Re: [U2] Universe error message 5000

2011-08-17 Thread fft2001

001 Monkey
002 Cock
003 Dog
004 Boar
005 Rat
006 Ox
007 Tiger
008 Rabbit
009 Dragon
010 Snake
011 Horse
012 Sheep

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] uv 2 ud

2011-05-27 Thread fft2001
+1 Convert.

Here is a strange one - i have a friend with a uv system that he cannot
maintain - so he has asked me to do this. It needs transferring to a new
machine and some changes making and maintained over the coming years.
However my team has worked exclusively in ud for 10 years, so uv is rather
rusty to say the least, and would not fit with our existing portfolio- what
would people recommend, stick with it on uv and hopefully not make too many
mistakes and try to learn fast, or convert the app to run on ud ?  His uv
livence is long out of maintenance so there is no financial reason to stick
with uv.





-Original Message-
From: Symeon Breen 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Fri, May 27, 2011 8:47 am
Subject: [U2] uv 2 ud

Here is a strange one - i have a friend with a uv system that he cannot
maintain - so he has asked me to do this. It needs transferring to a new
machine and some changes making and maintained over the coming years.
However my team has worked exclusively in ud for 10 years, so uv is rather
rusty to say the least, and would not fit with our existing portfolio- what
would people recommend, stick with it on uv and hopefully not make too many
mistakes and try to learn fast, or convert the app to run on ud ?  His uv
livence is long out of maintenance so there is no financial reason to stick
with uv.






U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe PE

2011-05-25 Thread FFT2001
I tried to again go to the download link for the Universe PE.  It lets me 
fill out the registration form, but then nothing downloads, I just get an 
email saying someone will contact me

What's up?

Will Johnson
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Uniobjects - What Is It?

2011-05-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 5/19/2011 9:43:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Have you seen the PHP PDO driver article on Although it
> is a 'build it yourself article', it does come with the source code so
> you should be able to just compile and use it.

Head + Wall + Beating
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [AD] - U2] Uniobjects - What Is It?

2011-05-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 5/20/2011 7:04:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> [ad]
> We built a middle-ware connection using open source JavaPHP bridge after
> seeing Kevin do this hodge podge connection scheme using a COM UniObject 
> at
> a CMUG meeting in Denver in 2009.  Our middle-ware software is called
> U2WebLink and it manages the connections with Unidata or Universe using
> Apache Tomcat.  U2WebLink comes with logging and monitor software to 
> figure
> out what you web site is doing using graphs and user displayed grids.

You'd might as well tell us how much.

So how much?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] LED editor for Universe

2011-05-06 Thread fft2001
If they don't consume a seat, doesn't that also mean that they don't lock the 
program while editing it?
If so, how do they work well in a multi-programmer environment?


Again, at least these editors mentioned before don't require a telnet
session, use UniObjects to access data from U2, and they don't look like
they were developed in the 80's. Oh by the way, they all do colors.





-Original Message-
From: Doug Averch 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 12:23 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] LED editor for Universe

Hi Keith:

When I read your notes about another editor that is about 6,000 Basic lines
long, I'm wonder if some us U2 programmers are Luddite's. See for more information.

Really, do we want to marginalize our talents by showing we can use a Basic
editor that can do colors?  I wrote one of these editors for Prime
Information in 1980's based on what I saw using Revelation "G".  The source
code for that editor is long since dead, thank goodness.

My suggestion would be use BDT from Rocket Software, or mvDeveloper from
Brian Leach Consulting, or XLr8Editor from U2Logic.   The first two are FREE
and the second one is $49.00 per year.

Again, at least these editors mentioned before don't require a telnet
session, use UniObjects to access data from U2, and they don't look like
they were developed in the 80's. Oh by the way, they all do colors.

"Birthplace for Eclipse based tools for U2"
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Error 4 22 from PHP exec of uv on AIX

2011-05-06 Thread fft2001
LDR_CNTRL has to do with the settings for your temporary work space (as we used 
to call it)
How much space to allocate for your process' heap and so on.
Can you give a full PHP script showing how you got around this?
I mean the entire script, just post it into the board here.





-Original Message-
From: John Thompson 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 11:46 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Error 4 22 from PHP exec of uv on AIX

Thanks for all of your replies.
Thanks to Bob Woodward for the shell environment idea.
Thanks to Kevin King for his help.

Apache sets extra environment variables when compared to the shell of a
regular user.

One of these environment variables is called:
Apparently it has something to do with the way AIX handles the memory space.

Apache seems to set the following when it starts a session:


If you set this to "null" in a php script, then Universe will run just fine.

Anyone have any ideas on the proper use of LDR_CNTRL?

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep thelist busy

2011-05-04 Thread fft2001

 Okay, I've now added u2-community.  Would that actually encourage someone from 
Rocket to respond in some meaningful way?
Anyone who doesn't want to respond on u2-users, I would encourage, to remove 
that email address from the response line.




-Original Message-
From: Harry Reiter 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 10:50 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep thelist   

I totally agree with you Bob, enough is enough!

Harry Reiter

-Original Message- 
From: Bob Wyatt
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 12:10 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep thelist 

My vote is that this pool of excrement we have been swimming in with posts
like this needs to stop.
They are fruitless, pointless, and have no bearing on technical details or
issues in the U2 database realm.

In case some need reminders about the purpose of this list and others:

u2-users:  Technical Discussions related to the U2 product family. Use this
list to ask the community for technical help and share useful or technical
information of interest to the community.
u2-community: General non-technical discussions, including off-topic
diversions, should be directed to this list.

Please kill this, or move it to Community (which has effectively killed crap
like this before)...

It's been going on way too long and makes me wonder where the Moderator
(Enforcer) has been...

In the sincerest hope that this list returns to its roots,

Bob Wyatt

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep the list busy

2011-05-04 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 5/4/2011 6:50:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Often they are training those people to write U2 code rather than hiring 
> pure U2 people.

That is simply excellent for the future of U2 programmers.
Train people to write really awful code with little supervision :)
I can see the future.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep the list busy

2011-05-04 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 5/4/2011 12:47:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I doubt you'll ever believe me, until Rocket send you your branded
> skateboard that is!

That's right George.  I like action :)
At least IBM called me *once* to see if I wanted to "renew my license".
Not that that wasn't pretty pitiful, but at least it was something.

I and others probably thought that Rocket was going to take U2 and "take 
off!" and in light of the fact that they didn't even show up at Spectrum... 
what are we to make of that.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Reliability doesn't raise enough issues to keep the list busy

2011-05-03 Thread FFT2001
We'll all believe you, when they are published.
What's the link again?
In a message dated 5/3/2011 4:21:55 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

How a  product that is growing can simultaneously be dying is a bit of  a
mystery.  Sitting here with last quarter's sales figures for U2 in  the UK I
can definitely say it's not dying, they look very healthy  indeed.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Say Adobe

2011-04-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/28/2011 11:16:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Just to add - a few of you say annoying adverts, One of my businesses is
> contextualised advertising and classifieds sites, so many an ad (in the 
> uk)
> on the major newspaper and magazine web sites is from my company - all 
> done
> in -> -> unidata - so they are not annoying but
> another manifestation of the MV world - now go click on them !

How can I click on them, when you're not giving us a URL ?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye... Reasons not to say goodbye.

2011-04-28 Thread fft2001
Speaking of editors, why did UD/UV not ever adopt John's JET product ?
It was at least a decade ahead, in terms of full screen editing.


BTW I hardly ever use ED to edit programs, Brian's mv-developer is so 
much better.
It would be great if UD would come with a decent editor out of the box, 





-Original Message-
From: Mecki Foerthmann 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Thu, Apr 28, 2011 1:06 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye... Reasons not to say goodbye.

Hi Doug,

I think it is very well my job to help staff using my software to be 
more productive.
That's what I at least get paid for!
But then I work for an end user and not a software vendor.

BTW I hardly ever use ED to edit programs, Brian's mv-developer is so 
much better.
It would be great if UD would come with a decent editor out of the box, 
Or if you could download one from the Rocket website.
Not that I wouldn't love to try your shiny new toy - I'm sure I'd love it.
But if I would ask my boss to buy an annual license for a fancy new 
editor he would ask me to justify the extra cost.
And I think I would have real problems trying to do that.

I can understand that you are very proud of your product.
So would I, but I still can't really see the benefit for me personally.
When I edit Visual Basic code for instance, I am grateful to have an 
editor that does not only show me when I make typos, it also makes 
suggestions and completes code for me.
It's great because I am not very familiar with VB and there are so many 
methods and unfamiliar syntax.
But writing UniBasic it would probably drive me nuts.
And that is because I know what I am doing and exactly what and how I 
want to write it.
I don't need some smart-ass piece of software trying to tell me how to 
do my job and probably be wrong half of the time.
But at least you can turn it off.

I more and more use so called state-of-the-art tools like Cognos or 
Sharepoint as well, but more often than not I find them not as 
productive and intuitive as the sales hype claims them to be.
Especially having to use the mouse and open and close new windows all 
the time can be very time consuming, repetitive and outright boring.
Highlight the field, go to the properties window, click on the 
such-and-such field (of course you have to scroll up or down to get 
there half the time), click on the arrow and select one of the options 
or double click on the dots and another window opens...
And then it still doesn't do what you expect because you have to click 
on something else on the toolbar, open another window, open the 
such-and-such tab and...
But then half of the time it still doesn't work and you have to start 
from scratch.

At least changing the colour or skin on the finished product only takes 
a couple of minutes :-) .


