[Haskell-cafe] Announce: Blip, a bytecode compiler for Python 3 (implemented in Haskell)

2013-04-17 Thread Bernie Pope
I'm pleased to announce Blip version 0.1.0, a bytecode compiler for Python


Blip compiles Python 3 source files to bytecode. The output bytecode is
compatible with the CPython interpreter (the "standard" Python

For example, given a Python 3 source file called foo.py, the command:

   blip foo.py

produces a bytecode file called foo.pyc. The bytecode can be executed by
passing it as an argument to a CPython interpreter:

   python3 foo.pyc

This is an early development release of Blip, so it is not ready for
serious use, however it supports most of the Python 3 language already.

It has been tested on OS X 10.7.5 with GHC 7.4.2. The output has been
tested with Python 3.3.0.

Currently implemented features:


Features not yet implemented (but are on the way):


Wiki for more information:


Bernie Pope.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-28 Thread Bernie Pope
On 29 December 2011 10:51, Steve Horne  wrote:

> As Simon Baron-Cohen says in "Tackling the Awkward Squad"...

I think you've mixed up your Simons; that should be Simon Peyton Jones.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: iterIO-0.1 - iteratee-based IO with pipe operators

2011-05-16 Thread Bernie Pope
On 16 May 2011 19:56, Simon Marlow  wrote:

> On 13/05/2011 21:12, Bernie Pope wrote:
Could you please point me to more information about the sequential
>> consistency of IORefs? I was looking for something about this recently
>> but couldn't find it. I don't see anything in the Haddock for Data.IORef.
> Yes, it's not actually documented as far as I know, and we should fix that.

Thanks Simon. I was thinking about this in the context of a blog post by
Lennart Augustsson:


He says that "There's no guarantee about readIORef and writeIORef when doing
multi-threading.". But I was wondering if that was true, and if it were,
what the consequences would be. If you read his reply to my question on the
blog, then I believe that he was saying that sequential consistency was not

If you have time to read his blog article, I wonder if you could comment on
the need (or lack of need) for MVars or atomicModifyIORef?  If I understand
correctly, it would be okay to use readIORef/writeIORef, assuming that it is
okay for some computations to be repeated.

> But if you think about it, sequential consistency is really the only
> sensible policy: suppose one processor creates a heap object and writes a
> reference to it in the IORef, then another processor reads the IORef.  The
> writes that created the heap object must be visible to the second processor,
> otherwise it will encounter uninitialised memory and crash.  So sequential
> consistency is necessary to ensure concurrent programs can't crash.

Yes, I agree, and that was what I was thinking. Otherwise well-typed
programs could go horribly wrong.

For some background there was a discussion about this on the haskell-prime
> mailing list a few years ago, I think.

Thanks, I try to dig it up.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: iterIO-0.1 - iteratee-based IO with pipe operators

2011-05-13 Thread Bernie Pope
On 13 May 2011 19:06, Simon Marlow  wrote:

As far as memory consistency goes, we claim to provide sequential
> consistency for IORef and IOArray operations, but not for peeks and pokes.

Hi Simon,

Could you please point me to more information about the sequential
consistency of IORefs? I was looking for something about this recently but
couldn't find it. I don't see anything in the Haddock for Data.IORef.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] help with dynamic load

2011-03-25 Thread Bernie Pope
On 26 March 2011 05:57, Rob Nikander  wrote:

> I'm trying to use the 'plugins' package.  Since I already posted to
> stackoverflow I'll just link to that.  I posted a simple program that
> I thought would work, but mostly doesn't.   Any pointers, appreciated.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542/help-with-haskell-dynamic-plugin-load

Hi Rob,

I don't have a stack overflow account, so I will give a partial answer here.

I'm not sure what the issue is with runhaskell, but you are getting a
segfault with dynload. The comments on dynload in the source of the
plugins package reveal the probable cause:

-- A work-around for Dynamics. The keys used to compare two TypeReps are
-- somehow not equal for the same type in hs-plugin's loaded objects.
-- Solution: implement our own dynamics...
-- The problem with dynload is that it requires the plugin to export
-- a value that is a Dynamic (in our case a (TypeRep,a) pair). If this
-- is not the case, we core dump. Use pdynload if you don't trust the
-- user to supply you with a Dynamic

So it seems that, to use dynload, you must export a pair containing a
typerep and a value, rather than just a value. Plugins also provides
pdynload, which is apparently a "super-replacement for dynload",
though I didn't look into it in detail.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Byte Histogram

2011-02-06 Thread Bernie Pope
On 6 February 2011 02:40, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

> Then again, if you could actually single-step through a Haskell program's
> execution, most strictness issues would become quite shallow.

You can single-step through a Haskell program's execution with the
GHCi debugger. It can provide considerable insight into evaluation

A proper stack tracer would make it even more useful.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANNOUNCE] haskell-mpi-1.0.0

2010-12-13 Thread Bernie Pope


On 14 December 2010 13:13, Thomas Schilling  wrote:
> Could you please add your package to the wiki section at
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Applications_and_libraries/Concurrency_and_parallelism#MPI
> ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Regression test utility suggestions?

2010-10-22 Thread Bernie Pope
On 22 October 2010 08:38, Peter Schmitz  wrote:
> I am seeking suggestions for a regression test utility or framework
> to use while developing in Haskell (in a MS Windows environment).
> [snip]

For this kind of task I use shelltestrunner


It can do recursive search through directories to find test cases,
which I find particularly handy.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] An interesting paper from Google

2010-10-16 Thread Bernie Pope
On 17 October 2010 11:25, Dan Doel  wrote:
> On Saturday 16 October 2010 7:04:23 pm Ben Millwood wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Andrew Coppin
>>  wrote:
>> > I'm still quite
>> > surprised that there's no tool anywhere which will trivially print out
>> > the reduction sequence for executing an expression. You'd think this
>> > would be laughably easy, and yet nobody has done it yet.
>> I tried to do something a bit like this:
>> http://github.com/benmachine/stepeval
>> but it could be charitably described as "crude": has three failing
>> testcases and a bagful of unimplemented functionality.
> I believe the Buddha debugger could do something like this, as well, although
> normally you wouldn't dump the entire sequence.

Buddha is/was a declarative debugger. The basic idea is to build a
computation tree, and then search the tree for buggy nodes. Normally
the debugger would decide how to traverse the tree, and the user would
simply make judgements about the correctness of reductions stored in
the visited nodes. However, buddha also allowed the user to explore
the tree manually. None of this was particularly unique to buddha, and
most other declarative debuggers allow you to do this too.
Unfortunately most declarative debuggers don't make it far past the
proof of concept stage.

The HAT tracer also supports/supported declarative debugging and has
many useful trace exploration tools.

> But it has bit rotted,
> unfortunately (it's quite tied to GHC internals, as far as I can tell).

As the author of buddha I can confirm that it hasn't been maintained.
The main dependency on GHC is a small amount of code for printing data
structures. In fact some of that could would be easier to do now than
it was then, because GHC includes data constructor names by default in
compiled code (this was added to support the ghci breakpoint

> I never used it, but I've had at least one person tell me it was the best
> debugger they'd ever used. You type in an expression, and continually step
> into different parts of the reduction sequence until you find some core source
> of whatever error you're looking for.

I'm happy to hear someone like it so much. Declarative debugging is a
very nice idea (invented for Prolog by Ehud Shapiro - he is now famous
for DNA computing), but it is hard to make practical. Probably the
best declarative debugger I know of is the one provided for the
Mercury programming language. However, Mercury is a strict language,
which simplifies some aspects of the design.

The problem is that it is hard to scale to long running computations,
because the computation tree can become huge. HAT tackles this problem
by saving a trace record to file, although this can have rather high
runtime overheads. The declarative debugger for Mercury language
tackles this problem by piecemeal construction of the computation
tree, and by regenerating parts of it on demand by re-execution of
code. Re-execution in a lazy language is quite challenging (I tried to
do it in buddha).

I have some ideas about interspersing declarative debugging with
computation, but never had the time to implement it (though I think it
would make a great research project).

> If someone were to revive it, I'm sure many people would be appreciative.

I think it might be better to put more effort into HAT.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Thunks

2010-10-14 Thread Bernie Pope
On 15 October 2010 07:53, Mihai Maruseac  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to determine the order in which thunks are created and
> expanded/evaluated in Haskell (GHC)? I'm looking mainly at some
> existing interface but if there is only something in the GHC source it
> will suffice.

You can use side effects to observe the order of evaluation, by
wrapping observed expressions (thunks) with some IO computation inside
unsafePerformIO. This is roughly what HOOD does, and it can be used to
provide some clues about evaluation order, and maybe even GHood can
help you visualise it. I've no idea if they work at the moment, but
Hood and GHood are available on Hackage.

You have to be careful of "observer effects" whereby the observation
wrappers change the evaluation order of the observed code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Shared thunk optimization. Looking to solidify my understanding

2010-09-24 Thread Bernie Pope
On 25 September 2010 07:58, David Sankel  wrote:

> Thanks everyone for your responses. I found them very helpful. This is my
> current understanding, please correct me where I am wrong:
> When using Launchbury's Natural Semantics (LNS) as an operational model,
> this optimization is called sharing which would lie in a category of
> optimizations called common subexpression elimination. Holger Siegel's email
> provided steps of an evaluation using LNS to show the different runtimes
> between test1 and test2.
> Because Haskell98 does not specify an operational semantics, there is
> no guarantee that an implementation will provide a sharing optimization. On
> the other hand, Haskell implementations are all similar enough that the
> sharing optimization can be depended on. LNS was indeed written to model
> what is common in implementations for languages characteristically like
> Haskell.
> When compiled with ghc with optimizations, test1 and test2 result in
> identical runtime behaviors. This is an artifact of another, more
> aggressive, optimization that falls within common subexpression elimination
> optimizations. It is not easy to describe or predict when this optimization
> occurs so depending on it when writing code is problematic.
> wren ng thornton provided an evaluation using another operational semantics
> (reference?). Under this semantics, this optimization would be called
> partial evaluation. Unfortunately I couldn't follow the steps or the
> reasoning behind them, perhaps a reference to the semantics would help.
> Thanks again!

Hi David,

If you are interested in exploring operational semantics you might
also get some use out of MiniSTG:


It implements the push-enter and eval-apply semantics for the STG
machine. Perhaps the most useful part is that it can generate a HTML
trace of a small-step reduction. The trace shows the code, stack and
heap, so you can see how structures are shared.

It might help to read the "fast curry" paper if you want to play with MiniSTG:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cabal problem on OS X

2010-09-19 Thread Bernie Pope
On 10 June 2010 01:08, Gregory Collins  wrote:
> Jeroen Weijers  writes:
>> Hi,
>> For me it turned out to be some problem with MacPorts, removing
>> MacPorts (with all its installed ports) solved the problem regarding
>> ZLib. I assume that a less drastic measure would also work (only
>> remove selected ports or remove the ports from your path).
> This specific error happens when you try to link with a 64-bit library
> from 32-bit GHC. So the odds are good either your flags aren't set right
> in /usr/bin/ghc and friends (which was an issue on 6.10), or you're
> linking to a non-universal copy of zlib (like the one macports will
> build).

I was having this problem too, so I searched through my mail and found
this thread. I upgraded to the latest Haskell Platform 2010.2.0.0, but
the problem persisted. I noticed that macports has a universal variant
of zlib, so I installed that:

   sudo port install zlib +universal

Then I rebuild cabal, and now it works properly.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Actors and message-passing a la Erlang

2010-07-25 Thread Bernie Pope
On 26 July 2010 06:55, Yves Parès  wrote:
> I've been studying Erlang and Scala, and I was wondering if someone has
> already implemented an actors and message passing framework for concurrent
> and distributed programs in Haskell.

I've recently been working on MPI bindings for Haskell:


They are incomplete, but usable.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to set a GHC option for a single module and a specific version of GHC?

2010-06-07 Thread Bernie Pope

I'm looking for a way to set a GHC compile option on a specific module
(not every module in the program) but only for a specific version of
GHC. Ideally within the confines of cabal, and in a portable way.

GHC provides the OPTIONS_GHC pragma, but it does not appear to provide
a way for the pragma to fire for specific versions of GHC. Also, I
can't use an #ifdef trick because "File-header pragmas are read once
only, before pre-processing the file (e.g. with cpp)."

