[OpenWrt-Devel] Караоке: Поп, Рок, Шансон, Романсы, Детские, Народные, Западные, Частушки, 70, 80, 90, и т.д. 05_08_2019 02_10 199508

2019-12-04 Thread hjskvntjwgvt.ru via openwrt-devel
The sender domain has a DMARC Reject/Quarantine policy which disallows
sending mailing list messages using the original "From" header.

To mitigate this problem, the original message has been wrapped
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Коллекция караоке, которая не оставит равнодушным ни одного любителя спеть, в 
не зависимости от возраста и музыкальных пристрастий. Наша коллекция по праву 
может называться уникальной, и связано это с тем, что в ней собраны песни, 
которые подойдут на все случаи жизни и к любому празднику. Подобный эффект 
достигается благодаря тому, что коллекция содержит много тематических дисков 
посвящённых различным музыкальным направлениям. Поэтому будь-то юбилей, 
свадьба, день рождения, новый год, 23 февраля, 8 марта, день победы или 
какой-то другой праздник в нашей коллекции наверняка найдётся песня, которая 
украсит любое событие в Вашей жизни. Наша коллекция послужит прекрасным 
подарком, не лишайте себя и своих близких удовольствия!

Список жанров: 1) Звезды эстрады - 70-x; 2) Звезды эстрады - 80-х; 3) Звезды 
эстрады - 90-х; 4) Песни из кинофильмов - 1 часть; 5) Песни из кинофильмов - 2 
часть; 6) Русские народные песни; 7) Украинские народные песни; 8) Матерные 
частушки; 9) Лучшие застольные песни; 10) Лучшие поп-хиты современной эстрады - 
1 часть; 11) Лучшие поп-хиты современной эстрады - 2 часть; 12) Лучшие детские 
песни; 13) Лучшие Дуэты - Споём вдвоём; 14) Сборник песен к 23 Февраля; 15) 
Коллекция Русского Шансона - 1 часть; 16) Коллекция Русского Шансона - 2 часть; 
17) Веселый день рождения; 18) Романсы - Старинные и современные; 19) Русский 
Рок - Лучшее; 20) Легендарные песни западных исполнителей.

Полный список песен, по каждому диску, находится в прикрепленном к этому письму 

Коллекция содержит более 1600 песен высокого качества, каждый диск имеет меню, 
в котором удобно ориентироваться при выборе песни. Для записи использовались 
надёжные DVD диски со специальным покрытием, которое повышает устойчивость 
диска к механическим повреждениям, таким как трещины и царапины, а это значит, 
что наша коллекция будет радовать Вас много лет. Коллекция упакована в 
пластиковые боксы (slim-dvd), имеет красивые, а главное продуманные обложки, с 
обратной стороны которых указан список вошедших на диск песен. Все песни имеют 
отличное изображение и высокое качество звука, форматы записи самые 
распространенные, что обеспечивает воспроизведения абсолютно на всех DVD 

Стоимость коллекции на DVD дисках — 6500 (Шесть Тысяч Пятьсот) рублей.
Продаются только вместе. Доставка включена в стоимость.

Доставка и оплата коллекции осуществляется только по России — почтой, 
наложенным платежом, никакой предоплаты не требуется, оплата только в момент 
получения на почте, доставка включена в стоимость. Сроки доставки зависят от 
расстояния и степени загрузки почты, но как правило это 7-14 суток с момента 
отправки. Напоминаем, что у нас нет курьерской доставки — только почтой, в том 
числе и по Москве.

Для оформления заказа просьба не забывать указывать:
 --- Ваш почтовый индекс (пишите правильный индекс — это ускорит доставку);
 --- Ваш город и точный адрес (название улицы, номер дома и номер квартиры);
 --- Ф.И.О. получателя и ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО номер контактного телефона (лучше сотовый);
Заказы\вопросы направляйте по адресу: kara...@cwhflash.ru

Мы очень ответственно относимся к качеству нашего товара, поэтому перед 
отправкой всё дополнительно проверяется, как следствие отправка бракованной 
продукции сведена к нулю. Товар упаковывается в специальный ударостойкий 
материал, что в значительной степени уменьшает риск повреждения при 
транспортировке. Если вдруг с полученным товаром возникнут проблемы, то все 
наши покупатели всегда могут рассчитывать на квалифицированную техническую 
поддержку. Мы никогда не отказываемся от гарантийных обязательств, в случае 
проблемы Вы можете рассчитывать на замену, почтовые расходы мы берём на себя.

