Re: [Mailman-Users] hide lists from listinfo page only (leaveonadmin page)

2005-10-10 Thread Xiaoyan Ma
> By default, Python will only access modules in the Python libraries and
> the directory that contains the current module. Modules in the bin/
> directory for example get around this by importing 'paths' which is
> the bin/ file which sets some additional directories in the
> search paths.
> The easiest way to make this work for testing purposes is just to store
> your test file in the $prefix directory, i.e. the directory that
> contains the Mailman/, bin/, etc. directories.
> A key thing in Python code is indentation because that's how Python
> determines block structure. It is critical that things be indented
> consistently and that either tabs or spaces but not a mixture be used
> for indentation. The above snippet, properly indented looks like
> for name in listnames:
>  if name in notshowns:
> continue
>  mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
> if mlist.advertised:
> It is critical that "if name in notshowns:" is indented exactly the
> same amount as "mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)" and that
> other indentation be preserved exactly as in the original.

Thank you so much for your help. I got it to work!

I found out that I made two errors by testing the script from $PREFIX directory 
as you suggested. 
One was indentation. The other was the failure to clean up all the newlines 
when I extracted 
listnames that I wanted to hide from a file (one listname per line).

Here is what I have now:
myfile = '/var/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/notshown'
 noshowns = string.split(open(myfile).read())

 for name in listnames:
 if name in noshowns:
 mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
 if mlist.advertised:
 if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW and \
mlist.web_page_url.find(hostname) == -1:
 # List is for different identity of this host - skip it.

Since I need to store a few hundreds listnames in the file, I wonder if it 
might be better
to use regular expressions.  Five to six regular expressions should be 
sufficient to match all the
list names I want to hide.

Another option (if it is doable) is to use Mailman's supported advertise 
feature to hide these
  lists from both listinfo and admin page. I will subsequently bring up a third 
page, either a
"sub-admin" page showing only those hidden course lists, or a "supper admin" 
page displaying
all lists.  The goal is that future upgrades won't entail re-customizing the 
previously customized 
package files.  But I am afraid this may turn out to be so complicated as to 
involve security 
wrapper and other matters.

I would be very grateful to have your feed back.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] debian exim4 and mailman pipe_transport unset

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
kick wrote:
>im using debian sarge 2.6 kernel and exim4
>my mailman is able to take subscriptions from the website and confirm 
>then no problem,
>i get new member notifications and unsubscribes etc
>the problem is no posts are getting through
>when i run  exim4 -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>i get this
>R: system_aliases for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> |/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman
>*** Error in setting up pipe, file, or autoreply:
>pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router
may help.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Fw: can't get replies back from list mailing...

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Dr. Scott S. Jones wrote:
>When I posted my question to the list, I opened mutt, typed in my questions
>and hit y to send it offI didn't send from any GUI mail client..just
>mutt, composing my message with vim. 

Then I don't know why your post had no content other than a "-- " line,
but it did have a "X-Content-Filtered-By: Mailman/MimeDel 2.1.6"
indicating that there was a non text/plain part removed.

Both the original message and the message to which I'm replying
indicate "User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i" and the latter message is a single
text/plain part, so I can't explain what happened with the original.

>Here's what I had posted: 
>I have Mailman version 2.1.5 on my debian 3.1 system.
>I can mail OUT to list members, but if they attempt to reply back to the
>list, or to the administrator, they (I included myself here) get an error
>message telling that the address is untraceable or unroutable, i.e., that th
>name of the list, for example [EMAIL PROTECTED] is unroutable.
>If I manually run 'adduser test59' to create a 'user' on my system with that
>name, then that error is eliminated, but I still do not get any incoming
>list email upon replies to list mailing.

There is some issue with the configuration of the incoming MTA. If you
are saying you can post to the list by mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
then presumably you have something (aliases) in the MTA that can pipe
this address to Mailman, but it seems that perhaps whatever it is only
works for mail originating from the localhost and not from outside.

