doubt it.

  Pastor Paula White Breaks Silence On Divorce, Stroke And Her Alleged Affair
 Pastor Paula White Breaks Silence On Divorce, Stroke...
 The three-day Pastors and Leadership Conference, hosted by Bishop T.D. Jakes, 
kicked off last Thursday in Orlando with Pastor Paula White: preacher, 
 View on praisehouston.hellob...
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Free State of Jones - Civil War

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Newton Knight's story is history. He was poor, lived in Mississippi; and 
detested fighting for the Confederacy since (in his words), he couldn't feature 
fighting so that others could rich.  That is, the rich slave owners.
 He gathered a small army composed of poor whites and runaway slaves, and set 
up a "Free State of Jones",
 in Jones County. To be clear, Knight's small Army fought against the 
Confederacy and his reasons are clear.
 Looks like another nail in the coffin of Confederate good intentions.

 Free State of Jones Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Matthew McConaughey War Drama 
 Free State of Jones Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Matthew... Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on 
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 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

2016-07-22 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Ollie the same went for the average northern soldier. Most could have cared 
less about anyone else's slave. They were drafted and forced to fight states in 
rebellion, not to free slaves. A large portion were even Irish immigrants, 
handed a rifle straight off the boat. Freeing slaves was a bi-product of the 
war that came in it's second year as a political move. It wasn't even 
enforceable. Lincoln only freed the slaves in states in rebellion, not the 
border states that remained loyal. Read a history book or two. Slavery was 
never outlawed until the thirteenth amendment was passed after the war ended.
BTW, share cropping never existed until *after* the war. It was the plantation 
owners that *share cropped* because they had no slaves and no money. Former 
slaves, without a professional trade, agreed to farm the former plantation 
owner's land for a share of the crop and their homes as payment for their 
labor.If you don't want to read a history book on the subject at least go see 
"Hillary's America". Dinesh D'Souza goes in depth about the history of the 
Democratic party,slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku KLux Klan, post war reconstruction, 
lynchings,civil rights, women's suffrage, voting rights act, the New Deal, the 
Great Society and more.He even gives you how each party stood and voted on each 
matter and piece of legislation. It's all a matter of facts and congressional 
records and can be looked up in any history book dealing with those subjects.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 12:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
    Where did you hear that fantasy?! They weren't fighting to defend their 
country - It is WELL KNOWN that the reason the white dirt farmers and 
sharecroppers in the South were pro-slavery was that they were in desperate 
straits themselves with no economic mobility, due to the large plantation 
owners. As long as slaves were around, they had someone to look down on, and 
they weren't seen as the bottom of the barrel. Any other justification is a 
gauzy fairy tale. 
Not much has changed today - rednecks remain racists for the exact same reasons 
(while collecting their disproportionate share of Government welfare). The 
oligarchs have been onto this game for hundreds of years - deflect criticism of 
the ruling class, by creating boogeymen for the impoverished to hate. Let the 
poor and disenfranchised tear themselves to pieces while continuing to enslave 
them. Trump is just the latest overseer in sheep's clothing. You may want to 
set down that bible, and use some critical thinking skills once in awhile.
---In,  wrote :

No Doug, it's a matter of pride. The Bible says to honor thy mother and thy 
father so that you may have long life and  that is extended to previous 
generations. People tend to be proud of their heritage and that includes their 
country. To this day, southern people tend to join the military as a matter of 
patriotic duty in large numbers. The average southern soldier in the War of 
Northern Aggression wasn't fighting for anyone's slave, few owned them. They 
were fighting to defend their country from an invading army , just as anyone 
would do now if a foreign army were to invade the US today.Re-enactors try to 
adopt the mind set of their ancestors based on what they have been told about 
the history of the time, which may or may not be accurate.