Если вы не хотите больше получать от нас письма, отправьте нам письмо с темой 
“deletemail” и Ваш адрес навсегда будет удален автоматически.

05_08_2019 02_10 199508

Çâåçäû ýñòðàäû – 70-x

1 Åñòü òîëüêî ìèã - Àíîôðèåâ Îëåã
2 Ïîñëåäíÿÿ ýëåêòðè÷êà - Õèëü Ýäóàðä
3 Ñêàæè ìíå ïðàâäó - Êðàñíûå ìàêè
4 Îáúÿñíèòü íåâîçìîæíî - Ëåéñÿ, ïåñíÿ
5 Îëåàíäð - Îáîäçèíñêèé Âàëåðèé
6 Ïåðâûé ïîöåëóé - Ãîëóáûå ãèòàðû
7 Òû ïðîõîäèøü ñòîðîíîþ - Ïîþùèå ñåðäöà
8 Îñòðîâ íåâåçåíèÿ - Ìèðîíîâ Àíäðåé
9 Âñÿ æèçíü âïåðåäè - Ñàìîöâåòû
10 Íà îñòðîâå Áóÿíå - Ïîþùèå ãèòàðû
11 Áåëîâåæñêàÿ ïóùà - Ïåñíÿðû
12 Óâåçó òåáÿ ÿ â òóíäðó - Ñàìîöâåòû
13 Àëåøêèíà ëþáîâü - Ãëûçèí Àëåêñåé
14 Èç âàãàíòîâ - Èâàíîâ È.
15 Íå îòðåêàþòñÿ, ëþáÿ - Ïóãà÷åâà Àëëà
16 Ïîäìîñêîâíûå âå÷åðà - Ïîäáîëîòîâ Àëåêñàíäð
17 Ïðîùàëüíûé âàëüñ - Äîáðû ìîëîäöû
18 Â êðàþ ìàãíîëèé - Àðèýëü
19 Âñå, ÷òî â æèçíè åñòü ó ìåíÿ - Ñàìîöâåòû
20 Òàê íå äîëæíî áûòü - Áîÿðñêèé Ìèõàèë Çàðóáèíà Î.
21 Ýòî áûëî íåäàâíî, ýòî áûëî äàâíî - Õèëü Ýäóàðä
22 Ñòàð

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] wireguard: fix interface remove on lonely peers

2019-12-04 Thread Adrian Schmutzler

commit message should be redacted.



> -Original Message-
> From: openwrt-devel [mailto:openwrt-devel-boun...@lists.openwrt.org]
> On Behalf Of Florian Eckert
> Sent: Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019 14:05
> To: eckert.flor...@googlemail.com; ja...@zx2c4.com; ldir@darbyshire-
> bryant.me.uk; daniel.engberg.li...@pyret.net
> Cc: openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org; Florian Eckert 
> Subject: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] wireguard: fix interface remove on lonely
> peers
> Redmine-patch-id: 4230
> If we delete the main wireguard interface, then the related are not
> They remain in the network configuration.
> With this commit wo get called on a network config change, and check if
> wireguard peer has an interface. If this is not the case delete alle peers
> do not have a related wireguard interface.
> Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert 
> ---
> This was discussed on the irc with Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant alias ldir on
the irc
> that this is a bug and should be get fixed.
>  package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile   |  2 ++
>  .../services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init   | 31 +++
>  2 files changed, 33 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644
> package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init
> diff --git a/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
> b/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
> index ea34b7550b..d78fcfface 100644
> --- a/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
> +++ b/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
> @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ define Package/wireguard-tools/install
>   $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard_watchdog $(1)/usr/bin/
>   $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/
>   $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/
> + $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d/
> + $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard.init $(1)/etc/init.d/wireguard
>  endef
>  define KernelPackage/wireguard
> diff --git a/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init
> b/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init
> new file mode 100644
> index 00..781d0839bc
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init
> @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
> +#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
> +
> +START=80
> +
> +service_triggers() {
> + procd_add_reload_trigger "network"
> +}
> +
> +reload_service() {
> + # delete old peers of related wireguard interface
> + wireguard_check_peers
> +}
> +
> +wireguard_check_peers() {
> + local iface peer
> +
> + # get all wireguard peers
> + for peer in $(uci show network | grep =wireguard_); do
> + # extract peer section type
> + peer="${peer##*=}"
> + # extract interface name
> + iface="${peer#*_}"
> +
> + # delete peer if iface is not present anymore
> + if ! uci -q show "network.${iface}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null;
> then
> + uci -q delete "network.@${peer}[-1]"
> + uci commit network
> + fi
> + done
> +}
> --
> 2.20.1
> ___
> openwrt-devel mailing list
> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> https://lists.openwrt.org/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel

openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] ath79: add support for Ubiquiti LiteBeam AC Gen2