Cabal provides conditional statements and a way to check the version
of GHC, but I can't see a way to get it to only use certain compiler
options for a particular module.

In summary, what I really want is a modified version of the OPTIONS_GHC pragma:

   {-# OPTIONS_GHC ==6.12.1 ... #-}

or a way to tell cabal to use certain compiler options for a
particular module under certain conditions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: berp, an implementation of Python 3, in Haskell

2010-06-01 Thread Bernie Pope
I'm pleased to announce the first public release of berp, version 0.0.2.

Berp is (the beginnings of) an implementation of Python 3, written in
Haskell. It provides a compiler and an interpreter. In both cases the
input Python program is translated into Haskell code. The compiler
turns the Haskell code into machine code. The interpreter runs the
Haskell code immediately via the GHCi interpreter. The user interface
of the interpreter imitates the one provided by CPython.

A cabal package is available:


The source code is hosted on github:


Documentation is available on a github wiki:


Note: berp is known to work with GHC 6.10.4, but it may not work with
6.12.x, due to issues with GHC's memory usage when compiling the
language-python package (ticket #3972 on the GHC trac).

As you can see by the very low version number (0.0.2), berp is still
young; there is lots of room for improvement. However, it does support
a fairly wide variety of Python's features, and some extensions such
as callCC and tail call optimisation. Read more about it on the github
wiki mentioned above.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Getting used and available memory

2010-04-27 Thread Bernie Pope
On 27 April 2010 17:55, Don Stewart  wrote:
> We could bind to Rts.c in the GHC runtime, and get all the stats
> programmatically that you can get with +RTS -s

A long time ago I made a simple binding which has been packaged for
cabal by Gwern Branwen. The package is called highWaterMark:


As the name suggests it tells you the upper limit of RTS allocated
memory. It does not tell you about memory allocated by foreign calls.

I can't test it at the moment, but it is probably bit-rotten.

Maybe it is something to start with?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] multi-ghc: Managing Multiple GHC Distributions

2010-04-08 Thread Bernie Pope
On 8 April 2010 19:00, Sean Leather  wrote:
> I created a few tools to help me manage multiple GHC distributions in a Bash
> shell environment. Perhaps it's useful to others.
>   http://github.com/spl/multi-ghc
> Feedback welcome. I'd also like to know if something similar exists.

Hi Sean,

I wonder if you could achieve the desired result with the "Modules Project":


We use it at work for managing multiple versions of lots of different
programs on a shared machine.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC vs GCC

2010-03-26 Thread Bernie Pope
On 27 March 2010 04:46, Rafael Cunha de Almeida  wrote:

> During a talk with a friend I came up with two programs, one written in
> C and another in haskell.


> The Haskell version:
> real    0m45.335s
> user    0m45.275s
> sys     0m0.004s
> against the C version:
> real    0m6.021s
> user    0m6.004s
> sys     0m0.004s

Could you please report which version of each compiler, which
operating system, and which CPU?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

2010-03-24 Thread Bernie Pope
On 25 March 2010 14:23, Ivan Miljenovic  wrote:
> On 25 March 2010 12:21, Bernie Pope  wrote:
>> Yes, I tried that, but unfortunately it falls over with:
>> Language/Haskell/TH/Quote.hs:31:12:
>>    Not in scope: data constructor `CharConstr'
>> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
>> template-haskell- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
>> exit: ExitFailure 1
> TH-2.4 comes with/needs GHC 6.12.  The problem here appears to by with
> syb-with-class: using a lower version of that should work, as 0.6.1
> appears to be a compatability release just to get it working on 6.12
> (whereas 0.6 works with 6.10).

Thanks Ivan.

cabal install syb-with-class-0.6 fixed the problem.

I note that you did mention this before, and sorry I missed it the first time.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

2010-03-24 Thread Bernie Pope
On 22 March 2010 11:05, Carter Schonwald  wrote:
> apparently sometimes even though cabal can figure out the dependencies for a
> package you want, it gets confused (or something) when it needs to figure
> out the "transitive" dependencies (that which needs to be installed for the
> direct dependencies to also install). So  try doing a cabal install of that
> version of template  haskell with the explicit version
> cabal install template-haskell-
> that should solve it

Yes, I tried that, but unfortunately it falls over with:

Not in scope: data constructor `CharConstr'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
template-haskell- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1

In the version of Data.Data on my machine there does not appear to be
a CharConstr.

It looks to me like there is an incorrect dependency in Template Haskell.

I can see from the hackage build logs that I'm not the only one who
has this problem. I will report a bug.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Salvia-1.0.0

2010-03-21 Thread Bernie Pope
On 22 March 2010 03:05, Sebastiaan Visser  wrote:

> Straight from Zurihac: I'm very pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of the 
> Salvia web server.
> Salvia is a feature rich web server and web application framework that can be 
> used to write dynamic websites in Haskell. From the lower level protocol code 
> up to the high level application code, everything is written as a Salvia 
> handler. This approach makes the framework extremely modular and extensible.
> To do a full install first run `cabal update' followed by `cabal install 
> salvia-demo'. Now you can run the salvia-demo command and point your browser 
> to http://localhost:8080/ .

Hi Sebastiaan,

I was looking forward to a new version of Salvia.

Do you have minumum requirements for GHC? I tried to 'cabal install
salvia-demo', but with no luck:

cabal install salvia-demo
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure syb-with-class-0.6.1. It requires template-haskell
For the dependency on template-haskell ==2.4.* there are these packages:
template-haskell- However none of them are available.
template-haskell- was excluded because template-haskell- was
selected instead
template-haskell- was excluded because ghc-6.10.4 requires
template-haskell ==

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Australian Hackathon

2010-03-16 Thread Bernie Pope
On 16 March 2010 16:28, Ivan Miljenovic  wrote:
> Would other Australians be interested in having our own Hackathon (why
> should all those northerners have all the fun)?  I'm thinking about
> organising it to be in the July break between university semesters.

Yes, I am interested.

It would have to be overlap a weekend for me due to work commitments.

I'll advertise it in the Melbourne FPU when more details are available.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alex Lexer: Trying to get rid of "Alex"

2010-02-23 Thread Bernie Pope
On 23 February 2010 20:15, Amit Deshwar  wrote:
> Hi Haskell-cafe
> My problem:  I'm trying to obtain the current position of the lexer once it
> reaches the end of the file (line and row number).
> I'm trying to do this in a function:
> getEndPosition = do
>   (a,b,c) <- alexGetInput
>   return a
> Unfortunately, the type of a is 'Alex AlexPosn' instead of just 'AlexPosn'
> How do I strip the Alex so I'm left with just a AlexPosn object?

Hi Amit,

Are you sure about the type of a?

It looks like you are using the "monad" wrapper, described here:

If that is true, then:
   alexGetInput :: Alex AlexInput
   type AlexInput = (AlexPosn, Char, String)

>From that we can infer from your code:
   getEndPosition :: Alex AlexPosn
and thus:
   a :: AlexPosn

If you want to manipulate the value bound to a, you can simply apply a
function to it in the body of getEndPosition, and return the result of
that application (still inside the Alex type). Or you can use the
runAlex :: String -> Alex a -> Either String a

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parallel and distributed haskell?

2010-02-11 Thread Bernie Pope
On 17 December 2009 06:21, Scott A. Waterman  wrote:

> I feel there is quite a bit of latent interest in the subject here,
> but relatively little active development (compared to erlang, clojure, etc.)
> Can anyone involved give a quick overview (or pointers to one)?
> It would be good to hear what directions people are taking, and why,
> and where it's going.

I've recently moved into HPC and am now quite interested in using
Haskell on large clusters.

My first goal was to get hMPI working (HaskellMPI). The original
version appears to be from Michael Weber:


which was followed up by Hal Daume III:


It doesn't appear to be cabalised.

I wonder if anyone else has been using it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell-src type inference algorithm?

2010-02-11 Thread Bernie Pope
On 12 February 2010 10:13, Niklas Broberg  wrote:
>> Anyone know of a type inference utility that can run right on haskell-src
>> types? or one that could be easily adapted?
> This is very high on my wish-list for haskell-src-exts, and I'm hoping
> the stuff Lennart will contribute will go a long way towards making it
> feasible. I believe I can safely say that no such tool exists (and if
> it does, why haven't you told me?? ;-)), but if you implement (parts
> of) one yourself I'd be more than interested to see, and incorporate,
> the results.

A long time ago I worked on hatchet:


which I believe was incorporated into JHC.

Hatchet was based on thih and haskell-src.

I gave up on it when I figured out a way to do what I wanted without
type information.

If I was going to do it again then I'd consider using Chameleon as a
starting point, (I don't know where the most up-to-date sources are).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] getting data through foreign layer without marshalling

2009-12-13 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/12/14 Donn Cave :
> I'm working with a C++ application library, of the sort where
> you instantiate a subclass of the library object and it dispatches
> your functions on receipt of various events.  With multiple OS
> threads, by the way.
> This works all right so far, with some C++ boilerplate and Haskell
> FunPtrs created via the foreign "wrapper" option, but I am not crazy
> about marshalling the application data, to get it to the C++ object
> and back to my application functions.
> So, I'm wondering if the way I'm trying to thread application data
> through the C++ layer is reasonably fool-proof - I mean, empirically
> it works in a simple test, but are there going to be storage issues,
> etc.?  Is there a better way to do it?
> Briefly,
>  - my callbacks
>        AppData -> CPlusObjectPtr -> P0 ... -> IO Pn
>  - the FunPtr inserted into C++ object
>        FunPtr (CPlusObjectPtr -> P0 ... -> IO Pn)
>        ... i.e, I apply the AppData parameter first
>  - I rewrite the C++ object's FunPtrs every time I update the
>    application data (freeHaskellFunPtr prior values.)
> I'm just not sure where AppData lives while it's referenced in a
> FunPtr via partial application, if there might be multiple copies, etc.

I don't fully understand what you want to do, but perhaps you can use
a StablePtr:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is anyone reading Pattern Calculus by Barry Jay?

2009-12-06 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/12/7 Duane Johnson :
> I just bought a copy of Pattern Calculus [1] by Barry Jay and I would like
> to discuss the lambda- and pattern-calculus with anyone who is interested.
>  Is there anyone else here who is reading the book and would like to discuss
> here (if it is appropriate) or take the discussion elsewhere?  My knowledge
> of types has come primarily through reading this Haskell Cafe list, so I am
> by no means an expert.  Just a tinkerer :)
> Regards,
> Duane Johnson
> [1] http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/3695

Hi Duane,

The Melbourne FPU (functional programming union) is interested in
topics like this, and some of us have a copy, or are about to get a
copy of the book.


There's already a short thread on the topic - please feel free to sign
up to the group.

We welcome stimulating discussion.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: language-python version 0.2 now available

2009-11-04 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/11/5 Deniz Dogan :
> 2009/11/4 Bernie Pope :
>> Main shortcomings of this release:
>>   - Support for Unicode is limited (waiting on Unicode support in Alex).
> There was an announcement a while back on this list from Jean-Philippe
> Bernardy about successfully adding Unicode support to Alex.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/haskell-cafe@haskell.org/msg62848.html

Thanks Deniz,

Yes, I saw that posting a while ago. I'm waiting for it to be included
in the main branch of Alex (and looking forward to it too).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: language-python version 0.2 now available

2009-11-04 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/11/5 Tom Tobin :
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Bernie Pope  wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce that version 0.2 of the language-python
>> package is now available on hackage:
>>   http://hackage.haskell.org/package/language-python
>> language-python provides lexical analysis and parsing for Python.
> Thanks for working on this; coming from a Python background (and still
> using Python at work), this sounds like a fun way to combine my
> efforts at learning Haskell with something that might actually prove
> useful for my day job (as I haven't been happy with any of the Python
> lint tools out there).  :-)

I'm keen for people to write Python tools using language-python, so
please let me know if you do, or if you have any good ideas.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: language-python version 0.2 now available

2009-11-04 Thread Bernie Pope
I'm pleased to announce that version 0.2 of the language-python
package is now available on hackage:


language-python provides lexical analysis and parsing for Python.

Major features of this release:

   - Support for versions 2.x and 3.x of Python (previously only 3.x
was supported).
   - Lexical tokens and AST nodes are annotated with accurate source
span information.
   - Comments are retained as tokens, and are collected by the parser.

