Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-05 Thread Nikolaos Milas
 Until this issue is resolved and pdns/ldap becomes capable of sending 
Notify messages as Master, I had to find a temporary - I hope - 
solution, and now I have managed to bring it to a working mode.

So, I have installed notify-dns-slaves included in the package 
slapi-dnsnotify-0.2.1.tar.gz (see
[I remind you that slapi-dnsnotify plugin could not be loaded by the 
standard Openldap 2.3.43 CentOS package.]

Then, I created this little script (remember I'm in CentOS 5.5):


   # Find the current zone serial number and store it in newsn variable.
   # Note that "grep sysadmin" is there to isolate the sOARecord line
   from the output of ldapsearch,
   # simply because I'm using as the DNS
   administrator email.
   # awk then isolates the serial number from the SOA line.
   newsn=`ldapsearch -x -D "uid=userxxx,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com" -w
    -s sub -b \
   "(&(*))" \
   soarecord | grep sysadmin | awk '{ print $4 }'`

   # This is where the most recent serial number is saved

   # Read the latest stored serial number from the above file
   read oldsn
   } < $File

   # If serial has been incremented, store the new serial in the place
   of the old one, then send Notify to server
   if [ "$newsn" -gt "$oldsn" ]
   echo $newsn > /etc/pdns/notifyscr/reversesn.txt

   exit 0

We have to repeat the above for any other (forward or reverse zone). So, 
I have "multiplied" it by 7 (1 forward, 6 reverse zones). The script 
(when *not* sending Notify) for the 7 zones runs in 345 ms (every three 
minutes), which means that it doesn't cause any serious load to my server.

Finally, we schedule the script in cron to run as often as we want (I 
run it every three minutes to achieve slave DNS server sync in three 
minutes max):

   # Run the script every three minutes, and do not send email
   */3 * * * * /etc/pdns/notifyscr/scr1 >/dev/null 2>&1

If someone can optimize the script, or make it in a form which would 
deal with many zones without repeating the same piece of source code, it 
would be a welcome addition. I might work on it too, when I have time.

I have not managed to find a solution on implementing triggered Notify 
(I might try openldap accesslog overlay, as indicated in some discussions).

The above is a working solution (at least when few zones are involved). 
Still, - even by its nature - it *underlines the importance of 
supporting Notify natively in powerdns / ldap backend*.

Thanks again to Jean-Piet Mens for notify-dns-slaves tool.


On 2/10/2010 4:58 μμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
I have now filed a bug ("new enhancement") for this, it's No. 318. 

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nikolaos Milas

Thanks Nils, 

I have now filed a bug ("new enhancement") for this, it's No.
318. (


On 2/10/2010 4:20 μμ, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) wrote:
I believe most public bug trackers are also used for
  feature requests and enhancements. The PowerDNS bug tracker even
  has 'enhancement' as a ticket type ('defect' and 'task' are the
  other two).


Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Nikolaos Milas wrote;

> In any case, returning to pdns/ldap notify support, I thought of filing a 
> bug, but this simply is not a bug, but rather expected behavior, athough we 
> ldap-backend users have a hard time with it!

I believe most public bug trackers are also used for feature requests and 
enhancements. The PowerDNS bug tracker even has 'enhancement' as a ticket type 
('defect' and 'task' are the other two).


Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nikolaos Milas
 First, the question why use ldap as dns backend tends to be more or 
less philosophical, but in two words, (at least) when you have medium 
sized zones and organizations, LDAP is *a very convenient central 
repository of all organizational information* and is easily administered 
using e.g. phpldapadmin and other ldap browsers. Openldap is fast and 
has cached indexes, which speeds up queries. It also has extended 
access-control capabilities and fast real-time replication mechanism 
(syncrepl) which can be used to run dns queries from a local slave 
("consumer"). Especially when expected number of authoritative queries 
in not extremely high, pdns/ldap can handle them nicely.

