Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Disable SHA1, MD5, RIPEMD160, and <2048 bit RSA/DSA (#1467)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Those ancient hashes, SIGMD5 in particular, are a mandatory part of the rpm 
package format as documented in LSB. Rpm >= 4.14.2 has the necessary technology 
to finally make the MD5 header+payload hash properly obsolete, but that's a 
very, very new development in terms of rpm time.

A thing like this is a policy decision, and we try to avoid those in rpm. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: read sources checksums from the SPEC file and verify them (#463)

2021-01-05 Thread Pavel Raiskup
Yes, that's what I meant.  Some implicit hook in %prep implementation, or 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Uhh, what? That not true. Nobody in Fedora deprecated RPM. Where did you get 
this information?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: read sources checksums from the SPEC file and verify them (#463)

2021-01-05 Thread Pavel Raiskup
Lemme know if you think that some PoC macro in /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d doing 
this would be useful (as first %prep instruction).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: read sources checksums from the SPEC file and verify them (#463)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Implementing it that way would require making changes to `%prep` initialization 
in RPM, so that it would run before anything is executed...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] command line help: option -q is not mentioned (#1473)

2021-01-05 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Ahh. It is simple output of `rpm` without any param. And yes, it is not there.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@lnussel , @malmond77 - if you want to talk about CoW on rpm outside the 
context of this PR, please just open a ticket here instead of going private 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: read sources checksums from the SPEC file and verify them (#463)

2021-01-05 Thread Pavel Raiskup
Could RPM hook in a check right before executing `%prep` section if e.g. macro 
 `%global source_1_sha256 ` is defined?  Older RPM implementations 
just ignore such macro.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
DNF _can't_ replace RPM, it's built on top of it.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] command line help: option -q is not mentioned (#1473)

2021-01-05 Thread Miroslav Suchý
How you get this output? I see `-q` in both `man rpm` and `rpm -h` - but output 
of both differs from what you posted.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] [WIP] Added fapolicyd plugin (#1475)

2021-01-05 Thread Radovan Sroka
The plugin notifies fapolicyd daemon about ongoing rpm transaction via linux 
It sends files info in %s %lu %64s\n format.

The daemon adds these records dynamically to the DB and they are considered as 

Related PRs:

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * Added fapolicyd plugin

-- File Changes --

M (1)
M (8)
M (1)
M plugins/ (6)
A plugins/fapolicyd.c (175)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Oh and yet another related remark: nothing against having rpm support reflink 
where possible, it's actually something I've wanted to do for a long time. Rpm 
would need to track per-filesystem capabilities somehow  (there are several 
other use-cases for that). Related to that, something mentioned in the fedora 
devel discussion: unpacking to per-filesystem "temporary" hidden location is 
something that would be useful to rpm beyond this case. And related to that in 
turn: a long, long overdue thing is to have rpm first unpack the whole package 
and only if everything up to that point succeeds, replace existing files in one 
final swoop. That is not an if but when, so you'll want to make sure you don't 
build too many assumptions around the current broken file by file unpack + 
replace operation.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton
> Uhh, what? That not true. Nobody in Fedora deprecated RPM. Where did you get 
> this information?

They say DNL is chad now.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton
> DNF _can't_ replace RPM, it's built on top of it.

That means RPM is needed only for DNF and DNF developers, so no RPM HOWTO is 

> Use DNF Instead of RPM Whenever Possible

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Miroslav Suchý
> They say DNL is chad now.

Any link to source? I am not aware of any such statement.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Redundant requires from generators are not merged (#1476)

2021-01-05 Thread Fabian Vogt
I wrote a requires generator for `.qml` files, which converts import statements 
to RPM capabilities in the format

qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.2) >= 3
qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.Layouts.2) >= 3

This works as expected, but the dependency generator is called for each file, 
so they accumulate. If one file needs version `2.3` and another needs `2.4`, 
the final package has:

qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.2) >= 3
qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.2) >= 4
qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.Layouts.2) >= 3
qt5qmlimport(QtQuick.Controls.Layouts.2) >= 4

The dependency generator is smart enough to only print the highest required 
version, but that can only work if it's fed with all files inside each package. 
That doesn't seem to be possible without using the external dep generator...

