Re: Writing a counter function

2002-07-02 Thread Matt Harden

John Hughes wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Jon Cast wrote:
>>Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Samuel E. Moelius III wrote:
Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)
>>>Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a
>>>what-he-wanted solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without
>>>something having an infinitely-recursive type signature.
>>That's because the problem requires an infinitely-recursive type.
> It isn't particularly hard to implement this. Haskell typecheckers use
> unification to match types up; the only difference is that a graph
> unification algorithm would be needed instead. Such algorithms exist ---
> the only real difference is you have to remember what you're unifying to
> avoid falling into a loop when unifying graphs with cycles.
> The idea of adding this to Haskell has been proposed several times, but
> never implemented. And the reason for THAT is that it would make type
> errors significantly harder to understand.
> (snip)

Yes, but the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction was added for the same 
reason, wasn't it?  Haskell allows us to get around the M.R. by using 
explicit type signatures where required.  It seems to me that we could 
allow recursive types in the same way -- simply require a type signature 
for toplevel objects with recursive types.  Is there a reason why this 
wouldn't work?


Matt Harden

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-07-01 Thread Jon Fairbairn

Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> (snip)
> > But there's the rub. It's not beautiful and it doesn't make
> > much sense. I really wish we could get away from the "How do
> > I convert this imperative code snippet into Haskell"
> > questions into "How do I solve this abstract problem?"
> The question as originally posed didn't seem like it particularly needed
> something imperative though.

That largely misses the point. My objection is to the
mindset behind the question.

> the first bit is very similar to, say,
>   counter a = (a, \to_add -> counter (a + to_add))

Which looks to me like imperative programming. Indeed, the
Monad answer that I posted is imperative programming, it
just happens to be done in Haskell. Stepwise transformation
of a state is, on some occasions, the right answer to a
problem. Unfortunately in this thread we haven't been told
what the problem is. The question is of the form "how do I
make a hammer?" when a hammer is rarely the most appropriate
tool. That's what I'd like to get away from.


31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-07-01 Thread Frank Atanassow

Shlomi Fish wrote (on 29-06-02 17:30 +0300):
> I'm trying to write a counter function that would return a tuple whose
> first element is the current value and whose second element is a new
> counter.

John Hughes showed how to do this. Here is a closely related, more abstract
solution which employs existential types. First let me give a paradigmatic
example which is slightly different from what you want: streams.

  data Stream a = forall x. Stm x (x -> a) (x -> x)

Note that we hide the state type x. This lets us keep the implementation
hidden from the client.

  value (Stm state val next) = val state
  next (Stm state val next) = Stm (next state) val next
  both s = (value s, next s)
  unfold :: x -> (x -> a) -> (x -> x) -> Stream a
  unfold state val next = Stm state val next
  -- the naturals
  nats1 = unfold 0 id succ
  -- value nats1 = 0
  -- value (next nats1) = 1
  -- value (next (next nats1)) = 2 ...

In the example above, we use an integer for the state, project it out when we
need a value, and increment it to get the next state. Here's another way to do
it, using a state which is not an integer.

  nats2 = unfold [0..] head tail

Here we just used an infinite list for the state. head :: List Int -> Int, so
the state type is now different from "method" result type.

And here's an example where we use a step of 100 when we create the stream.

  -- step 100
  stm1 = unfold 5 id (+ 100)

But you wanted an object where we can choose the step at each "point in
time". OK:

  data MyStream a = forall x. MyStm x (x -> a) (a -> x -> x)
  myValue (MyStm state val next) = val state
  myNext arg (MyStm state val next) = MyStm (next arg state) val next
  myBoth arg s = (myValue s, myNext arg s)
  myUnfold :: x -> (x -> a) -> (a -> x -> x) -> MyStream a
  myUnfold state val next = MyStm state val next
  counter n = myUnfold n id (+)

Now the state-transforming function accepts an extra argument along with the
state. And in fact we were able to generalize the idea of "stepping", since we
never had to mention integers or addition till the last line.