On 28/04/2011 14:57, Doug Averch wrote:
> Hi Mecki:
> It doesn't matter if the staff is more productive or not, that is not our
> job.  We have given them what Google, Microsoft, Oracle and whomever have.
>   That browser front-end is rich with functionality, easy of use, and can be
> color customized at a flip of a switch.  If we don't give them attractive
> front-end then the next thing you'll hear will be the door hitting your
> bottom on the way out.
> We work with HTML, JavaScript, Java, UOJ, and UniBasic. This is more work:
> we have five functional pieces of software instead of one.  We want our
> clients and users to have the best we can offer that will allow them to do
> their job with the software is not getting in their way.
> What we should be doing is to make changes to software to accommodate
> differing business needs.  With Universe and Unidata databases, we can add
> dictionary items on the fly, add prompts to screens, and changing report
> selections, all with in a few hours.  The big boys are still gathering
> requirements and in meetings, when we deliver those requested changes.
> In order to do this you must have the skill set, training, and state of the
> art tools.  Why do you think a boutique software company like U2logic has
> been pushing the edge to give the U2 market the finest tools we can?
>   Because we are competing with the big boys who have state of the art tools
> and are not using AE or ED to create and edit programs.
> Those of us using XLr8Editor, with continuous compile, know before we
> actually compile it whether our code will be syntax clean.  How is that not
> making U2 programmers even more productive?
> Regards,
> Doug
> "Eclipse based XLr8Editor for U2"
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Say Flex

2011-04-28 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/28/2011 10:44:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> No... I am serious.  Flex is where it is at and where it is going.  We 
> are all going to be rich.

I'm hiring a dozen monkeys so I can be at the forefront of this new world.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

2011-04-28 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/28/2011 9:07:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Not germane to my argument Will. There are not 2 virtually identical 
> languages called COBOLVERSE and COBOLDATA.

Yes my argument is extensible.
Why does Cobol still exist?  Because there are still companies who wish to 
continue to run Cobol.  Why?  Because they are cheap and have no money and 
have no desire to change.

Why does Unidata still exist?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Say Adobe

2011-04-28 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/28/2011 6:41:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> The UniVerse revolves around the center of the UniVerse which is of 
> course... Adobe Flash.

I can only believe this is said in jest.
When my clients ask about Flash I shudder.  Flash is the worst nightmare to 
ever hit the web :)
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

2011-04-28 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/28/2011 5:07:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> The vendors of canned packages out there ought to develop a GUI/web 
> interface to keep their package appealing to those that don't care/understand 
> the db behind it.  In a tight race, bells and whistles can make the 
> difference in choosing new software even if in the long run, after really 
> beating on 
> it, it is the poorer choice.

It's an question of priorities and market worth.  If it takes me, the 
vendor, 200 hours to rewrite my app using a GUI and I can upsell it to four of 
ten clients, I may never make back my investment.

In a "tight race" bells and whistles DO make the difference I agree.  Pick 
has traditionally won in races which weren't tight in terms of business 
solutions.  Pick was the best and cheapest and the moat was wide.

Is the moat smaller today?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

2011-04-27 Thread FFT2001
Cobol still exists also.
"Oh you're on Unidata... well we're discontinuing that product in  2002."
In a message dated 4/27/2011 12:40:01 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I do  however think the fact that there are still 2 products is 
unbelievable  considering they have now been owned by one entity (at a 
time) since  1997.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

2011-04-27 Thread FFT2001
But you're ignoring the issue that if management goes to a "more familiar  
interface", their business goes bankrupt because it the "familiar interface" 
 doesn't actually help them run their business and in fact prevents them 
from  running their business.
The vendor who wins is the one who impacts the bottom line, not the one who 
 ignores it.
That has little to do with the interface type.
In a message dated 4/27/2011 10:45:33 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

This  would be a vendor decision to keep their clients (management).   
Otherwise, as we have all seen, management may make a call to go to something  
with a more familiar interface.  Thus, the vendor looses a  client.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

2011-04-27 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/27/2011 9:59:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> However, a mature interface can not reasonably be achieved if it is a 
> canned package with vendor support that is still old style.  Even the GUI 
> interface with SB leaves things to be desired.  We are locked into whatever 
> our 
> vendor supports - writing our oun interface for a large ERP system will 
> simply never happen (thus the vendor is cutting their throat as well as 
> ours), and I see no interest on their end to make this happen.

If the canned package does everything your *business* needs to be 
successful, then why would anyone want to upset that business requirement, just 
make it look pretty ?  See how much money you can spend on a pretty interface 
that doesn't move your bottom line into the black, but rather into the red ?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Databasic conversion

2011-04-15 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/15/2011 5:43:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> But then we decided we wanted to upgrade the universe system and have all 
> our accounting users on that. Just about everything else was ok, but it 
> took the var 3 months of work to convert the procs to work on universe. 

Can you explain a bit more this statement about Procs and Universe ?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

2011-04-12 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/12/2011 10:45:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Not skirting anything.  The 1st line of my 1st reply ...  "consider 
> everything inside the DC proprietary and confidential".  You ignored that 
> line 
> apparently and decided to focus instead on the article was about the 
> infrastructure and then changed from db technology to programming language in 
> your 
> reply. The point was the same, such information is considered P&C, and is 
> WSJ level news when companies decide to do otherwise. I was simply pointing 
> you did the exact same type of switch when you replied.
> 1) It is a security issue for the issues that a few of have pointed out 
> whether you want to accept it or not.
> 2) NDA's are enforcable against the signer. And most company's have much 
> larger legal budgets than ex-employees.
> 3) Hosts (I've more than a decade of experience in that industry) WILL 
> remove your site if it causes them issues.
> You mentioned PHP... I know a large company (you've used their websites I 
> bet but no I won't say who. I didn't sign an NDA, but respect their wishes) 
> that changed the extension attached the php interpreter JUST so to as not 
> advertise that fact to minimize the exposure.

Why would I care what some company wants to claim?
Companies claim all sorts of things in NDAs which are not enforceable at 

1) It is not a security issue.
2) Who cares?
3) My articles have caused a number of "issues", yet Knol respects authors 
more than reactionaries evidently because they are all still up.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

2011-04-12 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/12/2011 10:25:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> PHP isn't a database... apples and oranges.

It's the same point.  The point you're skirting :)
The specifications of a particular implementation, are not the same thing 
as just the fact of the implementation.

At any rate, all the companies in my list have publicly declared.
So it's all a moot point isn't it?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

2011-04-12 Thread FFT2001
You're speaking about technical specifications, not the freakin database :)

Apples and oranges.
If Google tried to stop an ex-employee for declaring that they use PHP, 
they'd be laughed off the planet.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

2011-04-11 Thread fft2001
I knew you were talking about me.
I do not accept your claim that this decision is up to the company however.
Any former employee can certainly state what technology a company used, and 
there is no legitimate contract which could preclude it.  Would some companies 
wish to try to stop their past employees from talking about what technologies 
are used there?  Possibly.  I really can't see any reason for this hypothetical 
concept.  I've certainly never even been asked, let alone required, to not 
discuss it.

Could companies legally do so?  That is, would such an effort stand up in a 
claim?  It's quite unlikely.
There is no specific inherent claim a company could make to technology created 
and owned by some outside source.  There is nothing confidential about the 
nature of the technology, specific to any particular company that uses it.

Publishing the name of the type of technology a company uses, is not publishing 
"people's private and confidential information".  Since when did a company 
become a person?  Thousands of vendors publish addresses of companies without 
their consent.  The privacy policy is specific to persons only, and is specific 
to certain classes of information which can not be discovered by public means.  
If you publish your own social security number, it's no longer private is it?  
Likewise if anyone else publishes it, it's no longer private either.

There is no confidentiality implicit in the type of technology a company might 
use, and there is no higher authority to which to appeal, at Knol or elsewhere, 
based on the privacy policy which covers individuals solely, and only private 
not public information.






-Original Message-
From: Tony Gravagno <>
To: u2-users 
Sent: Mon, Apr 11, 2011 5:09 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

Will, I'll be clear that I'm talking about you publishing the
names of MV sites without their approval, and thank you for
stating your position on that.

Your naïve statement that you're "merely publishing the names of
companies" is not the problem.  The problem is that you are
identifying these companies, as you say, as "using a particular
technology".  While some companies freely disclose their choices
of technology, others do not.  This is their choice to make, not

I firmly believe that you do not understand the concerns that we
are discussing.  But that does not change the fact that people do
have concerns, as obviously someone else has pointed out.  I
encourage you to at least acknowledge that people may be
concerned about something that you don't yet understand.

Regarding ISP action:
You host your information on Knol pages at Google, for which
their privacy policy is available here:

That policy, to which you agreed when you started services,
unauthorized publishing of people's private and confidential
information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security
Numbers, driver's and other license numbers, and other personal
information that is not publicly accessible.

The Terms of Service are here:

That page states: Violation of any of the foregoing, including

the Knol Content Policy, may result in immediate termination of

this Agreement, and may subject you to state and federal

penalties and other legal consequences.

Therefore, through "unauthorized publishing of people's private

and confidential information" Google's policy is to shut you

down, as I said earlier.  This is not unique.  The policies are

similar at many/most ISPs.

I really don't think you're going to change your position on this

but at least now people in this community know who might be

publishing information found in this forum, and they know that

they have recourse to higher authorities if required.


> From: Will Johnson

> Apples and oranges.

> No ISP will shut down a site for merely publishing the 

> names of companies using a particular technology.


> Publishing names is not the same thing as "publishing 

> security vulnerabilities", whatever that means.

>> Further,  if you see your own company name somewhere 

>> and you feel this is a potential  security threat, 

>> contact the publisher of the information, and if they  

>> don't comply with your wishes, please let us know.  If 

>> enough people  complain that a website owner is 

>> publishing security vulnerabilities, most ISPs will 

>> shut them down.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Disclosing technology

2011-04-11 Thread FFT2001
Apples and oranges.
No ISP will shut down a site for merely publishing the names of companies  
using a particular technology.
Publishing names is not the same thing as "publishing security  
vulnerabilities", whatever that means.
Will Johnson
In a message dated 4/10/2011 7:25:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Further,  if you see your own company name somewhere and you feel
this is a potential  security threat, contact the publisher of the
information, and if they  don't comply with your wishes, please
let us know.  If enough people  complain that a website owner is
publishing security vulnerabilities, most  ISPs will shut them

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Extreme slow down on Universe periodically

2011-04-08 Thread FFT2001
Make certain that no one has decided that that server needs periodic "virus 
scan" checks.  The database is seen as one very large file, and each change 
to it triggers the "I've changed" flag which triggers virus scanning.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Databasic conversion

2011-04-07 Thread fft2001


 My response Tony was related to your paragraph:
"  But I don't see any compelling reasons to choose this platform over any 
other these days."

Perhaps you meant any other MV Platform.  But I read it as ANY other platform.



