Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 00:22:00 -0400, Chris Jones wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:07:17PM EDT, Neil Hodgson wrote:
>> Benjamin Peterson:
>> > Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?
>> Sanskrit is mostly written in Devanagari these days which is also
>> useful for selling things to people who speak Hindi and other Indian
>> languages.
> Is the implication that the principal usefulness of such languages as
> Hindi and "other Indian languages" is us selling "things" to them..? I
> am not from these climes but all the same, I do find you tone of voice
> rather offensive, 

I think Neil's point is that Unicode has succeeded in the wider world, 
outside of academic circles, because of the commercial need to 
communicate between cultures using different character sets. I suppose he 
could have worded it better, but fundamentally he's right: without the 
commercial need to trade across the world (information as well as 
physical goods) I doubt Unicode would be anything more than an 
interesting curiosity of use only to a few academics and linguists.

> considering that you are referring to a culture that's
> about 3000 years older and 3000 richer than ours and certainly deserves
> our respect.

Older, certainly, but richer? There's a reason that Indians come to the 
West rather than Westerners going to India. As Terry Pratchet has 
written, age is not linked to wisdom -- just because somebody is old, 
doesn't mean they're wise, perhaps they've just been stupid for a very 
long time. The same goes for cultures: old doesn't mean better.

Indian culture has been responsible for many wonderful things over the 
millennia, but the cast system is not one of them, and any culture which 
glorified sati (suttee) as an act of piety is not one we should look up 
to. Sati was probably rare even at the height of it's popularity, and 
vanishingly rare now, and arguably could even be defended as the right of 
an adult to end their own life when they see fit, but dowry-burning is 
outright murder and is sadly very common across the Indian sub-continent: 
some estimates suggest that in the mid-1990s there were nearly 6000 such 
murders a year in India.

If we are to be truly non-racist, we must recognise that the West does 
not have a monopoly on wickedness, ignorance, spite and sheer awfulness.  

In any case, I'm not sure we should be talking about Indian culture in 
the singular -- India is about as large as Western Europe, significantly 
more varied, and the culture has changed over time. The India which 
treated the Karma Sutra as a holy book is hardly the same India where 
people literally rioted in the street because Richard Gere gave the 
actress Shilpa Shetty a couple of rather theatrical and silly kisses on 
the cheek.


Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread Martin v. Löwis
> To reiterate, I am not advocating for any change.  I
> simply want to understand if there is a good reason
> for limiting the use of unchr/ord on narrow builds to
> a subset of the unicode characters that Python otherwise
> supports.  So far, it seems not and that unichr/ord
> is a poster child for "purity beats practicality".

I think that's actually the case. I went back to the discussions,
and found that early 2.2 alpha releases did return two-byte
strings from unichr, and that this was changed because Marc-Andre
Lemburg insisted. Here are a few relevant messages from the
archives (search for unichr)

Eventually, in r28142, MAL changed it to give it its current


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Chris Jones:

> Is the implication that the principal usefulness of such languages as
> Hindi and "other Indian languages" is us selling "things" to them..? 

   Unicode was developed by a group of US corporations: Xerox, Apple,
Sun, Microsoft, ... The main motivation was to avoid dealing with
multiple character set encodings since this was difficult, time
consuming and expensive.

> I
> am not from these climes but all the same, I do find you tone of voice
> rather offensive, considering that you are referring to a culture that's
> about 3000 years older and 3000 richer than ours and certainly deserves
> our respect.

   Eh? Was Unicode developed in India? China? What precisely is
direspectful here? Is there a significant population that regards
Unicode as their 'holy patrimony' that will suffer distress due to my

> Maybe you didn't notice, but our plants shut down many years ago.. They
> are selling _us_ their wares.

   Maybe your plants shut down but some of the plants I have worked at
(such as the steelworks at Port Kembla) are still successfully exporting
to Asia.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 22:14:55 -0700, John Nagle wrote:

> It may be a bit much that Unicode supports Cretan Linear B.

Thousands of historians who need to discuss Linear B would disagree.

Well, hundreds.

There are tens of thousands of characters available. If there's room for 
chess pieces, dingbats with drop shadows and numbers inside circles, 
there's room for actual characters from real (if extinct) languages.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 03:07:17 +, Neil Hodgson wrote:

>Not sure if you are referring to the ☃ snowman character or Arctic
> region languages like Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing like ᐲᐦᒑᔨᕽ
> which were added to Unicode 8 years after the initial version. I'd guess
> that was added from political rather than marketing motives. ☃ was
> required since it was present in Japanese character sets.

If I recall correctly, the snowman was specifically added at the request 
of Japanese television producers, because it is a standard glyph used for 
representing snow when showing the weather on TV.

Unicode's stated aim is to have a single universal standard for all 
characters needed for communication. From the Unicode Consortium:

What is Unicode?
Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the 
platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.

Even for a single language like English no single encoding was adequate 
for all the letters, punctuation, and technical symbols in common use.

These encoding systems also conflict with one another. That is, two 
encodings can use the same number for two different characters, or use 
different numbers for the same character. Any given computer (especially 
servers) needs to support many different encodings; yet whenever data is 
passed between different encodings or platforms, that data always runs 
the risk of corruption.

Unicode is changing all that!

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the 
platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.
[end quote]

And from the FAQs:

Unicode covers all the characters for all the writing systems of the 
world, modern and ancient. It also includes technical symbols, 
punctuations, and many other characters used in writing text.
[end quote]

It's not just about supporting languages used by foreigners too stupid to 
speak English (sarcasm!). It's about supporting business users who want a 
standard way of referring to dingbats and pictographs, historians who 
need to deal with ancient writings and obsolete characters, scientists 
and mathematicians who want to use mathematical symbols, editors and book 
publishers who want to use their own typographic symbols, including 
Braille, musical symbols, and even TV producers who want to include 
snowmen on their weather charts.

The Unicode system replaces dozens of incompatible, clashing systems with 
a single universal, extensible system. Why would anyone want to go back 
to the Bad Old Days where you couldn't transfer data from one OS to 
another, or even from one application to another, without quote marks 
turning into mathematical symbols or boxes?


Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Terry Reedy wrote:

For my part, I will agree with John.  I feel like Python's big 
shortcomings stem from the areas he mentioned.  They're related to each 
other as well - the lack of a standard hampers the development of a less 
naive interpreter (either one based on CPython or another one).

The reference manual is *intended* to define the 'standard' Python 

> It
doesn't completely prevent such development (obviously, as CPython 
continues to undergo development, and there are a number of alternate 
runtimes for Python-like languages), but there's clearly a cost 
associated with the fact that in order to do this development, a lot of 
time has to be spent figuring out what Python *is*.  This is the kind of 
thing that a standard would help with.

Such developers occasionally raise questions about ambiguities in the 
ref manual on the pydev list. This is part of the editing process.

There is an effort underway to separate the CPython test suite into two 
parts: test of standard Python behavior, which all implementations 
should pass, and tests of the CPython implementation, which other 
implementations need not pass.  It will move as fast as volunteer effort 
moves it.



Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread steve

On 08/30/2009 04:16 AM, r wrote:

I was reading the thread here...
It's called evolution people! Ever heard of science? So ditch the
useless Unicode and save us all a few keystrokes and bottles of
aspirin for the persistent headaches! Simplicity is beautiful!!

You are right ! In the same vein, we should all also standardize on using the 
Java language for programming, after all /everybody/ writes code in Java.

- steve

random non tech spiel:
tech randomness:
what i'm stumbling into:

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Terry Reedy

r wrote:

natural languages and Unicode. Which IMO * Unicode* is simply a monkey
patch for this soup of multiple languages we have to deal with in
programming and communication.

A somewhat fair charactierization.


everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-

Not utopian, but pragmatically political. Before unicode, and still 
today, we had and have multiple codes. Multiple ascii extenstions for 
European languages and even multiple codes just for Japanese. To get 
people in the major computing countries, including Japan, to agree to 
eventually replace their national codes with one worldwide code, some 
kludgy compromises were made.

language. The A-Z char set is flawless!

Hardly. There are too few characters. A basic set should have at least 
50. The international phonetic alphabet (IPA) has about 150. Here is a 
true Utopian proposal for you (from a non-CS major ;-): develop an 
extended IPA 256-character set with just a few control chars (rather 
than 32) and punctuation and other markers. Then develop dictionaries to 
translate texts in every languange and char set into and back out of 
this universal character set.

Fat chance of approval, even if techical issues were resolved.

Some may say well how can we possibly force countries/people to speak/
code in a uniform manner? Well that's simple, you just stop supporting
their cryptic languages by dumping Unicode and returning to the
beautiful ASCII

But most everyone outside the US was not using ascii precisely because 
it did not support their language.

Get over the imperfections of unicode. It improves on the prior status quo.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread John Nagle

r wrote:

I was reading the thread here...

and it raised some fundamental philophosical questions 

   Rant ignored.

   Actually, Python 3.x seems finally to have character sets right.
There's "bytes", for uninterpreted binary data, Unicode, and
proper ASCII, 0..127.  Within Python, we finally got rid of
"upper code pages".

   (I wish the HTML standards people would do the same.  HTML 5
should have been ASCII only (with the "&" escapes if desired)
or Unicode.  No "Latin-1", no upper code pages, no JIS, etc.)

[nested thoughts]
A few months ago i was watching some tear-jerking documentary called
something like "Save the Languages" or "The dying languages" blah! 

   It may be a bit much that Unicode supports Cretan Linear B.

John Nagle

Re: Why does this group have so much spam?

2009-08-29 Thread Bruce C. Baker

"casebash"  wrote in message
> So much of it could be removed even by simple keyword filtering.

Assuming this is a serious question:

1. comp.lang.python has relatively little spam, compared to others.

2. The spam posters aren't looking for responses within the individual NGs, 
they're just hoping you'll click through to the link within the post. It's a 
version of "fire and forget"

3. Simple keyword filtering /by whom/? There is no central NG governing 

The best response is to ignore[1] the spam posts; they'll eventually expire 
and disappear from your newsreader.

[1] Although if they're egregiously stupid, you may find yourself mocking 
the OP. Realize that as witty and urbane as your response may be, the OP 
ain't listening. :-) 


Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread Dieter Maurer
"Martin v. Löwis"  writes on Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:12:34 
> > The PEP says:
> >  * unichr(i) for 0 <= i < 2**16 (0x1) always returns a
> >length-one string.
> > 
> >  * unichr(i) for 2**16 <= i <= TOPCHAR will return a
> >length-one string on wide Python builds. On narrow
> >builds it will raise ValueError.
> > and
> >  * ord() is always the inverse of unichr()
> > 
> > which of course we know; that is the current behavior.  But
> > there is no reason given for that behavior.
> Sure there is, right above the list:
> "Most things will behave identically in the wide and narrow worlds."
> That's the reason: scripts should work the same as much as possible
> in wide and narrow builds.
> What you propose would break the property "unichr(i) always returns
> a string of length one, if it returns anything at all".

But getting a "ValueError" in some builds (and not in others)
is rather worse than getting unicode strings of different length

> >1) Should surrogate pairs be disallowed on narrow builds?
> > That appears to have been answered in the negative and is
> > not relevant to my question.
> It is, as it does lead to inconsistencies between wide and narrow
> builds. OTOH, it also allows the same source code to work on both
> versions, so it also preserves the uniformity in a different way.

Do you not have the inconsistencies in any case?
... "ValueError" in some builds and not in others ...


Re: Python Noob - gui module, book, annoying questions

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 29, 3:20 am, Pherdnut  wrote:
> I want to write cross-platform stuff. Any opinions on the best GUI
> module for that?
> I like a good juicy, but concise book for reading on my commute
> downtown. I was thinking of checking Python in a Nutshell. Good? Bad?
> Better?
> Is 3.0+ more object based? I'm actually an FED and one of the things I
> love about JS is the consistency of the language. I love Python 2.6 so
> far so I'm not knocking it. But I'm not really taking advantage of the
> non-core libraries as much right now anyway since I'm learning it.
> What do you guys like in Reg Ex books/sites? I'd like to become more
> fluent in some of the less commonly used stuff.

Also wxPython.  It's cross platform, but it does require occasional
platform-dependent tweaks, since it mostly uses native controls and
sometimes the native controls' requirements are different.

You might want to consider that it's going to be some time before the
3rd party libraries catch up to Python 3.  I'd recommend 2.5 or 2.6
for learning now if you plan on using them.