One could argue that you can do all that quite well with mysql, and I 
can't argue against that. I would say only that when data in the 
repository does not change very often (i.e. is not "transactional"), 
LDAP is very well suited (also standards-based, well-defined and 
supported by all modern software for authentication etc.). There is a 
good discussion in all major LDAP textbooks. One can also find a good 
discussion on why use bdb as openldap database against relational db (at 
the openldap pages).

In any case, returning to pdns/ldap notify support, I thought of filing 
a bug, but this simply is not a bug, but rather expected behavior, 
athough we ldap-backend users have a hard time with it!

All the best,

On 2/10/2010 1:49 μμ, Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) wrote:
I have no experience with using LDAP as a backend myself (I don't even 
know why you'd want to use LDAP as a backend), but have you actually 
filed a request ticket in the bug tracker?

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Nikolaos Milas wrote:

> So, my request to add master support to ldap backend remains open!

I have no experience with using LDAP as a backend myself (I don't even know why 
you'd want to use LDAP as a backend), but have you actually filed a request 
ticket in the bug tracker?

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nikolaos Milas
 An addition: despite the reported errors, notify is sent and received 
successfully, so notify-dns-slaves works fine!

So, this tool could be used with a cron'ed custom (bash) script (if one 
can't make slapi-dnsnotify work) which would regularly ldapsearch 
soarecord serials and send notify (when changed), as discussed earlier 
in this thread (something which I concluded could not be done with 
pdns_control for the ldap backend).


On 2/10/2010 1:01 μμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:

What does it mean by "Bad file descriptor"? What can I do?

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Nikolaos Milas

 I have reached to the same conclusion.

However, rebuilding openldap doesn't seem to be easy or straightforward 
(but I'll give it a try when I can)... It is commonly accepted that in 
production servers, pre-built, platform-specific RPMs are preferred (to 
avoid all sorts of problems), compiled by few experts, and I am not a 
master in compiling :(.

Even if it had worked, I would continue to urge pdns developers to 
support pdns/ldap Master functionality (essentially NOTIFY) in the core 
code. It's an important feature. We users (eventually) find solutions 
one way or another (always with developers' and experienced users' 
help), but supporting features that help avoid implementation complexity 
leads to better production systems and to happier administrators :).

So, my request to add master support to ldap backend remains open!

I also tried the notify-dns-slaves tool (which might be of great value) 
manually, but I'm getting errors:

   notify-dns-slaves -d 4 ''
   notify-dns-slaves: building notification packet for to
   notify-dns-slaves: resolving address:
   notify-dns-slaves: resolved address for: [unknown]
   notify-dns-slaves: preparing notification to:
   notify-dns-slaves: resolved address for:
   notify-dns-slaves: preparing notification to:
   notify-dns-slaves: starting processing
   notify-dns-slaves: sending notify for zone to
   notify-dns-slaves: sending notify for zone to
   notify-dns-slaves: couldn't send packet to server:
   Bad file descriptor
   notify-dns-slaves: received successful response for server:
   notify-dns-slaves: sending notify for zone to
   notify-dns-slaves: couldn't send packet to server:
   Bad file descriptor
   notify-dns-slaves: sending notify for zone to
   notify-dns-slaves: couldn't send packet to server:
   Bad file descriptor
   notify-dns-slaves: sending notify for zone to
   notify-dns-slaves: couldn't send packet to server:
   Bad file descriptor
   notify-dns-slaves: notification to server timed out:
   notify-dns-slaves: processing done

What does it mean by "Bad file descriptor"? What can I do?

Thanks for your great help and support,

On 2/10/2010 10:53 πμ, Jan-Piet Mens wrote:

Why openldap refuses to load the plugin (one way or another)? Am I doing
something wrong?

I'd say your slapd has no support for loadable modules -- you're going
to have to rebuild it.


Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-02 Thread Jan-Piet Mens
> Why openldap refuses to load the plugin (one way or another)? Am I doing 
> something wrong?

I'd say your slapd has no support for loadable modules -- you're going
to have to rebuild it.

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-01 Thread Nikolaos Milas

 Thanks again for your help, JP.

