[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
They shall not grow old:
 As we who are left grow old
 At the going down of the sun
 And in the morning we will
Remember them.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Florence Davis passed away recently.
 George Gallagher too. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


  Thursday Oct. 20, 2016, Andrew Sheehan, age 40, passed away while resting at 
home.  His parents are Brian and Theresa Sheehan, his sister is Anna Hunter and 
his two sons are Sebastian, 23, and Tristyn, 10. Their mother is Angela 

 Andrew’s parents ask that all who loved Andrew send loving thoughts and 
prayers to Andrew.

 Andrew was a skilled builder and much loved. 

 A memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, at 2 p.m. at Behner Funeral 
Home. All are welcome. Those who wish may bring stems of flowers, no 
arrangements. Thank you.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Andrew Sheehan has passed.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sally Peden, 69, of Fairfield, died Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016.
 Ms. Peden was born May 26, 1947, in Columbia, Missouri.
 She had devoted her life in personal service to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi since 
1971. She traveled the world with him as a personal assistant and lived for 
many years at the International Capital for the Transcendental Meditation 
movement in Seelisberg, Switzerland.
 Following that time, Ms. Peden spent years working for Maharishi University of 
Management. She worked for the Institute for Public Policy, the Natural Law 
Party, and finally she worked as administrator for M.U.M.’s vedic science 
 Survivors include: her stepmother, Petch Peden, of Columbia Missouri; one 
sister, Liza Mitchell of Webster Groves, Missouri; and her close companion, Ken 
Chawkin of Fairfield.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Tom Torpy, a long time Purusha friend
 passed away recently. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 John Herbert Prechtel
is now gone on.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sali Pedin has passed on. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nancy Van Blaricum TTC Mallorca 1972 w/ Maharishi
 Initiated over 2000 meditators

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for posting these. 

 Harvey Lubar, I knew.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Louisa Magee Marc Travis

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Recent passings from the meditating community.. 

 Gillian Pierce
 Frank Ramsey
 Gert MacQuaeen
 Evelyn Normandin
 Petra Stanley
 Harvey Lubar

 Further back, to add to the longer list
 Cindy Korn
 Jan Overholt


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 James R. French Long time friend and benefactor 
 of TM and the Fairfield, Iowa
 meditating community
 passed away, April 9th. .  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Jan Wixon, is another name on the list.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Currently, on average FF TM'ers would be.. of the Boomer II generation,
 ..about 65-70 years of age, on average. 

 1994, Survey of Fairfield Adult Meditators,
 25-35 65 10%
 36-45 391 60%
 46-55 138 21%
 > 55 47 7%


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Rates of Change.  The calculus of aging in TM.. 

 Some of what we can see in these lists is a natural aging-out of the Post-War 
Cohort, of the people who were early with Maharishi in the very early SRM 
movement,  the Walter Koch and Charlie Lutes generation of TM. 

 Now what we are seeing in TM is an accelerating rate of attrition to aging-out 
of the Boomer I and Boomer II’s.  Interestingly, the cusp time period where the 
Boomers I and Boomers II met was the time frame where TM took off in popular 
(college undergrad, grad student, professor-age) culture for a time.  A lot of 
the TM movement intake happened in those years 1968-76, over the cusp of the 
Boomers I and II.  

 You can see this particular cusp in the age span of meditators in the Dome or 
at campus meetings of the TM community now.  The WWII generation is pretty much 
gone from the ranks of TM now.  The Post-War Cohort are pretty gone or 
geriatric now and the Boomers I are increasingly shuffling or gone on.  Boomers 
II are increasingly ‘in diminish’.  Time is short regardless.  

 Post-War Cohort
 Born: 1928-1945
 Coming of Age: 1946-1963
 Age in 2004: 59 to 76
 Current Population: 41 million (declining)

 Boomers I or The Baby Boomers
 Born: 1946-1954
 Coming of Age: 1963-1972
 Age in 2004: 50-58
 Current Population: 33 million 


 Boomers II or Generation Jones
 Born: 1955-1965

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Radical' 'Revolutionary' Transcendental Meditationists

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
What Mao,could have said to meditators in transcendentalist revolution..
 The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Transcendental 
Meditation Movement. The theoretical basis guiding our spiritual experience and 
thinking is the Meissner Effect, the ME, found in Natural Law and our 
manifestly Self-evident experience meditating.