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Michael Torrie
qwe rty wrote:
> On Aug 29, 5:11 am, Nobody  wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:26:06 -0700, qwe rty wrote:
>>> if you don't know the answer please don't reply
>> If you don't understand the question, don't post it in the first place.
> don't be so angry ,not good for your health

You forgot your smiley emoticon!  Since everyone else is posting in a
light-hearted manner (not "angry" as you say), I choose to read your
post in this light as well.

What Nobody was really trying to say, is ask your question in a better
way and you'll get a better answer.


Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 28, 6:37 pm, qwe rty  wrote:
> i know that an interpreted language like python can't be used to make
> an operating system or system drivers.
> what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the
> language?

Now that you have some good answers, may I ask what what your reason
was for posting this question?


Re: IDE for python similar to visual basic

2009-08-29 Thread Che M
On Aug 28, 6:19 pm, qwe rty  wrote:
> i have been searching for am IDE for python that is similar to Visual
> Basic but had no luck.shall you help me please?

Boa Constructor.  IDE/visual GUI-builder/sizer support, lots of
other goodies.  Not actively maintained, though, and some issues
on Linux, in my experience.  But I like it a lot.

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Jones
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:07:17PM EDT, Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Benjamin Peterson:

> > Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?

> Sanskrit is mostly written in Devanagari these days which is also
> useful for selling things to people who speak Hindi and other Indian
> languages.

Is the implication that the principal usefulness of such languages as
Hindi and "other Indian languages" is us selling "things" to them..? I
am not from these climes but all the same, I do find you tone of voice
rather offensive, considering that you are referring to a culture that's
about 3000 years older and 3000 richer than ours and certainly deserves
our respect.

Maybe you didn't notice, but our plants shut down many years ago.. They
are selling _us_ their wares.

> Not sure if you are referring to the snowman character or Arctic
> region languages like Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing like ᐲᐦᒑᔨᕽ
> which were added to Unicode 8 years after the initial version. I'd
> guess that was added from political rather than marketing motives. ☃
> was required since it was present in Japanese character sets.

Oh.. so.. now Unicode is not only about marketing.. there is also a
political "aspect"..  polytonic Greek, Runic, Shavian, Glagolitic,
Carian, Phoenician, Lydian, Cuneiform, not to mention Mathematical
symbols, Braille, Domino Tiles, the IPA..?  What was I thinking..?

Nothing personal, I assure you.. maybe I misunderstood what you were

In any event, you shouldn't feed the troll, even if he's teething.


Re: why python got less developers ?

2009-08-29 Thread kennyken747
On Aug 29, 6:16 am, paul  wrote:
> Deep_Feelings schrieb:> python got relatively fewer numbers of developers 
> than other high
> > level languages like .NET , java .. etc  why ?
> Besides the marketing argument, python never had a "hype".
> Both PHP and ruby(Rails to be precise) got widespread because they could
>   at one point do "one" thing better than the competition. From there
> on, they had more ressources (developer time) and grew fast and beyond
> the original problem domain. Now you can write GUI apps in PHP, great!
> cheers
>   Paul

You guys can say anything you'd like it to be in this thread, but the
actual reason comes down to
1. No marketing. Seriously, if Microsoft was pushing Python it would
obviously be a lot bigger in terms of developers.
2. No certification. Millions go to college to get degrees in computer
related study. Do the math.

Also, really guys? This crap about speed? People have been saying this
for years, and yet they still don't realize that there are plenty
solutions to take care of that one problem.

Just be happy that you've stumbled upon Python, just because it's not
the most widespread language in the world certainly doesn't mean it's
not a worthy language. Quite the opposite.

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Anny Mous
r wrote:

> Of the many
> things that divide us such as race, color, religion, geography, blah,
> the most perplexing and devastating seems to be why have we not
> accepted a single global language for all to speak.

I agree 1000% and obviously we should make Klingon that global language. Or
possibly the Black Tongue of the Mordor Orcs, which is much better for
cursing. I haven't decided yet.

> Take for instance the Chinese language with it's thousands of
> characters and BS, it's more of an art than a language.  Why do we
> need such complicated languages in this day and time. Many languages
> have been perfected, (although not perfect) far beyond that of Chinese
> language. The A-Z char set is flawless!

How do we distinguish resume from résumé without accents?

Even when we succeed in banning all languages that can't be written using
A-Z, what do we do about the vast number of legacy documents? How do we
write about obsolete English letters like Ð and Þ without Unicode?

How do we write mathematical and scientific documents without characters
like Δ → λ ∫ and ∞ ?

What do we use to replace typographic symbols and dingbats like † without

> Some may say well how can we possibly force countries/people to speak/
> code in a uniform manner? Well that's simple, you just stop supporting
> their cryptic languages by dumping Unicode and returning to the
> beautiful ASCII and adopting English as the universal world language.
> Why English? Well because it is so widely spoken.

World population: 6.7 billion

Number of native Mandarin speakers: 873 million
Number of native Hindi speakers: 370 million
Number of native Spanish speakers: 350 million
Number of native English speakers: 340 million

Total number of Mandarin speakers: 1051 million
Total number of English speakers: 510 million

Whichever way you look at it, we should all convert to Mandarin, not
English. Looks like we still need Unicode.

Besides, given that the US would be bankrupt if not for Chinese loans, do
you really want to upset them by suggesting their language sucks?

> But whatever we 
> choose just choose one language and stick with it, perfect it, and
> maintain it.

Just ask the Academie Francaise how well that works!

Why stop with A-Z? We can improve on 26 letters. In the first year we should
replace the soft 'c' with 's'. Any sivilized language will sertainly be
better off with this change. The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of 'k',
which will klear up much konfusion and allow one key less on keyboards.

In the sekond year I expect publik enthusiasm to grow, allowing us to
replace the troublesome 'ph' with 'f', which will make words
like 'fotograf' twenty persent shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to
permit more komplikated changes. We will enkourage the removal of double
leters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil
agre that the horible mes of the silent 'e' is disgrasful.

By the fourth yer, peopl wil be reseptiv to replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w'
with 'v'. Zis vil be a grat improvment.

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou'
and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor
trubls or difikultis and everivun vil find it ezi to understand ech ozer.

> IMO Multiple languages are barriers to communication, collaboration,
> and the continuation of our future evolution as intelligent Human
> beings and this language multiplicity will comprise our future until
> it is reigned in and utterly destroyed. 

Yes, because language differences have utterly destroyed us so many times in
the past!

Have you thought about the difference between China, with one culture and
one spoken language for thousands of years, and Europe, with dozens of
competing cultures, competing governments, and alternate languages for just
as long? If multiple languages are so harmful, why was it the British,
French, Japanese, Russians, Germans, Italians, Austrians, Hungarians and
Americans who were occupying China during the Opium Wars and the Boxer
Rebellion, instead of the other way around?

Strength comes from diversity, not monoculture.


Re: Permanently adding to the Python path in Ubuntu

2009-08-29 Thread Sean DiZazzo
On Aug 29, 5:39 pm, Chris Colbert  wrote:
> I'm having an issue with sys.path on Ubuntu. I want some of my home
> built packages to overshadow the system packages. Namely, I have built
> numpy 1.3.0 from source with atlas support, and I need it to
> overshadow the system numpy 1.2.1 which I had to drag along as a
> dependency for other stuff. I have numpy 1.3.0 installed into
> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/. The issue is that this
> directory is added to the path after the
> /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ is added, so python doesnt see my
> version of numpy.
> I have been combating this with a line in my .bashrc file:
> export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages
> So when I start python from the shell, everything works fine.
> Problems show up when python is not executed from the shell, and thus
> the path variable is never exported. This can occur when I have
> launcher in the gnome panel or i'm executing from within wing-ide.
> Is there a way to fix this so that the local dist-packages is added to
> sys.path before the system directory ALWAYS? I can do this by editing
> but I think it's kind of bad form to do it this way. I feel
> there has to be a way to do this without root privileges.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Chris

I think you can modify sys.path inside your application.

Maybe this will work (at the top of your script):

import sys
sys.path[0] = "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages"

import numpy

PS.  Say hi to Steven for me!


Re: Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 29Aug2009 17:27, Sergio Charpinel Jr.  wrote:
| Hi,
| I have this statement cursor.execute("SELECT * from session_attribute WHERE
| sid=%s", ( user ))
| and I'm receiving this error :
| TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
| What is wrong ?


  ( user )

is not a tuple containing the element user. It's just user.


  ( user, )

is what you want.
Cameron Simpson  DoD#743

[Alain] had been looking at his dashboard, and had not seen me, so I
ran into him. - Jean Alesi on his qualifying prang at Imola '93

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson
Benjamin Peterson:

> Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?

   Sanskrit is mostly written in Devanagari these days which is also
useful for selling things to people who speak Hindi and other Indian

   Not sure if you are referring to the ☃ snowman character or Arctic
region languages like Canadian Aboriginal syllabic writing like ᐲᐦᒑᔨᕽ
which were added to Unicode 8 years after the initial version. I'd guess
that was added from political rather than marketing motives. ☃ was
required since it was present in Japanese character sets.


Re: (Simple?) Unicode Question

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 20:09:12 +0100, Nobody wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 08:26:54 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> Python only needs to know when you convert the text to or from bytes. I
>> can do this:
> s = "hello"
> t = "world"
> print(' '.join([s, t]))
>> hello world
>> and not need to care anything about encodings.
>> So long as your terminal has a sensible encoding, and you have a good
>> quality font, you should be able to print any string you can create.
> UTF-8 isn't a particularly sensible encoding for terminals.

Did I mention UTF-8?

Out of curiosity, why do you say that UTF-8 isn't sensible for terminals?

> And "Unicode font" is an oxymoron. You can merge a whole bunch of fonts
> together and stuff them into a TTF file; that doesn't make them "a
> font", though.

I never mentioned "Unicode font" either. In any case, there's no reason 
why a skillful designer can't make a single font which covers the entire 
Unicode range in a consistent style.

 I may be wrong, but I believe that's part of the idea between
 separation of string and bytes types in Python 3.x. I believe, if you
 are using Python 3.x, you don't need the character encoding mumbo
 jumbo at all ;-)
>>> Nothing has changed in that regard. You still need to decode and
>>> encode text and for that you have to know the encoding.
>> You only need to worry about encoding when you convert from bytes to
>> text, and visa versa. Admittedly, the most common time you need to do
>> that is when reading input from files, but if all your text strings are
>> generated by Python, and not output anywhere, you shouldn't need to
>> care about encodings.
> Why would you generate text strings and not output them anywhere?

Who knows? It doesn't matter -- the point is that you can if you want to. 
You only need to worry about encodings at input and output, therefore 
logically if you don't do I/O you can process strings all day long and 
never worry about encodings at all.

> The main advantage of using Unicode internally is that you can associate
> encodings with the specific points where data needs to be converted
> to/from bytes, rather than having to carry the encoding details around
> the program.

Surely the main advantage of Unicode is that it gives you a full and 
consistent range of characters not limited to the 128 characters provided 


Re: copy construtor question

2009-08-29 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

28-08-2009 o 20:38:30 xiaosong xia  wrote:

I am trying to define a class with copy constructor as following:
class test:
 def __init__(self, s=None):
print y.__dict__
it gives
The above code doesn't work.

And cannot, as Chris has already written. But it is possible to
customize construction of objects of your class -- using __new__():
[see: ]

import copy
# in Python 2.x you must explicitly inherit from 'object' type
class Test(object):
"Not tested"
def __new__(cls, s, way=None):
if s is None:
# a new object of 'Test' class
return super(currentclass, cls).__new__(cls, *args)
if way == 'alias':
return s
elif way == 'shallow':
return copy.copy(s)
elif way == 'deep':
return copy.deepcopy(s)
raise ValueError("'way' must be 'alias', "
 "'shallow' or 'deepcopy'")

...but in such cases as copying existing objects it is usualy better
(though less romantic :-)) to use an ordinary function (e.g. simply
copy.copy() or copy.deepcopy(), as Gabriel has pointed).


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) 

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread AggieDan04
On Aug 28, 7:05 pm, Tim Chase  wrote:
> qwe rty wrote:
> > i know that an interpreted language like python can't be used to make
> > an operating system or system drivers.
> As long as you are willing to write the OS hooks in C, you can
> write the userspace device drivers in Python:

Writing your OS hooks in C isn't a problem because you could write a C
compiler in Python ;-)


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Neil Hodgson> writes:

> Unicode was
> developed by corporations from the US left coast in order to sell their
> products in foreign markets at minimal cost.