I describe in short some more things I tried (I still need your guidance):

Initially, I found out that the plugin was not being loaded in openldap 
(as recorded in ldap.log):

   /etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 182: keyword  ignored


   # slaptest -d 255 -f slapd.conf
   line 186 (plugin postoperation /usr/local/lib/
   plugin_init base-dn=ou=dns1,dc=example,dc=com
   zone-attribute=associatedDomain notify-delay=10)
   slapd.conf: line 186: keyword  ignored
   config file testing succeeded

Trying to solve the problem (why the plugin is not loaded), I came to 
the conclusion that I should probably add a "moduleload" directive in slapd.conf. So I copied the files 
"slapi-dnsnotify.*" to the directory where all openldap modules exist 
(/usr/lib64/openldap/) and tried again. But now openldap doesn't start 
at all:

   # slaptest -d 255 -f slapd.conf
   line 59 (moduleload
   loaded module
   module init_module() failed
   slapd.conf: line 59:  handler exited with 1!
   slaptest: bad configuration file!

Why openldap refuses to load the plugin (one way or another)? Am I doing 
something wrong?


On 1/10/2010 6:50 μμ, Jan-Piet Mens wrote:

Changing the SOA serial doesn't seem to trigger any NOTIFY to NS Servers
defined for the zone.

Also, I see no sign of logging anywhere...

It's as if the configuration statement included in slapd.conf is accepted,
but never doing something.

No hints really, as I haven't used that bit for some time. It worked for
me once without problems at all. I'd try the following:

1. Ensure the slapi plugin is indeed being loaded by your slapd. (Check
the slapd log.)
2. Ensure you've compiled slapi-plugin with WITH_SYSLOG defined, or it
won't log.
3. I assume you've started the notify-dns-slaves daemon? That is the one
which will send out the NOTIFY.
4. Once again, check the logs (var/log/messages); there must be
something there...

Good luck,

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-01 Thread Jan-Piet Mens
> Changing the SOA serial doesn't seem to trigger any NOTIFY to NS Servers 
> defined for the zone.
> Also, I see no sign of logging anywhere...
> It's as if the configuration statement included in slapd.conf is accepted, 
> but never doing something.

No hints really, as I haven't used that bit for some time. It worked for
me once without problems at all. I'd try the following:

1. Ensure the slapi plugin is indeed being loaded by your slapd. (Check
   the slapd log.)
2. Ensure you've compiled slapi-plugin with WITH_SYSLOG defined, or it
   won't log.
3. I assume you've started the notify-dns-slaves daemon? That is the one
   which will send out the NOTIFY.
4. Once again, check the logs (var/log/messages); there must be
   something there...

Good luck,  
Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-10-01 Thread Nikolaos Milas

 An update:

I installed it on my ldap master too, but it doesn't seem to be sending 
NOTIFY as well.

(All servers are CentOS 5.5 with openldap 2.3.43.el5_5.2-12-x86_64 and 
latest versions of powerdns available.)

Changing the SOA serial doesn't seem to trigger any NOTIFY to NS Servers 
defined for the zone.

Also, I see no sign of logging anywhere...

It's as if the configuration statement included in slapd.conf is 
accepted, but never doing something.

Any hint?


On 30/9/2010 9:02 μμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:

Thanks JP,

I just tried it. I installed it on my master pdns/ldap server (I had 
no installation problems), but I haven't managed to make it work 
(yet). It doesnt' seem to send notify.

I have the following questions:

1. The LDAP server used by my pdns primary master is a SLAVE LDAP
server (using instant syncrepl, type=refreshAndPersist); So I am
making changes on the LDAP master (on another box) and the pdns
master box is using data from an ldap mirror (that's where I have
installed slapi-dnsnotify, and this is why I have NOT used
/enable-auto-serial/ - we increase it manually when we finish
whatever changes). So, slapi-dnsnotify should work on a slave ldap
(i.e. does it detect changes propagated using syncrepl and not
done manually) or I should install it on the ldap master only ??
2. The slaves which will receive the NOTIFY are those listed in zone
NS records?
3. If the SOA serial number is increased, this should trigger a NOTIFY ?
4. I didn't find any syslog /daemon/ facility on CentOS. I looked
into the default log file /var/log/messages but didn't find any

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-09-30 Thread Nikolaos Milas

 Thanks JP,

I just tried it. I installed it on my master pdns/ldap server (I had no 
installation problems), but I haven't managed to make it work (yet). It 
doesnt' seem to send notify.