 If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary meditating 
movement. Without a revolutionary meditating movement, without a movement built 
on the scientific and revolutionary theory of the ME and group meditation and 
in the style of science and spiritual experience of the Unified Field, it is 
impossible to lead the practicing meditator and the broad groupings of the 
meditators everywhere against the entrenched forces of reductionist 
materialism, of deconstructionism and their running-dogs.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Revolutionaries, where it has happened and where revolution has brought change 
in broader status quo for humanity it is interesting study to look at and hear 
how they said it, how they said it and acted it out such that they compelled 
and led broader societal change.  

 Like looking back at Mao’s quotations, the little red book, to see what/how he 
said that resonated a people then.   

 While Mao is not in the tradition of transcendentalists, 
 A Study of what Mao could have said to meditators in his Maoist way.. 
 Link to a leadership mash-up of Mao’s quotations and transcendental 
meditationist revolution..   
 Mao and Maharishi:
 Now folded in to one millenarian-ist revolutionary's quotation book,
 -isms Paraphrased:


 Another of 20th Century’s large revolutionaries passes..  Castro and Cuban 
revolution have been in the background of my whole life. It is interesting to 
read the obits today for Castro and recall the decades. 


 NPR has sound clip samplings of Castro speeches over the years to hear along 
with their webpage obit.  Again, though not an overt transcendentalist like in 
is this thread, 
 one can kind of ‘hear’ his leadership charisma in the clips.  No doubt you had 
to be there, like with Maharishi. 

 Sound clips, scroll further down the NPR piece



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "I’m at peace with myself and the universe. One can’t but come closer to God or
Heaven than to merge oneself with the universal order of things—to become, as it
were, one with all of space and time. " Dr Robert Lanza

 “If we measure our individual forces against hers [nature’s], we may easily 
feel as
if we were the sport of an insuperable destiny. But if, instead of identifying
ourselves with the work, we feel that the soul of the workman streams through 
us, we
shall find the peace of the morning dwelling first in our hearts, and the 
powers of gravity and chemistry, and, over them, of life, pre-existing within 
us in
their highest form.” Ralph Waldo Emerson 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Waging radical peace, The SRM (The Spiritual Regeneration Movement) would be 
revolutionary.. A corollary discussion drawing on definition..
 Using Foster's Critique of revolutionary movements to consider 
 Transcendental Meditation (TM) in the 20th Century.  
 See thread: 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Anyone who will effectively meditate according to what the best of modern 
science is correlating, anyone practicing an effective transcending meditation 
is of their own weight a radical, a free radical revolutionary. -JaiGuruYou 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Well, like an old battle cruiser that had been left with a skeleton crew 
decommissioned by bureaucrats the likes of Bevan and Neil the old ship is in 
re-fit right now.  Gone from speeds of just 200 a month being taught meditation 
before 2006 whence the old ship was discovered then in inventory at anchor 
unattended to, then bringing in and putting John Hagelin in charge in concert 
with David Lynch along with other capable old field teachers in the old ship is 
being brought on line again.  It is up to speeds of about 2000 new meditators a 
month or better speeds now in tests in the US.   
 Like the old Shaker tune,
 Old Ship of Zion



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
We are grateful to all those who came answering the call and sat up in their 
meditations with us in Fairfield, Iowa. It has been our honor to have had those 
who traveled from distant places join alongside us here in collective 
meditation in these times.

 From time in memorium this is called the work of moral courage where people, 
deeper spiritual people [transcendentalists] do this, come in to groups 
meditating together for something larger. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes. If i understand properly, there are bodies of studies now authored, 
collaboratively with other reputable universities and institutions, and 
conducted independent of the .org, published studies that have extremely high 
statistical p values and then also aggregated high p values studies, replicated 
too that correlate the effects of meditating. Gold standard stuff.  So the 
premise is that at a point the plain truth of such a series of extremely 
extraordinarily high p value published studies in the aggregate simply becomes 
statistical truth. A type of fact. What they correlate becomes fair ‘rule of 
thumb’.  Unless of course as people may be anti-science or don’t understand 
science this way they may not grok what is completely current in the cutting 
edge of knowledge. This does not deny that there was bad or poorly designed or 
poorly performed science on meditation that went before. However, a sheer 
weight of the best of science is plainly correlating that it is a statistical 
truth now and quite fair rule of thumb that meditating has benefits that go 
with its practice.  QED.  

