Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-09-02 Thread Rob Willett


We aren't storing first_seen in every row. Each incident is something 

Date_Time_of_update_in_epoch_secs1 unique_incident_number information about the incident>
Date_Time_of_update_in_epoch_secs2 unique_incident_number information about the incident>
Date_Time_of_update_in_epoch_secs3 unique_incident_number information about the incident>
Date_Time_of_update_in_epoch_secs4 unique_incident_number information about the incident>
Date_Time_of_update_in_epoch_secs5 unique_incident_number information about the incident>

These incidents are spread over time, but normally there are around 
300-600 secs apart. There is no guarantee that each update has an update 
for that unique_incident_number in, so we could have an update with an 
incident missing, and then one 10 mins later with the incident in. The 
data feed is wholly out of our control and it may be that a traffic 
officer has not been able to add things in. We have to manage data being 
incomplete but we've learnt how to now.

What we do each night is work out the stuff in the middle of the first 
and last incident (based on the unique_incident_number) and throw the 
middle stuff away. There are other heuristics that determine what we 
throw away, so we built a small state machine to work it all out. The 
first time we ran the system, it took about three hours to run and work 
out what to throw. Thats when we found out that dropping a table in 
SQLite is quite time expensive. However once you do the first run, 
subsequent runs take around 90 secs. This means that the report we run 
to work out the averages of incidents dropped from 90 mins to around 90 

Most of our stuff is written in the worlds most hated language, Perl, 
which we find easy to use and fast. No idea why people don't like it ;)

We can't do this in real time as it's too much work, so we run it at 
03:35 each day on a cronjob.

Hope this helps.


On 31 Aug 2019, at 14:45, Rob Richardson wrote:

Why are you storing first_seen in every record?  To avoid searching 
for it

when reports are generated?

On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 6:24 AM Rob Willett 



We have a very similar system that captures traffic incident 

such as accidents, roadworks, traffic jams and sends personalised
information to drivers based on their routes.

We realised after a few years that our original design for the 
was inefficient as we had a single table that was about 60GB, circa 
rows, that consisted of traffic incidents and uptakes. The 

was our design and not SQLite.

This inefficiency showed when we used to run a daily report that
summarised the traffic information for historical trends, e.g. we 
to know the average time for a road accident to be cleared on a 

of road on a specific day or time of day. This report mean we read in
circa 500M rows and 60GB of data each night and took circa 90 mins to
run as we did a lot of calculations.

We were not able to change the structure of the database too much (as 
was too far down the line). So we spent a long time looking at the 

with cold, wet towels on our foreheads in darkened rooms :) After we
analysed the data we realised that most of our 'updates' were not
actually updates at all an all were were actually interested in was 
start and end times of incidents, all the 'stuff' in the middle was 
noise.  The problem we had was that disruptions could last a long 
and there was no actual end of incident marker, just that there 

another disruption with that unique identifier and a later timestamp.
This sounds similar to your situation. Basically we constructed a 

state model based on time.

What we now do is to each night we run a Perl script each night to
remove anything that is between the first and end incidents. We know
that the end incident may move on the next day, but at that point in
time it is still the last/end/most recent indicator. Our data is
structured around time so we always have a time of insertion 

in the field as things may not be ordered by row id.

Once we had this insight, we took our database down from 60GB to 
and the report that ran from 90 mins to 90 secs. We have to give 
to this mailing list for the patient and courteous way that helped 

assisted with our often stupid questions.

The lessons we learnt from this are:

1. Get your database schema right from the go. We didn't. In 

we should have spent longer looking at this.

2. Put in more information than you think you may need just in case. 

did that. We put time information in at per second granularity.

3. Don't worry too much about disk space unless you are on a 

device. In hindsight we could have stored even more data :)

4. Think hard about solutions that are simple. We love simplicity as
this makes it easier to go back and change things. Too many 
would be too difficult to unpick. Keeping it s

Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-09-02 Thread Rob Richardson
Why are you storing first_seen in every record?  To avoid searching for it
when reports are generated?