  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
 Emotionally charged vasana in the nervous system..  A special curiosity within 
the hobby of historical re-enacting is this thing of running up against some 
folks who are so identified, defended and obsessed about their ancestors, those 
people particularly on the losing south side of the rebellion against the 
United States.  It always seemed a deep karma there when you run into it 
particularly with the Southern confederate re-enactment element.  Generally, I 
have heard it said that it takes seven generations to clear the bad blood of an 
area.  It seems so with this for some people within their cultural DNA and 
their ancestral genetic DNA too. 
Thinking now of PTSD and a place like, Serbia. Afghanistan. Syria.
“.. the subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, 
color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions Vasanas are the 
conglomerate results of samskaras (subconscious impressions) created through 
experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to 
form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called 
vritti. The most complex and emotionally charged vasanas are found in the 
dimension of mind called vasana chitta (the subsubconscious).”

---In,  wrote :

Yep, Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa shopkee

Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Where did you hear that fantasy?! They weren't fighting to defend their country 
- It is WELL KNOWN that the reason the white dirt farmers and sharecroppers in 
the South were pro-slavery was that they were in desperate straits themselves 
with no economic mobility, due to the large plantation owners. As long as 
slaves were around, they had someone to look down on, and they weren't seen as 
the bottom of the barrel. Any other justification is a gauzy fairy tale.  

 Not much has changed today - rednecks remain racists for the exact same 
reasons (while collecting their disproportionate share of Government welfare). 
The oligarchs have been onto this game for hundreds of years - deflect 
criticism of the ruling class, by creating boogeymen for the impoverished to 
hate. Let the poor and disenfranchised tear themselves to pieces while 
continuing to enslave them. Trump is just the latest overseer in sheep's 
clothing. You may want to set down that bible, and use some critical thinking 
skills once in awhile. 
---In,  wrote :

 No Doug, it's a matter of pride. The Bible says to honor thy mother and thy 
father so that you may have long life and  that is extended to previous 
generations. People tend to be proud of their heritage and that includes their 
country. To this day, southern people tend to join the military as a matter of 
patriotic duty in large numbers. The average southern soldier in the War of 
Northern Aggression wasn't fighting for anyone's slave, few owned them. They 
were fighting to defend their country from an invading army , just as anyone 
would do now if a foreign army were to invade the US today.
 Re-enactors try to adopt the mind set of their ancestors based on what they 
have been told about the history of the time, which may or may not be accurate.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
 Emotionally charged vasana in the nervous system..  A special curiosity within 
the hobby of historical re-enacting is this thing of running up against some 
folks who are so identified, defended and obsessed about their ancestors, those 
people particularly on the losing south side of the rebellion against the 
United States.  
 It always seemed a deep karma there when you run into it particularly with the 
Southern confederate re-enactment element.  Generally, I have heard it said 
that it takes seven generations to clear the bad blood of an area.  It seems so 
with this for some people within their cultural DNA and their ancestral genetic 
DNA too. 

 Thinking now of PTSD and a place like, Serbia. Afghanistan. Syria.

 “.. the subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, 
color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions Vasanas are the 
conglomerate results of samskaras (subconscious impressions) created through 
experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to 
form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called vritti The most complex and emotionally charged 
vasanas are found in the dimension of mind called vasana chitta (the 


---In,  wrote :


 Yep, Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa shopkeepers and farmers were in line 
arrayed there at Shiloh defending the United States of America against that 
confederacy of completely rebellious and retrograde slave-interests in the 
country then.  

 Yep Fairfield, Iowa folks proly chased those terroristic rebel skedaddle-ers 
who had taken up arms against the US Constitution and public order on to 
Corinth and eventually on to Appomattox too.  The Annals of Iowa has published 
good first hand accounts about those times. Iowa and Fairfield, Iowa was there. 


 srijau writes,

one of my great Grandfathers also fought under Grant's command. 


---In,  wrote :

 Col. Leed, you might enjoy this about the underground railroad.  ..I conducted 
a re-enactment once of a ‘runaway’ escape of a group of slaves fugitive from 
Missouri farms to Iowa. 

