Re: [NetBehaviour] Move a text, break up the house

2016-10-18 Thread John Hopkins

On 18/Oct/16 09:19, Maria Farràs wrote:

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UH, shall I blow this up w/ some pbx?

I promise I won't tell anyone that I saw this email, I promise, really...

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
levitating on bentonite
twitter: @neoscenes

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Move a text, break up the house

2016-10-18 Thread Maria Farràs
Dear all, 

Today i write you to send you a text on Kenneth Goldsmith, related to his 
presence at The influencers Festival: Move a text, break up the House

Does it still make sense to invoke literary originality in the internet era? 
Kenneth Goldsmith spoke about this at the Festival Internacional du Livre de 
Arte et du Film de Perpignan (FILAF) this summer. Alicia Kopf tells us about it 
in his article on appropriationism, intertextual dialogue and literary practice 
from a curatorial point of view in which there is room for textual emancipation 
and shared inspiration. Her account ends with an excerpt from an unpublished 
poem by Goldsmith. This week, Kenneth Goldsmith will be at the CCCB as a guest 
of The Influencers festival.

Festival program:  

We hope you like it, Thank you very much!

Maria Farràs 
933 064 100
@cccblab / Blog del CCCB LAB

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
T 933 064 100 /

AVÍS DE CONFIDENCIALITAT. Aquest missatge conté informació confidencial sotmesa 
a secret professional. Si no en sou el destinatari no esteu autoritzat a 
llegir-ne, copiar-ne o difondre'n el contingut. Si heu rebut el correu per 
error, us preguem que el destruïu i que ens ho comuniqueu immediatament. 
Gràcies per la vostra col·laboració. No l'imprimiu si no és necessari. 
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rogamos lo destruya y nos lo comunique inmediatamente. Gracias por su 
colaboración. No lo imprima si no es necesario. 
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