Easy, right? You can see the pattern for defining similar sorts datatypes
now. Hide the state type x with a forall, and, for each way of observing and/or
transforming the state, include a function of type x -> ...

OO people call this a (functional) object. Mathematicians call it a
coalgebra. There is a notion of coalgebraic (or coinductive) datatype which is
dual to the notion of algebraic datatypes in Haskell; sometimes they're called
codatatypes. The analog of unfold is fold, of methods (sometimes called
destructors or observors) are data constructors, and of the state type is the
"accumulator" type which is the result of a fold. Some languages like Charity
support codatatypes directly, but in Haskell we can get the same effect with a
local forall.

Actually, you can make this even more OO-like using type classes, but things
seem to get messy if we keep the result type polymorphic so I'll fix it to

  class CounterState x where
sValue :: x -> Integer
sNext :: Integer -> x -> x
  data Counter = forall x. CounterState x => Counter x
  instance CounterState Integer where
sValue = id
sNext step state = step + state
  mkCounter :: Integer -> Counter
  mkCounter n = Counter n

A disadvantage of this approach is that now you can only have one
implementation for each state type; with unfold, where we stored the functions
in the data constructor fields, we could give many implementations of the
methods for each state type. In OO terms, the type class approach is
"class-based" whereas the unfold approach is "object-based".

The advantage, of course, is that you can use inheritance via the type class
inheritance now.

BTW, I hope that this note will not encourage the OO readers on this list to
"objectify" _everything_ now, because that leads (IMO) to twisted programs
which often emphasize the wrong sort of flexibility.

Both datatypes and codatatypes have their place:

  * A datatype is called for when you need a collection of finite-sized values
(lists, trees, etc.), and want to be able to traverse them easily. The
fold for a datatype does this for you, and is guaranteed to terminate.

  * A codatatype is called for when you have a collection of infinite-sized or
circular values (streams, automata, etc.) and you want to be able to index
arbitrarily into (grab subparts of) them, without possibility of error or
exposing the representation.

Note that you cannot generally traverse a value of a codatatype: if you try
to "fold" a stream, the computation will diverge.

On the other hand, you cannot index arbitrarily deeply into a value of a
datatype. Remember our stream example? We could have called the "value"
function "head" and the "next" function "tail". You can always apply these to
a stream, and they will never fail. But if you try that with lists, you will
raise an error once you get to the end of it

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread Andrew J Bromage

G'day all.

On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 01:51:56PM +0100, Peter G. Hancock wrote:

> Why not have a monad m a = Int -> (a,Int) which is a state monad plus
> the operation bump : Int -> m Int
>  bump k n = (n,n+k) 

Oh, ye of insufficient genericity.  We can do better than that...

import MonadTrans

class (Monad m, Enum i) => MonadCounter i m | m -> i where
bump :: Int -> m i
newtype CounterT i m a = CounterT { runCounterT :: i -> m (a,i) }

instance (Monad m, Enum i) => Monad (CounterT i m) where
return a = CounterT $ \x -> return (a, x)
m >>= k  = CounterT $ \x -> do
(a, x') <- runCounterT m x
runCounterT (k a) x'
fail str = CounterT $ \_ -> fail str

instance (Monad m, Enum i) => MonadCounter i (CounterT i m) where
bump k = CounterT $ \x ->
let (next:_) = drop k [x..]
in return (x, next)   

instance (Enum i) => MonadTrans (CounterT i) where
lift m = CounterT $ \x -> do
a <- m
return (a, x)

evalCounterT :: (Monad m, Enum i) => CounterT i m a -> i -> m a
evalCounterT m x = do
(a, _) <- runCounterT m x
return a

-- Example code follows

main :: IO ()
main = evalCounterT count 0

count :: CounterT Int IO ()
count = do
x1 <- bump 1
x2 <- bump 5
x3 <- bump 0
x4 <- bump 1
lift (putStrLn $ show [x1,x2,x3,x4])

I'd better get back to work now.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread Peter G. Hancock

> lmichele  wrote (on Sun, 30 Jun 2002 at 09:26):

> By the way, what's the purpose of this coding? (this is the type of
> question: "ok, I have a hammer, now, for what kind of nail it is useful?")