-Original Message-
From: Tony Gravagno <>
To: u2-users 
Sent: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 9:53 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Databasic conversion

> From: Will Johnson

> I think Tony you're missing the Pick calling card which is 

> the application.

Your response was unrelated to my inquiry about porting from

other MV platforms to U2.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Databasic conversion

2011-04-07 Thread fft2001
Flame on Johnny Storm.
I think Tony you're missing the Pick calling card which is the application.
If you have a Pizza shop and are running um... Pizza Warrior 3.5 or whatever 
and it's crappy
And I show you Pizza Hero 6.5 (which just happens to run in Universe) and you 
think it's super duper.
Then you, the business owner, doesn't or shouldn't care what Universe is, as 
long as my solution is super and probably cheaper.

That's the Pick way!  Sell to the cheap bastards and then when their hooked 
keep upping your licensing fees.

"What's your ERP buster?"






-Original Message-
From: Tony Gravagno <>
To: u2-users 
Sent: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 4:58 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Databasic conversion

> From: Mecki Foerthmann

> AFAIK UD can be run in case insensitive mode as well.

> I always turned case-insensitivity off in D3 because I think 

> it's a real pain in the neck.

> Sounded great to start with but when you see the first

printouts (i.e.

> invoices) you curse yourself if you didn't turn it off.:-(

Not to (re)start a war but just present the other side: I

consider case-insensitivity to be one strong advantage in D3 over

other platforms.  I constantly stumble on the requirement to get

the casing just right at TCL and elsewhere in some MV

environments when it's completely unnecessary and archaic that we

should need to stumble on such a thing.  Same goes for the

difference between dashes and dots (LIST-ITEM vs LIST.ITEM) which

is nicely translated for us in QM, Caché, and maybe in some

flavors in U2.

So just to balance it out.  Some people swear at

case-insensitivity, but I swear by it.

WRT the OP : As soon as I saw the question about D3 to Unidata I

immediately thought of the years of pain to which Bill Haskett

was subjected.  From his experience I swore off ever porting to

Unidata.  YMMV

Symeon, perhaps in another thread (or email) you could explain

why a site feels a need to migrate from D3, and then why they

chose Unidata.  With apologies to the sensitive, I don't think a

migration from D3 is justified except for some extreme cases, and

as to choosing Unidata, I don't see the business or technical

benefits at all.

Oh OK, I'll start a holy war.  The only compelling reason for

migration from a competing platform to U2 _used_ to be the IBM

name.  That doesn't exist anymore.  Now these platforms need to

compete on their technical merits and Rocket needs to sell itself

on superiority as a business partner.  Sorry folks but I don't

see any of that.  Really - "where's the beef?"  U2 is good

software and the U2 team at Rocket are good people.  But I don't

see any compelling reasons to choose this platform over any other

these days.  The political "can't get fired for buying IBM" edge

is gone.  Feel free to defend the platform because you've already

made the investment and it's politically correct for you to take

an obvious position, but be prepared for some pragmatic requests

for more compelling reasoning.  I'd really like to understand why

any site would want to migrate to U2 these days.



U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-07 Thread FFT2001
My wager is pre-OA system.  A true "Pick" R83 that some small  
manufacturing shop has had running for 20 years.  I'll put two bucks on  it!
In a message dated 4/7/2011 2:44:06 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I've  known Joe since the 90's and he does know what "Pick" is. I've  worked
through him or on a job found by him twice in the past.

I  agree that the database platform would be an interesting piece of  the
puzzle. :)  I'm guessing that he's coming at it from the point of  view of a
Pick programming job, where if you know one "pick" you can  probably work at
any other "pick" site (and it was nice of you to prod him  into the right
direction regarding what a system admin would need to  know.)

I'm also guessing that he knows enough about Universe/Unidata to  be on the
right list.  Or not, and at this point I'll let him speak  for himself and
bow out.   :)


Ron  Walenciak
The Software Design  Group

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [AD] Even more editors ..

2011-04-07 Thread fft2001

 There's always one in every crowd

I guess the "" part of the email addr wasn't the first place
you looked? :) :)





-Original Message-
From: Ron Walenciak 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 12:19 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] [AD] Even more editors ..

I guess the "" part of the email addr wasn't the first place
you looked? :) :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] [AD] Even more editors ..

In a message dated 4/7/2011 5:51:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> In addition to the two excellent editors (Doug's and Charlie's) already
> mentioned - you can download my free screen editor (Z) and my free Windows
> based editor (mvDeveloper) from my website ...

Be sure to not give a URL in your ad :)
Reduce bandwith consumption by making your customers search for your 
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Epicor and Eclipse Was Re: PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/7/2011 8:32:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> That's why I have duck tape over my built in camera on my laptop.
> I hate camera's that don't have a manual lens cover. You never know
> when one of those spyware programs will activate the camera

How many ducks had to die for your tape !
The horror!
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Epicor and Eclipse Was Re: PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/7/2011 12:17:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Now thats what you call targeting advertising - google knows everything 
> that
> you are doing 24x7 !!

That's funny but not.  I was playing with my notepad and some program 
turned on my cam when I didn't even know it was going to do that.  You know 
cams spy on you when you're sleeping and stuff.  It's all part of the 
master plan.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Game changer for U2 editors ([AD] added for Doug)

2011-04-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/7/2011 12:15:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Unlimited ftp space - fantastic ;)

See how you are.
I have unlimited server space in the cloud.  At least, after loading up 
umpteen gigs of data they've never told me to stop.  And when I signed up for 
it, they actually stated that it was unlimited

Someone send me a terabyte, let's try it.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [AD] Even more editors ..

2011-04-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/7/2011 5:51:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> In addition to the two excellent editors (Doug's and Charlie's) already
> mentioned - you can download my free screen editor (Z) and my free Windows
> based editor (mvDeveloper) from my website ...

Be sure to not give a URL in your ad :)
Reduce bandwith consumption by making your customers search for your 
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Epicor and Eclipse Was Re: PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-06 Thread FFT2001
Funny as heck.  I started writing up a few brief notes on this thread, and 
immediately Epicor popped up as an Adsense advertiser in my margin.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-06 Thread FFT2001
Personally I think it's probably a smallish shop running some older version 
(I myself just encountered another MvBase believe it or don't).  I wouldn't 
think Avante would be looking just for a "Pick" systems administrator, 
could be wrong.

Probably the secrecy is due to the highly competitive nature of sharks when 
they smell blood.  If the blood can be located to a particular town, for 
some towns, all the sharks know exactly who the victim is.  So you don't say.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Game changer for U2 editors ([AD] added for Doug)

2011-04-06 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/6/2011 7:06:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Are you volunteering to put it all together where 
> everyone can get to it? I can try to get it all together, but happily, 
> I've been pretty busy lately, so I'm not sure when. I won't be able to 
> provide support as such, but I'd be happy to try to help anyone who 
> wants to use it. Heck, knowing people are using my programs is almost 
> better than money, anyway.

Yes.  I have an autozipper and autounzipper/installer that runs inside Pick 
BASIC.  It magically untangles all the code into the appropriate files, 
compiles what needs to be compiled and doesn't try to compile what isn't a 
program.  Creates files that don't exist and populates them, etc etc etc.  
it about nine hundred years ago, but it still runs on any Pick 

I also have unlimited ftp space.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-06 Thread fft2001
Uh... um... *gazes blankly at the wall trying to find an excuse*




-Original Message-
From: fft2001 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 2:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

Joe this is Will Johnson, you said that someone named Ivan would call me today. 

But no one has called me yet.

831 477 7125

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

2011-04-06 Thread fft2001
Joe this is Will Johnson, you said that someone named Ivan would call me today. 
 But no one has called me yet.
831 477 7125





-Original Message-
From: Joseph Chelston 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position

This position is located on the East Coast of the US

I will be happy to discuss the full details of this position if you

contact me directly.

I respect your privacy.


Joe Chelston

Executive Recruiter

BSG Staffing Group LLC

Phone:  856.218.1000

Fax:  856.228.8585

Cell:  856.422.4400


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 6, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Susan Lynch  wrote:

> Or at the very least, on a world-wide list like this, what continent it is 
> on?  

(unless, of course, it is a tele-commutable opportunity)


> Susan Lynch

> - Original Message - From: "Marc Harbeson" 

> To: "'U2 Users List'" 

> Sent: 04/06/2011 11:37 AM

> Subject: Re: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position



>> Can you at least say "southern CA" or "northern NY" or something in the

>> ballpark of where on earth it is located?


>> -Original Message-

>> From:

>> [] On Behalf Of Joseph Chelston

>> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 11:22 AM

>> To: U2 Users List

>> Subject: [U2] PICK Systems Administrator position


>> We are seeking a PICK Systems Administrator for a long term contract

>> position.




>> Due to confidentiality, we will not post specific details on this forum.




>> Please email me if you are interested exploring. I'll be happy to give you

>> the full details of this opportunity direct.





>> Regards,




>> Joe Chelston


>> Executive Recruiter




>> Phone:  856.218.1000


>> Fax:  856.228.8585


>> Cell:  856.422.4400


>> Email:

>> ___

>> U2-Users mailing list




>> ___

>> U2-Users mailing list





> ___

> U2-Users mailing list




U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Game changer for U2 editors ([AD] added for Doug)

2011-04-05 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/5/2011 9:26:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> The main reason I won't change is because I 
> use my own editor which started life 27 years ago. It does everything I 
> want it to, and if I need something new, I just add it. Heck, it can 
> even make coffee!

We all want to see your ugly baby, so publish the code.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Trigger questions

2011-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2011 11:03:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that know binary and 
> those that do not.  Along the same lines there are those who know java and 
> those who want to learn java ..

You mean there are no people who don't want to learn java?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Printer Segment Removed?

2011-03-29 Thread fft2001
It would be helpful to explain how.




-Original Message-
From: inquieti 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 1:38 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Printer Segment Removed?

You should be able to find something from the common strands to point to the

user that is causing the problems.

FFT2001 wrote:


> I don't believe that it's the user who *sees* the message that is the

> cause.  Rather it's the last user who left the strands dangling.


> Dubya

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Printer Segment Removed?

2011-03-29 Thread fft2001
I don't believe that it's the user who *sees* the message that is the cause.  
Rather it's the last user who left the strands dangling.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-25 Thread fft2001

 Tony Gravagno <> wrote:

To solve this problem of books in the MV

market, years ago I suggested that in the MV community we could

use a wiki as a framework for writing new books, with a Table of

Contents to define the content, and guest authors to contribute

content on every topic and for each MV platform. 