On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 6:24 AM Rob Willett 

> Hi,
> We have a very similar system that captures traffic incident information
> such as accidents, roadworks, traffic jams and sends personalised
> information to drivers based on their routes.
> We realised after a few years that our original design for the database
> was inefficient as we had a single table that was about 60GB, circa 500M
> rows, that consisted of traffic incidents and uptakes. The inefficiency
> was our design and not SQLite.
> This inefficiency showed when we used to run a daily report that
> summarised the traffic information for historical trends, e.g. we wanted
> to know the average time for a road accident to be cleared on a stretch
> of road on a specific day or time of day. This report mean we read in
> circa 500M rows and 60GB of data each night and took circa 90 mins to
> run as we did a lot of calculations.
> We were not able to change the structure of the database too much (as it
> was too far down the line). So we spent a long time looking at the data
> with cold, wet towels on our foreheads in darkened rooms :) After we
> analysed the data we realised that most of our 'updates' were not
> actually updates at all an all were were actually interested in was the
> start and end times of incidents, all the 'stuff' in the middle was just
> noise.  The problem we had was that disruptions could last a long time
> and there was no actual end of incident marker, just that there wasn't
> another disruption with that unique identifier and a later timestamp.
> This sounds similar to your situation. Basically we constructed a simple
> state model based on time.
> What we now do is to each night we run a Perl script each night to
> remove anything that is between the first and end incidents. We know
> that the end incident may move on the next day, but at that point in
> time it is still the last/end/most recent indicator. Our data is
> structured around time so we always have a time of insertion indicator
> in the field as things may not be ordered by row id.
> Once we had this insight, we took our database down from 60GB to 800MB
> and the report that ran from 90 mins to 90 secs. We have to give credit
> to this mailing list for the patient and courteous way that helped and
> assisted with our often stupid questions.
> The lessons we learnt from this are:
> 1. Get your database schema right from the go. We didn't. In hindsight
> we should have spent longer looking at this.
> 2. Put in more information than you think you may need just in case. We
> did that. We put time information in at per second granularity.
> 3. Don't worry too much about disk space unless you are on a constrained
> device. In hindsight we could have stored even more data :)
> 4. Think hard about solutions that are simple. We love simplicity as
> this makes it easier to go back and change things. Too many dependencies
> would be too difficult to unpick. Keeping it simple also works for us as
> we're not experts :)
> 5. SQLite seems to be able to do anything we want it to. We know the
> 'limitations' of it not being a full client/server database, just to be
> clear, we do not consider this a limitation at all but rather a virtue.
> Other people seem worried about the 'lack' of some datatypes, we do
> masses of data and date conversations as needed and it's never been a
> speed issue or any issue.
> 6. Ask this group for help. We realised that the more information we
> provided in a clear and concise manner in our help email, the more help
> we got, it was a virtuous circle. The sum help of the people in this
> group far, far exceeds our own knowledge. As a rule of thumb, if we ask
> for help, we expect it to take 1-2 hours as a minimum for us to write
> the email. That may be because we're not SQL experts. Also follow up
> every email as if people have taken the time to reply to us, they
> deserve a reply themselves. As we are English, we could end up in a
> thanks for the reply endless loop :) The group has an exceptionally
> signal to noise ratio and is invariably courteous.
> I would be astonished if you can't get SQLite to do what you want to do.
> We have never managed to touch the sides of the system and suspect we
> never will.
> More than happy to answer more questions as this group helped us and
> it's only fair we offer the help back. I will state that we are not SQL
> (or SQLite) experts :)
> Rob
> On 30 Aug 2019, at 21:44, Random Coder wrote:
> > First off, if this sort of "code review" style question is
> > inappropriate for this list, please feel free to reply to me directly
> > and tell me to stop, and I'll know to not do this again.
> >
> > That said, I have a question on the use of SQLite.  At the risk of
> > falling into the XY problem, I'll give some details on what i'm doing,
> > and then how I'm doing it

Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-09-02 Thread Dominique Devienne
On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 12:24 PM Rob Willett 

> 5. SQLite seems to be able to do anything we want it to. [...]
> Other people seem worried about the 'lack' of some datatypes, we do
> masses of data and date conversations as needed and it's never been a
> speed issue or any issue.

 (since I'm often one of those "other people", I feel compelled to reply to
that one)

As Keith wrote above in this thread, it's all about "integrity", and why
I'd want more datatypes in SQLite.

An integer column (e.g. number of seconds since Epoc, or gregorian days, or
else) or a
text column (e.g. RFC XYZ datetime, local-TZ or not) says nothing about
that column, and certainly
does not enforce anything by itself. Rare are the people actually adding
CHECK constraints to enforce those.
So having more specialized datatypes provides more semantic information in
the schema itself,
and that a good thing, a very good thing indeed.

Of course you can do anything with SQLite despite that, or the "flexible
typing" dear to DRH,
just like you can code anything in a duck-typing scripting language like
you can in a statically
typed language. But more typing does help in the long run IMHO, and is very
valuable. FWIW... --DD
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-08-31 Thread Rob Willett


We have a very similar system that captures traffic incident information 
such as accidents, roadworks, traffic jams and sends personalised 
information to drivers based on their routes.

We realised after a few years that our original design for the database 
was inefficient as we had a single table that was about 60GB, circa 500M 
rows, that consisted of traffic incidents and uptakes. The inefficiency 
was our design and not SQLite.

This inefficiency showed when we used to run a daily report that 
summarised the traffic information for historical trends, e.g. we wanted 
to know the average time for a road accident to be cleared on a stretch 
of road on a specific day or time of day. This report mean we read in 
circa 500M rows and 60GB of data each night and took circa 90 mins to 
run as we did a lot of calculations.

We were not able to change the structure of the database too much (as it 
was too far down the line). So we spent a long time looking at the data 
with cold, wet towels on our foreheads in darkened rooms :) After we 
analysed the data we realised that most of our 'updates' were not 
actually updates at all an all were were actually interested in was the 
start and end times of incidents, all the 'stuff' in the middle was just 
noise.  The problem we had was that disruptions could last a long time 
and there was no actual end of incident marker, just that there wasn't 
another disruption with that unique identifier and a later timestamp. 
This sounds similar to your situation. Basically we constructed a simple 
state model based on time.

