[flexcoders] Re: using a class once throughout the all app

2010-02-25 Thread stinasius
that's what i understood from the research though am not sure if am right, 
which is why am asking. i have an app and i complied as rsl and used modules 
too which brought down the size to 172 kb for the main app and 140 kb for one 
of the modules and 80 kb for the other. i kinda loads fast but am thinking that 
the size can come down a little more. so am exploring ways to shed atleast 70 
kbs from the main app. am all out of ideas.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-22 Thread stinasius
i have seen all the examples online abt using that component in flex and they 
all use static paths not dynamic. 

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-21 Thread stinasius
yes i tested that path and it points to the video clip but when i use it as a 
source for the flvplayback, it doesn't work. is it really possible to use 
dynamic paths in flvplayback?

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-21 Thread stinasius
i have tried that private var videoPath:String = "assets/virtual_ tour/" + 
parentDocument.home_tiles.selectedItem.tour; and it doesn't work. it even does 
not show the player.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-20 Thread stinasius
i tried that and its doesn't load the videos. here is the code i used

private var videoPath:String = 

and then set the source of the flvplayback(in this case vid) to the videoPath 
above like this "vid.source = videoPath;". any help?

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-18 Thread stinasius
Anyone with a solution to this, please help. thanks

[flexcoders] dynamic source for flvplayback in flex

2009-12-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys, am using the flvplayback flash component to load videos and its great 
with a static source path, but i have one problem, i have a datagrid with video 
paths from database and i would like to click on a particular row and the video 
loads in the flvplayback. any help guys?

[flexcoders] Re: itemchange effect with filter funtion

2009-12-11 Thread stinasius
come on guys any work around this monster problem?

[flexcoders] itemchange effect with filter funtion

2009-12-08 Thread stinasius
hi guys i know i have asked this before, but surely there must be a way to 
animate items in a tilelist after applying a filter function to show the user 
that something has happened instead of having items just jump in place. please 
if anyone has found a way please share. my tilelist is populated by an 
arraycollection that gets items from a database.

[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-23 Thread stinasius
this is what i have tried to do following your previous example...

private var poolSelected: Boolean = false;

public function poolselected():void{
if(pool.selected == true){
poolSelected = 1;

poolSelected = 0;

private function insertHandler():void{


[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-22 Thread stinasius
Chris Downey you said you do this all the time, care to show how exaclty you do 
it using the first example of itemWorking, or you can show how to directly send 
the checkbox.selected value to the data access object layer (via your 
RemoteObject). please this would be very helpful.

[flexcoders] using imagecfc component in flex app

2009-11-21 Thread stinasius
hi guys and trying to use the ImageCFC component created by Rick Root in my 
flex app to crop the uploaded image but nothing seems to be happening... please 
help me. here is my upload.cfm i use for the upload.



[SPAM] [flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-19 Thread stinasius
yes/no is looking for a boolean value. when the checkbox in the flex ui is 
checked the value recorded in database is yes but remember yes/no in access is 
a checkbox in the database column so if in the flex ui the checkbox is checked 
then the checkbox is also checked in the access table and if its not checked in 
the flex ui then the same in access table.

[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-19 Thread stinasius
here is were it fails in my cfc i have the following

INSERT INTO homes(pool)

the column in the table is pool and the id of the check box in the flex ui is 
also pool. in flex i have the following


private function insertHandler():void{


when i try to insert it gives "error: cant execute query". any thoughts on what 
i can do to insert the value of the check box into the database. by the way the 
datatype of pool in database table is yes/no. am using access. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-19 Thread stinasius
here is were it fails in my cfc i have the following

INSERT INTO homes(pool)

the column in the table is pool and the id of the check box in the flex ui is 
also pool. in flex i have the following


private function insertHandler():void{


when i try to insert it gives "error: cant execute query". any thoughts on what 
i can do to insert the value of the check box into the database. by the way the 
datatype of pool in database table is yes/no. am using access. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: using itemsChangeEffect when filtering a tilelist

2009-11-19 Thread stinasius
Guys any help...

[flexcoders] Re: using itemsChangeEffect when filtering a tilelist

2009-11-18 Thread stinasius
hi guys how can i apply change effects in flex 3 while filtering an 
arraycollection that populates a tilelist like the flex store example

[flexcoders] Re: how to update a progress bar when uploading an image

2009-11-17 Thread stinasius
wow... so the only way is to use the indeterminate to show that smething is 
happening. thanks but in case someone has a solution please share. thanks again 

[flexcoders] how to update a progress bar when uploading an image

2009-11-17 Thread stinasius
hi, am trying to upload and image and i would like to show progress while 
uploading process goes on by updating the progress bar but the progress bar 
seems not to get updated. here is my code

"formitem component"



"popup with progress bar to show progress"

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="vertical" 
creationCompleteEffect="{customMove}" removedEffect="{customHide}" 
title="Uploading Image">

is there something am doing wrong?