 I like this idea.
What's the first book you want to co-author?
Each chapter could be written by a different person.
Do we want to start with just an overview of Pick and then get more specific in 
later books?
Or do we want to tackle a specific area in the first book?


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-25 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/25/2011 12:00:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> You can assume that people who get their hands on a PDF will not
> share it, and every copy distributed will yield an equitable
> return.  I wouldn't bet on this either.

Yes I know this part. It was one of my own qualms when I wrote a work 
recently (HTML not PDF) that was a buyable offer, hidden behind a pay wall.  I 
figure it's quite possible that each buyer may be sharing it with five others, 
but the work is so incredibly specific

At any rate, I've just yesterday passed my 100th sale.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Masking data in fields

2011-03-25 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 

> Hi
> There is a requirement to mask some of the fields across all tables in the
> database.
> Can someone help me on how to go about it, programatically, as I am a 
> novice
> to programming?
> GG

Um... can you give some specific clear examples?
"Mask SOME of the fields across ALL tables..."

To me I wonder if you mean on report output which would possibly be simply 
changing the dictionary entries.
If you mean in programs, why wouldn't that require changing all the 
targeted programs?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] HMAC SHA256

2011-03-25 Thread FFT2001
What is the advantage of cURL over wGET for invoking HTTP queries ?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2 - Choir - singing closed

2011-03-24 Thread fft2001

 Susan, Charles McMurray is in fact a company that uses Pick

My take was just that he was saying that everyone in Pick is old, covered with 
cobwebs and there's no admittance :)




-Original Message-
From: Susan Joslyn 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Wed, Mar 23, 2011 9:30 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] U2 - Choir - singing closed


Wow.  Just to clarify ...  Are you saying that the MV-based platforms are

dead and those of us who use them are relics who can no longer sing?  And

you came here to a forum full of people who happily use this technology

every day to say this to us?

Susan Joslyn

Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 12:00:07 -0700

From: "Garry Smith" 

To: "U2 Users List" 

Subject: [U2] U2 - Choir - singing closed


Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

As individuals perform their solo act, the choir is reclining at the old

folks home. The organ is rusty and full of dust, the building windows are

covered in cobwebs, the door is boarded up and an international flock of

various unknown species of bird has roosted in the eves. The absentee

landlord is still collecting rents from those in the community who have now

all moved away to "SUNny" locations. The damp and dreary interior is still

attended to by the last order of the Knights of MV.

The foundation of the building though strong,the walls and roof are slowly

being chipped away by other building clans to erect their mausoleums.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-24 Thread fft2001
I'm sure there's a market for someone to write an MV BASIC cheatsheet and sell 
it online for two bucks.
All you need is a thousand people to buy it a year !





-Original Message-
From: Tony Gravagno <>
To: u2-users 
Sent: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 3:04 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

Yeah, great stuff as long as someone else does it, and for free,

right? ;) 

(Not directed, Bill, just a general comment...)

> From: Bill Brutzman

> Dawn is on to something...


> Rocket, U2UG, or stars on this list could whip up a sheet for 

> .


> Likewise, MV tutorial videos could be uploaded to


> While you are at it, why not write a book (in color) and have 

> O'Reilly publish it.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-24 Thread fft2001
Talk about painting yourself into a corner.
How many VARS did ScreenPro ever convince... twelve?  OK maybe thirteen
I wish tools like The Programmer's Helper, which actually created source code, 
would have been more successful.
When I have to learn yet another tool that encapsulates the user into a 
complete re-write in ten years it makes me shudder.



often developed proprietary variations and enhancements (for example, Microdata 

created their own input processor called ScreenPro) 





-Original Message-
From: Harold Miller 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 2:29 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

>From the ubiquitous Wikipedia: 

Dick Pick died of stroke complications in October 1994. 

Pick Systems was often tangled in licensing litigation, and relatively little 

effort was devoted to marketing and improving the software. Subsequent ports of 

Pick to other platforms generally offered the same tools and capabilities for 

many years, usually with relatively minor improvements and simply renamed (for 

example, Data/BASIC became Pick/BASIC and ENGLISH became ACCESS ). Licensees 

often developed proprietary variations and enhancements (for example, Microdata 

created their own input processor called ScreenPro) 

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-24 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/24/2011 8:46:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> While you are at it, why not write a book (in color) and have O'Reilly 
> publish it.

Which brings up an interesting point.
Why were there so many books on Pick published in the 80s, up until about 
1995 and then... silence ?  Has everything been said?

Dubya the Artist formerly known as W
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Does anyone have an MV BASIC cheatsheet?

2011-03-23 Thread fft2001
Wouldn't a cheatsheet for MV Basic be kinda big?
Or would you leave out those things which to us seem obvious, like "=" means 
"is equal to" in a logical statement, or it means Assign.

"+" means add, ":" means concatenate

Concatenate is a four-syllable word however, so that might be a problem.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-22 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/21/2011 6:13:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Members particularly new members don't know if Will is working for jBase 
> or Intersystems or other competitors, so being upfront with who you are 
> clears the air for everyone in discussions and minimises misunderstandings. >>

Too long being a member of Wikipedia has numbed me to the weight of 
position and authority.  I suspect everyone of speaking extemporaneously and 
"off the reservation".  I'm not working for Intersystems.  I told them I 
wanted $250,000, a corner office, a view of the ocean, and three months 
vacation each year, and they hung up on me.  Go figure.

Dubya "The artist formerly known as W"
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-22 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/21/2011 4:53:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> No, this whole thing has got well beyond tedious now, if you haven't got 
> the
> point yet that Rocket spend money on U2UG rather than give money to it - 
> and
> that the board want is this way - you never will. >>

I believe George that Laura Hirsch stated that money would help.
And I'm sorry, yet again, you *stating* that they spend money on U2UG is 
not the same at all, in my mind, with someone like Susie detailing exactly 
what they are spending on U2UG and what it buys or covers.

Can you understand this?  More words don't move me at all.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-22 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/21/2011 3:43:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> First Fft2001 Can we have your name.  How do we know that you are not 
> someone from a competitor like Oracle trying to make Rocket look bad.  
> Secondly the focus on money is pointless.  We don't need money we need 
> ideas.  If anyone has a good idea and it needs some money from Rocket to make 
> it happen, then I am sure that Rocket will consider it.  Rocket is not like 
> IBM who were sucking money out of U2 to push DB2, Rocket brought U2 to 
> grow the business and if you have any ideas that will grow the business they 
> will listen.   Throwing money at a problem does not solve it.  The board 
> have racked their brains trying to come up with ideas to touch base with all 
> users, if anyone has ideas let us know.
> Thirdly the directors don't have the time to do everything that is 
> required, many hands make light work and we need more involvement of other 
> users.

Here's twelve hundred and thirty google pages, to tell you who I am

The focus on money is not pointless.  Here's an idea (which costs money), 
send a postcard to EVERY person on Rocket's tickler file.  And when I say 
every, I do mean every, saying "Please join U2UG and we'll send you a free 
skateboard"... or whatever.

I got a skateboard from a vendor with whom I *don't even do business*.  No 
business with this vendor, ever.  From Rocket I don't even get a phone call. 
 AND I PROMOTE THEM!  :)~~~ so there.

That will grow the business by not shrinking the business.  I just had 
another encounter, with *yet another* Mv prospect who is completely 
from the mv world except through their VAR.  What that means is that if the 
VAR pisses them off, they will be completely disconnected.  That means, the 
executive level will then say, "Oh this system is old, nobody uses it, lets 
get something bright and shiny..." and off we go.

"The board has racked their brains..." how about an actual phone call from 
an actual Rocket salesperson?  The last time anyone from universe under 
Ardent or under IBM or under Rocket has even *called* me was probably back in 
2001.  The internet makes people foolish, thinking that they can continue to 
do business, easier now all by email.  What happened to the days when 
salespeople actually visited sites?

Anyway to what kind of outreach are you actually referring here?  Throwing 
money at a problem *does* solve the problem, if the problem requires money 
in order to make it happen.  Not everything is free.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-21 Thread fft2001
Then George correct my "factual incorrectness" by telling us what money Rocket 
is providing for U2UG ?
You're saying that my claim that they aren't providing any is factually 






-Original Message-
From: George Land 
To: U2 Users List 
Cc: u2-users 
Sent: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 11:21 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment


The problem with that point of view is that you don't know what Rocket wants 
from U2UG nor do you know what backing they give already.  As I have said, and 
Brian Leach has confirmed, the board has no problem with the support we get 
Rocket.  Continuing to maintain that Rocket wants something but is unwilling to 
provide any money is just factually incorrect.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/20/2011 11:43:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Would any good come from expanding to become the MVUG? Even when I
> write that, I think it is likely a bad idea, given that Spectrum could
> fill that role instead, perhaps (but Spectrum is a for profit working
> within the MV space, this would be a non-profit working to get
> exposure for MV outside of the existing MV space).

Dawn you need to look at the history.
I've only touched on the fact that the SMA was developed, albeit 
vendor-to-vendor to address this very space.  You're talking about the same 
thing on a 
user level.

Pick User's Groups physically have disappeared, but the Pick Users are 
still out there.  Who supports them in a general sense if they can't afford or 
aren't being sponsored to go to Spectrum?  Their companies say the technology 
is old because they aren't being contacted, no outreach, they aren't being 
touched or tickled by the vendors.  They feel isolated.  Whose fault is 
that?  Without the monthly Pick User Group meetings, there's no constant 
contact.  What fills the void?

Would a mvUG work?  I don't know, would a U2UG work?
It's better to try and fail.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/20/2011 11:18:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I repeat. You yourself said that you weren't telling other people what
> to do. Then PLEASE DON'T!

I'm not telling people, I'm telling a company.
Rocket wants something out of U2UG but won't give it the financial backing 
it needs.
That's not productive.
Can you please scream a lot because everybody loves it :)

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/19/2011 1:46:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Outreach: seems to think that this is what the user group 
> is
> about 'Outreach.  Outreach.  and Outreach.'  The current board (and the 
> last
> one) would probably disagree between ourselves on this, but I don't look 
> on
> outreach as being a function of a user group or, if it is, it's a small
> part.  A user group usually shares knowledge and help within the community
> and represents that community to the vendor.  It simply doesn't have the
> resources, particularly it doesn't have people with time to outreach in 
> any
> meaningful way.  That's not to say that outreach isn't desirable, but it's
> not the only focus.