 It would be far better for you look at the webpage of 
http://www.truthabouttm.org/ http://www.truthabouttm.org/ towards engaging a 
much higher level of understanding of these things.  I only know my objective 
experience with it all which I find statistically certain in many replicable 
ways for myself.  -JaiGuruYou


 yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Thx,statements like this should be put into a proper perspective.  As to 
the Hagelin Premise where he basically says that peace follows from the ME 
which is "peer reviewed" and supported by "statistics"; which "peers" is he 
talking about, and who collected the stats.  If Dr. Hagelin is reading this, 
kindly provide the reference(s) on the peer reviewed journals, if any. 
 If you're reading this, Dr. Hagelin, feel free to jump in and rebut.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Waging radical peace... 

 Hagelin's Premise..
 Peer-reviewed, published, replicated, honest-to-goodness, gold-standard 
scientific research leads us to make this heartfelt request of you: Come and 
join us for meditation in Fairfield, Iowa for this post-election period of 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hagelin's Premise,


 A premise large in assertion and direction like a Monroe Doctrine, The 
Marshall Plan or the Meissner-like Maharishi Effect, now as matter of 
statistical fact: The Hagelin Premise.

 Hagelin’s Premise :
 It is time to rally to meditation by all that the best of modern science tells 
us is statistical truth and by what we know more objectively in our experience 
as quite fair rule of thumb. It is quite time now to come together in 
collective meditation for all that is good.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Discourses at the Ammachi darshans in Detroit this week were a lot about 
making a connection of cultivating/gaining spiritual strength from spiritual 
practices along with compassionate humanitarianism, as you say.  Light in the 
body, feet on the ground. "Do the work."



 Yifuxero writes:

 Thx, the case of a connection between Transcendence and compassionate 
humanitarianism, perhaps can be undermined or even dismissed from a 
Neo-Advaitic viewpoint by saying that Transcendence alone does not imply any 
particular action.
 However, recent research coming from several areas does indeed bolster the 
connection between Transcendence (if done by enough people) and Global Peace.; 
but I must object to the idea that MMY made those connections.
 The new argument can be bolstered by merging 3  sources:  1. Sam Harris, 2. 
The polyvagal axis theory, and 3. the brain's production of Oxytocin, which is 
part of (2).
 First, from Neurophysiologist Harris:  (a reasoned hypothesis) That silent 
medication may lead to increased awareness which leads to Empathy for others 
(an ability to feel what others are feeling, in some way).  Finally, the 
increased ability to Empathize leads to what the Buddhists call Compassion 
(related to the love concept but slightly different).

 2. Second, the Polyvagal axis, already covered on this forum.  Thx Doug for 
introducing this to the forum..
 3. The measurement of Oxytocin output after the subject engages in various 

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Meditating Fairfield, Iowa

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
..our new Center (for Regenerative Agriculture) is drawing attention and 
support from all over the world—including $100,000 in student scholarship 
support just granted by the Indian entrepreneur and founder of InfoSys, Mr. 
S.D. Shibulal and his wife Kumari. 
  Also, fueled by an outpouring of generosity from our amazing, indefatigable 
donors, we are engaged in a feverish renovation and transformation of our MUM 
campus, starting with our student dormitories, which are so central to the 
day-to-day lives and happiness of the precious students we serve.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..In addition, we are launching some exciting new expansionary programs, 
including the nation’s first center for Regenerative organic agriculture—a 
groundbreaking agricultural innovation designed to reverse the loss of our 
global soil supplies, with the added potential, if broadly implemented, to 
sequester enough atmospheric carbon to counter and reverse global climate 


 ..But these achievements are just the tip of the iceberg. We have just emerged 
from a weekend strategic summit with our University brain trust, where we set a 
path for rapid expansion and strengthening of all aspects of the University: 
bolstering student satisfaction, retention, and enrollment; improving faculty 
skills, credentials, compensation, housing, and benefits—including retirement 
benefits; enhancing our ability to inspire our students with Maharishi’s unique 
knowledge and vision, deepening their experiences with Advanced Techniques and 
the TM-Sidhis; strengthening our core academic programs; and expanding programs 
that will have the greatest positive financial impact, thereby providing the 
economic engine to fulfill all these other vital commitments.


 With my deepest thanks for your timely support, and with my sincere wishes for 
your health, happiness and success.
   John Hagelin, Ph.D.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dharmic Dilemmas of the Ramayana
And What We Can Learn from Them Lecture by author and educator Linda Egenes 
Dalby Hall. Free. Open to the Public.  All Welcome.
 Monday, Nov 14th at 8:00 PM,



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Divine Feminine? It was a good talk, of Transcendentalism. Surprisingly 
good and well presented. An enjoyable afternoon lecture by someone who has 
absorbed years of access to and being around MMY. I found it an admirable 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What Exactly Is the Divine Feminine?” 

