multi subs with identical signatures: should be a warning ?

2006-08-27 Thread Mark Stosberg
First, what's the recommended reference for learning how dispatching to
the right 'multi' sub is resolved. ?

I'd like to know the expected behavior in this case:

multi sub foo () { say "b: " }
multi sub foo () { say "a: " }

I would expect it would throw an error or at least a warning, since
there's no clear way to choose a correct sub to dispatch to.

Pugs currently dispatches to one anyway, without a warning.

A more insidious version of the same case is the following, which
I accidentally wrote more than once already...and then wondered why
my code wasn't working as expected...

multi sub foo (%names?) { say "b: " }
multi sub foo (@pos?) { say "a: " }

There, I have distinct arguments, but they are both optional, making
them the same as the case above.


Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-09 Thread Mark Stosberg
Darren Duncan wrote:
> P.S. I originally sent this to just Mark Stosberg yesterday, and he
> suggested I sent it to perl6-users for more exposure, so here it is,
> slightly edited.

And here is my reply to Darren, slightly edited.

I'm only interested in so much as it holds up my work on
CGI::Application. As far as I'm aware, adding cookie support is all
that's left to do that to meet my needs.

So for the most part, I don't intend to be making design decisions for
or against your arguments.

I do share your sentiment that shouldn't be a clone of how P5
works. I'd like the HTML building methods to stay out, which wasn't even
 one of the differences you cared about yourself.  On the other hand,
there is a real benefit to in being similar enough so that porting from
Perl 5 is easy. Radical differences can forked into or something.

I'll provide some comments on your suggestions below.

> > Note that I will make these changes myself if someone else doesn't.


> > 1.  ALWAYS gather all GET/query-string variables that exist, regardless
> > of whether this is a POST or GET query.  The Perl 5 version currently
> > discards any GET vars that are included in a POST request and doesn't
> > provide any workaround save to uncomment a code line in itself.
> >
> > Eg, say you want to submit a POST form to this url:
> >
> >
> >
> > Stuff like that should just work, but for in Perl 5 it doesn't.
> > I have to parse the query string myself if I get a POST request, to make
> > that work, and its inane that Perl 5's doesn't just work with it.

I see both sides to this and don't feel strongly about it.

> > 2.  Keep 2 distinct sets of query parameters, one each for GET (query
> > string) and POST (HTTP body) variables, that are both initialized and
> > can be appropriately read from and updated.  They must be separate
> > because it is legitimate to have variables with the same names in both
> > places that must be kept distinct.
> >
> > Combining these is like combining cookie or session variable with
> > either; all 4 are distinct things.  I suggest that all accessors for
> > these contain the words "http get var(s)" or "http post var(s)" in them
> > respectively.  For backwards computability, you could also keep "param"
> > named functions which accesses a union of the above and the post ones
> > take precedence in a name conflict.  But the key thing is it must be
> > possible+easy to use them separately.
> >
> > Practically every other web environment's basic built-ins, including ASP
> > and PHP, correctly keep these separate, and its time for Perl's basics
> > to join them.

I agree here.

> > 3.  ALWAYS retain any multiple values for get and post vars.  For ease
> > of use, your accessors could look like "http_post_var()" and
> > "http_post_var_multi()" etc, which fetch either just the first item as a
> > scalar or an array ref having all the items (even if just one)
> > respectively.

I think this is already working. We always store values as arrays
internally, and I think because of how Perl 6 works, it does the right
thing if you expect a single value or an array returned.

> > 4.  Make UTF-8 the default HTTP response character encoding, and the
> > default declared charset for text/* MIME types, and explicitly declare
> > that this is what the charset is.  The only time that output should be
> > anything else, even Latin-1, is if the programmer specifies such.
> >
> > 5.  Similarly, default to trying to treat the HTTP request as UTF-8 if
> > it doesn't specify a character encoding; fall back to Latin-1 only
if the
> > text parts of the HTTP request don't look like valid UTF-8.

I am not knowledgeable enough about this to haven an opinion. Currently defaults to Latin-1, apparently as a port for Perl 5. Since
the related function was broken as recently as a few days ago, I know no
one is depending on that default now, including me.

> > 6.  I suggest ditching the functional globals-storing interface
> > and using the OO version only; much simpler.

I made that change myself. It's OO-only now.

I look forward to your commits! Once you start making changes, I'll let
you know if you break anything CGI::Application depends on. It sounds
like you probably won't.



Re: Trying to use Perl5 modules (documented on wiki)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Audrey Tang wrote:
> 在 Sep 11, 2006 2:07 PM 時,Trey Harris 寫到:
>> In a message dated Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Richard Hainsworth writes:
>>> I am trying to find out how to use (in perl6) perl5 modules that
>>> contain subroutines.
>> Imports from Perl 5 modules don't currently work.
> Actually, explicit imports do work (as of a couple weeks ago):
> use perl5:Time::gmtime ;
> say gmtime.wday;
> Implicit imports is not yet supported, though...

Thanks for the status update. I've reflected this on the related wiki page:

I welcome other tips about Perl 5 embedding to also appear there!