I would guess that something like the asked-for counter could be
useful if one is allocating ranges of addresses to things, for example
heap nodes when compiling a function body to instructions to build a graph.

Why not have a monad m a = Int -> (a,Int) which is a state monad plus
the operation bump : Int -> m Int

 bump k n = (n,n+k) 

Peter Hancock
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread Mark Carroll

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> But there's the rub. It's not beautiful and it doesn't make
> much sense. I really wish we could get away from the "How do
> I convert this imperative code snippet into Haskell"
> questions into "How do I solve this abstract problem?"

The question as originally posed didn't seem like it particularly needed
something imperative though. For instance, the Perl isn't strongly
imperative - it's largely just a list of declarations and functions (some
anonymous) where you can think of the variables as being locally-declared
constants. For instance, the first bit is very similar to, say,

counter a = (a, \to_add -> counter (a + to_add))

I think that's very different from asking people to translate into Haskell
things where variables have their value change and whatever. Jon Cast's
observation makes more sense to me - it's not a imperative/functional
issue so much as a weak or strong typing issue.

> I guess that the last "$next" on the last line should have
> been "$next3", but I'm not certain, and I certainly have no
> idea what the programme is /for/.

Yes, I'm sure you're right there.

Thanks very much for sharing the monadic approach - I was curious as to if
monads could be used to break the recursion, and I didn't see anyone else
mention that. I've certainly found Jon Cast's, John Hughes' and Andrew
Bromage's articles interesting - it seems like this is a well-known issue
and Haskell currently lies on an attractive point on the tradeoff between
making things awkward and opening cans of worms.

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread Jon Fairbairn

Mark Carrol wrote:
> The beauty of his request was that it was so simple and seemed to make
> sense;

But there's the rub. It's not beautiful and it doesn't make
much sense. I really wish we could get away from the "How do
I convert this imperative code snippet into Haskell"
questions into "How do I solve this abstract problem?"

Take the perl:
sub counter
my $a = shift;

my $next = sub {
my $to_add = shift ;
return counter($to_add+$a);

return ($a, $next);

my ($result,$next) = counter(5);
my ($result2, $next2) = $next->(100);
my ($result3, $next3) = $next2->(50);
my ($result4, $next4) = $next->(30);

print "\$result=$result\n\$result2=$result2\n\$result3=$result3\n\$result4=$result4\n";

Now, an extensionally equal Haskell programme is the following:

main = putStr "$result=5\n\

Like the original programme, it takes no inputs and produces
a certain output. You might well object that this programme
isn't /intentionally/ equal to the one given, but then I
can't work out what the intention was!

I guess that the last "$next" on the last line should have
been "$next3", but I'm not certain, and I certainly have no
idea what the programme is /for/.

The point of Haskell is not that it is easy to write
programmes. On that metric, assembler isn't bad.  I don't
find it particularly hard to write assembler
programmes. What I do find hard is reading them, and
determining whether they are what I intended. The big
advantages of Haskell are that it prevents you from writing
certain kinds of programme, and makes it easier to write
certain other kinds.

None of the responses so far has focussed on the problem
with the kind of function defined in the Perl above, namely
that one tends to make slips in passing the correct next
state to the function.  One way round this is to use a

   import Single_State

   main = putStrLn result where
  result = runS (do result1 <- set_state 5
result2 <- step_counter 100
result3 <- step_counter 50
result4 <- step_counter 30
return $   "result1 = "++show result1
   ++"\nresult2 = "++show result2
   ++"\nresult3 = "++show result3
   ++"\nresult4 = "++show result4)

   step_counter:: Int -> Single_State Int Int
   step_counter n = do a <- get_state
   set_state (n+a)

(Single_State is a silly example at
>) I don't claim that this is particularly well written, in
particular I'm not sure about what the initial state should
be. Should the above programme be 

  result = runS (do result1 <- get_state; . . .)

for example? Would it be better to give the initial state
as the first argument of runS?

