Re: the provide, license verbs

2004-07-06 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Sorry for the late reply.

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. said on Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 06:09:00PM -0400,:

  private and personal  use. Who would bring such  a lawsuit, and how
  would the suit get past a motion to dismiss?

How about a dictatorship?

Consider a tech-savvy dissident, who modified his legally acquired
copy of software. 

The typical, contractual, acceptance-required _license_ does not allow
him to  do that  though. The dictatorship  raids the  dissident's den,
finds nothing  incriminating; his  hard disk is  clean ...  except for
this modification prevented by the EULA. 

The  Dictator  can  hand  over  the  dissident  to  the  BSA  (or  its
equivalent),  who  will   initiate  proceedings  for  infringement  of


   Do you say the law prevents me from taking a legal copy of a copyrighted
   work, which is a program, and privately modifying that program for my 
  own use?
  John Cowan says yes:
  Dan Bernstein says no:

 Mahesh T. Pai
Distribute Free Software -- Help stamp out Software Hoarding!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-12 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Marius Amado Alves said on Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 08:17:56AM +0100,:

  Why are  the other conditions  e.g.  the requirement  to distribute
  under the same license (GPL) not considered restrictions?

So that people do  not (mis)use the freedoms to restrict/takeaway/deny
freedoms downstream.
 Mahesh T. Pai
Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining
- From the Tao of Programming
license-discuss archive is at

Re: GPL and internal use

2004-06-08 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said on Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 05:57:31AM -0500,:

  modified sources. The general  consensus from googling around seems
  to be: yes, GPL does allow that

Yes, it does.

  For example, Trolltech seems to take a severe view of distribution in GPL,
  possibly because their old QPL explicitly disallows internal distribution
  without opening the code.

And the old QPL was not considered free by the FSF.

 Mahesh T. Pai
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-05 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Marius Amado Alves said on Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 06:14:25PM +0100,:

  My employer sells commercial open source software.
  It fully complies with the OSD--in fact, it is under the BSD license.
  Do you really sell the software (not support, not buy-out)?

With BSD and GPL, it is  possible to *sell* software.  If X is willing
to pay Y  for s/w written by  Z, neither BSD or its  variants, nor the
GPL prevents it.

  How have you been keeping people from giving copies of it away gratis 
  (hence invalidating your business)?

Probably they  provide support free of  cost if the  customer buys the
software from them. But that is not the concern of this list.

 Mahesh T. Pai

From The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906) [devil]:
  LAWYER, n.  One skilled in circumvention of the law.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Dual licensing

2004-06-05 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Marius Amado Alves said on Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 07:13:33PM +0100,:

  - I'm wrong, in which case I'm honestly interested in being proved

You *can* sell free software.

  - the person who said is  selling open source software is wrong, in
  which case  trying (and failing)  to answer the questions  will get
  this out of the way (for the 10th time)

`Can you sell free software' is not the same as `how long can you sell
free software'.  First is an  issue of license terms.  Second question
is one of business policy.

So, if  you properly frame your  question, I would  have answered, you
can  sell free software,  but to  *continue* selling  you need  to add
some bells and whistles to it ... like . 
 Mahesh T. Pai


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Which license to use for MFC based software?

2004-06-03 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Lawrence Rosen said on Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 06:23:54PM -0800,:

  That is unreasonable. No court would enforce that.
Why not?

We are dealing  with license a particular company  applied to software
used to _develop_  other software, arn't we? And  is not the developer
running a business here? Does not the doctrine of equals bargaining on
equal strength apply?

This  is Not  just a  piece of  spyware disguised  as a  p2p  app, and
intended to be used by the ordinary John L. User.

 Mahesh T. Pai

Buy Free Software -- It gives you freedom!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Which license to use for MFC based software?

2004-06-02 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Carsten Kuckuk said on Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 05:12:22PM +0200,:

  I only have the German language versions on my computer. Would that be
  of any help for you?

  am Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004 um 16:27 schrieben Sie:
  RO Does anybody have a link to the Microsoft SDK EULA's in

Can't help asking -

1. Is this _license_ redistributable? ;)

2. And if you find a means of circumventing the restrictions placed on
   your copy of  the _software_ by the license,  will you be violating
   the DMCA?

 Mahesh T. Pai

Freedom is my birth right.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Which license to use for MFC based software?

2004-06-02 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Carsten Kuckuk said on Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 08:46:20PM +0200,:

  done by  a German  on German soil,  so German copyright  laws apply
  which are different  from US laws. And the  translator was probably
  paid by Microsoft Germany GmbH in Munich, not the Seattle one.

Enter corporate  strategy. Corporates arrange their  affairs such that
the principal owns all `intellectual property'.  Therefore, the German
subsidiary is most  probably doing only marketing work;  and rights in
works  developed  by the  subsidiary,  if any,  will  vest  in the  US
parent.  That is a  matter of  contractual corporate  arrangement; not
law. So, rights would still vest in the US parent.
  e-mail address I'd guess that you're located in India. 

  India even a member of WIPO, and does it honor copyrights?

Definitely yes. From time immemorial. 

  we'll have a  pretty interesting legal situation here  with US law,
  German  law, Indian  law,  and  probably some  other  laws as  well

More Grin Only that this kind of problem is a bit off topic for this
list; but relevant for most members.

And do go through Rick's post in this thread.
 Mahesh T. Pai

Backup: The duplicate copy of crucial data that no one bothered
to make; used only in the abstract.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: ATT Source Code Agreement

2004-05-13 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Stephen C. North said on Wed, May 12, 2004 at 04:10:15PM -0400,:

  1. If you  are an  entity, or an  individual other than  the person
  accepting this  Agreement, the  person accepting this  Agreement on
  your  behalf  is   your  legally  authorized  representative,  duly
  authorized to accept agreements of this type on you

U ... AFAIK, some hardware vendors simply duplicate disk images
into new machines. Does this amount to acceptance?

It the technician who installed the s/w on my machine authorised to
bind me. 

  3. Your Build Materials  are either original or do  not include any
  Software  obtained   under  a  license  that   conflicts  with  the
  obligations contained in this Agreement;

#4.1 specifically  deals with  distribution of `Build  Materials'. So,
this apparently  deals only with use  only.  If so, this,  and 4 below
taints other software.

  4. To  the best  of your  knowledge,  your Build  Materials do  not
  infringe or misappropriate the rights of any person or entity; and,

See above. 

   5. You will regularly monitor the Website for any notices.

Ugh. Imposes obligations. 
 4. Capsule means a computer file containing the exact same
 contents as the computer file having the name graphviz*.* or
 gviz*.*, which will be downloaded after accepting, or was opened to
 access, this Agreement.

Fine. Now what happens if the software is modified so that graphviz*.*
becomes irrelavant to the software?
   5. Derived Product means a Software Product which is a
  derivative work of the Source Code. 

Gee. Circular. 
  11. Source Code  means the Software contained  in compressed form
  in the Capsule.

Ah. So, changing  the dependency of g*viz*.* has drastic impact ...

  1. Reproduce and distribute the Capsule;

So, if I change  the capsule naming scheme ... the license vanishes?  
  good faith manner where the Capsule and Source C 

There is something with your message. Too many sentences have their
last words snipped. 

  1. Contact ATT, as may be provided on the Website or in a text
  file included with the Source Code, and describe for ATT such
  Patch and provide ATT with a copy of such Patch as directed by
  ATT; or, 

That is a *pre* condition for distribution. You shall not distribute
unless you do X is not the same as saying that `if you distribute, you
shall do X also'. 

  1. You grant to ATT under any IPR owned or licensable by you which
  in any way relates to your Patches, a non-exclusive, perpetual,
  worldwide, fully paid-up, unrestricted, irrevocable license, along
  with the right to sublicense others, to (a) mak 

Where are (b) (c) etc., if any? 

  3. Your rights and license (but not any of your obligations) under
  this Agreement shall terminate automatically in the event that (a)
  notice of a non-frivolous claim by a third party relating to the
  Source Code or Capsule is posted on the Website 

Hunh??? why should a claim by a *third party* terminate *my* right?

  Appendix A - Minimum Terms

I'm  not sure  if  I'm being  careless  or this  is  because I  missed
something,  or it  may be  that body  of my  copy of  this  message is
mangled, but there is no reference  to an Appendix in the main body of
the license.

IMHO, as whole, it  fails OSD 7 and 8. 


   Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security
deserve neither security nor liberty
license-discuss archive is at

Re: [OT?] US CA govt use of PDF fill-in forms

2004-04-26 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Ihab A.B. Awad said on Sun, Apr 25, 2004 at 07:37:06PM -0700,:

  Should  the government  be thereby  institutionalizing  this format
  (Adobe Acrobat PDF)  to the benefit of the  one corporation (Adobe)
  that provides  tools to properly  edit it? Or  is this okay?  Or is
  there an alternative tool for  editing and saving PDFs of which I'm
  not yet aware?

FSF India says the government should not use  the portable document
format. See

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: [OT?] US CA govt use of PDF fill-in forms

2004-04-26 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Ernest Prabhakar said on Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 02:02:20PM -0700,:

  Perhaps  what you  are  really saying  -  which might  be at  least
  slightly relevant to this list  - is that you only want governments
  to  use  document  formats   that  are  supported  by  open  source
  implementations.  Is that your point?

Speaking for myself, and not for the original poster.

My issue is about this. See below:-

This is an interview with Bruce Chizen, Exec. VP, Adobe.

(Q) You've  documented a  number of  your key  architectures: PostScript,
PDF,  and--albeit somewhat  reluctantly--the Type  1 font  format. But
these are not open-source initiatives, nor are they official standards
controlled   by   standards   bodies   like   the   World   Wide   Web
Consortium.  Although Adobe  documents these  formats, it  alone still
controls  them. Have  you  found a  profitable  middle ground  between
proprietary architectures and open source?

(A)With   PostScript   and  PDF,   we   found   that  publishing   the
specifications--making  them open,  but  not open  standards, but  not
providing  open  source--is the  right  path  for  us. Once  something
becomes a standard  driven by a standards body, it  moves at a glacial
pace. And innovation slows down  significantly because you have to get
everybody  to agree and  there's lots  of compromise.  If you  make it
totally open source, you don't get a return on investment.

We believe that by opening up the specification, we allow other people
to take advantage  of it. But because we still own  the source, we get
to innovate  around that standard  more quickly than anybody  else. We
have found  that to  be a great  balance. PDF  is the best  example of
that. We work on Acrobat, we  work on PDF, we announce the product, we
ship it, and we open up the specification.