No that's a misunderstanding of my point.  Not that outreach is the "only 
Rather that if Rocket would provide a budget for outreach, then the U2UG 
could do outreach.

And again if Rocket provided a budget for outreach, then there would be 
resources for outreach.
That they don't of course means that it cannot happen.  Which doesn't 
benefit anybody.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 4:27:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> On 18/03/11 22:48, wrote:
> > 
> > The element that says "you"... "you"... some personality trait "you are 
> > perverse" "you have an axe to grind".
> > That's ad hominem.  If you have an issue with my argument, than address 
> the 
> > argument, not my person.
> > 
> Simple answer - it's YOUR question, so he was answering YOU.

That makes no sense Anthony.  I can answer YOU without saying YOU are an 
I can answer YOU by answering YOUR argument, that doesn't mean I have to 
also slap YOU in the face while doing it does it?

> I do notice there doesn't seem to be much support for your position
> though...

Not relevant.  I will stand in the hurricane, I have no problem with that 
position whatsoever.

> >>> Why?
> >>>
> I'll tell you why. Because we are an INTERNATIONAL group. What on earth
> would we DO with the money? And, very importantly, who would SPEND it?

You would do outreach, and you would spend it.

> There's 9 board members, spread all over the world. I can't remember the
> spread when I was on the board, but at 50 miles apart Brian and me were
> VERY VERY VERY close. One of the big problems was even finding a time
> for the conference call because it was the middle of the night for some,
> the middle of the working day for others, and - conveniently for some -
> just after close of business for them.
> At the end of the day, the board DIDN'T WANT money, because we had no
> mechanism for spending it, and couldn't see any way that would work to
> set up such a mechanism. If you've got any better ideas than we had, I'm
> sure the current board would be delighted to know!

Here's an idea.  Send a postcard to everyone on your mailing list saying 
"Spread the word about U2".
Obviously a newsgroup doesn't work if no one is reading it.
The last time I got anything in the mail about U2UG was ... oh never that's 

> >>
> > 
> > Again it's not about their "involvement" only about their "financial" 
> > involvement.
> > 
> And you haven't answered George's question - you clearly didn't read it.
> "Why do you think Rocket doesn't have a budget?". I certainly read into
> that the implication that Rocket DOES have a budget, and spends it on
> supporting the group (I'm out of the loop now, so I can't speak for the
> current board).

It's clear that Rocket has no budget for promoting U2UG because it has 
never spent any money TO promote U2UG that should be pretty clear.
Internal promotion is pointless.  Allocating resources to meet with you is 
pointless if there is no outreach to expand the group.

> > 
> > 
> > Outreach.  Outreach.  and Outreach.
> > 
> Fine. What are YOU doing to do outreach? What this group needs is
> PEOPLE, not money. Stop telling OTHER PEOPLE what THEY should do, and do
> it yourself. Ask for help if you need it, but don't EXPECT anything more
> than moral support - the chances are the board is overcommitted
> themselves and have nothing of themselves left to give!

I have created the first and only apparently known list of end-users of 
Pick.  I have created evidently the first and only known list of books on 
Picks.  I have created evidently the first and only known article on parts of 
history of Pick. (Not all parts have been documented you know.)  What are 
YOU doing to do outreach?

I'm not telling OTHER PEOPLE what THEY should do.
I'm telling a COMPANY what IT should do.  That's a little different.
I'm not asking the BOARD to do one single thing.  I'm saying now and then 
and later, that ROCKET should do something.
That is, provide money.

> Have you asked Rocket for support?

Again that's inreach.  My point is outreach.  Has Rocket ever contacted me? 
 Or really anyone who isn't already in their tickler file?
To promote something you go outside your insular list.

> > To your claim that "license numbers are growing" I have to respond 
> > {{fact}}.
> > I've seen no evidence of that.  What's your evidence.
> > If you want to demonstrate your claims, than do so with sources.
> > Anyone can make claims.  I can claim just as easily that everything 
> you've 
> > said is exactly upside-down.
> > 
> > Claims are not worth the air into which they are propelled.
> > 
> Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But the evidence I have
> can be summed up as "IBM was surprised how vigorous U2 was when they
> bought it almost by mistake".

Um what?  I'm talking about "license numbers ARE growing" emphasis on Are.  
You are talking about license numbers WERE growing

> I'm sure you don't remember the takeover by Ardent of Informix. But if
> you read between the lines, that's what happened - okay, Ardent shares
> got turned into Informix ones. But 6 months later it was the Informix
> board that was let go, and ALL the "head honcho" posts were filled with
> Ardent people. IBM reported that the U2 division was *con

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 3:34:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> On 18/03/2011 21:49, ""  wrote:
> > In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> > 
> > 
> >> Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind 
> with
> >> Rocket?
> > 
> > 
> > Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince 
> the
> > reading audience not to listen.
> Not sure what element of that was 'ad hominem', but if that's how you want
> to take it that is up to you.

The element that says "you"... "you"... some personality trait "you are 
perverse" "you have an axe to grind".
That's ad hominem.  If you have an issue with my argument, than address the 
argument, not my person.

> > 
> >> 
> >> You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and 
> despite
> >> being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
> >> resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the
> >> financial
> >> support?'
> > 
> > Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to "take" money, in order to
> > "use" money.  Address that.
> > Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked "Money to be used to support 
> the
> > U2 user group's activities?"
> > Why?
> > 
> Why do you think Rocket doesn't have a budget earmarked for user group
> activities?  You clearly have no idea what involvement they have in their
> user group.

Again it's not about their "involvement" only about their "financial" 

> >> 
> >> Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
> >> provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due 
> to
> >> lack of support from Rocket.
> > 
> > 
> > Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not
> > working.
> > 
> Why ask for more, what would we do with it?  What activities do you think
> the user group should be doing that are restricted by lack of money?   We
> are a user group, not a body dedicated to marketing a technology.

Outreach.  Outreach.  and Outreach.

> >> 
> >> What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is 
> the
> >> active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
> >> mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
> >> contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to 
> put
> >> them into action.
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great
> > marketing approach.
> > 
> > On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm 
> not
> > willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as 
> a
> > volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.
> > 
> > Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
> > Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about
> > what you think I should be doing.
> > 
> I have no idea who you are, you hide behind a meaningless name -
> - you could be anyone.  OK, so you don't want to promote
> Rocket, let's remember that this is a U2 user group we are talking about.
> It's not a Pick user group, an MV user group, a jbase user group, an
> Intersystems user group.  It is U2, that is Rocket and Rocket support 
> their
> own user group.
> It sounds to me like you are someone whose involvement in MV has a bias
> towards the non-U2 side, that is your choice but have you discussed with
> anyone at Rocket what their strategy is?  Do you have any information 
> about
> what they are doing?
> U2 is sold OEM, license numbers are growing, revenues are growing, ISVs 
> are
> prospering.  OK, so there are less companies doing their own in house
> development, but that is the way the market is moving.  Today it is
> increasingly about selling applications, not databases or development 
> tools
> and as a specialist at selling OEM that is good for Rocket and U2.  So you
> think it's a strategy that doesn't work, well that's your choice, but you
> probably have no sight of sales figures, no idea of licenses sold, no
> information on which to make that judgment.

My name is not meaningless.
And there is a difference between what the *group* does and what *I* do.
I do not have an bias away from U2, or toward anything non-U2.
I see no point in discussing with "anyone at Rocket" what their strategy 
is, since my entire point is, outreach.
Outreach is not inreach.  If I have to contact them, that's not outreach is 

To your claim that "license numbers are growing" I have to respond 
I've seen no evidence of that.  What's your evidence.
If you want to demonstrate your claims, than do so with sources.
Anyone can make claims.  I can claim just as easily that everything you've 
said is exactly upside-down.

Claims are not worth the air into which they are propelled.


Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 1:02:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Are you being deliberately perverse or do you have some axe to grind with
> Rocket?

Yes be sure to throw an ad hominem attack in there to try to convince the 
reading audience not to listen.

> You clearly have no idea what Rocket does for the user group and despite
> being told that we can't take money but instead Rocket provides other
> resources with which we are very happy you still say 'where's the 
> financial
> support?'

Asked and answered.  A group doesn't need to "take" money, in order to 
"use" money.  Address that.
Why doesn't Rocket have a budget earmarked "Money to be used to support the 
U2 user group's activities?"

> Let's be clear about this - the support that we have asked for has been
> provided.  There is nothing that we are being held back from doing due to
> lack of support from Rocket.

Then you need to ask for more.  Clearly the current strategy is not 

> What the group needs is not support from Rocket, we have that, it is the
> active participation of U2 users willing to put their time where their
> mouths are and contribute to what the group is doing.  If you want to
> contribute start putting some ideas forward and volunteering time to put
> them into action. 

Sure let's continue a strategy that doesn't work.  That is a great 
marketing approach.

On your next point, I volunteer more time to promote MV than most.  I'm not 
willing at all, to promote Rocket at the expense of other MV Vendors, as a 
volunteer with no support from Rocket themselves.

Clearly you have no idea what I do, or what I've been doing.
Maybe you should figure that out first, before you go spouting off about 
what you think I should be doing.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 10:23:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Speaking as a member of the U2 user group board I think I represent the
> views of the whole board when I say that we have no issues whatsoever with
> the support that we receive from Rocket.  There is a senior representative
> on hand at every board meeting, we have access to software, to people and 
> to
> resources. 
> The limitations of the user group are entirely due to the limited time 
> that
> board members have to spend on it and are nothing to do with Rocket.  So
> please let's not make out that any perceived problems with the user group
> stem from Rocket, they don't.  If we want a better user group we need more
> people to be engaged with it, you don't need to be on the board to help,
> again I'm sure that I speak for the entire board when I say that we would
> welcome any help that anyone is willing to give.

Any group is only as effective as the resources they have at their 
disposal, including money.  So yes, without money I'm going to be pointing 
at Rocket to ask, where's the financial support Rocket?