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
> I agree  completely.  In that vein, I think that one thing a lot of web
> developers would like to have available more easily would be session
> management.  In PHP it's as simple as $_SESSION['key'] = 'value'.  I
> understand that is a fundemantally different concept from PHP and
> that this can't be completely taken care of by the module.  Still, if
> something could be written in, I think it would make many people's lives
> simpler.

In Perl 5, CGI::Session is one solution that feels this gap well.

In frameworks like CGI::Application, sessions can be integrated so they
are apart of the of the same object anyway:

 self.query <-- object
 self.session   <-- CGI::Session object.

As far as I'm aware, no work on CGI::Session for Perl 6 has started yet.
I'm sure there will be some things that would be nice to change about it
as well, as it currently has some features only for backwards


best practice for web form stickiness (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Juerd wrote:
> Personally, I am *against* HTML generating for elements that are not
> form fields. And for form fields, I think the solution should be in the
> templating thing, not elsewhere. Stickiness makes sense on invalid data
> only anyway, and we need to put the error message and a pointer
> somewhere, and those are also templating things. Even the simple
> "contact page" is much better off with a nice templating tool, than with
> HTML generating methods.

I think HTML::FillInForm is a much better way to handle form stickiness.
It allows you to keep the form generation in HTML /and/ still support

So, it's fine with me if the sticky feature of doesn't re-appear.


use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Aankhen wrote:
> The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
> hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  

In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
hasn't worked out well for me. Even something that seems simple like
passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now. In summary, I found
it easier to update p6 to meet my needs than to 'use perl5:CGI'
to meet my needs. I think the reality it is yet to been seen now well
calls to Perl 5 modules can work for the general case.


Who uses HTML generation? (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
David Cantrell wrote:
> I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of
> I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
> anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
> collaborated in.  It's always been 'print ""' or more recently
> using a templating language like TT.

I find a few of the form generation methods really handy, especially
popup_menu(). Form elements aren't managed much by designers anyway.
The rest of the HTML stuff I actively ignore.


How to pass a ref from a language with no refs (was: Re: use perl5:CGI as a solution)

2006-09-17 Thread Mark Stosberg
Juerd wrote:
> Please note that eventually, perl5:CGI is supposed to work as expected.

For that to happen, there will first have be some documentation telling
me what expectations to have.

When Perl 5 has references and Perl 6 doesn't, I don't know what to
expect to when I need to pass a hash reference to a Perl 5 routine.

Such details make no appearance currently in the Perl 6 spec, but I'm
trying to gather them on the wiki if you have anything to add:


use perl5:CGI as a solution (was: Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-18 Thread Mark Stosberg
Aankhen wrote:
> The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
> hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  

In theory, "use perl5:CGI" could be a fine solution. In practice, it
hasn't worked out well for me. Even something that seems simple like
passing a hashref to Perl 5 is not documented now. In summary, I found
it easier to update p6 to meet my needs than to 'use perl5:CGI'
to meet my needs. I think the reality it is yet to been seen now well
calls to Perl 5 modules can work for the general case.


Re: the in Perl 6 (create a design on the wiki)

2006-09-19 Thread Mark Stosberg
Juerd wrote:
> It does make sense to have a single toolkit that does all this. It does
> not make sense to have a single .pm that does all this. There's
> absolutely no need for having all these different tasks in one module.
> There's not even any benefit. You can just as well use a couple of
> nicely named, grouped, and reasonably standalone roles or classes, and
> then a single module to combine them all for the ease of use that you
> like.

I suggest that those who have concrete ideas sketch out the API through
a new page on the wiki. That could make it easier for someone else to
pick up, if they have programming skill, but less API design experience.
The result might be even multiple API designs (A more compatible
and cleaner/newer/different solution).


Re: How to pass a ref from a language with no refs

2006-09-27 Thread Mark Stosberg
Mark Stosberg wrote:
> When Perl 5 has references and Perl 6 doesn't, I don't know what to
> expect to when I need to pass a hash reference to a Perl 5 routine.
> Such details make no appearance currently in the Perl 6 spec, but I'm
> trying to gather them on the wiki if you have anything to add:

I saw there have been some commits lately to Perl5 embedding, so I tried
some experiments with pugs to figure out if I could determine reliable
ways pass hashes and arrays to Perl5, so that they are received as
hashes, hashrefs, arrays, or arrayrefs, as appropriate.

I came up with the following test. As you can see, with arrays I was
able to pass them as a reference or not. However, when attempting to
pass a hash, it always came through as a hash, never flattened. Have I
missed something?

my $p5_dumper =
  eval('sub {use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(@_); }', :lang);

my @a = ;
$p5_dumper.(@a);  # received as array
$p5_dumper.([EMAIL PROTECTED]); # received as arrayref
$p5_dumper.(VAR @a);  # received as arrayref

my %h = ( a => 1 );
$p5_dumper.(@%h); # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.([,] %h);  # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(|%h); # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(%h);  # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(\%h); # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(VAR %h);  # received as hashref