Like Sanskrit or Snowman language?


Re: Why does this group have so much spam?

2009-08-29 Thread r
On Aug 29, 7:18 pm, casebash  wrote:
> So much of it could be removed even by simple keyword filtering.

A more interesting question is what morons are responding to this spam
and enticing the spammers to proliferate their garbage? Do people
actually see a spam like "Phallus enlargement pills" and say to
themself "Alright!, just what i been looking for!". I guess i just
can't understand foolishness...

Yes i agree, far to much spam is getting through.

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread r
On Aug 29, 7:20 pm, John Machin  wrote:
> On Aug 30, 8:46 am, r  wrote:
> The Chinese language is more widely spoken than English, is quite
> capable of expression in ASCII ("r tongzhi shi sha gua") and doesn't
> have those pesky it's/its problems.

Oh yes of course it is the most widely spoken amongst Chinese people
since one in every five people on this earth are Chinese. What i meant
to say was that English language is more widespread outside of
"normal" English speaking countries -- of course as a result of
colonialism, and arguably, imperialism. ;)

Permanently adding to the Python path in Ubuntu

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Colbert
I'm having an issue with sys.path on Ubuntu. I want some of my home
built packages to overshadow the system packages. Namely, I have built
numpy 1.3.0 from source with atlas support, and I need it to
overshadow the system numpy 1.2.1 which I had to drag along as a
dependency for other stuff. I have numpy 1.3.0 installed into
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/. The issue is that this
directory is added to the path after the
/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ is added, so python doesnt see my
version of numpy.

I have been combating this with a line in my .bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages

So when I start python from the shell, everything works fine.

Problems show up when python is not executed from the shell, and thus
the path variable is never exported. This can occur when I have
launcher in the gnome panel or i'm executing from within wing-ide.

Is there a way to fix this so that the local dist-packages is added to
sys.path before the system directory ALWAYS? I can do this by editing but I think it's kind of bad form to do it this way. I feel
there has to be a way to do this without root privileges.

Any ideas?



Re: Determining the metaclass

2009-08-29 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 29, 5:12 pm, casebash  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I cannot determine if a class is an instance of a particular
> metaclass. Here is my best attempt
> >>> class tmp(type):
> ...     pass
> ...>>> def c(metaclass=tmp):
> ...     pass
> ...>>> isinstance(c, tmp)
> False
> >>> isinstance(c.__class__, tmp)
> False
> Can anyone explain why this fails?

You're gonna kick yourself.

It's because you used "def" and not "class" to define c.  If you'd
used "class" then then first test would have worked.

Carl Banks


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Neil Hodgson

> Unicode (*puke*) seems nothing more than a brain fart of morons. And
> sadly it was created by CS majors who i assumed used logic and
> deductive reasoning but i must be wrong. Why should the larger world
> keep supporting such antiquated languages and character sets through
> Unicode? What purpose does this serve? Are we merely trying to make
> everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-
> thing?

   Wow, I like this world you live in: all that altruism! Unicode was
developed by corporations from the US left coast in order to sell their
products in foreign markets at minimal cost.


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread John Machin
On Aug 30, 8:46 am, r  wrote:
> Take for instance the Chinese language with it's thousands of
> characters and BS, it's more of an art than a language.  Why do we
> need such complicated languages in this day and time. Many languages
> have been perfected, (although not perfect) far beyond that of Chinese
> language.

The Chinese language is more widely spoken than English, is quite
capable of expression in ASCII ("r tongzhi shi sha gua") and doesn't
have those pesky it's/its problems.

> The A-Z char set is flawless!

... for expressing the sounds of a very limited number of languages,
and English is *NOT* one of those.

Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread rurpy
On 08/29/2009 01:43 PM, Vlastimil Brom wrote:
> > 2009/8/29:
>> >>  On 08/28/2009 02:12 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> >>
>> >>  So far, it seems not and that unichr/ord
>> >>  is a poster child for "purity beats practicality".
>> >>  --
>> >>
>> >>
> >
> > As Mark Tolonen pointed out earlier in this thread, in Python 3 the
> > practicality apparently beat purity in this aspect:
> >
> > Python 3.1.1 (r311:74483, Aug 17 2009, 17:02:12) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
> > (Intel)] on win32
> > Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
> >
   goth_urus_1 = '\U0001033f'
> > ['\ud800', '\udf3f']
> > 2
> > 66367
   goth_urus_2 = chr(66367)
> > 2
   import unicodedata
   goth_urus_3 = unicodedata.lookup("GOTHIC LETTER URUS")
   goth_urus_4 = "\N{GOTHIC LETTER URUS}"
   goth_urus_1 == goth_urus_2 == goth_urus_3 == goth_urus_4
> > True

Yes, that certainly seems like much more sensible behavior.

> > As for the behaviour in python 2.x, it's probably good enough, that
> > the surrogates aren't prohibited and the eventually needed behaviour
> > can be easily added via custom functions.

Yes, I agree that given the current behavior is well documented
and further, is fixed in python 3, it can't be changed.

I would a nit though with "can be easily added via custom
I don't think that is a good criterion for rejection of functionality
from the library because it is not sufficient; their are many
in the library that fail that test.  I think the criterion should
be more like a ratio: (how often needed) / (ease of writing).
[where "ease" is not just the line count but also the obviousness
to someone who is not a python expert yet.]

And I would also dispute that the generalized unichr/ord functions
are "easily" added.  When I ran into the TypeError in ord(), I
thought "surrogate pairs" were something used in sex therapy. :-)
It took a lot of reading and research before I was able to write
a generalized ord() function.

Determining the metaclass

2009-08-29 Thread casebash
Hi all,

I cannot determine if a class is an instance of a particular
metaclass. Here is my best attempt

>>> class tmp(type):
... pass
>>> def c(metaclass=tmp):
... pass
>>> isinstance(c, tmp)
>>> isinstance(c.__class__, tmp)

Can anyone explain why this fails?

Thanks very much,


Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread rurpy
On 08/29/2009 12:06 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>  The reasons for the current behavior so far:
>>  1.
>>>  What you propose would break the property "unichr(i) always returns a
>>>  string of length one, if it returns anything at all".
>>  Yes.  And i don't see the problem with that.  Why is that property more
>>  desirable than the non-existent property that a Unicode literal always
>>  produces one python character?
> What do you mean? Unicode literals don't always produce one character,
> e.g. u'abcd' is a Unicode literal with four characters.

I'm sorry, I should have been clearer.  I meant the literal
representation of a *single* unicode character.  u'\u4000'
which results in a string of length 1, vs u'\U00010040' which
results in a string of length 2.  In both case the literal
represents a single unicode code point.

> I think it's fairly self-evident that a function called uniCHR [emphasis
> added] should return a single character (technically a single code
> point).

There are two concepts of characters here, the 16-bit things
that encodes a character in a Python unicode string (in a
narrow build Python), and a character in the sense of one
of the ~2**10 unicode characters.  Python has chosen to
represent the latter (when outside the BMP) as a pair of
surrogate characters from the former.  I don't see why one
would assume that CHR would mean the python 16-bit
character concept rather than the full unicode character
concept.  In fact, rather the opposite.

> But even if you can come up with a reason for unichr() to return
> two or more characters,

I've given a number of reasons why it should return a two
character representation of a non-BMP character, one of
which is that that is how Python has chosen to represent
such characters internally.  I won't repeat the other
reasons again.

I'm not sure why you think more than two characters
would ever be possible.

> this would break code that relies on the
> documented promise that the length of the output of unichr() is always
> one.

Ah, OK.  This is the good reason I was looking for.
I did not realize (until prompted by your remark
to go back and look at the early docs) that unichr
had been documented to return a single character
since 2.0 and that wide character support was added
in 2.2.  Martin v. Loewis also implied that, I now
see, although the implication was too deep for me
to pick up.

So although it leads to a suboptimal situation, I
agree that maintaining the documented behavior was

> I would much rather see a pair of new functions, wideord() and
> widechr() used for converting between surrogate pairs and numbers.

I guess if it were still 2001 and Python 2.2 was
coming out I would be in favor of this too. :-)

Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Jones
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 07:12:26PM EDT, Stephen Hansen wrote:
> >
> > Unicode (*puke*) seems nothing more than a brain fart of morons. And
> > sadly it was created by CS majors who i assumed used logic and
> > deductive reasoning but i must be wrong. Why should the larger world
> > keep supporting such antiquated languages and character sets through
> > Unicode? What purpose does this serve? Are we merely trying to make
> > everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-
> > thing?
> >
> One really shouldn't consider Xah Lee a role model and seek to imitate
> (poorly) his rants.



Re: how to edit .wsgi file extebtions with IDLE on windows

2009-08-29 Thread gert
On Aug 29, 11:16 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> En Sat, 29 Aug 2009 17:14:14 -0300, gert  escribió:
> > On Aug 29, 9:31 pm, Chris Rebert  wrote:
> >> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 5:40 AM, gert wrote:
> >> > On Aug 29, 6:43 am, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:31:31 -0300, gert   
> >> escribió:
> >> >> > I can't figure out how to enable the .py shell and syntax  
> >> highlighting
> >> >> > for .wsgi file extensions using IDLE for windows ?
> >> >> That's a Windows question, not a Python one. You have to associate  
> >> the
> >> >> .wsgi extension with the Python.File file type (the one used for .py
> >> >> files):
> >> >> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .py
> >> >> .py=Python.File
> >> >> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .wsgi=Python.File
> >> >> .wsgi=Python.File
> >> > Thanks that does make it open exactly like a .py file, expect that
> >> > there is no syntax highlighting. Don't know if this is also a windows
> >> > issue or a IDLE issue ?
> >> That's an IDLE issue; it only highlights files with .py (and possibly
> >> .pyw) extensions.
> > Any chance they would make a highlight option in the menu ?
> Two alternatives:
> a) Ensure your scripts contain a shebang - no purpose on Windows, but IDLE  
> recognizes the file as a Python file. That is, make sure the very first  
> line is like this:
> #!c:\python26\python.exe
> (it must start with #! and contain the word "python" somewhere)
> b) Edit IDLE sources:
> - Locate the file in the idlelib package.
> - Add this line near the top:
>    import _winreg
> - Modify function ispythonsource near line 580 as follows:
>      def ispythonsource(self, filename):
>          if not filename or os.path.isdir(filename):
>              return True
>          base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
>          if os.path.normcase(ext) in (".py", ".pyw"):
>              return True
>          ### add these 4 lines ###
>          with _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ext) as key:
>              ftype = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, None)[0]
>              if ftype.lower() in ("python.file","python.noconfile"):
>                  return True
>          ### end ###
>          try:
>              f = open(filename)
>              line = f.readline()
>              f.close()
>          except IOError:
>              return False
>          return line.startswith('#!') and line.find('python') >= 0

Thanks. Can you make a ispythonsource menu option in the next
python3.x release? There are many examples of txt, xml or wsgi files
having python parts in them.

Re: Object's nesting scope

2009-08-29 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Sat, 29 Aug 2009 04:34:48 -0300, zaur  escribió:

On 29 авг, 08:37, "Gabriel Genellina"  wrote:

En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:25:55 -0300, zaur  escribió:
> On 28 авг, 16:07, Bruno Desthuilliers  42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
>> zaur a écrit :

>> > Ok. Here is a use case: object initialization.

>> Err... Looks like you really should read the FineManual(tm) -
>> specifically, the parts on the __init__ method.

> What are you doing if 1) classes Person and Address imported from
> foreign module 2) __init__ method is not defined as you want?

Welcome to dynamic languages! It doesn't matter *where* the class was  
defined. You may add new attributes to the instance (even methods to  
the class) at any time. [...4 examples...]

I know about these ways of object initializing. What I said is about
using object's dictionary as nested scope in code block. Object
initialization is just one use case.
So we say about different things.

Well, you asked how to proceed in certain cases and I showed several ways  
it can be done right now, without requiring a new scope. You'll have to  
think of another use case.

Attribute lookup is explicit in Python, and that's a very good thing. If  
you follow the python-ideas thread posted earlier, you'll see the kind of  
problems an implicit attribute lookup would cause. The "with" statement is  
necesary (and a good thing) in Pascal, but not in Python.

Zope2 departs from this explicitness: it has a  construct  
(similar to what you propose), and I hate it profoundly every time I have  
to edit a DTML file - I can never tell *where* an attribute comes from.  
Another related "feature" is acquisition, a stack of namespaces where  
objects "inherit" attributes from their containers. Same thing, a complete  
waste of time every time I have to track a bug.