[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-16 Thread stinasius
yes am already using my app to input info into database, but for the value of 
the check box that is the one that isn't working.

[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-16 Thread stinasius
Tracy that's what i did but it does not work...

[flexcoders] Re: file upload not responding.....

2009-11-16 Thread stinasius
please disregard this post... its ok now. i got it to work...

[flexcoders] file upload not responding.....

2009-11-16 Thread stinasius
hi guys i recently moved an application from flex 2 to flex 3 as is without 
changing the code. the file upload code in flex 2 was working perfectly but in 
flex 3 it's non responsive as in it can browse for files on the pc but cant 
upload them.. below is my code please help me.

private var fileRef:FileReference;

//Define reference to the Upload ProgressBar component.
private var progress_win:progress_popup;

private function init():void
fileRef = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileRef_select); 
fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileRef_complete);

private function browseAndUpload():void
message.text = "";

private function fileRef_select(event:Event):void 
var request:URLRequest = new 
catch (err:Error)
message.text = "ERROR: zero-byte file";
memPhoto.text = event.currentTarget.name;
progress_win.uploadProgress.setProgress(0, 100);
progress_win.uploadProgress.label = "Loading 0%";

private function fileRef_complete(event:Event):void
message.text += " (complete)";

private function createdprogressPopup():void{


private function removeMe():void {

private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void{


[flexcoders] Re: how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-14 Thread stinasius
sorry for being too slow... but can you please be a little more clear here 
is the code am using to do the inserting from a flex form into a database, 
please show me how i can use your code in here. thanks

private function insertHandler():void{
city.text, location.text);


[flexcoders] how to insert checkbox value into database

2009-11-12 Thread stinasius
hi, i have a flex form am using to collect data and insert that data into an 
access database using coldfusion as backend technology to communicate with the 
form and database. i have one problem though, how can i insert a checkbox value 
from the flex form into the database. thanks guys

[flexcoders] Re: using itemsChangeEffect when filtering a tilelist

2009-11-11 Thread stinasius
any help guys

[flexcoders] using itemsChangeEffect when filtering a tilelist

2009-11-06 Thread stinasius
hi guys am trying to use a datachange(itemsChangeEffect) effect when filtering 
the result of an array collection in a tilelist but doesn't work. is it 
possible to do it this way or not.

[flexcoders] Re: multiple filter function of combobox and two checkboxes

2009-11-04 Thread stinasius
well, am trying to integrate some checkbox filter into a multiple filter 
function and its giving me hell. basically am trying to filter an 
arraycollection based on multiple criteria using different components like 
slider, combo box, radio buttons and check boxes. while i have the rest of the 
component filters working, i cant figure out a way to include the checkbox 
filter into the filter function. here is my code so far.


private var sliderFromValue : Number = 0;
private var sliderToValue : Number = 300;
private var selectedCity : String = "All";
private var selectedLocation : String = "All";
private var selectedValue: Boolean;
private var poolSelected: Boolean = false;

private function onSliderChange(event:SliderEvent):void
var slider:Slider = Slider(event.currentTarget) ;
sliderFromValue = priceSlider.values[0];
sliderToValue = priceSlider.values[1];  

filterGrid() ;
currentState = '';
private function cityChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( city_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedCity = city_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function locationChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( lct_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedLocation = lct_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function categoryChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if(category.selectedValue != null)
selectedValue = category.selectedValue;
currentState = '';

private function poolFilter():void
poolSelected = pool_ckb.selected;

currentState = '';

private function filterGrid() :void

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
return(item.price >= sliderFromValue && item.price <= 
(item.city == selectedCity || selectedCity == "All") && 
(item.location == selectedLocation || selectedLocation 
== "All") && 
(item.category == category.selectedValue)&&
(item.pool == poolSelected);

there is something wrong with the poolfilter function which affects the general 
filter function. i would like that if someone clicked the pool checkbox, only 
property with pools show and if they uncheck it, then all property shows up.

