[meteorite-list] Dawn Mission Extended at Ceres

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Mission Extended at Ceres
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 19, 2017

NASA has authorized a second extension of the Dawn mission at Ceres, the 
largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. During this 
extension, the spacecraft will descend to lower altitudes than ever before 
at the dwarf planet, which it has been orbiting since March 2015. The 
spacecraft will continue at Ceres for the remainder of its science 
and will remain in a stable orbit indefinitely after its hydrazine fuel 
runs out.

The Dawn flight team is studying ways to maneuver Dawn into a new elliptical 
orbit, which may take the spacecraft to less than 120 miles (200 kilometers) 
from the surface of Ceres at closest approach. Previously, Dawn's lowest 
altitude was 240 miles (385 kilometers).

A priority of the second Ceres mission extension is collecting data with 
Dawn's gamma ray and neutron spectrometer, which measures the number and 
energy of gamma rays and neutrons. This information is important for 
the composition of Ceres' uppermost layer and how much ice it contains.

The spacecraft also will take visible-light images of Ceres' surface geology 
with its camera, as well as measurements of Ceres' mineralogy with its 
visible and infrared mapping spectrometer.

The extended mission at Ceres additionally allows Dawn to be in orbit 
while the dwarf planet goes through perihelion, its closest approach to 
the Sun, which will occur in April 2018. At closer proximity to the Sun, 
more ice on Ceres' surface may turn to water vapor, which may in turn 
contribute to the weak transient atmosphere detected by the European Space 
Agency's Herschel Space Observatory before Dawn's arrival. Building on 
Dawn's findings, the team has hypothesized that water vapor may be produced 
in part from energetic particles from the Sun interacting with ice in 
Ceres' shallow surface.Scientists will combine data from ground-based 
observatories with Dawn's observations to further study these phenomena 
as Ceres approaches perihelion.

The Dawn team is currently refining its plans for this next and final 
chapter of the mission. Because of its commitment to protect Ceres from 
Earthly contamination, Dawn will not land or crash into Ceres. Instead, 
it will carry out as much science as it can in its final planned orbit, 
where it will stay even after it can no longer communicate with Earth. 
Mission planners estimate the spacecraft can continue operating until 
the second half of 2018.

Dawn is the only mission ever to orbit two extraterrestrial targets. It 
orbited giant asteroid Vesta for 14 months from 2011 to 2012, then continued 
on to Ceres, where it has been in orbit since March 2015.

The Dawn mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, 
managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 
UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., 
in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space 
Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international 
partners on the mission team. For a complete list of mission participants, 


More information about Dawn is available at the following sites:



News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
(818) 354-6425


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[meteorite-list] This is a Test: Asteroid Tracking Network Observes Close Approach (Asteorid 2012 TC4)

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


This is a Test: Asteroid Tracking Network Observes Close Approach
Jet Propulsion Laboraotry
October 10, 2017

On Oct. 12 EDT (Oct. 11 PDT), a small asteroid designated 2012 TC4 will 
safely pass by Earth at a distance of approximately 26,000 miles (42,000 
kilometers). This is a little over one tenth the distance to the Moon 
and just above the orbital altitude of communications satellites. This 
encounter with TC4 is being used by asteroid trackers around the world 
to test their ability to operate as a coordinated international asteroid 
warning network.

2012 TC4 is estimated to be 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 meters) in size. 
Orbit prediction experts say the asteroid poses no risk of impact with 
Earth. Nonetheless, its close approach to Earth is an opportunity to test 
the ability of a growing global observing network to communicate and coordinate 
its optical and radar observations in a real scenario.

Oct. 11, 2017 movie of asteroid 2012 TC4 using the 1.0-meter Kiso Schmidt 
telescope in Nagano, Japan. Credit: Kiso Observatory, the University of 

This asteroid was discovered by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid 
Response System (Pan-STARRS) in Hawaii in 2012. Pan-STARRS conducts a 
near-Earth object (NEO) survey funded by NASA's NEO Observations Program, 
a key element of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office. However, 
2012 TC4 traveled out of the range of asteroid-tracking telescopes shortly 
after it was discovered.

Based on the observations they were able to make in 2012, asteroid trackers 
predicted that it should come back into view in the fall of 2017. Observers 
with the European Space Agency and the European Southern Observatory were 
the first to recapture 2012 TC4, in late July 2017, using one of their 
large 8-meter aperture telescopes.Since then, observers around the world 
have been tracking the object as it approaches Earth and reporting their 
observations to the Minor Planet Center.

This "test" of what has become a global asteroid-impact early-warning 
system is a volunteer project, conceived and organized by NASA-funded 
asteroid observers and supported by the NASA Planetary Defense Coordination 
Office (PDCO).

As explained by Michael Kelley, program scientist and NASA PDCO lead for 
the TC4 observation campaign, "Asteroid trackers are using this flyby 
to test the worldwide asteroid detection and tracking network, assessing 
our capability to work together in response to finding a potential real 
asteroid-impact threat."

No asteroid currently known is predicted to impact Earth for the next 
100 years.

Asteroid TC4's closest approach to Earth will be over Antarctica at 1:42 
AM EDT on Oct. 12 (10:42 p.m. PDT on Oct. 11). Tens of professionally 
run telescopes across the globe will be making ground-based observations 
in wavelengths from visible to near-infrared to radar. Amateur astronomers 
may contribute more observations, but the asteroid will be very difficult 
for backyard astronomers to see, as current estimates are that it will 
reach a visual magnitude of only about 17 at its brightest, and it will 
be moving very fast across the sky.

Many of the observers who are participating in this exercise are funded 
by NASA's NEO Observations Program, but observers supported by other countries' 
space agencies and space institutions around the world are now involved 
in the campaign.

Vishnu Reddy, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona's Lunar 
and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson, is leading the 2012 TC4 campaign. 
Reddy is principal investigator for a NASA-funded near-Earth asteroid 
characterization project. "This campaign is a team effort that involves 
more than a dozen observatories, universities and labs around the globe 
so we can collectively learn the strengths and limitations of our near-Earth 
object observation capabilities," he said. "This effort will exercise 
the entire system, to include the initial and follow-up observations, 
precise orbit determination, and international communications."

In September, asteroid observers were able to conduct a "pre-test" of 
coordinated tracking of the close approach of a much larger asteroid known 
as 3122 Florence. Florence, one of the largest known NEOs, at 2.8 miles 
(4.5 kilometers) in size, passed by Earth on Sept. 1 at 18 times the distance 
to the Moon. Coordinated observations of this asteroid revealed, among 
other things, that Florence has two moons.

News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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[meteorite-list] Mars Study Yields Clues to Possible Cradle of Life

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mars Study Yields Clues to Possible Cradle of Life
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 6, 2017

Fast Facts:

* A long-gone sea on southern Mars once held nearly 10 times as much water 
as all of North America's Great Lakes combined, a recent report estimates.

* The report interprets data from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as 
evidence that hot springs pumped mineral-laden water directly into this 
ancient Martian sea.

* Undersea hydrothermal conditions on Mars may have existed about 3.7 
billion years ago; undersea hydrothermal conditions on Earth at about 
that same time are a strong candidate for where and when life on Earth 

* The report adds an important type of wet ancient Martian environment 
to the diversity indicated by previous findings of evidence for rivers, 
lakes, deltas, seas, groundwater and hot springs.

The discovery of evidence for ancient sea-floor hydrothermal deposits 
on Mars identifies an area on the planet that may offer clues about the 
origin of life on Earth.

A recent international report examines observations by NASA's Mars 
Orbiter (MRO) of massive deposits in a basin on southern Mars. The authors 
interpret the data as evidence that these deposits were formed by heated 
water from a volcanically active part of the planet's crust entering the 
bottom of a large sea long ago.

"Even if we never find evidence that there's been life on Mars, this site 
can tell us about the type of environment where life may have begun on 
Earth," said Paul Niles of NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston. "Volcanic 
activity combined with standing water provided conditions that were likely 
similar to conditions that existed on Earth at about the same time -- 
when early life was evolving here."

Mars today has neither standing water nor volcanic activity. Researchers 
estimate an age of about 3.7 billion years for the Martian deposits attributed 
to seafloor hydrothermal activity. Undersea hydrothermal conditions on 
Earth at about that same time are a strong candidate for where and when 
life on Earth began. Earth still has such conditions, where many forms 
of life thrive on chemical energy extracted from rocks, without sunlight. 
But due to Earth's active crust, our planet holds little direct geological 
evidence preserved from the time when life began. The possibility of undersea 
hydrothermal activity inside icy moons such as Europa at Jupiter and Enceladus 
at Saturn feeds interest in them as destinations in the quest to find 
extraterrestrial life.

Observations by MRO's Compact Reconnaissance Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) 
provided the data for identifying minerals in massive deposits within 
Mars' Eridania basin, which lies in a region with some of the Red Planet's 
most ancient exposed crust.

"This site gives us a compelling story for a deep, long-lived sea and 
a deep-sea hydrothermal environment," Niles said. "It is evocative of 
the deep-sea hydrothermal environments on Earth, similar to environments 
where life might be found on other worlds -- life that doesn't need a 
nice atmosphere or temperate surface, but just rocks, heat and water."

Niles co-authored the recent report in the journal Nature Communications 
with lead author Joseph Michalski, who began the analysis while at the 
Natural History Museum, London, andco-authors at the Planetary Science 
Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and the Natural History Museum.

The researchers estimate the ancient Eridania sea held about 50,000 cubic 
miles (210,000 cubic kilometers) of water. That is as much as all other 
lakes and seas on ancient Mars combined and about nine times more than 
the combined volume of all of North America's Great Lakes. The mix of 
minerals identified from the spectrometer data, including serpentine, 
talc and carbonate, and the shape and texture of the thick bedrock layers, 
led to identifying possible seafloor hydrothermal deposits. The area has 
lava flows that post-date the disappearance of the sea. The researchers 
cite these as evidence that this is an area of Mars' crust with a volcanic 
susceptibility that also could have produced effects earlier, when the 
sea was present.

The new work adds to the diversity of types of wet environments for which 
evidence exists on Mars, including rivers, lakes, deltas, seas, hot springs, 
groundwater, and volcanic eruptions beneath ice.

"Ancient, deep-water hydrothermal deposits in Eridania basin represent 
a new category of astrobiological target on Mars," the report states. 
It also says, "Eridania seafloor deposits are not only of interest for 
Mars exploration, they represent a window into early Earth." That is because 
the earliest evidence of life on Earth comes from seafloor deposits of 
similar origin and age, but the geological record of those early-Earth 
environments is poorly preserved.

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, 
built and op

[meteorite-list] Examining Mars' Moon Phobos in a Different Light

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Examining Mars' Moon Phobos in a Different Light
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 4, 2017

NASA's longest-lived mission to Mars has gained its first look at the 
Martian moon Phobos, pursuing a deeper understanding by examining it in 
infrared wavelengths.

The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey 
orbiter observed Phobos on Sept. 29, 2017. Researchers have combined 
and infrared data to produce an image color-coded for surface temperatures 
of this moon, which has been considered for a potential future human-mission 

"Part of the observed face of Phobos was in pre-dawn darkness, part in 
morning daylight," said THEMIS Deputy Principal Investigator Victoria 
Hamilton of the Southwest Research Institute, headquartered in San Antonio.

Looking across the image from left to right presents a sequence of times 
of day on the Martian moon, from before dawn, to sunrise, to increasing 
amounts of time after dawn. This provides information about how quickly 
the ground warms, which is related to the texture of the surface. As barefoot 
beach walks can confirm, sand warms or cools quicker than rocks or pavement.

"Including a predawn area in the observation is useful because all the 
heating from the previous day's sunshine has reached its minimum there," 
Hamilton said. "As you go from predawn area to morning area you get to 
watch the heating behavior. If it heats up very quickly, it's likely not 
very rocky but dusty instead."

Phobos has an oblong shape with an average diameter of about 14 miles 
(22 kilometers). Cameras on other Mars orbiters have previously taken 
higher-resolution images of Phobos, but none with the infrared information 
available from THEMIS. Observations in multiple bands of thermal-infrared 
wavelengths can yield information about the mineral composition of the 
surface, as well as the surface texture.

One major question about Phobos and Mars' even smaller moon, Deimos, is 
whether they are captured asteroids or bits of Mars knocked into the sky 
by impacts. Compositional information from THEMIS might help pin down 
their origin.

Since Odyssey began orbiting the Red Planet in 2001, THEMIS has provided 
compositional and thermal-properties information from all over Mars, but 
never before imaged either Martian moon. The Sept. 29 observation was 
completed to validate that the spacecraft could safely do so, as the start 
of a possible series of observations of Phobos and Deimos in coming months.

In normal operating mode, Odyssey keeps the THEMIS camera pointed straight 
down as the spacecraft orbits Mars. In 2014, the spacecraft team at Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems, Denver; and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
California; and the THEMIS team at Arizona State University, Tempe, developed 
procedures to rotate the spacecraft for upward-looking imaging of a comet 
passing near Mars. The teams have adapted those procedures for imaging 
the Martian moons.

"We now have the capability of rotating the spacecraft for THEMIS 
said Odyssey Project Scientist Jeffrey Plaut of JPL. "There is heightened 
interest in Phobos because of the possibility that future astronauts could 
perhaps use it as an outpost."

With the first observation now in hand, plans are advancing for additional 
opportunities at different illumination phases of Phobos and Deimos.

"We want to get observations under all types of lighting -- fully daylit, 
a small crescent, during eclipse," Hamilton said. "We hope this is the 
first of several observations that will help us understand Phobos and 

News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Karin Valentine / Robert Burnham
Arizona State University, Tempe
480-965-9345 / 480-458-8207
karin.valent...@asu.edu / rburn...@mars.asu.edu

Deb Schmid
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] NASA Glenn Tests Thruster Bound for Metal World

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Glenn Tests Thruster Bound for Metal World
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 28, 2017

As NASA looks to explore deeper into our solar system, one of the key 
areas of interest is studying worlds that can help researchers better 
understand our solar system and the universe around us. One of the next 
destinations in this knowledge-gathering campaign is a rare world called 
Psyche, located in the asteroid belt.

Psyche is different from millions of other asteroids because it appears 
to have an exposed nickel-iron surface. Researchers at Arizona State 
Tempe, in partnership with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, 
California, believe the asteroid could actually be the leftover core of 
an early planet. And, since we can't directly explore any planet's core, 
including our own, Psyche offers a rare look into the violent history 
of our solar system.

"Psyche is a unique body because it is, by far, the largest metal asteroid 
out there; it's about the size of Massachusetts," said David Oh, the mission's 
lead project systems engineer at JPL. "By exploring Psyche, we'll learn 
about the formation of the planets, how planetary cores are formed and, 
just as important, we'll be exploring a new type of world. We've looked 
at worlds made of rock, ice and of gas, but we've never had an opportunity 
to look at a metal world, so this is brand new exploration in the classic 
style of NASA."

But getting to Psyche won't be easy. It requires a cutting-edge propulsion 
system with exceptional performance, which is also safe, reliable and 
cost-effective. That's why the mission team has turned to NASA Glenn Research 
Center in Cleveland, which has been advancing solar electric propulsion 
(SEP) for decades.

SEP thrusters use inert gases, like xenon, which are then energized by 
the electric power generated from onboard solar arrays to provide gentle, 
non-stop thrust.

"For deep space missions, the type and amount of fuel required to propel 
a spacecraft is an important factor for mission planners," said Carol 
Tolbert, project manager for Psyche thruster testing at NASA Glenn. "A 
SEP system, like the one used for this mission, operates more efficiently 
than a conventional chemical propulsion system, which would be impractical 
for this type of mission."

The reduced fuel mass allows the mission to enter orbit around Psyche 
and provides additional space for all of the mission's scientific payload. 
Psyche's payload includes a multispectral imager, magnetometer, and gamma-ray 
spectrometer. These instruments will help the science team better understand 
the asteroid's origin, composition and history.

Additional benefits of SEP are flexibility and robustness in the flight 
plan, which allow the spacecraft to arrive at Psyche much faster and more 
efficiently than it could using conventional propulsion.

For this mission, the spacecraft, which will be built jointly by JPL and 
Space Systems Loral (SSL), will use the SPT-140 Hall effect thruster. 
Because Psyche is three times farther away from the Sun than Earth, flying 
there required a unique test of the low-power operation of the thruster 
in the very low pressures that will be encountered in space.

The mission team called upon NASA Glenn, and its space power and propulsion 
expertise, to put the mission's thruster through its paces at the center's 
Electric Propulsion Laboratory.

"This mission will be the first to use a Hall effect thruster system beyond 
lunar orbit, so the tests here at Glenn, which had never been conducted 
before, were needed to ensure the thruster could perform and operate as 
expected in the deep space environment," said Tolbert.

The facility at NASA Glenn has been a premier destination for electric 
propulsion and power system testing for over 40 years and features a number 
of space environment chambers, which simulate the vacuum and temperatures 
of space.

"This was very important to the mission because we want to test-like-we-fly 
and fly-like-we-test," said Oh. "Glenn has a world-class facility that 
allowed us to go to very low pressures to simulate the environment the 
spacecraft will operate in and better understand how our thrusters will 
perform around Psyche.

"At first glance, the results confirm our predictions regarding how the 
thruster will perform, and it looks like everything is working as expected. 
But, we will continue to refine our models by doing more analysis."

As the team works toward an anticipated August 2022 launch, they will 
use the data collected at NASA Glenn to update their thruster modeling 
and incorporate it into mission trajectories.

The scientific goals of the Psyche mission are to understand the building 
blocks of planet formation and explore firsthand a wholly new and unexplored 
type of world. The mission team seeks to determine whether Psyche is the 
core of an early planet, how old it is, whether it formed in 

[meteorite-list] A Fresh Look at Older Data Yields a Surprise Near the Martian Equator

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


A Fresh Look at Older Data Yields a Surprise Near the Martian Equator
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 28, 2017

Scientists taking a new look at older data from NASA's longest-operating 
Mars orbiter have discovered evidence of significant hydration near the 
Martian equator -- a mysterious signature in a region of the Red Planet 
where planetary scientists figure ice shouldn't exist.

Jack Wilson, a post-doctoral researcher at the Johns Hopkins University 
Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, led a team that reprocessed 
data collected from 2002 to 2009 by the neutron spectrometer instrument 
on NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft. In bringing the lower-resolution 
data into sharper focus, the scientists spotted unexpectedly high amounts 
of hydrogen -- which at high latitudes is a sign of buried water ice -- 
around sections of the Martian equator.

An accessible supply of water ice near the equator would be of interest 
in planning astronaut exploration of Mars. The amount of delivered mass 
needed for human exploration could be greatly reduced by using Martian 
natural resources for a water supply and as raw material for producing 
hydrogen fuel.

By applying image-reconstruction techniques often used to reduce blurring 
and remove "noise" from medical or spacecraft imaging data, Wilson's team 
improved the spatial resolution of the data from around 320 miles to 180 
miles (520 kilometers to 290 kilometers). "It was as if we'd cut the 
orbital altitude in half," Wilson said, "and it gave us a much better 
view of what's happening on the surface."

The neutron spectrometer can't directly detect water, but by measuring 
neutrons, it can help scientists calculate the abundance of hydrogen -- 
and infer the presence of water or other hydrogen-bearing substances. 
Mars Odyssey's first major discovery, in 2002, was abundant hydrogen just 
beneath the surface at high latitudes. In 2008, NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander 
confirmed that the hydrogen was in the form of water ice. But at lower 
latitudes on Mars, water ice is not thought to be thermodynamically stable 
at any depth. The traces of excess hydrogen that Odyssey's original data 
showed at lower latitudes were initially explained as hydrated minerals, 
which other spacecraft and instruments have since observed.

Wilson's team concentrated on those equatorial areas, particularly with 
a 600-mile (1,000-kilometer) stretch of loose, easily erodible material 
between the northern lowlands and southern highlands along the Medusae 
Fossae Formation. Radar-sounding scans of the area have suggested the 
presence of low-density volcanic deposits or water ice below the surface, 
"but if the detected hydrogen were buried ice within the top meter of 
the surface, there would be more than would fit into pore space in soil," 
Wilson said. The radar data came from both the Shallow Radar on NASA's 
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface 
and Ionospheric Sounding on the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter 
and would be consistent with no subsurface water ice near the equator.

How water ice could be preserved there is a mystery. A leading theory 
suggests an ice and dust mixture from the polar areas could be cycled 
through the atmosphere when Mars' axial tilt was larger than it is today. 
But those conditions last occurred hundreds of thousands to millions of 
years ago. Water ice isn't expected to be stable at any depth in that 
area today, Wilson said, and any ice deposited there should be long gone. 
Additional protection might come from a cover of dust and a hardened 
that traps the humidity below the surface, but this is unlikely to prevent 
ice loss over timescales of the axial tilt cycles.

"Perhaps the signature could be explained in terms of extensive deposits 
of hydrated salts, but how these hydrated salts came to be in the formation 
is also difficult to explain," Wilson added. "So for now, the signature 
remains a mystery worthy of further study, and Mars continues to surprise 

Wilson led the research while at Durham University in the U.K. His team 
- which includes members from NASA Ames Research Center, the Planetary 
Science Institute and the Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology 
- published its findings this summer in the journal Icarus.

News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Michael Buckley
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Climbing Toward Ridge Top

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Climbing Toward Ridge Top
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 13, 2017

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun the steep ascent of an iron-oxide-bearing 
ridge that's grabbed scientists' attention since before the car-sized 
rover's 2012 landing.

"We're on the climb now, driving up a route where we can access the layers 
we've studied from below," said Abigail Fraeman, a Curiosity science-team 
member at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

"Vera Rubin Ridge" stands prominently on the northwestern flank of Mount 
Sharp, resisting erosion better than the less-steep portions of the mountain 
below and above it. The ridge, also called "Hematite Ridge," was informally 
named earlier this year in honor of pioneering astrophysicist Vera Rubin.

"As we skirted around the base of the ridge this summer, we had the opportunity 
to observe the large vertical exposure of rock layers that make up the 
bottom part of the ridge," said Fraeman, who organized the rover's ridge 
campaign. "But even though steep cliffs are great for exposing the 
they're not so good for driving up."

The ascent to the top of the ridge from a transition in rock-layer appearance 
at the bottom of it will gain about 213 feet (65 meters) of elevation 
-- about 20 stories. The climb requires a series of drives totaling a 
little more than a third of a mile (570 meters). Before starting this 
ascent in early September, Curiosity had gained a total of about 980 feet 
(about 300 meters) in elevation in drives totaling 10.76 miles (17.32 
kilometers) from its landing site to the base of the ridge.

Curiosity's telephoto observations of the ridge from just beneath it show 
finer layering, with extensive bright veins of varying widths cutting 
through the layers.

"Now we'll have a chance to examine the layers up close as the rover climbs," 
Fraeman said.

Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada of JPL said, "Using data from 
orbiters and our own approach imaging, the team has chosen places to pause 
for more extensive studies on the way up, such as where the rock layers 
show changes in appearance or composition. But the campaign plan will 
evolve as we examine the rocks in detail. As always, it's a mix of planning 
and discovery."

In orbital spectrometer observations, the iron-oxide mineral hematite 
shows up more strongly at the ridge top than elsewhere on lower Mount 
Sharp, including locations where Curiosity has already found hematite. 
Researchers seek to gain better understanding about why the ridge resists 
erosion, what concentrated its hematite, whether those factors are related, 
and what the rocks of the ridge can reveal about ancient Martian environmental 

"The team is excited to be exploring Vera Rubin Ridge, as this hematite 
ridge has been a go-to target for Curiosity ever since Gale Crater was 
selected as the landing site," said Michael Meyer, lead scientist of NASA's 
Mars Exploration Program at the agency's Washington headquarters.

During the first year after its landing near the base of Mount Sharp, 
the Curiosity mission accomplished a major goal by determining that billions 
of years ago, a Martian lake offered conditions that would have been favorable 
for microbial life. Curiosity has since traversed through a diversity 
of environments where both water and wind have left their imprint. Vera 
Rubin Ridge and layers above it that contain clay and sulfate minerals 
provide tempting opportunities to learn even more about the history and 
habitability of ancient Mars.

For more about Curiosity, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] Dawn Mission Celebrates 10 Years in Space

2017-10-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Mission Celebrates 10 Years in Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 27, 2017

Ten years ago, NASA's Dawn spacecraft set sail for the two most massive 
bodies in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter: giant asteroid Vesta 
and dwarf planet Ceres. The mission was designed to deliver new knowledge 
about these small but intricate worlds, which hold clues to the formation 
of planets in our solar system.

"Our interplanetary spaceship has exceeded all expectations in the last 
decade, delivering amazing insights about these two fascinating bodies," 
said Chris Russell, principal investigator of the Dawn mission, based 
at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Since its launch on Sept. 27, 2007, Dawn has achieved numerous technical 
and scientific feats while traveling 4 billion miles (6 billion kilometers). 
It is the only spacecraft to orbit two extraterrestrial solar system targets. 
It is also the only spacecraft to orbit a dwarf planet, a milestone it 
achieved when in entered orbit around Ceres on March 6, 2015. The spacecraft's 
ion propulsion system enabled Dawn to study each of these worlds from 
a variety of vantage points and altitudes, creating an impressive scrapbook 
of 88,000 photos. Additionally, Dawn's suite of instruments enabled it 
to take a variety of other measurements of Vesta and Ceres, revealing 
the contrasting compositions and internal structures of these two bodies.

Vesta Highlights

Scientists learned a great deal about Vesta's geological features and 
composition during Dawn's 14 months of exploration there. A notable discovery 
was that Rheasilvia, a giant basin in Vesta's southern hemisphere, was 
even deeper and wider than scientists expected based on telescopic observations 
from Earth. It spans more than 310 miles (500 kilometers) and pierces 
about 12 miles (19 kilometers) into Vesta. The center of the crater also 
hosts a mountain twice the height of Mt. Everest -- the tallest feature 
seen in Dawn's 1,298 orbits of Vesta.

The massive punch into Vesta that carved out this crater happened about 
1 billion years ago and caused huge amounts of material to rain down on 
the surface. The net result is that the surface of the southern hemisphere 
of Vesta is younger than the northern hemisphere, which retains a hefty 
record of craters. The Rheasilvia impact also created dozens of gorges 
circling Vesta's equator. Canyons there, some of which formed from an 
earlier impact, measure up to 290 miles (465 kilometers) in length.

Ceres Highlights

One of Dawn's biggest revelations at Ceres is the extremely bright, salty 
material in Occator Crater that gleams amid an otherwise dark area. What 
appeared to be a single white blob at a distance turned out to be a smattering 
of many bright areas called faculae. The central bright area, Cerealia 
Facula, has a dome at its center with radial fractures across it that 
appears reddish in enhanced color images. This "bright spot" suggests 
Ceres was geologically active in the very recent past, when briny water 
rose to the surface and deposited salts. Just to the east are the Vinalia 
Faculae, a constellation of less-bright spots distributed along fractures 
that also intrigue scientists. Ceres hosts more than 300 small bright 
areas, with some thought to host ice at northern latitudes.

Another huge surprise at Ceres was Ahuna Mons, which scientists believe 
formed as a cryovolcano, a volcano that erupted with salty water in the 
past. This "lonely mountain," 3 miles (5 kilometers) high on its steepest 
side, is unlike anything else on Ceres and remains a thriving research 
topic. Though both Ahuna Mons and Occator appear dormant, they suggest 
that liquid water flowed once beneath the surface of Ceres, and may even 
still be there today, if it is enriched in salts that would lower its 
freezing point.

Dawn Science Continues

"The science team is still actively exploring the troves of data that 
Dawn has delivered so far, comparing these two fossils of the early solar 
system," said Carol Raymond, Dawn deputy principal investigator, based 
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

Since March 2015, Dawn has orbited Ceres 1,595 times. It remains healthy, 
currently in a 30-day elliptical orbit collecting data on cosmic rays 
in the vicinity of Ceres.

"This continues to be a mission for everyone who yearns for new knowledge, 
everyone who is curious about the cosmos, and everyone who is exhilarated 
by bold adventures into the unknown," said Marc Rayman, mission director 
and chief engineer, based at JPL.

Dawn's mission is managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's 
Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the 
Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Alabama. UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital 
ATK, Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, design

[meteorite-list] NASA's Next Mars Mission to Investigate Interior of Red Planet (InSight)

2017-09-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Next Mars Mission to Investigate Interior of Red Planet
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
August 28, 2017

Preparation of NASA's next spacecraft to Mars, InSight, has ramped up 
this summer, on course for launch next May from Vandenberg Air Force Base 
in central California -- the first interplanetary launch in history from 
America's West Coast.

Lockheed Martin Space Systems is assembling and testing the InSight spacecraft 
in a clean room facility near Denver. "Our team resumed system-level 
and test activities last month," said Stu Spath, spacecraft program manager 
at Lockheed Martin. "The lander is completed and instruments have been 
integrated onto it so that we can complete the final spacecraft testing 
including acoustics, instrument deployments and thermal balance tests."

InSight is the first mission to focus on examining the deep interior of 
Mars. Information gathered will boost understanding of how all rocky planets 
formed, including Earth.

"Because the interior of Mars has churned much less than Earth's in the 
past three billion years, Mars likely preserves evidence about rocky planets' 
infancy better than our home planet does," said InSight Principal Investigator 
Bruce Banerdt of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. 
He leads the international team that proposed the mission and won NASA 
selection in a competition with 27 other proposals for missions throughout 
the solar system. The long form of InSight's name is Interior Exploration 
using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport.

Whichever day the mission launches during a five-week period beginning 
May 5, 2018, navigators have charted the flight to reach Mars the Monday 
after Thanksgiving in 2018.

The mission will place a stationary lander near Mars' equator. With two 
solar panels that unfold like paper fans, the lander spans about 20 feet 
(6 meters). Within weeks after the landing -- always a dramatic challenge 
on Mars -- InSight will use a robotic arm to place its two main instruments 
directly and permanently onto the Martian ground, an unprecedented set 
of activities on Mars. These two instruments are:

-- A seismometer, supplied by France's space agency, CNES, with collaboration 
from the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany. Shielded 
from wind and with sensitivity fine enough to detect ground movements 
half the diameter of a hydrogen atom, it will record seismic waves from 
"marsquakes" or meteor impacts that reveal information about the planet's 
interior layers.

-- A heat probe, designed to hammer itself to a depth of 10 feet (3 meters) 
or more and measure the amount of energy coming from the planet's deep 
interior. The heat probe is supplied by the German Aerospace Center, DLR, 
with the self-hammering mechanism from Poland.

A third experiment will use radio transmissions between Mars and Earth 
to assess perturbations in how Mars rotates on its axis, which are clues 
about the size of the planet's core.

The spacecraft's science payload also is on track for next year's launch. 
The mission's launch was originally planned for March 2016, but was called 
off due to a leak into a metal container designed to maintain near-vacuum 
conditions around the seismometer's main sensors. A redesigned vacuum 
vessel for the instrument has been built and tested, then combined with 
the instrument's other components and tested again. The full seismometer 
instrument was delivered to the Lockheed Martin spacecraft assembly facility 
in Colorado in July and has been installed on the lander.

"We have fixed the problem we had two years ago, and we are eagerly preparing 
for launch," said InSight Project Manager Tom Hoffman, of JPL.

The best planetary geometry for launches to Mars occurs during opportunities 
about 26 months apart and lasting only a few weeks.

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the InSight 
Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin 
Space Systems, Denver, built the spacecraft. InSight is part of NASA's 
Discovery Program, which is managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center 
in Huntsville, Alabama.

Together with two active NASA Mars rovers, three NASA Mars orbiters and 
a Mars rover being built for launch in 2020, InSight is part of a legacy 
of robotic exploration that is helping to lay the groundwork for sending 
humans to Mars in the 2030s.

More information about InSight is online at:



News Media Contact
Guy Webster / Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
818-354-6278 / 818-393-2433
guy.webs...@jpl.nasa.gov / andrew.c.g...@jpl.nasa.gov

Danielle Hauf
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co., Denver

Shannon Ridinger
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

Dwayne Brown / L

[meteorite-list] Radar Reveals Two Moons Orbiting Asteroid Florence

2017-09-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Radar Reveals Two Moons Orbiting Asteroid Florence
Lance Benner, Shantanu Naidu, Marina Brozovic, and Paul Chodas 
Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS)
September 1, 2017

Radar images of asteroid 3122 Florence obtained at the 70-meter antenna 
at NASA\u2019s Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex between August 
29 and September 1 have revealed that the asteroid has two small moons, 
and also confirmed that main asteroid Florence is about 4.5 km (2.8 miles) 
in size. Florence is only the third triple asteroid known in the near-Earth 
population out of more than 16,400 that have been discovered to date. 
All three near-Earth asteroid triples have been discovered with radar 
observations and Florence is the first seen since two moons were discovered 
around asteroid 1994 CC in June 2009.

The sizes of the two moons are not yet well known, but they are probably 
between 100 - 300 meters (300-1000 feet) across. The times required for 
each moon to revolve around Florence are also not yet known precisely 
but appear to be roughly 8 hours for the inner moon and 22 to 27 hours 
for the outer moon. The inner moon of the Florence system has the shortest 
orbital period of any of the moons of the 60 near-Earth asteroids known 
to have moons. In the Goldstone radar images, which have a resolution 
of 75 meters, the moons are only a few pixels in extent and do not reveal 
any detail.
Animated sequence of radar images of asteroid Florence obtained on Sep. 
1, 2017 using the 70-m antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications 
complex. The resolution of these images is about 75 meters. The images 
show two moons orbiting the much larger central body, which is about 4.5 
km in diameter. The inner moon briefly disappears as it moves behind the 
central body and is hidden from the radar. (NASA/JPL). Animated sequence 
of radar images of asteroid Florence obtained on Sep. 1, 2017 using the 
70-m antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications complex. The resolution 
of these images is about 75 meters. The images show two moons orbiting 
the much larger central body, which is about 4.5 km in diameter. The inner 
moon briefly disappears as it moves behind the central body and is hidden 
from the radar. (NASA/JPL).

The radar images also provide our first close-up view of Florence itself. 
Although the asteroid is fairly round, it has a ridge along its equator, 
at least one large crater, two large flat regions, and numerous other 
small-scale topographic features. The images also confirm that Florence 
rotates once every 2.4 hours, a result that was determined previously 
from optical measurements of the asteroid\u2019s brightness variations.

The animated sequence to the left is built from a series of radar images 
of Florence. The sequence lasts several hours and shows more than two 
full rotations of the large, primary body. The moons can be clearly seen 
as they orbit the main body. Radar images are different from pictures 
taken with a digital camera but are similar to ultrasound images. The 
geometry in radar images is analogous to seeing an object from above its 
north pole with the illumination coming from the top. Projection effects 
can make the positions of Florence and its moons appear to overlap even 
though they are not touching.

Florence reached its closest approach to Earth early on September 1 and 
is now slowly receding from our planet. Additional radar observations 
are scheduled at NASA\u2019s Goldstone Solar System Radar in California 
and at the National Science Foundation\u2019s Arecibo Observatory in Puerto 
Rico through September 8. These observations should show more surface 
detail on Florence and provide more precise estimates of the orbital periods 
of the two moons. Those results are valuable to scientists because they 
can be used to estimate the total mass and density of the asteroid.


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[meteorite-list] Large, Distant Comets More Common Than Previously Thought

2017-08-24 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Large, Distant Comets More Common Than Previously Thought
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
July 25, 2017

Comets that take more than 200 years to make one revolution around the 
Sun are notoriously difficult to study. Because they spend most of their 
time far from our area of the solar system, many "long-period comets" 
will never approach the Sun in a person's lifetime. In fact, those that 
travel inward from the Oort Cloud -- a group of icy bodies beginning roughly 
186 billion miles (300 billion kilometers) away from the Sun -- can have 
periods of thousands or even millions of years.

NASA's WISE spacecraft, scanning the entire sky at infrared wavelengths, 
has delivered new insights about these distant wanderers. Scientists found 
that there are about seven times more long-period comets measuring at 
least 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) across than had been predicted previously. 
They also found that long-period comets are on average up to twice as 
large as "Jupiter family comets," whose orbits are shaped by Jupiter's 
gravity and have periods of less than 20 years.

Researchers also observed that in eight months, three to five times as 
many long-period comets passed by the Sun than had been predicted. The 
findings are published in the Astronomical Journal.

"The number of comets speaks to the amount of material left over from 
the solar system's formation," said James Bauer, lead author of the study 
and now a research professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. 
"We now know that there are more relatively large chunks of ancient material 
coming from the Oort Cloud than we thought."

The Oort Cloud is too distant to be seen by current telescopes, but is 
thought to be a spherical distribution of small icy bodies at the outermost 
edge of the solar system. The density of comets within it is low, so the 
odds of comets colliding within it are rare. Long-period comets that WISE 
observed probably got kicked out of the Oort Cloud millions of years ago. 
The observations were carried out during the spacecraft's primary mission 
before it was renamed NEOWISE and reactivated to target near-Earth objects 

"Our study is a rare look at objects perturbed out of the Oort Cloud," 
said Amy Mainzer, study co-author based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California, and principal investigator of the NEOWISE mission. 
"They are the most pristine examples of what the solar system was like 
when it formed."

Astronomers already had broader estimates of how many long-period and 
Jupiter family comets are in our solar system, but had no good way of 
measuring the sizes of long-period comets. That is because a comet has 
a "coma," a cloud of gas and dust that appears hazy in images and obscures 
the cometary nucleus. But by using the WISE data showing the infrared 
glow of this coma, scientists were able to "subtract" the coma from the 
overall comet and estimate the nucleus sizes of these comets. The data 
came from 2010 WISE observations of 95 Jupiter family comets and 56 long-period 

The results reinforce the idea that comets that pass by the Sun more often 
tend to be smaller than those spending much more time away from the Sun. 
That is because Jupiter family comets get more heat exposure, which causes 
volatile substances like water to sublimate and drag away other material 
from the comet's surface as well.

"Our results mean there's an evolutionary difference between Jupiter family 
and long-period comets," Bauer said.

The existence of so many more long-period comets than predicted suggests 
that more of them have likely impacted planets, delivering icy materials 
from the outer reaches of the solar system.

Researchers also found clustering in the orbits of the long-period comets 
they studied, suggesting there could have been larger bodies that broke 
apart to form these groups.

The results will be important for assessing the likelihood of comets impacting 
our solar system's planets, including Earth.

"Comets travel much faster than asteroids, and some of them are very big," 
Mainzer said. "Studies like this will help us define what kind of hazard 
long-period comets may pose."

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, managed and 
operated WISE for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The 
NEOWISE project is funded by the Near Earth Object Observation Program, 
now part of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office. The spacecraft 
was put into hibernation mode in 2011 after twice scanning the entire 
sky, thereby completing its main objectives. In September 2013, WISE was 
reactivated, renamed NEOWISE and assigned a new mission to assist NASA's 
efforts to identify potentially hazardous near-Earth objects.

For more information on WISE, visit:


News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

[meteorite-list] Holographic Imaging Could Be Used to Detect Signs of Life in Space

2017-08-24 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Holographic Imaging Could Be Used to Detect Signs of Life in Space

Engineers explore ways to sample and identify living microbes in the outer 
solar system

July 20, 2017

We may be capable of finding microbes in space - but if we did, could 
we tell what they were, and that they were alive?

This month the journal Astrobiology is publishing a special issue dedicated 
to the search for signs of life on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. Included 
is a paper from Caltech's Jay Nadeau and colleagues offering evidence 
that a technique called digital holographic microscopy, which uses lasers 
to record 3-D images, may be our best bet for spotting extraterrestrial 

No probe since NASA's Viking program in the late 1970s has explicitly 
searched for extraterrestrial life - that is, for actual living organisms. 
Rather, the focus has been on finding water. Enceladus has a lot of water - an 
ocean's worth, hidden beneath an icy shell that coats the entire surface. 
But even if life does exist there in some microbial fashion, the difficulty 
for scientists on Earth is identifying those microbes from 790 million 
miles away.

"It's harder to distinguish between a microbe and a speck of dust than 
you'd think," says Nadeau, research professor of medical engineering and 
aerospace in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science. "You have 
to differentiate between Brownian motion, which is the random motion of 
matter, and the intentional, self-directed motion of a living organism."

Enceladus is the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, and is 100,000 times less 
massive than Earth. As such, Enceladus has an escape velocity - the minimum 
speed needed for an object on the moon to escape its surface - of just 
239 meters per second. That is a fraction of Earth's, which is a little 
over 11,000 meters per second.