But at least the intermediate states have disappeared from
the source, so there's no chance of using the wrong one.

Yet I still don't know what problem we are supposed to be


31 Chalmers Road [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cambridge CB1 3SZ+44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread A./C. Luis Pablo Michelena

I adjunt some code that i supose is what are you locking for.
Is based in a previous message (by jefu on 13 of june) idea from the
"Haskell acumulator" thread.
the "prueba" function is the translation of your example.
By the way, what's the purpose of this coding? (this is the type of
question: "ok, I have a hammer, now, for what kind of nail it is useful?")
Luis Michelena
- Original Message -
From: Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Hannah Schroeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: Writing a counter function

> On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Hannah Schroeter wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 06:23:27PM +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > > [...]
> >
> > > Actually, I'd like a more generalized counter. Something that would
> > > both the number and a handler to add another number, which in turn
> > > return the new sum and a new handler, etc.
> >
> > That's just what lazy lists are for. The "handler" thing is done
> > automatically thanks to lazy evaluation.
> >
> > I.e. countFrom n = n : countFrom (n + 1)
> > or just countFrom n = [n..]
> >
> No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> [num1,num2,num3]
> Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].
> Regards,
> Shlomi Fish
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Hannah.
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Home Page:
> Home E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

Description: Binary data

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread Andrew J Bromage

G'day all.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 05:26:46PM -0500, Mark Carroll wrote:

> Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a what-he-wanted
> solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without something having an
> infinitely-recursive type signature. I'm sure it would have been easy in
> Lisp, and he already gave a Perl equivalent, so I'm wondering if it could
> be at all sane for Haskell to allow such stuff and if Haskell is somehow
> keeping us on the straight and narrow by disallowing the exact counter
> that was originally requested.

In principle it's perfectly possible to have a type system which
works over regular trees.  The main difficulty is how to actually
express a type.  You'd need something like letrec for types.

typedef Counter = letrec x = Int -> (Int, x) in x

It makes a few type-related things more inefficient, but it need not
impose a huge cost in places where it's not used.  It's fairly
straightforward to optimise non-recursive types to the way they are
handled at the moment at the cost of a more complex compiler.

At least that's the story before you add all the other features of
Haskell's type system.  I'm not sure, for example, how it would
interact with overlapping typeclass instances.  This is the central
problem with extensions to the type system: how well or badly it
combines with all the other extensions that have been added over
the years.

In this case, I really don't see that you would get much in the
way of extra expressiveness.  Breaking recursion is as simple as
introducing a newtype.  Moreover, it's arguably "the Haskell way"
just to introduce a new type whenever you need one, because it's so
cheap to do.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-30 Thread John Hughes

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Jon Cast wrote:

> Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Samuel E. Moelius III wrote:
> > (snip)
> > > Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)
> > (snip)
> > Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a
> > what-he-wanted solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without
> > something having an infinitely-recursive type signature.
> That's because the problem requires an infinitely-recursive type.
> Consider Haskell:
> self-apply f = f f
> The *typing algorithm* (the thing that didn't complain in Lisp)
> proceeds roughly as follows:
> f is applied to at least one argument, so f must have type a -> b.
> Therefore, f's argument (f) must have type a.  So, we conclude:
> f :: a -> b
> f :: a
> But f can only have one type, so we set its types equal:
> a = a -> b
> This is clearly recursive, right?
> > so I'm wondering if it could be at all sane for Haskell to allow
> > such stuff
> Sure.  All it has to do is:
> 1. Create its own newtype in response to such things as
> `self-apply' above.
> 2. Ensure that
> self-apply f = f f
> and
> self-apply' g = g g
> have the same type.  I would *love* to hear ideas on how to do that,
> but it's difficult.

