Re: [PEIRCE-L] Andre De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread John F. Sowa

My only excuse is that it's after midnight.
Helmut, List,

JFS:  I agree with Gary that "there are no perfect choices
when it
comes to naming such things" and we should "weed
out the choices most
likely to cause confusion."

But if we weed out too many terms, we may not be able to talk
anymore!  Can we not instead "count on mathematicians" to tell
us, how
we should define and use "possibility" and

The objection to the word 'possibility'
was that it suggests a kind of
Secondnesss, since it would involve a
dyadic relation to something

My proposed revision to
ADT's slide is to bring back Peirce's word
'diagram', which is one of
his favorite terms.  Since every diagram is
an icon, it belongs to
the first member of (icon, index, symbol).

It's true that a
diagram may also be considered as a possibility, but
by itself, it's
a first.  The aspect of Secondness only occurs after
deliberately chooses it as a description of something else.

Instead of the new terms that ADT proposed, I said that his slide 25
could be stated more clearly and simply by bringing back the word
'diagram'.  See below for ADT's original slide 25.  After that is my
revised version of slide 25.  And just now, I thought of an even
simpler version of ADT's last sentence.  See my new version at the


The original slide 25 by ADT:

• Given mathematics' unbounded
search for formal necessities, we
cannot count on mathematicians to
help figure out what goes on in

• Yet we
cannot ignore the natural urge that pushes the rest of us to
out the all-too-real world that holds us under its bondage.  We
to sort out its laws, its structures, its composition, its guises

• As a point of method, however, given that
mathematics is the “first”
stage of research in the heuristic schema,
how do we transition out of
it into a concern no longer detached from
but attached to the
conditions sustaining the cosmos, the world,

A revised
version of slide 25 suggested by JFS in the previous note:

Given mathematics' unbounded search for formal necessities, the
phenomenologist must map any mathematical interpretation to a diagram
that can help us figure out what goes on in experience.

• Yet
we cannot ignore the natural urge that pushes the rest of us to
figure out the all-too-real world that holds us under its bondage. 
want to sort out its laws, its structures, its composition, its
and disguises.

• As a point of method, however,
given that mathematics is the “first”
stage of research in the
heuristic schema, how do we relate the
initial diagram to diarams or
other representations of the conditions
sustaining the cosmos, the
world, nature.

simpler and clearer revision of the last sentence in slide 25:

* After a diagram is derived by mathematical methods, the methods of
normative science would address the conditions that relate it to the
cosmos, the world, nature.

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Re: [PEIRCE-L] Andre De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread John F. Sowa

> Helmut, List,
JFS:  I agree with Gary that "there are no
> perfect choices
when it
> comes to naming such things" and we
should "weed out the choices most
> likely to cause
> HR:  But if we weed out too many
terms, we may
> not be able to talk
> anymore!  Can we not
instead "count on
> mathematicians" to tell us, how
> we should define and use
> "possibility" and
> The objection
> to the
word 'possibility' was that it suggests a kind of
> since it would involve a dyadic relation to
> else.
> My proposed revision to
ADT's slide is to bring back Peirce's word
> 'diagram', which is
one of his favorite terms.  Since every diagram
> is
> an
icon, it belongs to the first member of (icon, index,
> It's true that a diagram may also be
considered as a
> possibility, but
> by itself, it's a
first.  The aspect of Secondness
> only occurs after
somebody deliberately chooses it as a description
> of something
> Instead of the new terms that ADT proposed,
> I said that his slide 25
> could be stated more clearly and
simply by
> bringing back the word
> 'diagram'.  See below
for ADT's original slide
> 25.  After that is my
> revised
version of slide 25.  And just now, I
> thought of an even
> simpler version of ADT's last sentence.  See my
> new
version at the
> bottom.
> John
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> message and nothing in the body. 
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> .
> ► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary
> and co-managed by him and Ben Udell.

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Re: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread John F. Sowa

Helmut, List,

JFS:  I agree with Gary that "there are no
perfect choices when it
comes to naming such things" and we
should "weed out the choices most
likely to cause

HR:  But if we weed out too many terms, we may
not be able to talk
anymore!  Can we not instead "count on
mathematicians" to tell us, how
we should define and use
"possibility" and "relation"?

