Re: [talk-au] JOSM on handheld device

2010-01-20 Thread Andy Owen

> Ive tried a few packages such as opencitymap and OSM-tracker, but they
> all seem to have pre-requesites that arent identified on the download
> sites.
> I figure I cant be the only person who wants to edit OSM from my GPS
> device, so Im hoping someone might have a few ideas for apps worth a
> play with, before I give up and look at writing my own.

I use osm2go on a nokia n810:

It is written in C, and it might be a decent starting point. I haven't
poked the code at all to see how portable it is, but it is actively
developed and very usable.


> David
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Re: [talk-au] ?WinCE program

2009-10-19 Thread Andy Owen
(just to further derail :-)

When people talk about ARM, they are generally talking about the ARM
instruction set.

armel is an ABI, that is, a specification for how applications are
actually written (e.g. it specifies how arguments are passed between
binaries, how numbers are represented (like big/little endian) and other
stuff like that - I believe the "el" means "embedded little endian",
there is also a "mipsel" ABI).

Most mobile devices beyond a certain complexity threshold use ARM. I
think the closest competitor in the space would be MIPS. If you want to
get specific about it, there are lots of variations of ARM, for example
some will have extra instructions for doing things like "add two
numbers, and if the answer overflows, then don't wrap around". But the
core instructions stay the same.

The ARM company doesn't actually make chips, they just license their
designs, so you can get ARM chips through lots of vendors, often
packaged with other bits too to form one big system on a chip (e.g. the
OMAP stuff).

Atmel are more known for their microcontrollers, which are much cheaper,
less complicated, lower power draw and good for doing things like
controlling toasters.


On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 20:44 +1000, John Smith wrote:
> 2009/10/19 Elizabeth Dodd :
> > armel is the sort in the freerunner
> > similar? different?
> I think you are confusing atmel and arm
> Although a quick google says the atmel chips in freerunner uses an ARM
> instruction set.
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[talk-au] Tagging help

2009-08-15 Thread Andy Owen
Hi all, if anyone could give me some assistance with a few tags that
would be great. I'm trying to get St Ives showground mapped
( ). I can do about 45 minutes of wandering
around there every few weeks, so it is slowly getting better.

There are a couple of things it has, which I don't know how to tag. Or I
think I know, but the tags used have long been abandoned on the wiki.

I took photos today, so I would have something to ask about. If they are
useful enough to go on the wiki, then I'm happy for them to be licensed
whatever. Don't count on this url being available in a month though.

1) A dog training area. The best I can see is: sport=dog_training

2-3)  Model plane flying field. The best I can see is:

4) Horse saddling thing. I don't really know what this would be called.
There are a couple around the place, most are on concrete.

5) Horse exercise area. This is what they call it on the map (which I
forgot to photograph). 

According to the wiki for sport=equestrian:

"Equestrianism, sports involving the skill of riding or driving horses.
Often associated internationally with show jumping and dressage, but
also including endurance riding, eventing, reining, tent pegging,
vaulting, polo, horse racing, driving, rodeo and more."

But this seems to throw away a whole lot of information if I just tag it
as sport=equestrian, because it looks nothing like the actual equestrian
centre just to the north of it.

I'm happy to leave it tagged as sport=equestrian though.

6)  This was a fenced off thing, which might have been a scaled
topographic map of the area... but I'm not really sure.

7) Remote control car racing. Currently tagged as leisure=track
sport=rc_car_racing ... I'm fairly sure this one is wrong :)

Any assistance appreciated.


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Re: [talk-au] Running stats against GPX files ...

2009-06-25 Thread Andy Owen
On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 05:16 -0700, John Smith wrote:

> JSON offers most of the advantages of XML, without a lot of the drawbacks, 
> XML is often referred to as a horse designed by a committee and they ended up 
> with a camel :)

The way I see it - XML is good for marking up text. JSON is good for
describing structured data. 

If HTML was based on JSON, it would be somewhat ugly, and I think an
XMLish like thing suits it well.

On the other hand, I think JSON is a good fit for a gps trace (since it
is just structured data), and using XML is bleh. 

The big reason that XML gets used everywhere is because it gets used
everywhere :). If a language didn't have a JSON library and an XML
library, the XML one would get written first. So even though it is a
clumsy language for lots of things, it is at least a clumsy standard

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Re: [talk-au] Hi all ...

2009-06-21 Thread Andy Owen
> If one was really trying to hunt someone down with OSM, a carefull
> study of their edit history would most likely reveal information about
> their location anyway.

I previously had all my traces private. Then, I realised that if someone
wanted to track me down, they could just look me up in the phone book...
or ask me. 

(actually, I had them private because I thought they were rubbish, but
it turned out to be a bug in the thing I was viewing them in, and it
added an extra point at the start, at a random location)


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Re: [talk-au] Uploading traces (Was; Hi all ...)

