Re: [PHP] Date comparison going wrong, wrong, wrong

2012-11-12 Thread Duken Marga
Try this:

$todaydate = strtotime(date("D, M jS, Y g:i:s a"));
$showenddate = strtotime(date("D, M jS, Y g:i:s a",

if ($todaydate < $showenddate):
echo "The date of the show has not yet arrived";
echo "The show has ended";

You must convert both $todaydate and $showendate with strtotime() function,
then you can compare them.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:30 AM, Terry Ally (Gmail) wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having a problem with comparing time. I am using the following:
> $todaydate = date("D, M jS, Y g:i:s a");
> $showenddate = date("D, M jS, Y g:i:s a",
> strtotime($showsRecord['end_date']));
> if ($todaydate > $showenddate):
> echo "The date of the show has not yet arrived";
> else:
> echo "The show has ended";
> endif;
> The problem that I am encountering is that PHP is rendering the reverse of
> the equation. For example:
> If today's date is *11 Nov 2012* and the show's end date is *18 Nov 2012*,
> the message that I am getting is *the show has ended* which is wrong. A
> test example is at
> You can also me what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Terry

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] syntax error breaking in and out of php into html code

2012-08-25 Thread Duken Marga
Can you tell us what is the error shown in browser or CLI?

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 5:54 AM, Ashley Sheridan

> I've just inherited some (pretty awful code) that I have to make some
> edits to, and came across a bit of a problem. A lot of the code breaks
> in and out of PHP and into HTML code:
>   while(condition)
> {
> ?>
> some html here
>  }
> ?>
> But when I check this my PHP parser is saying that this is a syntax
> error (checked in the browser and CLI). I know this is code from a
> working site, so it must be a setting within my PHP configuration.
> Now, I'm intending to re-write this anyway, as the logic is all over the
> place (SQL queries within the HTML, no separation of code and content,
> dozens of warnings all over the place) but I was wondering what setting
> causes this. It's mostly a curiosity thing really, as this thing is
> going to be re-written faster than an school project the eve before
> hand-in.
> --
> Thanks,
> Ash

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] set up mass virtual hosting with apache/nginx and PHP ... best practice 2012?

2012-08-25 Thread Duken Marga
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 2:30 AM, D. Dante Lorenso  wrote:

> Using VirtualDocumentRoot, I was able to create a virtual host defined
> like this:

> ServerName
> ServerAlias *
> DocumentRoot 
> /mnt/web/student.sampledomain.**edu/docroot<>
> UseCanonicalName Off
> VirtualDocumentRoot /mnt/userwww/%-4+
> ErrorLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local6.notice -t 'error-student'"
> CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p local6.notice -t 'access-student'" full
> That maps domain names like 
> .student.**<>to 
> directories in the /mnt/userwww/ directory.  That gets me
> close, but isn't handling PHP yet.  I think Apache also runs as 'apache'
> user when reading all the files, so users must chmod their files world
> readable still for this to work.
> I don't know what you means "isn't handling PHP yet". If you want Apache
handling a PHP program, you must integrate PHP and Apache, in FreeBSD and
Apache, these lines must be written in httpd.conf:

# Apache 2.x
LoadModule php5_modulelibexec/apache/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

The above lines will tell apache to execute php file as a PHP program.
For your latest statement, Yes, default Apache will handling program as
'apache' user. But, if you use suPHP, suExec, or other similiar program,
the file will be execute as a user that own the files. So, in other words,
you must use 'chown' program to assure the php files is own by the right
user. The files still readable with that program if you use secure and
right mode with 'chmod' program. For security reason, you must always use
755 for directory and mode 644 for files.

> You reference "suPHP" as the way to go.  The problem I have with that is
> this website:
> Looks like the last update was back in 2009.  That's more than 3 years
> ago.  I think that project has stalled.  There must be something newer that
> has replaced it since then.
> I think the suPHP project is not dead yet. It's because the program is
small and just doing a simple task and if the suPHP program still work for
the latest Apache today, why do we must question it? Even small notepad
from 10 years ago can still be used today, right? If you want advanced and
simple task to manage files for each user, you must buy commercial program
like cPanel or Plesk.

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] set up mass virtual hosting with apache/nginx and PHP ... best practice 2012?