[flexcoders] Re: multiple filter function of combobox and two checkboxes

2009-11-04 Thread stinasius
ok... i have officially failed to get this working so here is my proposal, i 
will pay to get this done for me. anyone out there willing to write the whole 
multifilter function from the ground up please let me know so we can negotiate 
the price. you can get to me on my email address "stinas...@yahoo.com"

[flexcoders] Re: multiple filter function of combobox and two checkboxes

2009-11-02 Thread stinasius
i know that the filter function will work the same way. but i have a problem 
with integrating a checkbox filter into a large multi filter function. let me 
explain... i have a number of controls that am currently using to filter data 
from a database. so i developed a multi filter function to handle the filtering 
depending on what control is picked by the user. it works well but one problem 
i have is that i have failed to find a way to include a checkbox control into 
the multi filter function. below is the multi filter function am using and 
would like to include a checkbox filter to it. 

private var sliderFromValue : Number = 0;
private var sliderToValue : Number = 300;
private var selectedCity : String = "All";
private var selectedLocation : String = "All";
private var selectedValue: Boolean;
private var poolSelected: Boolean = false;

private function onSliderChange(event:SliderEvent):void
var slider:Slider = Slider(event.currentTarget) ;
sliderFromValue = priceSlider.values[0];
sliderToValue = priceSlider.values[1];  

filterGrid() ;
currentState = '';
private function cityChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( city_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedCity = city_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function locationChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( lct_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedLocation = lct_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function categoryChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if(category.selectedValue != null)
selectedValue = category.selectedValue;
currentState = '';

private function poolFilter():void
poolSelected = pool_ckb.selected;

currentState = '';

private function filterGrid() :void

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
return(item.price >= sliderFromValue && item.price <= 
(item.city == selectedCity || selectedCity == "All") && 
(item.location == selectedLocation || selectedLocation 
== "All") && 
(item.category == category.selectedValue)&&
(item.pool == poolSelected);

the individual filter functions are attached to individual controls but the 
poolfilter is the one that is troubling me.  

[flexcoders] multiple filter function of combobox and two checkboxes

2009-11-01 Thread stinasius
hi guys, this is the biggest obstacle i have face ever since i started coding 
in flex. i kindly ask for an example of filtering an array collection using two 
checkboxes and a combobox. thanks 

[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-16 Thread stinasius
am using access database?

[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-13 Thread stinasius
when i use the following code "private function insertHandler( ):void{
   if (cat.selected == true) {
  catManager.cats( "cats");
" i get the following error "Unable to invoke CFC - The CAT argument passed to 
the cats function is not of type boolean."

[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-11 Thread stinasius
this is the code

"mxml file with Remote object call"

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">



INSERT INTO cats(cat)

[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-10 Thread stinasius
thats exactly what i am doing. no difference at all. when i use a textinput, 
and combobox, data is inserted but a checkbox is complex. so am still where i 
was yesterday... no progress and still the same error.

[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-10 Thread stinasius
still no progress. here is my code please help on what i shld do.


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">



INSERT INTO cats(cat)

i get the following error when i try to insert the value of the chk box into 
the database 

"Unable to invoke CFC - Error Executing Database Query."

[flexcoders] Re: open source imageCFC

2009-08-09 Thread stinasius
Helloo any help? 

[flexcoders] open source imageCFC

2009-08-08 Thread stinasius
in my flex app i upload files using a codlfusion script "upload.cfm" and it 
works perfectly. i would like to take it a step further by allowing for image 
manipulation while uploading so that when a person uploads an image of any 
size, it is resized, croped and compressed to jpeg then saved on the server. i 
would like to use imageCFC for this but dont know how. can someone please help 
me? here is the upload script i use. how can i modify it to use imageCFC to 
resize, crop and compress the image that is being uploaded? thanks alot 





[flexcoders] Re: ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-07 Thread stinasius
this is the sample code am using to insert data from flex to db using a 
cfc.(listProperty is the function that has the insert query in cfc). do i use 
cat.selected or something else?

listManager.listProperty(ctry_name.selectedItem, cat.selected);

[flexcoders] ameature question but am desperate

2009-08-07 Thread stinasius
hi how do i insert a checkbox value from flex to a database using coldfusion?

[flexcoders] showing a preloder as images are loaded

2009-07-26 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have struggled with this for a long time. i have a tilelist in which 
i load so many images. i would like to find a way to show a preloader on each 
image place holder as its loaded and when its complete the preloader disappears 
and the image shows up. can someone please help me out here.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-09 Thread stinasius
Hi you were not being offensive, sorry if i gave you the idea you were, as a 
matter of fact you are trying to help and i am grateful for it. now i cant use 
lastResult because i am using a remote object and there is no resultFormat 
property on RemoteObject methods. so am still stuck, plus where you suggesting 
i do away with the  completely? 