Enceladus's minuscule escape velocity allows for an unusual phenomenon: 
enormous geysers, venting water vapor through cracks in the moon's icy 
shell, regularly jet out into space. When the Saturn probe Cassini flew 
by Enceladus in 2005, it spotted water vapor plumes in the south polar 
region blasting icy particles at nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour to an 
altitude of nearly 500 kilometers above the surface. Scientists calculated 
that as much as 250 kilograms of water vapor were released every second 
in each plume. Since those first observations, more than a hundred geysers 
have been spotted. This water is thought to replenish Saturn's diaphanous 
E ring, which would otherwise dissipate quickly, and was the subject of 
a recent announcement by NASA describing Enceladus as an "ocean world" 
that is the closest NASA has come to finding a place with the necessary 
ingredients for habitability.

Water blasting out into space offers a rare opportunity, says Nadeau. 
While landing on a foreign body is difficult and costly, a cheaper and 
easier option might be to send a probe to Enceladus and pass it through 
the jets, where it would collect water samples that could possibly contain 

Assuming a probe were to do so, it would open up a few questions for engineers 
like Nadeau, who studies microbes in extreme environments. Could microbes 
survive a journey in one of those jets? If so, how could a probe collect 
samples without destroying those microbes? And if samples are collected, 
how could they be identified as living cells?

The problem with searching for microbes in a sample of water is that they 
can be difficult to identify. "The hardest thing about bacteria is that 
they just don't have a lot of cellular features," Nadeau says. Bacteria 
are usually blob-shaped and always tiny - smaller in diameter than a strand 
of hair. "Sometimes telling the difference between them and sand grains 
is very difficult," Nadeau says.

Some strategies for demonstrating that a microscopic speck is actually 
a living microbe involve searching for patterns in its structure or studying 
its specific chemical composition. While these methods are useful, they 
should be used in conjunction with direct observations of potential microbes, 
Nadeau says.

"Looking at patterns and chemistry is useful, but I think we need to take 
a step back and look for more general characteristics of living things, 
like the presence of motion. That is, if you see an E. coli, you know 
that it is alive - and not, say, a grain of sand - because of the way 
it is moving," she says. In earlier work, Nadeau suggested that the movement 
exhibited by many living organisms could potentially be used as a robust, 
chemistry-independent biosignature for extraterrestrial life. The motion 
of living organisms can also be triggered or enhanced by "feeding" the 
microbes electrons and watching them grow more active.

To study the motion of potential microbes from Enceladus's plumes, Nadeau 
proposes using an instrument called a digital holographi

[meteorite-list] From Mars Rover Opportunity: Panorama Above 'Perseverance Valley'

2017-08-24 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


>From Mars Rover: Panorama Above 'Perseverance Valley'
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
July 20, 2017

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity recorded a panoramic view before 
entering the upper end of a fluid-carved valley that descends the inner 
slope of a large crater's rim.

The scene includes a broad notch in the crest of the crater's rim, which 
may have been a spillway where water or ice or wind flowed over the rim 
and into the crater. Wheel tracks visible in the area of the notch were 
left by Opportunity as the rover studied the ground there and took images 
into the valley below for use in planning its route.

"It is a tantalizing scene," said Opportunity Deputy Principal Investigator 
Ray Arvidson of Washington University in St. Louis. "You can see what 
appear to be channels lined by boulders, and the putative spillway at 
the top of Perseverance Valley. We have not ruled out any of the possibilities 
of water, ice or wind being responsible."

Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) took the component images of the 
scene during a two-week driving moratorium in June 2017 while rover engineers 
diagnosed a temporary stall in the left-front wheel's steering actuator. 
The wheel was pointed outward more than 30 degrees, prompting the team 
to call the resulting vista Pancam's "Sprained Ankle" panorama. Both ends 
of the scene show portions of Endeavour Crater's western rim, extending 
north and south, and the center of the scene shows terrain just outside 
the crater.

The team was able to straighten the wheel to point straight ahead, and 
now uses the steering capability of only the two rear wheels. The right-front 
wheel's steering actuator has been disabled since 2006. Opportunity has 
driven 27.95 miles (44.97 kilometers) since landing on Mars in 2004.

On July 7, 2017, Opportunity drove to the site within upper Perseverance 
Valley where it will spend about three weeks without driving while Mars 
passes nearly behind the sun from Earth's perspective, affecting radio 
communications. The rover's current location is just out of sight in the 
Sprained Ankle panorama, below the possible spillway. Opportunity is using 
Pancam to record another grand view from this location.

After full communications resume in early August, the team plans to drive 
Opportunity farther down Perseverance Valley, seeking to learn more about 
the process that carved it.

For more information about Opportunity's adventures on Mars, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov 

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[meteorite-list] Large Asteroid 3122 Florence to Safely Pass Earth on Sept. 1

2017-08-18 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Large Asteroid to Safely Pass Earth on Sept. 1
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
August 17, 2017

Asteroid Florence, a large near-Earth asteroid, will pass safely by Earth 
on Sept. 1, 2017, at a distance of about 4.4 million miles, (7.0 million 
kilometers, or about 18 Earth-Moon distances). Florence is among the largest 
near-Earth asteroids that are several miles in size; measurements from 
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and NEOWISE mission indicate it's about 
2.7 miles (4.4 kilometers) in size.

"While many known asteroids have passed by closer to Earth than Florence 
will on September 1, all of those were estimated to be smaller," said 
Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) 
at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "Florence 
is the largest asteroid to pass by our planet this close since the NASA 
program to detect and track near-Earth asteroids began."

This relatively close encounter provides an opportunity for scientists 
to study this asteroid up close. Florence is expected to be an excellent 
target for ground-based radar observations. Radar imaging is planned at 
NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in California and at the National 
Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The resulting 
radar images will show the real size of Florence and also could reveal 
surface details as small as about 30 feet (10 meters).

Asteroid Florence was discovered by Schelte "Bobby" Bus at Siding Spring 
Observatory in Australia in March 1981. It is named in honor of Florence 
Nightingale (1820-1910), the founder of modern nursing. The 2017 encounter 
is the closest by this asteroid since 1890 and the closest it will ever 
be until after 2500. Florence will brighten to ninth magnitude in late 
August and early September, when it will be visible in small telescopes 
for several nights as it moves through the constellations Piscis Austrinus, 
Capricornus, Aquarius and Delphinus.

Radar has been used to observe hundreds of asteroids. When these small, 
natural remnants of the formation of the solar system pass relatively 
close to Earth, deep space radar is a powerful technique for studying 
their sizes, shapes, rotation, surface features and roughness, and for 
more precise determination of their orbital path.

JPL manages and operates NASA's Deep Space Network, including the Goldstone 
Solar System Radar, and hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies 
for NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program, an element of the Planetary 
Defense Coordination Office within the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:



For more information about NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, 


For asteroid and comet news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination

2017-08-18 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
July 11, 2017

The car-size NASA rover on a Martian mountain, Curiosity, has begun its 
long-anticipated study of an iron-bearing ridge forming a distinctive 
layer on the mountain's slope.

Since before Curiosity's landing five years ago next month, this feature 
has been recognized as one of four unique terrains on lower Mount Sharp 
and therefore a key mission destination. Curiosity's science team informally 
named it "Vera Rubin Ridge" this year, commemorating astronomer Vera Cooper 
Rubin (1928-2016).

"Our Vera Rubin Ridge campaign has begun," said Curiosity Project Scientist 
Ashwin Vasavada of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. 
"Curiosity is driving parallel to the ridge, below it, observing it from 
different angles as we work our way toward a safe route to the top of 
the ridge."

A major appeal of the ridge is an iron-oxide mineral, hematite, which 
can form under wet conditions and reveal information about ancient 
Hematite-bearing rocks elsewhere on Mars were the scientific basis for 
choosing the 2004 landing site of an older and still-active rover, Opportunity. 
Studies of Mount Sharp with the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer 
for Mars, on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, identified hematite in 
the ridge and also mapped water-related clay and sulfate minerals in layers 
just above it.

Vera Rubin Ridge stands about eight stories tall, with a trough behind 
it where clay minerals await. Curiosity is now near the downhill face, 
which forms an impressive wall for much of the ridge's length of about 
4 miles (6.5 kilometers).

"In this first phase of the campaign, we're studying the sedimentary structures 
in the wall," said JPL's Abigail Fraeman, a Curiosity science-team member 
who helped plan these observations.

This summer's investigations also seek information about the boundary 
zone between the material that makes up the ridge and the geological unit 
that Curiosity has been studying since late 2014: the Murray formation 
of lower Mount Sharp, which holds evidence of ancient lakes. The Murray 
formation has variable levels of hematite, but whether the hematite in 
it and in the ridge accumulated under similar environmental conditions 
is unknown. The planned ascent route will provide access to closer inspection 
of the hematite-bearing rocks.

"We want to determine the relationship between the conditions that produced 
the hematite and the conditions under which the rock layers of the ridge 
were deposited," Fraeman said. "Were they deposited by wind, or in a lake, 
or some other setting? Did the hematite form while the sediments accumulated, 
or later, from fluids moving through the rock?"

Deciphering the history of the ridge's hematite may shed light on whether 
the freshwater environments that deposited the layers of the older Murray 
formation were turning more acidic by the time the layers of the ridge 
formed. The mission also will be watching for clues about whether a gradient 
in oxidation levels was present, as that could have provided a potential 
energy source for microbial life.

Terrain near the base of the ridge is rife with boulders and sand, creating 
challenging conditions for navigation, as well as opportunities to add 
to the mission's studies of sand dunes and ripples. The largest sand dunes 
were at lower elevations, including a linear dune informally named "Nathan 
Bridges Dune" in memory of Nathan Bridges (1966-2017), a Curiosity team 
member who helped lead the mission's dune studies.

During the first year after its landing on Aug. 5, 2012, PDT (Aug. 6, 
EDT and Universal Time), the Curiosity mission accomplished a major goal 
by determining that billions of years ago, a Martian lake offered conditions 
that would have been favorable for microbial life. Curiosity has since 
traversed through a diversity of environments where both water and wind 
have left their imprint. The upcoming exploration of Vera Rubin Ridge 
and the higher clay and sulfate layers provides opportunities to learn 
even more about the history and habitability of ancient Mars. For more 
about Curiosity, visit:


Status of Curiosity's Drill

The rover team will not have Curiosity's rock sampling drill available 
in the first phase of studying "Vera Rubin Ridge." The drill feed mechanism, 
which moves the bit forward or back, faulted on Dec. 1, 2016, and no rocks 
have been drilled since then. While continuing to test possible ways to 
move the bit with the drill feed mechanism, rover engineers are also now 
studying alternative ways to drill. For the 15 rocks that Curiosity has 
sampled with its drill so far, two stabilizer posts, one to each side 
of the bit, were placed against the rock before the bit was extended with 
the feed mechanism.

"We are investigating methods to dril

[meteorite-list] The Day The Internet Stood Still

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


The Day The Internet Stood Still
By Brian Dunbar
July 2017

Twenty years ago, NASA landed a little rover on Mars . . . and blew up 
the Internet. As people clamored for pictures - overwhelming servers 
and bringing network traffic to a standstill - it became obvious 
that something fundamental had changed on how people expected to get 
about NASA missions.

NASA, through its Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, had begun to 
release information online following Voyager's encounters with Uranus 
and Neptune in the 1980s.

"When I arrived at JPL in 1985, I was already active in some of the 
online networks of the day such as CompuServe, so distributing pictures 
and information about NASA missions that way seemed natural," said 
former JPL public information manager Frank O'Donnell. "Also, 
Ron Baalke at JPL was very active posting information to Usenet, the 
system of newsgroups. At the end of the '80s, I established a dialup bulletin 
board system at JPL, which members of the public could dial into directly 
to download pictures and text files."

Then, in 1993, came the discovery of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, and astronomers' 
realization that it would hit Jupiter in July 1994. By then scientists 
were communicating by e-mail, transferring large files around the world 
and posting their work for discussion on the nascent World Wide Web. Now 
they were using those tools to plan worldwide campaign to observe the 

NASA's public affairs office followed suit, scheduling briefings 
throughout the encounter. (The comet had fragmented into numerous pieces 
that would arrive at Jupiter over several days.) The schedule published 
the time images were expected to be received and when they would be discussed 

Naturally, Internet users started banging on NASA websites a few minutes 
before the pictures were scheduled to be downlinked, unable to wait until 
the scheduled release time. As Philip C. Plait wrote in "Bad Astronomy", 
". . . the web nearly screeched to a halt due to the overwhelming 
amount of traffic as people tried to find pictures of the event from different 

The excitement wasn't limited to the public. Scientists found themselves 
doing their work live on NASA TV, as this clip from a National Geographic 
special shows. By coincidence it was also around this time that NASA's 
Office of Public Affairs announced that it would no longer mail news releases 
to reporters, but would instead distribute them online.


Shoemaker-Levy made it clear to JPL they would have to prepare for something 
even bigger with Mars Pathfinder. Webmaster David Dubov told the New York 
Times shortly after the landing that he estimated the site would be receiving 
25 million hits a day. (A "hit" is a request for information 
from one computer to another. On the web, a hit can represent the transfer 
of a picture, text or other page element. In the case of Pathfinder's 
deliberately stripped-down site, each web page comprised a few hits.)

Dubov and JPL engineer Kirk Goodall would later revise that estimate to 
60-80 million hits a day, traffic that would crash JPL's networks 
if the servers were hosted there. Goodall set out to build a network of 
mirror sites that could take the traffic off JPL's networks. Working 
with other U.S. science agencies, and ultimately corporations and Internet 
"backbone" providers, he did just that. (In other words, JPL 
crowd-sourced their solution a couple of decades before anyone knew 
was a thing.)

And the solution worked. The site took 30 million hits on landing day, 
July 4. On July 7, the first weekday after the landing, the site got 80 
million hits. In comparison, the year before, the chess match between 
Gary Kasparov and IBM's Deep Blue computer peaked at 21 million hits, 
and the Atlanta Olympics website had topped out at 18 million hits on 
one day.


"One of the biggest changes with Mars Pathfinder was that it was 
the first mission that fully embraced the Internet as a primary way of 
getting out information to the public," said O'Donnell. "Before 
Pathfinder, the prevailing thinking was that eight-by-ten photo prints 
were the product needed for the public at large."

It's worth remembering how the public got to see NASA images before 
the Internet era. NASA teams would review the raw images, select a few 
and distribute them as physical prints at news conferences. Media had 
to be in attendance at the conference to get a copy. Most newspapers and 
TV stations had to wait until a wire service had scanned the image and 
sent it out over their proprietary network.

Most people might see a new image every day for a few days. A week later 
there might be a few more images published

[meteorite-list] NASA Finds Evidence of Diverse Environments in Curiosity Samples

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Finds Evidence of Diverse Environments in Curiosity Samples
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
June 9, 2017

NASA scientists have found a wide diversity of minerals in the initial 
samples of rocks collected by the Curiosity rover in the lowermost layers 
of Mount Sharp on Mars, suggesting that conditions changed in the water 
environments on the planet over time.

Curiosity landed near Mount Sharp in Gale Crater in August 2012. It reached 
the base of the mountain in 2014. Layers of rocks at the base of Mount 
Sharp accumulated as sediment within ancient lakes around 3.5 billion 
years ago. Orbital infrared spectroscopy had shown that the mountain's 
lowermost layers have variations in minerals that suggest changes in the 
area have occurred.

In a paper published recently in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 
scientists in the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) 
Division at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston report on the first 
four samples collected from the lower layers of Mount Sharp.

"We went to Gale Crater to investigate these lower layers of Mount Sharp 
that have these minerals that precipitated from water and suggest different 
environments," said Elizabeth Rampe, the first author of the study and 
a NASA exploration mission scientist at Johnson. "These layers were deposited 
about 3.5 billion years ago, coinciding with a time on Earth when life 
was beginning to take hold. We think early Mars may have been similar 
to early Earth, and so these environments might have been habitable."

The minerals found in the four samples drilled near the base of Mount 
Sharp suggest several different environments were present in ancient Gale 
Crater. There is evidence for waters with different pH and variably oxidizing 
conditions. The minerals also show that there were multiple source regions 
for the rocks in "Pahrump Hills" and "Marias Pass."

The paper primarily reports on three samples from the Pahrump Hills region. 
This is an outcrop at the base of Mount Sharp that contains sedimentary 
rocks scientists believe formed in the presence of water. The other sample, 
called "Buckskin," was reported last year, but those data are incorporated 
into the paper.

Studying such rock layers can yield information about Mars' past habitability, 
and determining minerals found in the layers of sedimentary rock yields 
much data about the environment in which they formed. Data collected at 
Mount Sharp with the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument on Curiosity 
showed a wide diversity of minerals.

At the base are minerals from a primitive magma source; they are rich 
in iron and magnesium, similar to basalts in Hawaii. Moving higher in 
the section, scientists saw more silica-rich minerals. In the "Telegraph 
Peak" sample, scientists found minerals similar to quartz. In the "Buckskin" 
sample, scientists found tridymite. Tridymite is found on Earth, for example, 
in rocks that formed from partial melting of Earth's crust or in the 
crust -- a strange finding because Mars never had plate tectonics.

In the "Confidence Hills" and "Mojave 2" samples, scientists found clay 
minerals, which generally form in the presence of liquid water with a 
near-neutral pH, and therefore could be good indicators of past environments 
that were conducive to life. The other mineral discovered here was jarosite, 
a salt that forms in acidic solutions. The jarosite finding indicates 
that there were acidic fluids at some point in time in this region.

There are different iron-oxide minerals in the samples as well. Hematite 
was found near the base; only magnetite was found at the top. Hematite 
contains oxidized iron, whereas magnetite contains both oxidized and reduced 
forms of iron. The type of iron-oxide mineral present may tell scientists 
about the oxidation potential of the ancient waters.

The authors discuss two hypotheses to explain this mineralogical diversity. 
The lake waters themselves at the base were oxidizing, so either there 
was more oxygen in the atmosphere or other factors encouraged oxidation. 
Another hypothesis -- the one put forward in the paper -- is that later-stage 
fluids arose. After the rock sediments were deposited, some acidic, oxidizing 
groundwater moved into the area, leading to precipitation of the jarosite 
and hematite. In this scenario, the environmental conditions present in 
the lake and in later groundwater were quite different, but both offered 
liquid water and a chemical diversity that could have been exploited by 
microbial life.

"We have all this evidence that Mars was once really wet but now is dry 
and cold," Rampe said. "Today, much of the water is locked up in the poles 
and in the ground at high latitudes as ice. We think that the rocks Curiosity 
has studied reveal ancient environmental changes that occurred as Mars 
started to lose its atmosphere and water was lost to space."

In the pa

[meteorite-list] NASA's Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft a Discovery Machine (NEOWISE)

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft a Discovery Machine
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
June 5, 2017

NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) 
mission has released its third year of survey data, with the spacecraft 
discovering 97 previously unknown celestial objects in the last year. 
Of those, 28 were near-Earth objects, 64 were main belt asteroids and 
five were comets.

The spacecraft has now characterized a total of 693 near-Earth objects 
since the mission was re-started in December 2013. Of these, 114 are new. 
The NEOWISE team has released an animation depicting this solar system 
survey's discoveries and characterizations for its third year of operations.

"NEOWISE is not only discovering previously uncharted asteroids and comets, 
but it is providing excellent data on many of those already in our catalog," 
said Amy Mainzer, NEOWISE principal investigator from NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "It is also proving to be an invaluable 
tool in in the refining and perfecting of techniques for near-Earth object 
discovery and characterization by a space-based infrared observatory."

Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are comets and asteroids that have been nudged 
by the gravitational attraction of the planets in our solar system into 
orbits that allow them to enter Earth's neighborhood. Ten of the objects 
discovered by NEOWISE in the past year have been classified as potentially 
hazardous asteroids, based on their size and their orbits.

More than 2.6 million infrared images of the sky were collected in the 
third year of operations by NEOWISE. These data are combined with the 
Year 1 and 2 NEOWISE data into a single archive that contains approximately 
7.7 million sets of images and a database of more than 57.7 billion source 
detections extracted from those images.

The NEOWISE images also contain glimpses of rare objects, like comet C/2010 
L5 WISE. A new technique of modeling comet behavior called tail-fitting 
showed that this particular comet experienced a brief outburst as it swept 
through the inner-solar system.

"Comets that have abrupt outbursts are not commonly found, but this may 
be due more to the sudden nature of the activity rather than their inherent 
rarity," said Emily Kramer, a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at JPL 
and lead author of paper on the NEOWISE study. "It is great for astronomers 
to view and collect cometary data when they find an outburst, but since 
the activity is so short-lived, we may simply miss them most of the time."

The tail-fitting technique identifies the size and quantity of dust particles 
in the vicinity of the comet, and when they were ejected from the comet's 
nucleus, revealing the history of the comet's activity. With tail-fitting, 
future all-sky surveys may be able to find and collect data on more cometary 
outburst activity when it happens. A paper detailing the tail-fitting 
technique and other results of the study was published in the March 20 
volume of the Astrophysical Journal.

Originally called the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), the 
spacecraft was launched in December 2009. It was placed in hibernation 
in 2011 after its primary astrophysics mission was completed. In September 
2013, it was reactivated, renamed NEOWISE and assigned a new mission: 
to assist NASA's efforts to identify the population of potentially hazardous 
near-Earth objects. NEOWISE also is characterizing more distant populations 
of asteroids and comets to provide information about their sizes and 

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages the 
NEOWISE mission for NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office within 
the Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Space Dynamics Laboratory 
in Logan, Utah, built the science instrument. Ball Aerospace & Technologies 
Corp. of Boulder, Colorado, built the spacecraft. Science operations and 
data processing take place at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center 
at Caltech in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.

To review the latest data release from NEOWISE please visit:


For more information about NEOWISE, visit:




More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is at:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
June 1, 2017

Fast Facts:

o NASA's Curiosity Mars rover mission has provided an unprecedented 
level of detail about an ancient lake environment on Mars that offered 
favorable conditions for microbial life.

o A lake in Mars' Gale Crater long ago was stratified, with oxidant-rich 
shallows and oxidant-poor depths.

o The lake offered multiple types of microbe-friendly environments 

A long-lasting lake on ancient Mars provided stable environmental conditions 
that differed significantly from one part of the lake to another, according 
to a comprehensive look at findings from the first three-and-a-half years 
of NASA's Curiosity rover mission.

Different conditions favorable for different types of microbes existed 
simultaneously in the same lake.

Previous work had revealed the presence of a lake more than three billion 
years ago in Mars' Gale Crater. This study defines the chemical conditions 
that existed in the lake and uses Curiosity's powerful payload to determine 
that the lake was stratified. Stratified bodies of water exhibit sharp 
chemical or physical differences between deep water and shallow water. 
In Gale's lake, the shallow water was richer in oxidants than deeper water 

"These were very different, co-existing environments in the same lake," 
said Joel Hurowitz of Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, lead 
author of a report of the findings in the June 2 edition of the journal 
Science. "This type of oxidant stratification is a common feature of lakes 
on Earth, and now we've found it on Mars. The diversity of environments 
in this Martian lake would have provided multiple opportunities for different 
types of microbes to survive, including those that thrive in oxidant-rich 
conditions, those that thrive in oxidant-poor conditions, and those that 
inhabit the interface between those settings."

Whether Mars has ever hosted any life is still unknown, but seeking signs 
of life on any planet -- whether Earth, Mars or more-distant icy worlds 
-- begins with reconstruction of the environment to determine if it was 
capable of supporting life.

Curiosity's primary goal when it landed inside Gale Crater in 2012 was 
to determine whether Mars has ever offered environmental conditions favorable 
for microbial life. In its first year, on the crater floor at "Yellowknife 
Bay," the rover found evidence of ancient freshwater river and lake 
with all the main chemical ingredients for life and a possible energy 
source for life. Curiosity has since driven to the base of Mount Sharp, 
a layered mountain inside the crater, and inspected rock layers that grow 
progressively younger as the rover gains elevation on lower Mount Sharp.

Differences in the physical, chemical and mineral characteristics of several 
sites on lower Mount Sharp at first presented a puzzle to the rover team. 
For example, some rocks showed thicker layering with a larger proportion 
of an iron mineral called hematite, while other rocks showed very fine 
layers and more of an iron mineral called magnetite. Comparing these properties 
suggested very distinctive environments of deposition.

Researchers considered whether these differences could have resulted from 
environmental conditions fluctuating over time or differing from place 
to place.

"We could tell something was going on," Hurowitz said. "What was causing 
iron minerals to be one flavor in one part of the lake and another flavor 
in another part of the lake? We had an 'Aha!' moment when we realized 
that the mineral information and the bedding-thickness information mapped 
perfectly onto each other in a way you would expect from a stratified 
lake with a chemical boundary between shallow water and deeper water."

In addition to revealing new information about chemical conditions within 
the lake, the report by Hurowitz and 22 co-authors also documents fluctuations 
in the climate of ancient Mars. One such change happened between the time 
crater-floor rocks were deposited and the time the rocks that now make 
up the base of Mount Sharp were deposited. Those later rocks are exposed 
at "Pahrump Hills" and elsewhere.

The method the team used for detecting changes in ancient climate conditions 
on Mars resembles how ice cores are used to study past temperature conditions 
on Earth. It is based on comparing differences in the chemical composition 
of layers of mud-rich sedimentary rock that were deposited in quiet waters 
in the lake. While the lake was present in Gale, climate conditions changed 
from colder and drier to warmer and wetter. Such short-term fluctuations 
in climate took place within a longer-term climate evolution from the 
ancient warmer and wetter conditions that supported lakes, to today's 
arid Mars.

"These results give us unprecedented detail in answering questions about 

[meteorite-list] Cassini Finds Saturn Moon Enceladus May Have Tipped Over

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Cassini Finds Saturn Moon May Have Tipped Over
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 30, 2017

Saturn's icy, ocean-bearing moon Enceladus may have tipped over in the 
distant past, according to recent research from NASA's Cassini mission. 
Researchers with the mission found evidence that the moon's spin axis 
-- the line through the north and south poles -- has reoriented, possibly 
due to a collision with a smaller body, such as an asteroid.

Examining the moon's features, the team showed that Enceladus appears 
to have tipped away from its original axis by about 55 degrees -- more 
than halfway toward rolling completely onto its side. "We found a chain 
of low areas, or basins, that trace a belt across the moon's surface that 
we believe are the fossil remnants of an earlier, previous equator and 
poles," said Radwan Tajeddine, a Cassini imaging team associate at Cornell 
University, Ithaca, New York, and lead author of the paper.

The area around the icy moon's current south pole is a geologically active 
region where long, linear fractures referred to as tiger stripes slice 
across the surface. Tajeddine and colleagues speculate that an asteroid 
may have struck the region in the past when it was closer to the equator. 
"The geological activity in this terrain is unlikely to have been initiated 
by internal processes," he said. "We think that, in order to drive such 
a large reorientation of the moon, it's possible that an impact was behind 
the formation of this anomalous terrain."

In 2005, Cassini discovered that jets of water vapor and icy particles 
spray from the tiger stripe fractures -- evidence that an underground 
ocean is venting directly into space from beneath the active south polar 

Whether it was caused by an impact or some other process, Tajeddine and 
colleagues think the disruption and creation of the tiger-stripe terrain 
caused some of Enceladus' mass to be redistributed, making the moon's 
rotation unsteady and wobbly. The rotation would have eventually stabilized, 
likely taking more than a million years. By the time the rotation settled 
down, the north-south axis would have reoriented to pass through different 
points on the surface -- a mechanism researchers call "true polar wander."

The polar wander idea helps to explain why Enceladus' modern-day north 
and south poles appear quite different. The south is active and geologically 
young, while the north is covered in craters and appears much older. The 
moon's original poles would have looked more alike before the event that 
caused Enceladus to tip over and relocate the disrupted tiger-stripe terrain 
to the moon's south polar region.

The results were published in the online edition of the journal Icarus 
on April 30, 2017.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (European 
Space Agency) and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the mission for 
NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. JPL designed, developed 
and assembled the Cassini orbiter.

More information about Cassini:



News Media Contact
Preston Dyches
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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[meteorite-list] High-Silica 'Halos' Shed Light on Wet Ancient Mars

2017-07-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


High-Silica 'Halos' Shed Light on Wet Ancient Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 30, 2017

Pale "halos" around fractures in bedrock analyzed by NASA's Curiosity 
Mars rover contain copious silica, indicating that ancient Mars had liquid 
water for a long time.

"The concentration of silica is very high at the centerlines of these 
halos," said Jens Frydenvang, a rover-team scientist at Los Alamos National 
Laboratory in New Mexico, and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. 
"What we're seeing is that silica appears to have migrated between very 
old sedimentary bedrock and into younger overlying rocks."

Frydenvang is the lead author of a report about these findings published 
in Geophysical Research Letters.

NASA landed Curiosity on Mars in 2012 with a goal to determine whether 
Mars ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life. 
The mission "has been very successful in showing that Gale Crater once 
held a lake with water that we would even have been able to drink from, 
but we still don't know how long this habitable environment endured," 
he said. "What this finding tells us is that, even when the lake eventually 
evaporated, substantial amounts of groundwater were present for longer 
than we previously thought -- further expanding the window for when life 
might have existed on Mars."

For more information about the newly published report, visit:


The halos were first analyzed in 2015 with Curiosity's science-instrument 
payload, including the laser-shooting Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) 
which was developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory in conjunction with 
the French space agency. The rover has subsequently explored higher and 
younger layers of lower Mount Sharp, investigating how ancient environmental 
conditions changed.

NASA's two active Mars rovers and three Mars orbiters are all part of 
ambitious robotic exploration to understand Mars, which helps lead the 
way for sending humans to Mars in the 2030s. The Curiosity mission is 
managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in 
Pasadena, California, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. 
For more about Curiosity, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laura Mullane
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Opportunity Begins Study of Valley's Origin

2017-06-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mars Rover Opportunity Begins Study of Valley's Origin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 15, 2017

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has reached the main destination 
of its current two-year extended mission -- an ancient fluid-carved valley 
incised on the inner slope of a vast crater's rim.

As the rover approached the upper end of "Perseverance Valley" in early 
May, images from its cameras began showing parts of the area in greater 
resolution than what can be seen in images taken from orbit above Mars.

"The science team is really jazzed at starting to see this area up close 
and looking for clues to help us distinguish among multiple hypotheses 
about how the valley formed," said Opportunity Project Scientist Matt 
Golombek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

The process that carved Perseverance Valley into the rim of Endeavour 
Crater billions of years ago has not yet been identified. Among the 
It might have been flowing water, or might have been a debris flow in 
which a small amount of water lubricated a turbulent mix of mud and boulders, 
or might have been an even drier process, such as wind erosion. The mission's 
main objective with Opportunity at this site is to assess which possibility 
is best supported by the evidence still in place.

The upper end of the valley is at a broad notch in the crest of the crater 
rim. The rover team's plan for investigating the area begins with taking 
sets of images of the valley from two widely separated points at that 
dip in the rim. This long-baseline stereo imaging will provide information 
for extraordinarily detailed three-dimensional analysis of the terrain. 
The valley extends down from the rim's crest line into the crater, at 
a slope of about 15 to 17 degrees for a distance of about two football 

"The long-baseline stereo imaging will be used to generate a digital elevation 
map that will help the team carefully evaluate possible driving routes 
down the valley before starting the descent," said Opportunity Project 
Manager John Callas of JPL.

Reversing course back uphill when partway down could be difficult, so 
finding a path with minimum obstacles will be important for driving Opportunity 
through the whole valley. Researchers intend to use the rover to examine 
textures and compositions at the top, throughout the length and at the 
bottom, as part of investigating the valley's history.

While the stereo imaging is being analyzed for drive-planning, the team 
plans to use the rover to examine the area immediately west of the crater 
rim at the top of the valley. "We expect to do a little walkabout just 
outside the crater before driving down Perseverance Valley," Golombek 

The mission has begun its 150th month since the early 2004 landing of 
Opportunity in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. In the first three 
months, which were originally planned as the full length of the mission, 
it found evidence in rocks that acidic water flowed across parts of Mars 
and soaked the subsurface early in the planet's history.

For nearly half of the mission -- 69 months -- Opportunity has been exploring 
sites on and near the western rim of Endeavour Crater, where even older 
rocks are exposed. The crater spans about 14 miles (22 kilometers) in 
diameter. Opportunity arrived from the northwest at a point corresponding 
to about the 10 o'clock position on the circle if north is noon; Perseverance 
Valley slices west to east at approximately the 8 o'clock position.

Opportunity hustled southward to reach the crown of the valley in recent 
weeks. In mid-April it finished about two-and-a-half years on a rim segment 
called "Cape Tribulation." In seven drives between then and arriving at 
the destination on May 4, it covered 377 yards (345 meters), bringing 
the mission's total odometry to about 27.8 miles (44.7 kilometers).

Opportunity and the next-generation Mars rover, Curiosity, as well as 
three active NASA Mars orbiters and surface missions to launch in 2018 
and 2020 are all part of ambitious robotic exploration to understand Mars, 
which helps lead the way for sending humans to Mars in the 2030s. JPL, 
a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, built Opportunity and manages 
the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. For more 
information about Opportunity, visit:



News Media Contact
Guy Webster / Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
818-354-6278 / 818-393-2433
guy.webs...@jpl.nasa.gov / andrew.c.g...@jpl.nasa.gov

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov

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Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com

[meteorite-list] Movie Shows Ceres at Opposition from Sun

2017-06-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Movie Shows Ceres at Opposition from Sun
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 16, 2017

NASA's Dawn spacecraft successfully observed Ceres at opposition on April 
29, taking images from a position exactly between the sun and Ceres' surface. 
Mission specialists had carefully maneuvered Dawn into a special orbit 
so that the spacecraft could view Occator Crater, which contains the brightest 
area of Ceres, from this new perspective.

A new movie shows these opposition images, with contrast enhanced to highlight 
brightness differences. The bright spots of Occator stand out particularly 
well on an otherwise relatively bland surface. Dawn took these images 
from an altitude of about 12,000 miles (20,000 kilometers).

Based on data from ground-based telescopes and spacecraft that previously 
viewed planetary bodies at opposition, scientists correctly predicted 
that Ceres would appear brighter from this opposition configuration. This 
increase in brightness, or "surge," relates the size of the grains of 
material on the surface, as well as the porosity of those materials. The 
science motivation for performing these observations is further explained 
in the March issue of the Dawn Journal blog.

Dawn's observations of Ceres during its more than two years there cover 
a broader range of illumination angles than almost any body in the solar 
system. This provides scientists with an opportunity to gain new insights 
into the surface properties. They are currently analyzing the new data.

The new observations and images were largely unaffected by the loss of 
function of Dawn's third reaction wheel. The spacecraft is healthy and 
orients itself using its hydrazine thrusters.

Dawn's mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, 
managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 
UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., 
in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space 
Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international 
partners on the mission team.

For a complete list of Dawn mission participants, visit:


News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] NASA Moves Up Launch of Psyche Mission to a Metal Asteroid

2017-06-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Moves Up Launch of Psyche Mission to a Metal Asteroid
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 24, 2017

Psyche, NASA's Discovery Mission to a unique metal asteroid, has been 
moved up one year with launch in the summer of 2022, and with a planned 
arrival at the main belt asteroid in 2026 -- four years earlier than the 
original timeline.

"We challenged the mission design team to explore if an earlier launch 
date could provide a more efficient trajectory to the asteroid Psyche, 
and they came through in a big way," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary 
Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This will enable 
us to fulfill our science objectives sooner and at a reduced cost."

The Discovery program announcement of opportunity had directed teams to 
propose missions for launch in either 2021 or 2023. The Lucy mission was 
selected for the first launch opportunity in 2021, and Psyche was to follow 
in 2023. Shortly after selection in January, NASA gave the direction to 
the Psyche team to research earlier opportunities.

"The biggest advantage is the excellent trajectory, which gets us there 
about twice as fast and is more cost effective," said Principal Investigator 
Lindy Elkins-Tanton of Arizona State University in Tempe. "We are all 
extremely excited that NASA was able to accommodate this earlier launch 
date. The world will see this amazing metal world so much sooner."

The revised trajectory is more efficient, as it eliminates the need for 
an Earth gravity assist, which ultimately shortens the cruise time. In 
addition, the new trajectory stays farther from the sun, reducing the 
amount of heat protection needed for the spacecraft. The trajectory will 
still include a Mars gravity assist in 2023.

"The change in plans is a great boost for the team and the mission," said 
Psyche Project Manager Henry Stone at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California. "Our mission design team did a fantastic job coming 
up with this ideal launch opportunity."

The Psyche spacecraft is being built by Space Systems Loral (SSL), Palo 
Alto, California. In order to support the new mission trajectory, SSL 
redesigned the solar array system from a four-panel array in a straight 
row on either side of the spacecraft to a more powerful five-panel x-shaped 
design, commonly used for missions requiring more capability. Much like 
a sports car, by combining a relatively small spacecraft body with a very 
high-power solar array design, the Psyche spacecraft will speed to its 
destination at a faster pace than is typical for a larger spacecraft.

"By increasing the size of the solar arrays, the spacecraft will have 
the power it needs to support the higher velocity requirements of the 
updated mission," said SSL Psyche Program Manager Steve Scott.

The Psyche Mission

Psyche, an asteroid orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, is made 
almost entirely of nickel-iron metal. As such, it offers a unique look 
into the violent collisions that created Earth and the terrestrial planets.

The Psyche Mission was selected for flight earlier this year under NASA's 
Discovery Program, a series of lower-cost, highly focused robotic space 
missions that are exploring the solar system.

The scientific goals of the Psyche mission are to understand the building 
blocks of planet formation and explore firsthand a wholly new and unexplored 
type of world. The mission team seeks to determine whether Psyche is the 
core of an early planet, how old it is, whether it formed in similar ways 
to Earth's core, and what its surface is like. The spacecraft's instrument 
payload will include magnetometers, multispectral imagers, and a gamma 
ray and neutron spectrometer.

For more information about NASA's Psyche mission go to:


News Media Contact
D.C. Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Karin Valentine
Arizona State University School of Earth and Space Exploration, Tempe

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] RIP Michael A'Hearn (1940-2017)

2017-05-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mike passed away on Monday, May 29, 2017, at his home in 
University Park, MD. He had a deep love of science and gregarious
nature, always able to make a positive difference in whatever he did.
An obituary will be forthcoming.

Mike was the beloved husband of Maxine C. A'Hearn; father of Brian J. 
(Zlata) of Oxford, UK, Kevin P. (Kanlayane) of Vienna, VA, and Patrick 
N. A'Hearn of Seattle, WA; grandfather of Sean, Brendan, Marie, Eliane, 
and Gabriel.

Relatives and friends may call at: 

Wednesday, May 31, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM
Collins Funeral Home 
500 University Boulevard West 
Silver Spring, MD 
(Valet Parking)

Thursday, June 1, at 10 AM
Mass of Christian Burial 
Holy Redeemer Church 
Berwyn Rd & 49th Avenue 
College Park, MD 

Interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be made to: 

S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat)
71 O Street, NW 
Washington, DC 20001


Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21297


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[meteorite-list] Curiosity Rover Samples Active Linear Dune on Mars

2017-05-09 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Rover Samples Active Linear Dune on Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
May 4, 2017

As it drives uphill from a band of rippled sand dunes, NASA's Curiosity 
Mars rover is toting a fistful of dark sand for onboard analysis that 
will complete the rover's investigation of those dunes.

>From early February to early April, the rover examined four sites near 
a linear dune for comparison with what it found in late 2015 and early 
2016 during its investigation of crescent-shaped dunes. This two-phase 
campaign is the first close-up study of active dunes anywhere other than 

Among the questions this Martian dune campaign is addressing is how winds 
shape dunes that are relatively close together, on the same side of the 
same mountain, into different patterns. Others include whether Martian 
winds sort grains of sand in ways that affect the distribution of mineral 
compositions, which would have implications for studies of Martian sandstones.

"At these linear dunes, the wind regime is more complicated than at the 
crescent dunes we studied earlier," said Mathieu Lapotre of Caltech, in 
Pasadena, California, who helped lead the Curiosity science team's planning 
for the dune campaign. "There seems to be more contribution from the wind 
coming down the slope of the mountain here compared with the crescent 
dunes farther north."

The linear dunes lie uphill and about a mile (about 1.6 kilometers) south 
from the crescent dunes. Both study locations are part of a dark-sand 
swath called the Bagnold Dunes, which stretches several miles in length. 
This dune field lines the northwestern flank of Mount Sharp, the layered 
mountain that Curiosity is climbing.

"There was another key difference between the first and second phases 
of our dune campaign, besides the shape of the dunes," Lapotre said. "We 
were at the crescent dunes during the low-wind season of the Martian year 
and at the linear dunes during the high-wind season. We got to see a lot 
more movement of grains and ripples at the linear dunes."

To assess wind strength and direction, the rover team now uses change-detection 
pairs of images taken at different times to check for movement of sand 
grains. The wind-sensing capability of the Curiosity's Rover Environmental 
Monitoring Station (REMS) is no longer available, though that instrument 
still returns other Mars-weather data daily, such as temperatures, humidity 
and pressure. Two of the six wind sensors on the rover's mast were found 
to be inoperable upon landing on Mars in 2012. The remainder provided 
wind information throughout the rover's prime mission and first two-year 
extended mission.

