Re: [OMPI users] numactl with torque cpusets

2011-11-21 Thread Jeff Squyres
For the web archives...

Brock and I talked about this in person at SC.  The conversation was much more 
involved than this seemingly-simple question implied.  :-)

The short version is:

- numactl does both memory and processor binding
- hwloc is the new numactl :-)
  - e.g., see the hwloc-bind(1) command
- OMPI does both memory and processor binding
- OMPI 1.5.5 will have an MCA parameter for process-wide memory binding policy
- Torque cpusets are probably do what is desired: restrict MPI processes to a 
subset of the processors on a given server (e.g., if multiple Torque jobs are 
running on the same server)

On Nov 9, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Brock Palen wrote:

> Question,
> If we are using torque with TM with cpusets enabled for pinning should we not 
> enable numactl?  Would they conflict with each other?
> Brock Palen
> Center for Advanced Computing
> (734)936-1985
> ___
> users mailing list

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

Re: [OMPI users] orte_debugger_select and orte_ess_set_name failed

2011-11-21 Thread MM

I have placed the source in \Program Files\openmpi-1.5.4
the build dir in \Program Files\
and the install dir in \Program Files\openmpi

I could not find config.log in any of the 3 directories nor in the directory
from which I run mpirun.

The build log attached is a zip of all the .log under \Program

First, I installed the provided binaries on xp32bit, and successfully ran
the program in Release mode.
in debug mode, there was that error of some function missing in kernel, that
you fixed in svn.

Second, I then downloaded the source and built the static libraries w cmake
according to, and against these home built libs, the same
program run neithers in debug nor in release, because of the error below.

How can I generate the config.log?

About Debug/Release, thinking about it at this time, I don't really need the
debug libs of openmpi.
but to be able to link against vs2010 Release libs of openmpi, I need them
to be linked against the Release c runtime, so I might as well link against
the debug version of the openmpi libs.

Your help is very appreciated,

-Original Message-
From: Shiqing Fan [] 
Sent: 21 November 2011 12:48
To: Open MPI Users
Cc: MM
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] orte_debugger_select and orte_ess_set_name failed


Could you please send your config and build log to me? Have you tried 
with a simpler program? Does this error always happen?


On 2011-11-19 4:24 PM, MM wrote:
> Trying to run my program linked against debug 1.5.4 on vs2010 fails:
 mpirun -np 1 .\nhui\Debug\nhui.exe : -np 1 .\nhcomp\Debug\nhcomp.exe
> [PCNAME:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file C:\Program
> Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\mca\ess\hnp\ess_hnp_module.c at line 536
> --
> It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
> likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
> fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
> environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
> here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
> Open MPI developer):
>orte_debugger_select failed
>-->  Returned value Not found (-13) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
> --
> [PCNAME:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file C:\Program
> Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\runtime\orte_init.c at line 128
> --
> It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
> likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
> fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
> environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
> here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
> Open MPI developer):
>orte_ess_set_name failed
>-->  Returned value Not found (-13) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
> --
> [LLDNRATDHY9H4J:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file
> C:\Program Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\tools\orterun\orterun.c at line 616
> any help is appreciated,
> MM
> ___
> users mailing list

Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234  Nobelstrasse 19
Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832  70569 Stuttgart

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Re: [OMPI users] UDP like messaging with MPI

2011-11-21 Thread Jeremiah Willcock

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Mudassar Majeed wrote:

Thank you for your answer. Actually, I used the term UDP to show the 
non-connection oriented messaging. TCP creates connection between two parties 
communicate) but in UDP a message can be sent to any IP/port where a 
process/thread is listening to, and if the process is busy in doing something, 
all the
received messages are queued for it and when ever it calls the recv function 
one message is taken from the queue.

That is how MPI message matching works; messages sit in a queue until you 
call MPI_Irecv (or MPI_Recv or MPI_Probe, etc.) to get them.  Unlike UDP, 
MPI messages do not need to complete on the sender until they are 
received, so you will probably need to use MPI_Isend to avoid deadlocks.

I am implementing a distributed algorithm that will provide communication 
sensitive load balancing for computational loads. For example, if we have 10 
nodes each
containing 10 cores (100 cores in total). So when MPI application will start 
(let say with 1000) processes (more than 1 process per core) then I will run my
distributed algorithm MPI_Balance (sorry for giving MPI_ prefix as it is not a 
part of MPI, but I am trying to make it the part of MPI ;) ). So that algorithm
will take those processes that communicate more in the same node (keeping the 
computational load on 10 cores on that node balanced).