Note the chronology in the  last sentence of the last paragraph above.
Which is very  bad for *sovereign*, not mere  intra-government use.  I
have no problem  with that in *private* use though.   Indeed, I do use
PDF quite often  (with LaTeX, that is). But  the criteria is different
for the governments.

The issue when  governments use the portable document  format is, what
if Adobe refuses  to open up the next  revision of the specifications?
That is a possibility with corporate specs. as always.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: License for a document or presentation?

2004-04-10 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. said on Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 03:22:51PM -0400,:

  Whether the principles supporting licensing documents differed from

Appears  to  depend  on  what   you  want  to  achieve.  If  you  want
e-propagation of the document, a copyleft license will be better, IMO.

  Are we promoting the idea that all text should be licensed?

Not quite.  You  issue a `license' as opposed  to merely `giving away'
(or selling) a copy to prevent what is achieved by copyright - prevent
distribution by a person other than the copyright holder.

  When the  ideas are freely accessible doesn't  that reduce (albeit,
  not eliminate) the benefit of using an open source license?

You  seem   to  have  overlooked  the   difference  between  documents
expressing opinion  or political thought and  technical documents (man
pages, guides, etc).  

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: LAB Public License proposal

2004-03-18 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
DJ Anubis said on Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 08:58:30AM +0100,:

  French law  is somewhat complex, as decisions  come over decisions,
  and we have to comply with some judicial labyrinth whenever we have
  to write down  some contractual documents. Licensing is  one of the
  most complex of them.

Hmm. Same situation pervails in the Common Law tradition too. You will
be interested  to know  that in  law school, we  were taught  that the
Civil Law  tradition (and France  was almost always the  example) does
not  rely  much on  what  the  Common  law tradition  calls  `judicial
precedent';  `precedent'  is legalese  for  earlier  decisions by  the
  A confusing  L.131-3 from  French Intellectual Property  act tells:
  transmission of  author's rights is subornidated  to the condition
  that each and every transmited right be distinctly mentioned in the
  session act  and thet exploitation domain of  each transmited right
  be delimited for its destination, place and duration.

Is  this  the  official  translation??   (Will the  French  ever  have
`official' translations of their laws?? *g*)

Does  this translate  mean  `granted rights  have  to be  specifically
enumerated; and the  granted rights may be used  only for the purpose,
time and place for which the grant is made'??

If  not,  can  you  please   explain  the  phrase  `session  act'  and
`delimited for its destination, place and duration'?

  According to this text, GNU GPL is silent about this question. As a
  result a court  can invalid this license and  licensee will have on
  programs actions not legal in such a case.

Do the  French have a doctrine  of estoppel??  Is it  possible for the
French licensee to rely on the  statements in the license as a promise
made by the  owner of copyright?? Or is that  all promises relating to

(a) enforcement of a right (b) permissions in a copyright work

should invariably conform to  the Intellectual Property Act you quoted

Licensee can  rely on law  of estoppel if  the Copyright Law  does not
expressly exclude operation of estoppel.

  A  court decision,  while not  dealing strictly  with free  or open
  source software, hits the real problem. A french court decided that

I guess that this will still apply to F/L/OSS.
  The same  could be  applied if a  French author, living  in France,
  decided  that applicable  law  would be  Californian courts,  which
  would be considered illegal by law.

Will the whole contract / license be invalidated?? Or will the court
just ignore only the provisions relating to choice of law??

Here  (in  India),  choice  of  law  provisions are  read  in  a  very
restricted way.  If the facts  of the case  do not, in any  way confer
jurisdiction on  the courts  at the place  mentioned in  the contract,
the court  will simply ignore  those provisions relating to  choice of
law.  OTOH, if  courts at  both place  X and  Y had  jurisdiction, and
parties  decided that  proceedings  will  be brought  only  at X,  the
courts will enforce that.

  Most licenses  come from  USA entities, without  this international
  legal intricacies. This  is why we used CUA model  as draft for our

Why do you need a choice of  law clause in the first place?? (sorry if
you have already answered this - I have not followed this thread t

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Source Distribution License

2004-03-13 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Bernhard Fastenrath said on Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 12:08:23PM -0500,:

  titleSDL, Source Distribution License 1.0/title

Posting in html are not a good idea.

  h3Distribution of Executable Versions/h3
  Redistribution in any other form than human readable source code in
  compressed or uncompressed form (Binary Distribution) is not
  covered by this license. 

General consensus is that binaries are modified/derived versions of
sources. So, this will fail OSD.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Trademark License

2004-03-12 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Starting  a new thread,  since Larry's  (belated, if  important) reply
quoted below reminds me of something important to the community.

Seems it  is time  to have some  kind of  guidelines on use  of Trade/
Service marks in FLOSS projects.

All  OSI  approved  licenses   permit  distribution  of  the  software
products, and  even while distributing the modified  `product' we call
the  `product'  by the  original,  often  trademark  name. Most  FLOSS
projects do not have a problem with this.

Some projects, however,  seriously object to use of  the trademarks to
the  modified  application.   Projects  adopt  disparate  policies  on
allowing the redistributed  product to be referred to  by the original

Red Hat, for example  does not permit calling unofficial distributions
of ISO images from their site  as `Red Hat Linux CDs'.  Debian has two
logos, and use of the official bottle+swirl logo is restricted.

Right now, the  Debian project is sorting out issue  of use of Mozilla
-FireFox name in FireFox packages to be included in Debian.

The  Debian Firefox  maintainer has  recently written  to  the FireFox
project,   pointing   out   that   the   Firefox   trademarks   policy
(, permits use of the
name and the artwork only if the binaries are from unmodified sources.

Such  policies are  not inherently  bad since  restrictions on  use of
trademarks  and/or  service marks  does  not  affect  freeness of  the
software, But  having to call  packages to which trivial  changes have
been applied  (say, of the kind  made by distros) by  a different name
can splinter the users' perception  of FLOSS software, thus proving to
be counter productive.

Is/should OSI be concerned with this issue? 

Mahesh T. Pai

Lawrence E. Rosen said on Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 10:42:52AM -0800,:

  A bare trademark license is not allowed under trademark law. This license is
  the easiest way to lose the DotGNU service mark.
  /Larry Rosen
   -Original Message-
   From: James Michael DuPont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 11:22 PM


   --- Norbert Bollow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From Norbert Bollow Tue Aug  5 12:17:30 2003
Subject: [DotGNU]proposal: DotGNU Trademark License

A recent discussion with Stephen J. Turnbull has reminded 
   me that it 
is very important to create some legal protection for the 
   term DotGNU 

Provided that the FSF agrees to this idea, I'd like to include 
something like the following in the documentation that will 
   be part of 
the upcoming DotGNU 0.1 release:

DotGNU Webservice Servicemark License

Version 0.1-alpha1

Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim 
   copies of this 
license document, but changing it is not allowed.

GNU is a registered trademark of the Free Software 
   Foundation, Inc. 
DotGNU Webservice is a servicemark of the Free Software 


0. This License grants, to businesses which satisfy the
   conditions that are outlined in sections 1 and 2 below,
   permission to use the DotGNU Webservice servicemark
   in the context of their commercial activities.

   Activities which are not of commercial nature are outside the
   scope of this license; in particular there are no restrictions
   on using the term DotGNU Webservice outside the context of
   making a commercial service offering.

   Every business which fulfils the conditions that are outlined
   in sections 1 and 2 below may choose to accept this license, 
   becoming a licensee.  Each licensee is addressed as you.

   You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
   signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to use the
   DotGNU Webservice servicemark in the context of making 
   service offerings; that is prohibited by law if you do not accept
   this License. Therefore, by using the DotGNU Webservice
   servicemark in such a commercial context, you indicate your
   acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and

1. The DotGNU Webservice servicemark may only be used in 
   with services that satisfy DotGNU's definition of webservices,
   namely the following two conditions must be satisfied:

   (a) Some functionality is provided, and in addition there is
   a description of this functionality, namely how the
   service should be used and what it provides.

   (b) The service is offered over a computer network (e.g. the
   internet or an intranet) via

Re: Update for CUA Office Public License

2004-02-20 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Patranun Limudomporn said on Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 05:09:15PM +0700,:

  Well, John  just like  Sun Public License  case. It's same  with my
  case but SPL add  more information about documentation. Our project
  prefer to use our own license.  We've been use LGPL before and then
  we think it is  a time to change to our own  license now because we
  have freedom to  change it using Open Source  Definition but if you
  use  some  other  license,  you  don't have  a  freedom  to  change
  it. That's my reason why I need to make this license.

Well. If  you wish  to have  others contribute to  the code  base, the
contributing  third parties might  not like  change of  license terms.
There  are other  difficulties  with this  approach,  but others  have
already pointed them out.

That apart,  I recall  a thread on  debian-legal that  certain clauses
relating to patents in MPL and Nokia Public license are not DFSG free,
but  the debian  project has  no problem  at that  moment  because all
software from these projects are  dual-licensed under the GPl and MPL.
The conclusion,  if I  remember correctly was  that debian  legal will
have to  re-examine a  package which is  exclusively under the  MPL or
Nokia PL.

In case you wish that your  package is not excluded by the largest (ok
- go  ahead  and  flame  me)  GNU/Linux distro,  you  may  either  ask
debian-legal  *after*  finalising  your  license and  *after*  reading
through the

(Unlike this  list, debian-legal list  considers licenses only  when a
query  about  whether  a  s/w   under  a  particular  license  can  be
distributed  or packaged  by debian  is raised  by someody  within the
debian community.   Their answers are confined to  simple `yes/no this
license does (not)meet(s) the DFSG'.)

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: The regrettable use of all in Section 7 of the GPL

2004-02-19 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
John Cowan said on Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 08:23:01AM -0500,:

  Now I point out that there  are various persons who, as a condition
  of their parole or probation, are not permitted to touch computers.
  Distribution of  GNU software to them  is forbidden by  law, and if
  they do happen to have GNU  software on any computers they may own,
  they cannot  redistribute it.  Note that this  disability is legal,
  not merely  physical, short of  fleeing the jurisdiction,  itself a
  criminal offense.

That is a problem with the law, not with the GNU GPL. The GPL ccannot,
and does not seek to override the law.

You need to clarify what you  mean by `distribution of GNU s/w to them
is forbidden by law'. Can I  still give them non-free (or did you mean
non-gnu-but-free?) software?