Main shortcomings of this release:

   - Support for Unicode is limited (waiting on Unicode support in Alex).
   - It has only undergone minimal testing (testing infrastructure is
still being built).

I've also written a small client of the package, called
language-python-colour, which renders Python source code as XHTML for
colouring etc. The main purpose of this is to demonstrate how to use
language-python, and the utility of accurate source spans.


Example output:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: graphtype — A simple tool to illustrate dependencies between Haskell types

2009-08-24 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/8/24 Max Desyatov :

> graphtype was developed to visualise type declarations in you Haskell
> source files.  It produces .dot-file for subsequent processing with
> graphviz.

> Anyway, graphtype is fairly usable.  Leave here your questions,
> suggestions and have fun looking at type dependencies in your code.


You could probably get some leverage from the GHC API for reading .hi
files to find out information about imported types.

It looks to me like you generate one image file for the whole graph.
It could get quite big. I think dot supports hyperlinks, and so do
some image formats (SVG I believe). Maybe you could split it up into
pieces with hyperlinks between them. Browser support for SVG appears
to be getting better these days.

I've sometimes mused about the idea of graphing the static function
call graph of programs and annotating arcs with type information. For
that the GHC API would be the way to go (might need to do a little
type reconstruction along the way to figure out the concrete types at
which polymorphic functions are used.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: ministg-0.2, an interpreter for STG operational semantics

2009-08-20 Thread Bernie Pope
I'm pleased to announce the first public release of Ministg.

Ministg is an interpreter for a high-level, small-step, operational
semantics for the STG machine. The STG machine is the abstract machine
at the core of GHC. The operational semantics used in Ministg is taken
from the paper "Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for
higher-order languages" by Simon Marlow and Simon Peyton Jones.
Ministg implements both sets of evaluation rules from the paper.

One of the main features of Ministg is the ability to record a trace
of the execution steps as a sequence of html files. And example trace
can be viewed here:


The example shows the execution of a program which sums a list of
three integers, using the well-known space-leaky version of sum.
Follow the "next" and "previous" links to step forwards and backwards
through the trace.

The main reason I wrote Ministg is to explore various extensions to
the STG machine. The current release features a simple extension in
the form of call-stack tracing, which is strongly influenced by the
cost-centre stacks of GHC. I expect it will also be a useful tool for
people who are interested in learning more about the STG machine.

More detailed information is available from the haskellwiki page:


You can download it from hackagedb:


Or you can get the latest code from patch-tag:

 darcs get http://patch-tag.com/r/ministg/pullrepo ministg

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Keeping an indexed collection of values?

2009-08-19 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/8/19 Job Vranish :

> My first hacked up attempt is as follows:
> data IndexedCollection a = IndexedCollection {
>     nextKey        :: Int,
>     availableKeys :: [Int],
>     items                :: (IntMap Int a)
> } deriving (Show)
> emptyIndexedCollection :: IndexedCollection a
> emptyIndexedCollection = IndexedCollection 0 [] empty
> addItem :: a -> IndexedCollection a -> (Int, IndexedCollection a)
> addItem a (IndexedCollection nextKey' [] t) = (nextKey',
> IndexedCollection (nextKey' + 1) [] (insert nextKey' a t))
> addItem a (IndexedCollection nextKey' (k:ks) t) = (k, IndexedCollection
> nextKey' ks (insert k a t))
> removeItem :: Int -> IndexedCollection a -> IndexedCollection a
> removeItem k (IndexedCollection nextKey' ks t) = IndexedCollection nextKey'
> (k:ks) (delete k t)
> lookupItem :: Int -> IndexedCollection a -> Maybe a
> lookupItem k (IndexedCollection _ _ t) = lookup k t

It might be the case for IntMap (I haven't checked) that it is better
to do a modify operation than to do a deletion followed by an
insertion on the same key.

One possible improvement is to delay deletions by putting them in a
pending queue. A pending deletion followed by an addItem could be
coalesced into a modify operation on the key to be deleted.

You could even push lookupItems through pending deletions, assuming
that they aren't on the same key (if they are on the same key then the
lookup would fail).

One question is how big should the pending deletion queue be allowed
to become? A long queue might not be a good idea. One problem with
delaying deletions is that it could introduce a space leak (same as
unintended lazy evaluation). Maybe a queue of max length one is

I'm not sure it is worth the trouble, but it might be fun to try.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] unsafeDestructiveAssign?

2009-08-11 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/8/12 Job Vranish :
> Does anybody know if there is some unsafe IO function that would let me do
> destructive assignment?
> Something like:
> a = 5
> main = do
>   veryUnsafeAndYouShouldNeverEveryCallThisFunction_DestructiveAssign a 8
>   print a
>> 8

I doubt you will be able to achieve that in Haskell, but there is
another language which does support what you want which is very close
to Haskell. It is called Disciple, and there is a compiler for it
called DDC:


DDC is rather young, so it depends on what you are doing as to whether
it will fulfil all your needs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A voyage of undiscovery

2009-07-16 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/7/17 Andrew Coppin :
> I've been working hard this week, and I'm stumbled upon something which is
> probably of absolutely no surprise to anybody but me.
> Consider the following expression:
>  (foo True, foo 'x')
> Is this expression well-typed?
> Astonishingly, the answer depends on where "foo" is defined. If "foo" is a
> local variable, then the above expression is guaranteed to be ill-typed.
> However, if we have (for example)
>  foo :: x -> x
> as a top-level function, then the above expression becomes well-typed.

Some useful reading material:

Section 22.7 of the book "Types and Programming Languages" by Benjamin Pierce.

The classic paper "Basic Polymorphic Typechecking" by Luca Cardelli:

Both of these are very readable introductions to the let-style
polymorphism found in the Hindley/Milner type system. Haskell's type
system is essentially an elaboration of that idea.

Pierce's book shows how to achieve let-polymorphism by inlining
non-recursive let bindings during type checking/inference, which is a
nice way to understand what is going on.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How i use GHC.Word.Word8 wit Int ?

2009-05-19 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/5/20 z_a...@163.com :
> Hi, friends
> rollDice :: Word8 -> IO Word8
> rollDice n = do
>   bracket (openFile "/dev/random" ReadMode) (hClose)
>       (\hd -> do v <-  fmap B.unpack (B.hGet hd 1)
>                  let v1 =  Data.List.head v
>                  return $ (v1 `mod` n) + 1)
> .
> blueIdx <- rollDice $ length [1..33]
> Couldn't match expected type `Word8' against inferred type `Int'
>   In the second argument of `($)', namely `length yesBlue
> I know "length [1..33]" is Int not Word8, but Word8 is enough here.
> Sincerely!

You can use fromIntegral to convert Integral types to other numeric types:

   fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

Prelude Data.Word> (fromIntegral (3 :: Int)) :: Word8

Watch out for overflow.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing a compiler in Hakell

2009-05-06 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/5/6 Rouan van Dalen 
> I know about Happy.  Is that a good tool to use?

Alex and Happy are used in (at least) these two packages:


You should be able to find lots of useful code to start with in both of those.

You can get good performance out of Alex and Happy. Of course there
are more considerations than just performance, and you will get
different opinions about those other aspects. I wrote the python
parser above and I was quite pleased with Alex and Happy from a
usability perspective.

LLVM is a nice framework for building the backend of a compiler, and
the Haskell bindings are quite useful:

The amount of work you have to do depends on your runtime system (GC,
threads, exceptions etc). If your language has fairly conventional
semantics (a typical imperative language) then you can reuse a lot of
the existing infrastructure that LLVM provides.

> On another note, how is the operator + implemented in haskell?

It is good to differentiate Haskell "the language specification" from
compilers (and other tools) which implement it. The language
specification does not say exactly how the primitive operations should
be implemented; that is a detail which is up to the compiler writer to

GHC's implementation is the best documented, and there are many
research papers which describe aspects of it (some outdated). For
numerical primitives, you could start by looking at this paper:

   "Unboxed values as first class citizens in a non-strict functional
language" Peyton Jones and Launchbury.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Few Alex questions

2009-05-01 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/5/1 Dimitry Golubovsky 

Can beginning of line (caret) be recognized by Alex?

You can match the start of a line using a (left) context on a rule. See the
docs here:


Where it says: "The left context matches the character which immediately
precedes the token in the input stream. The character immediately preceding
the beginning of the stream is assumed to be ‘\n’. The special left-context
‘^’ is shorthand for ‘\n^’."

Alex also supports right contexts too.

Is this correct understanding that if we want to match any character
> except for an asterisk, then Alex would like to see [^\*] rather than
> [^*]? And [^\/] rather than [^/]?
> Or would it be better to use a hex code for the asterisk and slash?

In a character set you must escape certain special characters. The list of
special characters is specified in the docs here:


The key line is:

   $special= [\.\;\,\$\|\*\+\?\#\~\-\{\}\(\)\[\]\^\/]

I'd try to avoid character codes where possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Recommending "Design concepts in programming languages"

2009-04-29 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/4/30 Eugene Kirpichov 

> Hi.
> To all those people who are in any sense interested in PL theory I'd
> like to recommend the book "Design concepts in programming languages",
> because I am extremely impressed with it and because I, surprisingly,
> have not heard much about it.

I concur, it is a wonderful book; a great resource.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about implementing an off-side rule in Parsec 2

2009-04-28 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/4/28 Bas van Gijzel 
> I'm doing a bachelor project focused on comparing parsers. One of the
> parser libraries I'm using is Parsec (2) and I'm going to implement a very
> small subset of haskell with it, with as most important feature the off-side
> rule (indentation based parsing) used in function definitions and possibly
> in where clauses.
> But I'm still a bit stuck on how to implement this cleanly. I tried to
> search for some examples on blogs but I haven't found anything yet. As far
> as I can see the way to go would be using getState and updateState methods
> defined in Parsec.Prim and to use the methods in Parsec.Pos to compare the
> difference in indendation for tokens.
> But I haven't completely wrapped my head around any state monad yet and I
> don't understand Parsec enough yet to see how to use the methods Parsec.Pos
> and state easily. Some examples or pointers to something to read would
> really be helpful.

Parsing a simple form of the offside rule is discussed in the paper:

Monadic Parser Combinators, Hutton and Meijer, 1996

see section 8, page 30.

Their parsers are similar in style to Parsec, but you may need to do some

I haven't thought about it hard, but I suspect their approach is not
efficient for deeply nested examples, due to repeated processing of the
token stream (but I could be wrong, and maybe it doesn't matter for what you
are trying to do).

I followed their approach in a toy language once, and the result was very
pleasing to read in code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghci debugger problem with :continue. is it broken, or is it me?

2009-04-27 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/4/28 Thomas Hartman 

I suppose this means that the points-free/pattern binding-style
> version is a bit less work for ghc to execute (fewer reductions),
> whereas the version with lambda bound variables is easier to debug.

I don't think there is any (significant) difference between them in the
amount of work done at runtime. The observed difference in behaviour is more
a matter of how the debugging transformation in GHCi interprets the command
"set a breakpoint on f", and how the code for f is generated.

I think my previous email was slightly misleading, and we should be careful
to distinguish between 'evaluating f' and 'evaluating applications of f'. In
both cases f is already a value (either a partial application or a lambda
function). So f itself doesn't really undergo 'reduction', in the
theoretical sense. However, a compiler, such as GHC, may generate code which
does a little bit of work at runtime, and the debugger may be able to
observe that work. When f is written in the pattern binding style, the
breakpoint on f reveals the 'evaluation of f', which is just the little bit
of work at runtime I was talking about. When f is written in function
binding style, the breakpoint on f reveals 'an evaluation of an application
of f' (which may happen more than once).

Normally, when people attach a breakpoint on a function, they want to see
the evaluation of applications of the function. So the behaviour of the
debugger for functions defined in the pattern binding style can be

The debugger could arrange things so that both styles of definition give the
same behaviour wrt breakpoints, for example by eta-expanding definitions.

On balance, I think I'll frequently write my functions with lambda
> bound variables then.

It does seem a shame to modify your code style for the sake of the debugger,
but I guess that is inevitable with procedural debuggers anyway.