 See the recap:

 A couple of tour operators.. 
 Two Old Conductors of the Underground Railroad in Iowa:

 Salem & the Fugitive 
 Slave Era
 Iowa Quakers, abolitionist activism, the Underground Railroad


---In,  wrote :

 My great grand father Wm D, Leed of New

Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Right, what you are looking at is the 'cultural' imprint.  What I am looking at 
is an epigenetic stress that seems to have got put in to some of these people.  
They feel kind of energetically nuts charged on another level this way in the 
DNA when you see it. It is an aspect of the nurture/nature thing I am looking 
at with some folks and their ancestors.   

---In,  wrote :

 No Doug, it's a matter of pride. The Bible says to honor thy mother and thy 
father so that you may have long life and  that is extended to previous 
generations. People tend to be proud of their heritage and that includes their 
country. To this day, southern people tend to join the military as a matter of 
patriotic duty in large numbers. The average southern soldier in the War of 
Northern Aggression wasn't fighting for anyone's slave, few owned them. They 
were fighting to defend their country from an invading army , just as anyone 
would do now if a foreign army were to invade the US today.
 Re-enactors try to adopt the mind set of their ancestors based on what they 
have been told about the history of the time, which may or may not be accurate.


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
 Emotionally charged vasana in the nervous system..  A special curiosity within 
the hobby of historical re-enacting is this thing of running up against some 
folks who are so identified, defended and obsessed about their ancestors, those 
people particularly on the losing south side of the rebellion against the 
United States.  
 It always seemed a deep karma there when you run into it particularly with the 
Southern confederate re-enactment element.  Generally, I have heard it said 
that it takes seven generations to clear the bad blood of an area.  It seems so 
with this for some people within their cultural DNA and their ancestral genetic 
DNA too. 

 Thinking now of PTSD and a place like, Serbia. Afghanistan. Syria.

 “.. the subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, 
color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions Vasanas are the 
conglomerate results of samskaras (subconscious impressions) created through 
experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to 
form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called vritti The most complex and emotionally charged 
vasanas are found in the dimension of mind called vasana chitta (the 


---In,  wrote :


 Yep, Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa shopkeepers and farmers were in line 
arrayed there at Shiloh defending the United States of America against that 
confederacy of completely rebellious and retrograde slave-interests in the 
country then.  

 Yep Fairfield, Iowa folks proly chased those terroristic rebel skedaddle-ers 
who had taken up arms against the US Constitution and public order on to 
Corinth and eventually on to Appomattox too.  The Annals of Iowa has published 
good first hand accounts about those times. Iowa and Fairfield, Iowa was there. 


 srijau writes,

one of my great Grandfathers also fought under Grant's command. 


---In,  wrote :

 Col. Leed, you might enjoy this about the underground railroad.  ..I conducted 
a re-enactment once of a ‘runaway’ escape of a group of slaves fugitive from 
Missouri farms to Iowa. 

 See the recap:

 A couple of tour operators.. 
 Two Old Conductors of the Underground Railroad in Iowa:

 Salem & the Fugitive 
 Slave Era
 Iowa Quakers, abolitionist activism, the Underground Railroad


---In,  wrote :

 My great grand father Wm D, Leed of New Holland PA was  at Gettysburg & other 
engagements  with The Penn  Federal union troops, gggf on mom's side hid the 
family silver not much in the cow barn 64 miles away at Red Run near Ephrata PA 
that time & could hear the cannon fire those days. as they did in Philly as 
well. He related the vultures followed the army & ate well.. gggf  H/a Rev as 
well.,Shimp was prosecuted 4 having stolen property in his possession was 
Mennonite & although such always asked 4 a jury ( 12) men,  & found either NOT 
guilty or acquitted some 13 times as no propriety was ever located in his 
possession Fugitive  Slave Law. of 1850
 -Original Message---

Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

2016-07-22 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
No Doug, it's a matter of pride. The Bible says to honor thy mother and thy 
father so that you may have long life and  that is extended to previous 
generations. People tend to be proud of their heritage and that includes their 
country. To this day, southern people tend to join the military as a matter of 
patriotic duty in large numbers. The average southern soldier in the War of 
Northern Aggression wasn't fighting for anyone's slave, few owned them. They 
were fighting to defend their country from an invading army , just as anyone 
would do now if a foreign army were to invade the US today.Re-enactors try to 
adopt the mind set of their ancestors based on what they have been told about 
the history of the time, which may or may not be accurate.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 4:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
    Emotionally charged vasana in the nervous system..  A special curiosity 
within the hobby of historical re-enacting is this thing of running up against 
some folks who are so identified, defended and obsessed about their ancestors, 
those people particularly on the losing south side of the rebellion against the 
United States.  It always seemed a deep karma there when you run into it 
particularly with the Southern confederate re-enactment element.  Generally, I 
have heard it said that it takes seven generations to clear the bad blood of an 
area.  It seems so with this for some people within their cultural DNA and 
their ancestral genetic DNA too. 
Thinking now of PTSD and a place like, Serbia. Afghanistan. Syria.
“.. the subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, 
color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions Vasanas are the 
conglomerate results of samskaras (subconscious impressions) created through 
experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to 
form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called 
vritti. The most complex and emotionally charged vasanas are found in the 
dimension of mind called vasana chitta (the subsubconscious).”

---In,  wrote :

Yep, Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa shopkeepers and farmers were in line 
arrayed there at Shiloh defending the United States of America against that 
confederacy of completely rebellious and retrograde slave-interests in the 
country then.  
Yep Fairfield, Iowa folks proly chased those terroristic rebel skedaddle-ers 
who had taken up arms against the US Constitution and public order on to 
Corinth and eventually on to Appomattox too.  The Annals of Iowa has published 
good first hand accounts about those times. Iowa and Fairfield, Iowa was there. 

srijau writes,
one of my great Grandfathers also fought under Grant's command.

---In,  wrote :

Col. Leed, you might enjoy this about the underground railroad.  ..I conducted 
a re-enactment once of a ‘runaway’ escape of a group of slaves fugitive from 
Missouri farms to Iowa. 
See the recap:

A couple of tour operators.. Two Old Conductors of the Underground Railroad in 

Salem & the Fugitive Slave EraIowa Quakers, abolitionist activism, the 
Underground RailroadHomepage:

---In,  wrote :

My great grand father Wm D, Leed of New Holland PA was  at Gettysburg & other 
engagements  with The Penn  Federal union troops, gggf on mom's side hid the 
family silver not much in the cow barn 64 miles away at Red Run near Ephrata PA 
that time & could hear the cannon fire those days. as they did in Philly as 
well. He related the vultures followed the army & ate well.. gggf  H/a Rev as 
well.,Shimp was prosecuted 4 having stolen property in his possession was 
Mennonite & although such always asked 4 a jury ( 12) men,  & found either NOT 
guilty or acquitted some 13 times as no propriety was ever located in his 
possession Fugitive  Slave Law. of 1850

-Original Message-
From: Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Thu, Jul 14, 2016 8:46 pm
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

My great grandfather had his thumb shot off there. One of his three brothers 
was shot there and died in evacuation to Corinth Mississippi.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

 1862, bloody battle in TN; Union victory under Grant:
Battle of Shiloh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
|  |
|  | |  | Battle of Shiloh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The 
Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a maj

[FairfieldLife] QEII: not real heir??!