The next part of your question, `... and if they do happen to have GNU
s/o on any computers they  may own, they cannot redistribute it.'  GPL
does not really apply in most jurisdictions* if a person does not want
to redistribute the software.

* I think that in some jurisdictions, the users cannot modify software
  for their own use. AFAIK. 

  Therefore, the distribution of all GPLed software is, at least in
  the U.S., forbidden by the terms of the GPL, and should come to a
  screeching halt.  I have spoken.

This is a logical fallcay. I fail to recall tht exact term. But the
rule is this:-

Statement 1:- X implies Y
Statement 2:- Y implies Z

Statement 1 and 2 does not mean that X implies Z. It would have been
different if the statements *both* were *is* instead of implies. It
does not help if the 2nd statement alone was `implies'.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: making public domain dedication safer

2004-02-18 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Alex Rousskov said on Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 02:26:11PM -0700,:


   The Authors place this Software is in Public Domain.
   Creative Commons public domain dedication follows
   If the above Public Domain dedication is deemed invalid
   under any theory of law, current or future, this Software
   can be dealt with under any OSI-approved license, including,
   without limitation, BSD and MIT licenses.
  The above is unpolished because I am not sure it makes sense from a
  legal point of view. After all, the above combination contains
  contradictory assumptions (public domain versus copyrighted/licensed
  code). Specifically,

If, by contradictory, you mean the document saying that it places work
in public  domain, and  then, it  goes on to  talk of  licenses, then,
no. It is not contradictory.

The choice  is given to  you, as  a recipient of  a work, and  you can
exercise the  that choice  if, and *only*  if the `dedication'  is not
valid for some reason.

I wracked my  meagre brains to find some reason  whya court would hold
the part  coming after  `If the above  Public Domain ...'  invalid for
some reason, and I cannot find any.

So, what is your problem?

- Can PD+license combination be legal?

You will  be contradicting yourselves.  On one hand, you  declare your
work to  be in public domain, and  then go on exercise  to your rights
under the  law of  copyright, namely  grant a license  `in rem'  as we
lawyers would call it.
- Can a reference to any OSI-approved license be legal?

Why should it not be?? `OSI  approved license' are, at any given point
of time,  finite in  number, definite as  to identify,  and accessible
usually from the web.
- Is the above approach likely to make PD dedications safer?


Rather,  it will tend  to nullify  your actions  in dedicating  to PD,
since the courts  are likely to say that  you contradicted yourselves,
and therefore your intent was  not clear enough, and most likely, both
the dedication and license might fail.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-17 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Russell Nelson said on Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 05:12:21PM -0500,:

  If nobody else reviews this license, then the license approval
  comply with the OSD (cough, cough).  But still, could somebody else
  take a gander at this?

This license was discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I had seen
quite a few regulars on this and debian-legal there; and in one mail,
Eben Moglen of FSF wrote:-

FSF notes  that section 5 is the  only element of ASL  2.0 that is
incompatible  with version 2  of the  GNU General  Public License.
FSF  continues to  believe that  the achievement  of compatibility
between ASL and GPL would  be of enormous benefit to the community
of  free software  developers,  allowing merger  of valuable  code
bases  currently separated by  license incompatibilities.   FSF is
pleased to note the convergence implied by the ASL 2.0 draft.  FSF
will make efforts, in the development, discussion, and adoption of
GPL  3  to  further  the  process  of  convergence,  by  carefully
considering the Apache Foundation's approach to the patent defense
problem.  For this reason, we consider the distinction between the
approaches contained in the  first and second sentences of section
5 to be particularly significant.

Sec. 5 referred to by Prof.  Moglen was Sec 5 of the original draft as
proposed by the Apache Foundation.  This seems to have been renumbered
as section 3 in the final license.

Finally, on January 24th, Roy Fielding of the Apache Foundation stated
on the same list:-

They(*) are compatible.   Whether  or  not   they  are  considered
compatible by the FSF is an  opinion only they can make, but given
that a derivative work consisting of both Apache Licensed code and
GPL  code can  be distributed  under the  GPL (according  to *our*
opinion), there really isn't anything to be discussed.

Guess that settles the matter.

I am not  on a `always on' network, so cannot  search out the archives
of  [EMAIL PROTECTED] for  exact  links to  the  above messages;  the
messages are archived by  me though.

(*) The ASL and GNU GPL.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: CUA Office Public License

2003-12-20 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Patranun Limudomporn said on Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 02:19:57PM +0700,:

  (d)  Notwithstanding Section  2.1(b)  above, no  patent license  is
  granted: 1)  for code  that You delete  from the Original  Code; 2)
  separate from the Original Code; or 3) for infringements caused by:
  i) the modification of the  Original Code or ii) the combination of
  the Original Code with other software or devices.

I recall reading on debian legal (2) is considered not free by debian.
see the debian-legal archives.   The consensus was that this provision
prevents code reuse in other applications.

The discussion on Debian-legal came  up in the context of Nokia Public
license.  Mozilla,  the application is  considered free because  it is
dual licensed under the MPL and GPL.

The debian-legal archive is at

If you  wish to have your package  carried in Debian, you  may wihs to
cross check on that list too.

  (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
  granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
  Contributor Version; 2) separate from the Contributor Version;

Again. See above.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Clarification of GPL

2003-12-16 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Ben Reser said on Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 10:27:35PM -0800,:

  He may be hired by a  commercial software firm who pays him a large
  sum of money  to turn the application closed source  and work on it

Ah, well. You are right. Bu the loss is not for ever.

But, other persons can always take the code which is already available
under the GPL, and work on it.

The   original  authors'  subsequent   modifications  are   no  longer
available though.

Ditto about the fears about GPL 3 going the GFDL way.

If  existing software  under the  present  GPL is  relicensed under  a
(unjustifiably feared non free) new GPL, users can continue to use the
code base available under the older (present version) -- remember, the
GPL vests the  option to use a  later version of the GPL  in the user;
not the copyright holder.

That is the safety of the GPL.
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Clarification of GPL

2003-12-13 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
ti EMAIL said on Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 03:38:59AM -0500,:

  Each source file is tagged with a header naming him as copyright
  followed by a GPL header.  For anybody to submit a patch to the
  original distribution, you agree that he gets copyright of it.

Requiring assignment  of copyright in  patches is an issue  of project
management. Linux,  the kernel does  not require such  assignment. The
FSF  requires assignment for  packages in  the GNU  project. It  is an
issue of individual perception.

  you transfer copyright to somebody after editing source under GPL, or
  are these two things unrelated?

Will you please clarify this??

  situations later on where the copyright is split out over a million
  people, each of which could stop further distribution of his program.

Depending on how you look it. See above.
   For a code module/library I?ve written and released under the GPL,
  is it possible to be incorporated into this previous program 

If you  do not  like assigning copyright  to the original  author, you
are free  to create  your own fork  by adding your  modifications, and
distribute the whole  thing yourselves. People did it  to GNU Emacs by
creating Xemacs.
  Can you  add requirements to a  license in a source  file such that
  your name  must always be included  as writing the  file if anybody
  decides  to use  your code?   (Questioning if  this can  be legally

This is what the GPL and several other free/libre licenses do. They go
a bit further;  and also require that the  modifications, if any, made
by the (re)distributor also should be mentioned.

Regarding legal binding  -- In all these years, only  the SCO has been
silly enough to question its bindingness.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Clarification of GPL

2003-12-13 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Alexander Terekhov said on Sat, Dec 13, 2003 at 07:06:40PM +0100,:

  Now replace kernel with SysV UNIX and GPL with 
  confidential (OCO or something like that). How nice. 

I consider this as a bug with the law - silliness of treating programs
as analogous to `literary, artistic and dramatic works' as I find from
the treaties,  and the  Indian law. AFAIK,  at least few  EU countries
treat  the too treat  software as  a part  of the  category `literary,
dramatic and artistic' work.

The  situation is  this -  I have  program X,  and you  wrote  Y which
depends on  X. `Derivative  work' in traditional  copyright law  was a
work which modified X. Here, though  Y is depending on X; and will not
work without X, (a plug  in; kernel loadable module) traditionally, it
ought to be treated as an independent work.

The nearest analogy from literature I  can think of at the moment is X
being a  grammar text book and  Y my essay, which  conforms to grammar
in that text book. Is my essay a derivative of the grammar book?

But,  in  computer programs,  the  analogy  will  not hold  good;  and
therefore,  the law  is  buggy.  Why waste  bandwidth  trying to  work
within the framework of buggy laws? We should try to change the law.

But that is work for another list ...
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Which License should I pick?

2003-12-04 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Scott Long said on Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 02:22:54PM -0800,:

  derived work, then I've just made a binary only distribution of Emacs, 
  therefore violating the GPL. This would mean that in order to exchange 
  such snapshots, people would have to make the source code to Emacs 
  available from the same location, correct?

  instructions from the original binary on disk. My format is different -- 
  it only contains the DIFFERENCES between what is in memory and what is on 
  disk. So I'm wondering if my snapshots are derived works or not.

So,  your program  creates something  similar  to the  diff comand  on
*nixes, as I  gather. It seems to me that  Your difference file cannot
be used for any purpose.

If so, your difference file is  neither a work, nor a derived work and
the question is a non-issue.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

OFF-TOPIC - The SCO suit

2003-11-13 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
A  bit off  topic;  but I  guess that  people  on this  list have  the
interest,  resources and  the capacity,  to implement  what I  have in
mind, if it can be done at all.

Please see the following extract from the Indian Copyright Act.

begin quote

60. Remedy  in the  case of  groundless threat  of  legal proceedings-
   Where any person claiming to be the owner of copyright in any work,
   by  circulars,  advertisements or  otherwise,  threatens any  other
   person with  any legal  proceedings or liability  in respect  of an
   alleged infringement of the copyright, any person aggrieved thereby
   may,  notwithstanding anything  contained  1[in section  34 of  the
   Specific  Relief Act, 1963  (47 of  1963)] institute  a declaratory
   suit that the alleged infringement to which the threats related was
   not  in fact  an infringement  of any  legal rights  of  the person
   making such threats and may in any such suit-

   (a) Obtain an injunction against the continuance of such threats; and

   (b) Recover such damages, if any,  as he has sustained by reason of
   such threats.

   Provided that  this section  shall not apply  if the  person making
   such  threats,  with due  diligence,  commences  and prosecutes  an
   action for infringement of the copyright claimed by him.

end quote

Does not the US law have similar provisions??