2012-08-25 Thread Duken Marga
>From my experience to maintain many virtual host, I prefer use Apache + PHP
+ suPHP. I think this combination will be able to cover your ideal
situation above. But, I usually use authentication via shell user
(/etc/user). You must find tutorial or something that integrate Apache and
Active Directory (there are many out there).

suPHP is designed to replace suExec (default Apache mod). It will run a PHP
file as a user that own the files. There are no problem if you want to use
it for many user, because suPHP is designed for that. For user who will
uploade file, you can always use FTP to access their own file. Each user
can has their own .htaccess in their own directory and all the websites
will have one global rule in httpd.conf.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:26 AM, D. Dante Lorenso  wrote:

> All,
> I need to set up a server to enable 5,000 students to have web hosting
> provided by the school with PHP and MySQL support.  I'm trying to figure
> out what is the best way to do this.
> We have Active Directory and are using Centrify to authenticate usernames
> and passwords on our Linux servers.  I am imagining it would be great if we
> use something like ExecCGI to ensure that PHP runs as the user that owns
> the files.  We would then provide FTP access to the files and FTP would
> authenticate against Active Directory making sure to set the proper
> user/group on files when uploaded.
> I see that PHP-FPM exists:  and it claims "Ability to
> start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment and different
> php.ini (replaces safe_mode)" which is exactly what I'm looking for.  It
> also claims "PHP-FPM is now included in PHP core as of PHP 5.3.3." so
> that's good.
> I also read about the greatness that is NGinX: though I
> don't know if I can use it because I think I also need to use .htaccess
> files.  I need a way for students to be able to password protect their
> directories and files.  If there's another way using NGinX or Apache,
> that's good too.  I know of no other way.
> Here is an interesting article from 2009:
> with-apache2-mod_rewrite-mod_**userdir-mod_suexec-on-centos-**5.3<>
> That uses mod_rewrite to attempt something like what I'm trying to do ...
> and then, Apache has mod_vhost_alias:
> So, I see a lot of information out there.  Apache, NginX, ExecCGI,
> FastCGI, mod_vhost_alias, mod_rewrite, SuExec, mod_userdir.  I suspect some
> of these methods are old and out of date.
> In my ideal situation:
>  - users would be created in AD and would exist on the OS
>  - student domain names would look like:
> http://.student.**<>- 
> OR -
>  - file directories would look like:
> /mnt/somedir//**docroot
>  - students would be able to create PHP applications executed with
> their own permissions
>  - I would be able to configure all 5,000 accounts with a single
> configuration (1 virtual host rule?)
> Do you know what the "best practices" are for now ... here in 2012?
> -- Dante
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] PHP & Database Problems -- Code Snippets