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II not Real Heir to the Throne - 
 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II not Real Heir to the Th... New Video - Britain's Queen Elizabeth German 
Royal Secret Family Past exp...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield, Iowa to Rebrand

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield, Iowa: Fearlessness Unbound

---In,  wrote :

 FAIRFIELD, IOWA -Pluralistic and Moving Forward

---In,  wrote :

 ..Sadhana and Good Works

---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield, Iowa 'Utopian Vision and Search for Community' 

---In,  wrote :

 Howzabout, "Fairfield: We Put the 'Corn' in Cornucopia"? 
---In,  wrote :

 A long time ago a friend of mine suggested "Fairfield -- Nowhere Else Comes 
Close," which at the time I thought was quite clever, but not likely to be 
adopted. Taglines are mostly a waste of time, I think. They are dreamed up by 
PR people and don't mean anything. I have recently spent time in Grinnell, IA, 
which for those who don't know, is the same size as Fairfield, about 90 miles 
northwest. Grinnell's tagline is "The Jewel of the Prairie." Well, you could 
have fooled me. It doesn't even have a decent restaurant.  

---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield, Iowa -A Place of Meditation with Revolution in Mind.


---In,  wrote :

 "Small Town with Big Values" is great, but a lot of other towns use it in 
their promotion (Google it). 


 ---In,  wrote :

 ..Anyone have tagline ideas that are inclusive of it all? 

 from folks after Quaker Meeting..
 Business, Art and Spiritual life.

 Fairfield, Iowa -A Small Town with Big Values.

---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield, Iowa where happiness is a primary objective..

---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield, Iowa: a Town Where Opposites Attract.

 A more current Branding tagline.. 

Fairfield, Iowa:  Where New Age and Old Age Meet

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, it is.  A challenge though for these out of town people who have been 
hired by the traditional town elders to do this rebrand is to catch the 
different elements that make up Fairfield, Iowa in a branding tagline that the 
town elders can accept.

If it was the Bevanites doing it as they have said it in the past it would be, 
“Fairfield is for those who have faith and belief in Maharishi, and everyone 
else should leave”. But after 40 years they are a smaller part of the larger 
meditating community that is gathered here now.   Quite evidently they do not 
entirely represent what is going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually.  But quite 
evidently something else mature has set into ‘spiritual’ Fairfield that people 
do come to see and people are moving to.

 It could be to everyone's advantage if the PR people could recognize that in 
the taglines they come up with and the town elders would accept it. 

 Anyone else have ideas that are inclusive of it all? Fairfield, Iowa: ..

---In,  wrote :

 Good one. Maybe FFL should submit this (or some variation) to the visitors 
bureau for free.

---In,  wrote :

 How about a new tagline.. 

Fairfield, Iowa:  Where New Age and Old Age Meet

---In,  wrote :

 The Fairfield Iowa Convention and Visitors Bureau in conjunction with the city 
and other partners has commissioned an Oregon firm to rebrand the city, giving 
it a new logo, tagline and more.

 Visitors bureau, city seek rebrand - By ANDY HALLMAN Ledger news editor
 Visitors bureau, city seek rebrand - By ANDY HALLM... 
The Fairfield Iowa Convention and Visitors Bureau in conjunction with the city 
and other partners has commissioned an Oregon firm to rebrand the city, giving 

 View on fairfield-ia.villagesoup...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Active Spiritual Practice Groups in Fairfield, Iowa: 
 > > > > > Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups
> > > > > 
> > > > > Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, "What is going on in
> > > > > Fairfield?"
> > > > > The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
> > > > > wondering
> > > > > about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of sorts,
> > > > > ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
> > > > > Ashville,
> > > > > North Carolina and the like. Within these past four decades,
> > > > > Fairfield
> > > > > spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community a
> > > > > rich, new
> > > > > face.
> > > > > The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own center
> > > > > for
> > > > > spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in
> > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Emotionally charged vasana in the nervous system..  A special curiosity within 
the hobby of historical re-enacting is this thing of running up against some 
folks who are so identified, defended and obsessed about their ancestors, those 
people particularly on the losing south side of the rebellion against the 
United States.  
 It always seemed a deep karma there when you run into it particularly with the 
Southern confederate re-enactment element.  Generally, I have heard it said 
that it takes seven generations to clear the bad blood of an area.  It seems so 
with this for some people within their cultural DNA and their ancestral genetic 
DNA too. 

