Management Code modules

2009-12-16 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi ,

Regarding the documentation on the modularized architecture of the
management node, I found this on the wiki (
But I wanted to know if there any other docs which give out a more detailed

thanks and regards

VCL standalone installation

2010-02-25 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

I was trying to setup a VCL standalone installation , but the image capture
is failing because of some missing files. I wanted to know if there are any
additional sysprep files to be downloaded on the management node?.

2010-02-25 13:50:41|11990|1:11|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, returning (0, "The operation completed
13:50:41|11990|1:11|image||deleted existing
DevicePath key
2010-02-25 13:50:41|11990|1:11|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|11990|1:11|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/Utilities/SPDrvScn/spdrvscn.exe /p
"C:/Sysprep/Drivers" /e inf /d $SYSTEMROOT\\inf /a /s /q' 2>&1
|11990|1:11|image| bash:
C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/Utilities/SPDrvScn/spdrvscn.exe: No such file or
2010-02-25 13:50:43|11990|1:11|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, command:
|11990|1:11|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/Utilities/SPDrvScn/spdrvscn.exe /p
"C:/Sysprep/Drivers" /e inf /d $SYSTEMROOT\\inf /a /s /q' 2>&1
|11990|1:11|image| returning (127, "bash: C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/...")

|11990|1:11|image|  WARNING 
|11990|1:11|image| 2010-02-25
13:50:43|11990|1:11|image||failed to execute
spdrvscn.exe, exit status: 127, output:
|11990|1:11|image| bash:
C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/Utilities/SPDrvScn/spdrvscn.exe: No such file or
|11990|1:11|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|11990|1:11|image| (-1), prepare_drivers (line: 6144)
|11990|1:11|image| (-2), run_sysprep (line: 6004)
|11990|1:11|image| (-3), pre_capture (line: 97)
|11990|1:11|image| (-4), capture (line: 1202)
|11990|1:11|image| (-5), process (line: 162)
|11990|1:11|image| (-6) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)

|11990|1:11|image|  WARNING 
|11990|1:11|image| 2010-02-25
13:50:43|11990|1:11|image||unable to copy and
scan drivers
|11990|1:11|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|11990|1:11|image| (-1), run_sysprep (line: 6005)
|11990|1:11|image| (-2), pre_capture (line: 97)
|11990|1:11|image| (-3), capture (line: 1202)
|11990|1:11|image| (-4), process (line: 162)
|11990|1:11|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|11990|1:11|image| (-6) vcld, main (line: 341)

|11990|1:11|image|  WARNING 
|11990|1:11|image| 2010-02-25
13:50:43|11990|1:11|image||capture preparation
failed, failed to run Sysprep
|11990|1:11|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|11990|1:11|image| (-1), pre_capture (line: 98)
|11990|1:11|image| (-2), capture (line: 1202)
|11990|1:11|image| (-3), process (line: 162)
|11990|1:11|image| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|11990|1:11|image| (-5) vcld, main (line: 341)

|11990|1:11|image|  WARNING 
|11990|1:11|image| 2010-02-25
module pre_capture() failed
|11990|1:11|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|11990|1:11|image| (-1), capture (line: 1203)
|11990|1:11|image| (-2), process (line: 162)
|11990|1:11|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|11990|1:11|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 341)

|11990|1:11|image|  WARNING 
|11990|1:11|image| 2010-02-25
image failed to be captured by provisioning module
|11990|1:11|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|11990|1:11|image| (-1), process (line: 166)
|11990|1:11|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|11990|1:11|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 341)


Sysprep : failed to delete existing DevicePath key

2010-03-24 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

While trying to capture a base windows image, I am getting the following
error. Sysprep is unable to obtain the DevicePath attribute value from the
windows registry.Is there any setting which I am missing before running