The objection
to the word 'possibility' was that it suggests a kind of
since it would involve a dyadic relation to something

My proposed revision to ADT's slide is to bring back Peirce's word
'diagram', which is one of his favorite terms.  Since every diagram
an icon, it belongs to the first member of (icon, index,

It's true that a diagram may also be considered as a
possibility, but
by itself, it's a first.  The aspect of Secondness
only occurs after
somebody deliberately chooses it as a description
of something else.

Instead of the new terms that ADT proposed,
I said that his slide 25
could be stated more clearly and simply by
bringing back the word
'diagram'.  See below for ADT's original slide
25.  After that is my
revised version of slide 25.  And just now, I
thought of an even
simpler version of ADT's last sentence.  See my
new version at the


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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
co-managed by him and Ben Udell.

Aw: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread Helmut Raulien
John, List


But if we weed out too many terms, we may not be able to talk anymore! Can we not instead "count on mathematicians" to tell us, how we should define and use "possibility" and "relation"?


Best, Helmut


21. August 2021 um 05:30 Uhr
 "John F. Sowa" 

Gary F, Helmut, List,

I agree with Gary that "there are no perfect choices when it comes to
naming such things" and we should "weed out the choices most likely to
cause confusion."

HR:  In mathematical language, the sentence "possibility implies a
relation to what exists" is false.  Maybe in ordinary English usage it
is true, I dont know

That uncertainty is a good reason for not adopting it as a technical
term, except in the context of modal logic.

GF:  In this context, Peirce acknowledges that in ordinary English
usage, “possibility implies a relation to what exists.” Since
existence involves Secondness, that renders tthe word “possibility”
unfit for rendering the concept named “Firstness.” In order to
consistently use “qualitative possibility” in reference to Firstness,
it is necessary to explicitly set aside the ordinary implication which
connects the word to Secondness.  This is what Peirce does in the
bolded words quoted from EP2:479:

More reason for avoiding it, except in the context of modal logic.

This discussion started with slide 25, in which ADT wanted a
"transition" out of mathematics to something that "the rest of us" can
understand.  The word 'diagram' is an English word whose common
meaning includes Peirce's mathematical sense.  Since Peirce defined a
diagram as a kind of icon, it is the first in the trichotomy of icon,
index, symbol.

By adopting the word 'diagram' for ADT's slide 25, we resolve the
issues without introducing new jargon.


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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
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RE: [PEIRCE-L] Andre De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread John F. Sowa

Gary F, List,

GF:  we agree that De Tienne’s reference to a
“transition out of
mathematics” in slide 25 can be confusing, and you
say that we can
avoid the confusion “by adopting the word 'diagram'
for ADT's slide
25.” ...  Do you mean substituting the word “diagram”
for some part of
slide 25?

Yes, but first I'll cite the
following quotation, which shows that
Peirce had a very broad idea of
what a diagram could be:

CSP:  an algebraist like Boole plainly
thought in algebraic symbols;
and so did I, until, at great pains, I
learned to think in diagrams,
which is a much superior method.  I am
convinced there is a far better
one, capable of wonders; but the
great cost of the apparatus forbids
my learning it.  It consists in
thinking in stereoscopic moving
pictures.  Of course one might
substitute the real objects moving in
solid space; and that might not
be so very unreasonably costly.
 (NEM 3:191, L231 1911)

This is the same MS in which he presented his 1911 EGs, and he is
already thinking of going beyond the two-dimensional versions to
stereoscopic moving images.  That would be an excellent
for phaneroscopy.  It would support a more complete
and more precise
mapping.  In the last sentence, he also talks about
"real objects
moving in solid space".

That would
support the full mapping from perception to 3D moving
diagrams to
action in and on the physical world.  In today's
terminology, Peirce
anticipated computational methods for virtual

we assume the option of generalizing EGs beyond two dimensions,
would be (a) mathematical, (b) visual, and (c) directly mappable
and from moving 3-D experiences and actions.  I presented a talk
along those lines at a Peirce session of an APA conference in April
2015.  In December 2015, I presented an updated version at a workshop
that Zalamea hosted in Bogota.  In 2018, the Journal of Applied
published an issue that contained papers based on those
Following are my slides from Bpgpta; slide 2 has the URL of
journal issue:

Following are the revisions I'd sugest for slide 25:

1. For
the first bullet item, replace the clause that begins with "we
cannot count..." with "the phenomenologist must map any
interpretation to a diagram that can help us figure out
what goes on
in experience.