Could not any of the copyright  holders to the Linux Kernel sources (I
understand  that  there  are   several,  since  Linus  does  not  seek
assignment)  initiate  appropriate  proceedings against  SCO's  claims
against the several Fortune 500 companies??

Surely, there is  no claim that _every_ file in  the kernel sources is
infringing; so far  as I can understand the  pleadings. But, the claim
for  royalties ( or  whatever against  the fortune  500 cos)  does not
restrict the  claim to  use of the  infringing files. Hence,  the last
paragraph (the proviso) has no application.

There have been enough public statements from SCO's officers to invite
such  litigation. I  am  also aware  that  the owner  of copyright  in
majority of  the files making up  the kernel sources is  at present in
the US  thus making the job easier ...

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: OSD#5 needs a patch?

2003-10-11 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Well, things like this ned a bit of reflecting on; so hope I am not
too late with my comments.

Lawrence E. Rosen said on Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 05:50:55PM -0700,:

  Ignore the fact that this combines several of the existing OSD provisions
  into a different #6. 

I think this  proposal combines two distinct concepts.  OSD#5 is, as I
read it, concerned with quality  of persons using / redistributing the
software.  OSD#6 deals with uses to which the software may be put.

The topic of  rephrasing the OSD came up because  a recent license put
up for approval  did not want software licensed  under that license to
be  used  in  conjunction  with  any software  license  that  requires
disclosure of source code.

I understand '(not) using in conjunction' as not using the software on
a box  running the Linux  Kernel the bash  shell, the ext*  and reiser
filesystems,  initscripts,  system  activity  monitoring  and  logging
software or using the GNU C compiler to compile the sources,

Therefore, I felt that the  license complied with the OSD but defeated
the purpose of having the OSD. Because it defeated the purpose of OSD,
I suggested that license should not be approved. 

May be the  person who submitted the license did  not have such things
in  mind. But, may  be, he  did. Or  may be,  sometime in  the future,
somebody else might submit  another similarly worded license. Now that
we  have been  alerted  to the  possibility  of such  'anti-something'
license, it is time to act.

I suggest that #5 be left as such; we need to take care of #6. 

   The license  must not  restrict anyone from  making use  of the
   program in a  specific field of endeavor.  For  example, it may
   not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from
   being used for genetic research.

I suggest that we add

   A license may not prohibit the software from
   interacting with software licensed under
   different terms

to the end of OSD #6

I am   a   bit   fuzzy   about  the   alternative   for   the   term
interacting. Better suggestions may be considered.

  battleground on  which political or philosophical  or business wars
  are waged. 

Is not formation  of the OSI result of a  war against businesses which
are   anti-people?   Business  models   which  are   against  freedom?
Political, philosophical  and economic models which  seek to establish
and perpetuate a legal regime which tends to subjugate governments and
the common people to corporations.

   In  many jurisdictions  around  the world,  discrimination on  the
  basis  of  race,  age,   religion,  national  origin,  sex,  sexual
  orientation, health  status, and other  personal characteristics is
  always illegal.   This open source principle is  intended to extend
  that broad list, not to replace it. 

OSD #5 does that. 

 To be consistent with this  open source principle, all terms and
  conditions of  the license must demonstrably  encourage rather than
  discourage software freedom for all licensees.

OSD #6 does that. #5 and  #6 are entirely distinct.  Combining the two
will muddle up every thing.
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Facts please

2003-10-01 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Rick Moen said on Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 10:01:21PM -0700,:

   Therefore, the first recorded use of the BSD license that I
   see is Net/1 [June 1989], and the first use of the BSD license for the
   whole distribution (rather than just the TCP stack and libraries) is
   Net/2 [June 1991].  Prior to that, distribution was internal to
   existing Unix licensees, and kind of lived under the radar of official
   release and licensing.  
  Good work!  I somehow forgot that passage.  So, the BSD licence dates to
  sometime during Keith Bostic's work updating 4.3BSD-Tahoe (1986 on), and
  went public in June 1989.  Thanks.

Free as in Freedom by Sam Williams Chapter 9 discusses _both_.

The arguments eventually  took hold, although not in  the way Stallman
would have  liked.  In June,  1989, Berkeley separated  its networking
code from the rest of  the ATT-owned operating system and distributed
it under a University of California license.

The GPL was conceived in 1985,  but v. 1.0 was published only in 1989,
as has been pinted out. 

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: For Approval: Open Source Software Alliance License

2003-09-28 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Sean Chittenden said on Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 08:07:51PM -0700,:

  I think  if I were to  remove the following from  the clause, (ex:
  the  GNU  Public  License,   hereafter  known  as  the  GPL),  the
  discussion wouldn't have been nearly as involved.  *sigh*

On the  contrary, the words  in parentheses only clarify  the previous
words. Yes, you  have been very careful in drafting  the license to be
OSD compliant,  but your  craftiness makes me  think of  suggesting an
amendment to the OSD.

Few days  back, we had a  discussion on use of  non-free interfaces to
free  software -  and the  particular example  used was  use  of CORBA
interface to  a GPL'ed application. My understanding  of the consensus
on this list  is that it is permissible,  because writing an interface
to a GPL'ed program does not amount to creation of a derivative work. 

On the other hand, the proposed OSSA license does not permit this, and
is therefore, discriminatory.

The infringing portion is:-

'must not be linked to software that is released with a license'

If this clears the OSD, it  is OSD which should be changed. The entire
spirit behind the OSS movement is to prevent fragmentation of s/w, and
s/w which will not interact with each other. 

OSSAL explicitly enables this.
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: [CNI-(C)] Re: Open Source Licensing

2003-08-27 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Lawrence E. Rosen said on Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 11:31:32AM -0700,:
   I can see how you meant perpetual to be

Dunno if this is relevant to  the decision, but I beleive that in some
countries,  unless the  contract  specifically states  a time  period,
certain modes of transfer of copyright are deemed by law to be limited
to a certain period.

In India atleast, an _assignment_ is deemed to be for a period of five
years, unless the parties specifiy a period. I think that specifying
the duration of the license is a good idea.
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,   
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,   
  Kerala, India. 
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Antiwar License

2003-03-03 Thread Mahesh T. Pai
Sergey Goldgaber wrote:

However, INAL, and was wondering if any of the more experienced people
on this list think this is a feasable idea, or perhaps could even
suggest some possible wordings that such a license could use.
Sorry to disappoint you, but a free license should not restrict the 
uses to which the s/w is put to.

Restrictions not military uses will render the license non-free, an I 
guess that the OSI would not certify such restrictions.

Mahesh T. Pai
license-discuss archive is at

Re: The OSD and commercial use

2002-11-22 Thread Mahesh T Pai
David Johnson wrote:

The following is my opinion only, but it may help to explain the
why. Software is fundamentally a different class of product than
a material product like a chair. Both copyright and the nature of
software copying makes this so.

Which is why copyright law should not apply to s/w. There is an urgent 
need to have what the guys out there at WIPO call sui generis 
classification for software.

But the user still wants to be able to treat all products the same.
 It may be irrational, but that's the way it is. 

I got the point, but it is not the user, but the cos. and corporates 
who control the legislative and treaty making process.  Do not blame 
the poor user for the desparate attempts by the well heeled, long 
pursed and powerful lobbyists out there to retain control over the 
purse strings.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Approval Requested for AFL 1.2 and OSL 1.1

2002-11-17 Thread Mahesh T Pai
Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

 Almost every license on the OSI approved list specifies a US
 jurisdiction.  The OSL is specifically intended to be country
 neutral in that respect.  If it isn't, we should make it so.  What
 changes do you suggest?

Simple, leave out references to jurisdiction.  The law will operate
whether you specify jurisdiction or not.

Almost every country specifies that suits for damages should be
brought at the place of residence / business of the defendant.  You
can rarely contract out of that.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: W3C Patent Policy

2002-11-15 Thread Mahesh T Pai
Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

This is a major victory for open source.

Yes, thanks to you all.

The community now needs to be heard supporting this policy so that
it is not undone during the public input and W3C Advisory Council
phase. Address your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Will you please explain that?  I mean what is likely to happen to 
'undo' the achievements.

Also, please clarify in what way you expect further support from the 
community.  (may be, you can tell us a point or two we should tell the 

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: a proposed change to the OSD

2002-11-03 Thread Mahesh T Pai
, in due courses, the courts will 
take care of the OSS community's interests; *even* if the statute goes 
against us (on a/c of undemocratic processess, like lobbying).

My question, though: who is UCITA truly designed to serve? The

Another symptom of the rot, another face of the same danger faced by 
the public, which goes under the pseudonym, trusted computing means 
those millions of computers in those several offices, homes and 
schools around the globe, which can be trusted to force the users to 
buy the software (not necessarily computer programs) *and* hardware 
from the 'trustworthless' few. T

Cheers, Nathan.

Nothing to cheer about that.
Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Copyright

2002-11-01 Thread Mahesh T Pai
(For a few days, I had some hardware problem and could not access the 
net.  Hence, I could not reply earlier. The original came to me off 
the list, but since the list appears to be very much interested, I am 
posting the reply to the list also.)

Sujita Purushothaman wrote:

You are way off topic here.  This list is not for discussing
things like can I do 'x' if not, 'y' under license 'A' .  Such
questions are, ideally decided on advice from lawyers.

Well then, please accept my apologies.

This thread is more than 40 posts in 7 days.  That is more than usual 
load on the entire list.  So, the apology is not really required.

I thought the authors signed off the copyright to the the FSF?

Somebody clarified that already on the list, and RMS too has put in a 

I am trying to make sense of Mandrake or Red Flag taking Red Hat
Linux and coming up with their own commercial version. Obviously it
is legal; What I don't understand is what kind of credits should
the derived works carry. What is mandated by the GPL, what is not
necessary but is polite, and what is not necessary at all.

Under the GPL,
1. Thou shall, not change the license.
2. Thou shall, at all times, provide the source code (or tell 'em how 
to get it).
3. Thou shall, not restrict the kinds of uses to which the program is 
put to.
4. Thou may modify, if you modify, thou shall specify which file in a 
program you modify, ideally in the commented parts of it.  This 
applies to the sources.  If the binary is
 (a) interactive,
 (b) displays some message when run,
  when it is invoked,
 thou must display the copyright notice.  This copyright notice 
should not be changed.
5. If the compilation and/ or installation requires any special 
paramaters, or scripts, thou shall make them available.
6. You make make your modifications to yourself, as long as you do not 
distribute them.
7. When you distribute the modified binary, you should make available 
the modifications to the sources also.