2010-03-24 11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, returning (0, "12 File(s) copied")
2010-03-24 11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||copied
Sysprep files to C:/Sysprep
2010-03-24 11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||attempting
to copy and scan drivers
11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||attempting to
remove old C:/Sysprep\Drivers directory if it exists
11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||formatted path for
Unix: C:/Sysprep/Drivers
11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||formatted path for
DOS: C:\\Sysprep\\Drivers
2010-03-24 11:15:50|7802|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|7802|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'cmd.exe /c dir /a /b "C:\\Sysprep\\Drivers"' 2>&1
entry does NOT exist on vmguest-1: C:\\Sysprep\\Drivers
|7802|1:1|image| output:
|7802|1:1|image| File Not Found
2010-03-24 11:15:51|7802|1:1|image||file not
deleted because it does not exist: C:/Sysprep/Drivers
11:15:51|7802|1:1|image||attempting to
remove old C:/Drivers directory if it exists
11:15:51|7802|1:1|image||formatted path for
Unix: C:/Drivers
11:15:51|7802|1:1|image||formatted path for
DOS: C:\\Drivers
2010-03-24 11:15:51|7802|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|7802|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'cmd.exe /c dir /a /b "C:\\Drivers"' 2>&1
entry does NOT exist on vmguest-1: C:\\Drivers
|7802|1:1|image| output:
|7802|1:1|image| File Not Found
2010-03-24 11:15:52|7802|1:1|image||file not
deleted because it does not exist: C:/Drivers
2010-03-24 11:15:52|7802|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|7802|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'mkdir -p "C:/Sysprep/Drivers" && cp -rf -T
"C:/Cygwin/home/root/VCL/Drivers" "C:/Sysprep/Drivers"' 2>&1
|7802|1:1|image| none
2010-03-24 11:15:53|7802|1:1|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, returning (0, "none")
2010-03-24 11:15:53|7802|1:1|image||copied
driver files to C:/Sysprep/Drivers
11:15:53|7802|1:1|image||System32 string
previously detected: C:/Windows/System32
2010-03-24 11:15:53|7802|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|7802|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'C:/Windows/System32/reg.exe DELETE
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" /v DevicePath /f' 2>&1
2010-03-24 11:15:54|7753|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-03-24 11:15:53
|7802|1:1|image| Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry
key or value
2010-03-24 11:15:55|7802|1:1|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, command:
|7802|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'C:/Windows/System32/reg.exe DELETE
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" /v DevicePath /f' 2>&1
|7802|1:1|image| returning (1, "Error: The system was unable t...")
2010-03-24 11:15:55|7802|1:1|image||failed
to delete existing DevicePath key, exit status: 1, output:
|7802|1:1|image| Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry
key or value

|7802|1:1|image|  WARNING 
|7802|1:1|image| 2010-03-24
11:15:55|7802|1:1|image||unable to copy and scan
|7802|1:1|image| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
|7802|1:1|image| (-1), run_sysprep (line: 6005)
|7802|1:1|image| (-2), pre_capture (line: 97)
|7802|1:1|image| (-3), capture (line: 1202)
|7802|1:1|image| (-4), process (line: 162)
|7802|1:1|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|7802|1:1|image| (-6) vcld, main (line: 341)


VMWARE power off failure during image capture

2010-04-16 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi ,

I am trying to get a VCL standalone installation done and I am trying to
capture a linux image. But I am getting the following error in the VMware
perl tool kit files.
The problem is that at the entry point into the capture routine , hostname
and VMtype are getting detected proprely .i.e. vmguest-1 and vmwareGSX.  But
at the end, when the power off status is being determined, it tries to get
the vm paths and there the hostname is getting retrieved as 1vmguest-1 and

if you actually look into the code of get_vm_paths in, it says

# If GSX use image name
if ($vmtype_name =~ /(vmware|vmwareGSX)$/) {
$vmdk_name = $image_name;
   * # If ESX use requestid+shortname
elsif ($vmtype_name =~ /(vmwareESX3)/) {
$vmdk_name = "$reservation_id$computer_short_name";

vmtype_name is getting detected as vmware ESX and from then on, hostname and
vmdk files are getting renamed as 1vmguest-1 and so on I wanted to know
if I am missing something here or is it because of some incorrect setting