Resources without financial resources, are not a full set of resources.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/18/2011 4:24:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> A big part of the reason is that the user group is not a properly
> constituted organisation in the sense of being a corporation or other 
> legal
> entity that can hold money.  Whilst incorporation has been a topic over 
> the
> years there are difficulties within it, not least where to incorporate and
> the problems inherent in being an international group.
> So don't blame Rocket for not providing a budget, if they provided money 
> we
> don't have the ability to accept it.

Not relevant.
Rocket can provide a *budget* item, which the U2UG could *direct* without 
the U2UG ever actually holding the money.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/17/2011 9:57:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> There is simply not enough reward for individuals in this
> market for user group members to champion the MV platform to a
> wide audience of relational 

I have to agree with Tony on this.  It takes time and effort to pull the 
names out of a lethargic sea.  I briefly mentioned in my history articles the 
formation of the multi-vendor association.  Anyone remember details about 
that?  Specifically who was in it, and why it collapsed.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [UV] Uvsh exit status and @SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE

2011-03-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/17/2011 3:04:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Worth a try but no unfortunately the ENVIRONMENT variable set in the uvsh 
> shell is lost when returning to the linux/unix shell which invoked the 
> uvsh.

I like the output to a log solution.
Did you try that one?  You could then even page the log to show the results 
in your outer shell, or pipe it into another script or something for 

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [Repost] Response from mvCommunitymap

2011-03-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/17/2011 11:08:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> There are two reasons why we haven't publicized everyone in our database.
> # 1, We have to respect the Users privacy and confidentiality, not
> just end-users, but vendors as well. As a vendor, how often do you 
> advertise
> the tools that you use to run your business.

Curt it's not the case that you "haven't publicized everyone", 

You haven't publicized ANYone.  That's quite a different animal isn't it?

You will only publicize the names of the companies who are the vendors and 
consultants if they pay you to advertise on your site?

That's not a resource.
We can get the names of many of these, by going to the Rocket website where 
they list solutions which run on U2.  What is the benefit to the community 
to hide those very same company names on your map?  I don't see it.

I do see a benefit to you personally.

My list of company names is open, public and free.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/16/2011 1:10:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Firstly the overwhelming majority of U2 end user sites do not have 
> technical
> staff, even if they have an IT department that department knows nothing
> about U2 whatsoever.  They run an application, they may manage the server 
> it
> is on (although increasingly they will have it hosted and won't even do
> that) but they know nothing about the database or technology. >>

George I'm solely referring to those sites, who have actual U2 
professionals on staff.  I've worked many many places where other programmer 
did not subscribe to Spectrum, had never attended a Spectrum show, had never 
taken a formal class, had never read the U2 (or comp.databases.pick) threads, 
etc etc etc.

Many.  In fact usually I'm the most well-connected person on staff (by 
far), and I don't even have my fingers in every pie... yet.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-15 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/15/2011 5:17:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I mean, it is
> good for Tri-Sys, as they will generate a list of end users to solicit,
> but I'd suggest it is unlikely that a VAR is going to make his customer
> list public ...

Ross I think you're right there.
I think what we'll see is a slow accumulation of sites based on an employee 
mentioning it, or a consultant, or ex-employee.  But not the VAR.

And I think for the very reason that you suggest, that they don't want 
poachers.  Don't want to compete in a completely open market.

I wonder if a person were to build a list from online resumes alone, how 
many companies would be on it.
Of course some or even many of those would have moved away from Pick.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-15 Thread fft2001

 If as one person remarked, he is the only one in a sea of twenty multi-value 
employees who knows about U2UG or is a member, than I would humbly suggest that 
it doesn't.

In the vast majority of the multi-value environments in which I've worked in my 
*cough twenty six cough* years in Pick, even finding a copy of Spectrum is a 
rare experience.

So I think there is really an enormous amount of outreach that could be done, 
which isn't.
I don't know why that is.




-Original Message-
From: Wols Lists 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Tue, Mar 15, 2011 2:07 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

On 15/03/11 20:04, wrote:

> In a message dated 3/15/2011 5:10:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> writes:



>> Plus of course, since we don't charge

>> fees, we don't have any budget to advertise our presence! 


> Why isn't Rocket themselves giving a budget?

Let's ask a slightly different question - where and how would we

advertise ourselves? This mailing list probably reaches the widest

target audience ...




U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

2011-03-15 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/15/2011 5:10:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Plus of course, since we don't charge
> fees, we don't have any budget to advertise our presence! 

Why isn't Rocket themselves giving a budget?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] 'U2 Market Place' {Unclassified}

2011-03-09 Thread FFT2001
The original poster mentioned "hard earned cash", is this offering 
soliciting money for something?  And if so, for what?

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [OT] Coding and brain chemistry

2011-03-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/7/2011 1:24:14 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  Therefore i
> suggest we agree on the highest common denominator which is so long as 
> code
> is efficient then it does not matter how complex it looks at first glance
> and therefore such discussion of if x else y is redundant.;)

Which of course means job security because few others can comprehend your 
code.  Very clever, but prone to breakage.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-04 Thread fft2001
Ron is right that the OPEN, and READ did not originally support the THEN 
clause, just the ELSE.
Speaking of Microdata, Ultimate and R83 versions.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-04 Thread fft2001

 The point is, why make a construct which is harder to understand, when it 
takes the exact same amount of effort to make one which is easier to 
understand?  Answer that one Symeon?

Why deliberately obfuscate ?





-Original Message-
From: Symeon Breen 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 8:05 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

I still think all of these constructs as just sooo basic that if you can't

just read them either which way,  then you had better think about another




[] On Behalf Of Rex Gozar

Sent: 04 March 2011 14:09

To: U2 Users List

Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?


good comprehension = faster, accurate programming (that's programming,

not code execution)

We all want fast and accurate programming.  To improve comprehension,

you have to write code to (a) reveal its logical structure, and (b)

reveal the business rules implemented in the code.

Sorry, but structures like:


(concatenating variables as a string, then performing numeric

operations on them) slows down the comprehension process.  And for

what benefit?  To me, that's just a lazy programmer that doesn't want

to type a few extra keystrokes.

Another structure caused a number of comments:

IF condition THEN statement ELSE



(inline THEN followed by block ELSE). It appears that some readers saw

the "#" in the condition and assumed an "If Not Not" structure at

first, missing the THEN.

I find it interesting that no one has commented on the fact that

CUM(M) gets conditionally reinitialized, and whether or not that is

important.  But it proves my points that neither the structure nor

business rules are clear within the OP's code.

You can have 2 years programming experience, or 20, it does not

matter.  Better structure and variable naming will vastly improve

program accuracy. (On the other hand, I could make this code really,

really fast if it didn't have to be accurate!)



U2-Users mailing list 


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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-04 Thread fft2001
And then they (the anonymous they) came out with a version that allowed the 
source to be unlimited while still limiting the object to 32K

Which made the whole world scratch their head.





-Original Message-
From: Charlie Noah 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 6:41 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

As usual, Mecki, you expressed my thoughts eloquently. I agree 100%. IF 

(test) ELSE drives me about as buggy as multiple IF/THEN/ELSE all on the 

same line. If I can figure out what the original intent was, I change 

the code so I can understand it at a glance later. I'm not sure why, but 

OPEN xxx ELSE never bothered me.

Ah, the 32K limit, I remember it well. I had a cheat I used sometimes. I 

would split the source into 2 or more pieces, then INCLUDE the second, 

third, etc. at the end of the first. As long as the resultant 

pseudo-code was less than 32K, I was able to get away with it (at least 

in Microdata Reality). It made editing fun sometimes, but it worked. I 

also remember jockeying source around so that GOSUBs wouldn't frame 

fault. That often made a very noticeable difference in execution speed. 

Those were the days! ;-)

Charlie Noah

Charles W. Noah Associates

The views and opinions expressed herein are my own (Charlie Noah) and do 

not necessarily reflect the views, positions or policies of any of my 

former, current or future employers, employees, clients, friends, 

enemies or anyone else who might take exception to them.

On 03-04-2011 7:25 AM, Mecki Foerthmann wrote:

> What absolute and utter rubbish!


> You never had to write "IF (test) ELSE ..." in Pick.

> READ did have a THEN clause as far back as I can remember (mid-80s) -

> only LOCKED came later.

> You just don't use it that often because you usually only want to do

> something if your READ fails.

> Typically READ rec FROM FILE,Id ELSE rec = ""

> IF is different. I at least expect that after a test I'll do something

> if the condition is true.

> The ELSE clause is optional.

> I wasn't even aware you could leave the THEN clause out until I

> encountered some code that did that.

> That is IMHO one of the worst coding sins and I always change it to IF

> NOT(test) THEN if I find it anywhere.

> I just have been bitten too many times with this nonsense code.

> Aren't I lucky that I don't have to maintain your code? :-P

> You wouldn't say ' if you brush your teeth else you get decay' in a

> conversation, so why would you want to do it in your code?

> But hey, why make life easy for the next guy if with a little bit of

> effort you can make it really difficult?

> If it was hard to write it should be hard to read, right?


> The only thing that forced us to write code as compact as possible in

> the really olden days was the 32K item size limit.




> On 04/03/2011 10:50, Wols Lists wrote:

>> On 03/03/11 20:50, Tony Gravagno wrote:

>>> Some people apparently have brains that toggle IF NOT ELSE faster

>>> than others.  But apparently this construct is of concern to some

>>> people, whether as a matter of elegance or a matter of coding

>>> effectiveness.  Recognizing this, the more I can eliminate those

>>> lines where I or someone else needs to "brain stutter" out of the

>>> flow, the better I think the code is.


>> Problem is, what causes some people to stutter is what other people find

>> easy. Two cases in point ...


>> A lot of my code does "if (test) else", which is a very "pick"

>> construct. In fact, a lot of code *had* to be written that way because a

>> lot of conditional statements (READ etc) didn't have a THEN back then.


>> And when I was learning C. I taught my instructor a trick or two - an

>> exercise was to count how many 3's in a pack of cards. So I did


>> count += (value == 3);


>> When I read my code out for the instructor to write on the board, he

>> just couldn't hear it right until I spelt it out letter by letter.

>> Again, it's stuff I'd expect a Pickie to do without having to think! But

>> the instructor just couldn't get it until he'd written it on the board

>> and took a good hard look.