	4, 5, 6 and 7 are specified, coz. whoever wrote GPL was primarily had 
the 'source code' in mind when he was referring to 'software'.  And 
yes, under the law, compilated binaries are derived works.

8. Copyright in the originals belong to the original author, copyright 
in the modifications (not the entire modified work) belong to the 
person who modified.

The difference is between saying :- this was created by X
(about a program written by Y and modified by X)
and This program uses code written by Y and was modified by X

Does the GPL require me to say  the seond line?

Yes, and it is mandatory - in the sources.  the display when run 
clause is attracted if the program displays when run.  In a typical 
GUI environment, the usual place to say that would be help  about

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: a proposed change to the OSD

2002-11-01 Thread Mahesh T Pai
David Johnson wrote:

A) A requirement for user consent, in my opinion, is immoral, 
unethical, and just plain rude.

Yes. I agree there.

I don't need to agree to a license in order to read a book. I don't
need to agree to a license in order to listen to music. I should
not have to agree to anything in order to use a copy of software
which I own.

But then, music will not cost you a dime if it 'malfunctions'; and
books do not corrupt your hard disks / data.

Copyright law is meant to be a compromise between the rights of the
author and the rights of the possessor. Requiring user consent 
places too much control in the hands of the author.

But then, in copyleft sense, consent is for the product liability 
clauses in the licenses, not the copyright grants.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Copyright

2002-10-31 Thread Mahesh T Pai
John Cowan wrote:

You insist that you can own something 100% and relinquish 100%
control at the same time.  There is not a single legal precedent
for this anywhere.

Tell it to the FSF Marines.

What GPL does is to relinquish control over *redistribution* of the 
material not the material itself.

There is no legal precedent on GPL coz. it is clear enough, and coz. 
it is clear enough, no need for the 'assistance' of a court arose.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Copyright

2002-10-24 Thread Mahesh T Pai

You are way off topic here.  This list is not for discussing things
like can I do 'x' if not, 'y' under license 'A' .  Such questions
are, ideally decided on advice from lawyers.

Confining myself to GPL, you cannot do what you proposed to do - under
any license - not even the GPL.

GPL'ed works *are* copyrighted by the authors; and the modifications
to a GPL'ed work are copyright of modifiers.  Not giving due credits
to the person who created the work is immoral - simpliciter; and if
you are in India (apparently), the author can invoke section 57 (1)(a)
of the Indian Copyright Act against you.

But, GPL does not *grant* you rights in trade marks, and people at Red
Hat do not like it (coz the GPL does not permit it) when you modify a
programe created or modified by them and released under the GPL and
then go on to claim that it was written by RH. The GPL does not permit
you to attribute *modifications* made by you to the original author.

That does not mean that you may appropriate the entire work for
yourselves.  That is inviting trouble.

The difference is between saying :-
this was created by X (about a program written by Y and modified by X)
This program uses code written by Y and was modified by X

Mahesh T Pai.

Sujita Purushothaman wrote:

 Hello, Are discussions on the GPL allowed? :-) I'd like to ask,
 when A writes a program and distributes it under the

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Open Source Licence for my cms?

2002-10-18 Thread Mahesh T Pai
John Cowan wrote:

I suggest the GPL.  Although you cannot rewrite the GPL wholesale, you can
add exceptions to it, thus:

	As a special exception to the above license, you may do whatever

And then, you should not call it the GPL.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Fwd: Re: RPL version 1.1

2002-10-18 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Randall Burns wrote:

 We do not get copyright ownership of contributors code. They retain
 the copyright to their work at all times, however they have to
 agree as with other open source licenses, to allow their software
 to be licensed under the terms of the RPL. ' This clause is
 included to ensure that the Licensor can pursue a dual-licensing
 strategy, nothing more. If there is terminology that would support
 that goal better then we're open to it.

May I clarify that I do not mean that this provision is contrary to 
the OSD?

Issue is that contributors will think twice before making their 

The impression I get from a general reading of the license is that you
(TPI) gets rights to redistribute contirbutors' modifications under
the RPI. This particular provision enables you to dual license any
code you are entitled to distriute under the RPL.

The problem is that when somebody contirbute intending to have his /
her contribs to be OSS, there is always the danger (well you do not
intend _now_, but the thing is there in black and white on a screen / 
paper, isnt it?) of the contribs going other non OSS way.

You can make it clear that you will not put contribs from others under 
non-rpl license?

 As I read it, no additional license execution is required by this
 clause, whose requirement is simply one of providing community
 notification, preferable through the focal point of the original
 Licensor, but alternatively through a public news group or other
 forum a Google search would turn up. The Licensor and Contributors
 must be able to feel confident however that all Extensions covered
 under this license are published for the good of the community and
 that people are not able to keep their extensions private simply by
 failing to announce them.

You have clubbed your answer two distinct issues. and missed the point 
I am trying to make.

Issue 1:-  in 5.1 of your license:-

 As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted
 hereunder, You hereby assume sole responsibility to secure any
 other intellectual property rights needed, if any.  it is
 Your responsibility to acquire that license before distributing
 the Licensed Software.

Saying this s/w _depends_ on third parties' s/w which is under 
different license terms,  To use this s/w you also need to acquire the 
license to the s/w on which this s/w depends.

is different from:-

we do not know whether this s/w _contains_ s/w covered by other 
licenses.  If does, (1) we are not accepting responsibility for it. 
(2) it is for you to find out, if such third party s/w is actually 
present in this, and acquire appropriate licenses or face the music 
from such third parties.

From the preamble, I understand you mean the first, but in the 
license, you say the second.

Issue 2:-

Your requirement in 6. et al., that the user
shall not use or modify the s/wunless he discloses the modifications made.

I need to repeat:-
 These conditions amount to a restriction on further re-

and add, _use_ also.  I missed it in my earlier post.

 I don't see any restrictions on re-distribution here. The clause
 covering the potential for third-party licenses to be required is
 in several OSI approved licenses while the notification clause
 applies only to the first deployment of Extensions (unless the
 means for aquiring updates over time should change). Neither
 appears to create a restriction on re-distribution.

 The GPL has a clause almost identical in intent to this one,
 which is to provide a clearly defined mechanism for determining
 how to mix a viral license with other potentially viral licenses

GPL (effectively) says, if you want to use portions of GPL'd s/w 
under a different license, ie., export.

You are speaking of 'import' of other licenses into RPL.

 Yes. Since the license is Copyright Technical Pursuit Inc.
 nothing other than this clause would allow a party to create a
 legal derivative license. While the OSI wants to encourage use of
 existing licenses, that's a decision the OSI makes on a
 license-by-license basis. Our goal however is to support other
 vendors who wish to create licenses for their own software, open
 or otherwise. Such vendors are free to use the RPL as a template
 thanks to this clause.

Well, legal agreements are not the same thing software.  And if you 
propose to permit use as template, it is better that you permit people 
to know it as the RPL.  That they will know what it is they are 
reading on the screen.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: RPL version 1.1

2002-10-16 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Randall Burns wrote:

  5.0 .. Nothing in this License shall be interpreted to prohibit
   Licensor from licensing under different terms from this License
  any code that Licensor otherwise would have a right to license.

Well, under other provisionsof this license, you get the copyright to
contributions to the source code.  Then you will distribute other's
contributions under your own different license.


  As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted
  hereunder, You hereby assume sole responsibility to secure any
  other intellectual property rights needed, if any.  it is Your
  responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the
  Licensed Software.

If licenses from others is required, and if they insist on royalties,
how can you call the s/w 'open'?

See OSD # 7:-
7. Distribution of License

The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom
the program is redistributed without the need for execution of
an additional license by those parties.

  (6,4) b. Source Code Availability. You must notify Licensor within
  one (1) month of the date You initially Deploy of the availability
  of Source Code to Your Extensions ,

Once again, OSD # 7.

These conditions amount to a restriction on further re-distribution.

  6.6 Conflicts With Other Licenses.  this License. Such
  permission will be granted at the sole discretion of the Licensor.

Would not such permission contaminate s/w under this license?

  7.1 If You create or use a modified version of this License,..

Does this provision serve any purpose other than adding to the license 

  The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for
  the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.

I am not aware of the US / Colorado law.  But, if the US is a party to 
the convention, my understanding of the law of international 
obligations is that the courts in the US are bound to enforce the 

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: discuss: Update for Submitted License

2002-09-20 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Stefan Wachter wrote:

 p2.   You may use the Package or a Modified Package in any non-commercial
 project without limitations.

Violates OSD #1  #6.

 p3.   You may use the Package or a Modified Package in any non-commercial
 product (propably another open source development) only if this license is
 distributed with the non-commercial product.

Typo there - you probably meant probably
This one too violates OSD #1  #6.

 p4.   You may use the Package,  only with the written permission
 of the Copyright Holder.

Once, again, against OSD #1 and #7.

 p6.   You may otherwise modify your copy of the Package in any way,

If I modify *my* copy, why should I notify anybody?  Issue of telling the world
I modified it arises only if I redistribute.  Is it not?

 pa) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
 Freely Available,

Place the modifications in public domain?

 other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly
 commercial) software distribution provided that you do not advertise this
 Package as a product of your own./p

I feel that author's objectives should be redefined before the license is

Mahesh T. Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: discuss: Modified Artistic License (eNetwizard Content ApplicationServer)

2002-09-04 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Robert Samuel White wrote:

 I agree that this should be changed; distributors of modified versions should
  be able to disclaim their liability as well.

(some semantic hair splitting first)
Rather, it is the disclaimer which should disclaim distributors'/modifiers'
liability.  Disclaimers which are part of unmodifiable licenses should not
require something to be done by the distributor/modify-er.

 The disclaimer is only necessary because there are people out there that will
  sue you for anything they can and I really don't have time for frivolous

Disclaimers do not protect you from a lawsuit.  *Nothing* prevents anybody from
filing a suit against you.  The disclaimer protects you in the event of a suit.

 What would you propose?  Simply removing the to the standard package part
 of the sentence?

No, remove the first 'Robert Samuel White' from the disclaimer. That way every
person who is potentially liable, including Robert Samuel White are are
protected.  Of course, I am open to other suggestions also ... but they might be
more verbose.

Re. PHP license, I do not know if that one is OSS certified.