It isn't particularly hard to implement this. Haskell typecheckers use
unification to match types up; the only difference is that a graph
unification algorithm would be needed instead. Such algorithms exist ---
the only real difference is you have to remember what you're unifying to
avoid falling into a loop when unifying graphs with cycles.

The idea of adding this to Haskell has been proposed several times, but
never implemented. And the reason for THAT is that it would make type
errors significantly harder to understand.


f x y = if x==0 then y else f (x-1)

(where I "forgot" the second parameter in the recursive call). We expect
this to be a type error, and indeed it is --- BECAUSE recursive types are
not allowed. If they were, this definition would be well-typed, with the

f :: Num a => a -> bwhere b = b -> b

You wouldn't get an error message unless you tried to CALL f, and perhaps
not even then. For example,

f 1 2 :: Num b => b where b = b -> b

is well-typed! So you would probably eventually, somewhere else in the
program, see an error message of the form

ERROR - Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred type
*** Type   : Num b => b where b = b -> b

This is enough to scare most people off the idea.

Think of all the times you've seen the error message

unification would give infinite type

It's not the most common kind of type error, but it does happen regularly,
at least to me. In every such case, the type error would be deferred in
the way I describe.

If I remember rightly, OCaml allows type recursion of this sort, but
restricts it to object types precisely to avoid these problems.

John Hughes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Jon Cast

Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Samuel E. Moelius III wrote:
> (snip)
> > Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)
> (snip)

> Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a
> what-he-wanted solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without
> something having an infinitely-recursive type signature.

That's because the problem requires an infinitely-recursive type.

> I'm sure it would have been easy in Lisp, and he already gave a Perl
> equivalent,

That's because both Lisp and Perl are weakly typed.  Haskell is
strongly typed.  Consider Lisp:

(defun self-apply (f)
"Apply F to itself."
   (f f))

No problem (and I'm sure you can pull the same trick off in Perl).
Consider Haskell:

self-apply f = f f

The *typing algorithm* (the thing that didn't complain in Lisp)
proceeds roughly as follows:

f is applied to at least one argument, so f must have type a -> b.
Therefore, f's argument (f) must have type a.  So, we conclude:

f :: a -> b
f :: a

But f can only have one type, so we set its types equal:

a = a -> b

This is clearly recursive, right?

> so I'm wondering if it could be at all sane for Haskell to allow
> such stuff

Sure.  All it has to do is:

1. Create its own newtype in response to such things as
`self-apply' above.

2. Ensure that

self-apply f = f f


self-apply' g = g g

have the same type.  I would *love* to hear ideas on how to do that,
but it's difficult.

> and if Haskell is somehow keeping us on the straight and narrow by
> disallowing the exact counter that was originally requested.

Well, it's a more general problem than the `exact counter'.  And, yes,
Haskell is erring on the side of safety here; there's a reason it's
called a ``statically typed language''.

> The beauty of his request was that it was so simple and seemed to
> make sense; I went ahead and tried to fulfill it before realising I
> couldn't do it either.

Well, it makes sense, yes.  But I think learning to manually `unify'
these things (add a newtype) is not hard, and probably useful ---
Haskell is not the only statically-typed language out there.
Learn how to solve this problem, and you understand the problem, the
solution, typing, and life in general :)

> -- Mark

Jon Cast
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread that jefu guy

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 15:26, Mark Carroll wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Samuel E. Moelius III wrote:
> (snip)
> > Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)
> (snip)
> Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a what-he-wanted
> solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without something having an
> infinitely-recursive type signature. I'm sure it would have been easy in
> Lisp, and he already gave a Perl equivalent, so I'm wondering if it could
> be at all sane for Haskell to allow such stuff and if Haskell is somehow
> keeping us on the straight and narrow by disallowing the exact counter
> that was originally requested.
> The beauty of his request was that it was so simple and seemed to make
> sense; I went ahead and tried to fulfill it before realising I couldn't
> do it either.