Sunday Nov 13th at 2:00 PM, in Dalby Hall. Dr Candace Badgett is an 
International Trustee of the Global Mother Divine Organization. 
Free. For TM-Sidhas. Please bring TM-Sidhi ID.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Spiritual Experiences of Saints in Light of Maharishi’s Science of 
Consciousness A Funny Thing Happened to Me in the Cave Last Night
Dr. Evan Finkelstein, MUM Adjunct Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science
Dalby Hall. Free. Open to the public. All welcome.  Saturday, Nov. 12, 8:00 PM 

Higher States of Consciousness
With Intimate Discussion of Experiences
Dr. John Hagelin, President of MUM
Dalby Hall. Free. For TM-Sidhas. Please bring TM-Sidhi ID.
 Thursday, Nov. 10, 8:00 PM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Transcending, the Maharishi Effect, and Enlightenment in the Old Testament.
Hear Bob Markowitz, Bob is a distinguished member of the Fairfield Sidha 
community, Chair of the Ideal Community Group, and holds a degree in Judaic 
Wednesday Nov 9th, 8:00 PM.  Dalby Hall. 
Free.  Open to the public.  All welcome.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Tuesday, Nov. 8, 6:45 PM
Election Night Party
Argiro Student Center Lobby, Student Lounge & Café In the lobby of the Argiro 
Student Center to eat, drink and watch the votes come in.
Free. For TM meditators.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Tony Nader (“Raja Raam”)  

 In-Person Address to the Community, Speaking on the Eve of Our US National 
Presidential Election

 International Director of the Worldwide Transcendental Meditation Program
Monday, Nov. 7, 8:00 PM

 Men’s Dome. Free. For TM meditators.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How the Brain Functions
during Different Meditation Practices 
A Scientific Analysis  

 Sunday, Nov 6, 8:00 PM
 Fred Travis, Chairman, MUM Department of Maharishi Vedic Science
Dalby Hall. Free. Open to the public. All welcome. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Exploring the Paradox of Free Will vs. Determinism 
How to Deal with My Destiny... Or Not
Dr. Sam Boothby, Former MUM Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science

[FairfieldLife] Man in an Iron Mask

2016-11-30 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
A gruesome fate, supposedly actually happened to a man held for 34 years in 
prison. But little is known about the person (1640 - 1703).  Further 
embellished by Alexander Dumas in the 1840's, and became the subject of various 
movies such as the one with Leonardo DiCaprio.

 Man in the Iron Mask - Wikipedia 

 Man in the Iron Mask - Wikipedia 
 The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer; c. 1640 – 19 
November 1703) is the name given to an unidentified prisoner who was arrested 
 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] 13-th Century Pioneers

2016-11-30 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
From Wikipedia on Bonaventure (1221 - 1274), a Franciscan;, Thomas Aquinas 
(1225 - 1274), Dominican; and Roger Bacon (1214 - ?) Franciscan:
 In philosophy Bonaventure presents a marked contrast to his contemporaries, 
Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas. While these may be taken as representing, 
respectively, physical science yet in its infancy, and Aristotelian 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle scholasticism in its most perfect form, 
he presents the mystical and Platonizing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato 
mode of speculation that had already, to some extent, found expression in Hugo 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_of_St_Victor and Richard of St. Victor 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_of_St._Victor, and in Bernard of 
Clairvaux https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_of_Clairvaux. To him, the 
purely intellectual element, though never absent, is of inferior interest when 
compared with the living power of the affections or the heart,"

 Thus, in this century we have the incipient separation between 1. Mysticism 
(Bonaventure), 2. Bacon (empiricism), and 3. Aquinas (Aristotelian 
scholasticism.  Although in the case of Aquinas, we have an individual who 
basically had a two-part history: the first, that of an amazing intellectual 
genius,; and second, an equally amazing mystic, devotee of Jesus, and a 
 The above 3 threads of evolution can be extended to the time of Luther, who 
introduced a distinct fourth trend since he was not a. highly intellectual, b. 
not an empiricist, and c. definitely not a mystic. (Salvation by Faith alone, 
not of works).