A sample of sand that Curiosity scooped up from a linear dune is in the 
sample-handling device at the end of the rover's arm. One portion has 
been analyzed in the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument inside the 
rover. The science team plans to deliver additional sample portions to 
SAM and to the rover's Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument.

One factor in choosing to drive farther uphill before finishing analysis 
of the scooped sand is the status of Curiosity's rock-sampling drill, 
which has not been used on a rock since a problem with the drill feed 
mechanism appeared five months ago. Engineers are assessing how the use 
of vibration to deliver samples may affect the drill feed mechanism, which 
is used to move the drill bit forward and backwards. In addition, high 
winds at the linear-dunes location were complicating the process of pouring 
sample material into the entry ports for the laboratory instruments.

"A balky brake appears to be affecting drill feed mechanism performance," 
said Curiosity Deputy Project Manager Steven Lee, of NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, Pasadena, California. "In some cases, vibration has been observed 
to change feed effectiveness, so we're proceeding cautiously until we 
better understand the behavior. In the meantime, the engineering team 
is developing several methods to improve feed reliability."

Curiosity landed near Mount Sharp in August 2012. It reached the base 
of the mountain in 2014 after successfully finding evidence on the surrounding 
plains that ancient Martian lakes offered conditions that would have been 
favorable for microbes if Mars has ever hosted life. Rock layers forming 
the base of Mount Sharp accumulated as sediment within ancient lakes billions 
of years ago.

On Mount Sharp, Curiosity is investigating how and when the ancient habitable 
conditions known from the mission's earlier findings evolved into drier 
conditions that were less favorable for life. For more information about 
Curiosity, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster / Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
818-354-6278 / 818-393-2433
guy.webs...@jpl.nasa.gov / andrew.c.g...@jpl.nasa.gov

Robert Perkins
Caltech, Pasadena, Calif.
626-395-1862 / 6626-658-1053

[meteorite-list] Initial Results from the Close Approach of Asteroid 2014 JO25

2017-05-09 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Initial Results from the Close Approach of Asteroid 2014 JO25
Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS)
May 5, 2017

A relatively large asteroid called 2014 JO25 approached within 4.6 lunar 
distances (within 1.1 million miles or 1.8 million kilometers) of the 
Earth on April 19, 2017. This was the closest approach by an asteroid 
at least 600 meters in size since 4179 Toutatis, a 3 mile (5 kilometer) 
sized asteroid, approached within four lunar distances in September 2004. 
The close approach provided an outstanding opportunity to study the physical 
properties of the asteroid, and the images obtained by ground-based radars 
are comparable in resolution to those that could be obtained by a spacecraft 

2014 JO25 was discovered by Al Grauer of the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) 
near Tucson, Arizona in May 2014. The Catalina Sky Survey is a project 
of NASA's Near-Earth Object [NEO] Observations Program in collaboration 
with the University of Arizona.

Figure 1: Part of the Catalina Sky Survey, this 1.52-meter Cassegrain 
telescope was used to discover 2014 JO25 in May 2014. The observatory 
is located just north of Tucson, Arizona in the Santa Catalina Mountains. 
Figure 1: Part of the Catalina Sky Survey, this 1.52-meter Cassegrain 
telescope was used to discover 2014 JO25 in May 2014. The observatory 
is located just north of Tucson, Arizona in the Santa Catalina Mountains.

Shortly after its discovery Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) astronomer 
Joe Masiero, a member of the NEOWISE science team, used observations made 
by the NEOWISE spacecraft in 2014 to estimate 2014 JO25's size as roughly 
650 meters (2000 feet), and its optical albedo as 0.25. Albedo is the 
proportion of incident sunlight that a body reflects back into space. 
For comparison, the Moon has an albedo of 0.12, meaning that it reflects 
only 12% of the sunlight that reaches it. Based on initial estimates 2014 
JO25's surface would be twice as reflective as the Moon's, fairly 
bright for an asteroid.

Until the recent close pass, the asteroid's spectral class, rotation 
period, and pole direction were unknown. This close approach provided 
an opportunity for very detailed radar and optical observations, which 
allowed astronomers to better determine the characteristics of this unique 
object. But precision astrometry - measurements of the asteroid's 
position in space relative to stars in the background sky - was needed 
first to determine a more precise orbit, crucial for the radar observations.

So in September 2016 Joe Masiero made a special effort to obtain more 
astrometric observations of 2014 JO25, which was distant at the time, 
and therefore very faint. He had to use the very large Gemini South 8.2-meter 
telescope on Cerro Pachon, Chile to make these measurements. These observations 
significantly reduced the orbital uncertainties for the asteroid. Using 
the more accurate orbit, Peter Veres of the Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) 
at JPL looked through archival Pan-STARRS images taken in 2011, before 
the object was known to exist. These astrometric measurements were crucial 
for reducing the pointing uncertainties for this close pass in April 2017 
and enabled the successful radar observations.
Your browser does not support the video tag. You can the video instead.
Figure 2: This animation shows the orbit of 2014 JO25 about the Sun. The 
orbit is inclined ~25 degrees with respect to the ecliptic; perihelion 
at 0.24 AU and aphelion at 3.9 AU [for reference Jupiter orbits the Sun 
at 5.2 AU]. The orbit of 2014 JO25 seems to resemble that of an Encke-like 
comet. For a high resolution version, download the video for external 
display. (NASA/JPL)

Radar observations were performed at the National Science Foundation's 
Arecibo Observatory equipped with the NASA planetary radar system by a 
team led by Patrick Taylor of Arecibo Observatory between April 15-21, 
and at NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar by a team led by Lance Benner 
of JPL from April 16-21. These dates cover the actual closest approach 
time at 08:24 EDT on April 19, and due to the proximity of the asteroid, 
the observations produced hundreds of radar images with resolutions of 
7.5 meters/pixel from both observatories and a smaller number of images 
at 3.75 meter/pixel resolution at Goldstone.

Figure 3: This sequence of images was obtained by NASA's 70-meter antenna 
at Goldstone near Barstow, California, on 18 April 2017 - the day before 
2014 JO25's closest approach. The double-lobed asteroid safely passed 
by the Earth at a distance of 1.8 million kilometers (or ~4.6 times the 
average distance from Earth to the Moon (NASA/JPL). Figure 3: This sequence 
of images was obtained by NASA's 70-meter antenna at Goldstone near 
Barstow, California, on 18 April 2017 - the day before 2014 JO25's 
closest approach. The double-lobed asteroid safely passed by the Earth 
at a distance of 1.8 million kilometers (or ~4.6 times the av

[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - April 29, 2017

2017-05-09 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal 
by Dr. Marc Rayman
April 29, 2017

Dear Glutdawnous Readers,

The distant dwarf planet that Dawn is circling is full of mystery and 
yet growing ever more familiar. Ceres, which only last year was hardly 
more than a fuzzy blob against the stars, is now a richly detailed world, 
and our portrait grows more elaborate every day. Having greatly surpassed 
all of its original objectives, the reliable explorer is gathering still 
more data from its unique vantage point. Everyone who hungers for new 
knowledge about the cosmos or for bold adventures far from Earth can share 
in the sumptuous feast Dawn has been serving.

One of the major objectives of the mission was to photograph 80 percent 
of Ceres' vast landscape with a resolution of 660 feet (200 meters) 
per pixel. That would provide 150 times the clarity of the powerful Hubble 
Space Telescope. Dawn has now photographed 99.8 percent with a resolution 
of 120 feet (35 meters) per pixel.

[Haulani Crater in Enhanced Color]
This image of Haulani Crater uses color pictures Dawn acquired during 
its third mapping orbit at an altitude of 915 miles (1,470 kilometers). 
We saw the crater from the same altitude in black and white here. This 
false color picture highlights differences in composition or other properties 
that your eye would not be able to detect. In this color scheme, blue 
is associated with geologically young material, consistent with the description 
of the black and white image as showing a young crater. It is easy to 
see that the surrounding region was affected by the formation of the crater. 
(The last picture below shows the area around another crater that was 
altered by an impact.) Also note the variation in terrain within the crater, 
including a prominent ridge in the center. The crater is 21 miles (34 
kilometers) in diameter. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

This example of Dawn's extraordinary productivity may appear to be the 
limit of what it could achieve. After all, the spaceship is orbiting at 
an altitude of only 240 miles (385 kilometers), closer to the ground than 
the International Space Station is to Earth, and it will never go lower 
for more pictures. But it is already doing more.

Since April 11, instead of photographing the scenery directly beneath 
it, Dawn has been aiming its camera to the left and forward as it orbits 
and Ceres rotates. By May 25, it will have mapped most of the globe from 
that angle. Then it will start all over once more, looking instead to 
the right and forward from May 27 through July 10. The different perspectives 
on the terrain make stereo views, which scientists can combine to bring 
out the full three dimensionality of the alien world. Dawn already accomplished 
this in its third mapping orbit from four times its current altitude, 
but now that it is seeing the sights from so much lower, the new topographical 
map will be even more accurate.

[Oxo Crater at LAMO]
Dawn captured this view of Oxo Crater on Jan. 16 from an altitude of 240 
miles (385 kilometers). Although it is a modest six miles (10 kilometers) 
across, it is a particularly interesting crater. This is the only location 
(so far) on Ceres where Dawn has clearly detected water. Oxo is the second 
brightest area on Ceres. Only Occator Crater is brighter. Oxo also displays 
a uniquely large 'slump' in its rim, where a mass of material has 
dropped below the surface. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

Dawn is also earning extra credit on its assignment to measure the energy 
of gamma rays and neutrons. We have discussed before how the gamma ray 
and neutron detector (GRaND) can reveal the atomic composition down to 
about a yard (meter) underground, and last month we saw initial findings 
about the distribution of hydrogen. However, Ceres' nuclear glow is 
very faint. Scientists already have three times as much GRaND data from 
this low altitude as they had required, and both spectrometers in the 
instrument will continue to collect data. In effect, Dawn is achieving 
a longer exposure, making its nuclear picture of Ceres brighter and sharper.

In December we explained how using the radio signal to track the probe's 
movements allows scientists to chart the gravity field and thereby learn 
about the interior of Ceres, revealing regions of higher and lower density. 
Once again, Dawn performed even better than expected and achieved the 
mission's planned accuracy in the third mapping orbit. Because the strength 
of the dwarf planet's gravitational tug depends on the distance, even 
finer measurements of how it varies from location to location are possible 
in this final orbit. Thanks to the continued smooth operation of the mission, 
scientists now have a gravitational map fully twice as accurate as they 
had anticipated. With additional measurements, they may be able to squeeze 
out a little more detail, perhaps improvin

[meteorite-list] Dawn Observing Ceres; 3rd Reaction Wheel Malfunctions

2017-05-05 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Observing Ceres; 3rd Reaction Wheel Malfunctions
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Arpil 26, 2017

Mission Status Report

NASA's Dawn spacecraft is preparing to observe Ceres on April 29 from 
an "opposition" position, directly between the dwarf planet's mysterious 
Occator Crater and the sun. This unique geometry may yield new insights 
about the bright material in the center of the crater.

While preparing for this observation, one of Dawn's two remaining reaction 
wheels stopped functioning on April 23. By electrically changing the speed 
at which these gyroscope-like devices spin, Dawn controls its orientation 
in the zero-gravity, frictionless conditions of space.

The team discovered the situation during a scheduled communications session 
on April 24, diagnosed the problem, and returned the spacecraft to its 
standard flight configuration, still with hydrazine control, on April 
25. The failure occurred after Dawn completed its five-hour segment of 
ion thrusting on April 22 to adjust its orbit, but before the shorter 
maneuver scheduled for April 23-24. The orbit will still allow Dawn to 
perform its opposition measurements. The reaction wheel's malfunctioning 
will not significantly impact the rest of the extended mission at Ceres.

Dawn completed its prime mission in June 2016, and is now in an extended 
mission. It has been studying Ceres for more than two years, and before 
that, the spacecraft orbited giant asteroid Vesta, sending back valuable 
data and images. Dawn launched in 2007.

The Dawn operations team has been well prepared to deal with the loss 
of the reaction wheel. The spacecraft is outfitted with four reaction 
wheels. It experienced failures of one of the wheels in 2010, a year before 
it entered orbit around Vesta, and another in 2012, as it was completing 
its exploration of that fascinating world. (See issues with these devices). 
When a third reaction wheel stopped working this week, the spacecraft 
correctly responded by entering one of its safe modes and assigning control 
of its orientation to its hydrazine thrusters.

Today, Dawn's elliptical orbit will bring it from an altitude of 17,300 
miles (27,900 kilometers) to 15,800 miles (25,400 kilometers) above Ceres.

The Dawn mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, 
California, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn 
is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's 
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. UCLA is responsible 
for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, 
designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, Max Planck 
Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space Agency and Italian 
National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission 
team. For a complete list of mission participants, visit: 

More information about Dawn is available at the following sites:



News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Detecting Life in the Driest Place on Earth

2017-04-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Detecting Life in the Driest Place on Earth
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 20, 2017

Few places are as hostile to life as Chile's Atacama Desert. It's the 
driest place on Earth, and only the hardiest microbes survive there. Its 
rocky landscape has lain undisturbed for eons, exposed to extreme temperatures 
and radiation from the sun.

If you can find life here, you might be able to find it in an even harsher 
environment -- like the surface of Mars. That's why a team of researchers 
from NASA and several universities visited the Atacama in February. They 
spent 10 days testing devices that could one day be used to search for 
signs of life on other worlds. That group included a team from NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, working on a portable 
chemistry lab called the Chemical Laptop.

With just a small water sample, the Laptop can check for amino acids, 
the organic molecules that are widespread in our solar system and considered 
the building blocks of all life as we know it. Liquid-based analysis techniques 
have been shown to be orders of magnitude more sensitive than gas-based 
methods for the same kinds of samples. But when you scoop up a sample 
from Mars, the amino acids you're looking for will be trapped inside of 
or chemically bonded to minerals.

To break down those bonds, JPL has designed another piece of technology, 
a subcritical water extractor that would act as the "front end" for the 
Laptop. This extractor uses water to release the amino acids from a soil 
sample, leaving them ready to be analyzed by the Chemical Laptop.

"These two pieces of technology work together so that we can search for 
biosignatures in solid samples on rocky or icy worlds," said Peter Willis 
of JPL, the project's principal investigator. "The Atacama served as a 
proving ground to see how this technology would work on an arid planet 
like Mars."

To find life, just add water

Willis' team revisited an Atacama site he first went to in 2005. At that 
time, the extractor he used was manually operated; in February, the team 
used an automated extractor designed by Florian Kehl, a postdoctoral researcher 
at JPL.

The extractor ingests soil and regolith samples and mixes them with water. 
Then, it subjects the samples to high pressure and temperature to get 
the organics out.

"At high temperatures, water has the ability to dissolve the organic compounds 
from the soil," Kehl said. "Think of a tea bag: in cold water, not much 
happens. But when you add hot water, the tea releases an entire bouquet 
of molecules that gives the water a particular flavor, color and smell."

To remove the amino acids from those minerals, the water has to get much 
hotter than your ordinary cup of tea: Kehl said the extractor is currently 
able to reach temperatures as high as 392 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees 

Liquid samples would be more readily available on ocean worlds like Jupiter's 
moon Europa, Kehl said. There, the extractor might still be necessary, 
as amino acids could be bonded to minerals mixed into the ice. They also 
may be present as part of larger molecules, which the extractor could 
break into smaller building blocks before analyzing them with the Chemical 
Laptop. Once the extractor has prepared its samples, the Laptop can do 
its work.

NASA's own tricorder

The Chemical Laptop checks liquid samples for a set of 17 amino acids 
-- what the team refers to as "the Signature 17." By looking at the types, 
amounts and geometries of these amino acids in a sample, it's possible 
to infer the presence of life.

"All these molecules 'like' being in water," said Fernanda Mora of JPL, 
the Chemical Laptop's lead scientist. "They dissolve in water and they 
don't evaporate easily, so they're much easier to detect in water."

The Laptop mixes liquid samples with a fluorescent dye, which attaches 
to amino acids and makes it possible to detect them when illuminated by 
a laser.

Then, the sample is injected onto a separation microchip. A voltage is 
applied between the two ends of the channel, causing the amino acids to 
move at different speeds towards the end, where the laser is shining. 
Amino acids can be identified by how quickly they move through the channel. 
As the molecules pass through the laser, they emit light that is used 
to quantify how much of each amino acid is present.

"The idea is to automate and miniaturize all the steps you would do manually 
in a chemistry lab on Earth," Mora said. "That way, we can do the same 
analyses on another world simply by sending commands with a computer."

The near-term goal is to integrate the extractor and Chemical Laptop into 
a single, automated device. It would be tested during future field campaigns 
to the Atacama Desert with a team of researchers led by Brian Glass of 
NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.

"These are some of the hardest samples to analyze you c

[meteorite-list] Landslides on Ceres Reflect Ice Content

2017-04-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Landslides on Ceres Reflect Ice Content
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 19, 2017

As NASA's Dawn spacecraft continues exploring Ceres, evidence mounts that 
the enigmatic dwarf planet retains a significant amount of water ice. 
A new study in the journal Nature Geoscience adds to this picture, showing 
how ice may have shaped the variety of landslides seen on Ceres today.

"Images from Dawn show that landslides, many of which are similar to those 
seen on Earth, are very common on Ceres, and further the case that Ceres 
has a lot of water ice involved in its structure," said Britney Schmidt, 
who led the study. She is an associate of the Dawn science team and assistant 
professor at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Types of Landslides

Schmidt and colleagues identified three types of landslides. Type I, which 
are relatively round and large, have thick "toes" at their ends. They 
look similar to rock glaciers and icy landslides on Earth. Type I landslides 
are mostly found at high latitudes on Ceres, which is also where the most 
ice is thought to reside just beneath the surface, suggesting they involve 
the most ice of any of the flow features. Three small Type 1 flows are 
found in Oxo Crater, a tiny bright crater in the northern hemisphere that 
hosts an ice deposit at the surface.

Type II features are often thinner and longer than Type I, and are the 
most common type of landslide on Ceres. The landslide deposits appear 
similar to those left behind by avalanches seen on Earth.

Ceres' Type III features may involve a brief melting of some of the ice 
within the soil-like regolith, causing the material to flow like mud before 
refreezing. These landslides are always associated with large impact craters, 
and may have formed when an impact event melts subsurface ice on Ceres. 
These features have similar appearances to ejected material from craters 
in the icy regions of Mars and on Jupiter's moon Ganymede.

"The locations of these different types of features reinforces the idea 
that the shallow subsurface of Ceres is a mixture of ice and rock, and 
that ice is most plentiful near the surface at the poles," Schmidt said.

Scientists were also surprised at just how many landslides have occurred 
on Ceres in general. About 20 to 30 percent of craters greater than 6 
miles (10 kilometers) wide have some type of landslide associated with 
them. Such widespread "ground ice" features, which formed from of a mixture 
of rock and ice, had only been observed before on Earth and Mars.

Implications and Future Observations

Based on the shape and distribution of landslides on Ceres, study authors 
estimate that the ice in the upper few tens of meters of Ceres may range 
from 10 percent to 50 percent by volume.

"These kinds of flows are not seen on bodies such as Vesta, which Dawn 
studied from 2011 to 2012, because the regolith is devoid of water," said 
Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator for the Dawn mission, based 
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

Now in its extended mission phase, Dawn is using its ion engine to swivel 
the plane of its orbit around Ceres to prepare for observations from a 
new orbit and orientation. At the end of April, the spacecraft will be 
directly between the sun and the mysterious Occator Crater. In this geometry, 
Dawn may deliver new insights about the reflective material of Ceres' 
most famous "bright spot," the highly reflective center of Occator that 
has been named Cerealia Facula.

The Dawn mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, 
managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 
UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., 
in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space 
Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international 
partners on the mission team. For a complete list of mission participants, 


More information about Dawn is available at the following sites:



News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA



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[meteorite-list] NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Leaves 'Tribulation'

2017-04-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Leaves 'Tribulation'
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 19, 2017

NASA's senior Mars rover, Opportunity, is departing "Cape Tribulation," 
a crater-rim segment it has explored since late 2014, southbound for its 
next destination, "Perseverance Valley."

The rover team plans observations in the valley to determine what type 
of fluid activity carved it billions of years ago: water, wind, or flowing 
debris lubricated by water.

A color panorama of a ridge called "Rocheport" provides both a parting 
souvenir of Cape Tribulation and also possible help for understanding 
the valley ahead. The view was assembled from multiple images taken by 
Opportunity's panoramic camera.

"The degree of erosion at Rocheport is fascinating," said Opportunity 
Deputy Principal Investigator Ray Arvidson, of Washington University in 
St. Louis. "Grooves run perpendicular to the crest line. They may have 
been carved by water or ice or wind. We want to see as many features like 
this on the way to Perseverance Valley as we can, for comparison with 
what we find there."

Perseverance Valley is about two football fields long. It cuts downward 
west to east across the western rim of Endeavour Crater. The crater is 
about 14 miles (22 kilometers) in diameter, with a segmented rim that 
exposes the oldest rocks ever investigated in place on Mars. Opportunity 
has less than four football fields' distance of driving to reach the top 
of the valley after departing Cape Tribulation, a raised segment about 
3 miles (5 kilometers) long on the crater's western rim.

In 68 months since reaching Endeavour Crater, Opportunity has explored 
"Cape York," "Solander Point" and "Murray Ridge" before reaching Cape 
Tribulation about 30 months ago. "Cape Byron," the next raised segment 
to the south, contains Perseverance Valley and is separated from Tribulation 
by a gap of flatter ground.

Five drives totaling about 320 feet (98 meters) since the beginning of 
April have brought Opportunity to a boundary area where Cape Tribulation 
meets the plain surrounding the crater.

Cape Tribulation has been the site of significant events in the mission. 
There, in 2015, Opportunity surpassed a marathon-race distance of total 
driving since its 2004 landing on Mars. It climbed to the highest-elevation 
viewpoint it has reached on Endeavour's rim. In a region of Tribulation 
called "Marathon Valley," it investigated outcrops containing clay minerals 
that had been detected from orbit. There were some name-appropriate Tribulation 
experiences, as well. The rover team has coped with loss of reliability 
in Opportunity's non-volatile "flash" memory since 2015. With flash memory 
unavailable, each day's observations are lost if not radioed homeward 
the same day.

"From the Cape Tribulation departure point, we'll make a beeline to the 
head of Perseverance Valley, then turn left and drive down the full length 
of the valley, if we can," Arvidson said. "It's what you would do if you 
were an astronaut arriving at a feature like this: Start at the top, looking 
at the source material, then proceed down the valley, looking at deposits 
along the way and at the bottom."

Clues to how the valley was carved could come from the arrangement of 
different sizes of rocks and gravel in the deposits.

He said, "If it was a debris flow, initiated by a little water, with lots 
of rocks moving downhill, it should be a jumbled mess. If it was a river 
cutting a channel, we may see gravel bars, crossbedding, and what's called 
a 'fining upward' pattern of sediments, with coarsest rocks at the bottom." 
Another pattern that could be evidence of flowing water would be if elongated 
pieces of gravel in a deposited bed tend to be stacked leaning in the 
same direction, providing a record of the downstream flow direction.

Now more than 13 years into a mission originally scheduled to last three 
months on Mars, Opportunity remains unexpectedly capable of continued 
exploration. It has driven about four-tenths of a mile (two-thirds of 
a kilometer) since the start of 2017, bringing the total traverse so far 
to 27.6 miles (44.4 kilometers). The current season on Mars is past the 
period when global dust storms might arise and curtail Opportunity's solar 

Opportunity and the next-generation Mars rover, Curiosity, as well as 
three active NASA Mars orbiters, and surface missions to launch in 2018 
and 2020 are all part of a legacy of robotic exploration which is helping 
to lay the groundwork for sending humans there in the 2030s. NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, 
built Opportunity and manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission 
Washington. For more information about Opportunity, visit:



News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

[meteorite-list] NASA Scientists to Discuss Search for Habitable Planets, Signs of Life off Earth

2017-04-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list

April 19, 2017 


NASA Scientists to Discuss Search for Habitable Planets, Signs of Life off Earth

NASA scientists from across the agency will present their latest findings 
and perspectives on topics ranging from the origins and evolution of life 
on Earth to the search for habitable environments and life in our solar 
system and beyond during the 2017 Astrobiology Science Conference, April 
24-28 in Mesa, Arizona.

Among the scientists scheduled to present at the conference are: 

* Giada Arney from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, 
Maryland, will discuss organic haze on Earthlike planets as a possible 

*  Morgan Cable at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, 
will talk about mechanisms for enrichment of organics in Enceladus plumes

* John Grunsfeld, former NASA astronaut and associate administrator 
for science, will deliver a presentation on next-generation space telescopes 
for terrestrial exoplanet characterization and the search for biosignatures

* Michael Mumma from Goddard will discuss methane as a possible messenger 
in the search for life on Mars

* Andrew Pohorille at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's 
Silicon Valley will talk about the origin and evolution of information 
transfer in biological systems

On Sunday, April 23, NASA will hold a town hall meeting from 12:30 to 
6 p.m. PDT at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel to solicit feedback from 
the astrobiology community on the Europa Lander Science Definition Team 
report. For more information on this town hall, contact Curt Niebur at 

The Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) team, chartered to identify science 
objectives and exploration roadmaps for ocean worlds, will hold a town 
hall from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. on Monday, April 24, to share its progress 
and gather input from the astrobiology community.

Arizona State University (ASU), host of the conference, will hold two 
free public events at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel. The ASU Beyond 
Center will sponsor a program from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 titled 
"Where a Second Example of Life Might be Discovered in the Next Century." 
On Thursday, April 26, the ASU Origins Project will sponsor a program 
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on "How Astrobiology and Planetary Science Inform 
a Perspective of Planetary Stewardship."

The conference will take place at the Mesa Convention Center, located 
at 263 N. Center Street, and the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel, at 200 North 
Centennial Way.

The Lunar and Planetary Institute is responsible for conference logistics.

Media may register to attend. For more information, including links to 
the program, media advisories and contact information, visit:


Select events will be live streamed, and schedules are available at:


For information about NASA astrobiology visit:



Press Contacts

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] NASA Radar Spots Relatively Large Asteroid Prior to Flyby (2014 JO25)

2017-04-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Radar Spots Relatively Large Asteroid Prior to Flyby
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 18, 2017

Radar images of asteroid 2014 JO25 were obtained in the early morning 
hours on Tuesday, with NASA's 70-meter (230-foot) antenna at the Goldstone 
Deep Space Communications Complex in California. The images reveal a 
asteroid that rotates about once every five hours. The images have resolutions 
as fine as 25 feet (7.5 meters) per pixel.

Asteroid 2014 JO25 was discovered in May 2014 by astronomers at the Catalina 
Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona -- a project of NASA's Near-Earth Objects 
Observations Program in collaboration with the University of Arizona. 
The asteroid will fly safely past Earth on Wednesday at a distance of 
about 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers), or about 4.6 times the 
distance from Earth to the moon. The encounter is the closest the object 
will have come to Earth in 400 years and will be its closest approach 
for at least the next 500 years.

"The asteroid has a contact binary structure - two lobes connected by 
a neck-like region," said Shantanu Naidu, a scientist from NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who led the Goldstone 
"The images show flat facets, concavities and angular topography."

The largest of the asteroid's two lobes is estimated to be 2,000 feet 
(620 meters) across.

Radar observations of the asteroid also have been conducted at the National 
Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Additional radar 
observations are being conducted at both Goldstone and Arecibo on April 
19 20, and 21, and could provide images with even higher resolution.

Radar has been used to observe hundreds of asteroids. When these small, 
natural remnants of the formation of the solar system pass relatively 
close to Earth, deep space radar is a powerful technique for studying 
their sizes, shapes, rotation, surface features, and roughness, and for 
more precise determination of their orbital path.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, manages and operates 
NASA's Deep Space Network, including the Goldstone Solar System Radar, 
and hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies for NASA's Near-Earth 
Object Observations Program within the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:



For more information about NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, 


For asteroid and comet news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California



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[meteorite-list] NASA Invests in 22 Visionary Exploration Concepts

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Invests in 22 Visionary Exploration Concepts
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 7, 2017

A mechanical rover inspired by a Dutch artist. A weather balloon that 
recharges its batteries in the clouds of Venus.

These are just two of the five ideas that originated at NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and are advancing for a new round 
of research funded by the agency.

In total, the space agency is investing in 22 early-stage technology proposals 
that have the potential to transform future human and robotic exploration 
missions, introduce new exploration capabilities, and significantly improve 
current approaches to building and operating aerospace systems.

The 2017 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) portfolio of Phase I 
concepts covers a wide range of innovations selected for their potential 
to revolutionize future space exploration. Phase I awards are valued at 
approximately $125,000, for nine months, to support initial definition 
and analysis of their concepts. If these basic feasibility studies are 
successful, awardees can apply for Phase II awards.

"The NIAC program engages researchers and innovators in the scientific 
and engineering communities, including agency civil servants," said Steve 
Jurczyk, associate administrator of NASA's Space Technology Mission 
"The program gives fellows the opportunity and funding to explore visionary 
aerospace concepts that we appraise and potentially fold into our early 
stage technology portfolio."

The selected 2017 Phase I proposals are:

* A Synthetic Biology Architecture to Detoxify and Enrich Mars Soil 
for Agriculture, Adam Arkin, University of California, Berkeley

â*A Breakthrough Propulsion Architecture for Interstellar Precursor 
Missions, John Brophy, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, 

* Evacuated Airship for Mars Missions, John-Paul Clarke, Georgia Institute 
of Technology in Atlanta

* Mach Effects for In Space Propulsion: Interstellar Mission, Heidi 
Fearn, Space Studies Institute in Mojave, California

* Pluto Hop, Skip, and Jump, Benjamin Goldman, Global Aerospace Corporation 
in Irwindale, California

* Turbolift, Jason Gruber, Innovative Medical Solutions Group in Tampa, 

* Phobos L1 Operational Tether Experiment, Kevin Kempton, NASA's Langley 
Research Center in Hampton, Virginia

* Gradient Field Imploding Liner Fusion Propulsion System, Michael LaPointe, 
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama

* Massively Expanded NEA Accessibility via Microwave-Sintered Aerobrakes, 
John Lewis, Deep Space Industries, Inc., in Moffett Field, California

* Dismantling Rubble Pile Asteroids with Area-of-Effect Soft-bots, Jay 
McMahon, University of Colorado, Boulder

* Continuous Electrode Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, Raymond 
Sedwick, University of Maryland, College Park

* Sutter: Breakthrough Telescope Innovation for Asteroid Survey Missions 
to Start a Gold Rush in Space, Joel Sercel, TransAstra in Lake View Terrace, 

* Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a 
Solar Gravity Lens Mission, Slava Turyshev, JPL

* Solar Surfing, Robert Youngquist, NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida

* A Direct Probe of Dark Energy Interactions with a Solar System Laboratory, 
Nan Yu, JPL

"The 2017 NIAC Phase I competition has resulted in an excellent set of 
studies. All of the final candidates were outstanding," said Jason Derleth, 
NIAC program executive. "We look forward to seeing how each new study 
will expand how we explore the universe."

Phase II studies allow awardees time to refine their designs and explore 
aspects of implementing the new technology. This year's Phase II portfolio 
addresses a range of leading-edge concepts, including: a Venus probe using 
in-situ power and propulsion to study the Venusian atmosphere, and novel 
orbital imaging data derived from stellar echo techniques -- measurement 
of the variation in a star's light caused by reflections off of distant 
worlds -- to detect exoplanets, which are planets outside our solar system.

Awards under Phase II of the NIAC program can be worth as much as $500,000, 
for two-year studies, and allow proposers to further develop Phase I concepts 
that successfully demonstrated initial feasibility and benefit.

The selected 2017 Phase II proposals are:

* Venus Interior Probe Using In-situ Power and Propulsion, Ratnakumar 
Bugga, JPL

* Remote Laser Evaporative Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy Sensor 
System, Gary Hughes, California Polytechnic State University in San Luis 

* Brane Craft Phase II, Siegfried Janson, The Aerospace Corporation 
in El Segundo, California

* Stellar Echo Imaging of Exoplanets, Chris Mann, Nanohmics, Inc., Austin, 

* Automaton Rover for Extreme Environments, Jonathan Sauder, JPL

* Optical Mining of Asteroids, Moons, and Planets to Enable Sustainable 

[meteorite-list] Asteroid 2014 JO25 to Fly Safely Past Earth on April 19

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Asteroid to Fly Safely Past Earth on April 19
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 6, 2017

A fairly large asteroid discovered nearly three years ago will fly safely 
past Earth on April 19 at a distance of about 1.1 million miles (1.8 million 
kilometers), or about 4.6 times the distance from Earth to the moon. Although 
there is absolutely no chance that the asteroid will collide with our 
planet, this will be a very close approach for an asteroid of this size.

The asteroid, known as 2014 JO25, was discovered in May 2014 by astronomers 
at the Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona -- a project of NASA's 
NEO Observations Program in collaboration with the University of Arizona. 
(An NEO is a near-Earth object). Contemporary measurements by NASA's NEOWISE 
mission indicate that the asteroid is roughly 2,000 feet (650 meters) 
in size, and that its surface is about twice as reflective as that of 
the moon. At this time very little else is known about the object's physical 
properties, even though its trajectory is well known.

The asteroid will approach Earth from the direction of the sun and will 
become visible in the night sky after April 19. It is predicted to brighten 
to about magnitude 11, when it could be visible in small optical telescopes 
for one or two nights before it fades as the distance rapidly increases.

Asteroids pass within this distance of Earth around two to seven times 
a week, but this upcoming close approach is the closest by any known asteroid 
of this size, or larger, since asteroid Toutatis approached within about 
four lunar distances in September 2004. The next known encounter of an 
asteroid of comparable size will occur in 2027 when the half-mile-wide 
(800-meter-wide) asteroid 1999 AN10 will fly by at one lunar distance, 
about 236,000 miles (380,000 kilometers).

The April 19 encounter provides an outstanding opportunity to study this 
asteroid, and astronomers plan to observe it with telescopes around the 
world to learn as much about it as possible. Radar observations are planned 
at NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in California and the National 
Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, and the resulting 
radar images could reveal surface details as small as a few meters.

The encounter on April 19 is the closest this asteroid has come to Earth 
for at least the last 400 years and will be its closest approach for at 
least the next 500 years.

Also on April 19, the comet PanSTARRS (C/2015 ER61) will make its closest 
approach to Earth, at a very safe distance of 109 million miles (175 million 
kilometers). A faint fuzzball in the sky when it was discovered in 2015 
by the Pan-STARRS NEO survey team using a telescope on the summit of Haleakala, 
Hawaii, the comet has brightened considerably due to a recent outburst 
and is now visible in the dawn sky with binoculars or a small telescope.

JPL manages and operates NASA's Deep Space Network, including the Goldstone 
Solar System Radar, and hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies 
for NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program, an element of the Planetary 
Defense Coordination Office within the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:



For more information about NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, 


For asteroid and comet news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Ceres' Temporary Atmosphere Linked to Solar Activity

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Ceres' Temporary Atmosphere Linked to Solar Activity
Jet Propuslion Laboratory
April 6, 2017

Scientists have long thought that Ceres may have a very weak, transient 
atmosphere, but mysteries lingered about its origin and why it's not always 
present. Now, researchers suggest that this temporary atmosphere appears 
to be related to the behavior of the sun, rather than Ceres' proximity 
to the sun. The study was conducted by scientists from NASA's Dawn mission 
and others who previously identified water vapor at Ceres using other 

"We think the occurrence of Ceres' transient atmosphere is the product 
of solar activity," said Michaela Villarreal, lead author of the new study 
in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and researcher at the University 
of California, Los Angeles.

Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt that lies between Mars 
and Jupiter. When energetic particles from the sun hit exposed ice and 
ice near the surface of the dwarf planet, it transfers energy to the water 
molecules as they collide. This frees the water molecules from the ground, 
allowing them to escape and create a tenuous atmosphere that may last 
for a week or so.

"Our results also have implications for other airless, water-rich bodies 
of the solar system, including the polar regions of the moon and some 
asteroids," said Chris Russell, principal investigator of the Dawn mission, 
also at UCLA. "Atmospheric releases might be expected from their surfaces, 
too, when solar activity erupts."

Before Dawn arrived in orbit at Ceres in 2015, evidence for an atmosphere 
had been detected by some observatories at certain times, but not others, 
suggesting that it is a transient phenomenon. In 1991, the International 
Ultraviolet Explorer satellite detected hydroxyl emission from Ceres, 
but not in 1990. Then, in 2007, the European Southern Observatory's Very 
Large Telescope searched for a hydroxide emission, but came up empty. 
The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory detected water 
in the possible weak atmosphere, or "exosphere," of Ceres on three occasions, 
but did not on a fourth attempt.

As Dawn began its thorough study of Ceres in March 2015, scientists found 
ample evidence for water in the form of ice. The spacecraft's gamma ray 
and neutron detector (GRaND) has found that the uppermost surface is rich 
in hydrogen, which is consistent with broad expanses of water ice. This 
ice is nearer to the surface at higher latitudes, where temperatures are 
lower, a 2016 study published in the journal Science found. Ice has been 
detected directly at the small bright crater called Oxo and in at least 
one of the craters that are persistently in shadow in the northern hemisphere. 
Other research has suggested that persistently shadowed craters are likely 
to harbor ice. Additionally, the shapes of craters and other features 
are consistent with significant water-ice content in the crust.

Because of this evidence for abundant ice, many scientists think that 
Ceres' exosphere is created in a process similar to what occurs on comets, 
even though they are much smaller. In that model, the closer Ceres gets 
to the sun, the more water vapor is released because of ice sublimating 
near or at the surface.

But the new study suggests comet-like behavior may not explain the mix 
of detections and non-detections of a weak atmosphere.

"Sublimation probably is present, but we don't think it's significant 
enough to produce the amount of exosphere that we're seeing," Villarreal 

Villarreal and colleagues showed that past detections of the transient 
atmosphere coincided with higher concentrations of energetic protons from 
the sun. Non-detections coincided with lower concentrations of these particles. 
What's more, the best detections of Ceres' atmosphere did not occur at 
its closest approach to the sun. This suggests that solar activity, rather 
than Ceres' proximity to the sun, is a more important factor in generating 
an exosphere.

The research began with a 2016 Science study led by Chris Russell. The 
study, using GRaND data, suggested that, during a six-day period in 2015, 
Ceres had accelerated electrons from the solar wind to very high energies.

In its orbital path, Ceres is currently getting closer to the sun. But 
the sun is now in a particularly quiet period, expected to last for several 
more years. Since their results indicate Ceres' exosphere is related to 
solar activity, study authors are predicting that the dwarf planet will 
have little to no atmosphere for some time. However, they recommend that 
other observatories monitor Ceres for future emissions.

Dawn is now in its extended mission and studying Ceres in a highly elliptical 
orbit. Engineers are maneuvering the spacecraft to a different orbital 
plane so that Ceres can be viewed in a new geometry. The primary science 
objective is to measure cosmic rays to help determin

[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - March 30, 2017

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
March 30, 2017

Dear Leonardo dawn Vinci, Micheldawngelo and Other Artistic Readers,

Now in its third year of orbiting a distant dwarf planet, a spacecraft 
from Earth is as active as ever. Like a master artist, Dawn is working 
hard to add fine details to its stunning portrait of Ceres.

In this phase of its extended mission, the spacecraft's top priority 
is to record space radiation (known as cosmic rays) in order to refine 
its earlier measurements of the atomic species down to about a yard (meter) 
underground. The data Dawn has been collecting are excellent.

Dawn saw this rugged terrain on August 15, 2016, from an altitude of 240 
miles (385 kilometers). This is the southeastern end of a network of canyons 
in Yalode Crater called Nar Sulcus. (Nar is from a modern pomegranate 
feast in part of Azerbaijan. A sulcus is a set of parallel furrows or 
ridges.) We saw the rest of these canyons as they extend far to the northwest 
here. Geological structures like this have been found on some icy moons 
of the outer planets. The tremendous impact that formed Yalode heated 
the mixture of ice, rock and salt, which is a common combination on Ceres, 
perhaps causing a large volume to melt. When it subsequently refroze, 
it would have expanded (just as water does when it turns to ice in your 
freezer), and that may have created stresses that fractured the ground, 
forming Nar Sulcus. You can locate this scene in the eastern part of Yalode 
on this map near 41S, 281E. With a diameter of 162 miles (260 kilometers), 
Yalode is the second largest crater on Ceres. We have presented other 
photos of the crater, most recently in January. Full image and caption. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

As we explained in January, the ambitious mission has added a complex 
bonus to its plans. The team is piloting the ship through an intricate 
set of space maneuvers to dramatically shift its orbit around Ceres. They 
are now about halfway through, and it has been smooth sailing. Dawn is 
on course and on schedule. (If you happen to be one of the few readers 
for whom it isn't second nature to plan how to change a spacecraft's 
orbit around a dwarf planet by 90 degrees and then fly it under control 
of ion engine, last month's Dawn Journal presents a few of the details 
that may not be obvious. And you can follow the adventurer's orbital 
progress with the regular mission status updates.)