> 2009/4/26 Bernie Pope :
> > 2009/4/25 Thomas Hartman 
> >>
> >> In the program below, can someone explain the following debugger output
> to
> >> me?
> >>
> >>  After :continue, shouldn't I hit the f  breakpoint two more times?
> >>  Why do I only hit the f breakpoint once?
> >>  Is this a problem in the debugger?
> >>
> >> thart...@ubuntu:~/haskell-learning/debugger>cat debugger.hs
> >>
> >> -- try this:
> >> -- ghci debugger.hs
> >> -- > :break f
> >> -- > :trace t
> >> -- > :history -- should show you that f was called from h
> >> t = h . g . f $ "hey!"
> >> t2 = h . g . f $ "heh!"
> >> t3 = h . g . f $ "wey!"
> >>
> >> f = ("f -- " ++)
> >> g = ("g -- " ++)
> >> h = ("h -- " ++)
> >>
> >> ts = do
> >>  putStrLn $ t
> >>  putStrLn $ t2
> >>  putStrLn $ t3
> >
> > What you are observing is really an artifact of the way breakpoints are
> > attached to definitions in the debugger, and the way that GHCi evaluates
> > code.
> > f is clearly a function, but its definition style is a so-called "pattern
> > binding". The body contains no free (lambda bound) variables, so it is
> also
> > a constant. GHCi arranges for f to be evaluated at most once. The
> breakpoint
> > associated with the definition of f is fired if and when that evaluation
> > takes place. Thus, in your case it fires exactly once.
> > You can re-write f to use a so-called "function binding" instead, by
> > eta-expansion (introduce a new fresh variable, and apply the function to
> it
> > on both sides):
> >f x = ("f -- " ++) x
> > This denotes the same function, but the breakpoint on f works
> differently.
> > In this case, a breakpoint attached to f will fire whenever an
> application
> > of f is reduced. If you write it this way you will see that the program
> > stops three times instead of one.
> > You might ask: if both definitions denote the same function, why does the
> > debugger behave differently? The short answer is that the debugger in
> GHCi
> > is an operational debugger, so it exposes some of the operational details
> > which may be invisible in a denotational semantics. In this case it
> revels
> > that GHCi treats the two definitions of f differently.
> > Cheers,
> > Bernie.
> >
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghci debugger problem with :continue. is it broken, or is it me?

2009-04-26 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/4/25 Thomas Hartman 

> In the program below, can someone explain the following debugger output to
> me?
>  After :continue, shouldn't I hit the f breakpoint two more times?
>  Why do I only hit the f breakpoint once?
>  Is this a problem in the debugger?
> thart...@ubuntu:~/haskell-learning/debugger>cat debugger.hs
> -- try this:
> -- ghci debugger.hs
> -- > :break f
> -- > :trace t
> -- > :history -- should show you that f was called from h
> t = h . g . f $ "hey!"
> t2 = h . g . f $ "heh!"
> t3 = h . g . f $ "wey!"
> f = ("f -- " ++)
> g = ("g -- " ++)
> h = ("h -- " ++)
> ts = do
>  putStrLn $ t
>  putStrLn $ t2
>  putStrLn $ t3

What you are observing is really an artifact of the way breakpoints are
attached to definitions in the debugger, and the way that GHCi evaluates

f is clearly a function, but its definition style is a so-called "pattern
binding". The body contains no free (lambda bound) variables, so it is also
a constant. GHCi arranges for f to be evaluated at most once. The breakpoint
associated with the definition of f is fired if and when that evaluation
takes place. Thus, in your case it fires exactly once.

You can re-write f to use a so-called "function binding" instead, by
eta-expansion (introduce a new fresh variable, and apply the function to it
on both sides):

   f x = ("f -- " ++) x

This denotes the same function, but the breakpoint on f works differently.
In this case, a breakpoint attached to f will fire whenever an application
of f is reduced. If you write it this way you will see that the program
stops three times instead of one.

You might ask: if both definitions denote the same function, why does the
debugger behave differently? The short answer is that the debugger in GHCi
is an operational debugger, so it exposes some of the operational details
which may be invisible in a denotational semantics. In this case it revels
that GHCi treats the two definitions of f differently.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there a way to see the equation reduction?

2009-03-31 Thread Bernie Pope
2009/4/1 Daryoush Mehrtash 

> I am trying to write out the execution of the recursive calls in mkDList
> examplehttp://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Tying_the_Knot/www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Tying_the_Knot>for
>  different size lists.  Is there a way in ghc, or ghci where for a given
> list I can see the intermediate recursive and evaluation steps?

Have you tried stepping through the code using the GHCi debugger?


If you have tried, but it didn't satisfy your needs, could you explain what
is lacking?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: language-python

2009-03-18 Thread Bernie Pope
Language-python provides a parser (and lexer) for Python written in  
Haskell. Currently it only supports version 3 of Python (the most  
recent version), but it will support version 2 in the future.

The parser is implemented using Happy, and the lexer is implemented  
using Alex.

Web page: http://projects.haskell.org/language-python/


Darcs: darcs get http://code.haskell.org/language-python/

$ ghci
Prelude> :m Language.Python.Version3.Parser
Prelude Language.Python.Version3.Parser> parseModule "def inc(x):  
return x + 1\n" []
Right (Module [Fun {fun_name = Ident "inc", fun_args = [Param  
{param_name = Ident "x", param_annotation = Nothing, param_default =  
Nothing}], fun_result_annotation = Nothing, fun_body = [Return  
{return_expr = Just (BinaryOp {operator = Plus, left_op_arg = Var  
(Ident "x"), right_op_arg = Int 1})}]}])

Prelude Language.Python.Version3.Parser> :m  
Prelude Language.Python.Version3.Lexer> lexOneToken "def inc(x):  
return x + 1\n" []
Right (Def (Sloc {sloc_filename = "", sloc_row = 1, sloc_column =  
1})," inc(x): return x + 1\n")

This is the first release of the package (version 0.1.1) and there is  
still much to be improved, in particular:

   - Unicode support is incomplete.
   - Source locations are sub-optimal, and will eventually become  
source spans.

   - The pretty printer needs polish.
   - The parser only supports version 3 of Python. Support for  
Version 2 is a major goal, and should be straightforward.
   - Only minimal performance tuning and correctness testing has been  
performed. Version 0.1.1 is not intended for production use.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Need an overview of FP-related research topics

2009-03-17 Thread Bernie Pope

On 17/03/2009, at 10:59 PM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

I would like some links that would give such a person
a nice overview of the various active areas of
FP-related research these days, leaning towards
Haskell. I want to give him a fairly broad view of what
is interesting and exciting, why various topics are
important, where to find ideas for collaboration and
applications to other areas, etc.

Some ideas off the top of my head:

- Lambda the Ultimate (not Haskell or fp specific) 
- Browse recent editions of the Journal of Functional Programming  
(perhaps they even subscribe to it at the Uni in question) and perhaps  
- Browse the recent proceedings of various conferences and workshops  
such as International Conference on Functional Programming, Trends in  
Functional Programming, the Haskell Symposium, Practical Aspects of  
Declarative Languages, Principles and Practice of Declarative  
Programming, International Summer School on Advanced Functional  
Programming (and many others).
- Check the home pages and blogs of well-known and active researchers  
(I won't list them).
- Maybe http://www.readscheme.org/, though not Haskell specific. (not  
sure if http://haskell.readscheme.org/ is working anymore).
- There's quite a list of papers on haskell.org, under http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Research_papers 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Operational semantics. Was: [Haskell-cafe] What unsafeInterleaveIO is unsafe

2009-03-16 Thread Bernie Pope

On 17/03/2009, at 1:13 PM, Jonathan Cast wrote:

[Totally OT tangent: How did operational semantics come to get its  

The more I think about it, the more it seems like a precís of the
implementation, rather than a truly semantic part of a language

I haven't followed the whole thread, so perhaps I'm missing some  
important context to this question.

It is true that operational semantics are often used to summarise or  
explain an _implementation_ of a language feature, but I wouldn't say  
that they are always used in this way. An operational semantics may be  
used to define a "behaviour" function: (program x input) -> outcome.  
The big-step style of operational semantics style tends to be less  
like an implementation, and more like a specification. Perhaps the  
more crucial part of operational semantics is that it just deals with  
syntactic terms as its "values".

Apologies if this has nothing to do with your question.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] jhc speed

2009-02-25 Thread Bernie Pope

On 23/02/2009, at 2:22 AM, Luke Palmer wrote:

By the way, coming up pretty soon, I will need a desugared annotated  
Haskell for Dana.  If anybody has something like this in the works,  
I'd love to help with it.  If it does not exist by the time I need  
it, I will make it, so if anyone is interested in working on it with  
me, let me know :-)


Hi Luke,

Any progress on that front?

How much desugaring do you want? What kind of annotations do you want?

Can you get what you need from the GHC API?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memory

2009-02-16 Thread Bernie Pope

On 17/02/2009, at 3:56 PM, Jeff Douglas wrote:

Hello All,

The kind people at #haskell suggested I come to haskell-cafe for
questions about haskell performance issues.
I'm new to haskell, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to
deal with memory leaks.

I've been playing with some network server examples and I noticed with
each new connection, the memory footprint increases by about 7k
However, the leaks don't seem to have anything to do with the
networking code. Actually I get a huge leak just from using using

import Control.Monad
import System.IO

main = forever $ putStrLn "hi"

When I run it for a few seconds with profiling...

total time  =0.36 secs   (18 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc =  54,423,396 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

Can this be right?

I don't think there should be a space leak in the code you posted.

On my mac, OS X 10.5.6, GHC version 6.8.3, it appears to run in  
constant space with or without optimisation.

GHCi seems to gobble a little bit of memory (but that could be  

My terminal application does gobble memory for a while (and then frees  
it), but that is presumably because it is hammering the buffer (and it  
nearly sets my lap on fire when running).

Perhaps you could post more details about how it is compiled, and what  
versions of things are being used.

How are you detecting the leak (via top?).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad explanation

2009-02-09 Thread Bernie Pope

On 10/02/2009, at 4:45 AM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

A Haskell runtime system is a somewhat vaguely specified interpreter  
for (IO a) values. While it would be nice to a have a better  
specification of that interpreter, it is not part of the semantics  
of the language Haskell.

While not "official", there is always "Tackling the awkward squad:  
monadic input/output, concurrency, exceptions, and foreign-language  
calls in Haskell" by Simon Peyton Jones.


Another nice aspect of that paper is that it discusses some of the  
difficulties in coming up with a denotation for values of type IO a,  
see particularly section 3.1. It suggests a set of event traces as a  
possible way forward:

   type IO a = (a, Set Trace)
   type Trace = [Event]
   data Event = PutChar Char | GetChar Char | ...

(Incidentally, this view is quite useful in a declarative debugger,  
which emphasises the denotational semantics of a program.)

In the end the paper goes for an operational semantics, on the grounds  
that the author finds it "simpler and easier to understand".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question re: denotational semantics in SPJ's "Implementation of FPLs" book

2009-02-01 Thread Bernie Pope

On 01/02/2009, at 8:49 PM, Devin Mullins wrote:

I'm reading SPJ's "The Implementation of Functional Programming  
Languages," and
on page 32, it defines the multiplication operator in its extended  

calculus as:
 Eval[[ * ]] a   b   = a x b
 Eval[[ * ]] _|_ b   = _|_
 Eval[[ * ]] a   _|_ = _|_

Is that complete? What are the denotational semantics of * applied  
to things
not in the domain of the multiplication operator x, such as TRUE (in  
extended lambda defined by this book) and functions (in normal  
lambda calc)? Do
these things just eval to bottom? Or is this just to be ignored,  
since the
extended calculus will only be applied to properly "typed"  
expressions in the

context of this book?

Hi Devin,

I don't think that the section of the book in question is intended to  
be rigorous. (page 30. "this account is greatly simplified").

As noted in the text, the domain of values produced by Eval is not  
specified, so it is hard to be precise (though there is a reference to  
Scott's Domain Theory).

However, I agree with you that the equation for multiplication looks  
under-specified. Obviously any reasonable domain will include (non- 
bottom) values on which multiplication is not defined. Without any  
explicit quantification, it is hard to say what values 'a' and 'b'  
range over. It is possible that they range over the entire domain, or  
some proper subset. The text also assumes we all agree on the  
definition of the 'x' (multiplication) function. Though it ought to be  
specified in a more rigorous exposition.

As you suggest, it may be possible to work around this by imposing  
some kind of typing restriction to the language, though this does not  
appear to be stated in this particular section of the book. Perhaps  
this is mentioned elsewhere; I have not checked.