I could not manage to do this with a simple always-increment-by-one
function, but the problem of adding a number n each time was a quite
a bit easier - though it still took me a while to escape the infinite
recursive type , it seems that you need to indirect through another 
datatype (here FP).  

you can't print z or z', but the show defined will allow you to print
out a FooPair


data FooPair =  FP Integer (Integer -> FooPair) 

instance Show FooPair  where
   show (FP i f) = "FooPair " ++ (show i) ++ ""

incg :: Integer -> Integer -> FooPair 
incg n = \i ->  let j = n+i in  (FP j  (incg j))

val (FP i _) = i 
fun (FP _ f) = f 

x  = incg 7  -- the original function 
y  = x 3 -- increment the current value by 3 and return the FP pair
zf = fun y   -- get the new function
zv = val y   -- and the value in the pair 
z' = z 99-- now get the next value function pair 


jeff putnam -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Mark Carroll

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Samuel E. Moelius III wrote:
> Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)

Do any of the experimental extensions to Haskell allow a what-he-wanted
solution? I couldn't arrange one in H98 without something having an
infinitely-recursive type signature. I'm sure it would have been easy in
Lisp, and he already gave a Perl equivalent, so I'm wondering if it could
be at all sane for Haskell to allow such stuff and if Haskell is somehow
keeping us on the straight and narrow by disallowing the exact counter
that was originally requested.

The beauty of his request was that it was so simple and seemed to make
sense; I went ahead and tried to fulfill it before realising I couldn't
do it either.

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Samuel E. Moelius III

> No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> [num1,num2,num3]
> Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].

Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)

If you don't mind changing your example to

let (num1, next1) = out (counter 5)
(num2, next2) = out (next1 100)
(num3, next3) = out (next2 50) in

then, you can do this:

newtype Counter = MkCounter Int

counter :: Int -> Counter
counter n = MkCounter n

out :: Counter -> (Int,Int -> Counter)
out (MkCounter n) = (n,MkCounter . (n +))

Sam Moelius

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Samuel E. Moelius III

> No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> [num1,num2,num3]
> Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].

Here's another not-exactly-what-you-wanted solution.  :)

If you don't mind changing your example to

let (num1, next1) = out (counter 5)
(num2, next2) = out (next1 100)
(num3, next3) = out (next2 50) in

then, you can do this:

newtype Counter = MkCounter Int

counter :: Int -> Counter
counter n = MkCounter n

out :: Counter -> (Int,Int -> Counter)
out (MkCounter n) = (n,MkCounter . (n +))

Sam Moelius

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread John Hughes

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> [num1,num2,num3]
> Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].

The other answers you've received really question whether this is a good
way to use Haskell at all --- usually, if you want to generate a sequence
of values, it's a good idea just to represent them explicitly as a (lazy)
list. For example, you can compute more-or-less the same result as you
want just using standard list processing functions:

Main> scanl (+) 0 [5,100,50]

However, you can also do almost exactly what you suggest. Not quite
exactly, because the function you describe would have a recursive type

type Counter = Int -> (Int, Counter)

and Haskell requires that type recursion involve a data or newtype. So,
here's a solution:

newtype Counter = Counter (Int -> (Int, Counter))

count :: Counter -> Int -> (Int, Counter)
count (Counter c) = c

counter n = (n, Counter next)
  where next k = counter (n+k)

xs = let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
 (num2, next2) = (next1 `count` 100)
 (num3, next3) = (next2 `count` 50) in

Main> xs

The only difference from your idea is that a counter is not a function; we
have to use the function count to invoke it. And that's forced on us by
the need to avoid type recursion.

John Hughes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Shlomi Fish

Just for the record, here is a Perl function that does this:

sub counter
my $a = shift;

my $next = sub {
my $to_add = shift ;
return counter($to_add+$a);

return ($a, $next);

my ($result,$next) = counter(5);
my ($result2, $next2) = $next->(100);
my ($result3, $next3) = $next2->(50);
my ($result4, $next4) = $next->(30);

print "\$result=$result\n\$result2=$result2\n\$result3=$result3\n\$result4=$result4\n";


Shlomi Fish

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He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Shlomi Fish

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

> Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> > intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> >
> > let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> > (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> > (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> > [num1,num2,num3]
> >
> > Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].
> What do you mean by "determine"?