If you create the test59 user, then presumably the mail is delivered to
that users mailbox, but that doesn't get it to Mailman.

>Does any reference exist that tells the pathway of a message from send to
>receive and then from Reply on recipient's end back to the mailman machine
>serving this all up?

Comments at the front of Mailman/Queue/ give a rough
idea of the flow of messages through Mailman. In addition to what's
there, are the facts that a message to be sent out from Mailman is
delivered via SMTP to the outgoing MTA and then by the MTA to the
recipients. A reply back to the list is received by the incoming MTA
and piped to the mail wrapper with the appropriate action and listname
arguments. It is this last bit that apparently isn't working in your
case, at least for mail originating outside localhost.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] debian exim4 and mailman pipe_transport unset

2005-10-10 Thread kick
ive got a setup problem,

im using debian sarge 2.6 kernel and exim4
my mailman is able to take subscriptions from the website and confirm 
then no problem,
i get new member notifications and unsubscribes etc
the problem is no posts are getting through

when i run  exim4 -bt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i get this

R: system_aliases for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> |/var/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman
*** Error in setting up pipe, file, or autoreply:
pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router

ive read the archives as deeply as i can and googled for ages ..but i 
think my brain is getting tired and if ive missed an obviouse answer im 
my exim.conf seems to be /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf
(is there a command that will tell me exactly what the config file is???)
ive setup mailman in /etc/aliases
although i understand this may not be necessary
(will it harm it?)
ive also followed this

thanks in advance :)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] embedded hostname in lists confirmation message

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
>It seems that changing the "Host name this list prefers for email"
>to just the domain name will fix this. But will this  conflict with
>anything else? If not, is there an easy name to script it for all
>lists using withlists (ie what is the raw withlist command)?

I must be missing something in your description of your configuration,
but I don't understand why you are only concerned about the email
domain in the subscription confirmation message. Don't you have the
same problem with, for example, the list posting address on the
listinfo page, the addresses in the RFC 2369 headers, etc.?

In any case, there may be an issue in Mailman 2.1.5 and below if you
just change a list's host_name and that host name is not an email host
in an add_virtualhost() line in, because the
Mailman.Archiver.Archiver.GetBaseArchiveURL() method inverts the
VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary and looks up the list's host_name to get the
corresponding url host. This is not an issue in 2.1.6 because it is
done differently there, and in any case, it only affects public
archives and only if there is more than one url host (i.e. if there
actually are virtual hosts.

Is there some reason why you don't want to change DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST in If you were to do this, you could then run (via
withlist) to change all the host_name attributes.

If you really want to just change the host_name for all lists via
withlist and make no other changes, you can make a file, say in the bin/ directory containing (Warning!! untested use
at your own risk)

def changehost(mlist, hostname):
if not mlist.Locked():
mlist.host_name = hostname

and then run

bin/withlist -a -r changehost new_host_name

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Debian & Postfix Mailman Config Issue

2005-10-10 Thread Michel R Vaillancourt
Mark Sapiro wrote:
 > This is telling you that postfix doesn't know how to deliver this mail.
 > This is a Postfix configuration issue. Did you edit the three postfix
 > configuration files as described in the INSTALLATION section of the
 > comments at the beginning of If so, and you
 > still have this problem, you might have better luck persuing this on a
 > Postfix list.
Hi, Mark.  That's the kicker... I've been over my configuration files 
five times before I sent this.  The problem is, as I understand it, it 
*can't* work...  any kind of anti-UCE secured system will reject the 
traffic as it can't prove the target address exists in the virtual 
domain.  Which was why I was hoping someone on this list had actually 
made it work and could explain how they got around the issue.

Thanks for your reply, either way.  I'll repost my question to the 
postfix list and see if any of them over there have gotten it to work. 
If not, I'll have to use the "standard" way of implementing Postfix 
virtual domains under Mailman.