So that was the little bit explanation. So for that my distributed algorithm 
requires that some processes communicate with each other to collaborate on 
So I need a kind of messaging that I explained above. It is kind of UDP 
messaging (no connection before sending a message, and message is always queued 
on the
receiver's side and sender is not blocked, it just sends the message and the 
receiver takes it when it gets free from other task).

The one difficulty in doing this is to manage the MPI requests from the 
sends and poll them with MPI_Test periodically.  You can just keep the 
requests in an array (std::vector in C++) which can be expanded when 
needed; to send a message, call MPI_Isend and put the request into the 
array, and periodically call MPI_Testany or MPI_Testsome on the array to 
find completed requests.  Note that you will need to keep the data being 
sent intact in its buffer until the request completes.  Here's a naive 
version that does extra copies and doesn't clean out its arrays of 
requests or buffers:

class message_send_engine {
  vector requests;
  vector buffers;

  void send(void* buf, int byte_len, int dest, int tag) {
MPI_Request req;
size_t buf_num = buffers.size();
buffers.resize(buf_num + 1);
buffers[buf_num].assign((char*)buf, (char*)buf + byte_len);
requests.resize(buf_num + 1);
MPI_Isend([buf_num][0], byte_len, MPI_BYTE, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 

  void poll() { // Call this periodically
while (true) {
  int index, flag;
  MPI_Testany((int)requests.size(), [0], , , 
  if (flag && index != MPI_UNDEFINED) {
buffers[index].clear(); // Free memory
  } else {

bool test_for_message(void* buf, int max_len, MPI_Status& st) {
  int flag;
  return (flag != 0);

If test_for_message returns true, you can then use MPI_Recv to get the 

I have tried to use the combination of MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, MPI_Iprobe, 
MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv, MPI_Test etc, but I am not getting that thing that 
I am looking for. I think MPI should also provide that way. May be it is 
not in my knowledge. That's why I am asking the experts. I am still 
looking for it :(

-- Jeremiah Willcock

Re: [OMPI users] UDP like messaging with MPI

2011-11-21 Thread Mudassar Majeed
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I used the term UDP to show the 
non-connection oriented messaging. TCP creates connection between two parties 
(who communicate) but in UDP a message can be sent to any IP/port where a 
process/thread is listening to, and if the process is busy in doing something, 
all the received messages are queued for it and when ever it calls the recv 
function one message is taken from the queue. 

I am implementing a distributed algorithm that will provide communication 
sensitive load balancing for computational loads. For example, if we have 10 
nodes each containing 10 cores (100 cores in total). So when MPI application 
will start (let say with 1000) processes (more than 1 process per core) then I 
will run my distributed algorithm MPI_Balance (sorry for giving MPI_ prefix as 
it is not a part of MPI, but I am trying to make it the part of MPI ;) ). So 
that algorithm will take those processes that communicate more in the same node 
(keeping the computational load on 10 cores on that node balanced). 

So that was the little bit explanation. So for that my distributed algorithm 
requires that some processes communicate with each other to collaborate on 
something. So I need a kind of messaging that I explained above. It is kind of 
UDP messaging (no connection before sending a message, and message is always 
queued on the receiver's side and sender is not blocked, it just sends the 
message and the receiver takes it when it gets free from other task). 

I have tried to use the combination of MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, MPI_Iprobe, 
MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv, MPI_Test etc, but I am not getting that thing that I am 
looking for. I think MPI should also provide that way. May be it is not in my 
knowledge. That's why I am asking the experts. I am still looking for it :(

thanks and regards,
Mudassar Majeed
PhD Student
Linkoping University
PhD Topic: Parallel Computing (Optimal composition of parallel programs and 
runtime support).

 From: Jeff Squyres 
To:; Open MPI Users  
Cc: ""  
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] UDP like messaging with MPI
MPI defines only reliable communications -- it's not quite the same thing as 

Hence, if you send something, it is guaranteed to be able to be received.  UDP 
may drop packets whenever it feels like it (e.g., when it is out of resources).

Most MPI implementations will do some form of buffering of unexpected receives. 
 So if process A sends message X to process B, if B hasn't posted a matching 
receive for message X yet, B will likely silently accept the message under the 
covers and buffer it (or at least buffer part of it).  Hence, when you finally 
post the matching X receive in B, whatever of X was already received will 
already be there, but B may need to send a clear-to-send to A to get the rest 
of the message.