Unless you can find a very compeling use case, I don't think this feature  
will become part of the language anytime soon...

Gabriel Genellina


Re: An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread Stephen Hansen
> Unicode (*puke*) seems nothing more than a brain fart of morons. And
> sadly it was created by CS majors who i assumed used logic and
> deductive reasoning but i must be wrong. Why should the larger world
> keep supporting such antiquated languages and character sets through
> Unicode? What purpose does this serve? Are we merely trying to make
> everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-
> thing?

One really shouldn't consider Xah Lee a role model and seek to imitate
(poorly) his rants.

The Real World isn't going away just because you think we should stick our
heads in the sand and pretend it's not there. There are billions of people
out there who are quite happy with their language, and I'd rather keep them
as a customer, thanks.


Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread exarkun

On 10:23 pm, wrote:

In article <4a998465$0$1637$>,
John Nagle   wrote:

   Personally, I consider Python to be a good language held back by
too-close ties to a naive interpreter implementation and the lack
of a formal standard for the language.

Name one language under active development that has not been harmed by 
formal standard.  (I think C doesn't count -- there was relatively 

development of C after the standards process started.)

I think you must mean "harmed by a formal standard more than it has been 
helped", since that's clearly the interesting thing.

And it's a pretty difficult question to answer.  How do you quantify the 
harm done to a language by a standarization process?  How do you 
quantify the help?  These are extremely difficult things to measure 

For my part, I will agree with John.  I feel like Python's big 
shortcomings stem from the areas he mentioned.  They're related to each 
other as well - the lack of a standard hampers the development of a less 
naive interpreter (either one based on CPython or another one).  It 
doesn't completely prevent such development (obviously, as CPython 
continues to undergo development, and there are a number of alternate 
runtimes for Python-like languages), but there's clearly a cost 
associated with the fact that in order to do this development, a lot of 
time has to be spent figuring out what Python *is*.  This is the kind of 
thing that a standard would help with.


An assessment of the Unicode standard

2009-08-29 Thread r
I was reading the thread here...

and it raised some fundamental philophosical questions to me about
natural languages and Unicode. Which IMO * Unicode* is simply a monkey
patch for this soup of multiple languages we have to deal with in
programming and communication.

Unicode (*puke*) seems nothing more than a brain fart of morons. And
sadly it was created by CS majors who i assumed used logic and
deductive reasoning but i must be wrong. Why should the larger world
keep supporting such antiquated languages and character sets through
Unicode? What purpose does this serve? Are we merely trying to make
everyone happy? A sort of Utopian free-language-love-fest-kinda-

But there is a larger problem that is at the heart of Unicode itself,
and it has to do with this multi-language/multi-culture world we live
in. Even today in 2009 AD with all our technology and advancements we
still live in a dark ages of societal communication. Of the many
things that divide us such as race, color, religion, geography, blah,
the most perplexing and devastating seems to be why have we not
accepted a single global language for all to speak.

Take for instance the Chinese language with it's thousands of
characters and BS, it's more of an art than a language.  Why do we
need such complicated languages in this day and time. Many languages
have been perfected, (although not perfect) far beyond that of Chinese
language. The A-Z char set is flawless!

Some may say well how can we possibly force countries/people to speak/
code in a uniform manner? Well that's simple, you just stop supporting
their cryptic languages by dumping Unicode and returning to the
beautiful ASCII and adopting English as the universal world language.
Why English? Well because it is so widely spoken. But whatever we
choose just choose one language and stick with it, perfect it, and
maintain it.

IMO Multiple languages are barriers to communication, collaboration,
and the continuation of our future evolution as intelligent Human
beings and this language multiplicity will comprise our future until
it is reigned in and utterly destroyed. And i think most of you are
missing how important this really is to our future. And so these
problems bring me to the main subject of this thread "Unicode Sucks"

Now you may say to yourself "I am not a sociologist i am a programmer,
so why should i give a flying fig about natural languages or Unicode,
i just accept things as they are". Well yes you could just go on
accepting the status quo that is surely the easy route, but your life
would be so much easier if you crusaded for change.

BUT STOP!, before i go any further i want to respond to what i know
will be condemnation from the sociology nuts out there. Yes
multiculturalism is great, yes art is great, but if you can't see how
the ability to communicate is severely damperd by multi-languages then
you only *feel* with your heart but you apparently have no ability to
reason with your mind intelligently.

[nested thoughts]
A few months ago i was watching some tear-jerking documentary called
something like "Save the Languages" or "The dying languages" blah! In
the documentary these two bleeding-heart-ivy-leaguers were running all
over the world to document some obscure languages that were on the
verge of extinction. And at one utterly amazing point in the episode
they start crying and moaning for the loss of these languages like
their own mother had died a horrible death. I watched all this in much
horror and disbelief with jaw-dropped and i am still scared by the
thought that people actually buy into this BS! Has the world gone mad?

[back on track]
The death of a language is as natural as the death of a flower, or a
fish, or even the ever long oxidation of aluminum coke can. When a
life form dies it brings life to the next generation. With languages,
each death compiles upon the last and we are one step closer to the
unifying language that we all so disparately need. We should herald
the death of the languages like the jazz funerals of New Orleans with
much happiness and fanfare for there is no reason to be sad.

It's called evolution people! Ever heard of science? So ditch the
useless Unicode and save us all a few keystrokes and bottles of
aspirin for the persistent headaches! Simplicity is beautiful!!

Re:Re: Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus
29.08.2009 17:26 пользователь Tim Chase   
написал: wrote:

29.08.2009 15:40 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."> написал:


Do you know if both of them works for mysql too?


29.08.2009 15:27 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."> написал:

Actually, this works for any string (it doesn't depend on anything else).  
So you can pass "somestring {0}".format(foo) to any function because the  
string will be formatted _first_ and then passed as an argument. The same  
goes with "somestring %s" % "foo". Both will work

Bad idea when assembling SQL, unless you _like_ SQL-injection attacks:

sql = "select * from users where name='%s' and password='%s'"

# get some values from an untrusted user:

name = "administrator"

password = "' or 1=1; drop table users; --"

cursor.execute(sql % (name, password))

# uh-oh!

This is why it's so important to use the DB API's own escaping functions.

Sergio, Tim Chase is absolutely right! What you can do here is check every  
field separately OR you can modify the format() method to automatically do  
that. In the second case, you need to create your method first and then  
assign it to the str.format method like that: str.format =  
your_format_method . Note that there are NO parenthesis. For more details,  
look at this recipe: . I think  
it will simplify the things for you later, as every time you will call the  
str.format method, the values will be checked automatically.

Re: Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread Tim Chase wrote:
29.08.2009 15:40 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."  

Do you know if both of them works for mysql too?


29.08.2009 15:27 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."> написал:

Actually, this works for any string (it doesn't depend on anything else).  
So you can pass "somestring {0}".format(foo) to any function because the  
string will be formatted _first_ and then passed as an argument. The same  
goes with "somestring %s" % "foo". Both will work

Bad idea when assembling SQL, unless you _like_ SQL-injection 

 sql = "select * from users where name='%s' and password='%s'"

 # get some values from an untrusted user:
 name = "administrator"
 password = "' or 1=1; drop table users; --"

 cursor.execute(sql % (name, password))
 # uh-oh!

This is why it's so important to use the DB API's own escaping 



Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Aahz
In article <4a998465$0$1637$>,
John Nagle   wrote:
>Personally, I consider Python to be a good language held back by
>too-close ties to a naive interpreter implementation and the lack
>of a formal standard for the language.

Name one language under active development that has not been harmed by a
formal standard.  (I think C doesn't count -- there was relatively little
development of C after the standards process started.)
Aahz (   <*>

"I support family values -- Addams family values"

Re:Re: Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus
29.08.2009 15:40 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."  

Do you know if both of them works for mysql too?


29.08.2009 15:27 пользователь "Sergio Charpinel Jr."> написал:

Actually, this works for any string (it doesn't depend on anything else).  
So you can pass "somestring {0}".format(foo) to any function because the  
string will be formatted _first_ and then passed as an argument. The same  
goes with "somestring %s" % "foo". Both will work

Re: weak reference callback

2009-08-29 Thread Paul Pogonyshev
Christian Heimes wrote:
> Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is weak reference callback called immediately after the referenced
> > object is deleted or at arbitrary point in time after that?  I.e. is
> > it possible to see a dead reference before the callback is called?
> > 
> > More formally, will this ever raise?
> > 
> > callback_called = False
> > def note_deletion (ref):
> > callback_called = True
> > 
> > x = ...
> > ref = weakref.ref (x, note_deletion)
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > if ref () is None and not callback_called:
> > raise RuntimeError ("reference is dead, yet callback hasn't been 
> > called yet")
> Yes, you'll definitely see a RuntimeError because you forgot to declare
> callback_called as a global variable. :)

Thanks.  Any useful answers though?

callback_called = False
def note_deletion (ref):
global callback_called
callback_called = True

x = ...
ref = weakref.ref (x, note_deletion)


if ref () is None and not callback_called:
raise RuntimeError ("reference is dead, yet callback hasn't been called 


Re: how to edit .wsgi file extebtions with IDLE on windows

2009-08-29 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Sat, 29 Aug 2009 17:14:14 -0300, gert  escribió:

On Aug 29, 9:31 pm, Chris Rebert  wrote:

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 5:40 AM, gert wrote:
> On Aug 29, 6:43 am, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> wrote:
>> En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:31:31 -0300, gert   

>> > I can't figure out how to enable the .py shell and syntax  

>> > for .wsgi file extensions using IDLE for windows ?

>> That's a Windows question, not a Python one. You have to associate  

>> .wsgi extension with the Python.File file type (the one used for .py
>> files):

>> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .py
>> .py=Python.File

>> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .wsgi=Python.File
>> .wsgi=Python.File

> Thanks that does make it open exactly like a .py file, expect that
> there is no syntax highlighting. Don't know if this is also a windows
> issue or a IDLE issue ?

That's an IDLE issue; it only highlights files with .py (and possibly
.pyw) extensions.

Any chance they would make a highlight option in the menu ?

Two alternatives:

a) Ensure your scripts contain a shebang - no purpose on Windows, but IDLE  
recognizes the file as a Python file. That is, make sure the very first  
line is like this:


(it must start with #! and contain the word "python" somewhere)

b) Edit IDLE sources:

- Locate the file in the idlelib package.

- Add this line near the top:
  import _winreg

- Modify function ispythonsource near line 580 as follows:

def ispythonsource(self, filename):
if not filename or os.path.isdir(filename):
return True
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
if os.path.normcase(ext) in (".py", ".pyw"):
return True
### add these 4 lines ###
with _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ext) as key:
ftype = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, None)[0]
if ftype.lower() in ("python.file","python.noconfile"):
return True
### end ###
f = open(filename)
line = f.readline()
except IOError:
return False
return line.startswith('#!') and line.find('python') >= 0

Gabriel Genellina


Re: weak reference callback

2009-08-29 Thread Christian Heimes
Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
> Hi,
> Is weak reference callback called immediately after the referenced
> object is deleted or at arbitrary point in time after that?  I.e. is
> it possible to see a dead reference before the callback is called?
> More formally, will this ever raise?
> callback_called = False
> def note_deletion (ref):
> callback_called = True
> x = ...
> ref = weakref.ref (x, note_deletion)
> ...
> if ref () is None and not callback_called:
> raise RuntimeError ("reference is dead, yet callback hasn't been 
> called yet")

Yes, you'll definitely see a RuntimeError because you forgot to declare
callback_called as a global variable. :)


Re: Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread Tim Chase

I have this statement cursor.execute("SELECT * from session_attribute WHERE
sid=%s", ( user ))
and I'm receiving this error :

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Two possibilities occur to me:

1) the 2nd parameter to execute() usually needs to be a tuple (or 
maybe a list), so try

  cursor.execute("select ...", (user, ))

with the extra comma after "user".

2) More likely, check your sqlite3.paramstyle to see what sqlite 
is expecting (it's defined at the module-level):

  import sqlite3
  print sqlite3.paramstyle

Mine here is set to "qmark" which means that sqlite is expecting

  cursor.execute("... WHERE sid=?", (user,))

instead of the "format" style you're using:

  cursor.execute("... WHERE sid=%s", (user,))

as defined in

Hope this helps,



weak reference callback

2009-08-29 Thread Paul Pogonyshev

Is weak reference callback called immediately after the referenced
object is deleted or at arbitrary point in time after that?  I.e. is
it possible to see a dead reference before the callback is called?