-- Michel Vaillancourt
Wolfstar Systems

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Re: [Mailman-Users] members not receiving their own posts

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Shillong Dotcom wrote:

> { } Do not send a copy of a member's own post.
> This option is NOT selected in our list. However, members donot receive
>their own posts back in thrir email/inbox!!1 why??
> Am I missing something?

This setting on the General Options page only controls the default for
new members. For existing members, you have to look at the 'not metoo'
setting in the Membership List.

Also, if the member cc's herself in her own post and has 'nodupes' set,
she will not receive the post from the list.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Change email address

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Stefan Henrico wrote:
>Is there an email command to change one's email address for a specific list?

No. This has to be done via the web interface. If it must be done by
email, the only way is subscribe and unsubscribe.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Probe message bounce bounced (with qmail)

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
David Cuenca wrote:
>The failure notice message I receive is:
>Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
>I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!
>In the file I have:
># VERP format and regexp for probe messages
>VERP_PROBE_FORMAT = '%(bounces)s+%(token)s'

This controls the format of the address in the probe and makes it look
like what you see above.

>VERP_PROBE_REGEXP = r'^(?P[^+]+?)\+(?P[EMAIL PROTECTED])@.*$'

This controls how Mailman parses the address in a probe bounce, but the
probe bounce doesn't get to Mailman, so it doesn't come into play.

>And I have the files:
>.qmail-default with:
>   |preline /usr/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/
>.qmail-mylist-bounces-default with:
>   |preline /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman bounces myslist
>I have mailman-2.1.5 and qmail-1.03 running.

I don't know qmail configuration, but what I'm guessing is happening is
some VERP configuration is missing from qmail so that qmail doesnt
recognize that mail to
(or for that matter
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) should be
delivered as if it were addressed to

>So, I see that the bounces are counted properly until the probe message 
>is generated. I suppose that the user that causes the bounce message 
>will not be disabled, because mailman don't receives the probe message 

I think you are correct.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] embedded hostname in lists confirmation message

2005-10-10 Thread dave
To protect our listserver, we disallow smtp to it from outside of our
domains and push all mailman addresses (list-request, list-admin...)
to our border.  People then can address our lists as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our borders have all the addresses for all the lists and, being within
our domain, are able to forward the mail to the listserver.
The prefered hostname is a cname that points to the actual host.

This causes problem for those trying to subscribe themselves as
the confirmation message tells them to reply to this address which
has the restricted host address embedded within.  Clicking on the
webpage however does work. So one hacky way to fix this would be
to rework the confirmation message to only include information about
the weblink.

It seems that changing the "Host name this list prefers for email"
to just the domain name will fix this. But will this  conflict with
anything else? If not, is there an easy name to script it for all
lists using withlists (ie what is the raw withlist command)?


  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  David SternUniversity of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
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Re: [Mailman-Users] hide lists from listinfo page only (leaveonadmin page)

2005-10-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Xiaoyan Ma wrote:

>On Fri, 7 Oct 2005 10:12:48 -0700
>  Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>for name in listnames:(but not in notshowns)
>Thank you. I just started learning python, so I wanted to find out if I am on 
>the right track 
>first.  I have spent 2 hours on these few lines of code, but have not got it 
>to work yet.  I tried 
>to run the file alone to debug and got the following message 
>(either running the 
>original file that came with the package or what I have modified):
>  python /var/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/var/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 25, in ?
> from Mailman import mm_cfg
>ImportError: No module named Mailman
>What did I miss?

By default, Python will only access modules in the Python libraries and
the directory that contains the current module. Modules in the bin/
directory for example get around this by importing 'paths' which is
the bin/ file which sets some additional directories in the
search paths.

The easiest way to make this work for testing purposes is just to store
your test file in the $prefix directory, i.e. the directory that
contains the Mailman/, bin/, etc. directories.