Mahesh T Pai

license-discuss archive is at

Re: discuss: Modified Artistic License (eNetwizard Content ApplicationServer)

2002-09-04 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Robert Samuel White wrote:

 I've been giving much thought to this, because eNetwizard is entirely
 code-based, there is no installation module, so I cannot very well put it in
 what has been called on this list as a click-wrap!

Umm, I do not think that tis list has considered such kinds of programs in the
click-wrap discussion.  Pl let me know (off the list) when the package is ready
for release.  Let me me what exactly the thing is - INASE (i am not a software
engineer;) )

Re. disclaimers, I stick to my - no liability without any one of the following:-
1. payment to the person sought to be held liable.
2. you told that person that you intend to rely on his program

Both of course, require what we, in law, call privity - in simple English, you
can put as a direct relationship between the person sought to be held liable,
and the plaintiff. Liability can be fastened on you only when privity, along
with any one of the above requirements are established.

 How about an excerpt from the Common Public License...

My opinion - Cut out the words in [square brackets]
My additions are in (round brackets)


 PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for
(reading the source codes for this program and determine whether this program
does what he expects it to do and for)
 determining the appropriateness of using and distributing
 the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights
 under this Agreement, including but not limited to the risks and costs of
 program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data,
 programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: discuss: Modified Artistic License (eNetwizard Content ApplicationServer)

2002-09-03 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Robert Samuel White wrote:

 - Redistributions of source code must retain the original copyright notices
 and ...

 - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 and/or other materials provided with the distribution.



Slight problem here - the disclaimer is capable of being interpreted as if you
do not permit the distributor of the modified version to disclaim his liability.

Or is that what you actually wanted?

Mahesh T Pai

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Query on a P2P EULA

2002-08-29 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Seth Johnson wrote:

 The guts of it is: Can an open source EULA exclude certain parties and uses?

There is no such thing as a EULA in OSS.  If it is opensource, there is no
distinction between End User and a developer.

The term End User in a EULA comes from the law of copyrights.  The makers of
closed source software ( aka 'proprietary' ) provide source code to a select
few, like, let us say, developer of a operating system revealing the source code
to the guys creating applications for the operating system.  Thus, proprietary
code is sometimes released under a dual licensing.  TO distinguish between the
different licencees who receive the software different licensing terms, the
industry (rather, its proprietary section) uses the term EULA.  Typically, under
the EULA, you are prohibited from redistribution, and reverse engineering.
There is of course, the disclaimer clause.

In the other kind of licensing agreement, which we may call the non-EU LA,
probably the source or its parts are provided, under conditions of non-disclosure.

It should be therefore clear that the opensource community, which insists on
revealing the source code, and zealously protects the right to modify the
sources, has no need to include the EU-LA in its dictionary.  There is only one
kind of license.

 * Encrypt the source and binary tarballs * Provide a utility which can
 decrypt the tarballs, given the correct decryption key * Provide another
 utility which provides the decryption key, upon the user accepting a
 'click-wrap' EULA

That does not qualify as open source.

 My question is - would this scheme have any prospects of standing up in
 court? Could this prove effective in protecting me from personal liability
 from some people's usage of the software?

Get a lawyer.  This is no place for free legal advise.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Can you under the GPL distribute executables without full sources?

2002-08-27 Thread Mahesh T Pai

James Michael DuPont wrote:

 Assuming that someone is porting GNU/Gnome libs to windows :

Please be clear - Which license applies to these libs? GPL? LGPL?

 Currently I am trying to re-compile some of the gnome/gnu libs ported to

Most probably, that means that the libs are covered by either the GPL or the LGPL.,,

 Almost non of them compile from the source codes published, there are missing
 files, missing directories and such. Some people just based their work on
 these DLLS, and then a whole chain of missing sources gets started up.

This can happen for two reasons -
(1) because the the source does not correspond to the binaries.
(2) Sources were written for one environment and now you are trying to
(re)compile them in a different in environment.

If the reason is (1) exercise your right under the GPL, contact the guys who
created the port and insist on getting the sources to the modifications.  If
they (the modifiers) do not give you the sources, contact the guys who wrote the
original program.

 Can a user just say what version of the sources he used, but not distribute
 the patches, shell scripts and environmental variables needed to compile?
 What if the sources are not available as stated.

If you modify a s/w released under the GPL, and *distribute* the modified
version, you have to comply with the 3 conditions laid down in Clause 2 and *any
one* of 3 conditions in Clause 3 of the GPL.

It appears that you have come accross a case of serious violation of the GPL.

 As far as I can tell from the GPL, all sources that do not belong to the
 standard system install have to be provided, not just the name of the lib

Yes.  You are correct there.

Having said all this, Im afraid that the subject is off-topic for this list.

Mahesh T Pai.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Book of licenses

2002-08-20 Thread Mahesh T Pai

In view of difficulties in sending the huge files by e-mail, I am
putting them at the following url:-

Please ensure that:-

1. You visit the site after 21 August, 2002, 00.00 hrs, Indian Standard
time. (that is, GMT + 5hrs 30 mins)  (It is 21.50 hrs, 20 August, 2002,
as I am writing this).

2. You use the above link exactly.  I am still building the intermediate

Please contact me if there is any difficulty.


Mahesh T Pai wrote:

Scott Fenton wrote:


[NOTE: this is slightly OT, but I think this is in the spirit
of the list. My apologies if anyone is offended.]

Hello everyone. I've been working on a project on and off for some
time now, and I think it's ready for public consumption. For some
time now, I've noticed a lack of a reference set of open source
licenses. In order to remedy this, I've begun putting together 
a LaTeX book of open source licenses and free software licenses.
You can get it from .
Let me know what you think!

-Scott Fenton


For those do not have tex, I heve converted this file.  It is available
in following formats:-
  format size
1. 365 Kb
2. openlicenses.pdf.tar.gz861.5 Kb
3. openlicenses.dvi.tar.gz195.311 Kb
(created in cygwin environment, opens in my winzip 8.0)

4. 981.2 Kb
5. open-licenses.pdf947.3 Kb
6. open-licenses.dvi567.2 Kb

These can be had as attachments by email   Write to me, indicating your
preferred format, and ensure that you mail box is large enough ;).

Mahesh T Pai

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at


Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Book of licenses

2002-08-17 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Scott Fenton wrote:

[NOTE: this is slightly OT, but I think this is in the spirit
 of the list. My apologies if anyone is offended.]

Hello everyone. I've been working on a project on and off for some
time now, and I think it's ready for public consumption. For some
time now, I've noticed a lack of a reference set of open source
licenses. In order to remedy this, I've begun putting together 
a LaTeX book of open source licenses and free software licenses.
You can get it from .
Let me know what you think!

-Scott Fenton


For those do not have tex, I heve converted this file.  It is available
in following formats:-
  format size
1. 365 Kb
2. openlicenses.pdf.tar.gz861.5 Kb
3. openlicenses.dvi.tar.gz195.311 Kb
(created in cygwin environment, opens in my winzip 8.0)

4. 981.2 Kb
5. open-licenses.pdf947.3 Kb
6. open-licenses.dvi567.2 Kb

These can be had as attachments by email   Write to me, indicating your
preferred format, and ensure that you mail box is large enough ;).

Mahesh T Pai

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: click once, accept all licenses.

2002-08-12 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Carol A. Kunze wrote:

I don't think this can work.   A third party - in this case the distributor
- cannot cause a contract to be entered into between two parties, one of
whom is not present.

Yes.  This I have pointed out earlier.  And how can a person who is not
present be saddled with liability?

A developer can put a license in a program that will show up on the screen
and require clicking on I agree before installation.   The developer has
created the license, has developed and controlled the execution by the user,
and if the software is subsumed within a larger program as long the as
license still pops up when you start to install this module, I think a
contract can be created.

Let us get it clear.  What do we want?  Is it  (1) a contract?  Or (2)
do we want to make it clear to the user that he has (a) the right to
redistribute and modify the program *and* (b) the developer is not
liable for the defects in the program?

If it is 2 that we want, there is not need for a contract.

There is only contractual warranty liability if there is a contract.  So this seems 
to be striving to create the very contract that would give rise to the risk in the 
first place.
Mind, I don't know the law in India.

I regard the whole issue of click wrap licenses as a question of product
liability, not of contract formation.  The difficulty with software
licenses is that they would have to be valid all over the world, accross
national boundaries.  I understand that in most countries, there are
specific statutes, whch prohibit the manufacturer from disclaiming
certain liabilities with the consumer.   In India, we have the Consumer
Protection Act, and the liability is only towards consumers who have
paid for the product/service.  

Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

Some licenses are sublicenseable, meaning that the
distributor has been given the right to offer licenses directly from the
distributor to the licensee.  Other licenses are non-sublicenseable,
meaning that a license passes directly from the original author/licensor
to the licensee, even though the distributor handles the distribution
and exchange of the software.

On one hand, the recipient is permitted to redistribute, and on the
other hand, you say that the license is not sub-licenseable.  I feel
that the no-sublicensing clause in a license which permits
redistribution, (including yours) means that the distributor is directly
liable to the user.  In a court of law, your intentions are not relevant
- only the words used by you are.   Otherwise, are not the terms
permitting redistribution and the insistence on not changing the license

By excluding sub-licensing, and permitting re-distribution, the
developer ensures that there is no privity between himself and the end
user.  And yes, if the developer permits sub-license, the distributor
becomes an agent of the developer, and hence the developer becomes
liable to the user, even in absense of direct contact between them.

I feel that instead on highlighting issues like contract formation,
acceptance of disclaimer notices,  etc, like proprietary vendors, we
should highlight (a) availability of source code and (b) the user's
freedom to modify the source code. I think that it is absence of these
two freedoms which created the concept of product liability in the first

This is what I have in mind:-

This puts the developer in a stronger position when faced with product
liability suits.

Mahesh T Pai.

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Open Source Click-Wrap Notice

2002-08-11 Thread Mahesh T Pai

 Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

'Forrest J. Cavalier III' wrote:
I would want to agree individually, not in bulk.

Courts also insist that it should be that way.

... That is why I suggested in the notice that you 
there be a simple procedure to review all the licenses.

Please review and agree to the terms of the Netscape SmartDownload
software license
agreement before downloading and using the software.
(quoted from the
quotation in Specht v. Netscape.)

The court said that this language is simply an invitation to read the
license, and merely because a user saw this text, it cannot be inferred
that the license will bind the user.