Would it be possible to merge those in RPM itself? Or even better, introduce a 
flag so that the generator is called only once for each package? That would 
also provide a speedup.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton
> Where? DNF is certainly far from dead...

By no means, and DNF replaces RPM.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Where? DNF is certainly far from dead...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Harden against crafted inputs (#1471)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Do you have actual reproducers for these cases or is this just by code-analysis 
/ compiler warnings?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

> @@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ typedef   enum rpmRC_e {
 RPMRC_NOTFOUND = 1,/*!< Generic not found code. */
 RPMRC_FAIL = 2,/*!< Generic failure code. */
 RPMRC_NOTTRUSTED   = 3,/*!< Signature is OK, but key is not trusted. */
-RPMRC_NOKEY= 4 /*!< Public key is unavailable. */
+RPMRC_NOKEY= 4,/*!< Public key is unavailable. */
+RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS = 5 /*!< fsm_file_pre plugin is handling content 

NAK for adding what effectively is an internal corner case to the highly 
visible RPMRC enum.
RPMRC was originally supposed to be a package open result, but is (mis)used for 
all sorts of bad and worse purposes throughout rpm, more likely we should move 
the plugins to use a separate error code system.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
I concur with @DemiMarie 's security concerns: we only just got the full 
payload pre-transaction verification in place *finally* in 4.14.2, but this 
effectively disables not just that but *all* digest and signature verification 
for the incoming package (in rpm2extent), which is nothing but an untrusted 
binary from somewhere AIUI. That's not acceptable, really.

Note that you don't need rpmdb to verify signatures, you just need the keys 
which can be populated from any source you like. It's just the default setup 
that relies on rpmdb.

Another point that might be of relevance is that despite saying so in the 
payload tag, the payload isn't always "cpio" these days, packages with large 
files are handled with a different format which only uses an integer as the 
file "header" in the payload. Which might be more reusable for your purposes, 
and if that was used for the package originally then the alt payload could 
perhaps be calculated more easily. I don't remember all the details so might be 
missing something here, but I think there should be something in that 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Phasing out obsolete crypto in rpm (#1292)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
> It is important to recognize that security enhancements need to be balanced 
> with usability and accessibility, otherwise nobody will use either for long. 
> RPM has also been around for 25 years, and until _very_ recently, all RPMs 
> produced in that timeframe were still accessible by the latest version of RPM.

I don't remember anything in this regard in recent times. @Conan-Kudo , what 
are you referring to here?

@DemiMarie , nobody is going to disagree on header parsing code being 
ridiculously complicated. I streamlined it a lot in the 4.14.x cycle so that 
a) one code path (instead of three)
b) install and signature check verify agree on whether something passing or not
c) we can now signature check *before* loading the header to be checked

But that's getting off track. The thing is, there can never be "only one" set 
of algorithms in rpm. The initial design did just that, and that's why we're 
still forced to deal with MD5 as a required field in packages produced a decade 
after MD5 was declared obsolete. The rpm lifespan and the consequences it has 
is something very few people realize.

For example, with the simple header-only digests and signatures, it's not that 
big a deal if there is two or three generations of them with different 
algorithms. But per-file hashes are so expensive there can only be one, and 
when people need to build across different versions sometimes targeting a 
version released 15 years ago, it has to be configurable. It's a complex 
tradeoff with tonne of historical baggage to be lugged, and what we need 
instead of "one true set" is a mechanism which allows us to deal with the 
inevitable churn over time - algorithms come and go, rpm the dinosaur stays 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Phasing out obsolete crypto in rpm (#1292)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
> I don't remember anything in this regard in recent times. @Conan-Kudo , what 
> are you referring to here?

Ah, I was mistaken, we haven't ripped out RPM v3 format support just yet, we 
only deprecated it in ba385ec5b7f4340a4f9b6815efd0f1a9521a0b15. But removal of 
LSB/v3 support is coming...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Do not parse header when validating signatures (#1468)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Would be wonderful if things were that simple.