2019-12-04 Thread Adrian Schmutzler
Acked-by: Adrian Schmutzler 

> -Original Message-
> From: openwrt-devel [mailto:openwrt-devel-boun...@lists.openwrt.org]
> On Behalf Of Stijn Tintel
> Sent: Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019 14:56
> To: Tom Psyborg ; Adrian Schmutzler
> Cc: Petr Štetiar ; openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] ath79: add support for Ubiquiti
> LiteBeam AC Gen2
> On 4/12/2019 15:37, Tom Psyborg wrote:
> > Current changes from Stijn's branch look fine, I've applied them to
> > the master clone from Dec 2nd, built and flashed; mac addresses are
> > correct, ethernet is working as well as both wifi interfaces.
> >
> Can I get some [Ack|Review|Test]ed-by from you guys?
> Thanks
> Stijn
> ___
> openwrt-devel mailing list
> openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> https://lists.openwrt.org/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel

openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] wireguard: skip peer config if public key of the peer is not defined

2019-12-04 Thread Adrian Schmutzler

> + if [ -z "$public_key" ]; then
> + echo "Skipping peer config $peer_config public key not
> defined"

That's not a sentence. Either add a colon after $peer_config or make it a
real sentence:

"Skipping peer config $peer_config because public key is not defined."



openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH v2] imx6: Adding Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard support

2019-12-04 Thread Daniel Golle
On Wed, Dec 04, 2019 at 07:52:32PM +0100, Tomasz Maciej Nowak wrote:
> Hi,
> small nit at the end.
> W dniu 04.12.2019 o 19:14, Linus Lüssing pisze:
> > From: Linus Lüssing 
> > 
> > This adds support for the Ka-Ro MB7 board with a TX6U-8033 module.
> > 
> > Specification, according to Linux DTS commit:
> > 
> > TX6U-8033:
> > ProcessorFreescale i.MX 6 Dual Lite, 800MHz
> > ROM  4GiB eMMC
> > Power supply Single 3.1V to 5.5V
> > Size 31mm SO-DIMM
> > Temp. Range  industrial grade (-40°C/-25°C to 105°C Tj)
> > 
> > The u-boot shipped by the vendor by default expects the following partition
> > layout:
> > 
> > MBR/MSDOS, disk-id '0cc66cc0' {
> > 0cc66cc0-01 => ext2, /vmlinuz
> > 0cc66cc0-02 => ext4, rootfs
> > }
> > 
> > TX6DL U-Boot > env print
> > append_bootargs=rootfstype=ext4
> > [...]
> > bootcmd_mmc=setenv autostart no;run bootargs_mmc;ext2load mmc 0 
> > ${kerneladdr} vmlinuz
> > [...]
> > rootpart_uuid=0cc66cc0-02
> > [...]
> > 
> > This is also one of the reasons, why only ext4 rootfs support was added
> > and tested so far. No squashfs support yet.

OpenWrt allows to easily ignore or even filter bootloader cmdline, this
is needed on *most* devices out there. Please add squashfs regardless,
as some features of OpenWrt (overlayfs, factory-reset, ...) are only
available when using squashfs (+f2fs in this case) and it should not
be difficult to do so. Also the rootpart_uuid should not be relevant
when using OpenWrt.