(aside - On strict legal grounds, I feel that the decision in Specht
requires reconsideration)

The name of each software program on this distribution and its
applicable license is listed on the file LICENSE.TXT included with this
distribution [, which you can read by clicking on REVIEW THE LICENSES

The court will say that this language is simply an invitation to read
the licenses, and merely because a user saw this text and clicked on 'I
agree, it cannot be inferred that the license will bind the user.

Mahesh T Pai.


Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
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click once, accept all licenses.

2002-08-11 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Hi! all.

As I was reviewing the various messages about the click wrap issue, this
suddenly dawned upon me.  May be the suggestions below may solve the
impasse / differences of opinion on the click wrap issue.

Any distro will contain several hundreds of packages, from several
sources, from several copyright holders. A guesstimate tells me that
about 85% of packages will be under the GNU GPL, about 10% under LGPL
and rest under their own licenses, mostly template based.  In most
cases, the 'other' licenses would be open source approved.   Even if not
open source certified, the license would be a shade of copy left.

Since all copy left licenses, whether open source certified or not
entitle the recipient of a package to redistribute (of course, subject
to conditions), the legal contract is between the distributor and the
end user.  That being so, is it not enough if (that is, if click wrap is
actually indispensable) there be as many click wraps as there are number
of different licenses in a distro?  

Thus, for example, let us say, the installer will display the GPL in a
click wrap form for all packages covered by the GPL and list the GPL
packages being installed and then, proceed to list the packages covered
by LGPL with the LGPL in click wrap form, then list the packages covered
by the 'foo' template and display the license, and so on.  Use of
licenses templates too will simplify the issue to some extent.

I believe that most of software forming core of any linux distro is
under one of the Open Source approved licenses, so there is no reason to
assume that the user will not agree to any one of the licenses. As a
matter of caution, we can add a splash screen, with or without a
continue button, (this needs to be debated) listing the * licenses *
with a notice that the user will have to accept all the licenses in
order to complete the installation.  Once the splash screen is
displayed, the installation should go on to display the actual license
and list the packages which would be installed under each license.

A variation of this theme would be to divide the packages under each
licenses as 'core' and 'non-core'.  The user should be given the option
of not installing the non-core software, with say,  check boxes.

This way, the user would still have to accept about five of six
click-wrap licenses.  This would be a better option than the omnibus
click wrap notice we have been debating for some time now.

Mahesh T Pai.

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Alternative to click wrap license

2002-08-10 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Sunnanvind Fenderson wrote:

If users disagree with the copyright license they must refrain from
distributing the program - lest they are in violation of copyright

This is being disputed in some courts, accepted in some. It's unclear
what law it uses. Contract law?  Can I say By reading this sentence,
you agree to obey me? To what extent are clickwraps valid?

Clickwraps were introduced because those companies wanted to place
restrictions on the use of the program, with an EULA.

With free, open source software, we want to *reduce* restrictions.

We also want to reduce the threat of users suing us.  Therefore, click
wrap is about product liability.  When we tell the courts that we are
not liable because we have a contract to which the plaintiff has
assented to, according to which we are not liable, the courts will also
ask for proof that the user accepted those terms.   He cannot accept
those terms unless he was told of them. Can he?  This is where click
wrap comes in.  CW has nothing to do with copyright/left.

And therefore, neither the replacement dialog suggested by you, nor
the click wrap notice suggested by Mr Rosen earlier on this list would
be of any help to disclaim product liability.

Regarding protection of the programmers' copyrights,  unless the user
accepts the license, he (the user) cannot distribute the software, anyway.

Mahesh T Pai

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Open Source Click-Wrap Notice

2002-08-10 Thread Mahesh T Pai

 Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

Mahesh T. Pai wrote:
Here, we are presented with a case where one click is
intended to indicate assent to license A, B, C, D, E, 
(ad infinitum; minimum 800 as in a linux distro). No, the
click wrap notice will not hold in a court of law.

Want to bet?  Whose money are you betting with?


I will quote from the suggested Open Source Click Wrap Notice:-

a) (Y)our acceptance of the software programs included on this distribution
under the terms and conditions of the licenses applicable to each of them.
b) You understand and agree
that the installation, use, copying, modification, and distribution of this
software may be prohibited by law unless you agree to the applicable licenses.
c) You acknowledge that some or all of this software...
d) The name of each software program on this distribution and its applicable
license is listed on the file LICENSE.TXT included with this distribution[,
which you can read by clicking on REVIEW THE LICENSES below].

The issue is not whether a click wrap license will be binding or not, (it is)
but whether the Open Source Click Wrap Notice will bind the user to the several
*other* licenses applicable to each package. (it will not).

Mahesh T Pai.

Want to sell your car? advertise on Yahoo Autos Classifieds. It's Free!!
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Legal soundness comes to open source distribution

2002-08-04 Thread Mahesh T Pai

  Russell Nelson wrote:

... it looks like a license without
click-wrap is weaker at protecting your rights.

By definition, Open Source *licenses* permit anybody to re-distribute 
without any explicit permission from the author.  As has already been 
pointed out, if the user does not accept the (open source) license, he 
would be governed by the statute, and cannot re-distribute or modify my 
work.  Other licenses attempt to restrict the user from exercising even 
the small rights available to him under the statutory law.  So what do 
we really mean by my rights under an open source license?

Under the Open Source definition, with respect to law of copyright, I 
permit everyone to re-distribute my work and retain only a small bundle 
of rights remains with me, called the moral rights.  (example - US 
Code Title 17 Sec 106A).  Every thing else excepted by open source 
licenses do not fall within the realm of copy right and come within the 
scope of product liability law or law relating to sale of goods.

Issues relating to freedoms under the law of copy right apart, what is 
effectively protected by the software license are not my rights, but 
my liabilities under the laws relating to product liability and sale 
of goods.

The time is coming when you won't be able to distribute software
unless you have presented the license to the user and their assent is
necessary to access the software.  Even free software.  

What the law and the courts really say, when they insist on 
manufacturers producers and dealers ( and other similar entitles) 
informing the consumer and obtaining their assent about the warrant and 
its clauses, is that  the user / consumer should be aware of the 
disclaimer, (that is, if the law permits such disclaimers at all).

The primary (but often unspoken) reason for imposition of product 
liability is there is no way the user could find out why a particular 
product functioned the way it does.  Even if he could, various laws 
relating to intellectual property prevented the user from making 
modifications to the product.  Obviously, this is not the case with Open 
Source Software.  The source code is out there, and it is for the user 
to access it, and find out whether the software will do what he wants it 
to do.  Or else, I will do it for him, of course, for a fee.

No court will impose a liability on creators of software who have no 
inkling about the use to which the software is being put to, unless 
either (a) consideration passes between the user and the creator or (b) 
the doctrine of injurious reliance is attracted (I suffered a loss 
because I trusted your promised donation and incurred an expense). 
 Even in cases where exceptions to the principles of consideration or 
privity apply, liability would not be fastened unless the person sought 
to be held liable knew about the risks to which the user is exposing to 

In other words, if the consumer intends to hold me liable for use of my 
software, (a) he should pay me for using it - the principle of 
consideration (c) he should obtain the software from me - the principle 
of privity.  If he wants to hold me responsible on the basis of 
injurious reliance, there should be some representation by me to him 
regarding capabilities of the software.  

Of course, when law prohibits exclusionary clauses in contracts, nothing 
- neither click wrap, nor a signature in ink on a paper - can exclude my 

The question here is whether we should amend the Open Source
Definition so that it is clear whether click-wrap licenses are
allowable or not.  We could go either way, but we want to hear from
you first.  Your opinions solicited, and engaged!

What should be debated is not whether Open Sourced software should be 
covered by click-wrap or not, but whether open source software should 
be covered by product liability or not.  I feel that the answer is no. 
 Except in countries where statutory provisions exist prohibiting 
contracts with exclusionary clauses, chances of an author being fastened 
with product liability for his open sourced work are very remote.  

What is really necessary is a campaign to take Open Source Software 
outside the scope of (compulsory) statutory product liability.

Mahesh T Pai.

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Re: Open Software License

2002-08-04 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

I welcome your feedback.

Licensor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, 
perpetual, non-sublicenseable license to do the following:

Does not re-distribution amount to sublicense?

Mahesh T. Pai.

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Re: Legal soundness comes to open source distribution

2002-08-04 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Bruce Perens wrote: .

This is the kind of case (the facts disclosed by the case - not the 
decision in the legal sense) which arises coz. you claim to provide the 
user with one thing, and take away something else without telling him. 
 No amount of disclaimers will save you from liability in such a situation.

When you tell the user that he is getting a word processor, while in 
fact the program sends you copies of files created by the program, you 
are going to be faced with such situations.  There is no use trying to 
shield yourselves with some warranty disclaimer, and that the user 
accepted the disclaimer is no excuse.

This is quite different from a situation when you are providing 
something, let us say, which is capable of handling only ascii files, 
and call it a word processor while the user is looking for a Unicode 
aware program, a click through license *and* access to source code 
*might* help; especially if he (the user) does not tell you what he is 
looking for.

Mahesh T Pai.

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Re: Legal soundness comes to open source distribution

2002-08-02 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Several packages of GPL'ed software for Win 32 come click wrapped.  eg:- 
Bloodshed C++ from and audacity. (any body want more 
examples?)  If you do not click the accept button, the installation aborts.

Mahesh T Pai.

Russell Nelson wrote:

The time is coming when you won't be able to distribute software
unless you have presented the license to the user and their assent is
necessary to access the software.  Even free software.  Our industry
is maturing and we need to be more legally careful and rigorous.

The question here is whether we should amend the Open Source
Definition so that it is clear whether click-wrap licenses are
allowable or not.  We could go either way, but we want to hear from
you first.  Your opinions solicited, and engaged!


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Re: Legal soundness comes to open source distribution

2002-08-02 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Pretty large amount of s/w is distributed in CDs, especially the open 
source variety.  ( redistribution under the same license terms is one of 
the rights under the OSD ).  In such case, the user would have acquired 
the media, (eg:- the CD coming with a magazine) and may or may not be 
aware of the contents. The contents of the same CD can often be 
distributed under different licenses.  Here, the issue of becoming aware 
of the license terms can arise when the user wants to install the 
software.  In such a situation, only use wrap will work. 

Therefore, I do not think that we have any option, except to recognize 
and accept use-wrap.  

Mahesh T Pai.

David Johnson wrote:

first is where the license is presented during installation or first usage. 
The second is where the license is presented before one can acquire the 
software. I'll refer to the first as use-wrap and the second as 
download-wrap to avoid confusion.