But there's no such thing as "the signature", there are multiple digests and 
signatures ranging over various parts of the package, mostly contained in the 
signature header (so you need to parse an unprotected header anyhow) but the 
payload digests are, for security, in the main header.

Rpm does parse of the header intro and a simple text retrieve when signature 
checking, not because its fun to do but it needs to. The act of actually 
importing (aka loading) the main header which involves a far more complex set 
of operations is only done after the signature and digests checks pass.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Harden against crafted inputs (#1471)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

> @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ rpmRC rpmpkgRead(struct rpmvs_s *vs, FD_t fd,
goto exit;
-/* Read the signature header. Might not be in a contiguous region. */
-if (hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 0, RPMTAG_HEADERSIGNATURES, sigblob, ))
+/* Read the signature header. Must be in a contiguous region. */
+if (hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 1, RPMTAG_HEADERSIGNATURES, sigblob, ))

NAK on this, there's an entirely reasonable case for non-contiguous signature 
header that we might actually adopt. Please do check back on history when 
suggesting changes, there's often a reason things are the way they are.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Haven't had a chance to properly look review and think through the concept etc 
yet, but a few preliminary review remarks to follow...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

> @@ -850,10 +852,21 @@ int rpmPackageFilesInstall(rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmfiles 
> files,
 char *tid = NULL;
 const char *suffix;
 char *fpath = NULL;
+Header h = rpmteHeader(te);
+const char *payloadfmt = headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADFORMAT);
+bool cpio = true;

Rpm uses 0/1 integers for booleans throughout. While C99 is fine as such, to me 
this lone "bool" only ends up looking out of place.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove RedHat from HOWTO (#1474)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton
RedHat, or rather Fedora, has deprecated RPM and does not offer any support for 
it.  Please remove links to RedHat and mentions thereof from the HOWTO document.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: `rpm --macrofile` for using arbitrary macro file directories (#1469)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Um? --macros= exists since beginning of times, any 4.x version certainly.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: `rpm --macrofile` for using arbitrary macro file directories (#1469)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: `rpm --macrofile` for using arbitrary macro file directories (#1469)

2021-01-05 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
Closed #1469.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Phasing out obsolete crypto in rpm (#1292)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Okay, in that case we agree :smile: 

I think the "nice" way of killing v3 support is letting the obsolete crypto 
those packages use make it effectively uninstallable due to being unverifiable. 
That would actually already be the case, if it wasn't for the MD5 
header+payload digest being the only available non-signature means of 
verification for the payload in much of rpm 4.x too, all the way up to < 4.14. 
It's configurable already though.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

 for (i = 0; i < plugins->count; i++) {
rpmPlugin plugin = plugins->plugins[i];
-   if (hookFunc && hookFunc(plugin, fi, path, file_mode, op) == 
-   rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "Plugin %s: hook fsm_file_pre failed\n", 
-   rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
+   if (hookFunc) {
+   hook_rc = hookFunc(plugin, fi, path, file_mode, op);
+   if (hook_rc == RPMRC_FAIL) {
+   rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, "Plugin %s: hook fsm_file_pre failed\n", 
+   rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
+   } else if (hook_rc == RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS && rc != RPMRC_FAIL) {
+   if (rc == RPMRC_PLUGIN_CONTENTS) {
+   /*
+   Another plugin already said it'd handle contents. It's 
undefined how
+   these would combine, so treat this as a failure condition.
+   */

The rpm coding style for multi-line comments is as follow, please use that:

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
@pmatilai commented on this pull request.