2012-05-02 Thread Duken Marga
>   echo "\n";
>   echo " $row2[0] \n";
>   echo " $row2[1] \n";
>   echo " $row2[2] \n";
>   echo " $row2[3] \n";
>   echo " $row2[4] \n";
>   echo " $row2[5] \n";
>   echo " $row2[6] \n";
>   echo "\n";
> echo "";
>function More_Data()
>   $decision = 5;
> ?>
>Do you Wish to Enter More Data?
>Yes  type="radio" name="decision" value="0" />No
> } //>>>>>end function More_Data
>switch ( @$_POST[next_step] )
>   case "step10":
>   {
>if (!isset($_POST['decision']))
>   $_POST['decision'] = 5;
>if ($_POST['decision'] == 0)
>   exit();
>if ($_POST['decision'] == 1)
> ;
>   echo "";
>echo " />";
>echo "";
>echo "Medical Record:   value=\" $_GLOBALS[mdr]\" />";
>echo "   Weight:  name=\"Weight\" />  ";
>echo "Notes:  ";
>echo " rows=\"10\" wrap=\"hard\" name=\"Notes\" > ";
>echo "";
>echo " ";
>echo "";
>   echo "";
>   }
>} /*  End Step10 */
>case "step4":
>   if (!isset($_POST['datain']))
>   {
>$_POST['datain'] = 5;
>   }
>   if( $_POST['datain'] == "already")
>   {
>$Date  = date('Ymd');
>$Date2 = date('d M Y');
>$sql1 = "select MedRec, Height from Intake3 where (MedRec =
> $MDRold)";
>$result4 = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql1);
>$row4 = mysqli_fetch_array($result4, MYSQLI_BOTH);
>$Height = $row4[1];
>$Weight = $_POST['Weight'];
>$Notes  = $_POST['Notes'];
>$sql5 = "select MedRec, Weight from Visit3 where (MedRec =
> $MDRold)";
>$result5 = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql5);
>$row5 = mysqli_fetch_array($result5, MYSQLI_BOTH);
>$BMI = ($Weight*703)/($Height*$**Height);
>$BMI = round($BMI,1);
>$fptr1 = fopen("/home/ethan/PHP/**HRecnumSite", "r+");
>fscanf($fptr1,"%d %s",$Num, $Site);
>$sql2 =  "INSERT INTO Visit3(Indx, Site, MedRec, Notes, Weight,
> BMI, Date) VALUES(null, '$Site', '$MDRold', '$Notes',
>   $Weight, $BMI, '$Date')";
>$result6 = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql2);
>$MDRcheck = $MDRold;
>$row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result6, MYSQLI_BOTH);
> ?>
> ?>
> frame="box">
>   Index
>   Site
>   Medical Record
>   Notes
>   Weight
>   BMI
>   Date
>   $sql3 = "select max(Indx) from Visit3";
>   $result7 = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql3);
>   $row7 = mysqli_fetch_array($result7, MYSQLI_BOTH);
>   $Indx = $row7[0];
>   echo "\n";
>   echo " $Indx \n";
>   echo " $Site \n";
>   echo " $_GLOBALS[mdr] \n";
>   echo " $Notes \n";
>   echo " $Weight \n";
>   echo " $BMI \n";
>   echo " $Date2 \n";
>   echo "\n";
>   while($row8 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_BOTH))
>   {
>global $finished;
>echo "\n";
>echo " $row8[0] \n";
>echo " $_GLOBALS[mdr] \n";
>echo " $row8[2] \n";
>echo " $row8[3] \n";
>echo " $row8[4] \n";
>echo " $row8[5] \n";
>echo " $row8[6] \n";
>echo "\n";
>echo "row8"; print_r($row8[1]);
>   }
>echo "";
>$flag = 1;
>   }
>} /* end step4 */
> } /* End Switch */
>function show_welcome()
>   $first_name = isset($_REQUEST["Fname"])  ? $_REQUEST["Fname"] : "";
>   $last_name  = isset($_REQUEST["Lname"])  ? $_REQUEST["Lname"] : "";
>   $medrec = isset($_REQUEST["MedRec"]) ? $_REQUEST["MedRec"] : "";
>   $phone  = isset($_REQUEST["Phone"])  ? $_REQUEST["Phone"] : "";
>   $height = isset($_REQUEST["Height"]) ? $_REQUEST["Height"] : "";
>   echo "";
>   echo " Site:  />";
>   echo " Record Number:   value='", $medrec, "' />";
>   echo " First Name: ";
>   echo " Last Name: ";
>   printf("Two Capital Letters\t\t\t   Five Numbers\t\t\t\t  Text - No
> Numbers\t\t\t Text - No Numbers\n\n\n");
>   echo " Phone: ";
>   echo " Height: ";
>   printf("XXX-XXX-\t\t\tInches\n\n");
>   echo " Male checked>";
>   echo " Female >";
>   echo " ";
>   echo " ";
>   echo "   value='already_seen'>";
> ?>
> I hope this helps.
> Ethan
> --
> Ethan Rosenberg, PhD
> Pres/CEO
> Hygeia Biomedical Research, Inc
> 2 Cameo Ridge Road
> Monsey, NY 10952
> T: 845 352-3908
> F: 845 352-7566
> <mailto:erosenberg@**
> >erosenber** 
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] PHP & Database Problems

2012-05-02 Thread Duken Marga
But I don't see any attachments in this message.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:28 AM, Jim Lucas  wrote:

> I do believe attachments are allowed.  Looking back, I see that there have
> been messages sent to the list that had odt, php, and ini attachments
> On 05/02/2012 12:12 PM, Gavin Chalkley wrote:
>> Ethan,
>> Some coding you are using would be helpful (as far as i am aware
>> attachments
>> are not support on the mailing list's)
>> Gav
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ethan Rosenberg []
>> Sent: 02 May 2012 19:54
>> To:;
>> Subject: [PHP-DB] PHP&  Database Problems
>>   have a database
>> mysql>  describe Intake3;
>> ++-+--**+-+-+---+
>> | Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
>> ++-+--**+-+-+---+
>> | Site   | varchar(6)  | NO   | PRI | |   |
>> | MedRec | int(6)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
>> | Fname  | varchar(15) | YES  | | NULL|   |
>> | Lname  | varchar(30) | YES  | | NULL|   |
>> | Phone  | varchar(30) | YES  | | NULL|   |
>> | Height | int(4)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
>> | Sex| char(7) | YES  | | NULL|   |
>> | Hx | text| YES  | | NULL|   |
>> ++-+--**+-+-+---+
>> 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> mysql>  describe Visit3;
>> ++--+-**-+-+-+**+
>> | Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
>> ++--+-**-+-+-+**+
>> | Indx   | int(4)   | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
>> | Site   | varchar(6)   | YES  | | NULL||
>> | MedRec | int(6)   | YES  | | NULL||
>> | Notes  | text | YES  | | NULL||
>> | Weight | int(4)   | YES  | | NULL||
>> | BMI| decimal(3,1) | YES  | | NULL||
>> | Date   | date | YES  | | NULL||
>> ++--+-**-+-+-+**+
>> and a program to enter and extract data.
>> I can easily extract data from the database. However, if I try to enter
>> data, it goes into the incorrect record.  Following are some screenshots.
>> The program is attached.  [pardon the comical names.  This is a test, and
>> any resemblance to true names is not intentional]
>> Let us say that I wish to deal with Medical Record 1:
>> This it data from Intake3:
>> Site Medical Record First Name Last Name Phone Height Sex History AA 1
>> David Dummy 845 365-1456 66 Male c/o obesity. Various treatments w/o
>> success
>> This is data from Visit3:
>> Index Site Medical Record Notes Weight BMI Date
>> 2322 AA 1 Second Visit. 170 27.4 2010-01-20
>> 2326 AA 1 Third visit. Small progress, but pt is very happy. 165
>> 26.6 2010-02-01
>> I then request to enter additional data:
>> Site Medical Record First Name Last Name Phone Height Sex History
>> AA 10003 Stupid Fool 325 563-4178 65 Male Has been convinced by his
>> friends that he is obese. Normal BMI = 23.
>> Index Site Medical Record Notes Weight BMI Date
>> Notice that it is entered into record 10003
>> The data is "First Try"
>> Index Site Medical Record Notes Weight BMI Date
>> 2590 AA 10003 First Try 189 31.4 02 May 2012
>> Help and advice, please.
>> Thanks.
>> Ethan
> --
> Jim Lucas
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] whats wrong

2012-03-31 Thread Duken Marga
Please check this line:
> $result=mysql_query("select("SELECT*FROM COLLEAGUE");

I think it should be:
 > $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM COLLEAGUE");

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 1:45 PM, saeed ahmed wrote:

> i have made a php script with a tutorial helpi dont know where is a
> error.please have a look
>  //connect and select a database
> mysql_connect("localhost","root"," " );
> mysql_select_db("addressbook");
> //Run a query
> $result=mysql_query("select("SELECT*FROM COLLEAGUE");
> ?>
>  "";>
> Address Book
> Address Book
>  summary="table holda colleague contacts information">
>  ID
> First Name
> Last Name
> Telephone
> Email Address
>  //LOOP through all table rows
> while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> echo"";
> echo"".$row['id'] . ";
> echo "" . $row['firstName'] . "";
> echo "" . $row['lastName'] . "";
> echo "" . $row['telephone'] . "";
> echo "" . Srow['email'] . " echo"";
> }
> //free result memory and close database connection
> mysql_free_result($result);
> mysql_close();
> ?>
> thanks

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] how to execute Exe file in system

2012-02-17 Thread Duken Marga
I think it's wrong:
system(' "C:/Program Files/GAMS23.7/gams.exe "C:/Program

Instead, try this:
system(' "C:/Program Files/GAMS23.7/gams.exe" "C:/Program
Files/GAMS23.7/trnsport_php.gms" '))