>> Presumably this is pseudocode. It's not Python. Python might be
>> for name in listnames:
>>  if name in notshowns:
>>  continue
>>>  mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
>>> if mlist.advertised:


A key thing in Python code is indentation because that's how Python
determines block structure. It is critical that things be indented
consistently and that either tabs or spaces but not a mixture be used
for indentation. The above snippet, properly indented looks like

 for name in listnames:
  if name in notshowns:
  mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
 if mlist.advertised:

It is critical that "if name in notshowns:" is indented exactly the
same amount as "mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)" and that
other indentation be preserved exactly as in the original.

>Tha goal is to avoid clutter and subscription attempts.  I think modify the 
> file as you 
>suggested might be a better option.  Maybe require authentication to access 
>the admin page.

Presumably you will have the lists' subscribe_policy set to 'Require
approval'. I am only guessing, but I think that not showing the lists
on the listinfo page would reduce the spurious subscription attempts
to a level where manually rejecting them would not be too burdensome.
I would guess there would certainly be no more subscription requests
than non-member posts.

What I'm saying here is that authenticating access to the admin
overview page could be tricky (what password(s) would be used?) and
may not be worth the trouble.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Debian Mailman Setup Question

2005-10-10 Thread John Dennis
On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 04:18 -0400, Michel Vaillancourt wrote:
>   Hello to the list.  I am setting up my second mailman box;  this one is 
> a
> Debian 'Etch' installation.  It is a Postfix MTA, with two domains that I
> wish to host lists for on the one box.  I am attempting to use the
> '/var/lib/mailman/bin/' file as a Postfix transport
> engine, per the instructions.  However, for some reason, I can't get Postfix
> to accept mail for my testing list; it returns:
> 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: User
> unknown in local recipient table
>   I am presuming that there is a step that I have missed in the set-up, 
> but I
> can't for the life of me figure out what it is.  Can someone who has gotten
> this working give me a shout and let me know what the "gotcha" is?  Many
> thanks in advance.

This has nothing to do with mailman, it is a postfix configuration
issue. Postfix can be configured to reject mail if the receipient is not
local. You have this configuration setting in effect. I suspect your
problem is that you don't include $alias_maps in the
local_recipient_maps parameter in postfix's This is very
clearly documented in the comments in and the
LOCAL_RECIPIENTS_README file that is part of the postfix distribution
and available on You need the alias_maps because that
is where you've defined mailman's email addresses.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] members not receiving their own posts

2005-10-10 Thread Hannah Schroeter

On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 05:59:25PM +0530, Shillong Dotcom wrote:
> { } Do not send a copy of a member's own post.
> This option is NOT selected in our list. However, members donot receive
>their own posts back in thrir email/inbox!!1 why??
> Am I missing something?
> Bg

I think the setting itself should be right.

Do they receive other mail from the list?

Kind regards,

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[Mailman-Users] members not receiving their own posts

2005-10-10 Thread Shillong Dotcom
 { } Do not send a copy of a member's own post.
 This option is NOT selected in our list. However, members donot receive
their own posts back in thrir email/inbox!!1 why??
 Am I missing something?
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[Mailman-Users] Change email address

2005-10-10 Thread Stefan Henrico
Hi guys
Is there an email command to change one's email address for a specific list?
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[Mailman-Users] Probe message bounce bounced (with qmail)

2005-10-10 Thread David Cuenca
I'm getting a failure notice message when a mailing list probe message 
generates a bounce. It seems that I haven't configured qmail properly. 
Here there are details of my configuration and the error messages:

The failure notice message I receive is:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I tried to deliver a bounce message to this address, but the bounce bounced!


In the file I have:

# VERP format and regexp for probe messages

VERP_PROBE_FORMAT = '%(bounces)s+%(token)s'


And I have the files:

.qmail-default with:

|preline /usr/bin/python /usr/local/mailman/bin/

.qmail-mylist-bounces-default with:

|preline /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman bounces myslist

I have mailman-2.1.5 and qmail-1.03 running.

So, I see that the bounces are counted properly until the probe message 
is generated. I suppose that the user that causes the bounce message 
will not be disabled, because mailman don't receives the probe message 

Can anyone help me, please??
Thanks a lot!

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