More formally, will this ever raise?

callback_called = False
def note_deletion (ref):
callback_called = True

x = ...
ref = weakref.ref (x, note_deletion)


if ref () is None and not callback_called:
raise RuntimeError ("reference is dead, yet callback hasn't been called 


Re:Re: IDE for python similar to visual basic

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus

29.08.2009 1:32 пользователь Vivian Wang  написал:

On Aug 29, 6:19 am, qwe rty> wrote:

> i have been searching for am IDE for python that is similar to Visual

> Basic but had no luck.shall you help me please?

You can try biform:


More demo:(Chinese version)

BiForm is a form designer,one designed form will deploy as a PFF file.

BiReader is a runtime PFF file process engine for end-users.

Setup file above include BiForm and BiReader.

Main features:

*Python as script language,base on QT GUI library

*Visible form designer

*Internal database access framework

*Auto connect database,auto create tables

*Supports SQLite/Mssql2000/Sybase ASE,not need write diffrent script

for diffrent database at most time

*Simple deploy,simple upgrade

*Different forms can share same tables,they will auto cooperation with

other forms at runtime.If you want to deploy a new function , not need

uninstall other forms,deploy the new PFF file is enough .


You can also try Eclipse + PyDev. It's not the same as Visual Studio, and I  
am not sure about the GUI builder, but I think it's what you want.

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread AggieDan04
On Aug 29, 8:08 am, Paul McGuire  wrote:
> On Aug 29, 7:45 am, zaur  wrote:
> > Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
> > [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
> > Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.>>> a=1
> > >>> x=[a]
> > >>> id(a)==id(x[0])
> > True
> > >>> a+=1
> > >>> a
> > 2
> > >>> x[0]
> > 1
> > I thought that += should only change the value of the int object. But
> > += create new.
> > Is this intentional?
> ints are immutable.  But your logic works fine with a mutable object,
> like a list:

Technically, mutability isn't the issue: There's nothing enforcing
that a mutable object HAS to have an __iadd__ method that returns the
same object.

Re:Re: Monitoring stdout in (more or less) real time

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus
29.08.2009 2:21 пользователь Gabriel Genellina   

En Sat, 29 Aug 2009 03:28:26 -0300,> escribió:

Hello to everyone! I am making a program that will be a GTK+ frontend to

ffmpeg. Naturally, one of the main functions is parsing ffmpeg's output.

It's pretty simple when I, for example, retrieve information about a file

(the program finishes and I read the output). But it also needs to parse

working ffmpeg's output (in order to retrieve the percentage, remaining

time, etc.). So, actually what I do is Popen ffmpeg, and connect to its

stdout. And as stdout is represented by a file object, it needs to be

read(). The problem is that read() reads until EOF is reached, which

doesn't exist while the program is running (the same goes with


So my question is: is there a way to retrieve the stdout without waiting

the program to finish?

You don't have to read the complete output at once - you may process it  
line by line, I presume. I'd use a second thread to read the pipe and put  
the lines onto a Queue object; the main thread gets lines from the Queue  
when available.


Gabriel Genellina


Thanks, Gabriel, but I resolved that problem in another way. thrashold in gave me the solution.

What i do now is:

p = Popen(["cmd","arg"],stdout=PIPE,stderr=STDOUT)
fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)

And in that way doesn't wait the program to finish, but  
gives me instant response. But anyway, thanks! =)

Sqlite format string

2009-08-29 Thread Sergio Charpinel Jr.
I have this statement cursor.execute("SELECT * from session_attribute WHERE
sid=%s", ( user ))
and I'm receiving this error :

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

What is wrong ?
Sergio Roberto Charpinel Jr.

Re: how to edit .wsgi file extebtions with IDLE on windows

2009-08-29 Thread gert
On Aug 29, 9:31 pm, Chris Rebert  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 5:40 AM, gert wrote:
> > On Aug 29, 6:43 am, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> > wrote:
> >> En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:31:31 -0300, gert  escribió:
> >> > I can't figure out how to enable the .py shell and syntax highlighting
> >> > for .wsgi file extensions using IDLE for windows ?
> >> That's a Windows question, not a Python one. You have to associate the
> >> .wsgi extension with the Python.File file type (the one used for .py
> >> files):
> >> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .py
> >> .py=Python.File
> >> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .wsgi=Python.File
> >> .wsgi=Python.File
> > Thanks that does make it open exactly like a .py file, expect that
> > there is no syntax highlighting. Don't know if this is also a windows
> > issue or a IDLE issue ?
> That's an IDLE issue; it only highlights files with .py (and possibly
> .pyw) extensions.

Any chance they would make a highlight option in the menu ?

Re:Python Noob - gui module, book, annoying questions

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus

29.08.2009 2:20 пользователь Pherdnut  написал:

I want to write cross-platform stuff. Any opinions on the best GUI

module for that?
There are many options for this. For example GTK+ (pygtk), tkinter, QT.  
GTK+ is a little bit complicated, but you can use glade to make the GUIs.  
Tkinter is built-in and pretty simple (although not so feature-rich). QT -  
ok, I haven't used it. Personally I prefer GTK+ (using pygtk module)

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread John Nagle

qwe rty wrote:

i know that an interpreted language like python can't be used to make
an operating system or system drivers.

what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the

   Speed, basically.  CPython is on the slow side.  This is not
inherent in the language; it's an implementation problem.
The Shed Skin compiler is approaching C speeds,
but you have to accept some modest restrictions on run-time dynamism.

   Also, CPython does not use multiple processors well.  In fact,
multiple cores make CPython performance worse.  (There's a long
analysis of this that's been discussed here recently.)

   Personally, I consider Python to be a good language held back by
too-close ties to a naive interpreter implementation and the lack
of a formal standard for the language.

John Nagle

Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread Vlastimil Brom
2009/8/29  :
> On 08/28/2009 02:12 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> So far, it seems not and that unichr/ord
> is a poster child for "purity beats practicality".
> --

As Mark Tolonen pointed out earlier in this thread, in Python 3 the
practicality apparently beat purity in this aspect:

Python 3.1.1 (r311:74483, Aug 17 2009, 17:02:12) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

>>> goth_urus_1 = '\U0001033f'
>>> list(goth_urus_1)
['\ud800', '\udf3f']
>>> len(goth_urus_1)
>>> ord(goth_urus_1)
>>> goth_urus_2 = chr(66367)
>>> len(goth_urus_2)
>>> import unicodedata
>>> goth_urus_3 = unicodedata.lookup("GOTHIC LETTER URUS")
>>> goth_urus_4 = "\N{GOTHIC LETTER URUS}"
>>> goth_urus_1 == goth_urus_2 == goth_urus_3 == goth_urus_4

As for the behaviour in python 2.x, it's probably good enough, that
the surrogates aren't prohibited and the eventually needed behaviour
can be easily added via custom functions.


Re: Select column from a list

2009-08-29 Thread Aahz
In article ,
Anthra Norell   wrote:
>Vlastimil Brom wrote:
>> 2009/8/28 hoffik :
>>> I'm quite new in Python and I have one question. I have a 2D matrix of
>>> values stored in list (3 columns, many rows). I wonder if I can select one
>>> column without having to go through the list with 'for' command.
>> I guess, it won't be possible without an explicit or implicit loop;
>> you may try:
> from operator import itemgetter
> nested_list = [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300]]
> map(itemgetter(1), nested_list)
>> [2, 20, 200]
>How about rotating the list with zip?
> >>> zip (*nested_list)[1]
>(2, 20, 200)

That's an implicit loop, plus it consumes an O(M*N) chunk of memory for
the intermediate list.
Aahz (   <*>

"I support family values -- Addams family values"

Re: how to edit .wsgi file extebtions with IDLE on windows

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 5:40 AM, gert wrote:
> On Aug 29, 6:43 am, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> wrote:
>> En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:31:31 -0300, gert  escribió:
>> > I can't figure out how to enable the .py shell and syntax highlighting
>> > for .wsgi file extensions using IDLE for windows ?
>> That's a Windows question, not a Python one. You have to associate the
>> .wsgi extension with the Python.File file type (the one used for .py
>> files):
>> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .py
>> .py=Python.File
>> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .wsgi=Python.File
>> .wsgi=Python.File
> Thanks that does make it open exactly like a .py file, expect that
> there is no syntax highlighting. Don't know if this is also a windows
> issue or a IDLE issue ?

That's an IDLE issue; it only highlights files with .py (and possibly
.pyw) extensions.


Re: Query screen resolution?

2009-08-29 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 20:15:57 -0700, Warpcat wrote:

>> Your question is based upon the notion that "the screen" is a meaningful
>> concept. Once you move away from Windows (and systems which intentionally
>> try to be like Windows), that's no longer true.
> Good points.  Always something I haven't thought of.  Ok so... let's
> *presume* the user has a measurable screen on win\mac\linux\etc since
> on any other OS they wouldn't be running the app

If it's a GUI app, you ask the GUI toolkit which you're using.

[And if it isn't a GUI app, why would the screen resolution be relevant?]


Re: (Simple?) Unicode Question

2009-08-29 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 08:26:54 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Python only needs to know when you convert the text to or from bytes. I 
> can do this:
 s = "hello"
 t = "world"
 print(' '.join([s, t]))
> hello world
> and not need to care anything about encodings.
> So long as your terminal has a sensible encoding, and you have a good 
> quality font, you should be able to print any string you can create.

UTF-8 isn't a particularly sensible encoding for terminals.

And "Unicode font" is an oxymoron. You can merge a whole bunch of fonts
together and stuff them into a TTF file; that doesn't make them "a font",

>>> I may be wrong, but I believe that's part of the idea between
>>> separation of string and bytes types in Python 3.x. I believe, if you
>>> are using Python 3.x, you don't need the character encoding mumbo jumbo
>>> at all ;-)
>> Nothing has changed in that regard. You still need to decode and encode
>> text and for that you have to know the encoding.
> You only need to worry about encoding when you convert from bytes to 
> text, and visa versa. Admittedly, the most common time you need to do 
> that is when reading input from files, but if all your text strings are 
> generated by Python, and not output anywhere, you shouldn't need to care 
> about encodings.

Why would you generate text strings and not output them anywhere?

The main advantage of using Unicode internally is that you can associate
encodings with the specific points where data needs to be converted
to/from bytes, rather than having to carry the encoding details around the


Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:11:43 -0700, zaur wrote:

> I thought that int as object will stay the same object after += but with
> another integer value. My intuition said me that int object which
> represent integer value should behave this way.

If it did, then you would have this behaviour:

>>> n = 3 # bind the name n to the object 3
>>> saved_id = id(n)  # get the id of the object
>>> n += 1# add one to the object 3
>>> assert n == 4 # confirm that it has value four
>>> assert id(n) == saved_id  # confirm that it is the same object
>>> m = 3 # bind the name m to the object 3
>>> print m + 1   # but object 3 has been modified

This would be pretty disturbing behaviour, and anything but intuitive.

Fortunately, Python avoids this behaviour by making ints immutable. You 
can't change the object 3 to have any other value, it will always have 
value three, and consequently n+=1 assigns a new object to n.


Re: IDE for Python

2009-08-29 Thread Diogo Neves
Is IDLE (the editor that comes with Python) good? I'm just starting now, but
it looks ok.


> 29.08.2009 4:14 пользователь "Thangappan.M" 
> написал:
> > Dear all,
> >
> >
> >Please suggest some good IDE for python.I am working in linux
> platform.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Thangappan.M
> >
> You can use Eclipse + PyDev or Emacs+PythonMode . Also there are Anjuta and
> Code:Blocks, but they are designed mainly for C++ (but still can be used).
> --

Re: Combining C and Python programs

2009-08-29 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Sortie wrote:

I want to write a program that will use ode for the physics
simulation, whose python bindings are outdated. So I'm writing
the physics engine in C and want to write the drawing code in
Python. What will be the best way of making those two programs
work together? THe physics engine won't have to run concurrently
with the drawing code. It will only return some position data so
they can be drawn.

I'd look at ctypes first, as Hendrik suggested. It's pretty simple and  
part of the standard library.

If that doesn't work for you for some reason and you're willing to use  
something outside of the standard library, you might find Cython useful.