2009-06-18 Thread Andy Owen
On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 15:25 +1000, Ross Scanlon wrote:
> > * improving routing information, by working out average speed on roads
> > (at different times).
> If your connected to the internet that's fine but it's no use for on the
> road re-routing, unless you have all the gps traces downloaded to your
> gps.
> This should be tagged by maxspeed anyway.

Maximum speed is different to expected speed. What I'm talking about is
the ability to work out which road is generally the best at a certain
time. For example, I know if I use the highway at 8, it is clogged with
people going to work, but if I use the alternative route a bit later,
then it is clogged with school parents. This sort of data is mostly
static (when you consider enough dimensions), and unrelated to maximum

> Some one may have also driven the road really slowly (push bike) and some
> one may have done it at the speed limit.  This would skew any reliability.

Hence the need for lots of data. All the algorithms that do this stuff
are designed knowing that there will be noisy data. Google has their own
version of something like this, except real time. They attach gps
transmitters to some taxis and have sensors on roads, and bring all that
information in to try to work out what the average speed is on different
roads. If a taxi is parked, or a road sensor is busted, it doesn't freak
out and declare that the average speed is 0.

> > * improving height maps, by taking (lots of) samples where altitude
> > information was present.
> Pointless, vertical data is grossly out from a gps you are better off
> using the NASA dem data.

You can still find out useful things from noisy data, as long as there
is enough of it that you can filter out the noise, and since we already
have a starting point for the data, we can be even smarter. Throwing
more information at the problem helps us get a better solution - even if
some of the information is noisy.

> > * automatically guessing the number of lanes on a road, by looking at
> > the variance of traces over sections in each direction.
> Should be tagged anyway (when more than 1) and how do you know it's not an
> accuracy problem.

re accuracy problem: same answer as before.
re "should be tagged anyway": that may be true, but they often aren't.
If an automatic process can fix up most of them, then it saves us time.
And if we revisit the tagging later to make it more expressive (e.g.
saying which specific lanes end), then this will save a lot of time.

> I was going to say look at the sat photo but that dosn't help as its
> covered over with trees.
> We have to trust that osm's are putting in accurate data but from what
> I've seen the data already there is miles better than google maps
> particularly in rural Australia.
Absolutely (and I only checked because it isn't too far out of my way).

But, if someone has the time to do cool things with the gps traces, then
they will be very thankful for any more data. I know of one person who
uses the raw gpx traces from OSM to improve the accuracy of another gps
(it tries to model the walking patterns of a person, so it can predict
how their speed will change as they turn corners and stuff like that). I
don't know a whole lot about it, but this person was begging me for my
gpx traces because he wanted even more data... so obviously there are
some uses for it :)

Just to reiterate - I don't personally care if you do upload or not. But
if you are holding back from uploading because you think it isn't
useful, then I'd disagree.


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Re: [talk-au] Uploading traces (Was; Hi all ...)

2009-06-17 Thread Andy Owen
On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 13:21 +1000, Ross Scanlon wrote:
> The greater good is supported by the end product not by data (GPX files)
> that, although supports the end product, is not shown in the final map or
> routing solutions.

There is actually a fair bit of value in having the raw traces
available, even if we aren't using it at the moment. Some examples -
none of which are being done at the moment (that I know of), but all of
which would be improved by having more gpx files (these are just off the
top of my head, so please don't take issue with the fact that some of
them will be really hard to do well):

* improving routing information, by working out average speed on roads
(at different times).
* improving height maps, by taking (lots of) samples where altitude
information was present.
* automatically guessing the number of lanes on a road, by looking at
the variance of traces over sections in each direction.
* automatically marking ways which haven't been looked at for a long
time, so someone can revisit them to make sure they haven't changed.
* (insert your imagination here)

A situation which has actually happened for me is when our map disagrees
with a commercial map. e.g:,151.10239&spn=0.001891,0.002398&z=19

If we had a trace here showing a person getting to a dead end, turning
around and going back around the other way, then it would be much more
convincing that the OSM data is correct. As it is, it is our word
against google's.

(on the other hand, when I saw this and so went to check it to make sure
we were right, I didn't have a gps either, so there is still no trace)

So in summary, you aren't a bad person if you don't upload your traces,
but there are interesting and useful things that can be done with them,
so if it is possible and convenient to do so, then you should. This is
Open Street _Map_, not Open GPS Traces, so you are right that the gpx
files aren't the focus... but maybe one day they will be used to improve
the maps.

(and I don't think clogging the database is a valid concern. on a hunch,
I'd say that the traces are miniscule in comparison to the rest of the
data they are storing)


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Re: [talk-au] How to map out streets the most efficently

2009-06-17 Thread Andy Owen
On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 19:27 +1000, Liz wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, James Livingston wrote:
> > There's a nice mathematical algorithm for figuring out that.
> It's a problem given to all computer science students to solve: 
> "the travelling salesman".
> The more points to cover, the more processing power it uses 
> which makes the way the human brain can solve those problems really cool.