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-09 Thread stinasius
hi, care to show how to do that, kinda confused

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-08 Thread stinasius
hi i have changed the dataprovider of the gallery from an array to an 
arraycollection, what an trying to archive is that when someone clicks on the 
list a different set of images is loaded in the gallery, that mean i would like 
to update the arraycollection with a new set of images when an item in the list 
is clicked. i still have failed to get the images to load dynamically but when 
i hard-code the image path in the collection the images loaded. but i think am 
making progress but i need help on what to do to update the collection with 
dynamic image paths. here is my new code.


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 








http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; dataProvider="{dataAr}" 
labelField="location" creationComplete="Init()" change="ClickEventHandler()" 


[Event(name="addImageEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100%" height="100%">



width="100" height="110"
paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
verticalGap="0" horizontalAlign="center" >  


[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-06 Thread stinasius
You dont get it. the parentDocument is the main application where the 
horizontal list is loaded. here is the complete code...


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 








http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; dataProvider="{dataAr}" 
labelField="location" creationComplete="Init()" change="ClickEventHandler()">


[Event(name="addImageEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100%" 



width="100" height="110"
paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
verticalGap="0" horizontalAlign="center" >  


please any flex expert out there help me

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-06 Thread stinasius
nop that doesn't work, but when i hard-code the image path in the array the 
images show up but when i use a dynamic path, no image shows up. below is the 
hard-coded array of images and the same array of images but with a dynamic 

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100%" 


[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-05 Thread stinasius
i hard-code an image path in imgGallery.mxml and it shows up perfectly bt i 
can't hard-code an image path in thumbnail.mxml coz its used as an item 
renderer for the horizontal list in imgGallery.mxml. but the image path work 

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-05 Thread stinasius
i have tried to do as you asked, added a label to the thumbnail.mxml and the 
labels show up as expected. still haven't seen why those images cant show in 
the Horizontal list.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-05 Thread stinasius
someone please help point out what am doing wrong in the code. would really 
appreciate it.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic image gallery

2009-07-03 Thread stinasius
any help guys?

[flexcoders] dynamic image gallery

2009-07-03 Thread stinasius
Hi guys I have a problem with an image gallery am trying to do. This is the 
scenario. In my application I have the main application file "gallery.mxml" and 
three custom components namely "imageName.mxml", "imageGallery.mxml" and 
"Thumbnail.mxml". what am trying to do is have a dynamic image gallery where 
"imageName.mxml" loads image names from a database and is used to point to a 
path to get corresponding images on the server. So am using events to tell the 
main application that image source has changed so that whenever someone clicks 
on the list of image names, different images are loaded in the horizontal list. 
Everything works perfectly well except the images are not showing up in the 
horizontal list component. Yet when I test the path to images everything is 
good and event the events are dispatched well. Please help me understand what 
is causing the images not to show in the horizontal list. Below is my codeĀ…. 
Thanks in advance.

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 








http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; dataProvider="{dataAr}" 
labelField="location" creationComplete="Init()" change="ClickEventHandler()">


[Event(name="addImageEvent", type="flash.events.Event")]


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; xmlns:local="as_logic.*" 
width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="components.*">  



width="100" height="110"
paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"
verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
verticalGap="0" horizontalAlign="center" >  


[flexcoders] events

2009-06-22 Thread stinasius
i have an array collection that populates a gallery. my arraycollection is in 
turn populated when i click an item in a tile list, so whenever i click on a 
new item in the tilelist, the data for the array collection is supposed to 
change but nothing seems to change. any help?

[flexcoders] Re: example of using ffmpeg with coldfusion in flex application

2009-05-25 Thread stinasius
i have been reading most of the tutorials online and all have the source to the 
video to be uploaded and encoded hardcoded. i would like to allow the user to 
browse the his/her system to get the video to upload. anyhow this is my code so 
far but i get errors. please guidance is what am seeking. my code


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 


"uploadVideo_act.cfm(server script)"

"error i get when i run the app"

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2038: File I/O Error.
at videoUploader/init()
at videoUploader/___Application1_creationComplete()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()
at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()
at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

please help. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: example of using ffmpeg with coldfusion in flex application

2009-05-25 Thread stinasius
any help guys?