Good luck

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread John Haggerty
Theoretically a microkernel could be used to do the stuff python directly
couldn't do and the rest could be done once an interpreter was loaded in

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:37 PM, qwe rty  wrote:

> i know that an interpreted language like python can't be used to make
> an operating system or system drivers.
> what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the
> language?
> --

Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Tomasz Rola
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 05:37:34 +0200, Tomasz Rola wrote:
> > My private list of
> > things that when implemented in Python would be ugly to the point of
> > calling it difficult:
> > 
> > 1. AMB operator - my very favourite. In one sentence, either language
> > allows one to do it easily or one would not want to do it (in an ugly
> > way).
> > 
> >
> Fascinating, but I don't exactly see how that's actually *useful*. It 
> strikes me of combining all the benefits of COME FROM with the potential 
> performance of Bogosort, but maybe I'm being harsh. 

Usefullness is totally different thing, I agree. However, amb could still 
find some following. I guess it is more about personal taste and 
willingness to look for better idioms in programming. I can imagine when 
they introduced for and while loops, people were pointing at conditional 
goto as more practical (I think every control structure can be modeled 
with it).

Id doesn't mean amb is better idiom, but it is something that could be 
tried - or not. One could write like this:

(partially stolcopied from the above link)

a = amb 1, 2, 3
b = amb 4, 5, 6
c = amb 7, 8, 9

if a*b + c != 27 :

print a,b,c

or one could write like this:

for a in [1, 2, 3]:
  for b in [4, 5, 6]:
for c in [7, 8, 9]:
  if a*b+c == 27 :
print a,b,c

Which one would I choose? Well, amb of course. I consider it to be more 
readable which is, for me at least, useful. Now, try to imagine the same 
with ten variables. And longer lists. And some problems do not fit well 
into numpy (they could be non-numerical in nature).

> On the other hand, it sounds rather like Prolog-like declarative 
> programming. I fear that, like Prolog, it risks massive performance 
> degradation if you don't apply the constraints in the right order.

Of course, but this can be optimised. Either by hand or by a good 
compiler (whatever this means). Performance degradation is connected with 
abuse of every other programming technique, too. And besides, I believe 
one would sometimes trade performance for the ability to clearly express 
the idea behind the algorithm. Just as is the case with choosing Python 
rather than Java. For things I use Python for, I wouldn't use Java or C. 
Even though C is one of my beloved languages. If I ever used Prolog for 
anything, I wouldn't like to rewrite it in C or Python. I mean, languages 
should (in theory) be chosen and used with some consideration.

> > 2. Changing the language from the inside.
> > 
> > Everybody can change the interpreter, right? But how about doing some
> > bigger, maybe even fundamental change to the language by means offered
> > by the language itself?
> Like Forth. You need it in Forth, because it has a very sparse set of 
> language features, and everything is bootstrapped from a small set of 
> commands, so the ability to re-define the language as you go is (1) 
> necessary and (2) free.

It also leads to writing code in an incredibly expressive manner. I've 
never done anything big in Forth. I only had a two weeks long exposure to 
it in times, when you loaded such things from casette recorder ;-/... But 
from time to time I find some interesting pieces, like a disk driver whose 
source would fit into a comment of one Python function :-).

> But for Python, I don't know... it sounds cool, but in practice? It 
> sounds like the sort of thing that allows programmers to spend three 
> hours writing a new control structure which will save them three minutes.

It really is not so. Writing something for three hours and using it only 
once sounds more like programming excercise, less like real life work. To 
write a function I need to know at least two places in my code where it 
would be used (well, I am oversimplifying, ok? sometimes one place is 
sufficient). I think reasonable people would judge language extension by 
similar criteria. They would possibly stay away from this as long as 
possible (I have such possibility from some time but I just don't touch 
macros, which by my own words makes me reasonable, wow :-)... or a 

> And of course, for all but the tiniest, one-man-band applications, 
> readability is important. Sure, you've created a gee-whizz control 
> structure which combines try, while and if into one keyword, and it 
> automatically does logging and threading, fantastic. But how will anyone 
> else be able to maintain it when you're gone?

This is comparable to me creating a gee-whizz function library and using 
it. I cannot see a problem as long as I document (with use cases, tests 

There is something better in this idea. Suppose I would have invented a 
better control structure and posted the source code here? Some would have 
found it amusing, others would have tried it, posted their comments, 
leading to improvements and further spreading. Finally - who knows 

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread zaur
On 29 авг, 20:25, "Günther Dietrich"  wrote:
> Paul McGuire  wrote:
> >What exactly are you trying to do?
> I think, he wants to kind of dereference the list element. So that he
> can write
> >>> a += 1
> instead of
> >>> long_name_of_a_list_which_contains_data[mnemonic_pointer_name] += 1
> Regards,
> Günther

That's right. I thought that int as object will stay the same object
after += but with another integer value.
My intuition said me that int object which represent integer value
should behave this way.
But by design python's integer behave differently.

I fond that NumPy's 1-d types behaves as objects with mutable values.

>>> from numpy import *

>>> a=array([1])
>>> id(a)
>>> a += 1
>>> id(a)
>>> a

Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 07:38:51 -0700, rurpy wrote:

>  > Then, the next question is "why is it implemented that way", to which
>  > the answer is "because the PEP says so".
> Not at all a satisfying answer unless one believes in PEPal
> infallibility. :-)

Not at all. You don't have to believe that PEPs are infallible to accept 
the answer, you just have to understand that major changes to Python 
aren't made arbitrarily, they have to go through a PEP first. Even Guido 
himself has to write a PEP before making any major changes to the 
language. But PEPs aren't infallible, they can be challenged, rejected, 
withdrawn or made obsolete by new PEPs.

> The reasons for the current behavior so far:
> 1.
>> What you propose would break the property "unichr(i) always returns a
>> string of length one, if it returns anything at all".
> Yes.  And i don't see the problem with that.  Why is that property more
> desirable than the non-existent property that a Unicode literal always
> produces one python character?

What do you mean? Unicode literals don't always produce one character, 
e.g. u'abcd' is a Unicode literal with four characters.

I think it's fairly self-evident that a function called uniCHR [emphasis 
added] should return a single character (technically a single code 
point). But even if you can come up with a reason for unichr() to return 
two or more characters, this would break code that relies on the 
documented promise that the length of the output of unichr() is always 

> It would only occur on a narrow build
> with a unicode character outside of the bmp, exactly the condition a
> unicode literal can "behave differently" by producing two python
> characters.

> 2.
>> >  But there is no reason given [in the PEP] for that behavior.
>> Sure there is, right above the list:
>> "Most things will behave identically in the wide and narrow worlds."
>> That's the reason: scripts should work the same as much as possible in
>> wide and narrow builds.
> So what else would work "differently"?  

unichr(n) sometimes would return one character and sometimes two; ord(c) 
would sometimes accept two characters and sometimes raise an exception. 
That's a fairly major difference.

> My point was that extending
> unichr/ord to work with all unicode characters reduces differences far
> more often than it increase them.

I don't see that at all. What differences do you think it would reduce?

> 3.
>>>   * There is a convention in the Unicode world for
>>> encoding a 32-bit code point in terms of two 16-bit code
>>> points. These are known as "surrogate pairs". Python's codecs
>>> will adopt this convention.
>>>  Is a distinction made between Python and Python codecs with only the
>>>  latter having any knowledge of surrogate pairs?
>> No. In the end, the Unicode type represents code units, not code
>> points, i.e. half surrogates are individually addressable. Codecs need
>> to adjust to that; in particular the UTF-8 and the UTF-32 codec in
>> narrow builds, and the UTF-16 codec in wide builds (which didn't exist
>> when the PEP was written).
> OK, so that is not a reason either.

I think it is a very important reason. Python supports code points, so it 
has to support surrogate codes individually. Python can't tell if the 
pair of code points u'\ud800\udc40' represents the single character 
\U00010040 or a pair of code points \ud800 and \udc40.

> 4.
> I'll speculate a little.
> If surrogate handling was added to ord/unichr, it would be the top of a
> slippery slope leading to demands that other string functions also
> handle surrogates.
> But this is not true -- there is a strong distinction between ord/unichr
> and other string methods.  The latter deal with strings of multiple
> characters.  But the former deals only with single characters (taking a
> surrogate pair as a single unicode character.)

Strictly speaking, unichr() deals with code points, not characters, 
although the distinction is very fine.

>>> c = unichr(56384)
>>> len(c)
>>> import unicodedata
>>> unicodedata.category(c)

Cs is the general category for "Other, Surrogate", so \udc40 is not 
strictly speaking a character. Nevertheless, Python treats it as one.

> To reiterate, I am not advocating for any change.  I simply want to
> understand if there is a good reason for limiting the use of unchr/ord
> on narrow builds to a subset of the unicode characters that Python
> otherwise supports.  So far, it seems not and that unichr/ord is a
> poster child for "purity beats practicality".

On the contrary, it seems pretty impractical to me for ord() to sometimes 
successfully accept strings of length two and sometimes to raise an 
exception. I would much rather see a pair of new functions, wideord() and 
widechr() used for converting between surrogate pairs and numbers.


Re:IDE for Python

2009-08-29 Thread ivanko . rus
29.08.2009 4:14 пользователь "Thangappan.M"   

Dear all,

Please suggest some good IDE for python.I am working in linux platform.


You can use Eclipse + PyDev or Emacs+PythonMode . Also there are Anjuta and  
Code:Blocks, but they are designed mainly for C++ (but still can be used).

AutoIt/Autohotkey-like library for Linux

2009-08-29 Thread cryzed

Hey, maybe some of you are familiar with the tools "AutoIt"
( and "Autohotkey"
( for Windows - I was wondering if you knew
about Python libraries which provide similiar functionality for Python
programs under Linux. That said, those libraries would have to rely on
X11 internally to provide their functionality.

Also, yes, I know that there are X11-bindings for Python - but I
honestly think that they aren't remotely useable and they are also

It would be great if you guys had some tips for me.

Re: Transforming a str to an operator

2009-08-29 Thread MRAB

r wrote:

On Aug 28, 8:43 pm, Anny Mous  wrote:

It isn't irrational to have a healthy caution towards eval.

Ignorance is never an excuse for stupidity. No caution is needed if
you know how to properly use eval. You can't shoot yourself in the
foot without first pulling the trigger.

Apart from the security issues, running code in eval takes a massive
performance hit. Its about ten times slower to run eval("x+1") than to run
x+1 directly.

And the point is...?
eval is only for corner cases. Nobody is suggesting he eval entire
scripts. Performance is the last of my worries. Optimizations can come
later. First understand the problem at hand, code up a working
solution, then tweak and optimize the code to perfection.

What makes you think that learning to program well in Python is a throw-away
exercise of no useful purpose? I'm sure the code itself will be thrown away
and forgotten, but it has a very important purpose: for the OP to learn
good programming skills. Looks like you want him to learn bad skills, then
spend the rest of his life trying to unlearn them.

No i want him to use eval properly .If you think eval is scary well
thats just your opinion. I showed the OP how to successfully pass the
arguments into eval the way he was unsuccesfully struggling to pass
them.  Ben's approach is the professional/proper way to handle such
input in the real world (there are other ways too), however the OP
also must know that you don't *have* to go by the book all the time
(python is not Java ya know?).

but serves the very
useful purpose now of establishing an IO between the student and
Python interpretor. I'll bet most your example (albeit a good example)
flew miles above his head into la-la land.

How insulting. Is there anything that gave you the impression the OP was

Please quote the line from my post were i called the OP stupid or used
otherwise derogatory comments? And if you can i'll buy you a beer.
Obviously anyone who shows example code as the OP did is a noob and
needs proper training on how to use it and there is nothing wrong with
that. We have all been there, remember?

The OP has plenty of time to learn about malicious input and
protecting against it, right now the fundamentals are well...
fundamental :)

When would you recommend he learns? When his web app is hijacked by
gangsters in Russia and the personal details and financial records of fifty
thousand people stolen? Protecting against malicious input *IS*

If the OP uses eval without inderstanding it and then shoots himself
in the foot, well then i can't think of a better learning experience
for him. I'll bet the next time he will read the docs first or ask on
this list before he goes off on a turkey hunt ;).

Fear is a product of ignorance. Educate yourself and your irrational
fears shall bother you no more.

I think it's a good idea to warn the OP about the dangers of eval. If he
still wants to use it, then that's his choice (and his problem).

Re: Transforming a str to an operator

2009-08-29 Thread r
On Aug 28, 8:43 pm, Anny Mous  wrote:
> It isn't irrational to have a healthy caution towards eval.

Ignorance is never an excuse for stupidity. No caution is needed if
you know how to properly use eval. You can't shoot yourself in the
foot without first pulling the trigger.