If all goes well, on April 29 the new orbit will take Dawn exactly between 
the sun and the famous bright region at the center of Occator Crater. 
Named Cerealia Facula, the area is composed largely of salts. (Based on 
infrared spectra, the strongest candidate for the primary constituent 
is sodium carbonate). The probe will be at an altitude of about 12,400 
miles (20,000 kilometers), or more than 50 times higher than it was in 
2016 when it captured its sharpest photos of Occator (as well as the rest 
of Ceres' 1.1 million square miles, or 2.8 million square kilometers). 
But the objective of reaching a position at which the sun and Ceres are 
in opposite directions, a special alignment known as opposition, is not 
to take pictures that display more details to our eyes. In fact, however, 
the pictures will contain intriguing new details that are not readily 
discerned by visual inspection. Dawn will take pictures as it gets closer 
and closer to opposition, covering a range of angles. In each image, scientists 
will scrutinize the handful of pixels on Cerealia Facula to track how 
the brightness changes as Dawn's vantage point changes.

[Occator Crater Image]
Dawn took this photo of Occator Crater on Oct. 18, 2016, at an altitude 
of 920 miles (1,480 kilometers) in extended mission orbit 2. We have seen 
other views of Occator, from farther, from closer, with exposures optimized 
for the brightest areas, in color, with the crater on the limb of Ceres 
and more, but you can never have too many pictures of such a captivating 
scene. The central bright region is Cerealia Facula, and the collection 
of others is Vinalia Faculae. (A bright region on a planet is a facula. 
Here is more on these names.) These are the brightest areas on Ceres. 
One scenario for how they formed is that underground briny water made 
its way to the surface through fractures. When the water was on the ground, 
exposed to the cold vacuum of space, it froze and sublimated (that is, 
it transformed from a solid to a gas). The dissolved salt was left behind, 
with sodium carbonate being the likely principal constituent, and that 
reflective material is what we see here. We will see below that opposition 
surge measurements may provide evidence to support or modify this scenario. 
(A recent estimate is that Cerealia Facula may be some tens of millions 
of years younger than the crater itself. We discussed last year how ages 
are determined.) Since we can't have to

[meteorite-list] Prolific Mars Orbiter Completes 50, 000 Orbits (MRO)

2017-04-04 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Prolific Mars Orbiter Completes 50,000 Orbits
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 29, 2017

The most data-productive spacecraft yet at Mars swept past its 50,000th 
orbit this week, continuing to compile the most sharp-eyed global coverage 
ever accomplished by a camera at the Red Planet.

In addition, the spacecraft -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) 
-- recently aided preparations for NASA's next mission to Mars, the InSight 
lander. Insight will launch next year on a mission to study the planet's 
deep interior. Meanwhile, the orbiter continues diverse science observations 
of Mars and communications-relay service for two active Mars rovers, Curiosity 
and Opportunity.

MRO's Context Camera (CTX) exploits a sweet spot in the balance between 
resolution and image file size. With a resolution of about 20 feet (6 
meters) per pixel in images of the Martian surface, it has provided a 
library of images now covering 99.1 percent of Mars. That is approximately 
equivalent to the land area of Earth. No other camera ever sent to Mars 
has photographed so much of the planet in such high resolution.

The Context Camera has taken about 90,000 images since the spacecraft 
began examining Mars from orbit in late 2006. Each one reveals shapes 
of features down to sizes smaller than a tennis court, in a swath of ground 
about 18.6 miles (30 kilometers) wide.

"Reaching 99.1-percent coverage has been tricky because a number of factors, 
including weather conditions, coordination with other instruments, downlink 
limitations, and orbital constraints, tend to limit where we can image 
and when," said Context Camera Team Leader Michael Malin of Malin Space 
Science Systems, San Diego.

In addition to observing nearly the entire planet at least once, the Context 
Camera has observed 60.4 percent of the planet more than once. These 
aid science directly and also certify the safety of future landing sites.

Malin said, "Single coverage provides a baseline we can use for comparison 
with future observations, as we look for changes. Re-imaging areas serves 
two functions: looking for changes and acquiring stereoscopic views from 
which we can make topographic maps."

A dramatic type of change the Context Camera has documented more than 
200 times is a fresh impact crater appearing between the times of two 
observations. These images enabled scientists to calculate the rate at 
which small asteroids, or bits of comets, are colliding with Mars. Some 
of the fresh impacts reveal white material interpreted as water ice. The 
latitudes and estimated depths of the ice-exposing craters provide evidence 
about the distribution of buried ice near the surface. MRO's Shallow Radar 
has found ice farther underground, but this very shallow ice would go 
undetected if not for its exposure by impacts.

One of MRO's other cameras, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment 
(HiRISE), can zoom in on the new impact craters found by the Context Camera. 
For some of these craters, HiRISE and MRO's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging 
Spectrometer for Mars have confirmed the presence of water ice. However, 
even though MRO has returned more than 300 terabits of science data, the 
much higher spatial resolution of HiRISE has limited its coverage of Mars' 
surface to about three percent. A third MRO camera, the Mars Color Imager, 
observes almost the entire planet every day to track weather change. Another 
instrument, the Mars Climate Sounder, records vertical profiles of the 
atmosphere's temperatures and suspended particles.

The spacecraft was launched Aug. 12, 2005. It entered an elongated orbit 
of Mars in March 2006, then spent several months using friction with Mars' 
upper atmosphere to revise its orbit. Since beginning its science operations 
in November 2006, MRO has been flying near-polar orbits lasting about 
two hours, at altitudes from 155 to 196 miles (250 to 316 kilometers). 
The mission completed its 50,000th orbit on Monday, March 27.

"After 11 and a half years in flight, the spacecraft is healthy and remains 
fully functional," said MRO Project Manager Dan Johnston at NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. "It's a marvelous vehicle 
that we expect will serve the Mars Exploration Program and Mars science 
for many more years to come."

On March 22, the mission made the latest adjustment to the orbit, with 
a 45.1-second burn of six intermediate-size rocket engines, each of which 
provides 5 pounds (22 newtons) of thrust. This maneuver revised the orbit 
orientation, so that the spacecraft can be at the right place at the right 
time, on Nov. 26, 2018, to receive critical radio transmissions from NASA's 
InSight Mars lander as it descends to the surface.

MRO has already provided more than 60 images from HiRISE for advance analysis 
of the landing region for InSight. In a broad plain of the Elysium Planitia 
region of equatorial Mars, InSight

[meteorite-list] NASA Selects CubeSat, SmallSat Mission Concept Studies

2017-04-04 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Selects CubeSat, SmallSat Mission Concept Studies
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 23, 2017

NASA has selected 10 studies under the Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat 
Studies (PSDS3) program to develop mission concepts using small satellites 
to investigate Venus, Earth's moon, asteroids, Mars and the outer planets.

For these studies, small satellites are defined as less than 180 kilograms 
in mass (about 400 pounds). CubeSats are built to standard specifications 
of 1 unit (U), which is equal to about 4x4x4 inches (10x10x10 centimeters). 
They often are launched into orbit as auxiliary payloads, significantly 
reducing costs.

"These small but mighty satellites have the potential to enable 
science," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at 
NASA Headquarters in Washington. "They will provide valuable information 
to assist in planning future Announcements of Opportunity, and to guide 
NASA's development of small spacecraft technologies for deep space science 

NASA's Science Mission Directorate is developing a small satellite strategy, 
with the goal of identifying high-priority science objectives in each 
discipline that can be addressed with CubeSats and SmallSats, managed 
for appropriate cost and risk. This multi-disciplinary approach will leverage 
and partner with the growing commercial sector to collaboratively drive 
instrument and sensor innovation.

The PSDS3 awardees were recognized this week at the 48th Lunar and Planetary 
Society Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The total value of the awards 
is $3.6 million.

The recipients are:


Christophe Sotin, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California: 
Cupid's Arrow, a 66-pound (30-kilogram) probe to measure noble gases and 
their isotopes to investigate the geological evolution of Venus and why 
Venus and Earth have evolved so differently.

Valeria Cottini, University of Maryland, College Park: CubeSat UV Experiment 
(CUVE), a 12-unit CubeSat orbiter to measure ultraviolet absorption and 
nightglow emissions to understand Venus' atmospheric dynamics.


Suzanne Romaine, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, 
CubeSat X-ray Telescope (CubeX), a 12-unit CubeSat to map the elemental 
composition mapping of airless bodies such as the moon, to understand 
their formation and evolutionary history using X-ray pulsar timing for 
deep space navigation.

Timothy Stubbs, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland: 
Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar Atmosphere above Swirls (BOLAS), tethered 
12-unit CubeSats to investigate the lunar hydrogen cycle by simultaneously 
measuring electromagnetic fields near the surface of the moon, and incoming 
solar winds high above.


Jeffrey Plescia, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 
Laurel, Maryland: Asteroid Probe Experiment (APEX), a SmallSat with a 
deployable seismometer to rendezvous with the asteroid Apophis and directly 
explore its interior structure, surface properties, and rotational state.

Benton Clark, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Littleton, Colorado: 
CubeSat Asteroid Encounters for Science and Reconnaissance (CAESAR), a 
constellation of 6-unit CubeSats to evaluate the bulk properties of asteroids 
to assess their physical structure, and to provide constraints on their 
formation and evolution.


David Minton, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana: Chariot to the 
Moons of Mars, a 12-unit CubeSat with a deployable drag skirt to produce 
high-resolution imagery and surface material composition of Phobos and 
Deimos, to help understand how they were formed.

Anthony Colaprete, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California: 
Aeolus, a 24-unit CubeSat to directly measure vertically-resolved global 
winds to help determine the global energy balance at Mars and understand 
daily climate variability.

Icy Bodies and Outer Planets

Kunio Sayanagi, Hampton University, Virginia: Small Next-generation Atmospheric 
Probe (SNAP), an atmospheric entry probe to measure vertical cloud structure, 
stratification, and winds to help understand the chemical and physical 
processes that shape the atmosphere of Uranus.

Robert Ebert, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio: JUpiter MagnetosPheric 
boundary ExploreR (JUMPER), a SmallSat to explore Jupiter's magnetosphere, 
including characterizing the solar wind upstream of the magnetosphere 
to provide science context for future missions such as the Europa Clipper.

For more information about NASA's CubeSat activities, visit:


News Media Contact
Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Ice in Ceres' Shadowed Craters Linked to Tilt History

2017-03-23 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Ice in Ceres' Shadowed Craters Linked to Tilt History
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 22, 2017

Dwarf planet Ceres may be hundreds of millions of miles from Jupiter, 
and even farther from Saturn, but the tremendous influence of gravity 
from these gas giants has an appreciable effect on Ceres' orientation. 
In a new study, researchers from NASA's Dawn mission calculate that the 
axial tilt of Ceres -- the angle at which it spins as it journeys around 
the sun -- varies widely over the course of about 24,500 years. Astronomers 
consider this to be a surprisingly short period of time for such dramatic 

Changes in axial tilt, or "obliquity," over the history of Ceres are related 
to the larger question of where frozen water can be found on Ceres' surface, 
scientists report in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Given conditions 
on Ceres, ice would only be able to survive at extremely cold temperatures 
-- for example, in areas that never see the sun.

"We found a correlation between craters that stay in shadow at maximum 
obliquity, and bright deposits that are likely water ice," said Anton 
Ermakov, postdoctoral researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California, and lead author of the study. "Regions that never 
see sunlight over millions of years are more likely to have these deposits."

Cycles of Obliquity

Throughout the last 3 million years, Ceres has gone through cycles where 
its tilt ranges from about 2 degrees to about 20 degrees, calculations 

"We cannot directly observe the changes in Ceres' orientation over time, 
so we used the Dawn spacecraft's measurements of shape and gravity to 
precisely reconstruct what turned out to be a dynamic history," said Erwan 
Mazarico, a co-author at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, 

The last time the dwarf planet reached a maximum tilt, which was about 
19 degrees, was 14,000 years ago, researchers said. For comparison, Earth 
is tilted 23.5 degrees. This significant tilt causes our planet to experience 
seasons: The northern hemisphere experiences summer when it is oriented 
toward the sun, and winter when it's pointed away from the sun. By contrast, 
Ceres' current tilt is about 4 degrees, so it will not have such strong 
seasonal effects over the course of a year there (which is about 4.6 Earth 

How Obliquity Relates to Ice

When the axial tilt is small, relatively large regions on Ceres never 
receive direct sunlight, particularly at the poles. These persistently 
shadowed regions occupy an area of about 800 square miles (2,000 square 
kilometers). But when the obliquity increases, more of the craters in 
the polar regions receive direct exposure to the sun, and persistently 
shadowed areas only occupy 0.4 to 4 square miles (1 to 10 square kilometers). 
These areas on Ceres' surface, which stay in shadow even at high obliquity, 
may be cold enough to maintain surface ice, Dawn scientists said.

These craters with areas that stay in shadow over long periods of time 
are called "cold traps," because they are so cold and dark that volatiles 
-- substances easily vaporized -- that migrate into these areas can't 
escape, even over a billion years. A 2016 study by the Dawn team in Nature 
Astronomy found bright material in 10 of these craters, and data from 
Dawn's visible and infrared mapping spectrometer indicate that one of 
them contains ice.

The new study focused on polar craters and modeled how shadowing progresses 
as Ceres' axial tilt varies. In the northern hemisphere, only two persistently 
shadowed regions remain in shadow at the maximum 20-degree tilt. Both 
of these regions have bright deposits today. In the southern hemisphere, 
there are also two persistently shadowed regions at highest obliquity, 
and one of them clearly has a bright deposit.

Shadowed Regions in Context

Ceres is the third body in the solar system found to have permanently 
shadowed regions. Mercury and Earth's moon are the other two, and scientists 
believe they received their ice from impacting bodies. However, Mercury 
and the moon do not have such wide variability in their tilts because 
of the stabilizing gravitational influence of the sun and Earth, respectively. 
The origin of the ice in Ceres' cold traps is more mysterious -- it may 
come from Ceres itself, or may be delivered by impacts from asteroids 
and comets. Regardless, the presence of ice in cold traps could be related 
to a tenuous water atmosphere, which was detected by ESA's Herschel Space 
Observatory in 2012-13. Water molecules that leave the surface would fall 
back onto Ceres, with some landing in cold traps and accumulating there.

"The idea that ice could survive on Ceres for long periods of time is 
important as we continue to reconstruct the dwarf planet's geological 
history, including whether it has been giving off water vapor," said Carol 
Raymond, deputy princi

[meteorite-list] The Many Faces of Rosetta's Comet 67P

2017-03-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


The Many Faces of Rosetta's Comet 67P
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 21, 2017

Images returned from the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission indicate 
that during its most recent trip through the inner solar system, the surface 
of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was a very active place - full of growing 
fractures, collapsing cliffs and massive rolling boulders. Moving material 
buried some features on the comet's surface while exhuming others. A study 
on 67P's changing surface was released Tuesday, March 21, in the journal 

"As comets approach the sun, they go into overdrive and exhibit spectacular 
changes on their surface," said Ramy El-Maarry, study leader and a member 
of the U.S. Rosetta science team from the University of Colorado, Boulder. 
"This is something we were not able to really appreciate before the Rosetta 
mission, which gave us the chance to look at a comet in ultra-high resolution 
for more than two years."

Most comets orbit our sun in highly elliptical orbits that cause them 
to spend most of their time in the extremely cold outer solar system. 
When a comet approaches the inner solar system, the sun begins to warm 
the ice on and near the comet's surface. When the ice warms enough it 
can rapidly sublimate (turn directly from the solid to the vapor state). 
This sublimation process can occur with variable degrees of intensity 
and time-scales and cause the surface to change rapidly. Between August 
2014 and September 2016, Rosetta orbited comet 67P during the comet's 
swing through the inner-solar system.

"We saw a massive cliff collapse and a large crack in the neck of the 
comet get bigger and bigger," said El-Maarry. "And we discovered that 
boulders the size of a large truck could be moved across the comet's surface 
a distance as long as one-and-a-half football fields."

In the case of the boulder, Rosetta's cameras observed a 282-million-pound 
(130-million-kilogram), 100-feet-wide (30-meter) space rock to have moved 
150 yards (460 feet, or 140 meters) from its original position on the 
comet's nucleus. The massive space rock probably moved as a result of 
several outburst events that were detected close to its original position.

The warming of 67P also caused the comet's rotation rate to speed up. 
The comet's increasing spin rate in the lead-up to perihelion is thought 
to be responsible for a 1,600-foot-long (500-meters) fracture spotted 
in August 2014 that runs through the comet's neck. The fracture, which 
originally extended a bit longer than the Empire State Building is high, 
was found to have increased in width by about 100 feet (30 meters) by 
December 2014. Furthermore, in images taken in June 2016, a new 500- to 
1,000-foot-long (150 to 300 meters) fracture was identified parallel to 
the original fracture.

"The large crack was in the 'neck' of the comet -- a small central part 
that connects the two lobes," said El-Maarry. "The crack was 
that the comet may split up one day."

Understanding how comets change and evolve with time gives us important 
insights into the types and abundance of ices in comets, and how long 
comets can stay in the inner solar system before losing all their ice 
and becoming balls of dust," said El-Maarry. "This helps us better understand 
the conditions of the early solar system, and possibly even how life started."

A link to an ESA press release with more information on the El-Maarry 
paper in Science can be found here:


In a second Rosetta study released Tuesday, this one published in Nature 
Astronomy, scientists make the first definitive link between an outburst 
of dust and gas from the nucleus of 67P and the collapse of one of its 
prominent cliffs, which also exposed the comet's pristine, icy interior.

A link to an ESA press release on the Nature Astronomy paper can be found 


Comets are time capsules containing primitive material left over from 
the epoch when the sun and its planets formed. Rosetta was the first spacecraft 
to witness at close proximity how a comet changes as it is subjected to 
the increasing intensity of the sun's radiation. Observations will help 
scientists learn more about the origin and evolution of our solar system 
and whether comets brought life-sustaining water and organic molecules 
to the Earth.

Rosetta is an ESA mission with contributions from its member states and 
NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a consortium led by the German 
Aerospace Center, Cologne; Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, 
Gottingen; French National Space Agency, Paris; and the Italian Space 
Agency, Rome. JPL, Pasadena, California, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, 
manages the U.S. contri

[meteorite-list] Breaks Observed in Mars Curiosity Rover Wheel Treads

2017-03-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Breaks Observed in Rover Wheel Treads
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 21, 2017

Mars Science Laboratory Mission Status Report

A routine check of the aluminum wheels on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover 
has found two small breaks on the rover's left middle wheel-the latest 
sign of wear and tear as the rover continues its journey, now approaching 
the 10-mile (16 kilometer) mark.

The mission's first and second breaks in raised treads, called grousers, 
appeared in a March 19 image check of the wheels, documenting that these 
breaks occurred after the last check, on Jan. 27.

"All six wheels have more than enough working lifespan remaining to get 
the vehicle to all destinations planned for the mission," said Curiosity 
Project Manager Jim Erickson at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
California. "While not unexpected, this damage is the first sign that 
the left middle wheel is nearing a wheel-wear milestone,"

The monitoring of wheel damage on Curiosity, plus a program of wheel-longevity 
testing on Earth, was initiated after dents and holes in the wheels were 
seen to be accumulating faster than anticipated in 2013. Testing showed 
that at the point when three grousers on a wheel have broken, that wheel 
has reached about 60 percent of its useful life. Curiosity already has 
driven well over that fraction of the total distance needed for reaching 
the key regions of scientific interest on Mars' Mount Sharp.

Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada, also at JPL, said, "This 
is an expected part of the life cycle of the wheels and at this point 
does not change our current science plans or diminish our chances of studying 
key transitions in mineralogy higher on Mount Sharp."

Curiosity is currently examining sand dunes partway up a geological unit 
called the Murray formation. Planned destinations ahead include the 
"Vera Rubin Ridge," a clay-containing geological unit above that ridge, 
and a sulfate-containing unit above the clay unit.

The rover is climbing to sequentially higher and younger layers of lower 
Mount Sharp to investigate how the region's ancient climate changed billions 
of years ago. Clues about environmental conditions are recorded in the 
rock layers. During its first year on Mars, the mission succeeded at its 
main goal by finding that the region once offered environmental conditions 
favorable for microbial life, if Mars has ever hosted life. The conditions 
in long-lived ancient freshwater Martian lake environments included all 
of the key chemical elements needed for life as we know it, plus a chemical 
source of energy that is used by many microbes on Earth.

Through March 20, Curiosity has driven 9.9 miles (16.0 kilometers) since 
the mission's August 2012 landing on Mars. Studying the transition to 
the sulfate unit, the farthest-uphill destination, will require about 
3.7 miles (6 kilometers) or less of additional driving. For the past four 
years, rover drive planners have used enhanced methods of mapping potentially 
hazardous terrains to reduce the pace of damage from sharp, embedded rocks 
along the rover's route.

Each of Curiosity's six wheels is about 20 inches (50 centimeters) in 
diameter and 16 inches (40 centimeters) wide, milled out of solid aluminum. 
The wheels contact ground with a skin that's about half as thick as a 
U.S. dime, except at thicker treads. The grousers are 19 zigzag-shaped 
treads that extend about a quarter inch (three-fourths of a centimeter) 
outward from the skin of each wheel. The grousers bear much of the rover's 
weight and provide most of the traction and ability to traverse over uneven 

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages NASA's Mars 
Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, 
and built the project's rover, Curiosity. For more information about the 
mission, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Origami-inspired Robot Can Hitch a Ride with a Rover

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Origami-inspired Robot Can Hitch a Ride with a Rover
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 20, 2017

The next rovers to explore another planet might bring along a scout.

The Pop-Up Flat Folding Explorer Robot (PUFFER) in development at NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, was inspired by origami. 
Its lightweight design is capable of flattening itself, tucking in its 
wheels and crawling into places rovers can't fit.

Over the past year and a half, PUFFER has been tested in a range of rugged 
terrains, from the Mojave Desert in California to the snowy hills of 
The idea is to explore areas that might be too risky for a full-fledged 
rover to go, such as steep slopes or behind sand dunes.

It's designed to skitter up 45-degree slopes, investigate overhangs and 
even drop into pits or craters. PUFFER is meant to be the hardy assistant 
to a larger robot companion: several of the microbots can be flattened 
like cards and stacked one on top of the other.

Then, they can be flicked out, popped up and begin exploring.

"They can do parallel science with a rover, so you can increase the amount 
you're doing in a day," said Jaakko Karras, PUFFER's project manager at 
JPL. "We can see these being used in hard-to-reach locations -- squeezing 
under ledges, for example."

PUFFER's creators at JPL hope to see the bot rolling across the sands 
of Mars someday. But they imagine it could be used by scientists right 
here on Earth, as well.

Carolyn Parcheta, a JPL scientist who uses robots to explore volcanoes, 
offered guidance on PUFFER's science instruments. She said the use of 
backpack-ready bots has enormous potential for fields like geology.

"Having something that's as portable as a compass or a rock hammer means 
you can do science on the fly," she said.

A paper prototype

PUFFER's body was originated by Karras, who was experimenting with origami 
designs. While he was a grad student at UC Berkeley's Biomimetic Millisystem 
Lab, he worked on developing robotics based on natural forms, like animal 
and insect movement.

The PUFFER team substituted paper with a printed circuit board -- the 
same thing inside of your smartphone. That allowed them to incorporate 
more electronics, including control and rudimentary instruments.

"The circuit board includes both the electronics and the body, which allows 
it to be a lot more compact," said Christine Fuller, a JPL mechanical 
engineer who worked on PUFFER's structure and tested it for reliability. 
"There are no mounting fasteners or other parts to deal with. Everything 
is integrated to begin with."

JPL's Kalind Carpenter, who specializes in robotic mobility, made four 
wheels for the folding bot on a 3-D printer. Their first prototype was 
little more than rolling origami, but it quickly grew more complex.

The wheels evolved, going from four to two, and gaining treads that allow 
it to climb inclines. They can also be folded over the main body, allowing 
PUFFER to crawl. A tail was added for stabilization. Solar panels on PUFFER's 
belly allow it to flip over and recharge in the sun.

The team partnered with the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab, which developed 
a "skittering walk" that keeps the bot inching forward, one wheel at a 
time, without slipping. A company called Distant Focus Corporation, Champaign, 
Illinois, provided a high-resolution microimager sensitive enough to see 
objects that are just 10 microns in size -- a fraction of a diameter of 
a human hair.

Before long, PUFFER was ready for a test drive.

>From the Mojave to Mars

Once they had a functional prototype, the JPL team took PUFFER out for 
field testing. In Rainbow Basin, California, the bot clambered over sedimentary 
rock slopes and under overhangs.

That terrain serves as an analog to Martian landscapes. On Mars, overhangs 
could be sheltering organic molecules from harmful radiation. Darkly colored 
Martian slopes, which are of interest to scientists, are another potential 

On a level dirt path, PUFFER can drive about 2,050 feet (625 meters) on 
one battery charge. That could fluctuate a bit depending on how much any 
onboard instruments are used.

Besides desert conditions, PUFFER has been outfitted for snow. Carpenter 
designed bigger wheels and a flat fishtail to help it traverse wintry 
terrain. So far, it's been tested at a ski resort in Grand Junction, Colorado; 
Big Bear, California; and on Mt. Erebus, an active volcano in Antarctica.

One of PUFFER's more recent field tests wasn't particularly challenging, 
but can still be counted as a success: the Consumer Electronics Show. 
On a convention center floor in Las Vegas, it drew crowds of delighted 
technology fans.

PUFFER grows up

The next step is making PUFFER a scientist. The JPL team is looking at 
adding a number of instruments that would allow it to sample water for 
organic material, or a spectrometer to study the chemical makeup of 

[meteorite-list] COBALT Flight Demonstrations Fuse Technologies to Gain Precision Landing Results

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


COBALT Flight Demonstrations Fuse Technologies to Gain Precision Landing Results
March 17, 2017

Many regions in the solar system beckon for exploration, but they are 
considered unreachable due to technology gaps in current landing systems. 
The CoOperative Blending of Autonomous Landing Technologies (COBALT) project, 
conducted by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and Human 
Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, could change that.

Through a flight campaign this month through April, COBALT will mature 
and demonstrate new guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) technologies 
to enable precision landing for future exploration missions.

"COBALT will allow us to reduce the risk in developing future landing 
systems and will benefit robotic landers to planetary surfaces by allowing 
for autonomous precision landing," said LaNetra Tate, STMD's Game Changing 
Development (GCD) program executive. "This will definitely become a 

The campaign will pair and test new landing sensor technologies that promise 
to yield the highest-precision navigation solution ever tested for NASA 
space landing applications.

The technologies, a Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL), which provides 
velocity and line-of-sight range measurements, and the Lander Vision System 
(LVS), which provides terrain relative navigation, will be integrated 
and flight tested aboard a rocket-powered vertical takeoff, vertical landing 
(VTVL) platform. The platform, named Xodiac, was developed by Masten Space 
Systems in Mojave, California.

"In this first flight campaign, we plan to successfully complete the 
flight testing and performance analysis of the COBALT payload," explained 
John M. Carson III, COBALT project manager. "This is considered a passive 
test, where COBALT will be solely collecting data, while the Xodiac vehicle 
will rely on its GPS for active navigation.""

In a follow-up flight campaign in summer 2017, COBALT will become the 
active navigation system for Xodiac, and the vehicle will use GPS only 
as a safety monitor and backup.

"The knowledge from these flights will lead into the development of systems 
for deployment in future NASA landing missions to Mars and the moon," 
said Carson.

So how does it work?

The technologies themselves are very different, but together they are 
a recipe for precision landing.

The NDL, developed at NASA's Langley Research Center (LaRC), is an evolution 
of a prototype flown by the former ALHAT (Autonomous precision Landing 
and Hazard Avoidance Technology) project on the NASA Morpheus vehicle 
in 2014. The new NDL is 60 percent smaller, operates at nearly triple 
the speed and provides longer range measurements.

"NDL functionally is similar to the radar systems used in previous Mars 
landers, Phoenix and Mars Science Laboratory," explained Farzin Amzajerdian, 
NDL chief scientist at Langley. "The major difference is that the NDL 
uses a laser instead of a microwave as its transmitter. Operating at almost 
four orders of magnitude higher frequency makes the measurement a whole 
lot more accurate. NDL also is much smaller than radar systems, which 
is a big deal as every ounce counts when sending a lander to Mars or other 

LVS, developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is a camera-based 
navigation system that photographs the terrain beneath a descending spacecraft 
and matches it with onboard maps to determine vehicle location, explained 
Carl Seubert, the COBALT project lead at JPL.

"This allows the craft to detect its location relative to large landing 
hazards seen in the onboard maps, such as large boulders and terrain 
Seubert said.

COBALT is one springboard for these technologies, which will find their 
way into future missions. The NDL design is geared toward infusion onto 
near-term lunar, Mars or other missions. The LVS was developed for infusion 
onto the Mars 2020 robotic lander mission, and has application to many 
other missions.

"Both NDL and LVS come from more than a decade of NASA research and development 
investments across multiple projects within robotic and human exploration 
programs, and from the hard work and dedication of personnel across the 
agency," said Carson.

"These COBALT technologies give moon and Mars spacecraft the ability to 
land much more precisely, improving access to interesting sites in complex 
terrain and to any exploration assets previously deployed to the surface," 
said Jason Crusan, director of NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems division. 
"Landings will also be more controlled and gentle, potentially allowing 
smaller landing legs and propellant reserves, and resulting in lower mission 
risk, mass and cost."

The COBALT team is managed at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, 
and comprises of engineers from JSC, JPL in Pasadena, California, and 
LaRC in Hampton, V

[meteorite-list] Dawn Identifies Age of Ceres' Brightest Area

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Identifies Age of Ceres' Brightest Area
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 8, 2017

The bright central area of Ceres' Occator Crater, known as Cerealia Facula, 
is approximately 30 million years younger than the crater in which it 
lies, according to a new study in the Astronomical Journal. Scientists 
used data from NASA's Dawn spacecraft to analyze Occator's central dome 
in detail, concluding that this intriguing bright feature on the dwarf 
planet is only about 4 million years old -- quite recent in terms of geological 

Researchers led by Andreas Nathues at the Max Planck Institute for Solar 
System Research (MPS) in Gottingen, Germany, analyzed data from two instruments 
on board NASA's Dawn spacecraft: the framing camera, and the visible and 
infrared mapping spectrometer.

The new study supports earlier interpretations from the Dawn team that 
this reflective material -- comprising the brightest area on all of Ceres 
-- is made of carbonate salts, although it did not confirm a particular 
type of carbonate previously identified. The secondary, smaller bright 
areas of Occator, called Vinalia Faculae, are comprised of a mixture of 
carbonates and dark material, the study authors wrote.

New evidence also suggests that Occator's bright dome likely rose in a 
process that took place over a long period of time, rather than forming 
in a single event. They believe the initial trigger was the impact that 
dug out the crater itself, causing briny liquid to rise closer to the 
surface. Water and dissolved gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, 
came up and created a vent system. These rising gases also could have 
forced carbonate-rich materials to ascend toward the surface. During this 
period, the bright material would have erupted through fractures, eventually 
forming the dome that we see today.

Read more from MPS

The spacecraft is currently on its way to a high-altitude orbit of 12,400 
miles (20,000 kilometers), and to a different orbital plane. In late spring, 
Dawn will view Ceres in "opposition," with the sun directly behind the 
spacecraft. By measuring details of the brightness of the salt deposits 
in this new geometry, scientists may gain even more insights into these 
captivating bright areas.

The Dawn mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, 
managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 
UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., 
in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space 
Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international 
partners on the mission team. For a complete list of mission participants, 


More information about Dawn is available at the following sites:



News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Does Mars Have Rings? Not Right Now, But Maybe One Day

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Does Mars Have Rings? Not Right Now, But Maybe One Day
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 20, 2017

As children, we learned about our solar system's planets by certain 
-- Jupiter is the largest, Saturn has rings, Mercury is closest to the 
sun. Mars is red, but it's possible that one of our closest neighbors 
also had rings at one point and may have them again someday.

That's the theory put forth by NASA-funded scientists at Purdue University, 
Lafayette, Indiana, whose findings were published in the journal Nature 
Geoscience. David Minton and Andrew Hesselbrock developed a model that 
suggests that debris that was pushed into space from an asteroid or other 
body slamming into Mars around 4.3 billion years ago alternates between 
becoming a planetary ring and clumping together to form a moon.

One theory suggests that Mars' large North Polar Basin or Borealis Basin 
-- which covers about 40 percent of the planet in its northern hemisphere 
-- was created by that impact, sending debris into space.

"That large impact would have blasted enough material off the surface 
of Mars to form a ring," Hesselbrock said.

Hesselbrock and Minton's model suggests that as the ring formed, and the 
debris slowly moved away from the Red Planet and spread out, it began 
to clump and eventually formed a moon. Over time, Mars' gravitational 
pull would have pulled that moon toward the planet until it reached the 
Roche limit, the distance within which a planet's tidal forces will break 
apart a celestial body that is held together only by gravity.

Phobos, one of Mars' moons, is getting closer to the planet. According 
to the model, Phobos will break apart upon reaching the Roche limit, and 
become a set of rings in roughly 70 million years. Depending on where 
the Roche limit is, Minton and Hesselbrock believe this cycle may have 
repeated between three and seven times over billions of years. Each time 
a moon broke apart and reformed from the resulting ring, its successor 
moon would be five times smaller than the last, according to the model, 
and debris would have rained down on the planet, possibly explaining enigmatic 
sedimentary deposits found near Mars' equator.

"You could have had kilometer-thick piles of moon sediment raining down 
on Mars in the early parts of the planet's history, and there are enigmatic 
sedimentary deposits on Mars with no explanation as to how they got there," 
Minton said. "And now it's possible to study that material."

Other theories suggest that the impact with Mars that created the North 
Polar Basin led to the formation of Phobos 4.3 billion years ago, but 
Minton said it's unlikely the moon could have lasted all that time. Also, 
Phobos would have had to form far from Mars and would have had to cross 
through the resonance of Deimos, the outer of Mars' two moons. Resonance 
occurs when two moons exert gravitational influence on each other in a 
repeated periodic basis, as major moons of Jupiter do. By passing through 
its resonance, Phobos would have altered Deimos' orbit. But Deimos' orbit 
is within one degree of Mars' equator, suggesting Phobos has had no effect 
on Deimos.

"Not much has happened to Deimos' orbit since it formed," Minton said. 
"Phobos passing through these resonances would have changed that."

"This research highlights even more ways that major impacts can affect 
a planetary body," said Richard Zurek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California. He is the project scientist for NASA's Mars 
Orbiter, whose gravity mapping provided support for the hypothesis that 
the northern lowlands were formed by a massive impact.

Minton and Hesselbrock will now focus their work on either the dynamics 
of the first set of rings that formed or the materials that have rained 
down on Mars from disintegration of moons.

For more information about NASA missions investigating Mars, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov

Steve Tally / Emil Venere
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.
765-494-9809 / 765-494-4709
st...@purdue.edu / ven...@purdue.edu

Writer: Brian Wallheimer



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[meteorite-list] NASA Mars Orbiter Tracks Back-to-Back Regional Storms (MRO)

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Mars Orbiter Tracks Back-to-Back Regional Storms
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 9, 2017

A regional dust storm currently swelling on Mars follows unusually closely 
on one that blossomed less than two weeks earlier and is now dissipating, 
as seen in daily global weather monitoring by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance 

Images from the orbiter's wide-angle Mars Color Imager (MARCI) show each 
storm growing in the Acidalia area of northern Mars, then blowing southward 
and exploding to sizes bigger than the United States after reaching the 
southern hemisphere.

That development path is a common pattern for generating regional dust 
storms during spring and summer in Mars' southern hemisphere, where it 
is now mid-summer.

"What's unusual is we're seeing a second one so soon after the first one," 
said Mars meteorologist Bruce Cantor of Malin Space Science Systems, San 
Diego, which built and operates MARCI. "We've had orbiters watching weather 
patterns on Mars continuously for nearly two decades now, and many patterns 
are getting predictable, but just when we think we have Mars figured out, 
it throws us another surprise."

Weekly Martian weather reports including animated sequences of MARCI 
are available at:


Weather updates from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter science team provide 
operators of Mars rovers advance notice both for taking precautions and 
for planning observations of storms, particularly in case a regional storm 
grows to encircle the whole planet. A planet-encircling Martian storm 
last occurred in 2007.

The orbiter monitors storms with its Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) instrument 
as well as with MARCI. MCS measurements of high-altitude atmospheric warming 
associated with dust storms have revealed an annual pattern in the occurrence 
of large regional storms, and the first of these back-to-back storms fits 
into the identified pattern for this time of the Martian year.

Researchers have watched effects of the latest storms closely. "We hope 
for a chance to learn more about how dust storms become global, if that 
were to happen," said David Kass of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California. "Even if it does not become a global storm, the 
temperature effects due to thin dust hazes will last for several weeks."

Cantor reported the second of the current back-to-back regional storms 
on March 5 to the team operating NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. 
The earlier storm, which had become regional in late February, was dissipating 
by then but still causing high-altitude haziness and warming.

"There's still a chance the second one could become a planet-encircling 
storm, but it's unlikely because we're getting so late in the season," 
Cantor said this week. All previously observed planet-encircling dust 
storms on Mars occurred earlier in the southern summer.

Opportunity Project Manager John Callas, at JPL, credits MARCI weather 
reports with helping his team protect rovers when sudden increases in 
atmospheric dust decrease sunlight reaching the rover solar arrays. For 
example, Cantor's warning about a regional storm approaching the rover 
Spirit in November 2008 prompted JPL to send an emergency weekend command 
to conserve energy by deleting a planned radio transmission by Spirit. 
That saved enough charge in Spirit's batteries to prevent "what would 
likely have been a very serious situation," Callas said.

During the most recent global dust storm on Mars, in 2007, both of the 
rovers then operating on the planet -- Spirit and Opportunity -- were 
put into a power-saving mode for more than a week with minimal communication. 
The early-2010 ending of Spirit's mission was not related to a dust storm.

The same winds that raise Martian dust into the atmosphere can clear some 
of the dust that accumulates on the rovers. On Feb. 25, as the first 
was spreading regionally, Opportunity experienced a significant cleaning 
of its solar panels that increased their energy output by more than 10 
percent, adjusted for the clarity of the atmosphere. Dust-removing events 
typically clean the panels by only one or two percent. The Opportunity 
operations team has noticed over the years that a large dust-cleaning 
event often precedes dusty skies. Since Feb. 25, the atmosphere over 
has become dustier, and some of the dust has already fallen back onto 
the solar panels.

"Before the first regional dust storm, the solar panels were cleaner than 
they were during the last four Martian summers, so the panels generated 
more energy," said JPL rover-power engineer Jennifer Herman. "It remains 
to be seen whether the outcome of these storms will be a cleaner or dirtier 
Opportunity. We have seen both results from dust storms in the past."

NASA's Curiosity rover, on Mars since 2012, uses a radioisotope thermoelectric 
generator f

[meteorite-list] Mars Volcano, Earth's Dinosaurs Went Extinct About the Same Time

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mars Volcano, Earth's Dinosaurs Went Extinct About the Same Time
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 20, 2017

New NASA research reveals that the giant Martian volcano Arsia Mons produced 
one new lava flow at its summit every 1 to 3 million years during the 
final peak of activity. The last volcanic activity there ceased about 
50 million years ago -- around the time of Earth's Cretaceous-Paleogene 
extinction, when large numbers of our planet's plant and animal species 
(including dinosaurs) went extinct.

Located just south of Mars' equator, Arsia Mons is the southernmost member 
of a trio of broad, gently sloping shield volcanoes collectively known 
as Tharsis Montes. Arsia Mons was built up over billions of years, though 
the details of its lifecycle are still being worked out. The most recent 
volcanic activity is thought to have taken place in the caldera-the bowl-shaped 
depression at the top -- where 29 volcanic vents have been identified. 
Until now, it's been difficult to make a precise estimate of when this 
volcanic field was active.

"We estimate that the peak activity for the volcanic field at the summit 
of Arsia Mons probably occurred approximately 150 million years ago -- 
the late Jurassic period on Earth -- and then died out around the same 
time as Earth's dinosaurs," said Jacob Richardson, a postdoctoral researcher 
at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "It's possible, 
though, that the last volcanic vent or two might have been active in the 
past 50 million years, which is very recent in geological terms."