Another possible solution is to sweep it all into the definition of  
the 'x' function. But if that were so, why bother handling bottom  
explicitly, but not the other possible cases?

I guess the best we can say is that the meaning of multiplication  
applied to non-bottom non-numeric arguments is not defined (in this  
section of the text).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compilers

2008-11-26 Thread Bernie Pope

On 27/11/2008, at 8:35 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Jake McArthur wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:

Don Stewart wrote:

  * lhc-20081121: “Lhc Haskell Compiler”

Interesting. I can't find out any information about this...

It is a fork of the JHC compiler, which should be easier to look  
up. There is also Hugs, as you mentioned. In addition, you may want  
to look at YHC and NHC.

Yeah, the "implementations" page on the Wiki basically says that  
there's GHC and Hugs, and there's also these things called YHC, NHC  
and JHC. All the documentation I've read makes these latter  
compilers sound highly experimental and unusable. (I don't recall  
specifically which of them, but I remember hearing it can't even  
compile the Prelude yet.) They seem like small projects which are  
probably interesting to hack with, but not much use if you're trying  
to produce production-grade compiled code to give to a customer...

OTOH, I haven't ever attempted to *use* any of these compilers. I  
only read about them...

Don't forget hbc.

There's plenty of information about all the compilers in the history  
of haskell paper, including a timeline:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Garbage collection as a dual of laziness?

2008-11-23 Thread Bernie Pope

On 23/11/2008, at 9:18 PM, Robin Green wrote:

It occurs to me that garbage collection can be seen as some kind of
dual of laziness. Laziness means deferring the creation of values  

later in the future (or even never).

A program optimisation might also have the same effect (of avoiding a  

Also note: if you want to take an extreme position, then most (all?)  
programming languages can be seen to be somewhat "lazy", since  
computations are goal directed, and therefore functions (or  
procedures) are only evaluated on points in their domain which are  
"needed" by the rest of the computation (consider a function defined  
on an infinite domain). However, that is not the traditional  
definition of lazy.

Garbage collection means eagerly
destroying data created in the past, and reclaiming the memory used by
it, before some other event which would do so (in most
garbage-collected languages, I think process destruction is the only
other thing that frees memory, leaving aside foreign functions).

Don't forget the stack. Besides, I'm not sure how "eager" most GCs are.

If you don't have enough laziness (e.g. because of strict pattern
matching on tuples) your program might do unnecesssary work (time
wastage); if you don't have enough garbage collection (e.g. because a
value will never be accessed again but is still referred to from
something live), your program might leak memory (space wastage).

Of course, space wastage can lead to time wastage, and vice-versa.

Can this intuition be made any more formal? Is it merely of
pedagogical use, or does anything interesting follow from it?

If you are looking for interesting (and perhaps unconventional)  
musings on GC, then you might enjoy this paper:

   "Thermodynamics and Garbage Collection", Henry G Baker.


Maybe that will spark some new ideas.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the ghc "reflection" thing?

2008-10-12 Thread Bernie Pope

Hi Vasili,

Perhaps you are looking for GHC as a library:



On 13/10/2008, at 2:26 PM, Galchin, Vasili wrote:


   Several months ago I saw on the wiki or maybe it was a discussion  
on mechanism to get the ghc compiler's state. I can't remember  
enough to
ask even well. I know there is a wiki entry. Sorry ... I can only  
"hint" at this ... ??

Thanks, Vasili
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Laziness leaks

2008-06-04 Thread Bernie Pope

On 04/06/2008, at 10:12 AM, Ronald Guida wrote:

I would ask, "how do I examine the evaluation order of my code", but
the answer is already available: use a debugger.  Haskell already has
debugging tools that do exactly what I need.

In particular, HOOD looks extremely interesting.

I would recommend the GHCi debugger for looking at the evaluation  
order of code.

Single stepping can be very illuminating.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] monadic debugging

2008-04-15 Thread Bernie Pope

On 16/04/2008, at 10:16 AM, Thomas Davie wrote:

On 16 Apr 2008, at 00:04, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Vasili,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 2:53:32 AM, you wrote:

I have an Linux executable of my Haskell library and test
case. I see there are several debuggers, e.g. Buddha, Hat, etc.
Which debugger is currently preferred for monadic (imperative)  
code? Thanks.

i use print mainly :)  btw, there is also built-in ghci debugger, i
suspect that it's closest one to the usual debuggers and most useful
one for imperative code (but i never tried anything, so don't  
trust me :)

Having worked lots on Hat, and studied all (I hope or I've got a  
hole in my research) of the debuggers out there, I'd have to say  
that debugging monadic code is still very much an unsolved  
problem.  Putting print statements in is probably your best option.

You may want to try hat-delta, or buddha's functional mapping mode  
-- both of them should be capable of reducing sequences of monadic  
operations to a single operation and a function map.

I agree with Tom, that debugging monadic code is an open problem.

From a practical level, I doubt buddha is going to be much help,  
because it has bit rotted, and is unsupported.

Hat allows you to debug the program in different ways, and it gives  
you reduction traces, which can often be useful, so you may get some  
traction there.

But I would try the ghci debugger first. Be warned: it forces you to  
be aware of lazy evaluation, which can be quite hard to understand,  
so you need a bit of practice with it. As for debugging monads, it  
depends on the complexity of the monad. If you are using standard  
monads (and that usually means transformers) then a lot of the  
plumbing will be invisible in the debugger, because breakpoints and  
stepping don't work in the libraries (you would have to copy the  
library code into your workspace, if you wanted to see the underlying  
monad code in action).

I've successfully found bugs in code using the ghci debugger, where  
the code used a continuation transformer, over a state transformer,  
over an IO monad. It was easy enough to follow because I wasn't  
forced to see the plumbing underneath. In particular I wasn't forced  
to see the continuation, or the state, which really helps. Of,  
course, if I did want to see those things then I would have been in  

One question that has been in my head for a while now is that if you  
used the Unimo way to build monads, maybe they are easier to debug?  
The Unimo style is intentionally operational, and that may be a  
better fit to debugging, especially in the ghci debugger, which  
requires an operational way of thinking.

Here's a link to the Unimo paper: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~cklin/ 

If you do make some progress with any of the debugging tools it would  
be very useful to hear how it went. We get very little feedback on  
successful debugging endeavours where tools were involved (maybe  
because the tools aren't helpful, it is hard to say).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] retrospective on 'seq' -> 'unsafeSeq' ?

2008-04-14 Thread Bernie Pope

On 14/04/2008, at 9:22 PM, pepe wrote:
Alternatively, with some effort one can create a type-agnostic  
version of unsafeShow, which would print things in a more raw  
format, but probably sufficient anyway. I don't think it would work  
with unboxed values in general, although it can be made to work  
with the standard types. Actually, Bernie Pope wrote some code for  
this [1, see GHC Heap Printing library] some time ago, although  
with the new primitives and changes made for :print in GHC 6.8,  
this would be way easier nowadays. No need to use StablePtrs, no  
need to turn on profiling, and above all, no C needed :)

And as a bonus this would work out of GHCi too.

Yes, an almost-universal printer would be possible now that we have  
data constructor names attached to info tables.

I'd sort of planned to do that, and then got side-tracked.
Of course, this won't be able to print functions in any helpful way,  
unless we attach source code information to

functions as well (which may be worth doing anyway?).

One thing to watch out for is cycles in data structures. You may not  
want to try to detect them, but at least you should

be lazy in generating the printable representation of values.

And then there is the question of whether to evaluate thunks during  

Perhaps such a printer would also be useful for the GHCi debugger in  
cases where it can't infer the right types?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] help understanding pj-lester-book

2008-04-12 Thread Bernie Pope

On 13/04/2008, at 12:09 AM, minh thu wrote:


I don't understand something in there :

pj-lester-book :
Implementing functional languages: a tutorial
by Simon Peyton Jones and David Lester,
available at http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/Papers/pj- 

eval/apply :
Making a Fast Curry: Push/Enter vs. Eval/Apply for Higher-order  

by Simon Marlow and Simon Peyton Jones,
available at http://www.haskell.org/~simonmar/papers/

The introduction in eval/apply states the arity of a function and the
number of arguments in a call can match or differs (and it should be
dealt with).

In pj-lester-book (bottom of page 46 and top of page 47), it is stated
that if the program has been type-cheched, the underflow check is
When continuing to the G-machine then to the TIM-machine chapters, I
haven't found discussion of an arity-mismatch.

What am I missing ?

Hi Minh,

If I understand the pj-lester book properly, what they are saying is:  
if you have an
expression which is a function application, and type checking has  
determined that
the result of the expression is _not a function_, then you can be  
sure that the
outermost redex in the expression has enough arguments. If it is not  
a function

then it cannot be a partial application. Thus you don't have to
do the underflow check for that redex. You either have a saturated  
application or
an over saturated application, but either way there is guaranteed to  
be enough


Unfortunately, instead of saying "not a function", they say "a  
number, or say, a list".

If you are writing a compiler, and you are about to generate code for  
a function application,
and the type checker tells you the result is not a function, then you  
can omit generating

the code for the underflow test - which is a performance gain.

I believe the eval/apply paper is referring to the general case of a  
function application,
where you don't always know that the result is not a function. For  
suppose you are generating code for the "map" function. In the body  
of "map" you have:

   case list of
  Nil -> Nil
  Cons x xs -> Cons (f x) (map f xs)

In the application (f x), you can't statically determine if it is  
saturated or not, because it depends on
the arity of the function subsituted for "f", which is of course  
unknown. (You could turn it into a
known by doing an arity-based specialisation of the program, but that  
is a fairly heavyweight

option, which would require multiple versions of functions like map.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] coerce (safe!)

2008-03-02 Thread Bernie Pope

On 03/03/2008, at 8:30 AM, Luke Palmer wrote:

2008/3/2 Roman Cheplyaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
* Krzysztof Skrzętnicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-02 01:21:42 

Well, it is simply

coerce :: a -> b
coerce _ = undefined

so coerce is simply empty function. But still, it is possible to  
write a

function of type (a->b).
Well, possibly I didn't write anything particularly new, but  
please excuse

me for I'm still in
sort of a shock after I've discovered it.

 Also there's nice possibility of defining Maybe a without ADT.
 type Maybe a = (a, Bool)
 just x = (x, True)
 nothing = (undefined, False)

That's a hack.  This is my favorite:

  type Maybe a = forall b. (a -> b) -> b -> b
  just x  = \j n -> j x
  nothing = \j n -> n

For something slightly different, I've always enjoyed lists (or  
integer indexed structures) as functions:

   type List a = Integer -> Maybe a

You've got to watch out for non-contiguous lists. It's a good  
challenge to write
head, tail, nil and cons for this type. Then write conversions to/ 
from normal


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announce: Melbourne Functional Programming Union

2008-02-11 Thread Bernie Pope

Hello Haskellers,

After a few years hiatus, I'm pleased to announce that the Melbourne  
Functional Programming Union

(FPU) is back.

What is the FPU? It is a group of people who are interested in all  
things functional programming.
We hold regular informal talks, and have friendly discussions  
afterwards. We are situated
at the University of Melbourne (Australia), but the Union is open to  
all comers. Obviously it helps if

you live near this part of the World.

To give you an idea of the kinds of things we talk about, here is a  
list of our most recent topics:

   - the GHCi debugger
   - Arrows for parser combinators
   - a curious stack overflow in Haskell
   - a demonstration of Coq
   - deriving monads from vague ideas in several easy steps (this  
coming Friday)

Here is our old outdated web page for historical reference:
A new page is under construction.

At the moment, talks are held on Fridays, 1-2pm, in the ICT Building  
at Melbourne Uni.

Contact Bernie Pope if you are interested in participating in the FPU.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Somewhat random history question - chicken and egg

2007-11-11 Thread Bernie Pope

On 12/11/2007, at 4:08 PM, Michael Vanier wrote:

Bernie Pope wrote:

If I remember correctly, the early versions of the Clean compiler  
were written in C. Then at some stage they re-wrote it in Clean.

You could say they cleaned it up.

It was a dirty job, but now it is self cleaning.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Somewhat random history question - chicken and egg

2007-11-11 Thread Bernie Pope

On 12/11/2007, at 9:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But... tell me please, ANYONE, who takes part in this inspiring  

How many COBOL programs have you written in your life?
How many programs in Cobol have you actually SEEN?

I saw a lot of COBOL when I worked for a stock broking company.