> Apart from the security issues, running code in eval takes a massive
> performance hit. Its about ten times slower to run eval("x+1") than to run
> x+1 directly.

And the point is...?
eval is only for corner cases. Nobody is suggesting he eval entire
scripts. Performance is the last of my worries. Optimizations can come
later. First understand the problem at hand, code up a working
solution, then tweak and optimize the code to perfection.

> What makes you think that learning to program well in Python is a throw-away
> exercise of no useful purpose? I'm sure the code itself will be thrown away
> and forgotten, but it has a very important purpose: for the OP to learn
> good programming skills. Looks like you want him to learn bad skills, then
> spend the rest of his life trying to unlearn them.

No i want him to use eval properly .If you think eval is scary well
thats just your opinion. I showed the OP how to successfully pass the
arguments into eval the way he was unsuccesfully struggling to pass
them.  Ben's approach is the professional/proper way to handle such
input in the real world (there are other ways too), however the OP
also must know that you don't *have* to go by the book all the time
(python is not Java ya know?).

> > but serves the very
> > useful purpose now of establishing an IO between the student and
> > Python interpretor. I'll bet most your example (albeit a good example)
> > flew miles above his head into la-la land.
> How insulting. Is there anything that gave you the impression the OP was
> stupid?

Please quote the line from my post were i called the OP stupid or used
otherwise derogatory comments? And if you can i'll buy you a beer.
Obviously anyone who shows example code as the OP did is a noob and
needs proper training on how to use it and there is nothing wrong with
that. We have all been there, remember?

> > The OP has plenty of time to learn about malicious input and
> > protecting against it, right now the fundamentals are well...
> > fundamental :)
> When would you recommend he learns? When his web app is hijacked by
> gangsters in Russia and the personal details and financial records of fifty
> thousand people stolen? Protecting against malicious input *IS*
> fundamental.

If the OP uses eval without inderstanding it and then shoots himself
in the foot, well then i can't think of a better learning experience
for him. I'll bet the next time he will read the docs first or ask on
this list before he goes off on a turkey hunt ;).

Fear is a product of ignorance. Educate yourself and your irrational
fears shall bother you no more.


Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread Günther Dietrich
Paul McGuire  wrote:

>What exactly are you trying to do?

I think, he wants to kind of dereference the list element. So that he 
can write

>>> a += 1

instead of

>>> long_name_of_a_list_which_contains_data[mnemonic_pointer_name] += 1



AutoIt/Autohotkey Python library for Linux

2009-08-29 Thread cryzed
Hey, maybe some of you are familiar with the tools "AutoIt" () and 
"Autohotkey" () for Windows - I was wondering if you knew about Python 
libraries which provide similiar functionality for Python programs under 
Linux. That said, those libraries would have to rely on X11 internally 
to provide their functionality.

Also, yes, I know that there are X11-bindings for Python - but I 
honestly think that they aren't remotely useable and they are also 

It would be great if you guys had some tips for me.

Re: Colors on IDLE

2009-08-29 Thread vsoler
On Aug 29, 1:34 pm, Thorsten Kampe  wrote:
> * vsoler (Sat, 29 Aug 2009 04:01:46 -0700 (PDT))
> > On Aug 29, 1:27 am, r  wrote:
> > > Have you tried saving the files as notice the py
> > > extension, very important ;)
> > That was it!!!
> > I see the colors again. Thank you.
> I suggest you start using familiar technical terms. Like "syntax
> highlighting" instead of "see colours". That would increase the number
> of useful answers you get - at least it will stop people from thinking
> you talk about controlled substances.
> Thorsten

I'll keep it in mind for next time. Thank you

Vicente Soler

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread Gary Herron

zaur wrote:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.







I thought that += should only change the value of the int object. But
+= create new.
Is this intentional?


You don't need the (slight) complexity of += to see this.  Straight 
assignment shows the same behavior.

Try this:
print id(a)
print id(a)

The different results from the two prints happens because Python stores 
integers 1 and 2 in different locations and the assignments causes a to 
refer to one and then the other.

Gary Herron


Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Tomasz Rola
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009, Timothy N. Tsvetkov wrote:

> On Aug 29, 4:26 am, qwe rty  wrote:
> > On Aug 29, 3:14 am, Tim Chase  wrote:
> >
> > > >> what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the
> > > >> language?
> >
> > > I forgot about solving the Spam problem entirely.  And answering
> > > poorly worded/thought-out questions on the internet...
> >
> > > I've also been sorely disappointed by Python's ability to make a
> > > good chocolate cream silk pie.
> >
> > > -tkc
> >
> > if you don't know the answer please don't reply
> If you want to ask a silly question don't ask it.

The question the OP asked was not silly.

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.  **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home**
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...  **
** **
** Tomasz Rola **--

Re: Combining C and Python programs

2009-08-29 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Sortie schrieb:
I want to write a program that will use ode for the physics 
simulation, whose python bindings are outdated. So I'm writing 
the physics engine in C and want to write the drawing code in 
Python. What will be the best way of making those two programs 
work together? THe physics engine won't have to run concurrently 
with the drawing code. It will only return some position data so 
they can be drawn.

How about you update the ODE-bindings? They shouldn't be hard to enhance 
to cover the latest features.


Re: What python can NOT do?

2009-08-29 Thread Timothy N. Tsvetkov
On Aug 29, 4:26 am, qwe rty  wrote:
> On Aug 29, 3:14 am, Tim Chase  wrote:
> > >> what else can NOT be done in python? what are the limitations of the
> > >> language?
> > > I understand there's a little trouble getting Python to prove
> > > that P=NP  You'll also find that it only comes close to solving
> > > the unrestricted three-body problem and the Traveling Salesman
> > > problem is still limited to fallible heuristics and searching the
> > > entire solution set in better than O(2**n) time.
> > I forgot about solving the Spam problem entirely.  And answering
> > poorly worded/thought-out questions on the internet...
> > I've also been sorely disappointed by Python's ability to make a
> > good chocolate cream silk pie.
> > -tkc
> if you don't know the answer please don't reply

If you want to ask a silly question don't ask it.

Re: Python for professsional Windows GUI apps?

2009-08-29 Thread erikj
On Aug 27, 2:31 pm, Neuruss  wrote:
> On 26 ago, 05:29, erikj  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > You could have a look at Camelot, to see if it fits
> > your needs :
> > it was developed with cross platform business apps in
> > mind.  when developing Camelot, we tried to build it using
> > wxWidgets first (because of the licensing at that time),
> > but it turned out that developing with QT proved to be
> > much more straightforward.  QT is documented very well
> > and you seldom encounter 'strange' issues that cost hours
> > of time to pinpoint and fix.
> > the datagrid was developed to be able to handle millions
> > of database records without glitches and is flexible thanks
> > to QT's model-view-delegate framework.
> > we do print barcodes with this app (even directly to
> > zebra printers)
> > if you have questions regarding Camelot, please feel free
> > to post on our mailing list :
> > Regards,
> > Erik
> > On Aug 24, 2:08 pm, Gilles Ganault  wrote:
> > > Hello
> > >         I was wondering if some people in this ng use Python and someGUI
> > > toolkit (PyWin32, wxWidgets, QT, etc.) to build professional
> > > applications, and if yes, what it's like, the pros and cons, etc.
> > > I'm especially concerned about the lack of controls, the lack of
> > > updates (lots of controls in wxWidgets are 1.0 deadware), and problems
> > > linked to how to update users' PC remotely when I build a new version
> > > using eg. Py2exe.
> > > I need controls for business apps like access to databases, good data
> > > grid, printing reports (with or without barcodes), etc.
> > > Thank you.
> Looks interesting, but I wonder if I can use Camelot without its ORM.
> I feel that ORMs make easy things easier, but complex things much
> harder...
> Can I use it with plain old sql?
> Luis

Yes and no :)

It uses sqlalchemy as it's orm, which is quite flexible and allows the
use of
plain old sql, but you still have to map the result to objects for the
GUI to
to handle them.

You are right that the ORM makes easy things easier, eg. what we do a
lot is
to create our core model using the ORM, and then create the different
directly as views in the database (since these are usually very
queries, and those tend to be easier to write/debug in plain old
sql).  Then
we use the ORM again to map those views back to objects and have them



Re: break unichr instead of fix ord?

2009-08-29 Thread rurpy
On 08/28/2009 02:12 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

[I reordered the quotes from your previous post to try
and get the responses in a more coherent order.  No
intent to take anything out of context...]

 >>  Nothing else in the PEP seems remotely relevant.
[to providing justification for the behavior of
 > Except for the motivation, of course :-)
 > In addition: your original question was "why has this
 > been changed", to which the answer is "it hasn't".

My original interest was two-fold: can unichr/ord be
changed to work in a more general and helpful way?  That
seemed remotely possible until it was pointed out that
the two behave consistently, and that behavior is accurately
documented.  Second, why would they work the way they do
when they could have been generalized to cover the full
unicode space?  An inadequate answer to this would have
provided support for the first point but remains interesting
to me for the reason below.

 > Then, the next question is "why is it implemented that
 > way", to which the answer is "because the PEP says so".

Not at all a satisfying answer unless one believes
in PEPal infallibility. :-)

 > Only *then* the question is "what is the rationale for
 > the PEP specifying things the way it does". The PEP is
 > relevant so that we can both agree that Python behaves
 > correctly (in the sense of behaving as specified).

But my question had become: why that behavior, when a
slightly different behavior would be more general with
little apparent downside?

To clarify, my interest in the justification for the
current behavior is this:

I think the best feature of python is not, as commonly
stated, the clean syntax, but rather the pretty complete
and orthogonal libraries.  I often find, after I have
written some code, that due to the right library functions
being available, it turns out much shorter and concise
than I expected.

Nevertheless, every now and then, perhaps more than in some
other languages (I'm not sure), I run into something that
requires what seems to be excessive coding -- I have to
do something it seems to me that a library function should
have done for me.  Sometimes this is because I don't under-
stand the reason the library function needs to works the
way it does.  Other times it is one of the countless trade-
off made in the design of the language, which didn't happen
to go the way that would have been beneficial to me in a
particular coding situation.

But sometimes (and it feels too often) it seems as though,
zen not withstanding, that purity -- adherence to some
philosophic ideal -- beat practicality.
unichr/ord seems such as case to me,  But I want to be
sure I am not missing something.

The reasons for the current behavior so far:

> What you propose would break the property "unichr(i) always returns
> a string of length one, if it returns anything at all".

Yes.  And i don't see the problem with that.  Why is
that property more desirable than the non-existent
property that a Unicode literal always produces one
python character?  It would only occur on a narrow
build with a unicode character outside of the bmp,
exactly the condition a unicode literal can "behave
differently" by producing two python characters.

> >  But there is no reason given [in the PEP] for that behavior.
> Sure there is, right above the list:
> "Most things will behave identically in the wide and narrow worlds."
> That's the reason: scripts should work the same as much as possible
> in wide and narrow builds.

So what else would work "differently"?  My point was
that extending unichr/ord to work with all unicode
characters reduces differences far more often than
it increase them.

>>   * There is a convention in the Unicode world for
>> encoding a 32-bit code point in terms of two
>> 16-bit code points. These are known as
>> "surrogate pairs". Python's codecs will adopt
>> this convention.
>>  Is a distinction made between Python and Python
>>  codecs with only the latter having any knowledge of
>>  surrogate pairs?
> No. In the end, the Unicode type represents code units,
> not code points, i.e. half surrogates are individually
> addressable. Codecs need to adjust to that; in particular
> the UTF-8 and the UTF-32 codec in narrow builds, and the
> UTF-16 codec in wide builds (which didn't exist when the
> PEP was written).

OK, so that is not a reason either.

I'll speculate a little.
If surrogate handling was added to ord/unichr, it would
be the top of a slippery slope leading to demands that
other string functions also handle surrogates.

But this is not true -- there is a strong distinction
between ord/unichr and other string methods.  The latter
deal with strings of multiple characters.  But the former
deals only with single characters (taking a surrogate
pair as a single unicode character.)