Richardson is presenting the findings on March 20, 2017, at the Lunar 
and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The study also 
is published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Measuring about 68 miles (110 kilometers) across, the caldera is deep 
enough to hold the entire volume of water in Lake Huron, and then some. 
Examining the volcanic features within the caldera required high-resolution 
imaging, which the researchers obtained from the Context Camera on NASA's 
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The team mapped the boundaries of the lava flows from each of the 29 volcanic 
vents and determined the stratigraphy, or layering, of the flows. The 
researchers also performed a technique called crater counting -- tallying 
up the number of craters at least 330 feet (100 meters) in diameter -- 
to estimate the ages of the flows.

Using a new computer model developed by Richardson and his colleagues 
at the University of South Florida, the two types of information were 
combined to determine the volcanic equivalent of a batting order for Arsia 
Mons' 29 vents. The oldest flows date back about 200 million years. The 
youngest flows probably occurred 10 to 90 million years ago -- most likely 
around 50 million years ago.

The modeling also yielded estimates of the volume flux for each lava flow. 
At their peak about 150 million years ago, the vents in the Arsia Mons' 
caldera probably collectively produced about 0.25 to 2 cubic miles (1 
to 8 cubic kilometers) of magma every million years, slowly adding to 
the volcano's size.

"Think of it like a slow, leaky faucet of magma," said Richardson. "Arsia 
Mons was creating about one volcanic vent every 1 to 3 million years at 
the peak, compared to one every 10,000 years or so in similar regions 
on Earth."

A better understanding of when volcanic activity on Mars took place is 
important because it helps researchers understand the Red Planet's history 
and interior structure.

"A major goal of the Mars volcanology community is to understand the anatomy 
and lifecycle of the planet's volcanoes. Mars' volcanoes show evidence 
for activity over a larger time span than those on Earth, but their histories 
of magma production might be quite different," said Jacob Bleacher, a 
planetary geologist at Goddard and a co-author on the study. "This study 
gives us another clue about how activity at Arsia Mons tailed off and 
the huge volcano became quiet."

Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates the Context 
Camera. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, manages the Mars 
Orbiter for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. For more 
about NASA missions investigating Mars, visit:


News Media Contact
Elizabeth Zubritsky
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Cassini Reveals Strange Shape of Saturn's Moon Pan

2017-03-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Cassini Reveals Strange Shape of Saturn's Moon Pan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 9, 2017

These raw, unprocessed images of Saturn's tiny moon, Pan, were taken on 
March 7, 2017, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The flyby had a close-approach 
distance of 24,572 kilometers (15,268 miles).

These images are the closest images ever taken of Pan and will help to 
characterize its shape and geology.

Additional raw images from Cassini are available at:


The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (European 
Space Agency) and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
in Pasadena, California, manages the mission for the agency's Science 
Mission Directorate in Washington. The Cassini imaging operations center 
is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Caltech 
in Pasadena manages JPL for NASA.

For more information about Cassini, visit:




News Media Contact
Preston Dyches
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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[meteorite-list] MAVEN Orbiter Steers Clear of Mars Moon Phobos

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Orbiter Steers Clear of Mars Moon Phobos
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 2, 2017

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft performed a previously unscheduled maneuver this 
week to avoid a collision in the near future with Mars' moon Phobos.

The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft has been 
orbiting Mars for just over two years, studying the Red Planet's upper 
atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind. On 
Tuesday, Feb. 28, the spacecraft carried out a rocket motor burn that 
boosted its velocity by 0.4 meters per second (less than 1 mile per hour). 
Although a small correction, it was enough that -- projected to one week 
later when the collision would otherwise have occurred -- MAVEN would 
miss the lumpy, crater-filled moon by about 2.5 minutes.

This is the first collision avoidance maneuver that the MAVEN spacecraft 
has performed at Mars to steer clear of Phobos. The orbits of both MAVEN 
and Phobos are known well enough that this timing difference ensures that 
they will not collide.

MAVEN, with an elliptical orbit around Mars, has an orbit that crosses 
those of other spacecraft and the moon Phobos many times over the course 
of a year. When the orbits cross, the objects have the possibility of 
colliding if they arrive at that intersection at the same time. These 
scenarios are known well in advance and are carefully monitored by NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which sounded the alert 
regarding the possibility of a collision.

With one week's advance notice, it looked like MAVEN and Phobos had a 
good chance of hitting each other on Monday, March 6, arriving at their 
orbit crossing point within about 7 seconds of each other. Given Phobos' 
size (modeled for simplicity as a 30-kilometer sphere, a bit larger than 
the actual moon in order to be conservative), they had a high probability 
of colliding if no action were taken.

Said MAVEN Principal Investigator Bruce Jakosky of the University of Colorado 
in Boulder, "Kudos to the JPL navigation and tracking teams for watching 
out for possible collisions every day of the year, and to the MAVEN spacecraft 
team for carrying out the maneuver flawlessly."

MAVEN's principal investigator is based at the University of Colorado's 
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Boulder. The university 
provided two science instruments and leads science operations, as well 
as education and public outreach, for the mission. NASA's Goddard Space 
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the MAVEN project and provided 
two science instruments for the mission. Lockheed Martin built the spacecraft 
and is responsible for mission operations. The University of California 
at Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory also provided four science instruments 
for the mission. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, 
provides navigation and Deep Space Network support, as well as the Electra 
telecommunications relay hardware and operations.

News Media Contact
By Nancy Neal Jones
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland

Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington

Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - February 27, 2017

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
February 27, 2017

Dear Pedawntic Readers,

A sophisticated spaceship in orbit around an alien world has been firing 
its advanced ion engine to execute complex and elegant orbital acrobatics. 
On assignment from Earth at dwarf planet Ceres, Dawn is performing like 
the ace flier that it is.

The spacecraft's activities are part of an ambitious bonus goal the 
team has recently devised for the extended mission. Dawn will maneuver 
to a location exactly on the line connecting Ceres and the sun and take 
pictures and spectra there. Measuring the opposition surge we explained 
last month will help scientists gain insight into the microscopic nature 
of the famous bright material in Occator Crater. Flying to that special 
position and acquiring the pictures and spectra will consume most of the 
rest of the extended mission, which concludes on June 30.

This month, we will look at the probe's intricate maneuvers. Next 
month, we will delve more into the opposition surge itself, and in April 
we will describe Dawn's detailed plans for photography and spectroscopy. 
In May we will discuss further maneuvers that could provide a backup 
for observing the opposition surge in June. 

[Image of Ernutet Crater]

This image combines several photographs of Ernutet Crater taken through 
different color filters in Dawn's science camera. (Ernutet was an 
Egyptian goddess, often depicted with the head of a cobra, who provided 
food and protected grains by eating pests such as rodents.) The colors 
have been enhanced to bring out subtle differences in the chemical composition 
of the material covering the ground that would not be visible to your 
unaided eye (even assuming your unaided eye were in the vicinity of Ceres). 
Using data acquired by the spacecraft's infrared mapping spectrometer, 
scientists have determined that the red regions are rich in organic compounds. 
The organic molecules are based on chains of carbon atoms and represent 
a class of chemicals important in biochemistry. Such a finding, along 
with Dawn's earlier discoveries of ice and other chemicals that likely 
were formed through interactions with water, makes Ceres very interesting 
for studies of astrobiology. Nevertheless, future colonists on Ceres would 
be expected to have little need for protection from native pestilential 
threats. The 32-mile (52-kilometer) Ernutet Crater is on this map at 53°N, 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

First, however, it is worth recalling that this is not Dawn's primary 
responsibility, which is to continue to measure cosmic rays in order to 
improve scientists' ability to establish the atomic species down 
to about a yard (meter) underground. Sensing the space radiation requires 
the spacecraft to stay more than 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers) above 
the dwarf planet that is its gravitational master. The gamma ray and neutron 
detector will be operated continuously as Dawn changes its orbit and then 
performs the new observations. The ongoing high-priority radiation measurements 
will not be affected by the new plans.

The principal objective of the orbital maneuvers is to swivel Dawn's 
orbit around Ceres. Imagine looking down on Ceres' north pole, with 
the sun far to the left. (To help your imagination, you might refer to 
this figure from last month. As we will explain in May, Dawn's orbital 
plane is slowly rotating clockwise, according to plan, and it is now even 
closer to vertical than depicted in January. That does not affect the 
following discussion.) From your perspective, looking edge-on at Dawn's 
orbit, its elliptical path looks like a line, just as does a coin seen 
from the edge. In its current orbit (labeled 6 in that figure), Dawn moves 
from the bottom to the top over the north pole. When it is over the south 
pole, on the other side of the orbit, it flies from the top of the figure 
back to the bottom. The purpose of the current maneuvering is to make 
Dawn travel instead from the left to the right over the north pole (and 
from the right to the left over the south pole). This is equivalent to 
rotating the plane of the orbit around the axis that extends through Ceres'
poles and up to Dawn's altitude. From the sun's perspective, 
Dawn starts by revolving counterclockwise and the orbit is face-on. We 
want to turn it so it is edge-on to the sun.

That may not sound very difficult. After all, it amounts mostly to turning 
right at the north pole or left at the south pole. Spaceships in science 
fiction do that all the time (although sometimes they turn right at the 
south pole). However, it turns out to be extremely difficult in reality, 
not to mention lacking the cool sounds. When going over the south pole, 
from the top of the figure to the bottom, the spacecraft has momentum 
in that direction. To turn, it needs to cancel that out and then develop 
momentum to the left. That

[meteorite-list] Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust (MSL)

2017-03-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 27, 2017

Fast Facts:

* Wind is a dominant force shaping landscapes on Mars, despite the thin 
* A recent study supports the idea that a mountain that is oddly in the 
middle of a Martian crater was formed by wind subtracting other material 
after the crater had been filled to the brim with sediments.
* Modern winds in the crater show effects such as dusty whirlwinds, shifting 
sand and active dunes.
* NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has begun investigating linear-shaped dunes 
during the crater's windy summer season.

On Mars, wind rules. Wind has been shaping the Red Planet's landscapes 
for billions of years and continues to do so today. Studies using both 
a NASA orbiter and a rover reveal its effects on scales grand to tiny 
on the strangely structured landscapes within Gale Crater.

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, on the lower slope of Mount Sharp -- a layered 
mountain inside the crater -- has begun a second campaign of investigating 
active sand dunes on the mountain's northwestern flank. The rover also 
has been observing whirlwinds carrying dust and checking how far the wind 
moves grains of sand in a single day's time.

Gale Crater observations by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have confirmed 
long-term patterns and rates of wind erosion that help explain the oddity 
of having a layered mountain in the middle of an impact crater.

"The orbiter perspective gives us the bigger picture -- on all sides of 
Mount Sharp and the regional context for Gale Crater. We combine that 
with the local detail and ground-truth we get from the rover," said Mackenzie 
Day of the University of Texas, Austin, lead author of a research report 
in the journal Icarus about wind's dominant role at Gale.

The combined observations show that wind patterns in the crater today 
differ from when winds from the north removed the material that once filled 
the space between Mount Sharp and the crater rim. Now, Mount Sharp itself 
has become a major factor in determining local wind directions. Wind shaped 
the mountain; now the mountain shapes the wind.

The Martian atmosphere is about a hundred times thinner than Earth's, 
so winds on Mars exert much less force than winds on Earth. Time is the 
factor that makes Martian winds so dominant in shaping the landscape. 
Most forces that shape Earth's landscapes -- water that erodes and moves 
sediments, tectonic activity that builds mountains and recycles the planet's 
crust, active volcanism -- haven't influenced Mars much for billions of 
years. Sand transported by wind, even if infrequent, can whittle away 
Martian landscapes over that much time.

How to Make a Layered Mountain

Gale Crater was born when the impact of an asteroid or comet more than 
3.6 billion years ago excavated a basin nearly 100 miles (160 kilometers) 
wide. Sediments including rocks, sand and silt later filled the basin, 
some delivered by rivers that flowed in from higher ground surrounding 
Gale. Curiosity has found evidence of that wet era from more than 3 billion 
years ago. A turning point in Gale's history -- when net accumulation 
of sediments flipped to net removal by wind erosion -- may have coincided 
with a key turning point in the planet's climate as Mars became drier, 
Day noted.

Scientists first proposed in 2000 that the mound at the center of Gale 
Crater is a remnant from wind eroding what had been a totally filled basin. 
The new work calculates that the vast volume of material removed -- about 
15,000 cubic miles (64,000 cubic kilometers) -- is consistent with orbital 
observations of winds' effects in and around the crater, when multiplied 
by a billion or more years.

Other new research, using Curiosity, focuses on modern wind activity in 

The rover this month is investigating a type of sand dune that differs 
in shape from dunes the mission investigated in late 2015 and early 2016. 
Crescent-shaped dunes were the feature of the earlier campaign -- the 
first ever up-close study of active sand dunes anywhere other than Earth. 
The mission's second dune campaign is at a group of ribbon-shaped linear 

"In these linear dunes, the sand is transported along the ribbon pathway, 
while the ribbon can oscillate back and forth, side to side," said Nathan 
Bridges, a Curiosity science team member at the Johns Hopkins University 
Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland.

The season at Gale Crater is now summer, the windiest time of year. That's 
the other chief difference from the first dune campaign, conducted during 
less-windy Martian winter.

"We're keeping Curiosity busy in an area with lots of sand at a season 
when there's plenty of wind blowing it around," said Curiosity Project 
Scientist Ashwin Vasavada of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 
California. "One aspect we want to learn more about is the wind's effect 

[meteorite-list] Tiny Asteroid Whizzes by Earth (2017 EA)

2017-03-02 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Tiny Asteroid Whizzes by Earth (2017 EA)
March 2, 2017
Paul Chodas
Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS)

A small near-Earth asteroid less than 3 meters (10 feet) across whizzed 
safely past Earth today at a distance so close that it passed well inside 
the ring of geosynchronous satellites. Designated 2017 EA, the asteroid 
made its closest approach to Earth at 6:04 a.m. PST (9:04 a.m. EST / 14:04 
UTC) at an altitude of only 14,500 kilometers (9000 miles) above the eastern 
Pacific Ocean. At its closest point, this asteroid was 20 times closer 
than the Moon; it then quickly moved into the daytime sky and can no longer 
be observed by ground-based telescopes.

Asteroid 2017 EA Close Approach to Earth on March 2, 2017 (D. Farnocchia,

2017 EA was originally detected only 6 hours before closest approach by 
astronomers at the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey, near Tucson, Arizona. 
It was observed by several other observatories before it passed into the 
Earth's shadow just before closest approach.

Asteroid 2017 EA Close Approach to Earth on March 2, 2017 (R. Baalke,

Even though 2017 EA was tracked for only a single day, its orbit is now 
known quite accurately. Computations by CNEOS indicate that the asteroid 
will not approach our planet this close again for at least a hundred years.

Asteroid 2017 EA Close Approach to Earth on March 2, 2017 (D. Farnocchia, 


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[meteorite-list] Dawn Discovers Evidence for Organic Material on Ceres

2017-02-17 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Discovers Evidence for Organic Material on Ceres
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 16, 2017

NASA's Dawn mission has found evidence for organic material on Ceres, 
a dwarf planet and the largest body in the main asteroid belt between 
Mars and Jupiter. Scientists using the spacecraft's visible and infrared 
mapping spectrometer (VIR) detected the material in and around a 
crater called Ernutet. Organic molecules are interesting to scientists 
because they are necessary, though not sufficient, components of life 
on Earth.

The discovery adds to the growing list of bodies in the solar system where 
organics have been found. Organic compounds have been found in certain 
meteorites as well as inferred from telescopic observations of several 
asteroids. Ceres shares many commonalities with meteorites rich in water 
and organics -- in particular, a meteorite group called carbonaceous 
This discovery further strengthens the connection between Ceres, these 
meteorites and their parent bodies.

"This is the first clear detection of organic molecules from orbit on 
a main belt body," said Maria Cristina De Sanctis, lead author of the 
study, based at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Rome. The discovery 
is reported in the journal Science.

Data presented in the Science paper support the idea that the organic 
materials are native to Ceres. The carbonates and clays previously identified 
on Ceres provide evidence for chemical activity in the presence of water 
and heat. This raises the possibility that the organics were similarly 
processed in a warm water-rich environment.

Significance of organics

The organics discovery adds to Ceres' attributes associated with ingredients 
and conditions for life in the distant past. Previous studies have found 
hydrated minerals, carbonates, water ice, and ammoniated clays that must 
have been altered by water. Salts and sodium carbonate, such as those 
found in the bright areas of Occator Crater, are also thought to have 
been carried to the surface by liquid.

"This discovery adds to our understanding of the possible origins of water 
and organics on Earth," said Julie Castillo-Rogez, Dawn project scientist 
based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Where are the organics?

The VIR instrument was able to detect and map the locations of this material 
because of its special signature in near-infrared light.

The organic materials on Ceres are mainly located in an area covering 
approximately 400 square miles (about 1,000 square kilometers). The signature 
of organics is very clear on the floor of Ernutet Crater, on its southern 
rim and in an area just outside the crater to the southwest. Another large 
area with well-defined signatures is found across the northwest part of 
the crater rim and ejecta. There are other smaller organic-rich areas 
several miles (kilometers) west and east of the crater. Organics also 
were found in a very small area in Inamahari Crater, about 250 miles (400 
kilometers) away from Ernutet.

In enhanced visible color images from Dawn's framing camera, the organic 
material is associated with areas that appear redder with respect to the 
rest of Ceres. The distinct nature of these regions stands out even in 
low-resolution image data from the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer.

"We're still working on understanding the geological context for these 
materials," said study co-author Carle Pieters, professor of geological 
sciences at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

Next steps for Dawn

Having completed nearly two years of observations in orbit at Ceres, Dawn 
is now in a highly elliptical orbit at Ceres, going from an altitude of 
4,670 miles (7,520 kilometers) up to almost 5,810 miles (9,350 kilometers). 
On Feb. 23, it will make its way to a new altitude of around 12,400 miles 
(20,000 kilometers), about the height of GPS satellites above Earth, and 
to a different orbital plane. This will put Dawn in a position to study 
Ceres in a new geometry. In late spring, Dawn will view Ceres with the 
sun directly behind the spacecraft, such that Ceres will appear brighter 
than before, and perhaps reveal more clues about its nature.

The Dawn mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, 
managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 
UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital ATK Inc., 
in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Italian Space 
Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international 
partners on the mission team. For a complete list of mission participants, 


More information about Dawn is available at the following sit

[meteorite-list] Lasers Could Give Space Research its 'Broadband' Moment

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Lasers Could Give Space Research its 'Broadband' Moment
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 14, 2017

Thought your Internet speeds were slow? Try being a space scientist for 
a day.

The vast distances involved will throttle data rates to a trickle. You're 
lucky if a spacecraft can send more than a few megabits per second (Mbps).

But we might be on the cusp of a change. Just as going from dial-up to 
broadband revolutionized the Internet and made high-resolution photos 
and streaming video a given, NASA may be ready to undergo a similar "broadband" 
moment in coming years.

The key to that data revolution will be lasers. For almost 60 years, the 
standard way to "talk" to spacecraft has been with radio waves, which 
are ideal for long distances. But optical communications, in which data 
is beamed over laser light, can increase that rate by as much as 10 to 
100 times.

High data rates will allow researchers to gather science faster, study 
sudden events like dust storms or spacecraft landings, and even send video 
from the surface of other planets. The pinpoint precision of laser 
is also well suited to the goals of NASA mission planners, who are looking 
to send spacecraft farther out into the solar system.

"Laser technology is ideal for boosting downlink communications from deep 
space," said Abi Biswas, the supervisor of the Optical Communications 
Systems group at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. 
"It will eventually allow for applications like giving each astronaut 
his or her own video feed, or sending back higher-resolution, data-rich 
images faster."

Science at the speed of light

Both radio and lasers travel at the speed of light, but lasers travel 
in a higher-frequency bandwidth. That allows them to carry more information 
than radio waves, which is crucial when you're collecting massive amounts 
of data and have narrow windows of time to send it back to Earth.

A good example is NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which sends science 
data at a blazing maximum of 6 Mbps. Biswas estimated that if the orbiter 
used laser comms technology with a mass and power usage comparable to 
its current radio system, it could probably increase the maximum data 
rate to 250 Mbps.

On Earth, data is sent over far shorter distances and through infrastructure 
that doesn't exist yet in space, so it travels even faster.

Increasing data rates would allow scientists to spend more of their time 
on analysis than on spacecraft operations.

"It's perfect when things are happening fast and you want a dense data 
set," said Dave Pieri, a JPL research scientist and volcanologist. Pieri 
has led past research on how laser comms could be used to study volcanic 
eruptions and wildfires in near real-time. "If you have a volcano exploding 
in front of you, you want to assess its activity level and propensity 
to keep erupting. The sooner you get and process that data, the better."

That same technology could apply to erupting cryovolcanoes on icy moons 
around other planets. Pieri noted that compared to radio transmission 
of events like these, "laser comms would up the ante by an order of magnitude."

Clouding the future of lasers

That's not to say the technology is perfect for every scenario. Lasers 
are subject to more interference from clouds and other atmospheric conditions 
than radio waves; pointing and timing are also challenges.

Lasers also require ground infrastructure that doesn't yet exist. NASA's 
Deep Space Network, a system of antenna arrays located across the globe, 
is based entirely on radio technology. Ground stations would have to be 
developed that could receive lasers in locations where skies are reliably 

Radio technology won't be going away. It works in rain or shine, and will 
continue to be effective for low-data uses like providing commands to 

Next steps

Two upcoming NASA missions will help engineers understand the technical 
challenges involved in conducting laser communications in space. What 
they'll learn will advance lasers toward becoming a common form of space 
communication in the future.

The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD), led by NASA's Goddard 
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, is due to launch in 2019. 
LCRD will demonstrate the relay of data using laser and radio frequency 
technology. It will beam laser signals almost 25,000 miles (40,000 kilometers) 
from a ground station in California to a satellite in geostationary orbit, 
then relay that signal to another ground station. JPL is developing one 
of the ground stations at Table Mountain in southern California. Testing 
laser communications in geostationary orbit, as LCRD will do, has practical 
applications for data transfer on Earth.

Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC), led by JPL, is scheduled to 
launch in 2023 as part of an upcoming NASA Discovery mission. That mission, 

[meteorite-list] Scientists Shortlist Three Landing Sites for Mars 2020

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Scientists Shortlist Three Landing Sites for Mars 2020
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 11, 2017

Participants in a landing site workshop for NASA's upcoming Mars 2020 
mission have recommended three locations on the Red Planet for further 
evaluation. The three potential landing sites for NASA's next Mars rover 
include Northeast Syrtis (a very ancient portion of Mars' surface), Jezero 
crater, (once home to an ancient Martian lake), and Columbia Hills (potentially 
home to an ancient hot spring, explored by NASA's Spirit rover).

More information on the landing sites can be found at:


Mars 2020 is targeted for launch in July 2020 aboard an Atlas V 541 rocket 
from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. 
The rover will conduct geological assessments of its landing site on Mars, 
determine the habitability of the environment, search for signs of ancient 
Martian life, and assess natural resources and hazards for future human 
explorers. It will also prepare a collection of samples for possible return 
to Earth by a future mission.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory will build and manage operations of the 
Mars 2020 rover for the NASA Science Mission Directorate at the agency's 
headquarters in Washington.

For more information about NASA's Mars programs, visit:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California



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[meteorite-list] Asteroid 2017 BQ6 Resembles Dungeons and Dragons Dice

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Asteroid Resembles Dungeons and Dragons Dice
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 10, 2017

This composite of 25 images of asteroid 2017 BQ6 was generated with radar 
data collected using NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in California's 
Mojave Desert. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/GSSR

Radar images of asteroid 2017 BQ6 were obtained on Feb. 6 and 7 with NASA's 
70-meter (230-foot) antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications 
Complex in California. They reveal an irregular, angular-appearing asteroid 
about 660 feet (200 meters) in size that rotates about once every three 
hours. The images have resolutions as fine as 12 feet (3.75 meters) per 

"The radar images show relatively sharp corners, flat regions, concavities, 
and small bright spots that may be boulders," said Lance Benner of NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who leads the agency's 
asteroid radar research program. "Asteroid 2017 BQ6 reminds me of the 
dice used when playing Dungeons and Dragons. It is certainly more angular 
than most near-Earth asteroids imaged by radar."

Asteroid 2017 BQ6 safely passed Earth on Feb. 6 at 10:36 p.m. PST (1:36 
a.m. EST, Feb. 7) at about 6.6 times the distance between Earth and the 
moon (about 1.6 million miles, or 2.5 million kilometers). It was discovered 
on Jan. 26 by the NASA-funded Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) 
Project, operated by MIT Lincoln Laboratory on the Air Force Space Command's 
Space Surveillance Telescope at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

Radar has been used to observe hundreds of asteroids. When these small, 
natural remnants of the formation of the solar system pass relatively 
close to Earth, deep space radar is a powerful technique for studying 
their sizes, shapes, rotation, surface features, and roughness, and for 
more precise determination of their orbital path.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, manages and operates 
NASA's Deep Space Network, including the Goldstone Solar System Radar, 
and hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies for NASA's Near-Earth 
Object Observations Program within the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

JPL hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies for NASA's Near-Earth 
Object Observations Program within the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:



For more information about NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, 


For asteroid and comet news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California



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[meteorite-list] NASA's Curiosity Rover Sharpens Paradox of Ancient Mars

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Curiosity Rover Sharpens Paradox of Ancient Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 6, 2017

Fast Facts:

* Curiosity rover findings add to a puzzle about ancient Mars because 
the same rocks that indicate a lake was present also indicate there was 
very little carbon dioxide in the air to help keep a lake unfrozen.

* No carbonate has been found definitively in rock samples analyzed 
by Curiosity.

* A new study calculates how much carbon dioxide could have been 
in the ancient atmosphere without resulting in carbonate detectable by 
the rover: not much.

Mars scientists are wrestling with a problem. Ample evidence says ancient 
Mars was sometimes wet, with water flowing and pooling on the planet's 
surface. Yet, the ancient sun was about one-third less warm and climate 
modelers struggle to produce scenarios that get the surface of Mars warm 
enough for keeping water unfrozen.

A leading theory is to have a thicker carbon-dioxide atmosphere forming 
a greenhouse-gas blanket, helping to warm the surface of ancient Mars. 
However, according to a new analysis of data from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, 
Mars had far too little carbon dioxide about 3.5 billion years ago to 
provide enough greenhouse-effect warming to thaw water ice.

The same Martian bedrock in which Curiosity found sediments from an ancient 
lake where microbes could have thrived is the source of the evidence adding 
to the quandary about how such a lake could have existed. Curiosity detected 
no carbonate minerals in the samples of the bedrock it analyzed. The new 
analysis concludes that the dearth of carbonates in that bedrock means 
Mars' atmosphere when the lake existed -- about 3.5 billion years ago 
-- could not have held much carbon dioxide.

"We've been particularly struck with the absence of carbonate minerals 
in sedimentary rock the rover has examined," said Thomas Bristow of NASA's 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. "It would be really hard 
to get liquid water even if there were a hundred times more carbon dioxide 
in the atmosphere than what the mineral evidence in the rock tells us." 
Bristow is the principal investigator for the Chemistry and Mineralogy 
(CheMin) instrument on Curiosity and lead author of the study being published 
this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Curiosity has made no definitive detection of carbonates in any lakebed 
rocks sampled since it landed in Gale Crater in 2012. CheMin can identify 
carbonate if it makes up just a few percent of the rock. The new analysis 
by Bristow and 13 co-authors calculates the maximum amount of carbon dioxide 
that could have been present, consistent with that dearth of carbonate.

In water, carbon dioxide combines with positively charged ions such as 
magnesium and ferrous iron to form carbonate minerals. Other minerals 
in the same rocks indicate those ions were readily available. The other 
minerals, such as magnetite and clay minerals, also provide evidence that 
subsequent conditions never became so acidic that carbonates would have 
dissolved away, as they can in acidic groundwater.

The dilemma has been building for years: Evidence about factors that affect 
surface temperatures -- mainly the energy received from the young sun 
and the blanketing provided by the planet's atmosphere -- adds up to a 
mismatch with widespread evidence for river networks and lakes on ancient 
Mars. Clues such as isotope ratios in today's Martian atmosphere indicate 
the planet once held a much denser atmosphere than it does now. Yet theoretical 
models of the ancient Martian climate struggle to produce conditions that 
would allow liquid water on the Martian surface for many millions of years. 
One successful model proposes a thick carbon-dioxide atmosphere that also 
contains molecular hydrogen. How such an atmosphere would be generated 
and sustained, however, is controversial.

The new study pins the puzzle to a particular place and time, with an 
on-the-ground check for carbonates in exactly the same sediments that 
hold the record of a lake about a billion years after the planet formed.

For the past two decades, researchers have used spectrometers on Mars 
orbiters to search for carbonate that could have resulted from an early 
era of more abundant carbon dioxide. They have found far less than anticipated.

"It's been a mystery why there hasn't been much carbonate seen from orbit," 
Bristow said. "You could get out of the quandary by saying the carbonates 
may still be there, but we just can't see them from orbit because they're 
covered by dust, or buried, or we're not looking in the right place. The 
Curiosity results bring the paradox to a focus. This is the first time 
we've checked for carbonates on the ground in a rock we know formed from 
sediments deposited under water."

The new analysis concludes that no more than a few tens of millibars of 
carbon dioxide could have 

[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - January 31, 2017

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
January 31, 2017

Dear Prodawns, Neudawns and Elecdawns,

A deep-space robotic emissary from Earth is continuing to carry out its 
extraordinary mission at a distant dwarf planet. Orbiting high above Ceres, 
the sophisticated Dawn spacecraft is hard at work unveiling the secrets 
of the exotic alien world that has been its home for almost two years.

Dawn's primary objective in this sixth orbital phase at Ceres (known 
as extended mission orbit 3, XMO3 or "this sixth orbital phase at Ceres") 
is to record cosmic rays. Doing so will allow scientists to remove that 
"noise" from the nuclear radiation measurements performed during the eight 
months Dawn operated in a low, tight orbit around Ceres. The result will 
be a cleaner signal, revealing even more about the atomic constituents 
down to about a yard (meter) underground. As we will see below, in addition 
to this ongoing investigation, soon the adventurer will begin pursuing 
a new objective in its exploration of Ceres.

[Ikapati Crater Image]
Dawn took this picture of Ikapati Crater on Jan. 24, 2016, from an altitude 
of 240 miles (385 kilometers), which is orbit 4 in the figure below. (Ikapati 
is an ancient Tagalog goddess whose name means "giver of food.") The 31-mile 
(50-kilometer) crater is geologically young, as evidenced by its clear, 
strong features. Note the difference in topography between the crater 
floor in the top half of the picture, with its many ridges, and in the 
bottom, which is smoother. The fractures run in different directions as 
well. Ikapati is at 34°N, 46°E on the map below. Full image and caption. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

With its uniquely capable ion propulsion system, Dawn has flown to orbits 
with widely varying characteristics. In contrast to the previous five 
observation orbits (and all the observation orbits at Vesta), XMO3 is 
elliptical. Over the course of almost eight days, the spacecraft sails 
from a height of about 4,670 miles (7,520 kilometers) up to almost 5,810 
miles (9,350 kilometers) and back down. Dutifully following principles 
discovered by Johannes Kepler at the beginning of the 17th century and 
explained by Isaac Newton at the end of that century, Dawn's speed 
over this range of altitudes varies from 210 mph (330 kilometers per hour) 
when it is closest to Ceres to 170 mph (270 kilometers per hour) when 
it is farthest. Yesterday afternoon, the craft was at its highest for 
the current orbit. During the day today, the ship will descend from 5,790 
miles (9,310 kilometers) to 5,550 miles (8,930 kilometers). As it does 
so, Ceres' gravity will gradually accelerate it from 170 mph (273 
kilometers per hour) to 177 mph (285 kilometers per hour). (Usually we 
round the orbital velocity to the nearest multiple of 10. In this case, 
however, to show the change during one day, the values presented are more 

As we saw last month, the angle of XMO3 to the sun presents an opportunity 
to gain a new perspective on Ceres, with sunlight coming from a different 
angle. (We include the same figure here, because we will refer to it more 
below.) Last week, Dawn took advantage of that opportunity, seeing the 
alien landscapes in a new light as it took pictures for the first time 
since October.

[Dawn XMO2 Image 10]
This illustrates (and simplifies) the relative size and alignment of Dawn's 
six science orbits at Ceres. We are looking down on Ceres' north 
pole. The spacecraft follows polar orbits, and seen edge-on here, each 
orbit looks like a line. (Orbits 1, 2 and 6 extend off the figure to the 
lower right, on the night side. Like 3, 4 and 5, they are centered on 
Ceres.) The orbits are numbered chronologically. The first five orbits 
were circular. Orbit 6, which is XMO3, is elliptical, and the dotted section 
represents the range from the minimum to the maximum altitude. With the 
sun far to the left, the left side of Ceres is in daylight. Each time 
the spacecraft travels over the illuminated hemisphere in the different 
orbital planes, the landscape beneath it is lit from a different angle. 
Ceres rotates counterclockwise from this perspective (just as Earth does 
when viewed from the north). So higher numbers correspond to orbits that 
pass over ground closer to sunrise, earlier in the Cerean day. (Compare 
this diagram with this figure, which shows only the relative sizes of 
the first four orbits, with each one viewed face-on rather than edge-on.) 
Click on this image for a larger view. Image credit: NASA/JPL

Dawn takes more than a week to revolve around Ceres, but Ceres turns on 
its axis in just nine hours. Because Dawn moves through only a small segment 
of its orbit in one Cerean day, it is almost as if the spacecraft hovers 
in place as the dwarf planet pirouettes beneath it. During one such period 
on Jan. 27, Dawn's high perch moved only from 11°N to 12°S latitude 
as Ceres pr

[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Curiosity Examines Possible Mud Cracks

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mars Rover Curiosity Examines Possible Mud Cracks
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
January 17, 2017

Scientists used NASA's Curiosity Mars rover in recent weeks to examine 
slabs of rock cross-hatched with shallow ridges that likely originated 
as cracks in drying mud.

"Mud cracks are the most likely scenario here," said Curiosity science 
team member Nathan Stein. He is a graduate student at Caltech in Pasadena, 
California, who led the investigation of a site called "Old Soaker," on 
lower Mount Sharp, Mars.

If this interpretation holds up, these would be the first mud cracks -- 
technically called desiccation cracks -- confirmed by the Curiosity mission. 
They would be evidence that the ancient era when these sediments were 
deposited included some drying after wetter conditions. Curiosity has 
found evidence of ancient lakes in older, lower-lying rock layers and 
also in younger mudstone that is above Old Soaker.

"Even from a distance, we could see a pattern of four- and five-sided 
polygons that don't look like fractures we've seen previously with Curiosity," 
Stein said. "It looks like what you'd see beside the road where muddy 
ground has dried and cracked."

The cracked layer formed more than 3 billion years ago and was subsequently 
buried by other layers of sediment, all becoming stratified rock. Later, 
wind erosion stripped away the layers above Old Soaker. Material that 
had filled the cracks resisted erosion better than the mudstone around 
it, so the pattern from the cracking now appears as raised ridges.

The team used Curiosity to examine the crack-filling material. Cracks 
that form at the surface, such as in drying mud, generally fill with windblown 
dust or sand. A different type of cracking with plentiful examples found 
by Curiosity occurs after sediments have hardened into rock. Pressure 
from accumulation of overlying sediments can cause underground fractures 
in the rock. These fractures generally have been filled by minerals delivered 
by groundwater circulating through the cracks, such as bright veins of 
calcium sulfate.

Both types of crack-filling material were found at Old Soaker. This may 
indicate multiple generations of fracturing: mud cracks first, with sediment 
accumulating in them, then a later episode of underground fracturing and 
vein forming.

"If these are indeed mud cracks, they fit well with the context of what 
we're seeing in the section of Mount Sharp Curiosity has been climbing 
for many months," said Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada of 
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. "The ancient lakes varied 
in depth and extent over time, and sometimes disappeared. We're seeing 
more evidence of dry intervals between what had been mostly a record of 
long-lived lakes."

Besides the cracks that are likely due to drying, other types of evidence 
observed in the area include sandstone layers interspersed with the mudstone 
layers, and the presence of a layering pattern called cross-bedding. This 
pattern can form where water was flowing more vigorously near the shore 
of a lake, or from windblown sediment during a dry episode.

Scientists are continuing to analyze data acquired at the possible mud 
cracks and also watching for similar-looking sites. They want to check 
for clues not evident at Old Soaker, such as the cross-sectional shape 
of the cracks.

The rover has departed that site, heading uphill toward a future rock-drilling 
location. Rover engineers at JPL are determining the best way to resume 
use of the rover's drill, which began experiencing intermittent problems 
last month with the mechanism that moves the drill up and down during 

Curiosity landed near Mount Sharp in 2012. It reached the base of the 
mountain in 2014 after successfully finding evidence on the surrounding 
plains that ancient Martian lakes offered conditions that would have been 
favorable for microbes if Mars has ever hosted life. Rock layers forming 
the base of Mount Sharp accumulated as sediment within ancient lakes billions 
of years ago.

On Mount Sharp, Curiosity is investigating how and when the habitable 
ancient conditions known from the mission's earlier findings evolved into 
conditions drier and less favorable for life. For more information about 
Curiosity, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
818-354-6278 / 818-393-9011

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Similar-Looking Ridges on Mars Have Diverse Origins

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Similar-Looking Ridges on Mars Have Diverse Origins
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
January 25, 2017

Fast Facts:

* Many places on Mars have networks of ridges that intersect at angles 
to form polygons.

* Martian polygonal-ridge features vary in size and origin.

* A new project seeks volunteers to examine Mars images and identify 
sites with polygonal ridges

Thin, blade-like walls, some as tall as a 16-story building, dominate 
a previously undocumented network of intersecting ridges on Mars, found 
in images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The simplest explanation for these impressive ridges is that lava flowed 
into pre-existing fractures in the ground and later resisted erosion better 
than material around them.

A new survey of polygon-forming ridges on Mars examines this network in 
the Medusae Fossae region straddling the planet's equator and similar-looking 
networks in other regions of the Red Planet.

"Finding these ridges in the Medusae Fossae region set me on a quest to 
find all the types of polygonal ridges on Mars," said Laura Kerber of 
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, lead author of 
the survey report published this month in the journal Icarus.

The pattern is sometimes called boxwork ridges. Raised lines intersect 
as the outlines of multiple adjoining rectangles, pentagons, triangles 
or other polygons. Despite the similarity in shape, these networks differ 
in origin and vary in scale from inches to miles.

Small and Large Examples

Mars rover missions have found small versions they have been able to inspect 
up close. Some of these polygonal ridges, such as at "Garden City" seen 
by Curiosity, are veins deposited by mineral-laden groundwater moving 
through underground fissures, long before erosion exposed the veins. Curiosity 
recently also imaged small boxwork ridges that likely originated as mud 

At the other end of the size scale, ridges outline several rectangles 
each more than a mile (more than 2 kilometers) wide at a location called 
"Inca City" near Mars' south pole. These may have resulted from impact-related 
faults underground, with fractures filled by rising lava that hardened 
and was later exposed by erosion.

"Polygonal ridges can be formed in several different ways, and some of 
them are really key to understanding the history of early Mars," Kerber 
said. "Many of these ridges are mineral veins, and mineral veins tell 
us that water was circulating underground."

Polygonal ridges in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region of northern Mars may 
hold clues about ancient wet, possibly warm environments. Examples of 
them found so far tend to be in the same areas as water-related clues 
such as minerals that form in hot springs, clay-mineral layers and channels 
carved by ancient streams. A larger sample is needed to test this hypothesis.

Volunteers Sought

Kerber is seeking help from the public through a citizen-science project 
using images of Mars from the Context Camera (CTX) on Mars Reconnaissance 

"We're asking for volunteers to search for more polygonal ridges," she 
said. Finding as-yet-unidentified polygonal ridges in CTX images could 
improve understanding about their relationship to other features and also 
will help guide future observations with the High Resolution Imaging Science 
Experiment (HiRISE) camera to reveal details of the ridge networks.

This citizen-science program, called Planet Four: Ridges, began Jan. 17 
on a platform released by the Zooniverse, which hosts dozens of projects 
that enlist people worldwide to contribute to discoveries in fields ranging 
from astronomy to zoology. More information is at:


Other Zooniverse Mars projects using data from CTX and HiRISE have drawn 
participation from more than 150,000 volunteers.