>> Cheers,

>> Wol

>> ___

>> U2-Users mailing list





> ___

> U2-Users mailing list





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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-04 Thread fft2001
No assumption.
You are masking the very issue by merely saying "condition" when it was a NOT 
condition :)





-Original Message-
From: Rex Gozar 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 6:09 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

good comprehension = faster, accurate programming (that's programming,

not code execution)

We all want fast and accurate programming.  To improve comprehension,

you have to write code to (a) reveal its logical structure, and (b)

reveal the business rules implemented in the code.

Sorry, but structures like:


(concatenating variables as a string, then performing numeric

operations on them) slows down the comprehension process.  And for

what benefit?  To me, that's just a lazy programmer that doesn't want

to type a few extra keystrokes.

Another structure caused a number of comments:

IF condition THEN statement ELSE



(inline THEN followed by block ELSE). It appears that some readers saw

the "#" in the condition and assumed an "If Not Not" structure at

first, missing the THEN.

I find it interesting that no one has commented on the fact that

CUM(M) gets conditionally reinitialized, and whether or not that is

important.  But it proves my points that neither the structure nor

business rules are clear within the OP's code.

You can have 2 years programming experience, or 20, it does not

matter.  Better structure and variable naming will vastly improve

program accuracy. (On the other hand, I could make this code really,

really fast if it didn't have to be accurate!)



U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread FFT2001
You my friend get the micro-management award for this thread.
In a message dated 3/2/2011 9:24:18 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Actually, (at least in UniData) it is a performance improvement :).  It
has to do with how BASIC compiles the code into the object file and  tags
each line with a line number. Each time it jumps to a line or  progresses
to the next it must process the line number to update it for  when it
shows errors/warnings etc. By reducing the number of lines  the
instructions are on, you actually end up with both smaller object  code
and faster execution.

How much though depends on how tight your  looping and all but 99%+ cases
the difference is dwarfed by disk access  times, etc as to make it not
worth it as a human optimisation  task.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread FFT2001
The parens are redundant since concat is a higher precedence than Not
Also how about
more intuitive :)~~
In a message dated 3/2/2011 4:54:51 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

011:   IF (YAM : AMY : MYA) # ''  THEN

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] REMOVE() was Is This Worth Rewriting

2011-03-02 Thread fft2001
Yes. Your "aligned" multivalues are also referred to as dependent-controlling 
You have one attribute controlling the placements of the values for the others.
Nasty buggers, always bite.  You have to grab them right behind the ears.





-Original Message-
From: Steve Romanow 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 2:35 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] REMOVE()  was Is This Worth Rewriting

I tried to drink the KoolAid and use REMOVE on some projects, but found 

a show stopper on UDT6.1.  I cannot remember the specifics.

Oh, I remember, In cases where you are addressing aligned mv's with your 

loop variable it was not saving you that much because you still need 

extract the other vars.

Does that make sense?

If you have 4 aligned mv's.  You only gain on the 1st, but still have 3 

extracts per iteration.  It was cleaner just to keep the FOR loop.

One more reason I am pushing to do my business logic in python where I 

have a whole lot more options in data structures.


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread fft2001
Dave you are correct when referring to dynamic arrays, the <101> type entries 
in your code.

In general, outside of the REMOVE type operations, references like that, must 
start at field 1 and walk the array until it gets to field 101, reading every 
character between.  Which is why, in general, very large dynamic references are 
not a good idea.

However, it only bites you, when your process that used to handle 100 records a 
day, now has to handle 100,000 and this code becomes the bottleneck, while your 
"trucks are sitting at the dock waiting" as one of my clients used to often say.

For the dimensioned array references in your code, the (12) type entries, that 
is not the case.
These dimensioned array references, calculate the offset position, and jump 
directly to the start of that cell in the array.  The cell's content, may be 
out-of-cell, stored later in the memory map, but it's probably more typical, 
that it can read the value immediately after the jump.

I can get more technical if you need :)

Will Johnson





-Original Message-
From: Dave Laansma 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 11:55 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

The reason I ask specifically of the repeated references is, during one

of the sessions at U2UG-Denver, it was implied that each time you

reference a specific location in a table, the OS basically has to start

at the beginning of the table and 'find' its way to that location

(explained in my over-simplified way of thinking).

Thus why the REMOVE statement is preferred when sequentially referencing

a table rather than a FOR/NEXT loop referencing each element

individually.  The REMOVE statement keeps a pointer as to where it left

off in the table and simply goes to the next AM/VM/SM/RM

I have personally experienced (and thus embraced) the truly

extraordinary performance improvement with the REMOVE statement and

would encourage everyone to do so as well.

To address a couple comments:

This would appear to me to be 'textbook' code, implying it was likely

written by a newly graduated college student. With all due respect to

college grads, I can't believe some of the code I wrote a few years ago,

let alone what I must have done fresh out of college.

This code is likely 15+ years old and certainly could use a facelift, as

could any of us after any 15-year stint of our lives. To get more

detailed would be debating cosmetics ... a debate not intended for this


Nearly half-a-million records run through this code each month, it takes

about 1.5 hours and is critical that it run at peak efficiency.

Therefore my primary objective is performance.

Thank you all for the rousing debate.

That being said, I think I'll do my modifications and let the group know

what the results are.

Once again, thank you!


David Laansma

IT Manager

Hubbard Supply Co.

Direct: 810-342-7143

Office: 810-234-8681

Fax: 810-234-6142

"Delivering Products, Services and Innovative Solutions"

-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Steve Romanow

Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 11:50 AM

To: U2 Users List

Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

On 3/2/2011 11:43 AM, Dave Laansma wrote:

> This is some old code that I didn't write, so please don't use it for

> anything profitable ...




> The proposal to the group is: Due to the repeated references deep into

> the PARMS tables, if this were rewritten to reference these locations


> few times as possible, IN YOUR OPINION, would there be a significant

> improvement in the performance of this subroutine?




> All in favor of rewrite, say AYE


> All opposed, say NAY




> (I'm testing some U2UG-Denver skills)










> FOR M=1 TO 12


>   IF PARMS(12)<101,CM>#'' OR PARMS(12)<133,CM>#'' OR

> PARMS(12)<134,CM>#'' THEN







>   END


>   IF PARMS(7)<100,CM>#'' OR PARMS(7)<101,CM>#'' OR

> PARMS(7)<102,CM>#'' THEN




> IF PARMS(7)<100,CM>#'' THEN




>   CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(12)<101,CM>




> IF PARMS(7)<101,CM>#'' THEN




>   CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(12)<133,CM>




> IF PARMS(7)<102,CM>#'' THEN




>   CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(12)<134,CM>




>   END


>   CM=CM-1; IF CM=0 THEN CM=24








> ___

> U2-Users mailing list



Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread fft2001
Let me clarify.
The problem in my mind is not with the IF X # '' THEN
It's with the ELSE portion, which in effect *means* IF X # (# '')

The Else clause is essentially executed on a "Not Not" condition.  That adds 
unnecessary confusion for the next programmer.






-Original Message-
From: David Wolverton 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 10:34 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

Well -- I usually code so the 'first clause' is my 'expected outcome' --

that is, if the PARMS(7)<102,CM> is TYPICALLY 'not empty' -- so I would do #

"" THEN myself as well..

I do it as much to express the code as the 'typical path'.  I also perceive

(although have never tested!) the "THEN" clause as being the 'lower cost'

clause to execute.  Don't know why I think that or have a reason for

thinking that -- I guess because of 'reading' the code, THEN is always the

next line without having to 'skip ahead'.

So I'm curious why it would that be a bad idea to say ' # "" THEN'?  Is

there actually any extra 'overhead'?  Or is this a 'preference' issue?

Myself, I actually think of it as being 'better documented' explaining how I

think the average transaction should progress (usually taking the "THEN"


Wondering why that is a 'bad thing'???

David W.

-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 12:10 PM


Subject: Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

In a message dated 

> >IF PARMS(7)<102,CM>#'' THEN CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(7)<102,CM>

> > ELSE

> > 

> >  CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(12)<134,CM>

> > 

> >END


Just as a follow up, IF Not Not, is very bad style.  And parsing long and 

then short is as well.

This part should have been done as

IF PARMS(7)<102,CM>='' THEN

   CUMO(M) += PARMS(12)<134,CM>


   CUMO(M) += PARMS(7)<102,CM>


Infinitely more legible.


Fire that programmer.


U2-Users mailing list


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 

> >IF PARMS(7)<102,CM>#'' THEN CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(7)<102,CM>
> > ELSE
> > 
> >  CUMO(M)=CUMO(M)+PARMS(12)<134,CM>
> > 
> >END

Just as a follow up, IF Not Not, is very bad style.  And parsing long and 
then short is as well.

This part should have been done as

IF PARMS(7)<102,CM>='' THEN
   CUMO(M) += PARMS(12)<134,CM>
   CUMO(M) += PARMS(7)<102,CM>

Infinitely more legible.

Fire that programmer.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Is this worth rewriting?

2011-03-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/2/2011 9:12:57 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Incidentally, and at the risk of starting a new war on style, this is a 
> great example of why developers should use equate tokens with meaningful 
> names rather than numbers for field references. As someone who has never 
> seen this code before, I haven't got a clue what it does. Using names 
> hopefully makes the code readable, it makes it easy to find all references 
> to a particular item without having to dismiss all the other references to 
> the same field in a different file, and it reduces errors from typos. >>

Martin I stand behind you 100 %
I'm not the one who took your wallet however.
Names Good.  Numbers Evil.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Unidata programming books?

2011-03-01 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/1/2011 7:17:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>   I recently discovered this wonderful forum and I really would like to
> expand my unibasic/unidata programming skills especially writing
> subroutines. Can anyone recommend me some good books on this? We're using
> Unidata 7.1. 

A list of all known published books on Pick / Universe / Unidata is at the 
below link
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [SPAM?]Re: silly company names

2011-02-20 Thread FFT2001
Short, hard to misspell, unique, and not likely to be confused with  
something gross or stupid.
In a message dated 2/20/2011 7:00:38 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I  am  not in marketing by any means, but isnt the chore for branding
to  make something that "sticks" whether it is a word or not?  Sony is
not  a real word, but a great company  name.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] silly company names

2011-02-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 2/19/2011 3:00:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> like Nebbletto.  ;)

You have to pick a name that cannot be mispelled.
Otherwise you're going to get squatters at Nebleto, Nebletto, Nablettoes 
and so on
Selling male enhancement pills
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Frustrated with Rocket / Unidata 7.2

2011-02-17 Thread fft2001

 Should I change the name of my company to Galactic Juggernaut ?




