I really need some advice

2008-04-01 Thread buttonstc
 I recently adopted a 4 yr old cat from an ad on the local Detroit Metro
 Craigslist. I also have Velvet whom I adopted from the SPCA 16 yrs ago
 who obviously has been tested then and free from both FELV and FIV.

I had been keeping the new cat, Binxy, totally separate in the bathroom
until she settled down a little and stopped cowering behind the pipes
under the cabinet enough for me to take her to the Vet. Of course I knew
in the back of my mind that she could have either disease since the
people who gave her to me had obviously done little to care for her--not
spayed, nails unclipped, no brushing, ear mites,  no vet visits in four
years, etc. But, I have a soft spot for callies and I figured that an
older cat had a far lesser chance of being adopted since most people
want kittens. She is really cute. 

Anyhow, she tested positive for FELV today---the Vet himself did the
test so there is little chance that it was not done properly. This
leaves me in quite a dilemma. For Velvet's sake, keeping Binxy just
isn't a realistic option and she can't stay in the bathroom much longer.
I am living in a shared housing situation and although my landlord does
allow animals, he let me know that the house needs the downstairs
bathroom back. Plus what kind of life is that for a cat who is very
loving and social? Now that she is over her initial fear and shock over
being unceremoniously dumped in a strange place, her cuddly, loving
personality is emerging.  Were she a more offish or mean type, the
thought of having her peacefully put to sleep probably wouldn't be as

Aside from the ear mites (and most likely worms) she seems to be healthy
and I'm sure could have a good quality of life in a home as an only cat
or with another pos. cat---but how to find such a situation? I am at a
total loss and don't know where to turn. I have already called several
rescue groups in this area and been faced with the obvious---with the
highly contagious nature of this disease, they just don't have the
resources or facilities to deal with this and put all the other neg cats
at risk.

If I take her to the Humane Society, I'm pretty certain she would be
immediately put down if they would even allow her into the building at
all. I have never been faced with a situation like this as all of the
cats which I have had throughout my life were from a Shelter, or rescue
group and tested before they even came through my door. 

Do any of you have any suggestions or know of anybody or any group in
this area which specializes in placing pos. cats?  I really don't want
to see such a sweet cat be euthanized, but I just don't have a clue what
to do now and I must do something soon.   I found this list as I was
doing a google search for fel-pos rescue groups. Any other groups I have
encountered are either way out of my area or only take animals from
other shelter or from off the street---not from the general public.

If there are no resources in my current area in Pontiac-Detroit-Metro in
Michigan, if you know of any near Philadelphia, Pa or nearby New Jersey,
I am scheduled to go back there to visit friends soon and could take her

I am so hoping that some of you may know of some resources. Thanks in
advance for any advice you could give me.  I really appreciate it.


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A few more facts

2008-04-02 Thread buttonstc
 When I wrote in yesterday, I was more in panic mode and not necessarily
 thinking too clearly. I appreciate the advice from all of those who
 responded and felt I should fill in the picture a little more. I have
 also followed up on all of the Iowa contacts and hope something can
 develop there. I was also contacted by a gentleman from the list here,
 Gary, and if we can get the transportation coordinated, that looks to
 be the best yet.

 God bless those of you who have dedicated your life to helping these
 Felv kitties. I've realized more than ever why it is pretty unrealistic
 of me to keep her.

The house in which I currently live is not mine---it is a shared housing
situation while I wait for my name to come up on one of the lists for
subsidized Senior housing to which I have applied. The rest of the house
would appreciate their bathroom back, which my landlord has informed me

Caring indefinitely for a cat (or possibly two) with a major disease
such as this is totally unrealistic for a low-income Senior living on SS
only. Reading about the numerous tests, supplements, treatments, etc. it
is obvious how quickly things can add up. Realistically, it's just not
manageable for me at all.  For those of you in different circumstances,
I think it's wonderful that you have chosen to use the resources you
have to make a difference for these kitties.  

 My cat has not been vaccinated for this and even if she were, the
 vaccine is generally 90% effective. Even tho Velvet is currently
 healthy, that may not necessarily be the case and could change rapidly
 at any  time.  She is a very Senior cat at 17 yrs. old and has
 outlasted her two other "sisters" even with a heart murmur. However, I
 could not live with myself if she were in the unlucky 10% and ended up
 with this disease due to my decision to expose her to it.