On Earth, too, polygonal ridges have diverse origins. Examples include 
grand walls of lava that hardened underground then were exposed by erosion, 
and small ridge networks inside limestone caves, where erosion can be 
chemical as well as physical.

With CTX, HiRISE and four other instruments, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 
has been investigating Mars since 2006.

Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates CTX. The University 
of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by Ball Aerospace 
& Technologies Corp. of Boulder, Colorado. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Mars Reconnaissance 
Orbiter Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems, Denver, built the orbiter and collaborates with 
JPL to operate it. For additional information about the project, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1077 / 

[meteorite-list] A New Test for Life on Other Planets

2017-02-16 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


A New Test for Life on Other Planets
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
January 26, 2017

A simple chemistry method could vastly enhance how scientists search for 
signs of life on other planets.

The test uses a liquid-based technique known as capillary electrophoresis 
to separate a mixture of organic molecules into its components. It was 
designed specifically to analyze for amino acids, the structural building 
blocks of all life on Earth. The method is 10,000 times more sensitive 
than current methods employed by spacecraft like NASA's Mars Curiosity 
rover, according to a new study published in Analytical Chemistry. The 
study was carried out by researchers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California.

One of the key advantages of the authors' new way of using capillary 
is that the process is relatively simple and easy to automate for liquid 
samples expected on ocean world missions: it involves combining a liquid 
sample with a liquid reagent, followed by chemical analysis under conditions 
determined by the team. By shining a laser across the mixture -- a process 
known as laser-induced fluorescence detection -- specific molecules can 
be observed moving at different speeds. They get separated based on how 
quickly they respond to electric fields.

While capillary electrophoresis has been around since the early 1980s, 
this is the first time it has been tailored specifically to detect 
life on an ocean world, said lead author Jessica Creamer, a postdoctoral 
scholar at JPL.

"Our method improves on previous attempts by increasing the number of 
amino acids that can be detected in a single run," Creamer said. "Additionally, 
it allows us to detect these amino acids at very low concentrations, even 
in highly salty samples, with a very simple 'mix and analyze' process."

The researchers used the technique to analyze amino acids present in the 
salt-rich waters of Mono Lake in California. The lake's exceptionally 
high alkaline content makes it a challenging habitat for life, and an 
excellent stand-in for salty waters believed to be on Mars, or the ocean 
worlds of Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa.

The researchers were able to simultaneously analyze 17 different amino 
acids, which they are calling "the Signature 17 standard." These amino 
acids were chosen for study because they are the most commonly found on 
Earth or elsewhere.

"Using our method, we are able to tell the difference between amino acids 
that come from non-living sources like meteorites versus amino acids that 
come from living organisms," said the project's principal investigator, 
Peter Willis of JPL.

Key to detecting amino acids related to life is an aspect known as "chirality." 
Chiral molecules such as amino acids come in two forms that are mirror 
images of one another. Although amino acids from non-living sources contain 
approximately equal amounts of the "left" and "right"-handed forms, amino 
acids from living organisms on Earth are almost exclusively the "left-handed" 

It is expected that amino acid life elsewhere would also need to "choose" 
one of the two forms in order to create the structures of life. For this 
reason, chirality of amino acids is considered one of the most powerful 
signatures of life.

"One of NASA's highest-level objectives is the search for life in the 
universe," Willis said. "Our best chance of finding life is by using powerful 
liquid-based analyses like this one on ocean worlds."

Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages JPL for NASA.

News Media Contact
Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] NASA Selects Two Discovery Missions to Explore the Early Solar System

2017-01-04 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Selects Two Missions to Explore the Early Solar System
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
January 4, 2017

NASA has selected two missions that have the potential to open new windows 
on one of the earliest eras in the history of our solar system - a time 
less than 10 million years after the birth of our sun. The missions, known 
as Lucy and Psyche, were chosen from five finalists and will proceed to 
mission formulation, with the goal of launching in 2021 and 2023, respectively.

"Lucy will visit a target-rich environment of Jupiter's mysterious Trojan 
asteroids, while Psyche will study a unique metal asteroid that's never 
been visited before," said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for 
NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "This is what Discovery 
Program missions are all about - boldly going to places we've never been 
to enable groundbreaking science."

Lucy, a robotic spacecraft, is scheduled to launch in October 2021. It's 
slated to arrive at its first destination, a main belt asteroid, in 2025. 
>From 2027 to 2033, Lucy will explore six Jupiter Trojan asteroids. These 
asteroids are trapped by Jupiter's gravity in two swarms that share the 
planet's orbit, one leading and one trailing Jupiter in its 12-year circuit 
around the sun. The Trojans are thought to be relics of a much earlier 
era in the history of the solar system, and may have formed far beyond 
Jupiter's current orbit.

"This is a unique opportunity," said Harold F. Levison, principal investigator 
of the Lucy mission from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, 
Colorado. "Because the Trojans are remnants of the primordial material 
that formed the outer planets, they hold vital clues to deciphering the 
history of the solar system. Lucy, like the human fossil for which it 
is named, will revolutionize the understanding of our origins."

Lucy will build on the success of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto 
and the Kuiper Belt, using newer versions of the RALPH and LORRI science 
instruments that helped enable the mission's achievements. Several members 
of the Lucy mission team also are veterans of the New Horizons mission. 
Lucy also will build on the success of the OSIRIS-REx mission to asteroid 
Bennu, with the OTES instrument and several members of the OSIRIS-REx 

The Psyche mission will explore one of the most intriguing targets in 
the main asteroid belt - a giant metal asteroid, known as 16 Psyche, about 
three times farther away from the sun than is the Earth. This asteroid 
measures about 130 miles (210 kilometers) in diameter and, unlike most 
other asteroids that are rocky or icy bodies, is thought to be comprised 
mostly of metallic iron and nickel, similar to Earth's core. Scientists 
wonder whether Psyche could be an exposed core of an early planet that 
could have been as large as Mars, but which lost its rocky outer layers 
due to a number of violent collisions billions of years ago.

The mission will help scientists understand how planets and other bodies 
separated into their layers - including cores, mantles and crusts - early 
in their histories.

"This is an opportunity to explore a new type of world - not one of rock 
or ice, but of metal," said Psyche Principal Investigator Lindy Elkins-Tanton 
of Arizona State University in Tempe. "16 Psyche is the only known object 
of its kind in the solar system, and this is the only way humans will 
ever visit a core. We learn about inner space by visiting outer space."

Psyche, also a robotic mission, is targeted to launch in October of 2023, 
arriving at the asteroid in 2030, following an Earth gravity assist spacecraft 
maneuver in 2024 and a Mars flyby in 2025.

In addition to selecting the Lucy and Psyche missions for formulation, 
the agency will extend funding for the Near Earth Object Camera (NEOCam) 
project for an additional year. The NEOCam space telescope is designed 
to survey regions of space closest to Earth's orbit, where potentially 
hazardous asteroids may be found.

"JPL is delighted with the news that Psyche will be moving forward and 
for the additional support for the development of NEOCam. These two exciting 
and important missions will provide far greater understanding of the role 
asteroids play in our solar system," said JPL Director Mike Watkins.

"These are true missions of discovery that integrate into NASA's larger 
strategy of investigating how the solar system formed and evolved," said 
NASA's Planetary Science Director Jim Green. "We've explored terrestrial 
planets, gas giants, and a range of other bodies orbiting the sun. Lucy 
will observe primitive remnants from farther out in the solar system, 
while Psyche will directly observe the interior of a planetary body. These 
additional pieces of the puzzle will help us understand how the sun and 
its family of planets formed, changed over time, and became places where 
life could develop and be sustained - a

[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - December 29, 2016

2017-01-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
December 29, 2016

Dear Dawnimations,

Dawn is concluding a remarkable year of exploring dwarf planet Ceres. 
At the beginning of 2016, the spacecraft was still a newcomer to its lowest 
altitude orbit (the fourth since arriving at Ceres in March 2015), and 
the flight team was looking forward to about three months of exciting 
work there to uncover more of the alien world'ss mysteries.

This animation shows many views of Occator Crater and its distinctive, 
captivating bright features. Dawn team members at the German Aerospace 
Center (DLR) combined photographs and other data collected by Dawn to 
make this video. (Unlike the visuals, the sounds are entirely speculative.) 
We have discussed the Occator findings shown here before. For details, 
see our last description, and follow the links from there to earlier Dawn 
Journals. Original video and caption. 
Video/image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

As it turned out, Dawn spent more than eight months conducting an exceptionally 
rewarding campaign of photography and other investigations, providing 
a richly detailed, comprehensive look at the extraterrestrial landscapes 
and garnering an extraordinary bounty of data. In September, the craft 
took advantage of its advanced ion propulsion system to fly to a new orbit 
from which it performed still more unique observations in October. Last 
month, the ship took flight again, and now it is concluding 2016 in its 
sixth science orbit.

Dawn is in an elliptical orbit, sailing from about 4,670 miles (7,520 
kilometers) up to up to almost 5,810 miles (9,350 kilometers) and back 
down. It takes nearly eight days to complete each orbital loop. Flying 
this high above Ceres allows Dawn to record cosmic rays to enhance the 
nuclear spectra it acquired at low altitude, improving the measurements 
of atomic constituents down to about a yard (meter) underground.

This animation shows Vesta (Dawn's first destination) and Ceres. Based 
on measurements of hydrogen, the colors encode the water content of the 
material within about a yard (meter) of the surface. We have seen before 
how the spacecraft's neutron spectrometer can make such a measurement. 
Here, as before, scientists have good reason to assume the hydrogen is 
in water molecules. Some of the water is in the form of ice and some is 
bound up in hydrated minerals. Even if it not exactly soggy, Ceres is 
much, much wetter than Vesta. In some regions on Vesta, there is no evidence 
of water at all (represented by red), and even the greatest concentration 
(the deepest blue) is only 0.04 percent. On Ceres, water is abundant, 
varying from 1.8 to 3.2 percent, or 45 to 80 times more prevalent than 
the highest concentration on Vesta. (The interior of Ceres harbors even 
more water than that.) Note that on Ceres, there is very little difference 
at different longitudes. The variability is much stronger with latitude: 
at greater distances from the equator, water is more plentiful. This fits 
with the temperatures being lower near the poles, allowing ice to be closer 
to the surface for very, very long times without sublimating away. (Below, 
we will discuss the presence of ice on the ground.) Vesta and Ceres are 
shown to scale in this animation. They are the two largest objects in 
the main asteroid belt. Vesta's equatorial diameter is 351 miles 
(565 kilometers). Ceres is 599 miles (963 kilometers) across at the equator. 
(Their rotation rates are not shown to scale. Vesta turns once in 5.3 
hours, whereas Ceres takes 9.1 hours.) 
Video/image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

The spacecraft has been collecting cosmic ray data continuously since 
reaching this orbit (known to the Dawn team, imaginative readers of last 
month's Dawn Journal and now you as extended mission orbit 3, or 
XMO3). These measurements will continue until the end of the extended 
mission in June. But there is more in store for the indefatigable adventurer 
than monitoring space radiation.

Based on studies of Dawn's extensive inspections of Ceres so far, 
scientists want to see certain sites at new angles and under different 
illumination conditions. Next month, Dawn will begin a new campaign of 
photography and visible spectroscopy. All of Dawn's five previous 
science orbits had different orientations from the sun. And now XMO3 will 
provide another unique perspective on the dwarf planet's terrain. The 
figure below shows what the orientation will be when the explorer turns 
its gaze once again on Ceres for the first set of new observations on 
Jan. 27, 2017.
Dawn XMO2 Image 10

This illustrates (and simplifies) the relative size and alignment of Dawn's 
six science orbits at Ceres. We are looking down on Ceres' north 
pole. The spacecraft follows polar orbits, and seen edge-on here, each 
orbit looks like a line. (Orbits 1, 2 and 6 extend off the figure t

[meteorite-list] NASA's NEOWISE Mission Spies One Comet, Maybe Two

2017-01-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's NEOWISE Mission Spies One Comet, Maybe Two
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 29, 2016

NASA's NEOWISE mission has recently discovered some celestial objects 
traveling through our neighborhood, including one on the blurry line between 
asteroid and comet. Another--definitely a comet--might be seen with binoculars 
through next week.

An object called 2016 WF9 was detected by the NEOWISE project on Nov. 
27, 2016. It's in an orbit that takes it on a scenic tour of our solar 
system. At its farthest distance from the sun, it approaches Jupiter's 
orbit. Over the course of 4.9 Earth-years, it travels inward, passing 
under the main asteroid belt and the orbit of Mars until it swings just 
inside Earth's own orbit. After that, it heads back toward the outer solar 
system. Objects in these types of orbits have multiple possible origins; 
it might once have been a comet, or it could have strayed from a population 
of dark objects in the main asteroid belt.

2016 WF9 will approach Earth's orbit on Feb. 25, 2017. At a distance of 
nearly 32 million miles (51 million kilometers) from Earth, this pass 
will not bring it particularly close. The trajectory of 2016 WF9 is well 
understood, and the object is not a threat to Earth for the foreseeable 

A different object, discovered by NEOWISE a month earlier, is more clearly 
a comet, releasing dust as it nears the sun. This comet, C/2016 U1 NEOWISE, 
"has a good chance of becoming visible through a good pair of binoculars, 
although we can't be sure because a comet's brightness is notoriously 
unpredictable," said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Center for Near-Earth 
Object (NEO) Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

As seen from the northern hemisphere during the first week of 2017, comet 
C/2016 U1 NEOWISE will be in the southeastern sky shortly before dawn. 
It is moving farther south each day and it will reach its closest point 
to the sun, inside the orbit of Mercury, on Jan. 14, before heading back 
out to the outer reaches of the solar system for an orbit lasting thousands 
of years. While it will be visible to skywatchers at Earth, it is not 
considered a threat to our planet either.

NEOWISE is the asteroid-and-comet-hunting portion of the Wide-Field Infrared 
Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. After discovering more than 34,000 asteroids 
during its original mission, NEOWISE was brought out of hibernation in 
December of 2013 to find and learn more about asteroids and comets that 
could pose an impact hazard to Earth. If 2016 WF9 turns out to be a comet, 
it would be the 10th discovered since reactivation. If it turns out to 
be an asteroid, it would be the 100th discovered since reactivation.

What NEOWISE scientists do know is that 2016 WF9 is relatively large: 
roughly 0.3 to 0.6 mile (0.5 to 1 kilometer) across.

It is also rather dark, reflecting only a few percent of the light that 
falls on its surface. This body resembles a comet in its reflectivity 
and orbit, but appears to lack the characteristic dust and gas cloud that 
defines a comet.

"2016 WF9 could have cometary origins," said Deputy Principal Investigator 
James "Gerbs" Bauer at JPL. "This object illustrates that the boundary 
between asteroids and comets is a blurry one; perhaps over time this object 
has lost the majority of the volatiles that linger on or just under its 

Near-Earth objects (NEOs) absorb most of the light that falls on them 
and re-emit that energy at infrared wavelengths. This enables NEOWISE's 
infrared detectors to study both dark and light-colored NEOs with nearly 
equal clarity and sensitivity.

"These are quite dark objects," said NEOWISE team member Joseph Masiero, 
"Think of new asphalt on streets; these objects would look like charcoal, 
or in some cases are even darker than that."

NEOWISE data have been used to measure the size of each near-Earth object 
it observes. Thirty-one asteroids that NEOWISE has discovered pass within 
about 20 lunar distances from Earth's orbit, and 19 are more than 460 
feet (140 meters) in size but reflect less than 10 percent of the sunlight 
that falls on them.

The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has completed its seventh 
year in space after being launched on Dec. 14, 2009.

Data from the NEOWISE mission are available on a website for the public 
and scientific community to use. A guide to the NEOWISE data release, 
data access instructions and supporting documentation are available at:


Access to the NEOWISE data products is available via the on-line and API 
services of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive.

A list of peer-reviewed papers using the NEOWISE data is available at:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brow

[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey Orbiter Recovering from Precautionary Pause in Activity

2017-01-03 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Orbiter Recovering from Precautionary Pause in Activity
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 28, 2016

Mars Odyssey Mission Status Report

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, which has been in service at Mars since October 
2001, put itself into safe mode -- a protective standby status -- on Dec. 
26, while remaining in communication with Earth.

The Odyssey project team has diagnosed the cause -- an uncertainty aboard 
the spacecraft about its orientation with regard to Earth and the sun 
-- and is restoring the orbiter to full operations. Odyssey's 
service for assisting Mars rover missions is expected to resume this week, 
and Odyssey's own science investigations of the Red Planet are expected 
to resume next week.

The orbiter's knowledge of its orientation was restored Dec. 26 by resetting 
the inertial measurement unit and the circuit card that serves as interface 
between that sensor, the flight software and the star tracker, for determining 
spacecraft attitude. The mission last experienced a similar fault and 
solution in December 2013.

Mars Odyssey left Earth on April 7, 2001, entered orbit around Mars on 
Oct. 24, and began systematically examining Mars in February 2002. In 
December 2010, it surpassed the previous record for longevity of a robotic 
mission at Mars. The Mars Odyssey Project has been extending that record 
daily for more than six years.

In addition to its direct contributions to planetary science, Odyssey 
provides important support for other missions in NASA's Journey to Mars 
through communication-relay service and observations of candidate landing 

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, 
manages the Mars Odyssey Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate 
in Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, built the spacecraft 
and collaborates with JPL in mission operations. For more information 
about Odyssey, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Laurie Cantillo / Dwayne Brown
NASA Headquarters, Washington
2202-358-1077 / 202-358-1726
laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov / dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov


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[meteorite-list] New Quasicrystal Found in Russian Meteorit

2016-12-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Discovery of yet to be observed extraterrestrial quasicrystal
University of Florence
December 16, 2016

As reported in a study by a scientist of the Department of Earth Sciences 
appeared in Scientific Reports

A new quasicrystal coming from outer space surprised scientists with a 
chemical composition never previously observed. ("Collisions in outer 
space produced an icosahedral phase in the Khatyrka meteorite never observed 
previously in the laboratory" in Scientific Reports). The study is the 
output of an group of international researchers that includes Luca Bindi 
of the University's Department of Earth Sciences.

The new extraterrestrial mineral, the third one presently identified, 
was produced by collisions between space asteroids at the dawn of the 
solar system. Its discovery proves that such materials could be a lot 
more common than previously thought.

"Quasicrystals are unique minerals", reports Luca Bindi, associate professor 
of Mineralogy, "and its atoms are set as if in a mosaic, in regular patterns, 
but that do not repeat themselves periodically such as in ordinary crystals."

Up to now there were only two known natural quasicrystals (icosahedrite 
and decagonite) also identified by the research group led by Biondi. The 
first quasicrystal was identified in 2009 in a specimen of the Khatyrka 
meteorite, found in Siberia and held by the Museum of Natural History 
of the University of Florence.

Together with colleagues from Princeton University, the Smithsonian Institution 
and the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bindi and his team have returned 
to Siberia in 2011 where they collected further samples of the meteorite 
in which the other two quasicrystals have been identified.

"Whereas the first two crystals reflect the chemical equivalent of synthetic 
material discovered some years before thanks to the Nobel prize winner 
Dan Shechtman who had synthesized them in the 1980s", continues Bindi, 
"the quasicrystal material found now is something that has not been foreseen 
by laboratory experiments and it shows how little we know of the formation 
mechanisms of such materials that take shape and remain stable in exceptional 
conditions and have innumerable technological applications".

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[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Opportunity Update: December 7-13, 2016

2016-12-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


OPPORTUNITY UPDATE:  Rover Performs Several Drives to Ancient Gully - 
sols 4576-4582, December 07, 2016-December 13, 2016:

Opportunity is making progress towards the next science objective of the 
extended mission. The rover is headed toward an ancient water-carved gully 
about a kilometer south of the rover's current location on the rim of 
Endeavour Crater.

The recent plans have emphasized driving. On Sol 4577 (Dec. 8, 2016), 
Opportunity intended a 59-feet (18-meter) drive to the southwest. However, 
the rover only achieved just over 39 feet (12 meters). The rover was using 
visual odometry (VO) to monitor her progress. After the 12-meters of progress 
VO failed to resolve surface features sufficiently to establish progress 
and stopped the drive. This is not uncommon when the local terrain around 
the rover may have few features or shadows of the rover confuse the algorithm.

On Sol 4580 (Dec. 11, 2016), the rover made further progress to the southwest 
covering over 49 feet (15 meters). Because the rover is driving on slopes 
tilted away from the Sun, power has been constrained and drives limited 
in distance. Some sols following the drives have been 'recharge' sols, 
sols with limited rover activity. Another drive on Sol 4582 (Dec. 13, 
2016), added another 56 feet (17 meters) again towards the southwest. 
And as always, extensive Navigation Camera (Navcam) and Panoramic Camera 
(Pancam) images have been collected following each drive.

As of Sol 4582 (Dec. 13, 2016), the solar array energy production is 411 
watt-hours with an atmospheric opacity (Tau) of 0.836 and a solar array 
dust factor of 0.675.

Total odometry is 27.12 miles (43.65 kilometers).

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[meteorite-list] MRO HiRISE Images: December 21, 2016

2016-12-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list

December 21, 2016

o Lace on Mars

  Channels formed by sublimation of a layer of seasonal dry ice are so 
  dense in this area that they look like lace.

o Spiders on Mounds

  This landform is uniquely Martian, formed in the spring as seasonal 
  dry ice turns directly into gas.

o Secondary Craters

  Secondary impact craters are both interesting and vexing, but can be 
  used to constrain the age of the surface where they fell.

o Soffen Crater Floor

  This crater on Mars was named after Dr. Gerald A. Soffen, project 
  scientist for NASA's Viking program for Mars landers.


Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is 
online at http://www.nasa.gov/mro. The mission is 
managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division 
of the California Institute of Technology, for the NASA 
Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems, of Denver, is the prime contractor 
and built the spacecraft. HiRISE is operated by the 
University of Arizona. Ball Aerospace and Technologies 
Corp., of Boulder, Colo., built the HiRISE instrument.


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[meteorite-list] Where is the Ice on Ceres? New NASA Dawn Findings

2016-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Where is the Ice on Ceres? New NASA Dawn Findings
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 15, 2061

At first glance, Ceres, the largest body in the main asteroid belt, may 
not look icy. Images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft have revealed a dark, 
heavily cratered world whose brightest area is made of highly reflective 
salts -- not ice. But newly published studies from Dawn scientists show 
two distinct lines of evidence for ice at or near the surface of the dwarf 
planet. Researchers are presenting these findings at the 2016 American 
Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

"These studies support the idea that ice separated from rock early in 
Ceres' history, forming an ice-rich crustal layer, and that ice has remained 
near the surface over the history of the solar system," said Carol Raymond, 
deputy principal investigator of the Dawn mission, based at NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

Water ice on other planetary bodies is important because it is an essential 
ingredient for life as we know it. "By finding bodies that were water-rich 
in the distant past, we can discover clues as to where life may have existed 
in the early solar system," Raymond said.

Ice is everywhere on Ceres

Ceres' uppermost surface is rich in hydrogen, with higher concentrations 
at mid-to-high latitudes -- consistent with broad expanses of water ice, 
according to a new study in the journal Science.

"On Ceres, ice is not just localized to a few craters. It's everywhere, 
and nearer to the surface with higher latitudes," said Thomas Prettyman, 
principal investigator of Dawn's gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND), 
based at the Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona.

Researchers used the GRaND instrument to determine the concentrations 
of hydrogen, iron and potassium in the uppermost yard (or meter) of Ceres. 
GRaND measures the number and energy of gamma rays and neutrons emanating 
from Ceres. Neutrons are produced as galactic cosmic rays interact with 
Ceres' surface. Some neutrons get absorbed into the surface, while others 
escape. Since hydrogen slows down neutrons, it is associated with fewer 
neutrons escaping. On Ceres, hydrogen is likely to be in the form of frozen 
water (which is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom).

Rather than a solid ice layer, there is likely to be a porous mixture 
of rocky materials in which ice fills the pores, researchers found. The 
GRaND data show that the mixture is about 10 percent ice by weight.

"These results confirm predictions made nearly three decades ago that 
ice can survive for billions of years just beneath the surface of Ceres," 
Prettyman said. "The evidence strengthens the case for the presence of 
near-surface water ice on other main belt asteroids."

Clues to Ceres' inner life

Concentrations of iron, hydrogen, potassium and carbon provide further 
evidence that the top layer of material covering Ceres was altered by 
liquid water in Ceres' interior. Scientists theorize that the decay of 
radioactive elements within Ceres produced heat that drove this alteration 
process, separating Ceres into a rocky interior and icy outer shell. Separation 
of ice and rock would lead to differences in the chemical composition 
of Ceres' surface and interior.

Because meteorites called carbonaceous chondrites were also altered by 
water, scientists are interested in comparing them to Ceres. These meteorites 
probably come from bodies that were smaller than Ceres, but had limited 
fluid flow, so they may provide clues to Ceres' interior history. The 
Science study shows that Ceres has more hydrogen and less iron than these 
meteorites, perhaps because denser particles sunk while brine-rich materials 
rose to the surface. Alternatively, Ceres or its components may have formed 
in a different region of the solar system than the meteorites.

Ice in permanent shadow

A second study, led by Thomas Platz of the Max Planck Institute for Solar 
System Research, Gottingen, Germany, and published in the journal Nature 
Astronomy, focused on craters that are persistently in shadow in Ceres' 
northern hemisphere. Scientists closely examined hundreds of cold, dark 
craters called "cold traps" -- at less than minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit 
(110 Kelvin), they are so chilly that very little of the ice turns into 
vapor in the course of a billion years. Researchers found deposits of 
bright material in 10 of these craters. In one crater that is partially 
sunlit, Dawn's infrared mapping spectrometer confirmed the presence of 

[Images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft]

This movie of images from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows a crater on Ceres 
that is partly in shadow all the time. Such craters are called "cold traps." 
Dawn has shown that water ice could potentially be preserved in such place 
for very long amounts of time. 

This suggests that water ice can be stored in 

[meteorite-list] Mars Rock-Ingredient Stew Seen as Plus for Habitability

2016-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Mars Rock-Ingredient Stew Seen as Plus for Habitability
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 13, 2016

Fast Facts:

* NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is finding patterns of change in rock composition 
at higher, younger layers of a mountain.

* Ancient Mars sedimentary basins with groundwater were chemically active, 
a factor favorable for possible life.

* Curiosity found boron on Mars, a first for this very soluble element.

NASA's Curiosity rover is climbing a layered Martian mountain and finding 
evidence of how ancient lakes and wet underground environments changed, 
billions of years ago, creating more diverse chemical environments that 
affected their favorability for microbial life.

Hematite, clay minerals and boron are among the ingredients found to be 
more abundant in layers farther uphill, compared with lower, older layers 
examined earlier in the mission. Scientists are discussing what these 
and other variations tell about conditions under which sediments were 
initially deposited, and about how groundwater moving later through the 
accumulated layers altered and transported ingredients.

Effects of this groundwater movement are most evident in mineral veins. 
The veins formed where cracks in the layers were filled with chemicals 
that had been dissolved in groundwater. The water with its dissolved contents 
also interacted with the rock matrix surrounding the veins, altering the 
chemistry both in the rock and in the water.

"There is so much variability in the composition at different elevations, 
we've hit a jackpot," said John Grotzinger, of Caltech in Pasadena, California. 
He and other members of Curiosity's science team presented an update about 
the mission Tuesday, Dec. 13, in San Francisco during the fall meeting 
of the American Geophysical Union. As the rover examines higher, younger 
layers, researchers are impressed by the complexity of the lake environments 
when clay-bearing sediments were being deposited, and also the complexity 
of the groundwater interactions after the sediments were buried.

'Chemical Reactor'

"A sedimentary basin such as this is a chemical reactor," Grotzinger said. 
"Elements get rearranged. New minerals form and old ones dissolve. Electrons 
get redistributed. On Earth, these reactions support life."

Whether Martian life has ever existed is still unknown. No compelling 
evidence for it has been found. When Curiosity landed in Mars' Gale Crater 
in 2012, the mission's main goal was to determine whether the area ever 
offered an environment favorable for microbes.

The crater's main appeal for scientists is geological layering exposed 
in the lower portion of its central mound, Mount Sharp. These exposures 
offer access to rocks that hold a record of environmental conditions from 
many stages of early Martian history, each layer younger than the one 
beneath it. The mission succeeded in its first year, finding that an ancient 
Martian lake environment had all the key chemical ingredients needed for 
life, plus chemical energy available for life. Now, the rover is climbing 
lower on Mount Sharp to investigate how ancient environmental conditions 
changed over time.

"We are well into the layers that were the main reason Gale Crater was 
chosen as the landing site," said Curiosity Deputy Project Scientist Joy 
Crisp of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, California. "We 
are now using a strategy of drilling samples at regular intervals as the 
rover climbs Mount Sharp. Earlier we chose drilling targets based on each 
site's special characteristics. Now that we're driving continuously through 
the thick basal layer of the mountain, a series of drill holes will build 
a complete picture."

Four recent drilling sites, from "Oudam" this past June through "Sebina" 
in October, are each spaced about 80 feet (about 25 meters) apart in elevation. 
This uphill pattern allows the science team to sample progressively younger 
layers that reveal Mount Sharp's ancient environmental history.

Changing Environments

One clue to changing ancient conditions is the mineral hematite. It has 
replaced less-oxidized magnetite as the dominant iron oxide in rocks Curiosity 
has drilled recently, compared with the site where Curiosity first found 
lakebed sediments. "Both samples are mudstone deposited at the bottom 
of a lake, but the hematite may suggest warmer conditions, or more interaction 
between the atmosphere and the sediments," said Thomas Bristow of NASA 
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. He helps operate the 
Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) laboratory instrument inside the rover, 
which identifies minerals in collected samples.

Chemical reactivity occurs on a gradient of chemical ingredients' strength 
at donating or receiving electrons. Transfer of electrons due to this 
gradient can provide energy for life. An increase in hematite relative 
to magnetite indicates an environmental change in

[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - November 28, 2016

2016-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
November 28, 2016

Dear Decadawnt Readers,

Blue rope lights adorn Dawn mission control at JPL, but not because the 
flight team is in the holiday spirit (although they are in the holiday 
spirit). The felicitous display is more than decorative. The illumination 
indicates that the interplanetary spacecraft is thrusting with one of 
its ion engines, which emit a lovely, soft bluish glow in the forbidding 
depths of space. Dawn is completing another elegant spiral around dwarf 
planet Ceres, maneuvering to its sixth science orbit.

Dawn's ion propulsion system has allowed the probe to accomplish 
a mission unlike any other, orbiting two distant extraterrestrial destinations. 
Even more than that, Dawn has taken advantage of the exceptional efficiency 
of its ion engines to fly to orbits at different altitudes and orientations 
while at Vesta and at Ceres, gaining the best perspectives for its photography 
and other scientific investigations.
Occator on Ceres' Limb

Dawn has thrust for a total of 5.7 years during its deep-space adventure. 
All that powered flight has imparted a change in the ship's velocity 
of 25,000 mph (40,000 kilometers per hour). As we have seen, this is not 
the spacecraft's actual speed, but it is a convenient measure of 
the effect of its propulsive work. Reaching Earth orbit requires only 
about 17,000 mph (less than 28,000 kilometers per hour). In fact, Dawn's 
gentle ion engines have delivered almost 98 percent of the change in speed 
that its powerful Delta 7925H-9.5 rocket provided. With nine external 
rocket engines and a core consisting of a first stage, a second stage 
and a third stage, the Delta boosted Dawn by 25,640 mph (41,260 kilometers 
per hour) from Cape Canaveral out of Earth orbit and onto its interplanetary 
trajectory, after which the remarkable ion engines took over. No other 
spacecraft has accomplished such a large velocity change under its own 
power. (The previous record holder, Deep Space 1, achieved 9,600 mph, 
or 15,000 kilometers per hour.)

Early this year, we were highly confident Dawn would conclude its operational 
lifetime in its fourth orbit at Ceres (and remain there long after). But 
unexpectedly healthy and with an extension from NASA, Dawn is continuing 
its ambitious mission. After completing all of its tasks in its fifth 
scientific phase at Ceres, Dawn is pursuing new objectives by flying to 
another orbit for still more discoveries. Although we never anticipated 
adding a row to the table of Dawn's orbits, last presented in December 
2015, we now have an updated version.


As with the obscure Dawn code names for other orbits, this fifth orbit's 
name requires some explanation. The extended mission is devoted to undertaking 
activities not envisioned in the prime mission. That began with two extra 
months in the fourth mapping orbit performing many new observations, but 
because it was then the extended mission, that orbit was designated extended 
mission orbit 1, or XMO1. (It should have been EMO1, of course, but the 
team's spellchecker was offline on July 1, the day the extended mission 
started.) Therefore, the next orbit was XMO2. Dawn left XMO2 on Nov. 4, 
and we leave it to readers' imaginations to devise a name for the 
orbit the spacecraft is now maneuvering to.

Surprisingly, Dawn is flying higher to enhance part of the scientific 
investigation that motivated going to the lowest orbit. We have explained 
before that Dawn's objective in powering its way down to the fourth 
mapping orbit was to make the most accurate measurements possible of gravity 
and of nuclear radiation emitted by the dwarf planet.

For more than eight months, the explorer orbited closer to the alien world 
than the International Space Station is to Earth, and the gamma ray spectra 
and neutron spectra it acquired are outstanding, significantly exceeding 
all expectations. But ever-creative scientists have recognized that even 
with that tremendous wealth of data, Dawn can do still better. Let's 
look at this more carefully and consider an example to resolve the paradox 
of how going higher can yield an improvement. 

The gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) reveals some of Ceres' 
atomic constituents down to about a yard (meter) underground. The principal 
limitation in analyzing these spectra is "noise." In fact, noise limits 
the achievable accuracy of many scientific measurements. It isn't 
necessarily the kind of noise that you hear from loud machinery (nor from 
the mouth of your unhelpful parent, inattentive progeny or boring and 
verbose coworker), but all natural systems have something similar. Physical 
processes other than the ones of interest make unwanted contributions 
to the measurements. The part of a measurement scientists want is called 
the "signal." The part of a measurement scientists don't want is 
called the "noise." The quality of a measuremen

[meteorite-list] NASA Radio on Europe's New Mars Orbiter Aces Relay Test

2016-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Radio on Europe's New Mars Orbiter Aces Relay Test
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
November 29, 2016

Data from each of the two rovers active on Mars reached Earth last week 
in the successful first relay test of a NASA radio aboard Europe's new 
Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO).

The transmissions from NASA rovers Opportunity and Curiosity, received 
by one of the twin Electra radios on the orbiter on Nov. 22, mark a 
of the international telecommunications network supporting Mars exploration. 
The orbiter's main radio for communications with Earth subsequently relayed 
onward to Earth the data received by Electra.

The European Space Agency's (ESA's) ExoMars/Trace Gas Orbiter reached 
Mars on Oct. 19, 2016. As planned, its initial orbit shape is highly 
ranging from as far as 60,000 miles (98,000 kilometers) above the surface 
to less than 200 miles (less than 310 kilometers). Each loop takes 4.2 
days to complete.

Frequent use of TGO's relay capability to support Mars rover operations 
is planned to begin more than a year from now. That's after the orbiter 
finishes adjusting its orbit to a near-circular path about 250 miles (400 
kilometers) above Mars' surface. Meanwhile, four other active Mars orbiters 
also carry radios that can provide relay service for missions on the surface 
of Mars. The two active rovers routinely send data homeward via NASA orbiters 
Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

"The arrival of ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter at Mars, with its NASA-provided 
Electra relay payload on board, represents a significant step forward 
in our Mars relay capabilities," said Chad Edwards, manager of the Mars 
Relay Network Office within the Mars Exploration Program at NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. "In concert with our three 
existing NASA orbiters and ESA's earlier Mars Express orbiter, we now 
have a truly international Mars relay network that will greatly increase 
the amount of data that future Mars landers and rovers can return from 
the surface of the Red Planet."

NASA is on an ambitious journey to Mars that will include sending humans 
to the Red Planet. Current and future robotic spacecraft are leading the 
way and will prepare an infrastructure in advance for human missions.

The JPL-designed Electra radios include special features for relaying 
data from a rover or stationary lander to an orbiter passing overhead. 
Relay of information from Mars-surface craft to Mars orbiters, then from 
the Mars orbiters to Earth, enables receiving much more data from the 
surface missions than would be possible with a direct-to-Earth radio link 
from the rovers or landers.

"We already have almost 13 years' experience using ESA's Mars Express 
as an on-call backup for data relay from active Mars rovers, and TGO will 
greatly expand this to routine science-data relay," said Michel Denis, 
TGO flight director at ESA's European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, 
Germany. "In 2020, TGO will extend this relay support to ESA's ExoMars 
rover and the Russian Surface Platform, an important capability together 
with its science mission that enhances the international data network 
at Mars."

As an example of Electra capabilities, during a relay session between 
an Electra on the surface and one on an orbiter, the radios can maximize 
data volume by actively adjusting the data rate to be slower when the 
orbiter is near the horizon from the surface robot's perspective, faster 
when it is overhead.

Curiosity and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter already use Electra technology 
to relay data. NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) 
in orbit since 2014, also carries an Electra radio.

Due to improvements in the newest Electra radios and reduced interference 
levels, TGO's relay radios are expected to offer relay performance about 
double that of MRO's Electra.

TGO's main X-band radio uses a dish antenna 87 inches (2.2 meters) in 
diameter to communicate with Earth-based antenna networks operated by 
ESA, NASA and Russia.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, 
manages the Curiosity, Opportunity, MRO and Odyssey missions, and NASA's 
role in the ESA ExoMars program for the NASA Science Mission Directorate, 

For more about ESA's ExoMars program, including TGO, visit:


For more information about NASA's journey to Mars, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Curiosity Rover Team Examining New Drill Hiatus

2016-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Curiosity Rover Team Examining New Drill Hiatus
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 5, 2016

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is studying its surroundings and monitoring 
the environment, rather than driving or using its arm for science, while 
the rover team diagnoses an issue with a motor that moves the rover's 

Curiosity is at a site on lower Mount Sharp selected for what would be 
the mission's seventh sample-collection drilling of 2016. The rover team 
learned Dec. 1 that Curiosity did not complete the commands for drilling. 
The rover detected a fault in an early step in which the "drill feed" 
mechanism did not extend the drill to touch the rock target with the bit.

"We are in the process of defining a set of diagnostic tests to carefully 
assess the drill feed mechanism. We are using our test rover here on Earth 
to try out these tests before we run them on Mars," Curiosity Deputy Project 
Manager Steven Lee, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, 
said Monday. "To be cautious, until we run the tests on Curiosity, we 
want to restrict any dynamic changes that could affect the diagnosis. 
That means not moving the arm and not driving, which could shake it."

Two among the set of possible causes being assessed are that a brake on 
the drill feed mechanism did not disengage fully or that an electronic 
encoder for the mechanism's motor did not function as expected. Lee said 
that workarounds may exist for both of those scenarios, but the first 
step is to identify why the motor did not operate properly last week.

The drill feed mechanism pushes the front of the drill outward from the 
turret of tools at the end of Curiosity's robotic arm. The drill collects 
powdered rock that is analyzed by laboratory instruments inside the rover. 
While arm movements and driving are on hold, the rover is using cameras 
and a spectrometer on its mast, and a suite of environmental monitoring 

At the rover's current location, it has driven 9.33 miles (15.01 kilometers) 
since landing inside Mars' Gale Crater in August 2012. That includes more 
than half a mile (more than 840 meters) since departing a cluster of scenic 
mesas and buttes -- called "Murray Buttes" -- in September 2016. Curiosity 
has climbed 541 feet (165 meters) in elevation since landing, including 
144 feet (44 meters) since departing Murray Buttes.

The rover is climbing to sequentially higher and younger layers of lower 
Mount Sharp to investigate how the region's ancient climate changed, billions 
of years ago. Clues about environmental conditions are recorded in the 
rock layers. During its first year on Mars, the mission succeeded at its 
main goal by finding that the region once offered environmental conditions 
favorable for microbial life, if Mars has ever hosted life. The conditions 
in long-lived ancient freshwater Martian lake environments included all 
of the key chemical elements needed for life as we know it, plus a chemical 
source of energy that is used by many microbes on Earth.

Curiosity's drill, as used at all 15 of the rock targets drilled so far, 
combines hammering action and rotating-bit action to penetrate the targets 
and collect sample material. The drilling attempt last week was planned 
as the mission's first using a non-percussion drilling method that relies 
only on the drill's rotary action. Short-circuiting in the percussion 
mechanism has occurred intermittently and unpredictably several times 
since first seen in February 2015.

"We still have percussion available, but we would like to be cautious 
and use it for targets where we really need it, and otherwise use rotary-only 
where that can give us a sample," said Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin 
Vasavada at JPL.