2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||data
structure updated:
|11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_date_created = 2010-04-15 16:19:54
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||calling
provisioning module's capture() subroutine
*2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
new name: vmwarelinux-base8-v1
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
computer_name: vmguest-1
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
vmhost_hostname: localvmhost
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
vmtype_name: vmwareGSX
*2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|11685|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
|11685|1:1|image| chown: cannot access `currentimage.txt': No such file or
|11685|1:1|image| chmod: cannot access `currentimage.txt': No such file or
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, command:
|11685|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
|11685|1:1|image| returning (1, "chown: cannot access `currenti...")
ownership and permissions on currentimage.txt
2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|11685|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 'echo -e "vmwarelinux-base8-v1\r\nid=10\r\nprettyname=No Apps
16:19:54\r\ncomputer_id=2\r\ncomputer_hostname=vmguest-1" > currentimage.txt
& cat currentimage.txt' 2>&1
|11685|1:1|image| vmwarelinux-base8-v1
|11685|1:1|image| id=10
|11685|1:1|image| prettyname=No Apps (Linux)
|11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_id=10
|11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_datecreated=2010-04-15 16:19:54
|11685|1:1|image| computer_id=2
|11685|1:1|image| computer_hostname=vmguest-1
2010-04-15 16:19:55|11685|1:1|image||SSH
command executed on vmguest-1, returning (0, "vmwarelinux-base8-v1 id=10
currentimage.txt file on vmguest-1:
|11685|1:1|image| vmwarelinux-base8-v1
|11685|1:1|image| id=10
|11685|1:1|image| prettyname=No Apps (Linux)
|11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_id=10
|11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_datecreated=2010-04-15 16:19:54
|11685|1:1|image| computer_id=2
|11685|1:1|image| computer_hostname=vmguest-1
2010-04-15 16:19:55|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
currentimage.txt updated on vmguest-1
2010-04-15 16:19:55|11685|1:1|image||calling OS
module's pre_capture() subroutine
to retrieve private IP address for computer: vmguest-1
contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 6 lines
line for 'vmguest-1' in /etc/hosts:
|11685|1:1|image| vmguest-1
IP address:
2010-04-15 16:19:

Re: VMWARE power off failure during image capture

2010-04-21 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi Andy.

I am a bit confused here...
the path which I am using is

Is it that a directory" $reservation_id$computer_short_name"  for ex .
(2vmguest-1) should be created and the VM files need to be placed there
during the image capture process??

I did troubleshoot by running the command directly on the host. The output
what I get is

"[r...@localhost vmwarelinux-base8-v1]#vmware-cmd /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\
Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx getstate
Enter username:

Enter password:

Undefined subroutine &Opts::getencname called at /usr/bin/vmware-cmd line
339,  line 2."

Wierdly , it is asking a username and password which is causing the error in

The VMware version which I am using is VMware Server Console 1.0.10

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.
WSTI Intern

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Andy Kurth  wrote:

> Hello,
> It looks like things are configured correctly.  The hostname is vmguest-1.
>  This won't match the name of the vmx and vmdk files.  What are the paths to
> the vmx and vmdk files being used by your VM?
> The path to your vmx file should be:
> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx
> The path to the vmdk file should be:
> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmdk
> I'm not familiar with the vmware-cmd command error listed in the log. To
> troubleshoot, can you run the following command:
> vmware-cmd /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx
> getstate
> If this works, try running the same command via SSH to mimic what the vcld
> code tried to run:
> /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x localvmhost 'vmware-cmd
> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx getstate'
> Assuming your vmx path is the one listed in the commands, these commands
> should work.  Also, which version of VMware are you using?
> Regards,
> Andy
> Vinay Venkatesh wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> I am trying to get a VCL standalone installation done and I am trying to
>> capture a linux image. But I am getting the following error in the VMware
>> perl tool kit files.
>> The problem is that at the entry point into the capture routine , hostname
>> and VMtype are getting detected proprely .i.e. vmguest-1 and vmwareGSX.
>>  But
>> at the end, when the power off status is being determined, it tries to get
>> the vm paths and there the hostname is getting retrieved as 1vmguest-1 and
>> vmguest-1.
>> if you actually look into the code of get_vm_paths in, it says
>> # If GSX use image name
>>if ($vmtype_name =~ /(vmware|vmwareGSX)$/) {
>>$vmdk_name = $image_name;
>>   * # If ESX use requestid+shortname
>>elsif ($vmtype_name =~ /(vmwareESX3)/) {
>>$vmdk_name = "$reservation_id$computer_short_name";
>> vmtype_name is getting detected as vmware ESX and from then on, hostname
>> and
>> vmdk files are getting renamed as 1vmguest-1 and so on I wanted to
>> know
>> if I am missing something here or is it because of some incorrect setting
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||data
>> structure updated:
>> $self->request_data->{reservation}{1}{imagerevision}{datecreated}
>> |11685|1:1|image| imagerevision_date_created = 2010-04-15 16:19:54
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||calling
>> provisioning module's capture() subroutine
>> *2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1,
>> res=1:
>> new name: vmwarelinux-base8-v1
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
>> computer_name: vmguest-1
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
>> vmhost_hostname: localvmhost
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image||req=1, res=1:
>> vmtype_name: vmwareGSX
>> *2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image|
>> run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
>> SSH command on vmguest-1:
>> |11685|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
>> vmguest-1 'chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
>> 2010-04-15 16:19:54|11685|1:1|image|
>> run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
>> output:
>> |11685|1:1|image| chown: cannot access `cur