-Original Message-
From: Charlie Noah 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2011 7:14 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Frustrated with Rocket / Unidata 7.2

Totally OT, and I'm just musing here - Rocket, Raining Data then 

TigerLogic. Does anyone besides me see a trend here?

Charlie Noah

Charles W. Noah Associates

The views and opinions expressed herein are my own (Charlie Noah) and do 

not necessarily reflect the views, positions or policies of any of my 

former, current or future employers, employees, clients, friends, 

enemies or anyone else who might take exception to them.

On 02-17-2011 9:05 PM, Doug wrote:

> Hi Kevin:


> Just checked FTP is still running on Unidata 7.2.7 on Windows 2003.  Good

> luck, I'm still waiting for them to fix the SETPTR copies option that worked

> in 7.1 and they broke in 7.2 on Windows.


> Sorry Wally, I don't know the case.  I spoke with an engineer while I was at

> U2 University.  It was still open then and it is today.


> Regards,

> Doug


> "Try our newly updated Resizer for Universe and Unidata"


> -Original Message-

> From:

> [] On Behalf Of Kevin King

> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:55 PM

> To: U2 Users List

> Subject: Re: [U2] Frustrated with Rocket / Unidata 7.2


> Doug... If that's working on 7.2.7/Win I'd love to know how.  Things here

> aren't the same as they were on 7.1.  Non-Windows versions appear to be

> fine.  Windows versions... not so much.


> Wally, my case # is 153722.  It was posted through my support contacts @ S7.

>   Feel free to contact me off list if you need more info.




> ___

> U2-Users mailing list





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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Purging and Indexing

2011-02-16 Thread FFT2001
I agree with the opinions expressed, but wish, as one writer has already, 
to stress the *reason*.

Thrashing the disk is a very bad idea.  If you want to do any operation 
whatsoever, on more than say thirty percent of any file, the best course is to 
do that operation in disk order i.e. frame order i.e. a straight SELECT or 

No form of index, sselect or any other order which is not the order in 
which the frames are laid down.

When you do the operations in order, the system will magically retain in 
memory the group on which you're working and possibly the next group as well 
(if it's using an optimistic look-ahead process) and whatever operations you 
do on that group will be very fast as they are being done in memory.

If you're jumping all over your disk, because you're selecting the items 
out of frame order, it will be quite slow.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] : Users Groups

2011-02-11 Thread fft2001

Thanks Richard.  I just sent a message to kerry because the page here

has not been update in quite a while.  That made me believe they no longer met.

U2-Users mailing list

[U2] : Users Groups

2011-02-11 Thread FFT2001
I only know of two users groups which still hold meetings.  The one in 
Texas and the one in Seattle.

Does anyone know of any other *active* user groups who hold meetings ?  I'd 
like to update the list in my article

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Clear Message Initiative - Logging Errors to a U2 File

2011-02-09 Thread fft2001
Universe System(9001) is supposed to be the equivalent of Unidata System(49)



U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Clear Message Initiative - Logging Errors to a U2 File

2011-02-09 Thread fft2001
I can agree with that of course.
I've implemented systems that are architecturally beautiful and easy to 
maintain :)
I was just pointing out that in my experience, this sort of shifting material 
out of in-line code makes the system harder to maintain not easier.

There are many people who have an idea of what they would gain from this, 
writing their own code, without realizing what problems it can create for the 
next programmer.

I agree with you, that if implemented with the next programmer in mind, it can 
be done well.






-Original Message-
From: Dan McGrath 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 9, 2011 2:25 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Clear Message Initiative - Logging Errors to a U2 File

That only holds if you have implemented it wrong. Spend some time to

think about how you would implement it.

1. Have a subroutine/function which handles the error. That is, it

displays it as appropriate, as well as logging details as required. You

pass it an error number and optional text for the user and optional text

for the log.

2. In the user text, you always include the error number. This makes

tracking it back to the exact code location easy as pie [find 'CALL


We do it with one of our online systems and it is a damn site easier to

maintain then other systems using the 'old-school' methodology (ha!) of

error reporting.

I see so many people blame the general idea of something for the issues

they have, rather than the incorrect way it was implemented. A little

thought into future maintenance/usage goes a long way...

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Clear Message Initiative - Logging Errors to a U2 File

2011-02-09 Thread fft2001

Here's the problem I see with moving messages out of the code.

It's perfectly fine *if* you have a developer environment of some kind that 
automatically pulls in messages while you're reviewing code.  However in my 
experience, very few sites have anything close to this.

As the next one to come along and maintain the code, I have, on the one hand, a 
user saying "I have this message that says Error in Back-Order Received 
Quantity" and on the other hand, I have code, which I didn't write, which 
refers to 25 different errors, all external to the code :)

Now I have to sit and look up each error code to see which one of them *this* 
one is, so I even can figure out what part of the code is complaining and about 
what, and how to try to fix it.


 Been there, done that, got the T-shirt to prove it.

So I'd say you need the environment update before the decision to start 
shifting the control elements out of code.
It's fine for the original developer.  It's a nightmare for the next developer.




-Original Message-
From: Kate Stanton 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 9, 2011 12:57 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Clear Message Initiative - Logging Errors to a U2 File

Another thing we plan to do with messages some day is to set them up

in a messages file, so different languages can be easily handled.

It would also be nice to be able to maintain the message without

program change - makes sense.

On 10 February 2011 09:02, Bill Brutzman  wrote:

> Thanks to Susan Joslyn for the excellent article on the "Clear Message 

Initiative.  I just received my copy of the magazine in the mail today.


> It happens that over the weekend, I was reading "Code Complete 2" by Steve 

McConnell of Construx.  Following an idea in Code Complete...


> Yesterday, I told my boss that I am planning to enhance the clarity of our 

error messages, send a workflow message to others who would need to know about 

that problem and also to LOG THE ERROR MESSAGE to a U2 file, user, time, date 



> --Bill


> ___

> U2-Users mailing list




U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Ultimate on a pc, was Pick History et al

2011-02-08 Thread fft2001

 Ron give me the years involved, so I can update the Ultimate article with that.




-Original Message-
From: Ron Walenciak 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Tue, Feb 8, 2011 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Ultimate on a pc,  was Pick History et al

I was involved with a company that ran Ultimate on a pc. The pc used the

MSDOS OS to actually do the disk reads and writes, I believe, so there were

no compatibility issues (any hard drive that ran on the pc ran for us, too,

in a "partition" located on most of the disk.) 

A friend of mine had a company that used them for store cash registers.

There was also a back-office pc in each store for stock receipts, etc, and

at night we pulled data from the stores using Ultilink, producing daily,

weekly and monthly reports for the companies involved as a service, and

pushed pricing and sku/size/color/description data down.

He had some nice customers, mostly women's fashions in outlet malls. Liz

Claiborne was one.

I believe it was a short experiment; as I recall, Ultimate felt that there

wasn't enough profit in selling a pc (and it was just about as time

consuming as selling a DEC minicomputer.)

Sorry, I know it's not U2, but I figured I'd follow the Ultimate thread.


-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 12:06 PM


Subject: Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

In a message dated 2/8/2011 6:02:44 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> In the late 80s I worked with Ultimate Pick on a VAX, running software 

> from SMI.  That system used RPL as its native programming language.  This 

> was the Ultimate PICK that ran on an add-in board.


You are the first person I've encountered who ran Pick on top of VMS on the 

VAX.  I am the only person I've met who run it on the MicroVAX.

I added that to my article here



U2-Users mailing list


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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

2011-02-08 Thread fft2001
Was your RPL compiler for Universe ever actually installed on a commercial 
system ?




-Original Message-
From: Brian Leach 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Tue, Feb 8, 2011 12:57 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

I actually wrote an RPL compiler for UniVerse - I guess that was about 15

years ago.

It actually started out quite nice.. it did everything in the RPL81 manual

and was a tidy piece of C on SunOS. 

Then I delved into the 'undocumented' functions .. and by the time I had

handled as many of those as I could the poor compiler was completely

unrecognizable and unmaintainable. 

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

2011-02-08 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 2/8/2011 6:02:44 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> In the late 80s I worked with Ultimate Pick on a VAX, running software 
> from SMI.  That system used RPL as its native programming language.  This 
> was the Ultimate PICK that ran on an add-in board.

You are the first person I've encountered who ran Pick on top of VMS on the 
VAX.  I am the only person I've met who run it on the MicroVAX.

I added that to my article here

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

2011-02-07 Thread fft2001

 Uh... and ?
I didn't ask you Tony.  I have no idea why you want to be smart.
The history of Pick is not OT for a U2 group.
So cool your jets.




-Original Message-
From: Tony Gravagno <>
To: u2-users 
Sent: Mon, Feb 7, 2011 5:07 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] RPL was Pick History et al

No more OT digressions, please? I'm quite familiar with RPL. The

owner is my client. I do RPL/assembler work for them. I know it's

history and where it's actually sold and supported now. But I

don't want to discuss this in the U2 forum or any other forum

really. Thanks.

> From: Will

> I'm thinking it might be good to write up an article 

> about RPL. If any of you has knowledge of the history 

> of the language, the company, etc. you can email me,


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] A new DML?

2011-02-07 Thread fft2001

RPL was a new language binding, which developed from PROC.  It was a fully 
extended language, capable of replacing BASIC in all regards.  I wonder if 
anyone is still running an RPL system anywhere?

Another note, per Ian Sandler, writing in or just before 1989, which might be 
seen as humorous or not...

"A C compiler will no doubt become widely available for PICK soon." [He always 
uses 'PICK' not 'Pick'.] "Several already exist in various stages of 

He then goes on to describe a way to get C code to run anyway.  You write it 
for the specific processor.  Then transfer the compiled code to tape.  Load the 
tape on your Pick system and it will execute.

He states that he does this.  I've never heard of anyone doing this actually.  
It sounds rather laborious.
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