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages NASA's Mars 
Science Laboratory Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, 
and built the project's rover, Curiosity. For more information about the 
mission, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher

2016-11-20 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


New Ceres Views as Dawn Moves Higher
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
November 18, 2016

The brightest area on Ceres stands out amid shadowy, cratered terrain 
in a dramatic new view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft, taken as it looked 
off to the side of the dwarf planet. Dawn snapped this image on Oct. 16, 
from its fifth science orbit, in which the angle of the sun was different 
from that in previous orbits. Dawn was about 920 miles (1,480 kilometers) 
above Ceres when this image was taken -- an altitude the spacecraft had 
reached in early October.

Occator Crater, with its central bright region and secondary, less-reflective 
areas, appears quite prominent near the limb, or edge, of Ceres. At 57 
miles (92 kilometers) wide and 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep, Occator 
displays evidence of recent geologic activity. The latest research suggests 
that the bright material in this crater is comprised of salts left behind 
after a briny liquid emerged from below, froze and then sublimated, meaning 
it turned from ice into vapor.

The impact that formed the crater millions of years ago unearthed material 
that blanketed the area outside the crater, and may have triggered the 
upwelling of salty liquid.

"This image captures the wonder of soaring above this fascinating, unique 
world that Dawn is the first to explore," said Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief 
engineer and mission director, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California.

Dawn scientists also have released an image of Ceres that approximates 
how the dwarf planet's colors would appear to the human eye. This view, 
produced by the German Aerospace Center in Berlin, combines images taken 
from Dawn's first science orbit in 2015, using the framing camera's red, 
green and blue filters. The color was calculated based on the way Ceres 
reflects different wavelengths of light.

The spacecraft has gathered tens of thousands of images and other information 
from Ceres since arriving in orbit on March 6, 2015. After spending more 
than eight months studying Ceres at an altitude of about 240 miles (385 
kilometers), closer than the International Space Station is to Earth, 
Dawn headed for a higher vantage point in August. In October, while the 
spacecraft was at its 920-mile altitude, it returned images and other 
valuable insights about Ceres.

On Nov. 4, Dawn began making its way to a sixth science orbit, which will 
be over 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers) from Ceres. While Dawn needed to 
make several changes in its direction while spiraling between most previous 
orbits at Ceres, engineers have figured out a way for the spacecraft to 
arrive at this next orbit while the ion engine thrusts in the same direction 
that Dawn is already going. This uses less hydrazine and xenon fuel than 
Dawn's normal spiral maneuvers. Dawn should reach this next orbit in early 

One goal of Dawn's sixth science orbit is to refine previously collected 
measurements. The spacecraft's gamma ray and neutron spectrometer, which 
has been investigating the composition of Ceres' surface, will characterize 
the radiation from cosmic rays unrelated to Ceres. This will allow scientists 
to subtract "noise" from measurements of Ceres, making the information 
more precise.

The spacecraft is healthy as it continues to operate in its extended mission 
phase, which began in July. During the primary mission, Dawn orbited and 
accomplished all of its original objectives at Ceres and protoplanet Vesta, 
which the spacecraft visited from July 2011 to September 2012.

Dawn's mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's 
Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the 
Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in 
Alabama. UCLA is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital 
ATK Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The 
German Aerospace Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, 
Italian Space Agency and Italian National Astrophysical Institute are 
international partners on the mission team. For a complete list of mission 
participants, visit:


More information about Dawn is available at the following sites:



News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA



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[meteorite-list] NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

2016-11-04 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
November 4, 2016

What would we do if we discovered a large asteroid on course to impact 
Earth? While highly unlikely, that was the high-consequence scenario discussed 
by attendees at an Oct. 25 NASA-FEMA tabletop exercise in El Segundo, 

The third in a series of exercises hosted jointly by NASA and FEMA -- 
the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- the simulation was designed 
to strengthen the collaboration between the two agencies, which have 
direction to lead the U.S. response. "It's not a matter of if -- but when 
-- we will deal with such a situation," said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate 
Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "But 
unlike any other time in our history, we now have the ability to respond 
to an impact threat through continued observations, predictions, response 
planning and mitigation."

The exercise provided a forum for the planetary science community to show 
how it would collect, analyze and share data about a hypothetical asteroid 
predicted to impact Earth. Emergency managers discussed how that data 
would be used to consider some of the unique challenges an asteroid impact 
would present-for preparedness, response and public warning.

"It is critical to exercise these kinds of low-probability but high-consequence 
disaster scenarios," FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said. "By working 
through our emergency response plans now, we will be better prepared if 
and when we need to respond to such an event."

Exercise attendees included representatives from NASA, FEMA, NASA's Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory, the Department of Energy's National Laboratories, 
the U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor's Office of Emergency 

The exercise simulated a possible impact four years from now -- a fictitious 
asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2 percent 
of impact with Earth on Sept. 20, 2020. The simulated asteroid was initially 
estimated to be between 300 and 800 feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, 
with a possibility of making impact anywhere along a long swath of Earth, 
including a narrow band of area that crossed the entire United States.

In the fictitious scenario, observers continued to track the asteroid 
for three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the probability 
of impact climbed to 65 percent. Then the next observations had to wait 
until four months later, due to the asteroid's position relative to the 
sun. Once observations could resume in May of 2017, the impact probability 
jumped to 100 percent. By November of 2017, it was simulated that the 
predicted impact would occur somewhere in a narrow band across Southern 
California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

While mounting a deflection mission to move the asteroid off its collision 
course had been simulated in previous tabletop exercises, this particular 
exercise was designed so that the time to impact was too short for a deflection 
mission to be feasible -- to pose a great future challenge to emergency 
managers faced with a mass evacuation of the metropolitan Los Angeles 

Scientists from JPL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National 
Laboratories, and The Aerospace Corporation presented predicted impact 
footprint models, population displacement estimates, information on 
that would be affected, as well as other data that could realistically 
be known at various points throughout the exercise scenario.

"The high degree of initial uncertainty coupled with the relatively long 
impact warning time made this scenario unique and especially challenging 
for emergency managers," said FEMA National Response Coordination Branch 
Chief Leviticus A. Lewis. "It's quite different from preparing for an 
event with a much shorter timeline, such as a hurricane."

Attendees considered ways to provide accurate, timely and useful information 
to the public, while also addressing how to refute rumors and false information 
that could emerge in the years leading up to the hypothetical impact.

"These exercises are invaluable for those of us in the asteroid science 
community responsible for engaging with FEMA on this natural hazard," 
said NASA Planetary Defense Officer Lindley Johnson. "We receive valuable 
feedback from emergency managers at these exercises about what information 
is critical for their decision making, and we take that into account when 
we exercise how we would provide information to FEMA about a predicted 

NASA provides expert input to FEMA about the asteroid impact hazard through 
the Planetary Defense Coordination Office. NASA and FEMA will continue 
to conduct asteroid impact exercises and intend to expand participation 
in future exercises to include additional representatives from local and 
state em

[meteorite-list] Curiosity Mars Rover Checks Odd-looking Iron Meteorite

2016-11-04 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Curiosity Mars Rover Checks Odd-looking Iron Meteorite
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
November 2, 2016

The dark, golf-ball-size object in this composite, colorized view from 
the ChemCam instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is a nickel-iron 
meteorite, as confirmed by analysis using laser pulses from ChemCam on 
Oct. 30, 2016. The grid of bright spots on the rock resulted from the 
laser pulses. 

Laser-zapping of a globular, golf-ball-size object on Mars by NASA's Curiosity 
rover confirms that it is an iron-nickel meteorite fallen from the Red 
Planet's sky.

Iron-nickel meteorites are a common class of space rocks found on Earth, 
and previous examples have been seen on Mars, but this one, called "Egg 
Rock," is the first on Mars examined with a laser-firing spectrometer. 
To do so, the rover team used Curiosity's Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) 

Scientists of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) project, which operates 
the rover, first noticed the odd-looking rock in images taken by Curiosity's 
Mast Camera (Mastcam) at a site the rover reached by an Oct. 27 drive.

"The dark, smooth and lustrous aspect of this target, and its sort of 
spherical shape attracted the attention of some MSL scientists when we 
received the Mastcam images at the new location," said ChemCam team member 
Pierre-Yves Meslin, at the Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology 
(IRAP), of France's National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and 
the University of Toulouse, France.

ChemCam found iron, nickel and phosphorus, plus lesser ingredients, in 
concentrations still being determined through analysis of the spectrum 
of light produced from dozens of laser pulses at nine spots on the object. 
The enrichment in both nickel and phosphorus at some of the same points 
suggests the presence of an iron-nickel-phosphide mineral that is rare 
except in iron-nickel meteorites, Meslin said.

Iron meteorites typically originate as core material of asteroids that 
melt, allowing the molten metal fraction of the asteroid's composition 
to sink to the center and form a core.

"Iron meteorites provide records of many different asteroids that broke 
up, with fragments of their cores ending up on Earth and on Mars," said 
ChemCam team member Horton Newsom of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. 
"Mars may have sampled a different population of asteroids than Earth 

In addition, the study of iron meteorites found on Mars -- including examples 
found previously by Mars rovers -- can provide information about how long 
exposure to the Martian environment has affected them, in comparison with 
how Earth's environment affects iron meteorites. Egg Rock may have fallen 
to the surface of Mars many millions of years ago. Researchers will be 
analyzing the ChemCam data from the first few laser shots at each target 
point and data from subsequent shots at the same point, to compare surface 
versus interior chemistry.

Egg Rock was found along the rover's path up a layer of lower Mount Sharp 
called the Murray formation, where sedimentary rocks hold records of ancient 
lakebed environments on Mars. The main science goal for Curiosity's second 
extended mission, which began last month, is to investigate how ancient 
environmental conditions changed over time. The mission has already determined 
that this region once offered conditons favorable for microbial life, 
if any life ever existed on Mars.

Curiosity was launched five years ago this month, on Nov. 26, 2011, from 
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. It landed inside Gale Crater, 
near the foot of Mount Sharp, in August 2012.

The rover remains in good condition for continuing its investigations, 
after working more than twice as long as its originally planned prime 
mission of about 23 months, though two of its 10 science instruments have 
recently shown signs of potentially reduced capability. The neutron-generating 
component of Curiosity's Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument, 
designed for working through the prime mission, is returning data showing 
reduced voltage. Even if DAN could no longer generate neutrons, the instrument 
could continue to check for water molecules in the ground by using its 
passive mode. The performance of the wind-sensing capability from Curiosity's 
Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) is also changing, though 
that instrument still returns other Mars-weather data daily, such as 
humidity and pressure. Analysis is in progress for fuller diagnosis of 
unusual data from DAN, which was provided by Russia, and REMS, provided 
by Spain.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los 
Alamos, New Mexico, developed ChemCam in partnership with scientists and 
engineers funded by the French national space agency (CNES). Mastcam was 
built by Malin Space Sc

[meteorite-list] Catalog of Known Near-Earth Asteroids Tops 15, 000

2016-10-27 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Catalog of Known Near-Earth Asteroids Tops 15,000
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 27, 2016

The number of discovered near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) now tops 15,000, 
with an average of 30 new discoveries added each week. This milestone 
marks a 50 percent increase in the number of known NEAs since 2013, when 
discoveries reached 10,000 in August of that year.

Surveys funded by NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program 
(NEOs include both asteroids and comets) account for more than 95 percent 
of discoveries so far.

The 15,000th near-Earth asteroid is designated 2016 TB57. It was discovered 
on Oct. 13 by observers at the Mount Lemmon Survey, an element of the 
NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey in Tucson, Arizona. 2016 TB57 is a rather 
small asteroid -- about 50 to 115 feet (16 to 36 meters) in size -- that 
will come closest to Earth on Oct. 31 at just beyond five times the distance 
of the moon. It will safely pass Earth.

A near-Earth asteroid is defined as one whose orbit periodically brings 
it within approximately 1.3 times Earth's average distance to the sun 
-- that is within 121 million miles (195 million kilometers) -- of the 
sun (Earth's average distance to the sun is about 93 million miles, or 
150 million kilometers). This distance also then brings the asteroid within 
roughly 30 million miles (50 million kilometers) of Earth's orbit. Observers 
have already discovered more than 90 percent of the estimated population 
of the large NEOs -- those larger than 0.6 miles (one kilometer).

"The rising rate of discovery is due to dedicated NEO surveys and upgraded 
telescopes coming online in recent years," said NASA's NEO Observations 
Program Manager Kelly Fast.  "But while we're making great progress, we 
still have a long way to go." It is estimated by astronomers that only 
about 27 percent of the NEAs that are 460 feet (140 meters) and larger 
have been found to date.  Congress directed NASA to find over 90 percent 
of objects this size and larger by the end of 2020.

Currently, two NASA-funded NEO surveys -- the Catalina Sky Survey and 
the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) in 
Hawaii -- account for about 90 percent of new NEO discoveries. Both projects 
upgraded their telescopes in 2015, improving their discovery rates.

A recent upgrade to one of the Catalina Sky Survey's telescopes resulted 
in a tripling of its average monthly NEO discovery rate. When the Pan-STARRS 
system increased the observing time it devoted to NEO searching to 90 
percent, it increased its rate of discovery by a factor of three. Pan-STARRS 
also will add a second telescope to the hunt this fall. As more capable 
telescopes are deployed, the overall NEO survey effort will be able to 
find more objects as small as and smaller than 140 meters (460 feet).

The NEO Observations Program is a primary element of NASA's Planetary 
Defense Coordination Office, which is responsible for finding, tracking 
and characterizing potentially hazardous NEOs, issuing warnings about 
possible impacts, and coordinating U.S. government planning for response 
to an actual impact threat.

"While no known NEO currently poses a risk of impact with Earth over the 
next 100 years," says NASA Planetary Defense Officer Lindley Johnson, 
"we've found mostly the larger asteroids, and we have a lot more of the 
smaller but still potentially hazardous ones to find."

For asteroid news and updates, follow AsteroidWatch on Twitter:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Further Clues to Fate of Schiaparelli Mars Lander, Seen From Orbit

2016-10-27 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Further Clues to Fate of Mars Lander, Seen From Orbit
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 27, 2016

The most powerful telescope orbiting Mars is providing new details of 
the scene near the Martian equator where Europe's Schiaparelli test lander 
hit the surface last week.

An Oct. 25 observation using the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment 
(HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows three impact 
locations within about 0.9 mile (1.5 kilometers) of each other. An annotated 
view is available online at


The scene shown by HiRISE includes three locations where hardware reached 
the ground. A dark, roughly circular feature is interpreted as where the 
lander itself struck. A pattern of rays extending from the circle suggests 
that a shallow crater was excavated by the impact, as expected given the 
premature engine shutdown. About 0.8 mile (1.4 kilometers) eastward, an 
object with several bright spots surrounded by darkened ground is likely 
the heat shield. About 0.6 mile (0.9 kilometer) south of the lander impact 
site, two features side-by-side are interpreted as the spacecraft's parachute 
and the back shell to which the parachute was attached. Additional images 
to be taken from different angles are planned and will aid interpretation 
of these early results.

The test lander is part of the European Space Agency's ExoMars 2016 mission, 
which placed the Trace Gas Orbiter into orbit around Mars on Oct. 19. 
The orbiter will investigate the atmosphere and surface of Mars and provide 
relay communications capability for landers and rovers on Mars.

Data transmitted by Schiaparelli during its descent through Mars' atmosphere 
is enabling analysis of why the lander's thrusters switched off prematurely. 
The new HiRISE imaging provides additional information, with more detail 
than visible in an earlier view with the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars 
Reconnaissance Orbiter.

With HiRISE, CTX and four other instruments, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 
has been investigating Mars since 2006.

The University of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by 
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. of Boulder, Colorado. NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the 
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, 
Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, built the orbiter and 
collaborates with JPL to operate it. For additional information about 
the project, visit:


News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Markus Bauer
European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain
0031 61 594 3 954

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] GRAIL Moon Mission Shares Insights into Giant Impacts

2016-10-27 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Moon Mission Shares Insights into Giant Impacts
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 27, 2016

Fast Facts:

* Orientale basin is a giant, ringed impact crater on Earth's moon.
* Until now, how impact craters with rings form had not been well 
* Scientists have reconstructed Orientale's formation using data 
from NASA's GRAIL mission.

New results from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) 
mission are providing insights into the huge impacts that dominated the 
early history of Earth's moon and other solid worlds, like Earth, Mars, 
and the satellites of the outer solar system.

In two papers, published this week in the journal Science, researchers 
examine the origins of the moon's giant Orientale impact basin. The research 
helps clarify how the formation of Orientale, approximately 3.8 billion 
years ago, affected the moon's geology.

Located along the moon's southwestern limb -- the left-hand edge as seen 
from Earth -- Orientale is the largest and best-preserved example of what's 
known as a "multi-ring basin." Impact craters larger than about 180 miles 
(300 kilometers) in diameter are referred to as basins. With increasing 
size, craters tend to have increasingly complex structures, often with 
multiple concentric, raised rings. Orientale is about 580 miles (930 
wide and has three distinct rings, which form a bullseye-like pattern.

Multi-ring basins are observed on many of the rocky and icy worlds in 
our solar system, but until now scientists had not been able to agree 
on how their rings form. What they needed was more information about the 
crater's structure beneath the surface, which is precisely the sort of 
information contained in gravity science data collected during the GRAIL 

The powerful impacts that created basins like Orientale played an important 
role in the early geologic history of our moon. They were extremely disruptive, 
world-altering events that caused substantial fracturing, melting and 
shaking of the young moon's crust. They also blasted out material that 
fell back to the surface, coating older features that were already there; 
scientists use this layering of ejected material to help determine the 
age of lunar features as they work to unravel the moon's complex history.

The Importance of Orientale

Because scientists realized that Orientale could be quite useful in 
giant impacts, they gave special importance to observing its structure 
near the end of the GRAIL mission. The orbit of the mission's two probes 
was lowered so they passed less than 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) above the 
crater's mountainous rings.

"No other planetary exploration mission has made gravity science observations 
this close to the moon. You could have waved to the twin spacecraft as 
they flew overhead if you stood at the ring's edge," said Sami Asmar, 
GRAIL project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 

Of particular interest to researchers has been the size of the initial 
crater that formed during the Orientale impact. With smaller impacts, 
the initial crater is left behind, and many characteristics of the event 
can be inferred from the crater's size. Various past studies have suggested 
each of Orientale's three rings might be the remnant of the initial crater.

In the first of the two new studies, scientists teased out the size of 
the transient crater from GRAIL's gravity field data. Their analysis shows 
that the initial crater was somewhere between the size of the basin's 
two innermost rings.

"We've been able to show that none of the rings in Orientale basin represent 
the initial, transient crater," said GRAIL Principal Investigator Maria 
Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, lead 
author of the first paper. "Instead, it appears that, in large impacts 
like the one that formed Orientale, the surface violently rebounds, 
signs of the initial impact."

The analysis also shows that the impact excavated at least 816,000 cubic 
miles (3.4 million cubic kilometers) of material -- 153 times the combined 
volume of the Great Lakes.

"Orientale has been an enigma since the first gravity observations of 
the moon, decades ago," said Greg Neumann, a co-author of the paper at 
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "We are now 
able to resolve the individual crustal components of the bullseye gravity 
signature and correlate them with computer simulations of the formation 
of Orientale."

Reproducing the Rings

The second study describes how scientists successfully simulated the formation 
of Orientale to reproduce the crater's structure as observed by GRAIL. 
These simulations show, for the first time, how the rings of Orientale 
formed, which is likely similar for multi-ring basins in general.

"Because our models show how the subsurface structure is formed, matching 
what GRAI

[meteorite-list] Water Detected on Largest Metallic Asteroid in Solar System (Psyche)

2016-10-27 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Water Detected on Largest Metallic Asteroid in Solar System
Release Date: October 20, 2016

Scientists have discovered possible evidence for water-rich minerals on 
the surface of the largest metallic asteroid in the solar system, according 
to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA. 

The asteroid, called Psyche, is 186 miles across and is made of almost 
pure nickel-iron metal. It is thought to be the remnant core of a planetary 
embryo that was mostly destroyed by impacts billions of years ago.

Previous observations of Psyche had shown no evidence for water-rich minerals 
on its surface. However, new observations from the NASA Infrared Telescope 
Facility in Hawaii show evidence for water and/or hydroxyl on its surface. 
Results are published in The Astronomical Journal.

While the source of these water molecules on Psyche remains a mystery, 
scientists propose a few possible mechanisms for their formation. It is 
possible that water-rich minerals detected on Psyche might have been delivered 
to its surface by carbonaceous asteroids that impacted Psyche in the distant 

"We think that Psyche may not be entirely exposed metallic core," 
says Driss Takir, lead author and scientist at the USGS Astrogeology Science 
Center in Flagstaff, Arizona. "What we see might instead have been a 
core-mantle boundary of a differentiated body that was disrupted via impacts. 
Solar radiation is another mechanism that can produce hydroxyl, which 
is a molecule consisting of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, by 
interacting with the surface of Psyche."

"This work underscores how much more we have to learn about asteroids," 
says Laszlo Kestay, Director of the USGS Astrogeology Science Center. 
"It will take more of this kind of careful work with telescopes on Earth, 
and spacecraft visiting asteroids, before we understand what treasures 
await us in space."

Takir is a member of NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission and JAXA's Hayabusa 2 
mission to collect carbonaceous samples from the water-rich asteroids, 
Bennu and Ryugu.

"We are excited to continue studying Psyche, and other water-rich asteroids, 
to give us further insight into the distribution of potential resources 
in space," said Takir.

This research on Psyche is funded by the USGS/NASA Eugene M. Shoemaker 
Fellowship, NASA Planetary Science Division Planetary Geology and Geophysics 
and Solar System Observations Programs.


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[meteorite-list] Computing Glitch May Have Doomed Schiaparelli Mars Lander

2016-10-25 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Computing glitch may have doomed Mars lander

Researchers sift through clues after Schiaparelli crash in hopes of averting 
mistakes in 2020 mission. 

Elizabeth Gibney
25 October 2016

Photos of a huge circle of churned-up Martian soil leave few doubts: a 
European Space Agency (ESA) probe that was supposed to test landing technology 
on Mars crashed into the red planet instead, and may have exploded on 

The events of 19 October may be painful for ESA scientists to recall, 
but they will now have to relive them over and over again in computer 
simulations. The lander, called Schiaparelli, was part of ESA's ExoMars 
mission, which is being conducted jointly with the Russian Space Agency 
Roscosmos. It was a prelude to a planned 2020 mission, when researchers 
aim to land a much larger scientific station and rover on Mars, which 
will drill up to 2-metres down to look for signs of ancient life in the 
planet's soil. Figuring out Schiaparelli's faults and rectifying them 
is a priority, says Jorge Vago, project scientist for ExoMars. "That's 
super important. I think it's on everybody's mind."

Anatomy of a crash

Unlike the British-led and ESA-operated Beagle 2 mission, which disappeared 
during its landing on Mars on Christmas Day 2003, Schiaparelli sent data 
to its mother ship during its descent. Preliminary analysis suggests that 
the lander began the manoeuvre flawlessly, braking against the planet's 
atmosphere and deploying its parachute. But at 4 minutes and 41 seconds 
into an almost 6-minute fall, something went wrong. The lander's heat 
shield and parachute ejected ahead of time, says Vago. Then thrusters, 
designed to decelerate the craft for 30 seconds until it was metres off 
the ground, engaged for only around 3 seconds before they were commanded 
to switch off, because the lander's computer thought it was on the ground.

The lander even switched on its suite of instruments, ready to record 
Mars' weather and electrical field, although they did not collect data. 
"My guess is that at that point we were still too high. And the most 
likely scenario is that, from then, we just dropped to the surface," 
says Vago.

The craft probably fell from a height of between 2 and 4 kilometres before 
slamming into the ground at more than 300 kilometres per hour, according 
to estimates based on images of the probe's likely crash site, taken 
by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 20 October.

The most likely culprit is a flaw in the craft's software or a problem 
in merging the data coming from different sensors, which may have led 
the craft to believe it was lower in altitude than it really was, says 
Andrea Accomazzo, ESA's head of solar and planetary missions. Accomazzo 
says that this is a hunch; he is reluctant to diagnose the fault before 
a full post-mortem has been carried out. But if he is right, that is both 
bad and good news.

European-designed computing, software and sensors are among the elements 
of the lander that are to be reused on the ExoMars 2020 landing system, 
which, unlike Schiaparelli, will involve a mixture of European and Russian 
technology. But software glitches should be easier to fix than a fundamental 
problem with the landing hardware, which ESA scientists say seems to have 
passed its test with flying colours. "If we have a serious technological 
issue, then it's different, then we have to re-evaluate carefully. But 
I don't expect it to be the case," says Accomazzo.

The ExoMars team will try to replicate the mistake using a virtual landing 
system designed to simulate the lander's hardware and software, says 
Vago, to make sure that scientists understand and can deal with the issue 
before redesigning any aspects of ExoMars 2020. 

2020 vision

The rover mission has already been delayed by two years, owing to hold-ups 
on both Russian and European sides, but Vago believes that making tweaks 
to its design will not push the mission back. "At this point, no one 
wants to think about flipping to 2022. It was painful enough to go from 
2018 to 2020," he says.

The 2020 mission still has a budget shortfall of around 300 million Euros
(US$326 million), which ESA will request from European Union member states 
at a meeting of ministers in December. Asked at a press briefing on 20 
October whether Schiaparelli's failure would jeopardize the mission, 
ESA director general Johann-Dietrich Worner said it wouldn't have any 
impact. "We have the function which we need for the 2020 mission, so 
we don't have to convince them, we just have to show them," he told 

But Vago is more pragmatic. "It would have been much nicer to be able 
to go to the ministers with a mission where both elements had performed 

ESA is keen to stress that overall, the ExoMars mission can be seen as 
a triumph: Schiaparelli sent back test data from the majority of its descent, 
and its

[meteorite-list] Uranus May Have Two Undiscovered Moons

2016-10-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Uranus May Have Two Undiscovered Moons
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 21, 2016

NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus 30 years ago, but researchers 
are still making discoveries from the data it gathered then. A new study 
led by University of Idaho researchers suggests there could be two tiny, 
previously undiscovered moonlets orbiting near two of the planet's rings.

Rob Chancia, a University of Idaho doctoral student, spotted key patterns 
in the rings while examining decades-old images of Uranus' icy rings taken 
by Voyager 2 in 1986. He noticed the amount of ring material on the edge 
of the alpha ring -- one of the brightest of Uranus' multiple rings -- 
varied periodically. A similar, even more promising pattern occurred in 
the same part of the neighboring beta ring.

"When you look at this pattern in different places around the ring, the 
wavelength is different -- that points to something changing as you go 
around the ring. There's something breaking the symmetry," said Matt Hedman, 
an assistant professor of physics at the University of Idaho, who worked 
with Chancia to investigate the finding. Their results will be published 
in The Astronomical Journal and have been posted to the pre-press site 

Chancia and Hedman are well-versed in the physics of planetary rings: 
both study Saturn's rings using data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which 
is currently orbiting Saturn. Data from Cassini have yielded new ideas 
about how rings behave, and a grant from NASA allowed Chancia and Hedman 
to examine Uranus data gathered by Voyager 2 in a new light. Specifically, 
they analyzed radio occultations -- made when Voyager 2 sent radio waves 
through the rings to be detected back on Earth -- and stellar occultations, 
made when the spacecraft measured the light of background stars shining 
through the rings, which helps reveal how much material they contain.

They found the pattern in Uranus' rings was similar to moon-related structures 
in Saturn's rings called moonlet wakes.

The researchers estimate the hypothesized moonlets in Uranus' rings would 
be 2 to 9 miles (4 to 14 kilometers) in diameter -- as small as some identified 
moons of Saturn, but smaller than any of Uranus' known moons. Uranian 
moons are especially hard to spot because their surfaces are covered in 
dark material.

"We haven't seen the moons yet, but the idea is the size of the moons 
needed to make these features is quite small, and they could have easily 
been missed," Hedman said. "The Voyager images weren't sensitive enough 
to easily see these moons."

Hedman said their findings could help explain some characteristics of 
Uranus' rings, which are strangely narrow compared to Saturn's. The moonlets, 
if they exist, may be acting as "shepherd" moons, helping to keep the 
rings from spreading out. Two of Uranus' 27 known moons, Ophelia and Cordelia, 
act as shepherds to Uranus' epsilon ring.

"The problem of keeping rings narrow has been around since the discovery 
of the Uranian ring system in 1977 and has been worked on by many dynamicists 
over the years," Chancia said. "I would be very pleased if these proposed 
moonlets turn out to be real and we can use them to approach a solution."

Confirming whether or not the moonlets actually exist using telescope 
or spacecraft images will be left to other researchers, Chancia and Hedman 
said. They will continue examining patterns and structures in Uranus' 
rings, helping uncover more of the planet's many secrets.

"It's exciting to see Voyager 2's historic Uranus exploration still 
new knowledge about the planets," said Ed Stone, project scientist for 
Voyager, based at Caltech, Pasadena, California.

Voyager 2 and its twin, Voyager 1, were launched 16 days apart in 1977. 
Both spacecraft flew by Jupiter and Saturn, and Voyager 2 also flew by 
Uranus and Neptune. Voyager 2 is the longest continuously operated spacecraft. 
It is expected to enter interstellar space in a few years, joining Voyager 
1, which crossed over in 2012. Though far past the planets, the mission 
continues to send back unprecedented observations of the space environment 
in the solar system, providing crucial information on the environment 
our spacecraft travel through as we explore farther and farther from home.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, 
built the twin Voyager spacecraft and operates them for the Heliophysics 
Division within NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

For more information about Voyager, visit:


News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Tara Roberts
University of Idaho Communications

Written by Tara Roberts



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[meteorite-list] Citizen Scientists Seek South Pole 'Spiders' on Mars

2016-10-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Citizen Scientists Seek South Pole 'Spiders' on Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 20, 2016

This image shows spidery channels eroded into Martian ground. This image 
shows spidery channels eroded into Martian ground. It is a Sept. 12, 2016, 
example from HiRISE camera high-resolution observations of more than 20 
places that were chosen in 2016 on the basis of about 10,000 volunteers' 
examination of Context Camera lower-resolution views of larger areas. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona

Ten thousand volunteers viewing images of Martian south polar regions 
have helped identify targets for closer inspection, yielding new insights 
about seasonal slabs of frozen carbon dioxide and erosional features known 
as "spiders."

>From the comfort of home, the volunteers have been exploring the surface 
of Mars by reviewing images from the Context Camera (CTX) on NASA's Mars 
Reconnaissance Orbiter and identifying certain types of seasonal terrains 
near Mars' south pole. These efforts by volunteers using the "Planet Four: 
Terrains" website have aided scientists who plan observations with the 
same orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. 
HiRISE photographs much less ground but in much greater detail than CTX.

Volunteers have helped identify more than 20 regions in mid-resolution 
images to investigate with higher resolution. "It's heartwarming to see 
so many citizens of planet Earth donate their time to help study Mars," 
said HiRISE Deputy Principal Investigator Candice Hansen, of the Planetary 
Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona. "Thanks to the discovery power of 
so many people, we're using HiRISE to take images of places we might not 
have studied without this assistance."

Planetary scientist Meg Schwamb, of the Gemini Observatory, Hilo, Hawaii, 
presented results from the first year of this citizen science project 
Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society's 
Division for Planetary Sciences and the European Planetary Science Congress, 
in Pasadena, California.

The type of terrain called spiders, or "araneiform" (from the Latin word 
for spiders), is characterized by multiple channels converging at a point, 
resembling a spider's long legs. Previous studies concluded that this 
ground texture results from extensive sheets of ice thawing bottom-side 
first as the ice is warmed by the ground below it. Thawed carbon dioxide 
gas builds up pressure, and the gas escapes through vents in the overlying 
sheet of remaining ice, pulling dust with it. This process carves the 
channels that resemble legs of a spider.

"The trapped carbon dioxide gas that carves the spiders in the ground 
also breaks through the thawing ice sheet," Schwamb said. "It lofts dust 
and dirt that local winds then sculpt into hundreds of thousands of dark 
fans that are observed from orbit. For the past decade, HiRISE has been 
monitoring this process on other parts of the south pole. The 20 new regions 
have been added to this seasonal monitoring campaign. Without the efforts 
of the public, we wouldn't be able to see how these regions evolve over 
the spring and summer compared with other regions."  

Some of the HiRISE observations guided by the volunteers' input confirmed 
"spider" terrain in areas not previously associated with carbon dioxide 
slab ice.

"From what we've learned about spider terrain elsewhere, slab ice must 
be involved at the locations of these new observations, even though we 
had no previous indication of it there," Hansen said. "Maybe it's related 
to the erodability of the terrain."

Some of the new observations targeted with information from the volunteers 
confirm spiders in areas where the ground surface is made of material 
ejected from impact craters, blanketing an older surface. "Crater ejecta 
blankets are erodible. Perhaps on surfaces that are more erodable, relative 
to other surfaces, slab ice would not need to be present as long, or as 
thick, for spiders to form," Hansen said. "We have new findings, and new 
questions to answer, thanks to all the help from volunteers."

The productive volunteer participation continues, and new CTX images have 
been added for examining additional areas in Mars' south polar region. 
Planet Four: Terrains is on a platform released by the Zooniverse, which 
hosts 48 projects that enlist people worldwide to contribute to discoveries 
in fields ranging from astronomy to zoology. For information about how 
to participate, visit:


With CTX, HiRISE and four other instruments, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 
has been investigating Mars since 2006.

Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates CTX. The University 
of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by Ball Aerospace 
& Technologies Corp. of Boulder, Colorado. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
a division of Caltech in Pasadena, Ca

[meteorite-list] New Horizons: Possible Clouds on Pluto, Next Target is Reddish

2016-10-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


New Horizons: Possible Clouds on Pluto, Next Target is Reddish
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 18, 2016

Scientists from NASA's New Horizons mission have spotted signs of long 
run-out landslides on Pluto's largest moon, Charon. This perspective view 
of a chasm on Charon uses stereo reconstruction of images taken by two 
cameras on New Horizons, supplemented by a "shape-from-shading" algorithm. 
Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics 
Research Center

The next target for NASA's New Horizons mission -- which made a historic 
flight past Pluto in July 2015 -- apparently bears a colorful resemblance 
to its famous, main destination.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope data suggests that 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper 
Belt object (KBO) about a billion miles (1.6 billion kilometers) beyond 
Pluto, is as red, if not redder, than Pluto. This is the first hint at 
the surface properties of the far-flung object that New Horizons will 
survey on Jan. 1, 2019.

Mission scientists are discussing this and other Pluto and Kuiper Belt 
findings this week at the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary 
Sciences (DPS) and European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) meeting 
in Pasadena, California.

"We're excited about the exploration ahead for New Horizons, and also 
about what we are still discovering from Pluto flyby data," said Alan 
Stern, principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, 
Colorado. "Now, with our spacecraft transmitting the last of its data 
from last summer's flight through the Pluto system, we know that the next 
great exploration of Pluto will require another mission to be sent there."

Stern said that Pluto's complex, layered atmosphere is hazy and appears 
to be mostly free of clouds, but the team has spied a handful of potential 
clouds in images taken with New Horizons' cameras. "If there are clouds, 
it would mean the weather on Pluto is even more complex than we imagined," 
Stern said.

Scientists already knew from telescope observations that Pluto's icy surface 
below that atmosphere varied widely in brightness. Data from the flyby 
not only confirms that, it also shows the brightest areas (such as sections 
of Pluto's large heart-shaped region) are among the most reflective in 
the solar system. "That brightness indicates surface activity," said Bonnie 
Buratti, a science team co-investigator from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
in Pasadena. "Because we see a pattern of high surface reflectivity equating 
to activity, we can infer that the dwarf planet Eris, which is known to 
be highly reflective, is also likely to be active."

While Pluto shows many kinds of activity, one surface process apparently 
missing is landslides. Surprisingly, though, they have been spotted on 
Pluto's largest moon, Charon, itself some 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) 
across. "We've seen similar landslides on other rocky and icy planets, 
such as Mars and Saturn's moon Iapetus, but these are the first landslides 
we've seen this far from the sun, in the Kuiper Belt," said Ross Beyer, 
a science team researcher from Sagan Center at the SETI Institute and 
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. "The big question 
is will they be detected elsewhere in the Kuiper Belt?"

Both Hubble and cameras on the New Horizons spacecraft have been aimed 
at KBOs over the past two years, with New Horizons taking advantage of 
its unique vantage point in the Kuiper Belt to observe nearly a dozen 
small worlds in this barely explored region. MU69 is actually the smallest 
KBO to have its color measured -- and scientists have used that data to 
confirm the object is part of the so-called cold classical region of the 
Kuiper Belt, which is believed to contain some of the oldest, most prehistoric 
material in the solar system.

"The reddish color tells us the type of Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69 is," 
said Amanda Zangari, a New Horizons post-doctoral researcher from Southwest 
Research Institute. "The data confirms that on New Year's Day 2019, New 
Horizons will be looking at one of the ancient building blocks of the 

The New Horizons spacecraft is currently 3.4 billion miles (5.5 billion 
kilometers) from Earth and about 340 million miles (540 million kilometers) 
beyond Pluto, speeding away from the sun at about nine miles (14 kilometers) 
every second. About 99 percent of the data New Horizons gathered and stored 
on its digital recorders during the Pluto encounter has now been transmitted 
back to Earth, with that transmission set to be completed Oct. 23. New 
Horizons has covered about one-third of the distance from Pluto to its 
next flyby target, which is now about 600 million miles (nearly 1 billion 
kilometers) ahead.

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, 
designed, built and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and manages 
the miss

[meteorite-list] Camera on MRO Shows Signs of Latest Mars Lander Schiaparelli

2016-10-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Camera on Mars Orbiter Shows Signs of Latest Mars Lander
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 21, 2016

This comparison of before-and-after images. This comparison of before-and-after 
images shows two spots that likely appeared in connection with the Oct. 
19, 2016, Mars arrival of the European Space Agency's Schiaparelli test 
lander. The images are from the Context Camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance 
Orbiter. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has identified new markings on the 
surface of the Red Planet that are believed to be related to Europe's 
Schiaparelli test lander, which arrived at Mars on Oct. 19.

The new image shows a bright spot that may be Schiaparelli's parachute, 
and a larger dark spot interpreted as resulting from the impact of the 
lander itself following a much longer free fall than planned, after thrusters 
switched off prematurely. It was taken by the Context Camera (CTX) on 
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and is available online, as a 
comparison with an image from May 2016, at:


The location information gained from acquiring the CTX image will be used 
for imaging the site with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution 
Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. European Space Agency (ESA) 
and NASA researchers will analyze the images for information about the 
sequence of events on Schiaparelli's landing day, possibly supplementing 
data transmitted from the test module during its descent.

The location of the bright spot interpreted as the parachute is 353.79 
degrees east longitude, 2.07 degrees south latitude, closely matching 
ESA's calculation for the landing location based on landing-day data. 
This is within the planned landing area and about 3.3 miles (5.4 kilometers) 
west of the center of the landing target. A dark spot is larger and elliptical, 
approximately 50 by 130 feet (15 by 40 meters). It may be where the lander 
reached the surface and exposed darker ground.

The test lander is part of ESA's ExoMars 2016 mission, which placed the 
Trace Gas Orbiter into orbit around Mars on Oct. 19. The orbiter will 
investigate Mars' atmosphere and provide relay communications capability 
for landers and rovers on the surface.

With CTX, HiRISE and four other instruments, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 
has been investigating Mars since 2006.

Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates CTX. NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, 
manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project for NASA's Science Mission 
Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, built 
the orbiter and collaborates with JPL to operate it.

News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Markus Bauer
European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain
0031 61 594 3 954

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] ESA Celebrates ExoMars Orbiter Success, Keeps Vigil For Lost Lander

2016-10-21 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


ESA celebrates ExoMars orbiter success, keeps vigil for lost lander
Stephen Clark
SpaceFlight Now
October 19, 2016

A European-built orbiter designed to seek out the source of methane on
Mars slipped into orbit around the red planet Wednesday after a
seven-month interplanetary journey, but mission control lost contact
with an experimental landing probe just before touchdown.

Both spacecraft - part of the joint European-Russian ExoMars program - 
reached Mars around the same time Wednesday for simultaneous maneuvers
to swing into orbit and plunge into the red planet's atmosphere.

The Schiaparelli lander, shaped like a flying saucer with a diameter of
nearly 8 feet (2.4 meters), dived into the Martian atmosphere as
expected around 1442 GMT (10:42 a.m. EDT) Wednesday.

Designed for a technology demonstration mission, Schiaparelli had heat
shield tiles, a parachute and nine rocket thrusters to slow its speed
from 13,000 mph (21,000 kilometers per hour) to zero in less than six

But something went wrong in the last phase of the descent, interrupting
a real-time beacon signal sent back to Earth to a vast radio telescope
array in Pune, India. The carrier tone went silent after mission
controllers reported Schiaparelli's supersonic parachute had deployed,
but the signal only told engineers whether the spacecraft was
transmitting, and did not contain telemetry data that might reveal the
root of the problem.