Re: VMWARE power off failure during image capture

2010-04-22 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi Andy,

I am unable to run "vmware-cmd -l " or any vmware command . I keep getting
the following error
[*r...@localhost bin]# vmware-cmd -l
Enter username:

Enter password:

Undefined subroutine &Opts::getencname called at /usr/bin/vmware-cmd line
339,  line 2*.

I checked up the VIRuntime and VILib Opts packages , there is no function
byname getencname. it also throws an  error for a function set_option which
again is not be found in the package.

I have installed the vmware-vsphere SDK for perl version 4.0.0  and also
VMware VIPerl Toolkit 1.6.0 to be used with my GSX server.

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Andy Kurth  wrote:

> Hello,
> Check if you can run "vmware-cmd -l".  It should list the registered VMs.
> The code is very picky about the names of files and hosts.  I ran through a
> test image capture using the names you're using.  I had to change the names
> of the VM directory, vmx, and vmdk files to get it to work.
> Please try the following:
> -Shut down the VM
> -Make a copy of the VM directory to be safe:
> cd "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines"
> cp -r vmwarelinux-base8-v1 vmwarelinux-base8-v1-save
> -Unregister the VM:
> vmware-cmd -s unregister "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual
> Machines/vmwarelinux-base8-v1/vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmx"
> -Rename the VM directory:
> mv vmwarelinux-base8-v1 1vmguest-1
> -Rename the vmx file:
> cd 1vmguest-1
> mv vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmx 1vmguest-1.vmx
> -Rename the vmdk file from v1 to v0:
> vmware-vdiskmanager -n vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmdk vmwarelinux-base8-v0.vmdk
> -Edit the vmx file: vi 1vmguest-1.vmx.  The path to the vmdk file is in
> this file.  Change the path to the vmdk file to the renamed directory/file:
> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/vmwarelinux-base8-v0.vmdk
> -Register the renamed VM:
> vmware-cmd -s register "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual
> Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx"
> -Power on the VM:
> vmware-cmd "/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx"
> start
> -Try to start the capture again.  All you should need to do is change the
> request.stateid to 16 (image).  vcld will then attempt to process it again.
> Hope this helps,
> Andy
> Vinay Venkatesh wrote:
>> Hi Andy.
>> I am a bit confused here...
>> the path which I am using is
>> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual
>> Machines/vmwarelinux-base8-v1/vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmx
>>  and
>> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual
>> Machines/vmwarelinux-base8-v1/vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmdk
>> Is it that a directory" $reservation_id$computer_short_name"  for ex .
>> (2vmguest-1) should be created and the VM files need to be placed there
>> during the image capture process??
>> I did troubleshoot by running the command directly on the host. The output
>> what I get is
>> "[r...@localhost vmwarelinux-base8-v1]#vmware-cmd
>> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\
>> Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx getstate
>> Enter username:
>> Enter password:
>> Undefined subroutine &Opts::getencname called at /usr/bin/vmware-cmd line
>> 339,  line 2."
>> Wierdly , it is asking a username and password which is causing the error
>> in
>> The VMware version which I am using is VMware Server Console 1.0.10
>> build-203137
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Vinay Venkatesh.
>> WSTI Intern
>> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Andy Kurth  wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> It looks like things are configured correctly.  The hostname is
>>> vmguest-1.
>>>  This won't match the name of the vmx and vmdk files.  What are the paths
>>> to
>>> the vmx and vmdk files being used by your VM?
>>> The path to your vmx file should be:
>>> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx
>>> The path to the vmdk file should be:
>>> /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/1vmguest-1/vmwarelinux-base8-v1.vmdk
>>> I'm not familiar with the vmware-cmd command error listed in the log. To
>>> troubleshoot, can you run the following command:
>>> vmware-cmd /var/lib/vmware/Virtual\ Machines/1vmguest-1/1vmguest-1.vmx
>>> getstate
>>> If this works, try running the same command via SSH to mimic what the
>>> vcld
>>> code tried to run:
>>> /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x localvmhost

New Reservation Query

2010-05-26 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

I am facing few issues when trying to make a new reservation. even though I
have computers available loaded with the desired image, I still get "There
are currently no computers available that can run the application you
selected". Is there any selection /setting which I am missing.