 The mystical element by the time of George Fox can be further bifurcated into 
pure Transcendentalism (Fox, imo); vs contemplative mysticism (various Catholic 
Saints).  Due to repression by the Catholic Church and the grip of religious 
dogma, the latter trend has more or less fizzled out, with Padre Pio (died 
1968) possibly  the last of the dualistic Catholic mystics). 
 But the work of Fox remains in countless multitudes of "Spiritual but not 
religious", either operating and evolving independently, or coalescing around 
Gurus like MMY, Ammachi, Eckhart Tolle.

 Among the many Gurus on the scend, those in turn can be classified as pure 
Transcendentalists (e.g. Tolle, Ramana Maharshi), who on some level can be 
labeled Shaivites, vs the Shakta school exemplified by Ammachi.  Guru Dev was 
more in the Shakta or Divine Mother School.

[FairfieldLife] The Brazen Head

2016-11-30 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
A Brazen Head was a mechanical automaton having origins in the late Midieval 
period (12-th century and later); that could supposedly answer questions in 
some way (essentially yes and no)..  The ownership of one such automaton was 
attributed to Roger Bacon, a pioneering Franciscan Friar also known as "Dr. 
Mirabilis", (12-14 - ?).

 Brazen head - Wikipedia 
 Brazen head - Wikipedia 
 A brazen head, brass, or bronze head was a legendary automaton in the early 
modern period whose ownership was ascribed to late medieval scholars who...
 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 01-Dec-16 00:15:15 UTC

2016-11-30 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/26/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/03/16 00:00:00
47 messages as of (UTC) 11/30/16 17:37:16

 12 yifuxero
 11 dhamiltony2k5
  6 hepa7
  5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  5 Bhairitu noozguru
  3 jr_esq
  2 archonangel
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 Archer Angel archonangel
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 10
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Premature deaths

2016-11-30 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

Seems there is no accounting for longevity.

On 11/30/2016 08:43 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yep, the mortality here it seems is kind of normal given the 


There is a generational change upon us in this.  It is getting clear 
the baby-boomer is clocking out.

The mortality in the meditator group is proly not that much different 
from what would be in any well or overly educated groups of white, 
first world socio-economic, non-smoker, more vegetarian peoples.

One small abnormality in the larger group might possibly be those who 
had access to more copious quantities of ayurvedic compounds coming 
directly from India laced with heavy metals. Would need more research 
on this.  That could be worthy of the U. of Iowa College of Public 
Health looking in on some evident incidence of neurological infirmity 
in some meditators. There is a hypothesis there to test. -

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Thx for that information.  There must be some higher purpose beyond 
the superficial appearance of Petra's untimely departure. I celebrate 
her now as a true Celestial Beacon and Angel, as a pioneer in the 
higher planes patiently awaiting thousands if not millions of Souls to 
come her way.

One can get an idea of what's going on in the lower and higher Astral 
planes, as well as the Celestial (the latter indescribable), by 
accessing almost any of the "lessons" given to us by Swedenborg, for 
example the Youtube entry "A Day in the Life of an Angel" - 
Swedenborg. The term "Angel" as used by Swede! nborg refers to any 
human not alive physically, who now lives in the subtle planes that he 
investigated and reported on in several volumes - one of which is 
"Heaven and Hell" available online. (but the Youtube videos are better).

As to exactly what Petra's new work entails, or the plane of existence 
she's currently residing in,, I don't know but I feel that it will be 
to prepare the way for vast numbers of seekers of the Truth (such as 
aging baby boomers), who will be entering those realms. Petra will be 
there to await their arrival and guide them into the proper environment.

In a separate post I will summarize "Protect Sensitive Stomach 
Linings" as featured in Life Extension.

I don't know how many TM "lurkers" or others are reading these posts, 
but perhaps the information may help some.

In any event, I'm envious of Petra. She's probably in the arms of 
Jesus, while I still on this planet.

Another key principle in the work of Swedenborg pertains to the main 
differences between life on earth and life in the astral and higher 
planes. In those realms, people naturally segregate according to the 
amount of Love they radiate and the Wisdom they posses. Yes, people in 
the astral have actual jobs - countless types but the overall 
objective is the common good.  This type of separation in the planes 
can be compared to a mixture of liquids in which the various densities 
separate according to density.  Our Earth, otoh, is a place where one 
can walk down the street  and the Saints and Sinners are all mixed 
together. Bad situation! (that's a Trump-like hashtag).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Countering a Post-Modern Spiritual Disabling of the Human Being..