  I guess I could be faulted by some for her not being vaccinated, but
  that's just a result of my risk-benefits ratio evaluation of
  vaccinations for adult cats in general (kittens with undeveloped
  immune systems is a totally different scenario) With the accumulating
  evidence for the various cancers  stemming from yearly vaccinations, I
  just felt that it was better for MY cats to by-pass being vaccinated
  for something they would not encounter. Other people do differently
  for their cats as is their right.

 For all the time I have had various cats over the years, they have
 always been totally indoor-only cats. It has always been a "closed
 system" The only way for them to be exposed to something is if I
 introduce it. And as unbelievable as it may sound, no cat of mine has
 gotten out of my door unawares even tho one was a dedicated escape
 artist who felt she just HAD to go thru every open door, even a closet
 door. :) Velvet has zero interest (I guess her time as a stray prior to
 the SPCA was enough of a trauma so the streets hold no allure.)

 The best and most realistic thing that I can do for Binxy is to make a
 reasonable attempt to find someone who can care for her and if that
 fails then be sure that she is euthanized peacefully via injection
 rather than that horrendous vaccuum chamber or gas which can cause such
 needless suffering.

For me to do otherwise would be just plain foolish---I can't spend money
I don't have to save one cat while there are probably hundreds, if not
thousands, of other healthy cats within an hours drive being euthanized
every day for no reason other than no more room or no more time. I can't
save all of them, but I can save one.  This is why I don't adopt
kittens--they have very little difficulty finding a home. Once they are
past the cute stage, very few potential adopters want to deal with them.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts after sleeping on it and thinking.  I will
do my best to find a caring and knowledgeable home for Binxy within the
next week. That's the primary reason I wrote to this list. I think you
folks who are raising these cats against great odds are wonderful, but I
just don't have the resources to be able to manage it. But, I'm an
optimist at heart and believe in the power of prayer and if it's meant
to be, then it will happen.

Thanks for caring.  Caroline


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Another Important Question

2008-04-02 Thread buttonstc

 One of the ladies in Iowa to whom I spoke mentioned the possibility
 that Binxy may only be a carrier of the disease since she is four yrs.
 old and healthy.

 So, is there any way (other than the passage of time) to definitively
 determine whether she is just a carrier? 

 And, am I correct in the assumption that being a carrier only would
 give her the same life expectancy as any other cat who does not carry
 this virus?  Or can a cat convert from being just a carrier to being
 actively infected for whatever reason?---just trying to get my facts

Thanks. Caroline

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Re: OT - Thought for the day

2008-04-10 Thread buttonstc
 I watched it also and had previously seen him on Oprah---really an
 amazing guy who knows how to live life to it's fullest---we could all
 take a page out of his book !

 I will post an update on Binxy later---right now time is limited as I
 have tons to do before my trip to Philly. But thanks to both Linda and
 Gary (regular posters to this list) things will eventually work out.
 Thanks guys and thanks to all who took time to reply to my original
 posts and gave advice--much appreciated.  



On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 17:44:46 -0500, "Kelley Saveika"
> I watched an ABC News story last night and it was amazing.  If you
> ever need a lift (sorry, nothing to do with cats) go to Youtube and
> check this out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo
> Blessings to my FELV+ family:)
> ""The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are
> there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because
> the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly
> enough. They're there to stop the other people."
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> http://www.rescuties.org
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home?tag=rescuties-20
> Check out our Memsaic!
> http://www.memsaic.com/app/launch.cfm?sid=08D2CAB2A6E9
> http://www.zazzle.com/rescuties*
> Please help Clarissa!
> http://rescuties.chipin.com/clarissasheart
> http://www.change.org/rescuties

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Re: test

2008-04-21 Thread buttonstc
The exact same thing happened to me a few days ago.  When I triedd to
re-subscribe, it rejected that so I tried again at another addy which I
have. We'll see what happens.  

Probably some kind of computer worm or virus or something.

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 17:24:35 -0700 (PDT), "catatonya"
> i got a notice saying i was bounced off the list. i rejoined, or
> whatever.I don't know what would cause my account to bounce.
>   t
> Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi Tonya,
> I never say a message about Bob's CRF, I did see a message asking me 
> if I was around.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> http://www.bemikitties.com
> HostDesign4U.com [affordable hosting & web design]
> http://www.hostdesign4u.com
> ForYouByUs.com [custom printing]
> http://www.foryoubyus.com

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