It is a good practice to write full path because we don't know
behaviour any operating system we use when we just use simple name.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Negin Nickparsa  wrote:
> if (($out = system(' "C:/Program Files/GAMS23.7/gams.exe "C:/Program
> Files/GAMS23.7/trnsport_php.gms')) !== FALSE)
> {
>  print('Not error!');
>  printf('Output is "%s"', $out);
> }
> else
> {
>  print('Error');
> }
> Fatih it shows again nothing why I should set the full path even when I run
> my file on the path I don't think so that it is needed I don't know how to
> work with these quotations was it right Duken?

Duken Marga

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] how to execute Exe file in system

2012-02-17 Thread Duken Marga
Try to write full path to executable file and don't forget to bring
double quote to that path. It must because "Program files" contain
space and php think your program is "Program" that contain parameter

if(system(' "C:\Program Files\GAMS23.7\gams.exe" trnsport_php.gms')

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Negin Nickparsa  wrote:
> I have a Gams 
> application<>
>  which I want to run it through php code after trying many things finally I
> found that for running in commmand line I should go to C:\Program
> Files\GAMS23.7 run a command in commandline for running the application as
> follows:
> gams.exe trnsport_php.gms
> the Gams wil be run successfully in commandline now I wanted to run it in
> php I added an alias with this path
> C:\Program Files\GAMS23.7
> and then I created my php file in there when I want to exacute it with this
> code in php:
> if(system('gams.exe trnsport_php.gms'))
> echo 'Not Error';
> else echo'Error';
> it shows me Error
> and again using this one:
> if(system('./gams.exe trnsport_php.gms'))
> echo 'Not Error';
> else echo'Error';
> has printed again Error
> I tried exec too but no result I don't know what is wrong here.
> I read the manual but I coudn't find what's wrong here
> echo system('dir')
> will show the files of   C:\Program Files\GAMS23.7

Duken Marga

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] php sendmail_from

2012-01-10 Thread Duken Marga
Actually, you can send an email from explicit email addres without
modifying htaccess or php ini.
In simple words, PHP uses MTA (like postfix or sendmail) to send email to
another email address. An email consist of header, body, and mime (for
example an attachment). Sender, receiver, Subject, and other parts of
message are laid in header. Body is used to store the message.

We can use PHP to write the header of message so we can change sender email
address. For example:

You can see the example above from PHP manual.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:53 AM, alexus  wrote:

> I need to change sendmail from field, I added following to my .htaccess:
> php_value sendmail_from ''
> and tried to send out an email, but it still comes from apache@FQDN
> through phpinfo(); I see as local value my email address
> --
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] PHP 5.3.2 max_execution_time

2012-01-01 Thread Duken Marga
If you want to upload large file, maybe you should consider maximum
uploaded size. You can change setting in php.ini on line that contain *

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Chris Tapp  wrote:

> I've got a Dokuwiki installation that is producing Apache errors saying
> that the maximum execution time of 30 seconds has been exceeded.
> So, I went and changed max_execution_time in php.ini expecting that this
> would solve the problem (which is due to large files taking a while to
> upload over an ADSL connection). However, the error log still reports that
> the old 30 second value is in use, even though Apache has been restarted.
> phpinfo() for the same site reports max_execution_time as 120 seconds, so
> it seems as if the change to php.ini has been detected as expected. Is
> there another setting that I need to consider? max_input_time is already
> set to 60 seconds and there are no local 'php_value' Apache configuration
> items fighting the ones in php.ini.
> PHP version is 5.3.2 and is running under a CentOS 6.0 system.
> Chris Tapp
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Duken Marga

Re: [PHP] mysql_fetch_object() equivalent for mongoDB

2011-09-07 Thread Duken Marga
Actually, there is no statement in PHP that can return data from
MongoDB as object (CMIIW). Data are returned as array.
You can convert this array to object using (object).
Look an example at

$posts = (object) $mongo->find();
echo 'Id: ' . $posts->Id;

Duken Marga

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:28 PM, chamila gayan  wrote:
> hi all,
> Is anybody aware of mysql_fetch_object() equivalent/similar implementation
> for mongoDB?
> thanks..
> ~Chamila Gayan

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