 Thinking now of PTSD and a place like, Serbia. Afghanistan. Syria.

 “.. the subliminal inclinations and habit patterns which, as driving forces, 
color and motivate one's attitudes and future actions Vasanas are the 
conglomerate results of samskaras (subconscious impressions) created through 
experience. Samskaras, experiential impressions, combine in the subconscious to 
form vasanas, which thereafter contribute to mental fluctuations, called vritti The most complex and emotionally charged 
vasanas are found in the dimension of mind called vasana chitta (the 


---In,  wrote :


 Yep, Fairfield and Jefferson County Iowa shopkeepers and farmers were in line 
arrayed there at Shiloh defending the United States of America against that 
confederacy of completely rebellious and retrograde slave-interests in the 
country then.  

 Yep Fairfield, Iowa folks proly chased those terroristic rebel skedaddle-ers 
who had taken up arms against the US Constitution and public order on to 
Corinth and eventually on to Appomattox too.  The Annals of Iowa has published 
good first hand accounts about those times. Iowa and Fairfield, Iowa was there. 


 srijau writes,

one of my great Grandfathers also fought under Grant's command. 


---In,  wrote :

 Col. Leed, you might enjoy this about the underground railroad.  ..I conducted 
a re-enactment once of a ‘runaway’ escape of a group of slaves fugitive from 
Missouri farms to Iowa. 

 See the recap:

 A couple of tour operators.. 
 Two Old Conductors of the Underground Railroad in Iowa:

 Salem & the Fugitive 
 Slave Era
 Iowa Quakers, abolitionist activism, the Underground Railroad


---In,  wrote :

 My great grand father Wm D, Leed of New Holland PA was  at Gettysburg & other 
engagements  with The Penn  Federal union troops, gggf on mom's side hid the 
family silver not much in the cow barn 64 miles away at Red Run near Ephrata PA 
that time & could hear the cannon fire those days. as they did in Philly as 
well. He related the vultures followed the army & ate well.. gggf  H/a Rev as 
well.,Shimp was prosecuted 4 having stolen property in his possession was 
Mennonite & although such always asked 4 a jury ( 12) men,  & found either NOT 
guilty or acquitted some 13 times as no propriety was ever located in his 
possession Fugitive  Slave Law. of 1850
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thu, Jul 14, 2016 8:46 pm
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
 My great grandfather had his thumb shot off there. One of his three brothers 
was shot there and died in evacuation to Corinth Mississippi.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]">
 Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:16 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Battle of Shiloh
 1862, bloody battle in TN; Union victory under Grant:

 Battle of Shiloh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Battle of Shiloh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a 
major battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil War, fought April 
6–7, 1...

 View on

[FairfieldLife] Donald vs. Hillary: Facebook up-date...

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Donald J. Trump - Likes | Facebook

 Donald J. Trump - Likes | Facebook 
Donald J. Trump, New York, NY. 9,560,342 likes · 4,832,359 talking about this. 
This is the official Facebook page for Donald J. Trump
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Hillary Clinton - Likes | Facebook

 Hillary Clinton - Likes | Facebook Hillary Clinton. 4,543,505 likes 
· 1,474,796 talking about this. Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, 
FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: The USA attempts to impose its Thought Police on the world

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
WTF is going on with Yahoo?!

[FairfieldLife] Poland: 1.5 Terabits/s!

2016-07-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Orange Poland and Nokia set new capacity-distance record with 1.5 Terabits per 
second (Tb/s) superchannel transmitted over 870km between Warsaw and Wroclaw 
 21.07.2016 klo 13:15

Press release

  * Results are a 25% increase in per-wavelength capacity over 200Gb/s, a 70%
distance improvement vs comparable field trials and 250% increase in
bandwidth over 100Gb/s networks using same amount of spectrum
  * Capacity and distance records set on existing Orange Poland network
infrastructure using commercially available transport infrastructure from
  * Trial shows how operators can cost-effectively meet soaring data demand
using Nokia technology