Let me know if anything is not clear of if you need help achieving

> > 
> > Other than that, nothing fancy needs to be added or preserved on the
> > eMMC.
> > 
> > Cc: Simon Wunderlich 
> > Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing 
> > ---
> > 
> > Changelog v2:
> > * removed wildcard board names
> > 
> >  target/linux/imx6/Makefile|   2 +-
> >  .../imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network|   3 +-
> >  target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh  |   4 +
> >  .../base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config |   9 ++
> >  .../imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh   | 108 +-
> >  target/linux/imx6/image/Makefile  |  34 ++
> >  .../linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh   |  26 +
> >  .../imx6/patches-4.14/100-bootargs.patch  |  13 +++
> >  tools/Makefile|   1 +
> >  9 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> >  create mode 100755 target/linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh
> > 
> > diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> > index ac4300f7eb..8083a54e16 100644
> > --- a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> > +++ b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> > @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/target.mk
> >  
> >  KERNELNAME:=zImage dtbs
> >  
> > -DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid
> > +DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid partx-utils
> >  
> >  $(eval $(call BuildTarget))
> > diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network 
> > b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> > index 6ec667346d..c662be72b7 100755
> > --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> > +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> > @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ cubox-i |\
> >  *gw552x)
> > ucidef_set_interfaces_lan_wan 'eth0' 'eth1'
> > ;;
> > -*wandboard)
> > +*wandboard |\
> > +tx6u-8033)
> > ucidef_set_interface_wan 'eth0'
> > ;;
> >  esac
> > diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh 
> > b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> > index 68caaff15f..c4b87d1c21 100755
> > --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> > +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> > @@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ imx6_board_detect() {
> > name="wandboard"
> > ;;
> >  
> > +   "Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard")
> > +   name="tx6u-8033"
> > +   ;;
> > +
> > *)
> > name="generic"
> > ;;
> > diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config 
> > b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> > index bdf397c4fc..de7196c7a1 100644
> > --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> > +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> > @@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ move_config() {
> > umount /boot
> > fi
> > ;;
> > +   tx6u-8033)
> > +   local bootpart=/dev/mmcblk2p1
> > +
> > +   if [ -b $bootpart ]; then
> > +   mkdir -p /boot
> > +   mount -t ext2 -o rw,noatime $bootpart /boot
> > +   [ -f /boot/sysupgrade.tgz ] && mv -f 
> > /boot/sysupgrade.tgz /
> > +   fi
> > +   ;;
> > esac
> >  }
> >  
> > diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh 
> > b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
> > index a090cc080b..9c9bed96fe 1

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] The meaning of Signed-off-by for netifd [Was: Re: [PATCH netifd] interface: warn if ip6hint is truncated]

2019-12-04 Thread Jo-Philipp Wich

> ok, so you claim my SoB means that *I* confirmed that my change is
> compatible to the netifd's license. I didn't do that though.

as it has been pointed out on this list, adding a S-o-b without consent
should not be done, so I reverted the offending commit.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH v2] imx6: Adding Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard support

2019-12-04 Thread Tomasz Maciej Nowak
small nit at the end.