I was a lowly main frame printer operator, so I didn't have anything  
to do with the code except print it out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Somewhat random history question - chicken and egg

2007-11-11 Thread Bernie Pope

On 12/11/2007, at 4:32 AM, Neil Mitchell wrote:


bear no resemblence to any machine-level constructs, and it "seems"
unthinkable that you could possibly write such a compiler in  

but Haskell itself.

Hugs is written in C.

Really? :-.

Really :-)

(Seriously, how big is Hugs? It must be quite large...)

56111 lines, with an additional 5917 for the WinHugs bit.

If I remember correctly, the early versions of the Clean compiler  
were written in C. Then at some stage they re-wrote it in Clean.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About Fibonacci again...

2007-11-08 Thread Bernie Pope

You can make it pretty short too, if you allow yourself fix:

   rs=1:fix(\f p n->n++f(p++n)p)[1][0]

I came up with this on the train home, but then I realised it was the  
same as your solution :)

On 08/11/2007, at 12:57 PM, Alfonso Acosta wrote:

How about this,

infiniteRS :: [Int]
infiniteRS = let acum a1 a2 = a2 ++ acum (a1++a2) a1 in 1 : acum  
[1] [0]

it certainly fits in one line but it's not really elegant
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About Fibonacci again...

2007-11-07 Thread Bernie Pope

Is this what you are looking for:

   mrs = [0] : [1] : zipWith (++) (tail mrs) mrs

then you can get the one you want with:

   mrs !! index

given a suitable value for index

It seems I didn't read the question carefully - you want the infinite  

You can recover the solution from mrs if you want, but its not very  

infrs = [(mrs !! n) !! (n-1) | n <- [1..]]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About Fibonacci again...

2007-11-07 Thread Bernie Pope

On 08/11/2007, at 10:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

rs 0 = [0]
rs 1 = [1]
rs n = rs (n-1) ++ rs (n-2)

Would somebody try to solve it, before I unveil the solution? It isn't

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Is this what you are looking for:

   mrs = [0] : [1] : zipWith (++) (tail mrs) mrs

then you can get the one you want with:

   mrs !! index

given a suitable value for index

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why can't Haskell be faster?

2007-10-31 Thread Bernie Pope

On 01/11/2007, at 2:37 AM, Neil Mitchell wrote:

My guess is that the native code generator in Clean beats GHC, which
wouldn't be too surprising as GHC is currently rewriting its CPS and
Register Allocator to produce better native code.

I discussed this with Rinus Plasmeijer (chief designer of Clean) a  
couple of years ago, and if I remember correctly, he said that the  
native code generator in Clean was very good, and a significant  
reason why Clean produces (relatively) fast executables. I think he  
said that they had an assembly programming guru on their team.  
(Apologies to Rinus if I am mis-remembering the conversation).

At the time I was impressed by how fast Clean could recompile itself.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] will the real quicksort please stand up? (or: sorting a > million element list)

2007-10-22 Thread Bernie Pope

On 23/10/2007, at 8:09 AM, Thomas Hartman wrote:

(Prelude sort, which I think is mergesort, just blew the stack.)

GHC uses a "bottom up" merge sort these days.

It starts off by creating a list of singletons, then it repeatedly  
merges adjacent pairs of lists until there

is only one list left.

I was teaching sorting to my first year students, and I also bumped  
into the stack overflow at one million elements, using GHC's merge sort.

I have been meaning to look into the cause of this, but my suspicion  
is that strictness (or lack thereof) might be an issue.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Function Types

2007-10-22 Thread Bernie Pope
I have implemented a reasonably simple language and interpreter  
called "baskell".

The language is essentially a very small subset of Haskell.

It was designed to show students how type checking works.

You can find it here: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~bjpop/code.html


On 23/10/2007, at 11:31 AM, PR Stanley wrote:

What are the rules for calculating function types?
Is there a set procedure ?
Thanks, Paul

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New slogan for haskell.org

2007-10-08 Thread Bernie Pope

On 08/10/2007, at 8:54 PM, Thomas Conway wrote:

I just had a conversation today that seems relevant to this thread. I
was chatting with a friend who is working in the academic sector, and
I was observing that Melbourne Uni (my old school), is switching in
the new year from teaching Haskell as a first language, to teaching
Python. I was dismayed, but not surprised.

Anyway, I was talking about this with my friend said that he
understood the main reason for the change was that students were not
being "switched on" or excited learning Haskell as they used to be
learning C. He put it down to the fact that in C, you are more
obviously "making the computer do stuff", and that Haskell is
sufficiently high level and abstract that beginner programmers don't
get that thrill of feeling like you're making the computer work for

I must say, I get that! but at the same time, of course, the high
level abstraction is exactly what *we* love about Haskell.

Presently, at Melbourne Uni we teach Haskell as a second language  
after C.
In their first year, my class has two and a half semesters of C,  
followed by
half a semester of Haskell. There is a parallel stream, where the  
split between

C and Haskell is 50-50 (the so-called "advanced stream").

My general feeling is that students are responding well to Haskell,  
and it

is a welcome break from segfault-land. However, it is hard for them to
evaluate the merits of pure functional programming, when they've seen
so little of the alternatives. We get the occasional early convert, but
most of the students remain sceptical (and rightly so, I think).  
Also, first

year students spend all their time concentrating on "programming in
the small", which means that they don't see _as much_ benefit from the
kinds of abstraction that Haskell offers over C.

In my opinion, the move to Python is motivated by other concerns,  
which come

about because the undergraduate program is going through a radical
change across the whole university. There is a corresponding shift in  

first-year demographic, which motivates a change in the focus of
the first year program.

I'm not so concerned about losing Haskell in the first year  
(especially to Python).
Personally, I would like to see functional/declarative programming  
gain more
prominence later in the curriculum - at the point where students are  
at a
higher level of programming sophistication, and are more likely to  

the material.

I have spent a reasonable amount of time extolling the virtues of  
programming to first year students over the years. The one thing  
which seems
to get the best response, and makes them sit up and listen, is when I  
tell them

that GHC is maintained largely by people who work at MS research!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] isWHNF :: a -> IO Bool ?

2007-09-27 Thread Bernie Pope

Hi Tristan,

I've implemented it for earlier versions of GHC, by calling some C  
code which then peeps at the internal representation of a value.

From memory, I needed to pass a stable pointer to the value to the C  
code, so that it can be polymorphic, without having to make it a  
primitive in GHC.

Have a look at the "reify" code on this page: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/ 
~bjpop/code.html - its more than what you want, but you can trim it  
down easily.

Let me know if you get stuck.

The internal representation in GHC tends to change between releases,  
so it might need a bit of polishing up.


On 27/09/2007, at 10:07 PM, Tristan Allwood wrote:


Does anyone know if there is a function that tells you if a haskell
value has been forced or not?

isWHNF :: a -> IO Bool

let x = (map succ [0..]) in do
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF x)-- False
  putStrLn . show . head $ x
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF x)-- True
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF (Just undefined)) -- True

If not, would it be hard/easy/possible to implement on-top-of or using
GHC?  I'm happy (if it's possible) to have a stab at implementing it
myself, so any pointers to right directions would be helpful.

I'm thinking it could be useful to allow creation of sparse-check [1]
like libraries without needing a separate logic encoding, or things
along those lines / in that area.



[1] http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~mfn/sparsecheck/index.html#lim

Tristan Allwood
PhD Student
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Perfect example

2007-08-02 Thread Bernie Pope

That's a tough one,

If I want a small example to show to people I usually use zipWith. It  
is higher-order and lazy, and I include a discussion of "lists as  
loops", which means zipWith is a loop combiner. When my audience is C  
programmers I ask them to implement it in C, which is always amusing.  
As an added bonus it has a lovely type signature, which can be used  
as a lead-in to a discussion on types.

If I want a more "realistic" example, then I usually show people a  
piece of haskell gtk code, again comparing it to C or whatever  
language the audience knows. The Haskell gtk code tends to read very  
nicely, and it is type safe. It also emphasises the fact that Haskell  
is not only able to to "real things", but able to do them "really well".

I doubt either are "perfect", but maybe they will inspire you to  
dream up something which suits your needs.


On 03/08/2007, at 5:02 AM, Jon Harrop wrote:

Any suggestions for a perfect example that uniquely demonstrates  
the benefits

of the Haskell language compared to other languages?

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
OCaml for Scientists
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Very freaky

2007-07-10 Thread Bernie Pope

On 11/07/2007, at 9:02 AM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Jul 10, 2007, at 15:59 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

I find myself wondering... A polymorphic type signature such as (a  
-> b) -> a -> b says "given that a implies b and a is true, b is  
true". But what does, say, "Maybe x -> x" say?

Actually, because parentheses naturally group to the right in type  
expressions in Haskell, (a -> b) -> a -> b is in fact (a -> b) ->  
(a -> b), a tautology.  (This should be reasonably obvious.)

Maybe x -> x is a risky proposition, in a number of senses.  :)  It  
asserts that given something that may or may not be true, it is in  
fact guaranteed to be true.  In the Haskell library this is the  
"fromJust" function, which throws an exception if x is *not* true  
(since it clearly can't satisfy the proposition).

This reminds me of a little joke that Conor McBride had in a post a  
while ago:

   unJust :: Maybe wmd -> wmd

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] folds with escapes

2007-07-04 Thread Bernie Pope

On 05/07/2007, at 10:08 AM, Michael Vanier wrote:

Can you do dropWhile in terms of foldr?  I don't see how.


I considered that very question in an article I wrote for the  
Monad.Reader magazine:


If you are really keen, you might want to try altering the "working  
backwards with tuples" version into one which is properly lazy (many  
people who read the paper pointed out the omission).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Type checking with Haskell

2007-04-12 Thread Bernie Pope
Hi Joel,

You may like to check out my mini-interpreter called (cheekily) baskell:


It has type inference, and it is pretty straightforward. I wrote it for
teaching purposes.

First, I pass over the AST and generate a set of typing constraints. They
are just equality constraints. Then I solve the constraints. Couldn't be
much simpler than that. Mind you, the input language is pretty minimal (no
type classes etcetera). 


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:haskell-cafe-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joel Reymont
> Sent: 12 April 2007 13:04
> To: Haskell Cafe
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Type checking with Haskell
> Folks,
> The ghc/compiler/typecheck directory holds a rather large body of
> code and quick browsing through did not produce any insight.
> How do you implement type checking in haskell?
> Assume I have an Expr type with a constructor per type and functions
> can take lists of expressions. Do I create a function taking an Expr,
> pattern-matching on appropriate constructor and returning True on a
> match and False otherwise?
>   Thanks, Joel
> --
> http://wagerlabs.com/
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Application of iterate

2007-03-23 Thread Bernie Pope
> It is :-
> my_sqrt t = last (take 20 (iterate (\n -> n/2 + t/(2 * n)) t))
> It is a bit crude though.  20 iterations is a bit arbitrary. I don't
> suppose
> there is a easy way to iterate until the results stop changing.

Here's something for you to play with:

   my_sqrt t = fix (\n -> n/2 + t/(2 * n)) t

   fix :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double
   fix f x
  | x == fx = x
  | otherwise = f (fix f fx)
  fx = f x

My numerical analysis is a bit on the dodgy side, but you probably don't
want to use == to test for convergence.

Maybe you can find a nice way to write fix using some prelude functions?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie: Is'type' synonym hiding two much?

2007-03-22 Thread Bernie Pope
Dmitri writes:

> Now, in the 17.5 section of a book one may see the following declarations:
> succeed :: b -> Parse a b

> *Before looking at 'succeed' function definition* one may think that
'succeed' is a function 
> of *one* argument of type 'b' that returns object of type 'Parse a b'. 

> Yet, function definition given in the book is:
> succeed val inp = [(val, inp)]

I may not answer all your questions, but I will make a few observations.

I think the main issue here is that from the "user's perspective" the Parse
type should be (or is) abstract. Users of Parse should not really have to
know how it is internally implemented. But implementors of Parse will (of
course) be concerned with those details. How you look at the Parse type
depends on which camp you belong to: implementor or user.

The definition of succeed is the concern of the implementor, since it is a
primitive of the Parse library. So an implementor will know that Parse is
internally a function type.

It may be nicer if they wrote:

   succeed val = \inp -> [(val, inp)]

But that is a matter of style.