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, the Domes in Fairfield quite evidently are activating spiritually too like 
spiritual places are for an individual or collective.   There certainly is a 
reality to that. Like sitting in a gathered Quaker meeting In effect wages 
peace as places in the silence of their spiritual processes. Waging Peace now 
given these agitated and divided times, the imperative seems to rise as we know 
more. It becomes like a duty: duty for those who know how to pursue and wage 
radical peace spiritually.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 "Where did we go wrong? The real mistake we commit lies in our inability to 
differentiate between requirements and luxuries."-Amma

 "Don't be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. 
Light your candle and step forward." -Amma
 "Be like the honeybee who gathers only nectar wherever it goes. Seek the 
goodness that is found in everyone."-Amma

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ammachi in Detroit, ‘Q and A’ satsang meeting. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Transcription of rough handwritten notes..


 Q:What of the fear, agitation, commotion, hatred and confusion that is 
individual and societal for the present time?

 A: Amma answering, Swami translating.. 
 [ ..her observation was that everyone has opinions, like people have different 
opinions about how to take their tea.  But what good is fear? Her instruction 
directly was to gain spiritual strength, to strengthen ourselves spiritually 
without becoming too anxious about the future.  

 We are not candles that need to be lit but self-luminous suns. To just keep 
moving with spiritual growth.  That while we live in families and communities 
that ultimately we are alone and so we look to find strength in ourselves. 
Ultimately only God is there, gain mastery over mind. 

 Refocus on our dharma which is compassion and everything will be okay. With a 
candle keep walking forward into the dark and extend the light.  This is the 
dark age of materialism, Kali Yuga. 

 There is virtue and divinity in everything, even a broken clock reads the time 
correctly 2 times a day.  Even in the worst human beings there is compassion 
there too.  You cannot force unity to happen, it unfolds by itself. Feel happy 
first and others will be too. Every drop flows to the ocean. Do whatever you 
can. Even though one half are gripped by fear everything will be alright, even 
if it is not.  Strengthen the internal mind to help others. Let the weapon be 
love.  Be strong (jestering active stance ). Don’t meet anger with anger. Do 
the work.   ]  

 Excerpts from Ammachi’s ‘Big-Swami’ 
 talk/discourse with Swamiji..
 Transcribed From handwritten notes:


 'A follow-up on the fear and confusion in the world and of ‘institutional 
fear’ questions from the previous day,'

 Big-Swami: “.. saying there is ‘no need of confusion or fear’ is not a simple 
or superficial statement.

 The way we look at the universe is different than ..the world view.  For us 
the universe cannot be self-made, everything obeys Nature.  We cannot amend 
that.  For every action Nature follows the set laws. We are not an exception to 
the laws of Nature, we only break ourselves against nature’s law.  
Indiscriminately the law of karma works as nature.  The Law of Karma is the law 
of the Universe.  [..some examples, ‘there are pious credits ..but then you get 
the credit’.. Gita IV.v17..] 
 ”The mills of God (nature) grind slow but fine.”

 ..Don’t expect that people will understand you.  Understanding equals love, 
patience equals compassion, if people do not understand then grow your own 
inner light. 
 In life, civil law we have to learn and Nature’s law we have to learn. Even a 
little of this practice protects from fear.  There are 3 dimensions of space 
and 1 of time, space is static, time is movement.  A. Huxley: there is one 
corner of the universe you can improve and that is your own.  

 [discussion of power politics.. Binding love and liberating love are 
different.. A sugar-coated politics is power politics with domination, greed, 
and anxiety. ..Sympathy is not the same as empathy.. 

 (Cultivating Remedy) in these times:  1.mental purification (ethical/moral 
preparation action). 2.love(selfless service to others) 3.meditation(spiritual 

 ..Discerning self-less service (action) from “what is in it for me”. Love 
yourself, accept yourself; can’t love yourself can’t love others. 

 The human body is a Holy temple, it is a temple of God and through love and 
then acceptance life is an opportunity to serve and love.  A combination of 
perfection of meditation and compassion is a rare thing. There are awakened 
people but the combination of awakening with compassion is a rare thing. There 
are plenty of awakened who care nothing. But by the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Countering a Post-Modern Spiritual Disabling of the Human Being..