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.

Re: New Reservation Query

2010-05-29 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Thank you all, the issue was the image groups and computer groups weren't
mapped together and I have fixed it now.
I am able to make a reservation now but the issue which I am now facing is
that when I try to connect to the remote machine through the credentials got
from the web front end, the login fails because of user authentication
issues. however using the same user id and password I am able to login
through the VM console. . Both the ssh daemons are running and node is
accessible.I suspect some configuration issues with the ssh. any help or

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Andy Kurth  wrote:

> Also, there may be some other things to check in these previous posts:
> -Andy
> Vinay Venkatesh wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am facing few issues when trying to make a new reservation. even though
>> I
>> have computers available loaded with the desired image, I still get "There
>> are currently no computers available that can run the application you
>> selected". Is there any selection /setting which I am missing.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Vinay Venkatesh.
>> module

2010-06-03 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

In the, at the location where vmx file is generated, there is a
piece of code which tries to set the adapter type.
"grep  adapterType

 the output of grep simply states that the following
"Binary file

so the variable listedadapter will not be set  and this is causing incorrect
vmx files to be generated and reservations to fail.

The correct command which would set the variable correctly would be "grep
-a adapterType
I was wondering if anyone encountered the same issue and also whether if its
been fixed.


Re: New Reservation Query

2010-06-04 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi Andy,

Thanks very much for the information. SSH was successfully configured and
listening . The SSHD file had the listen address and AllowUsers directive.
even though I wasn't able to login, the code while checking in for user
connection returned true and moved the system to inuse state.I could login
to the machine on the private interface and netstat -an showed the ssh
connection on the public interface but login was failing . Sounds Weird!!!
But anyway I did the SSH changes from scratch again and have got the system

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Andy Kurth  wrote:

> It sounds like the user account was successfully created.  Check if SSH is
> listening on both the public and private addresses:
> netstat -l -n | grep ':22'
> If it isn't listening on the public address, then there's probably a
> problem with /etc/ssh/external_sshd_config or /etc/init.d/ext_sshd.  Check
> the end of external_sshd_config.  There should be 2 lines containing the
> correct username and public IP address for the reservation:
> ListenAddress 
> AllowUsers 
> Also, check if you can SSH from the management node to the VM using the
> username/password for the reservation on either the VM's public or private
> address.
> -Andy
> Vinay Venkatesh wrote:
>> Thank you all, the issue was the image groups and computer groups weren't
>> mapped together and I have fixed it now.
>> I am able to make a reservation now but the issue which I am now facing is
>> that when I try to connect to the remote machine through the credentials
>> got
>> from the web front end, the login fails because of user authentication
>> issues. however using the same user id and password I am able to login
>> through the VM console. . Both the ssh daemons are running and node is
>> accessible.I suspect some configuration issues with the ssh. any help or
>> suggestions??
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Vinay Venkatesh.
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Andy Kurth  wrote:
>>  Also, there may be some other things to check in these previous posts:
>>> -Andy
>>> Vinay Venkatesh wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>>> I am facing few issues when trying to make a new reservation. even
>>>> though
>>>> I
>>>> have computers available loaded with the desired image, I still get
>>>> "There
>>>> are currently no computers available that can run the application you
>>>> selected". Is there any selection /setting which I am missing.
>>>> Thanks and Regards
>>>> Vinay Venkatesh.
> --
> Andy Kurth
> Virtual Computing Lab
> Office of Information Technology
> North Carolina State University
> 919.513.4090

Re: [VOTE] release VCL 2.2

2010-09-20 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

Vinay Venkatesh

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Aaron Peeler  wrote:

>  +1
> Aaron
> On 9/17/10 5:06 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I created a release artifact based off of trunk.  I copied trunk to a tag
>> under the tags area of the repo that is named release-2.2-RC1:
>> The artifact is an export from that tag with the addition of Dojo Toolkit
>> version 1.5.0 bundled in the web code.  The artifact, MD5 and SHA1 sums,
>> and
>> my GPG signature of it are available from my space on people.a.o:
>> The list of resolved JIRA issues associated with this release can be found
>> on
>> the VCL 2.2 release page:
>> Installation instructions are on the Confluence site and in the
>> file included in the artifact.
>> Aaron, Andy, and I have completed a test install of all parts and were
>> able to
>> successfully create and capture a base image.
>> The directory created by extracting the RC1 artifact is
>> "apache-VCL-2.2-RC1-
>> incubating".  Licensing information about perl and its required modules,
>> php
>> and its required modules, and mysql are stated as "system requirements"
>> according to the information under "System Requirements" on
>> Please vote by the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 22th to publish this
>> release (this allows for 3 business days to vote).  Please note that
>> anyone in
>> the VCL community is allowed to vote.
>> [ ] +1 yes, release VCL 2.2
>> [ ] 0 dunno
>> [ ] -1 no, don't release VCL 2.2 (provide reasons if this is your vote)
>> Josh
>> - -- - ---
>> Josh Thompson
>> Systems Programmer
>> Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
>> North Carolina State University
>> 919-515-5323
>> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
>> Fm0An1cLoceVHZVBNpRtLqz0diPLmjyQ
>> =lW7D
> --
> Aaron Peeler
> Program Manager
> Virtual Computing Lab
> NC State University
> 919-513-4571

Re: [VOTE] release VCL 2.2 - voting based on RC2

2010-09-23 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'm starting a different thread to vote again based on RC2 to make it
> easier
> to tally votes.
> This is basically the same email as before except with RC1 changed to RC2.
> There were a few JIRA issues touched for RC2.  VCL-386 was a completely new
> one.  VCL-145, VCL-196, VCL-298, and VCL-303 were already resolved but had
> code modified related to them
> I created a release artifact based off of trunk.  I copied trunk to a tag
> under the tags area of the repo that is named release-2.2-RC2:
> The artifact is an export from that tag with the addition of Dojo Toolkit
> version 1.5.0 bundled in the web code.  The artifact, MD5 and SHA1 sums,
> and
> my GPG signature of it are available from my space on people.a.o:
> The list of resolved JIRA issues associated with this release can be found
> on
> the VCL 2.2 release page:
> Installation instructions are on the Confluence site and in the
> file included in the artifact.
> Aaron, Andy, and I have completed a test install of all parts and were able
> to
> successfully create and capture a base image.
> The directory created by extracting the RC1 artifact is
> "apache-VCL-2.2-RC2-
> incubating".  Licensing information about perl and its required modules,
> php
> and its required modules, and mysql are stated as "system requirements"
> according to the information under "System Requirements" on
> Please vote by the end of the day on Monday, Sept. 27th to publish this
> release (this allows for 3 business days to vote).  Please note that anyone
> in
> the VCL community is allowed to vote.
> [ ] +1 yes, release VCL 2.2
> [ ] 0 dunno
> [ ] -1 no, don't release VCL 2.2 (provide reasons if this is your vote)
> Josh
> - --
> - ---
> Josh Thompson
> Systems Programmer
> Virtual Computing Lab (VCL)
> North Carolina State University
> 919-515-5323
> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
> CU/ElAKOl8VlBzChNdDlTOw=
> =kXRB

Win2003 cleanmgr issues

2011-01-10 Thread Vinay Venkatesh
Hi ,

I am trying to capture a win 2003 image. During the precapture process , the
program to clean up the hard disk "cleanmgr" does not seem to complete and
the process stalls. I tried disabling the "Compress old files" options and
gave a try, but it didnt help either. The hard disk capacity is 10GB and
free space of 7GB. Has anyone encountered similar problems with cleanmgr?

Thanks and Regards

Re: Interim VCL 2.2.1 release?

2011-01-20 Thread Vinay Venkatesh


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Xianqing Yu wrote:

> +1
> Thanks,
> Xianqing
> -Original Message- From: Andy Kurth Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011
> 12:38 PM To: Subject: Interim VCL 2.2.1
> release?
> I'd like to propose cutting an interim VCL 2.2.1 release within the next
> month.  There have been a fair number of bug fixes committed since VCL 2.2
> was released and there is quite a bit of work to do on the 2.3 roadmap
> features.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Andy

Re: [VOTE] release VCL 2.2.1

2011-03-21 Thread Vinay Venkatesh

Thanks and Regards
Vinay Venkatesh.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Grant, Donna  wrote:

> +1
> Donna M. Grant, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> North Carolina Central University
> School of Business, Computer Information Systems
> C.T. Willis Commerce Building, Room 103
> (919) 530-7373 (telephone)
> __
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