European Space Agency officials waited to receive a recording of
Schiaparelli's beacon signal from the Mars Express orbiter around the
red planet to confirm some sort of glitch with the Indian antennas was
not responsible for the loss of communications.

"We saw the signal through the atmospheric phase - the descent phase. At
a certain point, it stopped," said Paolo Ferri, head of ESA's mission
operations department. "This was unexpected, but we couldn't conclude
anything from that because this very weak signal picked up on the ground
was coming from an experimental tool."

The telescope array in India was never designed to communicate with deep
space missions like Schiaparelli, but engineers added equipment to the
antenna network - the largest in the world - for Wednesday's Mars
landing in hopes of gaining real-time insight into the status of the

Otherwise, ground controllers would have had to wait for Mars Express
for news on the 1,272-pound (577-kilogram) landing craft.

It turns out the ground team at the European Space Operations Center in
Darmstadt, Germany, had to wait all day Wednesday as data on
Schiaparelli's landing trickled back to Earth and hopes for the
mission's successful landing waned.

The carrier signal from Schiaparelli relayed by Mars Express also
abruptly ended shortly before landing, just as the beacon tone received
in India.

"The Mars Express measurement came - and confirmed exactly the same: the
signal went through the majority of the descent phase, and it stopped at
a certain point that we reckon was before the landing," Ferri said.

"There could be many many reasons for that," Ferri said. "It's clear
these are not good signs, but we will need more information."

The newly-arrived Trace Gas Orbiter, Schiaparelli's mothership, recorded
detailed telemetry broadcast by the lander - not just the beacon signal
- and that data should be beamed back to Earth overnight, according to

"This is fundamental because we should remember that this landing was a
test, and as part of the test, you want to know what happened," Ferri said.

"If the landing were to fail, presumably from TGO we will know what was
the last thing that worked all right," said Jorge Vago, ESA's ExoMars
project scientist, in an interview with Spaceflight Now on Tuesday,
before Schiaparelli's landing attempt.

Officials hope to share more on what they know about Schiaparelli's fate
in a press conference Thursday at 0800 GMT (4 a.m. EDT).

Schiaparelli rode to Mars piggyback on the Trace Gas Orbiter after their
tandem launch March 14 aboard a Russian Proton rocket, then separated
Sunday for the final approach to the planet.

Both ExoMars spacecraft were manufactured by an industrial team led by
Thales Alenia Space.

The orbiter fired its main engine at 1305 GMT (9:05 a.m. EDT), smoothly
slowing the craft's velocity by more than 3,300 mph (1.5 kilometers per
second) during a 139-minute burn.

The final few minutes of the make-or-break rocket maneuver occurred as
the spacecraft flew behind Mars, temporarily cutting off communications.
When mission control regained contact with the Trace Gas Orbiter,
telemetry showed the probe was healthy and had completed the orbit
insertion burn as planned.

The confirmation sparked a round of applause inside the ExoMars control
center, but attention quickly turned back to Schiaparelli.

"Part of the mission is a clear go," said Don McCoy, ESA's ExoMars

[meteorite-list] NASA's Kepler Gets the 'Big Picture' of Comet 67P

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Kepler Gets the 'Big Picture' of Comet 67P
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 7, 2016

On Sept. 30, the European Space Agency concluded its Rosetta mission and 
the study of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. During the final month of 
the mission, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft had a unique opportunity 
to provide a "big picture" view of the comet as it was unobservable from 
Earth. Ground-based telescopes could not see comet 67P, because the comet's 
orbit placed it in the sky during daylight hours.

>From Sept. 7 through Sept. 20, the Kepler spacecraft, operating in its 
K2 mission, fixed its gaze on comet 67P. From the distant vantage point 
of Kepler, the spacecraft could observe the comet's core and tail. The 
long-range global view of Kepler complements the close-in view of the 
Rosetta spacecraft, providing context for the high-resolution investigation 
Rosetta performed as it descended closer and closer to the comet.

During the two-week period of study, Kepler took a picture of the comet 
every 30 minutes. The animation shows a period of 29.5 hours of observation 
from Sept. 17 through Sept. 18. The comet is seen passing through Kepler's 
field of view from top right to bottom left, as outlined by the diagonal 
strip. The white dots represent stars and other regions in space studied 
during K2's tenth observing campaign.

As a comet travels through space, it sheds a tail of gas and dust. A comet's 
activity level can be obtained by measuring the reflected sunlight. Analyzing 
the Kepler data, scientists will be able to determine the amount of mass 
lost each day as comet 67P travels through the solar system.

NASA Ames manages the Kepler and K2 missions for NASA's Science Mission 
Directorate. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, managed 
Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation 
operates the flight system with support from the Laboratory for Atmospheric 
and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

For more information on Kepler and the K2 missions, go to:


For more information on Rosetta, go to:


News Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Michele Johnson
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.

Written by Michele Johnson



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[meteorite-list] NASA's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 7, 2016

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover will drive down a gully carved long ago 
by a fluid that might have been water, according to the latest plans for 
the 12-year-old mission. No Mars rover has done that before.

The longest-active rover on Mars also will, for the first time, visit 
the interior of the crater it has worked beside for the last five years. 
These activities are part of a two-year extended mission that began Oct. 
1, the newest in a series of extensions going back to the end of Opportunity's 
prime mission in April 2004.

Opportunity launched on July 7, 2003 and landed on Mars on Jan. 24, 2004 
(PST), on a planned mission of 90 Martian days, which is equivalent to 
92.4 Earth days.

"We have now exceeded the prime-mission duration by a factor of 50," noted 
Opportunity Project Manager John Callas of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, California. "Milestones like this are reminders of the historic 
achievements made possible by the dedicated people entrusted to build 
and operate this national asset for exploring Mars."

Opportunity begins its latest extended mission in the "Bitterroot Valley" 
portion of the western rim of Endeavour Crater, a basin 14 miles (22 
in diameter that was excavated by a meteor impact billions of years ago. 
Opportunity reached the edge of this crater in 2011 after more than seven 
years of investigating a series of smaller craters. In those craters, 
the rover found evidence of acidic ancient water that soaked underground 
layers and sometimes covered the surface.

The gully chosen as the next major destination slices west-to-east through 
the rim about half a mile (less than a kilometer) south of the rover's 
current location. It is about as long as two football fields.

"We are confident this is a fluid-carved gully, and that water was involved," 
said Opportunity Principal Investigator Steve Squyres of Cornell University, 
Ithaca, New York. "Fluid-carved gullies on Mars have been seen from orbit 
since the 1970s, but none had been examined up close on the surface before. 
One of the three main objectives of our new mission extension is to investigate 
this gully. We hope to learn whether the fluid was a debris flow, with 
lots of rubble lubricated by water, or a flow with mostly water and less 
other material."

The team intends to drive Opportunity down the full length of the gully, 
onto the crater floor. The second goal of the extended mission is to compare 
rocks inside Endeavour Crater to the dominant type of rock Opportunity 
examined on the plains it explored before reaching Endeavour.

"We may find that the sulfate-rich rocks we've seen outside the crater 
are not the same inside," Squyres said. "We believe these sulfate-rich 
rocks formed from a water-related process, and water flows downhill. The 
watery environment deep inside the crater may have been different from 
outside on the plain -- maybe different timing, maybe different chemistry."

The rover team will face challenges keeping Opportunity active for another 
two years. Most mechanisms onboard still function well, but motors and 
other components have far exceeded their life expectancy. Opportunity's 
twin, Spirit, lost use of two of its six wheels before succumbing to the 
cold of its fourth Martian winter in 2010. Opportunity will face its eighth 
Martian winter in 2017. Use of Opportunity's non-volatile "flash" memory 
for holding data overnight was discontinued last year, so results of each 
day's observations and measurements must be transmitted that day or lost.

In the two-year extended mission that ended last month, Opportunity explored 
the "Marathon Valley" area of Endeavour's western rim, documenting the 
geological context of water-related minerals that had been mapped there 
from orbital observations. Last month, the rover drove through "Lewis 
and Clark Gap," a low point in the wall separating Marathon Valley from 
Bitterroot Valley. A recent color panorama from the rover features "Wharton 
Ridge," which extends eastward from the gap.

This week, Opportunity is investigating rock exposures next to "Spirit 
Mound," a prominent feature near the eastern end of Bitterroot Valley. 
The third main science goal of the new extended mission is to find and 
examine rocks from a geological layer that was in place before the impact 
that excavated Endeavour Crater. The science team has not yet determined 
whether the mound area will provide rocks that old.

Opportunity and NASA's next-generation Mars rover, Curiosity, as well 
as three active NASA Mars orbiters, and surface missions to launch in 
2018 and 2020 are steps in NASA's Journey to Mars, on track for sending 
humans there in the 2030s. JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, 
built Opportunity and manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission 

[meteorite-list] Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 5, 2016

Global dust storms on Mars could soon become more predictable -- which 
would be a boon for future astronauts there -- if the next one follows 
a pattern suggested by those in the past.

A published prediction, based on this pattern, points to Mars experiencing 
a global dust storm in the next few months. "Mars will reach the midpoint 
of its current dust storm season on October 29th of this year. Based on 
the historical pattern we found, we believe it is very likely that a global 
dust storm will begin within a few weeks or months of this date," James 
Shirley, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 

Local dust storms occur frequently on Mars. These localized storms occasionally 
grow or coalesce to form regional systems, particularly during the southern 
spring and summer, when Mars is closest to the sun. On rare occasions, 
regional storms produce a dust haze that encircles the planet and obscures 
surface features beneath. A few of these events may become truly global 
storms, such as one in 1971 that greeted the first spacecraft to orbit 
Mars, NASA's Mariner 9. Discerning a predictable pattern for which Martian 
years will have planet-encircling or global storms has been a challenge.

The most recent Martian global dust storm occurred in 2007, significantly 
diminishing solar power available to two NASA Mars rovers then active 
halfway around the planet from each other -- Spirit and Opportunity.

"The global dust storm in 2007 was the first major threat to the rovers 
since landing," said JPL's John Callas, project manager for Spirit and 
Opportunity. "We had to take special measures to enable their survival 
for several weeks with little sunlight to keep them powered. Each rover 
powered up only a few minutes each day, enough to warm them up, then shut 
down to the next day without even communicating with Earth. For many days 
during the worst of the storm, the rovers were completely on their own."

Dust storms also will present challenges for astronauts on the Red Planet. 
Although the force of the wind on Mars is not as strong as portrayed in 
an early scene in the movie "The Martian," dust lofted during storms could 
affect electronics and health, as well as the availability of solar energy.

The Red Planet has been observed shrouded by planet-encircling dust nine 
times since 1924, with the five most recent planetary storms detected 
in 1977, 1982, 1994, 2001 and 2007. The actual number of such events is 
no doubt higher. In some of the years when no orbiter was observing Mars 
up close, Mars was poorly positioned for Earth-based telescopic detection 
of dust storms during the Martian season when global storms are most likely.

Shirley's 2015 paper in the journal Icarus reported finding a pattern 
in the occurrence of global dust storms when he factored in a variable 
linked to the orbital motion of Mars. Other planets have an effect on 
the momentum of Mars as it orbits the solar system's center of gravity. 
This effect on momentum varies with a cycle time of about 2.2 years, which 
is longer than the time it takes Mars to complete each orbit: about 1.9 
years. The relationship between these two cycles changes constantly. Shirley 
found that global dust storms tend to occur when the momentum is increasing 
during the first part of the dust storm season. None of the global dust 
storms in the historic record occurred in years when the momentum was 
decreasing during the first part of the dust storm season.

The paper noted that conditions in the current Mars dust-storm season 
are very similar to those for a number of years when global storms occurred 
in the past. Observations of the Martian atmosphere over the next few 
months will test whether the forecast is correct.

Researchers at Malin Space Science Systems, in San Diego, post Mars weather 
reports each week based on observations using the Mars Color Imager camera 
on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. A series of local southern-hemisphere 
storms in late August grew into a major regional dust storm in early September, 
but subsided by mid-month without becoming global. Researchers will be 
closely watching to see what happens with the next regional storm.

News Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] NASA Flight Program Tests Mars Lander Vision System

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA Flight Program Tests Mars Lander Vision System
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 4, 2016

NASA tested new "eyes" for its next Mars rover mission on a rocket built 
by Masten Space Systems in Mojave, California, thanks in part to NASA's 
Flight Opportunities Program, or FOP.

The agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is leading 
development of the Mars 2020 rover and its Lander Vision System, or LVS. 
In 2014, the prototype vision system launched 1,066 feet (325 meters) 
into the air aboard Masten's rocket-powered "Xombie" test platform and 
helped guide the rocket to a precise landing at a predesignated target. 
LVS flew as part of a larger system of experimental landing technologies 
called the Autonomous Descent and Ascent Powered-flight Testbed, or ADAPT.

LVS, a camera-based navigation system, photographs the terrain beneath 
a descending spacecraft and matches it with onboard maps allowing the 
craft to detect its location relative to landing hazards, such as boulders 
and outcroppings.

The system can then direct the craft toward a safe landing at its primary 
target site or divert touchdown toward better terrain if there are hazards 
in the approaching target area. Image matching is aided by an inertial 
measurement unit that monitors orientation.

The Flight Opportunities Program funded the Masten flight tests under 
the Space Technology Mission Directorate. The program obtains commercial 
suborbital space launch services to pursue science, technology and engineering 
to mature technology relevant to NASA's pursuit of space exploration. 
The program nurtures the emerging suborbital space industry and allows 
NASA to focus on deep space.

Andrew Johnson, principal investigator in development of the Lander Vision 
System development, said the tests built confidence that the vision system 
will enable Mars 2020 to land safely.

"By providing funding for flight tests, FOP motivated us to build guidance, 
navigation and control payloads for testing on Xombie," Johnson said. 
"In the end we showed a closed loop pinpoint landing demo that eliminated 
any technical concerns with flying the Lander Vision System on Mars 2020."

According to "Lander Vision System for Safe and Precise Entry Descent 
and Landing," a 2012 abstract co-authored by Johnson for a Mars exploration 
workshop, LVS enables a broad range of potential landing sites for Mars 

Typically, Mars landers have lacked the ability to analyze and react to 
hazards, the abstract says. To avoid hazards, mission planners selected 
wide-open landing sites with mostly flat terrain. As a result, landers 
and rovers were limited to areas with relatively limited geological features, 
and were unable to access many sites of high scientific interest with 
more complex and hazardous surface morphology. LVS will enable safe landing 
at these scientifically compelling Mars landing sites.

An LVS-equipped mission allows for opportunities to land within more 
environments and pursue new discoveries about Mars. With LVS baselined 
for inclusion on Mars 2020, the researchers are now focused on building 
the flight system ahead of its eventual role on the Red Planet.

To learn more about NASA's flight opportunities program, visit:


To read more about NASA's Mars 2020 rover, visit:


News Media Contact
Leslie Williams
NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Palmdale, Calif.

Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Gina Anderson
NASA Headquarters, Washington



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[meteorite-list] NASA's Curiosity Rover Begins Next Mars Chapter

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA's Curiosity Rover Begins Next Mars Chapter
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 3, 2016

After collecting drilled rock powder in arguably the most scenic landscape 
yet visited by a Mars rover, NASA's Curiosity mobile laboratory is driving 
toward uphill destinations as part of its two-year mission extension that 
commenced Oct. 1.

The destinations include a ridge capped with material rich in the iron-oxide 
mineral hematite, about a mile-and-a-half (two-and-a-half kilometers) 
ahead, and an exposure of clay-rich bedrock beyond that.

These are key exploration sites on lower Mount Sharp, which is a layered, 
Mount-Rainier-size mound where Curiosity is investigating evidence of 
ancient, water-rich environments that contrast with the harsh, dry conditions 
on the surface of Mars today.

"We continue to reach higher and younger layers on Mount Sharp," said 
Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada, of NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, Pasadena, California. "Even after four years of exploring 
near and on the mountain, it still has the potential to completely surprise 

Hundreds of photos Curiosity took in recent weeks amid a cluster of mesas 
and buttes of diverse shapes are fresh highlights among the more than 
180,000 images the rover has taken since landing on Mars in August 2012. 
Newly available vistas include the rover's latest self-portrait from the 
color camera at the end of its arm and a scenic panorama from the color 
camera at the top of the mast.

"Bidding good-bye to 'Murray Buttes,' Curiosity's assignment is the ongoing 
study of ancient habitability and the potential for life," said Curiosity 
Program Scientist Michael Meyer at NASA Headquarters, Washington. "This 
mission, as it explores the succession of rock layers, is reading the 
'pages' of Martian history -- changing our understanding of Mars and how 
the planet has evolved. Curiosity has been and will be a cornerstone in 
our plans for future missions."

The component images of the self-portrait were taken near the base of 
one of the Murray Buttes, at the same site where the rover used its drill 
on Sept. 18 to acquire a sample of rock powder. An attempt to drill at 
this site four days earlier had halted prematurely due to a short-circuit 
issue that Curiosity had experienced previously, but the second attempt 
successfully reached full depth and collected sample material. After departing 
the buttes area, Curiosity delivered some of the rock sample to its internal 
laboratory for analysis.

This latest drill site -- the 14th for Curiosity -- is in a geological 
layer about 600 feet (180 meters) thick, called the Murray formation. 
Curiosity has climbed nearly half of this formation's thickness so far 
and found it consists primarily of mudstone, formed from mud that accumulated 
at the bottom of ancient lakes. The findings indicate that the lake environment 
was enduring, not fleeting. For roughly the first half of the new two-year 
mission extension, the rover team anticipates investigating the upper 
half of the Murray formation.

"We will see whether that record of lakes continues further," Vasavada 
said. "The more vertical thickness we see, the longer the lakes were present, 
and the longer habitable conditions existed here. Did the ancient environment 
change over time? Will the type of evidence we've found so far transition 
to something else?"

The "Hematite Unit" and "Clay Unit" above the Murray formation were identified 
from Mars orbiter observations before Curiosity's landing. Information 
about their composition, from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer 
aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, made them high priorities as 
destinations for the rover mission. Both hematite and clay typically form 
in wet environments.

Vasavada said, "The Hematite and the Clay units likely indicate different 
environments from the conditions recorded in older rock beneath them and 
different from each other. It will be interesting to see whether either 
or both were habitable environments."

NASA approved Curiosity's second extended mission this summer on the basis 
of plans presented by the rover team. Additional extensions for exploring 
farther up Mount Sharp may be considered in the future. The Curiosity 
mission has already achieved its main goal of determining whether the 
landing region ever offered environmental conditions that would have been 
favorable for microbial life, if Mars has ever hosted life. The mission 
found evidence of ancient rivers and lakes, with a chemical energy source 
and all of the chemical ingredients necessary for life as we know it.

The mission is also monitoring the modern environment of Mars, including 
natural radiation levels. Along with other robotic missions to the Red 
Planet, it is an important piece of NASA's Journey to Mars, leading toward 
human crew missions in the 2030s. JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, 

[meteorite-list] Extraterrestrial Impact Preceded Ancient Global Warming Event

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Extraterrestrial Impact Preceded Ancient Global Warming Event
By Mary L. Martially
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
October 13, 2016

A comet strike may have triggered the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 
(PETM), a rapid warming of the Earth caused by an accumulation of atmospheric 
carbon dioxide 56 million years ago, which offers analogs to global warming 
today. Sorting through samples of sediment from the time period, researchers 
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute discovered evidence of the strike 
in the form of microtektites - tiny dark glassy spheres typically formed 
by extraterrestrial impacts. The research will be published tomorrow in 
the journal Science.

"This tells us that there was an extraterrestrial impact at the time 
this sediment was deposited - a space rock hit the planet," said Morgan 
Schaller, an assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences at 
Rensselaer, and corresponding author of the paper. "The coincidence 
of an impact with a major climate change is nothing short of remarkable." 
Schaller is joined in the research by Rensselaer professor Miriam Katz 
and graduate student Megan Fung, James Wright of Rutgers University, and 
Dennis Kent of Columbia University.

Schaller was searching for fossilized remains of Foraminifera, a tiny 
organism that produces a shell, when he first noticed a microtektite in 
the sediment he was examining. Although it is common for researchers to 
search for fossilized remains in PETM sediments, microtektites have not 
been previously detected. Schaller and his team theorize this is because 
microtektites are typically dark in color, and do not stand out on the 
black sorting tray researchers use to search for light-colored fossilized 
remains. Once Schaller noticed the first microtektite, the researchers 
switched to a white sorting tray, and began to find more.

At peak abundance, the research team found as many as three microtektites 
per gram of sediment examined. Microtektites are typically spherical, 
or tear-drop shaped, and are formed by an impact powerful enough to melt 
and vaporize the target area, casting molten ejecta into the atmosphere. 
Some microtektites from the samples contained "shocked quartz," definitive 
evidence of their impact origin, and exhibited microcraters or were sintered 
together, evidence of the speed at which they were traveling as they solidified 
and hit the ground.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide increased rapidly during the PETM, and an 
spike in global temperatures of about 5 to 8 degrees Celsius lasted for 
about 150,000 years. Although this much is known, the source of the carbon 
dioxide had not been determined, and little is known about the exact sequence 
of events - such as how rapidly carbon dioxide entered the atmosphere, 
how quickly and at what rate temperatures began to rise, and how long 
it took to reach a global high temperature.

One clue can be found in a sudden shift in the ratio of carbon isotopes 
(atoms containing a number of neutrons unequal to the protons in their 
nucleus) in certain fossils from the time period. In particular, Foraminifera, 
or "forams," produce a shell whose chemistry is representative of 
atmospheric and ocean carbon isotopes. The research team initially set 
out to examine the ratio of carbon isotopes in Foraminifera fossils over 
time, to more closely pinpoint events during the PETM.

"In sediment records, when you look at the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 
in a particular species, you see that it's stable and then it abruptly 
shifts, wiggles back and forth and slowly returns to pre-event values 
over hundreds of thousands of years," Schaller said. "This evidence 
defines the event, and tells us that the atmosphere changed, in particular 
adding carbon from a source depleted in carbon-13. A comet impact on its 
own may have contributed carbon to the atmosphere, but is too small to 
explain the whole event and more likely acts as a trigger for additional 
carbon releases from other sources."

As a source of fossils, the team used sediment cores - cylinders of 
sediment extracted vertically from sediment deposits with a hollow bit 
- known to correspond to the time period of the PETM. Sediments near 
the top are more recent, those further down are older, and signature layers 
indicating known events are used to calibrate the timescale represented 
in the sample.  The team chose cores from three sites - Wilson Lake 
and Millville in New Jersey, and Blake Nose, an underwater site east of 
Florida - known for a rich sedimentary record of the time period. 

As Schaller tells it, the discovery of microtektites was "completely 
by accident." Ordinarily, the team passes samples through sieves of 
various sizes, to isolate samples most likely to contain forams. The tektites, 
which are smaller than most forams, would have been largely removed in 

[meteorite-list] Chinese Meteorite Field Likely To Be World's Largest

2016-10-14 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Chinese meteorite field likely to be world's largest
October 14, 2016
Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences confirmed on October 13 that 
the meteorite-strewn field in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is likely 
the world's largest.
According to a report by Xinhua News Agency, the field of meteorites stretches 
to an estimated 425 kilometres, 150 kilometres larger than the Gibeon 
meteorite shower in Namibia.

The shower has been named Altay, after the region in which it landed. 
First discovered in 1898, the 28-tonne Armanty meteorite was originally 
thought to be isolated, until the 430-kilogramme Ulasitai meteorite was 
discovered 100 years later.

However, Shanghai Daily reports that it was not until 2011 that a third 
-  the 5-tonne Wuxilike - was found that scientists noticed that all three 
were in a line stretched across 425 kilometres.

"This suggests that the meteorites were all from the same parent asteroid 
before it separated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere," said Xu Weibiao, 
meteorite curator with the observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.



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[meteorite-list] Dawn Journal - September 27, 2016

2016-09-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
September 27, 2016

Dear Dawnniversaries,

Nine years ago today, Dawn set sail on an epic journey of discovery and 
adventure. The intrepid explorer has sailed the cosmic seas and collected 
treasures that far exceeded anything anticipated or even hoped for. It 
began its voyage at Earth with a fiery ascent atop a Delta rocket. After 
escaping from its home planet's gravitational grasp, it flew through 
the solar system perched on a pillar of blue-green xenon ions that enabled 
the probe to accomplish a mission that would have been impossible with 
conventional propulsion. In 2009, with its sights set on more distant 
lands, Dawn swept past Mars, taking some of the planet's orbital 
energy for its own. By its fourth anniversary, Dawn was conducting an 
extensive orbital investigation of protoplanet Vesta, the second most 
massive resident of the main asteroid belt. Dawn found it to be quite 
unlike typical asteroids. Rather than a big chunk of rock, Vesta is like 
a small planet, and scientists recognize it as being more closely related 
to the rocky planets of the inner solar system (including Earth) than 
to the much smaller asteroids. Vesta's nearer brethren are the blue 
and white planet where Dawn began its mission nine years ago and the red 
one it flew by 17 months later. By its fifth anniversary of leaving Earth, 
the interplanetary spaceship was on its way to yet another distant, alien 
world. Under the careful guidance of its human colleagues, Dawn completed 
its 2.5-year journey from Vesta to Ceres last year. Now a perpetual companion 
of the first dwarf discovered, the veteran space traveler will spend all 
future anniversaries in orbit around Ceres, even after its operational 
lifetime has concluded.

By February of this year, the spacecraft had exceeded all of its original 
objectives established by NASA. Doing so involved orbiting Vesta for 14 
months and, at that time, Ceres for almost a year. On June 30, Dawn's 
prime mission concluded, and on July 1, its "extended mission" began.

[Dawn LAMO Image 147]
This simulated view of Ahuna Mons, Ceres' highest mountain, was made 
with bonus stereo pictures Dawn acquired from an altitude of 240 miles 
(385 kilometers). Ahuna Mons is likely a cryovolcano ("cold volcano"), 
formed by cryomagma composed of salty mud rising from underground. The 
volcano is geologically young, probably between 50 and 240 million years. 
(We discussed in May how ages are estimated, but the analysis for Ahuna 
Mons cannot yet pin down the age more accurately.) As Ceres is nearly 
4.6 billion years old, a structure that developed so recently suggests 
that some of the conditions that were necessary may persist even today. 
(So far, scientists have identified no other cryovolcanoes on Ceres.) 
It took somewhere between a few hundred and few hundred thousand years 
for the volcano to build up to its present size. The elevation of the 
summit is about 13,000 feet (4,000 meters), and the mountain is 11 miles 
(17 kilometers) across at the base. Note the streaks from rockfalls down 
the steep slopes (about 35 degrees). This view is from the north, and 
in the foreground is a crater coincidentally 11 miles (17 kilometers) 
across. From the lowest point in this crater to the top of the volcano 
is 24,800 feet (7,560 meters) vertically across a horizontal distance 
of only nine miles (15 kilometers). With 2.7 percent of Earth's gravity, 
this could be a very nice extraterrestrial hike. 
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

One year ago today, the ship was in its third Ceres mapping orbit, scrutinizing 
the exotic landscapes 915 miles (1,470 kilometers) beneath it. Less than 
four weeks later, it started powering its way down through the uncharted 
depths of Ceres gravitational field to undertake the final planned observations 
of its long mission.

When ion thrusting concluded on Dec. 13, 2015, Dawn was orbiting closer 
to Ceres than the International Space Station is to Earth. From its vantage 
point only 240 miles (385 kilometers) high, the probe used its suite of 
sophisticated sensors to develop a richly detailed portrait of the only 
dwarf planet in the inner solar system. Dawn's reason for venturing 
to its fourth mapping orbit was to collect about 35 days of neutron spectra, 
35 days of gamma-ray spectra and 20 days of gravity measurements. Given 
the complexity of operating in the low, tight orbit, mission planners 
expected it could take about three months to acquire these precious data 
and transmit them to Earth. Operations turned out to be essentially flawless, 
and by the time Dawn left that orbit on Sept. 2, it had accumulated 183 
days of neutron spectra, 183 days of gamma-ray spectra and 165 days of 
gravity measurements. In addition, the spacecraft amassed a sensational 
bonus of 38,000 high resolution photos (including stereo and color) as 
well as more than 11 mill

[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Opportunity Update: September 20-26, 2016

2016-09-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


OPPORTUNITY UPDATE:  Busy Week of Science and Imaging for Opportunity 
- sols 4500 - 4506, September 20, 2016-September 26, 2016:

Since leaving the "Lewis and Clark Gap" of Marathon Valley, Opportunity 
has been driving through "Bitterroot valley" toward her first waypoint 
of the new extended mission, "Spirit Mound."

With the Sol 4500 (Sept. 20, 2016) drive, she arrived at the base of the 
mound. The rover then bumped to a parking position for imaging and access 
to possible surface targets on Sol 4502 (Sept. 22, 2016). Finally, on 
Sol 4505 (Sept. 25, 2016), Opportunity bumped to "Gasconade," a thin, 
bright and linear outcrop, another possible surface target. The Sol 4500 
uplink had to be shortened to avoid an X-band fault due to a very late 
X-band pass and Earth set below the highly tilted rover deck. A Quick 
Fine Attitude (QFA) was also done on Sol 4500.

Panoramic Camera (Pancam) images of Spirit Mound and a Navigation Camera 
(Navcam) panorama were done on Sol 4501 (Sept. 21, 2016), with dust devil 
monitoring the following morning. On Sol 4502 (Sept. 22, 2016) Pancam 
images of nearby boulders were taken before the drive and a post-drive 
Pancam mosaic of Spirit Mound was taken afterwards. Opportunity took more 
color Pancam images of Spirit Mound, performed a Pancam low sun survey, 
and took Microscopic Imager (MI) sky flats on Sol 4503 (Sept. 23, 2016), 
with a Pancam horizon survey the following morning.

On Sol 4504 (Sept. 24, 2016), Opportunity took a 13-filter Pancam image 
of "Council Bluffs", a section of the ridge south of Gasconade, and Gasconade 
itself, followed by a Pancam 4x1 context panorama of the ridgeline including 
Council Bluffs. On Sol 4506 (Sept. 26, 2016), Opportunity collected a 
Navcam image of her tracks, took a Pancam image of "Portland," a breccia 
target, and a Pancam mosaic of the top of Spirit Mound above Gasconade.

As of Sol 4506 (Sept. 26, 2016), the solar array energy production is 
474 watt-hours with an elevated atmospheric opacity (Tau) of 0.892 and 
a solar array dust factor of 0.701.

Total odometry as of Sol 4505 (Sept. 25, 2016) is 26.99 miles (43.44 


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[meteorite-list] Curiosity Rover Finds Evidence of Mars Crust Contributing to Atmosphere

2016-09-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Curiosity Finds Evidence of Mars Crust Contributing to Atmosphere
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 29, 2016

NASA's Curiosity rover has found evidence that chemistry in the surface 
material on Mars contributed dynamically to the makeup of its atmosphere 
over time. It's another clue that the history of the Red Planet's atmosphere 
is more complex and interesting than a simple legacy of loss.

The findings come from the rover's Sample Analysis at Mars, or SAM, instrument 
suite, which studied the gases xenon and krypton in Mars' atmosphere. 
The two gases can be used as tracers to help scientists investigate the 
evolution and erosion of the Martian atmosphere. A lot of information 
about xenon and krypton in Mars' atmosphere came from analyses of Martian 
meteorites and measurements made by the Viking mission.

"What we found is that earlier studies of xenon and krypton only told 
part of the story," said Pamela Conrad, lead author of the report and 
SAM's deputy principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center 
in Greenbelt, Maryland. "SAM is now giving us the first complete in situ 
benchmark against which to compare meteorite measurements."

Of particular interest to scientists are the ratios of certain isotopes 
- or chemical variants - of xenon and krypton. The SAM team ran a series 
of first-of-a-kind experiments to measure all the isotopes of xenon and 
krypton in the Martian atmosphere. The experiments are described in a 
paper published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

The team's method is called static mass spectrometry, and it's good for 
detecting gases or isotopes that are present only in trace amounts. Although 
static mass spectrometry isn't a new technique, its use on the surface 
of another planet is something only SAM has done.

Overall, the analysis agreed with earlier studies, but some isotope ratios 
were a bit different than expected. When working on an explanation for 
those subtle but important differences, the researchers realized that 
neutrons might have gotten transferred from one chemical element to another 
within the surface material on Mars. The process is called neutron capture, 
and it would explain why a few selected isotopes were more abundant than 
previously thought possible.

In particular, it looks as if some of the barium surrendered neutrons 
that got picked up by xenon to produce higher-than-expected levels of 
the isotopes xenon-124 and 126. Likewise, bromine might have surrendered 
some of its neutrons to produce unusual levels of krypton-80 and krypton-82.

These isotopes could have been released into the atmosphere by impacts 
on the surface and by gas escaping from the regolith, which is the soil 
and broken rocks of the surface.

"SAM's measurements provide evidence of a really interesting process in 
which the rock and unconsolidated material at the planet's surface have 
contributed to the xenon and krypton isotopic composition of the atmosphere 
in a dynamic way," said Conrad.

The atmospheres of Earth and Mars exhibit very different patterns of xenon 
and krypton isotopes, particularly for xenon-129. Mars has much more of 
it in the atmosphere than does Earth.

"The unique capability to measure in situ the six and nine different isotopes 
of krypton and xenon allows scientists to delve into the complex interactions 
between the Martian atmosphere and crust," said Michael Meyer, lead scientist 
for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington. 
these interactions through time allows us to gain a greater understanding 
of planetary evolution."

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project is using Curiosity to determine 
if life was possible on Mars and study major changes in Martian environmental 
conditions. NASA studies Mars to learn more about our own planet, and 
in preparation for future human missions to Mars. NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, 
manages the project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

For more information about SAM, visit:


SAM experiment data are archived in the Planetary Data System, online 


For more information about Curiosity, visit:


The research paper is available at:


News Media Contact
Written by Elizabeth Zubritsky

Guy Webster Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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[meteorite-list] Farewell Rosetta: ESA Mission to End on Comet Surface

2016-09-29 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Farewell Rosetta: ESA Mission to End on Comet Surface
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 29, 2016

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Rosetta mission will come to a dramatic 
end on Friday, Sept. 30, with a controlled touchdown of the spacecraft 
on a region of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko known for active pits that 
spew comet dust into space. Confirmation of the end of mission is expected 
at about 4:20 a.m. PDT (7:20 a.m. EDT). ESA is ending the mission due 
to the spacecraft's ever-increasing distance from the sun, which has resulted 
in significantly reduced solar power with which to operate the vehicle 
and its instruments.

Rosetta is an international mission led by ESA with instruments provided 
by its member states, and additional support and instruments provided 
by NASA.

"The European Space Agency's Rosetta Mission is a magnificent demonstration 
of what excellent mission design, execution, and international collaboration 
can achieve," said Geoff Yoder, acting associate administrator for NASA's 
Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "Being neighbors with a comet 
for more than two years has given the world invaluable insight into these 
beautiful nomads of deep space. We congratulate ESA on its many accomplishments 
during this daring mission."

The final hours of descent will enable Rosetta to make many once-in-a-lifetime 
measurements, including analyzing gas and dust closer to the surface than 
ever possible before, and taking very high-resolution images of the comet 
nucleus. The images will include views of the open pits of the Ma'at region, 
where the spacecraft is expected to make its controlled impact. Ma'at 
is home to several active pits more than 330 feet (100 meters) in diameter 
and 160 to 200 feet (50 to 60 meters) deep.

The walls of the pits exhibit intriguing lumpy structures about 3 feet 
wide (1 meter wide) called "goose bumps." Scientists believe those structures 
could be the signatures of early cometesimals that assembled to create 
the comet in the early phases of solar system formation. Rosetta will 
attempt to get its closest look yet at these fascinating structures on 
Sept. 30, when the spacecraft will target a point adjacent to a 430-feet-wide 
(130-meter), well-defined pit that the mission team has informally named 
Deir el-Medina.

"Rosetta will keep giving us data to the very end," said Bonnie Buratti, 
project scientist for the U.S. Rosetta project from NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "NASA's three instruments aboard Rosetta 
will be among those collecting data all the way down."

Those three NASA science instruments are: the Microwave Instrument for 
Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO); an ultraviolet spectrometer called Alice; and 
the Ion and Electron Sensor (IES). They are part of a suite of 11 science 
instruments on the orbiter.

MIRO was designed to provide data on how gas and dust leave the surface 
of the nucleus to form the coma and tail that give comets their intrinsic 
beauty. Studying the surface temperature and evolution of the coma and 
tail provides information on how the comet evolves as it approaches and 
leaves the vicinity of the sun. MIRO has the ability to study water, carbon 
monoxide, ammonia and methanol.

Alice, an ultraviolet spectrometer, analyzes gases in the comet's coma 
and tail; measures how fast the comet produces water, carbon monoxide 
and carbon dioxide (clues to the surface composition of the nucleus); 
and measures argon levels. These measurements help determine the temperature 
of the solar system when the nucleus formed more than 4.6 billion years 

The Ion and Electron Sensor is part of a suite of five instruments that 
analyzes the plasma environment of the comet, particularly the coma. The 
instrument measures the charged particles in the sun's outer atmosphere, 
or solar wind, as they interact with the gas flowing out from the comet.

NASA provided part of the electronics package for the Double Focusing 
Mass Spectrometer, which is part of the Swiss-built Rosetta Orbiter 
for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) instrument. U.S. scientists also 
partnered on several non-U.S. instruments and were involved in seven of 
the mission's 26 instrument collaborations. NASA's Deep Space Network 
is supporting ESA's Ground Station Network for spacecraft tracking and 
navigation. NASA also provided autonomous science operations planning 
software, which helped in planning science operations and navigation support.

The Rosetta mission was launched in 2004 and arrived at comet 
on Aug. 6, 2014. It's the first mission in history to rendezvous with 
a comet and escort it as it orbits the sun. On Nov. 4, 2014, a smaller 
lander named Philae -- which had been deployed from the Rosetta mothership 
-- touched down on the comet and bounced several times before alighting 
on the surface. Philae obtained the first images t

[meteorite-list] NASA TV Coverage of European Mission Comet Touchdow (Rosetta)

2016-09-29 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


NASA TV Coverage of European Mission Comet Touchdown
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 28, 2016

NASA Television and the agency's website will air the conclusion of ESA's 
(European Space Agency's) Rosetta mission from 3:15 to 5 a.m PDT (6:15 
to 8 a.m. EDT) Friday, Sept. 30, with NASA commentary, interviews and 
analysis of the successful mission. The Rosetta mission will end with 
the controlled descent of the spacecraft onto the surface of comet 
at around 4:20 a.m. PDT (7:20 a.m. EDT).

Rosetta was launched in 2004 carrying 11 science instruments, with several 
contributions from NASA including: the Microwave Instrument for Rosetta 
Orbiter (MIRO); the Alice spectrograph; the Ion and Electron Sensor (IES); 
and the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS) electronics package for 
the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion Neutral Analysis (ROSINA). NASA's 
Deep Space Network supports ESA's Ground Station Network for spacecraft 
tracking and navigation.

The spacecraft arrived at its destination comet on Aug. 6, 2014, becoming 
the first mission in history to rendezvous with a comet and escort it 
as it orbits the sun. About two months later, the small Philae lander 
deployed from Rosetta touched down on the comet and bounced several times 
before alighting on the surface. Philae obtained the first images ever 
taken from the surface of a comet, and sent back valuable scientific data 
for several days. ESA is ending the mission because the spacecraft's 
distance from the sun has resulted in significantly reduced solar power 
to operate the spacecraft and its instruments.

Comets are time capsules containing primitive material left over from 
the epoch when the sun and its planets formed. Rosetta is the first spacecraft 
to witness up close how a comet changes as it is subjected to the increasing 
intensity of the sun's radiation. Observations will help scientists learn 
more about the origin and evolution of our solar system and the role comets 
may have played in the formation of planets.

In addition to NASA's contribution, Rosetta's Philae lander was provided 
by a consortium led by the German Aerospace Center, Max Planck Institute 
for Solar System Research, French National Space Agency, and Italian Space 
Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages 
the U.S. contributions to the Rosetta mission for the agency's Science 
Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL also built the MIRO and hosts its 
principal investigator, Mark Hofstadter. The Southwest Research Institute 
developed Rosetta's IES and Alice instruments and hosts their principal 
investigators, James Burch for IES and Alan Stern for the Alice instrument.

NASA TV streaming video, downlink and updated scheduling information is 


The landing coverage will also be streamed live at:


For more information on the U.S. instruments aboard Rosetta, visit:


News Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077
dwayne.c.br...@nasa.gov / laura.l.canti...@nasa.gov



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