[flexcoders] example of using ffmpeg with coldfusion in flex application

2009-05-23 Thread stinasius
hi am looking for a tutorial on how to use flex and coldfusion to upload video 
and encode it with ffmpeg. any flex and coldfusion guru out there who can help?

[flexcoders] Re: Filtering multiple conditions in an arraycollection

2009-05-23 Thread stinasius
hi i had the same problem and eventually come up with one that could help you. 
the only problem is that i can't get the checkbox filter to work with the rest 
maybe after trying out this you can help solve the checkbox issue. this filter 
function uses a combination of a slider, two comboboxes and radio buttons. hope 
we can help one another. let me know how it goes...


private var sliderFromValue : Number = 0;
private var sliderToValue : Number = 300;
private var selectedCity : String = "All";
private var selectedLocation : String = "All";
private var selectedValue: Boolean;
private var poolSelected: Boolean = false;

private function onSliderChange(event:SliderEvent):void
var slider:Slider = Slider(event.currentTarget) ;
sliderFromValue = priceSlider.values[0];
sliderToValue = priceSlider.values[1];  

filterGrid() ;
currentState = '';
private function cityChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( city_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedCity = city_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function locationChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if( lct_cb.selectedItem != null )
selectedLocation = lct_cb.selectedLabel;
currentState = '';

private function categoryChangeHandler(event:Event):void
if(category.selectedValue != null)
selectedValue = category.selectedValue;
currentState = '';

private function poolFilter( ):void
/* if (poolSelected)
pool_ckb.selected = poolSelected;

currentState = '';  */

private function filterGrid() :void

private function myFilterFunction(item:Object): Boolean
return(item.price >= sliderFromValue && item.price <= 
(item.city == selectedCity || selectedCity == "All") && 
(item.location == selectedLocation || selectedLocation 
== "All") && 
(item.category == category.selectedValue);  

the onSliderChange function is used by the slider(with two thumbs) to filter 
the array collection, cityChangeHandler and locationChangeHandler are used by 
the combo boxes to filter the same array collection, categoryChangeHandler is 
used by a radio group, the poolFilter function which doesn't work is meant to 
be used by the checkbox to filter that's where i have the problem. when you 
have the individual filters working you place them i one function which is 
myFilterFunction to be used to filter the array collection. then you call the 
myFilterFunction to be as the main filter function for the datagrid and also 
refresh the datagrid once filtered. this is the filterGrid() function. hope 
this helps you, am just an armature but that solution works 80%. hope there are 
some flex gurus who can polish that up to make the checkbox filter work. 

[flexcoders] Using FFMPEG to convert video files to FLV format in flex and coldfusion

2009-05-20 Thread stinasius
hi i am trying to setup a mini video site where guys can upload videos from 
devices like mobile phones and video cameras and i am using flex and coldfusion 
to do it. one thing i would like to know is how to use ffmpeg along with 
coldfusion and flex to allow guys to upload videos of any format and get them 
encoded to flv format on the fly and stored on the server for delivery. i have 
a small coldfusion snippet that uses ffmpeg and would like to get it work in 
flex. here it is

try {
runtime = createObject("java", "java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime();
command = '#ffmpegPath# -i "#inputFilePath#" -g 300 -y -s 300x200 -f 
flv -ar 44100 "#ouputFilePath#"'; 
process = runtime.exec(#command#);
results.errorLogSuccess = processStream(process.getErrorStream(), 
results.resultLogSuccess = processStream(process.getInputStream(), 
results.exitCode = process.waitFor();
catch(exception e) {
results.status = e;

if ( len(trim(arguments.logPath)) ) {
out = createObject("java", 
writer = createObject("java", "java.io.PrintWriter").init(out);
sendToFile = true;

reader = createObject("java", 
buffered = createObject("java", "java.io.BufferedReader").init(reader);
line = buffered.readLine();
while ( IsDefined("line") ) {
if (sendToFile) {
line = buffered.readLine();
   if (sendToFile) {
   errorFound = writer.checkError();

[flexcoders] using tweener to animate the highlight indicator in a flex list component

2009-05-18 Thread stinasius
hi how can i use tweener to animate the highlight indicator(like when the mouse 
moves from one item in the tilelist to another the highlight indicators moves 

[flexcoders] flex/coldfusion ad management loke open ads

2009-05-14 Thread stinasius
hi is there an open source ad network like open ads that i can use with flex 
and coldfusion? was reading a tutorial where rich media x uses flex and php 
with open ads and i think open ads is php based.