W dniu 04.12.2019 o 19:14, Linus Lüssing pisze:
> From: Linus Lüssing 
> This adds support for the Ka-Ro MB7 board with a TX6U-8033 module.
> Specification, according to Linux DTS commit:
> TX6U-8033:
> ProcessorFreescale i.MX 6 Dual Lite, 800MHz
> ROM  4GiB eMMC
> Power supply Single 3.1V to 5.5V
> Size 31mm SO-DIMM
> Temp. Range  industrial grade (-40°C/-25°C to 105°C Tj)
> The u-boot shipped by the vendor by default expects the following partition
> layout:
> MBR/MSDOS, disk-id '0cc66cc0' {
>   0cc66cc0-01 => ext2, /vmlinuz
>   0cc66cc0-02 => ext4, rootfs
> }
> TX6DL U-Boot > env print
> append_bootargs=rootfstype=ext4
> [...]
> bootcmd_mmc=setenv autostart no;run bootargs_mmc;ext2load mmc 0 ${kerneladdr} 
> vmlinuz
> [...]
> rootpart_uuid=0cc66cc0-02
> [...]
> This is also one of the reasons, why only ext4 rootfs support was added
> and tested so far. No squashfs support yet.
> Other than that, nothing fancy needs to be added or preserved on the
> eMMC.
> Cc: Simon Wunderlich 
> Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing 
> ---
> Changelog v2:
> * removed wildcard board names
>  target/linux/imx6/Makefile|   2 +-
>  .../imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network|   3 +-
>  target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh  |   4 +
>  .../base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config |   9 ++
>  .../imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh   | 108 +-
>  target/linux/imx6/image/Makefile  |  34 ++
>  .../linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh   |  26 +
>  .../imx6/patches-4.14/100-bootargs.patch  |  13 +++
>  tools/Makefile|   1 +
>  9 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 target/linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh
> diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> index ac4300f7eb..8083a54e16 100644
> --- a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> +++ b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
> @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/target.mk
>  KERNELNAME:=zImage dtbs
> -DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid
> +DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid partx-utils
>  $(eval $(call BuildTarget))
> diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network 
> b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> index 6ec667346d..c662be72b7 100755
> --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
> @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ cubox-i |\
>  *gw552x)
>   ucidef_set_interfaces_lan_wan 'eth0' 'eth1'
>   ;;
> -*wandboard)
> +*wandboard |\
> +tx6u-8033)
>   ucidef_set_interface_wan 'eth0'
>   ;;
>  esac
> diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh 
> b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> index 68caaff15f..c4b87d1c21 100755
> --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
> @@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ imx6_board_detect() {
>   name="wandboard"
>   ;;
> + "Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard")
> + name="tx6u-8033"
> + ;;
> +
>   *)
>   name="generic"
>   ;;
> diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config 
> b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> index bdf397c4fc..de7196c7a1 100644
> --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
> @@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ move_config() {
>   umount /boot
>   fi
>   ;;
> + tx6u-8033)
> + local bootpart=/dev/mmcblk2p1
> +
> + if [ -b $bootpart ]; then
> + mkdir -p /boot
> + mount -t ext2 -o rw,noatime $bootpart /boot
> + [ -f /boot/sysupgrade.tgz ] && mv -f 
> /boot/sysupgrade.tgz /
> + fi
> + ;;
>   esac
>  }
> diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh 
> b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
> index a090cc080b..9c9bed96fe 100755
> --- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
> +++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
>  #
> -# Copyright (C) 2010-2015 OpenWrt.org
> +# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 OpenWrt.org
>  #
>  . /lib/imx6.sh
> @@ -30,6 +30,102 @@ apalis_do_upgrade() {
>   umount /boot
>  }
> +# (mostly) copied from brcm2708 platform.sh (which was copied from x86?)
> +tx6u_8033_check_image() {
> + local diskdev partdev diff
> +
> + [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && return 1
> +
> + export_bootdevice && export_partdevice diskdev 0 || {
> + echo "Unable to determine upgrade device"
> + return 1
> + }
> +
> + get_partitions "/dev/$diskdev" bootd

[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH v2] imx6: Adding Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard support

2019-12-04 Thread Linus Lüssing
From: Linus Lüssing 

This adds support for the Ka-Ro MB7 board with a TX6U-8033 module.

Specification, according to Linux DTS commit:

ProcessorFreescale i.MX 6 Dual Lite, 800MHz
Power supply Single 3.1V to 5.5V
Size 31mm SO-DIMM
Temp. Range  industrial grade (-40°C/-25°C to 105°C Tj)

The u-boot shipped by the vendor by default expects the following partition

MBR/MSDOS, disk-id '0cc66cc0' {
0cc66cc0-01 => ext2, /vmlinuz
0cc66cc0-02 => ext4, rootfs

TX6DL U-Boot > env print
bootcmd_mmc=setenv autostart no;run bootargs_mmc;ext2load mmc 0 ${kerneladdr} 

This is also one of the reasons, why only ext4 rootfs support was added
and tested so far. No squashfs support yet.

Other than that, nothing fancy needs to be added or preserved on the

Cc: Simon Wunderlich 
Signed-off-by: Linus Lüssing 

Changelog v2:
* removed wildcard board names

 target/linux/imx6/Makefile|   2 +-
 .../imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network|   3 +-
 target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh  |   4 +
 .../base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config |   9 ++
 .../imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh   | 108 +-
 target/linux/imx6/image/Makefile  |  34 ++
 .../linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh   |  26 +
 .../imx6/patches-4.14/100-bootargs.patch  |  13 +++
 tools/Makefile|   1 +
 9 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 target/linux/imx6/image/gen_karo_sdcard_img.sh

diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
index ac4300f7eb..8083a54e16 100644
--- a/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
+++ b/target/linux/imx6/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/target.mk
 KERNELNAME:=zImage dtbs
-DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid
+DEFAULT_PACKAGES += uboot-envtools mkf2fs e2fsprogs blkid partx-utils
 $(eval $(call BuildTarget))
diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network 
index 6ec667346d..c662be72b7 100755
--- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
+++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ cubox-i |\
ucidef_set_interfaces_lan_wan 'eth0' 'eth1'
+*wandboard |\
ucidef_set_interface_wan 'eth0'
diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh 
index 68caaff15f..c4b87d1c21 100755
--- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
+++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/imx6.sh
@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ imx6_board_detect() {
+   "Ka-Ro electronics TX6U-8033 Module on MB7 baseboard")
+   name="tx6u-8033"
+   ;;
diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config 
index bdf397c4fc..de7196c7a1 100644
--- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
+++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/preinit/79_move_config
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ move_config() {
umount /boot
+   tx6u-8033)
+   local bootpart=/dev/mmcblk2p1
+   if [ -b $bootpart ]; then
+   mkdir -p /boot
+   mount -t ext2 -o rw,noatime $bootpart /boot
+   [ -f /boot/sysupgrade.tgz ] && mv -f 
/boot/sysupgrade.tgz /
+   fi
+   ;;
diff --git a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh 
index a090cc080b..9c9bed96fe 100755
--- a/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
+++ b/target/linux/imx6/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2015 OpenWrt.org
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 OpenWrt.org
 . /lib/imx6.sh
@@ -30,6 +30,102 @@ apalis_do_upgrade() {
umount /boot
+# (mostly) copied from brcm2708 platform.sh (which was copied from x86?)
+tx6u_8033_check_image() {
+   local diskdev partdev diff
+   [ "$#" -gt 1 ] && return 1
+   export_bootdevice && export_partdevice diskdev 0 || {
+   echo "Unable to determine upgrade device"
+   return 1
+   }
+   get_partitions "/dev/$diskdev" bootdisk
+   #extract the boot sector from the image
+   get_image "$@" | dd of=/tmp/image.bs count=1 bs=512b 2>/dev/null
+   get_partitions /tmp/image.bs image
+   #compare tables
+   diff="$(grep -F -x -v -f /tmp/partmap.bootdisk /tmp/partmap.image)"
+   rm -f /tmp/image.bs /

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] ath79: add support for Ubiquiti LiteBeam AC Gen2

2019-12-04 Thread Stijn Tintel
On 4/12/2019 15:37, Tom Psyborg wrote:
> Current changes from Stijn's branch look fine, I've applied them to
> the master clone from Dec 2nd, built and flashed; mac addresses are
> correct, ethernet is working as well as both wifi interfaces.
Can I get some [Ack|Review|Test]ed-by from you guys?


openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] ath79: add support for Ubiquiti LiteBeam AC Gen2

2019-12-04 Thread Tom Psyborg
Current changes from Stijn's branch look fine, I've applied them to
the master clone from Dec 2nd, built and flashed; mac addresses are
correct, ethernet is working as well as both wifi interfaces.

On 03/12/2019, Adrian Schmutzler  wrote:
> LGTM. (Haven't checked the network setup.) :-)
> Adrian
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Stijn Tintel [mailto:st...@linux-ipv6.be]
>> Sent: Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2019 13:33
>> To: Petr Štetiar ; Adrian Schmutzler
>> Cc: openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org; pozega.tomis...@gmail.com
>> Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] ath79: add support for Ubiquiti
>> LiteBeam
>> AC Gen2
>> On 3/12/2019 14:31, Petr Štetiar wrote:
>> > Adrian Schmutzler  [2019-12-03 13:17:04]:
>> >
>> >> Other ubnt-wa do this, too, they just do not define it in parent node:
>> > Ok, I've checked only the parent node.
>> >
>> >> So, the question is whether it would make sense to remove the line for
>> >> all the
>> other ubnt-wa devices, too, then.
>> > I would remove it, it doesn't make sense and is misleading.
>> >
>> > -- ynezz
>> Updated my staging tree again:
>> https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/staging/stintel.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads
>> /lbe-5ac-gen2
>> Thanks,
>> Stijn

openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] wireguard: fix interface remove on lonely peers

2019-12-04 Thread Florian Eckert
Redmine-patch-id: 4230
If we delete the main wireguard interface, then the related are not
delete. They remain in the network configuration.

With this commit wo get called on a network config change, and check if
each wireguard peer has an interface. If this is not the case delete
alle peers that do not have a related wireguard interface.

Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert 
This was discussed on the irc with Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant alias ldir
on the irc that this is a bug and should be get fixed.

 package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile   |  2 ++
 .../services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init   | 31 +++
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init

diff --git a/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile 
index ea34b7550b..d78fcfface 100644
--- a/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
+++ b/package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ define Package/wireguard-tools/install
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard_watchdog $(1)/usr/bin/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard.sh $(1)/lib/netifd/proto/
+   $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d/
+   $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/wireguard.init $(1)/etc/init.d/wireguard
 define KernelPackage/wireguard
diff --git a/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init 
new file mode 100644
index 00..781d0839bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.init
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+service_triggers() {
+   procd_add_reload_trigger "network"
+reload_service() {
+   # delete old peers of related wireguard interface
+   wireguard_check_peers
+wireguard_check_peers() {
+   local iface peer
+   # get all wireguard peers
+   for peer in $(uci show network | grep =wireguard_); do
+   # extract peer section type
+   peer="${peer##*=}"
+   # extract interface name
+   iface="${peer#*_}"
+   # delete peer if iface is not present anymore
+   if ! uci -q show "network.${iface}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; 
+   uci -q delete "network.@${peer}[-1]"
+   uci commit network
+   fi
+   done

openwrt-devel mailing list

[OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] wireguard: skip peer config if public key of the peer is not defined

2019-12-04 Thread Florian Eckert
If a config section of a peer does not have a public key defined, the
whole interface does not start. The following log is shown

daemon.notice netifd: test (21071): Line unrecognized: `PublicKey='
daemon.notice netifd: test (21071): Configuration parsing erro

The command 'wg show' does only show the interface name.

With this change we skip the peer for this interface and emit a log
message. So the other peers get configured.

Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert 
 package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh | 5 +
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh 
index 4c811c6ba9..f89be583f7 100644
--- a/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh
+++ b/package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ proto_wireguard_setup_peer() {
config_get endpoint_port "${peer_config}" "endpoint_port"
config_get persistent_keepalive "${peer_config}" "persistent_keepalive"
+   if [ -z "$public_key" ]; then
+   echo "Skipping peer config $peer_config public key not defined"
+   return 0
+   fi
echo "[Peer]" >> "${wg_cfg}"
echo "PublicKey=${public_key}" >> "${wg_cfg}"
if [ "${preshared_key}" ]; then

openwrt-devel mailing list

Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] Security Advisory 2019-11-05-1 - LuCI stored XSS

2019-12-04 Thread Marcin Zięba
Hi all,

any news regarding CVE assignment ?


On 13/11/2019 23:34, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
> Security Advisory 2019-11-05-1 - LuCI stored XSS
> A vulnerability has been reported in LuCI which allows injection of
> script code through maliciously crafted wireless network SSIDs.
> When joining a wireless network by clicking Network -> Wireless -> Join,
> the subsequent configuration view interprets the SSID of the network
> to join without proper escaping, allowing to execute arbitrary
> JavaScript in the client's web browser through network names which
> contains payload, for example
> AP
> Additionally the network interface overview displays configured wireless
> network SSID without proper escaping.
> Since the SSID string is stored in the UCI configuration, the issue
> effectively becomes a stored Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
> vulnerability.
> In order to exploit this vulnerability, a user needs to either
> explicitly pick a network with a malicious SSID from the wireless scan
> result list or manually add a wireless network with an SSID containing
> embedded script and browsing to the network interface overview page.
> The wireless scan result list is not affected by this issue, so no
> automatic script code execution is possible through it.
> To fix this issue, update the affected LuCI package using the command
> below. The fix is contained in version `git-19.309.48729-bc17ef673` and
> later.
>`opkg update; opkg upgrade luci-mod-admin-full`
> To workaround the problem, avoid joining networks with HTML code in the
> To our knowledge, LuCI packages with OpenWrt versions 18.06.0 to 18.06.4
> are affected. OpenWrt 19.07 is not affected by this problem.
> The fixed LuCI packages are integrated in the OpenWrt 18.06.5. Older
> versions of OpenWrt (e.g. OpenWrt 15.05 and LEDE 17.01) are end of life
> and not supported any more.
> The issue has been reported by Marcin Zieba  on
> 27th October 2019 and independently by Ridwan Maulana 
> on 5th November 2019.
> The issue has been fixed by Jo-Philipp Wich 
> https://github.com/openwrt/luci/commit/bc17ef673f734ea8e7e696ba5735588da9111dcd

openwrt-devel mailing list