Specifically: if X is "short", A may eagerly send the whole message to B.  If X 
is "long", A may only send the first part of B and wait for a CTS before 
sending the rest of it.

MPI implementations typically do this in order to conserve buffer space -- 
i.e., if A sends a 10MB message, there's no point in buffering it at B until 
the matching receive is made and the message can be received directly into the 
destination 10MB buffer that B has made available.  If B accepted the 10MB X 
early, it would cost an additional 10MB to buffer it.  Ick.

Alternatively, what I think Lukas was trying to suggest was that you can post 
non-blocking receives and simply test for completion later.  This allows MPI to 
receive straight into the target buffer without intermediate copies or 
additional buffers.  Then you can just check to see when the receive(s) is(are) 

On Nov 19, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:

> I know about tnıs functıons, they special requirements like the mpi_irecv 
> call should be made in every process. My processes should not look for 
> messages or implicitly receive them. But messages shuddering go into their 
> msg queues and retrieved when needed. Just like udp communication.
> Regards
> ___
> users mailing list

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

Re: [OMPI users] openmpi and mingw32?

2011-11-21 Thread John R. Cary

On 11/21/2011 5:43 AM, Shiqing Fan wrote:

Hi John,

Yes, there will be an initial build support for MinGW, but a few 
runtime issues still need to be fixed.

If you want to try the current one, please download one of the latest 
1.5 nightly tarballs. Please just let me know if you got problems on 
that. Feedback would be helpful and appreciated.

Hi Shiqing,

I went ahead and tried the svn trunk.  I configured with

cmake \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=C:/winsame/contrib-mingw/openmpi-try \
  -G 'NMake Makefiles JOM' \
  -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER:FILEPATH='mingw32-gfortran' \

It fails right away at

 C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-gcc.exe  -Dlibopen_pal_EXPORTS -D_USRDLL 
-DOPAL_EXPORTS -O3 -DNDEBUG @CMakeFiles/libopen-pal.dir/includes_C.rsp 
-o CMakeFiles\libopen-pal.dir\class\opal_list.obj   -c 

cd C:\winsame\builds-mingw\facetsall-mingw\ompi-trunk\try
In file included from 
warning: "PF_UNSPEC" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
warning: "AF_INET6" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
warning: "PF_INET6" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
warning: "PF_UNSPEC" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
warning: "AF_INET6" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
warning: "PF_INET6" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
warning: 'struct timespec' declared inside parameter list
warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is 
probably not what you want
In function 'opal_condition_timedwait':
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type

command failed with exit code 1
In file included from 
warning: "PF_UNSPEC" redefined
note: this is the location of the previous definition
warning: "AF_INET6" redefined

Re: [OMPI users] UDP like messaging with MPI

2011-11-21 Thread Jeff Squyres
MPI defines only reliable communications -- it's not quite the same thing as 

Hence, if you send something, it is guaranteed to be able to be received.  UDP 
may drop packets whenever it feels like it (e.g., when it is out of resources).

Most MPI implementations will do some form of buffering of unexpected receives. 
 So if process A sends message X to process B, if B hasn't posted a matching 
receive for message X yet, B will likely silently accept the message under the 
covers and buffer it (or at least buffer part of it).  Hence, when you finally 
post the matching X receive in B, whatever of X was already received will 
already be there, but B may need to send a clear-to-send to A to get the rest 
of the message.

Specifically: if X is "short", A may eagerly send the whole message to B.  If X 
is "long", A may only send the first part of B and wait for a CTS before 
sending the rest of it.

MPI implementations typically do this in order to conserve buffer space -- 
i.e., if A sends a 10MB message, there's no point in buffering it at B until 
the matching receive is made and the message can be received directly into the 
destination 10MB buffer that B has made available.  If B accepted the 10MB X 
early, it would cost an additional 10MB to buffer it.  Ick.

Alternatively, what I think Lukas was trying to suggest was that you can post 
non-blocking receives and simply test for completion later.  This allows MPI to 
receive straight into the target buffer without intermediate copies or 
additional buffers.  Then you can just check to see when the receive(s) is(are) 

On Nov 19, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Mudassar Majeed wrote:

> I know about tnıs functıons, they special requirements like the mpi_irecv 
> call should be made in every process. My processes should not look for 
> messages or implicitly receive them. But messages shuddering go into their 
> msg queues and retrieved when needed. Just like udp communication.
> Regards
> ___
> users mailing list

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

Re: [OMPI users] How are the Open MPI processes spawned?