[flexcoders] Re: popup progress bar will uploading file

2009-04-30 Thread stinasius
do you mind sharing an example?

[flexcoders] popup progress bar will uploading file

2009-04-30 Thread stinasius
hi i am trying to show a popup progress bar will uploading file. i would like 
help on how to close the popup once the file has finished uploading. here is my 
code so far..

"popup progress bar(progress_popup.mxml)"

http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="vertical" 
borderStyle="none" headerHeight="0" creationCompleteEffect="{customMove}">


file uploadcode

"upload.as(where popup is called from upload form)"
private const FILE_UPLOAD_URL:String = "../cfcs/upload.cfm";
private var fileRef:FileReference;
private function init():void
fileRef = new FileReference();
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileRef_select);
fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileRef_complete);
//fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);

private function browseAndUpload():void
message.text = "";

private function fileRef_select(event:Event):void 
//message.text = "size (bytes): " + 
fileRef.upload(new URLRequest(FILE_UPLOAD_URL));
catch (err:Error)
message.text = "ERROR: zero-byte file";
memPhoto.text = event.currentTarget.name;

private function fileRef_complete(event:Event):void
message.text += " (complete)";
progress_win.addEventListener("Close", removeMe);

/* private function fileRef_progress(evt:ProgressEvent):void {
private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
var file:FileReference = FileReference(event.target);
progressBar.setProgress( Number(event.bytesLoaded), 
} */

private var progress_win:progress_popup;
private function createdprogressPopup():void{

/* reply_win.reply_subject.text = discussion_dg.selectedItem.data;
reply_win.postsubject_msg.text = discussion_dg.selectedItem.data;
reply_win.idusr_msg.text = number.text; */
private function removeMe(event:Event):void {

[flexcoders] best ftp client

2009-04-29 Thread stinasius
what is the best free ftp client to use to upload flex app to remote server?

[flexcoders] argent help needed please

2009-04-23 Thread stinasius
hi guys i have a problem with video display play button in flex 2. when i click 
the play button i get this error "TypeError: Error #1006: play is not a 
function.at custom_comps::home/__playButton_click()". here is my code please 
guide me.thanks

[flexcoders] Re: create a thumbnail dynamically from large image using flex

2009-04-18 Thread stinasius
hi, please share the whole class please.

[flexcoders] Re: create a thumbnail dynamically from large image using flex

2009-04-17 Thread stinasius
i just need a way to create a thumbnail from a larger image dynamically in flex 
so that i dont have to store both a thumb and large image of the same image. 
trying to save on storage and load time of application. can some one please 
help out. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: create a thumbnail dynamically from large image using flex

2009-04-16 Thread stinasius
any help guys?

[flexcoders] create a thumbnail dynamically from large image using flex

2009-04-16 Thread stinasius
hi am using flex 2 and i have images in a folder that i use in my gallery, but 
i would like to load them as thumbnails in my tilelist the when i click on them 
i can see the large image. how can i generate thumnails dynamically without 
having two sets of images "large and small"?

[flexcoders] encoding video files (.mov, .avi etc) to flv during upload in flex coldfusion

2009-04-13 Thread stinasius
hi i have a website where i would like viewers to upload videos to but i 
realized flv player only plays files of the .flv extension. how can i encode 
the files to .flv during the upload process in flex app with a coldfusion 
backend or is it impossible?

[flexcoders] Re: repeater error that i dont understand

2009-04-10 Thread stinasius
not sure what you are saying. try making it a little more understandable

[flexcoders] repeater error that i dont understand

2009-04-09 Thread stinasius
hi i have a repeater component that bound to the selection of a datagrid. it 
works perfectly the first time i select an item from the dtatgrid but when i 
select another item i get this error that i don't understand. please advise. 
here is my repeater and the error i get







"RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex()
at mx.core::Container/setChildIndex()
at mx.core::Repeater/recycle()
at mx.core::Repeater/execute()
at mx.core::Repeater/set dataProvider()
at custom_comps::forum/repeatResult()
at custom_comps::forum/___Operation3_result()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.rpc::Responder/result()
at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/acknowledge()
at NetConnectionMessageResponder/resultHandler()
at mx.messaging::MessageResponder/result()

[flexcoders] Re: Adobe's stimulus package!!!! FREE FLEX BUILDER!!!!

2009-04-08 Thread stinasius
let me get this straight, does that mean that i cannot deploy an app developed 
with this version of flex and if the answer is yes, then what am i supposed to 
do with the flex 3 free version?