2. Bullet item #2 is OK
as is.

3. For the third, replace the clause that begins
"how do we..." with
"how do we relate the initial
diagram to diarams or other
representations of the conditions
sustaining the cosmos, the world,

For these
three points, I tried to leave as much of ADT's words as I
while keeping the word 'diagram' and any mathematical
or reasoning that may require it..


ADT:  • Given mathematics'
unbounded search for formal necessities, we
cannot count on
mathematicians to help figure out what goes on in

• Yet we cannot ignore the natural urge that pushes the rest of us
figure out the all-too-real world that holds us under its
bondage.  We
want to sort out its laws, its structures, its
composition, its guises
and disguises.

• As a point of
method, however, given that mathematics is the “first”
stage of
research in the heuristic schema, how do we transition out of
it into
a concern no longer detached from but attached to the
sustaining the cosmos, the world, nature,  
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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
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RE: [PEIRCE-L] Andre De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27

2021-08-21 Thread gnox
John, we agree that De Tienne’s reference to a “transition out of mathematics” 
in slide 25 can be confusing, and you say that we can avoid the confusion “by 
adopting the word 'diagram' for ADT's slide 25.” It’s not clear to me how this 
“adopting” would work. Do you mean substituting the word “diagram” for some 
part of slide 25? Here’s the original text of it:


ADT: • Given mathematics' unbounded search for formal necessities, we cannot 
count on mathematicians to help figure out what goes on in experience.

• Yet we cannot ignore the natural urge that pushes the rest of us to figure 
out the all-too-real world that holds us under its bondage. We want to sort out 
its laws, its structures, its composition, its guises and disguises.

• As a point of method, however, given that mathematics is the “first” stage of 
research in the heuristic schema, how do we transition out of it into a concern 
no longer detached from but attached to the conditions sustaining the cosmos, 
the world, nature, life in general, our life?


Can you demonstrate how you would “adopt the word 'diagram'” for that slide?


JFS: The word 'diagram' is an English word whose common meaning includes 
Peirce's mathematical sense.  Since Peirce defined a diagram as a kind of icon, 
it is the first in the trichotomy of icon, index, symbol.


GF: I see much potential for confusion here. In the first place, “diagram” is 
clearly not a synonym for “icon.” An existential graph, for instance, is more 
iconic than its equivalent in algebraic notation or in a verbal sentence, but 
it certainly isn’t a “pure” icon, as its symbolic aspects have to be taken into 
account in the interpretation of it. Nobody can read an existential graph 
without first learning the conventions of the system. Besides, these graphs 
usually include words as names of the “spots,” and visual “icons” used as 
substitutes for those names are no less symbolic. The “icons” we use in 
everyday life, such as those on men’s and women’s washrooms, are also 
conventional despite their independence of any particular verbal language. The 
fact that a diagram is a kind of icon does not imply that the words “icon” and 
“diagram” are interchangeable.


In short, I don’t see how your use of the term “diagram” clarifies the practice 
of phaneroscopy. Maybe you can explain by drawing me a diagram.  (insert smile 
icon here.)


Gary f.



}  { }{ living the time


From:  On 
Behalf Of John F. Sowa
Sent: 20-Aug-21 23:30
To: Helmut Raulien 
Cc:; 'Peirce-L' 
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read slide 27


Gary F, Helmut, List,

I agree with Gary that "there are no perfect choices when it comes to
naming such things" and we should "weed out the choices most likely to
cause confusion."

HR:  In mathematical language, the sentence "possibility implies a
relation to what exists" is false.  Maybe in ordinary English usage it
is true, I dont know

That uncertainty is a good reason for not adopting it as a technical
term, except in the context of modal logic.

GF:  In this context, Peirce acknowledges that in ordinary English
usage, “possibility implies a relation to what exists.” Since
existence involves Secondness, that renders tthe word “possibility”
unfit for rendering the concept named “Firstness.” In order to
consistently use “qualitative possibility” in reference to Firstness,
it is necessary to explicitly set aside the ordinary implication which
connects the word to Secondness.  This is what Peirce does in the
bolded words quoted from EP2:479:

More reason for avoiding it, except in the context of modal logic.

This discussion started with slide 25, in which ADT wanted a
"transition" out of mathematics to something that "the rest of us" can
understand.  The word 'diagram' is an English word whose common
meaning includes Peirce's mathematical sense.  Since Peirce defined a
diagram as a kind of icon, it is the first in the trichotomy of icon,
index, symbol.

By adopting the word 'diagram' for ADT's slide 25, we resolve the
issues without introducing new jargon.


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