(sorry, I didn't get my comp sci degree for nothing :))

Actually, this is the Chinese Postman Problem, which is closer to the
problem of finding a Eulerian path, which is actually very possible -
even without knowing the map before hand (with a few assumptions). The
travelling salesman problem tries to find a short path between lots of
places, but it doesn't make any attempt to cover every street, so it
will miss out on lots of roads.

Exciting computer science ahead. Read on if bored (you've been warned):

A Eulerian path is a path that goes down every road exactly once, which
is exactly what you want. Unfortunately, it is only possible to do when
there are 0 or 2 intersections with an odd number of roads leading into
them (a dead end counts as an intersection too). And, if there is a pair
of intersections with an odd number of roads, then we need to start on
one of them (and we'll finish at the other). 

And yes, you also need to have full knowledge of the map when you are
planning, there also can't be one-way streets or turning restrictions.
If you ignore the restriction from the previous paragraph for now then:

1) Keep driving until you hit an intersection.
2) Go down a road you haven't been down. If there are multiple roads
which you haven't driven down, then pick any of the roads to follow,
unless choosing one would split the set of undriven roads in two. 

Now to fix the dead end and T intersection problem, before you start:
1) Find an intersection with an odd number of roads going to it.
2) Find the shortest path from it to any other intersection with an odd
number of roads going to it.
3) Add a fake road along that path, so you are then allowed to travel
down it more than one time.

For example, if you have a T intersection leading to a dead end, then
the dead end road would get a fake road placed over the top of it.

(but like most maths, this would probably end up making things worse if
you actually tried it - as it is much quicker to go straight than to be
constantly making right hand turns everywhere, and this algorithm
doesn't care)

(oh, and someone suggested that if the roads were all in a grid, you
could do smart things to take into account the redundancy, and just
zig-zag through, knowing you can extrapolate later... I don't know of
any algorithms that will find the best path in these cases - you would
need to add a fair bit of extra magic to existing graph theory to solve

> ___
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Re: [talk-au] Rivers

2009-05-21 Thread Andy Owen
I have a nokia n810 which I have used on foot to edit a map in the
middle of the day. 

I used osm2go:

Which is actively developed, and lets you pick an area, download the osm
data for it, make offline changes (with the gps on) and then upload it

While you walk around, it draws your current position, and a trace.

If you are the sort of person who likes buying toys, then you might want
to consider it (though I suspect it will be superseded soon, as the sdk
for the next version is being distributed now - so if you wait a bit,
then either you can get it cheaper, or get a newer shinier thing). 

The gps in it isn't great, but it does the job (it can take a while to
get a lock). The screen is awesome (800x480, but fits in your pocket,
and is transflective, so instead of washing out the screen, some of the
sunlight is reflected back to work like a backlight. If you are a
programmer, then you probably want one of these, otherwise, take my
enthusiasm for it and halve it :)


On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 15:07 -0700, wrote:
> --- On Wed, 20/5/09,  wrote:
> > I've tried something like this in the car but daylight is
> > too bright to
> > see anything on the computer screen, and my sunglasses
> > don't have a
> > reading correction built in.
> You could get something like the Panasonic Toughbook which is designed to be 
> used outdoors and in coal mines, but I'm trying to do everything on a smart 
> phone.
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Re: [talk-au] Australian mapping Wiki

2008-05-27 Thread Andy Owen
On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 21:04 +0930, Andrew Laughton wrote:
> Hi people.
> Where is the Australian open street map mapping wiki ?

> I have some gps traces with large long lines in them.
> If my gps is turned on away from where it was turned off, my gps draws
> a strait line between the two.
> I have been keeping these private so as to not annoy other mappers.

My gps does that too. Out of curiosity, what are you using? I mentioned
this on irc and wondered whether it would be possible for the osm server
to filter out points that are too far apart. The response was that my
particular gps/software combo (nokia n810 with maemomapper) wasn't
common enough to warrant a fix by the people who would be in the best
position to fix it. I do plan on fixing it (both in my gps software and
in potlach), but I haven't had time yet.

I also now keep my traces private for the same reason, though sometimes
I forget and accidentally make them public.

> I have noticed other mappers have left sloppy traces, which I cannot
> hide and see mine at the same time.

>From the page that lists all your own traces, if you click the edit
link, it will take you to potlach with just that trace shown.

> What is the correct way to do things ?
> Also, some of my mapping efforts are not sticking to the viewing map.
> Why not ?

Have you waited a week? The changes generally make it to the viewing map
on a Wednesday at some time.

> Andrew
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[talk-au] source tags

2008-04-11 Thread Andy Owen
I tend to be quite lazy in tagging the source for the changes I make.
How bad a person am I? :)

When I add streets, I do it from gps traces so there is that evidence in
the database that the data was original.

Also, when there are streets that already exist, with a source tag and
I'm editing them, what should happen? e.g. lots of streets have the
source as the yahoo imagery, should I be 'upgrading' them to 'survey' or
'local knowledge' (as appropriate) when I'm modifying them? 


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