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 "Where did we go wrong? The real mistake we commit lies in our inability to 
differentiate between requirements and luxuries."-Amma

 "Don't be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. 
Light your candle and step forward." -Amma
 "Be like the honeybee who gathers only nectar wherever it goes. Seek the 
goodness that is found in everyone."-Amma

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ammachi in Detroit, ‘Q and A’ satsang meeting. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Transcription of rough handwritten notes..


 Q:What of the fear, agitation, commotion, hatred and confusion that is 
individual and societal for the present time?

 A: Amma answering, Swami translating.. 
 [ ..her observation was that everyone has opinions, like people have different 
opinions about how to take their tea.  But what good is fear? Her instruction 
directly was to gain spiritual strength, to strengthen ourselves spiritually 
without becoming too anxious about the future.  

 We are not candles that need to be lit but self-luminous suns. To just keep 
moving with spiritual growth.  That while we live in families and communities 
that ultimately we are alone and so we look to find strength in ourselves. 
Ultimately only God is there, gain mastery over mind. 

 Refocus on our dharma which is compassion and everything will be okay. With a 
candle keep walking forward into the dark and extend the light.  This is the 
dark age of materialism, Kali Yuga. 

 There is virtue and divinity in everything, even a broken clock reads the time 
correctly 2 times a day.  Even in the worst human beings there is compassion 
there too.  You cannot force unity to happen, it unfolds by itself. Feel happy 
first and others will be too. Every drop flows to the ocean. Do whatever you 
can. Even though one half are gripped by fear everything will be alright, even 
if it is not.  Strengthen the internal mind to help others. Let the weapon be 
love.  Be strong (jestering active stance ). Don’t meet anger with anger. Do 
the work.   ]  

 Excerpts from Ammachi’s ‘Big-Swami’ 
 talk/discourse with Swamiji..
 Transcribed From handwritten notes:


 'A follow-up on the fear and confusion in the world and of ‘institutional 
fear’ questions from the previous day,'

 Big-Swami: “.. saying there is ‘no need of confusion or fear’ is not a simple 
or superficial statement.

 The way we look at the universe is different than ..the world view.  For us 
the universe cannot be self-made, everything obeys Nature.  We cannot amend 
that.  For every action Nature follows the set laws. We are not an exception to 
the laws of Nature, we only break ourselves against nature’s law.  
Indiscriminately the law of karma works as nature.  The Law of Karma is the law 
of the Universe.  [..some examples, ‘there are pious credits ..but then you get 
the credit’.. Gita IV.v17..] 
 ”The mills of God (nature) grind slow but fine.”

 ..Don’t expect that people will understand you.  Understanding equals love, 
patience equals compassion, if people do not understand then grow your own 
inner light. 
 In life, civil law we have to learn and Nature’s law we have to learn. Even a 
little of this practice protects from fear.  There are 3 dimensions of space 
and 1 of time, space is static, time is movement.  A. Huxley: there is one 
corner of the universe you can improve and that is your own.  

 [discussion of power politics.. Binding love and liberating love are 
different.. A sugar-coated politics is power politics with domination, greed, 
and anxiety. ..Sympathy is not the same as empathy.. 

 (Cultivating Remedy) in these times:  1.mental purification (ethical/moral 
preparation action). 2.love(selfless service to others) 3.meditation(spiritual 

 ..Discerning self-less service (action) from “what is in it for me”. Love 
yourself, accept yourself; can’t love yourself can’t love others. 

 The human body is a Holy temple, it is a temple of God and through love and 
then acceptance life is an opportunity to serve and love.  A combination of 
perfection of meditation and compassion is a rare thing. There are awakened 
people but the combination of awakening with compassion is a rare thing. There 
are plenty of awakened who care nothing. But by the combination of awakened 
grace like in Amma we will soon see light within ourselves.  

 Divine Grace can help establish Peace, Peace from the heart Pervades.  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 After such a brutal and divisive election, it is clearly vital that we heal 
the rift and bring our nation back together. It is essential that we do 
everything we can to bolster our national coherence during this turbulent and 
sensitive transition. This will help calm the nation—and bring the best 
possible result for our 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Premature deaths

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yep, the mortality here it seems is kind of normal given the demographics.  
Though:   There is a generational change upon us in this.  It is getting clear 
the baby-boomer is clocking out.

The mortality in the meditator group is proly not that much different from what 
would be in any well or overly educated groups of white, first world 
socio-economic, non-smoker, more vegetarian peoples.