[flexcoders] reinitializing viewstack children

2009-04-08 Thread stinasius
is it possible to reinitialize children of a viewstack? i have a viewstack with 
a datagrid component which shows info from a database and i also have form that 
inserts info to the database. so when i insert data from the form to the 
database i show the datagrid which also show the entry that has just been 
entered. how can i reinitialize the datagrid child to reload the data?

[flexcoders] Preventing duplicate database entries in ColdFusion and flex

2009-03-27 Thread stinasius
how can i prevent duplicate database entries in coldfusion and flex. for 
example for registration forms, i would like that if someone registers the same 
combination of username and password that already exist in the db, the entry is 
rejected and the user is alerted. thanks

[flexcoders] smooth animated scroll effect for list component

2009-03-26 Thread stinasius
how can one animate the scroll effect of a list component?

[flexcoders] tilelist with dynamic row heights

2009-03-25 Thread stinasius
how can i make the tilelist have dynamic row heights?

[flexcoders] variable rowHeight in tilelist

2009-03-19 Thread stinasius
how can i have a tilelist with variable rowHeights. i have data populating the 
tile list with diffrent heights and would like to avoid scroll bars.

[flexcoders] Re: how to use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound to it.

2009-03-16 Thread stinasius
ok i have a tilelist loaded with data from a database though a cfc ro. plus i 
have a gallery that i would like to populate with images of a particular item 
from the tilelist when someone clicks on an item in the tilelist. so i was 
reading through arrayutil class and parameter binding and i tried it out.





then in my custom component the dataprovider of the gallery is "home_img"

this still does not work. am in the right direction here, what could i be 

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-14 Thread stinasius
sorry john, i have never used singletons before either. i have a static class 
and would like to know how to get it store the result of the query. otherwise i 
have not made any progress at all. am thinking if someone can work out for me a 
solid flex/cf/access login(authentication) system and well commented that i can 
use in my projects i am prepared to pay for it. 

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-13 Thread stinasius
when i try that i get the following error

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property message not found on 
mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage and there is no default value.
at components::Login/serverFault()
at components::Login/___Operation1_fault()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.rpc::Responder/fault()
at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()
at NetConnectionMessageResponder/statusHandler()
at mx.messaging::MessageResponder/status()

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-12 Thread stinasius
hi, may be i will try to put the question this way, in my cfc i have to return 
a Boolean value "true or false" because in my result handler on the login page 
i test to see if the result returned is true or false then make a decision to 
accept login or not. this is my result handler on the login page

private function login_result(event:ResultEvent):void
// login successful, remember the user.
if( event.result == "true" || event.result == "TRUE" || 
event.result == "1" || event.result == 1 )

this.dispatchEvent( new 
Event('loginSuccessful') );
// login didn't work. show message
errorMessage("Login unsuccessful"); 
but if i set the cfc to return a query result in this case 
"checkAuthentication" nothing happens. so is there a way of returning a query 
result and have the result handler check against the returned result in order 
to make a decision to authenticate or not?

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-12 Thread stinasius
in my cfc the return type is boolean and is set to return true if there is a 
match. when i set the return type to query to return the query 
result(checkAuthentication), nothing happens.

  FROM profile
  where username = 
and Password = 




[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-11 Thread stinasius
hi how do i assign the properties of UserInfo in the result handler?

[flexcoders] Re: storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-10 Thread stinasius
hi i created a storage class that i was using and it works perfectly but i dont 
know how to use it to get data from a cfc through remote object call. here is 
my code it works with username and password but when it comes to geting the 
email address associated with the username and password from the db i dont know 
how to do that and thats my biggest problem.


http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 



http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute" 
title="Login Form">

   [Event(name="loginSuccessful", type="flash.events.Event")] 




  FROM profile
  where username = 
and Password = 




"storage class(UserInfo.as)"

package classes

public class UserInfo
private static var _UserName:String = "";
private static var _Password:String = "";
private static var _Email:String = "";
private static var _isLogged:Boolean = false;

public static function get UserName():String
return UserInfo._UserName;
public static function set UserName(param:String):void
UserInfo._UserName = param;

public static function get Password():String
return UserInfo._Password;
public static function set Password(param:String):void
UserInfo._Password = param;

public static function get Email():String
return UserInfo._Email;
public static function set Email(param:String):void
UserInfo._Email = param;

public static function get isLogged():Boolean
return UserInfo._isLogged;
public static function set isLogged(param:Boolean):void
UserInfo._isLogged = param;