I have the following questions:

  1. The LDAP server used by my pdns primary master is a SLAVE LDAP
 server (using instant syncrepl, type=refreshAndPersist); So I am
 making changes on the LDAP master (on another box) and the pdns
 master box is using data from an ldap mirror (that's where I have
 installed slapi-dnsnotify, and this is why I have NOT used
 /enable-auto-serial/ - we increase it manually when we finish
 whatever changes). So, slapi-dnsnotify should work on a slave ldap
 (i.e. does it detect changes propagated using syncrepl and not
 done manually) or I should install it on the ldap master only ??
  2. The slaves which will receive the NOTIFY are those listed in zone
 NS records?
  3. If the SOA serial number is increased, this should trigger a NOTIFY ?
  4. I didn't find any syslog /daemon/ facility on CentOS. I looked
 into the default log file /var/log/messages but didn't find any

For completeness, I include here the syslog.conf file:

   # Log all kernel messages to the console.
   # Logging much else clutters up the screen.
   #kern.* /dev/console

   # Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
   # Don't log private authentication messages!

   # The authpriv file has restricted access.
   authpriv.*  /var/log/secure

   # Log all the mail messages in one place.

   # Log cron stuff
   cron.*  /var/log/cron

   # Everybody gets emergency messages
   *.emerg *

   # Save news errors of level crit and higher in a special file.
   uucp,news.crit  /var/log/spooler

   # Save boot messages also to boot.log

   # save OpenLDAP log

   # PowerDNS log

Thanks, again,

Have you looked at slapi-dnsnotify? It's an OpenLDAP plugin that watches
for a change in a zone's serial numbe and notifies DNS slaves. Works
rather nicely, though you might have to adapt it to your schema, etc.

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-09-30 Thread Jan-Piet Mens

>  I know that ldap backend does not support NOTIFY (so it neither supports 
> master/slave operation), and that this is due to LDAP specifications (or 
> so). The same problem exists e.g. in BIND9 with sdb (ldap backend).

Have you looked at slapi-dnsnotify? It's an OpenLDAP plugin that watches
for a change in a zone's serial numbe and notifies DNS slaves. Works
rather nicely, though you might have to adapt it to your schema, etc.

Disclaimer: if you have my book, I describe it therein. :-)

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-09-29 Thread Nikolaos Milas


Thanks for the reply.

In order to achieve quick sync (max 5 min), this would require a cron 
job to run every, say, 5 minutes (this is not bad). A simple text file 
would be used to record the latest retrieved SOA serials (for all zones 
concerned), and then ldapsearch would find and compare the current SOA 
serial with the one in the text file, and, if different, it would send 
such a notify using pdns_control (and it would update the SOA serial 
number in the text file).

BUT, if I understand the documentation correctly, "pdns_control notify" 
for ldap backend is NOT supported. pdns_control only gives instructions 
to the backend to send a NOTIFY message, but the ldap_backend does not 
support master operation and notify.

So the best solution I have found up to now would be to use a second 
pdns slave server instance (e.g. on the same box, on another port, or on 
another box) with a different backend (e.g. BIND) that supports notify 
operations and then configure it, with a cron job or with SOA short 
refresh intervals, to sync with the master and also send notify to other 

This will probably work, but I am not very satisfied with this setup; 
simplicity - always a key parameter - is sacrificed. NOTIFY (Master 
operation) should be available on the pdns/ldap master server (which 
currently cannot behave as a true master).

Please correct me if I am wrong.