If the library is written correctly, the user should not care about what the
Parse synonym unfolds to. They will mostly care about how to build "atomic"
parsers, how to combine parsers together to form new ones, and how to run
parsers. It is very liberating for the user if they don't have to know what
goes on inside the Parse type.

Perhaps the textbook focuses mostly on the implementor's point of view,
where you are forced to be aware of the gory details.

Haskell uses abstract types in other places, most notably the IO type. There
is quite a bit of complexity hidden in that type, but its user interface is
relatively simple. 

If Haskell has taught me anything, it's that abstraction rules!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Partial Evaluation

2007-03-21 Thread Bernie Pope
I think you are confusing "partial application" and "partial evaluation".
Though they are conceptually related.

The former is what happens when you apply a function of arity N to M
arguments, where M < N. In Haskell the partially applied function is
suspended, pending the rest of its arguments.

The latter is a way of taking a program and _some_ of its inputs and
transforming/compiling/specialising it into a residual program, by
"evaluating" as much as possible, given the inputs you have available.

An interesting example of partial evaluation is to take an interpreter for a
language and a sample source program, and partially evaluate the interpreter
with respect to the program. The result is a version of the interpreter
which acts effectively as a compiled version of the source program.

In Hudak's paper(s), if I remember correctly, they have an interpreter for a
functional language (in continuation passing style), which is parameterised
by a monitor function. I think they are trying to argue that you can make
the system more efficient if you partially evaluate the interpreter with
respect to a particular monitor. It is better than running the interpreter
directly. The problem is that I think it is hard to scale to a language like
Haskell, though there might have been advances that I am not familiar with.

Wikipedia has an entry on partial evaluation which is somewhat useful,
though you should probably follow the references at the bottom.


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:haskell-cafe-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jim burton
> Sent: 21 March 2007 18:47
> To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Partial Evaluation
> I am reading Hudak's paper Modular Domain Specific Languages and Tools
> [1] and am confused by his use of the term `Partial Evaluation'. I
> understand it to mean supplying some but not all arguments to a
> function, e.g. (+3) but it seems to mean something else too. This is in
> the context of optimising performance:
> "We have used existing partial evaluation techniques to do
> this...Unfortunately, there does not currently exist a suitable,
> easy-to-use partial evaluator for Haskell. Our approach was to convert
> the Haskell program to Scheme, partially evaluate the Scheme program,
> and then translate back into Haskell."
> What does P.E, mean here?
> Thanks,
> [1] Available
> http://wiki.ittc.ku.edu/lambda/Image:Hudak-
> Modular_Domain_Specific_Languages_and_Tools.pdf
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange memory consumption problems in something that should be tail-recursive

2007-02-13 Thread Bernie Pope

Creighton Hogg wrote:

On 2/13/07, *Duncan Coutts* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 15:27 -0500, Jefferson Heard wrote:
> Hi, I am running the following code against a 210 MB file in an
attempt to
> determine whether I should use alex or whether, since my needs
are very
> performance oriented, I should write a lexer of my own.  I
thought that
> everything I'd written here was tail-recursive

Isn't that exactly the problem - that it's tail recursive? You do not
want it to be tail recursive since then it must consume the whole
before producing any output. You want it to be as lazy as possible so
that it can start producing tokens as soon as possible without
having to
consume everything.

This may be silly of me, but I feel like this is an important point:  
so you're saying that tail recursion, without strictness, doesn't run 
in constant space?

It is an important point, and a classic space bug (see foldl in the 

It it not the fault of tail recursion per se, in fact tail recursion is 
often important in Haskell too.

So for example in the case of,
facTail 1 n' = n'
facTail n n' = facTail (n-1) (n*n')

The problem with this example is that it will build up an expression of 
the form:

  (n1 * n2 * n3 .)

in the second argument. It's size will be proportional to the number of 
recursive calls made (n).
You'll just be building a bunch of unevaluated thunks until you hit 
the termination condition?

To fix it you will want the function to evaluate its second argument 

facTail n n' = facTail (n-1) $! (n*n')

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange memory consumption problems in something that should be tail-recursive

2007-02-13 Thread Bernie Pope

Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 15:27 -0500, Jefferson Heard wrote:
Hi, I am running the following code against a 210 MB file in an attempt to 
determine whether I should use alex or whether, since my needs are very 
performance oriented, I should write a lexer of my own.  I thought that 
everything I'd written here was tail-recursive

Isn't that exactly the problem - that it's tail recursive? You do not
want it to be tail recursive since then it must consume the whole input
before producing any output. You want it to be as lazy as possible so
that it can start producing tokens as soon as possible without having to
consume everything.

Duncan is right, and I will just elaborate a little bit.

Consider the pass1 function:

  pass1 :: String -> String -> String 
  pass1 left [] = left

  pass1 left ('<':right) = pass1 left (stripTagOrComment right)
  pass1 left (' ':right) = pass1 left right
  pass1 left (c:right)
  | Set.member c punct = pass1 (' ':c:' ':left) right
  | otherwise  = pass1 (c:left) right

It accumulates its result in the "left" parameter. So it chomps down the 
"right" string building up a bigger and bigger solution until it reaches 
the base case, and hands the solution over to the calling function.

The calling function gets nothing back from pass1 until pass1 has 
processed the whole input. And that accumulated solution in "left" could 
grow quite big.

A much better approach would be:

  pass1 :: String -> String 
  pass1 [] =  []

  pass1 ('<':right) = pass1 (stripTagOrComment right)
  pass1 (' ':right) = pass1 right
  pass1 (c:right)
  | Set.member c punct = ' ':c:' ': pass1 right
  | otherwise  = c : pass1 right

This way, pass1 will be producing output as early as possible, which can 
be consumed earlier by the calling function. Lazy evaluation gives you a 
kind of co-routining between producers and consumers, but you have to 
write "good" producers and "good" consumers.

You should also write the pass2 in this style as well. Your memory 
consumption should drop to something very small.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Foldr tutorial, Inspired by Getting a Fix from a Fold

2007-02-12 Thread Bernie Pope

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Sure, but we also have

para f e xs = snd $ foldr (\ x ~(xs, y) -> (x:xs, f x xs y)) ([], e) xs

Nice one.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Foldr tutorial, Inspired by Getting a Fix from a Fold

2007-02-12 Thread Bernie Pope

Nicolas Frisby wrote:

Guess this is a tricky choice for a foldr intro, since it requires a
"paramorphism" (see bananas lenses wires etc.)

para :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
para f e [] = e
para f e (x:xs) = f x xs (para f e xs)

-- note that the original tail of the list (i.e. xs and not xs') is
used in the else-branch
dropWhile' p = para (\x xs xs' -> if p x then xs' else (x:xs)) []
Actually, several people tried to use para, but of course it is not in 
the spirit of the challenge :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: The Monad.Reader - Issue 6

2007-02-01 Thread Bernie Pope

David House wrote:

It was a great article though, seeing
fix's definition in terms of foldr was one of those mind-bending
moments which makes learning Haskell what it is.

It's nice to see so many new solutions posted in the cafe.

The great thing about Haskell is that it keeps on giving :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stupid newbie question

2007-01-05 Thread Bernie Pope

On 06/01/2007, at 12:58 PM, Jeremy Shaw wrote:

Because you never demand the value of any element in the list, Haskell
never bothers to calculate it. So you have a list that looks like:

 [ i,  i - 1, (i - 1) - 1, ((i - 1) - 1 - 1), .. ]

So, by the time you get up to some big numbers, you have built up a
very large thunk. For some reason this is causing a stack overflow.

Right. And to clarify, the reason is that the thunk is one big chain  
of applications of

(-). Imagine what will happen when the topmost application is evaluated.
Because (-) is strict in its arguments they must be evaluated before  
the minus can
proceed. So the left and right arguments are evaluated. The left  
argument is itself
an application of (-)  and so on. The whole left branch eventually  
gets pushed onto the stack.

Because the left branch is so long, the stack eventually overflows.

This is one of those examples where optimistic evaluation would be a  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient way to break up a lazy bytestring

2006-12-29 Thread Bernie Pope

On 30/12/2006, at 1:32 PM, Matthew Brecknell wrote:

In my (limited) Haskell experience, I was continually being  
surprised by

inexplicable stack blowouts until I spent a little time doing some
focussed experiments, mainly involving folds over large lists. If you
haven't done that, I would recommend it.

I think this is very good advice.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Newbie question

2006-12-29 Thread Bernie Pope

On 30/12/2006, at 1:33 PM, Pieter Laeremans wrote:


I'm reading the Haskell school of expression by Paul Hudok. Great  

Hudak. And I  concur, a great book.

However I would like some feedback about a solution to an exercise

The problem is quite simple :

define f1 and f2 (using higher order functions ) such that

f1 (f2 (*) [1..4]) 5 => [5,10,15,20]

I have come up with the following solution :

f2 :: (a->b)->[a] -> [b]
f2 f xs = map f xs

That's fine, but what you are really saying is that f2 is the same as  
map, so you can make

that connection more obvious like this:

   f2 = map

f1 fs a = map (applyOp a) fs
applyOp  b f = f b

That's also fine. You can avoid applyOp in numerous ways. One way is  
to use the

function called $ from the Prelude; it implements function application.

f $ x = f x

So you could write:

   f1 fs a = map ($ a) fs

Of course, there are also other ways of implementing f1 and f2 such  
that you get the
desired result, but the map approach seems to be what the question  
was angling for.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Side Effect

2006-12-20 Thread Bernie Pope

I thought this email might be interesting for the Spanish speaking
part of the Haskell community, so I have written it in Spanish for them:

("Since learning Haskell, I can now count in Spanish! See:

  "one" in Spanish,
  "two" in Spanish,
  "three" in Spanish,
  "four" in Spanish..

Ashley Yakeley") in Spanish
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reversing a string of words: C# v Perl V Ruby v Haskell

2006-12-11 Thread Bernie Pope

On 12/12/2006, at 11:13 AM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Dec 11, 2006, at 18:48 , Steve Downey wrote:

the typical good solution to this problem in c or c++ is to use a
string reverse function on the entire buffer, then re-reverse each
word. this leaves multiple spaces correctly embedded in the larger
that approach, of course, won't work in haskell, since it relies on
updates. but if the challenge includes transforming "one two  three
four" into "four   three  two one",  how could this be done?

Off the top of my head, the C++ one translates to:

*Main> concatMap reverse . groupBy (\l r -> (l == ' ') == (r == '  
')) . reverse $ "one two  three   four"

"four   three  two one"

There are almost certainly more idiomatic ways to do it, but I'm  
still learning.

Perhaps something like this is close to the algorithm you describe:

   import Data.Char (isSpace)

   rev :: String -> String
   rev str
  = revAcc (reverse str) []
  revAcc [] acc = acc
  revAcc (x:xs) acc
 | isSpace x = acc ++ (x : revAcc xs [])
 | otherwise = revAcc xs (x : acc)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Beginner: IORef constructor?

2006-12-05 Thread Bernie Pope

On 05/12/2006, at 1:00 PM, Benjamin Franksen wrote:

Bernie Pope wrote:

If you want a global variable then you can use something like:

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

global = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])

But this is often regarded as bad programming style (depends who you
talk to).

Besides, isn't this example /really/ unsafe? I thought, at least  
the IORef

has to be monomorphic or else type safety is lost?

Perhaps your question is rhetorical, but in case it is not, then yes,
we ought to make it a monomorphic type.

This little example seg-faults on my mac, and no doubt on other  
machines as


   import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
   import Data.IORef

   global = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])

   main = do
  modifyIORef global (id :)
  x <- readIORef global
  print ((head x + 1) :: Int)

It writes the identity function onto the front of the global  
variable, and then reads

it back as an int, and tries to do addition on it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Beginner: IORef constructor?

2006-11-30 Thread Bernie Pope

On 01/12/2006, at 6:08 PM, TJ wrote:

First of all, sorry if this is a really silly question, but I couldn't
figure it out from experimenting in GHCi and from the GHC libraries
documentation (or Google).

Is there an IORef consturctor? Or is it just internal to the  
Data.IORef module?

I want a "global variable", so I did the following:

module VirtualWorld where
 import Data.IORef
 theWorld = IORef [] -- This will be writeIORef'ed with a populated
list as the user modifies the world.

It doesn't work. GHCi says that the IORef constructor is not in scope.
I did a ":module Data.IORef" and then "IORef []" and it still gives me
the same error.

