Re: Technoshamanism in Aarhus - rethink technology and shamanism

2017-08-08 Thread Carsten Agger
Following the response to the Open Call, we now have a detailed schedule
for the event:

The event is free and everybody is welcome!

On 06/29/2017 06:44 AM, Carsten Agger wrote:
> On *August 12, 2017 from 14:00 to 22:00* there will be a
> technoshamanism meeting in Dome of Visions ,
> Aarhus, Denmark.
> The purpose of the meeting is to unite people who are interested
> in the combination of DIY technologies such as free software and
> permaculture with ancestral, ancestorfuturist and shamanistic
> practices. We are calling all the cyborgs, witches, heretics,
> technoshamans, programmers, hackers, artists, alchemists, thinkers and
> everyone who might be curious to join us and explore the possiblities
> of combining ancestral and indigenous worldviews with the looming
> disasters of the anthropocene.
> If you feel attracted by the combination of these terms, techno
> + shamanism and ancestrality + futurism and if you’re worried
> about the destruction of the Earth and the hegemony of capital and
> neoliberal ontologies, this event is for you. In view of Aarhus’
> slogan as European Cultural Capital of 2017, the theme of this event
> could be: Rethink ancestrality and technology!
> We welcome all proposals for rituals, musical and artistic
> performances, talks, discussions and technological workshops. Please
> send your proposal to
> The proposal needs to be short (250 words) with your web site (if any)
> and a short bio.
> The verbal talks will be structured as roundtable discussions with
> several participants which are recorded and simultaneously live streamed
> as Internet radio.
> Topics:
>   * TECHNOSHAMANISM – What is it?
>   * Ancestrality and ancestrofuturism
>   * Experiences from the II International Festival and other events
>   * Immigration and new ontologies arriving in Europe
>   * Self-organizing with free software and DIY technology
>   * Your proposal!
> A collaborative DIY ritual to end the event – bring costumes, proposals,
> visual effects, ideas and musical instruments.
> We welcome proposals for all kinds of performance, rituals and
> narratives along the lines of this open call – all proposals to be sent
> to .
> *NOTE*
> When we have received your proposals, we will organize them and publish
> a detailed program around August 1, for the discussions and workshops as
> well as for the rituals.
> If you don’t live in Aarhus and need accomodation, that can be arranged
> (for free). Bring your sleeping bag!
> This encounter is organized by Carsten Agger, Beatriz Ricci, Fabiane M.
> Borges and Ouafa Rian.
> Tecnoshamanism is an international network for people interested in
> living out their ideas in everyday life while focusing on open science,
> open technology, free and DIY cosmological visions and feel the
> necessity of maintaining a strong connection to the Earth as a living,
> ecological organism.
> In recent years, we have had meetings in Spain, England, Denmark,
> Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland. In November 2016,
> we had the II International Festival of Tecnoxamanism in the indigenous
> Pataxó village of Pará in Bahia, Brazil. The purpoose of this meeting is
> to discuss technoshamanism as outlined above and to strengthen and grow
> this network, hopefully reaching out to new partners in Denmark and
> beyond. The network is based in Brazil but draws inspiration from all
> over the world.
> You can find more information on technoshamanism in these articles:
>   * Technoshamanism and Wasted Ontologies
>   * Installing Baobaxia at the II International Festival of
> Technoshamanism
> This event is supported by Digital Living Research Commons
> , Aarhus University
> .
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Let's re-think Modern Marxian Critique of Global (cultural-gender-enviromental-informational-transnational...)

2017-08-08 Thread Örsan Şenalp
   Dear all,

   Sharing an in progress call text, towards collectively re-imagining and
   re-building a (Wiki)encyclopedia, today, for the emancipation of the
   oppressed peoples/classes by and for themselves. It is supposed to be
   part of a common resource, a bibliography, part of an effort to build
   up a broader self-education and self-learning (by the oppressed)
   structure, 100 years after Alexander Bogdanov made his initial call at
   the all-Russia ProletKult congress in Moscow 

   Working title of the project is P2P, the Commons, and Tektological
   Critique of Global Political Economy at the moment, and draft text can be 
read here:

   And here where we try to develop an argument, which is also in
   progress, behind the call:

   This is an accompanying co-mapping project: Tektology of the
   Emergent Transnational Managerial Class and the Demise of Capitalist
   World System: From Imperialism to Cyber Imperialism, the Current
   Highest Probably the Last Stage of Capitalism

   Any feedback and contribution is more then appreciated!

   In solidarity

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