What we now do is to each night we run a Perl script each night to 
remove anything that is between the first and end incidents. We know 
that the end incident may move on the next day, but at that point in 
time it is still the last/end/most recent indicator. Our data is 
structured around time so we always have a time of insertion indicator 
in the field as things may not be ordered by row id.

Once we had this insight, we took our database down from 60GB to 800MB 
and the report that ran from 90 mins to 90 secs. We have to give credit 
to this mailing list for the patient and courteous way that helped and 
assisted with our often stupid questions.

The lessons we learnt from this are:

1. Get your database schema right from the go. We didn't. In hindsight 
we should have spent longer looking at this.

2. Put in more information than you think you may need just in case. We 
did that. We put time information in at per second granularity.

3. Don't worry too much about disk space unless you are on a constrained 
device. In hindsight we could have stored even more data :)

4. Think hard about solutions that are simple. We love simplicity as 
this makes it easier to go back and change things. Too many dependencies 
would be too difficult to unpick. Keeping it simple also works for us as 
we're not experts :)

5. SQLite seems to be able to do anything we want it to. We know the 
'limitations' of it not being a full client/server database, just to be 
clear, we do not consider this a limitation at all but rather a virtue. 
Other people seem worried about the 'lack' of some datatypes, we do 
masses of data and date conversations as needed and it's never been a 
speed issue or any issue.

6. Ask this group for help. We realised that the more information we 
provided in a clear and concise manner in our help email, the more help 
we got, it was a virtuous circle. The sum help of the people in this 
group far, far exceeds our own knowledge. As a rule of thumb, if we ask 
for help, we expect it to take 1-2 hours as a minimum for us to write 
the email. That may be because we're not SQL experts. Also follow up 
every email as if people have taken the time to reply to us, they 
deserve a reply themselves. As we are English, we could end up in a 
thanks for the reply endless loop :) The group has an exceptionally 
signal to noise ratio and is invariably courteous.

I would be astonished if you can't get SQLite to do what you want to do. 
We have never managed to touch the sides of the system and suspect we 
never will.

More than happy to answer more questions as this group helped us and 
it's only fair we offer the help back. I will state that we are not SQL 
(or SQLite) experts :)


On 30 Aug 2019, at 21:44, Random Coder wrote:

First off, if this sort of "code review" style question is
inappropriate for this list, please feel free to reply to me directly
and tell me to stop, and I'll know to not do this again.

That said, I have a question on the use of SQLite.  At the risk of
falling into the XY problem, I'll give some details on what i'm doing,
and then how I'm doing it.  My basic question is if what I'm doing is
valid, and if I'm doing anything needlessly wasteful.

I have a system monitoring events (and I know I'm being vague on the
exact nature of these events, I can't provide too many details, sorry.
Please try to accept what I say as

Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-08-30 Thread Random Coder
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 3:35 PM Keith Medcalf  wrote:
> Seems fine, other than that event.first_seen and event.last_seen can be NULL, 
> in which case that field will never be updated.  So while you may claim that 
> you never store NULL in those fields, doing so will cause non-workage due to 
> integrity failure,

Good point.  There are no code paths that could put NULL in there now,
but as you say, I should make sure that's the case in the design, in
case the insert logic changes in the future.  Thanks for catching

> and the purpose of a DBMS is to enforce integrity.

And thanks a ton for this comment, I need to get in this mentality, clearly.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Tracking item history using SQLite

2019-08-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

On Friday, 30 August, 2019 14:45, Random Coder  wrote:

>first_seen INTEGER,
>last_seen INTEGER

So first_seen and last_seen are permitted to be NULL?

>INSERT INTO event(event_id, first_seen, last_seen) VALUES(?, ?, ?)
>first_seen = MIN(excluded.first_seen, hashes.first_seen),
>last_seen = MAX(excluded.last_seen, hashes.last_seen);


>   ATTACH ':memory:' AS mem_db;
>   CREATE TABLE mem_db.valid(event_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY);

>And populate that table with the events the user is interested in.
>I'm doing this since I won't get the list of items in one list, it's
>built up over some minutes.  If the system running dies in the middle
>of a request, it's OK to start over.  Then I run:

>event.event_id = mem_db.valid.event_id;

>And gather up the results and pretty them up for the user.

>Does all of this seem valid?  It works, so I'm OK with it, but I'm
>far from a SQLite expert, and I want to know if I'm going to be 
>backing myself into a corner or otherwise torturing things that 
>should be done differently.  

Seems fine, other than that event.first_seen and event.last_seen can be NULL, 
in which case that field will never be updated.  So while you may claim that 
you never store NULL in those fields, doing so will cause non-workage due to 
integrity failure, and the purpose of a DBMS is to enforce integrity.

>Thanks for any feedback.

Just my 2 cents.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

sqlite-users mailing list