> +#define NOT_FOUND 0
+#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 128)
+/* magic value at end of file (64 bits) that indicates this is a transcoded 
rpm */
+#define MAGIC 3472329499408095051
+struct reflink_state_s {
+  /* Stuff that's used across rpms */
+  long fundamental_block_size;
+  char *buffer;
+  /* stuff that's used/updated per psm */
+  uint32_t keys, keysize;
+  // table for current rpm, keys * (keysize + sizeof(rpm_loff_t))

Please use `/* ... */` comments consistently everywhere.  `//` comments have 
occasionally slipped into the codebase but the generic style is `/* */`.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] command line help: option -q is undocumented (#1473)

2021-01-05 Thread Christopher Yeleighton
{ rpm; }

> Składnia: rpm [-afgplsiv?] [-a|--all] [-f|--file] [-g|--group] [-p|--package]
>[--pkgid] [--hdrid] [--triggeredby] [--whatconflicts] [--whatrequires]
>[--whatobsoletes] [--whatprovides] [--whatrecommends] [--whatsuggests]
>[--whatsupplements] [--whatenhances] [--nomanifest] [-c|--configfiles]
>[-d|--docfiles] [-L|--licensefiles] [-A|--artifactfiles] [--noghost]
>[--noconfig] [--noartifact] [--dump] [-l|--list]
>[--queryformat=QUERYFORMAT] [-s|--state] [--nofiledigest] [--nofiles]
>[--nodeps] [--noscript] [--allfiles] [--allmatches] [--badreloc]
>[-e|--erase=+] [--excludedocs] [--excludepath=<ścieżka>] 
> [--force]
>[-F|--freshen=+] [-h|--hash] [--ignorearch] [--ignoreos]
>[--ignoresize] [--noverify] [-i|--install] [--justdb] [--nodeps]
>[--nofiledigest] [--nocontexts] [--nocaps] [--noorder] [--noscripts]
>[--notriggers] [--oldpackage] [--percent] [--prefix=]
>[--relocate==] [--replacefiles] [--replacepkgs] 
> [--test]
>[-U|--upgrade=+] [--reinstall=+]
>[-D|--define="MAKRO WYRAŻENIE"] [--undefine=MAKRO] 
> [-E|--eval="WYRAŻENIE"]
>[--load=] [--noplugins] [--nodigest] [--nosignature]
>[--rcfile=] [-r|--root=ROOT] [--dbpath=KATALOG] [--querytags]
>[--showrc] [--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [--version] [-?|--help] [--usage]
>[--scripts] [--setperms] [--setugids] [--setcaps] [--restore]
>[--conflicts] [--obsoletes] [--provides] [--requires] [--recommends]
>[--suggests] [--supplements] [--enhances] [--info] [--changelog]
>[--changes] [--xml] [--triggers] [--filetriggers] [--last] [--dupes]
>[--filesbypkg] [--fileclass] [--filecolor] [--fileprovide] 
> [--filerequire]

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RPM with Copy on Write (#1470)

2021-01-05 Thread Panu Matilainen
Another broader thought is that perhaps it might be better to add a new plugin 
slot for this kind of purpose, which gets the fd as an argument and so doesn't 
need rpmteFd() which is something I'm not really comfortable in exposing in the 
external API. That would probably eliminate the need for that special 
PLUGIN_CONTENT return too.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Redundant requires from generators are not merged (#1476)

2021-01-05 Thread Michael Schroeder
(At least I thought it does that. Maybe that just was wishful thinking...)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Redundant requires from generators are not merged (#1476)

2021-01-05 Thread Michael Schroeder
rpm needs to assign dependencies to files so that 'rpm -q --filerequire' works. 
So it can't simply drop dependencies.

In case you're wondering: rpm does this to ignore dependencies for files that 
are not installed, e.g. because they have the wrong file color.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Harden against crafted inputs (#1471)

2021-01-05 Thread Demi Marie Obenour
@DemiMarie commented on this pull request.

> @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ rpmRC rpmpkgRead(struct rpmvs_s *vs, FD_t fd,
goto exit;
-/* Read the signature header. Might not be in a contiguous region. */
-if (hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 0, RPMTAG_HEADERSIGNATURES, sigblob, ))
+/* Read the signature header. Must be in a contiguous region. */
+if (hdrblobRead(fd, 1, 1, RPMTAG_HEADERSIGNATURES, sigblob, ))

That’s understandable, so long as we never call `headerImport` on this header.

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