 One small abnormality in the larger group might possibly be those who had 
access to more copious quantities of ayurvedic compounds coming directly from 
India laced with heavy metals. Would need more research on this.  That could be 
worthy of the U. of Iowa College of Public Health looking in on some evident 
incidence of neurological infirmity in some meditators. There is a hypothesis 
there to test. -  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx for that information.  There must be some higher purpose beyond the 
superficial appearance of Petra's untimely departure. I celebrate her now as a 
true Celestial Beacon and Angel, as a pioneer in the higher planes patiently 
awaiting thousands if not millions of Souls to come her way.
 One can get an idea of what's going on in the lower and higher Astral planes, 
as well as the Celestial (the latter indescribable), by accessing almost any of 
the "lessons" given to us by Swedenborg, for example the Youtube entry "A Day 
in the Life of an Angel" - Swedenborg. The term "Angel" as used by Swedenborg 
refers to any human not alive physically, who now lives in the subtle planes 
that he investigated and reported on in several volumes - one of which is 
"Heaven and Hell" available online. (but the Youtube videos are better).
 As to exactly what Petra's new work entails, or the plane of existence she's 
currently residing in,, I don't know but I feel that it will be to prepare the 
way for vast numbers of seekers of the Truth (such as aging baby boomers), who 
will be entering those realms. Petra will be there to await their arrival and 
guide them into the proper environment.

 In a separate post I will summarize "Protect Sensitive Stomach Linings" as 
featured in Life Extension.
 I don't know how many TM "lurkers" or others are reading these posts, but 
perhaps the information may help some.

 In any event, I'm envious of Petra. She's probably in the arms of Jesus, while 
I still on this planet.
 Another key principle in the work of Swedenborg pertains to the main 
differences between life on earth and life in the astral and higher planes. In 
those realms, people naturally segregate according to the amount of Love they 
radiate and the Wisdom they posses. Yes, people in the astral have actual jobs 
- countless types but the overall objective is the common good.  This type of 
separation in the planes can be compared to a mixture of liquids in which the 
various densities separate according to density.  Our Earth, otoh, is a place 
where one can walk down the street  and the Saints and Sinners are all mixed 
together. Bad situation! (that's a Trump-like hashtag).


[FairfieldLife] Re: Giovanni de Fidanza

2016-11-30 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Nice. Yep, evidently it happens. I read your post out to my wife who knows 
these kinds of things more:  Nice. How did he know it was Bonaventure?  This 
happened to Carolyn Myss who wrote anatomy of spirit.  This was a person, a 
kind of a left-brain person, who was learning about the chakra system who had 
her experiences with it, becoming an amazing intuitive with it.  Then, in the 
middle of a public lecture, and totally out of the blue, St. Teresa of Avalon, 
bam.  She was rendered to her, awakened to her.  
 Myss was incapacitated by it for a while.  She was giving a lecture and this 
 This happened.  
 She would communicate with her.  In many ways it would change her life. Myss 
was an edgy person.  This broke her heart open, she had this incredible 
conversion.. They are out there. This conversion of her personality, this 
influence on her personality came from ..   for her it was like a darshan, like 
a super-duper darshan experience.  This was not a psychotic episode. Nope, you 
know how it is like with Ammachi when people get smited. People have these 
meltdowns, have something shift there, is just like that. -JaiGuruYou  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Otherwise known as St. Bonaventure, (1221 - 1274), whom I believe was/is a 
"Transcendentalist" based on his writings, as was Aquinas.  During that era 
(and all other eras for Catholics), one best phrase mystical experiences in the 
proper context (preferably in the light of dualistic devotion to Jesus); rather 
than the all-pervasive Ground of Being.  The Inquisition had its roots in St. 
Bonaventure's day.
 In any event, I only bring him up because to my utter amazement, he 
appeared to me in a positively brilliant form last night in the dream state; 
radiating energy so other-worldly that my nervous system in that state 
virtually melted but could not easily record as a memory (since there was no 
previous data bank to account for that type of experience).  But during the 
experience I immediately knew that the amazing vibes this Saint radiated was 
only the reflected light of Jesus
 Why he appeared to me as opposed to somebody else, I don't know (yet). He said 
nothing specific. Just radiated the most amazing energy to a small group of 
persons including me. Trumpian hastag: "More, more!"

 Bonaventure - Wikipedia 

 Bonaventure - Wikipedia 
 Saint Bonaventure (Italian: San Bonaventura; 1221 – 15 July 1274),[1] born 
Giovanni di Fidanza, was an Italian medieval Franciscan, scholastic theolo...

 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 