2011-11-21 Thread Ralph Castain
No real ideas, I'm afraid. We regularly launch much larger jobs than that using 
ssh without problem, so it is likely something about the local setup of that 
node that is causing the problem. Offhand, it sounds like either the mapper 
isn't getting things right, or for some reason the daemon on 005 isn't properly 
getting or processing the launch command.

What you could try is adding --display-map to see if the map is being correctly 
generated. If that works, then (using a debug build) try adding 
--leave-session-attached and see if any daemons are outputting an error.

You could add -mca odls_base_verbose 5 --leave-session-attached to your cmd 
line. You'll see debug output from each daemon as it receives and processes the 
launch command. See if the daemon on 005 is behaving differently than the 

You should also try putting that long list of nodes in a hostfile - see if that 
makes a difference. It will process the nodes thru a different code path, so if 
there is some problem in --host, this will tell us.

On Nov 21, 2011, at 9:33 AM, Paul Kapinos wrote:

> Hello Open MPI volks,
> We use OpenMPI 1.5.3 on our pretty new 1800+ nodes InfiniBand cluster, and we 
> have some strange hangups if starting OpenMPI processes.
> The nodes are named linuxbsc001,linuxbsc002,... (with some lacuna due of  
> offline nodes). Each node is accessible from each other over SSH (without 
> password), also MPI programs between any two nodes are checked to run.
> So long, I tried to start some bigger number of processes, one process per 
> node:
> $ mpiexec -np NN  --host linuxbsc001,linuxbsc002,... MPI_FastTest.exe
> Now the problem: there are some constellations of names in the host list on 
> which mpiexec reproducible hangs forever; and more surprising: other 
> *permutation* of the *same* node names may run without any errors!
> Example: the command in laueft.txt runs OK, the command in haengt.txt hangs. 
> Note: the only difference is that the node linuxbsc025 is put on the end of 
> the host list. Amazed, too?
> Looking on the particular nodes during the above mpiexec hangs, we found the 
> orted daemons started on *each* node and the binary on all but one node 
> (orted.txt, MPI_FastTest.txt).
> Again amazing that the node with no user process started (leading to hangup 
> in MPI_Init of all processes and thus to hangup, I believe) was always the 
> same, linuxbsc005, which is NOT the permuted item linuxbsc025...
> This behaviour is reproducible. The hang-on only occure if the started 
> application is a MPI application ("hostname" does not hang).
> Any Idea what is gonna on?
> Best,
> Paul Kapinos
> P.S: no alias names used, all names are real ones
> -- 
> Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
> RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication
> Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
> Tel: +49 241/80-24915
> linuxbsc001: STDOUT: 24323 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc002: STDOUT:  2142 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc003: STDOUT: 69266 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc004: STDOUT: 58899 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc006: STDOUT: 68255 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc007: STDOUT: 62026 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc008: STDOUT: 54221 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc009: STDOUT: 55482 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc010: STDOUT: 59380 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc011: STDOUT: 58312 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc014: STDOUT: 56013 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc016: STDOUT: 58563 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc017: STDOUT: 54693 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc018: STDOUT: 54187 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc020: STDOUT: 55811 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc021: STDOUT: 54982 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc022: STDOUT: 50032 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc023: STDOUT: 54044 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc024: STDOUT: 51247 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc025: STDOUT: 18575 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc027: STDOUT: 48969 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc028: STDOUT: 52397 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc029: STDOUT: 52780 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc030: STDOUT: 47537 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc031: STDOUT: 54609 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> linuxbsc032: STDOUT: 52833 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
> $ timex /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/mpiexec -np 27  --host 

[OMPI users] How are the Open MPI processes spawned?

2011-11-21 Thread Paul Kapinos

Hello Open MPI volks,

We use OpenMPI 1.5.3 on our pretty new 1800+ nodes InfiniBand cluster, 
and we have some strange hangups if starting OpenMPI processes.

The nodes are named linuxbsc001,linuxbsc002,... (with some lacuna due of 
 offline nodes). Each node is accessible from each other over SSH 
(without password), also MPI programs between any two nodes are checked 
to run.

So long, I tried to start some bigger number of processes, one process 
per node:

$ mpiexec -np NN  --host linuxbsc001,linuxbsc002,... MPI_FastTest.exe

Now the problem: there are some constellations of names in the host list 
on which mpiexec reproducible hangs forever; and more surprising: other 
*permutation* of the *same* node names may run without any errors!

Example: the command in laueft.txt runs OK, the command in haengt.txt 
hangs. Note: the only difference is that the node linuxbsc025 is put on 
the end of the host list. Amazed, too?