On 29/9/2010 2:33 μμ, Dennis Roos wrote:


I guess a simple shell script can do the job for you:
* ldapsearch SOA records that changed today (provided your SOA 
numbering is using dates)

* for each entry pdns_control notify domainname

Just my $.02

Dennis Roos

Nikolaos Milas wrote:


I didn't receive any replies on this.

As we are deploying a new DNS server infrastructure in our 
organization and we have planned to use pdns/ldap on our primary 
master (already in operation), it would be important to us to know 
whether NOTIFY from pdns/ldap ("master operation") will be offered as 
a feature in upcoming authoritative server releases or not, or if a 
patch or (Lua or other) script is available by pdns 
developers/community to provide such NOTIFY functionality (I haven't 
been able to find something).

This would affect to some extent our deployment architecture (type of 
slaves, type of remote slaves, etc.), because, unfortunately, we 
can't use ldap backend on all slaves, and we don't want those slaves 
to remain not-synchronized for long, nor we can use very short 
refresh times.

Please, could you give a hint?

On 25/9/2010 12:54 πμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
So, can we hope for such a feature to be included in the next 
official release or, if you deem this is undesirable due to whatever 
specs, could it be offered as a patch, as the BIND/sdb one, or even 
as a Lua script ? ...

If not, can you suggest any other good solution(s) to trace ldap 
record changes and force AXFRs to slaves?

Pdns-users mailing list

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-09-29 Thread Dennis Roos


I guess a simple shell script can do the job for you:
* ldapsearch SOA records that changed today (provided your SOA 
numbering is using dates)

* for each entry pdns_control notify domainname

Just my $.02

Dennis Roos

Nikolaos Milas wrote:


I didn't receive any replies on this.

As we are deploying a new DNS server infrastructure in our 
organization and we have planned to use pdns/ldap on our primary 
master (already in operation), it would be important to us to know 
whether NOTIFY from pdns/ldap ("master operation") will be offered as 
a feature in upcoming authoritative server releases or not, or if a 
patch or (Lua or other) script is available by pdns 
developers/community to provide such NOTIFY functionality (I haven't 
been able to find something).

This would affect to some extent our deployment architecture (type of 
slaves, type of remote slaves, etc.), because, unfortunately, we can't 
use ldap backend on all slaves, and we don't want those slaves to 
remain not-synchronized for long, nor we can use very short refresh 

Please, could you give a hint?

On 25/9/2010 12:54 πμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
So, can we hope for such a feature to be included in the next 
official release or, if you deem this is undesirable due to whatever 
specs, could it be offered as a patch, as the BIND/sdb one, or even 
as a Lua script ? ...

If not, can you suggest any other good solution(s) to trace ldap 
record changes and force AXFRs to slaves?

Pdns-users mailing list

Pdns-users mailing list

Re: [Pdns-users] NOTIFY by pdns master with ldap backend in next authoritative server releases?

2010-09-29 Thread Nikolaos Milas


I didn't receive any replies on this.

As we are deploying a new DNS server infrastructure in our organization 
and we have planned to use pdns/ldap on our primary master (already in 
operation), it would be important to us to know whether NOTIFY from 
pdns/ldap ("master operation") will be offered as a feature in upcoming 
authoritative server releases or not, or if a patch or (Lua or other) 
script is available by pdns developers/community to provide such NOTIFY 
functionality (I haven't been able to find something).

This would affect to some extent our deployment architecture (type of 
slaves, type of remote slaves, etc.), because, unfortunately, we can't 
use ldap backend on all slaves, and we don't want those slaves to remain 
not-synchronized for long, nor we can use very short refresh times.

Please, could you give a hint?

On 25/9/2010 12:54 πμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
So, can we hope for such a feature to be included in the next official 
release or, if you deem this is undesirable due to whatever specs, 
could it be offered as a patch, as the BIND/sdb one, or even as a Lua 
script ? ...

If not, can you suggest any other good solution(s) to trace ldap 
record changes and force AXFRs to slaves?

Pdns-users mailing list