I have few problems with download-wrap if the only way to aquire the 
software is to click I agree. The user has no rights with regards to 
software which they do not possess.

The problem is with use-wrap. By the time the user sees the license terms, 
they have already aquired the right to install and use the software, 
particularly so if they have aquired the software through a commercial 
transaction. If the license merely grants additional rights to the user, then 
use-wrap is no great problem. But if it lessens any rights already possessed 
by the user, then use-wrap is a serious wrong.

I would have no problems with an Open Source license that mandates the use of 
download-wrap. But the mandate of use-wrap should never be part of an 
Open Source license. Just because the heathens do it doesn't mean we should 
as well.

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Re: copyleft lite?

2002-07-13 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Bruce Dodson wrote:

 All rights not specifically granted in this agreement are reserved
  to the copyright holder(s).

That one line is superfluous.  That is what the statute book says. 
 Since it there in the statute book, this is how it will be, whether you 
say it or not.

  Your rights to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
  will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the
  terms and conditions set forth in this license agreement.

Your rights under this license will terminate .   will save a few 
words, and serve the purpose.


How about adding a clause to the effect that source code is available, 
and it is for the user you to verify whether the software meets his 
requirements?  Definitely, in terms of product liability, the copyright 
holders of packages released under open source licences have a definite 
edge in this respect.  I feel that this is one clause which ought to be 
included in the GPL also.

Such a clause would be in conformance with, and indeed more relevant in 
light of open source business strategy of charging support and services 
rather that the initial down payments.


Mahesh T. Pai.

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Re: Academic Free License

2002-06-26 Thread Mahesh T Pai

John Cowan wrote:

Rod Dixon scripsit:


Why copyright the license text?  

IANL (I Am Not Larry), but it seems to me that the main reason for
copyrighting the GNU GPL, for example, 

Nice.  Now, next time my client re-uses a contract drafted by me without 
my permission, I can sue him for copyright violation.


Mahesh T Pai

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Uniform terminology (Re: UnitedLinux and open source)

2002-06-09 Thread Mahesh T Pai

David Johnson wrote:

p.s. RMS once remarked on this list that the definition of free software, 
like the definition of open source, need to be interpreted by people who are 
committed to the goals with which those definitions were written. This is a 
very wrong attitude to take, and is rather elitist. People are going to use 
whatever term and interpretation they like best, regardless of the wishes of 
RMS, the FSF or the OSI board.

It is time for the software community to arrive at a consensus on 
terminology used in licenses.  We should cease to behave like characters 
in Alice in Wonderland (each word shall mean exactly what I choose it 
to mean/nothing less, nothing more)

There can be serious problems, especially in courts otherwise. What 
follows are a few reasons, as to why the software community should agree 
on standard terminology used in licensing terms.

A few hundred years back, when international trade was still in its 
infancy, the merchants and traders used to have separate tailor-made 
contracts for each transaction; each with its own (and different terms). 
 This may be compared to the the present day practice where a creator of 
a software package having a separate  licensefor each different package, 
and frequently, different licences for different versions of the same 
package.  (well, almost).

Later on, the merchant community realised that tailor made contracts 
have much in common, and a classification is possible.  They agreed on 
some standard terminology, and the benefits are there for all to see. 
For example, modern trade refers to a CIF (Cost, Insurance, and 
Frieght), or FoB (Free on Board), etc. types of contracts.  The names 
may be short, but, the legal systems all over the world attribute to the 
parties several terms, which, if reduced to writing, may often cover 
several pages.  Standardisation in more complicated  scenarios is 
achieved through organisations like UNCITRAL.

I guess that software licences are right now in the midst of a similar 
process of standardisation.   Already, there is some kind of 
standardisation in software licences.  This certification process, and 
the terms and phraseology used by software developers/vendors like this 
package is released under the  ... and terminology like freeBSD 
type license, Mozilla type public license, GPL, LGPL, etc are 
examples of such standardisation.

Few years from today, there time will come when the courts will fix 
liabilities on basis of names of the software license. This means, if it 
is shown that you knew that you are using software covered by the GPL, 
then, irrespective of whether you discussed or even actually knew of the 
actual detailed terms, the court will fix responsibility on the basis of 
implied terms doctrine.  The way terms are implied now, based on names 
of contracts. (like FoB, CIF, etc).  This is possible only if there is a 
industry-wide agreement on terminology.  Therefore, it is time for us to 
set aside such elitist mentalities, (if it exists at all) and settle 
on some standard terminology.

With Regards,
Mahesh T Pai.

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Re: Discuss: The Open-Source Milestone Application Framework Software License

2002-04-27 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Akil Franklin wrote:

On behalf of Milestone Technology Group, LLC I am I am submitting the
Open-Source Milestone Application Framework Software License, Version


7. Milestone must be notified of the redistribution and use of this
product. Such notification can be made by visiting and filling
out the appropriate online form. If you have any questions about this process,
please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If all restribution should require you be notified, even if such 
redistribution is of the unmodified product, I believe that it will be 
against the open source philosophy.

8. Milestone Technology Group, LLC is granted the right to use the name
and logos of products derived from this software in communications related to the 
Milestone Application Framework.

Logos and names usually are protected by laws relating to trade marks, 
and if Cl. 8 is supposed to mean that by creating a derived work from 
this product, you impliedly licence us your names and logos (in other 
words, your trademarks), your will have put that in very explicit words.  

With regards,
Mahesh T Pai.

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Re: Off topic question re Export controls

2002-03-08 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Bernard Nyman wrote:

 I am acting for a UK-based book publisher that is proposing to publish 
 a book for programmers concerning a particular Adobe design software 
 product and they want to include a tryout version of the software on a 
 CD to be distributed with the book.   Adobe have agreed this, and 
 asked the publisher to sign a licence, which includes the following 

 Export Controls.   Licensee acknowledges that the laws and 
 regulations of the United States restrict the export and re-export of 
 commodities and technical data of United States origin, including the 
 Tryout Versions.   Licensee agrees that it will not export or 
 re-export the Tryout Products, or any portion of the Tryout Versions 
 in any form, without the appropriate United States and foreign licences. 

Well,  what exactly is your client's problem then?  The export takes 
place when Adobe has exported the product to your client, who is based 
in UK.  Compliance with US laws, therefore, is Adobe's problem, not yours.

 My questions are: 

 1.  What are the export controls to which the above clause refers, and 
 where can I find details of them? 

As I understand them and as pointed out in some other post, certain 
types of software, (mostly encryption and security related) cannot be 
exported into certain countries.  The countries have been listed in the 
said post (by Mattias Hallendorf, but I cannot certify that the list is 
accurate or complete).  Therefore, you should not have any problems, 
since yours is a design related package.  

 2.  Would such controls be understood to prevent the distribution of 
 the book, bundled with the tryout software on CD, in the USA and Europe? 

In USA, you should not have any problems, since no 'export' is involved, 
but, if you export to any country to which export is banned by the US 
law, and your software is within the banned categories, as per US law, 
whether you sell  your book in the US or not, you will be liable.  

 Any assistance would be welcome and much appreciated. 

 Best regards

 Bernie Nyman
 B M Nyman  Co




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Re: Copyrights and Secrets

2002-03-03 Thread Mahesh T Pai

Ken Brown wrote:

   1)  does a copyright of a software
cover its underlying source code?

   2) if the source code is published, is
it protected from being copied
   if it is copyrighted?
of course

   3)  if one views codes without
permission and uses it, has that person
   violated a copyright?
You do not violate copyright by reading an
unpublished book  But, if
You break open into the author's table to
access the unpublished book,
the matter is diffierent  Hence, the
question really should be, how did
you get the code?  Code of closed source
software is not bundled with
the binaries, and decompiling is
prohibited by the the EULA  Hence,
if you get acces to source code, you have
obviously broken some law 

   4) does copyright law correctly deal
with software or should it be
   updated to properly deal with these
issues and other open source
Laws relating to copyright were intended
to deal only with print media
   In my opinion, they do not meet the
requirements of computer software
   As qn 3 implies, computer software
involves more than one set of
information, (as compared to print and
audio media, which deal with only
one set of info)  The program binaries
and the source code are
independently copyrightable   Again,
there are several softwares which
digitally deliver what used to be
contained in pring media  (eg:-
encyclopediae or and medical software -
especialy in homeopathy)  In
such packages, one will find (1) the
content of package, which can be
rendered in print and/or audia media also,
(2) the user interface which
is a program in the software sense, and
(3) the source code used to
compile/create the user interface  Each
of this is capable of being
copyrighted independently of each other

In the traditional sense however,
copyright is a right in just one
concept - the information contained in
some published work  I hope you
get the Idea

Therefore, it is essential that legal
systems evolve some mechanism
which would protect intellectual property
of program (not merely
software) developers, which recognise the
fact that computer programs
are not mere books  Where programs
contain info, (Like encyclopediae),
such info should should be covered by
traditional copyright law  But,
Software itself (ie, the executables
should be governed by a
different set of rules, if they (the rules
that is) are to solve
problems like one raised above

This would require some further
elaboration  Average useful life time
of any software (the binaries, that is) is
a few years, while most
information conveyed by the digital
packages like encyclopediae are
of more enduring character  Hence, the
information part should be
covered by traditional law, especially in
the term of duration of
protection allowed which is usually life
term of the author + N numbers
of years, where N can be 40 to 60 years,
depending on the country
   (It used to be forty years in most
countries, but in the US, under the
Mickey Mouse Act the period is now sixty
years)  This is too
long a time for the digital world  That
is why a new copyright regime
which treats binaries differently from
information in the traditional
sense is necessary

I believe that some stalwarts in the
Open/Free software movement have
aried their views on the subject more

With Regards,
Mahesh T Pai

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Re: The Simple Permissive License, v0.1

2002-02-09 Thread Mahesh T Pai

 - begin text of The Simple Permissive License v0.1 -

 Copyright (c) [YEAR] [AUTHOR NAME]

 Permission is hereby granted to any person to use this software in any
way, including to modify it and redistribute it, subject to the following

 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of this software.


 - end text of The Simple Permissive License v0.1 -

why not this way:-

Copyright (c) [YEAR] [AUTHOR NAME]
Everybody is permitted to use, modify and redistribute this software in in
any manner, subject to following

(a) This notice should be included in all such copies and substantial
portions of this software

-- nothing much, just simplified it further --

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