_I_ want to determine which step to go to next. I'd like to pass a
parameter the counter each time, and each time get the next number as well
as a new counter.


Shlomi Fish

> You can write
> sequence = iterate step_counter 0
> if the interval between successive numbers is determined by
> the current number, or
> sequence = map f [1..]
> if it's determined by the index in the sequence.
> or
> sequence =  map snd $ iterate step_counter (0,-7)
> step_counter (a,b) = (a+1, f a b)
> if it depends on both.
>   Jón

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Jon Fairbairn

Shlomi Fish wrote:
> No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
> intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:
> let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
> (num2, next2) = (next1 100)
> (num3, next3) = (next2 50) in
> [num1,num2,num3]
> Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].

What do you mean by "determine"?

You can write 

sequence = iterate step_counter 0

if the interval between successive numbers is determined by
the current number, or

sequence = map f [1..]

if it's determined by the index in the sequence.


sequence =  map snd $ iterate step_counter (0,-7)
step_counter (a,b) = (a+1, f a b) 

if it depends on both.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Shlomi Fish

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Hannah Schroeter wrote:

> Hello!
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 06:23:27PM +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > [...]
> > Actually, I'd like a more generalized counter. Something that would return
> > both the number and a handler to add another number, which in turn would
> > return the new sum and a new handler, etc.
> That's just what lazy lists are for. The "handler" thing is done
> automatically thanks to lazy evaluation.
> I.e. countFrom n = n : countFrom (n + 1)
> or just countFrom n = [n..]

No. But I want to generate an irregular series, which I determine the
intervals between two consecutive numbers myself. E.g:

let (num1, next1) = (counter 5)
(num2, next2) = (next1 100)
(num3, next3) = (next2 50) in

Will have the numbers [5, 105, 155].


Shlomi Fish

> Kind regards,
> Hannah.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Hannah Schroeter


On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 06:23:27PM +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> [...]

> Actually, I'd like a more generalized counter. Something that would return
> both the number and a handler to add another number, which in turn would
> return the new sum and a new handler, etc.

That's just what lazy lists are for. The "handler" thing is done
automatically thanks to lazy evaluation.

I.e. countFrom n = n : countFrom (n + 1)
or just countFrom n = [n..]

Kind regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Shlomi Fish

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Mark Carroll wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> (snip)
> > counter n = (n,(counter (n+1)))
> (snip)
> This doesn't work because you seem to be defining an infinitely deep tuple
> (1,(2,(3,(4,() which is naughty.
> I'm not really sure what alternative to suggest beyond [n .. ] without
> knowing more about what you are trying to do.

Actually, I'd like a more generalized counter. Something that would return
both the number and a handler to add another number, which in turn would
return the new sum and a new handler, etc.


Shlomi Fish

> -- Mark
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Mark Carroll

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> counter n = (n,(counter (n+1)))

This doesn't work because you seem to be defining an infinitely deep tuple
(1,(2,(3,(4,() which is naughty.

I'm not really sure what alternative to suggest beyond [n .. ] without
knowing more about what you are trying to do.

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Writing a counter function

2002-06-29 Thread Shlomi Fish

I'm trying to write a counter function that would return a tuple whose
first element is the current value and whose second element is a new
counter. The following line:

counter n = (n,(counter (n+1)))

Generates the following error on Hugs and a similar one with ghci:

ERROR "counter.hs":6 - Type error in function binding
*** Term   : counter
*** Type   : a -> (a,b)
*** Does not match : a -> b
*** Because: unification would give infinite type

Is there any way to do it? I tried using data, type and newtype and none
of them worked.


Shlomi Fish

Home Page:
Home E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list