The behavior of ord/unichr is independent of the other
string methods -- if they were changed with regard to
surrogate h

Re: csv module and None values

2009-08-29 Thread JKPeck
On Aug 25, 8:49 am, Peter Otten <> wrote:
> JKPeck wrote:
> > On Aug 24, 10:43 pm, John Yeung  wrote:
> >> On Aug 24, 5:00 pm, Peter Otten <> wrote:
> >> > If I understand you correctly the csv.writer already does
> >> > what you want:
> >> > >>> w.writerow([1,None,2])
> >> > 1,,2
> >> > just sequential commas, but that is the special treatment.
> >> > Without it the None value would be converted to a string
> >> > and the line would look like this one:
> >> > 1,None,2
> >> No, I think he means he is getting
> >> >>> w.writerow([1,None,2])
> >> 1,"",2
> >> He evidently wants to quote "all" strings, but doesn't want None to be
> >> considered a string.
> >> John
> > Exactly so.  The requirement of the receiving program, which is out of
> > my control, is that all strings be quoted but a None in a numeric
> > field result in the ,, output rather than "".  Excel quotes strings
> > conditionally, which doesn't do what is needed in this case.  For
> > QUOTE_NONNUMERIC to quote None values makes some sense, but it gets in
> > the way of representing missing values in a numeric field.  It would
> > be nice to have a choice here in the dialects.
> > I thought of replacing the None values with float(nan), since that has
> > a numeric type, but unfortunately that results in writing the string
> > (unquoted) nan for the value.  So the sentinel approach seems to be
> > the best I can do.
> How about:
> >>> import csv, sys
> >>> class N(int):
> ...     def __str__(self): return ""
> ...>>> pseudo_none = N()
> >>> w = csv.writer(sys.stdout, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
> >>> w.writerow([1, "foo", pseudo_none, "bar"])
> 1,"foo",,"bar"
> Peter

Clever.  Thanks,

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread Günther Dietrich
zaur  wrote:

>Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
>[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
>Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>I thought that += should only change the value of the int object. But
>+= create new.
>Is this intentional?

An integer variable contains the reference (ID) to an (immutable) 
integer object; it doesn't contain the value itself. So, when you assign 
a new value to an integer variable, it will contain the reference to the 
object containing the new value, afterwards.

If you assign an integer variable to a list element, this reference will 
be written into the list. The assignment of a new value to the integer 
variable will create a new integer object, containing the new value, and 
put the reference to it into the integer variable.
The reference to the object with the old value, that is stored in the 
list, won't be touched.

In fact, it is a result of integers in python being immutable.

Best regards,


Re: Blank Line at Program Exit

2009-08-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 09:07:53PM +0800, Steven Woody wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using cywin on XP.

Sorry for the late reply.  I've been too busy with some personal
matters.  It'd seem to me that you're better off taking this issue to
the Cygwin mailing lists, since it doesn't seem to be related to Python


the best book for learning python !?

2009-08-29 Thread Momen


Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread Paul McGuire
On Aug 29, 7:45 am, zaur  wrote:
> Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
> [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.>>> a=1
> >>> x=[a]
> >>> id(a)==id(x[0])
> True
> >>> a+=1
> >>> a
> 2
> >>> x[0]
> 1
> I thought that += should only change the value of the int object. But
> += create new.
> Is this intentional?

ints are immutable.  But your logic works fine with a mutable object,
like a list:

>>> a = [1]
>>> x = [a]
>>> print id(a) == id(x[0])
>>> a += [1]
>>> print a
[1, 1]
>>> print x[0]
[1, 1]

What exactly are you trying to do?

-- Paul

Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-29 Thread zaur
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> a=1
>>> x=[a]
>>> id(a)==id(x[0])
>>> a+=1
>>> a
>>> x[0]

I thought that += should only change the value of the int object. But
+= create new.
Is this intentional?


Re: how to edit .wsgi file extebtions with IDLE on windows

2009-08-29 Thread gert
On Aug 29, 6:43 am, "Gabriel Genellina" 
> En Fri, 28 Aug 2009 15:31:31 -0300, gert  escribió:
> > I can't figure out how to enable the .py shell and syntax highlighting
> > for .wsgi file extensions using IDLE for windows ?
> That's a Windows question, not a Python one. You have to associate the  
> .wsgi extension with the Python.File file type (the one used for .py  
> files):
> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .py
> .py=Python.File
> D:\USERDATA\Gabriel>assoc .wsgi=Python.File
> .wsgi=Python.File

Thanks that does make it open exactly like a .py file, expect that
there is no syntax highlighting. Don't know if this is also a windows
issue or a IDLE issue ?


Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-29 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-28, Neil Hodgson  wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano:
>> Obviously I can't speak for Ken Thompson's motivation in creating this 
>> feature, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't to save typing or space on 
>> punchcards.
>The original implementation of UNIX was on a PDP-7 which was an
> 18-bit machine. Octal = 3 bits at a a time which evenly divides an
> 18-bit word whereas the 4 bits of hexadecimal do not. Early
> implementations of B were (according to Wikipedia) on the PDP-7, PDP-11
> (a 16-bit machine) and Honeywell 36-bit mainframes.
> Octal was widely used on the PDP-11.

The PDP-11's 16-bit instruction word consisted mainly of 3-bit
fields for destiation-mode, destination-register, source-mode,
source-register.  So, it was quite easy for the progammer to
read/write machine code in octal.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I've read SEVEN
  at   MILLION books!!

gettext translate problem

2009-08-29 Thread Marek Wawrzyczek

I've got the following code in file:

import gettext
import os

t = gettext.translation(__file__.split('.')[0], os.getcwd())
_ = t.lgettext

if __name__=='__main__':
print _("Hello")

then I call: xgettext

and after that I call: msgfmt messages.po
wchich produces the following message:
messages.po: warning: Charset "CHARSET" is not a portable encoding
  Message conversion to user's charset might not

then after calling: python
the following output is print:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in 
t = gettext.translation(__file__.split('.')[0], os.getcwd())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 484, in translation
raise IOError(ENOENT, 'No translation file found for domain',
IOError: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'main'

How to use gettext translation method properly?


Re: Colors on IDLE

2009-08-29 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* vsoler (Sat, 29 Aug 2009 04:01:46 -0700 (PDT))
> On Aug 29, 1:27 am, r  wrote:
> > Have you tried saving the files as notice the py
> > extension, very important ;)
> That was it!!!
> I see the colors again. Thank you.

I suggest you start using familiar technical terms. Like "syntax 
highlighting" instead of "see colours". That would increase the number 
of useful answers you get - at least it will stop people from thinking 
you talk about controlled substances.


Re: why python got less developers ?

2009-08-29 Thread paul

Deep_Feelings schrieb:

python got relatively fewer numbers of developers than other high
level languages like .NET , java .. etc  why ?

Besides the marketing argument, python never had a "hype".

Both PHP and ruby(Rails to be precise) got widespread because they could 
 at one point do "one" thing better than the competition. From there 
on, they had more ressources (developer time) and grew fast and beyond 
the original problem domain. Now you can write GUI apps in PHP, great!



Re: Colors on IDLE

2009-08-29 Thread vsoler
On Aug 29, 1:27 am, r  wrote:
> Have you tried saving the files as notice the py
> extension, very important ;)

That was it!!!

I see the colors again. Thank you.

Re: Overriding iadd for dictionary like objects

2009-08-29 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 28, 10:37 pm, Joshua Judson Rosen  wrote:
> Carl Banks  writes:
> > On Aug 28, 2:42 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> > > Carl Banks wrote:
> > > > I don't think it needs a syntax for that, but I'm not so sure a method
> > > > to modify a value in place with a single key lookup wouldn't
> > > > occasioanally be useful.
> > > Augmented assignment does that.
> > Internally uses two lookups, one for getting, and one for setting.
> > I think this is an unavoidable given Python's semantics.  Look at
> > the traceback:
> > >>> def x():
> > ...     d['a'] += 1
> > ...
> > >>> dis.dis(x)
> >   2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (d)
> >               3 LOAD_CONST               1 ('a')
> >               6 DUP_TOPX                 2
> >               9 BINARY_SUBSCR
> OK, there's one lookup, but...
> >              10 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
> >              13 INPLACE_ADD
> >              14 ROT_THREE
> >              15 STORE_SUBSCR
> >              16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
> >              19 RETURN_VALUE
> ... I don't see anything in there that retrieves the value a second time

STORE_SUBSCR has to look up the position in the hash table to store
the value, hence the second lookup.

> > > > As a workaround, if lookups are expensive,
> > > But they are not. Because (C)Python is heavily based on dict name lookup
> > > for builtins and global names and attributes, as well as overt dict
> > > lookup, must effort has gone into optimizing dict lookup.
> > The actual lookup algorithm Python dicts use is well-optimized, yes,
> > but the dict could contain keys that have expensive comparison and
> > hash-code calculation, in which case lookup is going to be slow.
> I'll like the originator correct me if I've made a mistake, but I read
> "lookup" as actually meaning "lookup", not "value-comparison".

This has nothing to do with value comparison.  I was talking about key
comparison, which happens when looking up a position in a hash table.
I was the first person to use the word "lookup" in this thread and I
specifically meant hash-table position lookup.

> At least in part because the question, as it was posed, specifically
> related to a wrapper-class (providing a mapping ("dict like") interface)
> around a database of some sort other than Python's dict class per se.
> How do the details of Python's native dict-type's internal (hashtable)
> algorithm matter when they're explicitly /not/ being used?

Well it doesn't apply specifically to the OP's problem.  I changed the
topic a bit by making it specific to dicts.  Is that ok with you?  Was
that not allowed?

The OP can add a method like apply_to_value to his own class, but one
can't do that for dicts.  Ergo why something like apply_to_value()
would be useful enough in rare circumstances where lookup is very slow
to merit a moments consideration before being rejected.

(If dict did have a method like that, the OP would at least know which
method to override.)

Carl Banks

IDE for Python

2009-08-29 Thread Thangappan.M
Dear all,

   Please suggest some good IDE for python.I am working in linux


SEI Job Opening

2009-08-29 Thread bilawal samoon
SEI is seeking a FT, YR Photovoltaic Technical Manager. If you are a
team player with a minimum of 4 years PV installation, curriculum and
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For more details

Re: (Simple?) Unicode Question

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 09:34:43 +0200, Thorsten Kampe wrote:

> * Rami Chowdhury (Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:44:41 -0700)
>> > Further, does anything, except a printing device need to know the
>> > encoding of a piece of "text"?
> Python needs to know if you are processing the text.

Python only needs to know when you convert the text to or from bytes. I 
can do this:

>>> s = "hello"
>>> t = "world"
>>> print(' '.join([s, t]))
hello world

and not need to care anything about encodings.

So long as your terminal has a sensible encoding, and you have a good 
quality font, you should be able to print any string you can create.

>> I may be wrong, but I believe that's part of the idea between
>> separation of string and bytes types in Python 3.x. I believe, if you
>> are using Python 3.x, you don't need the character encoding mumbo jumbo
>> at all ;-)
> Nothing has changed in that regard. You still need to decode and encode
> text and for that you have to know the encoding.

You only need to worry about encoding when you convert from bytes to 
text, and visa versa. Admittedly, the most common time you need to do 
that is when reading input from files, but if all your text strings are 
generated by Python, and not output anywhere, you shouldn't need to care 
about encodings.

If all your text contains nothing but ASCII characters, you should never 
need to worry about encodings at all.


Re: Combining C and Python programs

2009-08-29 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Saturday 29 August 2009 09:54:15 Sortie wrote:
> I want to write a program that will use ode for the physics
> simulation, whose python bindings are outdated. So I'm writing
> the physics engine in C and want to write the drawing code in
> Python. What will be the best way of making those two programs
> work together? THe physics engine won't have to run concurrently
> with the drawing code. It will only return some position data so
> they can be drawn.

Have you looked at ctypes?

- Hendrik

Re: comparison on list yields surprising result

2009-08-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 09:36:38 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

> On Friday 28 August 2009 21:00:31 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
>> In [21]: x
>> Out[21]: [1, 2, 3, 5]
>> In [22]: x>6
>> Out[22]: True
>> Is this a bug?
> No, it is a feature, so that you can use sorted on this:
> [[1,2,3,4,5],6]

If it's a feature, it has gone away in Python 3.

Python 3.0.1 (r301:69556, Apr  2 2009, 00:41:38)
[GCC 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> [[1,2,3], 5].sort()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: unorderable types: int() < list()


Combining C and Python programs

2009-08-29 Thread Sortie
I want to write a program that will use ode for the physics 
simulation, whose python bindings are outdated. So I'm writing 
the physics engine in C and want to write the drawing code in 
Python. What will be the best way of making those two programs 
work together? THe physics engine won't have to run concurrently 
with the drawing code. It will only return some position data so 
they can be drawn.

  1   2   >