I'm using GHC 6.6 on Windows.

Hi TJ,

IORef is an abstract data type, so you cannot refer to its  
constructors directly.

Instead you must use:

   newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)

which will create an IORef on your behalf. Note that the result is in  
the IO type,

which limits what you can do with it.

If you want a global variable then you can use something like:

   import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

   global = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])

But this is often regarded as bad programming style (depends who you  
talk to). So you
should probably avoid this unless it is really necessary (perhaps you  
could use a state

monad instead?)

Read the comments about unsafePerformIO on this page:


especially the notes about NOINLINE and -fno-cse

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to get subset of a list?

2006-11-30 Thread Bernie Pope

On 01/12/2006, at 12:47 PM, Huazhi (Hank) Gong wrote:

Like given a string list s="This is the string I want to test", I  
want to get
the substring. In ruby or other language, it's simple like s 
[2..10], but how

to do it in Haskell?

If your indices are in ascending order, and unique, then something  
like this might

do the trick:

   els1 indexes list
  = els' (zip [0..] list) indexes
  els' [] _ = []
  els' _ [] = []
  els' ((j,x):xs) indexes@(i:is)
 | i == j  = x : els' xs is
 | otherwise = els' xs indexes

Of course this is a right fold, so you ought to be able to use foldr.

Here's an attempt:

   els2 indexes list
  = foldr comb undefined [0..] list indexes
  comb _ _ [] _ = []
  comb _ _ _ [] = []
  comb j rec (x:xs) indexes@(i:is)
 | j == i  = x : rec xs is
 | otherwise = rec xs indexes

Bonus marks for figuring out why I used "undefined".

Warning: this is largely untested code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Debugging

2006-11-13 Thread Bernie Pope

On 14/11/2006, at 3:29 AM, Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

On 13.11.2006 16:54 Valentin Gjorgjioski wrote:

On 13.11.2006 16:48 Pepe Iborra wrote:

Hi Valentin

Please, take a look at the Haskell Wiki page for debugging.


You will find that thanks to Neil Mitchell there is a Windows  
version of Hat available. Perhaps you can add your experiences  
with it if it works for you.

Oh silly me, I was looking that page, but I didn't notice this.  
Thanks a lot, pepe.

I'll try, and I'll post feedback here.

I install it, I tried it, and it doesn't work for me.

  Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`Integral a' arising from use of `*^' at ./Hat/DML.hs:535:66-69
  Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

And this is line 535
T.uapp2 p125v94v125v148 p125v147v125v147 p (+^) (*^)

Okay, the type error you are getting is most likely caused by numeric  
defaulting, or lack of it in Hat.

In Haskell, some instances of ambiguous overloading are resolved by  
the defaulting rules. See:


Hat is based on program transformation, and to cut a long story  
short, the defaulting rules do not work on the transformed program.
So you must do the defaulting yourself by adding in explicit type  
annotations to the offending expression, then transform
the program again. In your case it probably amounts to adding  
something like " :: Integer", or " :: Int" after the expression which  
uses (^).

There is a note about this in the hat faq:

BTW the same problem happens in buddha, which is also based on  
program transformation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Very Small Program

2006-11-02 Thread Bernie Pope

On 02/11/2006, at 9:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

G'day all.

Quoting Bernie Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is a weird example of a pattern binding, and it is surprising
(to me) that the syntax is valid.

Maybe.  But you wouldn't balk at this:

numzeroes xs = sum [ 1 | 0 <- xs ]

...even if you wouldn't naturally express it that way.  Patterns like
this are useful in places other than lets.  I'd find it more  

if lets were treated as a special case.

In this case you are defining the function which is bound to the
variable called "+".

Though thanks to n+k patterns, this is well-understood to be a
confusing and controversial case.

One would normally expect to see at least one variable inside the
pattern on the
left-hand-side of a pattern binding (otherwise what point would there
be to the

If the pattern is demanded (as it may well be in a list comprehension
generator, do block generator or a lambda), then it can be very  

The programmer is asking for an error/empty list/monad "fail" if the
conformality check fails.

I agree with what you say. When I said "pattern binding", I was using  

terminology of the Haskell Report, which means only declarations of
the form "pat = exp". Generator statements and lambdas are a  
different story, as you
rightly point out. Nonetheless, I still believe that it is surprising  

"pattern bindings" that this syntax is allowed, since there doesn't
seem to be any purpose to them. (A cursory glance at the Report suggests
that this kind of pattern binding is allowed). Then again, since the  
are benign, maybe one could argue that it is better to have one less  
rule in

the language definition? Then again, such a declaration could be the
sign of a buggy program, and it might be better to give a compile  
time error.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Very Small Program

2006-11-01 Thread Bernie Pope

On 02/11/2006, at 4:45 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:


I just found it (in ghci and hugs) that this is a valid haskell  

let 0 = 1 in 0

This program evaluates to 0 (to my surprise).

This is a weird example of a pattern binding, and it is surprising  
(to me) that the syntax is valid.

Because there are no variables on the left-hand-side of the equation,
the definition is much the same as:

   let _ = 1 in 0

The definition that you give suggests that we evaluate the expression  
"1", then compare it
to "0", and then do nothing with the result of the comparison  
(because it doesn't bind
any variables). Though it is weird, it is rather benign, since  
pattern bindings are

evaluated lazily, and in this case never.

I expected something similar to how this works:
let { 1 + 1 = 3; 3 + 1 = 7 } in 1 + 1 + 1

Where you get 7.

In this case you are defining the function which is bound to the  
variable called "+".

So, if the 0 is not used as an identifier (ie, defining a function or
name of a value), then why doesn't this count as a parse error?  And,
why didn't I get to locally redefine it?

In the first case the definition is pattern matching against 0, and  
in the second case

the definition is giving the meaning of a variable.

While numerical constants are a little bit special in Haskell (they  
are overloaded),
they act much like regular data constructors. When they appear inside  
a pattern,

you are matching against them, rather than re-defining them.

One would normally expect to see at least one variable inside the  
pattern on the
left-hand-side of a pattern binding (otherwise what point would there  
be to the
definition?). It may very well be the case that the syntax for  
Haskell in the Report
requires this, but I haven't bothered to check it up. If the Report  
does require at least
one variable in the pattern, it may be the case that hugs and ghc are  
using a slightly
more liberal interpretation of the grammar. Or it could be the case  
that the Haskell

Report does in fact allow such pointless, but benign pattern bindings.

Perhaps you could chase this up and see what the Report really does  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance of String illegal

2006-09-28 Thread Bernie Pope

On 29/09/2006, at 12:44 PM, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Alternatively, use -fglasgow-exts :)

instance Foo String where
mkFoo = id

$ ghci -fglasgow-exts A.hs
*Main> mkFoo "foo"

And just to follow up what Don said, this feature of GHC is described  


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-26 Thread Bernie Pope
My understanding of the MR is heavily influenced by the work I did on  
Hatchet, which is based

directly on Mark Jones' paper (and code) "Typing Haskell in Haskell".

I thought I would go back to that paper and see how he defines  
"simple" pattern bindings

and the MR.

I now quote directly from the relevent sections of the paper:

He represents function bindings with the Alt type, which is defined  
on page 9:

"The representation of function bindings in following sections
uses alternatives, represented by values of type Alt :

   type Alt = ([Pat], Expr)

An Alt specifies the left and right hand sides of a function

On page 12 he defines what simple means with repsect to the Alt type  
and the MR:

"A single implicitly typed binding is described by a pair con-
taining the name of the variable and a list of alternatives:

   type Impl = (Id , [Alt])

The monomorphism restriction is invoked when one or more
of the entries in a list of implicitly typed bindings is simple,
meaning that it has an alternative with no left-hand side

restricted :: [Impl] -> Bool
retricted bs
   = any simple bs
   simple (i, alts) = any (null . fst) alts

Curiously, his Alt type does not offer any way to represent pattern  
bindings where
the lhs is a non-variable pattern. But he addresses this point later  
on page 13:

"In addition to the function bindings that we have seen al-
ready, Haskell allows variables to be defined using pattern
bindings of the form pat = expr . We do not need to deal di-
rectly with such bindings because they are easily translated
into the simpler framework used in this paper. For example,
a binding:
   (x,y) = expr
can be rewritten as:
   nv = expr
   x = fst nv
   y = snd nv
where nv is a new variable. The precise definition of the
monomorphism restriction in Haskell makes specific refer-
ence to pattern bindings, treating any binding group that
includes one as restricted. So, at first glance, it may seem
that the definition of restricted binding groups in this pa-
per is not quite accurate. However, if we use translations as
suggested here, then it turns out to be equivalent: even if
the programmer supplies explicit type signatures for x and
y in the original program, the translation will still contain
an implicitly typed binding for the new variable nv."

It is not obvious that this is consistent with the Report; I'll have to
think about it more.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-26 Thread Bernie Pope

On 26/09/2006, at 12:19 AM, Christian Sievers wrote:

Bernie Pope answered:

1. Why do the rules of the monomorphism restriction explicitly  

   *simple* pattern bindings?
   Where is the difference, especially as there is a translation to
   simple pattern bindings?
   Why should

   p | "a"=="b"  = 2
 | otherwise = 3

   be treated different than

   p = if "a"=="b" then 2 else 3

They are the same (both are simple pattern bindings). The report says
in section that the first can be translated into the second.

Indeed, I meant to allude to this translation.

A simple pattern binding is one where the lhs is a variable only.

That's consistent with the second reason for rule one of the MR.

However, the mentioned section defines it differently:

   A simple pattern binding has form p = e.

And if there is any doubt about what p stands for, it goes on:

   The pattern p ...

Contrasting to that:

   The general form of a pattern binding is p match, where a match  
is the same
   structure as for function bindings above; in other words, a  
pattern binding


   p| g1= e1
| g2= e2
| gm= em
where { decls }

So according to this definition, a pattern binding is simple iff
there are no guards (unless they are in the expression).
Also the translation to a "simple pattern binding" only gets rid of  

So there seems to be an error in the report, which can be fixed by  
redefining "simple pattern binding", or using a differnet  
description in the



Christian I see what you mean. It seems I did not read section carefully. In fact

I think I was interpreting that section in light of the MR.

So I am now as puzzled as you are.

Anyway, thanks for persisting on this point.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Bernie Pope

On 24/09/2006, at 1:46 AM, Michael Shulman wrote:

On 9/23/06, Bernie Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor
on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR  

applies to simple pattern bindings.

I thought it was simple pattern bindings that could be *exempted* from
the MR by supplying an explicit type signature, while non-simple
pattern bindings are always subject to it.

Actually, I realised after I posted my message that what I wrote was  
dubious. I'm sorry about that, please ignore it.

This section from the Report seems to clear things up:

In "Motivation", section 4.5.5:

"Rule 1 prevents ambiguity. For example, consider the declaration group

  [(n,s)] = reads t

Recall that reads is a standard function whose type is given by the  

  reads :: (Read a) => String -> [(a,String)]

Without Rule 1, n would be assigned the type forall a. Read a =>a and  
s the type forall a. Read a =>String. The latter is an invalid type,  
because it is inherently ambiguous. It is not possible to determine  
at what overloading to use s, nor can this be solved by adding a type  
signature for s. Hence, when non-simple pattern bindings are used  
(Section, the types inferred are always monomorphic in their  
constrained type variables, irrespective of whether a type signature  
is provided. In this case, both n and s are monomorphic in a."

Sorry for  the confusion,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] MR details (was: Implicit type of numeric constants)

2006-09-23 Thread Bernie Pope

On 23/09/2006, at 4:33 AM, Christian Sievers wrote:


I don't take my advice to go to haskell-cafe  :-)

I will take your advice :)

The discussion continued outside the mailing list, and now I have
two questions myself:

1. Why do the rules of the monomorphism restriction explicitly mention
   *simple* pattern bindings?
   Where is the difference, especially as there is a translation to
   simple pattern bindings?
   Why should

   p | "a"=="b"  = 2
 | otherwise = 3

   be treated different than

   p = if "a"=="b" then 2 else 3

They are the same (both are simple pattern bindings). The report says  
in section that the first can be translated into the second.

A simple pattern binding is one where the lhs is a variable only.

If a pattern binding is not simple, it must have a data constructor  
on the lhs, therefore it cannot be overloaded. So the (dreaded) MR only

applies to simple pattern bindings.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list