Looking on the particular nodes during the above mpiexec hangs, we found 
the orted daemons started on *each* node and the binary on all but one 
node (orted.txt, MPI_FastTest.txt).
Again amazing that the node with no user process started (leading to 
hangup in MPI_Init of all processes and thus to hangup, I believe) was 
always the same, linuxbsc005, which is NOT the permuted item linuxbsc025...

This behaviour is reproducible. The hang-on only occure if the started 
application is a MPI application ("hostname" does not hang).

Any Idea what is gonna on?


Paul Kapinos

P.S: no alias names used, all names are real ones

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915
linuxbsc001: STDOUT: 24323 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc002: STDOUT:  2142 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc003: STDOUT: 69266 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc004: STDOUT: 58899 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc006: STDOUT: 68255 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc007: STDOUT: 62026 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc008: STDOUT: 54221 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc009: STDOUT: 55482 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc010: STDOUT: 59380 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc011: STDOUT: 58312 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc014: STDOUT: 56013 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc016: STDOUT: 58563 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc017: STDOUT: 54693 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc018: STDOUT: 54187 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc020: STDOUT: 55811 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc021: STDOUT: 54982 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc022: STDOUT: 50032 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc023: STDOUT: 54044 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc024: STDOUT: 51247 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc025: STDOUT: 18575 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc027: STDOUT: 48969 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc028: STDOUT: 52397 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc029: STDOUT: 52780 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc030: STDOUT: 47537 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc031: STDOUT: 54609 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
linuxbsc032: STDOUT: 52833 ?SLl0:00 MPI_FastTest.exe
$ timex /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/mpiexec -np 27  --host 
$ timex /opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/mpiexec -np 27  --host 
linuxbsc001: STDOUT: 24322 ?Ss 0:00 
/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/orted --daemonize -mca ess env -mca 
orte_ess_jobid 751435776 -mca orte_ess_vpid 1 -mca orte_ess_num_procs 28 
--hnp-uri 751435776.0;tcp:// -mca plm rsh
linuxbsc002: STDOUT:  2141 ?Ss 0:00 
/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/orted --daemonize -mca ess env -mca 
orte_ess_jobid 751435776 -mca orte_ess_vpid 2 -mca orte_ess_num_procs 28 
--hnp-uri 751435776.0;tcp:// -mca plm rsh
linuxbsc003: STDOUT: 69265 ?Ss 0:00 
/opt/MPI/openmpi-1.5.3/linux/intel/bin/orted --daemonize -mca ess env -mca 
orte_ess_jobid 751435776 -mca orte_ess_vpid 3 -mca 

Re: [OMPI users] orte_debugger_select and orte_ess_set_name failed

2011-11-21 Thread Shiqing Fan


Could you please send your config and build log to me? Have you tried 
with a simpler program? Does this error always happen?


On 2011-11-19 4:24 PM, MM wrote:

Trying to run my program linked against debug 1.5.4 on vs2010 fails:

mpirun -np 1 .\nhui\Debug\nhui.exe : -np 1 .\nhcomp\Debug\nhcomp.exe

[PCNAME:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file C:\Program
Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\mca\ess\hnp\ess_hnp_module.c at line 536
It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):

   orte_debugger_select failed
   -->  Returned value Not found (-13) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
[PCNAME:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file C:\Program
Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\runtime\orte_init.c at line 128
It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to configuration or
environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
Open MPI developer):

   orte_ess_set_name failed
   -->  Returned value Not found (-13) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
[LLDNRATDHY9H4J:04960] [[1282,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file
C:\Program Files\openmpi-1.5.4\orte\tools\orterun\orterun.c at line 616

any help is appreciated,

users mailing list

Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234  Nobelstrasse 19
Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832  70569 Stuttgart

Re: [OMPI users] openmpi and mingw32?

2011-11-21 Thread Shiqing Fan

Hi John,

Yes, there will be an initial build support for MinGW, but a few runtime 
issues still need to be fixed.

If you want to try the current one, please download one of the latest 
1.5 nightly tarballs. Please just let me know if you got problems on 
that. Feedback would be helpful and appreciated.


On 2011-11-20 10:13 PM, John R. Cary wrote:

Are there plans for mingw32 support in openmpi?

If so, any time scale?

I configured with cmake and errored out at

In file included from 
error: conflicting types for 'ssize_t'

users mailing list

Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234  Nobelstrasse 19
Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832  70569 Stuttgart