Re: Feature Request: Include changed files with review

2009-09-11 Thread Nathan Auch [Sybase]

Our organization has a similar need. We handle it by running a locally 
modified version of post-review that includes a --patch-client option 
which downloads the diff from the server, grabs the base revisions of 
the files from SCM, opens the files for edit and applies the patch. It 
was actually pretty easy to get working. It only works for perforce and 
I don't really want to go through the work of submitting a patch against 
the trunk post-review but I'd be willing to post the relevant code here 
if it's useful to you.

Nathan Auch

Christian Hammond wrote:
 Hi Dana,

 I see two ways of doing this.

 1) Make an actual view that returns a zip file (or something) that 
 contains all the files, basically using existing code that we have to 
 download each one, and assemble a zip file of those files. There's a 
 little bit of processing time, but it shouldn't be too bad, really.

 2) Implement more general file attachment support.

 There's a long-standing feature request for attaching arbitrary files. 

 Uploading file attachments is something we want to have in, but just 
 haven't made a priority. If someone wants to work on this, though, 
 we'd be glad to discuss it and get a change in!

 It would work similarly to the screenshots. Attachments would have a 
 filename and a mimetype, and they'd be accessible through, say, 

 Maybe we really want both, long-term.

 What are your thoughts?


 Christian Hammond -
 Review Board -
 VMware, Inc. -

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Lacoste, Dana (TSG Software San 
 Diego) wrote:

 So, before we used Review Board we used an internal (python based,
 similar to how p4review works) tool to do the following:


 1 - Make a copy of the files in a changelist to a share

 2 - Make a copy of the baseline version files to the same share

 3 - Make a wrapper file specifying what the files were

 4 - Send an email pointing at the files saying I've proposed this
 change, can you review it? to users specified by the code changer.

 5 - Run Beyond Compare/Araxis Merge/etc. against the results (we
 had a python wrapper which would launch the tool for you)


 With Review Board, 1-4 are working FAR better than we had before,
 and we also get :

 6 - A website which records feedback on changes




 We can't do #5.  With complicated changes and large number of
 files the Review Board page can be hard to navigate (not that I
 think there's anything Review Board can do about this: some
 changes are too complicated) and the diff might not show adequate
 info (now THIS is something I think we _/can/_ do something about.)


 So I'd like to propose a feature Request: I'd like to be able to
 attach a .zip to a review request containing the entirety of the
 changed files.  This way I could click on Download Diff and get
 a .tar/.zip of the modified versions of the files which I could
 view in their entirety (instead of just the .diff files)


 I realize this isn't trivial, but I thought I'd ask in case
 someone else thought it would be useful too J




 Dana Lacoste


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Issue 1309 in reviewboard: DashBoard: Using spaces for reviewers break review records

2009-09-11 Thread codesite-noreply

Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1309 by zoran.rajic: DashBoard: Using spaces for reviewers break  
review records

*NOTE: Do not post confidential information in this bug report.*

What version are you running?
ReviewBoard 1.0.1

What's the URL of the page containing the problem?
[ sorry, not accessible, it's behind the company firewall ]

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Publish review, add 2 reviewers
2. Edit reviewers -- remove first, but leave a space char before second
3. Click OK
 Result: everything appears to be fine, page rendered correctly; however,
hitting the refresh on the browser produces TemplateSyntaxError

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The Dashboard for this review ID should render correctly.

However, accessing the review ID (i.e. will
always produces the following exception:
| TemplateSyntaxError at /r/123/
| Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for 'reviewboard.user' with
arguments '(User:  zoran.rajic,)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.

.. furthermore, a brand new username seems to be inserted into the
reviewboard's database (note the ' '-char in front of the e-mail:

mysql select * from auth_user where id=67 \G;
*** 1. row ***
   id: 67
 username:  zoran.rajic
   first_name: Zoran
last_name: Rajic
 password: !
 is_staff: 0
is_active: 1
is_superuser: 0
   last_login: 2009-09-11 13:52:21
  date_joined: 2009-09-11 13:52:21
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

The new username is also reflected in the list of users - so one ends up
with username and  username in the list.

What operating system are you using? What browser?

ReviewBoard 1.0.1 running on OpenSuse v11.1 64bit Linux, Python v2.6.0,
Apache v2.2.10, MySQL v5.0.67

Reproduced with Firefox 3.5 (Windows and Linux), also MS Internet Exploder 7

Please provide any additional information below.

Exception stack-trace:

Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value: Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for
'reviewboard.user' with arguments '(User:  zoran.rajic,)' and keyword
arguments '{}' not found.

Template error
In template
error at line 49

Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for 'reviewboard.user' with
arguments '(User: zoran.rajic,)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.
39td class=labellabel for=bugs_closed{% trans Bugs
40td class=valuespan id=bugs_closed class=editable
comma-editable{% spaceless %}
41 {%  for bug in review_request_details.get_bug_list %}
42 {%   with bug|bug_url:review_request as bug_url %}
43 {%if bug_url %}a href={{bug_url}}{{bug}}/a{% else %}{{bug}}{%
endif %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
44 {%   endwith %}
45 {%  endfor %}
46 {% endspaceless %}/span/td
47td class=indented labellabel for=target_people{% trans
People %}:/label/td
48td class=valuespan id=target_people class=editable
comma-editable{% spaceless %}
49 {%  for person in review_request_details.target_people.all %}
50 a href={% url user person %}{% if not person.is_active %}
class=inactive{% endif %}{{person}}/a{% if not forloop.last %}, {%
endif %}
51 {%  endfor %}
52 {% endspaceless %}/span/td
53   /tr
54   tr
55td class=labellabel for=changenum{% trans Change Number
56td class=valuespan
57td class=labellabel for=repository{% trans Repository
58td class=valuespan
59   /tr

reproducing_defect.png  7.2 KB

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