[flexcoders] storing login data from a cfquery for use throught flex app

2009-03-09 Thread stinasius
hi i got a login form in flex with a coldfusion backend and it work's perfectly 
but i need it to go one step further. store login data form the cfquery so that 
it can be reused throughout the flex app. here is a senario. the login form has 
a username and password textinput fields which are validated using a remote 
object call to a cfc that queries a db table with username, password and email 
fields. now when login is successful i would like to store the data returned 
from the cfc including email for use throughout my application. please help me 
out here. thanks

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-09 Thread stinasius
this is my code

import mx.containers.TitleWindow;

 private function closeWindow(event:Event):void{
removeChild( event.target as TitleWindow);

then on the titlewindow component this is the way i call the close function



[flexcoders] possibility of opening a web page in a flex application

2009-03-08 Thread stinasius
is it possible to open web page for 
example(http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1606473/20090306/rihanna.jhtml) in a 
flex application let's say inside a flex canvas component?

[flexcoders] move component over text

2009-03-08 Thread stinasius
hi guys how do i move a box component over a text when i rollover the text?

[flexcoders] Re: rss feed from various sources in flex

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
any tutorial on that?

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
am calling it from with the titlewindow i would like to close. i also tried 
calling it from the parent page that calls the custom titlewindow.

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
i am getting this error when i apply your code.

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the 
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at mx.core::Container/removeChild()
at custom_comps::login_register/closeWindow()
at custom_comps::login_register/___TitleWindow1_close()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()
at mx.containers::Panel/closeButton_clickHandler()

[flexcoders] rss feed from various sources in flex

2009-03-06 Thread stinasius
hi how can i create an rss feed reader that gets feed from more than one 
source. for example if i need to get entertainment news from mtv and other 
music sources how can i do that in flex and coldfusion?

[flexcoders] dispatching data from remote object cfc query in an event.

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
hi how can i dispatch data from a remote object call to a cfc query in an event.

[flexcoders] Re: how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
care to share how?

[flexcoders] how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup

2009-03-05 Thread stinasius
hi how can one how to close a titlewindow that was not created as a popup?

[flexcoders] titlewindow skinned component

2009-03-03 Thread stinasius
hi how can i skin or where can i get a custom title window component
like the one found here
"http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/marketing_platforms_06.html"; thanks

[flexcoders] Re: generating codes that users can use to pay for a service

2009-02-24 Thread stinasius
well am working on an application like ebay where guys can post staff
for people to see. before posting staff one has to pay the monthly
charge for posting. thought about paypal but in africa people are wary
of using their debit cards so i thought may be i could generate keys
that they can purchase from lets say convenient stores and supply that
key when they are posting staff. so how can this be done?

[flexcoders] generating codes that users can use to pay for a service

2009-02-24 Thread stinasius
hello guys before i ask this let me say i know that many people will
probably suggest using online payment systems like paypal but that is
not an option in my case. so this is what i would like to know. i have
a website where companies can post ads but before they can post the ad
they have to have a code(key) which they purchase. lets say someone
wanted to have his ad running for a month and the total monthly charge
is 20 dollars, they have to purchase the code for 20 dollars which
they input into the system and if valid then they can post their ad.
can i create a system in flex/as3/coldfusion to generate the codes and
tie a particular code to an amount for example if you want your ad to
run for a month and it costs $20 then the system generates different
codes that are worth $20 or can i use a database of some kind to store
the codes? and how can i validate the code is worth $20? hope my
question is clear. 

[flexcoders] Re: how to use a list's change event to refresh an array that is bound to it.

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hello any help out there?

[flexcoders] Re: tilelist HighlightIndicator effects

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hi i have tried everything you have said but i get an error. here is
the code i use for clearing the highlightIndicator. the error i get is
"method marked override must override another method"

override protected function clearHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite,
   Tweener.addTween(indicator,({alpha:0, time:1,

[flexcoders] need visual design work done

2009-02-13 Thread stinasius
hi i need a very good visual design to do some visual work for me.
what is need is listed below

1- nice dark background that matches the darkroom theme(am using
darkroom theme and need a background image)

2- nice effects (resize, move, fade or zoom) for popup ie titlewindow
when popuping up and when closing

3- very fluid change effects for viewstack children

4- filter effects for tilelist

5- custom titlewindow with header background image and anchored round
close button(dont like the skinned titlewindow of darkroom theme)

6- whatever you feel is good that i have left out.

remember that they should be compatible with both flex sdk 2 and sdk
3. am currently using sdk 2. let me know how much it costs. thanks

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